IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to study of simulation modeling and replicating the practical
situations in organizations and develop simulation model using heuristic methods.
1. Describe the role of important elements of discrete event simulation and modeling paradigm.
2. Understand the Basic concept of probability, random variables.
3. Understand the concepts of queuing theory and system.
4. Interpret the model and apply the results to resolve critical issues in a real world environment.
5. Understand the core concepts of verification, validation and study of simulation software.
1. Jerry Banks, John S Carson, Berry L Nelson, David M Nicol, “Discrete Event system
Simulation”, Pearson Education, Asia, 4th Edition, 2007.
2. Geoffrey Gordon, “System Simulation”, Prentice Hall publication, 2nd Edition, 1978.
3. Averill M Law, W David Kelton, “Simulation Modelling & Analysis”, McGraw Hill
International Editions – Industrial Engineering series, 4th Edition, ISBN: 0-07-100803-9.
4. Narsingh Deo, “Systems Simulation with Digital Computer”, PHI Publication (EEE),
3rd Edition, 2004.
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Pattern Recognition 3L (3 hrs.) 3 credits
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to focus on pattern recognition techniques which are used to design
automated systems.
1. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart and David G. Stork, “Pattern Classification”, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley, 2006.
2. C. M. Bishop, “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, Springer, 2009.
3. S. Theodoridis and K. Koutroumbas, “Pattern Recognition”, 4th Edition,
academic Press, 2009.
4. Robert Schalkoff, “pattern Recognition: statistical, structural and neural approaches”,
JohnWiley & sons , Inc, 2007.
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to learn various concepts of machine learning and algorithms.
Course Objective:
The main objective of this subject is to introduce major deep learning algorithms, the problem
settings, and their applications to solve real world problems.
Business (Management,
Entrepreneurship, etc.)
1L (1 hrs.) 1 credits
Course Objective:
Module 2: (4 hrs.)
Why to become entrepreneur, the skills/ traits required to be an entrepreneur, Creative and
Design Thinking, the entrepreneurial decision process, skill gap analysis, and role models,
mentors and support system, entrepreneurial success stories.
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to focus on Education System, Policies and Importance.
Aims and purposes of education drawn from constitutional provision, Fundamental Rights &
Duties of Citizens, Constitutional interventions for universal of education and RTE Act 2009,
Role of Central and State governments in the development of education
Emerging trends in the interface between: political process and education, economic
developments and education, Socio-cultural changes and education, Idea of Common education
System, National System of Education
Issues of quality and equity, Challenges in Implementation of RTE Act 2009, Meaning of equality
and constitutional provisions
Course Outcome:
1. Understand the role of socio-cultural context in shaping human development.
2. Develop theoretical perspectives towards constitutional provision.
3. Analyze Emerging trends in the interface between political process and education.
4. Understand ICT developments in Educations.
5. Understand quality, equity, constitution provisions and challenges in implementation of
RTE Act 2009.
1. Anand, C.L. et.al. (1983). Teacher and Education in Emerging in Indian Society, NCERT,
New Delhi.
2. Govt. of India (1986), National Policy on Education, Min. of HRD, New Delhi.
3. Govt. of India (1992). Programme of Action (NPE). Min of HRD.
4. Govinda, R. (2011). Who goes to school?: Exploring exclusion in Indian education.
5. Krishnamurti, J. (1992). Education and world peace. In Social responsibility.
6. Krishnamurti Foundation.
7. Kumar, K. (2013). Politics of education in colonial India. India: Routledge.
8. Mani, R.S. (1964). Educational Ideas and Ideals of Gandhi and Tagore, New Book
Society, New Delhi.
9. Manoj Das (1999), Sri Aurobindo on Education, National Council for Teacher Education,
New Delhi.
10. Mohanty, J., (1986). School Education in Emerging Society, Sterling Publishers.
11. Mukherji, S.M., (1966). History of Education in India, Acharya Book Depot, Baroda.
12. GOI(1964-1966):‘Education and National Development”. Ministry of Education,
Government of India 1966.
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course Objective:
What is Logic, Sentences, Judgments, Statements and Propositions, Arguments, Truth, Validity
and Soundness, Symbolic Logic, Logical Constants and Variables, Truth Functions, Negation,
Conjunction, Disjunction, Implication, Equivalence, Tautology, Contradictory and Contingent
Techniques of Symbolization and Construction of Truth Tables
Module 2: (3 hrs.)
Nature of Social and Political Philosophy, Nature of Scope of Social and Political Philosophy,
Social Philosophy and Sociology, Political Philosophy and Political Science
Module 3: (2 hrs.)
Social and Political Ideas, Liberty and Equality, Fraternity, Justice, Philosophy of religion.
Course Objective:
The objective of the program is to build self-confidence, enhance self-esteem and improve
overall personality of the participants
The concept personality, Dimensions of theories of Freud & Erickson, personality, significant of
personality development, Concept of success and failure, Hurdles in achieving success, what is
failure, Causes of failure. SWOT analyses.
Attitude, Concept, Significance, Factors affecting attitudes: Positive attitude, Negative attitude,
Ways to develop positive attitude, Difference between personalities having positive and negative
attitude, Significance, Internal and external motives, Importance of self-motivation
Term self-esteem, Advantages, Do's and Don’ts to develop positive self-esteem, Low self
esteem, Symptoms Personality having low self esteem, Positive and negative self esteem,
Interpersonal Relationships, difference between aggressive, submissive and assertive behaviors
Resume building, The art of participating in Group Discussion, Acing the Personal (HR &
Technical), Interview, Frequently Asked Questions, Psychometric Analysis, Mock Interview
Course Outcome:
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Core Subject of CSE and Basic knowledge of Research Domains
Course Objective:
This course is designed to encourage design projects where students take what they have learned
throughout the course of their ME program and apply it examine a specific idea. The students
pursuing this course have to submit a thesis at the end of the last semester.