Prey Consumption by A Large Aggregation of Barn Owls in An Agricultural Setting
Prey Consumption by A Large Aggregation of Barn Owls in An Agricultural Setting
Prey Consumption by A Large Aggregation of Barn Owls in An Agricultural Setting
Agricultural Setting
Mark Browning
Barn Owl Box Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
John Cleckler
CH2M HILL Inc., Sacramento, California
Kayla Knott
Sacramento, California
Matthew Johnson
Humboldt State University, Arcata, California
ABSTRACT: Barn owls produce large numbers of young, will nest in close proximity, are easily attracted to nest boxes, and
occasionally form dense colonies. Their diet consists largely of various species of rodent pests. These characteristics suggest barn
owls could contribute to pest control in agriculture. Studies have been conducted in Israel and Malaysia, but little quantitative
research has documented their effectiveness. This study measured the effect of a population of barn owls on a rodent population in
a 40-ha vineyard near Sacramento, California. In 2011, 11 of 20 boxes were occupied by breeding pairs, fledging 40 young. In
2012, 18 of 24 owl boxes were occupied, fledging 66 young; and in 2013, three of 24 boxes were occupied, fledging nine young.
Nocturnal observations revealed the owls hunted the study area heavily. Monthly pocket gopher surveys using the mound-count
method indicated that gophers declined on the vineyard with barn owl boxes relative to a control vineyard without barn owl boxes.
Pellet analysis showed diet was composed mainly of Botta’s pocket gophers (70.4%) and California voles (26.2%). An infrared
camera recorded 316 deliveries to a nest with three chicks (105.3 per chick) over the first eight weeks. Using these figures, and
adding conservative estimates of adult consumption over the 165-day breeding season, and adult and fledgling consumption prior to
dispersal, the total number of prey taken over the three breeding seasons was estimated to be 30,020 rodents. Cost comparison
analysis showed an average cost of $8.11 per pocket gopher trapped versus $ 0.34 per rodent taken by barn owls.
KEY WORDS: barn owl, Microtus californicus, nest box, pocket gopher, predation, rodent control, Thomomys bottae, Tyto alba,
vineyard, vole
Proc. 27th Vertebr. Pest Conf. (R. M. Timm and R. A. Baldwin, Eds.)
Published at Univ. of Calif., Davis. 2016. Pp. 337-344.
(Motro 2011). However, none of these studies measured timing of the first egg was assessed by backdating two
barn owl and rodent numbers contemporaneously. Mar- days for each egg present (Bunn et. al. 1982). When
tin (2009) increased barn owl populations by installing hatchlings were discovered, we backdated two days for
nest boxes in sugar cane in Florida, conducted barn owl each chick present, then factored in the 32-day incubation
and rodent surveys over a two-year period, and concluded period. Young were determined to successfully fledge
that barn owls did not possess the ability to control resi- when they had survived long enough to develop pro-
dent populations of cotton rat and black rat (R. rattus) nounced facial disks and fully developed flight feathers,
populations. However, the density of nest boxes in the at around nine weeks.
study was extremely low: approximately one for every
40 ha, far below the recommended density in the Malay- Observations of Barn Owl Hunting Activity
sian studies and only 1/25 of the density in our study. Barn owl hunting activity was monitored through
The goals of this study were to determine if a dense direct observation on a weekly basis during the breeding
population of barn owls could be established on a rela- season in two ways: In the hour after sunset while resid-
tively small winegrape vineyard; measure the effect of a ual light remained in the sky, a levee along the Cosumnes
large population of barn owls on a resident rodent popula- River provided a view of the entire study area and any
tion; accurately record the numbers of rodents consumed barn owls present. Additionally, slow drives after dark by
by chicks during their development; estimate the numbers automobile around the perimeter of the vineyard were
of rodents consumed by the entire population of owls utilized to monitor barn owl activity on a weekly basis.
over three breeding seasons; and compare costs and bene-
fits with other methods. Poisoning and trapping were Determining Prey Ratios through Pellet Analysis
suspended on the study plot so barn owls would be the Over the course of the study, a sample of pellets (201
primary rodent pest remover. total) was collected from inside and below the next boxes
and later dissected to determine prey ratios. Skulls were
METHODS used to determine prey numbers consumed. Prey was
Study Area measured numerically, not by volume. Prey species were
The study area was a 40-ha vineyard of young vines determined by comparing skulls to skull samples of all
located in the Central Valley of California, 32 km south possible rodent species in the area and to skull illustra-
of Sacramento. The site was chosen due to the high tions (Jameson and Peters 1988).
numbers of Botta’s pocket gophers, indicated by the pres-
ence of many mounds characteristic of this species. The Prey Deliveries Recorded by Camera
vineyard was bordered on the SE by a large reservoir, on In 2013, an infrared, motion sensor, SSC-113WX6
the SW by a levy along the Cosumnes River, on the NE digital camera (Advance Security, Belleville, IL) was
by an apple orchard and wheat field, and on the NW by mounted inside one nest box that contained three eggs.
woodland bisected by a stream. These subsequently hatched and all three chicks success-
fully fledged. The camera captured every prey delivery
Nest Box Density to the nest box over the first eight weeks of development.
In February 2011, 20 nest boxes were erected approx- The time of every arrival and departure of adult birds was
imately 61 m apart along a service road surrounding the recorded, as well as each delivery of prey.
vineyard, with their entrances facing the study area. Six
nest boxes faced NE; nine nest boxes faced NW, and five Determining Length of Breeding Season
nest boxes faced SW. In June 2011, five more boxes Although numerous barn owls were observed roosting
were installed along the wooded creek, facing SE, making and hunting on the study site year-round, we concerned
a total of 25 (i.e. one nest box for every 1.6 ha). Prior to ourselves with prey consumption only during the breed-
the 2012 breeding season, one of these nest boxes con- ing season, defined as the onset of courtship through dis-
taining a hen and one egg was damaged and rendered persal of young. Courtship has been cited to occur from
unusable. This nest box was not used in estimates of four weeks (Marti 1992) up to eight weeks (Taylor 1994)
chick production or rodent removal. before egg laying; incubation records range from 29 to 34
These nest boxes were constructed of molded plastic days (Bunn et al. 1982, Taylor 1994); fledging has been
with a white pigment highly reflective of radiant heat, and determined to occur 62 ± 4 days from hatching (Pickwell
an inner box of dark plastic with a 2.5-cm gap of circulat- 1948, Reese 1972, Looman et al. 1996); and the period
ing air to keep the box close to ambient temperature in prior to dispersal from the natal area is variously cited as
full sun (Browning 2008). The interior measured 64 cm ranging from two to eight weeks (Seel et al. 1983) or up
deep by 43 cm wide by 43 cm tall. The floor of each box to seven to eight weeks (Smith et al. 1974). We used
was covered with approximately eight cm of mulch. conservative figures of 35 days for courtship, 32 days
Each box was erected 2.44 m above the ground on a gal- incubation, 63 days of development, and 35 days pres-
vanized iron pole 2.54 cm in diameter. ence of both adults and young prior to dispersal, compris-
ing an adult breeding season lasting 165 days and a hatch-
Monitoring of Nest Boxes ing-to-dispersal period for fledglings of 98 days.
Beginning in February 2011, nest boxes were checked
at least once per month to count adults, eggs, and chicks. Determining Numbers of Prey Harvested by Barn
Nests were considered active when eggs were observed. Owl Population
When inspections coincided with the laying of a clutch, To determine total number of prey harvested per fledgling,
we used the number recorded by camera over the eight- parametric tests were normally distributed. All analyses
week developmental period, added in an estimate of were conducted with SPSS (IBM 2015) and an alpha lev-
consumption for the ninth week based on the seventh and el of 0.05 was set for statistical significance.
eighth weeks, and added a conservative estimate of one
prey item per night for the 35 days after fledging, prior to RESULTS
dispersal. Although other studies have indicated more Barn Owl Population
than one prey item consumed per night, voles are usually In 2011, 11 of 20 nest boxes (55%) were occupied by
the predominant prey in the research and weigh breeding pairs between mid-February and late March.
significantly less than pocket gophers. California voles There was no significant trend in preference for nest box
(Microtus californicus) weigh 36 to 55 g (Verts and orientation (2 = 3.48, df = 2, P = 0.18). Ten (91%) of the
Carraway 1998), whereas Botta’s pocket gophers weigh active nests successfully fledged chicks. Egg laying
89 to 172 g. (Vaughn 1967). Bunn et al. (1982) conclud- occurred 28 February to 7 April; hatching occurred 25
ed that daily dietary intake ranged between 100 and 150 March to 23 April; fledging occurred 26 May to 24 June.
g, close to the median weight of adult pocket gophers, A total of 55 eggs were laid (average clutch size 5.5),
and in a California study where pocket gophers predomi- resulting in 44 hatchlings (80% hatch rate; average 4.4
nated, pellet analysis also indicated an average of approx- per nest); and 40 (93%) hatchlings successfully fledged
imately one pocket gopher per night (Van Vuren et al. (average 4.0 fledglings per nest). The egg-laying through
1998). For adults, we likewise estimated one prey item fledging cycle took 121 days.
per night over the 165-day breeding season. In 2012, 18 out of 24 nest boxes (75%) were occupied
by breeding pairs, again in February and March. There
Pocket Gopher Surveys was no significant trend in preference for orientation (2 =
We monitored pocket gopher activity on the vineyard 5.51, df = 3, P = 0.14). Seventeen nests (94%) were suc-
with barn owl boxes (treatment site) and on a control site cessful. Egg laying occurred 28 Feb to 25 April; hatching
established in a similar vineyard approximately 6 km to occurred 20 March to 25 May; fledging occurred 30 May
the SW, where no boxes were installed. Like the treat- to 29 July. A total of 105 eggs were laid. However, this
ment site, the control area contained plantings of young included a nineteenth clutch of five eggs that was a sec-
vines, and was heavily populated with pocket gophers. ond effort laid to replace an infertile clutch of six (105/19
Pocket gopher activity was measured using the mound = average clutch size 5.5), resulting in 73 hatchings (69.5
count method (Engeman et al. 1993) in which all mounds % hatch rate; average 4.1 per nest), and 66 fledged young
are flattened and, approximately 48 hours later, all new (90% successful fledge rate; average 3.7 per nest). The
mounds are tabulated. While this method cannot reveal egg-laying to fledging cycle took 151 days. In 2013, 18
the absolute number of gophers, it provides a reliable barn owls occasionally roosted in boxes, but only three
index of relative gopher abundance useful for compara- boxes contained breeding pairs, with three chicks each.
tive analyses (Engeman et al. 1993). Mounds were Timing was similar to that in 2012.
counted within 30 randomly chosen quadrats measuring
9.14 × 9.14 m on each study vineyard. These quadrats Barn Owl Hunting Behavior
were kept a minimum of 30.48 m apart, based on estimat- Nocturnal observations revealed the resident popula-
ed home range size of pocket gophers (R. Baldwin, UC tion of owls hunted the vineyard heavily. Observations
Davis, pers. comm.). from the levee in the hour after sunset revealed numerus
Over the duration of the study, we attempted to com- barn owls entering the study area from nest boxes and
plete gopher surveys at two-month intervals. However, nearby groves of trees. Drives via automobile around the
various factors caused some surveys to be cancelled: vineyard after dark revealed owls perched on nest boxes,
rainfall, which adversely affects short term pocket gopher trees, vine posts, and flying overhead. The owls mainly
activity (R. Baldwin, pers. comm.); lack of sufficient field employed a strategy thought less common to barn owls:
workers; spraying of insecticides or fungicides; and perching and pouncing (Taylor 1994). Perch hunting has
flooding. A total of 16 pocket gopher mound surveys also been reported as the main hunting method in oil palm
were successfully completed on the treatment site and 11 plantations of Malaysia (Lenton 1984).
were completed on the control site.
Prey Ratios based on Pellet Analysis
Statistical Analyses A sample of pellets collected over the course of the
Barn owl preference for next box orientation was study showed pocket gophers were the dominant prey:
examined with a 2 test of independence. Comparisons 201 pellets yielded 362 skulls, composed of 255 pocket
of the index of gopher abundance were performed with a gophers (70.4%), 95 voles (26.2%), six Peromyscus spp.
repeated measures ANOVA in which each quadrat was a (1.7%), and six Rattus spp. (1.7%).
subject, month of survey (using only the 11 monthly sur-
veys completed on both treatment and control sites) was Numbers of Prey Delivered to Chicks based on Cam
the within subject factor, and control vs. treatment vine- A total of 316 deliveries (105.3 per chick) were rec-
yard was the between subject factor. We used correlation orded by the nest box camera over the first eight weeks of
tests to examine the correspondence between numbers of development. The ninth and final week’s consumption
barn owls and gopher mounds on the treatment site and to before fledging was estimated based on the seventh and
test for a linear trend in total number gopher mounds on eighth weeks (35), resulting in 351 total (117 per chick)
the study sites, using all surveys available. Data used in (Table 1). Deliveries recorded on the camera were made
so rapidly that only brief glimpses of each prey item were was 30,020. Based on prey ratios indicated by pellet
observed, so species identification was not possible; analysis, this amounted to 21,134 pocket gophers, 7,865
however, pellet analysis of the population of owls provid- voles, 510 Peromyscus spp., and 510 Rattus spp.
ed an estimate of the overall ratios of prey.
Predictably, deliveries in the first week started low at Pocket Gopher Activity: Study and Control Sites
22 (1.05 per night per chick), but climbed quickly to more There were statistically significant effects of treatment
than double at 52 (2.48 per night per chick) in weeks four (treatment site vs. control site) and month on the number
and five. Deliveries tapered off dramatically to a mean of of gopher mounds counted in our surveys (Table 4). The
35.5 in each of weeks six through nine, a decline of number of gopher mounds varied temporally; 11 surveys
30.7% from the fourth and fifth weeks. This decline in over 24 months were completed in the same months on
deliveries has been viewed as an adaption to bring the both sites and used in statistical analyses (July 2011
now overweight young down to active adult weight in through June 2013), and unsurprisingly there tended to be
preparation for fledging (Langford and Taylor 1992, more gopher mounds in the summer than winter months
Durant and Handrich 1998). (F10, 580 = 11.98, P < 0.001, Figure 1). This temporal var-
iation differed significantly between the study sites; there
Timing of Prey Deliveries was a strong reduction in the number of gopher mounds
Delivery of prey items occurred between 20:34 and on the vineyard with barn owl boxes compared to the
05:25 Pacific Daylight Time. Almost all first deliveries control site (F10, 580 = 10.86, P < 0.001, Figure 1). The
occurred at least one hour past sunset when the sky was number of gopher mounds was most strongly reduced
dark. The highest number of deliveries occurred earlier in beginning in summer 2012, when their numbers increased
the evening and declined steadily through the rest of the on the control vineyard following the winter low, but
night (Table 2). remained low on the treatment site with barn owl boxes.
This pattern continued in 2013. The correlation between
Numbers of Prey Harvested by Barn Owl Population owl numbers and total gopher mounds counted on the
Using 351 prey deliveries to chicks prior to fledging, treatment site was negative, but not statistically signifi-
and adding one prey item per night per chick in the 35 cant (Pearson’s r = -0.063, P = 0.82). Over all months of
days before dispersing (351 + 105 = 456/3) resulted in the study, there was a statistically significant decline in
152 prey items consumed per fledgling. Using the same the number of gopher mounds counted on the treatment
estimate of one prey item per night consumed by adults site (Pearson’s r = -0.61, P = 0.013), whereas there was
over the 165-day breeding season resulted in the total no significant trend on the control site (Pearson’s r =
consumption shown (Table 3). Total number of prey 0.355, P = 0.29, Figure 1).
items taken over the course of the three breeding seasons
Table 1. Weekly consumption of prey by three barn owl chicks in a barn owl box placed on a winegrape vineyard near
Sacramento, California, 2013.
Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *9 Total
Deliveries 22 38 45 52 52 36 36 35 35 351
Average Per Chick 1.05 1.81 2.14 2.48 2.48 1.71 1.71 1.67 1.67 1.86
*estimated based on previous weeks
Table 2. Number and timing of prey deliveries by the hour to three barn owl chicks in a barn owl box placed on a
winegrape vineyard near Sacramento, California, 2013.
2000 2100 2200 2300 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500
2100 2200 2300 2400 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600
Deliveries 11 89 53 31 35 33 27 17 14 6
% 3.5% 28.2% 16.8% 9.8% 11.1% 10.4% 8.5% 5.4% 4.4% 1.9%
Table 4. Repeated measures ANOVA results for analysis of the number of gopher mounds between two study sites
(control vs. treatment with barn owl boxes; between factor) over 11 survey periods (within subject factor) from July 2011
to June 2013 near Sacramento, California. In each survey period, 30 quadrats (subjects) at each study site were surveyed
for mounds.
Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F-ratio P Value
Survey date 10 1526.06 152.61 11.98 <0.0001
Survey date × Site 10 1383.75 138.38 10.86 <0.0001
Error 580 7388.01 12.74
Figure 1. Mean (± 1 SE) number of gopher mounds per 83.5 m2 quadrat (n = 30 per survey per study site; an index of
gopher abundance) in vineyards with (treatment) and without (control) occupied barn owl boxes, July 2011 through June
2013, near Sacramento, California, USA. The dotted line shows the negative temporal trend in gopher mounds on the
treatment site.
Costs Comparison take $288.40 in labor (20 hours at $14.42 per hour), and
The cost of establishing and maintaining the barn owl with five pounds of poison per hectare ($5 per pound) the
colony was $6,025 for 25 nest boxes ($169 for each box, pesticide cost is $1,000. Running the tractor adds
$69 for each pole, and $3 for mulch bedding). Labor was approximately $400, so the total for one application on a
approximately two hours per nest box for installation, 40-ha plot equals $1,400. When applied only once per
plus approximately half an hour per nest box per year for year, over a 10-year period the total equals approximately
cleaning, for a total of $1,261, (3.5 hours per box over $14,000. This is over twice the amount required to
three years at $14.42 per hour), bringing the total cost for establish an intensive barn owl program on the same
barn owl boxes to $7,286. Over the three-year study acreage. Costs per gopher removed using strychnine are
period, we estimated that 30,020 rodents were removed unknown, due to the fact that most pocket gophers killed
by barn owls on the treatment site. Pellet analysis ratios with this method die below ground.
suggest 70.4% were pocket gophers, yielding 21,134
removed gophers, for a cost of $0.34 per pocket gopher. DISCUSSION
Since subsequent years will take no more than minimal Barn Owl Population
maintenance of the boxes, the cost per rodent removed The installation of 25 nest boxes resulted in rapid
will decrease with time. occupation by a large population of barn owls on a
Analyses suggest that two common conventional relatively small vineyard. With 62 barn owls established
gopher removal methods are more expensive than using on the 40-ha (100-acre) vineyard in 2011, and 102 in
barn owl boxes. For spring traps, Vino Farms indicated 2012, this study demonstrated that dense populations of
that they employ two workers that work nine months of barn owls can be attracted rapidly to an area with suitable
the year (37 weeks), five days per week, with annual nesting sites and abundant prey. The estimated harvest of
salaries of $30,000 ($14.42 per hour) paid exclusively to 9,710 rodents in 2011, 15,972 in 2012, and 4,338 in 2013
set traps, taking approximately 30 gophers per day. Thus, (Table 3) affected the local gopher population. This
5,550 gophers (30 × 37 × 5) are removed at a labor cost removal of gophers began in January when barn owl
of $45,000 (9/12 months × $30,000 × 2), resulting in a courtship began and the adults were taking approximately
cost of $8.11 per gopher trapped. Likewise, strychnine one rodent per night; climbed rapidly with the hatching of
application is also comparatively expensive. Using a chicks; and peaked when the chicks were consuming 2.48
burrow building machine on a 40-ha plot is estimated to prey items per night in their fourth and fifth weeks of
development (Table 1), amounting to the estimated 1968). However, it is important to note that our data
harvest of nearly 200 prey items per night during these more accurately apply to deliveries made in environments
two weeks of peak consumption in 2012. Importantly, with similar prey abundance and make-up (i.e. a
hunting pressure lasted January through August, nearly predominance of pocket gophers, with a secondary
eight months. Notably, 2013 showed a marked decline in population of voles). If voles, which are smaller, were the
breeding pairs of barn owls, down from 18 in 2012 to primary prey, we suggest the numbers of prey taken
three in 2013. Although numerous barn owls were would be greater. Future research should increase the
observed roosting and hunting on and near the study site sample of camera-monitored nests to confirm or refute if
in 2013, most owls declined to breed. Rapid changes in our estimates are representative.
barn owl breeding populations in response to changes in Second, presence of adults at the study site was
food supply have been noted in various studies observed year-round, but estimates of their consumption
(Schönfeld and Girbig 1975, Kaus 1977, Taylor et al. of prey outside the breeding season were not included in
1988). Although it is possible that the lower numbers of our calculations. Pairing may have occurred much earlier
pocket gophers attracted fewer breeding owls, the degree than assigned since barn owls have been observed
of the owl decline might also be attributed in part to the roosting at the breeding site as early as 60 or more days
extended drought which began in 2012 and continued prior to egg laying (Marti 1992). Consumption by both
through 2013 and beyond. The Audubon California Bird adults and fledged young may be higher than the one
Conservation Program (Kuhne 2014) reported severe daily prey item assigned, especially since the fledglings
declines in nesting of many raptors, including barn owls, were consuming 1.67 rodents (approximately 1.18 pocket
and attributed this to similar declines in insects and gophers and 0.44 voles based on pellet analysis) per night
rodents. Nonetheless, continuing low pocket gopher on average in their eighth week. Chicks that died in the
activity on the study site in contrast to rising numbers on nest prior to fledging (four in 2011 and seven in 2012)
the control site suggested that the two years of heavy still consumed unknown numbers of prey before
predation on the study site exerted a sustained effect on succumbing and were not included in our figures. Also,
pocket gopher activity. possible mortality of young after fledging, in the
estimated 35 days prior to dispersal, was not taken into
The Effect of the Barn Owl Population on the Pocket account. However, overall, by using conservative figures
Gopher Population to determine length of breeding season and the number of
Our results showed a strong negative effect of barn prey taken daily by adults and fledglings, we believe our
owl numbers on pocket gopher mound counts (Figure 1). estimated number of prey taken remains a conservative
Pocket gopher mound counts rose each year in late spring estimate.
(e.g., May), but this increase, which coincides with Third, we are assuming the captured rodents were
hatchling and nestling periods for barn owls, was far less removed from the study area (winegrape vineyard),
pronounced on the vineyard with barn owl boxes than on which is supported by both our direct observations of
the control vineyard in both 2012 and 2013. This pattern owls hunting over the study site and the reduction in
suggests that the greatest level of impact on the rodents gopher mounds during the course of the study. However,
occurred when chick dietary demands were at their peak. future work should establish to what degree barn owls
At the end of our study (June 2013), mound counts were nesting in boxes erected on vineyards hunt and take prey
holding relatively steady on the site with barn owl boxes, from vineyards versus surrounding habitats.
at fewer than four mounds per quadrant, a figure more
than 70% lower than on the control site. Barn Owls as a Non-toxic Alternative for Rodent
Caveats in Estimate of Numbers of Prey Harvested Our analyses suggest the use of barn owl boxes can be
Several caveats should be noted in assessing our an economically effective non-toxic way to control
estimates of the numbers of prey consumed. First, our gophers in our study system. Costs per gopher removed
nestling consumption figures represent the deliveries to were far less for barn owl boxes ($0.34 per gopher) than
only one nest, with three chicks, over 56 days. Although for spring traps ($8.11 per gopher). Removal costs per
estimates of prey consumption exist, including based on gopher for strychnine are currently unknown, but could
captive bird consumption (Durant and Handrich 1998) be higher over time because it requires annual
and pellet analysis (Van Vuren et al. 1998), our data reapplication of the poison, whereas barn owl boxes
provide the first count of deliveries to developing barn require an initial investment but very little maintenance
owls in the wild. One study of European barn owls used costs. We did not compare the costs of anticoagulant
infra-red sensors to record visits to barn owl nests; rodenticides (ARs) because they were not used in our
however the equipment utilized could not distinguish system, but they are sometimes used in winegrape
between visits with or without prey (Langford and Taylor vineyards.
1992). Overall, there were no indications that the Common methods of rodent control on farms include
delivery of prey to the chicks was atypical. The bell anticoagulant rodenticides, strychnine, and fumigants, all
curve of deliveries reported in other studies (Langford of which have been shown to affect non-target wildlife.
and Taylor 1992, Durant and Handrich 1998) was similar Anticoagulant rodenticides such as chlorophacinone and
in our nestlings, no birds died, and each of the three diphacinone, used to control pocket gophers, could pose a
fledged at around the 63 day period, suggesting a risk to nontarget species, although this risk is not well
characteristic flow of prey (Pickwell 1948, Ricklefs defined.
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used properly, does not pose much risk to non-target organizational and advisory support.
wildlife (Hegdal and Gatz 1976, Arjo et al. 2006), the
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