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Optimal Sizing, Selection, and Techno-Economic

Analysis of Battery Storage for PV/BG-based
Hybrid Rural Electrification System

Murugaperumal Krishnamoorthy , Ajay D. Vimal Raj Periyanayagam , Ch.

Santhan Kumar , B. Praveen Kumar , Suresh Srinivasan & P. Kathiravan

To cite this article: Murugaperumal Krishnamoorthy , Ajay D. Vimal Raj Periyanayagam , Ch.
Santhan Kumar , B. Praveen Kumar , Suresh Srinivasan & P. Kathiravan (2020): Optimal Sizing,
Selection, and Techno-Economic Analysis of Battery Storage for PV/BG-based Hybrid Rural
Electrification System, IETE Journal of Research, DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2020.1787239

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2020.1787239

Published online: 09 Jul 2020.

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Optimal Sizing, Selection, and Techno-Economic Analysis of Battery Storage for

PV/BG-based Hybrid Rural Electrification System
Murugaperumal Krishnamoorthy 1 , Ajay D. Vimal Raj Periyanayagam2 , Ch. Santhan Kumar1 , B. Praveen Kumar1 ,
Suresh Srinivasan3 and P. Kathiravan4
1 Department of EEE, BIET, Hyderabad 501510, India; 2 Department of EEE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry 605014, India;
3 Department of EEE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Rajampet 516126, India; 4 Department of EEE, Sri Lakshmi Ammaal
Engineering College, Chennai 600126, India

The focus of the paper is on the renewable energy-based rural electrification system. Two concepts Comparative analysis; Flow
have been used in finding solutions to the issues related to this micro-grid system. The first is the best battery (Redflow zinc
fitted model of hybrid configuration system, which utilizes village-owned resources, such as abun- bromine battery); Hybrid
dant biomass and solar irradiation. The second is that observed improved performance in terms of electrification system
system sizing, techno-economic performance, and environmental stability of the hybrid model over Solid-state battery (lead acid;
different power storage backup media. The practical aspects and suggestion over the hybrid vil- Li-ion battery);
lage electrification system have been presented through a case study of Korkadu village, Puducherry Techno-economic
state, India. A comparative analysis of the hybrid model has been made with different power storage optimization analysis
backup systems, namely the solid-state battery (lead acid-ASM battery, Li-ion-ASM battery) and flow
battery (Redflow ZBM2 battery) arrangement. The result revealed hybrid rural electrification system
with LI battery as the most favourable choice of the electrification system to the village, considering
that its economic factor includes the total net present cost, cost of energy are found to be lowest.
The technical parameters of power production capacity surface and battery state of charge were
observed to be optimum with reduction in the environmental pollution parameter (GHS emission)

1. INTRODUCTION A study of literature relating to this subject has produced

Figures of the installed power in India show that major the knowledge in two folds: one is the plan and design of
power (65%) share is from fossil fuels and 19.2% power optimum development of renewable-based hybrid elec-
production from renewables [1,2]. Among the available trification system for rural electrification solutions. The
renewable resources, solar is very abundant in India other relates to the possibility of different hybrid rural
(in the range of 3.5–6 kWh/m2 /day) [3]. Therefore, the electrification system (HRES) configurations, including
solar-based energy production is the solution needed the various peak load managing backup systems such as
for the rural electrification system of India and it is these with a battery bank or without a battery (DG set).
the way to achieve the sustainable energy development Ganthia et al. [5] have recommended the PV/biomass-
through clear energy production. The Solar energy has based hybrid system for village load using the property of
not comfortable through the day due to uncertainty reduction in transmission and distribution loss over the
nature. Hence, the system needs a suitable energy alter- extinction of conventional grid continuity. Eteiba et al.
native technology to supplement the solar energy sys- [6] have proposed a solution for the HRE system involv-
tem [4]. The development of such an alternative energy ing genetic algorithm implementation. Patel et al. [7]
mix from a village resource will be ideal. Most of the have suggested a village electrification system through life
Indian villages concentrate on agricultural and animal cycle cost (LCC) analysis and indicated that the system
progression as their basic activities, leading to the vil- consists of Solar photovoltaic array with diesel gen-set as
lage into production of biomass in large quantities. This the finest configuration of HRE setup for the case study
study will help designing a solar and biomass-based conducted by them. Buonomano et al. [8] have studied
hybrid electrification system for rural area and its per- the cost effectiveness of the hybrid system with and with-
formance and cost effectiveness can be evaluated on out storage system, based on TRANSYS simulation envi-
the basis of different types of battery backup storage ronment and found PV/WT owning system as the best
arrangement. energy alternative energy mix for a typical Indian village.

© 2020 IETE

Akinyele et al. [9] attempted a PV-based off-grid elec- Table 1: Technical association parameter comparison of var-
trification system analysis and investigated 50–62.7 KW ious forms of battery chemistry
range of solar PV power system was an effective setup Flow Lead
(Zn–Br) acid > Lithium
for Nigeria household communities with constrains of battery battery ion battery
the entire PV array losses. Akinyele et al. [10,11] tried Key parameter [22,23] [17,18] [19–21]
to examine the solar PV-based hybrid system impacts on Cell voltage (Volt) 1.8 2 3.7
Energy density (wh/L) 35 50 200
different regions of Nigeria states in terms of life cycle Power density (W/L) < 25 10–400 1500–10,000
emission rate and net energy ratio. As a research out- Life span (in cycles) > 10,000 500–2000 1000–5000
come the solar based energy system has the reasonable Life time (in years) 10–15 5–15 5–20
Deep of discharge (%) 100 70–80 80–90
net energy ratio and least life cycle cost over than con- Round-trip efficiency (%) 75 85 92
ventional fossil fuel energy system for Nigerian regions.
Akinyele et al. [12] analysed the standalone hybrid energy
system with different performance technology of lead (LA), sodium-based iron (SI), nickel-based iron (NI),
acid battery chemistry arrangements and concluded that lithium-based iron (LI), and flow batteries are normally
depth of discharge (DOD 50–80%) of battery closely cre- used in HRE for the energy backup purpose. Among
ates high impacts on the overall system’s GHG emission these forms of batteries, chemistry, sodium- and nickel-
(36–68%) volume. Atia and Yamada [13] conducted a siz- based iron battery impacts on environmental hazards
ing and analysis of residential micro-grids by using mixed were found to be high due to the use of nontoxic mate-
integer linear programming approach and concluded that rials, high energy density, and the harmful decomposi-
the lithium ion battery-embedded hybrid energy system tion property with atmospheric air medium [9,21,22].
was more economical and environment-friendly efficient So these battery usages are deliberately avoided in the
system than other configuration scenarios. Olatomiwa high impact HRE system. Table 1 and Figure 1 show
et al. [14,15] have handled PV/wind/diesel/battery-based a technical association, taken from different literature
HRE system’s feasibility analysis for Nigerian climatic sources, for the remaining three suitable battery types,
zones. Borhanazad et al. [16] have analysed renewable namely, lead acid, lithium-based iron, and zinc bromine
energy-based rural electrification application setup for flow battery. After the analysis of different types of the
Malaysia regions. Deshmukh and Deshmukh [17] cre- scientific details, relating to the batteries of the second
ated hybrid modelling equations through probabilis- objective of this study, can be carried out such as the
tic approach, which consists of PV/wind/diseal/battery best hybrid renewable-based village electrification sys-
component parameters for techno-economic analysis of tem, which means the least net present cost (NPC), cost
the hybrid energy system. Sopian et al. [18] attempted of electricity, and a good operating performance with
the hybrid rural electrification system optimization using reduced environmental hazards.
the generic algorithms and recommended PV/wind
/hydro/diesel-based hybrid rural electrification system 2. MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF HYBRID
for cost effectiveness. Mishra et al. [19] simulated the RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEM
solar PV, wind, biogas-based hybrid system for the
selected region of Indian ecological by using HOMER The hybrid rural electrification system was planned
software. based on the availability of resource potential to accom-
plish the rural area load demand. A wide range of appa-
In the second fold of literature survey, very limited ratus with dissimilar constraints and sensitivities to opti-
researchers have focused on the HRES backup system. mize the system design were associated with the work.
Many of them have analysed the different battery char- The output power of any solar panel depends mainly
acteristics separately and recommended them for further upon climatic conditions and temperature gradient of
power storage application. When they become part of the geographical locations. The expression for the solar PV
hybrid electrification system, the performance of differ- output power (Ppv (t) in terms of the solar irradiation and
ent battery backup systems and effectiveness and cost effi- atmospheric temperature is [17,24,25]
cacy with environmental impact have never been taken Rt
up by others [20]. This study area might be refreshed Ppv (t) = Ypv × Dpv ( )[1 + αp (Tc − TcSTC )] (1)
by this work with HOMER simulation. Different forms
of battery chemistry can be compared on the basis of Ypv is the rated capacity of the PV array at standard test
their investments, required cyclic functioning, replace- conditions (kW), Dpv is the de-rating factor of PV in %,
ment costs, and environmental impact. Five different bat- Rt is the solar radiation incident in (kW/m2 ), RtSTC is the
tery types (within solid state and flow natures) lead acid incident radiation at standard test conditions (1 kW/m2 ),

Figure 1: Power density VS Energy density of different storage battery types [9]

α P is the temperature coefficient of power (%/°C), Tc is voltage, and t is the time step of the process in a hour.
the PV cell temperature (°C), TcSTC is the PV cell tem- The battery capacity can be expressed in terms of the size
perature at standard test conditions (25°C). The solid of battery bank, energy demand, and the autonomy of
bio-residues were converted into gaseous fuel by the tech- backup system [9]
nology of biomass gasification. This process was gener-  
ally controlled by partial combustion of atmospheric air SOCmin
AD DD = NC VC QC ηb 1 − (5)
supply. Produced gas is used for the burning fuel of the 100
combustion engine to generate electricity. Possibility of
where AD is the autonomy of battery, DD is the developed
power generation from biomass (Pbg ) can be expressed
daily demand in kWh, NC is the number of cells in the
battery backup system, VC is the nominal voltage of the
(Total Gas yield in (m3 /day))×CVbg ×ηbg battery cell in Volt, QC is the nominal capacity of a single
Pbg max (t) =
860 × (t/day) cell in Ah, ηb is the round-trip efficiency in %, SOCmin is
(2) the battery minimum state of charge in %. Battery bank
size in Ah can be derived from Equation (5) as
CVbg is the calorific values of biogas in (Kcal/m3) , ηbg is
the conversion efficiency of biogas in %, here day gen- AD DD
NC QC = (6)
eration possibility was calculated from the availability ηbVC DOD
of solid bio-residuals. The battery bank support can be
given to the system, for the purpose of storing the excess
energy generated from the hybrid set-up and supply the where DOD is the depth of discharge (1 − (SOC min /
same during the low energy generation period. This logic 100)) The life span of the battery base can be estimated
can be expressed as [16] by the following equation:

P(t) = PPV (t) + Pbg (t) − Pload (t) (3) Totalbattcycle

LifeSpanBtt = (7)
where Ptotal (t) is the total renewable power produced
by the solar system by a hour, Pload (t) is the developed
load demand in the hour, Pbg (t) is the power developed The system reliability in the terms of loss of energy is
by the biogasifiers. Battery charging will happen on the evaluated from the following equation:
condition of P(t) > 0 and discharging will happen on 8760
P(t) < 0. The state of charge (SOC) can be expressed DunmetDemand
LOPE = i=1
as i=1 Dtotaldemand
PBtt (t + 1) = PBtt (t) + ηrt Δt (4)
VDCbus The total number of cells in the backup system impacts
where ηrt is a round-trip efficiency of the battery (100% more on cost and reliability of the hybrid electrification
during charging and discharging), VDcbus is the DC bus system. The total cost of the projects and its cash flow in

the specified period of life span can be estimated in terms current, and maximum charge power of the overall
of the Net present value of the projects [18]. backup systems.
 n min{PMCC , PMCR , PMCP }
1+i Pmax = (13)
NPC = FV (9) ηb

here FV is the future value after nth period, i is the interest where PMCC is the battery charge power at maximum
rate in %, d is the inflation rate, and n is the number of charge current, PMCR is the battery charge power at
years. Total LCC can be predetermined through capital maximum charge rate, PMCP is the maximum absorbed
recovery factor expressed in the following equation: kinetic power by the battery. PMax is the maximum bat-
Crf ∗ LC tery charge power (kw).
COE = (10)
2.2 Design Constraints

where COE is the cost of energy, Crf is the capital During the realistic operation of the hybrid electrifica-
recovery factor, LC is the life cycle cost.The annualized tion system, it wants to meet out the developed targets
replacement operating and maintenance cost of the pro- through a set of constraints. For any period t, the total
posed hybrid system can be calculated by the following power supplied from the hybrid energy system must sup-
equation: ply the total demand with a certain reliability criterion.

Ppv (t) + Pbtt (t) + Pbg (t) ≥ (1 − R)Pd (t) (14)

CROM = CR (j) + CO (j) + CM (j)
  ⎡ N ⎤
d(1 + d)j COM(j) (11) Ppv (t) + Pbtt (t) + Pbg (t)–Pdamp (t) ≤ Pd (t) (15)
ACROM = ∗⎣ ⎦
(1 + d)j − 1 (1 + d)n
where Pd(t) = Pdc(t) + Pac(t), Ppv (t) is the solar panel
ACROM is the annualized replacement and O & M cost power, Pbtt is the battery power, Pbg is the biogasifier
value, d is the annual discount rate, N is the total number power, Pd (t) is the total demand of the hybrid system
of years of project, and COM (j) is the replacement and O that includes primary and secondary load, and Pdamp is
& M cost for jth year period. the differed load. All the above powers were calculated
in instant time-based “R” is the ratio of the maximum
2.1 Problem Definition permissible unmet power with respect to the total load
demand at each time instant. The battery bank-related
There are many unfinished issues still waiting for constrains are expressed as follows:
research solutions in the field of optimum design of
a hybrid renewable rural electrification system. The Pbtt min ≤ Pbtt SOC ≤ Pbtt max; 0 ≤ Pbtt cap
main identification issues related in this field is the ≤ Pbtt max; Pbtt ≤ Pinv max; (16)
optimum configuration of hybrid electrification sys-
tem with cost effective (low COE and NPC) and high
renewable penetrations. The optimum design of hybrid Pbtt min and Pbtt max are minimum and maximum per-
renewable energy-based electrification system has the missible storage level of battery, respectively. Pbtt cap
main objective with minimizing cost [26] function and Pinv are battery capacity and inverter power rating,
Mt (Ppv (t), PBtt(t), Pbg(t)), subject to the constraints respectively. The number of solar panels, bio-plants, and
mentioned in Equations (14)–(17). battery sizing-related constrains are expressed as follows:

Min Mt (Ppv (t), PBtt (t), Pbg (t)) 0 ≤ Sn ≤ Npv , Pmax ;

0 ≤ So ≤ Nbg , Pmax ; (17)
= Min(Mpv (t), MBtt (t), Mbg (t)) (12) 0 ≤ Bn ≤ Nbtt , Pmax ;

where Mt is the total cost of the hybrid system, Mpv (t),

Mbatt (t), and Mbg (t) are the total cost of solar pan- where Npv , Pmax is the maximum capacity of solar pho-
els, batteries, and biogasifiers, respectively. The optimum tovoltaic panel, Nbg , Pmax is the maximum capacity of
capacity of the battery bank can be simulated through the bio-gasifiers plant, and Nbtt , Pmax is the maximum
the functions of maximum charge rate, maximum charge capacity of the battery bank.

3. METHODOLOGY OF HYBRID RURAL could be developed on the basis of the local power
ELECTRIFICATION SYSTEM DESIGN distribution agency whose available solar-based renew-
able resources can be obtained from NASA’s surface
The feasibility configuration of the hybrid renewable
methodology database through geographical coordinates
energy-based system on resource availability for a devel-
of that village. The main and other hybrid system compo-
oped load profile can be determined with the help of
nents and its operating constraints were selected based on
Homer software package. Observed resource potential,
the basis of the performance requirement of the system
load profiles data were converted into 8760 h set of time
series and fed into HOMER as simulating inputs. The
model was constructed with the required components
Figure 2 shows the proposed hybrid configuration of
based on the power generating technology used and the
Korkadu village. It consists of a solar PV array and a
operating constraints. The cost of the different micro-
biomass power generation with the battery backup sys-
grid components given in terms of capital, replacement
tem. The village domestic primary load 176.32 kWh/day
cost, and O& M cost are additional simulating param-
with 19.56 KW as peak load and deferrable agricultural
eters to the HRE model. According to the user sim-
load with 5.10 kWh/day were connected to the AC bus
ulating parameters, HOMER displayed a least to high
of the hybrid system. Solar PV panel array and bat-
NPC solution for the HRE system [27,28]. These pos-
tery bank (any one among three types of storage set-
sible configurations can be used for doing the compari-
up) were connected to the DC bus. A converter and
son analysis for the best hybrid PV/biomass mix for any
a controller were connected in between both AC and
village electrification system with effective storage bat-
DC bus. Biomass generation was connected to the AC
tery backup among the different types of storage battery
bus [24,25,29,30].
chemistry such as solid-state battery and ion flow battery
3.2 Case Study
The rural hybrid electrification system model designed
3.1 System Design
in this study has been proposed for Korkadu (East) vil-
The typical load profile of Korkadu village (which is lage. It is situated between latitudes 11.91 north and
facing issues due to incomplete radial distribution line) 11.93 north and longitudes from 79.81 east to 79.85

Figure 2: Framework of analysis


east. The village has a good area of agricultural land Table 2: Different hybrid system components’ costs [32]
(nearly 35 hectares of paddy and sugarcane land around) Replacement
Capital cost cost O&M
yielding 1.5 tons of paddy husks in every month. The HRES components (INR/kW) (INR/kW) Cost
total cattle population of the village is around 150, the
Solar PV 60,000 60,000 500 INR/year
total dung availability 80 kg/day. The village has nearly Biogenerator 100,000 50,000 50 INR/h
50 households. Its domestic load demand created by each Convertor 16,000 16,000 0
Lead acid battery 19,500 19,500 100 INR/year
household is from three LED tube light (20 W each), two Lithium ion battery 39,000 39,000 100
fans (30 W each) a colour television (65 W), one refriger- Zn–Br flow battery 54,000 54,000 0
ator (450 W), and a point for phone charging (5 W). The
expected summer session (December–May) demand per
day in a single house is around 3.432 kWh/day. During 4.1 Economic Performance
the winter session (June–November) it is 2.102 kWh/day. 4.1.1 Total Net Present Cost
The village load estimations include the future energy The NPC of the project is also known as the LCC. It was
demand has calculated as day primary demand 176.32 calculated for every installed component of the system.
kWh/day and deferrable load as 5.10 kWh/day. The It can be defined as the present value of capital, replace-
responsible load components for future demand develop- ment, and O & M cost of components over its life time,
ments rose from nearly 80 numbers of households, extra minus the present values of revenue earned from the
irrigation pump-sets and upcoming small-scale indus- components over its life span. The mathematic expres-
tries. sion for the NPC of the HRE system is shown in Equation
(18) based on Equation (9).
3.3 System Components

Sun power × series model of PV array with 21% effi- Total NPC = C cap(t) + Co&m(t) + Creplace(t)
ciency and life span of 20 years and a de-rating factor t
of 88% were used in this architecture. A total of 130 kW
+ Cfuel(t) + Psalvage(t) (18)
of solar panel array was predetermined as essential to
meet the existing demand of village with a standalone
PV-energized power supply. Search space for PV power where L is the life span of the project, cap(t) is the present
between 10 and 60 kW was selected for the hybrid con- capital cost for the year t, Co&m is the operation and
figuration. The converter capacity of 30 kW was selected maintenance cost for the year t, Creplace is the replace-
with a range span between 10 and 30 kW. ment cost for the year t, Cfuel is the fuel cost of the system,
Psalvage (t) is the present salvage price for year t, and one
The biogas generator with a life span of 50,000 h and a unit cost of all the hybrid system components are given
minimum load ratio of 50% provided 1.2 kWh of energy in Table 2. (The prices declared in this section considered
from every 25 to 30 kg of animal dung and other agricul- are an interpolation of data (quotations) achieved from
tural residues. Its capacity span varied between 10 and local India manufacturer and distributors.)
20 kW. Three different storage battery banks (sold state
battery – lead acid, lithium ion, and zinc–bromine flow 4.1.2 Capital Cost of the System
battery) were used separately for achieving the best con- Capital cost of the system is a onetime investment
figuration with optimal storage support. The DOD would incurred at the time of purchase of components and its
vary with different type of battery design constraints is installations. This cost indicates the source of funds and
given in Table 1. capital management of the project.

4.1.3 Replacement Cost

Replacement cost can be defined as the cost incurred for
The optimized configuration of the hybrid system with the replacement of work-out components, each HRES
different types of storage backup system was evaluated component has its own life span. This replacement cost
on the basis of its four important economic evidence and has to be met by the side buyer and not by the funding
three techno-performance evidence. The detailed perfor- agency. Generally, as per Indian technology, solar panel
mance particulars are discussed in the next section. The requires replacement over every 20 years. Biogenerator
interest rate considered for the project capital was 8% requires replacement after 50,000 h of operation. The bat-
with 2% for inflation and 25 years considered as life span tery can be replaced every four years and converter can be
in this study. replaced every 15 years.

4.1.4 Cost of Energy equation as follows [9]:

COE is an important measuring parameter in the func-
mean(TF )
tional outcome of the HRE system. It is defined as the PAvailability = (20)
mean(TR )
average cost per kWh of the needed energy produced
from the overall HRE system. Generally this COE is
found to be higher in the off-grid system than in the Generally, its reparable level is as 2–3 days [19], especially
on-grid system, due to the subsidy scheme provided by those systems that have the part of solar array during the
Government of India to the conventional power con- rainy season.
4.2.4 Sensitivity Analysis
This analysis helps the designer to determine how inde-
4.2 Performance Analysis
pendent variable will impact a particular dependent
4.2.1 Battery State of Charge variable at a set of assumptions made [32]. The over-
Among the HRES components, the battery is an impor- all techno-economic performance can be predicted with
tant and sensitive component due to its cost and contri- respect to different values of primary and differed load
bution to life span. The life span of the battery is directly increments. Developed demand values are supposed to
influenced by its state of change property. It is an impor- change into double due to the nature of continuous incre-
tant deciding factor for the understanding of the staying ments of the households in the selected village.
capacity of a battery. DOD feature is an alternative way
to identify the battery’s SOC. To attain the more life time
span of the battery system consider the set point of charge
as 60%. During the system operation, the battery power The main objective of this study relates to the opti-
up to 60% of the charged level and remaining energy sup- mum performance of the HRES with three different
port depends on biomass generation. This property helps backup storage arrangements, namely solid-state bat-
the HRES designer in preventing the battery from under tery (lead acid and lithium ion batteries), flow battery
discharge or deep discharge and overcharging. (zinc–bromine battery), and energy storage system. In
an ideal supply demand condition, the techno-economic
4.2.2 Capacity Shortage behaviour is observed in terms of the efficient sizing
The shortfall or shortage in the effective HRES design of system, system investment with running costs, and
should have capacity only between 1% and 5%. This impacts on environmental issues. Through a comparative
acceptable level depends on the investors’ expectation on analysis, selection of the right energy storage arrange-
system performance. Capacity shortage fraction [9] can ments for the HRES is made for the achievement of
be expressed in Equation (19) based on Equation (8). uninterrupted power supply for the village with mini-
mum cost, less capacity shortage, and less environmental
Fcs = (19) hazards.
E demand
where ECS is the total capacity shortage (kWh/year) and E
5.1 System Sizing
is the total electrical demand (kWh/year). If the designer
has set the maximum annual capacity shortage to zero, Different energy storage attempts have a direct impact
it meant that the power system should have the 100% on the overall sizing in the system architecture. These
capacity of the load demand. When the base system itself energy storage components help deciding on the compat-
is meant to meet the peak load demand, sizing capac- ible zone of energy contribution using different energy-
ity, and corresponding NPC will be high. Therefore, this producing components. The different forms of battery
measuring parameter should be at acceptable levels. chemistry and the SOC levels affect the system in (i)
peak load management, (ii) acceptable level of capac-
4.2.3 Battery Autonomy ity shortage of HRES, and (iii) battery backup without
It is the property of the battery backup support hour with- additional charging requirement. Figure 3 shows energy
out any need for additional charging. This is influenced shared by solar PV is higher than BG contribution on
by the function of SOC, battery total capacity, and con- both summer and winter demand of the village. It gener-
tinuous load profile. This parameter could express the ates 67–89% more energy than the BG system. The reason
battery backup performance includes annual probability behind this energy contribution variation is seen in the
interruptions, due to routine repairs and maintenance. It system which relates to the nature of utility load, cost
can be evaluated from the expression of power availability related to battery investment and replacement, system

5.2 Economic Analysis

The cost summary of HRES with different storage backup
arrangements clearly shows the battery-related cost as
reasonably high compared with other HRES compo-
nents. Figures 4–6 show the occurrence of a hike in the
major NPC system due to power storage setup arrange-
ments. Therefore, the economical wining system can be
obtained through the selection of the right type of battery
for the HRES backup purpose. The HRES with LI bat-
tery was found having the lowest total NPC of Rs.1, 57,
57,780 and the least COE of Rs.18.41 per kW, among the
three different battery types. The round-trip efficiency of
the battery and life cycle of the battery were the main
deciding parameters for the best HRES backup system.
A comparative analysis shows the LA-based hybrid sys-
tem requires 114 batteries due to less efficiency (annual
throughput as 19,131 kWh/year) and short-term battery
life cycle (expected life as 5.46 year). Despite the require-
ment of a smaller annual capital investment (Rs.3, 76,
Figure 3: Structure of village electrification model
970/year) among the three battery setup, the overall NPC
and COE was high. Hence, it was taken as a priority cat-
egory. With the lowest priority, flow battery arrangement
is kept as the least priority category. Flow battery arrange-
operating constrains such as acceptable level of capacity ment takes a second priority after LI-type arrangements
shortage, each component energy contribution to meet due to its NPC and COE price levels (battery storage wear
out developed demand. cost 20.2 Rs./kWh).

The result of optimization analysis shown in Table 3

5.3 Technical Analysis
proves that HRES using LI battery offers the finest config-
uration consisting of 47 kW of solar PV array, 20 kW of The technical performance of HRES using difference
bio-generate set-up, 23 kW of converter, and 114 batter- storage batteries shows their merits through three param-
ies as 44 string backup arrangements. In the case of flow eters, namely, SOC level of battery, capacity shortage, and
battery backup, the battery and converter rating was less, autonomy of battery. HREs with LI battery have the high-
but BG sizing was high with a chance to produce more est autonomy of hour (16.6 h) and utilized its capacity
environmental pollutants. But the system held out the up to 90%. LA battery setup utilizes its capacity up to
promise of operating with less environmental hazards. A 40% with 12.4 h of autonomy. Flow battery arrangement
large number of batteries were required for the LA case, has the least autonomy among all the selected setups
with the requirement of more investment and high value with 9.54 h autonomy and the fullest capacity utilization
of NPC (Table 4). (Figures 7–9).

Table 3: Optimum size and cost impacts for different HRES configurations
PV power Biopower Battery Converter System NPC (Rs. in COE
Hybrid model (kW) (kW) (kWh) (kW) millions (Rs./kWh)
PV/BG/LA 38 20 114 16 1.79 20.8
PV/BG/LI 47 10 176 18 1.58 18.4
PV/BG/FB 36 20 7 14 1.81 21.2

Table 4: Techno-environmental performance of different HRES configurations

Usable battery Capacity shortage Excess electricity autonomy CO2 emissions
Hybrid model (Nos/string) (kWh/year) (kWh/year) (h) (kg/year)
PV/BG/LA 114/19 string 0 20,902 12.4 13.3
PV/BG/LI 176/44 string 0 15,607 16.6 4.14
PV/BG/FB 7/1 string 1.11 15,396 9.5 13.1

Figure 4: Monthly average electric production from the proposing HRE system

Figure 5: NPC summary for PV/BG/LA-based HRE system

Figure 6: NPC summary for PV/BG/LI-based HRE system


Figure 7: NPC summary for PV/BG/FB-based HRE system

Figure 8: SOC levels for LA batteries

This variation occurred within the battery setup of HRES due to the storage capacity and energy density of dif-
due to its own energy density and percentage of DOD ferent forms of battery chemistry of the backup sys-
of different forms of battery chemistry. Tables 5 and 6 tem. HRES with LI arrangement was allowed to run
show the offer of a large quantity of solar power gener- a bio-generator only for 891 h in a year, but LA and
ation (89.7%) in the case of LI-based system (Figures 10 flow batteries were allowed 2,454 and 2,446 h in a year,
and 11). respectively. Cycle energy loss of the backup system
was also smaller in LI arrangement (3,279 kWh/year)
The remaining cases support the solar generation with than battery arrangements such as LA (3,550 kWh/year)
a limited (67–68%) percentage out of the overall power and flow battery as (6,503 kWh/year). Systems include
generation from the system. This provision was obtained LI arrangement with beter economic measuring factors

Figure 9: SOC levels for LI batteries

Figure 10: SOC levels for flow batteries

than other types. Therefore, it was selected as the wining when the burning of biomass/biogas mixtures, CO2, CO,
configuration. and NO were emitted from the system. It was developed
on the basis of the usage of biomass/gas generators and
their size. A comparative analysis of the LI battery-based
5.4 Environmental Effect
system, with less usage hours (891 h/year) of bio-category
Major environmental hazard factors were created from of resource, showed its emission of GHG values as low
bio-generator through its greenhouse gas emissions, (CO2 emission from Li-based system is 4.14 kg/year)

Figure 11: Generation and demand behaviour of the proposed HRE system

Table 5: Performance comparisons of different BESS configurations

Annual throughput
PV Power Bio Power BG running of battery Bt. Round-trip Storage wear cost
Hybrid model (kW) (kW) hour (h) (kWh/year) losses (kWh/year) (Rs./kWh)
PV/BG/LA 63,062 29,333 2,454 19,131 3,550 21.3
PV/BG/LI 78,454 9,028 891 37,294 3,279 12.3
PV/BG/FB 60,912 2,9017 2,446 22,560 6,503 20.2

compared among other two types (LA as 13.3 kg/year and as cycle charging strategy, load following strategy, and
flow battery as 13.1 kg/year). combined dispatch strategy [24,25,30,33,34].

Figure 12 expresses the DOD levels PV/BG/LI-based Table 6 expresses the techno-economic performance
HRE system with different load dispatch strategies, such comparisons of different Battery energy storage system

Table 6: Techno-economic performance summary of different BESS-based electrification systems

Conventional Renewable
energy-based energy-based Hybrid energy-based
Indexing parameters electrification system electrification system electrification system
Technical Natural resource Independent Highly dependent Partially dependent
Performances dependence
Frequency of Frequent Moderate Less frequent
maintenance and
Readiness to access Poor readiness due Limited accessibility Highly available due to
to lack of skilled due to uncertainty complementary nature of
technicians and of natural resources resources
fossil fuels
Economical Cost of energy/kW Low High Reasonable
O & M and running High Low Reasonable
Environmental Reliance on fossil fuel Highly dependent Independent Partially dependent
Emission of GHGs High Low Moderate
and environmental

Figure 12: Typical day hours DOD% for the proposed HRE with different operating strategy

Battery Throughput
800 kWh/yr
352 kWh/day and differed load change levels from 2 to
750 4 kWh/day. A result shows the annual battery through-
650 put started from 300 to 800 kWh/year. Increment of the
system load directly affects the life span of the battery
through its parameters, such as more utility of battery
Deferrable Load (kWh/d)


400 power and quick attainment of life span cycling of the
300 battery. Figure 13 clearly shows the change in sensitivity
Superimposed values in between loads and annual battery throughput
Total Electrical Production (kWh/yr)
2.5 by superimposing total electrical production units per
year of the system.

200 240 280

Prim ary Load (kWh/d)
This study showed the basic issues regarding HRES-
Figure 13: Sensitivity analysis result of HRE with LI case
based village electrification solved with the help of two
promised objectives, namely the finest contribution with
(BESS)-based energy generation setups, such as the effective utilization of village resources and the most fea-
standalone conventional configuration, the standalone sible type of energy storage battery backup among avail-
renewable configuration, and hybrid configurations. able forms of battery chemistry. Different storage systems
These summary ensured the superfluous techno-economic with HRES were analysed on the basis of comparative
compatibility of the proposed HRE system. analysis in terms of technical performance, economic and
environmental concerns. PV/BG-based hybrid renew-
able energy system with the LI type of storage battery sys-
5.5 Sensitivity Results
tem was found highly recommendable for Korkadu vil-
HRE with LI case performance dependency was prede- lage. This architecture originated from the most compact
termined with village load increment values. Selected system for the selected village load profile. It required
village loads were increased to double the quantities, only a nominal solar PV array capacity of 47 kW, a nom-
due to continuous increments of village households. The inal BG capacity of 10 kW, and a backup battery annual
range of primary load scale devotion in between 172 and throughput of 37,294 kWh/year. Furthermore, the HRES

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Authors B. Praveen Kumar received his B.E. degree

in Electrical and Electronics Engineer-
Murugaperumal Krishnamoorthy ing from Anna University, Chennai, India,
received the B.E. degree from VRS col- in 2014. He received his M.E. degree in
lege of Engineering and Technology, Power Systems Engineering from Anna
Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2006 University, Chennai in 2016 and received
and the M.Tech degree from College of his Ph.D. degree from Anna University,
engineering, JNT University, Kakinada, Chennai in 2019. Presently, he is working
Andhra Pradesh, India, in 2012. He is cur- as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and
rently working towards the Ph.D. degree at Electronics Engineering at Bharat Institute of Engineering and
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Pondicherry Engi- Technology, Hyderabad, India. His current research interests
neering College, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India. include power converters, power quality, and renewable energy
Corresponding author. Email: murugaee@gmail.com
Ajay D. Vimal Raj Periyanayagam Email: praveenbala038@gmail.com
received the Ph.D. degree from Suresh Srinivasan received the B.E. degree
Pondicherry Engineering College, from Madras University, Chennai, India,
Pondicherry, India. He was appointed as in 2001 and the M.E. degree from the
the assistant professor in the Department BIHER University, Chennai, in 2005. He
of EEE, Pondicherry Engineering Col- received Ph.D. degree from Pondicherry
lege in June 2009 and has handled a lot of University, Puducherry, India, in 2019.
research and development projects in the Currently, he is Associate Professor in the
field of power systems. He published many technical articles Department of Electrical and Electronics
and books in the field of electrical engineering. His research Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and sci-
activities are in the areas of restructuring of power systems, ences, Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh, India. He is the author or
application of swarm intelligence to power system problems, coauthor of more than 30 papers in international conferences
and optimization of renewable resources. and journals. His research interest includes Power quality and
its control, Renewable Energy Source, Electrical vehicle, Energy
Email: ajayvimal@pec.edu audit and Smart grid.
Santhan Kumar Cherukuri received his
PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engi- Email: suresh78.balu@gmail.com
neering from JNTUK, Kakinada, India, in P. Kathiravan received his B.E. degree
2019. He is presently working as Associate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Professor in the Department of Electri- from Anna University, Chennai, India, in
cal and Electronics Engineering at Bharat 2006. He is master in power electronics
Institute of Engineering and Technology, and drives and received his Ph.D. degree
Hyderabad, India. His current research from Bharat university Chennai in 2020.
interests include Solar PV Systems, Optimization of Power Sys- Presently, he is working as an Assistant
tems, Hybrid Energy Systems. Professor in the Department of Electri-
cal and Electronics Engineering at Sri lakshmi ammaal engi-
Email: wizitcsk@gmail.com neering college, Chennai, India. His current research interests
include power converters, power quality, and renewable energy

Email: kathirped@gmail.com

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