Evolution of Sporophytes and Gametophytes in Bryophytes
Evolution of Sporophytes and Gametophytes in Bryophytes
Evolution of Sporophytes and Gametophytes in Bryophytes
The sporophytic phase begins with the formation of a diploid zygote within the venter of the
archegonium. In the simplest form of sporophyte (e.g., Riccia) the entire zygote is taking part in
the formation of stelile capsule wall and the central sporogenous cells. In complex forms, zygote
differentiates and sporogenous cells form more sterile tissues.
There are two opposing theories regarding the evolution of sporophyte in bryophytes:
This theory was advocated by Bower (1908- 35) and supported by Cavers (1910) and Campbell
(1940). According to this theory, the primitive sporophyte of bryophytes was simple and most of
the sporogenous tissue was fertile (e.g. Riccia) and from such a sporophyte, the more complex
sporophytes (e.g., mosses) have been evolved by the progressive sterilisation of potential
sporogenous tissue. This theory is also known as “theory of sterilisation”.
The increasing sterilisation of sporogenous tissue from simple sporophyte of Riccia to the most
complex type of Funaria can be arranged through the following stages:
First stage:
The simple sporophyte of Riccia consists of a single-layered sterile jacket enclosing sporogenous
cells with a very few absorptive nutritive cells (nurse cells). The zygote divides by a transverse
wall, followed by a vertical wall to form a four-celled embryo. Subsequently 20-30 celled
embryo is formed by further divisions, in which periclinal divisions differentiate a single layered
outer amphithecium and the inner multicellular mass, the endothecium. The amphithecium forms
the sterile jacket while the whole sporogenous cells (endothecium) differentiates into spores with
a very few sterile nurse cells.
Second stage:
In this stage, the zygote divides transversely to form a hypobasal and an epibasal cells. A small
foot is formed from the hypobasal cell. The epibasal cells differentiates into an outer
amphithecium and inner endothecium.
The amphithecium forms a single-layered sterile jacket of the capsule, while the endothecium
differentiates into fertile sporocytes and long sterile elater-like nurse cells without the thickening
bands. Thus, the zygote has polarity showing more sterilisation of sporogenous cells like nurse
cells and sterile foot. This stage has been noted in Corsinia.
Third stage:
The development of sporophyte is like that of Corsinia, but there is more sterilisation of
sporogenous tissue. This condition is noted in Sphaerocarpus sporophyte which consists of a
sterile bulbous foot, a narrow sterile seta developed from hypobasal cell and a fertile capsule
developed from endothecium containing sporocytes and sterile nurse cells.
Fourth stage:
This stage is represented by Targionia, where the sporophyte consists of a sterile bulbous foot, a
sterile narrow seta and a fertile capsule. Here about half of the endothecial cells produce fertile
sporogenous tissue, while the remaining half gives rise to sterile elaters with 2-3 spiral
thickening. Hence, in Targionia, more sterilisation of sporogenous tissue has been observed.
Fifth stage:
This stage is illustrated by Marchantia, where further sterilisation of sporogenous tissue has been
noted in comparison with Targionia. In Marchantia, the sterile tissue consists of a broad foot, a
massive seta, a single-layered jacket of capsule, sterile apical cap at the apex of capsule and a
large number of long elaters with spiral thickening.
Sixth stage:
This stage is represented by some members of Jungermanniales like Pellia, Riccarclia, etc. Here
more sterilisation of sporogenous tissue has been observed. Sporophyte is differentiated into
foot, seta and capsule having multilayered jacket. The sporogenous tissues produce mass of
sterile elatophores and diffuse elaters.
Seventh stage:
The central columella derived from endothecium is composed of 16 vertical rows of sterile cells.
The further sterilisation of sporogenous tissue has been observed in the formation of
pseudoelaters which are elongated 3-4 celled, simple or branched structure without thickening
The members of Bryopsida like Funaria, Polytrichum, Pogonatum etc., show the highest degree
of sterilisation. The sporophyte is differentiated into a foot, a long seta and a capsule. The sterile
tissue of capsule consists of the apophysis, operculum, many- layered jacket, the columella,
trabeculae, the wall of spore sac and the peristome. The sporogenous tissue is restricted to the
spore sacs only, hence it forms a negligible portion in the sporophyte.
(ii) Theory of Regressive evolution i.e., evolution of sporophytes due to the progressive
reduction or simplification:
This theory is known as regressive or retrogressive theory, and supported by several scientists
like Church (1919), Kashyap (1919), Goebel (1930) and Evans- (19391 According to this theory,
the most simple sporophyte of Riccia (comprised of a simple capsule) is the most advanced type
which has been evolved by the simplification or progressive reduction of the complex
sporophytes (foliose with complex assimilatory tissue and functional stomata) of mosses (e.g.
Funaria, Pogonatum, Polytrichum etc.)
The stages of progressive reduction of the foliose sporophyte (primitive type) to the simpler
sporophyte (advanced type) have been enumerated:
(a) The semiparasitic foliose sporophyte gradually lost its leaves and became embedded within
the gametophyte.
(b) There is a gradual reduction of the assimilatory (photosynthetic) tissue in the sporophytes and
subsequently this tissue is confined only to the jacket of capsule (e.g., Funaria, Anthoceros).
(c) Stomata are restricted in the apophysis region (e.g. Funaria, Polytrichum) that communicate
with the intercellular spaces. In Sphagnum, the stomata of apophysis are non-functional and
become rudimentary. In all liverwort members stomata are completely absent in sporophytes.
(d) The capsules of most mosses (Funaria, Polytrichum, Sphagnum, etc.), hornwort (Anthoceros)
and some jungermanniales (Pellla, Porella) are multilayered which subsequently became single-
layered (Marchantia, Plagiochas- ma, Riccia) by reduction.
(e) The foot and seta are well-developed in mosses (Pogonatum, Funaria, etc.) and some
liverworts (Pellia, Marchantia, etc.). The seta became much reduced and form a narrow sterile
part of the sporophyte (Corsinia, Targionia).
In hornworts, the sporophyte is made up of a foot and an elongated capsule only, seta is absent.
Finally, in Riccia foot and seta are absent and the sporophyte is represented by a single capsule
only, which is supposed to be the most simple as well as advanced sporophyte among
(f) The sporophytes of mosses show the highest degree of sterilisation with a negligible amount
of sporogenous tissue. There has been gradual reduction in the sterile tissue of the capsule, with
simultaneous increase in the amount of sporogenous tissue.
In hornworts, a good amount of sporogenous tissue is formed from the inner layer of
amphithecium. In liverworts (Riccia, Marchantia) the entire endothecium gives rise to
sporogenous cells.
The evolution of thalli in bryophytes is a much disputed problem. There is no substantial fossil
evidences of bryophytes that support to the sequential evolution theory of gametophytes among
There are two opposing theories regarding the nature of the vegetative structure of the
primitive bryophytic gametophyte and its subsequent evolution:
According to this theory, the primitive gametophyte was a simple, dorsiventral, prostrate thallus,
both in external as well as in internal forms. Cavers (1910) and Campbell (1891-1940) were the
main proponents of this theory. The evolution of gametophytes took place from liverworts to
mosses in an ascending series of gradually increasing complexity with regard to the organisation
of internal tissue and sex organs.
According to Cavers the ancestor gametophyte resembles the present day Sphaerocarpus and
Marchantiales has been considered as a blind line of evolution from the hypothetical Sphaero-
Riccia. While Campbell suggested that thalli of the present day Riccardia and Metzgeria resem-
ble the simplest ancestral gametophyte. From the simple thallus, the evolution of complex
gametophytes took place in two different lines.
In the first line, the gametophyte retained its external simple, thallose form as found in
Marchantiales. Simultaneously there was a gradual increase in complexity in cellular organisa-
tions. This has been evidenced by the nature of pores, air chambers and the aggregation of sex
organs in a definite receptacle (e.g. Marchantia).
The sexual receptacles show a wide range of organisation. In Riccia, the individual sex organs
are scattered over the median portion of the thallus. In Marchantia, the sex organs are borne on a
complex stalked receptacle called gametophore.
An intermediate condition in between the Riccia and Marchantia has also been observed where
sex organs are aggregated into a cushion-like or ridge-like receptacle. These receptacles are
borne on the thallus — dorsally or terminally.
In the second line, the gametophytes retained their simple internal structure (lack of airpores and
air chambers). But there was a gradual elaboration of the external part of the gametophyte
leading to the formation of the appendicular organs.
Further, the thalloid forms were replaced by the leafy forms. This has been observed in the
members of jungermanniales and Calobryales. These leafy forms finally led to the establishment
of the higher degree of internal differentiation of the tissue in Bryopsida. The schematic
representation of the progressive evolution of gametophytes in liverworts has been depicted in
Fig. 6.63.
According to the downgrade theory, the primitive gametophyte was an erect leafy shoot having
radial symmetry (members of Calobryales and true mosses). From such ancestral forms the
dorsiventral thalli of liverworts and hornworts got evolved in reverse direction i.e., regression of
increasing simplicity.
Among the proponents of the downgrade theory, Wettstein (1903-1908), Church (1919), Evans
(1939), Goebel (1930) and Kashyap (1919) are the most prominent scientists.
Kashyap (1919) advocated the regressive evolution from the results of his extensive studies of
Indian Marchantiales.
The principal points in the reduction series from Marchantia as the basic type along the
various phyletic lines have been summarised below:
A gradual reduction series has been noted in many members (Fig. 6.64). In Marchantia and
Preissia, the thallia show complexity in having air pores and air chambers full of assimilatory
filaments. There is a gradual reduction in the assimilatory filaments in Conocephallum conicum
(the filaments are short in the air chambers), Wiesnerella decundata (the filaments rudimented
into papillate cells). The assimilatory filaments ultimately disappear in the aquatic Dumortiera
hirsuta (Fig. 6.64).
In complex forms like Marchantia and Preissia, the pores are complex, barrel-shaped and present
both on the thallus and the discs of the gametophores. In Conocephallum and Reboulia, discs
bear only barrel-shaped pores, while thalli bear only simple pores.
In Exormotheca and Stephansoniella, the pores are simple both on the thallus and in the discs.
The well-defined pores are totally absent in Riccia (Fig. 6.64).
(d) The gradual shifting of the stalks of antheridiophores and archegoniophores from the
terminal to dorsal position:
Mehra (1969) proposed the above hypothesis. In Marchantia, the antheridia and archegonia are
borne terminally on the stalked gametophores. In Preissia qua- drata and Plagiochasma
articulatum, the stalk is initially terminal, but becomes dorsal by the further growth of the thallus.
A further downward shifting of the stalk is observed in Corsinia and Boschia, where the female
receptacle almost becomes sessile by the elimination of the stalk (Fig. 6.64).
The schematic representation of the regressive evolution of gametophytes in liverworts has been
depicted in Fig. 6.64.