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“The impact of strategic planning on enhancing the strategic performance of

banks: evidence from Bahrain”

AUTHORS Abdul Aziz A. Abdul Rahman

Abdul Aziz A. Abdul Rahman (2019). The impact of strategic planning on

ARTICLE INFO enhancing the strategic performance of banks: evidence from Bahrain. Banks
and Bank Systems, 14(2), 140-151. doi:10.21511/bbs.14(2).2019.12


RELEASED ON Wednesday, 19 June 2019

RECEIVED ON Tuesday, 22 January 2019

ACCEPTED ON Monday, 27 May 2019

LICENSE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

JOURNAL "Banks and Bank Systems"

ISSN PRINT 1816-7403

ISSN ONLINE 1991-7074

PUBLISHER LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”

FOUNDER LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”


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© The author(s) 2021. This publication is an open access article.
Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

Abdul Aziz A. Abdul Rahman (Kingdom of Bahrain)

The impact of strategic

planning on enhancing
the strategic performance
of banks: Evidence from
LLC “СPС “Business Perspectives”
Hryhorii Skovoroda lane, 10,
Sumy, 40022, Ukraine Abstract This study aims to test the impact of strategic planning on enhancing the strategic per-
formance of Bahraini banks. The study has two variables. The strategic planning as an
independent variable includes a group of four perspectives, namely environmental scan-
ning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. The strategic
performance as a dependent variable also includes a group of four perspectives: financial,
customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. The sample of the study
consists of the employees of 10 of all the 12 commercial banks in Bahrain. A question-
naire was developed to gather the data. Five questionnaires were distributed to each bank
totaling 50 questionnaires. The results showed that the strategic planning has a good sta-
tistically significant impact on financial, customer, and learning and growth. The results
Received on: 22nd of January, 2019 also showed a medium statistically significant impact of strategic planning on internal
Accepted on: 27th of May, 2019 business process. The research recommended focusing on all aspects of the strategic per-
formance in the banks under study, specifically the internal business process perspective.

Keywords strategic planning, financial, customer, internal business

process, learning and growth, banks, Bahrain

JEL Classification M49, G21, L25

© Abdul Aziz A.
Abdul Rahman, 2019

Abdul Aziz A. Abdul Rahman, INTRODUCTION

Doctor, Assistant Professor, College
of Business Administration, Kingdom Business organizations, especially the banking sector, are currently
University, Kingdom of Bahrain.
facing major internal and external challenges of fierce competition,
rapid change, diversity of customer desires, renewable technology, so-
cial responsibility, and other factors. In order to meet these challeng-
es, the banks’ administrations are required to adopt new approaches
and strategies that will strengthen the competitive position by raising
internal and external performance levels, especially strategic perfor-
mance in all its perspectives, including financial, customers, internal
business process, and learning and growth.

Strategic planning is one of the most important approaches that im-

proves the performance of organizations. Many studies indicate a pos-
itive relationship between strategic planning at all its stages and the or-
ganizational performance (Arasa & K’Obonyo, 2012). Strategic planning
is defined as a long-term planning that considers internal and external
variables and identifies the targeted market segments and the competi-
This is an Open Access article,
distributed under the terms of the tion methods (Ali & Al-Jaradi, 2016). Strategic planning is carried out
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 in several stages, starting with analyzing internal and external environ-
International license, which permits
unrestricted re-use, distribution, ment, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats anal-
and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly
ysis, followed by strategy formulation, then implementation of strategy
cited. and finally evaluation of strategy (Nzewi & Ojiagu, 2015).

Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

Previous studies have not shown any clear vision about the impact of strategic planning on enhancing
the strategic performance of Bahraini’ banks. Most previous studies in this field have focused on the re-
lationship between strategic planning and several selected factors such as financial performance, orga-
nizational performance, efficiency and others. This research paper seeks to study the impact of strategic
planning as an independent variable on enhancing the strategic performance perspectives, including
financial, customers, internal business process, and learning and growth as dependent variables.

1. STUDY PROBLEM nvironmental scanning, strategy formulation,

strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation,
The strategic planning is an important factor for on enhancing the banks’ strategic performance.
the continuation of the Bahraini banks in this Strategic planning is an effective tool for manag-
complex business environment, especially with ing business in the modern business environment
regard to Bahraini banks seeking to excellence because of its great role in improving the strategic
through continuous work to improve perfor- performance including financial, customer, inter-
mance by increasing profitability, improving cus- nal business process, and learning and growth.
tomer relations, or developing new services. These
elements can be achieved through strategic plan- This study will be an important indicator for the
ning, which is an important factor in the success banking sector in that it will show the strengths
of organizations (Nzewi & Ojiagu, 2015; Ali & Al- and weaknesses within the banking sector. This
Jaradi, 2016). Due to the lack of studies that high- research paper will clarify the perspectives that
lighted the role of strategic planning on enhancing need to be developed in the banking sector in
the banks’ strategic performance, this study seeks Bahrain whether in financial perspective, custom-
to explore the impact of strategic planning on en- er perspective, internal business process perspec-
hancing banks’ strategic performance in Bahrain. tive, and learning and growth perspective or even
in the strategic planning. This study will form the
Accordingly, the problem of this study can be for- basis for further research seeking to explore the
mulated in the following main question: “Does role of strategic planning in organizational perfor-
strategic planning have an impact on enhancing mance in general.
banks’ strategic performance?”

This study aims to explore the impact of strategic DEVELOPMENT
planning on enhancing the banks’ strategic perfor-
mance for a group of Bahraini banks through de- Gomera et al. (2018) aim to determine the relation-
fining the role of strategic planning, including four ship between strategic planning and financial per-
perspectives: environmental scanning, strategy for- formance for a group of businesses in the Buffalo
mulation, strategy implementation, and strategy City Metropolitan. The study showed a positive
evaluation as one variable in each one of the strategic relationship between strategic planning and the
performance variables, namely financial, customer, financial performance of the SMMEs. Specifically,
internal business process, and learning and growth. this study found a positive relationship between
formulation, implementation, evaluation and con-
trol, and the financial performance.
Omotayo et al. (2018) study the relationship between
OF THE STUDY strategic planning and companies’ performance.
The importance of this study arises from being The results found that the strategic performance
the first attempt to determine the impact of stra- has an important impact on the organizational
tegic planning including four main perspectives, performance through different factors like quality 141
Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

Independent variables Dependent variables

Environmental scanning Financial

Strategic Strategy formulation Strategic Customer

planning performance
Strategy implementation Internal business process

Strategy evaluation Learning and growth

Figure 1. Research framework

of product, employee’s satisfaction, customer’s sat- strategic planning and planning outcomes, and
isfaction, and market performance. The study also finally between planning outcomes and firm’s per-
found that Nigerian banks shall make a significant formance. Thus, the study indicates that effective
improvement on their performance if the strategic strategic planning leads to a positive change in the
planning is properly integrated by them. firm’s performance.

Otieno et al. (2018) examine the impact of im- Most studies focus on exploring the relationship
plementing strategic management on the per- between strategic planning and the firm’s perfor-
formance of small and medium enterprises in mance or financial performance (Nzewi & Ojiagu,
Nairobi. The results show that the environmen- 2015; Arasa & K’Obonyo, 2012; Gomera et al.,
tal analysis, strategy formulation, strategy imple- 2018; Omotayo et al., 2018; Owolabi & Makinde,
mentation, and strategy evaluation have a positive 2012). Anyway, the relationship between strategic
impact on the financial performance of SMEs in planning and strategic performance is still in its
the service sector in Kenya. The results show that infancy. This study tries to explore the impact of
SMEs which adopted strategic planning process strategic planning on a group of dependent var-
are likely to achieve better financial performance. iables, which reflects the strategic performance.
Similar study by Nzewi and Ojiagu (2015) aims to This group of variables includes financial, custom-
examine the relationship between strategic plan- ers, internal business process, and learning and
ning and performance of commercial banks in growth. This study will complement previous re-
Nigeria. The results reveal a weak positive cor- search by demonstrating the role of strategic plan-
relation between total assets and profit after tax. ning in each perspective of the strategic perfor-
Owolabi and Makinde (2012) aims to examine the mance dimensions for a group of Bahraini banks.
impact of strategic planning on the universities’
performance. They also examine how this affects Based on the above literature review, Figure 1 re-
the efficiency and effectiveness of management. flects the impact of strategic planning on enhanc-
The results reveal a significant positive correlation ing the banks’ strategic performance in Bahrain.
between strategic planning and universities’ per-
formance. The study concluded that strategic plan-
ning is useful for universities in achieving specific 5. HYPOTHESES
objectives. The study by Sophia and Owuor (2015)
aims to explore the effects of strategic planning on
organizational growth in Kenya. The results show Based on the research framework, this research
that a well implemented strategic planning in the paper can be expressed in four hypotheses:
organization is effective towards the growth.
H01: Strategic planning has no impact on the fi-
Awino et al. (2012) examine the impact of strate- nancial perspective.
gic planning on the firm’s performance. The study
shows a significant and positive relationship be- H02: Strategic planning has no impact on the cus-
tween strategic planning and firm’s performance, tomer perspective.

Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

H03: Strategic planning has no impact on the in- zation identify opportunities and threats such as
ternal business process perspective. entry of new competitors, technological changes,
enforcing new environmental regulations, and
H04: Strategic planning has no impact on the others (Ayanda & Oyinlola, 2014).
learning and growth perspective.
Internal analysis is limited to analyzing internal
processes, such as production processes, resources
6. VARIABLES OF THE STUDY and accounting, to identify strengths and weak-
nesses in order to exploit the strengths of the or-
6.1. Strategic planning ganization to gain any competitive advantage for
the organization and thereby minimize weak-
Global competition, spread of technology, busi- nesses such as changing information systems or
ness diversification and increased focus on the changing office equipment (Rothaermel, 2017).
environment and human resources have become Organizations should use the environmental scan-
important reasons for the emergence of strategic ning for strategy formulation purposes, which
planning (Rothaermel, 2017). Planning as the first contributes to the achievement of the organiza-
step of the management process is an important tion’s mission (Aremu & Oyinloye, 2014). This
factor in the survival and growth of any project variable will be measured in the questionnaire by
in the competitive business environment that is the questions from (1) to (4) in the environmental
constantly changing. Strategic planning is an an- scanning section.
alytical process involving analysis, formulation,
implementation and evaluation (Nzewi & Ojiagu, 6.1.2. Strategy formulation
2015). Different authors indicate that traditional
top-down strategic planning includes three steps, The strategic plan passes through three phases:
namely analysis, formulation and implementation vision, mission and objectives. Vision is defined
(Rothaermel, 2017). as the future path of the organization that de-
termines what the organization wants to reach
For this study, strategic planning is consisting of and the center it intends to achieve (Rothaermel,
environmental scanning, strategy formulation, 2017). Mission represents the products and ser-
strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. vices that the organization intends to provide
Same variables have been used by different au- as well as the markets that it intends to enter
thors (Otieno et al., 2018). (Rothaermel, 2017). The objectives are the results
to be achieved through outputs that the organi-
6.1.1. Environmental scanning zation delivers in the form of products or services
with specified features that lead to these results
This step represents the analysis of the inter- or objectives. Based on the environmental analy-
nal and external environment of the organiza- sis, the organization will be able to formulate its
tion. Organizations usually use several tools to strategy to ensure that the objectives are achieved
carry out this analysis, such as SWOT analy- and in line with its vision and mission. This vari-
sis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and able will be measured in the questionnaire by the
Threats), PEST analysis (Political, Economic, questions from (1) to (4) in the strategy formula-
Social and Technological), EPISTEL tool tion section.
(Environment, Political, Informatics, Social,
Technological, Economic and Legal) and the 6.1.3. Strategy implementation
ARM approach (Targeted strategies, measuring
progress approach and impact). SWOT analysis is It refers to putting the strategy into practice and to
one of the most popular of these tools as it collects making sub-organizational entities begin to im-
data about the internal and external environment plement their roles in the strategic plan successful-
of the organization to be used in strategy formu- ly by building an organizational structure capable
lation. External analysis of the environment is an of implementing the plan, allocation of support-
important source of data that helps the organi- ing budgets and programs to implement the strat- 143
Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

egy, and developing an information system and 6.2.2. The customer perspective
follow-up reports to monitor the progress of the
implementation process, as well as creating an in- It reflects the organization’s ability to attain cus-
ternal regulatory environment that is in line with tomer satisfaction by achieving the appropriate
the success of the strategy (Babafemi, 2015). This quality and price. This perspective includes multi-
variable will be measured in the questionnaire by ple performance dimensions such as customer sat-
the questions from (1) to (4) in the strategy imple- isfaction, customer retention, and customer profit-
mentation section. ability (Kaplan & Norton, 1992; Kaplan & Norton,
2007; Shibani & Gherbal, 2018). This variable will
6.1.4. Strategy evaluation be measured in the questionnaire by the questions
from (1) to (4) in the customer section.
The process of developing or implementing the
strategy cannot be viewed as a one-time task. This 6.2.3. The internal business process perspective
means that sometimes the implementation of the
strategy is not going well, or there may be chang- It focuses on the ability of the organization to
es in the internal and external environment of the achieve the excellence and success through effi-
enterprise, which leads to the need to do some ad- ciency and effectiveness. It highlights the most
justments to re-route the strategy, furthermore, important processes in the success of the organ-
there may be significant changes at the level of the ization’s strategy in increasing the customer satis-
organization’s environment making it necessary faction (Kaplan & Norton, 1992; Kaplan & Norton,
to make a change in its strategy (Agwu, 2018). This 2007). This variable will be measured in the ques-
variable will be measured in the questionnaire by tionnaire by the questions from (1) to (4) in the
the questions from (1) to (4) in the strategy evalu- internal business process section.
ation section.
6.2.4. The learning and growth perspective
6.2. Strategic performance
It reflects the organization’s ability in innovation
The balanced scorecard created by Kaplan and and creation. The creation, learning and growth ac-
Norton (1992) will be the basic resource to deter- tivities depend on three main sources (people, sys-
mine the different perspectives of strategic per- tems and organizational processes). The progress
formance. However, four perspectives of strate- in achieving the organization’s objectives requires
gic performance have been determined: financial, investing in retraining of employees, developed
customer, internal business process, and learning systems and information technology, and organiz-
and growth. ing the organizational processes (Kaplan & Norton,
1992; Kaplan & Norton, 2007). This variable will
6.2.1. The financial perspective be measured in the questionnaire by the questions
from (1) to (4) in the learning and growth section.
This perspective indicates the extent to which the
implementation of organization’s strategy con-
tributes to the continuous improvement of its ob- 7. METHODS USED
jectives and operations. Financial objectives can
be expressed by the level of profits and growth
achieved. These objectives are based on revenue
growth, cost reduction and productivity improve- 7.1. Population and sample
ment. They can usually be measured by return on
investment, growth in sales or income, increase in To achieve the research objectives, the study was
market share, and economic value added (Kaplan conducted on 10 of the 12 commercial banks op-
& Norton, 1992; Kaplan & Norton, 2007; Shibani erating in Bahrain due to the reservation of the
& Gherbal, 2018). This variable will be measured remaining two banks to the questionnaire. Five
in the questionnaire by the questions from (1) to questionnaires were distributed to each bank to-
(4) in the financial section. taling 50 questionnaires. A total of 44 question-

Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

naires were valid to use in the statistical analysis. To verify the validity of the questionnaire, the
The distribution of questionnaires targeted man- correlation coefficients for each variable were
agers and heads of departments. calculated separately. Table 2 shows that all cor-
relation coefficients are significant. This means
The questionnaire included three sections, starting that the variables of the questionnaire have
with general information about the respondents as structural validity.
the first section. The second section includes ques-
Table 2. Internal validity testing
tions that measure the independent variable “stra-
tegic planning” including four perspectives: envi- Correlation Number
ronmental scanning, strategy formulation, strat- No. Variables
coefficient of items
egy implementation, and strategy evaluation. The 1 Strategic planning 0.688** 16
third section includes questions that measure the
dependent variable “strategic performance” includ- 2 Financial 0.720** 4

ing also four perspectives: financial, customer, in- 3 Customer 0.894** 4

ternal business process, and learning and growth. 4 Internal business process 0.653** 4
For gathering data, a questionnaire has been de-
5 Learning and growth 0.869** 32
signed based on five-point Likert scale: (Strongly
disagree = 1, Disagree = 2, Neutral = 3, Agree = 4, Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), *
Strongly agree = 5). The responses’ means were Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
classified into three levels, namely high (3.67-5),
medium (2.34-3.66), and low (1-2.33). SPSS 17.0 was
used for data analysis purposes. 8. ANALYSIS
7.2. Reliability and internal validity
testing OF RESULTS
Cronbach’s Alpha scale was used to measure relia- 8.1. The independent variable
bility. Table 1 shows the lowest value of Cronbach’s
Alpha for the independent variable (Strategic plan- To analyze the gathered data, the researcher us-
ning) and the dependent variable (Financial), which es different types of the descriptive statistics such
is 0.87, whereas the highest value of Cronbach’s as mean, standard deviation, and percentages and
Alpha is 0.91 for the independent variable and ranking. Table 3 shows the results of analyzing the
the dependent variable (Learning and growth). responses of the independent variable (strategic
However, the total value of Cronbach’s Alpha for planning) as one independent variable including
the whole variables is 0.92. This value is considered four perspectives: environmental scanning, strate-
an excellent value since it is greater than 80%. The gy formulation, strategy implementation, and strat-
value of Cronbach’s alpha is considered weak if it is egy evaluation.
less than 60%, acceptable if it is between 60%-70%,
good if it is between 70%-80%, and excellent if it is The data in Table 3 includes the mean’s values
greater than 80% (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). for all variables related to the four perspectives
of strategic planning ranged between 4 and
Table 1. Reliability testing
3.129 with an average of 3.714, which is consid-
Cronbach’s Number ered a high level. These mean’s values indicate
No. Variables
alpha of items that the commercial banks in Bahrain adopt
1 Strategic planning/financial 0.87 20 strategic planning in all its components and
2 Strategic planning/customer 0.90 20 that the employees of these banks have a great
Strategic planning/internal knowledge of the concepts of strategic planning.
3 0.88 20
business process In turn it will be reflected positively on the stra-
Strategic planning/learning and
0.91 20 tegic performance of these banks in all perspec-
tives, namely financial, customer, internal busi-
5 Total 0.92 32
ness process, and learning and growth. 145
Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

Table 3. Descriptive statistics of responses for the independent variable (strategic planning)
No. Statement Mean Percentages
Environmental scanning
1 The bank constantly monitors the staff skills to determine training needs 3.774 0.845 0.755
The bank constantly monitors the process system to improve service quality and
2 3.871 0.718 0.774
reduce costs
The bank continuously distributes questionnaires to its customers to determine
3 3.129 0.718 0.626
their satisfaction with the quality of service
4 The bank’s market share is continuously analyzed 3.483 1.061 0.697
Strategy formulation
1 The bank has a clear vision, mission and strategy 3.936 0.814 0.787
2 Employees are fully realizing the previous factors 3.71 0.693 0.742
3 The bank’s objectives are set in the light of its vision and mission 3.839 0.86 0.768
4 The strategy is reviewed periodically to evaluate achievements 3.774 0.717 0.755
Strategy implementation
1 The bank has an organizational structure capable of implementing the strategy 3.645 0.798 0.729
2 Employees carry out the work entrusted to them with the required quality 3.871 0.619 0.774
3 Works are completed without exceeding the allocated resources 3.29 1.039 0.658
The bank issues periodic reports indicating the degree of implementation of the
4 3.903 0.746 0.78
Strategy evaluation
1 The bank issues periodic reports indicating variances for both costs and revenues 4 0.683 0.8
2 The bank monitors customer feedback to develop its strategy 3.645 0.709 0.729
The bank makes some adjustments to the strategy in response to internal and
3 3.677 0.945 0.735
external changes
4 The bank maintains alternative strategies to deal with potential threats 3.871 0.846 0.774
Average 3.714 0.478 0.743

8.2. The dependent variables Table 4 shows that the mean’s values of financial
perspective ranged between 3.323-3.807 with an
Table 4 shows the results of analyzing the respons- average of 3.565. These values indicate that the
es of the separated dependent variables, financial, commercial banks’ financial performance is rela-
customer, internal business process, and learn- tively high. As for the customer perspective, the
ing and growth, as the components of strategic mean’s average is 3.540. This value indicates that
performance. the commercial banks have a good relationship
Table 4. Descriptive statistics of responses for dependent variables (strategic performance)

No. Statement Mean Percentages
1 The bank’s market share is continuously increasing 3.323 0.871 0.665
2 Number of customers is continuously increasing 3.71 0.824 0.742
3 Return on capital is continuously increasing 3.807 0.654 0.761
4 Costs of performing operations are continuously decreasing 3.419 1.119 0.684
Average 3.565 0.461 0.713
The policy of direct contact with customers has contributed greatly to
1 3.742 0.855 0.748
increasing customer loyalty
Paying attention to current customers has greatly contributed to winning new
2 3.581 0.848 0.716
3 Number of customer complaints is constantly decreasing 3.161 0.779 0.632
4 Periodic customer feedback indicates a high degree of satisfaction 3.677 0.945 0.735
Average 3.54 0.68 0.708

Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

Table 4 (cont.). Descriptive statistics of responses for dependent variables (strategic performance)
No. Statement Mean Percentages
Internal business process
Revenue obtained from new customers indicates a significant portion of total
1 3.452 0.768 0.69
2 Additional customer services are provided from time to time 4.032 0.706 0.806
3 Problems related to electronic services are almost zero 3.258 1.154 0.652
There is a clear reduction in process time including response time for
4 3.258 0.93 0.652
customer services
Average 3.5 0.655 0.7
Learning and growth
1 The results indicate a high degree of employee satisfaction 3.387 0.882 0.677
2 Employees turnover is constantly decreasing 3.258 0.729 0.652
3 The bank receives the staff’s proposals with all due attention 3.581 0.923 0.716
4 The bank rewards the important proposals in preparation for their application 3.452 0.961 0.69
Average 3.419 0.708 0.684

with their customers. It also shows that the com- pendent variable (strategic planning), the value of
mercial banks face high competition in Bahrain, T is 4.431 and the significance level is 0.000, which
which prevents them from achieving a high levels means that the regression coefficient is significant.
of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The internal Consequently, the impact of the independent var-
business process perspective has a mean’s average iable (strategic planning) on the dependent vari-
of 3.5, which suggests that the commercial banks able (financial) is statistically significant. The re-
always strive to excel in customer service and meet gression equation is:
their wishes. However, commercial banks still
face challenges in gaining customer satisfaction =
Y1 1.289 + 0.613 X , (1)
and loyalty. The mean’s average of learning and
growth perspective is 3.419, which indicates that where Y1 – financial, X – strategic planning.
the commercial banks still need to develop the
performance of their employees and make them Testing the significance of the regression model
more involved in the development of services that that links the two variables shows that the value
contribute to more satisfied customers. of F is 19.637, and the significance level is 0.000,
which means that the model linking the two vari-
ables is significant.
Regarding the strength of the impact of strategic
9.1. Test of the first hypothesis planning on financial perspective, the value of
correlation coefficient is 0.635, which is consid-
This hypothesis states “Strategic planning has ered good correlation, and the impact of strategic
no impact on the financial perspective”. Table 5 planning on financial perspective is direct and
shows the results of the first hypothesis test. positive. This means that the greater the strategic
planning, the greater the financial performance
Table 5 shows that the constant has a value of T and vice versa. The value of correlation is consid-
2.490 and the significance level of 0.019, which is ered weak if it is less than 30%, medium if it is
less than 0.05. This indicates that the constant is between 30%-60%, good if it is between 60%-80%,
significant. For regression coefficient of the inde- and strong if it is greater than 80% (Alobaid, 2004).

Table 5. The impact of strategic planning on the financial perspective

Model Coefficient T Sig. F Sig. R R2
Constant 1.289 2.490 0.019
19.637 0.000 0.635 0.404
Strategic planning 0.613 4.431 0.000
Note: Dependent variable: financial. 147
Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

The value of determination coefficient is 0.404, which Testing the significance of the regression model
means that strategic planning interprets 40% of the that links the two variables shows that the value
changes in financial performance, and the remain- of F is 22.954, and the significance level is 0.000,
ing percentage is due to other factors. Based on the which means that the model that links the two
variables is significant. Regarding the strength
previous results, it is possible to present that strate-
gic planning has a statistically significant impact on of the impact of strategic planning on customer
the financial perspective. As a result, the first null perspective, the value of correlation coefficient is
hypothesis “Strategic planning has no impact on 0.665, which is considered a good correlation, and
the financial perspective” is rejected and the alter- the impact of strategic planning on customer per-
native hypothesis “Strategic planning has an impact spective is direct and positive. This means that
on the financial perspective” is accepted. The good the greater the strategic planning, the greater the
correlation between strategic planning and financial customer relations and vice versa. The value of de-
perspective can be explained by the fact that those termination coefficient is 0.442, which means that
banks always seek to increase market share and re- strategic planning interprets 44% of the changes in
duce costs in order to improve profitability and com- the customer perspective, and the remaining per-
centage is due to other factors. Based on the pre-
petitive position. The result of this hypothesis is con-
sistent with the study by Gomera et al. (2018) and vious results, it is possible to present that strategic
Otieno et al. (2018) who showed a positive impact of planning has a statistically significant impact on
strategic planning on financial performance. the customer perspective. As a result, the second
null hypothesis “Strategic planning has no impact
9.2. Test of the second hypothesis on the customer perspective” is rejected and the
alternative hypothesis “Strategic planning has an
This hypothesis states “Strategic planning has impact on the customer perspective” is accepted.
no impact on the customer perspective”. Table 6 The good correlation between strategic planning
shows the results of the second hypothesis test. and customer perspective can be explained by the
fact that those banks always seek to improve the
Table 6 shows that the constant has a value of T customer relations by focusing on improving cus-
0.035 and the significance level is 0.937. For re- tomer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. This re-
gression coefficient of the independent variable sult is consistent with the study by Omotayo et al.
(strategic planning), the value of T is 4.791 and the (2018) who showed a positive impact of strategic
significance level is 0.000, which means that the planning on customer satisfaction as a part of or-
regression coefficient is significant. Accordingly, ganizational performance.
the impact of the independent variable (strategic
planning) on the dependent variable (customer) is 9.3. Test of the third hypothesis
statistically significant. The regression equation is:
This hypothesis states “Strategic planning has no
= Y2 0.026 + 0.946 X , (2) impact on the internal business process perspec-
tive”. Table 7 shows the results of the third hypoth-
where Y2 – customer, X – strategic planning. esis test.
Table 6. The impact of strategic planning on the customer perspective
Model Coefficient T Sig. F Sig. R R2
Constant 0.026 0.035 0.973
22.954 0.000 0.665 0.442
Strategic planning 0.946 4.791 0.000

Note: Dependent variable: customer.

Table 7. The impact of strategic planning on the internal business process perspective
Model Coefficient T Sig. F Sig. R R2
Constant 1.272 1.484 0.148
6.868 0.014 0.438 0.191
Strategic planning 0.600 2.621 0.014

Note: Dependent variable: internal business process.

Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

Table 7 shows that the constant has a value of T ent with the study by Omotayo et al. (2018) who
1.484 and the significance level of 0.148. For re- showed a positive impact of strategic planning on
gression coefficient of the independent variable customer satisfaction as a part of organizational
(strategic planning), the value of T is 2.621 and the performance.
significance level is 0.014, which means that the
regression coefficient is significant. Consequently, 9.4. Test of the fourth hypothesis
the impact of the independent variable (strategic
planning) on the dependent variable (internal This hypothesis states “Strategic planning has no
business process) is statistically significant. The impact on the learning and growth perspective”.
regression equation is: Table 8 shows the results of the fourth hypothesis
Y3 1.272 + 0.600 X , (3)
Table 8 shows that the constant has a value of T
where Y3 – internal business process, X – strategic –0.556 and the significance level of 0.583. For re-
planning. gression coefficient of the independent variable
(strategic planning), the value of T is 5.219 and the
Testing the significance of the regression model significance level is 0.000, which means that the
that links the two variables shows that the value of regression coefficient is significant. Consequently,
F is 6.868, and the significance level is 0.014. This the impact of the independent variable (strategic
means that the model linking the two variables is planning) on the dependent variable (learning
significant. Regarding the strength of the impact and growth) is statistically significant. The regres-
of strategic planning on the internal business pro- sion equation is:
cess, the value of correlation coefficient is 0.438,
which is considered a medium correlation, and Y4 = −0.411 + 1.031X , (4)
the impact of strategic planning on internal busi-
ness process is direct and positive. The value of de- where Y4 – learning and growth, X – strategic
termination coefficient is 0.191, which means that planning.
strategic planning interprets 19% of the changes
in the internal business process perspective, and Testing the significance of the regression model
the remaining percentage is due to other factors. that links the two variables shows that the value
Based on the previous results, it is possible to pres- of F is 27.235, and the significance level is 0.000,
ent that strategic planning has a statistically signif- which means that the model linking the two
icant impact on the customer perspective. As a re- variables is significant. Regarding the strength
sult, the third null hypothesis “Strategic planning of the impact of strategic planning on learning
has no impact on the internal business process per- and growth, the value of correlation coefficient is
spective” is rejected and the alternative hypothesis 0.696, which is considered a good correlation, and
“Strategic planning has an impact on the internal the impact of strategic planning on learning and
business process perspective” is accepted. The me- growth is direct and positive. The value of deter-
dium correlation between strategic planning and mination coefficient is 0.484, which means that
internal business process perspective can be ex- strategic planning interprets 48% of the changes
plained by the fact that the studied banks need to in learning and growth perspective, and the re-
focus on improving the internal business process maining percentage is due to other factors. Based
perspective to ensure higher quality service deliv- on the previous results, it is possible to present
ery and short response time. This result is consist- that strategic planning has a statistically signif-
Table 8. The impact of strategic planning on the learning and growth perspective

Model Coefficients T Sig. F Sig. R R2

Constant –0.411 –0.556 0.583
27.235 0.000 0.696 0.484
Strategic planning 1.031 5.219 0.000

Note: Dependent variable: learning and growth. 149
Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, 2019

icant impact on the learning and growth per- tegic planning and the internal business process
spective. As a result, the fourth null hypothesis perspective can be explained by the fact that the
“Strategic planning has no impact on the learn- strategic planning process is strongly influenced
ing and growth perspective” is rejected and the by learning and growth. This result is consistent
alternative hypothesis “Strategic planning has an with the study by Sophia and Owuor (2015) who
impact on the learning and growth perspective” showed a positive impact of strategic planning on
is accepted. The good correlation between stra- organizational growth.

The study concluded that implementing strategic planning has a positive impact on strategic perfor-
mance including all its perspectives, namely financial, customer, internal business processes, and learn-
ing and growth. The study showed a good relationship between the implementing strategic planning
and the financial, customer, and learning and growth perspectives. As for the internal business process,
the relationship between strategic planning and the internal business process perspective was medium.
This result indicates that the commercial banks should review the internal business process perspec-
tive to make sure that the services are provided to customer with higher quality and faster response.
Improving internal business process will be reflected on increasing customer satisfaction, retention, and
loyalty, which in turn will be reflected on increasing financial performance. The results of this study will
help banks to focus on improving internal processes to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Some
restrictions have been observed in this research, for example, the study covered only commercial banks
in Bahrain. For future research, the researcher recommends covering more banks in Bahrain. However,
looking at more variables will also serve as an appropriate future research that leads to a better under-
standing of the usefulness of strategic planning implementation.

The study recommends focusing on the internal business process perspective. Focusing on the internal
business process perspective will be reflected in higher services quality and faster response, which in
turn will be reflected on greater customer’s satisfaction and loyalty, thereby improving the banks’ prof-
itability through improving market share and thus improving the banks’ strategic performance.

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