Automation and Robotics Join AICTE
Automation and Robotics Join AICTE
Automation and Robotics Join AICTE
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Being an Active Learner
► If you do your part to be an active learner by
► Listening- mouth closed, ears, eyes,and minds open
► Following directions
► Doing your work
► Working well with others
I can ...
► Explain how engineers use automation & robotics
► Recognize key terms related to automation & robotics
► Explain the 3 stages of automation
► Summarize ways that robots are used in today's world
and the impact of their use on society.
► Describe positive and negative effects of
:. Do It!
automation and robotics on humans in '.~-
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terms of safety and economics. ·~..::I l • f
Automation & Robotics
► Engineers use automation and robotics to meet our
needs and wants by
► making manufacturing more efficient, productive, and safe
► performing jobs or to explore places that humans cannot
► designing assistive tools for people with disabilities
► providing equipment in hospitals to help with
► surgery,
► to deliver food
► or to dispense medications.
► Making household helpers, performing chores like vacuuming
and mowing lawns
Before Automation
► Looking back only 200 years ago, most
products were produced by hand. This
method provided a limited quantity for
the masses. Typically, only the rich could
afford to purchase these hand-made
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Industrial Revolution - 1st Stage of
► ·F·ast~forw·a·raing··to··the··mia·a1·e··-of··trre···1·9th··········
century, and to the middle of the Industrial
Revolution, brings us to the time when
machines were being invented. This change
made it possible for one worker to produce
ten times the quantity of product in the same
amount of time.This lowered prices and
made it possible for more people to
purchase what they needed.
► w.. as. ..the....l-~-~--Stage...of-Automation ...
2 nd Stage of Automation
► The advent of the computer in the 1960s resulted in
programmable, intelligent,machines that needed little
human intervention - this is known as the 2 nd Stage of
3 rd Stage of Automation
► The 3 rd stage of automation occurred in the 1980s with
the creation of powerful software.
Key Terms
► You may recognize some of these terms
► The following terms are explained thru the world of an
PL: •
► Controlling a process by electronic
devices, reducin,2 human intervention to a
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Home Management System
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► Technology dealing with the design,
construction, and operation of robots in
► A robot is a machine that performs
complicated tasks and is guided by controls or
by a program.
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Computer Program
► In robotics, a set of coded instructions the
robot must follow.
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► Solving a oroblem in the least amount of steps
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► The process of detecting and eliminating a
device's malfunctions.
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► The process of locating trouble and making
repairs in machinery and technical equipment.
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What is the Difference?
Automation / Robotics / Robots
~ -· ~~~ • Automation is replacing
human input with
electronic controls so
minimum human
intervention is needed.
• Robotics involves the
design, construction, and
operation of a robot.
• A robot is a machine that
performs complicated
tasks and is guided by
controls or a program.
Robot - 1st Generations
• First generation robots
were designed to
perform factory work.
• Such robots performed
simple tasks that were
dangerous or
unpleasant for people.
• Robots were used to
Weld , Spray Pal'nt, mo'1e
1961-Thefirstindustrlalrobotwasonlineina Genera/Motors
automobile factory in New Jersey. It was called UN/MATE. It
was used to pick up and put down parts.
heavy objects, handle
hot materials, etc.
Robot - 2nd Generations
• Second generation
Robots perform
more complex tasks
and simulate many
human functions.
• Such robots move,
sense surroundings,
and respond to
changes in their
Today's Robots
Industrial robots perform many factory jobs
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