SNMP Multiple Traps
SNMP Multiple Traps
SNMP Multiple Traps
The iDirect NMS includes an SNMP proxy agent that provides real-time status, statistical
information, and basic configuration information to any interested SNMP client.
Figure C-1 illustrates how the SNMP Proxy Agent fits into the overall NMS architecture
Beginning with iDirect Release 7.0, the SNMP MIB supplies the statistical information in
Table C-2 for iDirect network elements.
NOTE: Add the above line only if snmpd.conf does not already contain it.
Trap Name Generate When... Severity
snmpProxyStart SNMP Proxy Agent starts up N/A SNMP Proxy Agent
snmpProxyStop SNMP Proxy Agent shuts down N/A SNMP Proxy Agent
upstreamSNR Upstream C/N0 goes outside specified limits Warning Remotes
downstreamSNR Downstream SNR goes outside specified limits Warning Remotes
tempLimit Onboard temperature goes outside specified Warning Remotes
latency Latency measurement exceeds high limit Warning Remotes
symbolOffset Symbol offset goes outside specified limits Warning Remotes
ethernetUnplugged The local LAN port is non-functional Warning Remotes
ucpLostContact The protocol processor loses contact with a Warning Remotes
lldown The protocol processor’s link layer interface Alarm Remotes
for a remote goes down
ucpOutOfNetwork The protocol processor declares a remote out Alarm Remotes
of network
latTimeout Latency measurements are failing Alarm Remotes
remoteOffline The remote has been commanded offline Offline Remotes
lackHubStats The NMS is no longer receiving hub statistics Alarm Hub Modems
acqHubModemCRC Acquisition CRC count exceeds high limit Warning Hub Modems
trafficHubModemCRC Traffic CRC count exceeds high limit Warning Hub Modems
ppStateTrap The NMS has stopped hearing from the Alarm Protocol Processor
protocol processor
powerAlarm1, 2, 3 The specified power supply has failed Warning Chassis
fanAlarm One of the fans has failed Warning Chassis
chassisDown The NMS cannot contact the chassis Alarm Chassis
scpcRxErrors A remote has received errors on the Warning Remotes
fllDacErrors A remote’s digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is Warning Remotes
operating outside the defined limits
Trap Name Generate When... Severity
rxOverflowFramesHubModem Receive Overflow Frames, data lost Warning Hub Line Card
downstreamPpsOverdrive Packets-per-second overdrive between PP and Warning Hub Line Card
line card
backplaneLost10Mhz The line card lost the backplane 10 MHz clock Warning Hub Line Card
calibratedTxPower Transmit power is above or below the Warning Remotes
calibrated limit
txFrequency Transmit frequency is above or below the Warning Remotes
calibrated limit
mobileLostGps Mobile remote lost the GPS signal Warning Remotes
lcFailure Line card has failed Alarm Hub Line Card
meshError Mesh mode has changed: Remote is not in Alarm Remotes
mesh mode
meshTdmLockLost TDM lock lost Alarm Hub Line Card
meshHubRxScpcSnr The Hub downstream Rx loopback C/N Warning Hub Line Card
exceeds the calibrated hub clear sky C/N
meshHubRxTdmaSnr The Hub TDMA C/N exceeds the calibrated hub Warning Hub Line Card
clear sky C/N
lineCardAGCOutOFRange AGC gain out of range Warning Hub Line Card
meshRmtRxScpcSnr The remote downstream Rx C/N exceeds the Warning Remotes
calibrated remote clear sky C/N
meshRmtRxTDMASnr The remote Rx TDMA loopback C/N exceeds Warning Remotes
the calibrated remote clear sky C/N
remoteAgcOutOfRange AGC gain out of range Warning Remotes
rcmAAlarm The Reference Clock Module control timer A is Warning Chassis
in error
rcmBAlarm The Reference Clock Module control timer B is Warning Chassis
in error
lostChassisConnection Lost connection to Chassis Manager Server Warning Chassis
microChassisOverTemp Chassis over temperature alarm Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microRCMANotPresent RCM A has not been installed in the Chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microRCMAFault RCM A of the chassis has failed Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microRCMBNotPresent RCM B has not been installed in the chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microRCMBFault RCM B of the chassis has failed Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microPwrAlarmABad Chassis power supply A has failed Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microPwrAlarmAOverTem Chassis power supply A exceeds temperature Warning Four-Slot Chassis
Trap Name Generate When... Severity
microPwrAlarmBBad Chassis power supply B has failed Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microPwrAlarmBOverTemp Chassis power supply B exceeds temperature Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microFSMNotPresent FSM has not been installed on the chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microFSMFault FSM has failed on the chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microFSMFanFault FSM fan has failed on the chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microIFMNotPresent IFM has not been installed on the chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microIFMFault IFM has failed on the chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microAlarmDisabled Audible alarms are disabled for the chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microOPMAFaul OPM B has failed on the chassis Warning Four-Slot Chassis
microOPMBFault OOPM B fault alarm Warning Four-Slot Chassis
reset Reset has occurred Warning Remote/Line Card
unready Not ready for failover Warning Line Card
flash Flash Warning Warning Remote/Line Card
activationStatus Activation Status Alarm Remote
elsewhereError Remote is Elsewhere Elsewher Remote
backplaneLostSOF Backplane lost Start Of Frame Warning Chassis
rmtMAXTxPwr Remote exceeds Max Tx Power Warning Remote
bladeCPUHigh High CPU usage on Blade Warning PP Blade
rmtSleep Remote Sleep Alarm Alarm Remote
hubTenMHzAlarm Hub 10MHz Alarm Alarm Line Card
gigeFailed GIGE Port Failed Alarm Line Card
gigeHealth GIGE Port Health Warning Warning Line Card
rxOnly Remote in Rx Only mode Rx only Remote
crc8Errors CRC 8 errors high Warning Remote
crc32Errors CRC 32 errors high Warning Remote
ravenFailed Raven failed Alarm Remote/Line Card
bladeNoEncLic Blade has no encryption license Warning PP Blade
rmtAcqBurst Remote acquisition Burst Warning Warning Remote
rmtCAWillExpire Remote’s X.509 certificate will expire Warning Remote
rmtCAExpired Remote’ X.509 certificate has expired Warning Remote
rmtCAInvalid Remote’s X.509 certificate is invalid Warning Remote
Trap Name Generate When... Severity
rmttxTDMAAcqCrc Remote’s TDMA acquisition CRC errors high Warning Remote
rmttxTDMADataCrc Remote’s TDMA traffic CRC errors high Warning Remote
rmttxTDMAAcqMismatch Remote’s TDMA Acquisition mismatch high Warning Remote
rmttxTDMADataMismatch Remote’s TDMA traffic mismatch high Warning Remote
rmttxTDMADataMissing Remote’s TDMA data missing high Warning Remote
rmttxSCPCLostLock SCPC return lost lock Alarm Remote
rmttxSCPCHdlcError SCPC return octet and CRC errors high Warning Remote
rmttxSCPCDataMismatch SCPC return data mismatch high Warning Remote
rmtStatusChange Remote real-time status changed Warning Remote
tristateIdle Remote has entered the Idle state Warning Remote
tristateDormant Remote has entered the Dormant state Warning Remote
powerAlarm1 Power supply 1 has failed Warning Chassis
powerAlarm2 Power supply 2 has failed Warning Chassis
powerAlarm3 Power supply 3 has failed (not used) Warning Chassis
NOTE: In a few instances, the SNMP trap configuration has been moved into
/home/nms/snmpsvr/para_cfg.opt. If the instructions above are not accurate,
execute these commands instead:
cd /home/nms/snmpsvr/
vi para_cfg.opt
3. Add a line for each machine to receive SNMP Version 1 (v1) traps:
trapsink host[:port] community
where host is the name of the machine to which to send the traps. The community and
port strings are optional.
4. Add a line for each machine to receive SNMP Version 2 (v2) traps:
For more information on any of the commands in this list, log in to the NMS server machine
and type the following command:
# man <command name>
This displays the Linux manual entry or “man” page for the specified command that provides
usage details, output descriptions, etc. Note that some of these commands do not display
anything about iDirect networks, but instead display Linux system characteristics, such as disk
space and network status.