ISMC100 Box To ISMB300 Bracing Connection
ISMC100 Box To ISMB300 Bracing Connection
ISMC100 Box To ISMB300 Bracing Connection
From Cl. 12.7.3, Pg. No.-88, IS 800:2007 Design Forces ( Minimum of the following )
Tensile Forces in Bracing = 1.2 Fy Ag 702.00 KN
Maximum force that can be transferred to the brace by the system 361.50 KN Beam No 496
Force considered for Design, Tdn 361.50 KN Load Combi = 393
Bolt Calculation
As per General Notes, Provide HSFG Bolts of Grade 8.8S
For 8.8S grade bolts, Fub= 800 Mpa
Assume grade of steel Fu= 410 Mpa
Assume dia of Bolt d= 20 mm
From Table 19, IS 800:2007, Dia of Hole d0= 22 mm
Tensile force on Gusset Plate 361.50 KN
From Table 19, Pg. No.- 73, is 800:2007 Pitch Distance= 2.5 x d
2.5 x 22 = 50 mm
Lets , Provide 70 mm