Design Calculation

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Design Calculation Zone III, SBC 10 T/m2

Project :- 3 Lac Liter Capacity Intze ESR Date

Client :- Wasmo, Gandhinagar Design By :- R.S. Patel 24/07/2017
Ref :- Wasmo/ESR Sump Tender/105/Part2/4416/2014 Check By :- V.D. Shah 24/07/2017

1.0 Input Data

Capacity Required = 3,00,000 liters

Height from G.L (Lowest Supply Level) = 12 m
Total Height of Column = 12 + 2.5 m = 14.5 m (Top of Foundation to LSL)
Configuration of Container = Intze
Support System = Trestle
No. of Columns = 6
Shape of the Column = Circular
No. of Staging Beam Level = 3 Nos. (Excluding BCG)
Ht. of Each Staging Beam Level = 4 m

Location =
Earth Quake Zone = III
Wind Velocity = 39 m/s

Footing Type = Annular Raft with Ring Beam

Net S.B.C at 2.5 m depth below G.L = 10 T/m2
Water table at 0 m depth below G.L = No
N value at foundation level = -
Soil type w.r.t N value = Soft

2.0 Container Description

Diameter of Container (in to in) Di_Req. = 7.99 m

Diameter of Container (in to in) Di_Prvd. = 12 m (Unfinished Diameter)
Effective Diameter of Container (C/C) DC = 12.2 m
Ht. of Cylindrical Wall + Conical Dome H_Req = 9m (0.75 * D i )
Ht. of Cylindrical portion of Wall h_CL = 8m = 2.2 m (2/3 * D i )
Ht. of Conical Wall h_CD= 2 m to 2.4 m = 2m
Total Depth of Container H_Prvd. = 4.2 m
Angle of Conical Wall (40° to 50°) = 45 °
Diameter of Staging tower (C/C) D_S = 8.20 m
Diameter of Staging tower at LSL = 8.80 m
Free Board = 0.3 m
Dead Storage = 0.3 m
Plaster thickness / IPS thickness = 0.015 m

3.0 Capacity Calculation

230.69 m3 (Considering
Vol. of Cylindrical Part =
Volume of Conical Part = 137.00 m3 Diameter)

Deduction in Vol.
Vol. of Free board = 22.03 m3
Vol. of Dead Storage = 2.31 m3
Vol. of Central Stair Shaft = 12.26 m3
Vol. in Bottom Dome Rise above L.S.L. = 8.76 m3

Net Volume of Water in Tank = 322.3 m3

Water in Liters = 322329.159 liters O.K

4.0 Propotioning of the Element of ESR



0.2 0.15

0.3 0.150



Top/Roof Dome (r,ht.,Th.,RTD) = 6.100 1.80 0.115 11.24 m

Top/Roof Ring Beam (r,b,D) = 6.100 0.3 0.30 - m
Cylinder Wall (r,ht.,Th.T,Th.B) = 6.100 2.2 0.2 0.2 m
Middle Ring Beam (r,b,D) = 6.100 0.45 0.5 - m
Gallary Slab (ri,ro,w,Th.) = 6.200 6.2 0 0.00 m
Conical Wall (RT, RB, L, Th.) = 6.100 4.1 2.83 0.3 m
Central Stair Shaft (rC,ht.,Th.) = 1.075 2.95 0.15 - m
Bottom Dome (r,ht.,Th.,RBD) = 4.100 1.25 0.150 7.35 m
Bottom Circular Girder (r,b,D,L) = 4.1 0.75 1.00 4.29 m
Staging Columns (ht.,D,No.) = 12 0.600 6 - m
Stair Column (ht.,D,No.) = 12 0.30 1 - m
Beams (Bracing) (L,b,D) = 4.29 0.30 0.60 - m
Cross Beams (Bracing) (L,b,D,No.) = 8.20 0.30 0.60 0 m
Ground Beams (Bracing) (L,b,D) = 4.29 0.30 0.60 - m
Stair Beams (Bracing) (L,b,D,No.) = 4.1 0.30 0.25 6 m
Stair Step (L,b,Th.,No.) = 1 0.30 0.25 60 m

5.0 Material Specification

Concrete Grade for all Container Element Fck = 30 N/mm2 (Min. Concrete Grade M30)
Concrete Grade for other Structural Element Fck = 25 N/mm2
Steel Grade for all Structural Element Fe = 415 N/mm2
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel ES = 2.00E+05 N/mm2
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete EC for M 30 = 2.74E+04 N/mm2
Minimum % of Steel = 0.240 %

For calculation related to Strength Calculations

σst for Fe 415 = 130 N/mm2 Table4,IS 3370 (P-2):2009

σcc for M 30 = 8 N/mm2 Table 2, IS 3370 (Part

σcbc for M 30 = 10 N/mm 2 2) : 2009

Modular ration m = (280/3 σcbc) = 9.33

For calculation related to Resistance to Cracking

σt_Direct tension_Cracking for M 30 = 1.5 N/mm2 Table 1, IS 3370 (Part
σtb_Bending_Cracking for M 30 = 2 N/mm2 2) : 2009

Concrete Unit weight, γConcrete = 2.5 T/m3

Water Unit weight, γWater = 0.981 T/m3
Plaster Unit weight, γPlaster = 2.0 T/m3
Back fill Soil Unit weight, γSoil = 1.0 T/m3

6.0 Dead Load & Live Load Calculation

Top / Roof Dome

Surface Area of Top/roof dome = 2 x π x 11.24 x 1.8 = 127.13 m2
Water proofing/Plaster = 2 x 0.015 = 0.03 T/m2
Live Load = 0 T/m2
Thickness of Dome at Edge (Springing) = 0.130 m
Self weight of Top dome = 127.13x((0.115+0.13)/2)x2.5 = 39.00 T
Wt.of Water proofing/Plaster = 0.03 x 127.13 = 3.82 T
Live Load = 0 x 127.13 = 0.00 T
Total Load of Top/Roof Dome = 39 + 3.82 + 0 = 42.82 T

wTD (Dead) = 1.1172 T/m

wTD (Live) = 0.0000 T/m

Top Ring Beam

Self Wt.of Top Ring Beam = 2.5x(0.3 - 0.2)x0.3x2x π x6.1 = 2.87 T
wTRB (Dead) = 0.0750 T/m

Cylinder Wall
Self Wt.of Cylinder Wall =2.5x2x π x6.1x2.2x0.2 = 42.16 T
Wt.of Cylinder Wall internal Plaster = 2.53 T
wCW (Dead) = 1.1660 T/m

Middle Ring Beam
Self Wt.of M. R. Beam = 2.5x0.45x0.5x2x π x6.1 = 11.98 T
wBRB (Dead) = 0.31 T/m

Conical Dome
Self Wt.of Conical dome = 57.78 T
Wt.of Conical dome internal Plaster = 2.31 T
wCD (Dead) = 2.33 T/m

Central Stair Shaft

Self Wt.of Central Stair Shaft = 7.47 T
Wt.of Central Stair Shaft outer Plaster = 0.64 T
wCS (Dead) = 1.20 T/m

Bottom Dome
Surface Area of B. Dome = 2x π x7.35x1.25-(π x1.075^2) = 54.10 m2
Water proofing/Plaster = 2 x 0.015 = 0.03 T/m2
Self weight of B. Dome = 54.1 x 0.15 x 2.5 = 20.29 T
Wt.of Water proofing/Plaster = 0.03 x 54.1 = 1.62 T
Total Load of Bottom Dome = 21.91 T
wBD (Dead) = 0.85 T/m

Staging Beam & Column

Bottom Circular Girder
Self Wt.of Bottom Circular Girder = 48.30 T
Staging Columns self wt. = 61.50 T
Staging Periphery Beams self wt. = 34.78 T
Staging Cross Beams self wt. = 0.00 T

Stair Column self wt. = 2.56 T

Stair Beams self wt. = 4.61 T
Stair Step self wt. = 11.25 T

Wt. of Water
Dead Storage = 2.27 T
Net Wt. of Water = 322.33 T
Total Weight of Water = 324.6 T

Self Wt. of Empty Container = 237.0 T

Tank Empty Wt. with Staging & Stair = 351.7 T
Tank Full Wt. = 676.3 T

Wt. of Empty Container + 1/3 Wt. of Stagging = 269.0 T

Wt. of Full Container + 1/3 Wt. of Stagging = 593.6 T

7.0 Seismic Mass Calculations : IS 1893 (Part 2) : 2014
C.G from TOP of BCG
Total Dead Load of Top/Roof Dome WTD = 39.00 T 4.8000 m
Dead Wt.of Top Ring Beam WTRB = 2.87 T 4.0500 m
Dead Wt.of Cylinder Wall WCWL = 44.69 T 2.7000 m
Dead Load of Middle Ring Beam WMRB = 11.98 T 2.2500 m
Total Dead Load of Gallary Slab WGS = 0.00 T 0.0000 m
Total Dead Load of Conical Dome WCD = 60.09 T 1.3333 m
Total Dead Load of Central Stair Shaft WCS = 8.11 T 2.7250 m
Total Dead Load of Bottom Dome WBD = 21.91 T 0.4167 m
Wt. of Bottom Circular Girder WBCG = 48.30 T -0.5000 m

Total Wt. of Staging WSTG = 114.70 T

Weight of Empty Container = 237.0 T

For Spring Mass model

Mass of Water, mw = 330.9 T
Equivalent Cylindrical Wall Ht. h = 2.88 m
h/Di = 2.88 / 12 = 0.2400

mi/mw = tanh(0.866 x (Di/h)) / (0.866 x (Di/h))

mi/mw = ( tanh ( 0.866 / 0.24 ) / ( 0.866 / 0.24 ) = 0.2800
Impulsive mass of Water mi = 0.28 x 330.9 = 92.66 T IS 1893 (Part 2) :
hi/h = 0.3750 2014 (Cl. 4.2.2, Fig.
hi*/h = 1.6819 2)

hi = 0.375 x 2.88 = 1.08 m

hi* = 1.6819 x 2.88 = 4.84 m

mC/mw = 0.23 x tanh(3.68 x (h/Di)) / (h/Di)

mC/mw = 0.23 x (( tanh ( 3.68 x 0.24 ) / 0.24 )) = 0.6800 IS 1893 (Part 2) :
Convective massof Water mc = 0.68 x 330.9 = 225.02 T 2014 (Cl. 4.2.2, Fig.
hC/h = 0.5302 2)

hC*/h = 1.6708
hC = 0.5302 x 2.88 = 1.53 m
hC * = 1.6708 x 2.88 = 4.81 m

mi + m c = 92.66 + 225.02 = 317.68 T

Wt. of Empty Container + 1/3 Wt. of Stagging = 275.19 T
Mass. of Empty Container + 1/3 Mass of Stagging mS = 280.52 T

Lateral Stiffness of Staging

C.G of Empty Container above Centre Line of BCG = 2.3301 m

Unit Force on C.G = 10 T

Displacement of C.G = 5.746 mm (3D Staad Model of Staging)
Stiffness of stagging Ks = 17403411 N/m

Time Period Calculation ( Cl. 4.3 )
(1) Impulsive Mode ( Cl. 4.3.1 )
Ti = 2π x √(mi+ms/Ks) = 0.93 Sec ( Cl. )

(2) Convective Mode ( Cl. 4.3.2 )

Cc for h/Di = 0.240 = 4.5 ( Cl., Fig 5 )
Tc = Cc x √(D/g) = 4.98 Sec ( Cl. )

Earth Quake Zone = III

Zone coeff., Z = 0.16 (IS 1893-2016, P 1, Table 3)
Importance factor, I = 1.5 ( Cl. 4.5, Table 1 )
Response Reduction Factor, R = 4 ( Cl. 4.5, Table 2 )
Soil type w.r.t N value = Soft

(Sa/g)i For Soft Soil : 1.67 / 0.93 = 1.7957 (IS 1893-2016, P 1, Cl. 6.4)
(Sa/g)c For Soft Soil : 1.75 x 0.42 = 0.7350 (Cl. 4.4 & IS 1893-2016, P 1, Cl. 6.4)

Ahi = (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g)i = 0.0539 ( Cl. 4.5 )

Ahc = (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g)c = 0.0221 ( Cl. 4.5 )

Base Shear ( Cl. 4.6 )

Vi = A hi x (m i + m s ) x g = 19.72 T ( Cl. 4.6.2 )
Vc = A hc x m c x g = 4.87 T ( Cl. 4.6.2 )

Total Base shear V = √ (V i 2 + V c 2 ) = 20.31 T ( Cl. 4.6.3 )

Total Seismic Weight 236.96 + 114.7 + 324.6 = 676.26 T
Total Seismic Mass = 689.36 T

Base Shear % of Total Seismic Weight = 3.00 %

Overturning Base Moment ( Cl. 4.7 )

Ht. of C.G from Top of Footing hcg = 16.83 m ( Cl. 4.7.2 )
Mi* = A hi [m i (h i * + h s ) + m s x h cg ] g = 344.2 Tm ( Cl. 4.7.2 )
MC* = A hc [m c (h c * + h s )] g = 94.0 Tm ( Cl. 4.7.2 )

2 2
Total Overturning Base Moment M* = √ (M i * +M c * ) = 356.8 Tm ( Cl. 4.7.3 )

8.0 Analysis for Tank Empty Condition

Ti _TEC= 2 π x √(ms/Ks) = 0.8000 Sec ( Cl. & 4.7.4 )

(Sa/g)i_TEC For Soft Soil 1.67 / 0.8 = 2.09
Ahi_TEC = (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g)i_TEC = 0.0626
Base shear V i_TEC = A hi_TEC x m s x g = 17.23 T Desing Govern By Tank Full Condition
Base Moment M* TEC = V i_TEC x h cg = 290.0 Tm Desing Govern By Tank Full Condition

9.0 Hydrodynamic Pressure

(1) Impulsive Hydrodynamic Pressure on Wall ( Cl. 4.9.1 & Fig. 8a )

piw = QiW(y) x (Ah)i x ρ x g x h x Cosφ
Coefficient of Impulsive Hydrodynamic Pressure on the Wall
Q iw at y = 0 m from Base of Wall = 0.8647 ( Fig. 9a )
Max. Impulsive Hydrodynamic Pressure on the Wall at φ = 0
p iw at y = 0 m from Base & φ = 0 = 0.1291 T/m2

Impulsive Hydrodynamic Pressure on the Base Slab

p ib for φ = 0 l' = 12 X = 2.13 = 0.0116 T/m2

(2) Convective Hydrodynamic Pressure on Wall ( Cl. 4.9.2 & Fig. 8a )

pcw = QcW(y) x (Ah)c x ρ x g x h x D x (1-Cos2φ/3) x Cosφ
Coefficient of Convective Hydrodynamic Pressure on the Wall
Q Cw at y = 0 m from Base of Wall = 0.3976 ( Fig. 10a )
Convective Hydrodynamic Pressure on the Wall
p Cw at y = 0 m from Base & φ = 0 = 0.1944 T/m2

Q Cw at y = 2.88 m from Base (Top of Wall) = 0.5625 ( Fig. 10a )

p Cw at y = 2.88 m from Base & φ = 0 = 0.2750 T/m2

Convective Hydrodynamic Pressure on the Base Slab

Coefficient of Convective Hydrodynamic Pressure on Base Slab
Q Cb at X = 6 m = 0.2651 ( Fig. 10b )
Convective Hydrodynamic Pressure on Base Slab
p Cb = QCb (x) x (Ah)c x ρ x g x D = 0.0675 T/m2

Wall shall be design for triangular EQ Pressure

At Top = 0.2750 T/m2
At Bottom = 0.3235 T/m2

9.1 Additional Hydrodynamic Pressure & Sloshing Ht.

(1) Uniform Pressure due to Wall Inertia ( Cl. 4.9.5 )

Pressure on Tank due to Inertia p ww = 0.0264 T/m

(2) Uniform Pressure due to Vertical Ground Excitation ( Cl. 4.10 )

(Sa/g)V For T = 0.3 Sec. & Damping 5% = 2.5 For Soft Soil 2.5 for T< 0.67 S
A v = (2/3) x (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g) v = 0.050
Hydrodynamic Pressure on Wall due to Vertical Excitation ( Cl. 4.10.1 )
p v at y = 0 m from Base of Wall = 0.14 T/m2

Maximum Hydrodynamic Pressure at Base of Wall ( Cl. 4.10.2 )

p Hyd_Max at Base = √((p iw + p ww ) 2 + p cw 2 + p v 2 ) = 0.28 T/m2

Hydrostatic Pressure on the wall at Base p st = 1.91 T/m2

Hydrodynamic Pressure in % of Hydrostatic Pressure = 14.90 % Hydrodynamic Pressure Have No
effect in Tank Design

y from Impulsive Convective Wall Vertical pHyd_Max = p Hyd
Seg. Inertia Ground 2
C/L of Qiw p iw Qcw p cw p Static √((piw + pww) in % of
MRB p ww Excitation p v 2
+ pcw +
pv ) p Static
φ= 0 φ= 0
m T/m2 T/m2 T/m2 T/m2 T/m2 T/m2
1 1.80 0.53 0.0787 0.46 0.2247 0.03 0.0530 0.147 0.2536 172
2 1.20 0.71 0.1067 0.42 0.2077 0.03 0.0824 0.736 0.2601 35
3 0.75 0.81 0.1204 0.41 0.1996 0.03 0.1045 1.177 0.2689 23
4 0.25 0.86 0.1281 0.40 0.1950 0.03 0.1290 1.668 0.2803 17
5 0.00 0.86 0.1291 0.40 0.1944 0.03 0.1413 1.913 0.2863 15

Sloshing Wave Height d max = A hc x R x (D i /2) = 0.5292 m ( Cl. 4.11 )

10.0 Analysis for Wind Load : (IS - 875:1987, Part-3)

Total Ht. of Structure above G.L = 18.00 m

Ht. of Tank Container with Circular Girder = 6.50 m
Basic Wind velocity, Vb = 39 m/s (Fig.-1 or Appendix A)
Risk Factor, k1 for 50 Years, Design life of Structure = 1 (Clause 5.3.1, Table-1)
Terrain Factor, k2 for Terrain Category = 2B (W-2,GSDMA-Table-2)
Topography Factor, k3 = 1 (Clause 5.3.3, Appendix-C)
Importance Factor for Cyclonic Region, k4 = 1 (W-2,GSDMA-Section-5.3.4)
Wind Directionality Factor Kd = 1 (W-2,GSDMA-Section-6.1.1)
Area Averaging Factor Ka for frontal area = 80.6 = 0.9 (W-2,GSDMA-Section-6.1.2)
(z/H)-1 = ( 18 / 6.5 ) - 1 = 1.8 (Clause, Table-19)
Eccentricity of Force on the Roof = 1.2 m
P = 0.785 D2 x (p1-Cpe x Pd) =
External Pressure Coefficient (Cpe)_Roof = -0.75
External Pressure Coefficient (Cpe)_Bottom = -0.65
Internal Pressure Coefficient (Cpi) = 0.00

Height k2 VZ PZ Pd Avg. Pd
2 2
m m of 2B m/sec T/m T/m T/m2
0 To 10 1.00 39 0.09 0.08
10 To 15 1.05 40.95 0.10 0.09
15 To 20 1.08 42.12 0.11 0.10 0.10
20 To 30 1.12 43.68 0.11 0.10
30 To 50 1.16 45.24 0.12 0.11

Dimensions & Level

S.R Width Height Distance of C.G from Level at Level at C.G,

No. m m Bottom, (m) Bottom, (m) (m)
1 Staging 8.95 12 6 0.0 6.0
2 Coni. Wall Rect. 8.95 2 1 12.0 13.0
3 Coni. Wall Triangle 3.45 2 1.33 12.0 13.3
4 Cylinder Wall 12.4 2.2 1.1 14.0 15.1
5 Roof Dome 12.4 1.80 0.6 16.2 16.8

Calculation of Wind Force & Moment (Clause 6.3,Table-23)

S.R Pd Width Height Shape Wind Force Lever Arm Moment

No. T/m 2
m m Factor T m Tm
1 Staging 0.091 8.95 12.0 0.7 6.8 6.0 40.85
2 Coni. Wall Rect. 0.091 8.95 2.00 0.7 1.1 13.0 14.75
3 Coni. Wall Triangle 0.091 3.45 2.00 0.7 0.4 13.3 5.83
4 Cylinder Wall 0.096 12.40 2.20 0.7 1.8 15.1 27.62
5 Roof Dome 0.096 12.40 1.80 0.7 1.5 16.8 25.15

At Ground lev. Total Wind Force = 4.90 T

At Ground lev. Total Moment = 73.4 Tm

At Top of Footing Total Wind Force = 4.90 T

At Top of Footing Total Moment = 85.6 Tm

Dist. of C.G. of Container from G.L. = 15.0 m

Container surface area = 74.4 m2

(1) Container
ht. K2 Vz PZ
Pd at top 18.0 1.07 41.81 0.10 = 0.0944 T/m2
Pd at bottom 11.5 1.05 40.79 0.10 = 0.0899 T/m2

Vz (avg.) = 41.30 m/sec

Height / Breadth = 0.48
Cf = 0.70 (Clause, Table-23)
Force F_Container = 4.80 T

(2) Staging

Pd up to 10 m ht. = 0.08 T/m2

Pd between 10 m and 15 m ht. = 0.09 T/m2
Pd between 15 m and 20 m ht. = 0.00 T/m2
Pd between 20 m and 30 m ht. = 0.00 T/m2
Pd between 30 m and 50 m ht. = 0.00 T/m2

The columns are considered to be having individual member action. (Clause, Table-28)
Also, shielding effect is not considered.

Vz (avg.) x b = 41.301 x 0.6 = 24.78 m2/sec ≥6

Cf_Col for single frame solidity ratio = 0.10 = 0.70 (Clause, Table-28)

Fcol - Horizontal force in the columns per m height of column

Fcol = height, up to 10 m ht. = 0.03 T/m
Fcol = height, above 10 m and below 15 m = 0.04 T/m
Fcol = height, above 15 m and below 20 m = 0.00 T/m
Fcol = height, above 20 m and below 30 m = 0.00 T/m
Fcol = height, above 30 m and below 50 m = 0.00 T/m

Cf_brac for single frame solidity ratio = 0.10 = 0.70 (Clause, Table-28)

Fbrac - Horizontal force in the bracings per m length of bracing

Fbrac = height, up to 10 m ht. = 0.03 T/m
Fbrac = height, above 10 m and below 15 m = 0.04 T/m
Fbrac = height, above 15 m and below 20 m = 0.00 T/m
Fbrac = height, above 20 m and below 30 m = 0.00 T/m
Fbrac = height, above 30 m and below 50 m = 0.00 T/m

Wind ward side is affected by the wind load and for multiple frame shielding f ac taken as unity
Columns are affected = 4
Beams are affected = 3

Hori. Force C.G from Top Overturning Hori. Force for
Force Ele. length of Footing Moment M0
Member F STAAD Model
T m T m Tm T
Container 4.80 - 4.80 17.5 83.84 4.80

Columns(above 20 m) 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.000

Columns(above 15 m) 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.000
Columns(above 10 m) 0.36 1 0.36 13 4.71 0.091
Columns(below 10 m) 0.14 10 0.14 7.5 1.03 0.034

Beams ( below 10 m )
At lvl. 4m 0.10 4.89 0.51 6.2 3.14 0.034
At lvl. 8m 0.10 4.89 0.51 10.2 5.17 0.034
At lvl. 9m 0.10 4.89 0.51 11.2 5.67 0.034

Beams ( below 15 m )
At lvl. 12 m 0.11 4.89 0.56 14.2 7.93 0.038
At lvl. 15 m 0.11 0.00 0.00 17.2 0.00 0.038

Beams ( below 20 m )
At lvl. 18 m 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.2 0.00 0.000
SUM 7.38 111.5

10.1 Summary of Load

Summary of Dead Load & Live Load of Tank

Gravity Load
Tank Full Tank Empty
Dead Load + Live Load (T) 676.26 351.66

Summary of Lateral Load on tank

Earth Quake Load
Parameters Wind Load
Tank Full Tank Empty
Design Base Shear V (T) 20.31 17.23 7.38
Design Base Moment M (Tm) 356.83 290.05 111.49

11.0 Design of Top Dome
Diameter of Dome D c = 12.2 m
Thickness of Top Dome ThDom = 115 mm
Central Rise of Dome hdom= 1.525 m to 2.033 m = 1.80 m 
Radius of Top Dome R TD = 11.24 m 
φTDE = 32.87 °
Sin φTDE = 0.5427
Cos φTDE = 0.8399

Total Load (D.L) wDom_DL = 0.337 T/m2

Total Load (D.L + L.L) wDom_DL+LL = 0.337 T/m2
Wt. of Opening = 0.00 T

Hoop Compression due to UDL = WR(-1+cosφ+cos2φ)/(1+cosφ)

Hoop Tension due to Point Load = W/(2 π R sin2φ)
Meridional Thrust due to UDL = WR/(1+cosφ)
Meridional Thrust due to Point Load = W/(2 π R sin2φ)

Hoop & Meridional Thrust due to (D.L+L.L)

Hoop Comp. Hoop Ten. due Meri. Thrust Meri. Thrust
Angle due to U.D.L to P.L
Total due to U.D.L due to P.L
Degree T T T T T T
0.00 ° 1.89 0.00 1.89 1.89 0.00 1.89
10.0 ° 1.82 -0.05 1.77 1.91 0.05 1.95
15.0 ° 1.73 -0.02 1.71 1.93 0.02 1.95
20.0 ° 1.61 -0.01 1.59 1.95 0.01 1.96
25.0 ° 1.45 -0.01 1.44 1.99 0.01 1.99
32.87 ° 1.12 0.00 1.12 2.06 0.00 2.06

Hoop & Meridional Thrust due to (D.L)

Hoop Comp. Hoop Ten. due Meri. Thrust Meri. Thrust
Angle due to U.D.L to P.L
Total due to U.D.L due to P.L
Degree T T T T T T
0.00 ° 1.89 0.00 1.89 1.89 0.00 1.89
10.00 ° 1.82 -0.05 1.77 1.91 0.05 1.95
15.00 ° 1.73 -0.02 1.71 1.93 0.02 1.95
20.00 ° 1.61 -0.01 1.59 1.95 0.01 1.96
25.00 ° 1.45 -0.01 1.44 1.99 0.01 1.99
32.87 ° 1.12 0.00 1.12 2.06 0.00 2.06

Max.Meridional Thrust T = 2.062 T/m

Max. Hoop Tension H.T = 1.893 T
Min. Hoop Tension H.T = 1.117 T
Unit Compressive Stress = 0.179 N/mm2 O.K

Allowable compressive stress considering dome as cylindrical shell with Buckling Effect : (IS:2210 -1988)
σcr = 0.2 x EC x ThDOM / R = 56 N/mm 2

σcp= (0.25 x Fck) / (1+(Fck/σcr)) = 4.88 N/mm2

Factor of Direct Compressive Stress = 0.850

σac = 4.152 N/mm2
Per. load per unit area of Dome = 0.1 x EC x Th2 / R2 = 28.67 T/m2 O.K

Clear Cover = 45 mm
Ast_Reqd for Hoop Tension = H.T_MAX x 1.5 /(0.87 x Fy) = 0.786 cm2
Hoop Stress = 0.16 N/mm2 < 1.5 N/mm

Meridional Stress = 0.1793 N/mm2 < 8 N/mm


Provide Nominal Steel for Hoop & Meridinal = 2.76 cm2/m

Using 8 mm diameter bar Spacing 182 mm required

Provide 8 mm diameter bar at Spacing 175 mm in Each direction O.K
Ast_Prvd. (in each direction) = 2.87 cm2/m

Crack Width Calculation

Max. σs = ϵ2 =
S.R Hoop Ast_Pr. Crack Width Rema
T/Ast ϵ1 = σs/Es 2*b*Th_DOM / ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 d' acr (mm)
No. cm2 2 W (mm) rk
T N/mm 3*Es*Ast
1 1.893 2.87 65.9 0.00033 0.00133 -0.00101 49 96.3 -0.2903 O.K

S.R No. Distance from Edge (m) Dia. Spacing Nos.

1 At Springing Edge 0.00 m 8 mm @ 175 mm C/C 220 Meridional
2 D/4 from Edge 3.05 m 8 mm @ 175 mm C/C 110 Curtail Half Meridional Steel
3 Central mesh D/4 3.05 m x m 8 mm @ 175 mm C/C 36 Hoop & Meridional

12.0 Design of Top Ring Beam

Width of Ring Beam bTRB = 300 mm

Depth of Ring Beam DTRB = 300 mm
Clear Cover = 45 mm
d'_TRB for 12 mm Dia. Bar = 51 mm T
Effective depth for dTRB = 249 m
H 32.87 °
Max. Meridional Thrust at spring of Dome T = 2.06 T/m
Horizontal Component of Thrust H = 1.73 T/m
Vertical Component of Thrust V = 1.12 T/m V
Hoop Tension due to Thrust H = 10.57 T
Hoop Tension due to Water in F.B = 0.2693 T
Total Hoop Tension in Ring Beam = 10.84 T
Ast_Reqd for Hoop Tension = H.T_MAX x 1.5 /(0.87 x Fy) = 4.50 cm2
Min. Ast_Reqd = 2.16 cm2

3 No. 12 mm Dia. Bar @ Top = 3.39 cm2

Provide 3 No. 12 mm Dia. Bar @ Bottom = 3.39 cm2
0 No. 12 mm Dia. Bar @ S/F = 0.00 cm2
Ast Provided = 6.79 cm2 O.K
Spacing of Bottom Bars. = 87 mm

Equivalent Area of Concrete = 95655 mm2
Direct Tension Stress σct = 1.1332 N/mm2 < 1.5 N/mm2 O.K

Design of Reinforcement for Limit State of Collapse for Hoop Tension

Max. σs = ϵ2 =
S.R Hoop Ast_Pr. Crack Width Rema
Tension 2
T/Ast ϵ1 = σs/Es 2*b*Th_TRB/ ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 d' acr (mm)
No. cm W (mm) rk
T N/mm2 3*Es*Ast
1 10.8 6.79 159.7 0.00080 0.00044 0.00036 51 61.0 0.0653 O.K

Provide 8 mm Dia. 2 legged stirrups @ 150 mm c/c.

13.0 Design of Cylinder Wall

Diameter of Wall (C to C) DC = 12.2 m

Height of Wall H = 2.2 - ( 0.5 /2 ) = 1.95 m
Thickness of Wall Th_CWL @ Top = 200 mm
Thickness of Wall Th_CWL @ 2.2 m from Top = 200 mm

Clear Cover_CWL = 45 mm
d'_CWL for 8 mm Dia. Bar = 49 mm
Effective Depth d_CWL = 151 mm

Pressure on Wall P = γw x h
Hoop Tension on Wall T = P x D/2
Additional Load. due to Hydrodynamic Effect_Bottom = 0.28 T/m2

Design of Reinforcement for Limit State of Collapse for Hoop Tension

Ht. of
Wall Static Design Hoop Factore Ast_Req Spacing Spacing Ast_Prvd
Seg. Thick. c Min. σs = Remar
from Pressur Pressur Tension d Both Db S_req_Ea S_prvd_Ea Both
No. of Wall Pressur Ast. . T/Ast k
Top of e eP T Tension Face ch Face ch Face
e Face
m mm T/m2 T/m2 T/m2 T/m T/m cm2 cm2 mm mm mm cm2 N/mm2
1 0.15 200 0.147 0.25 0.40 2.4 3.7 4.8 4.8 8 209.4 200 5.03 48.64 O.K
2 0.75 200 0.736 0.26 0.996 6.1 9.1 4.8 4.8 8 209.4 200 5.03 120.8 O.K
3 1.2 200 1.177 0.27 1.446 8.8 13.2 4.8 4.8 8 209.4 200 5.03 175.5 O.K
4 1.7 200 1.668 0.28 1.948 11.9 17.8 4.8 4.9 8 203.6 200 5.03 236.4 O.K
5 1.95 200 1.913 0.29 2.199 13.4 20.1 4.8 5.6 8 180.4 150 6.70 200.2 O.K

Checking of Section for Limit State of Cracking for Hoop Tension

ϵ2 =
Seg Crack Width
ϵ1 = σs/Es 2*b*Th_CWL / ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 d' acr (mm) Remark
No. W (mm)
1 0.00024 0.00133 -0.00108 49 107.4 -0.3488 O.K
2 0.00060 0.00133 -0.00072 49 107.4 -0.2326 O.K
3 0.00088 0.00133 -0.00045 49 107.4 -0.1446 O.K
4 0.00118 0.00133 -0.00014 49 107.4 -0.0465 O.K
5 0.00100 0.00099 0.00001 49 85.6 0.0016 O.K

Equivalent Area of Concrete = 205585 mm2

Direct Tension Stress σct = 0.6525 N/mm2 < 1.5 N/mm2 O.K
Design of Reinforcement for Limit State of Collapse for Bending

Depth Min.
Thickne Ast_ provd
Seg Seg. of C.G Ast per Spacing Spacing
Depth from
ss of MYU Pt Ast_My Ast_req Db S_req_ S_provd
No. Wall Each Face
Top Face
2 2 2 2
No. m m mm cm Tm % cm cm mm mm mm cm
1 0.15 0.075 200 2.4 0.25 0.000 0.461 2.4 8 209.4 200 2.51
2 0.6 0.45 200 2.4 0.5 0.001 0.925 2.4 8 209.4 200 2.51
3 0.45 0.975 200 2.4 0.75 0.001 1.394 2.4 8 209.4 200 2.51
4 0.5 1.45 200 2.4 0.9 0.001 1.677 2.4 8 209.4 200 2.51
5 0.25 1.825 200 2.4 1.1 0.001 2.057 2.4 8 209.4 200 2.51

Checking of Section for Limit State of Cracking Bending

Ast_ provd ϵ2 = b*(Th_CWL-

Seg z = d- ϵ1 = (ThCWL- Crack Width Rema
Each x σs 2
x) / 3*Es*Ast*(d- ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 acr
No. Face x/3 x)*σs/(d-x)*Es W rk
cm2 mm mm N/mm2 mm mm
1 2.51 24.37 142.9 69.6 0.000483 0.001615 -0.001133 107.4 -0.2133 O.K
2 2.51 24.37 142.9 139.2 0.000966 0.001615 -0.000650 107.4 -0.1224 O.K
3 2.51 24.37 142.9 208.9 0.001448 0.001615 -0.000167 107.4 -0.0314 O.K
4 2.51 24.37 142.9 250.6 0.001738 0.001615 0.000123 107.4 0.0231 O.K
5 2.51 24.37 142.9 306.3 0.002124 0.001615 0.000509 107.4 0.0959 O.K

14.0 Design of Middle Ring Beam

Width of Ring Beam bMRB = 450 mm

Depth of Ring Beam DMRB = 500 mm
Clear Cover = 45 mm
d'_MRB for 16 mm Dia. Bar = 53 mm
Effective depth for dMRB = 447 m
Angle of Inclination φ1 = 45 °
Sin φ1 = 0.7071
Cos φ1 = 0.7071

Vertical Component of Top Dome V_TD = 1.12 T/m

Self Wt. of Top Ring Beam V_TRB = 0.08 T/m V
Self Wt. of Cylindrical Wall V_CWL = 1.17 T/m
Self Wt. of Middle Ring Beam V_MBR = 0.31 T/m
Self Wt. of Gallary Slab = 0.00 T/m
Total Vertical Load V = 2.67 T/m H
Horizontal Component H = 2.68 T/m 45 °

Hoop Tension due to H = 2.68 x 6.1 = 16.35 T

Hoop Tension due to Water = 0.981x2.2x0.5x6.1 = 6.58 T
Total Hoop Tension in Middle Ring Beam = 22.93 T
Ast_Reqd for Hoop Tension = H.T_MAX x 1.5 /(0.87 x Fy) = 9.53 cm2
Min. Ast_Reqd = 5.40 cm2

4 No. 16 mm Dia. Bar @ Top = 8.04 cm2
Provide 4 No. 16 mm Dia. Bar @ Bottom = 8.04 cm2
2 No. 12 mm Dia. Bar @ S/F = 2.26 cm2
Ast Provided = 18.35 cm2 O.K
Spacing of Bottom Bars. = 99 mm

Equivalent Area of Concrete = 240289 mm2

Direct Tension Stress σct = 0.95 N/mm2 < 1.5 N/mm2 O.K

Crack Width Calculation

Max. σs = ϵ2 =
S.R Hoop Ast Crack Width Rema
Tension 2
T/Ast ϵ1 = σs/Es 2*b*Th_BRB / ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 d' acr (mm)
No. cm W (mm) rk
T N/mm2 3*Es*Ast
1 22.93 18.35 125 0.00062 0.00041 0.00022 53 64.4 0.0418 O.K

Provide 8 mm Dia. 2 legged stirrups @ 200 mm c/c.

16.0 Design of Conical Wall

Diameter of Conical Wall (C to C) DCW_TOP = 12.2 m
Diameter of Conical Wall (C to C) DCW_Bottom = 8.2 m

Height of Conical Wall HCW = 2m

Inclined Length of Conical Wall L_CW = 2.83 m Ri


Thickness of Conical Wall Th_CW 300 mm

= Rm


Angle of Inclination φ1 45 °


Sin φ1 = 0.7071 of Conical Dome

Cos φ1 = 0.7071

Clear Cover_CW = 45 mm
d'_CW for 10 mm Dia. Bar = 50 mm
Effective Depth d_CW = 250 mm

Design of Reinforcement for Limit State of Collapse for Hoop Tension

Ht. of Thick.
Conical Seg. of Hoop Hoop Ast_Req Spacing Spacing Ast_Prvd
Seg. Radius d Min. σs = Remar
Wall Ht. Conical Tension Tension Both Db S_req_Ea S_prvd_Ea Both
No. (Rm) Tension Ast. . T/Ast k
from (dh) Wall T1 T2 Face ch Face ch Face
Tu Face
Top T_CD
2 2 2
m m mm m T T T cm cm mm mm mm cm N/mm2
1 0 0 300 5.89 25.41 6.2 47.5 7.2 13.2 10 119.4 100 15.71 201.5 O.K
2 0.5 0.5 300 5.39 28.54 5.7 51.4 7.2 14.2 10 110.4 100 15.71 218.1 O.K
3 1 0.5 300 4.89 30.69 5.2 53.8 7.2 14.9 10 105.4 100 15.71 228.4 O.K
4 1.5 0.5 300 4.39 31.85 4.7 54.8 7.2 15.2 10 103.6 75 20.94 174.3 O.K
5 2 0.5 300 3.89 32.04 4.1 54.2 7.2 15.0 10 104.6 75 20.94 172.7 O.K

Checking of Section for Limit State of Cracking for Hoop Tension

ϵ2 =
Seg Crack Width
ϵ1 = σs/Es 2*b*Th_CWL / ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 d' acr (mm) Remark
No. W (mm)
1 0.00101 0.00064 0.00037 50 65.7 0.0732 O.K
2 0.00109 0.00064 0.00045 50 65.7 0.0895 O.K
3 0.00114 0.00064 0.00051 50 65.7 0.0996 O.K
4 0.00087 0.00048 0.00039 50 57.5 0.0680 O.K
5 0.00086 0.00048 0.00039 50 57.5 0.0666 O.K

Redial Reinforcement

No. of No. of
Bars Bars Spacing Ast_Prv Remar
Seg Thickness of Radius
Min. Pt
b Ast_Reqd. Db Reqd. Prvd. On On Each
No. On Each Each Face d. k
Face Face

No. mm cm2 m mm cm2 mm No. No. mm cm2

1 300 0.240 5.89 36995 266.4 10 170 170 218 267 O.K
2 300 0.240 5.39 33853 243.7 10 155 170 199 267 O.K
3 300 0.240 4.89 30711 221.1 10 141 170 181 267 O.K
4 300 0.240 4.39 27570 198.5 10 126 170 162 267 O.K
5 300 0.240 3.89 24428 175.9 10 112 170 144 267 O.K

Vertical Loads Transfer Through Conical Dome

Wt. of Roof Dome = 42.82 T
Wt.of Top Ring Beam = 2.87 T
Wt. of Cylindrical Container = 44.69 T
Wt. of Middle Ring Beam = 11.98 T
Wt. of Gallary Slab = 0.00 T
Wt. of Conical Dome = 60.09 T
Wt. of Water on conical Dome = 189.3 T
Total Wt. at Bottom W = 351.7 T

Meridional Stresses
Mean Radius at bottom Rmb= RS - T x Cosecφ1 / 2 = 3.8879 m
Vertical load per unit perimeter V= W/(2 π Rmb) = 14.40 T/m
Meridianal Thrust F = V Cosecφ1 = 20.36 T/m
Meridianal Comp. Stress σcc = F/ bxT = 0.68 N/mm2 < 8 N/mm2 O.K

Radial Inward Force on Ring Beam

Mean Radius of Bottom Circular Girder, RS = 4.1 m
Vert. load per unit peri. of BCG, V' = W/(2 π RS) = 13.65 T/m
Radial Force, P' = V' x Cotφ1 = 13.65 T/m
Hoop force on Bottom Circular Girder = P' x RS = 55.98 T/m
Empty Condition
Vert. load per unit peri. of BCG, V'' = W'/(2 π RS) = 6.31 T/m
Radial Force, P'' = V' x Cotφ1 = 6.31 T/m
Hoop Force on Bottom Circular Girder = P'' x RS = 25.86 T/m

17.0 Design of Central Stair Shaft

Diameter of Central Stair Shaft (C to C) DCS = 2.15 m

Height of Conical Dome HCS = 2.95 m
Thickness of Central Stair Shaft Th_CS = 150 mm

Vol. of Water Displaced = 12.26 m3

Total Wt. of Central Stair Shaft WCS = 8.11 T
Compressive Force, F = γWater x h x (r/2) = 3.11 T
Max. Compressive Stress = 0.21 N/mm2 < 8 N/mm2 O.K

Provide Nominal Steel for Hoop & Vertical = 3.600 cm2/m

Using 10 mm diameter bar Spacing 218 mm required

Provide 10 mm diameter bar at Spacing 200 mm in Each direction O.K

18.0 Design of Bottom Dome

Diameter of Dome D c_BD = 8.20 m h

Thickness of Dome ThBD = 150 mm
Central Rise of Dome hBD= 1.03 m to 1.37 m = 1.25 m
Radius of Dome R BD = 7.35 m 
φBDE = 33.91 ° 
Sin φBDE = 0.5578
Cos φBDE = 0.8300

Dia. Of Opening at Top (Stair) Dstr = 2.15 m

Central Rise of Dome opening ho = 0.08 m
Dead Wt. of Stair Shaft at Dom top (Point Load) = 8.1 T
Surface Area of Opening in dome = 2 π R ho = 3.65 m2
φBDO = 8.41 °
Sin φBDO = 0.1463
Cos φBDO = 0.9892

Total Load (D.L) wBD_DL = 0.405 T/m2

Vol. Of Water above Bottom Dome = (π *D *H/4) - (π *Dstr2*hstr/4) - (π *hBD(3*RBD2*+hBD2)/6)

Vol. Of Water above Bottom Dome = 149.6 m3

Wt. of Water = 2.7 T/m2
Total Load (D.L + W.L) wBD_DL+WL = 3.117 T/m2

Hoop Compression due to U.D.L = WR(- 1 + cosφ + cos2φ )/( 1 + cosφ)

Hoop Tension due to Point Load = W/(2 π R sin2φ)
Meridional Thrust due to U.D.L = WR/(1+ cosφ)
Meridional Thrust due to Point Load = W/(2 π R sin2φ)

Hoop & Meridional Thrust due to (D.L + Water Load)
Hoop Comp. Hoop Ten. due Meri. Thrust Meri. Thrust
Angle due to U.D.L to P.L
Total due to U.D.L due to P.L
Degree T T T T T T
8.41 ° 11.15 -8.21 2.94 11.52 8.21 19.73
15.00 ° 10.48 -2.62 7.85 11.65 2.62 14.28
20.00 ° 9.72 -1.50 8.22 11.81 1.50 13.31
25.00 ° 8.75 -0.98 7.76 12.02 0.98 13.00
30.00 ° 7.56 -0.70 6.86 12.28 0.70 12.98
33.91 ° 6.49 -0.56 5.93 12.52 0.56 13.08

Hoop & Meridional Thrust due to (D.L)

Hoop Comp. Hoop Ten. due Meri. Thrust Meri. Thrust
Angle due to U.D.L to P.L
Total due to U.D.L due to P.L
Degree T T T T T T
8.41 ° 1.45 -8.21 -6.76 1.50 8.21 9.71
15.00 ° 1.36 -2.62 -1.26 1.51 2.62 4.14
20.00 ° 1.26 -1.50 -0.24 1.53 1.50 3.04
25.00 ° 1.14 -0.98 0.15 1.56 0.98 2.54
30.00 ° 0.98 -0.70 0.28 1.60 0.70 2.30
33.91 ° 0.84 -0.56 0.28 1.63 0.56 2.19

Max.Meridional Thrust T = 19.73 T/m

Max. Hoop Tension H.T = 8.215 T Compression
Min. Hoop Tension H.T = -6.763 T Tension
Unit Compressive Stress = 1.315 N/mm O.K

Allowable compressive stress considering dome as cylindrical shell with Buckling Effect : (IS:2210 -1988)
σcr = 0.2 * EC * ThDOM / R = 112 N/mm 2

σcp= (0.25*Fck) / (1+(Fck/σcr)) = 5.91 N/mm2

Factor of Direct Compressive Stress = 0.850
σac = 5.026 N/mm2
Per. load per unit area of Dome = 0.1 x EC x Th2 / R2 = 114.06 T/m2 O.K
Clear Cover = 45 mm
Ast_Reqd for Hoop Tension = H.T_MAX x 1.5 /(0.87 x Fy) = 3.413 cm2
Hoop Stress = 0.45 N/mm2 < 1.5 N/mm2 O.K

Meridional Stress = 1.3152 N/mm2 < 8 N/mm2 O.K

Provide Nominal Steel for Hoop & Meridinal = 3.60 cm2/m

Using 8 mm diameter bar Spacing 279 mm required

Provide 8 mm diameter bar at Spacing 200 mm in Each direction Top & Bottom O.K
Ast_Prvd. (in each direction) Top & Bottom = 2.51 cm2/m

Crack Width Calculation

Max. σs = ϵ2 =
S.R Hoop Ast Crack Width Rema
Tension 2
T/Ast ϵ1 = σs/Es 2*b*Th_DOM / ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 d' acr (mm)
No. cm W (mm) rk
T N/mm2 3*Es*Ast
1 8.2 5.03 163.4 0.00082 0.00099 -0.00018 49 107.4 -0.0572 O.K

S.R No. Distance from Edge (m) Dia. Spacing No.
1 At Edge 0.00 m 8 mm @ 200 mm C/C 129 Meridional
2 D/4 from Edge 2.05 m 8 mm @ 200 mm C/C 65 Curtail Half Meridional Steel

Design of Ring Beam at Stair Case Bottom

Hoop Tension in Ring Beam = 7.19 T
Width of Beam = 0.25 m
Depth of Beam = 0.25 m
Hoop Stress = 1.15 N/mm2 < 2 N/mm
Min. Ast = 1.50 cm
Ast_Reqd = T_MAX x 1.5 /(0.87 x Fy) = 2.99 cm2
2 No. 16 mm Dia. Bar = 4.02 cm2
Ast Provided
2 No. 16 mm Dia. Bar = 4.02 cm2 O.K
Stirrups 2 legged 8 mm Dia. 150 C/C

19.0 Design of Bottom Circular Girder

Width of Girder B_BCG = 750 mm

Depth of Girder D_BCG = 1,000 mm
Clear Cover_BCG = 45 mm
d'_CG for 25 mm Dia. Bar = 57.5 mm
Effective Depth d_BCG = 943 mm
Minimum % of Steel = 100 x 0.24 x 30^0.5 / 415 = 0.32 % Cl- 6.2.1 - IS 13920:2016

Self Wt. of Girder = 1.88 T/m

Loads on Girder_Water + Container (Excluding BCG) = 19.92 T/m
Total Load W_Container + Water = 21.80 T/m

UDL Load for STAAD w_Container (Excluding BCG) = 7.4715 T/m

UDL Load for STAAD w_WATER = 12.6004 T/m

Factored BM (-ve) at Support = 62.00 Tm (From STAAD)

Factored BM (+ve) at Midspan = 30.00 Tm (From STAAD)
Factored Shear Force = 75.00 T (From STAAD)

Qlim = 4.14
Mulim = 275.82 Tm
Ptlim = 1.43 %
Astlim = 101.1 cm2

Max. Factored Moment From Staad Analysis

Mu d Ast_Mu Ast_Min Ast_req Spacing Ast_Provd x z
Location 2 2 2
Dia. & Spacing (mm)
Tm mm cm cm cm cm2 mm mm
6 No. of 25 mm Dia. 102
Support 62 943 18.93 23.76 23.76 38.88 O.K 227.8 866.6
3 No. of 20 mm Dia. 300
4 No. of 25 mm Dia. 186.7
Centre 30 943 8.978 23.76 23.76 25.92 O.K 190.7 878.9
2 No. of 20 mm Dia. 620

Max. Factored Shear Force From Staad Analysis

Locati Vu τv Pt_Prvd. τc Vus_Reqd Sv_Reqd. Sv_Prvd. Remar
β Remark Stirrups
on T N/mm
% N/mm
T mm mm k
Suppo Provide Legged
81 1.15 0.518 6.72 0.5042
45.61 4 of Dia.
10 234.4 175 O.K

Checking of Section for Limit State of Cracking for Bending

ϵ1 = (DCG- ϵ2 = BCG*(DCG-
Crack Width Rema
Section at σs x)*σs/(dCG- 2
x) /3*Es*Ast*(dC ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 acr
W rk
x)*Es G-x)
N/mm mm mm
Support 122.7 0.000663 0.000268 0.000395 64.36 0.0725 O.K
Centre 87.8 0.000473 0.000420 0.000052 97.12 0.0135 O.K

20.0 Design of Bracing Beam

Concrete Grade Fck = 25 N/mm2

Width of Beam B_BB = 300 mm
Depth of Beam D_BB = 600 mm
Clear Cover_BB = 30 mm
d'_BB for 25 mm Dia. Bar = 42.5 mm
Effective Depth d_BB = 558 mm
Minimum % of Steel = 100 x 0.24 x 25^0.5 / 415 = 0.29 % Cl- 6.2.1 - IS 13920:1993

Qlim = 3.45
Mulim = 32.17 Tm
Ptlim = 1.19 %
Astlim = 19.9 cm2

Factored Moment From Staad Analysis
Mu d Ast_Mu Ast_Min Ast_req Spacing Ast_Provd x z
Location 2 2 2
Dia. & Spacing (mm) 2
Tm mm cm cm cm cm mm mm
3 No. of 25 mm Dia. 82.5
Support 25 558 14.52 5.205 14.52 21.01 O.K 129.5 514.3
2 No. of 20 mm Dia. 200
3 No. of 20 mm Dia. 90
Centre 15 558 8.11 5.205 8.108 9.42 O.K 90.63 527.3
0 No. of 16 mm Dia. -240

Factored Shear Force From Staad Analysis

Vu τv Pt_Prvd. β τc Vus_Reqd Sv_Reqd. Sv_Prvd.
Location 2 2
Remark Stirrups
T N/mm % N/mm T mm mm
Provide Legged
Support 15 0.90 1.167 2.487 0.6790
3.644 2 of Dia.
8 555 100

Checking of Section for Limit State of Cracking for Bending

ϵ1 = (DCG- ϵ2 = BCG*(DCG-
Crack Width Rema
Section at σs x)*σs/(dCG- x)2/3*Es*Ast*(dC ϵm = ϵ1 - ϵ2 acr
W rk
x)*Es G-x)
N/mm mm mm
Support 154.2 0.000848 0.000123 0.000725 46.73 0.0948 O.K
Centre 201.2 0.000841 0.000295 0.000547 51.90 0.0784 O.K

21.0 Design of Column

C O L U M N N O. 1001 D E S I G N R E S U L T S

M25 Fe415 (Main) Fe415 (Sec.)

LENGTH: 4000.0 mm CROSS SECTION: 600.0 mm dia. COVER: 40.0 mm


DESIGN AXIAL FORCE (Pu) : 1895.71 kN

About Z About Y
INITIAL MOMENTS : 31.60 100.02

ADDITION MOMENTS (Maz and May) : - -



Along Z Along Y

REQD. STEEL AREA : 1360.15

MAIN REINFORCEMENT : Provide 10 - 20 dia. (1.33%, 3145

(Equally distributed)
CONFINING REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. circular ties @ 100 mm c/c
over a length 670.0 mm from each joint face towards
midspan as per Cl. 7.4.6 of IS-13920.
TIE REINFORCEMENT : Provide 8 mm dia. circular ties @ 190 mm c/c


Puz : 4310.98 Muz1 : 364.80 Muy1 : 364.80

INTERACTION RATIO: 0.99 (as per Cl. 39.6, IS456:2000)


END JOINT: 149 Puz : 4311.84 Muz : 362.83 Muy : 362.83 IR: 1.00

22.0 Design of Foundation

Net S.B.C at 2.5 m depth below G.L = 10 T/m2

Perm. increase in Bearing Pressure for Seismic = 50 %
Perm. increase in Bearing Pressure for Wind = 33 %

Fx Fy Mz My
Load case
T T T-m T-m
D.L + L.L (Tank Full) 676.26
E.Q Load (Tank Full) 20.31 356.83
Wind Load 7.38 111.49

Fx Fy Mz My
Load Combination
T T T-m T-m
D.L + L.L (Tank Full) 0 676.26 0 0
D.L + L.L + E.Q Load 20.31 676.26 356.83 0.00
D.L + L.L + Wind Load 7.38 676.26 111.49 0.00

Width of Raft Ring Beam B_RB = 0.9 m

Depth of Raft at Ring Beam Face = 0.9 m
Raft Thickness at Edges = 0.4 m

Diameter of Staging 2c = 8.20 m c = 4.10 m

External Dia. of Raft 2a = 10.8 m a = 5.4 m
Internal Dia. of Raft 2b = 4.50 m b = 2.25 m
3 3 2 2
C.G of Loading XC = 2 ( a - b ) / 3 ( a - b ) = 4.0412 m
Difference of C.G = 0.0588 m

Raft Area A = ( 10.8^2 - 4.5^2 ) x π / 4 = 75.80 m2

Width of Foundation = ( 10.8 - 4.5 ) / 2 = 3.15 m
Moment of Inertia of raft I = 647.7 m4
Section Modulus Z = I / a = 647.7 / 5.4 = 119.94 m3

Soil Load above Footing = 75.8 x ( 2.5 - 0.4 ) x 1 = 159.18 T

Self wt. of Raft Foundation + Raft Ring Beam = 104.78 T
Weight of Raft over and above the Earth replaced
= 62.87 T
of equal volume, W

Check Pressure on Beddindg
Constant pressure P1 = Fy / A = 8.92 T/m2
Bending Pressure P2 = M / Z = 2.97 T/m2
Maximum Pressure P_Max = P1 + P2 = 11.90 T/m2 < 15 T/m2
Minimum Pressure P_Min = P1 - P2 = 5.95 T/m2 > 0 T/m2 Comp.

Stability Check for Overturning

Overturning Moment (Tank Empty) M = 290.0 Tm
Critical Overturning Moment = 1.4 M = 406.1 Tm
Stabilising Force WET= Dead Wt. of Empty Tank = 351.7 T
Lever arm for stabilising force = radius 'a' raft = 5.4 m
Critical Stabilising Moment = 0.9 x WET x a = 1709.0 Tm O.K

Stability Check for Sliding

Horz. force causing sliding (Base-shear) H = 20.3 T
Stabilising Vertical Force WET = 351.7 T
Coefficient of friction μ = 0.30
Critical stabilising force = 0.9 x µ x WET = 94.9 T
Factor of Safety against Sliding = 0.9 x µ x WET / H = 4.7 > 1.4 O.K

Maximum & Minimum Bearing Pressures :-

Bearing Pressure = (Fy + W) ± (My + Mz + Fx x D)
Allowable Factored
Max. Pressure Min. Pressure Remark Max. Pressure
Load Combination Bearing Pressure
T/m2 T/m2 T/m2 T/m2 T/m2
D.L + L.L (Tank Full) 9.75 9.75 Compression 12.5 12.40 18.61
D.L + L.L + E.Q Load 12.88 6.62 Compression 17.5 15.53 23.30
D.L + L.L + Wind Load 10.74 8.77 Compression 15.8 13.39 20.08

Design Upward Pressure = =

Upward Gross Pr. - (S.W of Found. and Soil Filling) 18.07 T/m2

Calculation of Radial and Circumferential Moments in the Raft IS:11089-1984 cl.5.1.2

Upward Design Pressure for Raft Design

Uniform Modified
Pressure P2 = Factored
Load Combination Pressure P1 = Pressure P = Load Factor
Fx*D+Mz+My / Pressure
Fy / A P1 + 0.5P2
T/m2 T/m2 T/m2 T/m2
D.L + L.L (Tank Full) 8.92 0.00 8.92 1.50 13.38
D.L + L.L + E.Q Load 8.92 3.13 10.49 1.50 15.73
D.L + L.L + Wind Load 8.92 0.98 9.41 1.50 14.12

For r<c IS:11089-1984 cl.5.1.2

pa2   b2   a 1 c2  r2 4b2  r 3  1 a2 a2   a2  r2  b2 a

Mt  41 2 loge   2  2  2 loge    2  2   2 2  2 loge 
16   r   c 2 2a  a a  a 4  3 b r   a b  r b

pa2   b2   a 1 c2  3r2 4b2  r 3  a2 a2   a2  r2  b2 a

Mr  41 2 loge   2  2  2 loge  1 2  2   2 2  2 loge 
  
16   r   c 2 2a  a a  a 4  b r   a b  r b

For r>c
pa 2 
  b2   c2  
M   M t r  c    4   1     log

  
 
t e
16   a2   r 2 2r 2 

pa 2 
  b2   c 1 c2 
M   M r r  c   4  
 1  
 
 log   
 
r e
16   a2   r 2 2r 2 

outer edge (a) of raft a = 5.40 m

b = 2.25 m
inner edge (b) of raft
b ca c = 4.10 m

center line (c) of ring


Factored values of Mr and Mt are given below for different values of r

In the Table, the +ve values of the B.M indicate tension on bottom face of the Raft Slab.
Radial Dist. r = 2.25 2.80 2.95 3.7 3.65 4.55 4.70 4.98 5.20 5.4 m
Mr = 0.0 0.7 1.8 10.5 10.48 7.46 5.0 1.8 0.4 0.0 Tm/m
Mt = -20.7 -18.9 -18.5 -16.0 -16.03 -12.43 -12.2 -12.0 -11.9 -11.9 Tm/m
Q = 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138
d_Reqd = 245.2 234.2 231.4 215.5 215.52 189.78 188 186 186 185.6 mm
D_Prvd = 400 596 650 900 900 900 812 650 518 400 mm
Clear Cover = 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 mm
d_Prvd = 324 522 576 826 826 826 738 576 444 324 mm
Hoop Reinf.
19.7 10.4 9.1 5.4 5.4 4.2 4.6 5.9 7.7 10.8 cm2/m
Radial Reinf.
0.0 0.4 0.9 3.5 3.5 2.5 1.9 0.9 0.2 0.0 cm2/m
Min. Steel
4.8 7.2 7.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 9.7 7.8 6.2 4.8 cm2/m
(0.12 %)

Radial Dist. r = 2.25 2.80 2.95 3.65 3.65 4.55 4.70 4.98 5.20 5.40 m
Ast_Hoop Reqd.
19.7 10.4 9.1 10.8 10.8 10.8 9.7 7.8 7.7 10.8 cm2/m
Dia. Of Bar 20 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 mm
Spacing_Reqd = 159 194 220 186 186 186 206 258 263 292 mm
Spacing_Prvd = 75 150 150 150 150 150 175 175 175 150 mm
Ast_Hoop Prvd.
41.9 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 11.5 11.5 11.5 20.9 cm2/m
Remark O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K

Min. Hoop Reinforcement Reqd. = 10.8 cm2/m

Spacing Reqd. for Dia. Of Bar 12 mm = 104.7 mm
Spacing Prvd. = 100 mm
Ast_Hoop = 11.3 cm2/m O.K

Ast_Radial Reqd.
4.8 7.2 7.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 9.7 7.8 6.2 4.8 cm2/m
Dia. Of Bar 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 mm
Spacing_Reqd = 419 281 258 186 186 186 206 258 324 419 mm
Spacing_Prvd = 300 150 150 150 175 175 150 150 150 150 mm
Ast_Radial Prvd.
6.7 13.4 13.4 13.4 11.5 11.5 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 cm2/m
Remark O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K O.K

Min. Radial Reinforcement Reqd. = 10.8 cm2/m

Spacing Reqd. for Dia. Of Bar 12 mm = 104.7 mm
Spacing Prvd. = 100 mm
Ast_Radial = 11.3 cm2/m O.K

Check for Shear

Critical Section for Shear is at a Distance of d from the Edge of Ring Beam

At r1 outer side = 5.39 m

Shear force Vu1 = 0.15 T
Effective depth d1 = 347 mm
Shear stress τv1 = 0.15 x 10000 / (1000 x 346.71) = 0.004 N/mm2

At r2 inner side = 2.81 m

Shear force Vu2 = 9.09 T
Effective depth d2 = 541 mm
Shear stress τv2 = 9.09 x 10000 / (1000 x 541.29) = 0.168 N/mm2

Max. Shear stress τv = 0.168 N/mm2

Corresp. Effective depth, d = 541 mm
Pt = 0.2476 %
β = 11.7
Permissible shear stress τc = 0.3632 N/mm2 O.K

Design Of Raft Ring Beam

Width of Raft Ring Beam B_RB = 900 mm

Depth of Raft Ring Beam D_RB = 1000 mm
Clear Cover_RB = 50 mm
d'_RB for 25 mm Dia. Bar = 62.5 mm
Effective Depth d_RB = 938 mm

Self Wt. of Raft Ring Beam = 2.25 T/m

Factored Net pressure on Base Slab = 18.07 T/m2
Factored Pressure on Beam = 56.93 T/m
Factored Net UDL on Beam W = 53.56 T/m

No. of Columns = 6 Nos.
Length of Ring Beam c/c = 4.29 m
Load (2 x π x R2 x W) = 5656.7 T
Max BM(-ve) = 0.0148 x 5656.7 = 83.7 Tm
Max BM(+ve) = 0.0075 x 5656.7 = 42.4 Tm
Max Torsion = 0.0015 x 5656.7 = 8.5 Tm
Shear Force = 115.0 T

Equivalent B.M due to Torsion = 5.12 Tm

Equivalent Shear Force due to Torsion = 15.08 Tm

Total Factored BM (-ve) = 88.83 Tm

Total Factored BM (+ve) = 47.54 Tm
Total Factored Shear Force = 130.06 T

Factored BM (-ve) at Support = 100.0 Tm (From SAFE)

Factored BM (+ve) at Midspan = 55.0 Tm (From SAFE)
Factored Shear Force = 150.0 T (From SAFE)

Qlim = 3.45
Mulim = 272.90 Tm
Ptlim = 1.19 %
Astlim = 100.4 cm2

Max. Factored Moment From Staad Analysis

Mu d Ast_Mu Ast_Min Ast_req Spacing Ast_Provd x z
Location 2 2 2
Dia. & Spacing (mm) 2
Tm mm cm cm cm cm mm mm
6 No. of 25 mm Dia. 130
Support 100 937.5 31.51 10.8 31.51 35.74 O.K 218.9 864.5
2 No. of 20 mm Dia. 760
6 No. of 20 mm Dia. 136
Centre 55 937.5 16.81 10.8 16.81 18.85 O.K 164.9 882.5
0 No. of 20 mm Dia. -800

Max. Factored Shear Force From Staad Analysis

Locati Vu τv Pt_Prvd. τc Vus_Reqd Sv_Reqd. Sv_Prvd. Remar
β Remark Stirrups
on T N/mm
% N/mm
T mm mm k
Suppo Provide Legged
150 1.78 0.397 7.311 0.4444
112.5 6 of Dia.
12 204.2 175 O.K


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