COVID 19 Quarantine Vs Isolation
COVID 19 Quarantine Vs Isolation
COVID 19 Quarantine Vs Isolation
keeps someone who was keeps someone who is sick
in close contact with or tested positive for COVID-19
someone who has COVID-19 without symptoms away from
away from others. others, even in their own home.
Quarantine if you have been in close contact People who are in isolation should stay home
with someone who has COVID-19, unless and stay in a specific “sick room” or area and
you have been fully vaccinated. use a separate bathroom (if available).
If you are fully vaccinated If you are sick and think or know
• You do NOT need to quarantine unless you you have COVID-19
have symptoms
Stay home until after
• Get tested 5-7 days after your exposure, even • At least 10 days since symptoms first
if you don’t have symptoms appeared and
• Wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following • At least 24 hours with no fever without
exposure or until your test result is negative the use of fever-reducing medications and
CS 327037-A | 12/20/2021