The Climate and Weather of The Philippines
The Climate and Weather of The Philippines
The Climate and Weather of The Philippines
In this lesson, you will make a climate map of your region where you will also indicate on the
climate map the animals and plants that are present in your region.
You will also answer these important questions: why is it important to know the climate and
seasons of the Philippines? How is climate and season associated to the location of the
What kinds of plants and animals are common in your place? Draw or write
your answer inside the box. Share with a classmate what you know about
them. Include stories, you know about the particular seasons when some
plants blooms, bear fruits, and grow abundantly.
The title "Pearl of the Orient Seas" perfectly fits the Philippines. Just like a pearl, the Philippines
possesses beauty and it symbolizes wealth. It has a good climate that allows diverse plants and
animals to thrive. You will discover all these in the discussion of this lesson but before you proceed,
here are the things expected from you.
B. Humidity
Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. The high degree of humidity
experienced in the country may be attributed to our hot climate, to the surrounding water forms,
and the abundant rainfall we experience throughout the year. Because of this, the entire country
experiences a generally warm and humid climate throughout the year. Warm atmospheric
condition is experienced in the entire archipelago, because of the hot climate and high percent of
C. Wind flow
wind flow also affects the climate of the country. The Southwest Monsoon or "Habagat," Northeast
Monsoon or "Amihan," and Trade Winds all affect the country's climate types.
The Habagat or Southwest Monsoon originates from Southwest of the country and is experienced
from June to September which result in heavy rainfall.
The Amihan or Northeast Monsoon is experienced from November to February. It comes from
Siberia and blows from the northeast. This is characterized by dry and cold temperature.
On the other hand, trade winds which originate from the Pacific Ocean, is experienced in the country
from February to May
D. Amount of Rainfall
The amount of rainfall is the most important element of climate in the country. It varies in different
cities, provinces, and islands in the country. There are places that experience little or moderate
rainfall while others experience steady and heavy rainfall.
In June 2012, the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
or PAGASA launched a color-coded rainfall advisory system to warn people of possible
evacuation in case water levels rise in their communities due to heavy and intense rainfall.
Mountain barriers affect the amount of rainfall a certain place receives. Its influence is based on
the position of the place in relation to a mountain barrier-whether it is situated in the leeward or
windward side of the mountain. Windward refers to the side of the mountain where rain falls while
leeward is the side where there is no rainfall. The interplay of leeward and windward sides is
important in places where there are mountains and mountain ranges like in Cordillera, Sierra
Madre, and Caraballo Mountain Ranges in Luzon.
Typhoons also affect the amount of rainfall in the country. On the average, 20 typhoons enter the
country every year. They are given names in alphabetical order to identify the number of typhoons
that enter the country annually. These typhoons usually originate from the Pacific Ocean and
pass-through provinces in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
Information about typhoons is relayed to the public through PAGASA. It warns the public to be
prepared for the impact of the typhoon. The following are the storm warning signals:
Storm Signal Number 1: The typhoon has a wind speed of 30 to 60 kilometers per hour and is
expected within 36 hours.
Storm Signal Number 2: The typhoon has a wind speed of 61 to 120 kilometers per hour and is
expected within 24 hours.
Storm Signal Number 3: The typhoon has a wind speed of 121 to 170 kilometers per hour and is
expected within 18 hours.
Storm Signal Number 4: The typhoon has a wind speed of 171 to 220 kilometers per hour and is
expected within 12 hours.
Storm Signal Number 5: The typhoon has a wind speed of more than 220 kilometers per hour and
very heavy to widespread damage is expected.
Name: Date Submitted: / /2021
Grade/Section: Subject: ARALING PANLIPUNAN 4
A. identify the directions represented by each number using a compass rose.
8. 2.
7. 3.
6. 4.
B. Determine the territorial extend and boundaries of the Philippines on the map. Write your
answer on the lines and compare it with the absolute location of the country.
Tropical climate is suited for domestication of animals and cultivation of crops or plants. The
Philippines is one of the fortunate countries with this kind of climate. Because of these various plants
and animals can be found in it.
Plants in the country are used as food, or raw materials for furniture, and as ornaments. Some are
also used as medicines. Some of the herbal plants are oregano, sambong, guava, ampalaya, anise,
malunggay, laurel, garlic, ginger, lagundi, alagaw, and sabila. The fruits or leaves of these plants are
used as medicines for treating of cough, diarrhea, headache, wounds, and snake bites.
Because the duration of the rainy and dry seasons in the Philippines are regular, Filipino farmers are
able to plan well for the planting season. It also helps them decide on the kinds of crops to plant for a
particular season. For example, during rainy seasons roots crops such as gabi and onions. They also
plant crops like rice and abaca which need lots of water or rain in places which experience frequent
and abundant rainfall while crops like coffee, tobacco, and sugar cane which do not need much rain
are planted in places that experience short rainy season.
The Philippines is a home to different kinds of animals. Its tropical climate is a favorable habitat for
animals such as carabaos, deers, cows, goats, pigs, chickens, cats, dogs, rats, and many more.
There are 332 kinds of reptiles and amphibians that can be found in the country, 215 of which are
endemic to the country. Among the animals that can only be found in the Philippines are the tamaraw
in Mindoro, mouse deer (Balabac chevrotain or pilandok) in Balabac, Palawan, and the Philippine
tarsier, one of the smallest primates in the world which can only be found in the provinces of Bohol,
Leyte, and Samar.
Many kinds of birds and butterflies can also be found in the Philippines. There are more or less 600
kinds of birds and 900 kinds of butterflies living in the country. The Haribon or the Philippine Eagle, is
one of the largest eagles in the world and is considered as the country's national bird. The most
beautiful bird in the country is the Paboreal which is found in Palawan. The red-breasted dove is also
distinct because of the red feathers in its breast. The hornbill (kalaw) has a red beak and is found in
Mindanao and some provinces in the Visayas.
Aside from birds, the country is also rich in species of fishes. There are about 2,000 kinds of fish in
the country. The butanding or whale shark (Rhincodon typus) can be found in Donsol, Sorsogon. The
sinarapan which is found in Lake Buhi in Camarines Sur is known as the smallest commercial fish in
the world. Other than fish, there are 500 to 800 species of marine resources like corals, clams, crabs,
pearls, and edible marine plants that can also be found in the waters of the Philippines. The
gloriamaris or Glory of the Sea, an expensive and unique clam, the biggest clam (Tridacna gigas),
and the smallest clam (Pisidium) in the whole world can also be found in the country.
Some of the animals living in the country are now gradually facing extinction due to illegal poaching
and the destruction of their habitats. This has prompted the government to enact a law that makes
such activities illegal. There are also organizations that advocate the protection of these endangered
The Philippines is a tropical country because of its location.
The country experiences two general climate conditions every year the dry and rainy seasons.
However, different kinds of climate are experienced in various parts of the country due to some
factors such as location, physical characteristics, temperature, humidity, wind flow, and amount of
The trade winds, southwest monsoon, and northeast monsoon also cause variations in the climate.
On the average, about 20 typhoons enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility annually. Most of
these typhoons bring destruction to the country.
PAGASA gives out public warnings about the strength of a coming typhoon and the preparations the
people need to do.
There are plants and animals that only grow and live in the Philippines because of the country's good
Using the knowledge on climate, it is easy to determine which kinds of crops need to be planted in a
Plants can be used as food, tools, materials for building decorations, and as cure for illnesses.
Name: Date Submitted: / /2021
Grade/Section: Subject: ARALING PANLIPUNAN 4
A. use the spiderweb to identify the factors that affect Philippine climate
B. List at least 10 animals and 10 plants or crops that you can see here in the Philippines
Animals Plants/Crops