Impact of Credit Risk Managenment On Performance of Nepalese Commercial Banks
Impact of Credit Risk Managenment On Performance of Nepalese Commercial Banks
Impact of Credit Risk Managenment On Performance of Nepalese Commercial Banks
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Manisha Parajuli
MBS-F Scholar of Lumbini Banijya Campus, Nepal
Credit risk management in the banking sector is important not only because of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) experienced
in recent years but also due to its greater impact on bank’s financial performance, growth and survival. Credit loans is one of
the key sources of income of commercial banks, therefore managing the risk related to credit greatly impacts the bank’s
This study investigates the impact of credit risk management on the profitability of Nepalese commercial banks. Data from 5
commercial banks for the period 2011 to 2021 have been collected and analyzed using correlation and multiple regression
analysis. In the model specification, return on asset (ROA) and Earnings per share (EPS) were used as bank profitability
indicators while non-performing loan ratio (NPL), capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and credit to deposit ratio (CDR) were used as
indicators of credit risk management.
The study reveal that there is significant relationship between NPL and CAR with profitability of commercial banks. Similarly,
there does not exist a significant relationship between CDR and profitability of commercial banks. Since it was found by
combining all samples data in one that overall impact of NPLR and CAR has negative effect on ROA and EPS. So all the
banks should be considered toward reducing the NPL ratio and maintaining CAR.
Keywords: non- performing loan, capital adequacy ratio, credit to deposit ratio, return on assets, earning per share
International Journal of Finance and Commerce
Limitations of the study ▪ Only limited financial and statistical tools are used for
The proposed study has certain limitation on its part, which analysis.
are as follows: ▪ This study will cover time period of F/Y 2011/2012-
▪ Among 26 commercial banks this study is based on 2020/2021.
only five commercial banks named Nepal SBI Bank
Ltd, Mega Bank Nepal Ltd, Prime Commercial Bank
Review of literature
Ltd, Sunrise Bank Ltd and Everest Bank ltd.
▪ This study is based on secondary data taken from Theoretical framework
annual financial report of the sample banks. The research framework of the study is in Figure 1
Source: (Bhattarai, 2016) [9], (Zou & Li, 2014), (Pradhan & Shrestha, 2016) [40], (Poudel, 2012) [42]
Fig 1
Empirical review Adiola and Olausi (2014) [3] examined credit risk
Abdelrahim (2013) [1] in an attempt to investigate the management in banks has become more important not only
determinants, challenges and drivers of developing the because of the financial crisis that the industry is
effectiveness of credit risk management of Saudi Banks’. experiencing currently, but also a crucial concept which
The variables are capital adequacy, assets quality, determine banks’ survival, growth and profitability. The
management soundness and earning were found to have an findings revealed that credit risk management has a
insignificant impact on the effectiveness of credit risk significant impact on the profitability of commercial banks’
management of Saudi Arabian banks. in Nigeria.
Afriyie and Akotey (2012) [4] examined the impact of credit Kithinji (2010)Studied the relationship between Credit Risk
risk management on the profitability of rural and Management and the performance of financial institutions in
community banks in Ghana using panel regression model South Sudan using measures of institutional performance
for the period 2006 to 2010. The findings of the study show and Credit Risk Management. The results of the study
the existence of a significant positive relationship between indicated that not only profitability but other variables also
non-performing loans and bank profitability. found to be dependent on level of loans and non performing
Kaaya & Pastory (2013) [12] analyzed the relationship credit.
between credit risk and bank performance of commercial Adeusi, Oluwafemi, Akeke, Isroel, Adebisi, and Simeon
banks in Tanzania using regression analysis. The findings of (2014) [2] investigated risk management issues in the
this study show that credit risk indicators used in this study banking sector do not only have greater impact on bank
have a negative correlation with bank performance. performance but also on national economic growth and
Sharma Poudel (2012) [42] try to explore various parameters general business development. The bank’s motivation for
pertinent to credit risk management as it effects banks’ risk management comes from those risks which can lead to
financial performance. Such parameters covered in the study underperformance. This study focuses on the association of
were; default rate, cost per loan assets and capital adequacy risk management practices and bank financial performance
ratio. The study revealed that all these parameters have an in Nigeria. The study concludes a significant relationship
inverse impact on banks’ financial performance; however, between banks performance and risk management.
the default rate is the most predictor of bank financial Alshatti (2017) [7] evaluated the influence of credit risk
performance. management on profitability of thirteen Jordanian
Hamza (2017) [10] conducted a study on the impact of credit commercial banks. Credit risk management was estimated
risk management on performance of commercial banks in by capital adequacy ratio (CAR), credit interest/credit
Pakistan. In this model the LLPR, NPLR and LR variables facilities ratio, facilities loss/net facilities ratio, facilities
have negative and CAR, LAR and SIZE variables have loss/gross facilities ratio, leverage ratio, non-performing
positive impact on the dependent variable. loans/gross loans ratio while profitability was estimated by
Singh (2015) examined the effect of credit risk management ROA and ROE. The empirical findings suggested a positive
on private and public sector banks in India. For this purpose, impact of non-performing loans/gross loans ratio on
researcher has taken ROA is performance indicator. The profitability. Further, the results showed that capital
CAR and NPAs is credit risk management indicator. adequacy ratio, credit interest/credit facilities and the
Researcher has applied two-way regression model. leverage ratio had no effect on the profitability (ROE) of the
International Journal of Finance and Commerce
International Journal of Finance and Commerce
International Journal of Finance and Commerce
Table 5: Regression Model of EPS on NPLR, CAR and CDR negative and statistically significant impact on bank
Standar overall R profitability of Nepalese commercial banks. The finding
Coefficients t Stat P-value confirms with expectation and the finding of (Pradhan &
d Error P value Square
Intercept 139. 137 23. 654 5. 882 0. 000 Shrestha, 2016) [40], (Poudel, 2012) [42] but contrary to
NPL -8. 112 2. 476 -3. 277 0. 002 (Abdelrahim, 2013) [1] and (Afriyie & Akotey, 2012) [4]. On
0. 000 0. 387 the other hand credit to deposit ratio (CDR) could not be
CAR -4. 814 1. 556 -3. 093 0. 003
CDR -0. 460 0. 282 -1. 629 0. 110 regarded as influencing variable on bank performance as
they are found to be insignificant at 5 percent level of
Table 4. 14 show the multiple- regression Model of EPS on significance. The analysis revealed that CDR does not have
independent variables. The regression coefficients of EPS any significant relationship between banks profitability.
on NPLR, CAR and CDR are -8. 112, -4. 814 and -0. 460
respectively. Which means 1% increase in NPLR has effect Conclusion and Implications
of 8. 112% decrease in EPS and 1% increase in CAR leads The analyses revealed that NPLR has a statistically
to 4. 814% decrease in EPS and similarly 1% increase in significant negative impact on financial performance of
CDR will leads to 0. 460% decrease in EPS. Nepalese commercial banks. The findings prove that NPL in
R square of 0. 387 indicates that the variation in the value of Nepalese commercial banks decreases loan payment,
EPS is affected by only 38. 7%remaining percentage of resulting in less income and less available capital to invest
variation in EPS is dependent upon other than those factors. which leads to decrease in bank profitability.
The overall significance or p value of 0. 000 which is Further, the analyses revealed that capital adequacy ratio
obviously lower than 0. 05. Which shows that there is (CAR) has a negative and statistically significant impact on
statistically significant relationship between EPS and the bank profitability of Nepalese commercial banks. This study
predictor variables. in contrast accepts the hypothesis that there is significantly
negative relationship between CAR and banks profitability.
Hypothesis testing On the other hand, the last independent variables of credit to
H1: Non-performing loan (NPL) has a significant deposit ratio (CDR) could not be regarded as influencing
relationship between EPS of commercial banks. variable on bank performance as they are found to be
insignificant at 5 percent level of significance. The analysis
H2: Capital adequacy ratio (CAR) has significant effect on revealed that CDR does not have any significant
the EPS of commercial banks. relationship between banks profitability.
Implications of this study are
H3: Credit-deposit ratio (CDR) has a significant effect on ▪ This study help the Nepalese banking sector in ensuring
EPS of commercial banks. that the best strategies are being used to reduce risk.
▪ The results of this study can be used by Nepal Rastra
Decision 1 Bank to create plans and policies for banks and other
From the above result of regression analysis, we found that financial institutions.
there is statistically significance relationship between NPL ▪ This study would be beneficial for those people who are
and EPS because the P value is 0. 002 which is lower than 0. interesting to know about these particular banks.
05. So, we accept alternative hypothesis. ▪ Finally, it is crucial for all sample banks to be aware of
the financial standing and state of risk management.
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