General Physics 1 Fluid Mechanics Week 6 (Second Quarter)
General Physics 1 Fluid Mechanics Week 6 (Second Quarter)
General Physics 1 Fluid Mechanics Week 6 (Second Quarter)
In this module you will learn about the key concepts in motion along a straight
line and motions in two and three dimensions. The learners are able to... solve multiconcept, rich context problems using concepts
from rotational motion, fluids, oscillations, gravity, and thermodynamics.
HOW TO LEARN FROM THIS MODULE The study of fluid mechanics plays an important role in our understanding of
everyday phenomina involving fluids.
Here are simple guide for you to how to use and learn this module.
1. Read and follow instructions carefully.
2. Take the pre-test(the number of items varies depending on the topic)
3. Check your answers against the correct answers provided at the last page
of the module.
4. Be honest in taking the test so that you will know how much knowledge
you learned about the topic.
5. Perform all the activities, as this will help you a better understanding of the
6. Take the self-test at the end of each lesson to determine how much you
learned about the lesson.
7. Take the post-test to assess how much you learned in this module.
NOTE: Use the spaces provided for your answers and solutions.
1. On Density of solids
A 0.954 kg cylinder has a diameter of 15.4 cm and a height of 27.2 cm. What is the density of the cylinder?
2. On Density of Liquids
A 235 mL pycnometer has a mass of 700 g when empty and 870 g when filled with unknown liquid. What is the density of liquid in kg/ cubic meter?
3. On Pressure
A volunteer weighing 1020 N sits on a bed of closely 270 closely spaced nails. Each nail has a cross-sectional of 0.00028 sq. meter. Assuming that the volunteer occupy the entire
space of 270 nails,
a. What pressure do the nails exert on the volunteer?
b. If instead the volunteer sits on only one nail, how much pressure does the nail exert on him?
4. On Hydrostatic Pressure
How high should an intravenous bag be for the fluid to just enter the the vein? Assume that the density of the fluid is equal to that of water and the blood pressure is 0 mmHg.
5. On Atmospheric Pressure
An airplane flies at an altitude of 35,000 ft. Find the atmospheric pressure at this altitude.
6. On Pascal’s Principle
A hydraulic press has pistons of area 0.0008 sq-.meter and 0.045 sq-meter, respectively. A force of 37 N is applied to a smaller piston.
a. What is the lifting force on the bigger piston?
b. Find the pressure exerted on the smaller piston and on the bigger piston.
8. On Bernoulli’s Equation
Water is flowing through the horizontal pipe of varying cross-sections. In section 1, the diameter is 15.0 cm and the pressure is 10.0 x 10 4 Pa. In section 2, the pipe diameter is 7.5 cm
and the pressure is 8.0 x 104 Pa. Find the speed of water through sections 1 and 2.
(Figure-refer to Sample problem-9.11)
G-The learners are able to compute the velocity of the rolling bodies using conservation of energy in the experiment by performing an individual
actual measurements and procedures inside the house.
R- The learners as junior engineers.
A-The ouput will be presented to the teacher.
S- You are asked to compute the velocity of rolling bodies by performing actual tests and measurements on various materials to be stated.
P- The learners will come up with the necessary data on the Information Table.
S-Originality and Creativity, Content, Over-all Impact
a sphere timer
cylinder weighing scale (manghiram lang)
block of wood inclined plane (improvised lang)
hollow cylinder
1. Determine the mass and radius of each object to be used in the experiment. For the block, determine its length, width, and height.
2. Release the metal sphere, solid cylinder, wooden block, and hollow cylinder one at a time from the same height on the inclined plane.
3. Get the time for each of the objects to reach at the bottom of the plane. Which object will reach the bottom first?
4. Measure the height and the length of the inclined plane.
5. Get the average speed of each object at the bottom of the inclined plane by dividing the length of the incline by the time the object reach the bottom of the
vaverage = L / t
6. Compute the speed at the bottom by multiplying the average speed by 2, assuming that the objects starts from rest.
7. Use conservation of mechanical energy to compute for the speed of each object when they reach the bottom of the incline.
8. Compute the percent difference of two speeds.
In a short-sized bond paper, draw figures of each procedures per object showing all given data and computations.
Major points are presented and fully Major points are presented. Major points are presented. However, Minor points are presented.
CONTENT supported with concepts of rotational However, some of them are not most of them are not supported with However, most of them are not
dynamics. supported with concepts of rotational concepts of rotational dynamics. supported with concepts of
dynamics. rotational dynamics.
The drawing or product shows a large The drawing or product shows some The drawing or product uses other The drawing or product uses
ORIGINALITY amount of original thought. Ideas are original thought. Ideas are creative and peoples’ works and there is little other peoples’ works and there
and very creative and very inventive. very inventive. evidence of original thinking. is no evidence of original
CREATIVITY thinking.
The drawing or product is well-prepared The drawing or product is well- The drawing or product is not well- The drawing or product is not
OVER-ALL with a variety of materials used to prepared but limited materials used to prepared and with limited materials used well-prepared and very few
IMPACT create a powerful image about the create an interesting image about the to create an interesting image about the materials used to create a fair
appearance. appearance. appearance. image about the appearance.
Average speed
Percent difference
Note: Sample Computations on computed speed using conservation of energy, refer to Sample Problem 5.9 – Week 6 Module-Quarter 1- on Conservation of
Mechanical Energy.
Post-performance questions:
1. Which among the objects tested reaches the botton first? Can you explain why?