Tehelka TP 31 DEC 2021
Tehelka TP 31 DEC 2021
Tehelka TP 31 DEC 2021
Unprovoked firing by the Army upon a pick-up
vehicle resulting in the death of 15 civilians in
Nagaland’s Mon district has caused widespread
anger and outrage. 10
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giant leap ahead of time may not be prudent for Banerjee
Kumkum is a political
journalist known for her ith West Bengal Chief Capital, New Delhi, Banerjee had skipped
no holds barred writings. Minister Mamata Baner- meeting Congress chief Mrs. Sonia Gan-
An author of several books, jee dishing out a shocker dhi: “It is not constitutionally mandated”
her latest “The Marigold announcing the demise she had said when asked why she did
Story: Indira Gandhi and of the Congress-led not meet the Congress President. Even if
Others”won critical United Progressive Alliance or the UPA as the battle lines were, then, a bit hazy, her
acclaim. Conferred several it is better known, a section of the Opposi- sounding UPA’s death knell has deepened
awards for fearless writings, tion is in a tizzy. The UPA, Banerjee had the political divide.
Kumkum also served on said, was virtually non-existent. Banerjee, it may be recalled, was a
the National Committee on The Congress’ coalition partners in Ma- constituent of the UPA when it was in
Jail Reforms harashtra, namely the Shiv Sena and the power between 2004 and 2014. She even
NCP, who Banerjee met during her recent served as Union Railways Minister during
visit to Mumbai, were in a bind because of Dr Manmohan Singh’s tenure as Prime
this outburst. Minister.
For the uninitiated, after a meeting Till 1998, she was part of the Congress
with Nationalist Congress Party’s Chief before she broke away to form the Trina-
Sharad Pawar, Banerjee had said: “What is mool Congress. At heart, she remained in-
UPA? There is no UPA?”. grained in the Congress ideology. She also
Earlier during her visit to the national enjoyed a special rapport with Congress
chief Mrs Sonia Gandhi.
However, of late the relation-
West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee ship between the Congress and
with NCP chief Sharad Pawar the TMC has hit an all-time low.
The TMC has unabashedly wel-
comed well- known Congress
faces into its fold, particularly
Rahul Gandhi’s loyalists.
The Congress is crying foul
alleging large scale poach-
ing by the TMC that has not
confined itself to the home state.
If anything, it has extended its
footprint even in the north. This
is because Banerjee is now look-
ing beyond Bengal and there-
fore the need to rope in leaders
from states like Uttar Pradesh,
Goa, Haryana, Bihar and still
Apart from Sushmita Dev,
Mukul Sangma, both from the
teraction with civil society during her In an editorial in its mouthpiece too a spectacular one has given her
controversial Mumbai visit. Saamana, the Shiv Sena said that bigger dreams and there is no reason
One cannot fault Banerjee for being strengthening the UPA is the only why she should let anyone trample
enraged at the Congress’ inertia. What option before the Opposition parties. over them, least of all the Congress.
others can clearly decipher, the leader- The editorial came a few days after Hence the need to reinvent her Party
ship seems ill-equipped to decode. Banerjee’s No UPA remark. and go beyond the Bengal-boundary
There is a large-scale exodus from Technically, Raut is right. The Con- as it were.
the grand old Party, which is not so gress is the only Opposition Party that To be fair to Banerjee, she is not
grand anymore. Those who chose to has a national footprint and whatever suggesting that the united Opposition
stay back are also restless because the Banerjee or the TMC’s feats may be, should be Congress-less. If anything
Party is doing little to assuage feelings they still have a distance to cover. she is advocating a strong alternative
or address concerns. At the macro Banerjee may be in a hurry to do so force: “We want everyone to join the
level, it has failed to comprehend the but a giant leap ahead of Time may be fight,” she is reported to have said. This
challenge posed by the BJP. imprudent. was reiterated by Sharad Pawar who
This is Banerjee’s angst and hence In a Party to Party comparison, the said that the intention is to have a plat-
her outburst because she is unwill- Congress is way ahead and despite the form of “collective leadership”.
ing, and rightly so, to stake her or her TMC trying to enlarge its footprint, it Unlike Pawar, Banerjee’s problem is
Party’s future at the whim and fancy still has a long way to go. that the Congress does not appear to be
of the Congress. Her political upbring- For starters, it would have to shed in the fight. Irrespective of the ground
ing and fiery spirit has taught her to its Bengali Party tag and pitch itself as reality, perception is a crucial factor in
seize the moment and this being the one which is sensitive to the aspira- Indian politics and on that count, the
opportune time she is raring to go. Not tions of the non-Bengali people who Congress is on a weak footing.
the one to mince words, Banerjee has, live outside Banerjee’s home state. For Raut’s other salvo was to declare that
therefore, made her stance and obser- this it would have to adjust its mental he had asked Rahul Gandhi to take the
vations about the Congress and its heir geography. lead in discussing the strategy for the
explicitly clear. Those who are familiar with Ba- 2024 national elections.
Enter Shiv Sena’s trouble-shooter nerjee’s style of functioning are also Even if this is not about leadership,
Sanjay Raut dangling a dramatically aware that even as Union Minister her pitching the Gandhi scion against Ba-
changed script: from No UPA to there national boundaries started and ended nerjee is bad politics. They would never
cannot be any Opposition without the with West Bengal. be on the same page. They think differ-
Congress. Of course the recent win, and that ently and their working styles are poles
apart: Rahul elite and suave while
Banerjee rustic and ordinary: actu-
ally a common person’s version of
what an Indian politician should
Add to this, her street fight-
ing instincts and she can easily
be shaped into a mould which is
perfect to take on Prime Minister
Narendra Modi: the recent West
Bengal elections being a curtain
raiser to the final drama waiting to
pan out in 2024. In this battle of the
giants, Rahul has little place.
It may be too early to project
Banerjee as a national alternative
to BJP’s Modi. But then the elec-
tions are not tomorrow. On the
other hand, Banerjee needs to take
one step at a time rather than pre-
cariously positioning herself at the
edge, from where a premature leap
can prove fatal.
oices against the brutal Armed Forces
Special Powers Act 1958 (AFSPA) were
never thin in northeast India. Years
back, Manipur witnessed massive
uprising against the draconian law
that empowers the security personnel,
engaged in counter insurgency
operations, to act according to their conveniences in
disturbed areas with all impunity from the civilian
courts. T Manorama Devi and Sharmila Irom Channu
emerged as almost deities in the Meitei society during
the uproarious anti-AFSPA situation in the region.
Lately the issue became alive and flashier with
the incident of Oting village in Nagaland, where 14
civilians lost their lives under the complicity of AFSPA.
From local villages to State level organizations, north-
eastern to national and international institutions
have now come forward raising voices against the
six decade old Act urging its urgent repeal and some
putting a unique challenge to the Union government
in New Delhi for implementing the law in terror-
stricken central Indian provinces.
Disturbing news broke from Nagaland’s Mon
district on 4 December 2021, where the security forces
opened fire on a vehicle carrying a group of village
youths from daily work at Tiru valley coal mine. The 21
para-commandos of Indian Army, following an input
about the movement of some armed insurgents in
Tiru-Oting rural area, laid an ambush. Soon the vehicle
of youths arrived there and the security personnel
ordered it to stop. But the vehicle reportedly did not
slow down and so they fired at it suspecting that
insurgents were travelling in it.
Six passengers inside the vehicle died on the spot
and two were seriously injured. Soon after realizing
the mistake that no passenger was carrying any
arms or ammunition, the security personnel took the
injured villagers to a nearby hospital. But the incident
created massive uproars among the villagers and they
even targeted the security forces in different places.
Within two days, eight other villagers were killed in
the protest demonstrations whereas one Assam Rifles
soldier also lost his life. Residents of Oting, which
lost 12 villagers in the series of incidents, came out
under the apex body of tribes (Konyak Union) with
the strong demand to revoke AFSPA immediately.
Joining the chorus of civil society groups, human
rights organizations, political party leaders of the
region besides Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio
and his Meghalaya counterpart (Conrad K Sangma)
also demanded its repeal.
Paying tributes to the victims, Rio made a strong
statement against the AFSPA. Rio termed the Oting
killings as a clear example of misuse and abuse of
AFSPA. Condoling the demise of 14 Konyak villagers,
he urged the people to remain restrained and said that
it was the time to defeat ferocity with non-violence. apology from him alleging that the Union home
Meghalaya CM Sangma, even though the AFSPA minister misinformed the Parliament about the
is not enforced in his State, also called its repeal and Oting massacre. Shah has to clarify, apologise and
stated that he would personally take up the issue with ask for forgiveness from the Konyak people and the
the Union ministry. Sangma said in a clear voice that residents of Nagaland, it stated in a media release. It
the Mon incident proves that there is no place for went ahead urging Shah to understand the meaning
AFSPA in today’s society. of an ambush first. The forum of Konyak people also
The issue reached the Parliament, where Union expressed anger that some media outlets including
home minister Amit Shah made a statement admitting the satellite news channels based in mainland India
that it was a case of mistaken identity. Shah also stated tried to present it as a frontal confrontation between
that the situation in Nagaland remains critical but fully the security forces and NSCN rebels.
under control. He added that the Centre expresses Earlier, the Army authority expressed its regret
regrets over the incident and offers condolences to over the incident. It also constituted a probe into the
the victim families. A special investigation team was incident that could spread a negative message to the
formed to investigate the matter, which was asked to peace initiatives taken up by New Delhi. Nagaland
submit its report within one month, he informed. police lodged an FIR against the security forces over
However, the Konyak Union vehemently opposed the incident and the government in Kohima declared
the statement of Shah and even demanded an ex-gratia of Rs 5 lakh to each victim’s family. Even
the Governor of Nagaland (also Assam) Prof Jagdish shadow of AFSPA. The notorious act gives the security
Mukhi also officially condemned the incident. personnel (even a non-commissioned officer) the
Now the Governor is expected to summon a license to arrest, shoot and even kill any individual
special session of Nagaland legislative assembly on on mere suspicion, stated the armed outfit adding
December 20 to discuss the AFSPA with the backdrop that Nagas had the bitter taste of AFSPA on numerous
of Mon civilians’ killings. The special session, for occasions till date and for any reason ‘blood and
which demands were raised by various Naga political talks cannot go together’.
groups including Naga Mother’s Association, Naga Quoting a survivor of the fateful incident, Morung
Students Federation, etc, may pass a resolution for Express newspaper from Nagaland, reported that the
repealing the AFSPA. Earlier an emergency cabinet justice asked by the victims would be the revocation
meeting of the Rio government on December 7 took of AFSPA, so that no such incident can take place in
future (neither in Nagaland nor anywhere in the
The Governor is
expected to summon
a special session of
Nagaland legislative
assembly on Dec 20 to
discuss the AFSPA in
the backdrop of Mon
killings. The session may
pass a resolution for
repealing the AFSPA.
a unanimous decision for repealing AFSPA from
Nagaland immediately. “AFSPA has brought only pain country). Mr Manlei, who is still undergoing medical
and suffering to our people. No reason can justify treatment for injuries, claimed that he was shot by a
the killing of civilians,” said Nagaland’s former chief security person for just questioning about the dead
minister TR Zeliang, adding that when the Naga bodies. He was soon taken to a Mon hospital by fellow
people were waiting for a final breakthrough in the villagers. Manlei revealed that his younger brother
ongoing peace process over Naga political issues, the Shomaang was one of the eight youths returning
Mon incident came only as a negative shocker. home after work in a pickup vehicle who faced the
Even the Nagaland BJP chief Temjen Imma Along, bullets of security forces. Shomaang along with five
also a minister in Rio’s cabinet, termed the incident others died on the spot. Manlei arrived at the location
as a genocide. Konyak Union Kohima president H later and found that the vehicle was splattered with
Angnyei Konyak called for revocation of the AFSPA. blood. Initially he along with a few others could not
Meanwhile, a Naga Hoho delegation led by president find any dead body, but later those were recovered
HK Zhimomi visited the Oting village to extend its from a military truck.
solidarity to the villagers. They were unanimous in Northeast Students’ Organization (NESO) along
their demand to repeal the draconian law. with its affiliated State units including All Assam
Insurgent outfit National Socialist Council of Students’ Union, All Manipur Students’ Union, All
Nagaland (NSCN-IM) promptly commented that the Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union, Khasi Students’
ongoing peace talks would not be fruitful under the Union, Garo Students’ Union, Mizo Zirlai Pawl,
“21 Para Commandos were not familiar with the houses, when the villagers spotted the vehicles of
localities and its residents. But they probably did not the unit, they were told that they were being taken to
inform the Nagaland police and even the Assam Rifles hospital. On checking themselves, the villagers found
(which is engaged in security duty in those areas) dead bodies and it was there that all hell broke loose,
about the ambush. In haste, they fired at the vehicle ending in a repeat firing and killing of a soldier,” said
following their inputs (which was seemingly not ACHR.
accurate). But later the Assam Rifles’ camp had to face Terming the act as a colonial relic which provides
the villagers’ anger. All these facts should be out in the the security forces, deployed in disturbed areas, power
to take any action under the section 4 of AFSPA, the
commission observed that ‘maybe this time the
The tragic incident of government of India tries to understand not only
the illegality of such a draconian act in its rule books
Mon killings triggered but also the sentiments of the people, including its
political allies and shows the political will to repeal
several other events of it’. Nagaland Post, a popular English daily of the State,
editorialized the issue saying that while Christians
across the world are preparing to celebrate the birth
arson, rioting and attack of Jesus on Christmas and then to welcome a new year,
people of Nagaland are still trying to come out of the
on soldiers and Assam shocking 4 December incident.
For the people of Oting village in particular
Rifles camp, resulting and Mon district in general, time stands still. They
cannot get over the massacre of civilians by a unit
in more injuries and of the special forces of 21 para-commandos. For the
victim-families no amount of ex-gratia or offer of
he high-profile job scam the services. tember by the state vigilance bureau in
in the Haryana Public Ser- The dismissal order issued by Hary- a close operation with the intelligence
vice Commission (HPSC) ana chief secretary Sanjeev Kaushal wing of the chief minister’s cell on the
has not only blighted the on behalf of the Governor reads that basis of a secret tip-off. A first informa-
state Bharatiya Janata Party competent authority had decided to tion report (FIR) was registered on
(BJP)-Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) coali- award punishment of dismissal from November 17 last while Nagar, who
tion government led by Manohar Lal service to Anil Nagar for bringing was overall in charge of the examina-
Khattar which had been tom-tomming severe disrepute to the state govern- tion, was suspended the next day and
its fairness in recruitments, it has also ment. It also meant disqualification dismissed from service a few days ago.
given the opposition Congress ample from future employment under the According to official information,
ammunition to incessantly embarrass government. a cash amounting to Rs 3.5 crore has
the state government. Nagar was arrested along with two already been seized, while a handwrit-
This is despite the arrest of some of others, Ashwini Sharma of Jhajjar and ten list of roll numbers of Haryana civil
the main accused and the arrest and Naveen of Bhiwani, by the Haryana services (HCS) exam candidates was
the dismissal of the deputy secretary of vigilance bureau for their alleged role also recovered from Nagar. Accord-
Haryana Public Service Commission in manipulating answer sheets of the ing to information, of the total 32 roll
(HPSC) Anil Nagar, an HCS officer, from candidates. They were nabbed in Sep- numbers, 15 were of HCS (of whom five
had cleared preliminary examination)
and 17 of dental surgeon candidates of
whom 13 had passed.
This has given ample ammunition
to the Congress, the main opposition
party in Haryana to go all guns blazing
after the ruling government. While
its leaders have torn into the govern-
ment alleging a bigger conspiracy with
the involvement of some top officials,
they have also held demonstrations to
highlight the scam.
A series of protests
Meanwhile, the Congress workers and
several legislators held a demonstra-
tion during which they were detained
by the police and let off after about two
hours last week. The leaders who par-
department amid Covid spread - in the the Governor to not conduct an inquiry ticipated in this protest included Hary-
upcoming assembly session. against Anil Nagar. “Is it because it may ana Congress party affairs in-charge
Hooda has also demanded an investi- lead to a bigger conspiracy coming Vivek Bansal and state party president
gation into the recruitment scam under Kumari Selja and AICC general secretary
the supervision of a sitting High Court Randeep Surjewala besides several for-
judge. He maintains that an official of mer ministers and senior legislators.
the rank of the deputy secretary of the The Congress Addressing the gathering Bansal
HPSC alone cannot carry out such a
huge recruitment scam. Led by Hooda,
Legislature Party alleged that corruption flourished under
the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-Jannay-
the Congress MLAs have also submitted (CLP) in its recent ak Janta Party (JJP) combine government
a memorandum to the governor and
demanded a high-level inquiry into the meeting held in Haryana. Referring to the recent
HPSC recruitment scam, he alleged that
matter. under the former the government was fully involved in
The memorandum said that apart
from the said recruitment scam, the HCS chief minister this recruitment scam.
Selja also alleged that this recruit-
officers selected in 2004 were chosen and the Leader ment scam seemed bigger than the ones
of the Opposition
and appointed in 2016, despite various of the past. Further alleging that HPSC
irregularities. The Congress legisla- and Haryana Staff Selection Commis-
tors also sought an inquiry into these
appointments which they alleged were
Bhupinder Singh sion (HSSC) had become a hotbed of re-
cruitment scams and were playing with
made in disregard of the inquiry report Hooda decided the future of the unemployed youth of
of the state vigilance department.
Hooda says that the scam has also
to raise the HPSC the state.
Alleging further that these commis-
exposed the tall claims of the govern- recruitment scam sions had proved to be incompetent,
ment about transparency, honesty
and recruitments-on-merit. He also
in the upcoming she sought that new commissions be
formed and all the disputed recruitment
lambasted the government for distanc- assembly session examinations, re-conducted. She held
ing itself from the corruption in the that over 30 paper-leak cases had come
recruitment and asked that if the people to light during the seven-year tenure of
sitting in the government did not have the BJP government led by chief minis-
any involvement in this scam, why is to light, where top officials could be ter Manohar Lal Khattar, who claimed
the government not getting a high-level exposed?” Randeep asked. all the recruitments were far.
judicial inquiry conducted into the Randeep further asked that when A few days earlier, led by state Youth
matter? the record of dental surgeon and HCS Congress president Divyanshu Budhi-
The Congress general secretary recruitment with Nagar have been raja, several of the YC members had also
Randeep Surjewala along with Tosham declared invalid, then why the recruit- held a demonstration in front of the
MLA Kiran Choudhry also alleged a ment has not been cancelled. Kiran said HPSC building against the said scam.
bigger conspiracy in the wake of the she had moved an adjournment motion
HPSC chairman and members advising on job scams in the HPSC and HSSC in tehelkaletters@gmail.com
he Black Box has been found equipped with the latest generation of off from Sulur at 11.48 am, considered a
while the Indian Air Force night vision devices. Equipped with an grey zone due to unpredictable weather
has ordered a tri-service in- on-board weather radar and the lat- in Nilgiris after 11 am in winter.
vestigation led by Air Mar- est generation of night vision devices, The pilots of the ill-fated copter car-
shal Manavendra Singh, Air the chopper was reportedly flying at a rying General Rawat and his entourage
Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Train- low altitude in foggy conditions when it had radioed to Air Traffic Controller
ing Command, into the Mi-17 V5 chop- crashed in a valley, leading to the death (ATC) that the copter was descending
per crash in which Chief of Defence of 13 persons. to land at Wellington helipad, but had
Staff Bipin Rawat, his wife and 11 others However, what is intriguing is that not given any distress call. The copter
of the armed forces were killed. The there was no distress call and ATC that took off from Sulur (Coimbatore) at
inquiry team has already reached Wel- contacted to confirm landing in seven 11.48 am was slated to land at 12.15 pm
lington and started the investigation, minutes. The IAF chopper was to land at Wellington, but the ATC lost contact
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh told at Wellington by 12.15 pm but the Sulur with the copter at 12.08 pm. Reportedly,
both Houses of Parliament. The ill-fated Air Traffic Controller lost contact with the copter established contact with the
Mi17V5 helicopter, manufactured by the copter at 12.08 pm, 20 minutes af- ATC to confirm landing in 7-8 minutes.
Russian Helicopters’ subsidiary Kazan, ter take-off, Rajnath Singh told Parlia- The IAF, meanwhile, has recovered
had an onboard weather radar and was ment. Actually, the chopper had taken the flight data recorder (Black Box) of
the copter. The flight data recorder and
the cockpit voice recorder will ascer-
tain what happened between the call to
the ATC informing that the copter was
descending to land and the crash. The
chopper carrying CDS Rawat also had
his wife Madhulika Rawat, Brigadier
LS Lidder and Lt Col Harjinder Singh,
among others, onboard. The Chief of
Defence Staff was headed to Defence
Staff College in Wellington where he
was scheduled to take part in an event
along with Chief of Army Staff Gen MM
Naravane. A total of 13 individuals on
board the Mi-17V5 chopper, includ-
ing Gen Rawat and his wife, died in the
According to a fireman who was
among the first to reach the site, Gen
Rawat was still alive after the mis-
hap and was taken to an ambulance
wrapped in a bed sheet. The CDS died
on the way to hospital, as per the res-
cue worker. The condition of Group
Captain Varun Singh, the lone survivor
artisans command the right price for their products.. A report by deepanwita gita niyogi
wahi is a quintessential Bastar extremism. These include the establish- house, Kashyap explained the painstaking
village, but tucked away in its ment of home stays for tourists to art cafes and long process involved to create each
dusty lanes are skilled tribal for the promotion of the artistic tempera- exquisite piece.
artisans who create magic ment in youth. Support is also being pro- To start with, a clay model cast has to be
with their hands. Here, about vided to established artisans. created from red mud sourced from river
10-12 craftsmen work on Chhattisgarh’s fa- One such person, Sonadhar Kashyap, beds. Sometimes, animal shapes like that
mous Dhokra or bell metal art which has is a resident of Alwahi. Kashyap has been of deer or elephant are made. After dry-
connoisseurs all over the world. making Dhokra craft pieces since his ing the clay model in the sun, thin layers
Of late, developmental activities are youth. A fine Dhokra item mainly used for of blackish wax threads are used to cover
taking place in Bastar district in southern decoration purposes can take two to three it and give the required design. There is
Chhattisgarh once infamous for Left-wing days to make. Sitting in the courtyard of his a second round of mud application. “Fi-
tech firms. Parag Agrawal who was recently appointed as CEO of Twitter Inc
Hiteshi is an
independent journalist- nother Indian has landed the
turned-author and a top job with a global leader
political commentator. as Leena Nair who holds the
The views expressed distinction of being “the first
are his own female, first Asian, young-
est ever” chief human resources officer
(CHRO) of Unilever, has been named
Global CEO of the French luxury group
Unilever confirmed in a statement,
“Leena Nair, CHRO, has decided to leave
the company in January 2022 to pursue a
new career opportunity as Global Chief
Jack Patrick Executive Officer, Chanel Ltd”.
Dorsey, who is Only recently when Parag Agrawal
was appointed as CEO of Twitter Inc, it
a co-founder of had once again turned the limelight on
Twitter, announced Indian-Americans leading global technol-
that he was ogy giants.
Parag Agrawal was born on May 21, 1984
resigning as CEO in Ajmer, Rajasthan and his father was a
of Twitter, and senior officer in the Department of Atomic
Energy while his mother was a school
that Agrawal was teacher. He won a gold medal at the 2001
replacing him with International Physics Olympiad in Turkey
and obtained his engineering degree in
immediate effect. Computer Science from IIT Bombay and nu Narayen to IBM’s Arvind Krishna; from
This makes India then a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Micron Technology’s Sanjay Mehrotra to
Stanford University. On November 29, Palo Alto Networks’ Nikesh Arora; from
the crucible of top- 2021, Jack Patrick Dorsey, who is a co- VMWare’s Rangarajan Raghuram to Arista
notch management founder of Twitter, announced that he Networks’ Jayshree Ullal, the list of global
talent, almost was resigning as CEO of Twitter, and that
Agrawal was replacing him with immedi-
Indian technology CEOs is making every
Indian proud.
a CEO factory, ate effect. Little doubt that MP Shashi Tharoor
churning out This makes India the crucible of top-
notch management talent, almost a CEO
tweeted immediately thereafter that as
much as we are proud of India, India is
top-notch IT factory, churning out top-notch IT profes- proud of us and attached a list of top-notch
professionals to sionals to head global giants. This has add- Indians heading global technology compa-
ed a new dimension to India’s soft power. nies. Then there are many Indians leading
head global giants. From Microsoft’s Satya Nadella to Alpha- global firms in the non-tech space – Ivan
bet’s Sundar Pichai; from Adobe’s Shanta- Menezes, CEO of Diageo; Vas Narasimhan
heIndian farmers once ing year-long of mass protests on the the government has kept its promises
again relived the spirit of peripheries around Delhi where thou- to unconditionally withdraw cases filed
Gandhian legacy inspired sands of farmers from Punjab, Hary- against farmers’ protests, disbursement
by Champaran Satyagraha ana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan have of compensation to the kin of farm-
-- the power of peace, truth been camping since November 2020, ers who died during the protests and
and non-violence -- compelling Prime demanding withdrawal of three “black formation of a committee to ensure
Minister Narendra Modi to climb down laws.” However, the Union government that all farmers can avail remunera-
ahead of major assembly polls, for the did not concede their demand for sack- tive rates for their produces. Based on
unconditional revocation of three ing union minister of state for Home feedback on above issues, the farmers
farm laws and acceptance of all the Affairs Ajay Misra Teni, whose convoy, would take major decision –– whether
key demands of the agitating farmers allegedly, mowed down farmers merci- to campaign against the BJP in the up-
including compensation to the kin of lessly killing four farmers and a jour- coming UP and Uttarakhand polls or
martyr farmers, withdrawal of police nalist besides injuring dozens of farm- not? This is also a contentious issue on
cases registered against them during ers in Lakhimpur Kheri. which various factions of farmers’ un-
their movement by the Union and state The unions will meet again on Janu- ions have divergent viewpoints.
governments. ary 15 under the aegis of SKM in the Farmers’ leader Rakesh Tikait, who
Farmers unions announced end- capital to monitor and review whether spearheaded nation-wide movement
remained noncommittal over his plans
to campaign against BJP in upcoming
elections. “I will let my decision known
to my supporters at the earliest. I will
go in different parts of Uttar Pradesh.
Nobody can stop me,” he added. “If gov-
ernment does not fulfil our demands
we will resume our protests,” Tikait
clarified. “Our borders will be cleared
by 15th December. People have started
going back homes happily over resolu-
tion of their demands,” he added. “We
have nothing against government in
our hearts but only time can tell what
will they do for us,” Tikait asserted.
The first non-violent Champaran
Satyagraha of farmers’ uprising was
against un-remunerative forced cul-
tivation of indigo with barely any pay-
ment for it, coincidently, the history re-
peated itself after more than a century
when India faced just identical crisis
over last one year when Indian farm-
ers felt their existence threatened once
again with enactment of three farm
er leader of Haryana-based BKU faction, whose families were given compensa- ernment in the state after the upcoming
warned, “We will resume our protests if tion and employment by the Punjab gov- assembly polls it would give Rs 25 lakh
the government does not keep its prom- ernment. “We found out that Punjab gov- to the families of each of the 700 farm-
ises”. Farmer leader Gurnam Singh Chad- ernment has paid compensation of Rs. 5 ers who died during the protests.“There
huni said, “The Samyukta Kisan Morcha- lakh each to the kin of more than 400 should have been a discussion on the
led farmers’ agitation is being suspended farmers. Of these 400 farmers’ families, farm laws, which have been repealed.
because the Centre has agreed to our 152 have also been given jobs also. I have While the BJP should have informed how
demands.” However, he warned that the one more list of 70 farmers from Hary- the repeal has benefited the farmers, the
agitation could be resumed if the Centre ana,” he added. Opposition could have a chance to raise
“backtracks from its promises.” Demanding a statement from the the issue,” Akhilesh remarked.
The demands include law guaran- government on the issue, Congress Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president
teeing Minimum Support Price (MSP), members along with DMK and NCP col- Mayawati urged for a proper law to de-
withdrawal of proposed Electricity Re- leagues walked out of the House raising fine the Minimum Support Price for
forms and Seed Bills and sacking of un- slogans against the government when crops. She hailed the repeal of the laws
ion minister of state for Home Affairs their adjournment motion was disal- as the victory of democracy but pointed
Ajay Misra Teni whose convoy mowed lowed by the chair. out that the Centre was silent on the de-
down farmers killing four farmers and Congress general secretary Priyanka mands of farmers on a guaranteed MSP.
a journalist besides injuring She called for a discussion in
dozens of farmers. They also Parliament about taking “solid
demanded withdraw of jail steps” for the upliftment of
term for stubble burning,
50% subsidy on diesel and
Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh farmers.
Shiromani Akali Dal MP
withdrawal of filed against Yadav said if his party forms the Harsimrat Kaur Badal com-
farmers. In an open letter to next government in the state after mented, “I congratulate the
the Prime Minister, Samyukt farmers on their victory today.
Kisan Morcha sought im- the upcoming assembly polls it But 700 farmers lost their lives
mediate withdrawal of ac- would give Rs 25 lakh each to the during their year-long protest
tion against farm protesters against farm laws. We will al-
who “have been implicated families of 700 farmers who died ways stand with and for the
in hundreds of cases during during the protests.“There should farmers.”
this movement (June 2020 The future course of farm-
till date) in Delhi, Haryana, have been a discussion in the House ers’ agitation would depend
Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh on farm laws,” Akhilesh remarked. on the wisdom of the govern-
and several other states.” ment, particularly, of Prime
Raising their key de- Minister Narendra Modi, who
mand on MSP, the SKM let- is positioning himself to re-
ter said: “Minimum Support Price based Gandhi Vadra alleged that Prime Min- gain reins of power in the general elec-
on the comprehensive cost of produc- ister Narendra Modi’s statement two tions of 2024. But he has to overcome full
tion (C2+50%) should be made a legal weeks ago announcing the repeal of the blown anti-incumbency factors already
entitlement of all farmers for all agricul- legislation was hollow as the Bill with- boggling the minds of his committed
tural produce, so that every farmer of the drawing the laws was cleared without electorate. People have started question-
country can be guaranteed at least the a discussion on farmers’ demands re- ing his performance results over his tall
MSP announced by the government for garding MSP and the Lakhimpur Kheri promises doubling farmers income and
their entire crop.” “massacre”. promises of employment to the youth.
Former Congress president Rahul Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge So, the time has come to heal the wounds
Gandhi in the winter session of parlia- too followed the party lines while con- of farmers who were attempted to be
ment asked the Union Government to gratulating the farmers who fought for isolated with all sorts of tarnishing jibe
provide compensation and jobs for the their rights and attained victory. He re- trolls -- Khalistani, Terrorist, Maoist, Tuk-
next of kin of farmers who died during iterated the support for the demand of de-tukde gang -- to discredit their non-
the year-long agitation against the three compensation to the bereaved families of violent and peaceful non-cooperation
farm laws on the borders of the national over 700 people who lost their lives dur- movement for safeguarding their rights
capital. ing the year-long protest.“We will contin- to have remunerative support price for
Moving an adjournment motion on ue to fight for farmers’ issues,” he added. all the agriculture produce.
the farmers’ issue, Rahul Gandhi tabled Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Ya-
a list in Lok Sabha of deceased farmers dav said if his party forms the next gov- tehelkaletters@gmail.com
TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee questioned the existence of UPA. A report by amit agnihotri
he Congress losing lead- while the rivals will highlight the de- central leadership whereas factional
ers to other parties over the velopment to score a point. fights in the state units were the real
past years has thrown up a The Congress blames the desertions culprit many a time.
question if such movements as the handiwork of BJP as well as the The Congress is the only party in
could be dubbed as deser- TMC, with whom it works against the the opposition camp with a pan-Indi-
tions or riddance? saffron party in Parliament. The grand an presence. Yet, desertions from the
While the rivals allege that the Con- old party blames the BJP for engineer- grand old party have continued for
gress has been losing leaders as it can ing defections to weaken the Congress long and given rise to a question if the
no longer provide them growth oppor- and accuses the TMC of trying to dent organization has become complacent
tunities, the grand old party believes Opposition unity by luring away its since losing power at the Center in
such persons left for good. leaders. 2014?
In politics, it is natural that a party Over the past years, promising Whatever be the truth, the issue is
will play down its leaders joining other young leaders leaving the Congress once again being debated in the public
parties to cover up internal problems usually got painted as a sign of weak domain after 12 of 18 Congress MLAs
in Meghalaya ditched the party and
merged with the Trinamool Congress
making TMC the main opposition party.
The leaders who switched parties
included former chief minister Mukul
Sangma, who was Leader of the Oppo-
sition in the Assembly and was report-
edly unhappy with the central leader-
ship over appointment of Shillong MP
Vincent H Pala as state unit chief.
“Trinamool Congress has the po-
tential to be the real alternative to BJP,”
Mukul Sangma said after he joined the
Before that, team members of poll
strategist Prashant Kishor were in
Shillong to weigh in on TMC’s options
ahead of the 2023 assembly polls. In
2012, the Meghalaya Pradesh Trinamool
Congress was formally launched with
an intention to contest 35 of the state’s
Abhijit Mukherjee, son of former
President Pranab Mukherjee, left
60 seats.
the Congress to join the TMC. Days after the lawmakers quit, the
Congress received another jolt in Megha- hijit Mukherjee, son of former President senior leader Lalitesh Pati Tripathi left
laya when its youth wing president Rich- Pranab Mukherjee moved to the TMC, the party to join the TMC. Later, former
ard M Marak, a close aide of Mukul Sang- which had defeated the BJP. Haryana Congress unit chief Ashok Tan-
ma, quit the grand old party. Before the state polls, Congress vet- war, Delhi Congress leader Kirti Azad and
Marak, who was state Youth Congress eran PC Chacko joined the NCP, which former Janata Dal-United leader Pawan
chief, said: “I have been unhappy with the is part of the LDF alliance in Kerala. The Varma too joined the TMC in the pres-
party for quite some time now due to the LDF defeated the Congress-led UDF and ence of Mamata Banerjee. Tanwar had
way the INC has been functioning. There secured a second consecutive term in formed his own Apna Bharat party after
is a structural defect in the INC.” Kerala assembly polls this year. quitting the Congress.
“This has already been highlighted A four-term Lok Sabha MP, Chacko Indicating trouble in Jammu, around
many times in the past but there has has been in politics for at least four dec- 20 leaders belonging to the Ghulam Nabi
been no attempt to rectify this. Instead, ades. He started his political life as an ac- Azad camp resigned from the Congress
those who have pointed out these defects tivist of the Congress’s student wing Ker- recently. Azad, who has been touring the
have been vilified. The last stroke was the ala Students Union (KSU). He was elected region, denied he was floating a new po-
appointment of the current president as general secretary of the KSU in 1968, litical party but left everyone guessing by
(Vincent Pala) who has no regard for
the functioning of the party on Congress
principles,” Marak said. He claimed that Congress veteran
500 other workers had quit the party PC Chacko with
across Meghalaya. Sharad Pawar after
In fact, the trend of Congress losing joining the NCP.
state leaders had started in March 2020
when former union minister Jyotiraditya
Scindia moved to the BJP and played a
role in the fall of the Kamal Nath govern-
ment, which had come to power in 2018.
Scindia was rewarded with a BJP Rajya
Sabha seat and is now a Union minister.
After Scindia left, there was specula-
tion over another young leader Sachin
Pilot in Rajasthan, who had differenc-
es with Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot,
switching sides. But, the two patched up
recently after a revamp of the state cabi-
net in which Pilot loyalists have been
In August this year, former Lok Sabha
member from Silchar in Assam and ex- then became the president of the Youth saying that nothing could be predicted in
All-India Mahila Congress chief Sushmi- Congress in Kerala in 1970. politics.
ta Dev moved to the Trinamool Congress. Chacko was first elected to the Kerala Recently, Azad had countered for-
She is now a Rajya Sabha member from Assembly in 1980 and became a minister mer union minister Salman Khurshid’s
TMC. in charge of Industries. He first became comparison of Hindutva ideology with
Other young leaders who left the Con- an MP in 1991. He was the Chairman that of Jihadist ISIS, saying it was wrong
gress before Sushmita are Jitin Prasada, of the Joint Parliamentary Committee and exaggerated. Khurshid had made the
who is now BJP minister in Uttar Pradesh which examined matters relating to Al- comparison in his latest book “Sunrise
and Pradyot Manikya Deb Barman in location and Pricing of Telecom Licences over Ayodhya: Nationhood in our times.”
Tripura. and Spectrum. His departure indicated Many in the Congress fear that Azad
When the Congress was in power at division in the Kerala unit of Congress. might be getting support from the BJP
the Centre, Jyotiraditya, Jitin and Sachin In September, former Goa chief min- just like former chief minister Amarinder
were made ministers in the UPA I and II ister Luizinho Faleiro left the Congress Singh is getting in Punjab. Amarinder,
governments to prepare them for future to join the TMC, which is trying to make who was forced to resign as chief minis-
roles. After the Congress lost power, they inroads in the costal state. Like Sushmita ter, quit the Congress in November and
played key roles in the party. Hence, their Dev, he too is a Rajya Sabha member of floated his own political party Punjab Lok
exit made news. TMC now. Congress, which is likely to join hands
After the Congress lost the 2021 The migration from Congress con- with the BJP for the 2022 assembly polls.
West Bengal assembly elections, Ab- tinued when former UP lawmaker and Punjab Aam Aadmi Party president
revamp of the organization, a full time were left wondering if a long spell of iso- The high command was concerned
and visible president and elections for all lation awaited them for writing the letter. that any further delay in addressing the
party posts down to the block level. Azad’s membership of the Rajya issues raised by the seniors might push
The dissenters, who came to be Sabha ended in February this year and them further away from the grand old
known as the G23, were given a hearing with no key party role given to him since party and may even induce them to dam-
through an online meeting of the Con- August, it looked like the veteran would age the organization from within.
gress Working Committee, where they move to the margins till Sonia brought Party veteran Kapil Sibal, one of the
were targeted by Gandhi family loyalists him back on May 11 to head the Congress key G23 members, had questioned the
for questioning the high command, but Covid Relief Task Force. leadership over the Bihar assembly poll
were also given an assurance that their In the September reshuffle, another loss but did not attend the December
concerns would be looked into. veteran and signatory to the dissent let- meeting.
However, nothing much happened ter Mukul Wasnik, was made in charge The leadership issue is finally going
and things moved at a usual pace till an of Madhya Pradesh. Punjab Lok Sabha to be over in September next year when
organizational reshuffle was carried out member Manish Tewari, who too had the Congress internal elections will
in September in which a younger Jitin signed the dissent letter, had been ac- culminate.
Prasada, one of the signatories to the dis- tive in Parliament since 2019 but was not
sent letter, was picked up, promoted as much involved in the party affairs. Oppn unity: Cong has its task cut out
an All India Congress Committee Gen- He was made a member of the panel The Congress, which is facing desertions,
eral Secretary and given the uphill task reviewing the recent poll losses in As- still feels it is the natural anchor of a na-
of turning around the party’s fortune in sam, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and tional opposition grouping against the
West Bengal, which was to have assem- Puducherry, the day Azad was named BJP but the TMC, which defeated the saf-
bly polls in April 2021. head of the Covid relief group. fron party in the West Bengal assembly
The others, including the then Leader In March, another G23 member and elections this year, is of the view that it is
of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha former Maharashtra chief minister more suitable for the role.
Ghulam Nabi Azad, who sort of led the Prithviraj Chavan too was given the sen- After winning a third consecutive
G23, and his deputy in the upper house of sitive task of screening the party’s candi- term as chief minister, Mamata Baner-
Parliament Anand Sharma, who headed dates for the high stakes Assam assembly jee is looking at a greater national role
the party’s foreign affairs department, polls to benefit from his clean image. and is expanding her party beyond West
he panel on Empowerment cation and health envisaged under the the government with an aim to focus
of Women, chaired by BJP scheme”. on issues like sex-selective abortion
lawmaker Dr Heena V Gavit, Gavit acknowledged that the low and the declining child sex ratio in the
also noted that out of a to- spending by states did not “an up to the country. The programme is currently
tal of ₹446.72 crore released mark performance of the scheme.” “We operational in over 400 districts across
during the period 2016- 2019, “a whop- have recommended that the ministry India. The committee also reported on
ping 78.91% was spent only on media of women and child development im- the poor utilization of the total budget.
advocacy”. mediately takes up the issue with the Since its inception in 2014-15 to 2019-
The committee is headed by Heena states to ensure proper utilization of 20, the total allocated budget under the
Vijaykumar Gavit and the report is funds. The Committee has also said that scheme was Rs 848 crore. This doesn’t
named Empowerment of Women the nodal ministry must release funds include the COVID year of 2020-21. Till
through education with special refer- strictly on the basis of actual utilization 2019-20, a total of Rs 622.48 crore was
ence to Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. The of earlier release and after proper scru- distributed to the states however, only
panel recommended that “it is time to tiny of expenditure/ utilization of the 25.13 percent of the total money the
focus on other verticals by making am- previous funds,” Gavit said. states got was spent by them under the
ple financial provisions to help achieve The flagship scheme of central scheme. The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
measurable outcomes related to edu- govt BBBP was launched in 2015 by (BBBP) Scheme, launched by Prime
Minister Narendra Modion 22nd Janu-
ary, 2015 at Panipat in Haryana with
the objective of bringing behavioural
change in the society towards birth and
rights of a girl child, has resulted in in-
creased awareness and sensitization
of the masses regarding prevalence
of gender bias and role of commu-
nity in eradicating it. During the last 6
years the Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB)
has improved by 16 points from 918
in 2014-15 to 934 in 2019-20. Gross
Enrolment Ratio of girls in the schools
at secondary level has improved from
77.45 to 81.32.
Government claims that during
the last six years since its inception,
the BBBP scheme has been aiming at
changing the mindset of the public to
acknowledge the rights of the girl child.
The scheme has resulted in increased
awareness and sensitization of the
masses regarding prevalence of gender
bias and role of community in eradicat-
ing it. It has raised concerns around the
SYED the war-torn country, should rally a global support for the suffering Afghans
fghanistan under the Taliban 1996-97 in a confusion-filled scenario. They
is faced with a crippling crisis are now battle-hardened, reformed politi-
The columnist — former the extremists, perhaps, never cians, serious about successfully governing
Deputy Editor of The realised before. The country their country with a clear-cut objective of
Tribune, Chandigarh — is struggling to cope with a putting Afghanistan back on the road to
specialises in foreign major food shortage caused by socio-economic recovery. Therefore, the
affairs. With a career the sudden stoppage of funds supply from world community, instead of putting a
spanning 41 years, he foreign agencies, which must be addressed spanner in the works, should facilitate the
keeps close watch on by the world community before it is too late. task of rebuilding the country destroyed by
issues related to South The crisis is the result of the stoppage of the circumstances beyond anyone’s control.
Asian countries. The much of the financial aid the country had There is a major human crisis which must be
views expressed are been getting till the US-backed government tackled effectively.
personal was there in Kabul. Any kind of contribution to get people en-
United Nations Development Programme gaged in economic activity is bound to pro-
(Asia) Director Kanni Wignaraja said a mote peace and stability in Afghanistan and
few days back that the sudden dramatic beyond. Yet, in the midst of all that is going
withdrawal of international aid was an on there, the world needs to watch outside
unprecedented fiscal shock Afghanistan has forces like Pakistan that may be in search of
been suffering from after Taliban rule was opportunities to play negative politics.
re-established as a result of a long struggle of The recently held Delhi Regional Security
over two decades. Dialogue on Afghanistan, mainly aimed at
This has led to a situation when lives of discussing the evolving security scenario
nearly 23 million Afghans --- over 50 per and its regional and global ramifications,
cent of the country’s population --- including could not avoid expressing concern over
3.2 million children, are threatened, accord- the worst socio-economic and humanitar-
ing to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organi- ian crisis faced by Kabul. The unanimously
sation (FAO) and the World Food Programme agreed declaration issued at the end of the
(WFP). There is an opportunity for India, dialogue underlined the need to provide “ur-
which has historical relations with Afghani- gent humanitarian assistance to the people
stan and has already spent a lot on rebuild- of Afghanistan”.
ing of that country, not only to come forward The Delhi declaration also had it that “hu-
with more economic aid to save the Afghans manitarian assistance should be provided in
in distress, but also with a plan to persuade an unimpeded, direct and assured manner
the global community to ensure that the to Afghanistan and that the assistance is
people of the war-torn country should not distributed within the country in a non-
suffer if Taliban factions have recaptured discriminatory manner across all sections of
power in Kabul. This is the best way to make the Afghan society.”
China less attractive for the Afghans as also The participants in the regional dialogue,
to compel the Taliban to mend their ways to held in New Delhi at the initiative of India’s
become dependable for the outside world. National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval,
Experts are of the view that the Taliban included the NSAs from Iran, Russia, Kazakh-
rulers today are not what they were when stan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
they first established their government in and Uzbekistan. China and Pakistan, not
nearby hot spring it remains a cosy 20 degrees inside the cafe. A report by raj machhan
hese days residents of Chuma- it.” The equipment for the demonstration ing system has a Heat Exchanger, located
thang, a village located on the project has been sourced free of cost from inside a small pumping station, as its main
banks of river Indus near the Norway and Iceland under the Indo-Nor- component. It acts much like the radiator
Indo-China border in Leh dis- wegian co-operation project. Scientists in an automobile. Water (average temper-
trict of the Union Territory of from the two countries visited Ladakh ature on-site at Chumathang is 78 degree
Ladakh, flock to a local café to keep them- and chose Chumathang as the most suit- Celsius) is pumped to the exchanger from
selves warm. The temperatures outside able spot. the hot spring located nearby. The heat ex-
often plummet to as low as minus 15 de- Apart from space heating, Geother- changer is connected to the café through a
grees, but thanks to the nearby hot spring mal energy is a major source of electric- closed loop, leak proof, insulated pipe. The
it remains a cosy 20 degrees inside. ity. Worldwide it produces 18 Gigawatts of system has a special fluid, which is heated
The relative comfort of the villagers electric power, accounting for 30 per cent by the exchanger. The fluid is circulated
has been made possible by a Demonstra- of total energy requirements in countries through the closed loop pipe into the res-
tion Project on Space Heating using Geo- like Iceland. Says Bhoop Singh, Director taurant and back to the heat exchanger. It
thermal Energy. The project is funded by (retd), Department of Science and Tech- is stored in a container in the café complex
the Union Government’s Department of nology, “Geothermal energy has huge to maintain its circulating volume.
Science and Technology with technical scope in India as well. It is clean energy. In The system has striking similarities
inputs from Geological Survey of Iceland Chumathang, we found water tempera- with the temperature mechanism of an
(ISOR), Norwegian Geotechnical Institute ture close to boiling point. We set up the automobile, but in reverse. The coolant in
(NGI), Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geol- demonstration project and it has been a vehicle cools the radiator whereas the
ogy, Dehradun, and National Institute of a good success, it is still functional. If you heating fluid in the geothermal system
Technology, Hamirpur. look at the geothermal map of India, you heats up the space where it flows. The café
Says Rajeshwar Banshtu, Principal In- will find plenty of places with massive po- has two heat radiators connected to the
vestigator from NIT Hamirpur, “We started tential for electricity generation.” pipe to transmit the heat within the space.
work on the demo in 2015 and it was ready How is geothermal energy utilized for Much of the Union Territory of Ladakh
by 2017. It has cost us about Rs 40 lakhs to heating closed spaces? The technology is a cold desert. On an average, Chuma-
put the system in place and to maintain involved is fairly simple. The space heat- thang gets electric supply only for four
the press freedom in the region with an exemplary commitment. A report by tehelka bureau
he Geneva-based Press Em- parts of the world.
blem Campaign (PEC) has Starting his career as a reporter in
rewarded senior journalist Natun Dainik, a popular Assamese lan-
Nava Thakuria, a resident of guage daily in 1990, Thakuria shifted to
northeast India and a long- freelance journalism in English by 1999.
time contributor to us (Tehelka), for his His focus area of reporting remains the
relentless initiatives to safeguard the socio-political, cultural and environ-
rights of media persons in the south mental developments taking place in
Asian country and also for defending eastern India along with Bhutan, Tibet,
the press freedom in the region with an Myanmar and Bangladesh.
exemplary commitment. The Guwaha- The changing face of mainstream
ti-based working journalist was award- journalism after the advent of alternate
ed on 30th November 2021 remotely as media worldwide is also a primary fo-
it was difficult for him to reach Geneva cus area for him. Till now, Thakuria has
because of the Covid-19 restrictions. visited most of the prime localities in
Even a virtual interaction program with the media fraternity. At the same time, India and also Thimphu, Dhaka, Yangon,
a group of journalists there was also I greatly appreciate this award which Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Copenhagen,
cancelled at the last moment. draws attention to the situation of Chicago, etc for different events and
“It is the first time that the PEC re- journalists in my country,” said Thaku- professional assignments.
wards a journalist from India, the ria. Journalism, be it print, electronic Created in the Swiss city of Geneva
second-most populous country of the or digital, remains a hazardous job in in 2004 by a group of journalists, PEC
world. India has a strong democracy India. Most of the media persons are the global media safety and rights body
and a vibrant press. Last year however, deprived of due salaries in the Indian with the consultative status at the Unit-
a record number of 15 journalists were sub-continent and often they also face ed Nations, is devoted to strengthening
killed in India while six have been killed threats from both the government and the legal protection and safety of jour-
this year. Journalists are targeted docu- non-state actors including the anti-so- nalists around the world. Since 2009, it
menting abuses, corruption, criminal cial elements. The Covid-19 has severely has been awarding its annual prize
activities,” said Blaise Lempen, secre- impacted the Indian media industry, he to an individual or an organization, who
tary-general of PEC. added. works for the protection of journalists
In 2021, the media fraternity in In- Besides his home country, Thakuria and the press freedom on the ground.
dia was the most affected by the novel has also taken pains to document the The award had earlier gone to
coronavirus along with Brazil. The PEC media crisis in Myanmar (also known Mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui
award also wants to pay tribute to some as Burma or Brahmadesh) and report- in 2020. In the previous year, the PEC
300 journalists who died throughout ed the detention of over 120 journal- awarded the Afghanistan Journal-
India with Covid-19 complications. The ists after the military coup in February. ists Center director Ahmad Quraishi,
largest democracy in the globe also lost Nearly 40 out of them are still behind whereas in 2018 the family of journal-
six journalists to assailants till date the bars in the military-ruled country. ist Daphne Caruana Galizia (who was
this year. A graduate from Assam Engineer- murdered in Malta in October 2017)
“Receiving the PEC award is a great ing College (under Gauhati University), received the posthumous award on her
honour and represents a strong incen- Thakuria contributes news-features to behalf.
tive to continue my work. I now feel various newspapers of India along with
more responsible for my colleagues in several media outlets based in different tehelkaletters@gmail.com
of dissent…any charge can be thrown at us!”
HUMRA or us, the survivors of the day, two roam about freely and fearlessly, mouthing
QURAISHI distractions hold out. the unthinkable obnoxious stuff! No, they
Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal have not been made to sit shut in a corner
The Delhi-based writer wedding with all its glitter and because they are directly or indirectly con-
and columnist’s books glamour and useless hype! nected to the ruling lot.
include Kashmir: The Big Boss and the loss of sensi- We have harassed and hounded this
Untold Story. She tivities. In fact, next year, the makers should comedian, who has no political brigades to
co-authored a series of bypass stars and starlets. Instead rope in come to his rescue. See, how genuine talent
writings with the late writers and authors. And then see what all can be so very severely crushed, where the
Khushwant Singh and gets written, far and wide! artist is left with no other option
her short stories are Seriously speaking, it will be one of those but to bid goodbye to his craft! How I wish
part of anthologies. impossible-to-miss off beats. Not to be the sane amongst us see to it that Munawar
The views expressed overlooked the core fact that writers keep Faruqui and his talent survives. Can he be
are her own to their own little space, far away from min- ‘allowed’ to perform in Kerala, West Bengal,
gling and inter-mingling with the rest. But if Punjab…Any State or region or locale that
and when thrown in the Big Boss scenario, has been left somewhat untouched by the
they could get all too hyper, and with that fascist forces.
react and overreact. I have been witnessing these double
But can all the distractions keep us standards for years, but they were not so
distracted enough to bypass the double very obviously spread out as they are today.
We have made standards hovering around! Way back in the early 90s, I’d more than
realized that blatant discriminations had
stand-up comedian No laughing matter! intruded right into the very system, when I
Munawar Faruqui Double standards are spreading out. The had visited Delhi’s Seelampur area, to re-
latest, of course, is this: We have made port on the reactionary rioting that erupted
sit in a corner but stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui sit in soon after the Babri Masjid destruction.
the Right-Wing a corner but the Right-Wing Hindutva lot Muslim men recounted they were made to
Hindutva lot roam strip in front of cops, to show the circumci-
sion marks. They were also forced to stand
about freely and apart from the Hindu men rounded up.
fearlessly, mouthing With that, they were made to feel more than
aware of their minority status.
the unthinkable And as the protests by the Karni Sena
obnoxious stuff! No, had taken off against the film Padmaavat
for what was labelled as a poor projection
they have not been of the Rajputs in that film, Muslims said that
made to sit shut in though they were also provoked to protest
against the distorted portrayal of Allaud-
a corner because din Khilji, but had to restrain themselves.
they are directly or “The fact is Khilji’s portrayal is completely
distorted in that film. Khilji, shown as a
indirectly connected meat-tearing, unkempt looking Muslim
to the ruling lot. Munawar Faruqui
conqueror, stands in contrast to his actual
personality. Yet we couldn’t dare raise our
the AFSPA in the state when he was the “Any delay would allow him to get ber of the disappeared in Valley was
Union home minister in the VP Singh- away thereby nullifying the efforts of around 4000.
led government at the Centre. the Army to conduct pro-active ac- Case for AFSPA revocation in Kash-
But the army has consistently tions,” the Army note read. mir pivots on two main contentions:
stonewalled the bids to revoke Article But human rights observers in one, that is often advanced by the
370 by invoking worst-case security Kashmir argue that the AFSPA has tak- Valley-based political class in the for-
scenarios should the AFSPA be lifted, en a huge toll in Kashmir, among them mer state is the considerable decline in
even if partially. That was, even when the people who have been subjected militancy in recent years which in turn
militancy was at its lowest ebb in J&K. to enforced disappearance, in which has seen a corresponding reduction in
In 2011, with militancy-related fa- several security agencies including in counter-insurgency operations. J&K
talities down to 183, the then General a number of cases the militants are in- Police figures over the past six years
Officer Commanding of the Army’s 15 volved. The figures of the disappeared have estimated the number of militant
Corps in Srinagar, Lt General Syed Ata have varied in the state. While the hu- figures at around 200, most of them
Hasnain, had even highlighted the un- man rights groups put the total number concentrated in South Kashmir. Dis-
likely possibility of Kashmir becoming tricts like Budgam, Ganderbal, Baram-
an independent nation by 2014. This ulla and for that matter even Srinagar
escalation of anxiety has been typical
of the army whenever it has felt threat- The human rights and the districts in Jammu have wit-
nessed a sharp drop in the violence.
ened by the possible power vacuum observers in Kashmir Second reason is a widespread pub-
that the AFSPA lifting could leave be- lic perception of the AFSPA abetting
hind. Hasnain, in fact, put his foot down argue that the AFSPA human rights violations by the security
when many in the then UPA govern- has taken a huge toll forces. The law gives the army and the
ment, including the then home minis- paramilitary forces sweeping powers
ter P Chidambaram, were inclined to in Valley, with enforced to conduct their operations as “under
review the Act. disappearances being this Act, no prosecution, suit or other
In fact, the home ministry under legal proceeding shall be instituted,”
Chidambaram had even proposed one of its major fallout. against the security personnel acting
amendments to the law. Some of these
included dropping the phrase “even
The human rights in good faith in the line of duty.
And it is these two grounds that
to causing of death” as a permissible groups put the number the Valley politicians have tapped into
consequence of firing, or use of force
by the armed forces. It also proposed
of those who have gone to often fashion a political narrative
for the phase-wise rollback of the law
providing for a grievance redressal missing in the Valley - beginning with two districts each in
mechanism to address complaints re- Kashmir Valley and Jammu.
garding AFSPA abuse. Significantly, the at around 8000. The debate on the AFSPA is no
proposed amendment stipulated to set longer black-and-white. In many ways,
up a redressal mechanism under both what was once an undoubtedly draco-
civilian and armed forces administra- nian instrument of the state is seen —
tion to probe genuine complaints. The of missing at around 8000, the govern- at least in political, if not in humanitar-
amendments also stipulated that Army ment’s own number has wildly varied ian, terms — to have a context. National
carry out its operations in presence of a over the years. political parties see it as necessary to
civilian magistrate. In 2002, the then J&K home minis- not only ensure protection for the se-
However, the Army note which was ter Khalid Najeeb Suharwardy told J&K curity forces deployed in combat oper-
then circulated in Cabinet Committee Assembly that 3,184 people had dis- ations but also maintain their morale.
on Security didn’t largely go along with appeared in the then state from 1989 So, there is little hope that the un-
these proposed amendments. Army to 2002. The figure was subsequently ion government will even consider the
said Section 7 of the AFSPA offered pro- revised by the PDP-led coalition gov- modification of the ASPA let alone re-
tection to security personnel acting in ernment at 3,931 disappearances from peal it.
good faith in their official capacity, and 1989 to 2003. Ghulam Nabi Azad as the “Only way the law could be hoped
their prosecution is permitted only af- Chief Minister pegged the number at to be repealed if Kashmir as an issue
ter sanction of the Central government. 693 in 2006 and then Omar as chief is resolved sometimes is in future,”
The Army also reasoned that it was not minister while replying to a query in said Naseer Ahmad, author of Kashmir
practical to look for a magistrate dur- J&K House on March 31, 2011 put the Pending. “But that seems unlikely to
ing an encounter or to wait for a search number at around 113 people. However happen in the foreseeable future.”
warrant to enter a house where the talking to media as an opposition lead-
militant is likely to be hiding. er in 2008, Omar had said the num- tehelkaletters@gmail.com
US, China and Russia, which India and other third world countries have to navigate
ndia appears to be repositioning grate the country with Europe by joining
herself in her new non-aligned NATO and forging a direct alliance with
A New Delhi-based avatar; the contemporary world is the United States. It is also possible that a
independent not bipolar, but a new triangular set powerful Europe could have diluted the
columnist offers an of world forces in which she has to USA’s status of the only Super Power on
in-depth study. The find her position. During the post World the earth. The olive branch from Rus-
views expressed are War-II years of the 20th century, India sia, maybe for this reason, was rejected,
his own had promoted the non-aligned approach and thus, it forced the Russian president
for surviving in the keen power compe- Vladimir Putin to regain the support
tition between the power blocks led by of the old USSR allies and the republics
USA and USSR (Union of Soviet Social- from Eastern Europe to Eurasia, which
ist Republics) respectively. The recent were once the part of the USSR.
developments of the past two years, espe- Apart from the impact of the deadly
cially during the pandemic of Covid-19 coronavirus on the mankind in 2020, the
accompanied by Chinese belligerence year is also to be remembered for the
have led to the emergence of a triangular final Chinese epitaph scripted on the vi-
power play among USA, China and Rus- brant democracy of Hong Kong. A solemn
The democratic sia, which India and other third world promise was given by the predecessors of
countries have to navigate. the present Chinese President, Xi Jinping,
regime in Afghanistan India’s proximity to the Russian that China would allow ‘one nation two
prompted by the Federation could be traced to the USSR systems’ for next 50 years after it gets
years, when India was liberally helped by the territory from Britain. However, in a
western powers was USSR leadership in her industrialization bid to assert a Super Power status, China
allowed to wither and also in strategic affairs. In spite of the
fragmentation of the USSR, India has re-
dumped its solemn commitment to the
dustbin of history. Within a year of his
away on August 15, tained close ties with the successor state, inauguration in the White House, US
2020 without offering Russia, as well as with the new sovereign
countries established after the break-up
President Joe Biden had to honour the
commitment of his predecessor, Donald
any resistance to of USSR including Ukraine. There was Trump, to pack up from Afghanistan. The
a time, when the Russian Federation American forces were withdrawn and
the Taliban forces. was seeking European identity, but its the democratic regime prompted by the
This humiliation of attempts were thwarted by the European western powers was allowed to wither
Union under the dominance of the USA away on August 15, 2020 without offering
the US-led western and Britain. Instead, they adopted both any resistance to the Taliban forces. This
powers, perhaps, has financial and strategic policies to wean humiliation of the US-led western pow-
away the erstwhile USSR allies to the ers, perhaps, has prompted both China
prompted both China western camp. It may be recalled that and Russia to flex their muscles on the
and Russia to flex during the tenure of Mikhail Gorbachev,
Russia was keen for setting up a mecha-
borders of Taiwan and Ukraine respec-
tively. Biden’s bid to avert further humili-
their muscles on the nism for a “common European home” ation is being seen in the recently held
borders of Taiwan and and a joint global leadership with the
United States. Even Russia’s first presi-
two virtual summits, he has had with Xi
Jinping and Putin.
Ukraine, respectively. dent, Boris Yeltsin, had tried to fully inte- For India, the most interesting event
Indian to win the coveted title after actresses Sushmita Sen and Lara Dutta, writes shveta mishra
t the Miss Universe 2021 pag- senting India so beautifully, for bringing Harnaaz Sandhu. !!!! Welcome to the club!!!
eant in Israel, India’s Tricolor back the Miss Universe Crown to India We’ve waited 21 long years for this!!! You
flew high as actress and mod- after 21 years (by a 21-year-old, you were make us SO SO proud!!! A billion dreams
el Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu was destined). May you enjoy every moment of come true!!!
declared the winner of the learning and sharing this incredible global Harnaaz’s victory has left her mother
competition. Apart from Harnaaz, South platform @missuniverse will provide you… speechless. She said “I don’t know how to
Africa’s Lalela Mswane was declared the May you reign supreme!!! My love and re- express my feelings. She made the whole
second runner-up and Paraguay’s Nadia gards to your Maa and family… bohut bo- Sandhu family proud. She is a determined
Ferreira was the first runner up. It was hut Mubarak #jaihind #duggadugga. Add- girl. She has been active and confident
the 70th edition of the prestigious annual ing to Sushmita’s words, a fan pointed out, since childhood. Today, her dream was
event. “That too in the year 2021. Means a lot 21 21 fulfilled. I could not thank God enough.”
Sushmita Sen, sharing two pictures of 21.” Another commented, “Queen congrat- Harnaaz’s brother Harnoor Sandhu
Harnaaz from the pageant, wrote on Ins- ulating another Queen.” A fan praised Su- added that they are planning a grand wel-
tagram, “#yehbaat ‘Har Hindustani Ki Naz’ shmita’s note and said, “@sushmitasen47 come for her at home. He said, “Dhoom
Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu #MissUniverse2021 - What a wonderful start (Har Hindustaani dhaam se hum Harnaaz ka swagat ka-
India. So proud of you! Congratulations @ ki Naz, *Harnaaz*) Love to you.” Lara Du- renge. (We will welcome her in grand
harnaazsandhu_03 Thank you for repre- tta Bhupathi too tweeted, Congratulations style). She deserves it. We all are proud of
tehelka founders ew
Av A noo p
Abbas Ali Baig & Vinu Gaurav Dalmia Aslam Qader Khan John Thomas Vechurath Dr. Kt Lalwani Arpita & Paramjit Singh Javed Akhtar ance Center Gautam Berry
Action Aid India Society Gautam Benerjee Beena And Kishu K.T.S Tulsi Dr. Ravi Arvind K. Singhania Jayan Pillai Cyrus Guzder H K Chaudhary
Adittya Oomman Gautam Berry ou Beena Pandya Kabir Vedi Dr. Surinder Kapur Asha Sarabhai Jb & Neela Dsouza D Suresh Babu H P Barooah ( Chair-
Benny Thomas Karan Paul Dr.C.P Sreekumar Jeanne-Marie Verghese D.Baskar & D.Nirmal man)
ain a
wardhan H K Chaudhary Bill Emmott Karun Krishna Sanghi Dr.S.P. Vasi Reddi Ashok Jaipuria Jerry Pinto Daniel Lak H.D.Devegowda (Hon.
A b h
Aga Publications Ltd
Adittya Oomman
H P Barooah ( Chair- Bim Bissel Ashok Sachdev Jit Paul
Kiran Beeravelli Eric Johnson Deepak Kapur Ex-Pm)
Alefiya Shabbir Kho- man) Bindiya Jain
o Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Foundation For Demor- Ashok Sharma John Fernandes Dilip Dsouza Harsh C Mariwala
rakiwala H.D.Devegowda (Hon. Bunty Pasricha Aamir Husain Khan cratic Reforms Ashwani Khurana John Singh Dr K Shashidhar Hemant D Naiknavare
Arun ar
Alyque Padamsee Ex-Pm) C Anand David (Man Abbas Ali Baig & Vinu Al Aslam Qader Khan John Thomas Vechurath Dr. Kt Lalwani Hindal Haidar Tyabji
Gaurav Dalmia
Anil Wan
Amal Ganguli Harsh C Mariwala Ford Allianz Pvt. Ltd.) Abhay Yograj Gaurav Singh Av Anoop K N Memani Dr. Prathap C Reddy Indian Tv Dot Com
Anil Agarwal Hemant D Naiknavare Ccl Productsindia Action Aid India Society Gautam Benerjee Beena And Kishu K.T.S Tulsi Dr. Ravi Indrajeet Singh
Anil Nayar Hindal Haidar Tyabji Limited Adittya Oomman Gautam Berry Beena Pandya Kabir Vedi Dr. Surinder Kapur Ishaat Hussain
Alefiya Shabbir Khorakiwala Aam
Anil Wanvari Indian Tv Dot Com Chandni Parekh Aditya Vinayak Pat- Gl Sultania Benny Thomas Karan Paul Dr.C.P Sreekumar J Mehra
Pu b
Anirudh Gupta Indrajeet Singh Chinmay S Patel wardhan H K Chaudhary Bill Emmott Karun Krishna Sanghi Dr.S.P. Vasi Reddi J P Singh
Anju And Abhijit Ishaat Hussain Chiranjeevi K. Aga Publications Ltd
e H P Barooah ( Chair- Bim Bissel Kiran Beeravelli Eric Johnson Jaaved Ahmed Jaaferi
Anupam Dev
Amal Ganguli
J Mehra Ck Ranganathan Alefiya Shabbir Kho- man) Bindiya Jain
Anil Agarwal
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Foundation For Demor- Jagdip Singh
Anuroop Singh J P Singh Collin Benjamin rakiwala H.D.Devegowda (Hon. Bunty Pasricha Aamir Husain Khan cratic Reforms Jagdish Chokar
Arif Mohd Khan Jaaved Ahmed Jaaferi Colonel Rp Dhawan Alyque Padamsee Ex-Pm) C Anand David (Man Abbas Ali Baig & Vinu Gaurav Dalmia Javed Akhtar
Arindam Chaudhuri Jagdip Singh Color Chips India Ltd Amal Ganguli Harsh C Mariwala Ford Allianz Pvt. Ltd.) Abhay Yograj Gaurav Singh Jay Galla
Deepak K
Arnab Basu Jagdish Chokar Consumer Guid- Anil Agarwal Hemant D Naiknavare Ccl Productsindia Action Aid India Society Gautam Benerjee Jayan Pillai
Ashwani Khurana
ance Center Anil Nayar Hindal Haidar Tyabji Adittya Oomman Gautam Berry Jb & Neela Dsouza
Arun Bewoor
Jay Galla Crishna Smita Godrej Anil Wanvari Indian Tv Dot Com Chandni Parekh Aditya Vinayak Pat- Gl Sultania Jeanne-Marie Verghese
Arvind K. Singhania Jayan Pillai Cyrus Guzder Anirudh Gupta Indrajeet Singh Chinmay S Patel wardhan H K Chaudhary Jerry Pinto
Asha Sarabhai Jb & Neela Dsouza Chiranjeevi K.
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D Suresh Babu Anju And Abhijit Ishaat Hussain Aga Publications Ltd H P Barooah ( Chair- Jit Paul
D.Baskar & D.Nirm
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D.Baskar & D.Nirmal Anupam Dev J Mehra Alefiya Shabbir Kho- man) JoDr K Shashidhar
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Ashok Sharma John Fernandes Dilip Dsouza Arindam Chaudhuri Jagdip Singh Color Chips India Ltd Amal Ganguli Harsh C Mariwala Dr. Ravi
Ashwani Khurana John Singh Dr K Shashidhar Arnab Basu Jagdish Chokar Consumer Guid- Anil Agarwal Hemant D Naiknavare Dr. Surinder Kapur
Aslam Qader Khan John Thomas Vechurath Dr. Kt Lalwani ance Center Anil Nayar
Arpita & Paramjit Singh Javed Akhtar Hindal Haidar Tyabji Dr.C.P Sreekumar
Av Anoop K N Memani Dr. Prathap C Reddy Arun Bewoor Jay Galla Crishna Smita Godrej Anil Wanvari Indian Tv Dot Com Dr.S.P. Vasi Reddi
Beena And Kishu K.T.S Tulsi Dr. Ravi Arvind K. Singhania Jayan Pillai Cyrus Guzder Anirudh Gupta Indrajeet Singh Eric Johnson
Beena Pandya Kabir Vedi Dr. Surinder Kapur Asha Sarabhai Jb & Neela Dsouza D Suresh Babu Anju And Abhijit Ishaat Hussain Foundation For Demor-
Benny Thomas Karan Paul Dr.C.P Sreekumar Ashish Goel Jeanne-Marie Verghese D.Baskar & D.Nirmal er Anupam Dev J Mehra cratic Reforms
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Dilip Dsouza / 31 DEC 2021 00
Arindam Chaudhuri Jagdip Singh Color Chips India Ltd Gaurav Singh
1 NOVEMBER, 2021 RNI NO. - DELENG - 2004/12605
DEC 2016
2021 00