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Bhabha University, Bhopal (M.P.

Scheme of Examination
Program:Bachelor of Technology Branch:Computer Science and Engineering Session: 2021
Semester : III Specialization: Computer Science and Engineering

Maximum Marks Allotted Contact

Theory Practic Hours per Total
Subject Tota
S.No. Subject Name al week
Code l Credits
Mid Term
End Sem. Quiz/ End work Mar
Sem. L T P
Assignment Sem Lab Work ks
Exam. &
1. Energy & Environmental
CH-31 70 20 10 - - 100 3 1 - 4
2. MA-31 Mathematics III 70 20 10 - - 100 3 1 - 4
3. CS-31 Data Structure 70 20 10 30 20 150 3 - 2 4
4. CS-32 Digital Systems 70 20 10 30 20 150 3 - 2 4
5. Object Oriented
CS-33 Programming & 70 20 10 30 20 150 3 - 2 4
6. CS-34 Computer programming - - - 30 20 50 - - 4 2
7. CS-35 Seminar / GD - - - - 50 50 4 2
Total 350 100 50 120 130 750 15 2 14 24

*End Semester Examination will be of three hours.

PRACTICALSUBJECT CS- 31:Data structure CS-32:DigitalSystem
CS-33: OOPM CS-34:Computerprogramming

1 Hr 1 Hr 2 Hr
Lecture Tutorial Practical
1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit


Undergraduate Programme
(Courses effective from Academic Year 2020-21)


“Bachelor of Technology”

Disclaimer: The undergraduate programme in Bachelor of Technology syllabus & scheme is

uploaded as given by the Faculty concerned to the Academic Council. The same has been
approved as it is by the Academic Council on 02.07.2018.
Dean faculty of Engineering, Bhabha University

NH-12, Jatkhedi, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal (M.P.) – 462026

Visit us at: www.bhabhauniversity.edu.in, Mail Id info@bhabhauniversity.edu.in



NH-12, Jatkhedi, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal (M.P.) – 462026

Visit us at: www.bhabhauniversity.edu.in, Mail Id info@bhabhauniversity.edu.in

CH-31 Energy & Environmental Engineering

UNIT 1: Introduction to Energy Science:

Introduction to energy systems and resources; Introduction to Energy,
sustainability & the environment; Overview of energy systems, sources,
transformations, efficiency, and storage; Fossil fuels (coal, oil, oil-bearing shale
and sands, coal gasification) - past, present & future, Remedies & alternatives for
fossil fuels - biomass, wind, solar, nuclear, wave, tidal and hydrogen;
Sustainability and environmental trade-offs of different energy systems;
possibilities for energy storage or regeneration (Ex. Pumped storage hydro power
projects, superconductor-based energy storages, high efficiencybatteries)
UNIT2: Ecosystems
Concept of an ecosystem; Structure and function of an ecosystem; Producers,
consumers and decomposers; Energy flow in the ecosystem; Ecological
succession; Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids; Introduction, types,
characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem (a.)Forest
ecosystem (b) Grassland ecosystem (c) Desert ecosystem (d) Aquatic ecosystems
(ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

UNIT 3: Biodiversity and its conservation

Introduction – Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity; Bio-
geographical classification of India; Value of biodiversity: consumptive use,
productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values; Biodiversity at
global, National and local levels; India as a mega-diversity nation; Hot-sports of
biodiversity; Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-
wildlife conflicts; Endangered and endemic species of India; Conservation of
biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation ofbiodiversity.

UNIT 4: Environmental Pollution

Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of Air pollution, Water
pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution,
Nuclear hazards; Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures
of urban and industrial wastes; Role of an individual in prevention of pollution;
Pollution case studies; Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone

UNIT 5: Social Issues and the Environment

From Unsustainable to Sustainable development; Urban problems related to
energy; Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management;
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case
Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions. Climate change, global
warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case
Studies Wasteland reclamation; Consumerism and waste products; Environment
Protection Act; Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act; Water
(Prevention and control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife Protection Act; Forest
Conservation Act; Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation;



1. Brunner R.C., 1989, Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw HillInc.

2. Clark R.S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford(TB).
3. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001,
Environmental Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House,Mumbai,
4. De A.K., Environmental Chemistry, Wiley EasternLtd.
5. Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules Guidelines,Compliances
and Standards‟, Vol I and II, Enviro Media(R)
6. Boyle, Godfrey, Bob Everett, and Janet Ramage (Eds.) (2004), EnergySystems
and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future. Oxford UniversityPress.
7. Schaeffer, John (2007), Real Goods Solar Living Sourcebook: The Complete
Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Living,Gaiam

MA-31 Mathematics III

Unit 1: Numerical Methods – 1: Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations
– Newton-Raphson method and Regula-Falsi method. Finite differences, Relation
between operators, Interpolation using Newton‟s forward and backward difference
formulae. Interpolation with unequal intervals: Newton‟s divided difference and
Lagrange‟s formulae.
Unit 2: Numerical Methods – 2: Numerical Differentiation, Numerical integration:
Trapezoidal rule and Simpson‟s 1/3rd and 3/8 rules. Solution of Simultaneous Linear
Algebraic Equations by Gauss‟s Elimination, Gauss‟s Jordan, Crout‟s methods,
Unit 3: Numerical Methods – 3:Ordinary differential equations: Taylor‟s series, Euler
and modified Euler‟s methods. RungeKutta method of fourth order for solving first and
second order equations. Milne‟s and Adam‟s predicator-corrector methods. Partial
differential equations: Finite difference solution two dimensional Laplace equation and
Poission equation, Implicit and explicit methods for one dimensional heat equation
(Bender-Schmidt and Crank-Nicholson methods)
Unit 4: Transform Calculus: Laplace Transform, Properties of Laplace Transform,
Laplace transform of periodic functions. Finding inverse Laplace transform by different
methods, convolution theorem. Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transform, solving
ODEs by Laplace Transform method, Fourier transforms.

Unit 5: Concept of Probability: Probability Mass function, Probability Density Function,

Discrete Distribution: Binomial, Poisson‟s, Continuous Distribution: Normal Distribution,
Exponential Distribution.

1. P. Kandasamy, K. Thilagavathy, K. Gunavathi, Numerical Methods, S. Chand & Company, 2nd
Edition, Reprint2012.
2. S.S. Sastry, Introductory methods of numerical analysis, PHI, 4th Edition,2005.
3. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,2006.
4. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 35th Edition,2010.
5. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, LaxmiPublications,
6. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2008.
7. P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory, Universal BookStall,
8. S. Ross, A First Course in Probability, 6th Ed., Pearson Education India, 2002.
9. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol. 1, 3rd Ed., Wiley,

CS-31 Data Structure

Unit -1:-Review of C programming language. Introduction to Data Structure: Concepts of

Data and Information, Classification of Data structures, Abstract Data Types, Implementation
aspects: Memory representation. Data structures operations and its cost estimation.
Introduction to linear data structures- Arrays, Linked List: Representation of linked list in
memory, different implementation of linked list. Circular linked list, doubly linked list,etc.

Unit -2:-Stacks: Stacks as ADT, Different implementation of stack, multiple stacks.

Application of Stack: Conversion of infix to postfix notation using stack, evaluation
of postfix expression,- Queues: Queues as ADT, Different implementation of queue,
Circular queue, Concept of Dqueue and Priority Queue, , Application ofqueues.

Unit-3:-Tree: Definitions - Height, depth, order, degree etc. Binary Search Tree -
Operations, Traversal, Search. AVL Tree, Heap, Applications and comparison of
various types of tree; Introduction to forest, multi-way Tree, B tree, B+ tree, B* tree.

Unit-4:-Graphs: Introduction, Classification of graph: Directed and Undirected

graphs, etc, Representation, Graph Traversal: Depth First Search (DFS), Breadth
First Search (BFS), Graph algorithm: Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)- Kruskal,
Prim‟s algorithms. Dijkstra‟s shortest path algorithm; Comparison between different
graph algorithms. Application of graphs.

Unit-5:-Sorting: Introduction, Sort methods like: Bubble Sort, Quick sort. Selection
sort, Heap sort, Insertion sort, Shell sort, Merge sort and Radix sort; comparison of
various sorting techniques. Searching: Basic Search Techniques: Sequential search,
Binary search, Comparison of searchmethods


1. Write a program to search an element in the array using Linear and BinarySearch.
2. Write a program to perform the following operation inMatrix:
1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Transpose
3. Write program for implementing the following sorting methods to arrange a list
of integers in ascendingorder:
a) Quick sort b) Selection sort c) Insertion sort d) Merge sort
4. Write a program that uses stack operations to convert a given infix expression
into its postfixequivalent.
5. Write a program to merge two sorted array into one sortedarray.
6. Write a program to implement stack using array and linkedlist.
7. Write a program to implement queue and circular queue usingarray.
8. Write a program to insert an element in the beginning and end of singly linkedlist.
9. Write a program to insert an element at any position in singly and doubly linkedlist.
10. Insert and delete a node at any position in doubly linkedlist.


1. Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman, “Data Structures and Algorithms”, PearsonEducation.

2. N. Wirth, “Algorithms + Data Structure = Programs”, PrenticeHall.
3. Jean – Paul Trembly , Paul Sorenson, “An Introduction to
Structurewith application”,TMH.
4. Richard, GilbergBehrouz, Forouzan ,“Data structure – A
PseudocodeApproach with C”, Thomsonpress.
5. AM Tanenbaum, Y Langsam& MJ Augustein, “Data structure using C
and C++”, Prentice HallIndia.
6. Robert Kruse, Bruse Leung, “Data structures & Program Design in
C”,Pearson Education.

CS-32 Digital Systems

Unit 1: Review of number systems and number base conversions. Binary codes,
Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, Logic gates. Simplification of Boolean
functions, Karnaugh map methods, SOP-POS simplification, NAND-NOR

Unit 2: Combinational Logic: Half adder, Half subtractor, Full adder, Full
subtractor, look- ahead carry generator,BCD adder, Series and parallel addition,
Multiplexer – demultiplexer, encoder- decoder, arithmetic circuits, ALU

Unit 3 :Sequential logic: flip flops, D,T, S-R, J-K Master- Slave, racing condition,
Edge & Level triggered circuits, Shift registers, Asynchronous and synchronous
counters, their types and state diagrams. Semiconductor memories, Introduction to
digital ICs 2716, 2732 etc. & their address decoding. Modern trends in
semiconductor memories such as DRAM, FLASH RAM etc. Designing with

Unit 4:Introduction to A/D & D/A convertors & their types, sample and hold
circuits, Voltage to Frequency & Frequency to Voltage conversion.Multivibrators
,Bistable, Monostable, Astable, Schmitt trigger, IC 555 & Its applications. TTL,
PMOS, CMOS and NMOS logic. Interfacing between TTL to MOS.

Unit 5:Introduction to Digital Communication: Nyquist sampling theorem,

timedivision multiplexing, PCM, quantization error, introduction to BPSK &
BFSK modulation schemes. Shannon‟s theorem for channel capacity.


1. To study and verify the truth tables of various Logicgates

2. To verify the properties of NAND and NOR gates as Universal BuildingBlocks.
3. Simplification and implementation of a Booleanfunction
4. Implementation of basic Boolean arithmetic logic circuits such
asHalf-adder, Half-subtractor, Full adder and Fullsubtractor
5. Conversion from Binary to Gray and Gray to Binarycode
6. To construct a binary multiplier using combinational logic and to verify
7. To verify 2-bit Magnitude comparator for all possibleconditions
8. Generation of various logical functions using 8-to-1multiplexer
9. Construction of a 4-bit ripple counter and study of itsoperation
10. Operation of IC-555 Timer as Monostable, Astable andBistablemultivibrators


1. Morris Mano, Digital Circuits & Logic Design,PHI

2. Gothman, Digital Electronics,PHI
3. Tocci, Digital Electronics,PHI
4. Mavino& Leach, Digital Principles & Applications,PHI
5. Taub and schilling, Digital Integratedelectronics.
6. Simon Haykin, Introductionto Analog& Digital Communication,Wiley.
7. Lathi B.P., Modern analog& digital communication , OxfordUniversity.

CS-33 Object Oriented Programming & Methodology

Unit-1:-Introduction to Object Oriented Thinking & Object Oriented Programming:
Comparison with Procedural Programming, features of Object oriented paradigm– Merits and
demerits of OO methodology; Object model; Elements of OOPS, IO processing.

Unit-2:-Encapsulation and Data Abstraction- Concept of Objects: State, Behavior & Identity
of an object; Classes: identifying classes and candidates for Classes Attributes and Services,
Access modifiers, Static members of a Class, Instances, Message passing, and Construction
and destruction of Objects.

Unit-3:-Relationships – Inheritance: purpose and its types, „is a‟ relationship;

Association, Aggregation. Concept of interfaces and Abstract classes.

Unit-4:-Polymorphism: Introduction, Method Overriding & Overloading, static and run time

Unit-5:-Strings, Exceptional handling, Introduction of Multi-threading and Data collections.

Case study like: ATM, Library management system.


1 Write a program in C++ to find largest no.

2 Write a program in C++ to implement the multiplication of [3*3] matrix using
3 Write a program in C++ to implement quadratic equation using class & Object.
4 Write a program in C++ to implement Copy Constructor.
5 Write a program in C++ to implement Inheritance.
6 Write a program in C++ to implement Polymorphism.
7 Write a program in C++ to implement virtual class & virtual function.
8 Write a program in C++ to implement Exception handling.
9 Write a program in C++ for function templates.
10 Write a program in C++ for writing file operation using file handling.
11 To perform the write operation within a file.


1. G. Booch, “Object Oriented Analysis& Design”, AddisonWesley.

2. James Martin, “Principles of Object Oriented Analysis and Design”, Prentice
3. Peter Coad and Edward Yourdon, “Object Oriented Design”, PrenticeHall/PTR.
4. Herbert Schildt, “Java 2: The Complete Reference”, McGraw-Hill Osborne
5. Timothy Budd, “An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming”, Addison-
Wesley Publication, 3rdEdition.
6. Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell, “Core Java: Volume I, Fundamentals”,
Prentice Hallpublication.

CS-34 Computer Programming Practices (PYTHON)

UNIT 1- Introduction:
Basic syntax, Literal Constants, Numbers, Variable and Basic data types, String, Escape
Sequences, Operators and Expressions, Evaluation Order, Indentation, Input Output,
Functions, Comments.

UNIT 2- Data Structure:

List, Tuples, Dictionary and Sets.

UNIT 3-Control Flow:

Control statements - Break, Continue,Pass.

UNIT 4-Object oriented programming:

Class and Object, Attributes, Methods, Scopes and Namespaces,
Inheritance,Overloading, Hidingandoverriding .

UNIT 5-Exception:
Exception Handling, Except clause, Try finally clause, User Defined Exceptions.


1) P ython Pro gram to find the are a of tr iangle

2) Python program to swap two variables

3) Program to print Even Numbers up to N

4) Program to check whether the given no. is Prime or not (Method I)

5) Write a program to create dataframe for 3 student including name and roll numbers. and add
new columns for 5 subjects and 1 column to calculate percentage. It should include random
numbers in marks of all subjects

6) Recursive Function to Print Multiplication Table

7) Recursive Function to print Fibonacci series upto N terms.

8) Write a Python program to remove duplicates from a list.


 Timothy A. Budd: Exploring python, McGraw-HillEducation.

 R.Nageshwar Rao ,”Python Programming” ,Wiley India ThinkPython:
 Allen B. Downey, O'Reilly Media,Inc.

CS-35 Seminar/Group Discussion(GD)

In Seminar or Group Discussion (GD)students have to select general topics

related to current affairs or related to subject&make a PPT of the selected topic
and present infront of the faculties & students. By doing this, infront of
faculties & students, students communication skill will get developed & will be
a good presenter. By doing this repetitively students subject knowledge will
also get enhanced. Rather than making PPT, student can also discuss in the
group of students infront of faculties that is called as Group Discussion.

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