Pre-Board Examination 2021-22: Chemistry (Set - A) Class - Xii

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Date : 08-11-2021 Duration : 1½ hrs M.M. : 35 Class - XII


General Instructions :
(i) The Question Paper contains three sections.
(ii) Section A has 25 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
(iii) Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
(iv) Section C ha 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions.
(v) All questions carry equal marks.
(vi) There is no negative marking.

SECTION - A 5. Fluorine differ from rest of halogen in some

This section consists of 25 multiple choice property. This is due to
questions with overall choice to attempt any (1) It small size high electronegativity
20 questions. In case more than desirable (2) Absence of d-orbitals
number of questions are attempted. ONLY
first 20 will be considered for evaluation. (3) Low bond dissociation energy
1. Affinity for hydrogen decreases in the group from (4) All of these
fluorine to iodine. Which of the halogen acids 6. Partial hydrolysis of XeF4 gives
should have highest bond dissociation enthalpy?
(1) XeO3 (2) XeOF4
(1) HF (2) HCl
(3) XeOF2 (4) XeF2
(3) HBr (4) HI
7. The major organic product in the reaction,
2. The boiling point of an azeotropic mixture of
C2H5–O–CH(CH3)2 + HI  product : is/are
water and ethanol is less than that of water and
ethanol. The mixture shows (1) C2H5OH + ICH(CH3)2
(1) No deviation from Raoult’s Law (2) C2H5I + OHCH(CH3)2
(2) Positive deviation from Raoult’s Law (3) IC2H4OCH(CH3)2
(3) Negative deviation from Raoult’s law (4) C2H5OCl(CH3)2
(4) that the solution is unsaturated 8. Chlorine reacts with excess of NH3 to form
3. Among the following, which one is a wrong
(1) NH4Cl (2) N2 + HCl
statement ?
(3) N2 + NH4Cl (4) NCl3 + HCl
(1) NCl5 and BiCl5 do not exist
(2) p-d bonds are present in SO3 9. The correct acidic strength order of the following
(3) SF4 and CH4 have same shape OH OH OH
(4) O3 has bent geometry
4. Which of the following will give iodo from test
(1) pentan-3-ol (2) bantan-2-one
(3) pentanol (4) Benzophenone I II III
is -
(1) I > II > III (2) III > I > II 17. Amino acids are classified as acidic, basis or
(3) II > III > I (4) I > III > II neutral amino acids. Which of the following is
basic ?
10. An unripe mango placed in a concentrated salt
solution to prepare pickle, shrivels because (1) (CH3 )2CH–CH–COOH
(1) It gains water due to osmosis NH2
(2) It loses water due to reverse osmosis
(3) It gains water due to reverse osmosis
(4) It loses water due to osmosis
11. Which compound is predominantly formed when (3) H2N–(CH2)3–CH2–CH–COOH
phenol is allowed to react with bromine in NH2
aqueous medium ?
(1) Picric acid (4) HOOC–CH2–CH–COOH
(2) o-Bromophenol NH2
(3) 2, 4, 6-Tribromophenol 18. Crystalline solids are :
(4) p-Bromophenol (1) Anisotropic (2) Isotropic
12. The increasing order of reducing power of the (3) Isomeric (4) Isotopic
halogen acids is 19. CH2 + HBr  A; 'A' is
(1) HF < HCl < HBr < HI
(2) HI < HBr < HCl < HF
(3) HBr < HCl < HF < Hl Br
(4) HCl < HBr < HF < HI
13. The formation of O2+[PtF6]–is the basis for the CH3
formation of first xenon compound. This is (2)
Br CH3
(1) O2 and Xe have different size
(2) Both O2 and Xe are gases
(3) O 2 and Xe have comparable CH3
electronegativities (4)
(4) O2 and Xe have comparable ionisation
14. The value of Henry’s constant KH is ________ . 20. DNA and RNA differ in
(1) Greater for gases with higher solubility (1) Sugar
(2) Greater for gases with lower solubility (2) Purines (Bicyclic Bases)
(3) Constant for all gases (3) Pyrimidines (Monocyclic bases)
(4) Not related to the solubility of gases (4) Both (1) and (3)
15. Which relationship is not correct ? 21. Hydrolysis of sucrose gives
(1) Glucose only
K b .1000.W2
(1) Tb  (2) Glucose + fructose
M2 .W1
(3) Glucose and galactose
K f .1000.W1
(2) M2  (4) Maltose
W2 .Tb
22. What is the coordination number in a square
n2 close packed structure in two dimension
(3)  RT
V (1) 2 (2) 3
(3) 4 (4) 6
po  ps W2 M1 23. The synthesis of alkyl fluoride is best
(4)  
po M2 W1 accomplished by
16. Which of the following undergoes nucleophilic (1) Finkelstein reaction
substitution exclusively by SNI mechanism ? (2) Swartz reaction
(1) Ethyl chloride (2) Benzyl chloride (3) Free radical fluorination
(3) Chlorobenzene (d) Methyl chloride (4) Sandmeyer’s reaction
24. What is the correct order of reactivity of alcohol Reason (R) : Osmosis doesn’t take place is two
in the following reaction ? isotonic solution seperated by SPM
ZnCl Select the most appropriate answer from the
R – OH  HCl 
 R – Cl  H2O
options given below :
(1) 1° > 2° > 3° (2) 1° < 2° < 3° (1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
(3) 3° > 2° > 1° (4) 3° > 1° > 2° explanation of A.
25. In which pair most efficient packing is present? (2) Both A and R are true but R is not the
(1) hep and bcc correct explanation of A.
(2) bcc and simple cubic cell (3) A is true but R is false.
(3) bcc and ccp (4) A is false but R is true.
(4) hep and ccp 29. Given below are two statements labelled as
Assertion (A) and Reason (R)
Assertion (A) : HI cannot be prepared by the
reaction of KI with concentrated H2SO4
This section consists of 24 multiple choice
Reason (R) : HI has lowest X-X bond strength
questions with overall choice to attempt any
among halogen acids.
20 questions. In case more than desirable
number of questions are attempted, ONLY Select the most appropriate answer from the
first 20 will be considered for evaluation. options given below :
26. Given below are two statements labelled as (1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
Assertion (A) and Reason (R) explanation of A.
Assertion (A) : Scuba divers may face a medical (2) Both A and R are true but R is not the
condition called ‘bends’. correct explanation of A.
Reason (R) : ‘Bends’ can be explained with the (3) A is true but R is false.
help of Henry’s law as it states that partial (4) A is false but R is true.
pressure of gas is inversely proportional to its 30. Osmotic pressure of a solution is 0.0821 atm at
mole fraction. a temperature of 300 K. The concentration in
Select the most appropriate answer from the moles/ litre will be (R = 0.0821 LatmK–1mol–1)
options given below : (1) 0.33 (2) 0.666
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct –2
(3) 0.3 × 10 (4) 3
explanation of A.
31. The density of a metal which crystallises in fcc
(2) Both A and R are true but R is not the lattice with unit cell edge length 4.07 × 10–8cm
correct explanation of A. and molar mass 106.96 g mol–1 will be
(3) A is true but R is false. (1) 10.5 g cm–3 (2) 14.2 g cm–3
(4) A is false but R is true.
(3) 6.15 g cm–3 (4) 9.32 g cm–3d
27. Given below are two statements labelled as
Assertion (A) and Reason (R) 32. Propan-2-ol can be converted into Propanone by
Assertion (A) : SF can be hydrolyzed but SF (1) Catalytic hydrogenation
6 4
cannot be hydrolzyed (2) Treatment with LiAlH4
Reason (R) : Six F atoms in SF6 prevent attack (3) Treatment with Pyridinium
of H2O on sulphur atom in SF6 chlorochromate
Select the most appropriate answer from the (4) Treatment with KMnO4
options given below :
33. Which of the following compound will undergo
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
recemisation when reacts with aq. KOH ?
explanation of A.
(2) Both A and R are true but R is not the CH2Cl
correct explanation of A.
(3) A is true but R is false. (1) (2) CH3CH2CH2Cl
(4) A is false but R is true.
28. Given below are two statements labelled as CH3 H
Assertion (A) and Reason (R) (3) (4)
Assertion (A) : Isotonic solutions have the same
osmotic pressure. C2H5
34. If 4.27 grams of sucrose, C 12 H 22 O 11 , are 42. Hot cone. H2SO 4 acts as moderately strong
dissolved in 15.2 grams of water, what will be oxidising agent. It oxidises both metals and non-
the boiling point of the resulting solution ? metals. Which of the following element is
(Kb for water = 0.512 °C/m) oxidised by conc. H2SO4 to give an odourless gas
and a gas with suffocating odour together as
(1) 100.42 °C (2) 101.64 °C
products ?
(3) 99.626 °C (4) 100.73 °C
(1) Zn (2) C
35. The covalency of Nitrogen atom in ammonium
(3) K (4) S
ion is
43. Phenols are more acidic than alcohols because
(1) One (2) Two
(1) Phenoxide ion is stabilised by resonance
(3) Three (4) Four
(2) Phenols are more soluble in polar solvents
36. Ethene decolourises bromine water in presence
of CCl4 due to formation of (3) Phenoxide ion does not exhibit resonance
(1) Allyl bromide (4) Alcohols do not lose H atoms at all
(2) Vinyl bromide 44. Edge length of unit cell of a ‘X’ metal is 240 pm
with bcc arrangement. The atomic radius is of
(3) Ethylene dibromide
the order
(4) Ethylidene bromide
(1) 150.21 pm (2) 103.92 pm
37. Identify Z in the series
(3) 124.27 pm (4) 143.5 pm
Conc.H SO Br Excess of
C3 H7 OH  2
 X 
 Y 
Z 45. The correct order of oxidising power is

(1) (2) (1) HCIO4 > HCIO3 > HCIO2 > HCIO

NH2 NH2 (2) HOCI > HCIO2 > HCIO3 > HCIO4
(3) HCIO3 > HCIO4 > HCIO2 > HCIO
(3) (4) CH3 – C  CH
46. H2S is more acidic than H2O because
38. During denaturation of Proteins, which of the
following structures does not get affected (1) Oxygen has more electron gain enthalpy
(1) Primary structure than sulphur
(2) Secondary structure (2) Atomic number of sulphur is lesser than
(3) Tertiary structure
(3) H–O bond dissociation energy is lesser than
(4) All the above
H–S bond
39. The reaction of toluene with Br2 in presence of
FeBr3 gives ‘X’ while the reaction of toluenes (4) H–S bond dissociation energy is lesser than
with Br2 in presence of light gives ‘Y’. Thus ‘X’ H–O bond
and ‘Y’ are : 47. Oxidation state of sulphur in H2S2O8 is
(1) X=Benzyl bromide Y =o and p– Bromotoluene (1) +4 (2) +5
(2) X = m– Bromotoluene Y = p – Bromotoluene (3) +6 (4) –2
(3) X= o and p–Bromotoluene Y= Benzylbromide 48. Which of the following are used to convert
(4) X = Benzyl bromide, Y = m–chlorotoluene CH3CHO into CH3CHOHC2H5 ?
40. Which of the following is non-reducing sugar? (1) H2/Pd
(1) Glucose (2) Sucrose (2) Reaction wit h C 2 H 5 MgBr followed by
(3) Maltose (4) Lactose
(3) LiAIH4
41. Which of the following options are not in
accordance with the property mentioned against (4) React ion with CH 3 MgBr followed by
them ? hydrolysis
(1) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2 -Oxidising power 49. Propanone on reaction with alkyl magnesium
bromide followed by hydrolysis will produce
(2) F2 > Cl 2 > Br 2 > I 2 - Bond dissociation
enthalpy (1) Primary alcohol
(3) MF > MCl > MBr > MI - Ionic character of (2) Secondary alcohol
alkali metal halide (3) Tertiary alcohol
(4) HI < HBr < HCI < Hf - Hydrogen-halogen (4) Carboxylic acid
bond strength
SECTION - C CASE 1 : Read the passage given below and
This section consists of 6 multiple choice answer the following questions 53 -55
questions with an overall choice to attempt An ideal crystal has regular arrangement of
any 5. In case more than desirable number of constituent particles which is given rise to a
questions are attempted, ONLY first 5 will be perfect crystalline substance in which the
considered for evaluation. entr opy must be zero at absolute zero
50. Which of the following analogies is correct : temperature but in reality such crystals suffer
from certain defects called imperfections.
(1) Glucose : optically inactive :: Glycine :
These defects arises due to dislocation of
Optically active
constituting part icles from their normal
(2) Sucrose : Polysacchar ide :: Gly-Ala: position or movement of constituent particles
Dipeptide out of crystal lattice. Such defect arises due to
(3) Protein: Peptide :: Nucleic acid : rise in temperature or due to addition of
Phosphodiester impurities. These kind of defects not only
(4) DNA : Ribose :: Amino acids : Zwitter ions modify the existing properties of crystalline
solids but might also impart new properties to
51. Match the compounds given in Column I with
the hybridisation and shape given in Column II
and mark the correct option. 53. AgCl is crystallized from molten AgCl containing
a little CdCl2. The solid obtained will have
Column I Column II
(1) Anionic vacancies
(A) XeF6 (i) sp3d3–distorted octahedral
(2) Cationic vacancies equal to number of
(B) XeO3 (ii) sp3d2–square planar
Cd2+ions incorporated
(C) XeOF4 (iii) sp3–pyramidal
(3) Cationic vacancies equal to double the
(D) XeF4 (iv) sp3d2–square pyramidal numbero of Cd2+ions
(1) A-(i), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(ii) (4) Neither cationic nor anionic vacancies
(2) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(iii) 54. The stoichiometric defect that does not change
(3) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(ii) the density of the crystal ?
(4) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii) (1) Frenkel defects
52. Complete the following analogy : (2) Schottky defect
A : Wurtz reaction :: B : Fittig reaction (3) Vacancy defect
(1) A : ROH B : ArOH (4) Impurity defect where NaCl is doped with
(2) A : RCN B : RNC SrCl2
(3) A : RX B : ArX 55. Which of the following gives both Frenkel and
Schottky defect ?
(4) A : Non polar B : Polar
(1) AgCl (2) CsCl
(3) KCl (4) AgBr



Total Marks : 35
Test no. -03_08-11-2021 Batch: XII

1. (1) 11. (3) 21. (2) 31. (1) 41. (2) 51. (1)

2. (2) 12. (1) 22. (3) 32. (3) 42. (2) 52. (3)

3. (3) 13. (4) 23. (2) 33. (4) 43. (1) 53. (2)

4. (2) 14. (2) 24. (4) 34. (1) 44. (2) 54. (1)

5. (4) 15. (2) 25. (4) 35. (4) 45. (1) 55. (4)

6. (3) 16. (2) 26. (3) 36. (3) 46. (4)

7. (2) 17. (3) 27. (4) 37. (4) 47. (3)

8. (3) 18. (1) 28. (1) 38. (1) 48. (2)

9. (2) 19. (1) 29. (3) 39. (3) 49. (3)

10. (1) 20. (4) 30. (3) 40. (2) 50. (2)

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