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Granny’s House, especially the quest-giver

The Penshaw NPC, Astorie Zadd.

Adventure Layout
Poisonings The adventure unfolds across three parts,
detailed in the next section. Appendix A holds
A Level 4 One-Shot for 5e stat blocks for the unique creatures and NPCs
of this adventure. Any others can be found in
by DnD Duet the 5e System Resource Document [SRD].
Appendix B contains magical items that the
party may find or receive as a reward. Appendix
Introduction C holds the original region, city, and battle
Thank you so much for joining the DnD Duet maps for this adventure and the world of
community! Azuria.
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sponsored by our wonderful patrons—thank Text contained in a box like this is meant to be read
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Sidebar Example
About the Adventure Text in a box like this provides alternative mechanics.

This level-four adventure is set in Caldara, the

eastern continent in Azuria (Appendix C). It Adventure Summary
will be a side quest in the full duet campaign In this adventure, Penshaw’s beleaguered
we’re developing. Lawmaster, Willa Prendgast seeks out the party
to solicit their help with a unique problem she’d
Location: Penshaw like kept quiet: previously law-abiding citizens
Penshaw is a rough-and-ready town between are turning on their families and attacking
Linolynn and Cyrinia in the southern portion them and, at the same time, family members are
of Caldara. Unlike its more established, larger bringing loved ones in to the Magister’s office in
neighbors, Penshaw doesn’t often enjoy peace stupefied, half-undead states. Can they help her
and tranquility. Various criminal bands exert find out what’s going on?
influence over the city at different times— After their first encounter with the zombie-
collectively referred to as the Factions since esque beings, Willa continues to pay the party
they shift so often—and most everyone else for their assistance getting to the bottom of the
keeps their heads down to avoid conflict. epidemic. She connects them with one of her
If you’d like to tweak the adventure’s setting rangers, a man named Ryder, who has a lead on
for a published campaign or your own a possible culprit, a woman called The Matron
homebrew world, any mid-sized city would who runs a Faction organization for young
work perfectly! This adventure can also fit in women with magical abilities called The Coterie.
well with our DMsGuild adventures. You might Willa then tasks the party and Ryder to go to
add it between the Crystalline Curse Trilogy the fields on the edge of town and see if the
and The Proving Glade or before leveling up contagion responsible for people turning is
and starting In the Heart of the Forest. It would growing there among the crops.
also work well with our mini-adventure,

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
Part One: A Subtle A Request from the
Shift Afoot Lawmaster Willa Prendgast (Appendix A)
approaches the party at a local tavern or seeks
A new phenomenon is taking root in Penshaw:
them out on the street. The no-nonsense,
a recurring pattern of half-undead zombies turn
middle-aged woman informs them that
up to work, walk around the market, and amble
Penshaw has a serious problem: half-undead
around like shell versions of their former selves.
zombies keep turning up around the town, and
The hardworking Lawmaster, tasked with
she needs someone to take care of them subtly
keeping order by the weak local magistrate,
and swiftly. She’s most recently become aware
would like the party’s help in maintaining
of a florist, Daida Marshall, and her assistant,
order, disposing of the partially-undead
Blevins Leof, being afflicted by this curse or
population, and getting to the bottom of how
sickness. Will the party help her?
they’re turning up this way in the first place.
Willa tells the party that formerly law-
The second map in Appendix C features a
abiding citizens have murdered their families in
small market and flower shop which will ideally
cold blood and attacked city guards when
create interesting problems of space and
accosted for their crimes. Several have been
subtlety for the party should they choose to
arrested at their workplaces, turned in by
accept their mission.
concerned residents who noted their blood-
streaked faces and lumbering movements.
Possible Hooks When the guards arrived, the suspects
Floral Disarray. As the PCs travel outside cooperated until they saw weapons or manacles.
Penshaw, they see a middle-aged woman in an The moment these or other implements become
apron and carrying flowers shamble strangely visible, they returned to the crazed state they
down the road and into a copse. As the party must have been in when they attacked their
nears, they see that she is standing perfectly still families and lashed out at the guards with
and is covered in blood. She looks up if chomping jaws.
someone comes within 10 feet of her, but she In other cases, family members have reported
only speaks in broken, confused sentences. She instances of previously healthy relatives
doesn’t know her name or where the blood becoming sluggish and less responsive. At times
came from, but she works at the Avarice and they behave normally, but they can get stuck in
Ale tavern in nearby Penshaw. one place for hours, staring off into
A Family Matter. Rumors of people suddenly nothingness.
attacking their family members and friends Master Audelaire, the town magistrate, has
reach the party one evening at their favorite stressed the necessity of secrecy until the root of
tavern. The sickness has no known origin, but this matter has been uncovered by Willa’s
the first reports came out of Penshaw, the agents. Until then, these instances need to be
pseudo-lawless city a few hours west from the dealt with on a case-by-case basis with the city’s
foothills of the southern Frostmaws. The PC’s residents staying none the wiser until the
patron sends them to Penshaw and the bureaucrats understand the problem and its
Lawmaster to investigate. scope. They have enough of an image problem
as it is.

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An Inflexible Florist
the common name for this flower is “queen of
poisons,” and, as such, the law forbids anyone
Willa has been informed of a florist in the area from cultivating the lovely purple blossom
named Daida behaving strangely by the within city limits because of its poisonous
woman’s neighbors. She offers coin if the party pollen.
is willing to assist her. The Lawmaster orders Any party member who can read Thieves’
five of her guards to fan out through the Cant who examines the letter finds the
neighborhood, staying out of sight of the flower following message: “For those ready to act, the
shop, to keep other residents away from the time is nigh. For the unwilling, a slow descent into
area while the PCs investigate. madness before the end.” The letter’s seal shows an
If possible, Willa would like for the party to elegant mansion and the words “The Fields of
bring Daida and Blevins to her office, but she Production.”
doubts the pair will remain complacent through A successful DC 15 Arcana or Nature check
the exchange. Worst case scenario, they should shows that the powder, while no longer toxic,
be eliminated, and then the building is to be was previously contaminated. The blend
searched and boarded up. Willa leaves. consists of tainted Aconitia pollen.
When the PCs approach the florist’s, Daida’s
assistant, Blevins, steps out of the back, carrying Rewards
a bouquet of sunflowers and speaking Inside the flower shop, the party finds a city
animatedly with a young couple. mouse (Appendix B) resting to the side of the
If the party is watching Blevins, they see him back counter. Once they report back to the
pause mid-conversation with the couple and tilt Lawmaster, Willa gives them 100gp for their
his head strangely, sizing up the young man. assistance at the floral shop.
Daida comes out from the alley and regards the
party. “Can I help you?” she asks.

Encounter escalation
The situation with Daida and Blevins (each an
urban zombie, Appendix A) deteriorates
quickly. Blevins is very close to attacking the
young man inside the floral shop. Daida begins Next Steps
to turn and give in to the zombie state if the Willa promises the party 50gp per day to
party cannot quickly convince her that she’s in continue the investigation and help her track a
no danger. The moment someone touches a criminal organization across the city. Perhaps
weapon, Daida must succeed on DC15 Wisdom the evil mastermind lives in the ritzy part of
saving throw or turn. The party has two rounds town in the North District, or maybe on the
before Blevins attacks the young man. outskirts near the nobles’ estates.
The young couple inside both use the If they solve the case, she promises an auto-
Commoner stat block. loading hand crossbow (Appendix B) as a reward.
Inside the floral shop Between Adventures
Inside the shop, a successful DC 16 Intelligence If desired, the party might run into more zombies or
urban zombies (Appendix A) between the three different
(Investigation) check reveals an opened letter parts of this adventure. If your player enjoys combat, this
written in an elegant hand covered in a dusting might be a fun surprise or additional challenge. If not,
of a strange white powder. The letter appears to perhaps narrate that the party sees or dispatches zombies
be care instructions for a rare flower, Aconitia. as they go about their investigation with no need for
actual combat.
Party members proficient in Nature recall that
DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
Part Two: Fields
Gwen Wright—bright-eyed and cheerful
traveler staying in Penshaw for a week or two

on Fire before she continues north. She can tell the

party things she’s overheard in the past week,
Willa connects the party to one of her agents, primarily involving angry wheat farmers
Ryder. He can escort the party to the fields worried about their harvest. Strange purple
outside town and see if the forbidden flowers flowers keep popping up.
are originating there. Hal Smith—a burly man with a commanding
During their meeting, Ryder informs the presence who thinks it’s time the criminal
party that he’s overheard many in town blame a networks who run Penshaw do something to
band of “witches” overseen by a woman known help the people. The players may overhear
only as The Matron for the zombie populations someone else whispering that he’d be better off
and all manner of other ills. There have doing something himself and keeping his mouth
certainly been issues with this cultish group in shut so as not to anger the Factions, or he’ll be
the past, but recent years, for the most part, the next in grave danger.
have been peaceful. Many young women with Jean Mills—quiet but talented bartender and
magical powers who have nowhere else to go chef. Jean overhears much of what goes on in
travel across Caldara and find a home in The Penshaw, having one of the best taverns in
Matron’s Coterie. town, but they are very discerning with who
Letting Ryder (or your GMPC) Help
they’ll trust. The party will need to convince
Jean that they have Penshaw’s best interest at
Allow the player to follow their instincts and pursue the
questioning in whatever tact best suits their character. If heart before they will reveal any information.
they are stuck and need guidance, Ryder, or your GMPC,
may help them along with advice about how to handle a Locations
particular situation or what to do next. It’s alright if they The Winding Way Inn—quaint but adequate
don’t make the “best” interpersonal decision or veer off inn and tavern on top of a tall hill.
the adventure’s written path, but you want to avoid them Puddle’s Preserves and Fine Goods—a modestly
being completely stuck or unsure to the point that they’re
not enjoying the narrative. Especially with new players or
stocked store overseen by a giggly gnome who
a player with a new character, it’s ok to take their hand, can is knowledgeable about all things natural.
and Ryder or other GMPC will allow you to do that Avarice and Ale—Penshaw’s finest bar, a great
through RP. place to gather information or to make allies
GMPCs also provide you with the opportunity to keep and enemies.
the player engaged in the game. If they’re asking you, the
GM, lots of questions, see if you can steer them to ask
Ryder in character. How would their PC seek help in this
situation? • The Matron has had a serious disagreement
with Nort, Faction leader of the Growlites.
Things may take a violent turn in the coming
Investigating the Coterie days in the already-charged city.
Use the following names and locations to help • Several girls ran away from The Matron’s
the party learn more about The Matron and her Coterie in the last week or two. No one’s seen
followers as they investigate. A successful DC 15 them, but The Matron doesn’t take kindly to
Charisma check means the party has positive abandonment, which she sees as betrayal.
social interactions among Penshaw’s populace • The Matron and her lot are looking for ways
who are less than trusting of outsiders or to sow discord in Penshaw in a bid for power.
anyone who asks too many questions. These disputes always hurt the non-magical,
hard-working folks who live nearby.

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
Initial Lead: Anise Encourage and allow creative problem-solving
for extinguishing the flames. Some solutions
After sufficient snooping, a successful DC 15 might involve a water spell or an attempt to
Wisdom (Insight) or (Perception) check alerts smother the flames.
the party to the fact that they’re being followed
by a young woman in a dark purple cloak. [The Alternative Flame Extinguishing
young woman is Anise Temri (Appendix A).] Add an additional 1d6 squares of fire per round instead of
When the party confronts her, assuming they 1d12 square feet if you want a greater challenge.
do so without violence, the young woman, After the Fire
Anise, explains that she heard them asking
about the Coterie. She may be able to help if If the players saw the firefoxes flee into the
they’ll in turn help her: she’s one of the young forest, they may wish to follow their trail
women who’s recently fled from The Matron immediately. If not, a successful DC 15
and needs protection while she tries to find out Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
where to go. (Perception) check uncovers a few small
Anise takes Ryder and the party to the town footprints and a thin trail of ash that leads into
outskirts where she has a campsite in the woods the forest.
and shows them two broken amber eggs. She The help of Anise and Rider grants the
stole them from The Matron to keep them safe player(s) advantage on a DC 15 Intelligence
and prevent them being used in magical (Nature) or (Investigation) check. On a success,
experiments but, when she woke up this they find the two foxes at the base of a large
morning, the eggs were broken and empty. tree after one hour’s search. On a failure, add
Whatever the party decides about Anise, one hour to each re-roll and increase the DC by
Ryder suggests that they investigate the fields one. For example, an initial failure would mean
after the workers have returned home for the that a second attempt takes two hours and the
evening. This will help prevent arousing DC increases to 16.
suspicion as well as give them the chance to Anise desperately wants the firefoxes to be
catch someone else looking for the flowers. contained but not killed, and she insists that
they won’t be dangerous if she can bind them to
herself. Anise has some influence over the
In the Fields firefoxes since she rescued them, but they must
be contained before she can begin the binding
Just before dusk, as the sun’s orange glow bathes the spell. The firefoxes choose whether or not to be
wheat fields in ripples of glowing orange, the light wreathed in flame. If they are angry or scared,
fixates on a small rise to the south. It’s so bright and they catch fire.
beautiful, the fields almost look as though they’ve burst
into flame. The light catches, spreads, and smoke Containing the Elementals
rises…the wheat’s on fire!
If the party agrees to Anise’s request, they can
help her catch the firefox elementals and return
A successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check
them to the amber eggs.
reveals two small figures wreathed in flame
A successful DC 18 Charisma check coaxes
darting away and disappearing into the edge of
both foxes to return to their eggs. A successful
the forest. The figures are two small firefoxes
DC 14 Charisma check captures one fox, and
(Appendix A).
the ritual needs to be begun anew. A failure of 5
The center of the flames is 200 ft. away from
or more results in the foxes darting away, not
the PC(s) when the fire catches. The blaze
on fire, into the forest.
increases by 1d12 square feet for each round it
takes the player(s) to put out the flames.
DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
Part Three: Among
If the foxes return to their eggs, the amber
reforms into tiny fox-shaped stones and can be
made into firefox bracelets (Appendix B).
If the party decides not to help Anise or
wishes to go about solving the problem in the Thorns
another way, use the firefox stat block in Anise has a lead that may help the party
Appendix A to help determine the success of uncover the source of the tainted Aconitia
their capturing, destroying, or containing the pollen, a dryad living in the city who has an
foxes. If destroyed in the fields, the foxes return intimate knowledge of the region’s flora. They
to Ignis, the Titan of Fire. can find her in the city’s central rose garden.

Meeting Adelina
Just inside the entryway to the sprawling city
gardens, Adelina, the alluring inhabitant of a
danse du feu (fire dance) climbing rose, waits to
reveal herself until the party indicates that they
intend her no harm and are there for her help.
Before she emerges, she checks to see that no
one else is around and then steps out from the
cover of the climbing roses. With skin the color
of bark that turns a bright green at her
extremities, covered in strategically placed
blood red rose petals, Adelina is strikingly
beautiful when she emerges.
Adelina, a climbing rose dryad, is happy enough
to meet the party, but she will require their
assistance in a matter of her own for them to
gain her trust. She needs help acquiring a
flowering herb that will perfectly accentuate
the rose garden. However, she has a romantic
history with the only person in the city who
grows this particular plant.

The Matter of the Aconitia

While Adelina herself cannot tell precisely
where the flowers originated, she knows
someone who can and, fortunately, it’s the same
person she’s been hoping to get in touch with
herself, Lysan Neryo, a satyr who lives across
town. Lysan is one of the only people in the city
who grows queen’s lace, a flowering herb that is a
favorite decorative accent of hers and of her
fellow roses. In addition, she needs him to make
a special restorative tincture for the rose garden
as the new City Gardener has mistakenly

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
planted water hemlock, which is poisonous, be after him. Lysan responded, “Let them try.”
instead. He’s been waiting for repercussions.
A successful DC15 Wisdom (Insight) check At the mention of “the Department,” a
reveals that Adelina is withholding a few key successful DC 13 Wisdom (History) check helps
pieces of information. The truth is, she and the PC remember seeing a posting board of
Lysan had a pseudo-romantic relationship in offices in the Lawmaster’s buildings. Ryder
the past; his music is positively irresistible, and confirms that most official organizations in the
it couldn’t be helped. If pressed, she explains city use bureaucratic language in their titles.
that the difficulty between them arose when his Lysan continues: One week ago, another
work became too pressing for him to visit often. member of the Lawmaster’s forces showed up at
She cannot abandon her home in the city his door and demanded to search his home.
garden, and he prefers to stay on the outskirts They made such a mess of things that he lost
of town. two days of work and is even more suspicious of
The withheld information the party would be anyone coming in and asking after potions. He
more interested in, however, is that Lysan is an assumed the party was here to blame him for
expert poison maker, which is an easier the turnings.
profession removed from the center of society.
Adelina assures them that there is no way Lysan
is responsible for the zombie pollen.
If the party chooses to pursue this lead, they
should travel to the town’s outskirts to speak
with Lysan. He enjoys charming visitors with
his music and may do so even if he doesn’t
believe they are a threat, purely for his own
curiosity. Lysan uses the pugilist satyr stat block
(Appendix A).

A Satyr’s Aid
Lysan is not as easily convinced of the party’s
innocence as Adelina is. A successful DC 17
Charisma (Persuasion) check convinces him
that they mean him no harm. The DC decreases
to 14 if they reveal that Adelina sent them.
Lysan’s eyes light up at the mention of her
name. If the party treats Lysan aggressively,
they are much harder pressed to get straight
answers from him or for him to reveal what he
knows about the flowers.

Lysan’s Information
A couple weeks ago, a thin, nervous man
showed up outside Lysan’s door and asked for
his help with a special concoction. Lysan only
takes work by referrals, and when he turned
this man away, he became belligerent and
threatened Lysan that “the Department” would

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
Finishing the Search
He now threatens one of the party members
with wererat lycanthropy if they do not agree to
The party may wish to pursue other leads or to help him find safety from his employers. True
return to the Lawmaster’s office to look at the to character, Rufus likely believes he is much
various other government organizations listed. more charming and persuasive than is accurate,
What they don’t realize is that someone else has especially considering the fact that he is
been following their movements and is threatening the party he is attempting
interested in the information they’ve gathered. negotiations with.
If given time, Rufus explains that the
A cold wind blows as you leave Lysan’s small home, and Department of Meager Coins’ wererat gang has
rainclouds gather in the distance. Pale yellow light
little patience for stray wererats running
struggles to illuminate the shadowy intricacies of
around the city outside of their control. If the
Penshaw’s outskirts.
party refuses, he attempts to bite them and
transfer the curse. The GM may wish to add the
Encounter Setup rule that Rufus must have the PC grappled in
Rufus Snurkleby (Appendix A) waits for the order to bite them and risk transferring the
curse to increase the suspense and decrease the
party in the city outskirts in a dark alley or
under a rarely-visited bridge. If they travel in likelihood of the character contracting wererat
luxury, he may even hide out in their carriage lycanthropy.
and wait to surprise them with his desperate Rufus’s Tactics
threat. Rufus uses a modified wererat stat
block. The setup for this scene of intense RP depends
Rufus has information the party needs a lot on where your PCs would most likely
concerning the zombie turnings, but he is encounter Rufus. If you’re playing with a party
desperately in need of protection from one of of two or three, then Rufus grapples one of the
the Factions, a predatory lending organization, two of them when they’re not paying attention
the Department of Meagre Coins, the cover and, with a dagger at their throat, sets about his
name for an organized wererat organization negotiations with the other party member(s).
inside the city. The proximity to one character, especially
Rufus hides and waits for the combat to begin someone he’s grappled, makes his threat a lot
on his terms. As stealthily as possible, he either more meaningful than standing across an alley.
waits for one of the party members to be within If you have only the one PC, Rufus still tries
melee range or uses the element of surprise to to grapple them and negotiate, but you may
close with a party member so he can seize and wish to have Ryder, Lysan, or other NPC ready
grapple them. With a dagger at their throat, to swoop in and help should the encounter take
Rufus begins his negotiations with the other a turn. If Rufus sees that he’s bitten off more
party member. Rufus and the grappled party than he can chew in accosting the party, he
make a contested Strength (Athletics) check. flees.
Initially, Rufus demands a large sum of gold.
If Rufus Survives
The amount is up to GM discretion should be
enough that the party will balk at the sum. If Rufus is cunning and lucky enough to survive
Assuming the party refuses, Rufus is undeterred his encounter with the party, in exchange for a
and notices that they are physically adept and promise of safety, he reveals the hidden
capable. His tactics change. If the party is not in warehouse lair of the secret wererat
initiative order, Rufus and the grappled PC organization creating the tainted Aconitia
again make contested Strength checks. pollen. In talking with Rufus, the PCs discover
that the wererats are somewhere between the
DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
city’s law enforcement and its more overtly Rewards
violent criminal Factions. The Department of
Meagre Coins specialize in taking advantage of Willa Prendgast is as good as her word and pays
the innocent, but Rufus believes they have a the party 50gp for each day they have worked
reason for transmitting the pollen. the case.
The party can decide if they would like to In addition, should the party find themselves
hide Rufus and provide him with protection or afoul of any law enforcement in the region,
if they would prefer to turn him in to the Willa intervenes on their behalf (within reason).
Lawmaster and conclude their investigation. A
more radical solution would be to turn him
over to the wererats to find out their
Where to Next?
motivations. GM’s are encouraged to build off The Penshaw
Regardless, with the wererat’s sworn and true Poisonings and make the fractious and busy
testimony, the investigation into the origin of town their own. There are a number of loose
the Aconitia poison and the urban zombies threads that the PC might pull…
concludes. • Why did the Magister suddenly pull
funding away from the Lawmaster at

Concluding the
this critical time? Is he attempting to
hamper his most effective peace-keeper?
Or has he lost faith in her for some good
Adventure reason?
• Why would the Department of the
If the PCs report the results of their Meagre Coin turn some citizens into the
investigations to the Lawmaster, she is more walking dead? Did they refuse to pay
than satisfied to learn the source of the “protection money”? Or is there
Aconitia. If Rufus lives, she promises swift something even more nefarious at the
justice at the end of a silvered rope. It won’t heart of the matter?
make Penshaw a better place over night, but it’ll • What is the Matron’s Coterie doing
help. with elementals? Are the women that
A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check find their way to her organization
reveals that Willa is putting on a brave face and willing supplicants desiring protection?
is unsure of her ability to take down the Or they unwitting victims of some dark
Department of Meagre Coins. Especially since end?
the Magister’s office has suddenly and Thank you for adventuring in Azuria! We hope
dramatically reduced the funds with which she that this was the first of many explorations that
secures outside aid. The Magister’s reasons for you and the people important to you experience
doing so are shrouded in bureaucratic in these lands.
reasoning, but smack of corruption in her Catch the latest news on the DnD Duet
opinion. website, dndduet.com and consider becoming a
The Lawmaster would love nothing more Patron to support the development of Azuria
than to engage the party in bringing down the and resources for one-on-one play at
nefarious Department or sniffing out the patreon.com/groveguardianpress
Magister’s misdeeds, but all she could offer
would be the promise of adventure, recovered
goods, and the abiding respect and friendship of
a fellow keeper of the peace.

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
Appendix A:
Anise Temri
Medium humanoid (human), neutral good

Creatures and
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 36 (8d8)
Speed 30 ft.


8(-1) 14(+2) 11(+0) 12(+1) 10(+0) 16(+3)
Anise Temri
Backstory: For many years, she’d heard a voice, Skills Insight +2, Persuasion +5
though they wouldn’t say who they were. The Senses passive Perception 10
voice always acted to protect her and, once she Languages Common, conversational Elvish
was old enough, helped her practice her special Challenge 3 (700 XP)
powers. Spellcasting. Anise is a 5th-level spellcaster. Her
Anise was born a sorcerer, though she didn’t spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13,
realize this for many years. Cana, one of the +5 to hit with spell attacks). She knows the
servants of Ignis on the Elemental Plane, took following sorcerer spells:
pity on the lonely girl growing up by Vestige Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, friends, message, minor
Lake, misunderstood and ignored by her family. illusion, shocking grasp
She decided to help, but evidence of Anise’s 1st-level (4 slots): disguise self, mage armor
magical powers resulted in her being expelled
2nd-level (3 slots): scorching ray, suggestion
from her family.
3rd-level (2 slots): fireball, major image
Anise fled her small village after her father
discovered her magical powers. She traveled ACTIONS
west and barely survived her journey across the
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Frostmaw Mountains. reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4
Once in the foothills on the other side, a + 3) piercing damage.
young noble family at their summer estate told
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
her about the town of Penshaw where she might
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing
find work. The family’s daughter, Rose, ran
after Anise to tell her of rumors she’d heard of a
group of women in the city who learned to use
their magical powers and other survival skills
under the tutelage of someone called “The
Matron.” Once Rose was older, she planned to
run away and join The Matron herself.
When the party meets her: Anise is a runaway
from The Matron’s Coterie. Cana, the spirit who
speaks to her in her dreams, explained that The
Matron would abuse the elemental creatures
she’d discovered, and Ignis had placed Anise in
a position to save them. She seized the eggs and
ran. After Anise fled The Matron’s community,
fearful for her life, she retreated into the woods
alone with nowhere else to go.

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
Climbing Rose Dryad Rosebush Dependent. The dryad is mystically bonded
to her rosebush and must remain within 500 yards
Though most fey spurn urban environments for of it or become poisoned. The dryad can replant
the thrill of wild forests or, even better, the her rosebush by performing a 24-hour ritual, but
Brightlands, some, over time, have grown to she must tend to the plant for one solar year before
find the intricacies of city life ripe for the roots firmly find their place in the soil and
expressions of their own beauty, fancy, and recover.
curiosity. One such creature is the Climbing Speak with Beasts and Plants. The dryad can
Rose Dryad. communicate with beasts and plants as if they
These urban-dwelling dryads can most often shared a language.
be found in city parks, along the borders of Tree Stride. Once on her turn, the dryad can use 10
slightly overgrown estates, and in urban elves’ feet of her movement to step magically into one
and druids’ large gardens. Climbing Rose living tree within her reach and emerge from a
Dryads bind themselves to large rose bushes second living tree within 60 feet of the first tree,
that scale walls, archways, and other structures. appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of
They prefer the security these installments the second tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger.
provide and have learned to discern which roses
will be considered a pristine fixture in urban ACTIONS
environs and which will be easily supplanted at Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit (+6 to hit with
the whim of a gardener or a new family. shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4)
Climbing Rose Dryad bludgeoning damage or 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning
damage with shillelagh.
Medium fey, neutral
Armor Class 11 (16 with barkskin) Pruning Shears. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3
Hit Points 31 (7d8) to hit (+7 to hit with shillelagh), reach 5 ft. or range
Speed 30 ft. 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing
10(+0) 13(+1) 11(+0) 14(+2) 16(+3) 18 (+4) Fey Charm. The dryad targets one humanoid or
beast that she can see within 30 feet of her. If the
Saving Throws Wisdom +5 target can see the dryad, it must succeed on a DC
Skills Insight +5, Perception +5, Stealth +3 14 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 The charmed creature regards the dryad as a
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan trusted friend to be heeded and protected.
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Although the target isn’t under the dryad’s control,
Innate Spellcasting. The dryad’s innate spellcasting it takes the dryad’s requests or actions in the most
favorable way it can.
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The dryad
Each time the dryad or its allies do anything
can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving
material components:
throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
At will: druidcraft
Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until the
3/day each: charm person, entangle, shillelagh dryad dies, is on a different plane of existence from
1/day each: barkskin, pass without trace, suggestion the target, or ends the effect as a bonus action. If a
Magic Resistance. The dryad has advantage on saving target’s saving throw is successful, the target is
throws against spells and other magical effects. immune to the dryad’s Fey Charm for the next 24
Natural Camouflage. The dryad has advantage on
The dryad can have no more than one
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in gardens
humanoid and up to three beasts charmed at a
and other natural terrain.

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
These elemental foxes hail from the Plane of
Fire. They’re friendly and playful in their
natural environment, alluring with infectious
energy, much like their element. Beyond the
Plane of Fire, however, nature becomes more
dangerous. When afraid, the foxes wreathe
themselves in flame for their own protection
and alight any flammable objects or terrain they
come in contact with.
Small elemental, chaotic neutral
Armor Class 12 Lawmaster Willa Prendgast
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10) Backstory: Willa has always been a woman of
Speed 30 ft. order and ambition, qualities that marked her
early in life as one who would be of great value
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA to her community. After a period of travel in
8(-1) 15(+2) 10(+0) 6(-3) 12(+1) 12(+1) her teens and early twenties, pursuing a cultural
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
rather than academic education, Willa returned
Damage Immunities fire
to her hometown to begin service in city
Senses passive Perception 13
government. She tried a few different municipal
Languages understands Ignan and Sylvan but
offices, but the mobility and immediacy of the
cannot speak
courts and justice system greatly appealed to
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
her. She became the youngest director to serve
Keen Smell. The firefox has advantage on Wisdom
in any major department before her
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
appointment to the office of Lawmaster days
Flame Fur. At will, the firefox can choose to ignite before her thirty-fifth birthday.
its fur and coat its body in flames. Any space the Her last decade of exceptional service has
firefox occupies while its flame fur is engaged weathered a few storms and frustrations with
catches fire unless very damp. In addition, the other civic leaders, but for the most part,
flames give creatures not immune to fire damage
Willa’s work ethic and dedication to the people
disadvantage on any grappling or trapping
of Penshaw have created a strong foundation
for her leadership and reputation city-wide.
ACTIONS Behind closed doors, Willa is clear and direct,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
almost to a fault. Though this trait serves her
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the well for how she’s perceived by the populace,
firefox is on fire and the attack hits, the target takes her subordinates, and her colleagues, it has
an extra 7 (2d6) fire damage. ruffled the new magistrate’s feathers. Tensions
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
grow in Penshaw as the criminal factions vie for
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the power. Magister Audelaire, a minor noble
firefox is on fire and the attack hits, the target takes elected to serve as a city official, would like the
an extra 7 (2d6) fire damage. governing offices to act as though nothing
untoward is happening in- or outside city
limits, putting a strain on Willa’s natural

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
To make matters worse, several unsavory Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
cases have wreaked havoc across the city. reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6)
Formerly law-abiding citizens have murdered piercing damage, or 4 (1d8) piercing damage if used
their families in cold blood and attacked city with two hands to make a melee attack.
guards when accosted for their crimes. Many of Leadership (Recharges after a Long Rest). For 1
these suspects have been arrested at their minute, Willa can utter a special command or
workplaces, turned in by concerned residents warning whenever a nonhostile creature that she
who noted their blood-streaked faces and can see within 30 feet of her makes an attack roll or
a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its roll
lumbering movements. When the guards arrive,
provided it can see and understand Willa. A
the suspects cooperate until they see weapons or
creature can benefit from only one Leadership die
manacles. The moment these or other
at a time. The effect ends if Willa is incapacitated.
implements become visible, they return to the
crazed state they must have been in when they
attacked their families and lash out at the Pugilist Satyr
guards with chomping jaws.
Some satyrs find that applying themselves to a
In other cases, family members have reported
skill or trade hold more charm than revelry.
instances of previously healthy relatives
Others train and discover professions to make
becoming sluggish and less responsive. At times
their way in the world, either by choice or
they behave normally, but they can become
forced circumstances. Regardless, many of these
stuck in one place for hours, staring off into
satyrs have found that, to protect themselves, a
certain amount of martial and magical training
Magister Audelaire has stressed the necessity
is necessary to their survival.
of secrecy until the root of this matter has been
uncovered by Willa’s agents. Until then, these Pugilist Satyr
instances need to be dealt with on a case-by- Medium fey, chaotic neutral
case basis with the city’s residents being none
Armor Class 16 (leather armor)
the wiser until the governing officials
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
understand the problem and its scope.
Speed 30 ft.
Willa Prendgast, Lawmaster
Medium female human, lawful good STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14(+2) 16(+3) 15(+2) 12(+1) 10(+0) 18 (+4)
Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Skills Deception +6, Performance +6, Stealth +5
Speed 30 ft.
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Shaden
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
(Shadowfell tongue)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Skills Athletics +5, Investigation +2, Perception +4 Innate Spellcasting. The satyr’s innate spellcasting
Senses passive Perception 14 ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The satyr
Languages Common, Elvish can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
Challenge 1 (200 XP) material components:
Brave. Willa has advantage on saving throws 3/day each: charm person, detect thoughts
against being frightened.
1/day each: confusion, suggestion
ACTIONS Magic Resistance. The satyr has advantage on saving
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 throws against spells and other magical effects.
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
ACTIONS employers and waited, one squirming profusely,
Multiattack. The satyr makes three melee attacks or for the curse of wererat lycanthropy to be
two ranged attacks: it rams a target and uses its transmitted. In a panic, Rufus flung himself
shortsword twice or it makes two shortbow attacks. from the side of the building. The crates he’d
Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one been using to boost himself up went flying
target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. If the across the alley. Enigio, his boss’s bodyguard,
target is a creature, it must succeed on a SC 12 emerged from the darkness and looked down at
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. the thin man floundering in the dirt. “I was
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 hoping we might see you this evening.”
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. Rufus uses the wererat stat block with the
following alteration: Limited Infection. The
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
wererat can only infect a creature it has
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
grappled with lycanthropy.

Rufus Snurkleby Ryder Len’ell

Rufus was once a shifty though reasonably well Rider is an even-tempered, reserved mountain-
intentioned (at least to himself) loan officer for roving ranger. He’s kept an eye on the cult of
the city of Penshaw. However, a nosy the Matron for a few years now, though
bureaucrat caught wind of Rufus’s deals on the pressing matters in the mountains of Caldara
side—lending money at an exorbitant interest have recently called his attention elsewhere.
rate to those down on their luck—and had He’s willing to assist the party as much as he’s
Rufus removed from office. able, but he also has to meet back up with his
Luckily, Rufus had prepared for this fellow rangers, the Maw Trappers, in a week’s
eventuality and turned to some of his friends on time.
the shadier side of the law looking for work. Ryder uses the scout stat block.
The Guild of Bankers and Lenders has a
disguised organization under their authority,
the Department of Meager Coins, who also deal
in predatory loans, capitalizing on those who
are desperate for help and have been rejected
from other, more reputable lenders. Eagerly,
Rufus joined.
The human man rose quickly in the ranks, but
his nose for self-interest quickly alerted him
that something was amiss. One night, he snuck
into the warehouse where several senior
members were meeting for a “promotion
proposal” with staffers who’d joined shortly
before Rufus himself. And what he saw terrified
Peering through the warehouse windows,
Rufus saw a collection of wererats recognizable
as his colleagues only by their signature
topcoats and the greedy looks in their eyes.
Sitting strapped to chairs in front of the
management, three new hires faced their
DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
What makes these cases so unique and
curious, as well as dealing with them such a
delicate issue, is that the zombies’ minds
degenerate quickly when they find themselves
threatened. The few attempts to remove them
for their own safety have quickly deteriorated
into conflicts against powerful zombies who
have entirely lost any semblance of civilized
Urban Zombie
Medium undead, neutral or neutral evil
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15)
Speed 30 ft.


14(+2) 8(-1) 16(+3) 10(+0) 10(+0) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws Wisdom +2

Urban Zombie
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6
In most instances, zombies are hungry, mindless Damage Immunities poison
devourers capable of destroying entire towns or Condition Immunities poisoned
cities in large enough numbers. However, in Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
rare cases, some individuals are able to resist the Languages Common, the languages it knew in life
curse that transforms them into an undead Challenge 1 (200 XP)
monstrosity. A certain manipulation of the Stress Sensitivity. The zombie risks losing its mental
Aconitia flower yields both the curse and a and emotional access to its formal, mortal state
temporary resistance to it. Thus far, these when under stress. At the start of each of the
zombies are more likely to occur in urban zombie’s turns in combat, it must make a DC 11
spaces than rural. Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the zombie
These so-called “urban zombies” occupy a shrugs off the power of its undead nature, retains
space between their former selves and the its personality, and continues to behave as it did in
ravages of undeath. The resistant, partially life. On a failure, the zombie gives in to its undead
undead continue to go to work and follow their nature and attacks the nearest living target.
daily routines over the few weeks it takes for Turn Resistance. The zombie has advantage on
the virus (or curse) to consume their minds saving throws against any effect that turns undead.
entirely. This apparent mercy places authorities Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to
in a difficult position when discerning how to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
humanely handle these unique zombie throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless
situations. Balancing the wishes of the victims’ the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a
families becomes complicated when placed success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
against the danger to the public safety the
creatures pose. ACTIONS
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

DnD Duet - The Penshaw Poisonings: not for resale, adaptation, or distribution. Created under the OGL.
Appendix B: Magic City Mouse
Items Wondrous item, rare
This tiny clockwork mouse can be engaged in
one of two ways: as a mouse of protection or a
mouse of adventure. It can use each ability once
per day.
As part of its ingenious design, the mouse is
able to find its way around corners and to
navigate rooms, but it cannot go up or down a
ledge more than four inches high. The mouse
has an AC of 10 and 1 (1d4 – 1) hit points.
Mouse of Protection. As an action, you can
engage the protection ability which functions as
the alarm spell. For the duration, the mouse
Auto-loading Hand Crossbow waits at an edge of the 20-foot cube. The spell
Weapon (hand crossbow), uncommon lasts for 8 hours or until you move the mouse to
This light hand crossbow carries six bolts that a new location.
load automatically from the cylinder and Mouse of Adventure. With a toggled switch and
ignores the loading property of a regular hand turned gear, you can engage the adventure
crossbow. After they have been discharged, you ability which functions as a limited beast sense
can fully reload the weapon as an action. spell. For up to 1 hour, you can use your action
to see through the mouse’s eyes and continue to
do so until you use your action to return to your
normal senses. The mouse has a speed of 20 ft.
Firefox Bracelet
Wondrous item (ring), rare
This golden bracelet is joined at the center by
an amber gemstone carved in the shape of a fox.
If you stroke the fox’s fur three times and speak
its command word, it transforms into a firefox
(small elemental) in an unoccupied space you
can see within thirty feet of you.
Any space the fox occupies bursts into flame.
As a bonus action, you can instruct the fox to
move up to 30 ft. This effect lasts for one
minute or until you dismiss the fox as a bonus
Once you use this magic bracelet, you cannot
do so again for 7 days.

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Appendix C: Maps

Map of Azuria

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Map for Part 1: Flower Shop
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Map for Part 2: Fields on Fire
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Art Credits & Legal
• Cover Image: William Heath Robinson, “I Live By the Church”
• Fox image: https://www.needpix.com/photo/download/94665/fox-wolf-animal-biology-mammal-
• Dryad image source: https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Lady-tree/81789.html
• Zombie image source: https://www.needpix.com/photo/1165447/creepy-horror-vintage-family-retro-
• Mouse image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
• Crossbow image: Crossbow Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr
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