Directorate General Border Roads Directorate General Border Roads Directorate General Border Roads
Directorate General Border Roads Directorate General Border Roads Directorate General Border Roads
Directorate General Border Roads Directorate General Border Roads Directorate General Border Roads
2-12 Low Water Level: (LWL) Low water level is the level generally prevailing in the
stream / river during dry weather.
2.13 Ordinary Flood Level (OFL): Ordinary Flood Level is the level to which the
stream / river generally rises during monsoon period every year.
2.14 Return Walls: Return wall is a wall adjacent to abutment and parallel to road to
retain approach embankment.
2.15 Right of way: Right of way is the land made available and / or acquired for
development of road.
2-16Road Over Bridge (ROB): Road Over Bridge in a bridge built over the railway
2.17 Road Under Bridge (RUB): Road under Bridge is a structure built beneath the
Railway tracks.
2.18 Span: Span is the horizontal distance between the center line of adjacent to
supports of a bridge superstructure, or maximum distance between the inner walls of
aculvert measured along its axis.
2.20 Superstructure: The portion of a bridge structure above bearings, which directly
supports pedestrian /ventricular / other transient loads and transfers the same to the
2.21 Toe Wall: Toe wall is a wall built at the end of the slope of earthen embankment
to prevent slipping of earth and / or pitching.
2.22 Vertical Clearance: For a channel, vertical clearance is the height from the
design flood level with afflux or high tide level, to the lowest point of the
superstructure, at the position along the bridge where clearance is being denoted.
2.23 Width of Carriage way: Width of carriage way is the minimum clear width
measured at right angles to the longitudinal center line of the bridge between inside
faces of crash barrier / Kerbs / Medians. For divided carriage way, it is measured
between inner laces of crash barrier / Kerb/median
2.24 Wing Wall: Wing wall is a splayed return wall usually at 45 degree to the road
3.Classification of Bridge
Bridges are classified on the basis of their principal function, material used in
construction, length, structural form, system of support, construction technology and
deck level w.r.t highest flood level. The broad details of bridge classification are as
3.1 Length: - Based on length, structures are classified as below: -
(a) Culvert: - as defined in clause 2.6
(b) Bridge: - as defined in clause 2.3
3.1.1 The bridges are further classified as minor and major bridges as below: -
(a) Minor bridge is a bridge having a total length of up to 60m as per MORT&H.
However, in BRO bridges having length more than six mtrs and up to 30 mtrs are
termed as Minor Bridge.
(b) Major bridge is a bridge having a total length of more than 60m as per
MORT&H. However, in BRO bridges having total length of 30 mtrs or above are
termed as Major Bridge.
3.1.2 Bridges having span length (s) of 150 m or more are classified as long span
3.2 Superstructure: -
3.2.1. Form of superstructure – Based on form and type of superstructures, bridges
are classified as under: -
(a) Arch
(b) Solid slab
(c) Voided slab
(d) T-Beam and slab
(e) Suspension
(f) Cable stayed
(g) Extra –dosed
(h) Box Girder
(i) Single/Multi-cell Box
(j) Truss
3.2.2 System of support for superstructure: - Bridges are classified on the basis of
systems of support asunder:
(a) Simple supported
(b) Continuous
(c) Integral
(d) Balanced cantilever
(e) Cable supported
3.3 Construction Technology: - Based on technology for construction adopted,
bridges are classified asunder: -
(a) In-situ
(b) Precast or Prefabricated
(c) Cantilever
(d) Incremental launching
(e) Span by span
(f) Segmental
4.Load classification
The load classification of all permanent bridge on a road, irrespective of its
classification as culvert, Minor Bridge,Major Bridge will remain the same. Unless
otherwise specialized by user in case of Agency work, the load classification for
permanent Bridges will be 70R for all types of roads i.e., NH/SH/IMDR and Cl-9(N)
For 2 lane bridges, substructure and super structure will be designed for one lane of
Class 70R or two lane of class A load as per IRC6- 2017. Whichever produces
higher stresses.
For higher or lower values of lane numbers, load combination as per IRC-table-06
may be referred.
5. Width
5.1 Overall width of Bridge: - Overall width of permanent bridges with or without
footpath will be as below: -
(a) P.S.C Box Girder Bridge/Conc Bridge Team with slab/Truss Bridge (Deck
type)- (with footpath) – 12.15m
(Refer Fig-1)
(b) P.S.C BoxGirder Bridge/Concrete Bridge T - Beamwith slab/Truss Bridge
(Deck Type) without Footpath- 8.40m
5.2 Width of Carriage way: - For high level bridges constructed for the use of road
traffic only, the width of carriage way shall not be less than 4.25 m for a single lane
bridge, 7.5 m for a two-lane bridge and shall be increased by 3.5 m for every
additional lane at traffic for a multiple lane bridge.
Road bridges shall provide for either one lane, two lanes or multiple of two lanes;
Three lane bridge shall not be constructed.
5.3 Width at Footpath: - When a footpath isprovided, its clear width shall not be
less than 1.5 m. For urban and populated areas having large concentration of
pedestrian traffic, the width of the footpath shall be suitably increased.
5.4 Kerbs, Crash barrier and Railings: - The details of Kerbs railing and crash
barrier of permanent bridges shall be as shown in Fig-2 & 3.
5.5Approach slab: - Minimum length of RCC approach slab in traffic direction should
be 4 m and its thickness should not be less than 30 cm.
6.Geometric Parameters
6.1 Camber: - The cross slope on bridge shall be consistent with cross slop at the
adjoining road way. Generally, 2.5% camber (Cross slope) shall be provided over
bridge deck.
6.2 Longitudinal Gradient: - The maximum longitudinal gradient on bridges shall
be consistent with the gradient of approach roads as per relevant IRC Codes.
Generally, 0.3% gradient may be taken for deck slab in the traffic direction while
planning and design of bridge from drainage consideration.
6.3. Approaches to Bridges: - The approaches on either side at the bridge for a
length of at least 15 m shall continue to have the same horizontal profile as that
provided for the bridge.Thus, for straight bridge 15 m straight length on either side of
bridge should be provided.
6.4. Skew Bridges:- Skew Angle in any Bridge should preferably not exceed 30 0.
6.5 Vertical profile: - Locating bridges on vertical say curves shall be avoided as far
as possible, as vehicle dynamic effect are increase and appearance is adversely
affected. A single vertical Curve shall be provided for bridges having total length upto
30 m.
6.6 Super elevation: The super elevation and additional widening on the deck of
the bridge on a horizontal Curve shall be provided in accordance with the relevant
IRC Codes.
Transition from normal cross slope to full super elevation shall be avoided over a
bridge as far as possible.
7.1 Vertical clearance over HFL: - The vertical clearance shall ordinarily
beprovided in accordance with following table as per IRC 05 2015.
Discharge (in cum) Minimum vertical clearance(in mm)
Upto 0.3 150
Above 0.3 – upto 3.0 450
Above 3.0 and upto 30.0 600
Above 30 and upto 300 900
Above 300 and upto 3000 1200
Above 3000 1500
No part of the bearings shall be at a height less than 500 mm above the designH.F.L
takinginto account afflux.
In hilly areas keeping in view large amount of flow of debris, minimum vertical
clearance shall be 1.5m.
7.2 Vertical clearance over road: - The minimum vertical clearance of any
structure provided over the project road shall be 5.5 m.
7.3 Clearance over Railway lines: - For ROBs across railway lines, horizontal and
vertical clearance shall be governed by the requirement of the Railway Authority.
8. Other Relevant Details
8.1 Design Speed of Vehicles on Bridge: Design speed over the Bridge shall be
consistent with the design speed on the approach road.
8.2 Design Life of Bridge: All structural components are designed for minimum 100
years. (depending upon importance and criticality of the bridge, a higher design life
may be prescribed.)
Ancillary items like bearings, expansion joints wearing coat etc. will be designed as
per provisions of respective codes of practice. (Provision for replacement of these
items shall be ensured in design and drawing)
8.3 Width of Roadway for Bridges: Width of road (Formation width and Carriage way)
near bridge will have the same as per road classification except near bridge where in
15m length on both ends of bridge, carriage way of road and bridge will be paved as
per Fig- 4
8.4Restricted Waterway: In Hilly terrain waterway at HFL should not be restricted
because that will cause undesirable hydraulic jumps as the flow in such a terrain is
usually super critical.
8.5Demolition Chamber:As per Government of India, MoD letter no 23/11/2013-
D(GS-III-B) dated 27 Nov 2017, “All permanent bridges of classification 40
(Equivalent to Class-A) and above within 40 Km belt from the borders and of overall
length of 25m or more between the faces of the abutments should be considered for
provision of demolition chambers. This is applicable to bridges over DCBs also. Each
bridge will be considered on merit from the operational point of view and decision
taken whether to provide demolition chambers will be taken by the CE of respective
Army Command. The design specifications of such chambers should be cleared
from CE of respective army command.”
8.6Seismic Arrestor and Reaction Block:In seismic zone iv and v to prevent
dislodgement of superstructure, reaction blocks or other types of seismic arresters
shall be provided
8.7Bridges in Snow Bound Areas:For bridges in high altitude, where the road is likely
to pass through snow bound areas and avalanche prone slopes, snow removal and
avalanche control should be one of the factors to be considered in the planning
stage of the road bridges.
9. Temporary Bridges
The load classification for all types of temporary bridges shall be as provided in table
S. N Road Classification Load Classification Remarks
1 NH & SH Cl 70 R Double/Single lane
2 MDR Cl 24 R Single lane
3 Cl 9 (N) Roads Cl 24 R/ 18 R Single lane
4 Cl 5 (N) Roads Cl 18 R Single lane
10. Conclusions
This TI is intended to provide only broad outline of the specifications for Bridges on
BRO Roads. For detailed information for hydraulic data collection and design of
bridges latest revised IRC and IS codes may be referred to. Recently IRC design
codes has been revised based on Limit State Design philosophy. A list of relevant
IRC codes is at Appendix “A”.
23 IRC: SP:56- 2011 Guidelines for Steel Pedestrian Bridges (First Revision)