Clapham 2003

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Paleobiology, 29(4), 2003, pp.


Paleoecology of the oldest known animal communities:

Ediacaran assemblages at Mistaken Point, Newfoundland

Matthew E. Clapham, Guy M. Narbonne, and James G. Gehling

Abstract.—Ediacaran fossils at Mistaken Point, southeastern Newfoundland (terminal Neoproter-

ozoic; 565–575 Ma) represent the oldest known animal communities. In contrast to most Phaner-
ozoic fossil assemblages, in which postmortem transportation, bioturbation, and the accumulation
of hardparts obscure community relationships, all fossils in the Mistaken Point assemblages were
sessile, soft-bodied organisms that show no evidence of mobility in life or transportation after
death. Mistaken Point assemblages are spectacularly preserved on large bedding planes as in situ
census populations of hundreds to thousands of fossils, recording the living soft-bodied benthic
community at the moment it was smothered by volcanic ash. This unique preservation style allows
ecological tests routinely conducted in modern communities (e.g., species richness, abundance,
‘‘biomass,’’ diversity, and evenness, as well as statistical tests of nearest-neighbor interactions) to
be applied to the fossil communities. Observed patterns of community variability are consistent
with the theory that Mistaken Point fossil surfaces are ‘‘snapshots’’ recording different stages of
ecological succession, progressing from communities of low-level feeders (e.g., pectinates and spin-
dles) to frond-dominated communities with complex tiering and spatial structure. The presence of
diverse slope communities at Mistaken Point suggests that the deep sea was colonized rapidly dur-
ing the evolution of complex organisms. Species richness, abundance, and diversity values, as well
as levels of intraspecific interaction, all fall within the typical range observed in modern slope com-
munities. These structural similarities imply that ecological processes present in Ediacaran com-
munities at Mistaken Point were strikingly similar to the processes that operate in modern deep-
sea animal communities.

Matthew E. Clapham,* Guy M. Narbonne, and James G. Gehling.† Department of Geological Sciences and
Geological Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada.
*Present address: Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90089-0740.

Present address: South Australian Museum, Division of Natural Science, North Terrace, Adelaide, South
Australia 5000, Australia

Accepted: 11 March 2003

Introduction absent (Glaessner 1984; McMenamin 1986; Sei-

The Ediacara biota is a distinctive fossil as- lacher 1992) and other interactions, such as epi-
semblage of sessile, soft-bodied organisms biosis, interspecific competition, or mutualism,
known from late Neoproterozoic rocks (ca. also were apparently reduced or not present
575–543 Ma) worldwide (Glaessner 1984; Fe- (Waggoner 1998). Different authors have sug-
donkin 1992; Jenkins 1992; Narbonne 1998; gested that the Ediacara organisms were het-
Martin et al. 2000; Narbonne and Gehling erotrophic suspension feeders (Jenkins and
2003). Ediacaran fossils document a critical in- Gehling 1978; Gehling and Rigby 1996; Cla-
terval in Earth history, the transition between pham and Narbonne 2002), chemosynthetic/
the predominantly microbial ecosystems of the chemosymbiotic (Seilacher 1992), or photosyn-
Precambrian and the animal ecosystems of the thetic/photosymbiotic (McMenamin 1986), al-
Phanerozoic. Despite their pivotal position in though the occurrence of Ediacaran fossils in
the evolution of life, relatively little is known subphotic deep-water settings implies that
about the ecology of the Ediacara biota. Eco- those taxa could not be photoautotrophic (Sei-
logical interactions between individuals and lacher 1992; Dalrymple and Narbonne 1996;
between species are thought to be limited in MacNaughton et al. 2000). Study of the Edi-
Ediacaran communities, although there are acara biota is critical to the understanding of
very few empirical data to support or contra- the early evolution of animals and the devel-
dict this hypothesis. Macropredation appears opment of modern-style ecosystems, yet, ex-
q 2003 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/00/2904-0007/$1.00

cept for a few local studies, almost nothing is

known about the community ecology of these
oldest complex ecosystems.
The Mistaken Point area of southeastern
Newfoundland (Fig. 1) is a nearly ideal place
to study the ecology of the earliest animal
communities. The Neoproterozoic succession
is thick, richly fossiliferous, and exposed in
long, continuous coastal sections. The sections
are punctuated by volcanic ash beds, which
weather to expose dkm-scale bedding plane
surfaces on the tops of mudstone beds. Many
of these surfaces contain assemblages of hun-
dreds to thousands of well-preserved Edi-
acaran fossils, recording a snapshot of the liv-
ing benthic community at the moment of buri-
al. This lack of taphonomic bias allows out-
standing questions of Ediacaran community
ecology to be resolved by using techniques
routinely applied to modern ecosystems, in-
cluding parameters of species richness, organ-
ism abundance and biomass, and diversity
and evenness coefficients (e.g., Mayer and Pie-
penburg 1996; Gutt et al. 1999). In addition,
Ediacaran ecological processes and organism
interactions can be accurately assessed with
statistical tests describing the spatial pattern
of nearest-neighbor distribution (Thrush 1991;
Anderson 1992; Campbell 1992; Bellingham
1998; Coomes et al. 1999; Haase 2001). Appli-
cation of these techniques from modern ecol-
ogy to the best surfaces through nearly 2.5 km
of stratigraphy permits characterization of
Ediacaran communities and community pro-
cesses at Mistaken Point, and evaluation of
ecosystem development, through comparison
with modern deep-water communities, dur-
ing the earliest stages of animal evolution.

Mistaken Point Fossils

Soft-bodied Ediacaran fossils were first de-
scribed from the Mistaken Point area of the
southeastern Avalon Peninsula, Newfound-
FIGURE 1. A, Location map showing location of study
land (Fig. 1), more than 30 years ago (Ander- area in the Avalon Zone (dark gray) of southeastern
son and Misra 1968; Misra 1969). Subsequent Newfoundland. B, Map of the Mistaken Point area.
work has documented an abundant and di- Studied fossil surfaces are indicated by stars. C, Strati-
graphic section of upper Conception Group and lower
verse biota occurring on more than 100 bed- St. John’s Group. Approximate position of surfaces are
ding planes through nearly 2.5 km of strati- marked and dated ash beds are indicated by arrows.
graphic thickness (Anderson and Conway
Morris 1982; Narbonne et al. 2001). The abun-
dance of features typical of deep-water turbi-

dites, coupled with the complete absence of

features implying wave influence or emer-
gence, has led previous workers to conclude
that the Mistaken Point assemblage lived on a
deep-water slope below both wave base and
the photic zone (Misra 1971, 1981; Myrow
1995; Narbonne et al. 2001; Wood et al. in
press). Radiometric dating of a volcanic ash
horizon covering the best-known fossil sur-
face at Mistaken Point yielded a date of 565 6
3 Ma (Benus 1988) and frondose fossils from
the Drook Formation 1500 m lower in the sec-
tion are probably 10 Myr older (Narbonne and
Gehling 2003), suggesting that the Mistaken
Point biota is the oldest record of complex,
megascopic organisms yet discovered and
predates well-known Ediacaran assemblages
from Australia, Russia, and Namibia (Nar-
bonne 1998).
The Mistaken Point biota is reported to con-
tain as many as 30 taxa (Anderson and Con-
way Morris 1982), but in practice only a dozen
forms are common (Narbonne et al. 2001). Our
detailed study of the seven most diverse fossil
surfaces has recorded eighteen taxa (the 14
most abundant are depicted in Fig. 2). With
the exception of the discoidal fossil Aspidella
(Billings 1872; Gehling et al. 2000) and the
frondose Charnia wardi (Narbonne and Gehl-
ing 2003), taxa of the Mistaken Point biota
have only been described in general terms,
and many have not yet been formally named.
Detailed taxonomic studies are in progress,
but in the interim this paper follows other
studies in utilizing a mixture of formal names
of taxa that have been named elsewhere (e.g.,
Charnia, Charniodiscus, Bradgatia) along with
informal but widely and consistently applied
names for endemic taxa (e.g., ‘‘spindles,’’
‘‘pectinates,’’ ‘‘dusters’’) (see also Waggoner
1999; Narbonne et al. 2001). FIGURE 2. Census composition and areal coverage val-
ues for Mistaken Point fossil surfaces. Only fossils con-
Mistaken Point Surfaces stituting .1% of the census or areal coverage are shown.

Coastal sections in the Mistaken Point area

are punctuated by literally hundreds of large
bedding plane exposures (1–200 m2 in size) fall. Seven diverse and well-preserved Mistak-
formed by the preferential erosion of weaker en Point assemblages, spanning four succes-
volcanic ash horizons. These large surfaces sive formations and a stratigraphic distance of
commonly preserve Ediacaran fossils, record- nearly 2.5 km, were selected for detailed study
ing a snapshot of the living benthic commu- (Table 1, Fig. 1). Each contains more than 100
nity at the instant it was smothered by the ash- fossils and thus provides a census for statis-

TABLE 1. Summary description of stratigraphic position (below the top of the Trepassey Formation), area studied,
smallest feature preserved, number of fossils, and dominant taxa for the studied fossil surfaces. The smallest feature
preserved is a taphonomic variable quantifying the finest detail visible on each surface.

Stratigraphic Area feature No. of
Surface position studied preserved fossils Dominant taxa
SH 210 m 47.0 m 2
3.0 mm 370 Pectinate
G 2350 m 7.05 m2 1.2 mm 162 Bradgatia, Charniodiscus
E 2365 m 104.75 m2 0.5 mm 4188 Spindle, Charniodiscus
D 2368 m 63.4 m2 1.8 mm 1488 Spindle
LMP 2600 m 14.0 m2 2.0 mm 304 Charnia A
BC 2950 m 0.71 m2 0.3 mm 106 Spindle, Charnia B
PC 22200 m 16.7 m2 2.0 mm 239 Triangle, Ivesia

tical testing and accurate characterization of mixing of separate populations and time-av-
community attributes. eraging of living with recently dead material,
The studied surfaces were subdivided with which are common in Phanerozoic shelly fos-
a meter-square grid to facilitate data collec- sil assemblages (Miller 1986; Fürsich and
tion. Every fossil was identified and its posi- Aberhan 1990; Kidwell 1993; Powell et al.
tion recorded within the grid system; each of 2002), would not have affected the communi-
these records also contains measurements of ties at Mistaken Point. Preservation of the Mis-
fossil dimensions and orientation(s). In addi- taken Point fossil assemblages as census pop-
tion, taphonomic information (e.g., bending, ulations of in situ, entirely soft-bodied, epifau-
folding, incompleteness, partial preservation nal organisms, with no evidence of spatial or
due to fracturing or ash cover) was recorded temporal taphonomic mixing, provides a
where applicable. Superpositional relation- nearly ideal situation to recreate benthic com-
ships were also noted, indicating which fossil munity paleoecology. Nektonic and plankton-
was preserved underneath in an overlapping ic animals would have had a low preservation
pair. potential so their abundance (or even pres-
The resulting database contains detailed re- ence) in the Mistaken Point biota is uncertain;
cords for hundreds to thousands of fossils on however, pelagic organisms are typically not
each surface. However, the Mistaken Point included in studies of modern slope benthos
area has been subjected to pervasive tectonic either (e.g., Grassle et al. 1975; Smith and
deformation and every bedding plane has un- Hamilton 1983; Mayer and Piepenburg 1996;
dergone significant shortening, altering ab- Gutt et al. 1999).
solute fossil positions as well as both dimen- Observed differences between communities
sion and orientation values (Seilacher 1999). are indicative of significant biotic patterns
Deformed positions, dimensions, and orien- only if the variation within a single commu-
tations were restored to their original values nity is less than that between fossil surfaces.
by mathematically removing the apparent Our qualitative observations of surfaces that
bed-parallel shortening in a process called re- crop out in several localities along the sea
trodeformation (see Wood et al. in press for a coast suggested that, although even strati-
mathematical description of the methodolo- graphically closely spaced surfaces can differ
gy). All ecological tests were conducted on the dramatically in fossil content, lateral variabil-
retrodeformed database. ity in the fossil composition of any surface is
minimal (Narbonne et al. 2001). The amount
How Good Are the Data? and effects of within-surface variation can be
All Mistaken Point taxa represent soft-bod- quantified by comparing the classic E ‘‘Yale
ied, sessile organisms. There is little evidence surface’’ at Mistaken Point (used for the de-
of postmortem transport and no evidence of tailed paleocommunity studies presented be-
any infauna (Narbonne et al. 2001), so com- low) with a small sample of the E ‘‘Queen’s
plicating taphonomic effects, such as spatial surface,’’ also at Mistaken Point but separated

from the Yale surface by a 10-m-wide expo- TABLE 2. Summary attributes of Mistaken Point fossil
sure gap, and with the same stratigraphic sur- communities.

face more than 1 km away at Watern Cove. The Fossil Areal

samples encompassed a range of preservation Species density cover- Shannon Shannon
quality, from uniformly good preservation at Surface richness (ind/m2) age diversity evenness

E (Queen’s) to poorer preservation under thick SH 6 7.9 3.4% 0.46 0.26

G 6 23.0 6.2% 1.54 0.86
ash cover at E (Watern Cove). E (Yale) included E 12 39.7 12.4% 1.52 0.61
both high-quality areas and fractured and D 8 23.5 11.2% 0.70 0.33
abraded areas. The effects of preservation LMP 11 21.7 7.2% 1.31 0.55
BC 4 149.3 6.3% 0.67 0.48
quality, which may influence community pa- PC 3 14.3 10.7% 0.87 0.80
rameters such as species richness, organism
density, and diversity values to varying de-
grees, will be superimposed upon original
compositional differences within the com- more complex community descriptors such as
munity. Most community parameters were es- Shannon diversity and evenness coefficients.
sentially unchanged between differing taph- Sophisticated statistical tests of nearest-neigh-
onomic regimes: species richness (10–12 spe- bor relationships, for both single populations
cies), diversity (H9 5 1.52–1.68), and evenness and the whole community, were used to quan-
(E 5 0.61–0.70) are fairly consistent between tify organism interactions. Descriptions of
the three expressions of the E surface. Organ- each of these tests, including a detailed expla-
ism density values showed significant differ- nation of the methodology of each (where ap-
ences that can be directly correlated with plicable), are presented sequentially in the fol-
quality of preservation, from 31.9 ind/m2 at E lowing sections.
(Watern Cove) to 39.7 ind/m2 on E (Yale) and
Species Richness
56.5 ind/m2 on E (Queen’s). Lower density on
poorly preserved surfaces reflects thick ash Species richness ranges from 3 to 12 taxa
cover or abrasion, both of which obscure small per locality (Table 2). Because the area sur-
specimens. However, areal coverage (a proxy veyed for each surface varied between 0.7 and
for biomass) was not greatly affected by ta- 105 m2, and because these variations in sam-
phonomy (observed values ca. 10–15%) be- pled area size may strongly influence the ob-
cause preservation quality affects the abun- served species richness, we constructed spe-
dance of small fossils only, which are typically cies-area curves (Grassle and Maciolek 1992)
a minor component of community biomass. by recording the species richness of several (3–
These results suggest that organism density is 8) randomly placed subsamples (1–25 m2 in
strongly correlated with preservation quality size) to investigate the minimum area re-
in the Mistaken Point assemblages but that quired to accurately estimate the total species
other community parameters are not signifi- richness of each community (Fig. 3). Species-
cantly affected by taphonomy and should cor- area curves suggest that the measured species
respond to meaningful environmental or eco- richness for the BC and LMP communities is
logical variables. not an accurate estimate of true species rich-
ness but that all other surfaces were adequate-
Mistaken Point Community Attributes ly sampled.
Mistaken Point communities represent cen-
Fossil Density
sus populations of sessile, surface-dwelling
organisms and thus are ideally suited for ap- Organism density results are difficult to
plication of ecological techniques derived link to ecological or environmental processes
from studies of modern communities. Meth- because of the potential taphonomic bias
ods used in this study include simple mea- against small individuals. Measured organ-
sures of community structure, such as species ism density in Mistaken Point communities is
richness, fossil density, and fossil areal cov- typically 21–23 ind/m2 on the LMP, D, and G
erage (used as a proxy for biomass), as well as surfaces, with most other values slightly high-

FIGURE 3. Species-area relations for Mistaken Point communities. Species-area curves for each surface were gen-
erated by measuring the species richness of randomly placed subsamples.

er (39.7 ind/m2 on the E surface) or lower (7.9 Shannon evenness values from Mistaken Point
and 14.3 ind/m2 at SH and PC, respectively). communities span nearly the entire possible
BC is the only surface displaying significantly range of equitability, from 0.26 (SH) to 0.86
anomalous density values (149.3 ind/m2), re- (Gautam et al. 2000:). The seven communities
sulting from the abundance of small fossils. are distributed over the entire equitability
range, rather than clustering in discrete
‘‘Biomass’’ groups. Other Shannon evenness values are
Biomass, as measured in modern ecosys- 0.33 (D), 0.48 (BC), 0.55 (LMP), 0.61 (E), and
tems, cannot be directly calculated from Mis- 0.80 (PC).
taken Point communities because of uncer-
tainties as to the three-dimensional shapes Single-Species Spatial Pattern
and material properties of the Ediacaran or- Methodology. Many nearest-neighbor tech-
ganisms. Instead, two-dimensional area oc- niques for the analysis of spatial pattern exist,
cupied by the fossils was adopted as a proxy although most are derived for sample areas
for biomass, allowing approximate compari- with simple polygonal boundaries (Clark and
son of total community areal coverage be- Evans 1954; Campbell 1992, 1996). Because all
tween Mistaken Point surfaces. Although this six communities (soft-sediment deformation
is not ideal, it is a far more realistic estimate at SH did not permit the original positions of
of biomass than census counts of individuals the organisms to be measured accurately) ex-
(irrespective of size) could provide. Fossil ar- amined at Mistaken Point had irregular
eal coverage, expressed as a percentage of to- boundaries imposed by the edge of preserved
tal surface area, ranges from 3.4% (SH) to outcrop, more-sophisticated statistical tests of
12.4% (E). Three communities (G, BC, LMP) spatial pattern are required. Monte Carlo sim-
have relatively low areal coverage, at 6.2%, ulation methods are able to compensate for ir-
6.3%, and 7.2% respectively, whereas the re- regular outcrop areas by comparing the ob-
maining three communities (PC, D, E) have served community spatial pattern to the sim-
higher areal coverage (10.7%, 11.2%, and ulated random spatial patterns of populations
12.4% respectively). with identical boundaries (Coomes et al.
1999). Complete spatial randomness is simu-
Diversity and Evenness lated by a two-dimensional Poisson process,
Lowest diversity is observed on the SH sur- and the cumulative distribution of nearest-
face, which has a Shannon diversity value of neighbor distances from that random popu-
0.46. The most diverse communities are E and lation is compared with the observed distri-
G, with Shannon coefficients of 1.52 and 1.54, bution of distances from the actual population
respectively. Intermediate diversity values are (Coomes et al. 1999).
0.67 (BC), 0.70 (D), 0.87 (PC), and 1.31 (LMP). We modified this procedure slightly for the

E surface, which contains a large area readily

recognized in the field as exhibiting lower-
quality preservation. The difference in appar-
ent fossil density was incorporated into the
model, resulting in a simulated two-density
population. This variable-intensity Poisson
process provided a more accurate represen-
tation of true spatial pattern by reducing the
impact of taphonomic effects on the model.
We compared the spatial pattern for each tax-
on by simulating random populations with
the same population size in an area with the
same boundary shape. On surfaces containing
both Charniodiscus and dusters, two frondose
taxa with indistinguishable discoid bases, the
two taxa were combined so that frond bases
could be included in the analysis.
Error bounds (95% uncertainty) were esti-
mated by simulating 1000 random popula-
tions. Populations with fewer than 20–25 in-
dividuals could not be simulated because er- FIGURE 4. A, Cumulative probability distribution for
ror bounds on the cumulative distribution of finding a nearest neighbor within specified distance
(thick line) for LMP Charnia Type A. The 95% error lim-
expected nearest-neighbor distances were too its for random spatial distribution are indicated by
great. If the cumulative distribution of ob- shaded area. Observed distribution (dark line) passes
served nearest-neighbor distances passes outside of the upper error bound, indicating an aggre-
gated spatial pattern. B, Cumulative probability distri-
above the upper boundary of the error enve- bution for finding a nearest neighbor within specified
lope, there are significantly more nearest distance (thick line) for G surface Bradgatia. The 95% er-
neighbors within a given distance than ex- ror limits for random spatial distribution are indicated
by shaded area. Observed distribution (dark line) passes
pected from a random population and the or- outside of the lower error bound, indicatinga regular
ganism has an aggregated spatial pattern (Fig. spatial pattern.
4A). Likewise, if the observed distribution
passes outside the lower bound of the error
envelope there are significantly fewer nearest tent patterns between surfaces, individual
neighbors than in a random population and communities tended to have distinctive con-
the organism has a regular spatial pattern stituent spatial patterns. For example, the ma-
(Fig. 4B). jority (4/7) of species on the E surface are ag-
Results. Mistaken Point organisms display gregated. Only Charnia and the enigmatic lo-
relatively complex single-species spatial pat- bate forms Ivesia and the Lobate Discs are ran-
terns: of 20 taxa examined, 9 were distributed domly distributed and Charnia displayed
randomly, 8 displayed an aggregated spatial strong nonsignificant deviation toward aggre-
pattern, and 3 had a regular distribution (Ta- gation (p 5 0.10). In contrast, all three organ-
ble 3). Ivesia displayed consistent spatial pat- isms examined from the G surface displayed
terning in different communities (randomly regularity, two significantly and the holdfast
distributed on PC and E), as did Charnia Type fronds at p 5 0.09. The D surface is unusual in
B (aggregated on BC and LMP). However, having both aggregated and regularly spaced
most other organisms were aggregated or reg- taxa.
ular on some surfaces but random on others.
Bradgatia and the frondose group (Charniodis- Multispecies Spatial Pattern
cus and dusters) displayed both aggregated Methodology. Many methods have been de-
and regular patterns. rived to model two-species nearest-neighbor
Although organisms did not display consis- interactions in square sample areas (Anderson

spatial pattern. The ‘‘Frondose’’ label refers to the grouping of Charniodiscus and dusters. The minimum population size for the testing was approximately 20 fossils;
TABLE 3. Single-species spatial patterns. Significance levels of aggregation (AGG), regularity (REG), and randomness (Rand) derived from Monte Carlo simulation of
1992; Dixon 1994; Zou and Wu 1995). Monte

Rand (p 5 0.094)
Carlo methods, similar to those used by Coo-

REG (p 5 0.04)

REG (p 5 0.05)
mes et al. (1999), allow simulation of multi-
species interactions in irregular sample areas.

Multispecies Monte Carlo simulation used the



same procedure as single-species simulation,
but extended to simulate a community with
the same number of species and the same-
sized populations as the comparison fossil
AGG (p , 0.001)

AGG (p , 0.001)

AGG (p , 0.001)
AGG (p 5 0.037)
Rand (p 5 0.10)

Rand (p 5 0.17)
Rand (p 5 0.28)
community. For each species, we recorded the
identity of each nearest neighbor and tabulat-

ed the probability of having a given species as

nearest neighbor. Error bounds (95% uncer-



tainty) were derived from 1000 simulated

runs. If a species occurs more frequently as a
nearest neighbor than expected from two co-
Rand (p 5 0.076)
AGG (p , 0.001)
REG (p 5 0.016)

existing random distributions then the two

species are associated, whereas they are seg-
regated if there are fewer nearest neighbors

than expected.






Results. Only 4 of 64 pairwise nearest-

taxa with a smaller population are labeled NS (for ‘‘not sufficient’’). NP stands for ‘‘not present.’’

neighbor interactions simulated displayed

significant deviation from randomness, both
toward segregation. Charnia Type A and os-
AGG (p , 0.001)
AGG (p 5 0.018)

Rand (p 5 0.14)

trich feathers both have a segregated distri-

bution in the LMP community. The segrega-

tion was two-sided: fewer Charnia Type A

were neighbors of ostrich feathers than ex-





pected, and fewer ostrich feathers were near-

est neighbors to Charnia Type A. Frondose
taxa (Charniodiscus and dusters) and spindles
AGG (p 5 0.005)

Rand (p 5 0.14)

also displayed two-sided segregation in the E

surface community.

Between-Community Variation





We examined variation in community com-

position by using cluster analysis (log-trans-
formed data, Bray-Curtis similarity, complete
linkage) to classify all Mistaken Point com-
Rand (p 5 0.051)
Rand (p 5 0.21)

munities, with the three E surface replicates

included as separate samples to assess within-

community variation. Other clustering meth-

ods (e.g., WPGMA, UPGMA) gave similar



dendrograms but tended to group the PC and

SH surfaces by abundance of Ivesia and were
not utilized for the final analysis. The result-
ing cluster dendrogram (Fig. 5) shows that
Ostrich feather
Holdfast stem

within-community variations for the E surface

Lobate disc
Charnia A
Charnia B



are much smaller than any between-commu-


nity differences. This strong similarity further


underscores the limited effect of taphonomic


FIGURE 5. Q-mode and R-mode cluster analyses of Mistaken Point communities (complete linkage, Bray-Curtis
similarity coefficient).

alteration on community composition. Small and SH). Cluster analysis clearly shows
within-community variation also suggests groupings of similar communities but does
that observed between-surface differences are not display environmentally or ecologically
not simply reflections of variability within a mediated gradients in community composi-
single community type. In addition, the uni- tion. Such trends are better displayed by or-
formity within and between all E surface sam- dination techniques that map the relationship
ples implies that spatial heterogeneity was between communities in two- or three-dimen-
minimal in Ediacaran communities at Mistak- sional space (Clarke 1993). We chose nonmet-
en Point, even at kilometer-scale, in contrast to ric multidimensional scaling (MDS) to com-
well-developed patchiness in many modern pare community similarity because it is a mul-
slope communities (Grassle et al. 1975; Smith tivariate ordination technique that does not re-
and Hamilton 1983; Vetter and Dayton 1999). quire the data to be normally distributed,
Minimal within-surface variation suggests making it especially suited to analysis of com-
that observed compositional differences be- munity abundance data (Field et al. 1982;
tween Mistaken Point communities are signif- Clarke 1993). MDS ordination was performed
icant and reflect the ecological or environmen- with the PC-ORD software package (McCune
tal processes that structured those communi- and Mefford 1999) and the results are dis-
ties. Q- and R-mode cluster analysis (Fig. 5) played in Figure 6. Although MDS does not
reveals a fundamental division between two rigidly structure variability along the major
major groupings of communities: frond-dom- ordination axes (as in PCA, for example), com-
inated communities (G, E, LMP, and to some munity trends in ordination space may still be
extent PC) and frond-poor (typically spindle- linked to environmental or ecological vari-
or pectinate-dominated) communities (BC, D, ables through regression analysis (Clarke

FIGURE 6. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination plot for Mistaken Point communities. Stress
,0.01 for three-dimensional solution. Regression lines for preservation quality (A), stratigraphic position (B), and
proposed ecological succession model (C) are shown. Length of regression line is proportional to the strength of
correlation. Shaded ellipses correspond to frond-poor (light gray) and frond-rich (dark gray) groupings from cluster
analysis (Fig. 5).

1993). Observed species composition may be Evolutionary Controls

controlled by a combination of evolutionary,
Long-term trends in ecosystem composition
environmental, and/or ecological factors, al-
and structure, resulting from local appear-
though taphonomic effects on species com-
ance and disappearance of taxa, may be su-
position must also be considered.
perimposed on environmental and ecological
influences. Local fossil range zones show step-
Taphonomic Controls
wise appearances and disappearances of taxa,
Before environmental or ecological controls suggesting a possible influence on community
can be assessed as a cause of variation in com- structure. Although the Mistaken Point biota
munity composition, the effect of differences spans a stratigraphic thickness of nearly 2.5
in preservation quality must be examined. km, the grouping of communities in the clus-
Taphonomic factors did not significantly af- ter dendrogram suggests that community
fect most community attributes (e.g., richness, composition is only weakly linked to age (Fig.
diversity) and had a negligible effect on com- 5). Both clusters contain communities from
munity composition within a single surface. throughout the stratigraphic succession, im-
We quantified preservation quality further by plying that local biostratigraphic changes in
measuring the smallest morphological detail the biota were not the fundamental control on
typically visible on each surface, which ranges community composition. However, regression
from 0.3–0.5 mm (BC, E) to 3.0 mm (SH). Lin- of stratigraphic position (meters below top of
ear regression of this preservation quality the Trepassey Formation) on the MDS ordi-
measure for each surface onto the MDS ordi- nation plot (Fig. 6) suggests that evolutionary
nation results confirms that taphonomy is changes did have some influence on commu-
only weakly correlated with community var- nity composition. Regression line B shows a
iability (regression line A, Fig. 6), suggesting moderate correlation with stratigraphic posi-
that environmental and/or ecological vari- tion, with older communities (PC, BC, LMP)
ables, not preservation quality, are the funda- occurring near one end of the axis and youn-
mental controls on community composition. ger communities (D, E, G, SH) near the other

(Fig. 6). Some community parameters, espe- others are more diverse (H9 5 1.31 at LMP,
cially richness and diversity, may also have 1.54 at G).
been influenced by stratigraphic position in
the oldest communities, where the regional Ecological Succession
species pool was smaller (Caley and Schluter Important ecological factors in modern
1997; Lukaszewski et al. 1999). It should also communities include predation (Menge et al.
be noted that, although there is some corre- 1985; Seitz and Lipicus 2001), competition
lation between stratigraphic position and (Drobner et al. 1998; Menge 2000), and ecolog-
community similarity, biostratigraphic chang- ical succession (Connell 1978; Visser 1995).
es may not be the proximate cause of variation Predation can be eliminated as an important
if stratigraphic position is instead linked to a structuring mechanism for Mistaken Point
different environmental or ecological factor. communities because there is no evidence for
However, the results of cluster analysis and macropredators in any Ediacaran ecosystems
MDS ordination suggest that other environ- (Narbonne 1998). Evidence for intra- or inter-
mental or ecological variables were more im- specific competition is also limited: regular
portant in determining overall community spatial patterns are rare, as are nonrandom
structure and composition. pairwise patterns. In addition, interspecific
competition, as an isolated factor, may not be
Environmental Controls able to influence such disparate community
Taxa that inhabit modern slope communi- aspects as composition, species richness, di-
ties often display marked substrate preference versity, evenness, tiering structure, and spatial
(Mayer and Piepenburg 1996; Gutt et al. 1999). pattern.
However, all seven studied communities were Ecological succession produces orderly
living on silty bottom sediments that are in- changes in community composition, diversity,
distinguishable in thin sections, suggesting spatial pattern, and tiering. Ecological succes-
that differences in community composition sion is abundantly evident in modern ecosys-
did not result from variability in substrate tex- tems (Helm and Allen 1995; Visser 1995; Lich-
ture and/or composition. Similarly, major dif- ter 1998) and has been inferred from progres-
ferences between the seven diverse Mistaken sive upward changes in Phanerozoic shelly
Point communities do not appear related to fossil assemblages (Nicol 1962; Walker and Al-
resource levels. Four communities (BC, LMP, berstadt 1975; Copper 1988). However, time-
G, SH) have low areal coverage (‘‘biomass’’) averaging in Phanerozoic shelly assemblages
values (Table 2), implying that resource levels may have reduced temporal resolution so that
were low. In addition, the G surface is domi- ecological succession may not be resolvable in
nated by regular spatial patterns, suggesting these records; cases of ‘‘succession’’ may in-
that competition, likely for food, was intense. stead have been longer-term community re-
However, these low-‘‘biomass’’ communities placement mediated by environmental change
do not show strong similarity on the cluster (Miller 1986). Preservation of Mistaken Point
dendrogram (Fig. 5), nor does areal coverage assemblages as census populations of the ben-
appear as a significant regression trend on the thic communities has the disadvantage of pre-
MDS ordination plot. Correlations between senting them as ‘‘snapshots’’ of the living
areal coverage and species richness or diver- community rather than as a continuous record
sity, both of which should vary predictably of the accumulation of hardparts, but the ab-
with resource levels (Wright 1983; Menge et al. sence of time averaging in these entirely soft-
1985; Cosson-Sarradin et al. 1998), are also bodied communities provides suitable tem-
weak. Some low-‘‘biomass’’ communities have poral resolution to recognize ecological suc-
low to moderate species richness (BC, G, SH; cession, if present. The Ediacaran organisms
four to six species), but the LMP community at Mistaken Point inhabited a tectonically ac-
has high species richness (11 species). Like- tive basin, suggesting that the communities
wise, some of these communities have low di- may have been affected by occasional distur-
versity (H9 5 0.46 at SH, 0.67 at BC) whereas bances. These disturbances, such as turbidity

currents, volcanic ashfalls, and anoxia and/or and D recording slightly later stages in suc-
reduced food supply resulting from slowing cession. The grouping of BC, D, and SH com-
or cessation of the contour current (Wood et munities as potential pioneer stages is sup-
al. in press), would have resulted in mass mor- ported by the cluster dendrogram, which, de-
tality of the local biota at random intervals spite their occurrence at different stratigraph-
during community development. ic levels, groups those communities together
If Mistaken Point communities preserve dif- as one of two fundamental clusters (Fig. 5).
ferent stages of ecological succession they Middle Succession. Mid-succession com-
should also display predictable changes in munities typically have the highest diversity
composition, diversity, spatial pattern, and ti- and evenness, as well as displaying increas-
ering structure as the conditions become op- ingly complex tiering and spatial pattern. The
timized for the growth of different organisms G surface community has high diversity and
(Walker and Alberstadt 1975; Whittaker 1993). evenness values, with complex tiering and
Species composition should change from the random multispecies spatial patterns, and is
pioneer community, characterized by low di- most consistent with mid-successional posi-
versity and evenness, limited tiering, and ran- tion. The E surface community is similar to the
dom spatial patterns (Walker and Alberstadt G community in terms of diversity and tier-
1975), through a mixed mid-successional ing, but it has lower evenness and contains
stage, characterized by highest diversity and nonrandom multispecies spatial interactions,
evenness (Walker and Alberstadt 1975), in- possibly indicating greater similarity to a later
creasing tiering complexity (Helm and Allen successional position. The PC community is
1995; Lichter 1998), and more nonrandom spa- difficult to place in the succession, owing to its
tial patterns from competitive exclusion and low stratigraphic position and corresponding
preferential colonization of empty spaces (Bel- depauperate fauna. The diversity value of 0.87
lingham 1998), to the climax community, char- is more similar to an early successional stage
acterized by high or slightly decreased diver- but the high evenness value (0.80) is more con-
sity (Walker and Alberstadt 1975; Clebsch and sistent with a mid-successional position, sim-
Busing 1989), lower evenness values from en- ilar to the G surface community.
hanced competitive exclusion (Death 1996; Late Succession. The LMP community is the
Drobner et al. 1998), and the greatest tiering most consistent with a late succession stage,
and spatial pattern complexity (Helm and Al- having both lower diversity and evenness
len 1995; Bellingham 1998; Lichter 1998). The than the potential mid-succession communi-
following section will investigate whether the ties (E, G), and nonrandom multispecies pat-
‘‘snapshots’’ represented by the Mistaken terns. The community has a unique species
Point fossil surfaces might reflect different composition, with a much greater proportion
stages in this idealized succession model. of frondose taxa, distinguishing it from the
Early Succession. Early successional (‘‘pio- less frond-rich E and G communities. The
neer’’) stages typically display low diversity LMP community also contains unique meter-
and highly uneven species abundances, with tall organisms not found on any other surfaces
minimal tiering and spatial pattern complex- in the study area (Clapham and Narbonne
ity. Community parameters measured from 2002).
BC, D, and SH communities are most similar Proposed Ecological Succession Model. The
to the values expected from early stages in fundamental division between the probable
ecological succession. Diversity is low (H9 5 mid- to late-succession PC, LMP, E, and G
0.46–0.70), as is evenness (E 5 0.26–0.48). Both communities and the pioneer-like BC, D, and
BC and D have random multispecies spatial SH communities is well supported by cluster
patterns (spatial patterning at SH could not be analysis (Fig. 5). The proposed succession pat-
studied) and tiering is present only in the D tern (earliest SH to early BC/D to middle PC/
surface community. The extremely low diver- E/G to late LMP) was examined by coding
sity and evenness at SH suggest it could rep- each stage with an integer value (1 through 4)
resent an earlier, pioneer community with BC and performing regression analysis in MDS

FIGURE 7. Approximate trends in species composition between different Mistaken Point communities. Position of
communities along horizontal scale is based on community parameters, cluster analysis, and MDS ordination and
parallels the proposed ecological succession model.

ordination space. The correlation between a dles and Bradgatia in the lower tiers, and the
priori successional stage (1 through 4) and uppermost tier was occupied by rare meter-
community variability is strong (regression tall forms such as the whip stem and Xmas
line C, Fig. 6). tree (Clapham and Narbonne 2002).
The trends in community species composi- If the communities reflected different suc-
tion are consistent with the proposed ecolog- cessional stages, trends in species composi-
ical succession model (Figs. 7, 8). The general tion (Fig. 7) should result in predictable
trend through succession appears to have changes in multispecies interactions (where
been the replacement of flat-lying organisms present) as early species were replaced by new
with upright, frondose organisms, possibly as colonizers (Bellingham 1998). If succession
sediment became increasingly stabilized by
was based on a tolerance model, in which the
microbial mat. Early successional stages (SH,
community changed through progressive dis-
BC, D) may have been dominated by pecti-
placement by species adapted to lower re-
nates and/or spindles, whereas intermediate
source levels (Miller 1986), later colonizers
stages (E, G) were characterized by abundant
should have preferentially settled in locations
Charniodiscus, dusters, and Bradgatia. The pro-
posed mid-succession PC community did not where preexisting species were less densely
contain these organisms because it predated packed. Observed nonrandom multispecies
their first appearances; however, it is domi- spatial patterns are consistent with a tolerance
nated by the triangle form, which was typical model of succession. Ostrich feathers (inter-
of other mid-succession assemblages (E sur- preted late-stage colonizers of the lower tier)
face). The potential late-stage community in the LMP community tend to be segregated
(LMP) was completely dominated by frondose from Charnia Type A, which occurs at every
organisms: small fronds such as Charnia Type stage of succession. On the E surface, mid-suc-
A and ostrich feathers largely replaced spin- cession frondose forms (Charniodiscus and

FIGURE 8. Diorama illustrating idealized progression of communities during ecological succession. A, Charnia
Type B. B, Pectinate. C, Charnia Type A. D, Spindle. E, Bradgatia. F, Duster. G, Charniodiscus. H, Triangle. I, Ostrich
feather. J, Xmas tree.

dusters) are segregated from early-succession in a slope community, they can be compared
spindles. directly with modern bathyal megafaunal
Although the preservation of the Mistaken communities. Comparisons with Phanerozoic
Point communities as census populations shelly fossil assemblages are less secure be-
makes it impossible to prove conclusively that cause of time-averaging and the taphonomic
between-community differences result from bias against soft-bodied organisms inherent
ecological succession, the succession model is in those assemblages. If complex community
internally consistent and agrees with ob- structure is an inherent property of assem-
served variation in community structure. The blages of complex animals, the structure (rich-
proposed succession model is well supported ness, diversity, spatial patterning) of Mistaken
by cluster analysis and MDS ordination, and Point communities should be similar to that of
corresponds well to changes in diversity, equivalent modern communities. If, however,
evenness, spatial pattern complexity, and ti- complex communities are a feature that
ering structure. Species composition trends evolved gradually during early animal evo-
and interspecific interactions also vary pre- lution, then Mistaken Point may show lower
dictably in correspondence with the proposed species richness, lower diversity, or less de-
model. veloped spatial patterns than modern coun-
Comparison with Modern Communities Species richness, Shannon diversity indices,
Mistaken Point fossil assemblages provide and spatial patterning from Mistaken Point
the opportunity to study the relationships be- communities were compared with values
tween the early evolution of animals and the from modern bathyal megafaunal communi-
evolution of animal ecosystems. Because com- ties. In the comparison studies of modern
munities at Mistaken Point preserve census slopes, megafauna refers to organisms visible
populations of the benthic megafauna living on photographic transects and generally in-

FIGURE 9. Comparison of species richness, average fossil density, and diversity values from Mistaken Point com-
munities (stars) with typical (filled rectangle) and extreme (solid line) range from modern slope communities of
epibenthic megafauna.

cludes all epifaunal organisms larger than Mistaken Point communities are as low as 8
0.5–3 cm, depending on photographic reso- ind/m2 and as high as 148 ind/m2 (Fig. 9), al-
lution, a size limit that is comparable with the though evidence from the E surface suggests
taphonomically controlled minimum visible that typical density values for Mistaken Point
size at Mistaken Point. Only photographic communities may have been 50–150 ind/m2,
studies were used for comparison purposes much greater than the animal density found
because trawl samples typically include infau- on modern slopes.
na, which are far more abundant than epifau- Spatial patterns, especially multispecies
na in modern settings (Grassle et al. 1975), distributions, are thought to indicate higher-
and which were absent from Ediacaran com- level community structuring including intra-
munities at Mistaken Point. and interspecies interactions. Random single-
Species richness varies greatly on the mod- species patterns are most common in some
ern slopes, with typical values between 10 and slope communities (Grassle et al. 1975),
30 species, for areas of ca. 10–100 m2, and a whereas aggregation or regularity predomi-
maximum range of 2 to 40 species (Grassle et nate in others (Smith and Hamilton 1983). Of
al. 1975; Smith and Hamilton 1983; Mayer and 211 single-species distributions examined by
Piepenburg 1996; Gutt et al. 1999). Mistaken Mayer and Piepenburg (1996), 81 showed sig-
Point communities fall within the typical nificant aggregation and the other 130 were
range of modern communities (Fig. 9), al- random. Mistaken Point communities also
though in general they are moderately spe- displayed significant levels of spatial pattern-
cies-poor with a maximum of 12 species per ing: more than one-half of single-species dis-
community. Mistaken Point communities also tributions deviate from randomness, with ag-
fit well within the observed range of Shannon gregation more common than regularity. Mul-
diversity coefficients from modern commu- tispecies spatial patterns are rare at Mistaken
nities (Fig. 9). Shannon diversity can be as low Point, with 60 of 64 pairwise interactions con-
as 0.05 (Grassle et al. 1975; Smith and Ham- forming to a random distribution, but the fre-
ilton 1983) or as high as 3.7 (Mayer and Pie- quency of multispecies patterning in the mod-
penburg 1996) but typically ranges between ern deep sea is poorly understood, making it
0.8 and 2.0 (Gutt et al. 1999), comparing well difficult to determine if Mistaken Point com-
with Mistaken Point communities (H9 5 0.5– munities are in fact less complexly structured.
1.5). Although fossil density measures at Mis- Mistaken Point communities fall within the
taken Point are strongly confounded by taph- typical range of species richness and diversity
onomic bias, density seems to be equal to or for modern marine epibenthic communities
greater than density values observed on mod- and displayed similar levels of single-species
ern slopes. Values as high as 70 ind/m2 have spatial patterning. Fossil density is consis-
been reported from modern settings (Gutt et tently higher than in modern slope commu-
al. 1999), but typical values range from 15 to nities but interspecies interactions may have
40 ind/m2 (Smith and Hamilton 1983; Mayer been less common. These results imply that
and Piepenburg 1996). Observed values in the structural organization of the oldest ani-

mal communities at Mistaken Point was sim- onized rapidly at an early stage of animal evo-
ilar to community structure of modern slope lution. Mistaken Point communities are sig-
communities. nificantly richer than the deep-water biota
from northwestern Canada (Narbonne and
Conclusions Aitken 1990) and England (Ford 1999), and
Mistaken Point communities display signif- similar studies of these localities are necessary
icant between-community variation, likely re- to fully elucidate the paleoecology of Ediacar-
sulting from ecological processes with super- an slope environments. Similarly, shallow-wa-
imposed evolutionary and environmental ef- ter Ediacaran assemblages such as those in
fects. Modern communities are influenced by Australia, the White Sea, and Namibia are
a myriad of interrelated factors, including nu- markedly different in composition from those
trient levels, disturbance frequency, environ- at Mistaken Point, and quantitative studies are
mental heterogeneity, competition, predation, needed to determine how these differences af-
and ecological succession, to name a few. fected their ecological structure.
Some of these controls, such as predation, As a final conclusion of this study, it is in-
were absent from Ediacaran communities at teresting to note that the earliest complex
Mistaken Point. In addition, the homogeneous communities in the fossil record have struc-
nature of the E surface community, even at lo- tural attributes strikingly similar to those of
calities over 1 km apart, suggests that envi- modern counterparts. Species richness, organ-
ronmental heterogeneity was negligible. Mod- ism abundance, and diversity values, as well
ern communities display extreme variability as levels of spatial patterning, all fall within
over small and intermediate scales (Grassle et the norms of modern epibenthic slope com-
al. 1975; Mayer and Piepenburg 1996), in con- munities. Only interspecies interactions ap-
trast to the spatially uniform community pear less common. These community similar-
structure observed at Mistaken Point. Major ities suggest that, although the taxonomic af-
community variability is consistent with con- finities of Ediacaran organisms are unknown,
trol by ecological succession, and there is also they had many of the same ecological respons-
evidence for intraspecific competition, and es as present-day animals.
possibly limited interspecific segregation, in
several communities. The presence of these Acknowledgments
complex controls implies that Mistaken Point We thank R. Sala and M. Laflamme for help-
communities were largely structured by the ful assistance during fieldwork. Fieldwork in
same set of parameters that are active in mod- the Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve was
ern communities. carried out under Scientific Research Permits
Although this study does not constrain the granted by the Parks and Natural Areas Di-
affinities of component organisms, it does al- vision, Department of Tourism, Culture, and
low speculation on their environmental toler- Recreation, Government of Newfoundland
ances and reproductive strategies. For exam- and Labrador. Comments by L. Aarssen and
ple, the abundance of random and regular N. James and reviews by A. Miller and B. Wag-
spatial distributions in Mistaken Point com- goner greatly improved the manuscript. This
munities implies that the constituent organ- research was supported by a Natural Sciences
isms had a dispersal phase in their life cycle. and Engineering Research Council of Canada
The global distribution of Charniodiscus, Char- (NSERC) grant (to Narbonne) and by an
nia, and Hiemalora further suggests that at NSERC postgraduate scholarship (to Cla-
least some Edicaran taxa may have possessed pham).
a teleplanic larva.
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