Tube Screamer
Tube Screamer
Tube Screamer
808 version
This is one of the most discussed subjects and a lot of nonsense was
written in the past ... if you want to take place in this discussions you will
find them in almost every fx-related webpage with a message board or a
forum, enjoy ! You will find out that 10 people will have 10 different things
to say. This paper here is not to reinvent the wheel, it´s simply a
collection of facts and things that are based on experiences with
Tubescreamers. Follow this step-by-step guide and convert your modern
Tubescreamer pedal into the real 808 version if you like this sound. If you
like your stock sound ... do something different ;-)
The two things that are discussed mostly are the resistors for this mod
and the correct IC (aka "chip").
You will need some resistors to do this mod and an often discussed
subject is wether to use the old carbon comp resistors or the modern
metal film ones. Some selfproclaimed TS-gurus swear on the old-style
carbon comp resistors with horrible tolerances and you can find a lot of
words for this, it´s called "brown sound", "vintage mod" and whatever
else. They say that´s the real material for this mod because the original
808 was also equipped with this resistors. The others swear on modern
metal film resistors because they have almost no tolerances and can help
to reduce noise in a pedal.
Here are my two cents ..... we are talking about two (2 !!!) resistors you
have to change and I doubt that it´s audible if you use carbon comp or
metal film resistors for this mod. I think it would make a difference to
change all resistors to carbon comp but only two ..... I tried both and I
can´t hear any difference. And did the original 808 really had all carbon
comp resistors ? Well, nobody seems to really know this exactly but for
sure no modern TS has them !!!!
IC (chip)
A lot of discussion is about the correct IC and you can also find a lot of
twaddle about this subject. A good thing is to desolder the IC and put in a
socket, so you can try different IC´s and see what you like best. As for
the discussion about the "real" and "correct" IC for this mod, please read
what my friend Andreas Möller has to say on his personal webpage ......
"The original TS-808 chip"
The JRC4558D is claimed to be "the original TS-808 chip" - not only by people peddling
surplus NOS units on eBay, but moreso by regular people who have heard this, and
perceive it to be true. Let's put this issue to rest once and for all: there is no single
"original TS-808 chip", ok?
The TS-808 was shipped with at least three different op-amps during its lifespan -
probably due to what was available at the time.The schematic simply calls for a 4558,
which is a fairly standard dual operational amplifier, which can be had from several
manufacturers. The Japan Radio Company was/is just one of many such manufacturers.
As a result, many of the TS-808's were shipped with the TI RC4558P, a cheaper
malaysian version produced by Texas Instruments. Other TS-808s used the JRC version,
while others still had a TL4558P. I haven't heard the TL version myself, as there seems
to be relatively few of these around, but the other two sounds very similar. While it's the
JRC chip that has gotten all the attention, some of the awesome-sounding TS-808s have
had the RC4558P chip inside...
I've stated this before, but for the sake of it, here goes... Let's start by making two
x You hold in your hand two prime examples of the same op-amp. Same
designation number, same manufacturer, same specs. One was manufactured
some 20 years ago, while the other just came off the line.
x These two op-amps were manufactured using the same production line, and that
their specs haven't been "improved" somewhere along the way.
As long as these two conditions are met, there will be no difference whatsoever between
a new, unused op-amp that was manufactured in the '80s, and one manufactured
yesterday. Integrated circuits don't change with age, like electrolytic capacitors do, they
only change with use (and even that isn't a certainty). Now, since NOS - that most
coveted of labels - simply means New (as in "never used") Old (as in "manufactured long
ago") Stock (as in "has been sitting in a warehouse somewhere"), a NOS op-amp is just
as new as a "new" one...
Hence, putting that NOS JRC4558D op-amp into your reissue TS-9 will not turn it into
that awesome-sounding 1981 TS-808. It will get you closer to what that specific 808
might have sounded like 20 years ago, but unless you find an op-amp that has seen 20
years of use, you will not get there...
Unless you need to know that you have "the real thing" in your pedal, there's no need
whatsoever to chase after that NOS op-amp. There's no need to pay top dollar ($15 or so
isn't unusual for an '80s NOS JRC4558D, but I've seen them advertised for as much as
$45) either, when the same part will cost you 50 cents at Small Bear. But... if only it was
that easy. Remember the two main op-amps found in TS-808's? For some reason, only
the JRC chip has been elevated to "NOS" status - there seems to be no real market for
NOS RC4558P chips, even though some of the best-sounding TS-808's used them. Upon
further investigation, we find that their production histories differ somewhat, which
means that they might not meet the two conditions as outlined earlier.
TI RC4558P vs JRC4558D - what's the story?
As mentioned earlier, there were several different types of op-amp chips used in the TS-
808 and TS-9 - all are of the general 4558 type, but from different manufacturers. This
feature only focuses on the two main contenders - the 4558D from JRC and the
Malaysian-made RC4558P from Texas Instruments. However, I'd like to start out with a
brief chip history.
TS-808 TS-9
JRC4558D JRC2043DD
RC4558P TA75558
TL4558P JRC4558D
As we can see, there were at least three different chips in use, in each of the pedals. In
the case of the TS-808, the TL4558P is by far the rarest, with the other two being used
rather randomly, as it would appear - they both appear all over the timeline. With the
TS-9, the timeline is clearer. For some reason, the first TS-9's had a 2043 chip from JRC,
instead of the others that worked so well before. After that, they switched to yet another
previosly untried contender, this time from Toshiba (the TA75558), before switching to
the JRC4558D. For the last production run, they switched once again, this time back to
the TA75558 - which incidentally is the op-amp that is used exclusively in the reissue TS-
9's. With that established, we need to look at the two main contenders here, and what
happened to their production lines. Pictures are of original ´80s items - current
production looks slightly different.
x Japan Radio Corporation JRC4558D - this one has a slightly different story, as it
happens. In the early '80s, JRC churned out millions of these
chips, and they appear in virtually every piece of Japanese
electronica from this period. The company later (mid-to-late '80s)
changed their name to NJM, and moved their production facilities
to East Asia. They continued to produce 4558 op-amps - aptly
named NJM4558D - but since the factory was moved and new
production equipment brought in, it wasn't the same. A few years
later, NJM started re-issuing the JRC4558D, but not produced at
the old plant, sadly. The specs are the same as the old one, but the suspiscion
still lingers - since they changed facilities, are the reissue chips really as good as
the old ones? If anything, the doubts has made room for a NOS market.
So... what to do? If you ask Robert Keeley - whose opinions and taste I definitely trust -
the reissue JRC4558D is only fit for the bin, whereas the NOS units are just fine. For
most of his work, though, he uses the current-production RC4558P, as it is his favourite.
Analog Man takes a different approach - he will happily install the RC chip if you ask for
it, but his own preference is for the new JRC chip. And he doesn't seem to be the least bit
interested in NOS chips at all...
So, is it in the chip? Or, what is it that makes the difference?
In some cases, simply replacing the op-amp chip will make a definite improvement in
tone. For instance, the reissue TS-9 uses the same Toshiba op-amp as some of the later
original TS-9s - the TA75558 - and though it is a lower-noise, higher-spec version of the
4558, it doesn't seem to suit this purpose very well. Replacing one of those with any of
the usual 4558 op-amps will make a big difference, no doubt. But from there on out,
once you get one of the "good" chips in, the differences gets increasingly marginal. Scott
Henderson once said, upon having tested a RI TS-9 modded to 808 specs - using the
reissue JRC4558D, to boot - that it sounded much better than his original TS-9 - despite
the fact that his pedal had the original JRC chip... Apparently, once you get one of the
proper op-amps in, it's the two resistors in the output section that make the big
And do remember that the op-amp has very little to do with the actual clipping in a TS
circuit. It's just there to amplify the signal - the diodes to the clipping. Changing one or
both of the diodes will make a huge impact on the overdrive character, while the
differences incurred by different op-amps are minute.
To complicate matters further, there are also other differences between the pedals that
we haven't even begun to touch - for instance, the pots used in the TS-808 are vastly
different from those in the TS-9. Their values are the same, but their looks and
construction are different. Also, the capacitors used in the different series (TS-808, TS-9
and reissue TS-9) vary - and sometimes they vary within the same model/year as well,
for the same reasons that the op-amps varied.
Several thoughts and hunches have surfaced during my writing this piece, and to some
extent - and on certain issues - I have actually changed my position somewhat. Here are
my findings:
x Basically, the RC4558P produced today seems to be exactly the same as the early
'80s ones, whereas there seems to be some merit to the claim that the JRC4558D
manufactured today isn't quite the same as the '80s units.
x If your pedal is a reissue TS-9 or a TS-9DX, it will definitely benefit from an 808
mod. In fact, any TS-9 with the TA75558 chip will improve a lot. Slighter
improvements will be had from TS-9's with the JRC2043DD chip - even though
some claim it to be a "bad" chip, it's not that bad... And if yours has a JRC4558D
chip, you will still notice an improvement if you change the resistors to 808 specs.
x When shopping for a suitable op-amp, consider the RC4558P from Texas
Instruments - you will only pay half a dollar, and it's just as good as the ones that
came in lots of the TS-808's. Also, don't hesitate to try the current production
JRC4558D - after all, it's good enough for Analog Man... The LM833 is an outsider,
which is reported to have a smoother tone.
x If you decide to get a NOS item - make very sure that is what you're actually
getting. '80s JRC chips has a four-digit date code in the lower right-hand corner,
and they are shiny. Reissue chips have five digit codes, sometimes with letters,
and are matte-finished. Don't pay more than $15 or so - there's no need to inflate
the market further. For that price, you should get a complete kit with op-amp and
socket, resistors and instructions. And again - look carefully at what you're
getting. You won't have to search long on the Internet to find mod kits with
reissue JRC chips, selling at $15 or above - remember, that's an item that costs
50¢ at Mouser...
So after knowing this it´s up to you to decide what to use. As
mentioned before, it´s a good idea to put in an IC socket and try
different chips to A/B them. You can also put in sockets for the two
resistors to try different types and materials. As for me, I have an old
TS-10 and TS-9, both have an IC socket and metal film resistors for
the 808 mod and they sound great (as long as you like the mid-
humping sound of them). My TS-10 still has the original old JRC4558D
IC it came with, I desoldered the IC and put in a socket to have the
possibility to change the IC. My TS-9 came with a 2043 chip from JRC,
I desoldered it, put in a socket and a new RC4558P, great sounding
chip. I also built a true-bypass Tubescreamer clone, all with metal film
resistors and film caps, as well as some silver mica caps. I also used an
IC socket with the RC4558P chip here and I´m more then pleased with
the sound.
So know that you know all about the parts we can start to take a closer
look at the TS and how it works. For this there is nothing comparable
out there to Mr. R.G. Keen´s article about the "Tubescreamer
anatomy". It´s published on his GEOFEX webpage (
and the direct link to this article is:
Do yourself a favour and read this article carefully and more than one
time. It´s absolutely worth the time and you will understand how this
tone machines really work.
3. Desolder resistor R55 (470 ohm) and put in a 100 ohm resistor
2. Flip in the IC you like or you want to try. When you own an early MIJ
TS-10 chances are good that it contains the original old chip !
a. There is an extra transistor in the signal path when the effect is in the
OFF position on the TS-10. Remove the 10K (R40) and ran a jumper from
the end of the 1K (R39) resistor furthest from Q6 to the end of C15
nearest Q6. Then remove transistor Q6.
b. Replace the output resistors. The 470 Ohm resistor (R21) connected to
the output socket via a 10uF capacitor gets changed to 100 Ohm. The
100k resistor (R22) from the output to ground is changed to 10k.
d. Regard that 4.7K/0.047uF network on the (-) input of the clipping amp.
Increase that cap to about 0.1uF. The (-) input is pin 2. (BROWN Mod !)
A very good mod I suggest is to change some non polarized and tantalum
caps to film caps to quieten the pedal and to receive a much clearer and
transparent sound. You can find out more about this at the GEO webpage
at the Tubescreamer article mentioned above.
To close I would like to show you some pics of my modded TS-10, the red
plastic caps are the film caps I talked about just a minute ago - a very
good mod that I highly recommend !