Adult Numeracy Programme
Adult Numeracy Programme
Adult Numeracy Programme
Solve problems
involving algebra Add, subtract,
multiply and divide
proportion in …number
Add, subtract,
Evaluate fractions and multiply and divide
percentages as part of fractions
other numbers
Calculate probability –
identify the range of
What’s involved in Collect, organise
possible outcomes of …handling data and represent data
Convert units of
measure within the
Perform calculations
same system and
measure length, weight
across systems e.g. .
capacity and temperature
cm to m, inches to cm,
What’s involved in … litres to gallons
measures, shape and
Choose and use
appropriate units and space
measuring instruments
the filing
Sometimes I have to do
e right
and put everything in th
I help to look af ter the
, paper
too: paper, pens, pencils
es use
clips, all sorts. The offic
y. I have
reams of paper every da
to make sure that the
don’t run out of paper.
Talk about it
Have you ever been into an office?
Have you ever been into a school or college office?
Do you use a telephone?
Do you have a telephone number?
Unit 1 Page 1
Reading and writing numbers up to 10.
Activity 1
Where have you seen numbers written in words or in figures?
Have you seen numbers on buses, taxis, signs, notices, adverts or posters?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Activity 2
Do you ever use a telephone or mobile phone?
Activity 3
In one of the lifts at the office the numbers look quite different. They are
Roman numerals. Have you come across these before?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ordinal First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth
When someone asks for a floor they say ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’ and so on.
Match the Roman numerals in the lift with the floor numbers. Draw a line
to link each pair, I to 1, II to 2 and so on.
9 6 4 8 5 2 3 7 10 1
? Review
Unit 1 Page 3
Ordering and comparing numbers up to 10.
Ten floors
Beside the lift there is a notice to
tell you what is on each floor.
Activity 4
Find the correct floor and fill in the missing words.
Activity 5
Ring the correct button for the lift.
Page 4 Unit 1
Activity 6
Put the files back in the right order. Use an arrow to show where you
would put the file.
1 2 1 3 4 5
2 5 2 3 4 6
3 3 1 2 4 5
4 7 6 8 9 10
Activity 7 Remember
● 5 is more than 2.
Have a look at the stock of paper in the office. Work together with
your teacher to compare how much paper there is of each
colour. Use the words more, less or equal. For example, there is
more green than yellow paper.
? Review
Unit 1 Page 5
Adding single-digit numbers and using the + and = signs.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Adding up the blue paper, there are 5 or you can write the sum 5 + 4 = 9.
9 reams
Add up how many reams of paper there are for each colour.
Page 6 Unit 1
Activity 9 Remember
● The plus sign (+) is used for addition.
Have you noticed that when you add
● Addition is the same as finding the sum or
numbers there are different ways of
the total.
getting the same total?
● The equals sign (=) is used before the
Think about adding to make the number 5. answer.
Use some counters or pennies to help. ● If you add zero (0) to a number, the
Remember the + sign means ‘plus’ or ‘add’. number stays the same.
The = sign means ‘equals’ or ‘is equal to’
or ‘is the same as’.
+ +
1 + 4 = 5 is the same as 3 + 2 = 5.
1 Choose another number and think about all the ways you can add to
make that number.
4 Mix the cards up. Lay them face down on the table. Take turns to turn
over two cards. If you turn over a pair with the same total, keep the
cards. If the totals are not the same, turn the cards face down again, and
it’s the other person’s turn. Keep going until you have found all the
pairs. Get your teacher to check your work.
Activity 10
Draw a line to link the sums that 3+1 4+3
have the same totals. You can use
2+3 6+2
counters or pennies to help you
check the totals. 2+4 2+2
5+2 4+5
2+8 7+3
3+6 4+1
4+4 3+3
Unit 1 Page 7
Activity 11
1 Think of all the ways you can add two numbers to make 10.
What different words can you use? There’s 5 plus 5, and 9 add 1.
What else?
2 Work as a group. Match the facts. Draw lines to link three different ways
of saying the same thing.
the sum of
5 add 5 4 add 6
2 and 8
the sum of
6 plus 4 9+1
3 and 7
the sum of
8+2 1 add 9
5 and 5
Activity 12
Work with another person in your group. Make up a sum, for example
3 + 4. Ask your partner to write the sum in a different way such as
‘4 plus 3’ or ‘the sum of 3 and 4’ or ‘4 add 3’.
? Review
Page 8 Unit 1
Using a calculator to check sums.
Calculator sums
Activity 13
Have a look at the different keys on your calculator.
Where is the + sign? Where is the = sign?
Use your calculator to check which totals are right and which are wrong.
Tick the box and record the right answers for any additions that are wrong.
Activity 14
If you have access to a computer, Calculator keys
compare the on-screen calculator with
Press the C to clear the display before each new
your hand-held calculator.
Use the on-screen calculator to check ● To add numbers, press the + .
some additions such as the stocks of ● To get the answer to a calculation, press the = .
paper in Activity 9.
? Review
Unit 1 Page 9
Subtracting single-digit numbers, using the minus (–) sign and a calculator to check answers.
Page 10 Unit 1
Activity 16
A number line can be used for subtraction.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 5–2= ....................
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 7–3= ....................
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 8–4= ....................
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 7–5= ....................
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 9–3= ....................
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 10 – 6 = ....................
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Unit 1 Page 11
Subtractions can be checked by adding back.
Activity 17
Write down the subtractions from 10 with their answers. Then write down
how you would check your answers by adding back.
1 10 – 0 = 10 0 + 10 = 10
2 10 – 1 = 9 1+9= ....................................................
3 10 – __ = 8 ........................................................................
4 10 – ..................................... ........................................................................
5 10 – ..................................... ........................................................................
6 10 – ..................................... ........................................................................
7 10 – ..................................... ........................................................................
8 10 – ..................................... ........................................................................
9 10 – ..................................... ........................................................................
10 10 – 9 = 1 9 + 1 = 10
Activity 18
Find the minus sign on your calculator.
Check these with your calculator. Tick the box for right or wrong.
Write down the correct answers for those you find are wrong.
? Review
Page 12 Unit 1
! Help
Activity H1
Write down all the numbers in order from 0 to 10.
0, 1, , , , , , , , ,
Now write them down again, but this time start from 10 and work back to 0.
10, 9, , , , , , , , ,
Activity H2
Match each number to the correct word. Use the list in the box at the
bottom of page 3 to help you. Then match the numbers to the Roman
4 seven X
6 zero III
1 two IV
10 eight VI
5 four V
2 six IX
9 one I
3 three VIII
7 five 0
0 nine II
8 ten VII
Activity H3
Here are some numbers in order.
Fill in the missing numbers before and after the number shown.
1 2 3 4
3 4 5 2 7 5
5 6 7 8
3 9 6 8
Unit 1 Page 13
Activity H4
Use 10 pennies. Arrange them into two groups. Write down the number in
each group as a sum. For example 8 + 2 = 10. See how many different
sums you can find.
Now choose a different number of pennies, say nine pennies. See how
many different sums you can find to add up to 9.
Activity H5
Add the pennies.
1 + 3+2= ......................
2 + 5+1= ......................
3 + 4+2= ......................
4 + 6+3= ......................
5 + 9+1= ......................
6 + 7+2= ......................
Activity H6
How many are left? Cross out the number of counters you have to take
away and count how many counters are left.
1 5–2= ......................
2 7–3= ......................
3 10 – 4 = ......................
4 6–5= ......................
5 8–4= ......................
6 9–5= ......................
Page 14 Unit 1
▼ Extension
Activity E1
The files are all jumbled up. Put them back in the right order.
2 5 9 7 1 4 8 10 3 6
Activity E2
3 Three III Third
Ask your teacher for four sets of number cards: 1 to 10, one to ten, I to X
and first to tenth.
Match them up, starting with the cards showing 1, one, I and first. Next
find 2, two, II and second, and so on.
Activity E3
Use a pack of playing cards. Sort out all the aces, then all the twos, then
all the threes and so on until you have sorted the whole pack.
Activity E4
Use a set of dominoes. Add the numbers on the two halves of each
domino. Record the sums on a piece of paper. 3 + 3 = 6
Now use the dominoes again. This time subtract the two numbers.
Write down the larger number first. Write down all your calculations on a
piece of paper. 5 – 2 = 3
Unit 1 Page 15
Activity M1
Write down some of the numbers that you use.
Activity M2
Work with another person. Play a game of dominoes.
Activity M3
For each of the sets of three numbers, make up two calculations, one
addition and one subtraction.
Addition Subtraction
Activity M4
If you have access to a computer, see if it has a calculator. Try clicking on
Start, Programs, Accessories, Calculator or ask your teacher to help you to
find it. Use the calculator to check some of your work, such as the
calculations on pages 9 and 10.
Page 16 Unit 1
✓ Check it
Activity C1
These numbers are in order. Fill in the missing numbers.
Activity C2
Circle the right word for the question number.
Activity C3
How many have we got?
1 +
2 +
3 +
4 +
5 +
Unit 1 Page 17
Activity C4
How many are left?
2 Subtract 4. .....................................
4 Minus 5. .....................................
Activity C5
Are the calculations right or wrong? Tick the box.
1 4 + 2 = 6 right ■ wrong ■
2 5 + 5 = 9 right ■ wrong ■
3 3 + 4 = 7 right ■ wrong ■
4 6 – 2 = 4 right ■ wrong ■
5 8 – 4 = 6 right ■ wrong ■
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ....................................................
Page 18 Unit 1
A Answers
Activity 1 Activity 7
1 3 8 1 9 Check with your teacher.
2 4 1 2 6
3 5 8 3 9 Activity 8
4 7 6 2 5 1 Green 5 + 2 = 7 2 Yellow 5 + 1 = 6
5 4 9 3 0 3 White 5 + 3 = 8 4 Pink 4+3=7
6 2 4 6 8 5 Cream 4 + 2 = 6 6 Red 3+3=6
Activity 2 Activity 9
Check with your teacher. Check with your teacher.
Activity 3 Activity 10
II V VII III I IV VI VIII IX X 3 + 1 4 + 3
2 + 3 6 + 2
2 + 4 2 + 2
9 6 4 8 5 2 3 7 10 1 5 + 2 4 + 5
2 + 8 7 + 3
Activity 4 3 + 6 4 + 1
1 fourth 4 + 4 3 + 3
2 seventh
3 first Activity 11
4 sixth 1 Check with your teacher.
5 eighth 2
5 add 5 4 add 6 the sum of
Activity 5 2 and 8
Activity 6
2 1 3 4 5
5 2 3 4 6
3 1 2 4 5
7 6 8 9 10
Unit 1 Page 19
Activity 13 Help
1 right Activity H1
2 wrong 5 + 4 = 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 right
5 right Activity H2
6 right 4 seven X
7 wrong 3 + 5 = 8 6 zero III
8 right 1 two IV
10 eight VI
Activity 14 5 four V
Check with your teacher. 2 six IX
9 one I
Activity 15 3 three VIII
1 3 7 five 0
2 4 0 nine II
3 4 8 ten VII
4 2
5 2 Activity H3
6 5 1 2
7 2
3 4 5 1 2 3
8 3
3 4
6 7 8 4 5 6
Activity 16
1 5–2=3 5 6
2 7–3=4 2 3 4 8 9 10
3 8–4=4
7 8
4 7–5=2 5 6 7 7 8 9
5 9–3=6
6 10 – 6 = 4
Activity H4
Activity 17 Check with your teacher.
Subtraction Adding back
1 10 – 0 = 10 0 + 10 = 10 Activity H5
2 10 – 1 = 9 1 + 9 = 10 1 3+2=5 4 6+3=9
3 10 – 2 = 8 2 + 8 = 10 2 5+1=6 5 9 + 1 = 10
4 10 – 3 = 7 3 + 7 = 10 3 4+2=6 6 7+2=9
5 10 – 4 = 6 4 + 6 = 10
6 10 – 5 = 5 5 + 5 = 10 Activity H6
7 10 – 6 = 4 6 + 4 = 10 1 5–2=3 4 6–5=1
8 10 – 7 = 3 7 + 3 = 10 2 7–3=4 5 8–4=4
9 10 – 8 = 2 8 + 2 = 10 3 10 – 4 = 6 6 9–5=4
10 10 – 9 = 1 9 + 1 = 10
Activity 18
1 right
2 wrong 5 – 4 = 1
3 right
4 wrong 9 – 6 = 3
5 right
Page 20 Unit 1
Activity E1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Activity E2 Activity C3
Check with your teacher. 1 4 + 4 = 8
2 6 + 3 = 9
Activity E3 3 2 + 5 = 7
Check with your teacher. 4 7 + 3 = 10
5 5 + 4 = 9
Activity E4
Check with your teacher. Activity C4
1 6 – 2 = 4
Mini-projects 2 5 – 4 = 1
M1, M2, M3, M4 3 8 – 3 = 5
Check with yourteacher. 4 7 – 5 = 2
5 9 – 6 = 3
Check it
Activity C5
Activity C1
1 right
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 wrong (answer is 10)
Activity C2 3 right
4 right
1 one 2 two
5 wrong (answer is 2)
3 three 4 four
5 five 6 six
7 seven 8 eight
9 nine 10 ten
Unit 1 Page 21
2 In the town centre
Which is which?
I’m sorting out some money, ready to go to town.
Can you tell which coin is which? Talk about coins in your group. Look at both
sides of some coins. Look at the edges of the coins too. What do you see?
Have you noticed that the 1p and 2p bronze coins are thinner than the £1 and
£2 coins?
Have you noticed that the £1 and £2 coins have writing round the edge as well as
on the faces of the coins?
Have you noticed that the £1 coin is thicker than the £2 coin?
Lift the coins one by one and feel their weight in your hand. What do you notice?
Compare the sizes and values of the coins below.
Have you noticed that the 2p coin is both larger and heavier than the 1p coin?
Have you noticed that the £2 coin is both larger and heavier than the £1 coin?
Activity 1
1 Draw a ring round the smaller coin. 2 Draw a ring round the larger coin.
3 Draw a ring round the larger coin. 4 Draw a ring round the thinner coin.
Heads or tails?
Here are all my 1p and 2p coins. Some are heads up and some are tails up.
Activity 2
With another person, use some of your own coins to match the 1p and 2p
coins above. Put your coins on top of the pictures. Make sure they are the
same side up. Heads or tails!
Activity 3
1 How many 1p coins are heads up? .....................................
Cross them off (or take them off) as you count. ✗
2 How many 2p coins are tails up? .....................................
● All British coins have the Queen’s head on one side (heads) and the value of
Five pence = 5p Ten pence = 10p Twenty pence = 20p Fifty pence = 50p
Check how many sides the 20p and 50p coins have.
You could draw round the coins and number the sides 1, 2, 3, etc. to
Activity 4
With another person or as a group, describe each of the silver coins. Then record
the words below.
Choose one of the words from the box to complete the statements correctly each
time. You can use the words more than once and some you may not use at all.
Draw lines to connect the matching head and tail for each of the different coins.
Activity 6
Write the missing number in these sentences.
e.g. A fifty pence coin is worth 50
....................... p.
3 A ten pence coin is worth ....................... p. 4 A twenty pence coin is worth ....................... p.
● The five pence (5p) and ten pence (10p) silver coins are round.
● The 5p coin is smaller than the 10p coin. The 10p coin is larger than the 5p coin.
● The twenty pence (20p) and fifty pence (50p) silver coins have 7 sides.
● The 20p coin is smaller than the 50p coin. The 50p coin is larger than the 20p coin.
? Review
Taking notes
Activity 7
Five pounds = £5
Ten pounds = £10
Look at the sizes of the notes as well as the colours. Which is biggest?
Which is smallest?
● Five pounds (£5) is the smallest note in size and value. It is printed in shades of green.
● Ten pounds (£10) is the next in size and value. It is printed in shades of brown.
● Twenty pounds (£20) is the largest in size and value. It is printed in shades of purple.
? Review
Bus fares
Activity 8
My bus fare to town is 65p.
1 For my bus fare I need one 50p, one 10p and one 5p coin.
Activity 9
Sometimes I pay my bus fare to town with a £1 coin. Then I get some
It’s a lottery
Today I’m going to buy a Lotto ticket in town.
I’ll ask for a ‘Lucky Dip’.
Do you ever buy a Lotto ticket?
Have you ever won any money? I won £10 last week.
Activity 10
1 I need a £1 coin for a lottery ticket.
Cross out all the £1 coins below.
2 How many £1 coins did you find. Count your crosses. .....................................
It takes 50p coins. Cross out all the 50p coins below.
4 How many 50p coins did you find? Count the crosses. .....................................
Activity 11
Work in your group. Make sure 40p 40p
you have plenty of coins. Take
turns to select the correct coins
for the sweet-vending machine.
Record the correct coins by
drawing round them and
writing on the value. 75p
Fruit and nut chocolate 40p
Select two 20p coins.
3 Milk chocolate 40p Select one 20p and two 10p coins.
5 Chewing gum 50p Select two 20p and one 10p coins.
6 Big mints 75p Select three 20p, one 10p and one 5p coins.
cheese and tomato
cheese and ham
Burger in a bun
Coffee, tea,
cola, orange
Activity 12
Work with another person. Use some coins.
Choose an item for lunch and practise selecting the correct coins to pay for it.
1 a Ring an item on the menu that you might like for lunch.
b Now ring the correct coins to pay for the item from the selection below.
b Put a cross on the coins to pay the correct amount for the extra two items.
? Review
At the cinema
50p £2
Activity 14
1 Put a 1 on the correct note for Harry Potter.
Late home
Activity 15
I need some money for taxi fares.
1 I need a £5 note.
Have I chosen correctly? .....................................
? Review
Activity H2
I want to make a telephone call from
a town-centre call box.
Activity H4
I am at the swimming pool. Have I got the right
money to do the things I want to do?
Activity E2
2p £2 1p 20p £5 5p
Draw a line to join
each coin or note
to its value.
£20 £1
Activity E3
Use this menu to choose a snack. Work with another 1 Chicken salad £1 + 50p
person if you like.
2 Ham salad £1 + 50p
Write down the snack you choose.
3 Prawn salad £2
Draw the coins you will need.
4 Sandwiches £1 + 20p
5 Pork pie £1 + 10p
6 Drinks 50p + 20p + 10p
My snack Coins
Activity M1
Here are the coins and notes we use.
Choose one coin and one note and write down three things you notice
about each one.
a ..................................................................................................................................................................
b ..................................................................................................................................................................
c ..................................................................................................................................................................
a ..................................................................................................................................................................
b ..................................................................................................................................................................
c ..................................................................................................................................................................
If you have time, you can write about more coins and notes.
Activity M2
Make a note of things you spend money on this week. Record the coins
and notes you use in a table like this.
3 heads ■ tails ■
Activity C2
Draw lines to link each coin with its value.
5p £1
Activity C3
Choose the correct coin or note and draw a circle round it.
Draw a line through each coin as you find it to help you count them.
1 There are 3
....................... 1p coins.
How am I doing?
Look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ....................................................
Activity 2 2
Check with your teacher.
✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Activity 3
1 2
4 1
2 3
5 6
3 4
6 4
✗ ✗
Activity 4 Activity 10
1 A 5p coin is smaller than a 10p coin. 1 £1 coins crossed out.
2 A 20p coin has seven sides. 2 6 £1 coins.
3 A 10p coin is round. 3 50p coins crossed out.
4 A 50p coin has seven sides. 4 5 50p coins.
5 A 50p coin has a higher value than a 10p coin.
6 A 5p coin has a lower value than a 20p coin. Activity 11
Activity 5 1 Chewing gum
2 Plain chocolate
3 Milk chocolate
Activity 6
1 This coin is worth 5p. 4 Big mints
2 This coin is worth 20p.
3 A ten pence coin is worth 10p.
5 Chewing gum
4 A twenty pence coin is worth 20p.
5 This coin is worth 10p.
6 A five pence coin is worth 5p. 6 Big mints
7 This coin is worth 50p.
Activity 14
Activity 8 1 4
1 50p, 10p, 5p circled.
2 Yes. 50p, 10p, 5p crossed out. 5
1 Activity C3
Activity H3
1 2 3
Activity H4 3
1 Circle £1 coin. 3 Circle 20p coins.
2 Circle 50p coin. 4 Circle £2, 10p and
5p coins. 4
Activity E1 5
1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2, £5, £10, £20.
Activity E2
Activity C4
2p £2 1p 20p £5 5p
2 4 2p coins
3 6 5p coins
4 4 10p coins
5 3 20p coins
£20 £1
8:00 am
9:00 am
Activity 1
Think about your day. What do you do? What comes first?
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Look at the following pictures and write whether each shows morning,
afternoon, evening or night.
e.g. 1 2
..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................
3 4 5
Activity 3
Write down something you usually do at these times of day. (Draw it on
paper if you prefer.)
Morning ..........................................................................................................................................................
Afternoon .......................................................................................................................................................
Evening ............................................................................................................................................................
● There are 24 hours in one day.
Look at these pictures. Decide whether they are in
the morning, afternoon or evening.
e.g. 1 2
3 4 5
4 Make up a daily plan for yourself. Write in what you did today.
9:00 4:00
10:00 5:00
11:00 6:00
1:00 8:00
2:00 9:00
? Review
There are seven days in the week and they follow each other in a cycle.
Sunday Tuesday
Friday Thursday
Activity 6
Look at the cycle of days to help you fill in these answers.
e.g. What day follows Monday? Tuesday
● There are seven days in one week.
● The weekdays are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
● The weekend includes Saturday and Sunday.
Activity 8
I fill out the work sheets for our factory. This is an example. There are four
shifts each day and I try to give the workers a range of shifts during the week.
Day shift
Sam Sam Alan
Afternoon shift
Alan Charlie Charlie
Late shift
Alan Sam Sam
Night shift
6 hours
How long is Alan’s shift on Monday? .....................................
3 Charlie works part time. How many shifts is he doing this week? .....................................
4 Ben can’t work on Friday. Write in four different shifts for him for this week.
Activity 10
Use the TV guides to answer these questions about the Soaps.
1 On which weekdays can you watch 2 What time does Brookside start on
EastEnders? Friday?
........................................................................, ........................................................................
........................................................................ ........................................................................
Look at the forecast and answer the questions. Draw or write the answers.
Activity 13
On signs and posters the days of the week are sometimes written in a
shortened (abbreviated) form. For example, Monday is shortened to Mon.
The days are easier to write in this way and they take up less space.
Look at the days of the week and the abbreviations. Match the day of the
week to its shortened form.
Monday Wed.
1 Tuesday Fri.
2 Wednesday Mon.
3 Thursday Sun.
4 Friday Thurs.
5 Saturday Sat.
6 Sunday Tues.
Mon: 9:00–6:00
Tues. 10:00–6:00 2 On which weekday does the clothes shop
Wed. 9:00–6:00
Thurs. 9:00–7:00
open later in the morning? .........................................................
Fri. 9:00–7:00 3 What time does the clothes shop open on Sunday?
Sat. 9:00–6:00
Sun. 1:00–5:00 .........................................................
Thurs. 2:00–10:00
<a/w N3.56> 8 What time does the shop open on Saturday?
Fri. 2:00–10:00
Sat. 12:00–10:00
Sun 10:00–12:00 & 2:00–4:00 9 What time does the shop close on Thursday?
? Review
spring autumn
In Britain summer is usually the hottest season and winter is the coldest season.
Activity 15
1 Draw pictures to remind you of the different seasons.
autumn winter
summer spring
? Review
Activity H3
Look at the pictures. Write the name of the season under each picture.
Draw arrows to show the order of the seasons.
............................................................................................. .............................................................................................
............................................................................................. .............................................................................................
Activity E1 9 3
8 4
Answer these questions about television programmes. 7 6 5
1 The Simpsons cartoon special starts at 6:00 and lasts one hour.
4 Channel 4 News starts at 7:00 and finishes at 8:00. How long is the
programme? .....................................
5 Brookside Omnibus starts at 5:00 and lasts for 1 hour. What time does it
finish? .....................................
Activity E2
Make up a weekly work sheet for Monday to Saturday.
Monday Tuesday
Split each day into two shifts of four hours: 8:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 6:00.
Write in an equal number of shifts for Ben, Jo, Salma and Aisha.
Activity M1
Make daily time plans for the next few days. Write in the hours in the day
and any meetings or appointments you need to remember.
Activity M2
Make a weekly diary for yourself.
Label the cover. Open the book and write one day of the week at the top of
each page. Split the day into hours or sections, for example, morning,
afternoon and evening.
e.g. Monday 8 am
or Monday
9 am 9.00
10 am
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
Afternoon 11.00
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
Evening 1.00
6 pm
7 pm
8 pm
1 Night
........................................................................ 2 ........................................................................
3 ........................................................................ 4 ........................................................................
Activity C2
Write the seven days of the week in order, starting from Monday.
Monday Saturday
..................................... Wednesday
..................................... Sunday
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Date .....................................
Activity 2 Activity 12
1 evening 1 Thursday
2 afternoon 2 sunny
3 night 3 Friday
4 morning
5 evening Activity 13
Monday Wed.
Activity 3
Tuesday Fri.
Check with your teacher.
Wednesday Mon.
Activity 4 Thursday Sun.
1 night Friday Thurs.
2 night Saturday Sat.
3 morning
Sunday Tues.
4 afternoon
5 afternoon or midday? Activity 14
Activity 5 1 6:00
2 Tuesday
1 12:00 midday
3 1:00
2 3:00
4 1:00–2:00
3 5:00
5 8:00
4 Check with your teacher.
6 10:00
Activity 6 7 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
8 12:00
1 Wednesday
9 10:00
2 Monday
3 Friday Activity 15
Activity 7 Check with your teacher.
Check with your teacher.
Activity 8
Activity H1
1 4
Check with your teacher.
2 6 hours
3 2 Activity H2
4 Check with your teacher.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Activity 9 8:00
Ben Jo Ben Salma Salma Ben
Activity 10 11:00
1 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday 1:00 Jo Ben Salma Jo Jo Salma
Note: these answers may change. Ben is working three morning shifts.
M1, M2
Check with your teacher.
Talk about it
Where do you do your food shopping?
Is there a superstore near you?
Do you look at the size of packages you buy?
If a package is bigger, is it heavier as well?
Food packages come in different shapes. Do you look at the shapes of
the packages?
Which shapes can you think of?
Size matters
small large
Activity 1
Compare the sizes and ring the smaller one of each.
1 2
3 4
Activity 2
Compare the sizes. Ring the larger one of each.
1 2 3 4
e.g. 1
2 3
Activity 4
Draw three boxes in order of size, from smallest to largest.
smallest largest
? Review
Activity 5
Long and short are two words for describing the length of something.
Compare each pair of objects. Ring the longer one of each.
1 2
3 4
Activity 6
We can use a metre rule to measure lengths. Use the metre
rule and compare it with these objects. Write whether the
objects are longer or shorter than the metre rule.
Activity 8
5 Shortest:
? Review
Activity 9
Ring the container you think will hold more.
1 2
3 4
Activity 10
Look at these glasses. Colour in the glass to match the words.
? Review
Light weight!
Activity 11
Use your hands to compare the weight of different items.
1 2
3 4
Activity 12
Find three objects in your room. Compare their weights.
Draw them in order from lightest to heaviest.
lightest heaviest
? Review
Shape up
Circles give orders. Triangles give warning. Squares and rectangles give
A square is a special rectangle. It is special because all the sides are the
same length.
Activity 13
Look at the different signs. Match the signs to their shapes.
Activity 15
? Review
Pack it in!
Tim and I put the shopping
away in very different ways.
Tim likes to put the packages
away according to what they
are – all the soup together, all
the cereal together, and so
on. I like to put them away
according to their shape. I put
all the boxes together and all
the tins together because
they stack better that way
… but Tim is putting the
shopping away today.
Activity 16
Look at the shapes of these objects. Sphere
In what way are they different? In what way
are are they similar?
Look at the different objects your teacher has
brought in. How would Min like them sorted?
Activity 17
Min has re-arranged the shopping her way.
e.g. cylinders
..................................... 1 ........................................... 2 .......................................... 3 ...........................................
Activity 19
Look at these pictures of 3-D shapes. Match each
shape to its name.
? Review
Discuss the pictures together and look at the words in bold. These words
show position or direction.
right left top behind near above in front
Activity 20
With another person, play a game similar to ‘I spy’. Choose an object in the
room but keep it secret. Give one clue to its location using a position word.
For example ‘It’s near you’. The other person can ask questions using
positional words to find the object. For example ‘Is it next to a book? Is it
on top of the table?’ Take turns choosing objects.
Activity 21
Match the words to their opposite meaning.
in front
far top inside
behind outside
Activity H2
Collect five differently coloured pencils.
Order all the pencils according to length and draw the results.
shortest longest
Activity H3
Use five different containers and some water.
1 Predict which one will hold the most and which one
the least amount of water. How will you find out? Try it.
lightest heaviest
Activity H5
Identify the shapes in the pictures.
Activity H6
Write down one item for each of these shapes. Look back at Activity 16 to help you.
Label each arrow with the correct word: length, width or height.
Activity E2
Use a mug and a bowl.
Estimate Actual
1 How many mugs of water will it take to ..................................... .....................................
half-fill the bowl? Estimate then try it.
Activity E3
Use five food items of similar weight. Estimate the order of the items from
lightest to heaviest.
lightest heaviest
lightest heaviest
How close was your estimate?
Activity E4
Use some flat gummed shapes and a piece of paper.
Activity M1
Min can’t get through some doors in her wheelchair. She needs just under one
metre to fit her chair through. Could she get into the room in which you have
this lesson?
Is there enough room for the wheelchair between the tables and chairs?
Where would she have trouble?
Your teacher will give you a stick or piece of string that you can use to find out.
Now look at your home in the same way. Where would someone in a
wheelchair have problems? How could you make it easier for them?
Activity M2
Compare some containers at home.
How many mugfuls of water does it take to fill the washing-up bowl?
Look at cartons, bottles and jars at the shops. Compare how much they hold.
Activity M3
Use up to four carrier bags and a selection of food of different weights.
Activity M4
Pack some bags of food. Look at the
shapes of the packages. Put all the
cuboids together, then the cylinders,
cubes and spheres.
smallest largest
Activity C2
Ring the item that is lighter in weight.
Activity C3
Ring the container that will hold more.
3 Which two pencils are shorter than the green one? .......................................... ..........................................
Activity C5
Match the names to the shapes.
rectangle ............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................
Activity C6
Match the names to the shapes.
cuboid ............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ...............................................
Activity 6
2 Check with your teacher.
Activity 7
3 Check with your teacher.
Activity 8
4 1 Tallest: Tim
2 Jo
3 Pete
Activity 2
4 Sue
1 5 Shortest: May
Activity 9
2 1
3 2
4 3
Activity 3 4
1 2
Activity 10
Activity 11
Activity 4
1 2
Check with your teacher.
Activity 5
3 4
Activity 13
P cylinder
Activity H5
1 One 2 Five
3 Two 4 Eight
5 One 6 Six
Activity H6
Check with your teacher.
Activity E1
Height Activity C6
Activity E2
Practical activity. Check with your teacher.
Activity E3
Practical activity. Check with your teacher.
Activity E4
Practical activity. Check with your teacher.
M1, M2, M3, M4
Practical activities. Check with your teacher.
Check it
Activity C1
blue, orange, green, yellow, red
Activity C2
1 feather 2 cat
3 baby 4 pencil
Activity C3
1 bucket 2 glass
3 washing up bowl 4 paddling pool
Activity C4
1 yellow
2 red
3 blue and red
Arfan and Beth are next-
neighbours. One Saturday
ng centre.
meet at the local recycli
Arfan has brought a load
r bins. Beth
newspapers to the pape
ttles to the
Talk about it has brought a load of bo
bottle bank.
Do you recycle rubbish? uld be
Arfan and Beth think it wo
What different ways are there to get rid of rubbish? a good idea to form a re
uade other
What kinds of rubbish can you recycle? group. They hope to pers
eir waste.
What kinds of rubbish can you not recycle? neighbours to recycle th
What numeracy skills are required for recycling rubbish?
What are the advantages of recycling rubbish?
What are the disadvantages of recycling rubbish?
On my list
Everyone finds it useful to keep lists.
Activity 1
1 How many items does Arfan have on his list? ........................................................................
Activity 2
1 Make your own list of things to do today.
2 Give your list to another person. Ask them some questions about
your list.
Activity 3
1 How many items does Arfan have on his list? ........................................................................
Activity 4
1 Make your own list of things to do this week.
2 Give your list to another person. Ask them some questions about your list.
? Review
Section page number
Introduction 1
Benefits 2
Education 5
Health 8
Housing 10
Rubbish 12
Social Services 14
Tourism 16
To find the correct number, Arfan places a ruler under the word ‘rubbish’.
Activity 5
Use a ruler to help you to answer the following questions.
Amble 852 834
Bamburgh 852 902
Haltwhistle 853 205
Ninebanks 852 947
Ponteland 854 384
Rochester 857 838
Wallsend 854 070
4 Which rubbish tip has the telephone number 857 838? ........................................................................
Activity 7
Here are the opening
Monday Open 8 o’ clock to 4 o’ clock
times for Arfan’s nearest
rubbish tip. Tuesday Open 8 o’ clock to 4 o’ clock
Wednesday Open 8 o’ clock to 1 o’ clock
Thursday Closed
Friday Open 8 o’clock to 4 o’ clock
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
The list shows that on Thursday the tip is closed all day.
? Review
Paper chase
Beth collects paper for her local paper bank. Here
are two types of paper.
Activity 8
Beth carefully places the paper
into different bags.
Activity 9
Cliff takes bottles to his local bottle bank.
Here are the bottles he will take this week.
Brown bottles 5
Clear bottles 2
Activity 11
Davin also takes his bottles
to the bottle bank. The
bottle bank has different
sections for the different
? Review
Giving to charity
Edward has been collecting crisp
packets for charity.
Activity 12
Crispy Crisps is donating money to charity for each empty packet collected.
1 How many cheese and onion crisp packets has Edward got?
Here are some of the crisp packets she has collected so far.
? Review
Activity 14
A better way to show
this information might
be as follows:
Activity 15
Here are some cans.
Show this information as a pictogram on this grid below. Draw all the cans
the same size.
Colour of cans
Blue cans
Orange cans
Silver cans
Crisp flavours
Plain crisps
Activity 17
Arfan carries out a survey to see how many people recycle the rubbish.
My recycling survey
? Review
Activity H2
Place these bottles into the correct sections of the bottle banks. The first
one has been done for you.
Housekeeping .................................................................4360
Porter ...................................................................................4345
Reception ...........................................................................4340
Restaurant .........................................................................4572
Activity H4
Activity E2
Beth carries out a survey to see how many people recycle their rubbish.
Five people recycle cans, four recycle bottles and three recycle newspapers.
Activity M1
Bottles to the bottle ban‡
Collect a list of things that can be recycled.
Activity M2
Look at the contents of your rubbish bin.
Draw a picture or write a list to show the contents of your rubbish bin.
Activity M3
What recycling facilities are there in your area?
Carry out a survey. See how many people recycle bottles, cans, newspapers
and aluminium.
Activity C2
1 Which days is the library closed?
BAMBURGH LIBRARY ........................................................................
Bamburgh High Street, N11 7PL
2 Is the library open on a Tuesday
Monday Closed morning?
Tuesday Open 9 o’ clock to 4 o’ clock
Wednesday Open 9 o’ clock to 4 o’ clock
Thursday Closed 3 What time does the library open on
Friday Open 9 o’ clock to 7 o’ clock a Friday?
Saturday Open 9 o’ clock to 4 o’ clock ........................................................................
Sunday Closed
4 What time does the library close on
a Friday?
Beth’s bottles
Green bottles
Brown bottles
Clear bottles
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ....................................................
Activity 4 Activity 12
Check with teacher. Makes are Crispy Crisps and Crunchy Crisps.
Flavours are plain, salt and vinegar and cheese and
Activity 5
1 5 Sizes are normal and family
2 14 1 3
3 Housing 2 5
4 8 3 5
Activity 6
1 7
2 852 947
3 854 070
4 Rochester
Activity 7 5 2
1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 6 3
2 Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
Activity 13
3 8 o’clock
4 4 o’clock 1 3
5 1 o’clock 2 3
3 5
Activity 8 4 1
5 3
Activity 15 Activity H4
Colour of cans Jarad’s drink cans
Activity 16 Extension
Crisp flavours
Activity E1
Plain crisps
Cheese and onion crisps
1 3
2 2
Salt and vinegar crisps
3 5
Key: represents 1 crisp packet 4 2
5 2
Activity 17
1 Activity E2
Arfan’s recycling survey
What people recycle
Key: represents 1 person
Key: represents 1 person
2 Check with teacher
M1, M2, M3
Activity H1 Check with teacher.
1 3
2 2 Check it
3 2
4 8 Activity C1
1 6
Activity H2
2 Going to health centre
3 Arfan, Cory and Gwen
4 Thursday and Friday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Go to bottle Trip to Wor‡ in Wor‡ in Wor‡ in
ban‡ health centre hotel charity shop charity shop
Activity C3
1 4
2 7
3 2
4 Beth’s bottles
Green bottles x x x x
Brown bottles x x x x x x x
Clear bottles x x
Talk about it
Do you play any games that involve numbers?
Do you have a favourite number? What is it?
Do you play the lotto?
What numbers do you choose? Why?
Numbers everywhere!
Talk about it
I come across numbers every day. I need to be able
to read numbers and know what they mean.
Activity 1
Write the single digits 0–9 in order.
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
7 3 7 0 + 3
tens units
Activity 2
6 2 is in the tens column, so it is .
6 2 = +
4 0 = +
1 2 = +
Activity 3
In this story the numbers have been left out. You should fill them in from
either (a) the number your teacher reads out or (b) your own story. Your
teacher will tell you which.
● We use numbers every day. We can make any number using the digits
To do this, look at the tens digit first. The smallest tens digit is 2 (28p).
If two numbers have the same tens value, look at the units to decide
which is smaller. For example: 67p 63p
Activity 6
Look at this grid of numbers 0–99. Some are missing.
Fill in the missing numbers. Look at the surrounding numbers to help you.
Look for patterns in the numbers.
0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 15 16 18 19
20 21 23 24 26 27 28
30 31 32 33 34 35 38 39
41 42 44 45 46 47 49
50 51 52 53 55 57 58 59
60 62 63 64 66 67
71 73 74 75 77 78
80 81 84 85 86 87 89
91 92 93 97 98
An odd number
Talk about it
Sometimes you hear phrases like, ‘Put out an even number of chairs on
each side’ or ‘There are an odd number of people coming – can we find
someone else?’ What does it mean to say numbers are odd or even?
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Activity 7
1 Try to share each packet of biscuits between the two plates. Use cubes or
counters and put them into two equal groups. Draw the biscuits on the
16 is an ..................................... number
7 is an ..................................... number
4 12 7 6 10 15 22 14 11
2 Now look at these numbers. Which do you think are even? Which are odd?
Use counters if you like. Ring the even numbers. Look at the pattern made.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Activity 9
Play this game to practise using and thinking about numbers.
Play with another adult. Choose a number secretly. Can the other person
guess your number by asking questions? Try to ask general questions first.
Example questions are in the circles. Who can ask the fewest questions?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Is it an odd number?
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 29 40 Is it an even number?
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Is it less than 30?
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Is it more than 50?
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
It all adds up
Talk about it
Activity 10
Play the game of ‘21’ with a pack of playing cards.
One person is the dealer and deals two cards to each player face down.
Picture cards are worth 10; an ace is worth 1 or 11.
Look at your card.
The dealer then asks if you want to ‘twist’ – this means to get another card,
which is dealt face up.
If you don’t want to ‘twist’ you can ‘stick’ – not have any more.
You can ‘twist’ more than once.
Try to make or get as near to 21 as you can without going above it.
Fill in the spaces and try to learn these pairs of numbers by heart.
1 2+ 8
............... = 10 2 6+ ............... = 10 3 9+ ............... = 10
4 7+ ............... = 10 5 5+ ............... = 10
Remember addition can be done in any order, so move the numbers
around to find ways of making ten and then add. For example:
6 3+9+7= 7 6+8+4= 8 8 + 11 + 2 =
Activity 12 I know
Another way to make adding easier is to break up 3 + 7 equals 10
two-digit numbers into chunks of tens and units.
Some people call this the chunky method.
4 add 5
Example 23 + 7 is the same as 20 + 3 + 7
equals 9
so 20 + 10 = 30 23 + 7 = 30
1 34p 2 25p
16p 1 Total p
2 Total ...................... p
3 4
15p 22p + 3 Total ...................... p
33p +
58p 4 Total ...................... p
Activity 14
In pairs play a game of dominoes. Place all dominoes face down. Take six each
and keep them secret by placing them where the other person cannot see
them. Leave others in a pile. Take turns putting down one domino at a time.
You must match the dominoes with the same number of dots. Call out the
double as you put them together. Take another domino or miss a turn if you
cannot match the dots. Whoever uses the dominoes up first wins the game!
Double 5 is 10
Activity 15
Near doubles are numbers just 1 or 2 away. For example, 7 and 8, 10 and 12.
You can use your knowledge of doubles to help you work out additions.
Example (a) 3 + 4 (4 is 3 + 1) Example (b) 11 + 10 (11 is 10 + 1)
1 8+7= 2 6+7= 3 11 + 12 =
4 19 + 18 = 5 14 + 15 = 6 21 + 21 =
1 tens units 2
2 6 26 is 20 and 6
3 3 33 is 30 and 3
+ 3 7
_______ 37 is 30 and 7
+ 1 5 15 is 10 and 5
1 3 6 + 7 = 13, 13 is
8 Add the units first 1 ten and 3 units
4 0 Add the tens
_______ 5 0
_______ 20 + 30 = 50
4 8 Then add together 6 3 13 + 50 = 63
Write out the additions carefully on paper. Remember to add the units to
the units and the tens to the tens.
Add each receipt.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Take it away!
Talk about it
Will the change be correct?
I go into the shop to buy some
How can you work it out?
milk. It costs 33p. I hand the
cashier a 50p piece. How much Subtraction is the inverse of
change should I get back? addition – that means that it
‘undoes’ addition or goes the
opposite way from addition.
With addition the answer is always more than the numbers you are
adding. When you subtract from a number you are left with less than you
started with.
Activity 17
− is the symbol for subtraction. Try these subtractions. Use counters if you
think it will help you.
1 10 − 6 =
Check your answer with your teacher before going on. Remember
● Put the larger number first
2 17 − 5 = 3 13 − 8 = 4 20 − 4 =
when subtracting.
5 19 − 11 = 6 24 − 9 = The sign – means take away.
Talk about it
Subtraction is the inverse of addition.
Talk about it
What is the difference in price between the two cans of drink? How much
money can you save if you buy the cheaper one? When we talk about
difference, we are really subtracting.
49 50 51 52 53
Activity 19
Count up to find the difference in price between each two items.
1 2
p p
34 35 36 37
93p 86p
Activity 20
Work out the differences in these prices.
2 45 − 21 = 3 63 − 31 = 4 93 − 51 =
5 67 − 41 = 6 85 − 71 =
Activity 22
Often prices end in a 9, like 99p. These can be quite easy to subtract,
because 9 is one less than 10.
I have 20p and an orange costs 9p. I can work out 20 − 10 = 10 and then
add back the 1 so: 20 − 9 = 11.
I have 50p and an apple costs 19p. 50 − ............. = ............. then add back the 1
so 50 − 19 = ............. Work out how much change you will get.
1 I have . I buy two pears for 29p. I will have .............p left.
2 I have . I buy some plums for 19p. I will have .............p left.
3 I have . I buy some limes for 39p. I will have .............p left.
Round about
Talk about it
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
How to round to the nearest 10:
● If the unit digit is 1, 2, 3, 4, the nearest 10 is the 10 below.
● For 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the nearest 10 is the 10 above.
Activity 23
Look at the prices. Round each to the nearest 10p.
Will it be enough?
1 19p 23p
2 55p
3 24p
Activity 25
Rounding and approximating are useful skills in measuring.
Look at the tape measures and round the measurements marked up or
down to the nearest 10 cm. (For more work on centimetres, see Unit 4.)
1 2
........... cm ........... cm
3 4
........... cm ........... cm
Easy times
Talk about it
Our garage gets cars in that need all their tyres changed. If 1 car
comes in, that’s OK. I know 1 car has 4 tyres, so I order 4 tyres.
What if 5 cars come in? I know I will be very busy that day! But
how can I work out how many tyres I need to order quickly? I could
add them 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20, or I could multiply them.
● Multiplication is repeated addition. The sign × means multiply.
5 × 4 = 20
Activity 26
Work out how many tyres are needed for these cars. Use drawings or
counters if you think it will help you.
It holds 15 cakes.
5 groups of 3: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15
If you turn the tray around there are still 15 cakes, but now there are
3 rows with 5 cakes in each row:
3 groups of 5: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15
Multiplication is adding groups of the same number together over and over.
1 2 rows of 4 2×4=
2 4 rows of 3 4×3=
3 3 rows of 6 3×6=
Activity 28
Doubling is multiplying by 2.
1 2 × 10 = 2 2×3= 3 2×7=
Calculate it
Activity 29
Always clear the calculator before starting any work. Use the C key to do this.
36 79 20 61 54
Show your teacher that you can enter a two-digit number in your calculator.
Activity 30
You can use a calculator to help with addition, subtraction and multiplication.
Estimate first what you think the answer will be: about 70?
To add 23 + 14 on a calculator:
Let’s go back to the corner shop. Try working out the cost of these items using a
calculator. Always estimate first so you have a rough idea of the answer.
Activity H2
Work with another person.
Activity H3
Take a handful of cubes from a tray. Count the cubes. Try to make two
equal towers. If you have an even number, you will make two equal towers.
If you have an odd number, one tower will be taller than the other.
I can’t make the
Write down the number of cubes you took in the ‘Odd’ or ‘Even’ row. towers the same, so
5 is an odd number.
Odd numbers 5
Even numbers
Activity H4
Work with another person. Spread
number cards 1–20 face down on a
8 13
table. Take turns to turn over two cards I put 13 first and
and add them together in your head, counted on 8 on my
putting the larger number first. Discuss fingers to get 21.
how you added the numbers. Remove
these numbers after your turn. 8 + 13
Activity H5
Work with another person. Put out 10 counters in front of
you. Ask the other person to close their eyes and take
some of the counters away. Can they work out how many
you have taken? Take turns. Try this with 20 counters.
How many different ways can you find to make equal groups of counters?
Activity H7
Check these calculations on a calculator. Some may be wrong!
Activity H8
Write four related facts for each set of three numbers using +, − and = symbols.
eg 2+7=9 7+2=9
2, 7, 9
9−7=2 9−2=7
8, 5, 3 6, 4, 10
1 2
Activity E2
A magic square
Why is this square ‘magic’? Try adding
a row of numbers. Try adding
another row. What happens?
4 15 14 1
Activity E3
This is Nim, a game from China. Play with another person and use 12 pennies
or counters. Lay out the counters on the board below. Take turns to take away
as many pennies as you like from one box. The winner is the person who
takes away the last penny.
Activity M1
Look for numbers inside and outside your home. Make a note of where you
see them. Why are they being used?
Activity M2
Play the game ‘broken calculator’. Imagine that some of the digit keys on
your calculator don’t work. Try to make certain numbers on the display
without using their digits.
You will need to add, subtract or multiply to get the required number. For
Activity M3
Look at this dartboard. When a dart lands in the
outer ring you double the number.
Activity M4
Take a calculator when you go shopping.
Estimate the total price of three or four items by rounding to the nearest 10p.
23 76 28 84 92 9
.................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ..................
Activity C2
1 Round these prices to the nearest 10p.
Activity C3
Work out these additions.
1 1 4 2 1 7 3 5 5
+ 3 5
_______ + 2 8
_______ + 2 5
Activity C4
Calculator skills.
Draw in the calculator keys.
subtraction milk
34pwhole 46p
multiplication ED
2 Pints
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ....................................................
Activity 11
6 2 = 6 0 + 2 1 8
2 4
We read the number as sixty ................
................ two 3 1
4 3
2 5 5
3 4 is 3 0 + 4 6 19
7 18
We read the number as thirty ................
................ four 8 21
Activity 12
4 0 is 4 0 + 0 1 50p
2 38p
We read the number as forty
................ 3 48p
4 80p
4 Activity 13
1 2 is 1 0 + 2
1 2
twelve 2 4
We read the number as ................
3 6
4 8
Activity 3 5 10
Answers will vary. 6 12
7 14
Activity 4 8 16
1 28p, 55p, 67p 9 18
2 18p, 49p, 66p 10 20
3 16p, 20p, 37p, 92p 11 40
4 27p, 29p, 63p, 74p 12 60
5 32p, 35p, 37p, 38p Activity 14
6 7p, 27p, 37p, 57p
Activity 5 Activity 15
1 13, 17, 23, 27, 29, 46 1 15
2 14, 19, 33, 35, 39, 41 2 13
3 5, 12, 22, 25, 29, 49 3 23
4 37
Activity 6 5 29
A completed number square 6 42
Activity 27
Activity 18
1 8
2 12
Activity 19 3 18
1 3p Activity 28
2 7p 1 20
3 3p 2 6
4 7p 3 14
5 5p 4 10
5 18
Activity 20
6 16
1 38p
2 28p Activity 29
3 34p Calculator use
4 33p
5 47p Activity 30
1 Estimate 90p, calculator 91p
Activity 21 2 Estimate 15p, calculator 15p
1 19 3 Estimate 90p, calculator 84p
2 24
3 32 Help
4 42
5 26 H1–5
6 14 Answers will vary.
Activity 22 H6
1 21p 1 group of 24
2 21p 2 groups of 12
3 31p 3 groups of 8
4 6p 4 groups of 6
6 groups of 4
Activity 23 8 groups of 3
20p 30p 50p 20p 60p 12 groups of 2
24 groups of 1
H8 12 24 36 4 8 12
9 18 27 13 26 39
14 28 42 6 12 18
5+3=8 3+5=8 11 22 33 10 20 30
8 16 24 15 30 45
8−3=5 8−5=3 16 32 48 2 4 6
7 14 21 17 34 51
19 38 57 3 6 9
6 + 4 = 10 4 + 6 = 10
Answers will vary.
10 − 6 = 4 10 − 4 = 6
Check it
11 + 9 = 20 9 + 11 = 20 C1
1 9, 23, 28, 76, 84, 92
20 − 11 = 9 20 − 9 = 11 C2
2 30p, 10p, 80p, 90p, 60p, 40p
16 + 7 = 23 7 + 16 = 23 C3
1 49
23 − 7 = 16 23 − 16 = 7 2 45
3 80
E1 C ; 3 6 ; + ; – ; +
Months with odd numbers of days are Jan, Feb (in
leap year), Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec.
1 subtraction
All rows columns and diagonals add up to 34,
2 multiplication (or add, add, add, add)
E3 3 addition
If you have a different answer discuss it with your
Mini projects
Answers will vary.
I often go to my lo
. There are
community centre
gs going on.
always lots of thin
’ to raise
We hold ‘fun days
Talk about it money for good ca
oney is for
Sometimes the m
Is there a community centre near where you live? the centre
our own funds at
What sort of activities take place at a community centre? ’s for charity.
but sometimes it
Have you ever been involved in fundraising? l. My
I us ually run a food stal
What charities do you think are worth supporting?
iend Ja n often helps. Everyone
What stalls would you expect at a ‘fun day’? favourite food.
makes their own
What type of food do you think would sell well? to eat as they
I sell it to people
How do you think the food could be packed? stalls or to
walk around the
What number skills would be important for running a stall? take home.
Cutting up
Put a (✔) if you think that the shape is divided into two equal parts or a (✘)
if they are not two equal parts. Put your (✔) or (✘) beside the shape.
Activity 1
Shade 2
of each cake.
1 2 3 4
Activity 2
These pizzas have been divided into 4 equal pieces
1 1
4 4
1 1 1 1 1
Each 4
is equal in size.
4 4 4 4 1 1
4 4
1 2 3 4
1 1
Shade 4
of each pizza. Write 4
on each piece.
1 2 3 4
Activity 3
2 1
● When you shade two quarters ( 4 ), it is exactly the same as a half ( 2 ).
Here are five more pizzas. Shade half of each pizza in a different way.
Splitting up
Some items are small, so we group them together.
So 1
of 12 = 6
And 12 divided by 2 = 6
12 ÷ 2 = 6 Remember
● ÷ tells you to divide.
Halving is the same as dividing by 2.
Activity 4
Work out 2
of each of these orders. Use counters if you wish.
of 8 =
of 10 =
3 6 small pizzas 1
of 6 =
4 20 jam tarts 1
of 20 =
5 18 spring rolls 1
of 18 =
6 16 samosas 1
of 16 =
7 12 flapjacks 1
of 12 =
So 1
of 12 = 3
Activity 5
Find 4
of these:
of 8 =
of =
of =
of 20 =
I need to be able to count money quickly so people don’t have to wait too long at the stall.
These are the coins I use.
Activity 6
1 Fill in the missing coins to make the amount shown on the price cards.
60p 84p
(a) There are many ways of making 60p. (b) Fill in the missing coins to make 84p.
Here are three different ways.
Or this Or
Or this Or
2 Work with another adult. Show each other three sets of coins that make
exactly the amount shown. You can use more than one of each coin.
Write or draw coins to record your answers.
Activity 7
Play the game. When you see the ‘Price Card’, hold up the coins you need – as fast as you can.
If the price is more than 50p, start with a 50p coin and count on.
For example:
Number of coins 2 4
Talk about it
Which coin did you use the most?
Play the game again with another person – one person says the price, the
other shows the coins. Check that they are correct. Your prices should be
no more than £1, or 100p. Write the coins you used in the table.
4 buns cost 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p = 40p in or 4 buns cost 4 × 10p = 40p.
40p 50p £1
Activity 8
Fill in the missing prices and the change from £1.
2 buns 2 × 10p =
3 buns
6 buns
9 buns
Activity 9
We cut some square cakes into slices.
1 1
First we cut into 2
(halves) a then into 4
(quarters) b 1 1
1 1 4 4
2 2 1 1
4 4
of a tray is one slice, and costs 25p.
25p 25p
So of a tray is two slices,
and costs 25p + 25p = 50p. 25p 25p
Cost 50p
Change from £1
Number of samosas 1 2 4 6 3 5
Cost 15p
A mixed order
Price list
Bun 10p Mr Ahmed’s order:
Slice cake 25p 2 samosas and a slice of cake
Samosa 15p 15p + 15p + 25p = 55p
Activity 10
How much do these orders cost?
1 p p 2 p p
3 p p 4 p p
of 80p = 40p 1
of 100p = 25p Cost = 40p + 25p = 65p
Activity 11
● Two halves make one whole
and two quarters make one half. 1 1
2 2 1 2
1 Fill in the prices in the table below, and show the coins that you would
use. No change is given, so you must use the exact amount.
Coins you can use: £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 1p. You can use more
than one of each coin if you need to.
Remember to use the table on the last page to help with the prices.
Total price Coins used
p + p = p
p + p = p
p + p = p
p + p = p
p + p = p
Half price
The things have sold well. However, it’s nearly time to go home and
there are just a few items left. I decide to sell them off at half price.
Activity 12
Put the half price labels on these items.
1 Half Change
Price! p
2 Half Change p
3 Half Change p
Activity H2
This is a fajita.
Work out:
1 1
of 10 = 2 1
of 8 =
3 1
of = 4 1
of =
5 1
of = 6 1
of =
Activity H3
Complete the table.
1 18p
2 25p
3 20p, 10p, 5p
4 53p
6 16p
1 38p 62p
2 25p
3 50p
4 78p
5 63p
6 87p
7 42p
8 53p
Activity H5
Complete the table. Items bought Total Change from £1
1 30p + 40p
2 35p + 25p
3 60p + 15p
4 30p + 15p
5 45p + 30p
6 27p + 13p
Activity H6
Complete the table.
Cost Change from £1 Coins needed for the change
2 50p
3 35p
4 40p
5 70p
6 68p
7 33p
1 1
of 40 jam tarts 4
of 28 samosas
1 1
3 2
of 80 pence 4 2
of 92 pence
1 1
of 80 pence 4
of 92 pence
Activity E2
Write down the coins and notes to make these amounts.
1 £7 £5, £1, £1
2 £12
3 £8
4 £14
5 £15
6 £9
1 Pide
Activity M1
Find a recipe for a favourite or traditional dish.
Work out the cost of the ingredients. How much money would you add for
electricity or gas to cook the dish?
Activity M2
Go to your local shops or use the Internet to find the cost of some of the
items in the unit.
Were the prices more or less in the shop, compared with the prices in this unit
or on the Internet?
Activity M3
Plan a fundraising activity.
Consider the special cause you would like to support. Then decide about:
● the activity
● where
● when
● is any special permission needed?
Activity M4
Go to your local community centre and find out about the activities on offer.
3 eaten 4
Activity C2
Work out how many items are needed for these orders.
of 18 =
of 2 =
of 12 =
of 20 =
5 So 1
of 20 =
2 jam tarts
2 spring rolls
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Date .....................................
Number of 1 2 4 6 3 5
Activity 4 Cost 15p 30p 60p 90p 45p 75p
1 1
1 2 of 8 = 4 2 2 of 10 = 5 Change from £1 85p 70p 40p 10p 55p 25p
1 1
3 2 of 6 = 3 4 2 of 20 = 10
1 1
5 2 of 18 = 9 6 2 of 16 = 8 Activity 10
7 2 of 12 = 6 1 25p 75p 2 65p 35p
Activity 5 3 50p 50p 4 55p 45p
1 1
1 4 of 8 is 2 2 4 of 16 is 4 Activity 11
1 1
3 4 of 12 is 3 4 4 of 20 is 5
Price Coins used to pay
Activities 6 and 7 the exact amount
Check with teacher Whole round cakes 80p 50p, 10p, 10p, 10p
Activity 12
1 25p 75p
2 30p 70p
3 35p 65p
person. I’m a
I’m a really busy
h two young
single parent wit
ssica and
lively children – Je
a part-time
Danny. I also have
ses at the
job and go to clas
ve to juggle
local college. I ha
I couldn’t
all these things!
my watch.
manage it without
Telling the time is
So is writing
important to me.
ndar. That’s
dates on my cale
n’t do
another thing I ca
Talk about it
How many clocks do you have around your home?
Where are the clocks you rely on most?
How do you spend your time during the day?
Do you use a diary? When is it most useful?
Do you use a calendar? What do you write on it?
Do you use bus or train timetables to plan your journeys?
■ Draw up lists, timetables and diagrams to give other people information HD1/E2.5
Activity 1
1 What do these watches show when the time is 5 o’clock?
Danny’s watch Jessica’s watch
........................................................................ ........................................................................
At school the kids have dinner at 1 o’clock and story time at 3:00.
The school clock uses two hands to show the time. It is an analogue clock.
The shorter hand points to the hour. The longer hand points to 12 when it is o’clock.
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
I finish work. Kids finish school. We all get home. Time for a cup of tea!
Activity 4
1 Draw in the hands to show the correct time on these clocks:
12 1 12 1 12 1
11 11 11
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6
A year is split up into 12 months.
November January
The outside ring shows the order of the months.
The middle ring shows how the names are October Jan
Nov February
shortened to the first three letters. 12 1
Oct 11 Feb
10 2
But the inside ring shows the shortest way to
September Sep 9 3 Mar March
write the month, as a number.
8 4
Aug Apr
So for July the short form is Jul and it is 7 5
August Jul May April
month 7.
Aug is the shortened version of ...................................... It
July May
It is month number ......................................
Activity 5
1 These are some of the months when the kids are on holiday. Write their shortened names:
2 These are the months when I pay my phone bill. Write out their full names:
Dentist 18 Oct 05
5 March 2004
Most foods have a ‘use by’ or ‘best before’ date stamped on the packaging.
I check this date to make sure the kids don’t eat food that has gone bad.
Activity 7
‘Use by’ dates can be written in many different ways.
Write the date in the form 5/8/04 below each of these:
Reading timetables
During the school holidays, the
kids often spend a few days with
their cousins. I take them there
and back on the train, but my
sister picks them up from the
station. I look at the train
timetable to see when the trains
leave and when they arrive.
This is part of the timetable for the trains in the summer holidays:
I decide to catch the 10:15 train. Look for 10:15 on the Depart line.
Activity 8
1 What time does the 10:45 train arrive? ................
2 If my sister says she wants to pick them up at 11:15, which train should we catch? ................
ITV1 Sky 1
7:30 Coronation Street 7:30 The Simpsons
7:20 Holiday Show 8:00 Pop Years
8:00 Talking with Animals 8:00 Where the Heart Is
The columns show you which programmes are shown on BBC1, ITV1 and Sky 1.
3 If Jessica watches ‘Talking with Animals’, can Danny watch ‘Pop Years’?
Activity 10
1 Which day do I have an IT class? ..........................................................................................
Hours worked 4 2 0 3 3
Activity 11
1 How many hours do I work on Thursday? ..........................................................................................
Reading a calendar
3 September
Every year the school gives me a list of dates Autumn term begins 21 to 25 October
to show when the kids are at school and when Half-term 19 December
they are on holiday. This is the list for one year. Autumn term ends
HOLIDAY * * * * *
If I want to know when the kids finish in 7 January
Spring term begins 17 to 21 February
December, I have to look for the end of the Half-term 28 March
autumn term. It is 19 December. Spring term ends
HOLIDAY * * * * *
15 April
Summer term begins 26 May to 30 May
Half-term 17 July
Summer term ends
Activity 12
1 On what date does the autumn term begin? ........................................................................
2 What is the date of the first day of the spring term? ........................................................................
Activity 13
1 On what date do the team play Arsenal? ........................................................................
Activity 14
1 Write down the dates when Tony is babysitting.
5 Write these other important dates onto the calendar to show the right day:
Parents’ evening 9 Oct Visiting my Mum 12 Oct
Jessica’s class outing 16 Oct Mum visiting us 20 Oct
Danny’s parties
I made this list in date
order of the parties that 4 May Sarah
Danny is going to.
8 May Wesley
18 May Emma
26 May Rahim
Activity 15
1 Make a similar list to show the parties Jessica is going to, in date order.
Jessica’s parties
3 Now write the list in date order. Start with January. You may need to
look back at the date chart on page 4.
Name Date
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
Name Date
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2 Draw up a timetable to show when you come to classes and when you
study on your own.
9 3 9 3
8 4 ....................................... 8 4 .......................................
7 5 7 5
6 6
12 1 12 1
11 11
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
....................................... .......................................
8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5
6 6
2 Write the same times using o’clock, quarter past, and so on.
........................................................................ ........................................................................
........................................................................ ........................................................................
Activity H2
Don’t miss the bank holidays.
1 A bank holiday is when the banks, the post office, most offices and many
shops are shut. These bank holidays are always on the same date. Write
the date in figures for each bank holiday in the year 2004.
2 The bank holidays Good Friday, Easter Monday, May bank holiday, and
August bank holiday fall on different dates from year to year. Use a
calendar or diary to find their dates this year. Fill in the table.
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Dep. Heathrow 11:00 morning
Arr. Madrid 1:30 afternoon
Dep. Madrid 2:15 afternoon
Arr. Cuba 7:45 evening (local time)
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6
Activity H4
Sometimes information is listed in a table, but the table does not use lines
to separate the rows and columns.
Telephone bills list the date and time of calls you have made. Here is part
of a bill:
1 What time does the 6:30 train from Salisbury arrive in Waterloo? ..........................................................
2 What time did the 8 o’clock train from Andover leave Salisbury? ............................................................
3 When did the train that arrives in Waterloo at 11:30 leave Salisbury? .................................................
Activity E2
JUNE 2006
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2
3 4 5 6 Karen’s 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
9.15 Hospital
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 Outing to 26 27 28 29 30
1 Write the full date of the hospital appointment using numbers only. ...................................................
2 Write the date of the outing to Blackpool using numbers only. ...................................................
Activity M1
Plan an outing to another city or place that involves taking a mainline train.
You will then get a list of trains. Fill in the table and then highlight the trains you
would want to travel on.
Activity M2
Work in groups.
Think of an activity that you all do at some time during the day or the week. Possible
activities are exercising, cooking or watching television.
Find out how many hours each member of the group spends doing that activity most
days, or most weeks. Show your results in a table.
Activity M3
Find out at what times the main news is shown on BBC1 on a weekday.
Activity C2
Put these dates in order, with the earliest date first and the latest date last:
5.4.98 11 May 03 1/12/00 28 Nov 06
Activity C3
The table shows information about a fixture list. Use it to answer the questions.
2 What time does the team play the Shooting Stars? ........................................................................
Rajid 5
Tessa 9
Pat 6
John 10
Gloria 3
How am I doing?
Look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident in
Date ..........................................................
Activity 2 Activity 8
1 11:30 2 10:30 3 9:45
1 12 2 12
11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 Activity 9
8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5
1 The Simpsons 3 No
6 6
2 BBC1 4 At 7:30
3 12 4 12
11 1 11 1
2 2
10 10 Activity 10
9 3 9 3
1 Wednesday 3 Tuesday and Thursday
8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 2 2:30 4 8:30
6 6
Activity 11
Activity 3
1 3 hours 2 Monday 3 Tuesday
1 30 minutes 2 15 minutes 3 45 minutes
Activity 12
Activity 4
1 3 September
1 12 12 12 2 7 January
11 1 11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 3 a holiday (or weekend)
9 3 9 3 9 3 4 17 July
8 4 8 4 8 4 5 18 July
7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6
Activity 5 Activity 14
1 Apr Feb Oct Aug 1 1 October, 31 October
2 September December March June 2 on the 5th and 19th
3 1 5 7 3 on the 13th and 27th
4 March November September 4 Friday (the 18th)
5 Check with teacher
Activity 6
1 Check with teacher Activity 15
2 Dentist: 18th October 2005, 18 October 2005, 1 4 May Sarah
18 Oct 05, 18/10/05, 18/10/05 15 May Kylie
Parent’s evening: 5th March 2004, 19 May Christopher
5 March 2004, 5 Mar 2004, 5/3/04 26 May Rahim
05/03/04 2, 3, 4, 5 Check with teacher
Activity H3
Activity E2
1 11
12 1 11
12 1
2 2
1 15/6/06
10 10
2 25/6/06
9 3 9 3
3 6th June 2006
8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 4 See calendar below
6 6
12 1 12 1
11 11
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5
6 6
2 2:15
3 7:45
JUNE 2006
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 Dentist
3:15 13 14 15 16
Meet teacher
17 18 19 20 21 10:30 22 23
24 party 25 26 27 28 29 30
Talk about it
Do you have a garden or an allotment?
Have you seen gardening programmes on TV or been to a garden centre?
Do you measure things?
Do you read measurements on tins of food or other things you buy?
Do you watch the weather forecast?
What numeracy skills do you think you might need for these things?
Activity 1
Use a metre ruler to measure your pace.
Work with another person and take it in turns to measure your pace.
4 Now measure the length of the room in metres, to the nearest metre. .....................................
5 Now measure the width of the room in metres, to the nearest metre. .....................................
6 Did everybody get the same answers when you measured in paces? .....................................
7 Did everybody get the same answer when you measured in metres? .....................................
● A metre is a STANDARD measure of length used across the world.
Activity 2
Activity 3
Work with another person and practise measuring in metres or in
● A kilogram is a metric measure of weight
or like this: kg
Activity 4
Write down the weight shown on each scale in THREE different ways.
1 2 3
6 3 kg 7 1 kilogram
Talk about it
What do you buy in kilograms?
Practical activity
Try weighing some food items.
Check your result with the label.
● A litre is a metric measure of capacity.
Activity 5
1 When the water barrel is half-full how many litres of water are in it?
................................................. .................................................
Activity 6
Look at the capacity on different containers, for example how much drinks
bottles and cartons hold.
Find two containers of different shapes that each hold one litre.
Write what you found in the space provided.
I keep an eye on the weather forecast. ● Temperature can be measured
I look at the temperature. in degrees Celsius (°C) or
degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
● Water freezes at 0 °C and
Activity 7
boils at 100 °C.
Find Friday in the first column. Now read across and you will see that
● There will be showers
● The day temperature will be 9 °C
● The night temperature will be 2 °C.
Wednesday Cloudy 7 °C 6 °C
Friday Showers 9 °C 2 °C
● outside .....................................................................
During the day you have to carry everything you need, as you cannot
return to the coach.
Write down or draw the clothes and other items it would be important
to take for these forecasts.
a Showers 18 °C ..................................................................................................................................................
b Fine 12 °C ..................................................................................................................................................
c Sunny 30 °C ..................................................................................................................................................
It has 4 sides.
It has 4 corners.
Activity 9
Fill in the details for these paving slabs.
4 Which of the above shapes is the only one with a curved side?
I’ve planted a small apple tree.
I want to protect it from getting
knocked over, so I’ve bought a length
of wire fencing to put round it.
Activity 10
Roll a rectangle of paper into a tube and use paper clips, staples or sticky-
tape to join the edges to make an open cylinder.
Try different-sized rectangles and see what the cylinders look like.
1 If the cylinder had a top and bottom, how many surfaces would it have
2 Write down three more everyday objects that are like cylinders.
This box is a cube.
Inside the shop at the garden
centre, there are all sorts of It has 8 corners.
different shaped boxes. It has 6 faces.
It has 12 edges.
Activity 11
1 This box is a cuboid. It has ............. faces.
Estimate Measurement
My pace
My hand span
My thumb width
My height
Activity H2
Make marks on these sticks at intervals of one centimetre.
Write down the length of each stick.
..................................... cm
..................................... cm
..................................... cm
..................................... cm
..................................... cm
1 2 3
6 kg 9 kg 4 kg
4 5 6
7 kg 11 kg 2 kg
Activity H4
You need a 1 litre measuring jug full of water and a drinking mug.
How many mugs can you fill from the jug? .....................................
Activity H5
You need a bucket or washing-up bowl.
How many litres of water do you need to fill the bucket or bowl?
Estimate the length of each of the following, then measure to see how close
you were.
Estimate Measurement
Activity E2
Check out the weather.
They are useful if you are planning a short holiday or an outdoor activity.
Activity E3
Use a simple graphics package to draw some 2-D shapes.
Activity M1
Go to a garden centre, look in a catalogue or use the Internet.
In the table below, list some items that are sold by: weight, capacity and length.
Find some plants with care labels. What temperature should they be kept at?
Activity M2
Watch the weather forecast on TV, or listen to the weather forecast on the
radio, or look at the weather forecast in a newspaper.
Try to do this each day for a week. Keep a record of the highest daily
temperature in the area where you live.
milk R IC E
Activity C2
Look at this weather forecast:
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date .....................................
Activity 11
7 1 6, 8, 12
2 5, 5, 8
3 cylinder, 3, 0, 2
4 cuboid
5 cube
Practical activity
6 cylinder
Check with teacher
Activity 5 Help
1 50 litres
Activity H1
2 5 litres
Check with teacher
3 4 litres
4 8 litres Activity H2
1 10 cm
Activity 6
2 7 cm
Check with teacher
3 5 cm
4 11 cm
5 14 cm
3 4
5 6
Check it
Activity C1
1 potatoes, flour
2 milk, paint, petrol
3 fabric, string
4 screws
Activity C2
1 Saturday, 13 °C
2 Sunday, 7 °C
Activity C3
I work in a garage. We
sell petrol,
spare parts and accesso
ries for
cars. There are a lot of
things to do. I need to
get a lot of
information from lists,
charts and diagrams.
Talk about it
What information do you need to know about running a car?
Where would you find this information?
Can you find examples of the information I might need?
What sorts of things do customers buy from a garage?
How do customers pay?
What things do garages sell?
What sort of things would a supervisor need to know about customers
using a garage?
The forecourt
When I’m working in the garage I need
to get information about cars from
lots of different places.
Activity 1
The garage sells different makes of radial tyre, each in different sizes.
The table shows the makes of car tyre down the side of the table and the
size across the top.
Sometimes the customer just wants the cheapest tyre. For example, the cheapest R15.
● When using tables it is important to know what is shown in the
Activity 2
The garage has four petrol pumps. Each pump delivers two different types
of fuel, as shown in the table. Use the table below to answer the questions.
Diesel 4-star Unleaded
Pump petrol petrol
1 Yes No Yes
2 No Yes Yes
3 No Yes Yes
4 Yes No Yes
Activity 3
Engine oil is sold in different grades. This garage sells Multi grade, 10W/50,
Diesel and Super grade. The oil is only sold in cans.
A block graph can be used to see how much has been sold.
Number of Cans Sold
4 I re-order when I have sold seven cans of one type of oil. Which type of oil
5 In June, which oil sold three times as many cans as Super oil? .................................................................
2 How many tyres were sold in the first three days? .....................................................
6 Will the number of tyres sold be the same next week? ..........................................
Why? ................................................................................................................................................
8 Put the number of tyres sold each day in the table below.
The first vehicle has been sorted into the table. It is a white van so the tally
mark goes under White, across from Van.
Where will the blue car go? Mark it on the table.
1 Finish off sorting the vehicles into the table.
Other vehicle
2 How many white vans visited garage between 10 and 11 o’clock? .....................................
3 Was Joe right? Are white vans the most common type of vehicles? .....................................
Joe doesn’t think this is fair because everything that isn’t a van goes
into the ‘other’ box. What do you think? Discuss this with the class.
Activity 6
Joe also says that all cars which use diesel have four
● Criteria are features such as
doors. His does! So we do another survey.
colour, shape, height which
allows objects to be sorted.
They decide to group different types of vehicles in two
criteria by fuel type, and the number of doors.
They draw a table like the one shown on the next page. The following cars
visited the garage between 9 and 10 o’clock (the first 2 are done for you).
..................................... 4-door
of cars? .....................................
Activity 7
1 What should be written at the top of the columns? Fill in the table below.
Petrol oil
Diesel oil
2 The first six vehicles have been sorted out. Finish sorting them into groups:
motorbike ...................................................................................
lorry ................................................................................................
van ..................................................................................................
3 Put the total number of vehicles into each category in the table:
Why? ............................................................................................................................................................
Activity 10
The supervisor wants to know how customers pay for the petrol.
........................................................................ ........................................................................
2 Would you ask the customers or find the information another way?
Explain how you could get the information.
3 On the table show how you could collect information about how
customers pay.
3 How can you check you have included all the information from all of
the petrol pumps?
0 1 2 3 4
Petrol pump number
Before 8 o’clock
After 8 o’clock
Number of cars
0 Before After
8 o'clock 8 o'clock
2 List the rest of the colours that will fit into the OTHER category.
3 Put the two most common colours into the table and the number of cars
in each category.
0 Other
Colour of cars
Page 12 Unit 5 E2 NUMERACY Rt2, Rt4, Rs3, Rw3, SLd2, SLc1, SLc3
! Help
Activity H1
This table shows the cost of cross-ply tyres.
Activity H2
Tyre sales in May
Tyres sold
0 M T W T F Sa Su
Day of week
Complete the headings and tally the cars into the table.
2 door
4 door
Activity H4
What types of vehicle use the garage
on Saturday morning?
2 Draw a block graph to show the 4
vehicles that called into the 3
garage on Saturday morning.
3 Which is the most common type 0 Motorbike Car 4-wheel Van
of vehicle? drive
Types of vehicles
Activity E1
There are two lengths, 26 cm and 29 cm.
They are all stored in one big basket. The supervisor wants to order more
and asks Joe how many of each are left.
As Joe takes a packet from the basket he makes a tally mark on the table to
show the wipers.
Activity M1
A tyre pressure chart shows how much air pressure to Remember
put into car tyres. ● ‘Psi’ is a measure of tyre
Activity M2
Go to the local garage to collect information about the types of vehicles using
the garage over half an hour, or an hour. Or go to a car park to collect
information on the most popular colour of cars.
(Be aware that if you go to a garage you should ask permission from the
supervisor and stand in a safe place to collect the information.)
Choose the categories of vehicles. Draw a table and put in the categories you
have chosen or list the vehicles as they arrive and categorise them later.
Activity M3
Use the Internet to find costs of a car tyres b second-hand cars.
Activity C2
Sales of oil on Tuesday evening, in sizes and types as in Activity 7 (page 7).
Decide on the criteria to sort these and complete the tally table.
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with...................................................................................................................................
Date .....................................
Petrol Pumps Used on Monday Morning 5
Number of times used
6 3
5 2
4 1
2 0 White Red Other
1 Colour of cars
0 1 2 3 4
Petrol pump number
5 white
Activity 12
1 Pump number NO Time YES Activity H1
2 Fill in the table below. 1 £27
Times 2 £43
Before 6:30 7:00 7:15 7:15 7:30 7:45 7:45 3 R13
8 o’clock 4 Bridgeyear
5 £47
After 8:15 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:15
8 o’clock
Activity H2
1 3
2 Saturday
3 30
5 Diesel
2 1 Large
2 7
0 Motorbike Car 4-wheel Van
Types of vehicles Activity C3
3 car
Wind screen wash
Petrol can
26cm 29cm 2
Wipeasy Sales on Thursday Evening
Number of items sold
Talk about it
Do you ever do any DIY?
What maths skills do you think you might need for these tasks?
Activity 1
Here is an order form for Mr Taylor. Sort the items into ascending order of stock code numbers.
Sorting numbers
384 = 300 + 80 + 4 = 3 hundreds + 8 tens + 4 units
306 = 300 + 00 + 6 = 3 hundreds + 0 tens + 6 units
So 306 is lower because it has the same number of hundreds, but fewer tens.
In sequence
When I’m looking for a stock item in the
warehouse and I see number 227, I know
that 127 will be in the aisle before and
327 will be in the aisle after.
Can you continue the sequence? Talk about sequences in your group.
Activity 2
1 Fill in the missing numbers in the following sequences.
a 25 65 5 45 95 85 55 15 35 75 Remember
● Ascending
5 15 25 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
means from
b 91 11 81 71 21 1 41 51 61 31 lowest up to
......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
● Descending
c 145 645 245 545 945 845 345 445 745 means from
highest down
......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
to lowest.
3 Put these numbers into descending order.
Activity 3
Here are the order forms for goods that have to be delivered in Great Western
Road. Write the addresses in ascending order of house number.
1 ...................................................................
2 ...................................................................
3 ...................................................................
4 ...................................................................
5 ...................................................................
6 ...................................................................
7 ...................................................................
8 ...................................................................
9 ...................................................................
10 ...................................................................
11 ...................................................................
12 ...................................................................
Tomorrow I’m delivering stock along the High Street. The traffic is really busy,
so it’s best to deliver to all the odd numbers along one side first and then
come back down the other side starting with the highest even number.
Activity 4
Put the addresses in order for the High Street deliveries – odd numbers in
ascending order first, followed by even numbers in descending order.
1 ................................................................... 5 ................................................................... ● Odd numbers
end in 1, 3, 5,
2 ................................................................... 6 ................................................................... 7 or 9.
● Even numbers
3 ................................................................... 7 ...................................................................
end in 0, 2, 4,
6 or 8.
4 ................................................................... 8 ...................................................................
? Review
Paying by cheque
Look at the cheque below. In your group talk about how it has been completed.
800908 82232579
Activity 5
1 Complete these cheques with the missing amounts in numbers or in words.
a b
55-12 -12
10090 8 65874 125 99-02-05
548511 65874568
c d
858630 78452147
00- 29- 65
DATE 658 505 102 350 03
pounds £
and 50 pence only
Cheque No. Sort Code Account No. Cheque No.
Sort Code
Account No.
"356875" 05"5874" 98745008 "02 588 9"
45" 565 7" 456 897 78
e f
547854 44005228
05- 77- 89
658 758 255 687 98
and 14 pence only
Cheque No. Account No.
Sort Code Cheque No. Sort Code
Account No.
"68 960 0" 85472014
11" 645 8" 325 645 50 "658210" 00"1451"
£ Eight hundred and eighty-two pounds £
Six hundred and fourteen pounds A/C PAYEE
N AKRAM and 37 pence only E WATSON
and 61 pence only
Cheque No. Sort Code Account No.
Cheque No. Sort Code Account No.
"456850" 10"6525" 12321458
"235645" 99"5687" 12458789
2 Look at these two cheques. The amount in words is incorrect. Write the correct
amount in words underneath each.
a b
57- 84- 11
356 214 558 865 41 05-77-89
658758 25568798
40 pence
B BRIDGES one hundred and fourteen pounds £
Account No.
Sort Code Cheque No. Sort Code
Cheque No. Account No.
256 001 12
22" 653 2" "689600" 11"6458"
"06 589 7" 32564550
......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................
......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................
3 Look at these two cheques. The amount in figures is incorrect. Write the correct
figures underneath.
a b
325648 25689785
547854 44005228
......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................
? Review
Do you need more practice in writing numbers in figures and in words? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H4 (page 20).
Talk about it
Can you make up a sentence with the word ‘approximately’ in it? Tip
– Approximately how many chairs are in the room? ● A round number
– Approximately how many steps does it take to get to the top floor of a often ends with
ten-storey block of flats? the round figure 0
– Approximately how many days or weeks are there until December 31? or sometimes 00.
47 is approximately 50, rounded to the nearest 10. 40 50
It is rounded to 50 because 47 is closer to 50 than to 40.
Activity 6
Round these paint stock numbers to the nearest 10. Tip
Rounding to the nearest 10
1 53 tins of blue paint is approximately 50
..................................... tins.
● Numbers ending in 0, 1, 2, 3
2 28 tins of green paint is approximately ..................................... tins. and 4 are rounded to the 10
3 46 tins of yellow paint is approximately ..................................... tins. ● Numbers ending in 5, 6, 7, 8
and 9 are rounded to the 10
4 35 tins of indigo paint is approximately ..................................... tins.
5 67 tins of lilac paint is approximately ..................................... tins.
Activity 7
Round these tile stock numbers to the nearest 100. Remember to look at the last
two digits of the number to help you decide how to round it. You may find it
helpful to cover the hundreds digit with your finger.
Shell 518
Fish 136
Star 375
Leaf 666
Swirl 372
Bubbles 419
Ribbon 185
Corn 250
Rounding to the nearest 100
● For numbers ending in 01 to 49, go to the 100 below.
● For numbers ending in 50 to 99, go to the 100 above.
? Review
To work this out, it helps to think about hundreds, tens and units.
Remember H T U
240 means 200 + 40 + 0 200 + 40 + 0
75 means 70 + 5 add 70 + 5
200 + 110 + 5 = 315
Talk about it
● How do you add up in your head? How do you write it down?
Activity 8
Practise by adding the deliveries of wallpaper to the stocks.
Wallpaper Number of Number Poppy
Total For written
pattern rolls in stock delivered H T U calculations,
Poppy 146 72 100 + 40 + 6 keep the
hundreds, tens
Stripe 65 230 add 70 + 2
——————— and units in
Floral 114 425 columns H T U
Swirl 19 380
Birds 153 77
Activity 9
Work with another person. Take turns to do the estimate and then the calculation.
? Review
Activity 10
Here are some orders picked from stock this month.
Work out how much stock is left. Don’t forget to check your answers.
When orders come in to DIY 4 All, the items are picked from stock.
You can work out how much is left by subtraction.
? Review
Activity 11
Count the multiples to complete this check on stock. (You may need to use a
tables square or a calculator.)
Stock item
Paint brushes in fives 5, 10, 15, 20, ........, ........, ........, ........, 45, ........, ........, ........, 65
Tins of paint in eights 8, 16, 24, 32, ........, ........, ........, 64, ........, ........, ........, 96
Curtain poles in sevens 7, 14, 21, ........, ........, ........, 49, ........, ........, ........, 77
Fence posts in nines 9, 18, 27, ........, ........, 54, ........, ........, ........, 90, ........
Packs of nails in 100s 100, 200, 300, ........, ........, ........, ........, 800, ........, ........
Packs of door knobs in 50s 50, 100, 150, 200, ........, ........, ........, 400, ........, ........, 550
Boxes of work gloves in 20s 20, 40, 60, ........, ........, ........, 140, ........, ........, 200, ........
Rolls of wallpaper in 25s 25, 50, 75, ........, ........, ........, 175, ........, ........, 250, ........
Can you describe the patterns? Talk about them in your group.
? Review
Paint stocks
In the DIY 4 All warehouse we receive small
tins of paint in packing cases of 36 tins.
To find out how many tins are in four packing
cases, I have to multiply 36 by 4.
36 = 30 + 6 H T U
So 30 × 4 = 120 3
× 4
6 × 4 = 24 2
1 4 4
then add 36 × 4 = 144
Talk about it
How do you multiply? How do you multiply in your head? How do you write it down?
Activity 12
Calculate how many of each paint colour and size there are in stock.
Small red
Small: Medium: Large: H T U
36 tins 24 tins 16 tins 3 6
per case per case per case × 2
Cases Tins Cases Tins Cases Tins 7 2
Medium white
2 red 36 × 2 = 72 3 red 5 red
4 blue 6 white 24 × 6 = 7 blue 2 4
× 6
8 white 7 white 9 white —————
What other methods can you use? What about reversing the calculation and using
division as a check?
Using a calculator: 3 6 × 5 =
Then, to check the answer:
1 8 0 ÷ 5 =
40 × 5 = 200 so that means the answer 180 is the right size, since it is close to 200.
Activity 13
Try out some of the methods. Work with another person to calculate and check these
wallpaper stocks.
? Review
Packing up
If a customer orders 20 tiles, I need Customer name and address:
to know how many boxes of tiles to Mrs Brown, 4 Hawthorn Gardens, Hambledon.
collect from the warehouse. Some
Stock code Description Price
come in boxes of five, but others come
20 leaf pattern tiles
in boxes of two, or three or four.
26 daisy pattern tiles
2 6 ÷ 4 = answer .
Talk about dividing calculations in your group. How do you record written calculations?
Activity 14
Work out how many full boxes and how many extra tiles are needed for these tile orders.
28 bubbles pattern tiles (boxes of 2) 28 ÷ 2 = 14 36 fish pattern tiles (boxes of 4) .............................
23 shell pattern tiles (boxes of 2) ............................. 45 star pattern tiles (boxes of 4) .............................
18 corn pattern tiles (boxes of 3) ............................. 64 swirl pattern tiles (boxes of 5) .............................
25 swirl pattern tiles (boxes of 3) ............................. 70 wave pattern tiles (boxes of 5) .............................
? Review
How far?
Talk about it
How far can you walk in 20 minutes?
How far do you travel from home to work or home to college?
How far do you travel if you go to visit a friend or relative?
How far do you travel if you go on holiday?
What units are used to measure long distances in the UK and in other countries?
Activity 15
Here is a list of distances from DIY 4 All to places around Birmingham. Rank the names in
order of distance from Birmingham, nearest to furthest. Use numbers to show the order.
Birmingham to
Smethwick 3 miles 1
Brownhills 12 miles .....................................
Activity 16
The distances are used to calculate delivery charges for DIY 4 All customers. The
charge is 65p per mile. So the cost of a delivery to Aldridge is 9 × 65p = 585p = £5.85
1 Halesowen ..................................................................................................................................................
2 Smethwick ..................................................................................................................................................
? Review
Mathematical shapes
The items stocked at DIY 4 All come in
many different shapes and sizes.
Some are easy to pack and stack and
others are not so easy.
Talk about it
Look around the room you are in.
Describe the shapes you see.
Look at tables, windows, shelves, ceiling or carpet tiles, books and paper.
Open a book and look at the different angles you can make between the pages.
Activity 17
In your group, look at the picture of the DIY 4 All items at the top of the page.
Activity 18
Draw the lines of symmetry on these shapes.
Activity 19 15 cm
1 2 3
20 cm
30 cm
10 cm
Activity 20
Use all the same shapes or a mixture of two shapes to design your own display.
Try cylinders (cans), cubes or cuboids (boxes).
If you have access to a computer, you could use a drawing package or some of
the drawing icons from the drawing toolbar.
? Review
2 Choose three digits of your own and make as many different numbers as you can.
Activity H2
1 Work with another person to put these numbers in ascending order.
That means lowest number first, so look for the 100s first and decide which of these is lower.
Then look at the 200s, then the 300s and so on. Cross the numbers off the list
when you’ve put them in the right place.
468 219 105 335 637 260 401 156 339 587 132 200
105 132 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
2 Put the next list in descending order. That means you have to find the highest number first
and then the next highest, so look at the 900s first, then 800s and so on.
873 425 681 999 982 704 810 644 555 403 500 350
999 982 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
Activity H3
Put a ring round all the even numbers in this list. Remember that even numbers
end in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
153 76 229 248 842 981 980 455 404 676 767
Activity H4
Draw a line to link the number in figures to the same number in words.
143 seven hundred and fifty-two 207 six hundred and nineteen
378 one hundred and forty-three 330 eight hundred and forty-eight
906 four hundred and fifty 619 two hundred and seven
752 three hundred and seventy-eight 848 five hundred and eighty-seven
450 nine hundred and six 587 three hundred and thirty
Activity H6
Some mistakes have been made in these addition and subtraction calculations.
Check them and decide which are right. Correct the ones that are wrong.
1 425 + 74 = 499 2 355 + 123 = 478 3 347 + 431 = 888
4 352 + 174 = 426 5 416 + 394 = 810 6 589 + 298 = 786
7 496 – 256 = 240 8 876 – 543 = 333 9 765 – 432 = 222
10 493 – 37 = 457 11 648 – 592 = 46 12 411 – 231 = 180
Activity H7
1 Use a calculator to find the first few multiples of 50. Add 50 each time.
Look for the pattern and continue it up to 500.
50 100 150 ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. .............
2 Use a calculator to find the first few multiples of 100. Add 100 each time.
Look for the pattern and continue it up to 1000.
100 200 ............. ............. 500 ............. ............. ............. ............. .............
3 Use a calculator to find the first few multiples of 25. Add 25 each time.
25 50 75 ............. ............. 150 ............. ............. ............. .............
Activity H8
Try these multiplication and division calculations. Work them out. Then check the
answers with a calculator.
1 How many tins of paint? 2 How many boxes of tiles?
a 43 × 2 b 45 × 5 c 38 × 3 d 27 × 4 a 24 ÷ 2 b 75 ÷ 5 c 64 ÷ 4 d 98 ÷ 3
Activity H9
Draw all the lines of symmetry
on these shapes.
How many of your numbers are even and how many are odd?
Activity E2
Complete the cross number. Across Down
1 2 3 1 16 × 5 1 43 × 2
4 5 2 69 ÷ 3 3 13 × 3
4 31 × 3 5 68 ÷ 2
6 7
6 51 × 5 6 96 ÷ 4
8 10 × 5 7 11 × 5
9 10 11
12 107 × 3 9 99 ÷ 3
12 10 84 ÷ 4
11 90 ÷ 5
Activity E3
Use a calculator or spreadsheet to investigate multiplying numbers by 10.
Start by multiplying single digits by 10, then try multiplying some two-digit
numbers by 10.
Write down your answers. What do you notice about the answers? Can you write
down what happens each time?
Activity E4
Use a calculator or spreadsheet to investigate multiplying numbers by 100.
Start by multiplying single digits by 100, then try multiplying some two-digit
numbers by 100.
Write down your answers. What do you notice about the answers? Can you write
down what happens each time?
Activity E5
If you have access to a computer, use a drawing package or the drawing toolbar
to draw some three-dimensional (3-D) shapes. Draw different sizes of cubes,
cuboids, cylinders and pyramids.
Activity M1
1 On a 100 square, cross off or colour in all the even numbers. Notice the
Make a list of all the numbers that have not been crossed through. These are
special numbers called prime numbers. Ask your teacher about them.
Activity M2
Go to a supermarket, DIY shop or other large shop and look at the way items are
stored on shelves or in special promotional displays. Draw or sketch what you have
seen. How are boxes or cans stacked and displayed?
Activity M3
Find out the distances between the towns near where you live. Some maps have
the distances between towns marked in miles or kilometres. Some maps have a
table of distances between large towns.
Calculate how long it would take you to walk from one town to another. You can
probably walk at 2 or 3 miles per hour, so divide by 3 to find the answer, or by 2
to be on the safe side. If your distance is in kilometres, then divide by 5 to find out
how many hours your journey would take.
If you have access to the Internet then you can find the distance between places
using the AA (Automobile Association) website
Activity M4
If you have access to the Internet, use the AA (Automobile Association) website to investigate the distances between places such as London and
Edinburgh, London and Cardiff, Birmingham and York – or choose some
destinations of your own.
Activity C2
Draw a ring around the odd numbers.
121 400 276 345 297 777 350 243 478 419 792
Activity C3
1 If there are 145 tins in stock and another 260 are delivered,
how many are there altogether?
3 If there are four tins of paint in a box and there are 45 boxes,
how many tins of paint are there altogether?
4 If there are five tiles in each box, how many boxes will be
needed for an order of 40 tiles?
Activity C4
Draw the lines of symmetry on the shapes and put a tick under the shapes that
have right angles.
Activity C5
What is the approximate distance between London and Birmingham? Draw a ring
around your answer.
I am confident with
Date ....................................................
Activity 18 Activity H4
143 seven hundred and fifty-two
378 one hundred and forty-three
906 four hundred and fifty
752 three hundred and seventy-eight
450 nine hundred and six
Activity H5
a 47 miles is approximately 50 miles.
b 22 miles is approximately 20 miles.
c 58 miles is approximately 60 miles.
d 63 miles is approximately 60 miles.
e 76 miles is approximately 80 miles.
f 81 miles is approximately 80 miles.
Activity 19 a 368 km is approximately 400 km.
Tiles: 3 b 839 km is approximately 800 km.
Lampshades: 2 c 520 km is approximately 500 km.
Spray adhesive: 6 d 421 km is approximately 400 km.
e 666 km is approximately 700 km.
Show your drawings of the shapes on the shelf to f 228 km is approximately 200 km.
your teacher.
Activity H6
Activity 20 1 425 + 74 = 499 ✓ 7 496 – 256 = 240 ✓
Check your answers with your teacher. 2 355 + 123 = 478 ✓ 8 876 – 543 = 333 ✓
3 347 + 431 = 888 ✗(778) 9 765 – 432 = 222 ✗ (333)
4 352 + 174 = 426 ✗(526) 10 493 – 37 = 457 ✗(456)
Help 5 416 + 394 = 810 ✓ 11 648 – 592 = 46 ✗(56)
6 589 + 298 = 786 ✗ (887) 12 411 – 231 = 180 ✓
Activity H1
1 456 465 546 564 645 654 Activity H7
2 Show your answers to your teacher. 1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
450 500
Activity H2
2 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
1 105 132 156 200 219 260 335 339 900 1000
401 468 587 637 3 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
2 999 982 873 810 704 681 644 555 250
500 425 403 350
Check it
Activity C1
Activity E1
65 99 125 189 211 273 378 400 425
222 220 225 227 202 252 272 763 1000
257 275 205 250 207 270
Activity C2
555 550 552 557 505 525 575
527 572 502 520 507 570 Odd numbers: 121 345 297 777 243 419
Activity E2
1 2 3
8 0 2 3
4 5
6 9 3 ✓
6 7
2 5 5 4
4 5 0
9 10 11
3 2 1 ✓
3 2 1 8
Activity C5
120 miles
Activity E3
When you multiply a number by 10, all the digits
move one place to the left.
Talk about it
Have you ever seen a payslip?
What bills do you have to pay? How often do you pay them?
How do you make sure you have enough money when you go shopping?
Do you work out in advance how you are going to pay for all the things you need?
How do you pay for special events like birthdays and Christmas?
Five pounds and seventy-five pence can be written £5.75. The decimal point keeps
the pounds and pence separate. The pound values sit on the left of the decimal
point and the pence values sit on the right.
Pounds ● Pence
Hundreds (£) Tens (£) Units (£) ● tenths (£) hundredths (£)
5 ● 7 5
Activity 1
Ali Green is another worker in the sandwich bar. His hourly rate
is five pounds and twenty-five pence. Write this amount in figures.
Hourly rate – the amount paid for one hour of work.
Gross pay – the amount somebody earns before anything is taken out (income tax,
national insurance contributions).
To calculate gross pay, multiply the rate of pay per hour by the number of hours worked.
5 ⋅ 7 5
To multiply, enter × .
This is Howard’s gross pay. Check that you can get this answer on your calculator.
The calculator does not show the zero if it is the last digit and is after the decimal point.
Pounds ● Pence
Hundreds (£) Tens (£) Units (£) ● tenths (£) hundredths (£)
2 1 8 ● 5 0
Note how we put a 0 in the hundredths column. This makes it look like an amount
of money so that 50p and 5p are not muddled up.
Activity 2
Winston, Ali, Geeta and John work with Howard at the sandwich bar. Work out
their gross pay and complete the table.
Number of hours
Name Pay per hour (£) Gross pay (£)
worked per week
Activity 3
Write the gross pay for each person in the place-value table.
Pounds ● Pence
Name Hundreds (£) Tens (£) Units (£) ● tenths (£) hundredths (£)
Howard Jones 2 1 8 ● 5 0
Winston Ramsey
Ali Green
Geeta Singh
John Gates
? Review
Unfortunately, I do not take home my gross pay. This is because each week I
have to pay income tax, national insurance contributions and a contribution to
a pension fund. These are called deductions. The amount of money I actually
take home each week is my net pay.
Deductions – amount of money taken from gross pay.
Net pay – amount of pay left after deductions (sometimes called ‘take-home pay’).
Activity 4
Amount in £ When we use a calculator to
subtract two amounts we key
GROSS PAY 218.50 in the larger number first.
To calculate my net pay I have
NET PAY to subtract (–) the deductions
from my gross pay.
Net pay =
Activity 5
Calculate the net pay for Ali, Geeta, John and Winston. Use a calculator to check
your answers.
Activity 6
Deductions are the amounts of money taken from gross pay for:
● income tax – this is for the government
● national insurance contributions – this is for the Department of Health and Social Security
● pension – this goes towards a pension fund
Pension 6.25
Total deductions
Add up the deductions, then work out the net pay to complete the payslip.
Use a calculator.
? Review
Pension 6.25
To round to the nearest pound (£) we have to look at the amount of pence.
If the amount is 50p or more, round to the next pound (£).
If the amount is 49p or less, round to the last pound (£).
Remember, 50p is half of £1 but is rounded up to the next pound.
Income tax = £30.59. I pay about £31 in income tax. I have rounded it to the
nearest pound.
Altogether, my deductions are £49.95 a week. I could round this to the nearest
pound. Then, it would be £50.
My net pay is £168.55, I could round this to the nearest pound, which is £169.
Activity 7
Complete the table using the information above.
Pension 6.25
Ali Green Amount (£) To the nearest (£)
Pension 5.25
Total deductions
Geeta Singh Amount (£) To the nearest (£)
Pension 4.50
Total deductions
John Gates Amount (£) To the nearest (£)
Pension 3.50
Total deductions
Winston Ramsey Amount (£) To the nearest (£)
Pension 4.75
Total deductions
5 What do you notice when you compare the exact totals with the rounded totals?
? Review
Do you need more practice in rounding to the nearest pound (£)? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H3 (page 14) or E4 (page 16).
£63 ÷ 4 =
Activity 10
Fill in the amounts and work out the total.
My weekly income is £ .
Be careful when you key in the amount for the gas bill. Make sure you key in 6.08,
not 6.8. The 0 is important.
(What is 6.8 written in pounds and pence? £..................................... . See the difference?)
Activity 12
To find out how much money for food, other essentials and savings Howard has
left, write down the weekly income and then subtract the weekly outgoings for bills.
? Review
Weekly shopping
I have just been shopping. Before I took my trolley of goods to the till,
I rounded the price of each item to the nearest 10p. I did this so that I could
add them in my head to be sure that I would be able to pay for my goods.
That way, I would not be embarrassed because I did not have enough money.
Activity 13
1 Round 76p to the nearest 10p. 76p is between 70p and 80p.
70p 71p 72p 73p 74p 75p 76p 77p 78p 79p 80p
2 23p is between 20p and 30p. Mark the position of 23p on this line.
20p 30p
It is exactly half way between 40p and 50p. We round 45p to 50p.
5 Complete the table by rounding each amount of money to the nearest 10p.
87p 90p
BISCUITS 0.58 ...................
This food
✷✷✷✷✷✷ THANK YOU ✷✷✷✷✷✷
total is £ .
Activity 15
Now work out how much money Howard has left after he has paid this food bill.
(Look back at Activity 12 on page 9 to help you.)
Food bill
Money left
? Review
Gemma’s budget
T-shirt ... £4.99 or £6.99
CD ... £5.25 or £8.99
magazine ... 75p or £1.25
book ... £3.75 or £4.50
chocolate ... 52p or 82p
It is Saturday and Gemma is out with her friends at a nearby shopping centre.
Gemma would like to buy a T-shirt, book, CD, magazine and some chocolate, but
she only has £13 to spend.
Gemma realises that she will not be able to buy everything with £13.
To help her decide which items she can buy, Gemma rounds the individual prices
to the nearest 10p.
Activity 16
Rounded to
Item Actual price (£)
● In this table, write down three the nearest 10p
different items that Gemma
might buy with her £13.
● Write down the actual price.
● Write down the price rounded
to the nearest 10p.
● Find the total for both columns.
● Use the total from the column headed ‘Actual price (£)’ to calculate how much
money Gemma will have left from her £13.
Now choose some different items Gemma could have bought and work out her
change from £13.
? Review
Number of hours
Name Pay per hour (£) Gross pay (£)
worked per week
Ruth 4.25 40
Tony 3.75 40
Sam 5.00 40
Activity H2
Complete these payslips.
E m p l o y e e n a m e Ali Green W e e k 14
Description Amount (£) Description Amount (£)
Pension 5.25
Total deductions
E m p l o y e e n a m e Geeta Singh W e e k 14
Description Amount (£) Description Amount (£)
Pension 4.50
Total deductions
Cost rounded to
Actual price (£)
nearest pound (£)
Contribution to keep
Bus pass
2 How much of Luke’s wages is left after he has taken off his expenses?
3 Luke would like to learn to drive. He decides to cycle to work and make his own
sandwiches. How much could he save?
Activity H4
Here is a list of items Gemma and her friend bought on Saturday. Round the amounts
to the nearest 10p and work out the actual total and rounded total.
T-shirt 4.99
Activity E2
Complete the table.
Activity E3
Michelle works 5 days a week at the golf driving range. She works from 9:00 am to
6:00 pm each day.
The total time taken out for her lunch and two breaks is one hour. She earns
£3.55 per hour.
The following deductions are taken from her pay. Income tax £17.04
National insurance £8.52
Pension £4.25
4 Work out Michelle’s total deductions.
6 Michelle also has to pay her bus fare to and from work.
7 When she has paid her bus fares, how much of her net pay is left? £
To the nearest
Item Actual price (£)
pound (£)
CD 5.99
How much does Jack estimate the total cost of these items will be?
Activity M1
Think about your weekly expenses. As well as putting aside money for bills, there
may be other expenses, such as travel and sporting or leisure activities.
Work out how much you spend and how much is left over each week.
Activity M2
Think of something you’d really like to buy and find out how much it costs.
Work out how much you think you could save each week and how long it would
take you to save up for it.
Activity M3
Explore the Internet to find on-line shopping sites. Or you could look in a
catalogue or go to a shop.
You’ll get a list of shopping sites. Choose which items you’d like to buy.
Round prices to the nearest pound or 10p and estimate the total cost.
E m p l o y e e n a m e Winston Ramsey W e e k 14
Description Amount (£) Description Amount (£)
Pension 4.98
Total deductions
Activity C2
I bought the following items at the DIY shop.
£39.99 £9.05
1 Round the price of each item to the nearest pound. Put the answer next to the item.
3 If I hadn’t bought the rake, how much would the exact total of the bill have
been? ........................................................................
She gets £10.55 in child benefit each week for each of the youngest two, and
£15.75 for her oldest child.
How much child benefit altogether does she get each week?
Activity C4
Round these items to the nearest 10p.
Cola 37p
Comb £1.26
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ........................................................................
Pension 4.75 5
Activity 6
Total deductions 38.20 38
Total deductions £49.95
Net pay £168.55
5 The rounded ‘total deductions’ figure is not always
Activity 7 the same as the sum of the rounded individual
To the
Amount (£) amounts.
nearest £
Pension 5.25 5
Extension Activity C3
£10.55 + £10.55 + £15.75 = £36.85
Activity E1
39.5 × £5.64 = £222.78 Activity C4
Activity E3
1 8 hours 5 £112.19
2 8 × 5 = 40 hours 6 a £1.80
3 £3.55 × 40 = £142 b £9.00
4 £29.81 7 £112.19 – £9.00 = £103.19
Talk about it
Have you ever visited a leisure centre?
What maths skills would a manager of a leisure centre need for his or her job?
What maths skills would a receptionist at a leisure centre need for his or her job?
Morning Afternoon
Activity 1
1 Write down the written and spoken times booked for the following players.
11 12 1
10 2
a Player b 9 3 Player
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
c Player d 9 3 Player
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
Karen arrives at work at seven twenty in the morning. 10 2
9 3
8 4
We say ‘seven twenty am’ and write 7:20 am. The clock face shows 7 6 5
The minute hand tells us how many minutes after the hour. 55 5
11 12 1
50 10
10 2
Karen finishes work at three forty in the afternoon. 45 9 3 15
8 4
We say ‘three forty pm’ and write 3:40 pm. 40 7 6 5 20
11 12 1 35
10 2 30 25
3 Complete the clock face to show this time. 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
Activity 2
Complete the following table using the information given.
The first row has been done for you.
11 12 1
10 2
‘three ten p-m’ 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
‘six forty p-m’ 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
11:55 pm 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
? Review
A member of staff notes the arrival and departure times of some of the customers as follows.
● When it is 15 minutes past the hour, we usually say it is ‘a quarter past’.
● When it is 15 minutes to the hour, we usually say it is ‘a quarter to’.
Activity 3
Write down the written and spoken starting times for the following players.
10 11 1
10 2
1 The minute hand can also tell us how many
15 9 3
8 4
minutes there are before the hour.
7 5
1 Write down the written and spoken finishing times for the following players.
2 The following week, two of the players came again but at different times.
Write down the written and spoken times for each player.
Start Finish
a Mary Gonzales
b Salima Shah
? Review
Senior Junior
Morning Yoga Yoga
football football
Tea Step
Afternoon Aerobics Ballet
dance aerobics
● Dates can be written in a number of ways.
● Sunday 29 June 2003 can be written
Date Month Year
29 / 6 / 03
Use the table to find the entry for the junior football club.
The table shows you that the club meets on Saturday 5 July 2003
Activity 5
1 Write down the following dates using the day/month/year notation.
July 2003
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Activity 6
1 Use the calendar to find out how many days there are in July.
2 Use the calendar to find out how many Tuesdays there are in July in 2003.
Activity 7
Use the calendar to answer the following questions
? Review
In the crèche
Andreas and Frieda are
playing in the crèche.
They are practising filling in shapes carefully, without going over the lines.
Each of these shapes is divided into three equal parts. One out of three, or
one-third, is coloured. This is written as 1 .
Activity 8
Tick the shapes where 1 of the shape is coloured.
1 2
3 4
Each of these shapes is divided into five equal parts. One out of five, or one-fifth, is
coloured. This is written as 1 .
Activity 9
Activity 10
For each of the following, write down the fraction that is coloured.
1 2 3
2 the number of parts coloured
The number on the top of
the fraction tells you how
5 the total number of equal parts
many parts are coloured.
Activity 11
For each of the following write down the fraction that is coloured.
1 2
3 4
? Review
Fair shares
Activity 12
1 On these a 1 b 2
2 2
shapes shade
2 On these a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
4 4 4 4
shapes shade
3 On these a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
8 8 8 8
shapes shade
e 5 f 6 g 7 h 8
8 8 8 8
Activity 13
Andreas and Frieda share a bar of chocolate.
Andreas says they should each have 1 .
One of the carers says they should each have 8 .
Who is right?
Of course, they are both right because 1 and 4 are the same amount.
2 8
The fractions 1 and 4 are the same. They are called equivalent fractions.
2 8
You can see from the diagrams that the same amount is shaded each time.
All these fractions are equivalent.
3 2 4 5 4
4 3 8 7 6
2 9 2 5 1
10 11 9 6 5
3 2 6 3 7
4 5 15 7 20
Activity 14
Here is one way to shade exactly one half of the shape.
How many other ways can you find to shade exactly one half of the shape?
? Review
Morning Afternoon
1 Write down the written and spoken booked times for the following players.
2 Use the table to match these clocks to one of the booked players.
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
a Player ............................................................ b 8 4
Player ............................................................
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
c Player ............................................................ d 9 3 Player ............................................................
8 4
7 6 5
Activity H2
September 2003
Here is a calendar for the Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
month of September 2003.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
c 2/9/03 ........................................................................
d 30/9/03 ........................................................................
Activity H3
Shade the following fractions on the shapes.
Activity H4
For each of the following, write down the fraction that is coloured.
1 2
3 4
Activity E2
1 Place the following fractions in order from smallest to largest.
4 1 6 3 2
a ...........................................................................................................................................
7 7 7 7 7
7 2 5 4 3
b ...........................................................................................................................................
8 8 8 8 8
a 2 ? b 4 ?
8 8
2 1 4 2 8
3 Write these fractions in order from smallest to largest.
3 3 9 9 9
(You will need to change 2 and 1 to ninths first.)
3 3
Activity M1
Time across the world is based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Use an atlas, the library or the Internet to find out about GMT.
Activity M2
When it is midday here, find out what time it is in the following places.
Tokyo in Japan
Activity M3
What day of the week is your birthday this year?
Activity M4
2 February 2002 was a very special date.
11 12 1
10 2
11:25 am 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
‘five twenty p-m’ 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
‘eight forty p-m’ 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
Activity C2
Write down the following dates using the long (word) form.
Activity C3
Here is a calendar for the 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
month of November 2003. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Activity C4
For each of the following write down the fraction that is coloured.
1 2 3
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ........................................................................
11 12 1 Tea Step
10 2 Afternoon Aerobics Ballet
9 3 dance aerobics
8 4
7 6 5
Line Tap Karate Karate Drama
Evening Judo
dancing dancing club club club
Activity 2
Written time Spoken time Digital clock Analogue clock Activity 6
11 12 1
1 31 days in July
8:50 am ‘eight fifty a-m’ 9
8 4
2 5 Tuesdays in July
7 6 5
11 12 1
Activity 7
3:10 pm ‘three ten p-m’ 9 3
7 6 5
4 1 Sunday
11 12 1 2 Thursday
‘eleven thirty- 10 2
11:35 am
five a-m’
8 4
3 3 4/7/03 or 4 July 2003
7 6 5
4 25/7/03 or 25 July 2003
11 12 1
2 5 9/7/03 or 9 July 2003
6:40 pm ‘six forty p-m’ 9 3
7 6 5
4 6 20/7/03 or 20 July 2003
11:55 am
‘eleven fifty- 10
11 12 1
Activity 8
five p-m’ 8
7 6 5
Shapes 1 and 4
Activity 9
Activity 3 Shapes 1 and 2
1 8:05 am ‘Five past eight’
2 11:20 am ‘Twenty past eleven’ Activity 10
3 2:05 pm ‘Five past two’ 1 1 1
1 4
2 8
3 10
4 4:15 pm ‘Quarter past four’
We say Salima Shah finishes at ‘quarter to three’. Activity 11
2 4 7 5
Activity 4 1 3
2 5
3 10
4 8
1 a 2:45 pm ‘Quarter to three’
b 4:55 pm ‘Five to five’ Activity 12
c 8:45 am ‘Quarter to nine’ Check your answers to Questions 1–3 with your
d 11:50 am ‘Ten to eleven’ teacher.
2 a Start time 8:15 am ‘quarter past eight’ 4 They are all completely shaded.
Finish time 9:40 am ‘twenty to ten’ 5 They have half the shape shaded.
b Start time 3:40 pm ‘twenty to four’
Finish time 4:25 pm ‘twenty-five past four’
We don’t use/say ‘am’ or ‘pm’ if we use ‘to’ or
Activity 14 3 2
, 1
( 3 ), 4
, 2
( 6 ), 8
9 3 9 9 3 9 9
Check your answers with your teacher.
Check your answers with your teacher.
Activity H1
1 a 8:00 am ‘eight a-m’ Check it
b 11:00 am ‘eleven a-m’ Activity C1
c 2:00 pm ‘two p-m’
d 4:00 pm ‘four p-m’ Written time Spoken time Digital clock Analogue clock
c Maria Rose
11 12 1
d Jimmy Perfet or Jane Chan 11:25 am
‘eleven twenty- 10
five a-m’ 8 4
7 6 5
Activity H2 11 12 1
10 2
1 a 29/9/03 5:20 pm ‘five twenty p-m’ 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
b 13/9/03
11 12 1
c (Tuesday) 2 September 2003 10 2
11:50 am ‘eleven fifty a-m’ 9 3
2 a 30 e Tuesday 10
11 12 1
3 4
Activity C3
1 Wednesday
2 Tuesday
3 29/11/03 or 29 November 2003
Activity H4 Activity C4
1 2 1 3 2 5 3
1 2 3 4 1 2 3
5 5 8 8 5 6 9
Why would a nurse visit someone in his or her home or why might someone visit a nurse?
Why do nurses run baby clinics? Do you know anyone who has been to one?
How do you measure someone’s height or weight? What units do you use?
Do you think a nurse needs to use maths? What would she or he need to know?
I often work with Pam in the baby clinic. Every three months
she checks the length of the baby and the size of the head.
She does this to make sure the baby is growing and putting
on weight as it should be. To measure the length of a baby,
we measure from the top of its head to its toe.
The size of the baby’s head is measured around
the circumference.
Activity 1
Pam knows that a baby boy of three months old should have the following
● a length between 55 and 67 centimetres (cm)
● a head circumference between 38 and 45 cm.
With another person, show each other roughly how long you think these lengths
are and compare your lengths with an accurate measure such as a ruler.
1 Was your length estimate longer or shorter than the accurate measure?
Activity 2
Look at the ruler on the next page and find the millimetre marks and the
centimetre labels.
3 With another person, use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your
head. Measure in cm and mm. Then measure the other person’s head. Now let
the other person take the measurements.
Record your results in the table and write the units clearly.
Your results cm mm cm mm
Pam also goes to the local school to measure the height of the five-year-old children. Remember
She measures the children’s height in centimetres (cm) or metres (m). 100 cm = 1 m
Activity 3
1 Jason measures 1 m 11 cm. As a decimal he is ..................................... m tall
5 Measure your height and the height of another person. Measure in centimetres
and metres. Record your results in the table.
Your results cm m cm m
? Review
Healthy weight
Pam also knows that keeping healthy means keeping body weight under control.
The more underweight or overweight someone is, the more their health is at risk.
With your group discuss why weight is important if you want to be healthy.
Weight and height are linked. Taller people usually weigh more.
Using the healthy weight chart, Pam advises people if they are underweight, a
healthy weight or overweight.
Rachel is 1.52 metres tall and her weight is 47 kg. Melvin is 1.83 m and
weighs 80 kg. So, Melvin is taller and heavier than Rachel. They are both
within the recommended range.
Activity 4
Pam visits the Community Centre to advise people on how to keep healthy. She
measures their height and weight. Read the information below and say whether
each person is underweight, overweight or a healthy weight. What do you think
Pam should advise?
1 a baby? .....................................................
Activity 6
Pam has found a recipe that she thinks is healthy and tastes good.
She uses scales to weigh the vegetables needed for the recipe.
Often, the scales are divided into 100 g units, but not all the lines
are labelled.
? Review
Liquid measures
Activity 7
Pam visits Marcus, whose six-year-old son, Tom, has a high temperature.
Pam suggests that Marcus gives Tom 5 ml of junior paracetamol, four times a day.
If his temperature does not come down, Marcus should ring NHS Direct on
0845 46 47 for more advice or take Tom to the doctor.
A or B? .....................................
3 How many times should Marcus fill the spoon
5 ml
for each dose? .....................................
Activity 8
1 Next, Pam visits Jabeen. Her baby was born early. Because of this, 6
the amount of iron in the baby’s blood is low. 5
4 A
Each day, Jabeen must feed the baby 2 ml of medicine with iron in.
It is a small dose so it is important to be accurate.
2 B
Pam suggests she uses a ‘liquid medicine measure’.
1 C
a Should Jabeen fill the measure to label A, B or C? .....................................
b What is the total dose of antibiotics the baby must have in one day? .....................................
500 ml
500 ml
Men should drink no more than four units of alcohol
a day. Women should drink no more than three units
of alcohol a day.
2 units 1 unit 4 units 1 unit
Pam has a card that shows how to work out the
number of units.
Gerry drinks ordinary lager. Each can contains two units of alcohol, so Pam
recommends that Gerry drinks no more than two cans a day.
Activity 9
1 Michael likes strong lager.
2 Sharon drank two glasses of wine with a meal. Each glass held 175 ml.
3 Marcia has drunk one large glass of wine. A large glass holds 350 ml.
Could Marcia have another large glass of wine and still be below her limit?
a How many full 350 ml glasses of wine can you get from a bottle?
b How many full 175 ml glasses of wine can you get from a bottle?
? Review
Activity 10
Equipment cupboard:
1 m tapes Measuring jugs
30 cm rulers Letter scales
2 m measuring frames Kitchen scales
1 m rulers Baby scales
Thermometers Bathroom scales
When Pam goes to the baby clinic she takes the baby scales, a one-metre tape
and a one-metre ruler.
She will be measuring the height and weight of five-month-old children and
needs to collect the equipment.
Activity 11
Pam uses a measuring jug like the one shown.
1 Could Pam use this jug to measure the following items? 500
Ring your answer.
a 5 ml of medicine yes / no ml 300
? Review
Pam also advises on how to take a person’s temperature accurately.
Activity 12
When Pam takes a child’s temperature, she uses a thermometer. She sits
the child on her knee, and tucks the thermometer under the child’s armpit.
The temperature is usually measured in Celsius or °C.
Normal body temperature is 37 °C. Mark this temperature on the thermometers below.
°C °C °C
40 40 40
38 36
36 32
34 28
32 24
34 30 20
Activity 13
Pam advises parents that a baby’s room should be kept at 18 °C. Kevin’s room is
25 °C. It is too hot.
Read the room thermometer below. Are the temperatures too hot, about right, or
too cold for the baby? Ring your answer.
Kevin's room
A 20
1 Room A temperature ................ too hot / about right / too cold for the baby
2 Room B temperature ................ too hot / about right / too cold for the baby
3 Room C temperature ................ too hot / about right / too cold for the baby
Pam advises all mothers and fathers that the average temperature of a
baby is 37 °C. If a baby under six months old has other signs of illness and a
temperature of 39 °C or higher, then the parents should contact their
doctor. At the baby clinic, Pam takes three babies’ temperatures.
Activity 15
Nicole, a three-year-old, has a fever with a temperature of 41 °C.
? Review
Buying medicines
✓ ✓
● Pam could have used
other combinations
of coins here.
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Activity 16
1 Pam asked me to buy
some medicine for Peter
that costs £3.85. She has
this change in her purse.
Tick the coins needed to
pay for the medicine.
5 £1.05 = .....................................p
6 Find a different way of paying £1.05. This time, draw a ring round the coins you use.
Olive wants antiseptic cream for £1.53 and a strip of plasters for 93p.
£1.53 is 1 . 5 3 +
93p is 0 . 9 3 =
The total is £2.46.
1 Frank wants:
● a bottle of shampoo for £3.26 ....................................................
2 Mazie wants:
● a nail file for 72p ....................................................
Activity 18
1 Food Size of tins Number
Pam found three 1 2 litre tins of baby milk.
? Review
Estimate Measurement
Activity H2
1 Estimate then weigh.
Estimate Weight
Tin of beans
Activity H3
Pam’s advice is that men should drink no more than four units of alcohol per day.
Women should drink no more than three units per day.
175 ml
..................................... ml
a What is the maximum number of 250 ml bottles Pam would recommend that he
could drink in a day?
..................................... bottles
Activity H4
Pam advises older people to keep their rooms °C
warm and comfortable in the winter at 21 °C.
Mavis 26
Pam visits four older people and reads
the temperature of their living rooms. John
The temperatures are shown on the Margery 18
thermometer. Read the temperatures and
Donald 14
decide whether each person should turn
the heating up, leave it alone or turn it 10
down. Ring your answers.
1 Mavis’s room .................. Turn heating up / leave it alone/ turn heating down
2 John’s room .................. Turn heating up / leave it alone/ turn heating down
3 Margery’s room .................. Turn heating up / leave it alone/ turn heating down
4 Donald’s room .................. Turn heating up / leave it alone/ turn heating down
Activity H5
1 Pam has asked me
to buy some more medicine
for Peter. It costs £2.05. Peter
has this change in his
wallet. Tick the coins to
pay for the medicine.
Decide on the instruments and units of measurement you will use. Record your measurements
(at least ten) in a table. Comment on your answers.
Activity E2
Use the Internet to search for and check the recommended daily intake of food ingredients.
In a group discuss why you should limit the intake of sugar, fats and sodium (salt).
2 A vegetable pie contains 1.7 g of sugar and 15.7 g of fat per 100 g.
4 Go to a supermarket and compare the prices of a frozen shepherds pie and a diet shepherds pie.
Do the same with another meal. Do you pay more for ‘healthy’ food?
Activity E3
A new-born baby should have 525 ml of food every 24 hours. Use a calculator to
work out how much the baby will need per feed if it is fed:
Activity M1
In a group, discuss the different bones we have in our bodies. Write down the
names of as many different bones as you can.
Use the Internet or visit a library and find out the names of the main bones in
your body.
Measure the length of your bones and put the information on your diagram.
Find how much longer your thigh bone is than your middle finger.
Activity M2
Investigate different sizes of wine bottles and beer cans in your local supermarket
or pub. Investigate the different strengths of the beers.
Use the Internet or visit the library or a local health clinic to get more information
on recommended alcohol intake.
Look at various bottles of wines and beers and work out how many units there are
in each bottle or can.
How many glasses of wine or cans of beer or lager could you safely drink? Don’t
forget that some lagers and beers are ‘strong’ and this affects the amount you can
drink and stay below your limit.
Activity M3
Working with another person, visit a local leisure centre or swimming pool and
find out how much it costs for a swim and to use the sauna and any other
Are there any special offers for families or for people over 65 years of age?
Are there any other concessions?
Visit the swimming pool and find out how deep the water is at the shallow end
and at the deep end. What is the temperature of the water and the temperature in
the changing rooms?
Find out who gives advice on fitness and how they check a person’s fitness level.
Activity M4
Some people who suffer from asthma check their breathing by reading their peak
flow of breath.
Investigate flow of breath, how it varies in different age groups, how breath is
measured and the units used to measure breathing.
1 Which of the following would you 2 Which of the following would you
measure in mm? weigh in kg?
3 Which of the following would you 4 Which of the following would you use to
measure in ml? measure in degrees Celsius (°C)?
Activity C2
Pam asked me to buy some medicine for Peter that costs £2.55.
She has this change in her purse.
1 ...................................................................................................................................
2 ...................................................................................................................................
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date .....................................
Activity 2 Activity 9
1 1 a 1 can b 500 ml
<aw N4.34> Repeat image N4.2 with mm 2 a 350 ml b below
3 No
marked along all of it
4 a 2 b 4
Activity 10
Discuss your answers with your teacher.
2 a 10 mm = 1 cm Activity 11
b 20 mm = 2 cm a No
3 Individual measurements should be checked by b Yes
your teacher. c Yes
d Yes (if you can pour 500 ml into another container)
Activity 3
Activity 12
1 1.11 m
2 1.2(0) m 37
38 36
3 1.05 m 37
36 32
34 28
4 a Yes b Duane 36
Check it
Help Activity C1
1 an ear
Activity H1 2 a man
1 Measurements to be checked by your teacher. 3 (milk), medicine
2 1 m measuring tape or other sensible instruments. 4 a thermometer
5 0.5
Activity H2
1 Measurements to be checked by the teacher. Activity C2
2 Kitchen scales or other sensible instruments. Any valid combinations – check with your teacher.
Activity H3 Activity C3
1 750 ml 1 39 °C
2 Yes 2 37.5 °C
3 a two bottles b 500 ml 3 37 °C
4 Marcus and Sunita
Activity H4 5 Gemma
1 26 °C – too hot, turn heating down
2 21 °C – right temperature, leave it alone
3 18 °C – cool, could turn heating up slightly
4 14 °C – cold, turn the heating up immediately
Activity H5
£1 + 2 × 50p + 2p + 1p + 1p + 1p
or another valid combination
al shelter. We try to fin
work at the local anim
I new homes for stray an
help to look after dogs
d unwanted animals. I
and cats, and small anim
d gerbils.
like rabbits, hamsters an
imal shelter so that peop
We have a plan of the an al
different types of anim
can find out where the
the animals that we look
We have records of all
and charts to make the
after. We use lists, tables
information easier to un
Talk about it
Do you have a pet?
Can you read information from plans, lists, tables and charts?
What maths skills do you think you might need to record and show information?
Offices 6.0 m
1.5 m Dogs
Cats 1.35 m
Each small animal has a space that is 0.5 m wide and 1.0 m deep.
1 How much space does a dog have? ................. m wide and ................. m deep
2 How much space does a cat have? ................. m wide and ................. m deep
To find out how much it costs to take home a cat, look for ‘cats’, then look across to
the left in the ‘re-homing’ column. You will see £50.00. This is the amount you pay to
re-home a cat.
‘Various small pets’ includes animals such as gerbils, mice, budgies and other birds.
c a week? ........................................................................
6 What is the cost of boarding a gerbil for a week?
a maximum cost = ........................................................................
Pedigree 1 2 6
Crossbreed 7 11 13
Look at all the parts of the table – the title, the rows and the
columns – to answer these questions.
5 How many large dogs are there in the shelter altogether? ........................................................................
? Review
Do you need more practice in reading plans, lists and tables? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H1 and H2 (page 12).
Number of dogs
Small Medium Large
Size of dogs
Activity 5
40 August
35 October
Number of animals
Dogs Cats Rabbits
Type of animal
The shortest column for dogs is yellow, so we had fewest dogs in October.
The number of people who took cats from the shelter in the first four months of 2002
3 Count up the symbols and complete the table below to show the numbers of people
who re-homed cats.
● Try to use a simple symbol or picture – remember, you may have to draw each one
many times and they must be identical!
● Symbols must be in neat columns and rows.
● Include a key to show the number of items a symbol stands for.
● Use part of the symbol to represent smaller numbers.
? Review
● For each unit, you write a tally mark, like this .
● When you have five units, make your fifth line go through the other
four, like this: . You can then count the answers in batches of 5.
● Tick or cross off each entry as you put it into the tally chart. This will
help you to keep track of which results you have not yet tallied.
Activity 7
We need to find out if the new owners already own a dog.
Most people had no dogs but some have one or two, or even three.
Use the tally chart below to count the answers. The first two rows have been done.
Activity 8
These figures show the number of cats re-homed each week during the first half of 2002.
3 2 4 1 2 4 2
1 3 3 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 5 2 3
5 1 2 2 3 0
1 Complete the tally table below.
3 What was the largest number of cats re-homed in any one week? .....................................
? Review
Number of dogs 0 1 2 3
Number of owners 3
Activity 10
The number of dogs already
I decide to use a bar chart to show
owned by re-homers
the results of how many dogs 16
re-homers own already.
Number of re-homers
0 1 2 3
Number of dogs
The first thing to do is to decide how I can show the people. I think stick people
are easy to draw. I can use a stick person to show two people .
Activity 12
The numbers of rabbits already owned by people re-homing a rabbit are shown in the table.
Number of re-homers 10 5 2 3
Draw a bar chart or pictogram to show this information on the grid below.
? Review
Do you need more practice in tables, bar charts and pictograms? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H3 (page 13) or E2 and E3 (page 14).
Tuesday [Closed]
Activity H2
Dog pens have a special area for a bed and a large area for the dog to run.
1.8 m
4.2 m
2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 3
3 1 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2
2 4 3 3 2 4 3 1 3 2
1 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 1
Visitors to the animal shelter on Saturday
Number of people
Tally Frequency
in group
Look back at the Remember boxes on pages 4 and 7 and check that you have
included everything.
3 On separate paper, tally the information into two charts, one for males
and the other for females. Tally the dogs by age.
4 Work out how many male dogs and how many female dogs were in the shelter that day.
Male: ................ Female: ................
Activity E2
Tables, charts and pictograms are often used to present data. Newspapers use tables and
charts to make information easier to understand. Look for examples of tables, charts
and pictograms in newspapers and magazines. Make a display. Write about what is shown.
Activity E3
Use ‘clip art’ on the computer to draw a pictogram from the information in one of the activities in this
unit. Use a spreadsheet to draw a bar chart from the information in one of the activities in this unit.
Activity M1
Carry out your own survey to find out how many pets people have.
Activity M2
Look in newspapers and magazines to find examples of surveys.
● How is the information presented?
● What tables are used?
● Are charts or diagrams used?
● Do the charts or diagrams help the reader to understand the results
more clearly?
Activity M3
Find out whether there is an animal rescue centre or animal shelter near where
you live.
Or, use the Internet to find out more about the work of animal rescue centres or
Activity M4
Do your own research.
1 Decide on a topic.
5 3 4 4 6 5 3
4 2 1 4 4 3 4
3 3 2 3 5 2
1 1 3 1 6 1
Most of the time I feed the puppies with dry food. Sometimes I give them canned
food. The food weights are recorded in grams (g).
7 2 220 15 2 320
13 3 380 25 4 490
17 4 475 40 6 835
1 How much dry food do I need to give to a three-month-old puppy weighing 7 kg?
2 a How many tins of food do I need to give to a six-month-old puppy weighing 25 kg?
3 This week I have a litter of four three-month-old puppies. They weigh 3 kg each. How
many cans do I need for them?
I am confident with
Date ....................................................
Total 20
Activity 3
1 June 2002 3 3
2 6 4 14
3 11 5 2
4 1 6 3
5 19
6 31 Activity 8
7 40 1 Number of cats Tally Total
0 4
Activity 4 1 7
1 Friday 15 June 2 6
2 Crossbreed dogs 3 5
3 13 4 2
4 1 5 2
5 13 Total 26
6 Large
7 1+2+6=9 2 4
3 5 cats
Activity 5
1 August Activity 9
2 August Results of the dog owner survey
3 August
4 25 Number of dogs 0 1 2 3
5 5 + 30 + 20 = 55 Number of owners 14 3 2 1
Activity 6
1 Three people
2 One person
2 16
3 12
4 4
Total 40
Number of re-homers
Saturday visitors
Number of groups
6 15
1 2 3 4
0 Size of group
0 1 2 3
Number of dogs
Size of group Number of groups
Activity 11
How many dogs re-homers already have
Number of dogs Re-homers
Activity E1
Activity 12 1 Male / Female
2 Saturday
Check with your answers with your teacher.
Male dogs Female dogs
1 2 3 4 5
M1, M2, M3, M4
Show your answers to your teacher.
Check it
Activity C1
1 Number of dogs Tally Frequency
1 5
2 3
3 7
4 6
5 3
6 2
Total 26
Activity C2
1 220 g
2 a 4 b 415 g c 1660 g
3 a 4 cans each day
b 28 cans in the week
Talk about it
Have you ever held or organised a party?
How do you decide how many people to invite?
What kind of things might they like to eat and drink?
How do you work out how much food and drink you might need?
How do you work out how much it might cost?
Sometimes it may help if you use a number line. 90 100
Then you can actually see which number is nearer.
3800 3900
3842 = 3800 to the nearest 100
3000 4000
3842 = 4000 to the nearest 1000
Sometimes you might round to the nearest 5 if you need to be more accurate.
● If the number to be rounded to the nearest 10 is 15, then the number should be
rounded to the next ten (20), even though 15 is halfway between 10 and 20.
● Similarly, 150 to the nearest 100 is rounded to the next hundred (200), 1500 to the
nearest 1000 is rounded to the next thousand (2000), and so on.
Activity 2
To give a reasonably accurate estimated If the answer doesn’t need to be so
answer to 2146 + 7224, round the two accurate, round the numbers to the
numbers to the nearest 5. This is: nearest 100. This is:
Talk about it
When do you round numbers to the nearest 5, 10, 100, 1000 or 1 000 000 etc?
In each of the examples below say whether you would round them to the nearest
5, 10, 100, 1000 or 1 000 000 and write the answers in the box.
1 The distance to the next town is 12 miles. 2 The distance from where you live to
Someone asks you, ‘About how far is it to the London is 294 miles. Roughly how far
next town?’ What answer would you give? would you say it was?
About To the nearest About To the nearest
3 The attendance at last week’s football 4 The distance from here to the moon is
match was 21 253. If you were writing a 249 630 miles. How far is that roughly?
report on the match, roughly how many About To the nearest
would you say went?
About To the nearest
Activity 3
With another person, work out the answers to these examples.
3 My van carries 1000 kg. I need to 4 A party has 105 guests. How many
move 1250 kg of food from my tables will I need if one table seats
stores to a new warehouse. How 10 people?
many journeys will I need to make?
Talk about it
What makes rounding money different from rounding ordinary numbers?
If Victor is giving an estimate for a job to someone, how is it best to round the
Activity 4
Round the amounts to the nearest pound. (Watch out for where the 0s are.)
Talk about it
Think of some other times when rounding numbers and estimating might be useful.
? Review
A rough idea!
Activity 5
Sometimes I need to work out something to get a rough idea of
how much to charge or how much something might cost.
To give his customers an estimate for 96 meals costing £7.25 each, Victor can use
rounding to give an approximate answer.
He can round the 96 to 100 (rounded to the nearest 100). It then becomes: 100 × £7.25 = £725
He can round the £7.25 to £7.00 (rounded to the nearest £). It then becomes: 96 × £7.00 = £672
He can round the 96 to 100 and £7.25 to £7. It then becomes: 100 × £7.00 = £700
Talk about it
Which way would you choose?
Is it always best to round numbers to the nearest 100, 1 000, £1, £10 etc?
Activity 6
Estimates are useful, but be careful! Should I round up or down? Talk about these
examples and work out what I did wrong. What should I have done?
1 My supermarket bill is: eggs 64p, milk 33p, bread 54p, margarine 51p.
I have £2.00 in my pocket. Have I got enough? To make a guess I round all the
prices to the nearest 10p and work out the cost to be roughly £1.90. When the
bill is printed I am 2p short. Where did I go wrong?
3 I am asked for a quote for 91 meals at £9.25 each. I round the numbers and
quote £810. The actual costs turn out to be £841.75 and I make a loss on the
job of £31.75. Where did I go wrong?
Victor did this sum: (£)7.00 × 100. The answer showed (£)70 000, which didn’t
look right! It was much too big for the numbers he’d been working with.
7 . 0 0 × 1 0 0 =
Talk about it
Can you work out where Victor went wrong?
Activity 7
Here are some of Victor’s calculations. Give estimated answers and say whether
the results make sense. Round numbers up or down. Try to do the calculations in
your head if you can. If you think Victor got it wrong, talk about it and work out
where he went wrong.
4 £1.50 + 50p = £51.50 It should be about Does the answer make sense? Yes ■ No ■
? Review
Whole salmon – before cleaning and with head and tail on 400 grams
Talk about it
What do you think about the catering amounts?
Talk about it
Which method works best for you?
If you were catering for a small party of 10 and all the guests wanted prawn
cocktail, you should allow 75 grams of prawns for each person. That makes
75 grams × 10, which comes to 750 grams.
75 × 10 = 750
If there were 100 in the party and they all wanted prawn cocktail, you would need
75 grams × 100.
When multiplying by 10, all the digits move one place to the left (add zeros to fill the spaces).
So 45 × 10 300 × 10
= 450 = 3000
When multiplying by 100, all the digits move two places to the left (add zeros to fill the spaces).
e.g. If 100 people want pork, Victor needs 175 g × 100 = 17 500 grams.
● Metric weights: remember 1000 grams = 1 kilogram.
● To change grams to kilograms, divide by 1000.
Now write down how many kilograms would be needed in the last column.
Activity 9
If Victor divides 10 kg (or 10 000 g) by 100, that makes 100 g. The set amount for
each person is 110 g, so he doesn’t have enough. How much more does he need?
100 × 10 g =
2 I have a booking for 100 who all want new potatoes. I’ve got 10 kg of new potatoes.
Have I got enough? Yes ■ No ■
3 10 people want rice. I’ve got 1 kg. Have I got enough? Yes ■ No ■
If a drink costs 12p and 100 of them are needed, the cost will be 12p × 100 = 1200p,
which is the same as £12.
If a drink costs 50p and 10 are needed, the cost will be 50p × 10.
Activity 11
In small groups, or as a whole group, try changing the items on this menu so that
you can work out how much you need to feed 10 people and then 100 people.
The amounts are for one person.
Starter Prawns 70 g
Main course Mashed potato 170 g, Peas 85 g, Carrots 110 g, Lamb 275 g
Menu item Amount for 1 person Amount for 10 people Amount for 100 people
Mashed potato
? Review
Do you need more practice multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H3, H4 and H5 (page 21) or E2 (page 22).
The label on the bottle usually tells you the right proportion,
or ratio, to mix together.
The cordial for one drink would be 1000 ml divided by 20, which is 50 ml.
50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml
If you decide to buy 4 bottles of lemonade, you will get 2 extra bottles free.
So you get more free bottles, but the ratio stays the same. For every 2 bottles you
buy, you will get 1 free.
Talk about it
How many extra free bottles would you get if you bought 6 or 8 bottles?
6 bottles 8 bottles
If you wanted to make 16 flapjacks, you would need to double all the amounts of the
different ingredients. You would need 2 × 50 g of butter, which works out to 100 g.
What amounts of the other ingredients would you need for 16 flapjacks?
16 100g
Activity 12
With another person, or as a group, try these.
1 a If I am making mortar for bricklaying, the ratio of sand to cement is three
parts sand to one part cement. If I use three buckets of sand, how many
buckets of cement do I need to use?
b I find that I need twice as much mortar as I had thought in question 1a.
How many buckets of sand and cement will I need?
sand cement
2 A recipe for pastry needs 200 g of flour and 100 g of margarine. How many
parts flour to margarine is that?
3 I have a bottle of cordial holding 2 litres of cordial. The correct ratio of cordial
to water is one part cordial to five parts water.
How many litres of water should I mix with it?
4 Another bottle of cordial holds 2 litres. But the ratio of cordial to water is one
to four. How many litres of water should I mix with the cordial?
cordial water
? Review
Do you need more practice working out ratios and proportions? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H5 (page 21) or E2 (page 22).
This work links to mini-project M1 (page 23).
Sometimes I have an order for a number of people at a party and then they’ll
ring me and say something like, ‘Only 30 people are coming now instead of 40’,
so I have to reduce my food order to fit. I was going to order one chicken leg,
three sandwiches, two pieces of cake and a drink for each person.
As a group, work out how many chicken legs, sandwiches and pieces of cake
Victor now needs to order.
Activity 13
As a group or with another person, try these.
1 My order for a party of 20 people who wanted three sandwiches and two drinks
each has been changed to a party of 15.
2 My order for 60 meals had to be changed when I was told that of the people
were vegetarians.
3 of the 120 meals I was asked to cook had to be chicken.
4 of the 600 meals I make each month are vegetarian.
Find out how much is needed for one serving first. Divide the recipe by four. You
would get 25 g of macaroni, 10 g of margarine and 10 g of flour.
As a group, can you work out how much cheese and milk you would need for
one? Write your answers in the table above.
Now you know how much you need for one person. If you have to cater for 25,
you need to multiply these quantities by 25.
Work out how much of the other ingredients you would need. Write your answers
in the table below.
25 625 g
With another person or on your own, work out the amounts you would need to
make macaroni cheese for:
On your own, or with another person, find a recipe that serves a set number and
work out the ingredients needed for 15 people and then for three people.
? Review
Thinking negatively!
Numbers that are more than zero are called positive numbers and are the ones we usually use.
Numbers that are less than zero are called negative numbers.
Notice that the numbers are the same but the negative numbers have a minus sign in front
of them.
Activity 15
Talk about it
Can you think of times when we might use negative numbers?
A number line can help us to understand negative numbers. It’s a bit like a
thermometer scale.
● The more you move to the right on the number line, the higher the number gets.
● The more you move to the left on the number line, the lower the number gets.
7 is a higher number than 3 because it is further to the right on the number line.
–7 is a lower number than –3 because it is further to the left on the number line.
It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that –7 is higher than –3 because we are
used to thinking of 7 as being bigger than 3. If you look at the number line you
can see that it’s not the case for –7 and –3.
Talk about it
Look back at –9 and –4 on the number line on page 16. The –9 is further to the left than –4.
Which is lower, –3 or 3?
Negative numbers are used to show temperatures below 0 °C.
0 °C is the temperature at which water freezes. Any temperature lower than
that (below freezing) is shown as a negative number.
Winter weather maps sometimes show the temperature below freezing.
Activity 17
Place Temperature
Look at the temperatures opposite.
Aberdeen –10 1
Manchester 0
Which is the warmest place? –2
London 5
Put these temperatures in order starting from Norwich –3
coldest and going to the warmest.
Newquay 12
Place Temperature –6
This product will keep until the ‘Best before date’ only
if kept at or below −18 °C
**** Food freezer Until best before date
*** Freezer compartment Until best before date
** Freezer compartment 1 month
* Freezer compartment 1 week
Food may be stored at low temperatures. Freezers keep food very cold and allow us to store it
for a long time.
Freezers are given ‘star ratings’ depending on how cold they keep the food. The colder they
are, the longer the food can be kept.
✳✳✳✳ –18 °C Will keep frozen foods for a long time and is
able to freeze fresh foods effectively
Activity 18
1 How long can I keep a packet of frozen peas in a two-star freezer?
? Review
One half wanted peas and the other half wanted French beans.
Activity 19
As a group, fill out the order. (Use the information given on page 8.)
New potatoes
French beans
If you wanted a profit of a quarter of the costs, what would you have to charge?
? Review
1 14 2 26 3 52
4 45 5 82 6 78
1 86 2 124 3 288
Activity H2
With another person, round each number to the nearest 10 to estimate the answers.
Use a calculator to work out the accurate answers if you wish.
12 + 9 + 23 10 + 10 + 20 = 40 44
105 − 32
19 + 18 + 63
49 × 8
289 × 99
£9.85 × 11
£64.25 × 102
1 15 × 10 2 45 × 100 3 124 × 10
Activity H4
Put in the missing signs or number.
4 25 × = 250 5 500 ÷ =5 6 ÷ 10 = 65
Activity H5
The first row of the table gives the recipe for 10 scones.
Work out the ingredients needed for different numbers of scones and fill in the table.
10 30 g 25 g 1 100 g 150 ml
Activity H6
Use a number line to work out the temperatures and fill in the chart.
3 A fall of 6 degrees
–4 A rise of 10 degrees
2 A fall of 8 degrees
–5 A rise of 2 degrees
7 A fall of 7 degrees
Activity E2
Use a recipe book, magazine or the Internet to find a recipe that serves a set
number of people.
Now work out how much you would need for 10 and then 100 people.
Activity E3
The chart shows the temperature in London on one day.
Work out the temperatures in the other places and complete the chart.
London ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –1
Moscow –25
Hong Kong 28
Rio de Janeiro 26
Activity M1
You have been asked to organise 24 packed lunches for a day trip.
1 piece of fruit (one-third want an apple and the rest want an orange)
Look in local shops and supermarkets, or on supermarket websites, for the costs of
the contents of the lunches.
Round the prices and give an estimate of the costs. Compare it with the actual costs.
Work out how many loaves of bread, how many packets of ham, etc. you would
The organiser then tells you that one-quarter don’t want ham and would prefer two
cheese sandwiches. How many more cheese sandwiches would you need to make?
Activity M2
The milk delivery person has to estimate each day how many bottles of milk he
needs for each street. The chart shows how many he estimated for one week. He
didn’t always get it right. Fill in the rest of the table.
Monday 10 15 –5
Tuesday 8 –2
Wednesday 9 –1
Thursday 11 9
Friday 14 2
Saturday 16 –4
Sunday 4 6
As a group, work out how many bottles of milk are used by the group each week.
Talk about times when you might need more or less milk. Imagine you’re a milk
delivery person. As a group, make up a table of your own. Try different numbers
and see what results you get.
Activity C2
Ring the correct answers.
1 A good estimate for 19 × 21 is 500 400 4000
Activity C3
Use estimation to check whether these answers make sense. Do them in your head
if you can.
1 19 × 18 = 4000 Yes ■ No ■
2 12 + 9 + 48 = 69 Yes ■ No ■
4 63 divided by 21 = 30 Yes ■ No ■
Activity C5
Put these numbers in the right order, starting with the lowest.
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ............................................
Activity 15 Activity H2
–5 is lower Estimate Accurate answer
Activity 16 12 + 9 + 23 10 + 10 + 20 = 40 44
Place Temperature
Activity H3
Aberdeen –10
1 150 2 4500 3 1240 4 3600
Norwich –3
5 15 6 1.5 7 48 8 5.5
Glasgow –2
Manchester 0
Activity H4
1 ÷ 2 15 3 ÷ 4 10 5 100 6 650
London 5
Newquay 12 Activity H5
No. of scones Butter Sugar Eggs Flour Milk
Activity 18
10 30 g 25 g 1 100 g 150 ml
1 One month 2 Four-star
20 60 g 50 g 2 200 g 300 ml
3 One-star 4 –18 °C
5 15 g 12.5 g 2 50 g 75 ml
Activity 19 15 45 g 37.5 g 12
150 g 225 ml
Item Amount Number Total
per person of people Activity H6
Prawns 75 g 20 1500 g/1.5 kg Temperature now New temperature
Salmon 400 g 5 2000 g/2 kg 3 –3
Pork 175 g 15 2625 g/2.625 kg –4 6
New potatoes 110 g 20 2200 g/2.2 kg 2 –6
Peas 85 g 10 850 g –5 –3
French beans 85 g 10 850 g 7 0
1 No
2 I would have to charge £162.50.
Activity E2 Activity C2
Check your work with your teacher. 1 400
2 50 Discuss other answers.
Activity E3
3 £2 Discuss other answers.
Place Difference in temperature Amount 4 2000
from London
5 20
London – –1
Activity M2
Day Bottles Actual Difference
estimated delivery
Monday 10 15 –5
Tuesday 8 10 –2
Wednesday 9 10 –1
Thursday 11 9 2
Friday 14 12 2
Saturday 16 20 –4
Sunday 4 6 –2
Talk about it
Do you drive?
Do you have a car?
Have you ever tried to work out how much it costs to run a car?
Who drives?
Activity 1
How much will my driving licence cost?
Men 8 2
Women 7 3
Activity 2
These results can be written as fractions, decimals, and percentages.
8 out of 10 is
Fraction Decimal Percentage
0.8 80%
This is how changes to 80%.
The fraction changes to a decimal: 8 ÷ 10 = 0.8
Dividing by 10 and 100
● When dividing by 10, the digits move 1 place to the right 8 ÷ 10 = 8.0 ÷ 10 = 0.8
● When dividing by 100, the digits move 2 places to the right 8 ÷ 100 = 8.0 ÷ 100
Multiplying by 10 and 100
● When multiplying by 10, the digits move 1 place to the left 0.8 × 10 = 8.0 × 10 = 80.0
● When multiplying by 100, the digits move 2 places to the left 0.8 × 10 = 8.0 × 100 = 800.0
To change from fraction to decimal, divide the top (the numerator) number in the fraction by the bottom
number (the denominator). You may need to use a calculator.
To change from a fraction to a percentage, change it to a decimal first, then multiply this by 100.
Activity 3
80 per cent = 80%. This means 80 out of 100.
Change 80% to a fraction by writing it as .
The fraction can be simplified because both the numerator (80) and the
denominator (100) can be divided by 10.
To change a percentage to a fraction, write the precentage as a fraction with a
denominator of 100.
Then simplify the fraction if possible.
● The word ‘per cent’ means ‘in every hundred’.
● To change a percentage to a decimal, just divide by 100.
Activity 4
I can use a place value table to change a decimal to a fraction.
0 • 7 0 0
0 • 1 7 0
0 • 4 9 3
0.7 is 7 tenths, 0 hundredths, 0 thousandths =
0.17 is 1 tenth, 7 hundredths, 0 thousandths =
0.493 is 4 tenths, 9 hundredths and 3 thousandths =
0.493 is the same as the fraction
0 •
2 0.62 is the same as the fraction
0 •
Activity 5
National statistics show that about 80% of men hold a driving licence. If there are
approximately 125 200 men in a town, how do you work out how many have a
driving licence?
Here are some figures about car ownership in the United Kingdom.
● 10% of households do not have a car.
● 65% of households have one car.
● 25% of households have two or more cars.
4 25% is the same as a simple fraction. What fraction is the same as 25%?
Use this information to check your answers to question 3. Show how you did this.
My friend lives in a large town. There are 768 500 households in her town.
? Review
Activity 6 Remember
The table shows the engine size and price of six cars. 1000 cc = 1 litre
Engine sizes are measured in litres (l) or sometimes in cubic centimetres (cc).
1 2 6 3 3
8 9 4 7
The most expensive car costs £12 633. The engine size is 2.0 litres.
This information has been entered into the last column in the table below.
1 Arrange the cars in order of price, starting with the cheapest. Write the price
and engine size in the table.
Activity 7
Do it like this (1550 cc and over) − (Below 1550 cc) Difference in cost
4 Give the age and gender of the person with the biggest difference in cost.
You can pay the tax once a year or once every six months.
1 What is the difference in tax for cars with engines under and over 1550 cc for
12 months?
I shall buy a car with an engine of less than 1550 cc
because it will be cheaper to tax. I am not sure if I shall
be able to afford to pay car tax at the 12-month rate.
3 How much will it cost to tax the car for 12 months if you pay at the 6-month rate?
4 How much will you save in a year if you pay at the 12-month rate?
6 How much will it cost to tax the car for 12 months at the 6-month rate?
7 How much will be saved in a year if tax is paid at the 12-month rate?
? Review
I have saved some money to buy a car. I do not have enough money
to buy the car that I want, so I need to borrow some more money.
Activity 9
I shall need to have a loan that I can pay back over 5 years, which
is 60 months, so that I can afford the monthly payments.
As well as paying back the money borrowed, you have to pay interest to the bank.
How much interest will be paid on a loan of £5000 taken over 60 months?
A finance company tell Sharon that if £5000 is borrowed, the repayments will be
£113.99 a month for 60 months.
60 × £113.99 = £6 839.40
That means Sharon will have repaid the finance
Calculating interest
company £6839.40.
Interest = total amount paid − amount of loan
How much interest will Sharon pay?
£6839.40 − £5000 = £1839.40
1 If Sharon borrows £5000 from a building society,
she will have to pay £102.81 a month (for 60 months).
2 If Sharon borrows £5000 from a bank she will have to pay £107.29 a month (for 60 months).
Cost of loan
Deposit £1000.00
Cash Price £5999.00
Cash Price £10 200
Deposit £0
60 × £170.00
60 monthly payments of £170.00
? Review
£1280 ÷ 8 = £160.00
Here are details of some cars I have seen.
Car Cash Pay over Deposit Left to pay Payment each month
........ months
Clio 1900 8
Ka 2250 9
Micra 1870 10
Punto 2340 6
Each car requires a 20% deposit. The rest can be paid off over the number of
months shown.
Work out the deposit, what I still have to pay and how much I will have to pay
each month.
I have saved £400 for the deposit. Does this influence which car I choose?
1 On one car he spent £840 and he decided to add 20%. Fill in the blanks
2 Mick bought a used car at a car auction for £715.00. He spent £385.00 on parts
to repair the car. He makes a 20% profit on his total costs when he sells the car.
Car costs
3 Mick has to spend a lot of time on another car, although the parts for it were
not as expensive. He decided to charge 35% for his work. He bought the car for
£675 and the parts came to £185.
I know that, when I have a car, I ought to have some kind of breakdown
cover. I have been finding out about the breakdown recovery services.
At college I used the Internet and found one service offering a percentage
reduction if I join on-line.
5% of £64 is .....................................
You can work out the percentage reduction for roadside cover like this.
= ..................................... (reduction)
? Review
Activity 14
I want to find out how far it is from Coventry to places I need to drive to.
It will help me to estimate how many miles I drive in a year.
Scale: 1 cm to 3 miles.
I use this map to work out distances. My children want to visit the castle in Warwick.
How many miles is it from Coventry to Warwick?
1 cm = 3 miles, so work out how many miles it is to Warwick. This is how you
work it out.
5 cm = 5 × 3 miles = 15 miles.
Activity 15
A road distance chart is useful when trying to work out long journeys.
Distance in miles
109 Birmingham
56 64 105 Oxford
Using a distance chart
To find the distance between London and Newcastle, look down the
column labelled London until you reach the row labelled Newcastle.
I have friends and relations in different parts of the country. It would be great to
be able to visit them.
5 Use the distance chart to work out the total distance of the following trip.
6 Plan a route between some of the towns and cities in the table.
? Review
Activity 16
Petrol consumption figures are given in miles per gallon (mpg). Petrol is now sold
in litres.
Here’s how to convert (approximately) from miles per gallon to miles per litre
30.4 mpg = 30.4 × 0.22 = 6.688 mpl = 6.7 mpl (to 1 decimal place)
Work out the petrol consumption for each car in miles per litre.
Rounding decimals 2nd decimal place
round up
5 or more
Engine size (cc) Miles per gallon (mpg) Miles per litre (mpl)
Litres used = total number of miles driven in a year ÷ number of miles per litre.
Work out the number of litres of petrol used in a year. Give the answer to the
nearest whole number of litres.
Rounding to the nearest whole number
If the first digit after the decimal point is less than 5, it is nearer to the whole number
that is written. For example, 234.41 = 234 to the nearest whole number.
If the first digit after the decimal point is 5 or more, it is nearer to the next whole
number. For example 234.65 = 235 to the nearest whole number.
234 234.5 235
Imagine that you drive around 10 000 miles each year and answer the questions.
1 How many litres of petrol will each car use? Give your answer to the nearest litre.
1.3 8.8
1.6 6.6
2.0 6.5
You also want to work out how much of this the Inland Revenue will take in tax!
You can choose to buy your petrol at a garage or at a big supermarket.
You can work out how much 1135 litres of petrol will cost if you buy it at a
1 Work out the cost of petrol for the cars in Activity 17 at garage prices. Fill in
the table.
Engine size (litres) Miles per litre Number of litres Cost (to nearest penny)
1.3 8.8
1.6 6.6
2.0 6.5
Here are two ways of working out 75%. If I want to know how much the Inland
Revenue gets when I buy petrol at a garage, I can do:
10% method
10% of £........................
75% of £........................ = 7 × ........................ + of ........................
= ........................ + ........................
= £........................
How much will it cost to buy a year’s supply of petrol (1200 litres) from that garage?
.................................................................................................................................................. £
.................................................................................................................................................. £
? Review
Activity H3
A car costs £10 200. How much does the car cost if you
pay a 50% deposit and 60 monthly payments of £85.00.
60 × £85.00
Total cost
Last week I filled my car with 36.5 litres of unleaded petrol at a garage.
How much did I pay? £ (you may need to round your answer)
Activity H5
Use the distance chart to find these distances:
Leeds to Cardiff
Distance in miles
79 271 Dover
No car 0.25
One car 5
Activity E2
I found this advertisement in my local paper.
The garage has reduced the price of these two cars by BLOWN AWAY!
a percentage of the original price.
Micra 1.0 Tempest Micra 1.0 Twister
Work out the reduced new prices.
List price £7495 List price £7895
The reduced price for the Tempest is . 10% reduction 5% reduction
Activity E3
Investigate the cost of petrol in your region.
Activity M1
Work out the cost of running your car or motorcycle over one year.
The AA publish The Insider’s Guides. If you have access to ICT, visit the AA website
to find out more about the guides.
Activity M2
Carry out a petrol price survey in your area.
Activity M3
Investigate the cost of breakdown services. Which is the best buy for you?
Driving tests
Activity C2
Jane’s car cost £6500. She paid a deposit of 40% of the full price.
Activity C3
My petrol tank holds 45 litres of petrol. Petrol costs 75.3p a litre.
Date: ........................................................................
Activity 4 Activity 8
1 4 = 2 2 62 = 31 3 125 = 1 1 £55.00 2 £57.75 3 £115.50 4 £10.50
10 5 100 50 1000 8
5 £88.00 6 £176.00 7 £16.00
Units • Tenths Hundredths Thousandths
Activity 9
0 • 4 0 0 1 a £6168.60, b £1168.60
0 • 6 2 0 2 a £6437.40, b £1437.40
0 • 1 2 5
3 Cost of loan £6168.60 £6437.40 £6839.40
Lender Building Society Bank Finance Company
Activity 5
10% is 12 520, 80% is 8 × 12 520 = 100 160 Activity 10
So approximately 100 160 men have driving licences. 1 a £500 + £7423.80 + £144.00 = £8067.80
1 £6745.50 2 £7500.25
Activity C2
Activity E3
Deposit = £2600
Answers will vary.
Monthly payment = £162.50
Mini-projects Activity C3
1 £33.89 (to nearest penny)
Answers will vary.
2 11.25 litres
3 33.75 litres
Talk about it
Do you have a watch? Is it digital? Does it also show the date?
Do you ever travel by bus or train?
How do you know what time the train leaves?
Do you use a timetable?
Have you ever used a stopwatch?
Sporting dates
The last Commonwealth Games in England started on 25 July
2002. This can be written as 25/07/02.
JULY 2002
In this country we write the day first (25), followed by the month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(07, as July is the seventh month) and then, finally, the year
8 9 10 <AW 3.2>13 14
11 12
(02, which is short for 2002).
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Activity 1
29 30 31
Look at these calendars and write the correct date in two ways.
The first one has been done for you.
1 2 3
APRIL 2003 JULY 2002 JUNE 2003
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 30 1
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 5 5 6 7 8
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Sue s birthday go to M ancheste
Wimbledon starts
17 April 2003
............................................. ............................................. .............................................
17 / 04 / 03
............................................. ............................................. .............................................
4 5 6
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 30 1
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 18 20 21 22
26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
ace Mum s Arsenal vs Man United
race at Crystal Pal Christmas go to at home
Activity 2
Work out the birthdays of these sports stars.
e.g. David Beckham was 27 years old at the 2002 World Cup. He was born on the
second day of the fifth month. David Beckham’s birthday is 02/05/1975.
1 Kelly Holmes was 32 years old at the 2002 Commonwealth Games. She was
born on the nineteenth day of the fourth month.
2 Jonathan Edwards won gold in the triple jump at the 2002 Commonwealth
Games. He was 36 years old, and was born on the tenth day of the fifth month.
There are 24 hours in the day. Some clocks show a 12-hour clock and repeat the
times twice. Others show a 24-hour clock and show times once.
Football games usually kick off at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. This can be written
as 3 pm using a 12-hour clock, or 15:00 (1500) using the 24-hour clock – 15 being
the number of hours and 00 the number of minutes. After 12 o’clock midday, the
hours continue up to 23:59. Midnight starts the process again at 00:00.
12 11 24 1
11 1 23 13 Hours Minutes
10 2 1022 14 2
9 3 9 21 15 3
20 16
8 4 8 4
19 17
7 5 7 18 5
6 6
Talk about it
Full-time in most football games is around 4:30 pm.
What time is that on the 24-hour clock? How would it look on my watch?
11 24 1
23 13
1022 14 2
9 21 15 3
20 16
8 4
19 17
7 18 5
Activity 3
Match the 12-hour times to the 24-hour times.
e.g. 3:20 pm
1 2:00 pm
2 7:45 pm
3 9:36 pm
4 9:17 pm
5 11:23 pm
6 midnight
? Review
Activity 4
Look at the boxes. Choose the right amount of time to complete each sentence
correctly. For example:
Activity 5
Answer the following questions.
There are 60 seconds in one
minute, 60 minutes in one hour
and 24 hours in one day.
I like watching sport on TV too. I work out how long the games are on because
I hate missing the finish if I have to go out! I know a football match lasts one
and a half hours but with injury time and breaks, it takes about two hours.
12 12
11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5
+ 2 hours + 2 hours
Look at the start of each programme. Add how long it will last. When will each programme end?
11 1
10 2
11 1
10 2
11 1
10 2
2 Racing starts at 2:30 pm and lasts 2 2 hours. 9
It will end at ...................................
7 6 5
11 1
10 2
3 Canoeing starts at 16:00 and lasts 1 hours. 4
It will end at ...................................
7 6 5
Activity 7
The tennis match starts at 2:00 pm and ends at 5:30 pm. How long does it last?
To work this out, I need to find the difference between the two times. 5:30 − 2:00 = 3 2 hours
1 Swimming starts at 4:00 pm and ends at 6:30 pm. How long does it last? .....................................................
2 Rugby starts at 14:00 and ends at 16:15. How long is the match? .....................................................
? Review
In record time
Kelly Holmes can run 800 metres in 0:01 56. That is
1 minute and 56 seconds.
Activity 8
Work with another person and use a stopwatch.
<a/w 3.32 picture of
Work out how it works. How do you start and digital stopwatch 0 and
stop the watch? 55 5
analogue stopwatch]
50 10
Ten sit-ups
Page 6 Unit 3 L1 NUMERACY
Activity 9
On race days, they write the results up on a board. My time was 2 minutes and 15 seconds.
Look at the board and compare the times. Then answer the questions below.
1 Jo 2:08
2 Ali 2:09
3 Pete 2:13
4 Ben 2:15
5 Victor 2:20
6 Steve 2:27
3 What was the time difference between third and fourth place? ........................................................................
4 What was the time difference between the fastest and the slowest runner? .................................................
? Review
Activity 11
Add these times together and give your answer in minutes and seconds. Remember
e.g. 23 seconds and 45 seconds = 68 seconds = 1 minute and 8 seconds ● 60 seconds = 1 minute
● 60 minutes = 1 hour
1 15 seconds and 55 seconds = ........................................................................
Activity 12
If you can work out how to convert seconds to minutes, you can also work out
how to convert minutes to hours. Try these.
Activity 13
Ben likes to go to Highbury to watch Arsenal play. He gets the tube to Highbury
and Islington. The time between each station is about 2 2 minutes and each
change of train about 7 2 minutes. What would be his quickest route from home
to the football grounds?
Find the quickest route for each of these journeys. What is the journey time?
? Review
Time travel
I run with the South London Harriers. We sometimes train on Sundays at Crystal Palace
athletics track. To get there I travel by tube to Stockwell Station, then by bus from the
station to the track. I need to know the times of the buses, so I look at the timetable.
Activity 14
Below is part of the timetable for the number 2 bus in London.
Ben usually arrives at the Stockwell Station bus stop about 10:00 am.
How long does this bus take to get to Crystal Palace Parade?
1 Ben arrives at Stockwell Station at 09:30. When is his next bus to Crystal Palace?
3 If Ben arrives at Crystal Palace Parade at 6:05 pm, what time is his next bus
back to Stockwell Station?
4 Ben has a race on Sunday. Which bus should he take from Stockwell to arrive
at Crystal Palace (Parade) for 10:30 in the morning?
5 After the race, he meets up with some friends. What time is the last bus back to
Stockwell Station from Crystal Palace Parade?
Activity 15
On the Manchester Commonwealth Games website there is an example of
travelling times to help you plan your day. Add up how long it would take to get
from the train station to your seat.
2 How much longer does the 7:00 train take than the 7:55 train? Why do you think that is?
From To Changes Date Depart Arrive Duration
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
0 31.07.02 6:00 9:02 3:02
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
0 31.07.02 6:50 9:36 2:46
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
1 31.07.02 7:00 10:20 3:20
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
0 31.07.02 7:55 10:36 2:41
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
1 31.07.02 8:00 11:10 3:10
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
1 31.07.02 8:25 11:28 3:03
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
0 31.07.02 8:55 11:36 2:41
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
1 31.07.02 9:00 12:00 3:00
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
0 31.07.02 9:35 12:31 2:56
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
0 31.07.02 9:55 12:36 2:41
London Manchester
✓ Euston Piccadilly
1 31.07.02 10:00 13:28 3:28
? Review
Time to work
In my job, I get paid an hourly rate. Every week I
Time sheet Ben wee‡ 17
have to submit a time sheet of my hours. I
record when I come in and go out, but I only get Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
paid for my time in. I add up the hours each
0800 in in in in
day then total the hours for the week.
Activity 16 0900 in in
Activity 17
Look at the time sheet and answer the
following questions. 1430 out
If I have worked fewer than 8 hours during
the day, I like to go for a 30-minute run 1530 in
in the evening. After 8 hours’ or more work 1600
I am usually too tired!
1630 out
........................................................................ Total
hours 7 12
Total weekly hours
2 How many hours have I worked this week?
? Review
2 o’clock 2 o’clock
3 o’clock 3 o’clock
6 o’clock 6 o’clock
7 o’clock 7 o’clock
8 o’clock 8 o’clock
9 o’clock 9 o’clock
11 o’clock 11 o’clock
12 midday 12 midnight
Activity H2
11 24 1
Add or subtract the times to answer these questions. 23 13
1022 14 2
e.g. EastEnders starts at 20:00 and ends at 20:30.
1 9 21 15 3
How long is the programme? 30 minutes or 2 hour 20 16
8 4
19 17
1 The Channel 4 News starts at 19:00 and lasts for one hour. 7 18 5
What time does it finish? 6
2 The Simpsons starts at 6:30 pm and finishes at 6:50 pm. How long does it last?
3 90 seconds =
40 20
35 25
8 1 2 hours =
9 4 hours = ........................................................................
Activity H4
Here is a college timetable for a part-time learner. Use it to answer the questions below.
5 How many English lessons are there during the week? ........................................................................
Activity E2
Ben usually watches about 16 hours of TV per week: around
two hours each week night and a bit more at the weekend.
Look through a TV guide and find programmes for him to
watch during the week. Remember he likes sport!
Add up the times for the daily totals and then add them
together to find the weekly total.
Activity E3
Exeter St Davids 0939 1125 1317 1455 1645 1850 2027 2147 2255
Exeter Central 0942 1128 1320 1458 1648 1853 2030 2150 2258
St James Park 0944 1130 1323 1500 1650 1855 2041 2152 2300
Polsloe Bridge 0947 1133 1326 1503 1653 1858 2044 2155 2303
Digby and Sowton 0951 1137 1329 1507 1657 1902 2047 2159 2307
Topsham 0955 1141 1333 1511 1701 1906 2051 2203 2311
Exton 0958 1144 1336 1514 1704 1909 2054 2206 2314
Lympstone Village 1001 1147 1341 1517 1707 1912 2058 2209 2318
Exmouth 1006 1152 1345 1522 1712 1917 2102 2214 2322
2 How long is the journey from Polsloe Bridge to Lympstone Village on the 11:33
from Polsloe Bridge?
3 What time must I leave Exeter Central if I want to arrive in Topsham at about 5 pm?
Activity M1
Where is the 24-hour clock used?
1 ..................................................................................................................................................
2 ..................................................................................................................................................
3 ..................................................................................................................................................
4 ..................................................................................................................................................
5 ..................................................................................................................................................
Activity M2
Ben watches about 16 hours of television per week.
Add up the daily times and then add up the total for
the week.
Activity M3
Using a computer, find some websites for train times.
Have a look at if you can’t find any
JULY 1949
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ...........................................................
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
November 2004
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ...........................................................
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
March 1982
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ...........................................................
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Activity C2
Write the equivalent 24-hour clock time (remember to use four digits for each time).
Activity C3
Convert these minutes into hours and minutes.
Activity C4
1 a The 07:15 bus from Crystal Palace arrives at Brixton station at
2 How long does the 07:45 bus from Crystal Palace take to get to Victoria station?
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date .............................................
Activity 5 Activity 14
1 48 2 30 3 50 4 120 Introductory example: The next bus would be 10:03.
It would take 31 minutes. The next bus is the 10:15.
Activity 6
1 09:39 2 10:45 3 18:12
1 6:00 pm 2 5:00 pm
4 09:51 5 23:19
3 17:15
Activity 15
Activity 7
Introduction: Arrival time (to reaching seat)
1 2 2 hours or 2 hours and 30 minutes 3
= 1 4 hours or 1 hour 45 minutes
2 2 4 hours 1 6:50 train (7:00 train will be a little late).
Activity 8 2 39 minutes more because you have to change
trains once.
Responses will vary.
Activity 16
Activity 9 1
1 8 hours 2 6 2 hours 3 8 hours
1 2 minutes and 8 seconds
4 8 hours 5 5 hours
2 1 second slower
3 2 seconds Activity 17
4 19 seconds 1 Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
2 43 hours
Activity H3 Check it
1 1 minute and 20 seconds
2 1 minute and 12 seconds Activity C1
3 1 minute and 30 seconds 1 13 July 1949 13/07/49
6 3 hours Activity C2
7 30 minutes 1 17:30 2 22:54 3 02:13 4 20:47
8 90 minutes
Activity C3
9 240 minutes
1 1 hour 14 minutes 2 1 hour 35 minutes
Activity H4 3 2 hours 5 minutes 4 1 hour 30 minutes
1 2:00 to 3:30 pm 2 Thursday and Friday
Activity C4
3 1:00 to 2:00 pm 4 Tuesday
1 a 07 38
5 Two
b 23 minutes
2 39 minutes
3 9:08am (09:08)
make their
Anil and Sam want to
tive and
back garden more attrac
e and an
It has a patch of concret
muddy and
area of soil that is very
covered in weeds.
d needs
The fence is broken an
Talk about it replacing.
Do you have a garden? Sam would like some
e some
Do you know how big your garden is? Anil says she would lik
Do you ever watch the gardening programmes on TV? flowerbeds and a path.
area with a
What would you do with a garden like Anil and Sam’s? They both want a play
What maths skills do you think they might need? sandpit for the children
1 The garden measures 7.5 m long and 5.2 m wide. What shape is it?
Activity 1
With another person, practise estimating and measuring in metres and writing
your results to the nearest metre.
It needs fencing around three sides – the wall of the house makes the fourth
side of the rectangle.
7.5 m
5.2 m
Then he wrote down the longer side and added all three sides
together: 5.2 m + 5.2 m + 7.5 m = 17.9 m.
Sam says they will need 18 m. To work out how much will be left over,
Sam works out:
18 m – 17.9 m
Activity 2 4.5 m
3.5 m
3.5 m
3 How much fencing must be bought to go round a garden 11.3 m by 8.1 m wide
if the house is along the longer side? (Hint: Draw a sketch to help you.)
? Review
Sam estimates the size the sandpit needs to be. When she measures 1.6 m
the length and width, she finds that it is 1.4 m long and 1.6 m wide. (not to scale)
Anil and Sam decide to edge the sandpit with plastic. How much plastic edging
must they buy? Anil writes down the lengths in order.
Activity 3
Work out the perimeters of these rectangles.
1 1.5 m Perimeter =
2 1.6 m Perimeter =
3 1.6 m Perimeter =
4 1.5 m Perimeter =
5 a Can you think of another length and width that will allow Anil and Sam to
use exactly 6 m of plastic edging? Show that your length and width work.
b What shape is the sandpit your length and width would make?
Does everyone in the group have the same shape? Discuss your results.
? Review
To estimate the number of pieces of turf they will need, complete the following
1 On centimetre squared paper draw a rectangle 4.5 squares long and 5.2 squares
wide (be as accurate as you can).
5 What do you do with the first two numbers to make the last one?
........................................................................ (Hint: + – × or ÷)
The amount of turf needed to cover the rectangle can be found by counting the
6 If Anil and Sam use a calculator they will be able to work out exactly how
much turf they need by entering
4 • 5 × 5 • 2 = It is ........................................................................ m2
Notice that the units are square metres (m2). This is the amount covered by one
piece of turf.
They can only buy whole squares of turf. How many must they buy?
Activity 4
Work out these areas.
Path 3.6 m 1m
All the lengths must be in the same unit before multiplying. If the answers need
to be in m2 then change them to metres first.
Border 3.6 m 40 cm
Anil and Sam are considering slabs for the path, which is a long thin rectangle.
At the local garden centre, they can buy square, hexagon, Tip
rectangular and triangular slabs.
When shapes fit together
leaving no gaps we call this
Activity 5 tessellation.
It is another word for tiling.
Trace each of the shapes found on this page, and use
your tracing to make a tiling pattern on blank paper.
This is not a tessellation because you cannot fit another hexagon in the gaps.
? Review
Soli’s bricks
Anil and Sam’s son, Soli, has a set of coloured cubes that fit into a box. He can
throw them in but then the last one never fits. He likes to put them in by colour.
Volume is
measured in cubes
or cubic units.
4 Count how many cubes there are altogether in the two layers. Tip
........................................................................ You can work without
counting the volume of a
This is the volume. The units are in cm3 when the measurements are cuboid, by multiplying
in centimetres and in m3 when the measurements are in metres. length × width × height.
Activity 6
Anil and Sam decide to practise calculating volume. One person finds three
box shapes. The other person then has to work out the volume.
With another person, work as either Sam or Anil and then check
each other’s work.
Sam’s Anil’s
Anil’s boxes Sam’s boxes
answers answers
length width height volume (cm3) length width height volume (cm3)
15 cm 15 cm 9 cm 14 cm 10 cm 9 cm
30 cm 20 cm 15 cm 9 cm 7 cm 4 cm
13 cm 7 cm 15 cm 9.5 cm 7.5 cm 7 cm
Activity 7
5.2 m
(not to scale)
1.6 m
At the builder’s yard Sam is told that, to avoid cracks developing, the concrete
should be put on top of gravel.
2 Anil and Sam work out how much sand is needed for the sandpit.
Look back at Activity 3 (page 4) to see what size Anil and Sam made the
sandpit. They find that they can fill it to a depth of 15 cm.
b Volume of sand =
slabs, put
down a 4 cm
layer of grit.
? Review
Activity 8
One tub is square at the top and the others are rectangular. It seems sensible for
Sam to measure flower tubs in cm. She can then work out the volumes in cm3.
Tub A
Tub C
Tub B
70 cm 30 cm
15 cm
68 cm 50 cm
25 cm 20 cm 50 cm
28 cm
(not to scale)
When Sam goes to buy the compost for the boxes she finds that it is sold in
bags and measured in litres!
? Review
L1 NUMERACY Unit 4 Page 9
Creating plans and using measurements.
Look back through the unit and write down the sizes of the following features.
Length Width
Path (page 8)
Lawn (page 5)
Sandpit (page 4)
Activity 9
1 cm on the plan represents 1 m in the garden.
Measure the plan (above) and decide where the path, lawn, sandpit and concrete
strip go. Label them on the plan.
The flowerbed has not yet been labelled. Measure it and write the actual garden
measurements here.
Length ........................................................................
Width ........................................................................
The more complex the shape, the more
difficult it will be to record the dimensions.
● Flowerbed
● Lawn
● Path
● Hut
● Paved area
Paved area
? Review
Tiling patterns
Sam agrees to help Jamil to pave the area by the shed.
Activity 11 Tip
Create as many patterns using these tiles as you can on Square tiles are expensive so
squared paper and draw the one you like best here. don’t use more than you need.
Look closely to see the difference between how the tiles meet at A and B.
? Review
Do you need more practice in making plans and fitting shapes together? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H5 (page14).
1 4 m by 7 m
2 5 m by 3 m
3 8 m by 6 m
Activity H2
Change these lengths from cm to m Change these lengths from m to cm
1 260 cm 1 0.5 m
2 170 cm 2 2.3 m
3 230 cm 3 0.15 m
4 510 cm 4 3.85 m
5 820 cm 5 0.05 m
Activity H3
Work out the perimeter of these planters in centimetres. Change your answer from
cm to m.
1 1.5 m
35 cm
Perimeter = ......................................................................................................
30 cm 30 cm
30 cm
40 cm
40 cm 40 cm
3 Perimeter = ......................................................................................................
40 cm 40 cm
40 cm
1 2 3 4
15 cm
18 cm 19 cm
26 cm
15 cm
45 cm 25 cm
48 cm
Activity H5
Work with another person and a set of regular shapes.
Try out different ways of putting the shapes together, making sure that no gaps are left.
Make a list of the shapes that tessellate and a list of the shapes that do not
Activity H6
Work out the amount of compost needed for this window box.
15 cm
Activity H7
1 Work out the volume of lawn fertiliser in a box
volume = length × width × height
12 cm long, 8 cm wide and 7 cm high.
2 My path is 10 m long and 2 m wide. I want to lay concrete 15 cm 1 cm3 is the same
thick. What volume of concrete should I order? (Hint! Be careful volume as 1ml.
with your units.)
Activity E2
500 ml of paint for the fence panels
will cover an area of 12 m2.
Activity E3
4.5 m
This garden is a different shape.
Activity M1
Anil has bought a box of lawn food granules.
The instructions on the packet say,
‘Sprinkle 350 grams on each square metre’.
Find out about different products that help to make a lawn grow well.
Look at liquids as well as boxes. Make a note of the volumes and capacities
that are shown on the labels and discuss these with your group.
Activity M2
Use your own garden or one that you know. Make a plan of the garden and how
you would like it to look.
You may keep any features like patios, paths, etc. or you may change everything.
Try measuring various lengths in the garden and transferring them to the plan.
Use 1 cm on the plan for 1 m in the garden.
(If this is your own garden and you follow the work Anil and Sam did, you will be
able to make over your garden bit by bit.)
Activity M3
Search the Internet for garden design sites.
Look at the different kinds of paving slab and plan an unusual slabbed area.
Find out about different kinds of fencing. Make a shopping list of all the things
you would need to put a new fence around your garden and work out how much
it would cost.
Activity C2
Work out the perimeters of these garden features.
Window box 90 cm 30 cm
Planter 1.2 m 90 cm
Activity C3
Work out the area of these gardens:
Use a calculator.
9.8 m
1 1 ........................................................................
16 m
5.9 m
2 2 ........................................................................
8.7 m
70 cm 50 cm 10 cm
120 cm 90 cm 12 cm
1 m 140 cm 15 cm
0.6 m 25 cm 23 cm
0.9 m 58 cm 30 cm
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ....................................................
1 Check your answers with your teacher. Area is measured in m2 so ALL the lengths must
2 90 cm. 10 cm or 0.1 m is left over. be in metres before multiplying
Border 2.4 m 35 cm 2.4 × 0.35 0.84
Activity 2 Border 3.6 m 40 cm 3.6 × 0.4 1.44
1 a 3.5 m + 4.5 m + 4 m = 12 m.
Dry 5.2 m 1.6 m 5.2 × 1.6 8.32
b They will need to buy 12 m of fencing.
2 a 10.5 m. b We must buy 11m of fencing.
3 11.3 + 8.1 + 8.1 = 27.5 m. They must buy 28 m.
Activity 5
1 Square, rectangle, hexagon, triangle
Introduction to Activity 3
2 Probably square or rectangle
6m 3 No
They need to buy 3 lengths (or 4 if they do not wish 4 Check your answers with your teacher.
to have joins on the sides).
Introduction to Activity 6
Activity 3
1 4 in a row
1 1.3 + 1.5 + 1.3 + 1.5 = 5.6 m 2 3 rows in a layer
2 1.3 + 1.6 + 1.3 + 1.6 = 5.8 m 3 2 layers
3 1.2 + 1.6 + 1.2 + 1.6 = 5.6 m 4 24 cubes
4 1.4 + 1.5 + 1.4 + 1.5 = 5.8 m
5 a Any rectangle whose adjacent sides add to
3.0 m or a square of side 1.5 m. Check your Activity 6
answers with your teacher. Anil 2025 cm3 Sam 1260 cm3
5 b Check your answers with your teacher. 9000 cm3 252 cm3
1365 cm3 498.75 cm3
Introduction to Activity 4
1 Check your answers with your teacher. Activity 7
2 4 (or 5) 1 a Gravel is 0.1 m thick.
3 5 (or 4) b Volume of gravel is 5.2 × 1.6 × 0.1 = 0.832 m3
4 20 c Concrete is 0.08 m thick.
5 × (multiplying) d Volume of concrete is
6 23.4 m2 They must buy 24 squares of turf. 5.2 × 1.6 × 0.08 = 0.6656 m3
2 a Length 1.4 m Width 1.6 m Depth 0.15 m
b Volume of sand is 1.4 × 1.6 × 0.15 = 0.336 m3
3 Volume is 3.6 × 1 × 0.04 = 0.144 m4
Activity H4
Calculation Area
45 × 18 = 810 cm2
15 × 15 = 225 cm2
25 × 19 = 475 cm2
48 × 26 = 1248 cm2
Activity 10
Answers will vary.
Activity H5
These shapes do not
Activity 11 These shapes tessellate
1 a 4 tiles meet here. The corners are right angles.
b 3 tiles meet here. square circle
rectangle pentagon
2 5 m by 3 m 5+3+5+3= 16 m
3 8 m by 6 m 8+6+8+6= 28 m
Activity H6
Volume = 60 × 15 × 15 = 13 500 cm3
13 500 ml = 13.5 litres
Activity M3
Extension Ask your teacher to check.
Activity E1
1 Total of the 3 volumes = 150 000 cm3 = 150 000 ml Check it
= 150 litres
Divide 150 by 35 = 4.29 bags – rounded up – she Activity C1
needs 5 bags (or equivalent calculation) 1 2.5 m 2 160 cm 3 1000 4 1 ml
Activity E2 Activity C2
1 5 m2 2 10 m2 3 70 m2 4 6 tins
Item Calculation Perimeter Units
70 cm 50 cm 10 cm 35 000 35 1
Talk about it
Do you watch TV or video tapes?
Do you visit the cinema?
Do you read articles in the newspaper or magazines about TV programmes or films?
Do you know which TV programmes are the most popular?
On average, how many hours of TV do you watch a week?
Do you read maps or plans?
What maths skills do you think you might need for these things?
■ Understanding and obtaining information from maps and scale drawings HD1/L1.1
■ Understanding how to describe and use data (averages and range) HD1/L1.3, 4
● A graph or a chart is a picture of numerical information.
● A pie chart is usually used when you want to show what proportion of the whole
each group represents. A pie chart is a circle divided into sectors. The bigger the
sector the more there are in that group.
● A line graph is usually used to show trends, such as the general increase or decrease
across the whole graph.
● The title of the chart or graph and the labels on the axes or the key will tell you
what the graph or chart is about.
Activity 1
Forty people were asked to choose their favourite soap opera. The results are
shown in the pie chart below.
Coronation Street
If we want to find out how many people preferred Coronation Street, we look at the
sector for Coronation Street.
1 1
This sector is 4 of the circle so 4 of the people preferred Coronation Street.
4 of 40 = 10, therefore 10 people preferred Coronation Street.
Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
The title tells us that the graph shows the number of viewers of Crimewatch over
one year.
The label on the vertical axis tells us that the number of viewers is in millions.
So eight million people watched the programme in September.
? Review
Do you need more practice in obtaining information – from pie charts? Yes ■ No ■
– from line graphs? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H1 (page 13) or E1 (page 15).
This work links to mini-project M2 (page 16).
Soap village
A TV company has designed a new village for a soap opera. To show what it will
look like, the TV company has drawn a map and a scale drawing of one of the sets.
● To fit a drawing on to paper, the measurements have to be made smaller or scaled
down. On a scale drawing, every measurement is in proportion to the actual or real
● The scale is the proportion by which each measurement has been reduced.
● A scale is written as a comparison between two lengths, e.g. 1 cm to 1 m, which is
1 cm to 100 cm or, as a ratio, 1 : 100.
Activity 3
The plan of one of the rooms on the set is shown below.
Diagram of set 2
Scale: 1 cm to 1 m
To find out the actual overall length of the set, we measure the length in
centimetres (cm). The length is 15 cm on the plan.
As each 1 cm on the plan is 1 m in the actual room, the actual or real length
is 15 m.
15 14
13 12
11 ✗ 10
9 8 Pub Shop
✗ ✗
5 6
3 4
1 ✗ 2
The scale of the map is 1 : 1000. This means that every 1 centimetre on the map
represents 1000 cm or 10 m in real life. When we work out actual distances from a
map, we usually use metres or kilometres.
If we want to find the distance from the pub to the church, we measure the
distance in cm. Measure between the crosses marked on the buildings. The
distance is 5 cm. As 1 cm on the map is 1000 cm in real life, the actual distance
from the pub to the church is 5 cm × 1000 cm = 5000 cm or 50 m.
3 Measure some other distances on the map. What would they be in the village?
? Review
Viewing trends
Sometimes we display numerical information in a line graph.
A line graph has two axes: the horizontal axis and the vertical axis.
The point where the axes cross is called the origin.
It is important to choose a sensible scale so that the graph fills all the
space available.
Activity 5
The table shows the number of video tapes sold by a shop over a ten-year period.
Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
No. of videos 25 27 28 26 30 32 36 28 24 20
sold (in 000s)
Step 2 Draw the horizontal and vertical axes and label them as in the table.
Give the graph a title.
horizontal axis, we
need to have the 10
want to discuss 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Remember 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
No. of people 100 104 114 124 115 124 139 136 140 143
(in millions)
As the highest number of people visiting the cinema in a year is 143 million,
we need the scale on the vertical axis to go up to at least 143 million.
The graph has been started for you. Plot the points and finish the graph.
Remember to label the axes and to give the graph a title.
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
No. of hours 40 39 34 27 24 18 16 14 16 24 26 34
Using the graph paper below, draw a graph to show this information.
? Review
The mean is the most commonly used average in everyday life.
To find the mean we add all the values and then divide this total by the
number of values.
To find the range we subtract the smallest value from the highest value.
Activity 6
Ten people were asked how many TV sets they had in their household. The
answers were
2, 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3
To find the average or mean number of TV sets in a household, we add together
all the values
2 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 23
We have 10 values, so we divide 23 by 10.
23 ÷ 10 = 2.3
The average (mean) number of TV sets in a household is 2.3.
To find the range (or spread) of the data, we find the smallest value, which is 1
and the highest value, which is 4. We subtract 1 from 4, which is 3. So the range
(or spread) of the data is 3.
1 Eight people were asked how often they had visited the cinema in the last year.
The answers were:
6, 4, 3, 2, 15, 0, 1, 8
Find the mean and the range for the number of times that people visited the
cinema in one year.
6 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 15 + 0 + 1 + 8 = times
3 Nine people were asked how many video tapes they had. Their answers were:
4 The number of viewers for the most popular TV programmes over a six-year
period were:
Number of viewers 23 24 19 24 20 19
(in millions)
Find the mean number of viewers for the most popular TV programmes over
the six-year period and find the range of the data.
? Review
Complete the following questions as if you were going to ask 30 or more people
to reply.
1 Write a question to find out which television channel people watch most often.
2 Write a question to find out how many television sets people have in their
? Review
2 Temperature in London
Temp. in degrees F
April May June July Aug Sept
Activity H2
1 Ask your teacher for a local map. What is the scale on the map?
2 Choose some landmarks and find the distances on the map and in real life.
Activity H3
The number of cars sold by a garage over a six-month period is shown in the table
Activity H5
1 Write a question to find out which leisure activity people prefer.
2 Write a question to find out if people like the new leisure centre.
Activity H6
1 Eight people were asked their ages. Their answers were:
£210, £225, £235, £241, £219, £252, £243, £229, £227, £239
Work out the mean wage and the range in wages:
3 The number of tyres sold at a garage each day one week were:
2 The table below shows conversions between pounds (£) and euros. Draw a
conversion graph to convert pounds to euros.
£ 10 20 30 40 50
euros 15 30 45 60 75
3 Use a spreadsheet package to draw the graphs from Activity 5 (pages 6–9). Try
out different ways of representing the data or different scales. Discuss the most
suitable representation and the most appropriate scale with your group.
Activity E2
1 Use a road map of the UK to plan a route from your town or city to London. If
you live in London plan a route to Manchester. Using the scale on the map,
work out the distance from where you live to London or Manchester.
2 Draw a rough plan of how you would travel from your home to the town or
city centre.
Activity E3
1 Look in some travel brochures or on the Internet to find out temperatures over
a six-month period for different resorts. Work out the mean temperature and
the range in temperatures for each resort. How do they compare with the mean
temperature and the range in temperature in the UK?
Activity E4
Design a questionnaire to find out what leisure facilities people in your local area
would like. What do your results show you?
Activity M1
In the UK, a person spends an average of 26 hours a week watching TV and an
average of 19 hours a week listening to the radio. Survey 15 of your friends to
compare their TV viewing and radio listening habits with that of an average
person. Also, find out what their favourite TV programmes are and where they
usually listen to the radio (e.g. in the car, in the kitchen, etc).
3 Calculate the mean number of hours and the range in hours for TV viewing
and radio listening. How do your friends compare with the average person in
the UK?
Activity M2
Cinema admissions from 1960 to 2000 Largest TV audiences from 1960 to 2000
500 40
No. of people (in millions)
0 0
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year
Use the graphs above to work out the mean (or average) and range (or spread) in
cinema admissions and TV audiences from 1960 to 2000.
As a group, discuss the trends shown by the graphs. What reasons do you think
there are for these trends?
Activity M3
Look on the website On this website, there
is a plan of Albert Square. Draw a 2-D plan of Albert Square.
a b
Chart to show type of Chart to show type of
mobile phone mobile phone
c d
Chart to show type of Chart to show type of
mobile phone mobile phone
d there is no key
3 Using the graph in question 2,
how many miles are there in
40 kilometres? ............... 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
a 24 miles b 45 miles
c 25 miles d 5 miles
Sponsor 80 45 50 30 65
money (£)
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
I am confident with
Date ....................................................
Activity 2 Help
1 7 million people Activity H1
2 6.5 million people 1 The least favourite activity is sport. Seventy-five
people prefer computing.
3 December
2 The lowest temperature was in April. In May the
4 From 14 million viewers in January, the number
temperature was 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
of viewers decreases gradually each month until
August, when there are 6.5 million viewers. The Activity H2
viewing figures then increase each month until
1 Check with your teacher.
2 Check with your teacher.
Activity 3
Activity H3
AB is 7 m in the real room.
Check with your teacher.
1 a CD is 4 cm on the scale drawing.
b CD is 4 m in real life. Activity H4
2 a AE is 8 cm on the scale drawing. Check with your teacher.
b AE is 8 m in real life.
Activity H5
Activity 4 1 Check with your teacher.
1 a 3 cm 2 Check with your teacher.
b 3000 cm = 30 m 3 You may get many different programmes. Check
2 a 5 cm your question with your teacher.
b 5000 cm = 50 m Activity H6
3 Answers will vary. 1 The mean age is 28.88 years. The range in ages is
27 years.
Activity 5
2 The mean wage is £232. The range is £42.
1 Check with your teacher.
3 The mean is 14.29 tyres, which is 14 tyres
2 Check with your teacher.
(rounded to the nearest whole number). The range
Activity 6 is 20 tyres.
1 The mean is 4.875. When we round to the nearest
whole number, the mean is five. The range is 15. Extension
2 The mean is 10.89 hours. The range is 25 hours. Activity E1
3 The mean is 19.44 video tapes. Rounded to the 1 Discuss with your teacher.
nearest whole number, the mean is 19 video tapes.
2 Check with your teacher.
The range is 32.
a £25 is €37.50
4 The mean is 21.5 million viewers. The range in b £46 is €69
viewers is 5 million. c €50 is £33
Activity M1
1 Check with your teacher.
Activity M2
The mean and range for cinema admissions is
Mean = (500 + 200 + 100 + 100 + 150) = 1050/5 =
210 million
The range is 500 − 100 = 400 million people
The mean and range for largest TV audiences is
Mean = (15 + 35 + 30 + 25 + 20) = 125 million
125 million ÷ 5 = 25 million
Range = 30 − 15 = 15 million viewers
Discuss trends with your teacher.
Talk about it
Do you ever wonder about luck? Or chance? Or likelihood?
What is the likelihood of rain?
What is the chance that the baby will be a girl?
Have you been lucky enough to win the Lotto?
Just what do we mean when we say ‘Pigs will fly’?
What maths is involved in these sorts of question?
It is called probability.
■ Writing the likelihood of an event using fractions, decimals and percentages HD2/L1.2
As a group, decide where you think ‘Winning the Lotto’ goes on the line below
and mark it with a cross (✗).
Impossible Certain
2 Now discuss and mark on the line with a tick (✓) where you would put the
chance that the Sun will rise tomorrow.
3 Now discuss and mark on the line with a large dot (•) where you would put the
probability that a baby will be a girl.
If you put the last one in the middle, that’s probably because you knew that a baby
had to be either a boy or a girl.
It’s not certain that the baby will be a girl, but it’s not impossible either: so it feels
like half-way!
0 2 1
A That February will follow January is certain to happen – the probability is 1.
Mark these statements on the probability scale with arrows and label them with
their question number.
● Some things are certain to happen – the probability is 1.
● Some things are impossible – the probability is 0.
● All other ‘events’ fall somewhere in between.
Think of at least five things that could happen for each heading.
? Review
Heads or tails?
Why do we flip a coin to decide which team goes
first or which direction they play?
1 Number of heads
p (head) = =
2 Total number of possible outcomes
1 Number of tails
p (tail) = =
2 Total number of possible outcomes
Since the probabilities are the same, there is an equal chance of either outcome.
This is why we flip coins to decide who goes first in a game – because it’s fair.
1 If you flip a coin 20 times, how many heads would you expect to get? ..................
Tails Heads
2 Do the experiment again but flip the coin 100 times. Tally your results below.
Tails .................................................................................................................................................................
Heads ..............................................................................................................................................................
number of heads
Work out ————————— = .................. (answer as a decimal)
So that you get a large number of results quickly, combine the results from
everyone in the group. Work out
The probability of getting a head is 0.5. The closest the experiment came to 0.5 was for
..................................... throws.
Activity 2
Activity 3
At the local primary school fair there is a spinner game.
1 How many sections are there on the spinner? ..................................... red red
? Review
We can only pull out blue or yellow counters, so the probability of other
colours is 0.
Activity 4
Look at a pack of playing cards.
The probability of something happening = Number of ways it can happen
Total number of ways
Event Probability
Fraction Decimal %
Check your fraction answers to make sure that they are in the simplest form. Remember
Write these into the table. ● Probabilities are
always written
2 At the fair they had a raffle. They were really pleased because as fractions,
they sold 500 tickets altogether. Imagine that you bought decimals or
ten for yourself and five for your cousin. Both of your percentages.
children bought a ticket and you found out later that a
friend bought a ticket.
? Review
Now use the spinner to record the blues and complete the table below.
Activity 6
The questions in this activity are all about the word M A T H E M A T I C S.
I pick a letter from a bag containing all the letters in the word MATHEMATICS.
5 Look at the last two answers. What can you say about them? Write down anything
6 What is the probability that I pick a letter that is from the first half of the alphabet?
Talk about it
Have you ever played ‘Yahtzee’? Yahtzee is a commercial game that provides practice
in probability.
? Review
0 1
Activity H2
The colours of the rainbow are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo
and violet.
3 What is the probability that a colour chosen begins with a vowel? ...............................................................
4 What is the probability that a colour chosen has six letters? ........................................................................
Activity H3
These questions are all about a standard pack of playing cards.
Write your answers as fractions and then change them to decimals and percentages.
You may use a calculator.
4 What is the probability that the card chosen is a red ace of spades? ..................................................................
Activity H4
These questions are all about the word P R O B A B I L I T Y.
Write your answers as fractions, and then change them to decimals and percentages.
You may use a calculator.
Pick one letter from a bag containing all the letters from the word PROBABILITY.
Activity M1
Predicting the weather is a difficult skill, even with modern technology.
People often look at the sky to get an idea of what the weather will do.
Choose one of the sayings and test how accurate a prediction it is.
Activity M2
Look at the attendance records for your class.
Work out the probability of there being 100% attendance next week.
Activity M3
Think up your own ideas for probability and test them out.
Activity M4
Use the Lotto results. These can be found on teletext.
Work out if any number has a greater chance of coming up than others.
Activity C4
1 Do you have a better chance of throwing a 1 or a 6 with one roll of a die?
Activity C5
Complete the table.
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Then complete the sentences below.
I am confident with
Date ..................................................
fraction decimal %
0 0.5 1
↑ ↑ ↑ 0.5 50%
1 0.5 50%
Activity 1 2
2 1
3 4 1 0.333 33.3%
↓ ↓ ↓
Impossible Certain 1 1 1
1 0.25 25%
0 1 1 4
1 0.0192 1.92%
Heads or tails? 52
Experiment 0 0 0
1 Expect 10 heads in 20 throws.
2 Expect 50 heads in 100 throws.
2 a 10 = 1 c 1
Other answers will vary. 500 50 500
7 = 0.014 17 = 0.034
Activity 2 b
1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Discuss the result of your spinner experiment with
2 6
your teacher.
3 1, 3, 5
4 3 odd numbers
5 p (odd) 3 = 1 Activity 6
6 2
The probability of the spinner landing on blue is
6 p (even) 3 = 1 3 , 1 – or 50%, 0.5. Check the table with your teacher.
6 2
6 2
7 p (six) = 1
6 1 11 letters
8 Check your answers with your teacher.
2 2
Activity 3
3 4
1 4 11
2 Red 7
3 More red so more chance of winning: 11
p (red) = 2 = 1 5 They add up to 1 because all letters are vowels or
4 2
Activity 4
6 8 = 72.72%
1 52 cards 11
2 26 red cards
3 4 suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades) Help
4 4 aces
5 p (black card) = 26 = 1 Activity H1
52 2
Impossible Certain
6 p (heart) = 13 = 1
52 4
7 p (ace) = 4 = 1 ↑ ↑ ↑
52 13 A C B
Activity H2
1 7 2 1 3 2 4 4
7 7 7
3 4 0.36364 36%
4 6 0.54545 55%
Activity E1
1 12 , 3 , 0.231, 23.1%
52 13
2 10 , 5 , 0.192, 19.2%
52 26
3 10 , 5 , 0.192, 19.2%
52 26
Activities M1, M2, M3, M4
Check your work with your teacher.
Check it
Activity C1
Activity C2
Activity C3
1 1
2 1
3 4 = 1
52 13
Activity C4
The same, both 1
Talk about it
Is there a nursery near where you live?
Can anybody start a nursery for young children?
Does anybody you know send their children to a nursery?
Why do you think nurseries are inspected in addition to other types of school?
How much do you think it costs to send a child to nursery school?
What number skills would be important for people working in nurseries?
■ Working out values using rules and formulae (in words and symbols) N1/L2.4
Don’t be negative
Activity 1
The nursery refrigerator was faulty, so on Tuesday the
°C assistant took some readings in degrees Celsius:
7, −4, 6, 0, −1, 2, 5, 1, −2.
7 1 a Use the thermometer to arrange the temperature
5 Getting readings in order from the coldest to the warmest.
4 warmer
2 −4 …..… …..… …..… …..… …..… …..… …..… 7
0 Freezing point b List the temperatures which would lead to the milk
–2 being thrown away.
–4 Getting
–5 colder ................................................................................................................
–7 c List all the temperatures which are at or below
–9 freezing point.
2 a Arrange the temperature readings in order from the coldest to the warmest.
b List the temperatures which would lead to the milk being thrown away.
c Do you think the fridge is working better or worse than on Tuesday? …..…..…
Bethan 73
John 68
Leroy 71
Bharwinder 75
Raj 65
Zoe 63
James 70
Sally 81
Height (cm) 63 70 81
−7 0 +11
from 70 cm
● Negative numbers are less than zero. Positive numbers are greater than zero.
● −6 is smaller than −4 but 6 is bigger than 4.
? Review
If the number of children is multiplied by 2 then there will be 6 children and they
will need 2 adults (1 for every 3 children).
because 1 : 3 = 5 : 15
How many adults would the nursery need for 12 children under 2 years? ....................
Adult : children = 1 : 3
= 2:6
= 3:9
This would not satisfy the legal requirement so ..................................... adults would
be needed (there will be one spare place for a child).
3 How many adults would you need for 11 children under 2 years?
Activity 3
As children get older fewer adults
are required to supervise them.
The ratio of adults to children
aged 2 years is 1 : 4. Other ratios
are equivalent to 1 : 4.
For example 6 : 24 = 1 : 4
because 6 : 24 = (1 × 6) : (4 × 6).
a 3: b 2: c : 40 d 5: e : 16.
a 2: b 10 : c : 32 d 5: e : 24.
3 for 90p
If three bars of chocolate cost 90p, then one bar costs 30p.
But in real life, when you buy several of the same item, you may pay a lower
price per item the more you buy. The ratio changes.
1 child? ........................................................................
10 children? ........................................................................
8 children? ........................................................................
2 The children make biscuits. The nursery assistant needs to know how much of
each ingredient they need.
The ingredients for 10 biscuits are 250 g flour, 100 g butter, 50 g sugar.
2 1 1 2 1
4 2 2 2
6 6 3
5 5
20 20
6 6
4 One day when there were only 3 older children in the nursery Sally made soup
for them. The next day all 9 children wanted to have it. Here is Sally’s recipe
for soup for 3 children. Write down the amounts needed for 9 children.
Onion 100 g
Carrot 150 g
Potato 80 g
Tomato 50 g
Water 400 ml
? Review
Total cost (in £) = (the cost of each pack [£3]) × (number of packs)
T = 3 × n or T = 3n
Activity 5
1 £11 is the charge for each session for a child aged 3–7 years to attend the nursery.
The rule for the cost is (cost per session [£11]) × (number of sessions).
C = 11 × n = 11n
Use the formula C = 11n to find the cost of the following numbers of sessions.
b n=8 ......................................................................................................................................
c n=7 ......................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................. .
Now choose suitable single letters for the total number of scoops and
number of bottles.
The children grow a lot while they are at nursery, so the tables are all
rectangles of different sizes.
Use the formula for the area of a rectangle to work out the area in cm2.
a 30 cm 20 cm A = 30 × 20 = 600 cm2
b 50 cm 35 cm A= × cm2
c 42 cm 34 cm A=
d 100 cm 65 cm A=
e 80 cm 58 cm A=
Activity 7
Meera used the formula P = 2 (l + w) to work out the lengths of the perimeters.
b 50 cm 35 cm P=2×( ) = cm
c 42 cm 34 cm P=
d 100 cm 65 cm P=
e 80 cm 58 cm P=
? Review
number of boys 10 1
The fraction of boys = ——————— = — = — (divide top and bottom by 10)
total children 30 3
number of girls 20 2
The fraction of girls = ——————— = — = — (divide top and bottom by 10)
total children 30 3
We have ‘cancelled’ the original fraction to get a fraction in its simplest form.
Activity 8
1 During a survey of nursery workers the following information was collected.
Responses came from 15 men and 25 women.
25 to 39 years = 16
40 to 60 years = 12
over 60 years = 2
c 16 to 24 years? .....................................
d 25 to 39 years? .....................................
e 40 to 60 years? .....................................
b age 40 to 60 : age 25 to 39
2 years old 9
3 to 7 years old 6
(although the older ones only come after school until they can be collected).
a under 2 : 2 years
b age 3 to 7 : under 2
c age 3 to 7 : total
? Review
Percentage amounts
Sally is worried! She has heard that her electricity
bill is going up by 9%. She has to keep the nursery
warm so this is an important item in her accounts.
She looks at all her electricity bills for the last year
and works out that she paid £628.47. TOTAL £137.34
Meera and Sally did a quick check or estimate of the increase. They
used 10% which is near enough 9% but easier to calculate, and £630.
Activity 9
Sally wanted to know the exact figure, however, so she got the calculator out.
9% is 9 hundreths of £628.47.
Write down what you would put into a calculator to work out how much an extra 9%
will be .........................................................................
For each question write down what you would put in your calculator before you work
out your answer.
Julie, the nursery nurse, told me that babies gain 5% of their body weight each month.
3 Nursery nurses earn £9400 a year. They pay 27% of their earnings in stoppages
including income tax, national insurance and pension contributions.
4 The nursery changes the telephone company it uses and saves 7% on its bills.
How much does it save on the following quarterly bills?
a £160 ........................................................................................................................................................
b £87 ..........................................................................................................................................................
c £46.86 ....................................................................................................................................................
d £69.27 ....................................................................................................................................................
5 When she orders replacement furniture Sally has to pay a deposit of 12% of the
cost. Work out the deposit Sally has to pay on these items.
? Review
More or less
6% off
Sally buys as much as possible in bulk (large amounts)
because her suppliers give her a discount or decrease.
This is usually given as a percentage of the cost.
At the Nursery Warehouse, Sally gets 6% off bills that come
to £150 or more and 8% off bills that are £270 or more.
Activity 10
1 Work out what Sally actually pays when her shopping comes to:
£281.37 8
The prices of the cupboards are given without Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT is
an extra 17.5%. (The nursery has to pay VAT now, but can claim it back at a
later date.)
Meera and Sally could have used a calculator to work it out but they didn’t
have one with them so they had to do it this way.
The goods including VAT will now cost £200 + £35 = £235 including VAT.
2 Use this way to work out the 17.5% VAT and the full price of these cupboards.
a £300 ..................................................................................................................................................
b £640 ..................................................................................................................................................
c £150 ..................................................................................................................................................
d £657 ..................................................................................................................................................
Activity 11
Choose either way to work out these questions on percentage increase and decrease.
1 The nursery workers are getting a 5% increase on their annual pay (p.a.).
How much extra will these workers receive after their pay rise?
2 A company offers 5% discount if the nursery pays for its goods in cash.
Find the discount and new price for the following orders.
b Nappies £60
f Toys £146
Talk about it
Which way do you prefer? Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of these methods
in your group with your teacher.
It is good to have as many ways as possible to work out problems but remember
that you can always use the way you like best.
Here is an example.
33 13 % is the same as 1
and that tells you to divide by 3.
33 31 % off!
12 ÷ 3 = 4 so the discount is £4 and the teddy bear will
cost £12 − £4 = £8.
Activity 12
Work out the answers in this activity without using a calculator. All the percentages
have easy fraction equivalents.
1 The toy warehouse is having a sale. It is decreasing the price of all its stock by 13 .
Find the reduction and the new price of the following toys.
2 The nursery is holding a summer fair. The pupils bring foods and other goods
to be sold.
The staff decides to charge 50% or 2 of the usual cost of the goods.
Work out the prices they will charge for the following items.
3 At the end of the summer fair the staff reduced the goods by 20% of the fair price.
What will the items in question 2 cost after this further
reduction (use the answers you found for 50%)?
Remember that 20% is the same as 15 .
a Cakes ..................................................................................................
c Plants ..................................................................................................
d Books ..................................................................................................
20% OFF!
Page 16 Unit 1 L2 NUMERACY N2/L2.7, 10
4 Julie says that the visitors buying at the end of the fair are getting 70% off the
original price of the goods. John says that it is only 60% off the original price.
Who is right, Julie or John?
Cakes 30p
Plants £1.40
Books £0.80
The old cost per term was £50 for one child.
a How much will a term for one child cost after the increase in price?
b How much will a term for two children cost after the increase in price?
c But if two children from the same family attend then there is a 10%
reduction off the new price. How much will a term for two children cost
after the 10% discount?
6 The owner is writing to parents to inform them about the new prices. When
she wrote about the 10% discount for two children, she typed ‘the new charge
will be 10% of the cost for two children’ instead of ‘the new charge will be 10%
off the cost’. What difference does that make to the £110 cost for two children?
Work out:
Talk about it
Discuss what you have found with others in your group and with your teacher.
a Check the calculation to see if what the mechanic did was right.
Calculate the cost, inclusive of VAT, for the services costing these amounts.
c £200 ...........................................................................................................................
d £120 ...........................................................................................................................
e £60 ...........................................................................................................................
f £139 ...........................................................................................................................
? Review
1 −4 °C 8 °C
Activity H2
Write down four ratios equivalent to 3 : 1
a b c d
Activity H3
A play area has to be covered with concrete (which is a mixture of sand and
cement) in the ratio sand : cement is 4 : 1. Using this ratio find the missing values.
Sand Cement
1 20 kg
2 25 kg
3 100 kg
Activity H4
1 Use the formula T = 6n, where n is the number of packs of books, to find the
total cost of buying the following number of packs of books at £6 a pack.
a 10 ........................................................................
b 4 ........................................................................
2 The cost of a session at the local nursery school is £15. The rule for the cost is
(number of sessions) × £15.
a 6 sessions ........................................................................
b 10 sessions ........................................................................
1 4m 3m A=
2 12 m 8m
Activity H6
The decorator is putting borders around the rooms of the nursery. He needs to
know the perimeter of each room. Complete the table below.
1 15 m 10 m P=
2 9m 8m
Activity H7
In a survey of 40 workers the responses by ethnic background were:
20 10 3 5 2
Activity H8 1
The nursery staff wants to buy a new TV and video recorder. 3
off all TVs
They get two companies to give them prices. The recommended all TVs and Videos! and videos!
retail price is £660. Which shop should they choose?
at Murray
Explain your decision.
The rule is the bill equals two times the number of minutes plus 1000 pence
The formula can be used to find the bill for 250 minutes of calls.
1 The gas bill is made up of the cost for each therm used, at 35p a therm plus a
rental charge of €34 (3400 p).
c Use the formula above to find the gas bill when 110 therms are used.
Activity E2
When four friends went by car to an adventure park in Ireland they saw this
2 The girl in the kiosk charged 290 euros, 50 for the car plus 4 tickets at 60 euros.
Activity M1
Use the telephone directory and yellow pages
to find out how many children’s nurseries
there are in your area.
Activity M2
Contact the Early Years Section of your local
authority. Ask them for information about
running a nursery. They will be able to tell
you about ratios of adults to children, the
salaries of nursery staff and much more. Write
a report on your findings and include graphs
and calculations.
Activity M3
You are planning a birthday party for Sarah’s 4th birthday. There will be 20
children attending the party. She said that she would like:
Activity C1 2
Water changes to ice at 0°C and below. List the temperatures that –4
would make ice. –5
Activity C2
I want to make a birthday cake for 20 children. The recipe makes
enough cake for 5 children. Complete the table to find the
amount of ingredients needed.
Flour 600 g
Sugar 400 g
Butter 400 g
Eggs 3
Activity C3
The cost of a stamp is 22 pence. The rule for the cost of a book of stamps is
b = 22 × s = 22s
Use the formula to find the cost of books of:
Activity C4
1 Find three fractions that are equivalent to 15 . 2 Tick the fractions which are equivalent to 23 .
6 40 9 10
a b c a 9 b 60 c 12 d 15
Activity C5
Quick ways Complete these quick ways
£200 10%
£700 5%
£80 25%
£150 1%
£350 2%
Activity C6
Work out the VAT at 17.5% and the cost including VAT on the following goods.
Activity C7
Work out following percentage amounts.
Children increase their height by 4% every month. Find the increase in one month for:
How am I doing?
Look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Now complete the sentences below.
I am confident with
Date ..................................................
c5 20 5 × 20 = 100
4 adults are needed for 12 children (ratio 4 : 12)
6 5 × 6 = 30
Activity 2 13 5 × 13 = 65
1 a, c and f ✓ b, d and e ✘
2 3
Activity 6
3 4
4 6 a (A = 30 × 20 = 600 cm2 )
b A = 50 × 35 = 1750 cm2
Activity 3 c A = 42 × 34 = 1428 cm2
1 a 12 b8 c 10 d 20 e4 d A = 100 × 65 = 6500 cm2
2 a 16 b 80 c4 d 40 e3 e A = 80 × 58 = 4640 cm2
Activity 4 Activity 7
1 4 minutes, 40 minutes, 32 minutes. (P = 2 × (30 + 20) = 2 × 50 = 100 cm)
2 P = 2 × (50 + 35) = 2 × 85 = 170 cm
Biscuits Flour Butter Sugar
P = 2 × (42 + 34) = 2 × 76 = 152 cm
1 250 g ÷ 10 = 25 g 100 g ÷ 10 = 10 g 50 g ÷ 10 = 5 g
P = 2 × (100 + 65) = 2 × 165 = 330 cm
20 500
500 g 200
200 g 100
100 g
P = 2 × (80 + 58) = 2 × 138 = 276 cm
4 100
100 g 40
40 g 20
20 g
Activity 8
7 175
175 g 70
70 g 35
35 g
15 25
5 125
125gg 50
50 g 25
25 g
1 40 people a 40 b 40
10 16 12 2
15 375
375 g 150
150 g 75
75 g c 40 d 40 e 40 f 40
3 5 1 2 3 1
3 2 a 8 c 8 c 4 d 5 e 10 f 20
2 1 1 2 1
Activity 9
4 2 2 4 2
Sally will have to pay £56.56 extra.
6 3 3 6 3
The quarterly bill increase is
10 5 5 10 5
20 10 10 20 10 5 8 . 6 3 ÷ 1 0 0 × 9 =
12 6 6 12 6
She will have to pay £5.28 extra a quarter.
4 Onion 300 g
Carrot 450 g
Potato 240 g
Tomato 150g
Water 1200 ml
5 Table £1.92
John is right.
Bed £11.52
5 a £55
Chairs £5.76
b £110
Shelves £4.68
c £110 − £11 = £99
Cupboard £16.08
6 a £11
Activity 10 b £99
c Explanations will vary but 10% of is equivalent
to 90% off.
Total % decrease Working Discount Sally pays
Activity H8
Murray’s = £440; Techmatic = £462 Activity C3
Murray’s is better. 1 132p = £1.32
2 220p = £2.20
Extension 3 88p
Activity E1 Activity C4
1 2 3 4 20
1 a The rule is the bill equals 35 times the number 1 Any fraction equivalent to 5 e.g. 10 , 15 , 20 , 100 .
of therms plus 3400p. 2 Tick a, b, d.
b The formula is B = 35t + 3400
Activity C5
c b = 35 × 110 + 3400 = 7250p = £72.50
Quick ways can vary.
Activity E2 A quick way of working out 5% is to halve 10%.
1 Correct charge is (€280 − €28 = €252 for entry A quick way of working out 2.5% is to halve 5%.
tickets) + €50 for the car = €302 A quick way of working out 1% is to divide 10% by 10.
2 Girl charged €10 less for each ticket instead of 10% Original price % reduction Working out the reduction New price
less i.e 4 × €60 + €50 = €290. Her boss would not £200 10% £200 − £20 £180
have been happy that she charged €12 less than £700 5% £700 − £35 £665
she should have. £80 25% £80 − £20 £60
£150 1% £150 − £1.50 £148.50
s is my family. We like to go
My name is Carole and thi
e our car and tent to
on camping holidays. We tak
nce. We have two teenage
campsites in England and Fra
joy camping in France.
children. They especially en
ngs. We also need to
We have to take a lot of thi r
e. Some things are cheape
plan how much money to tak
re expensive.
in France and some are mo
Talk about it
Have you been to another country?
Do you know where you can buy foreign currency?
Do you know what currency is used in most European countries?
Have you used any currencies other than pounds? What was it? Where was it from?
Do you know how to convert from one currency to another?
Do you know what prices are like in any mainland European country?
Do you know how much petrol costs in mainland Europe?
Since January 2002, France has used the euro (€). I wanted to buy
some euros so I had to find out where I can buy foreign currency.
You can buy foreign currency in a bank, building society, post office,
travel agent or from a bureau de change.
Activity 1
The cost of buying foreign currency is not the same in every bank.
It pays to look around for the best deal.
Comparing decimals
When you want to compare long decimal numbers, rearrange the numbers in order of size.
Arrange these three numbers in order of size, starting with the smallest.
284.86, 276.78, 315.54
To do this, compare the values of the digits with the same place value column.
Start with the largest place value (hundreds in this example). 2 8 4 . 8 6
Pick out the smallest value (2). 2 7 6 . 7 8
If there is more than one of the same value 3 1 5 . 5 4
compare the digits in the next place value Original numbers
column (tens in this example).
Pick out the smaller value (7). 2 7 6 . 7 8
Continue until all comparisons have been made. 2 8 4 . 8 6
3 1 5 . 5 4
Numbers in order of size
Here are quotes for the cost of €700 from four different providers.
1 In the table write the amounts in order of size. Start with the cheapest.
Remember the cheapest is the lowest value. The most expensive is the highest
value. The cheapest quote was £463.32.
Activity 3
Many places charge a fixed percentage fee to change money.
This is called a commission charge.
Finding a percentage of a number
Roman Bank 2% The words ‘per cent’ mean ‘in every hundred’.
Western Bank 1.5% Use a calculator to find 2% of £150.00.
? Review
Money changing
I want to work out how much money I
will get. I need to know how to
convert between currencies.
Activity 4
Most countries in Europe use the same currency – the euro.
Activity 5
We made this ready reckoner to help us to convert from pounds to euros.
1 1.59 10
2 3.18 15 23.85
3 20 31.80
4 25
5 7.95 30 47.70
6 9.54 35
7 11.13 40 63.60
8 12.72 45 71.55
9 50
Activity 6
Activity 7
We made this ready reckoner to help us to convert from pounds to euros.
? Review
Activity 8
Campsites charge for a pitch with 1 car, and for each person.
Campsite Low season cost High season cost Are the high season costs
for the campsites in the
same order?
Activity 9
Write this ______ = 0.2845… (Leave the whole number
on your calculator display.) 7.00
Change this to a percentage (× 100) = 0.2845 × 100 24.60
= 28.45 means 7.00 ÷ 24.60
= 28% to the nearest whole number
We would save 28% by camping at campsite A in the low season compared with the high season.
Work out the percentage savings for campsite B and campsite C.
1 Campsite B
High season price – low season price = ...............................................................................................................................
? Review
Bring or buy?
Activity 10
Carole worked out the cost of Kelloggs Cornflakes with a calculator like this.
Cornflakes cost £0.97 in England. They are 40% more expensive in France.
Extra cost = 40% of £0.97 = 40 ÷ 100 × 0.97 = £0.388 (£0.39 to the nearest penny).
Price in France = original price + extra cost = £0.97 + £0.39 = £1.36.
Approximate price in euros = 1.36 × 1.59 = €2.1624 = €2.16 (to the nearest cent).
Carole’s son, Winston, estimated the extra cost without using a calculator. Tip
He did it like this: Use £1 = €1.59
£0.97 is about £1
10% of £1 = 10p
40% of £1 = 4 × 10p
= 40p
So the price in France should not be far off £1 + 40p = £1.40.
1 Work out the cost of Frosties in France using Carole’s method.
2 Work out the cost of Heinz ketchup in France using Carole’s method.
Activity 11
Product Amount Price in % cheaper Price in Price in
England (£) in France France (£) France(€)
? Review
Do you need more practice in working with currency conversions and Yes ■ No ■
percentage changes?
For more work on this, go to H5 (page 14).
This work links to mini-project M2 (page 16).
I want to work out what the percentage saving will be when I buy fuel in France.
Carole will save 11% per litre if she buys 4-star petrol in France.
1 Complete the table and work out the percentage saving for each type of fuel.
It will cost 11.5% more per litre to buy 4-star petrol in the UK compared with
buying it in France.
1 Complete the table to work out the percentage increase for each type of fuel.
? Review
The box shows the exchange rate for one pound (£1).
Exchange rates
This indicates that:
We buy We sell
● You have to give the bank €1.74 for every £1 they give you. 1.74 EUROS 1.59
● The bank will give you only €1.59 for every £1 you give them.
So if Carole buys some currency from a bank and then sells it back to them,
she will have less money than when she started.
Activity 14
This is what would happen if Carole changed £50 to euros then changed it back
(with no commission) to pounds.
The bank sells €1.59 for £1.
£50 = 50 × €1.59 = €79.50
The bank buys €1.74 for £1.
€79.50 ÷ €1.74 = £45.69 (to the nearest 1p)
Carole loses £50.00 – £45.69 = £4.31
Use the bank rates above to work out how much you would lose on each exchange.
÷ 1.74 = £ ..................................................................................................................................................
2 £125 = €
÷ 1.74 = £ ..................................................................................................................................................
3 £450 = €
÷ .............................................................. =£ .....................................................................................................
? Review
Do you need more practice in currency conversion and comparing decimals? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H3 (page 13) or E1 (page 15).
This work links to mini-project M1 (page 16).
Table 1 Table 2
Day 1 5 3 3 . 5 7 Day 3 5 3 3 . 2 8
Day 2 5 3 3 . 3 9 Day 5 3 3 .
Day 3 5 3 3 . 2 8 Day 5 3 3 .
Day 4 5 3 5 . 4 5 Day
Day 5 5 3 7 . 5 9 Day
Day 6 5 3 7 . 3 6 Day
Day 7 5 4 2 . 0 9 Day
Activity H2
Complete the table by working out how much it will cost to buy £450 of foreign
currency for different rates of commission.
2% 2 × £4.50 £9.00
Activity H3
Complete this currency ready reckoner.
The exchange rate is £1 = 2.32 Swiss francs.
Pound 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.45 10 4.47
2 0.89 15 6.70
3 1.34 20 8.94
4 1.79 25 11.17
5 2.23 30 13.41
6 2.68 35 15.64
7 3.13 40 17.88
8 3.58 45 20.11
9 4.02 50 22.35
Apples 1 kg 3.00
200 g 10
Bacon 1 kg 26.00
Activity H5
Work out the percentage saving in France for these items (use £1 = €1.59).
Use the table to convert these amounts of money to the currencies stated.
Activity E2
Campsite price list
Work out the total cost for 2 adults and 2 children, aged 8 and 10, with a car
and tent, for one night.
High season
1 The high season cost (excluding tax) = ........................................................................
Low season
3 The low season cost (excluding tax) = ........................................................................
5 This site offers a 20% reduction (excluding holiday tax) to groups staying for
more than three nights. Work out the cost including holiday tax for the
family for four nights at high season.
Activity M1
Collect information about exchange rates and commission charges at banks and
building societies. Compare the rates and charges at different banks etc.
Record exchange rates for one or more currencies over a period of time.
Look in daily papers.
If you have Internet access, try sites like
Activity M2
The Hamburger Index, also known as the Big Mac index, shows the cost of a Big
Mac in many countries.
Find out about the index and use it to compare prices.
Try this site.
Compare fuel prices across Europe.
You could start with this site.
Activity M3
Plan a trip to another country e.g. Pakistan, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe etc.
Find out about the currency and the exchange rate.
Produce a currency exchange ready reckoner.
Find out about hotel costs.
Activity M4
Use the Internet to find and compare the cost of some food items from a
supermarket in the UK and in another country of your choice.
2 By what percentage?
10 60
20 70
30 80
40 90
50 100
Activity C2
1 The table shows the price of a Big Mac in eight countries.
Rearrange the prices in order, starting with cheapest.
Britain $3.11
Australia $1.64
China $1.19
Switzerland $4.27
Sweden $2.57
Denmark $3.31
Argentina $0.68
2 A litre of orange juice costs 99p in England. It costs 50% less in France.
3 A 115 g tin of sardines costs 29p in England. It costs 70% more in France.
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Then complete the sentences below.
I am confident with
Date ........................................................................
Activity 4 Activity 10
1 €39.75 Check 39.75 ÷ 1.59 = 25 1 £0.232, £1.39, €2.21
2 €79.50 Check 79.50 ÷ 1.59 = 50 2 £0.4761, £1.17, €1.86
50 79.50
2 Diesel
3 4-star
Pound 1 2 3 4 5
Activity 13 Swiss francs 2.32 4.64 6.96 9.28 11.60
England England France Difference Percentage Pound 6 7 8 9 10
(pence) (euros) (euros) saving Swiss francs 13.92 16.24 18.56 20.88 23.20
4-star 79.5p €1.26 €1.13 €0.13 11.5%
Unleaded 75.3p €1.20 €0.90 €0.30 33%
Pepsi £0.89 washing liquid £5.81
Diesel 76.6p €1.22 €0.79 €0.43 54% apples £1.34 *chicken £7.59 or £7.60
100g instant coffee £2.23 *pork chops £8.04 or £8.05
2 Diesel 200g instant coffee £4.47 bacon £11.62
3 4-star toilet rolls £3.58
*Answer depends on method used
Activity 14
1 €159 91.38 £100 – £91.38 = £8.62 H5
2 €198.75 114.22 £125 – £114.22 = £10.78 Item England England France Difference Percentage
(pounds) (euros) (euros) (euros) saving (%)
3 €715.50 411.21 ÷ 1.74 £450 – £411.21 = £38.79
2 litres £1.89 €3.01 €1.80 €1.21 40.2%
Help cola
20 31.00 70 108.50
3 992.064 US dollars
30 46.50 80 124.00
4 28704.45 Pakistani rupees
40 62.00 90 139.50
5 5891.004 Russian roubles
50 77.50 100 155.00
High season C2
1 €26.00 + 2 × €6.80 + 2 × €5.10 = €49.80 1 Country Price in US dollars
My name is Darren. I am starting a new job with a I also work with Anna, who is based in one of the
company that makes and sells furniture. shops, selling goods and organising the deliveries.
My job will be driving a van and delivering furniture Len, the shop manager, has to compare sales
made by the company. offers in different shops. I also work with Naheed. It
I have to know what the EU regulations on driving at is her job to calculate the wages.
work are and when I have to rest between deliveries.
I also need to work out the timing of the deliveries.
Talk about it
Do you know anyone whose job is to drive a lorry or van?
Do they drive in Britain or other parts of Europe? Do they drive to deliver
goods? What other driving jobs can you think of?
Why do you think there are laws to limit the amount of time someone should
drive when they are working?
Have you had goods delivered to your home? How long did you wait for the
delivery? A week, a day, six weeks?
Discuss all the different ways you have seen prices reduced in sales.
Discuss all the different ways people get paid to work in shops or drive lorries.
Time to drive
Darren is about to start a new job. Part of his work will be driving a delivery van.
Activity 1
Darren has the correct licence but Eryl, his supervisor, wants him to learn the
rules about driving at work. For the first two weeks, Darren will only drive for
4 12 hours each day.
The boxes below show Darren could drive for a total of 4 12 hours then rest.
Alternatively, he could drive for 2 hours then make a delivery and rest, drive for
another 1 12 hours, make another delivery and rest and then drive for 1 final hour.
1 hour 1 hour + 1 hour 2 hour + 1 hour = 4 12 hours
1 On Monday, Eryl wants Darren to drive for 2 2 hours to make a delivery,
then rest, then drive for another 2 hour. Complete the boxes to show
how Darren could drive for a total of 4 12 hours.
1 hour 1 hour 1
2 hour + 1
2 hour + = 4 12 hours
2 On Tuesday, Darren drives for 1 hour to make a delivery and then rests. Then
he drives for 2 hour, makes another delivery and rests. He then drives for
another 1 hour, makes another delivery and rests.
Draw a diagram below to show Darren’s driving time, and how he could finish
the drive to make a total of 4 2 hours.
1 1 1 3
+ 4
+ 4
= 4 hour
Work out, and check, the length of Darren’s breaks, in his first three days.
1 On Monday, Darren takes two rest breaks, each of 15 minutes. Change the break
times into fractions of hours and work out the total.
Check your answer is correct by adding the minutes together and changing
Check the answer is correct by adding the minutes together and changing the total
3 On Wednesday, Darren takes one early morning rest break for 45 minutes, has a
long drive and has a 30-minute break for lunch. Change the break and lunch times
into hours and find the total.
Check the answer is correct by adding the minutes together and changing the total
4 + 1
4 + 1 = 5 14 hours
Example 2
On Thursday, Darren’s total journey times were
To work out his total journey time add these times together.
That is 2 34 + 3
4 + 1 hours
To do this, add the numerators of the fractions to work out how many quarters
there are:
3 3
= 2 + 4 + 4 + 1 hours
= 2 + 4 + 1 hours
4 2
= 2 + 4 + 4 + 1 hours
= 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 hours
= 4 2 hours
Calculate the combined journey and break time, in fractions of an hour, on each
day of the week and fill in the table.
1 Monday
Driving Break Driving Break Total (hrs)
2 Tuesday
Driving Break Driving Break Driving Break Total (hrs)
3 Wednesday
Driving Break Driving Break Driving Break Total (hrs)
4 Thursday
Driving Break Driving Break Total (hrs)
5 Friday
Driving Break Driving Break Total (hrs)
? Review
On Friday, I started
work at 7.30 am.
Drive Break
7.30 am 9.45 am 10.00 am
2 14 hours 1
4 hour
Drive Break
12.00 noon 1 12.15 pm
2 hours 4 hour
Drive Break
2.30 pm 2.45 pm
2 14 hours 1
4 hour
1 In Week 3, Darren logged into work every day but forgot to log out, except on
Thursday. Calculate his finish time for each day using the timesheets in Activity 3
(page 5), and fill in the table below.
Darren Walker
DRIVER’S NAME ............................................ Week 3
MONDAY 07:30
FRIDAY 07:45
What is the earliest date it can be delivered to the customer’s house? ....................................................
What is the earliest date it can be delivered to the customer’s house? ....................................................
? Review
Do you need more practice in calculating, measuring and recording time? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H2 and H3 (page 12) or E1 (page 14).
Comparing prices
Len, the Shrewsbury shop manager, is comparing prices in the sales. He is
checking other shops to see how much they are reducing prices.
Activity 6 1
off all
40% beds
shown below.
50 1
50% = 100 = 2 12 12 % = 12.5
100 = 125
1000 = 1
8 4% =
100 = 1
Change the following percentages into fractions using the same method.
1 60% = ..................................................................................................................................................
2 55% = ..................................................................................................................................................
3 17.5% = ..................................................................................................................................................
4 5% = ..................................................................................................................................................
Activity 7
To change decimals into fractions, Len writes the decimal as a fraction, then
converts the fraction to its lowest form. Here are some examples.
2 1
0.2 = 10 = 5
4 2 1
0.04 = 100 = 50 = 25
125 25 5 1
0.125 = 1000 = 200 = 40 = 8
Change the following decimals into fractions using the same method.
1 0.8 = ........................................................................
2 0.35 = ........................................................................
3 0.625 = ........................................................................
4 0.06 = ........................................................................
Check ...................................................................................
2 10 = .......................................................................................
Check ...................................................................................
3 4 = .........................................................................................
Check ...................................................................................
4 25 = ......................................................................................
Check ...................................................................................
off all sofas
To change 3 into a percentage Len entered into the calculator:
1 ÷ 3 × 1 0 0 =
so 3
= 33.33 %
Change the following fractions into percentages to 2 decimal places using a calculator.
2 1
5 3 = ........................................................................ 7 15 = ........................................................................
1 2
6 6 = ........................................................................ 8 9 = ........................................................................
? Review
When working out the wages for people who work in the shops, Naheed uses a standard
formula to calculate basic weekly pay plus commission based on weekly shop sales.
This is last week’s timesheet for staff in the Shrewsbury shop. TOTAL SALES were £9,000.
Naheed uses the memory in her calculator and always uses approximations to check
the answer.
This is how she works out Len’s total pay. Use your calculator to follow this.
5 × 7 . 5 × 6 =
Put this in the memory (this could be M+ or M in or ask your teacher for help) and
clear the display.
[To check the basic pay use whole numbers as approximations e.g. 5 × 8 × 6.]
Commission = 2 ÷ 1 0 0 × 9 0 0 0 =
Leave the display (180) and work out Len’s total pay by adding the basic pay from
the memory.
Check Len’s total pay = £405 basic pay is about £200 Check
commission is about £200
● using whole numbers
total is about £400
● by another method.
1 Now work out Shatil’s total pay. (Clear the memory first.)
Fill in the gaps to check that you have completed all the stages
● Commission
....... ÷ ....... × ....... = Add to memory
● Total pay 1
Display + MR = 2% is the same as 0.5%
2 Use the same method to calculate Kylie’s pay for the week.
3 This is last week’s timesheet for staff in the Dudley shop. TOTAL SALES were £7,500.
Use the same methods and checks to calculate staff pay for the week.
? Review
Calculate the total journey and break time on each day and fill in the table.
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
Activity H2
In Week 3, Darren clocked into work every day but forgot to clock out. Calculate
his finish time for each day using the timesheet (Activity H1) and fill in the table
Darren Walker
DRIVER’S NAME ............................................ Week 3
MONDAY 07:30 am
TUESDAY 08:15 am
Activity H3
Use all of the delivery date information in Activity 5 (page 7) to work out the
delivery dates for the rest of the week.
What is the earliest date they can be delivered to the customer’s house? ......................................
What is the earliest date it can be delivered to the customer’s house? ......................................
Change these decimals to fractions. Write the fractions in their simplest form.
Activity H5
=£ ..........................................................................................................................................
=£ ..........................................................................................................................................
=£ ..........................................................................................................................................
What are the earliest dates when the items will be delivered to the shop?
What is the earliest date when all items can be delivered to the customer’s house?
Activity E2
Work with another person and use a calculator to work out the following.
Activity E3
Work out the total time including breaks for this journey in hours and fractions
of an hour.
Activity E4
During November, Darren worked in the Shrewsbury shop for one week and received £213.75. He
worked 7.5 hours a day and was paid £4.50 per hour. The sales in the shop for the week were £9,000
and Darren was given 12 % commission on the sales. Calculate how many days Darren worked in that
Activity M1
With another person, using the internet or another source, find out how long
professional drivers are allowed to drive for in the UK without a break. Compare
them with the EU rules. Check when each apply. Find out how driving time is
measured and what legal documents are required. For example, you could visit
this web site:
Decide on a journey from where you live to somewhere in Europe, but outside
Britain, and work out the driving and resting times for that journey. Assume you
will be driving a vehicle weighing over 3.5 tonnes.
Activity M2
Investigate the rates of pay for local jobs, e.g. driving delivery vans, working in
retail shops or offices.
Use a variety of sources to get a good spread of rates for the different jobs.
Activity M3
Work with another person to calculate the annual income (salary) for the workers
in the three shops in this unit.
You will have to decide on how to make an estimate for the sales for each shop so
that you can work out the commission.
Don’t forget that this is ‘gross’ pay/salary, which will have money taken off it for
income tax and national insurance.
Use the internet or another source to find out how much tax and national
insurance each member of staff would have to pay, if they were living on their
own with no dependents.
Activity M4
Darren has been asked to go with Eryl to deliver a load to Calais in France. Eryl
will be driving a vehicle weighing over 3.5 tonnes. Darren must decide on a route
from Wolverhampton to Calais. Assume the vehicle travels 50 miles every hour
and remember EU rules for rests during long drives.
Suggest a route, driving and rest times for Darren and Eryl. If you work on your
own, check your answers with your teacher.
Activity C2
1 Calculate Darren’s total journey and break time and fill in the table below.
Monday in Week 4
2 On Monday in Week 4, Darren logged into work but forgot to log out.
Calculate his finish time for Monday and fill in the table below.
Darren Walker
DRIVER’S NAME ............................................ Week 4
Monday 7:15 am
Activity C3
Use all of the delivery date information in Activity 5 (page 7) to work out the delivery
date for the next customer.
What is the earliest date it can be delivered to the customer’s house? .....................................
Activity C5
Wages are calculated using
hourly pay (in £s) × hours worked per week = weekly pay (in £s)
5 × 7.5 = 52.5
Tick the reverse calculation you would use to check the answer.
How am I doing?
Look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Now complete the sentences below.
I am confident with
Date ........................................................................
Activity 2 Activity 7
45 minutes = 3
hour 1 5
1 1 1 7
1 4 + 4 = 2
2 20
15 + 15 = 30 minutes = 2 hour Check yes 3 5
1 1 1
2 4 + 4 + 2 = 1 hour 4 3
15 + 15 + 30 = 60 minutes = 1 hour Check yes
3 1
Activity 8
3 4 + 2 = 1 14 hours
1 25%
45 + 30 = 75 minutes = 1 14 hours Check yes
2 10%
Activity 3 3 75%
Example 2 4 12 hours
4 12%
1 5 14 hours
5 66.67%
2 5 12 hours
6 16.67%
3 5 34 hours
4 6 14 hours 7 6.67%
5 5 34 hours 8 22.22%
Activity 4 Activity 9
I finished work at 2:45 pm. 1 Shatil’s pay Basic = £126
Commission = £45
Total pay = £171
DAY START 12-hour clock 24-hour clock 2 Kylie’s pay Basic = £75.60
MONDAY 7:30 am 12:45 pm 12:45 Commission = £45
Total = £120.60
TUESDAY 8:00 am 1:30 pm 13:30
7 2.5%
1 27 September 28 September
8 0.3%
2 5 October 9 October
9 77.78%
Activity H4
Activity E3
3 7
1 10 2 25 5 13 hours
1 2
3 40 4 5
Activity E4
11 3
5 20 6 8 5 days
7 60% 8 62.5%
Activities M1 to M4
9 66.67% Check with your teacher.
Activity H5 Activity C1
Suzette Basic £225; Commission £230; 1 4 hour
Total £455 2 digital clock 13:30
Nigel Basic £168.75; Commission £115;
Total £283.75
Activity C2
1 5 hours
Raymond Basic £69.30; Commission £57.50;
Total £126.80 2 12:15 or 12:15 pm
Extension Activity C3
Activity E1 7 October
1 Table/chairs 24 September 8 October
Sofa 8 October
Activity C4
2 Table/chairs 30 September
1 False
Sofa 14 October
Or the combined delivery on 14 October 2 True
Activity C5
b is correct
4 Gardening
My name is John. I have
rs. I
enjoyed working outdoo
work as a handyman. I do
heavy gardening jobs for
customers, like laying pa
and building walls. I also
construct garden ponds
lay decking.There are so
aspects to gardening that
seems like I am doing a
different job everyday.
Talk about it
Which of you has a garden?
Who watches gardening programmes on TV?
Has anyone ever built anything in a garden?
Has anyone ever built a wall? Discuss what can be used – shapes, ease of use etc.
What measure?
In the building trade measurements are given in millimetres and metres. Some of
John’s older customers have never measured in metres and millimetres (metric
measures). They measure in feet and inches (imperial measures), so John has to be
able to change measurements from millimetres to metres and from feet and inches
to metres and millimetres.
Activity 1
John is often asked to lay decking. Deck boards are usually 2.4 m long and
140 mm wide. Although 2.4 m looks less than 140 mm but it is much longer.
To compare them we need to change them to the same unit.
1034 mm = ..................................... m
3096 mm = ..................................... m
Talk about it
● What measures of length do you know?
● Which are imperial and which are metric?
● Did you know that 1 foot is about 30 cm? If you are using a calculator you can
be more accurate and use 1 foot = 305 mm (30.5 cm)
2 ft 6 in = mm
= .................................................................................................................................................. m
2ft 6ins
2 Change 3 ft 2 in to metres.
3 ft = .......................................................................................................................................................
2 in = ......................................................................................................................................................
3 ft 2 in .................................................................................................................................................
? Review
Check that the patio measures 32 mm × 46 mm on the scale plan. Area of a rectangle
= length × width
1 Work out the actual dimensions of the patio.
.................................................................................................................................................. slabs
Activity 5
The length and width
I lay slabs on a bed of sand 50 mm deep. are in metres so I am
This is to make sure the slabs stay going to work in metres
level. I have to work out the volume 50 mm = 0.05 m
of sand that I need.
The volume of sand 50 mm deep needed for a patio Calculating volume
2.4 m by 1.2 m = 2.4 m × 1.2 m × 0.05 m = 0.144 m3 Volume = length × width × height = l × w × h
1 Work out the volume of sand, laid 50 mm deep, Volume is given in cubed units e.g. m3, mm3
needed for these patios
a A patio 9.2 m by 6.4 m. Volume = ........................................................................ m3
b A patio 3.6 m by 2.8 m. Volume = ........................................................................ m3
? Review
Do you need more practice in working out how many slabs are needed? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H2 and H3 (pages 13–14).
This work links to mini-project M1 (page 16).
Activity 6 Remember
John has to lay a patio measuring 2.4 m by 1.2 m. Perimeter means the
distance all around the
To work out the length of string he needs to mark it out, John adds outside of a shape.
all the sides together. This is the perimeter of the patio.
John adds up the lengths of all 4 sides of the patio. Remember that
2.4 m + 1.2 m + 2.4 m + 1.2 m = 7.2 m all units must be
the same.
He needs 7.2 metres of string to mark out the patio.
Activity 7
A wall in the garden is 2.4 m long and 600 mm high.
Area of rectangle =
1 Area of the face of the wall = 2.4 m × 0.6 m = length × width,
A = l × w.
There are approximately 60 bricks per m2 of area.
2 Number of bricks needed = area × 60 = ........................................................................ bricks
To make sure that there are enough bricks John buys 10%
more than his estimate. Remember
An easy way to find 10%
3 10% of = extra bricks
is to divide by 10.
To make sure that he has enough bricks, John buys 10% more than his estimate.
Activity 9
Walls in a raised bed are one brick thick so to get the inside length, John has With all these
to take two brick widths from the outside measurement (one for each side). different measurements
I have to cope with I am
A brick is 102.5 mm wide so two bricks are 2 × 102.5 = 205 mm = 0.205 m.
going to work in metres
This raised bed is 2.5 m long, 0.75 m wide and 400 mm high. all the time.
1 a The inside length = 2.5 m – 0.205 m = 2.295 m
= ..................... to 2 decimal places.
b Inside width = ..................... m – 0.205 m = ..................................... m
? Review
Making a splash!
Some of my customers want ponds
or pools in their gardens. Circular
ponds and pools are popular.
Activity 10
I have to mark out the
circumference of the circle before I
can begin to dig the hole. I can use
string to do this. I have to be able to
work out the circumference and area
of the pond or pool.
John doesn’t want to cut any slabs. He leaves gaps between the
slabs so that he only needs to use whole ones.
John has to lay 300 mm length slabs around a pond with a circumference of
3.7 m or 3700 mm.
Activity 12 Remember
Volume of a prism
When the pond or pool is finished I fill it Volume of a prism = area of the base × height
with water. I work out the volume to find Volume of a cylinder (circular–based prism)
how many litres of water I will need. = π × radius × radius × height = π × r × r × h
radius (r)
The pebble pool has a radius of 325 mm and
it is 220 mm deep.
Volume = π × 0.325 m × 0.325 m × 0.22 m = 0.073 m3 height (h)
? Review
Activity 13
Finding the area of a
complicated shape
1.8 m
m Break down a complicated
shape into simple shapes like
rectangles and triangles.
Then work out the area of
these shapes.
0.9 m
1.9 m
1.8 m
1.8 m
................................................................................................... 1.9 m
................................................................................................... 3.5m
1.7 m
Activity 14
Garden shed
Total height
2.2 m
Width 1.5 m
Length 2.2 m
Front wall
2.2 m
Back wall
2.2 m
Area of triangle = × ...................
× ................... = ................... m2
Side wall
0.2 m Area of rectangle = ................... × ................... = ................... m2
8 ft = ........................................................................ mm = m ÷ 305
× 25.4
5 ft 6 in ........................................................................ mm = m
inch mm
÷ 25.4
7 ft 3 in ........................................................................ mm = m
Imperial to metric
2 Mark the lengths in metres on the diagrams and work out the total 1 foot = 305 mm
surface area of the shed. Give your answer to one decimal place. 1 inch = 25.4 mm
Area = ........................................................................................... ................... m2
Area of triangle = ............................................................... m2
? Review
Do you need more practice in 3-D diagrams and areas of composite shapes? Yes ■ No ■
For more work on this, go to H5 (page 14).
4 ft = ................................................................................................................................. ÷ 305
............................................................................................................................................. 1 inch = 25.4 mm
so to change between the units
6 ins = ..............................................................................................................................
× 25.4
÷ 25.4
Activity H2
A scale drawing for a concrete base for a garden shed measures 61 mm by 53 mm.
5 25 mm = m
Activity H3
The diagrams show a paving 4.5 mm
slab and a patio.
500 mm
3.5 mm
500 mm
2 How many slabs will fit along the width? .................................................................... slabs
5 40 mm = m
Activity H4
1 A circular pond has a radius of 800 mm and a depth of 650 mm.
a Calculate the volume in m3.
Volume = ............................................................................................................................................
2 Another garden has a circular pond with radius 620 mm and a depth of
430 mm.
a Calculate the volume in m3.
Volume = .............................................................................................................................................
Activity H5
4.5 m
1 Side a measures 4.5 m – 2.5 m = m
2 Side b measures m
R 2.2 m
3.6 m
A line has been used to divide the patio into
two rectangles. S a
3 The area of rectangle R =
........................................................................ m2 2.5 m
4 The area of rectangle S =
........................................................................ m2
2 Work out the area of the part of the wall you can see in the diagram. Give your
answer in metres squared (m2).
................................................................................................................................................................... m2
3 Work out how many bricks would be needed to build this wall by using the formula
= .......................................................................
Activity E2
You have to make a round flower bed 4 ft in diameter.
1 4 ft = ........................................................................ mm = m
= ..................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................................. m3
Activity M1
Wooden compost bins are sold at a DIY store.
2 ft 11 in
3 ft 1 in
3 ft 1 in
The area must be paved and the paving must extend 500 mm all round the
compost bins.
Draw a scale plan showing the paved area and the position of the compost bins.
Activity M2
Visit a DIY store and collect leaflets on how to build a pond.
Activity M3
Decide on a feature you would like to build in a garden.
Visit a builders’ merchant or search on the Internet to find the cost of the items
needed to build your feature.
feet mm
÷ 305
1 inch = 25.4 mm
so to change between the units
× 25.4
inch mm
÷ 25.4
Activity C1
Complete the following
1 1200 mm = ..................................... m
2 1.6 m = ..................................... mm
3 1865 mm = ..................................... m
4 2.354 m = ..................................... mm
5 2800 mm = ..................................... m
6 3 ft = ......................................................................................................................
7 8 ft = ......................................................................................................................
8 6 ft = ......................................................................................................................
9 3 in = .....................................................................................................................
10 6 ft 3 in = ............................................................................................................
Activity C2
A rectangular patio measures 4.8 m by 3.5 m.
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Then complete the sentences below.
I am confident with
Date ........................................................................
Talk about it
Does anyone in the group belong to a fitness centre?
What kinds of exercise do you do in a fitness centre?
Which kinds of food are healthy or unhealthy?
Where are numbers involved? Do you need number skills to measure heart rate, speed, weight, etc?
Preparing to exercise 1
Activity 1
1 Tom’s height was 175 centimetres and his weight was 75 kilograms. The
doctor said that he had a medium size frame. She checked his height and
weight by looking at a table.
This is a table of heights and weights for Weight in kg
adult men.
Height Small Medium Large
When she looked at the table she went down
in cm frame frame frame
the ‘Height in cm’ column to 175 and across to
the ‘Medium frame’ column. This told her that 157 58–61 59–64 63–68
Tom should weigh between 67 kg and 73 kg.
Discuss the table with your teacher if you do 160 59–62 60–65 64–70
not understand how to use it.
162 60–63 61–66 65–71
Tom weighed 75 kg, which meant he was a
little overweight. 165 61–64 62–67 65–73
Use the table to answer these questions. 167 62–65 63–69 66–75
Draw a ring around underweight, correct
weight or overweight for each of these men. 170 63–66 65–70 68–76
Weight in kg Remember
The information used in tables, diagrams,
Height Small Medium Large
charts and graphs is known as data.
in cm frame frame frame
157 54–60
Activity 2
1 These are three examples of labels. They show the amounts of fat, etc. in every
100 g of the product.
Salt is called sodium on the labels and the most unhealthy type of fat is
saturated fat.
100 grams of the tomato soup in the example above contains
0.3 g of saturated fat and 0.4 g of salt
a 100 grams of the baked beans contains 0.1 g of saturated fat and ............ g
of salt
b 100 grams of the cream crackers contains ............ g of saturated fat and
............ g of salt
Check your answers before going any further.
c How much fibre is contained in 100 grams of tomato soup? ............ g
d How much protein is contained in 100 grams of cream crackers? ............ g
e How much carbohydrate is contained in 100 grams of baked beans? ............ g
f How much protein is contained in 100 grams of tomato soup? ............ g
In the tomato soup there is a total of 3.6 g of fat
g How much total fat is contained in 100 g of baked beans? ............ g
h How much total fat is contained in 100 g of cream crackers? ............ g
i Which of the three foods contains the most fat? Draw a ring around the
correct answer: tomato soup baked beans cream crackers
a Write the names of the four products in the boxes below in order of the amount
of saturated fat that each of them contains. One has been done for you.
Most Least
saturated saturated
fat Cereal fat
Most Least
sodium sodium
c Foods that contain a lot of saturated fat and sodium are bad for your heart.
Which of the four foods shown above is most unhealthy for your heart? Ring
your answer.
porridge drinking chocolate cereal bars crisps
? Review
Preparing to exercise 2
On a packet of self-raising flour, you can read this information.
food product. 50
or fat. 20
Activity 3
1 Another food has this nutrition information.
Protein 10 g Saturated fat 3 g Sodium 2 g
Protein Saturated fat Sodium
a Which section in the pie chart shows the amount of protein? Ring your answer.
b Which section shows the amount of saturated fat? Ring your answer.
1 Tom went for a one-hour walk. He checked his heart rate every 5 minutes.
This line graph shows his heart rate while he was walking.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Minutes of walk
When he started walking, Tom’s heart rate was 65 beats each minute. When he had been
walking for 10 minutes, his heart rate was 85 beats each minute.
If you do not understand the graph discuss it with your teacher.
Use the graph to get some more data on Tom’s heart rate.
a When Tom had been walking for 30 minutes, his heart rate was ............ beats each minute.
If you did not get the answer 120 beats each minute, discuss this with your teacher.
b When he had been walking for 45 minutes, his heart rate was ............ beats each minute.
c When he had been walking for 50 minutes, his heart rate was ............ beats each minute.
d When he finished his walk, his heart rate was ............ beats each minute.
e When Tom finished his walk was his heart rate was faster or slower than when he started
the walk? Ring the correct answer.
faster slower
f After he had been walking for ............ minutes his heart rate was 110 beats each minute.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
The lower end of the line starts at the point where both the miles and kilometres
are zero.
The top end of the line stops where 50 miles is the same as 80 kilometres.
If you do not understand, ask your teacher.
If you want to work out how many kilometres there are in 30 miles, follow these steps.
A Go to 30 on the horizontal axis.
B Go straight up from the 30 to the blue graph line (follow the red line).
C Go straight left to the kilometres scale from the blue line (follow the green line).
D Read the number on the kilometres scale. It is 48. This shows that 30 miles is
approximately 48 kilometres.
Use the steps above to answer these questions. Be as accurate as you can.
Check your answer before going any further. Ask your teacher if you need help.
? Review
Monthly Annual
Tom is over 18 years old but under 60 years old. He wants a single membership.
1 How much does he have to pay each month for his membership? £ ........................
Check your answer before you go any further. Ask your teacher if you need help.
Minutes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Heart rate in beats
80 85 85 95 100 120 125 125 130 135
each minute ✓ ✓ ✓
This data can be shown in a line graph.
✗ ✗ ✗
0 2 3 Minutes of exercise 10
1 Complete the line graph, which has been started for you.
Label the scales on both axes.
Start at 4 minutes and a heart rate of 95 beats each minute, as shown in red in
the table above, and follow these steps.
a Go to 4 minutes on the horizontal axis.
b Go straight up until you are level with the 95 on the heart rate scale (on the
vertical axis).
c Draw a small cross at this point. Join this cross with a straight line to the
cross on its left so that you continue the line of the graph.
d Repeat these steps for the next values in the table until you have plotted all
of them.
? Review
Activity 7
When you work out the mean of a list of numbers, your answer might not be a whole
number or any of the numbers in the list.
Divide the total by ............ Therefore the mean is ............ ÷ ............ = ............
Divide the total by ............ Therefore the mean is ............ ÷ ............ = ............
Another type of average is called the median. The median is the middle number
in a list of numbers.
4 Follow steps C and D to work out the median of each of these lists of numbers.
The first one has been started for you:
a 3, 7, 5, 3, 9, 1, 5
Put the numbers in order: 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 9
c 5, 8, 9, 1, 4, 2, 7, 4, 7
Put the numbers in order ........................................................................
Sometimes there is no middle number in a list. In this list the 3 and 5 share the
middle position: 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8.
When this happens, we add the two middle numbers and then halve the answer.
3+5=8 Half of 8 = 4
Therefore, the median of 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 is 4.
b 1, 6, 1, 3, 3, 1, 5, 2 ............
Activity 8
1 Sometimes it is useful to know how far a list of numbers stretches from its
lowest number to its highest.
The spread of the numbers 5, 2, 4, 6, 3, 2, 3, 7, 4, 8, 3, 5 is from 2 to 8.
The difference
Put the numbers in order to check that this is correct. between the
................................................................................................................. . highest number
and the lowest
To find the range of a list of numbers we take the smallest number away from
number is called
the biggest number. In the list above we have to take 2 away from 8.
the range.
8–2=6 therefore, the range for this list is 6.
The word range is used quite frequently in phrases like ‘age range’ and ‘price range’
a 5, 3, 6, 7, 1, 2 ........................................................................
3 This table shows the different attendances for the first three days in two
different weeks at the fitness centre.
Monday 25 Monday 18
Tuesday 16 Tuesday 33
Wednesday 26 Wednesday 51
a Work out the totals for each week and put them in the table.
? Review
Exercising 2
When I went to the fitness centre last night a total
of 25 people were exercising. 15 of them were women.
Tom wondered what percentage of the people exercising at the centre Remember
were women. A percentage is
The fraction 15
is one way of showing how many of the members were a fraction but it
women. If Tom could make this a fraction ‘out of’ 100 instead of ‘out of’ 25 is always ‘out of’
then he would have changed the fraction into a percentage. 100. The sign for
percentage is %.
Tom can easily change the bottom number into 100 by multiplying it by 4
but he must also multiply the top number by 4 so that he does not change
the real value of the fraction.
To keep the real
15 60
= 100 value of a fraction
is the same as 60 ‘out of’ 100 which means it is the same as 60%. from changing,
multiply the top
If you do not understand this, ask your teacher to explain. and bottom
numbers by the
Tip same number.
If you can easily change the bottom number in a fraction to 100,
do the same to the top number. The top number is the percentage.
Activity 9
1 Change these fractions into percentages by making the bottom number into 100.
a 50 = 100 which equals ................... %
5 ÷ 14 × 100 =
? Review
Exercising 3
Anyone who exercises or works hard knows that the more you do the hotter you feel.
In the Celsius scale, water boils at 100 degrees and freezes at 0 degrees.
In the Fahrenheit scale, water boils at 212 degrees and freezes at 32 degrees.
The Celsius scale seems to be the more sensible scale, which is why most people now
use it.
Activity 10
This is a picture of a Celsius thermometer.
Humans are said to be ‘warm blooded’ animals. This means our temperature does
not change very much. If our temperature rises or falls we can become ill.
The normal temperature for humans is 37 degrees Celsius (ºC) or
98.4 degrees Fahrenheit (ºF).
6 You have measured the temperature inside the room. Now guess what the
Activity 11
This is a conversion table. It changes Fahrenheit temperatures into Celsius
a 13 ºC is ........................ b 27 ºC is ........................ 75 24
c 21 ºC is ........................ d 35 ºC is ........................ 85 29
e 29 ºC is ........................ f 38 ºC is ........................ 90 32
? Review
The display above shows examples of this data. Use the display to answer these
2 Put these pieces of information about Sam’s session on the rowing machine
into their correct places in the display below.
Time Distance
66 metres per minute
1245 metres
Calories Speed
18:40 minutes
Does this information tell you anything about the relative fitness of Victor
and Sam?
Explain, and be prepared to discuss, your ideas.
Activity H2
Activity H4
Find the mean, median and mode for the following sets of numbers.
Activity H5
What percentage is 1 12 of 25 ....................... 2 10 of 50 ....................... 3 3 of 4 .......................
This is part of a bus timetable. The bus travels from Middleton to Tyebridge, passing
through six other villages.
Activity E2
This pie chart shows how 100 children
travel to their local school.
48 travel by car
25 by bus
12 by bike
9 by taxi
6 walk to school
Activity E3
Would the number of people who could travel on a bus be called discrete data or
continuous data?
Activity E4
Calculate the range of these two lists of numbers and say which list has the larger spread.
Activity E5
What percentage is 1 9 of 12? ................ 2 6 of 7? ................ 3 5 of 8? ................
Activity M1
Use the Internet to log on to a home catalogue site and find data about clothes to
fit yourself.
Use telephone directories, libraries, etc. to find information about fitness centres
in your area. Ask the centres for any leaflets they have about the services they
offer. Which offer the best deals?
Activity M2
Collect pie charts, bar charts, line graphs, etc. from a daily newspwper, for one
week. (Look in the weather and business sections.) Write about the information
shown in the charts and graphs you found.
Activity M3
Keep a record of how far you walk each day and draw a line graph to illustrate
the data.
Keep a record of how many hours you watch television each day and illustrate
this in a line graph and a bar chart.
Activity M4
Make a list of five different foods that you usually buy. Visit your local
supermarkets and grocery stores and make a list of the prices of these items.
What is the range of prices for each item?
What is the median and mean price of each item?
Activity M5
Find out how many people in your class or where you work are female and how
many are male. Calculate what percentage are female and what percentage are
Activity M6
Use a thermometer to measure the outside temperature at the same time each day
for one week. Draw a line graph to illustrate the data.
Find a formula for changing the temperature in Fahrenheit into the temperature
in Celsius. You could visit your local library or adult education centre, or use the
................ 40
................ 20
................ 0
walk cycle car
3 Choose a scale and draw bars on the chart below to illustrate the data.
a 20 children walk to school
b 35 children cycle to school
c 50 children are driven to school
Add a title.
Number of children
Activity C3
Temperature conversion graph
This graph will 250
help you to convert
the temperature from
Fahrenheit to Celsius.
1 What Fahrenheit
temperature is
approximately 0
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Then complete the sentences below.
I am confident with
Date ........................................................................
e underweight 10
2 a between 70 kg and 75 kg 8
b between 58 kg and 61 kg
c between 69 kg and 75 kg 5
d between 69 kg and 78 kg
e between 76 kg and 83 kg 2
f between 61 kg and 64 kg 1
Protein Saturated fat Sodium
Weight in kg
2 a C b A c B
Height Small Medium Large
in cm frame frame frame
160 50–56
163 56–63
165 53–59
Activity 2
Activity 4
1 a 0.1 g of saturated fat and 0.3 g of salt
b 6.2 g of saturated fat and 0.5 g of salt 1 a 120 b 100 c 85 d 75 e faster
c 0.4 g of fibre f 27 12 and again at 40
d 10.2 g of protein 2 Your answers should be close to
e 13.0 g of carbohydrate a 16 km b 32 km c 40 km d 64 km
f 0.9 g of protein
g 0.4 g Activity 5
h 14.4 g 1 £20
i cream crackers
2 a discrete b discrete c continuous
2 a d discrete e continuous
Most Least
fat Drinking Cereal
fat Activity 6
Crisps Porridge
chocolate bars 1 Check your answer with your teacher.
b Activity 7
Most Least 1 a 38 b 62 c 29
sodium sodium
2 301
c Crisps
Activities M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6
Answers will vary. Check your answers with your
❝ My sister, Kim, is
expecting twins!
Talk about it
What are the chances that Kim will have:
● two girls?
● two boys?
● a girl and a boy?
If my sister were expecting just one baby, there would be two possible outcomes
for the sex of the baby: a girl or a boy. We are going to assume that these are
equally likely events.
Activity 1
sex of first twin
The table is one way of recording the outcomes
of two events. It is a sample space table. G B
Along the top it shows the two
possible outcomes of the sex of the
first twin (G is girl, B is boy).
sex of second twin
Down the side it shows the two
possible outcomes of the sex of the B GB BB
second twin.
2 There is only one outcome both twins will be girls, shown by the lilac square
GG. The probability of two girls is ................. Write P(2 girls) = ...................................
so theoretically, my sister is more likely to have a girl and a boy, than two girls or
two boys.
What is the probability that my sister will have twins of the same sex?
Activity 2
There are three primary colours: blue, yellow and red. When different colours are
mixed together, new colours are produced. Kim has two boxes each containing
tins of the three primary colour paints. Kim is going to select a tin from each box
and mix them together. Complete the table to show the possible results.
First colour
Blue (B) BB YB RB
Yellow (Y) BY
Red (R)
1 Using the three primary colours how many ways can two colours be mixed?
HINT: Mixing blue with blue i.e. BB does not give a new colour.
3 What is the probability that the mixture does not result in a new colour? ..........................................
4 What is the probability that the mixture produces a new colour? ..........................................
5 Orange is a mixture of red and yellow. What is the probability that the new colour can be
Do your own colour experiment. Make two hexagonal spinners. On each spinner
mark three equal sections and label/colour them blue, yellow, red. Spin both
spinners and record the results in the table.
Do another 30 spins. Now count the number of times you got orange.
Look back at the probability of making orange (from Activity 2). What was it? ..........................................
When you do an experiment your results will only be close to the probability if
you carried out the experiment a large number of times (and, as far as this is
concerned, 60 is small). Go on spinning your two spinners in batches of 30 and
see if your results get closer to the expected probability.
? Review
Tree diagrams
Possible outcomes of two throws
Another event that has two possible
outcomes is tossing a coin.
What are the possible outcomes when I toss
a coin twice?
Activity 3
1 How many possible outcomes of the two throws are there? .....................................
2 What are the chances of throwing two heads? Write the answer as a fraction.
3 What are the chances of throwing two tails? Write the answer as a fraction.
4 What are the chances of throwing one head and one tail? Write the answer as a fraction.
The number of possible outcomes of tossing a coin is the same as the number of
possible outcomes for the sex of twins! There are two possible outcomes for each
single event (head/tail, girl/boy), and four possible outcomes for the combined
Activity 4
Draw a sample space table to show the possible outcomes of tossing a coin twice.
Activity 5
Draw a tree diagram to show the possible outcomes of the sex of twins.
4 Look back to Activity 3 to find the probability of
throwing two heads with two tosses. It was TTH
5 What do you think the probability will be of throwing four heads with four tosses?
Talk about it
Discuss your answers with your group and with your teacher.
? Review
Look at the table. Along the top it shows the possible score on the first dice.
Down the side it shows the possible score on the second dice.
The coloured squares show the total score of the two dice. Complete the table.
3 4 7
4 5 6 9 10
5 6 9
6 7 8
Activity 8
Simplify your answers where possible. Give your answers to probability questions as
fractions, unless otherwise stated.
1 How many possible outcomes are there? (How many coloured squares are there?)
5 Which other total score has the same probability as a score of 2? .....................................
6 You are ..................................... times more likely to score a total of 7 than a total of 2
with two dice.
12 Work out the probability that your score is not a prime number.
Give your answer as a fraction and as a percentage.
b as a decimal? ..............................
c as a percentage? ........................
? Review
‘Scissors, Paper, Stone’ is a traditional and entertaining game for two or more
players. Scissors are shown by using two fingers as if about to cut. Paper is shown
by holding the hand flat. Stone is shown by forming a fist. All players show their
hand at the same time. Revealing the same shape is a draw. However, scissors cut
(beats) paper, paper wraps (beats) stone, and stone blunts (beats) scissors.
Activity 9
The possible outcomes of two players can be shown in a table. Complete the
table. C means scissors, P means paper, S means stone.
Player 1
Player 2
1 How many possible outcomes are there for the results of each show? .....................................
2 How many outcomes are there where the players draw? .....................................
Independent events
Two events are independent if one event does not affect the
outcome of the other event e.g. tossing a coin and rolling a dice.
For beginners the directions are left (L), right (R) and centre (C), and the speeds
are fast (F), medium (M) and slow (S). For example, a ball may be served at the
player to the left and at a medium speed.
2 What is the probability that a player gets a slow ball served to the right?
3 What is the probability that a player gets a ball served to the right?
? Review
Second spin
Activity H2
Fred has a random button on his car radio. He has preset it with his favourite
stations. At the push of a button he gets a station that he likes while he’s driving.
At the moment he has only preset three stations: Easy FM (E), ChatRadio (C) and
HitUK (H). Complete the tree diagram for two pushes of the random button.
2 What is the probability Fred gets the same station twice in a row?
1 Draw a tree diagram to show the three outcomes of her three choices. Put the
points score of each outcome. (Hint: use a full sheet of paper – the finished
diagram may be large!)
4 Put a ring round the final outcomes on your diagram that show 20 points.
5 What is the probability that Susie gets her money back? ........................................................................
Activity E2
Will makes a game for the fair. It uses two dice: one is a standard dice and the
other has the numbers 5 to 10. The game asks that the players multiply the scores
on the dice. Will needs to look at the possible outcomes to ensure that he will
make a profit from the game.
5 5 10 15
4 What is the probability of scoring more than 50?
Write your answer as a fraction.
6 6 12
6 What is the probability of scoring a prime number? Write your answer as a fraction.
Activity M1
Play the game ‘Paper, Scissors, Stone’ with another person. Play it nine times.
Record your answers.
Compare your results with the table in Activity 9. What do you notice?
Activity M2
Roll two dice 36 times and record the number of times you score a total of 7.
Look back to Activity 8. How many times would you expect to score 7 with
36 throws? 72 throws? How close was your result?
How many times do you have to roll the dice to make your results close to the
Activity M3
Obtain a bus or train timetable for your local area.
Use the timetable to record whether the bus or train is late/on time/early over a
number of occasions.
You will need to decide exactly what ‘on time’ means and how you will know
this. You will also need to decide on how many ‘occasions’ you are going to
record this information.
To what extent would you feel confident in using this information to determine
the time you turned up to catch this bus or train in the future?
2 What is the probability of throwing two heads when a coin is tossed twice?
3 1, 3
4 1, 4
5 1, 5
6 1, 6
3 Have you got a better chance of throwing double 1 or double 6? Use the
probabilities to explain your answer.
4 Choose a number from 1 to 6. If you throw only one dice, what are the
chances of throwing this number?
Look at the outcomes in the table. Mark every square that shows the number
you chose.
5 If you throw two dice, what are the chances of your number coming up on at
least one dice?
How am I doing?
Now look back at the skills listed on page 1.
Then complete the sentences below.
I am confident with
Date ........................................................................
Blue (B) BB YB RB
Activity 8
Yellow (Y) BY YY RY Score on first dice
1 2 3 4 5 6
Red (R) BR YR RR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 9
Score on second dice
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 1
3 9
= 3
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 2
4 9
= 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Activity 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 4
1 36
2 4
2 7
3 4 6 1
3 36
= 6
2 1
4 4
= 2 1
4 36
Activity 4 5 12
6 You are six times more likely to score a total of
H T 7 than a total of 2.
10 5
H HH TH 7 36
= 18
3 1
8 36
= 12
T HT TT 1 1
9 a 2
b 2
c 1 d Check your answer
with your teacher.
Activity 5 10 2, 3, 5, 7, 11
11 P(prime) = 36
= 0.417
21 7
Sex of Sex of 12 P(not prime) = 36
= 12
= 58%
first twin second twin
13 P(multiple 5) = 36
= 0.194 =19%
Activity 9
Player 1
Player 2
G RS 1 9
3 1
2 9
= 3
CM Extension
Activity E1
A KAA 25
2nd spin
KAK 20
K KKA 20
KKK 15
1 2
1 1
2 2 2 8
3 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 1 5, 1 6, 1
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 3 1, 3 2, 3 3, 3 4, 3 5, 3 6, 3
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 4 1, 4 2, 4 3, 4 4, 4 5, 4 6, 4
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 5 1, 5 2, 5 3, 5 4, 5 5, 5 6, 5
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 6 1, 6 2, 6 3, 6 4, 6 5, 6 6, 6
2 1
1 36
6 1
3 0 2 36
= 6
1 1
4 2
= 1
3 P(1,1) = 36
, P(6,6) = 36
, so no better chance
5 13
= 0.36 4 6
6 2
= 1
5 36
– better chance than on one dice, which is
1 6
or 36
Check it
Activity C1
2 1
1 6
= 3
2 4