Karuna Virus - How To Turn Crisis Into Blessings
Karuna Virus - How To Turn Crisis Into Blessings
Karuna Virus - How To Turn Crisis Into Blessings
deaths across all continents. As this book is being prepared, the
numbers are still rising. Ajahn Brahm, a fully-ordained Buddhist
monk for over 45 years, reminds us that “this too will pass,”
because nothing is permanent. He encourages us to consider
this global pandemic not as a crisis but rather as an opportunity
to care for and serve one another, especially those in need.
far and wide as the world continues to grapple with this global
Ajahn Chah, an eminent Thai forest monk regarded by many as
a meditation master.
If kindness is
imagined as a beautiful dove,
then wisdom is its wings.
Compassion without wisdom
never takes off.
Copyright©2020 Ajahn Brahmavamso
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-962-7287-32-2
First Edition
Abbot of Wat Pa Subthaweethammaram
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
December 2019
Ajahn Brahm loves the Dhamma. He loves other people more than himself.
He was born to be a giver. He will always do everything he can to help
humankind. Whatever he does, he does it for the benefit of the public at
large. He does it for the happiness of all people, to truly end their suffering.
This is the right way to be!
People in the West have wisdom. They should develop the Dhamma to
keep up with the times. You should develop Bodhinyana Monastery in your
own way. You do not have to follow the way they do things at any other
monastery, even Wat Pa Pong. Just go straight to the model the Buddha
laid down and take that as your guiding principle. Embody the Dhamma.
Be your own person.
You do not have to be under the authority of anyone. You are still disciples
of Ajahn Chah. You are still disciples of the Buddha. So, you, in Perth,
Ajahn Brahm, you have to be your own person. Be happy, be courageous,
be your best!
You have to act in this way. If you do things correctly, if you have the right
view and right practice, you will not have any doubts. And those who give
of themselves will always be accepted by everyone.
The monastery in Perth is a place to teach the Dhamma. You should teach
only about Nibbana. Teach about happiness and the ending of suffering
to the general populace. It is not right to take the Thai way of practice and
apply it in Australia because each country is different.
Although there are people who want to control Ajahn Brahm and the
monks in Perth, they cannot do it. Ajahn Brahm already is the embodiment
of the Dhamma. He has wisdom. How would they be able to dominate
Spread the good message. Spread the Dhamma. From Perth to the entire
Ajahn Ganha Sukhakāmo is Ajahn Chah’s nephew, and a highly respected monk in the Thai forest tradition. He is a
few years senior to Ajahn Brahm as a monk, and one year older. Ajahn Ganha and Ajahn Brahm have known each
other since the mid-1970s, when they were young monks together at Wat Pa Pong, Ajahn Chah’s main monastery
in Thailand. Ajahn Ganha also came to stay at Bodhinyana Monastery in Perth, for the rains retreat in 1987 and a
month in 1994, to offer support to the new monastery. This foreword is an edited version of remarks made by Ajahn
Ganha during a visit to his monastery in December 2019. Ajahn Ganha was asked to provide comments for the
occasion of Ajahn Brahm’s birthday.
President of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia (BSWA)
Perth, Australia
June 2020
10 A JA H N B RA H M
accompanies our human conditioning. Having said this, he is also the
architect of the word “kindfulness” and will demonstrate this quality over
and over.
I have observed Ajahn Brahm closely over the years of his spiritual
development and can attest to his absolute commitment to the monastic
orders. When I say this, I am especially thinking of the way he held the
space open for our Nuns2 to be fully ordained back into the Theravada
tradition. The BSWA always had a policy to create a way for aspiring
females to become Theravadin Nuns, but it was Ajahn Brahm’s clarity of
insight that allowed the now “Famous Four” postulants to make it happen.
This happening was especially important for Theravada Buddhism
because, following the Buddha’s enlightenment, in an exchange with
Māra, the personification of delusion, the Buddha vowed that he would
not die until he had the four great assemblies in place. The assembly of
fully-ordained Monks, the assembly of fully-ordained Nuns, the assembly
of strong Laymen and the assembly of strong Laywomen. The assembly
of Nuns in the Theravada tradition had died out some centuries ago, and
Ajahn Brahm, with the help of others also skilled in the Pali language,
found a way to legally reinstate the order. We did this with the help of a
senior Nun who in 1997 had been given the full ordination as a Nun by Sri
Lankan Monks, who were the pioneers in re-establishing the order of Nuns
within Theravada. While most rejoiced, it is true to say that the ordination
was not accepted kindly in some of the more patriarchal parts of the
world. Throughout this time of change, the animosities and differences
have been managed by him with good humour and without any rancour.
“The Four Great Pillars or Assemblies of Buddhism” have been reinstated
in the world and they are once again alive, especially so at the BSWA under
his spiritual guidance.
In this book, “nun” is used for bhikkhunī and “monk” for bhikkhu, respectively a fully-ordained female and male
purity of balance being pointed to by the Buddha. Notwithstanding, with
simple stories, sharp wit, and a wicked sense of humour, Ajahn Brahm
has empowered thousands, if not millions of people to understand why it
is necessary to practice the Buddha’s path. As conditioning has become
more sophisticated in the world, so too has its dualistic balance, forever
working to ensure that dukkha (suffering) will always be present. The Four
Noble Truths will always be relevant. Our being, and the world we are part
of, is beguiling. It is difficult to see past the delusion, past the desire and
aversion that keeps us bound into saṃsāra.
Ajahn Brahm is a man for the times, as the simple stories and anecdotes
that you will find in this book will demonstrate to you. It is a book put
together by his close associates who love and respect him. I commend
this book to you.
12 A JA H N B RA H M
Buddha himself, the word karuṇā means “compassion.” We hope that
compassion, together with kindness and wisdom, can replace greed,
anger and ignorance far and wide as the world continues to grapple with
this global pandemic.
In early February 2020, a disciple from Hong Kong – one of the very first
places where COVID-19 had broken out – wrote to Ajahn Brahm and
literally begged him not to travel overseas to teach anymore, because he
had experienced first-hand how serious and terrible the situation was,
when the rest of the world was still largely unaware. Ajahn Brahm replied:
Thank you for your concern. I just received your email, in Bangkok. I arrived
an hour or two ago. Please do not worry. My immune system is strong and I
know how to rest deeply in meditation. I do not see any chance of an infection.
But I do see many chances of teaching the Dhamma and inspiring people to
meditate and increase their health.
May you find peace and comfort in the following 19 stories. May the
kindness, compassion and wisdom generated by them protect you and
your loved ones from COVID-19 and relieve any suffering it may have
already caused.
Quoted from the Buddhist Society of Western Australia’s website:
14 A JA H N B RA H M
The Bushfire
It was late January 1991. After many weeks of a typically bone-dry Western
Australian summer, record-breaking temperatures coupled with strong
winds were fuelling a devastating bushfire a few kilometres south of
Bodhinyana Monastery. As the wind propelled the enormous fire, wiping
out hectares of bush in its wake, Ajahn Brahm and the rest of the monks
were gathered in the monastery’s main hall, discussing evacuation plans
with the fire brigade.
Australian forest fires are made worse by the prevalence of the highly
flammable eucalyptus trees, or gum trees, with their oil-filled leaves. As the
fire leapt from tree to tree on the strength of the wind, the trees exploded
in loud bangs as the oil caught fire. The greenery was incinerated, and all
that remained was a grey, desolate and barren landscape. The bare ground
was covered in ash and burnt remnants of branches and trees. It was as
bleak as the surface of the moon, not the usual delightful and calming
natural setting that monastery residents and visitors are so familiar with.
It was a frightening scene.
By the time the monks evacuated, there was no doubt that the fire would
reach the monastery. They knew the outcome would be devastating
because wood was an important construction material in the monastery
buildings, especially in the roofs. At that point, it was clear to Ajahn Brahm
that the monastery would be burned to the ground.
16 A JA H N B RA H M
years – whilst Ajahn Jagaro was the abbot and main teacher – Ajahn
Brahm had spent up to 12 hours a day, day in and day out, working to
build up the perfect Buddhist monastery. It was so much more than just
a set of buildings. For Ajahn Brahm, it had been a labour of love. At times,
he had even put his life on the line to ensure that everything was done to
the highest standard. Yet at that moment, as the blaze roared closer and
closer, Ajahn Brahm was sure everything would be destroyed in a matter
of minutes.
Imagine that for a moment. If it were you, and your home of many years, or
a project you had worked on for the best part of a decade, was about to be
wiped out by nature’s rage, what would you do? How would you feel? Most
people would sink into a bottomless pit of despair and anger. They would
probably question the injustice of it all, and perhaps even reject their belief
system, with the wail, “Why is this happening to me?”
But not Ajahn Brahm. “At that moment, I knew the monastery was going to
burn down. I knew it would be no more. But I also knew that the following
morning – with the fire gone and only ashes left – I would return and start
building it again from scratch.” Picture that – having the ability to let go so
completely and quickly of your life’s work! If there is a superhuman power,
it is this. Of all the superpowers we sometimes celebrate in Buddhism,
such as walking on water or flying through the air, this is surely far more
impressive. This is the sort of authentic spiritual power that has real
Those qualities were still there. And I would have the chance to continue
building up the same good spiritual qualities on the following day.”
In the end, the monastery did not actually burn down. And paradoxically,
that was a good outcome, at least for those of us who have benefited from
Ajahn Brahm’s generous teachings. For had it burned down, you might not
be reading these words now!
18 A JA H N B RA H M
A Letter to a Young Monk
I n the early 1990s, Ajahn Brahm was becoming well-known among the
Western monastics of the Ajahn Chah tradition. He had the gift of being
able to explain deep aspects of meditation, especially the various stages of
jhāna, in a lucid and realistic manner. It is little wonder, then, that he began
to attract a sizeable following. A number of monks were starting to seek
his counsel. Amongst these was a young German, only recently ordained,
from a monastery in the UK.
The most obvious thing that stood out was the erudition of his reply.
As part of the process of coming to understand the monastic rules and
regulations, the Vinaya – of which Ajahn Brahm had been the foremost
expert amongst the Western disciples of Ajahn Chah – he had taught
himself the Pali language. The importance of proficiency in Pali for the
proper grasp of Early Buddhism cannot be overstated. Once mastered,
it opens up a whole new world of direct access to the discourses of the
Buddha, known as the Suttas, the source of the entire Buddhist tradition.
If you can read the Buddha’s words in their original language, you become
independent of often inaccurate translations.
Then there was the precision of the handwriting. Each word – indeed,
each letter – was beautifully crafted and uniform in appearance to the
point of resembling a printed page. He had displayed similar handwriting
standards in penning (literally) his first book, Opening the Door of Your
Heart. The manuscript had been written entirely by hand with the same
exactitude, page after page. And despite being written with a ballpoint
pen, it was virtually free of errors. When you see it, you cannot help but
think that this sort of writing could only come from someone with a highly
developed mind. Only with such a mind would it be possible to sustain
the focus necessary for such a high level of precision, accuracy and
consistency over such a long period of time.
The crux of this story, however, is generosity and kindness. Even though he
was a senior monk who had already been ordained for over twenty years,
Ajahn Brahm had the generosity of heart and kindness of spirit to take the
time to reply to and inspire a newly ordained monk. He had even gone out
of his way to give a particularly thorough and detailed response. It is all
the more remarkable that this happened before the advent of the internet,
which meant all that work was only for the recipient and the few people
he may have shared the physical letter with. It was the kind of beautiful
gesture we so rarely see in the world.
There is, in fact, a strong connection between generosity and the profundity
of one’s spiritual qualities. The third of the Four Noble Truths, which
concerns the culmination of the spiritual path, is characterised by the
Buddha using a number of Pali words that relate closely to generosity. Thus
cāga, paṭinissagga and mutti all signify aspects of awakening, but are also
regularly employed in the Suttas to describe generosity.4 So wherever we
see exceptional generosity, we can expect deep spiritual qualities as well.
The three Pali words cāga, paṭinissagga and mutti can be rendered as “giving up,” “relinquishment” and “release,”
20 A JA H N B RA H M
Advice to the Dying
A jahn brahm may be many things to many people, but one of his
undeniable gifts is his ability to impart a unique take on life matters.
Among these is his uncommon perspective on death. Death is a scary
concept for most people. And yet, it is an unavoidable reality for every one
of us. Ajahn Brahm prefers to view death as an opportunity for release, a
positive journey forward.
Indeed, it was clear to everyone that there was no future for her. The
cancer had thoroughly ravaged her body. She was just a few hours, at
best a day or two, from the end of her life. And yet, despite such harrowing
circumstances, Ajahn Brahm was able to give valuable advice and,
perhaps more importantly, to lift the mood.
He started by explaining to her that her body was worn out and falling
apart. As she neared the end of her life, nothing more was required of her
except lying back, relaxing and enjoying the journey of letting go. He spoke
about how joyful it can be for a good person to let go of a sick body and
allowing the body to fade away. Now was the time to give up life’s burdens,
of which the body had become one of the most onerous. He encouraged
her to let it all go and savour the bliss that comes from releasing the heavy
baggage of this particular life.
In this final meeting with his young disciple, Ajahn Brahm delivered an
important message: even the most challenging situations in life, including
death, can be turned into positive experiences. Of course, it does take
someone special to convey this philosophy. But thanks to his joyful, calm
and natural presence, combined with a wisdom that penetrates to the
essence of things, Ajahn Brahm is able to do just that.
22 A JA H N B RA H M
A Bear Hug for a Beggar
M ost devout Buddhists aspire to travel to India at least once in their life
to visit the holy sites that have a special connection to the Buddha. Such
a pilgrimage not only gives you a richer and more direct understanding of
Buddhism, but also leaves memorable impressions that inspire you for a
Ajahn Brahm likes to say that the real holy places of Buddhism are actually
found within us: namely, the four jhānas, or the four stages of deep
samādhi. Yet for the vast majority of Buddhists, who are unable to access
such profound meditation experiences, a pilgrimage to India is still hugely
worthwhile. Indeed, Ajahn Brahm has himself visited India a number of
times. It was on one of these trips that something extraordinary happened
– an occasion on which he vividly manifested the embracing quality of
Ajahn Brahm was on his way to Bodh Gaya, the site of the Buddha’s
awakening under the Bodhi tree, when a beggar approached him.
Deformed and bedraggled, he followed Ajahn Brahm around and was
unrelenting in his request for money. Little did he know that Ajahn Brahm
is the rare kind of monk who follows the monastic rules scrupulously and
does not use money. There was no way he was going to get money from
Ajahn Brahm. Yet once these beggars have chosen you as a target, it is
virtually impossible to evade them.
You see, Ajahn Brahm was able to look beyond the superficial. He saw that
the beggar had most likely been abused and manipulated by a powerful
force behind the scenes and was suffering intensely. So he picked the
beggar up right off the ground and gave him a good bear hug before
putting him back down again. The beggar was astonished and happy, all
at the same time. Never in his life as a beggar had this happened before.
Someone actually hugged him! He probably had not experienced such
warmth and care from another human being for a very long time. Because
he could see the compassion and kindness coming from Ajahn Brahm, he
felt he should leave Ajahn Brahm alone. Completely unintentionally, Ajahn
Brahm had discovered what was probably the only way that would cause
the beggar to leave him in peace.
24 A JA H N B RA H M
The Dhamma of Socks
At another time, when Ajahn Brahm was giving a Dhamma talk at the
Dhammaloka Centre in Perth, he happened to be wearing a pair of socks
knitted for him by a member of the audience. As he was speaking, Ajahn
Brahm spotted her. Wanting to show his appreciation for the gift, he
discreetly pulled back his robe and stuck out his foot just enough for her
to see that he was wearing her socks. In a hushed but excited voice, she
exclaimed to her friend, “Look, he’s wearing my socks!”
Indeed, it is possible to show gratitude in so many different ways. Often
people bring special food to the monastery specifically for Ajahn Brahm.
Typically he will wait until the donor is looking and then take an extra-large
helping, perhaps even sniffing the food and making a facial expression of
appreciation. Invariably the donors will smile when they see Ajahn Brahm’s
enthusiasm for their gift.
26 A JA H N B RA H M
Ghost Business
As he was criss-crossing the country, Ajahn Brahm would often ask the
locals for suitable places to stay. An abbot at a monastery where he
had been staying recommended a special cave as his next meditation
stop. There was only one problem. According to the locals, the cave was
haunted by a malevolent ghost, and as a result no monks wanted to stay
there. For Ajahn Brahm, however, this was a bonus, because it meant he
would have the cave all to himself. Moreover, the prospect of meeting a
ghost excited him. Whilst he was still a student at Cambridge University,
he had been on a number of ghost-hunting expeditions with the Society
for Psychical Research, but he had never yet had a proper encounter. Now
he saw another opportunity!
The villagers in the area were at first reluctant to show Ajahn Brahm the
cave. They were terrified of this haunted place and warned him not to
go. Apparently, a monk had died in that very cave. When Ajahn Brahm
insisted, however, the villagers finally took him there. But since the ghost
was expected to appear after dark and the sun was about to set, they all
left in a hurry, leaving Ajahn Brahm all by himself.
The cave was beautiful. It was secluded and peaceful, the perfect place
for meditation. Ajahn Brahm went about halfway in, prepared his seat and
started meditating, whilst waiting for nightfall and the arrival of the ghost.
He waited and waited, but nothing happened. Perhaps this “ghost” had
been a mere figment of the locals’ imagination. Eventually, he decided
there was little point waiting any longer, so he lay down to get some sleep.
Later, Ajahn Brahm discovered that deeper inside that cave lay the
skeleton of a monk. Perhaps that monk had not been as keen on meeting
ghosts as Ajahn Brahm had; perhaps he was literally scared to death!
As for Ajahn Brahm, it was just another experience. He knew that one need
not be afraid of ghosts because they normally have neither the wish nor
the power to harm you.
28 A JA H N B RA H M
The Nibbana Box
Yet on this occasion Ajahn Brahm was given that rare gift that he actually
really valued. When he unwrapped the gift, he found a perfect cube-
shaped box with a single switch on the side. He put the box down and
flicked the switch to the “on” position. The top of the box opened up. Out
emerged a mechanical hand, which then bent around the side of the box,
flicked the switch into the “off” position, and then retreated back into
the box, after which the box closed up. That was it! The box only had one
purpose, to turn itself off.
That is Nibbana. You discover that “switch” and turn your(non)self off.
Things come to an end. What a brilliant metaphor for the Buddhist
spiritual path!
Enchanted Chanting
He has woven much of this good cheer into the life of Bodhinyana
Monastery. One such example is the way the monks sometimes chant the
anumodanā, the blessing given in appreciation of any offering of food. It is
probably unlike anything you have heard before. The chant rises in volume
and pitch, reaching a crescendo at the very end. It is hard not to laugh at
the silliness of it all.
Ajahn Singtong’s humour made him extremely popular with the local
villagers. One of his trademarks was his outlandish way of chanting the
anumodanā. As Ajahn Brahm witnessed first-hand, the chanting grew
progressively louder and louder, rounding off with a big roar at the end. It
was both hilarious and daring at the same time, going, as it did, against the
culturally accepted norms. At a deep level the villagers probably realised
that the best sort of humour is not merely funny, but subversive.
30 A JA H N B RA H M
A few months after Ajahn Brahm met him, Ajahn Singtong’s life was
cut tragically short in a plane crash. He was one of three highly-revered
monks who were killed in the accident. It was another reminder of the
impermanence of life and how quickly anything can change. One of the
brightest lights of Thai Buddhism had been extinguished.
To this day, however, Ajahn Brahm likes to tell the story of how Ajahn
Singtong had once even played a prank on Ajahn Maha Boowa, who during
his heyday was widely considered one of Thailand’s fiercest and most
austere forest monks. For most people, he was not a monk to be messed
with. But not so for Ajahn Singtong. One morning, when Ajahn Singtong
was staying at Ajahn Maha Boowa’s monastery, he overslept. Now, there
was a monastery rule that if you did not make it for the early morning
group meditation, you could not go on almsround, and hence you could
not eat that day. But, thought the cheeky Ajahn Singtong, maybe there
was a way around this.
He walked off into the forest, got hold of a wild chicken – in itself no mean
feat – tied a string around its neck and dragged it back to the monastery.
As they arrived, the chicken was crowing at full volume for the whole
monastery to hear. Ajahn Singtong then released the chicken, entered the
hall and told the gathering that he had come before the chicken. Everyone
burst out laughing. In the Thai idiom, to “come before the chicken” means
you have arrived early in the morning. Ajahn Maha Boowa threw his hands
up and told him he had earned his right to eat.
Holy Shit
32 A JA H N B RA H M
This improvised contraption was much appreciated by the monks. After
the long almsround in the early morning, when they had not eaten for
twenty-four hours, they could now all have a hot drink before the meal. It
may not seem like much, but given the austerity of their lifestyle, it was
tantamount to luxury.
But while it lasted, the clever device gave much joy to the whole
community. If you have a special ability or knowledge in a particular field,
the best way to use it is to provide a service to others.
Thinking for Yourself
A jahn brahm has never shied away from doing things differently. In
fact, he has earned a reputation for fearless independence. For him, being
subject to criticism is no reason to shrink from doing what you believe is
morally right.
Ajahn Brahm relates how Ajahn Chah emphasized to his disciples the
importance of thinking for themselves. He used the simile of a mother crab
that limped because she had a bad leg. As a result of simply mimicking
34 A JA H N B RA H M
their mother, all her baby crabs limped too, even though their legs were
perfectly fine. Applying this simile to the issue of authentic Buddhist
teachings versus tradition, if we blindly follow the way things have been
done by past generations of monastics, we might end up “limping” through
our monastic lives, potentially doing harm to Buddhism in the process.
Against the Grain
A jahn brahm has always been rebellious. Whether it was his long hair
as a teenager, his giving up of alcohol as a student, or his embrace of
Buddhism at the tender age of sixteen, he has never been satisfied with
mainstream thinking and received wisdom. This sense of non-conformism
is evident throughout his spiritual journey as a monk.
36 A JA H N B RA H M
For a Westerner, Ajahn Brahm thought, charnel grounds are not scary. So
he found a suitable place, set up his little platform and started to meditate,
waiting for the dark to arrive. But to his consternation, as the light faded,
his imagination started to play tricks on him.
Maybe charnel grounds are scary for Westerners after all. But the real
lesson was that sometimes you need to go against the stream to make
progress on the path. In this case, Ajahn Brahm made an important
discovery about the power of the imagination. Through one’s own
fabrications, things often appear far worse than they really are.
As with most things in life, there is a right and a wrong way to be rebellious.
Used wisely, it opens up new avenues for learning. To achieve uncommon
wisdom, by definition, you need to go against the grain.
Batty About Caves
S ince the time of the Buddha, Buddhist monastics have been drawn
to caves. The Suttas mention caves among the standard places for
monastics to seek seclusion, even citing a few caves by name, such as the
Pippali Cave outside Rājagaha, used by one of the Buddha’s most famous
disciples, Venerable Mahākassapa. In the centuries after the Buddha’s
lifetime, the Sangha built vast complexes of caves at the now famous sites
of Ajanta and Ellora, a few hundred kilometres to the northeast of present-
day Mumbai. Caves have continued to be sought out by forest monastics
up to the present day. Many of the most well-known Thai forest monks,
including Ajahn Mun and Ajahn Chah, spent periods of time in caves
during their formative years.
Caves are great places to meditate. Not only do they provide protection
from the weather, but they are usually quiet and dark, with a pleasant and
stable temperature. A good cave is a spartan one, ideally containing no
more than a basic platform for sitting and lying down on. Life in such caves
is simple, almost perfectly suited to meditation. For anyone seeking to
deepen their practice, caves tend to provide the optimal environment.
It is no surprise, then, that Ajahn Brahm too likes caves. Indeed, some of
his fondest memories from Thailand are of the times he stayed in these
natural cathedrals to meditation. Unlike brick-and-mortar cathedrals,
however, caves are inhabited by all sorts of animals, including, quite often,
whole colonies of bats. Sharing a cave with bats is no problem provided
you are able to tolerate the smell of bat faeces. But Ajahn Brahm did one
better: he not only tolerated it, he developed a veritable love of bat poo.
He associated its smell – or should we say, aroma – with the profound
happiness and peace of meditation. To Ajahn Brahm, bat poo is a most
delightful substance.
38 A JA H N B RA H M
Many years later, after he had moved to Perth, two of his monks built a
cave for him at Bodhinyana Monastery to try to simulate the conditions
that had facilitated his deep meditation experiences in Thailand. After two
years of hard work, they presented Ajahn Brahm with a cave built to virtual
perfection. There was only one thing missing: bat poo. They thought at
length of how they might import it into Australia, even considering the
option of smuggling it in to circumvent the strict Australian biosecurity
laws. After being momentarily tempted by the prospect of solitary
confinement in prison, they came to their senses. Hard as it was to accept,
Ajahn Brahm would have to live without bat poo. The cave was eventually
decorated with a black-and-white toy bat and, as a homage to Ajahn
Brahm’s penchant for puns, a cricket bat!
With or without bat poo, Ajahn Brahm loves his cave. All he does there is
meditate and rest. If there is a holy place at Bodhinyana Monastery, this is it.
Inspired Dreaming
If one’s faith is genuine, it will manifest as inspiration and joy. This can arise
at almost any time – surprisingly, perhaps, even during sleep.
On one occasion, Ajahn Brahm dreamt that his teacher, Ajahn Chah, was
giving him an inspiring Dhamma talk. At that point in time, Ajahn Chah
was, in actuality, severely ill back in Thailand, and had not given a Dhamma
talk for several years. Ajahn Brahm was overawed at meeting his teacher
again after many years apart and receiving the gift of the Dhamma. Yet
he also realised that he was dreaming and made a determination to recall
Ajahn Chah’s powerful message after waking up. Because of the delight
of meeting his teacher and the joy of hearing the Dhamma, he woke up
almost instantly. Straightaway his mind was clear, bright and joyful, but he
could not for his life remember the contents of the talk! He reflected how
strange it was that one could be so inspired, yet only have a vague idea of
what caused it.
40 A JA H N B RA H M
On another occasion, Ajahn Brahm dreamt about Ajahn Tate, another great
amongst the famous meditation masters from the Northeast of Thailand.
In the dream, as he was bowing down to Ajahn Tate, he was overcome by
a feeling of sheer bliss. The bliss was so strong that he literally burst out of
the dream into the waking world. He sat up, his mind luminous and radiant.
Effortlessly, he was drawn into a state of deep meditation.
Inspiration and bliss are often closer than you think. And when inspiration
is strong, samādhi is never far away.
Giving, Always Giving
Ajahn Brahm has continued in the same manner throughout his monastic
life. Even as the abbot and by far the most senior monk of Bodhinyana
Monastery, he still treats everyone with kindness and respect, regardless
of their age or seniority. From holding the door for a junior monk to helping
unload a car full of food donations, he is always on the lookout for ways
to help out and participate in community life. He never sets himself above
or apart from anyone else. Rather, he understands that harmony and a
well-functioning community come from everyone working together with
kindness and care for each other.
42 A JA H N B RA H M
Of course, his kindness also extends beyond the doors of his monastery,
to the Buddhist lay community and indeed to anyone who crosses his
path. On one occasion when he was visiting Christmas Island, he was
approached by a couple who were extremely worried about their gravely
ill baby. Ajahn Brahm gave them his old robe, saying, “Take this robe
and put it around the baby. It will improve its chances of pulling through
the illness.” Many Buddhists will consider such a cloth to have special
healing properties because of its long association with a highly esteemed
monastic. The couple were immensely grateful. They did as told, and the
baby recovered.
His disciple did just that, and her father wore the beanie both at home and
in hospital. And although he died a few months later, the family remained
forever grateful to Ajahn Brahm for this act of kindness. The beanie even
went with the man into his grave so as to allow Ajahn Brahm’s care to
comfort him even beyond this life.
How to Run a Monastery
Another lesson for Ajahn Brahm was seeing the importance of knowing
how to let go. He tells the story of what happened at Ajahn Chah’s funeral.
Ajahn Liem, the new abbot of Wat Pa Pong, had constructed the stupa
within which Ajahn Chah’s body was to be cremated. The body was
contained in an iron casket, which was placed inside the stupa, whereupon
the fire was lit. Unfortunately, the engineering details were not up to
scratch. As the flames grew out of control, it looked as if the whole stupa
might burn down. Ajahn Liem took one look at it, then calmly went back to
his kuṭi to have a rest. He had done his duty in building the stupa to the best
of his ability. He could leave this unforeseen problem for someone else to
solve. What may seem irresponsible to an ordinary person is probably just
a selfless act of letting go to someone with a higher level of wisdom.
44 A JA H N B RA H M
Ajahn Brahm took these lessons to heart and added a few ideas of his
own. From this emerged his own unique management style. On a typical
day at Bodhinyana Monastery, he might walk around inspecting what
the various monks are doing during the work period. He might see one
monk sweeping, another chopping wood, and a third preparing for the
installation of a funeral plaque. In each case, he would probably crack
a joke before saying, “Very good, carry on.” One of the hallmarks of his
leadership style is gentle encouragement without fault-finding.
Wise Compassion
As the couple was leaving, Ajahn Brahm saw a man just behind them
pacing restlessly up and down. He said, “If you wish to speak with me,
now is a good time.” The man came up and asked for a blessing for good
fortune and material wealth. Ajahn Brahm gave him a short blessing. The
man then left straightaway.
Once he was gone, Ajahn Brahm turned to his attendant monk and said,
“He would not be able to see a real treasure.” Ajahn Brahm had realised
that for a man like this, who was looking only for good luck and riches, you
can only do so much. This was a good example of someone who was not
reachable, at least for the time being.
46 A JA H N B RA H M
On another occasion, Ajahn Brahm had to deal with a visiting monk
who had broken some of the most fundamental of the monastic rules.
Ajahn Brahm did not berate him for his transgressions. The monk, who
was already distraught and crying, did not need someone to make him
feel worse; he needed understanding and care. Ajahn Brahm not only
sympathised with him, but tried to find a way out that might save his
monastic life. He left almost no stone unturned in his search for a solution
to this monk’s difficult predicament. Yet, sometimes, it is just too hard.
Despite Ajahn Brahm’s best efforts, the monk ended up disrobing. Wise
compassion is knowing that even if you do your best to help, you may not
achieve the ideal outcome.
We are all fallible and easily led astray by our weaknesses and old habits.
It is when we are given compassion and understanding that we have the
best possible basis for abandoning our unskilful tendencies and moving
on to new heights of spiritual development.
Club Med
48 A JA H N B RA H M
On another occasion, a monk sitting next to Ajahn Brahm at a meditation
retreat noticed several mosquitos swirling around him. They seemed to
be endlessly revolving, as if they could not quite decide what to do. Now,
mosquitos are typically attracted to the carbon dioxide emissions of
humans. In deep meditation, however, breathing, and therefore carbon
dioxide emissions, is greatly reduced, even entirely eliminated. This must
have been the reason why the mosquitos were so confused around Ajahn
Brahm. There was perhaps a residue of carbon dioxide, but it was so little
that they could not decide whether he was a tree, a rock or a sentient being!
What Ajahn Brahm can do, we can all do. Ajahn Brahm’s experiences
should serve as an inspiration for all of us that powerful states of
meditation are available to anyone who practices the path fully.
A part from the time spent on his own meditation practice, Ajahn
Brahm lives to spread the Dhamma, including building monasteries and
travelling to bring the teachings of the Buddha to all corners of the globe.
Everything he does is aimed at serving this higher goal.
Ajahn Brahm’s disciples have discovered that a fun and effective way of
fundraising to support these Dhamma endeavours is to auction off his
possessions. Many people consider these personal requisites as precious
or even powerful, or at the very least as personal reminders of their
teacher. Ajahn Brahm allows the auction organisers into his cave and office
to identify items that might be auctioned off. Over the years, many of his
most private and personal effects have been sold off. These include his
meditation cushion, old robes, handwritten manuscripts of his books, and
even his toilet seat. Nothing is too private, with the possible exception of
his favourite tea. In some countries, even the contents of a famous monk’s
toilet are sometimes regarded as collectors’ items by his disciples! Ajahn
Brahm’s auctions have yet to reach that stage, but it is amazing – verging
on concerning – what sometimes goes on in the Buddhist world.
50 A JA H N B RA H M
The Benefits of Being Antisocial
Ajahn Brahm likes to spend as much time as he can in his cave or on his
walking path. He will attend to any business that requires his attention, he
may even joke around with his fellow monks to lighten up the atmosphere,
but he will never waste any time with pointless socialising. He will head
back to his cave at the earliest opportunity. On one occasion, one of
the anagarikas at the monastery was taken aback when Ajahn Brahm
actually said something to him other than a polite greeting. Apart from the
occasional scheduled meeting, this was the first time Ajahn Brahm had
spoken to him in over a year.
In his early days as a monk in Thailand, life was basic and simple. The
Western monks at Wat Pa Nanachat had very little interaction with the
outside world – no newspapers, magazines or radios, and few visitors
apart from the local villagers. At one point Ajahn Brahm had actually
forgotten what year it was! The monks lived in a timeless sphere of
minimum interaction with anyone, which is the ideal setting for developing
the mind. Counterintuitive as it may seem, the qualities of compassion
and kindness are in many respects best developed in seclusion.
Ajahn Brahm truly delights in solitude. His preference for being alone
goes hand in hand with his love of meditation. Even for an experienced
meditator like Ajahn Brahm, talking and socialising affects his meditation
practice. He is sociable when necessary only out of compassion for others
and because he desires to share the healing message of the Dhamma. In
fact, it is precisely his genuine love of solitude that enables him to impart
this message so powerfully and authentically, especially at times when
it is needed so much, either because of the COVID-19 pandemic or the
innumerable other problems that afflict humanity.
52 A JA H N B RA H M
The Life of Ajahn Brahm:
An Unauthorised Hagiography5
London, 7th August 1951: it was probably a wet and gloomy day. But then
into the gloom came a ray of light. Ajahn Brahm, then known as baby Betts
– his parents had wished for a daughter and had no name at hand for a
boy – had entered the human world.
Where did the baby come from? Later on, he would be given the name
Brahmavamso, “He of Brahma’s lineage.” Some have suggested that this
name was no coincidence. As the events of his life unfolded, it became
clear that there was something special about this child. Perhaps he really
had descended from the lofty Brahma realms; perhaps his name was a
reflection of a greater truth. But the name Brahmavamso was still far away
in the future. In the meantime the nurse at the maternity ward suggested
to the child’s parents that Peter would be a suitable name. It was thus that
Peter Betts came into our midst.
Revised and updated excerpt from Emptiness and Stillness: A Tribute to Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso on the
Occasion of His 60th Birthday, pages 1 to 32. The original version was written by Ajahn Brahmali. Grateful thanks to
the Buddhist Society of Western Australia (BSWA) for permission to reprint.
Peter had been born into a working class family in post-war London, a time
of relative hardship for many people, including the Betts family. They lived
in a council flat, a kind of subsidised housing designated for people with
limited means. One day, whilst the family was watching TV, a gust of wind
caught a £1 note and carried it into the fireplace. His father rushed to it,
but it was too late. He only succeeded in burning his hand. Peter’s mother
wept, for even this was a financial setback for the family.
Despite the lack of material wealth, the Betts family home was a good
place for a young child to grow up. Peter’s paternal grandfather had been a
strict disciplinarian, and Peter’s father had made a firm determination that
he would be different. Peter thus grew up in a caring and loving household.
It was in this household that Peter’s father famously told the young
adolescent, “The door of my house is always open to you, no matter what
you do in life.”6
Peter was also close to his maternal grandparents. When he visited his
grandmother, she would usually make him a big portion of chips. He would
happily gobble it down. Those who know Ajahn Brahm’s taste in food will
realise that some things in saṃsāra are less impermanent than others.
So for those who think Ajahn Brahm eats too much greasy food, it was all
conditioned by his grandmother’s affection. Tout comprendre c’est tout
One Christmas, Peter was given a fishing rod by his grandfather. Before the
youngster got the opportunity to make any bad kamma, his father decided
he first needed to test the rod. Testing … testing … break! The fishing rod
was no more. Grandfather was upset, and Peter was furious. Only later did
he understand his good fortune in being saved from killing animals.
From early on it was apparent that the young Peter was not quite like other
children. When his school had the occasional half-day holiday for well-
behaved children, Peter would finish his homework and then delight in
having absolutely nothing to do. These were the most memorable times
of his childhood. While most children would delight in activity, Peter would
This is perhaps the most widely told story by Ajahn Brahm in his talks. The full version can be found in his book
Opening the Door of Your Heart and Other Buddhist Tales of Happiness.
French phrase which means “to understand all is to forgive all.”
54 A JA H N B RA H M
delight in doing absolutely nothing. The seeds of samādhi were clearly
there from the very beginning.
It is perhaps not surprising, then, that the adolescent Peter would resonate
with the Buddhist teachings when he first came across them at 16. He
had won an academic prize through his excellent O-level exam results,
and he used the prize money to buy Christmas Humphreys’ pioneering
book on Buddhism. He quickly recognised that, in fact, he was already a
Buddhist. But not being content with partial research, he decided to study
other religions as well. Only when he felt satisfied that he understood the
alternatives, did he call himself a Buddhist. Thus at the age of 16 he had
made the most important choice in his life.
It was fortunate for him that he had the Buddhist teachings for support
during this period, because this was also the time when his father died.
One night Peter’s mother came into his room and said she was unable
to wake up his father. Peter went into his parents’ bedroom, shook his
father, and realised straight away that he was dead. Most people would get
upset by such a discovery, but Peter instead remembered the Buddhist
Teachings: the difference between grief and non-grief is in how you
perceive the situation. If you focus on the loss, you grieve. If instead you
focus on how the departed person has enriched your life, you feel a sense
of gratitude.
Peter’s first teacher at the Society was the abbot of the recently
established Thai temple in London, Wat Buddhapadipa. He proved to be
adept at explaining Buddhism and Buddhist meditation, and Peter was
inspired. After Peter had attended his talks two or three times, the monk
stopped coming. He had disrobed, and was going to get married to an
English girl. Peter was shocked. It dawned on him that being an articulate
and inspiring teacher is quite different from having a deep appreciation of
the teachings.
His next teacher was Nai Boonman, a Thai lay Buddhist who had been one
of the founders of the Samatha Society, perhaps the most successful of
all British meditation societies. Peter soon became a serious practitioner
of samatha meditation, a type of meditation for which Ajahn Brahm would
later become well-known. Peter also took up other aspects of Buddhist
practice. After an alcohol-fuelled party where he had too much to drink,
he decided to give up alcohol. He never looked back. He also became a
vegetarian at this time, a practice that ironically he had to give up when
he became a monk, since there was no such thing as vegetarian food in
the Northeast of Thailand in the mid-1970s. But sometimes his idealism
went too far: when his girlfriend prepared a delicious non-vegetarian meal
for him, he refused to eat it. He later realised that sometimes kindness
and compassion for your fellows is more important than strict adherence
to principles.
56 A JA H N B RA H M
He would spend the summer holidays working and travelling the world.
He went to such places as North Africa and Central America, and in 1973
to India on his first Buddhist pilgrimage. It was during his time in Central
America, whilst visiting one of the Mayan pyramids on the Yucatan
peninsula, that he had one of his insights about the nature of samādhi.
He realised that the experience of deep samādhi is similar to climbing
one of those ancient pyramids: just as when climbing a pyramid you get
out of the jungle and get a proper perspective on the landscape below, so
too, with the experience of samādhi, you emerge from the “jungle” of the
sensual world and for the first time understand it properly.
But as always Peter was at his happiest when he had absolutely nothing
to do. One of his most memorable moments at Cambridge was sitting in
the back of a punt that someone else was rowing. Once again, there was
nothing to do in the whole world – the bliss of complete contentment.
It was also at Cambridge that Peter attended his first meditation retreat,
and it was at this retreat that he experienced deep meditation for the first
time. His mind was so peaceful that when he went out into the gardens
he would sit for hours just staring at a clump of bamboo. He had never
realised that bamboo could be so beautiful.
It was the power of his meditation that helped Peter achieve academic
distinction. At Cambridge, exams were done during a single week, with
one exam in the morning and another in the afternoon. Most students
would go for lunch between the morning and afternoon exams, but Peter
would instead meditate. When he again met his fellow students just before
the afternoon exam, he was so bright and cheery that his friends were
wondering what sort of drug he was on. With the help of meditation he
achieved the highest academic distinction – first class honours.
Always questioning the way things appear to be, he set out to improve
the results of the students who were performing the worst. He reasoned
that, if instead of neglecting the poor performers – which seems to be a
common problem in education – he gave them extra attention, he might
be able to prove that “dummies” aren’t necessarily stupid. Of course, he
was right. The extra attention did prove that a poor academic record is
not always due to lack of ability. But Peter’s proudest achievement as a
teacher was teaching meditation to 650 students at the school assembly.
If a single student had started to giggle, it could have been a complete
flop. But to his astonishment all the children followed his instructions and
became dead quiet. After 5 minutes of meditation, he got a spontaneous
ovation. Many years later he accidentally met one of his former students
who told him that that short session of meditation had changed his life.
For those who think that Ajahn Brahm was born a saint, it may come as
a surprise to learn that he also indulged in worldly pursuits. He had loved
music from an early age, anything from rock and roll to classical. One of
his favourites was the American guitarist Jimi Hendrix, and as a teenager
he would compete in the volume stakes with his father who was playing
Frank Sinatra. Later on he would frequent the London music scene, which
in those days was the avant-garde of rock and roll. He sported a beard, long
hair and green velvet trousers. He played the guitar and had a girlfriend. It
is good to know that no one – not even the Buddha before his awakening –
starts out as a perfect saint. It gives hope to all the rest of us.
It was while he was working as teacher that Peter decided to try out
monastic life. After completing a year of teaching in Devon, he returned to
London and was told by the monks at Wat Buddhapadipa to go to Thailand
for ordination. Whilst he was waiting for the right time to leave, every
day he would rise early and ride his motorbike to Wat Buddhapadipa to
attend the morning chanting and meditation. He was so keen, and would
sometimes arrive so early, that he had to wake up the resident monks
before the chanting could begin.
When Peter arrived in Bangkok, his taxi driver refused to believe that a
foreigner wanted to go to a temple and kept insisting on taking him to a
58 A JA H N B RA H M
hotel instead. The taxi driver was at his wit’s end when Peter told him he
wanted to become a monk. In those days in Thailand, the West was looked
upon as “the land of plenty,” and surely no Westerner in his right mind
would seek ordination as a Buddhist monk in Thailand! Despite his taxi
driver’s insistence, Peter eventually made it to Wat Saket, one of the most
famous temples in Bangkok.
Wat Saket is generally regarded as the head monastery of the entire Maha
Nikaya order, the branch of the Thai Sangha which has by far the largest
number of monks. Ajahn Brahm’s ordination preceptor was none other
than the monk who was later to become the acting head of the entire Thai
Sangha, Somdet Phra Buddhajahn. Such a close connection to a high-
ranking Sangha member in Thailand can be very useful, particularly when
one needs support in difficult circumstances. During the brouhaha after
the Perth bhikkhunī ordination, Ajahn Brahm got private and personal
support from the very top of the Thai Sangha.8
Although Wat Saket was a city temple, Ajahn Brahm diligently continued
his meditation practice. As a young monk with few responsibilities, his
meditation continued to improve. But city life is never ideal for a meditation
monk. After three months at Wat Saket, he met Ajahn Sumedho who was in
Bangkok to extend his Thai visa. Ajahn Sumedho told him about Ajahn Chah
and Wat Pa Pong, and Ajahn Brahm knew that this was his future as a monk.
Wat Pa Pong was an ascetic meditation monastery. The food was simple,
often just glutinous rice and insects, and sometimes perhaps half a boiled
frog. The climate was hot and humid, particularly for Westerners used to
A detailed account of what had happened from Ajahn Brahm’s perspective can be found in the chapter titled “Moving
Toward Life – No Matter How Difficult” in his book Falling is Flying: The Dharma of Facing Adversity.
colder climes. The monastery routine was usually gruelling, with chanting
and group meditation beginning at 3.30 a.m. But Wat Pa Pong had one
thing that set it apart from other monasteries: Ajahn Chah.
One of Ajahn Chah’s famous teaching methods was the use of ascetic
practices, toraman, the purpose of which were to teach the monks that
desire is the cause of suffering. Not long after Ajahn Brahm’s arrival, but
before he was allowed to take part in the monastic meetings, he witnessed
how Ajahn Chah gave an all-night talk to the Sangha, speaking for perhaps
6 or 7 hours. One of the monks was particularly displeased, telling the new
arrival that, “Ajahn Chah is just crazy!”
60 A JA H N B RA H M
Supplies of anything were very limited. Sometimes the monks had to
walk barefoot because there were no sandals. When Ajahn Brahm went to
see Ajahn Chah to ask for new batteries for his torch – and this was after
squeezing out virtually every single electron from his existing batteries –
he was told there weren’t any. When walking at night in snake-infested Wat
Pa Pong, there was only one possibility: develop your mindfulness to the
maximum. And sure enough, Ajahn Brahm proved to himself that even in
the dark of night in the snake-ridden jungles of Thailand it was possible to
walk barefoot and still not be bitten.
After Ajahn Brahm had stayed at Wat Pa Pong for about two months, the
Western monks were invited to start a separate monastery near Bung
Wai village, the monastery which is now known as Wat Pa Nanachat, the
International Forest Monastery. It was a rough group of monks that set out
from Wat Pa Pong, many of them American veterans from the Vietnam
War. And apart from their experiences at Wat Pa Pong, their understanding
of Buddhist monasticism was still very limited.
Apart from studies, Ajahn Brahm took an interest in the practical side of
running the monastery. In 1978, when he became the second monk at Wat
Nanachat, he took on the job of building supervisor. Although he had no
experience with building work, he was energetic and always willing to help
out. The local villagers would do most of the manual labour, and Ajahn
Brahm would ensure that the quality of their work was up to scratch; after
all, they were rice farmers, not builders.
one of his fellow monks told him how he would love a cup of tea in the
morning before the meditation at 3.30 a.m. Ajahn Brahm thought he would
surprise the monk, and the next morning he brought him a cup of tea at 3.00
a.m. It was an attitude that had a powerful effect on his meditation.
Despite his efforts at being a good community member, for Ajahn Brahm
meditation has always been the core aspect of monastic life. Although
he had been a gifted meditator since he started practicing, he did have
problems with dullness and drowsiness in those early days at Wat
Nanachat. Initially he tried to fight the tiredness, but over the years he
gradually learned that fighting just makes matters worse and that the
proper response is to allow the tiredness to be. The idea of letting things
be, rather than exerting will-power, has in later years become an important
aspect of Ajahn Brahm’s meditation teachings.
62 A JA H N B RA H M
to him quite literally thought he had died. At another time he had an
unbearably painful toothache. He didn’t know what to do with himself –
he could neither sit still nor focus on anything – when he realised that
craving was the problem. The realisation brought about a full embracing of
the painful feeling. The result was complete contentment and the painful
feeling just vanished. It was an almost unreal reminder of the power of
insight. On yet another occasion Ajahn Brahm was hospitalised with
typhus fever. He was so ill that he was unable to walk without supporting
himself. When Ajahn Chah visited him in hospital and saw his condition, he
famously said, “You’ll either get better or you’ll die.” Yet in spite of his dire
condition, Ajahn Brahm was able to let go of the body and enter samādhi.
At Wat Pa Pong and its branch monasteries it has generally been the
custom for monks to go wandering – tudong – after their fifth rains
retreat, and so it was for Ajahn Brahm. When he first suggested to Ajahn
Chah that he might go on tudong, Ajahn Chah told him to just walk round
and round the perimeter of the monastery. This wasn’t exactly what he
had had in mind, but soon afterwards he got his chance to wander around
the Northeast of Thailand.
During his tudong months he visited many of the most famous meditation
masters, including Ajahn Tate and Ajahn Maha Boowa. Ajahn Brahm had
a special affinity for Ajahn Tate and he found him to be one of the most
selfless (in the higher sense of the world) and peaceful of all the monks he
had ever met. Meeting someone truly special can be enough to inspire you
for a lifetime.
At one point, whilst walking between villages, he became particularly
thirsty but there was nothing suitable to drink. He then thought to
himself, “I’m a good monk. If there are any devas out there, can you please
ensure I get a Pepsi in the next village?” Ajahn Brahm soon entered the
next village and walked past the village store. Then, just as he was about
to give up hope, a lady came running out of the store and said, “Venerable,
may I offer you a Pepsi?” Then another person came, then another, then
another … until he had nine bottles of Pepsi. That’s right, nine bottles of
Pepsi, and nothing else.
During his tudong months Ajahn Brahm spent a lot of time by himself
on remote mountains and in isolated forests, just practicing meditation.
This time his greatest hindrance was not dullness and drowsiness but too
much sensual thinking. He tried to use force to silence the thoughts, but
to his dismay the thinking got worse. He then realised that the use of force
makes the mind rebel, and thus it is counterproductive. So he decided to
set aside a full hour every day just for thinking. His mind went dead quiet!
Once again he had seen that force and control are not the path to success
in meditation.
When he had been in Thailand for seven years, Ajahn Brahm decided it
was time to visit his family. Arriving in England was a real culture shock,
but he usually found the right answers to any difficult situations. As he
walked past a group of menacing teenagers, he jokingly did a few kungfu
64 A JA H N B RA H M
moves. The kids ran a mile; they must have thought he was a real Shaolin
kungfu master. Whilst he was staying at his mother’s flat, a gypsy woman
came to beg for money. She said she would curse Ajahn Brahm’s mother if
she didn’t give anything. Then Ajahn Brahm came to the door and told the
gypsy woman that Buddhist curses were much stronger than hers. The
gypsy woman fled on the spot. While visiting Stoke-on-Trent he couldn’t
figure out why people kept pointing at him and laughing, until he realised
there was a circus in town. Apparently people had thought he was a clown!
Not long after he returned to Wat Nanachat, Ajahn Sumedho asked Ajahn
Brahm to go to Perth. Ajahn Jagaro, an Australian monk who had also
trained at Wat Nanachat, had already been in Perth for about four months,
but his second monk Ajahn Puriso was returning to Thailand. Ajahn Brahm
was going to be Ajahn Jagaro’s new lieutenant.
Ajahn Brahm used his impending transfer as a spur in his practice. Instead
of the usual rest after the meal in the hottest part of the day, he decided
to put forth extra effort in meditation for the benefit of the people he was
going to serve in Australia.
In April 1983 Ajahn Brahm flew from Thailand and moved into the small
vihāra in Magnolia Street owned by the Buddhist Society of Western
Australia (BSWA). The two resident monks closely followed the way of
running a monastery they had learned in Thailand. This meant that Ajahn
Jagaro did the teaching and the counselling of the lay Buddhists, whilst
Ajahn Brahm fulfilled the more anonymous role of second monk. Indeed,
Ajahn Brahm was so good at staying in the background that when he had
to speak because Ajahn Jagaro was away, someone exclaimed, “You can
speak! I had thought you were demented or something.”
Because Ajahn Brahm had few teaching duties, he used his spare time to
further his study of the Vinaya. As part of this effort, he taught himself Pali,
the ancient Indian language of the Buddhist scriptures, since a thorough
understanding of the Vinaya requires a good knowledge of Pali. And once
you know Pali, you also have direct access to the Buddhist Suttas. Thus
Ajahn Brahm gained an access to the Buddha’s teachings shared by few
other Western monks trained in Thailand.
Despite the lack of facilities, the two monks moved to Serpentine straight
away in November 1983. An old sheep shearer’s shed became the dining
hall. Ajahn Brahm’s first kuṭi was an old door with bricks for legs. One
evening he wasn’t able to find his door and had to curl up under a tree for
the night. As the monastery gradually developed, Ajahn Brahm moved into
a tent and then half a water tank. The water tank was fitted with walls, a
window and a door. Luxury! Unfortunately it was located in a gully where
a small stream would run in winter. His mattress was soaking wet. If he
moved too abruptly on the mattress, water would literally flow out of it. This
is how Ajahn Brahm spent his first rains retreat at Bodhinyana. The shell
of that half water tank kuṭi is still in the monastery, and it helps remind the
rest of the Sangha of the high standard of their present dwellings.
During the early years at Serpentine, support from Thailand was essential
for the development of the monastery. Not only did the bulk of financial
support come from Thailand, but senior Thai monks such as the late Luang
Por Paññānanda played a critical role in generating support, consecrating
the Main Hall, and acting as preceptor at ordination ceremonies. It was the
new monastery’s close association with Ajahn Chah and Wat Pa Pong that
ensured such generous support from Thailand.
66 A JA H N B RA H M
on the land, there was nothing left for buildings. They could barely afford
building materials, and for the most part had to do completely without
hired manpower. Since Ajahn Brahm had been in charge of building at Wat
Nanachat, he naturally became the builder of Bodhinyana Monastery. He
learned how to lay concrete and bricks, how to erect roofs and fit ceilings,
how to do carpentry work and lay pipes. The workmanship was invariably
of a very high standard, the sort of standard that is achievable only with a
very focused mind.
But even a master builder makes mistakes. In one of the first buildings
he built, Ajahn Brahm discovered to his horror that two of the bricks had
not been laid to perfection. Thus his well-known story of the two bad
bricks was born.9 Many years later people began asking to see the by
now famous two bad bricks. But Ajahn Brahm could no longer remember
where they were. He was simply practicing what he was preaching: he had
completely let go of those bricks.
A more indirect danger of being the builder is that you tend to focus
on faults. What needs to be repaired? How can the buildings be made
safe from bushfires? What are the further needs of the monastery? To
counter this fault-finding tendency, Ajahn Brahm began walking round the
monastery deliberately just focusing on what had already been achieved.
By rejoicing in what he had already done, he further developed the
contentment that is so important for success in meditation.
“Two bad bricks” is the first story in Ajahn Brahm’s book Opening the Door of Your Heart and Other Buddhist Tales of
Ajahn Brahm has continued doing building work all along. As his 69th
birthday is approaching, he is still involved, often walking round our
building sites, helping out with the manual work and checking that
everything is OK. He is not beyond getting dirty for the sake of the
monastery. Despite the fame and the accolades, he is a humble monk, and
he understands the power of service.
Apart from the building work, which in the 1980s and early 90s would
take up about 8 hours on a normal day, Ajahn Brahm continued his efforts
in meditation. Although he sometimes felt there was too much work, he
made a determination not to complain until he had properly utilised every
single minute of his free time. So he never complained.
He became adept at using all his hard work to boost his meditation, thus using
the method the Buddha called cāgānussati.10 Such recollection generates joy,
which in turn quickly takes the mind to samādhi. This is another technique
that has been a hallmark of Ajahn Brahm’s meditation methodology.
When the mind has been properly prepared by samādhi, insight can
happen in seemingly unlikely situations. One day after giving a Dhamma
talk, he decided to listen to one of his own talks from a few years before.
To his astonishment, the two talks were almost verbatim the same. Ajahn
Brahm had thought that the previous evening’s talk was the result of his
freely choosing what to talk about. He had had a clear sense that his will
was entirely free. But when he then listened to the older talk, he was forced
to conclude the exact opposite: his will was entirely conditioned. It is the
sort of insight that leads to the ending of saṃsāra.
Literally, “recollection of (one’s) generosity.”
“AN” is the abbreviation of Aṅguttara Nikāya, “The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha.” Free online access to this
can be found at https://suttacentral.net.
68 A JA H N B RA H M
In 2002 Ajahn Brahm entered a 6-month meditation retreat. He didn’t
speak to a single person for six months; he even picked up his food from a
box. All he did was meditate and read the occasional sutta in the Majjhima
Nikāya.12 Most people would go nuts. After the six months Ajahn Brahm was
beaming. His mind had been so peaceful for so long that for the first few
days after the retreat he was virtually unable to speak. After he regained his
powers of speech, he gave a talk to the Sangha called “Six months of bliss.”
Not everything Ajahn Brahm did was successful. His early talks at the
Buddhist Society were considered by many as hopeless. Some said he had
the style of a schoolteacher lecturing his audience, others that his jokes
were lame and badly delivered. One man, after attending a retreat with
Ajahn Brahm, swore that he would never again go to any of his talks. A lady
said the talks were poor, but she would “front up” anyway just to show her
support for the Buddhist cause.
In late 1993, Ajahn Jagaro went on sabbatical leave to get away from his
usual duties and increase his efforts in meditation. At around the same
time, Ajahn Brahm’s reputation as a meditation master was gradually
“The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha” which is abbreviated as “MN.” Free online access to this can be found
at https://suttacentral.net.
taking hold. Monks and laypeople who wanted Ajahn Brahm as their
teacher started to arrive at Bodhinyana Monastery.
As abbot Ajahn Brahm was quite different from Ajahn Jagaro. Where Ajahn
Jagaro had been committed to the Thai way of doing things, Ajahn Brahm
had a more independent streak. He had already argued that some of the
practices pursued at Wat Pa Pong were not suitable at Bodhinyana. At
one point he lost all his energy, apparently due to lack of nutrition. Since
the physical work at Bodhinyana was particularly arduous, Ajahn Brahm
argued that a strict one meal a day practice was inappropriate and that a
small breakfast would be helpful. Ajahn Jagaro eventually agreed.
In the area of community life, too, Ajahn Brahm had a different outlook
from most of the other senior monks affiliated with Wat Pa Pong. Most Wat
Pa Pong monasteries had compulsory all-night group meditation on the
uposatha days twice a month. In Ajahn Brahm’s estimation such practices
tended to lead to dullness and drowsiness. Another Wat Pa Pong custom
was group chanting and meditation in the early morning and evening.
Ajahn Brahm argued that deep meditation is much easier to access in
solitude, and he used the Suttas to support his argument. Gradually
Ajahn Brahm was able to convince the resident Sangha, and Bodhinyana
Monastery became more closely aligned with the ideals of the Suttas and
less so with the practices current at Wat Pa Pong.
The Buddhist Society had been established to cater for both monks and
nuns. When the Serpentine property was purchased, the idea had been to
divide the land into a monks’ section and a nuns’ section. After the basic
70 A JA H N B RA H M
infrastructure was in place, a nun’s kuṭi was built on the far side of the
monastery creek.
However, by the early 1990s it had become clear that men and women
living together in the same monastery was far from ideal. Long-term
female guests would occasionally fall in love with Ajahn Jagaro. This is
not exactly helpful for celibacy. Indeed, after he disrobed Ajahn Jagaro
went on to live with one of the most persistent of his female admirers,
and her advances had clearly been a factor (among many) in his decision
to disrobe. In 1997, a couple of years after Ajahn Brahm had become the
new abbot, the Buddhist Society decided to look for another property to
establish an independent and separate nuns’ monastery.
From the beginning Ajahn Brahm’s policy was to avoid interfering with the
running of Dhammasara. He reckoned that a strong and sustainable nuns’
community comes from independence and a sense of being in charge of
one’s own affairs. There was no need for any “patriarchal” oversight. At the
same time Ajahn Brahm would make himself available if the nuns needed
advice or guidance: after all, he was very experienced in building and
running monasteries. In this way Dhammasara gradually developed under
the pioneering leadership and capable hands of the abbot, Ajahn Vāyāmā.
Around 2003 Ajahn Brahm first suggested that the new property would
be suitable for a retreat centre. The Buddhist Society had been renting
premises for its retreats for a couple of decades and a dedicated Buddhist
72 A JA H N B RA H M
retreat centre was considered by many as highly desirable. The new
property was seen as an ideal location for many reasons: it was secluded
and quiet, with beautiful natural bushlands; it was close to Bodhinyana
Monastery, which would allow Ajahn Brahm to teach retreatants while
simultaneously keeping an eye on the monastery; and the Buddhist
Society did not need to look for another piece of land. Ajahn Brahm’s very
first estimate for the building cost was AU$1 million. Among irrepressible
optimists, Ajahn Brahm is the supreme leader!
Gradually the plans became more concrete and the cost estimates
started to rise. After Ajahn Brahm had made the first rough sketch of the
required buildings, he acknowledged that AU$2 million was closer to the
mark. A pamphlet with a computerised drawing of the envisaged centre
was produced to help people get some idea of what they were donating
towards. By this stage the cost estimate was AU$3 million. An architect
was hired, detailed drawings produced, and a professional cost estimator
hired. Cost: about AU$6.5 million. Ajahn Brahm would have none of it, but
conceded that the final bill would probably amount to AU$5 million. To
make a long story short, the final cost was in excess of AU$5 million. But
if the discount received from the builder is included, the figure is closer to
AU$7 million. Of course, if it hadn’t been for Ajahn Brahm’s optimism, the
Buddhist Society might never have had a retreat centre.
What really made the retreat centre possible was Ajahn Brahm’s large
support base in a number of countries. When the news of the project
gradually spread, donors came forward because of their confidence
in Ajahn Brahm. Large donations were received from Singapore and
Malaysia, and Thai Buddhists also made an important contribution. In
addition, significant donations were received from around the world. But
perhaps most auspicious of all – with an eye on the future of Buddhism
in Australia – was that an important part of the funding came from local
Australians, including donations from the immigrant Buddhist population
and the generous builder who, by forgoing any profit, in effect donated
almost AU$1.5 million.
When the building work started in November 2007 the naysayers were in
rapid retreat. By the end of 2008 the retreat centre was fully financed and
the building work, despite delays, was making good progress. Geoff Gallop,
the ex-premier of Western Australia, was asked to become the patron of
the centre. He had received advice from Ajahn Brahm a few years earlier
whilst he was going through a difficult period. He readily accepted.
The opening ceremony was held in April 2009. Geoff Gallop was present,
as were several local and state politicians. Some of the monks had been
working until the early hours of the morning to help finish the building
work. Beautiful stupas and carved lions that were gifts from Indonesia
were all in place. The ceremony itself had been thoughtfully and
professionally put together by Buddhist Society volunteers. The name of
the centre, Jhana Grove, had been suggested by one of Ajahn Brahm’s
disciples to honour his style of teaching. It was a proud moment.
As soon as the opening ceremony was over the first retreat started. There
were, of course, teething problems, but the centre has proved outstanding
for meditation retreats. Since then Jhana Grove has been the venue for a
large number of retreats. The centre is open to any Buddhist group, and
there is no fixed charge. It is thus a resource not just for the Buddhist
Society but for all Buddhists, both in Perth and elsewhere. As the BSWA
marked the centre’s ten-year anniversary in April 2019, it was running at
close to full capacity.
Ajahn Brahm has almost unlimited energy for teaching the Dhamma. He
has a deep conviction that he has an important message to deliver, and
his audience can usually sense that they are receiving the genuine article.
Add his remarkable wit and sense of humour, and it is easy to see why he
is such a popular teacher and speaker.
74 A JA H N B RA H M
one of his typical Dhamma tours, the crowds are always large. In Thailand,
where the language barrier is a significant obstacle, he has reached large
parts of the population principally because of the Thai translations of his
books. He has become well-known among the English speaking population
of Hong Kong, and in Indonesia his books are bestsellers, on par with
Indonesian translations of Dan Brown thrillers and the Harry Potter series.
But perhaps his greatest following is in Sri Lanka, where he speaks on
national television, gives private teachings to the President, and is greeted
on the streets by ordinary Sri Lankans as if he were a movie star.
Ajahn Brahm’s teachings have resonated not just in Asia but also in the
West. His first book, Opening the Door of Your Heart, has been translated
into 15 different European languages. His second book, Mindfulness, Bliss,
and Beyond, is often quoted in meditation circles as an authoritative guide
on meditation. He has a large following in Europe and North America.
In the end, the most important reasons for Ajahn Brahm’s success as
a teacher are simply his high energy levels and his willingness to work
inhumane hours. Typically, Ajahn Brahm will give a Friday night talk at the
Buddhist Society city centre in Nollamara. He will then speak to people
until about 10 p.m., at which point he rushes off to the airport in a car. He
then takes the overnight flight to Singapore, where he has breakfast with
a large number of disciples. He continues teaching non-stop until perhaps
11 p.m. The next morning he might be off on a 6-night Dhamma tour of
Indonesia, with a similar daily schedule, before he flies back to Perth,
arriving 3 or 4 hours before the next Friday night talk. You get the idea.
How does he do it? By being at ease and relaxed in virtually all situations,
and by enjoying what he does. And by not taking himself at all seriously.
Waiting at the airport in Kuala Lumpur for a flight back to Perth, his
disciples bought him a nice ice-cream coffee with a straw. He sucked, but
nothing came out. He tried harder, but still nothing. He then noticed that
some of his disciples were holding their mouths, trying not to giggle. He
had another look at his “straw” – it was a spoon! He had a good laugh at
himself. That’s how he does it.
76 A JA H N B RA H M
Anagarika Dhamma
A layperson undertaking the eight The teachings of the Buddha. It is
precepts and living in a monastery, often encountered in its Sanskrit form,
normally in training to become a monk or Dharma.
a nun.
Anumodanā Profound states of meditation, of which
Anumodanā, “rejoicing along with,” is the the Suttas mention four. They constitute
word for the traditional blessing or short the last factor of the Noble Eightfold
talk given by a monastic in gratitude for Path.
the offering of a meal.
Ayya Khemā (1923-1997) Action, specifically intentional action.
A pioneering German bhikkhunī who The quality of the intention determines
played a significant role in re-establishing whether an action is ethical or not.
the female Sangha in Theravada Unethical action is known as bad kamma,
Buddhism. ethical action as good kamma. Its
Sanskrit form is karma.
A fully-ordained Buddhist monk. Karun. ā
Compassion. One of the four divine
Bhikkhunī abidings.
A fully-ordained Buddhist nun.
Kut. i
Brahma A simple monastic dwelling.
A high divine being. The Brahmas exist
in planes that are the rebirth equivalent Mahākassapa
of the four jhānas or the four divine One of the direct, fully-awakened
abidings. disciples of the Buddha. He was known
for his ascetic practices.
The Buddhist Society of Western Māra
Australia. The lay Buddhist organisation A Buddhist deity who exerts power on
connected with Bodhinyana Buddhist people to keep them bound to saṃsāra.
Monastery and Dhammasara Nuns’ More importantly, Māra refers to our own
Monastery. psychological tendency to be tempted by
the sensual world.
A divine being. Metta
Loving kindness. One of the four divine
Nibbana Suttas
The final goal of the Buddhist path. It is The collection of discourses given by the
the extinguishment of craving, ill will and Buddha. The Sanskrit form is Sūtras.
delusion, and the ending of suffering. Its
Sanskrit form is Nirvana. Theravada
The branch of Buddhism practiced in
Pali South and Southeast Asia. Bodhinyana
The language of the Buddhist scriptures Monastery belongs to this branch.
of the Theravada Buddhist tradition. It is
closely related to Sanskrit. Tudong
The practice of forest monks, especially
Rājagaha in Thailand, to go wandering after
The capital of the ancient Indian kingdom completing their basic five years of
of Magadha. The Buddha spent a training as a monastic. The purpose of
significant amount of time in and around such wandering is to seek solitude for
Rajagaha. There is still a small town in the meditation and perhaps to visit famous
area called Rajgir. meditation teachers. It is a test of one’s
independence and ability to live the
Samādhi monastic life without the support of a
A profound state of meditation. Right community.
samādhi, sammā-samādhi, is the last
factor of the Noble Eightfold Path and Uposatha
equivalent to the four jhānas. The day and night of the full or the
new moon. In Buddhist countries, it is
Samatha a traditional holiday when people visit
Calm. An important aspect of Buddhist monasteries, keep the eight precepts
meditation. and meditate. The monastic Sangha
meets and recites their rules of conduct
Sam. sāra on this day.
The potentially endless round of birth
and death. Vihāra
A Buddhist monastery or monastic
Somdet Phra Buddhajahn (1928-2013) residence.
Ajahn Brahm’s ordination preceptor and
the acting head of the Thai Sangha in the Vinaya
period 2005-2013. The collection of monastic rules and
The Buddhist monastic community. Wat Pa Nanachat
The international monastery in Ubon
Stupa Ratchathani, Northeast Thailand,
A Buddhist dome-shaped established by Ajahn Chah in 1975 to
commemorative monument, normally provide a training monastery using
erected in memory of someone regarded English for his growing number of foreign
as awakened. disciples.
Wat Pa Pong
Ajahn Chah’s main monastery in Ubon
Ratchathani, Northeast Thailand.
78 A JA H N B RA H M
. dhammadānam
Sabbadānam . jināti
In Loving Memory of
FONG Shook Kuen, KWOK Sau Chun, Heather Poon,
Richard Poon, Stanley Spector, YUEN Lai Chan
Opening the Door of Your Heart: And Other Buddhist Tales of Happiness
(Published in the U.S. under the title Who Ordered this Truckload of Dung?
Inspiring Stories for Welcoming Life’s Difficulties)
Wisdom of Silence
In early January 2020, COVID-19, a highly infectious novel
coronavirus, began to spread and has since affected millions
of lives around the globe, causing hundreds of thousands of
deaths across all continents. As this book is being prepared, the
numbers are still rising. Ajahn Brahm, a fully-ordained Buddhist
monk for over 45 years, reminds us that “this too will pass,”
because nothing is permanent. He encourages us to consider
this global pandemic not as a crisis but rather as an opportunity
to care for and serve one another, especially those in need.
far and wide as the world continues to grapple with this global
Ajahn Chah, an eminent Thai forest monk regarded by many as
a meditation master.