Mystical Companions 5 e
Mystical Companions 5 e
Mystical Companions 5 e
Authors: Casey Christoferson, Justin Bacon, Tommy Ruteledge, Josh Hubbel, Lance
Hawvermile, Luke Johnson, Stephen Vogel and Dave Zenz
Edited and Converted for Fifth Edition: JASON VEY
Contributions by Creature Design: EGG EMBRY (Familiar: Ravic), KEVIN ALLEN (Familiar: Rockling)
Art Direction/Layout: PETER BRADLEY
©2017 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades® is a registered Trademark of Chenault & Gray Publishing LLC, d/b/a Troll
Lord Games. SIEGE Engine™ is Trademark of Chenault & Gray Publishing LLC, d/b/a Troll Lord Games. Amazing Adventures is a Trademark
of Chenault & Gray Publishing, d/b/a Troll Lord Games. The Troll Lord Games, Castles & Crusades, SIEGE Engine, Amazing Adventures and
Troll Lord Games logos are Trademarks of Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. 2016.
Art, artwork, cover art, cartography is copyright Peter Bradley of Ravenchilde Illustrations, 2017 or Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. All
content copyright 2017 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved.
elcome to Familiars & Companions arbiter of what means and methods are used in their specific
for 5th Edition, an update of our original campaigns to acquire familiars and other abilities detailed herein.
OGL sourcebook meant to expand
ADVANTAGES: Advantages are a new type of character ability
upon two of the most intriguing
mystical elements of fantasy games that serve as a replacement for, or alongside of, Feats in Fifth
- familiars and animal companions. Edition rules. They function exactly the same as Feats and are
Familiars & Companions is a resource for expanding the role of differentiated simply by what they do and their variety and
familiars and animal companions in your campaign by providing focus. Characters, other than those specifically able to acquire
an assortment of new rules and options. Using the new rules familiars (such as Wizards), need to take the Summon Familiar
found herein, not only can characters of any class now summon advantage in order to gain a familiar. Additional Advantages
familiars and animal companions, but the familiars and animal allow characters to gain more powerful familiars.
companions that are summoned possess a much greater potential In addition, assortments of other Advantages allow players
for versatility and power. Even better, this book has been revised to increase the power of their character’s existing familiars.
and updated to be completely compatible with the 5th Edition of Similarly, characters without the class ability or spells to summon
the world’s most famous role playing game! animal companions can now do so with Player Advantages to
duplicate its effects - allowing characters of any class to gain a
In addition, in the appendices you will find a wealth of new
familiar or animal companion.
magical items, spells, monsters and creatures that can be used
to augment and enhance any Fifth Edition game. Each chapter NEW PATHS: In the Fifth Edition rules, each character class has
includes new takes on archetypal paths for characters, whether a path, oath, pact, college, circle, archetype or other progression
it’s a Barbarian Path, Paladin Oath, Roguish Archetype, Bard that defines their character’s specific approach to their abilities.
College, Druid Circle, Fighter Archetype, Warlock Pact, This “path” has a different name for each character class, but for
Sorcerous Bloodline, Clerical domain or any character path you every one it represents a choice they make at third level. In this
take. It is our hope that this book will provide a great deal of book, each class gains a Familiar Path that they can take in the
new material for your fantasy game, regardless of the extent to place of their other progressions. These paths allow access to the
which you want to include familiars therein. more than one hundred new powers are defined herein, and each
class has their own type of familiar defined by a unique power
A WORD OF EXPLANATION: This book requires that you
progression. These include improved and supreme powers.
have access to the three core rulebooks for the 5th edition
rules, or at very least to the Basic Rules document that is TRICKS: A variety of new tricks have been provided for
freely available online. Throughout this book, we have used animal companions, along with guidelines on training animal
the terms ‘CK,’ and “Castle Keeper” to indicate the game companions to perform tricks.
master or person running the game, and ‘player character’
or ‘PC’ to refer to the characters created for the game. In SUMMONING RITUALS: Each class has its own summoning ritual
addition, when you see terms like, “Game Master’s Guide” for acquiring familiars or companions and several generic rituals
or “5th Edition Monster Tome,” these refer to the Core are provided you for a wide variety of options. These rituals are
Rulebooks for the 5th Edition fantasy rules set. different than the rules for magic rituals in Fifth Edition, and
are specific approaches each class must take to call a familiar or
All character, kingdom or world names mentioned herein are animal companion to serve.
meant as examples only, as Familiars & Companions is meant
to serve as a generic sourcebook for all Fifth Edition fantasy NEW FAMILIARS AND ANIMALS: Rules are included for more
campaigns, regardless of the campaign setting you call home. It than two hundred possible familiars - including complete
is our hope that these expansions (which include the return of statistics for more than seventy new animals and monsters.
certain lost elements such as the Paladin’s mount and the Druid’s The exact nature and powers of a particular familiar depend
animal companion) will enhance and enrich your 5e fantasy upon the character class of the master, and the decisions you
game. make as the PC in summoning and empowering the familiar.
From beyond the arcane curtain, Some of these details are found in this chapter (such as New
Adjuncts and New Special Abilities), but additional information
‘The Mystical Masters’ can be found in the class-dedicated chapters later in the book.
The following is a short synopsis of the new options available in What’s the difference between a familiar and an animal
this book concerning familiars and animal companions. As this companion? On the surface, after all, both of them look
is a book of player options, the Castle Keeper should be the final pretty similar.
The essential distinction is this - while both familiars and Thus, if a character gains a Greater familiar at level 12, and
animal companions are magical creatures loyal to their the level progression table begins at 3, then progresses to 5, 7,
masters, only animal companions are actually free-willed 9, etc., the character would gain abilities at level 12, 14, 16, 18
companions who serve of their own accord. Like other etc. This can mean that characters are still gaining new abilities
NPCs, they do not always do as their PC master wishes, and past level 20, but so what?
they are subject to whims of their own. The binding that
links a master to a familiar is much more powerful, in many A word of caution to CKs: greater and supreme familiars can
ways making the two almost one being. As a consequence, be exceptionally powerful and could be unbalancing to a game.
most familiars are always obedient, obeying their master’s Regardless of what is shown on the level progression tables for
commands above all else. familiar abilities, you are well within your rights (and indeed, it is
recommended) to deny characters the ability to gain a greater or
This distinction also leads to other differences - familiars supreme familiar until they reach a certain minimum level (say,
are sentient, while animal companions are not. So while level 8 for greater familiars and level 12 or even 15 for supreme).
animal companions can be trained to perform an assortment
of tricks as described under the ‘Animal Companion Tricks’
section later in this chapter, they simply are not intelligent NEW CONDITION: DAZED
enough to perform certain tasks or communicate complex A number of the effects in this book cause opponents or victims
information to their masters in the same way that familiars to become dazed. Dazed should be treated as a new condition.
can. In addition, familiars often possess a wide assortment Dazed characters are dizzy, confused and have difficulty
of magical powers, while animal companions rarely have focusing. The condition is a stage between aware and stunned;
more than a few such powers related to their master. On dazed characters can act, but not very well. Those who are
the other hand, animal companions are generally far more dazed suffer the following effects:
physically imposing and powerful than familiars, and
they are far more suited to the role of guardian or battle Victims suffer Disadvantage on all attacks, ability checks and
companion. saving throws.
SPECIAL: This Ability can be selected as one of the fighter’s PREREQUISITES: Ability to summon a new familiar, compatible
bonus class Abilities. This Ability may be taken multiple times. alignment, sufficiently high level (see the individual class
Its effects stack. descriptions in Chapters 2 thru 12).
ENLARGE MOUNT [GENERAL] BENEFIT: When choosing a familiar, the creatures designated
as “non-standard” in each individual class description (see the
You are capable of calling larger and more powerful mounts. appropriate chapter; for example, Chapter 2 for a barbarian), are
also available to you. You may choose a familiar with an alignment
PREREQUISITES: Paladin level 5th+ or Barbarian’s Mount Ability.
up to one step away from your own on each of the alignment
BENEFIT: You may call a special mount one size larger than axes (lawful through chaotic, good through evil). For example, a
the current maximum size of your special mount (a Small chaotic good character could acquire a neutral good familiar. A
barbarian can choose a mount ordinarily only allowed to a lawful neutral character could acquire a neutral good familiar.
Medium barbarian and a Medium barbarian can choose a
mount ordinarily only allowed to a Large barbarian, etc.). If you Improved familiars otherwise use the rules appropriate for
already have a special mount, the special mount may grow in the class of the master that they are associated with (see the
size. (Note that increasing in size affects the special mount’s HD individual class descriptions in Chapters 2 thru 12), with one
and potentially their ability scores.) exception: If the creature’s type is something other than animal
or beast, its type does not change. If the creature is an animal or
SPECIAL: This Ability may be taken more than once. Its effects beast, it becomes a magical beast.
stack. The Castle Keeper must approve any non-standard
Your ability to process sensory information from your familiar is
ENSNARE REAPER [GENERAL] greatly enhanced.
You ensnare a Reaper and bind it as an assassin’s weapon
against his marks. Prerequisite: Rogue Level 8+ with Assassin PREREQUISITES: Sensory Familiar.
Archetype or Rogue with Death’s Reaper Archetype
BENEFIT: When using your Sensory Familiar ability, you are of your class abilities/powers (at the CK’s discretion) can be
capable of simultaneously experiencing both your own senses as conveyed to the familiar for the duration of the trance, with
well as your familiar’s senses. You do not need to enter a helpless the 12-hour duration reduced by one hour per additional power
state to experience the world through you familiar’s senses, and conveyed. Thus, if you transfer three powers, the powers will
can take actions normally while doing so. remain effective for 9 hours. Alternatively, you can still choose
to convey only a single power, which now lasts for a full 24
SPECIAL: If you have more than one familiar, you can share hours before needing to be replenished. Although this trance
senses with only one familiar at a time. still requires some mental concentration, its effects are less
strenuous - you are no longer considered helpless during the
JOINED TURNING [GENERAL] trance, but are instead limited to one partial action per round.
The presence of your familiar strengthens your faith. Entering the trance is still a standard action, and you still need
to drop the trance (another standard action) and re-enter it if
PREREQUISITES: Summon Familiar Ability, ability to turn you wish to convey a different ability to your familiar.
SPECIAL: A character with multiple familiars and Improved
BENEFIT: If your familiar or familiars are within 5 feet, you gain Meditative Conveyance can convey abilities to any or all of
advantage when using your divine channeling ability to turn their familiars at one time. Doing so cannot be done with the
undead. lighter trance state described above. In a lighter trance state,
the character is still limited to conveying abilities to only one
By entering a trance-like state, you enter a state of communion SENSORY FAMILIAR [FAMILIAR]
with your familiar, allowing you both to convey techniques of
self-perfection. You can see through your familiar’s eyes, hear through its ears,
and experience all of its sensory input.
PREREQUISITES: Ability to summon a familiar.
PREREQUISITES: Ability to summon a familiar.
BENEFIT: By entering a trance-like state (in which you are
BENEFIT: You can, at will, by stopping to concentrate (during
considered helpless and unaware of the world around you), you
are able to convey one player character ability to your familiar. which time no other actions are possible save defense), see, feel,
You must possess the ability in question in order to convey it touch, taste, and otherwise experience the world through the
to the familiar, and the final arbiter of which abilities can be senses of your familiar. You are not in control of the familiar’s
conveyed is left to the discretion of the CK. actions and cannot communicate with it in any way beyond
what you could ordinarily do. If the familiar is on another plane,
Entering a trance requires a standard action by both familiar this ability does not function.
and master. Leaving the trance requires a standard action (by
both familiar and master). While in the trance, the master and While you are experiencing the world through your familiar’s senses,
familiar are both considered helpless and should be treated your physical body is immobile and helpless. You are unaware of
as restrained. Conveying the ability requires 1d10 rounds anything which happens either in close proximity, or directly to,
of concentration. If either suffers any damage during the your body. This ability lasts as long as you maintain concentration;
trance, the trance is broken and the ability fails and cannot be if you take damage or any action other defense, the link is broken.
attempted again before the PC engages in a long rest. Only one You may, however, choose to terminate the connection at will
ability may be conveyed at a time, and this ability is selected simply by taking any action other than concentration.
at the time the trance is entered. Conveyed abilities last for
12 hours, after which a new trance is required to repeat the SPECIAL MOUNT, GREATER [GENERAL]
process or convey a different ability. Your mount’s connection to the spiritual world is strengthened,
granting it more powerful magical abilities.
SPECIAL: If you have more than one familiar, you can only
convey abilities to one familiar at a time. PREREQUISITES: Barbarian, Paladin level 8th+, Barbarian’s/
Paladin’s Mount Ability.
BENEFIT: Your mount gains abilities according to Table 2-15:
Your communion with your familiar during a meditative Greater Barbarian Special Mount (see the ”Barbarian Mounts”
conveyance is purer (see above), allowing a larger range of section of Chapter 2 for details) or Table 8-9: Greater Paladin
techniques to be shared. Special Mount (see the ”Paladin Special Mounts” section
PREREQUISITES: Meditative Conveyance. of Chapter 8 for details), depending upon your class (either
barbarian or paladin). In addition, if your mount has been slain
BENEFIT: When using your meditative conveyance ability, you or you choose to release your previous special mount from
are no longer limited to conveying a single power. Any or all service, you can choose to summon a new special mount from
the Greater Mounts listed in the appropriate chapter (Chapter SUMMON DIABOLICAL FAMILIAR [GENERAL]
2 for barbarians, Chapter 8 for paladins). You can summon a demonic or devilish entity to serve you as a
Your mount’s connection to the spiritual world is strengthened, PREREQUISITES: Summon Familiar, Any neutral or evil
granting it more powerful magical abilities. alignment, arcane spellcaster.
PREREQUISITES: Barbarian or Paladin level 12th+, Greater BENEFIT: You can summon an evil outsider as a servant. Doing
Special Mount Ability. so requires a ritual which involves the casting of a magic circle
and then summoning the diabolic servant through the auspices
BENEFIT: Your mount gains abilities according to Table 2-16: of an appropriate summon monster spell. The ritual requires
Supreme Barbarian Special Mount (see the ”Barbarian Mounts” materials that cost a minimum of 1,000 gp per HD of the evil
section of Chapter 2 for details) or Table 8-10: Supreme Paladin outsider, and the investment of one point of Constitution,
Special Mount (see the ”Paladin Special Mounts” section which is permanently lost to the dark magic of the ritual and
of Chapter 8 for details), depending upon your class (either cannot be recovered by any means.
barbarian or paladin). In addition, if your mount has been slain,
or you choose to release your previous special mount from To perform the ritual, you cast the Summon Monster spell
service, you can choose to summon a new special mount from normally, and place a previously prepared soul gem or other
the Supreme Mounts listed in the appropriate chapter (Chapter such trap item within the magic circle.
2 for barbarians, Chapter 8 for paladins). The target creature may attempt a Wisdom save against
the caster’s standard save DC. If the diabolical creature
SPUR MOUNT [GENERAL] succeeds, the summoning fails and the materials involved
You can spur your mount to incredible speeds. in the ritual are wasted. If the saving throw fails, however,
the target creature is drawn into the magic circle, trapped and
PREREQUISITES: Mounted Combat Ability imprisoned there. All pertinent spell resistance applies when
attempting to trap the diabolical servant.
BENEFIT: When riding a running mount, you can get the mount
to move five times its normal speed (instead of the normal four The target creature can escape from the trap with a successful
times). If a mount you are riding makes a running jump, increase Wisdom check against the spellcaster’s magic save DC, though
the distance or height the mount clears by one-fourth, but not it is at Disadvantage to do so. It can try each method once per
past the maximum. day. If it breaks loose, it can flee or attack the spellcaster.
As long as the creature remains imprisoned, the spellcaster
STRIKE OF THE FAMILIAR [FAMILIAR] can attempt to compel the creature to become his servant
once per day. The spellcaster makes a Charisma (Persuasion)
You and your familiar (or familiars) have trained in a unique,
check opposed by the creature’s Charisma save. If the
cooperative art of combat, allowing you all to benefit offensively
creature wins the check, it refuses service. If the spellcaster
from your mutual cooperation on the battlefield.
wins the check, the creature is bound as a diabolic servant
PREREQUISITES: Ability to summon a familiar. (see Chapter 12 for details).
The spellcaster can improve his odds of success by offering
BENEFIT: If you and your familiar are within 5 feet of each other
some form of reward. The Castle Keeper assigns a bonus to
during a melee combat round (and remain that way the whole
the Charisma (Persuasion) check based on the service and
round), you have neither moved nor taken a bonus action, and
reward, from 0 to +5 (or may grant advantage or disadvantage
you both attack the same opponent(s), then you both may use a
as he sees fit). If the spellcaster offers up his own soul, the
bonus action to make an additional attack, albeit at disadvantage.
creature automatically accepts.
SPECIAL: If you perform a Whirlwind Attack (as per the Ability) If the spellcaster rolls a 1 on the Charisma check to compel
while within 5 feet of your familiar, then the familiar may also service, the diabolic creature breaks free of the binding and
perform a Whirlwind Attack at the same time (assuming the can escape or attack the character as it so chooses.
familiar has at least a 5 foot reach, and has not already performed
the ability). Actually binding the diabolic servant completes the ritual. In
doing so, the spellcaster learns the true name of the demon or
If you have more than one familiar, then you and all of your devil and gives them a false name (see Chapter 12).
familiars may benefit from the Strike of the Familiar (if this is
SPECIAL: This Ability summons an evil outsider of up to
physically possible), assuming all the conditions detailed above
are met. (You still may use only one bonus action, not a bonus Challenge 1 which will serve as a standard familiar. It can
action for each familiar.) be taken up to three times. Each additional time the Ability
is taken, the character may improve their diabolic servant
to Greater (allowing a servant of up to max. Challenge 3) or
Supreme (allowing a diabolic servant of up to max. Challenge 8) play, the spirit summoned should represent a “lesser” familiar that
status. Regardless of the servant (regular, Greater or Supreme) it cannot benefit from any of the advanced options found herein.
may never have a challenge rating greater than the character’s
current level -3 (the exception being that levels 2-3 characters This Ability can be taken more than once. Each additional time
may have a diabolic servant of up to Challenge 1, while level 1 the Ability is taken, you may summon an additional familiar. (In
characters will have any familiar of Challenge 0 or less.). other words, a character who has taken the Summon Familiar
Ability twice may have two familiars at once.)
SUMMON FAMILIAR [GENERAL] For the purposes of these new rules, Wizards are granted
You have the ability to summon a magical familiar to serve as a Summon Familiar as a standard class ability at level one.
companion and servant.
BENEFIT: You can call a familiar. Doing so requires a ritual which
takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials that cost 100 gp You are capable of summoning more powerful creatures as your
(see the individual class descriptions in Chapters 2 thru 12 for familiars.
a description of the ritual performed). A familiar is a magical
PREREQUISITES: Ability to summon a familiar, 4th level
beast that resembles a small animal and is unusually tough and
intelligent. The creature serves as a companion and servant. BENEFIT: You can summon a greater familiar. Doing so requires
a ritual which takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials
You choose the kind of familiar you get from the list of standard
that cost 1,000 gp (see the individual class descriptions for a
familiars available for their class (see the individual class
description of the ritual performed). If the greater familiar
descriptions in Chapters 2 thru 12). If you are a multiclassed
would normally be an animal or beast, it is instead treated as
character, you may choose any of your classes as the primary
a magical beast (otherwise its type remains unchanged). You
class the familiar is associated with each time you summon a
may choose a greater familiar with an alignment up to one step
familiar. As you advance in level in the class associated with the
away from your own on each of the alignment axes (lawful thru
familiar, the familiar also increases in power according to the
chaotic, good thru evil). For example, a chaotic good character
appropriate Standard Familiar Special Abilities chart (see the
could acquire a neutral good greater familiar. A lawful neutral
individual class descriptions in Chapters 2 thru 12). Note that
character could acquire a neutral good greater familiar.
levels of different classes that are already entitled to familiars
(Wizards), or that are associated with a particular class due to You choose the kind of familiar you get from the list of standard
an Ability, stack for the purposes of determining any familiar or greater familiars available for your class (see the individual
abilities that depend upon the master’s level. class descriptions in Chapters 2 thru 12), though many of the
greater familiars have a minimum required master level before
Losing a summoned familiar is a traumatic event both for the
they can be summoned. If you are a multiclassed character, you
physical and spiritual health of the PC; indeed, it is life-threatening,
may choose any of your classes as the primary class the greater
meaning most characters who have familiars will go out of their
familiar is associated with each time you summon a new greater
way to protect their mystical companions. If the familiar dies or you
familiar. As you advance in level in the class associated with
choose to dismiss it, you must attempt a Charisma Save (DC 20).
the familiar, the familiar also increases in power according to
Failure means you suffer 3d6 points of damage to your Constitution
the appropriate Greater Familiar Special Abilities chart (see the
score; if your Con is reduced to zero in this manner, you die. In
individual class descriptions in Chapters 2-12). Note that levels
addition, you are reduced to zero hit points and subject to Death
of different classes that are already entitled to familiars, or that
Saves; no magic or medical healing can restore hit points until you
are associated with a particular class due to an Ability, stack for
succeed in your Death Saves. Success reduces the Constitution loss
the purposes of determining any familiar abilities that depend
to half that amount and you are not reduced to zero hit points. A
upon the master’s level. The greater familiar is gained in addition
slain or dismissed familiar cannot be replaced for a year and a day.
to any other familiars the character may possess. (In other words,
A slain familiar can be raised from the dead just as a character can
a character who has taken Summon Familiar and Summon
be, and it does not lose a level or a Constitution point when this
Greater Familiar may have two familiars at once - a standard
happy event occurs.
familiar and a greater familiar.) Any standard familiars possessed
Certain familiars also grant special abilities to their master. by the character continue to advance as standard familiars, not
These special abilities only apply when the master and familiar as greater familiars.
are within one mile of each other.
If the greater familiar dies or you choose to dismiss it, you must
NORMAL: Only Wizards can summon familiars as a class ability. attempt a Charisma Save (DC 25). The consequences of failure
and success are identical to those with the basic Summon
SPECIAL: This Ability replaces the Find Familiar spell found in the Familiar ability. A slain or dismissed greater familiar cannot be
Fifth Edition PHB. Familiars rules within this tome are substantially replaced for a year and a day. A slain greater familiar can be
different than those in the core rules, and are not entirely raised from the dead just as a character can be, and has the
compatible. If the CK wishes to keep the Find Familiar spell in same effect as the spell.
In all other ways, greater familiars function as per standard In all other ways, supreme familiars function as per greater and
familiars (see the appropriate individual class descriptions the standard familiars (see the appropriate individual class descriptions
greater familiar is linked to in Chapters 2 thru 12). the greater familiar is linked to in Chapters 2 thru 12).
SPECIAL: This Ability can be taken more than once. Each SPECIAL: This Ability can be taken more than once. Each
additional time the Ability is taken, you may select an additional additional time the Ability is taken, the character may select an
greater familiar. additional supreme familiar.
NEW FEATS FETCH (DC 15): The animal goes and gets something. If you do
not point out a specific item, the animal fetches some random
You have reserves of endurance far beyond those of normal GUARD (DC 20): The animal stays in place and prevents others
people. You gain the following benefits: from approaching.
You have advantage on Constitution checks to avoid exhaustion, HEEL (DC 15): The animal follows you closely, even to places
hold your breath, march for hours without rest, go without where it normally wouldn’t go.
sleep, survive without food or water or avoid temporary damage
(when applicable). PERFORM (DC 15): The animal performs a variety of simple tricks,
such as sitting up, rolling over, roaring or barking, and so on.
When you are reduced to zero hit points, you have advantage
on Death Saves. In addition, you need only succeed at two SEEK (DC 15): The animal moves into an area and looks around
Death Saves to stabilize. for anything that is obviously alive or animate.
TRACK (DC 20): The animal tracks the scent presented to it. SUBDUE (DC 35): As per the attack command, but the animal
(This requires the animal to have the scent ability) attempts to subdue its opponents rather than actually kill them.
FOLLOW (DC 15): The animal follows a specified creature or For any spell-like abilities the familiar may gain by taking a
target at a discrete distance while attempting to avoid detection. special ability, its effective caster level is equal to its master’s
level (as associated with the familiar). For all other abilities
HIDE (DC 15): The animal hides to the best of its ability within requiring a saving throw, the Challenge Level + the master’s
a given area. level (as associated with the familiar, unless noted otherwise).
OBEY (DC 20): The animal obeys a different character as
indicated by its companion. The indicated character must
be familiar with whatever command phrases or gestures the ALERTNESS: The presence of the familiar sharpens its master’s
character uses to command the companion. The animal senses. While the familiar is within arm’s reach, the master gains
will obey the indicated character for up to 10 minutes per proficiency in Perception. If the master is already proficient, he
every point over the Challenge Level of the check required doubles (or trebles, if already double-proficient) his proficiency
to get the animal to follow the command that the handling bonus. This bonus applies to base as well as rolled Perception
character’s skill check was. For example, if the ranger checks (base perception is equal to ten plus the character’s
Typhis, an 8th level ranger who is not prime in Charisma is Wisdom bonus, plus any applicable proficiency bonus).
attempting to get his wolf animal companion (2 HD) to obey
the cleric Brother Duran, he would have to beat a Challenge BLOOD BOND: The familiar is advantaged on all attacks, ability
Level 25 on a D20 roll. Typhis rolls a 19 and adds +8 for his or skill checks, and saves, if it witnesses its master threatened
level getting a 27, thus convincing his wolf to follow Brother or harmed. This bonus lasts as long as the threat is immediate
Duran’s orders for twenty minutes. Note that the indicated and apparent.
character must still make his own Handle Animal Charisma
BLUR: The familiar benefits from the effects of the spell blur for
checks to command the animal, but he need not have the
a number of minutes per day equal to its master’s level. The
Handle Animal ability to do so. The minimum amount of
familiar may blur on a number of different occasions during a
time an animal will obey is 10 minutes.
single day as long as the total number of rounds spent blurred
PICK POCKET (DC 25): The animal attempts to pick the pocket does not exceed its master’s level. Evoking or dismissing this
of an indicated character using its Sleight of Hand skill. The power is a standard action.
victim must be indicated (although this can be done discreetly),
CHAMELEON (SU): The familiar’s skin takes on the color and
and this requires a full round action. Note that the animal so
trained need not have the Sleight of Hand skill (and can perform texture of nearby objects, including floors and walls. This grants
untrained skill checks), though the character performing the advantage to Stealth checks.
training does need to have ranks in the skill. COMMAND CREATURES OF ITS KIND (SP): This is a spell-like
PROTECT (DC 20): The animal follows a specified creature or ability that the familiar can use at will against other creatures of
character and protects him from danger (like “Defend,” but for its kind with fewer Hit Dice than it has itself. The familiar can
another character). use this ability once per day, per two levels of its master, and
the ability functions just like the spell command (for purposes
SYNC (DC 25): The animal coordinates its actions with another of this spell, the familiar can make itself be understood by any
animal companion. Each time the trick is learned, you choose normal animal of its kind). Since this is a spell-like ability, the
one other trick the animal knows (attack, protect, seek, track, familiar must make a Concentration check if distracted. If the
etc.). If the two animals both perform the trick at the same time check fails, the ability does not work that time, but it still counts
(for example, both attacking the same target; both tracking the against the familiar’s daily uses.
CONTROL LIGHT: The familiar’s presence alters the natural ability once per day per two levels of its master, and the ability
ambient light levels of its surroundings. When this power functions just like the spell.
is selected, choose whether you want the familiar to dim or
brighten nearby light. The total illumination of the area within DETECT SECRET DOORS: At will, the familiar can automatically
100 feet of the familiar is altered by 20%. This increases or detect the presence and exact location of secret doors, snares
decreases the overall range of vision for all characters within and pits within 30 feet of its location. The ability is instantaneous
that range by an equal percentage. rather than lasting, and the familiar can use this ability once per
day per two levels of its master.
The change in intensity can be either gradual or sudden when
a familiar enters a region (but this, too, must be selected at the DISTRACTING: The presence of the familiar can prove to be oddly
same time as the power). distracting. At will, as a standard action, the familiar can cause
all living creatures within 30 feet to become disadvantaged on
This ability can be selected more than once. Each time it is all skill checks and attack rolls. The familiar and its master are
selected, its effects stack in the same manner as previously immune to this ability.
selected. (For example, a familiar who has taken this ability three
times would dim or brighten the ambient light level by 60%.) EMPATHIC LINK: The master has an empathic link with the
familiar out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The master cannot
Decreasing ambient light levels grants a +1 circumstance bonus see through the familiar’s eyes, but the two of them can
to Hide checks for every 40% shift. Increased ambient light of a communicate empathically. Because of the limited nature of
torch or brighter light by 200% or more blinds normally sighted the link, only general emotional content (such as fear, hunger,
creatures in the area. happiness, curiosity) can be communicated. Note that the
low Intelligence of a low-level master’s familiar limits what
CONTROL SHADOW: The familiar can manipulate its shadow the creature is able to communicate or understand, and even
as a free action. The familiar’s shadow can grow in size, move intelligent familiars see the world differently from humans, so
independently of the familiar, or change shape so long as the shadow misunderstandings are always possible.
remains within 200 feet of the familiar. In addition to being used as
a possible silent signal between the familiar, the master, and/or his Because of this empathic link between familiar and master, the
companions, this ability can also be used to provide advantage to master has the same connection to an item or place that the
any Hide or Intimidate checks made by either the familiar or its familiar does. For instance, if his familiar has seen a room, the
master (who must be within 5 feet of the familiar at the time). master can teleport to that room as if he has seen it too.
DANGER SENSE: The familiar gains advantage on saving throws ENDURANCE: The presence of the familiar gives the master pools
against traps. of hidden strength. While the familiar is within arm’s reach, the
master gains the use of the Endurance Feat.
DARKVISION: The familiar can see up to 60 feet in the dark.
ENDURE ELEMENTS: The familiar is naturally resistant to
DELIVER TOUCH SPELLS: The familiar can deliver touch spells extreme temperatures and environments, and is considered
for the master. If the master and the familiar are in contact at protected by an endure elements spell at all times.
the time the master casts a touch spell, he can designate his
familiar as able to deliver the touch component. The familiar FAMILIAR’S EYE: At will, the familiar’s eyes emit a 20-foot cone
can then deliver the touch spell just as the master could. As of light. This light functions in all other ways as per the light spell.
usual, if the master casts another spell before the touch is
delivered, the touch spell dissipates. FAMILIAR’S FLAME: At will, as a free action, the familiar appears
wreathed in a harmless flame, equivalent in brightness to a
DETECT GOOD OR EVIL: At will, the familiar can detect good or torch. The flame looks like a normal fire, but does not create
evil, as per the spell. The familiar can use this ability once per heat and consumes no oxygen. The flame can be covered and
day per two levels of its master, and the ability functions just hidden, but cannot be smothered or quenched.
like the spell.
FANGS/TALONS: The familiar’s natural weaponry sharpens and
DETECT LAW OR CHAOS: At will, the familiar can detect law or lengthens, granting it a +2 bonus to its unarmed damage.
chaos. This ability works as per the spell Detect Good or Evil, but
applies to the ethical axis, rather than the moral. The familiar This ability can be selected more than once. Each time it is
can use this ability once per day per two levels of its master. selected, the familiar gains an additional +1 bonus to their
unarmed damage.
DETECT MAGIC: At will, the familiar can detect magic, as per
the spell. The familiar can use this ability once per day per two HEALING TOUCH: Once per day, the familiar can touch any
levels of its master, and the ability functions just like the spell. creature and heal one hit die of damage (using the hit die of
the creature touched). This healing neither causes the target to
DETECT POISON AND DISEASE: At will, the familiar can detect spend a hit die, nor counts against the creature’s normal total
poison and disease, as per the spell. The familiar can use this hit dice for purposes of healing damage after a rest.
This ability can be selected more than once. Each additional time SHARE SPELLS: At the master’s option, he may have any spell
it is selected, the familiar can use it an additional time each day. (but not any spell-like ability) he casts on himself also affect one
of his familiars by using this ability. The familiar must be within
INKLING: The familiar has a sixth sense and often knows whether 5 feet at the time of casting to receive the benefit. If the spell or
intended actions are good or bad. A number of times per day effect has a duration other than instantaneous, the spell stops
equal to its Wisdom bonus (or their master’s Wisdom bonus, affecting the familiar if it moves farther than 5 feet away, and
whichever is higher), the familiar has a 50% chance of knowing will not affect the familiar again even if it returns to the master
whether the results of a particular action will be good or bad. before the duration expires. Additionally, the master may cast
a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch range
The Castle Keeper should roll the check secretly. If successful, the
spell) instead of on himself. A master and his familiar can share
familiar knows whether the action is “Weal” (with good results),
spells, even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the
“Woe” (with bad results), “Weal and Woe” (a combination of good
familiar’s type (usually magical beast). Spell effects cannot be
and bad results), or “Nothing” (no particularly good or bad results).
shifted from one familiar to another.
If the check fails, the familiar will receive a “Nothing” result.
Spells available to the caster from another class other than the
This ability can only see into the future about half an hour and so
one the familiar is associated with can be shared with this ability.
the familiar cannot foresee consequences beyond that time limit.
SPEAK WITH ANIMALS OF ITS KIND: The familiar can communicate
This ability can be selected more than once. Each additional
with animals of approximately the same type as itself (including
time it is selected, the familiar can use this ability up to a number
dire variants): bats with bats, rats with rodents, cats with felines,
of times per day equal to its Wisdom bonus (or its master’s)
hawks with owls and ravens with birds, lizards and snakes with
multiplied by the number of times the familiar has selected this
reptiles, toads with amphibians, weasels with similar creatures of
ability. For example, if a familiar has a +3 Wisdom bonus, and has
the family Mustelidae (weasels, minks, polecats, ermines, skunks,
chosen this ability three times, it can use it up to nine times a day.
wolverines, and badgers). Such communication is limited by the
KNOW DIRECTION: At will, the familiar can know direction, as per Intelligence of the conversing creatures.
the spell. The familiar can use this ability once per day per two
SPEAK WITH MASTER: The familiar and master can communicate
levels of its master, and the ability functions just like the spell.
verbally as if they were using a common language. Other
LOW-LIGHT VISION: The familiar can see twice as far as a human creatures do not understand the communication without
in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of magical help.
poor illumination.
SPELL RESISTANCE: The Familiar is advantaged when saving
NATURAL ARMOR: The familiar gains a +2 bonus to its AC due against spells.
to improved natural armor. This ability can be selected more
TRACKLESS STEP: The familiar leaves no trail in natural
than once. Each additional time it is selected improves AC by
surroundings and cannot be tracked. It may choose to leave a
+1. Its effects stack with all other natural armor bonuses the
trail if so desired.
familiar already possesses.
UNCANNY DODGE: The familiar has the extraordinary ability to
SCRY ON FAMILIAR: If the master is 12th level or higher, he may
react to danger before its senses would normally allow it to do
scry to his familiar (as if casting the spell scrying) once per day.
so. This functions identically to the Rogue’s Uncanny Dodge
This requires no material components or focus.
ability, using a reaction to halve damage from a successful attack
SHARE SONGS: Only the familiar of a bard may possess against the familiar.
this ability. The familiar’s master is capable of inspiring the
familiar’s song or call, imbuing it with the power of their own GREATER FAMILIAR SPECIAL ABILITIES
voice. The familiar can use one of its master’s bardic abilities ANIMAL TRANCE: At will, as a continuous full round action, the
at any time, with an effect identical to that which the song familiar is capable of compelling animals, beasts, and magical
would have if the familiar’s master was using it. This use beasts within 60 ft. of it to do nothing but watch it. Only normal
counts as the bard using it for purposes of when the songs animals with the “beast” type and an Intelligence of 7 or less can
can be used, though the bard and her familiar can use the be affected by this ability. This means that a giant ape could be
ability simultaneously in different areas, thus increasing the affected, while an orc or goblin of low intelligence could not.
effective range and number of targets. The familiar and the Roll 2d6 and add the master’s level (as relates to the familiar)
master must be sharing an empathic link when this ability is to determine the total number of HD the familiar entrances.
used. The familiar may mimic the following abilities, so long The closest targets are affected first until no more targets within
as the Bard is currently able to use them: Inspiration (or any range can be affected.
inspiration-like ability), Rest, Countercharm, Cutting Words.
The use of this ability counts as a Bonus action for the bard, Animals trained to attack or guard, and beasts with an intelligence
but is a standard action for the familiar. of 6 or 7 are allowed a Charisma save to negate this effect. The DC
for this save is 8 plus the master’s Charisma bonus + HD of the max DC 15; save may be made each week). Sample diseases can
Familiar. An entranced creature can be struck (with advantage, be found in the fifth edition CK’s guide book, or under certain
as if it were stunned), but it then recovers from the compulsion animal entries in the fifth edition monster rules. The familiar’s
and is no longer affected by the ability. master is immune to this ability.
This effect continues until the familiar stops concentrating on COMBAT SENSE: The Familiar gains advantage on surprise
the power, is interrupted, suffers damage, or until some other checks, negates the advantage afforded by flanking, and suffers
event or action brings the subject(s) out of the effect. half additional damage from sneak attacks.
ANTIPLANT SHELL: The familiar is permanently affected by a field COUNTERCALL: Tthe familiar can use his natural call (a lion’s
that protects it from plants and plant life. This ability works as roar, a bird’s song, etc.) to counter magical effects that depend
per the antilife shell spell but affects only plants rather than all life. on sound (but not spells that simply have a verbal component).
The familiar can raise or lower the shell at will as a free action. A familiar can countercall while performing other mundane
actions, but not magical ones. When a sonic related spell is cast,
AUGURY: The familiar can tell whether a particular action will the familiar with the Countercall ability automatically makes a
bring good or bad results for itself or its master in the immediate Charisma check with a challenge level equal to the level of the
future. This ability operates as per the spell augury. Once it is caster. If the familiar is successful, they automatically negate the
used, the familiar cannot use it again before it takes a long rest. effects of such spells as sound burst or command, charm person
or other spells with sonic or language dependent components.
This ability can be selected more than once. Each time it is
Using the Countercall is automatic, but it replaces the familiar’s
selected, the familiar can use it an additional time between rests.
action for the round and only works so long as the familiar
BLESSED COMPANION: When the familiar and its master are in continues roaring, chirping, barking, or using whatever effect
physical contact, both receive a bonus to attack rolls and saving is required to disrupt the spell caster. The Countercall may be
throws as though affected by the Bless spell. maintained for one round per HD of the familiar and once used,
the familiar must take a long rest before using it again.
BLINK: The familiar can ‘blink’ back and forth between the
Material and Ethereal planes, as per the spell blink. The effect This ability may be selected more than once. Each time it is
lasts for 1 round per level of the familiar’s master. The familiar selected, the familiar can use it an additional time between rests.
can use this ability once, and then must take a long rest before
it can use it again. COURAGEOUS ROAR: The familiar can inspire courage in its
allies with its natural call (a lion’s roar, a bird’s song, etc.).
This ability can be selected more than once. Each time it is To be affected, an ally must hear the familiar’s call, and the
selected, the familiar can use it an additional time between rests. familiar may do nothing else in the round save continue the
call. The effect lasts for as long as the familiar continues calling,
ENHANCE ATTRIBUTE: The familiar may choose to enhance and for five rounds after the familiar stops calling (or can no
one of its attributes as the Enhance Ability spell. This effect lasts longer be heard). A familiar can continue calling while taking
for one hour. Once the familiar uses the ability, it cannot use it other mundane actions, but not magical actions. Affected allies
again before taking a long rest. receive a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against charm
COMMUNE WITH NATURE: The familiar can commune with and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus to attack and weapon
nature (as per the spell). Since this is a spell-like ability, the damage rolls. The familiar can keep up the Courageous Roar for
familiar must make a Concentration check if distracted. If up to 10 rounds. Once used, the familiar must engage in a long
the check fails, the ability does not work that time, but it still rest before using the Courageous Roar again.
counts as having been used. Note that unless the familiar is able This ability may be selected more than once. Each time it is
to communicate complex ideas to its master, this ability is of selected, the familiar can use it an additional time between rests.
limited use. Once used, the familiar cannot use this ability again
before completing a long rest. DARKNESS: At will, as a standard action, the familiar can
plunge an area within a 20-foot radius of itself into darkness (as
This ability can be selected more than once. Each time it is
per the spell). Since this is a spell-like ability, the familiar must
selected, the familiar can us it an additional time between rests.
make a Concentration check if distracted. If the check fails, the
CAUSE DISEASE: If the familiar touches a creature (requiring ability does not work that time, but it can be attempted again in
a touch attack, but also works in conjunction with any natural subsequent rounds.
weapons the familiar may have), the creature is afflicted with
DAZING TOUCH: If the familiar touches a creature, the creature
a disease that is selected at the time this ability is selected and
disadvantaged on all attacks, ability checks and saves for 1d6
always remains the same. The exact effects of the disease must
minutes unless it succeeds at a (DC = 10 + Familiar’s HD, max
be approved by the CK, but at minimum should result in the
DC 15) Wisdom save. This requires a touching attack, but also
victim being Poisoned for a duration of 1d4 weeks unless it fails
works in conjunction with any natural weapons that the familiar
a Constitution saving throw (DC=10 + familiar’s hit dice to a
may have. The familiar’s master is immune to this ability.
DEATH’S HARBINGER: If the familiar touches a creature with -1 the check fails, the ability does not work that time, but it can be
hit points or lower, the subject must make a Charisma save equal attempted again in subsequent rounds.
to the level of the familiar’s master or die. If it dies, the familiar
gains 1d8 temporary hit points and a +2 bonus to Strength. DETECT THOUGHTS: At will, as a standard action, the familiar
Additionally, the familiar’s master’s effective caster level (if can detect thoughts, as per the spell. Since this is a spell-like
any) goes up by +1, improving spell effects dependent to caster ability, the familiar must make a Concentration check to
level. (This increase in caster level does not grant additional continue the detecting thoughts if distracted. If the check fails,
spells.) These effects last for 10 minutes per HD of the victim. the ability does not work that time, but it can be attempted
again in subsequent rounds.
DEATH WARD: When the familiar and its master are in physical
contact, both are immune to all death spells and magical death DISCERN LIES: At will, as a standard action, the familiar can
effects. This ability does not protect against other sorts of attacks, instantly know if a subject upon whom it is concentrating
such as hit point loss, poison, petrification, or other effects, even deliberately speaks a lie. The familiar does not necessarily know
if they might prove lethal. The familiar may activate this ability the truth behind the lie; only that the subject has deliberately
as a bonus action or reaction, and once used, it cannot be used spoken a lie. Accidental inaccuracies or evasions of the truth
again before the familiar has a long rest. are not revealed; only outright lies. Victims are entitled to a
Charisma based save (DC=8 + Master’s Wisdom Bonus +
DEAFENING CALL: The familiar can empower their natural call Master’s Proficiency Bonus) to resist the effect. Since this is a
(a lion’s roar, a bird’s song, etc.) into an ear-splitting cry that spell-like ability, the familiar must make a Concentration check
deafens and damages creatures in its path. To use theis ability to continue to discern lies if distracted. If the check fails, the
the familiar may not do anything for the entire round save use ability does not work that time, but it can be attempted again in
their call, including bonus actions and reactions. Any creature subsequent rounds.
within 30 feet of the familiar when it makes such a call must
make a Constitution save (DC=8 + Master’s Wisdom bonus DISEASE IMMUNITY: The familiar gains immunity to all diseases
+ Master’s Proficiency Bonus) or suffer 2d6 points of damage except for magical diseases such as mummy rot.
and be deafened for 2d6 rounds. A successful save negates the DISENCHANTER: If the familiar touches a creature affected by
deafness and reduces the damage by half. an enchantment (transmutation, curse, petrification, or other
Any brittle or crystalline object or crystalline creature exposed magical transformation), the touched creature is entitled to a
to this call takes an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of new saving throw at advantage to resist the effect. Unwilling
the familiar’s master (maximum 15d6). Crystalline creatures are subjects of a disenchanter’s touch are entitled to a Charisma-
allowed a Constitution save (DC as above) to reduce damage based saving throw (DC=8 + Master’s Charisma Bonus +
by half, and creatures holding fragile objects can negate the Master’s Proficiency Bonus) to resist being disenchanted. This
damage with successful Reflex saves. requires a touching attack, but also works in conjunction with
any natural weapons the familiar may have.
A deafened creature, in addition to obvious effects, suffers a -4
DISPEL MAGIC: At will, as a standard action, the familiar can
penalty to initiative and a 20% chance to miscast and lose any
dispel magic as per the spell.
spell with a verbal component that they try to cast.
ENCOMPASSING VISION: The familiar gains the supernatural
This ability may be selected more than once. Each time it is
ability of sight in all directions, allowing it a perfect view of
selected, the familiar can use it an additional time per day.
everything within a 360-degree sphere. Aside from the obvious
DEFENSIVE ROLL: As a reaction, when a familiar would normally benefits, the familiar cannot be flanked, and it gains advantage
be struck a physical blow in combat (from a weapon or other on all Perception checks. However, the familiar also suffers
blow, not a spell or special ability), the familiar can attempt to disadvantage to saves against all gaze attacks.
roll with the damage. The familiar makes a Dexterity save (DC FEARFUL: Creatures who see the familiar must make a Wisdom
is 8 + damage dealt). If successful, the familiar only takes half save (DC 8 + master’s Charisma bonus + master’s Proficiency
damage from the blow. The familiar must be aware of the attack bonus) or become Frightened. Affected creatures flee from the
and be able to react to it. If the familiar is denied its Dexterity familiar as best as they can. The master and creatures with 6 or
bonus to Armor Class due to paralysis or some other effect, it more HD are immune to this ability.
cannot use the defensive roll.
FIND TRAPS: At will, as a standard action, the familiar can find
DETECT SCRYING: At will, as a standard action, the familiar traps, as per the spell. This is a spell-like ability.
can immediately become aware of any attempt to observe itself
or its master through any means of magical scrying including FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT: The familiar can move and attack
that from spells or magical items such as crystal balls. If the spell normally, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes
caster or magic item is within 150 feet, the familiar also knows movement (such as hold person, solid fog, slow, and web spells).
its exact location. Since this is a spell-like ability, the familiar The familiar can also move and attack normally underwater
must make a Concentration check if distracted in any way. If (although the ability does not allow water breathing), if it is
ordinarily unable to do so. After this ability is used, the familiar additional time the ability is selected, it can be used one
must take a long rest before using again. additional time between rests.
This ability can be selected more than once. Each time it is RESIST ENERGY: The familiar benefits from a limited protection
selected, the familiar can use the ability an additional time to damage from one of the five energy types: acid, cold,
between rests. electricity, fire, or sonic. (The energy type is selected at the same
time the ability is selected and never changes.) The familiar has
GUIDED STRIKE: As a bonus action, the familiar can grant its resistance against the energy type chosen. This ability protects
master advantage on his next attack roll. The bonus comes from the any equipment held by the familiar as well. This ability functions
familiar granting a unique, third-person insight into the weaknesses in all other ways as the protection from energy spell.
of the master’s opponent. As a result, the familiar must be able to
see both the master and his opponent for this ability work. This ability may be taken more than once. Each additional time
it is taken, a different energy type may be selected.
GREAT LEAP: The familiar’s jumping distance (vertical or
horizontal) is not limited according to its height, and the SLOW FALL: A familiar within arm’s reach (or leg’s reach, tail’s
familiar gains advantage on all Athletics or Acrobatics checks reach, etc.) of a wall can use the wall to slow its descent when
related to leaping. falling. The familiar takes damage as if the fall were 30 feet
HASTE: As a bonus action or reaction, the familiar is affected as shorter than it actually is.
per the haste spell. Once used, this ability may not be used again This ability may be selected more than once. The second time
until the familiar takes a long rest. This ability may be selected the ability is selected, the familiar can slow fall 40 ft. The third
more than once. Each time it is selected, the familiar can use it time the ability is selected, the familiar either reduces the fall by
an additional time between rests. 40 ft. or takes half damage from any fall, no matter how high the
LIGHT: At will, as a standard action, the familiar can shed light distance, whichever results in less damage.
in a 60-foot radius around itself, as per the light spell. Since this
SHOCKING TOUCH: The familiar can as a reaction use shocking
is a spell-like ability, the familiar must make a Concentration
grasp as a spell-like ability, with its caster level equivalent to its
check if distracted. If the check fails, the ability does not work
HD. The familiar’s master is immune to this ability. Once used,
that time, but it can be attempted again in subsequent rounds.
the familiar must take a short rest before it can deliver another
MIRROR IMAGE: As a bonus action or reaction, the familiar can shocking touch.
invoke illusionary duplicates of itself, as per a mirror image spell.
This is a spell-like ability. Once used, the familiar must take a SILENCE: At will, as a standard action, the familiar can silence
long rest before it can use this power again. This ability may be a 20-foot radius around itself. The familiar must concentrate
selected twice; taking it a second time allows the familiar to use to maintain this effect. In all other ways this spell-like ability
it after a short rest rather than a long rest. functions as per the silence spell.
MYSTIC DISGUISE: The familiar can make itself look different, as SLEEPING TOUCH: If the familiar touches a creature, the creature
per the alter self spell. This is a spell-like ability. After using this ability is affected as per the sleep spell. This requires a touching attack,
the familiar must complete a long rest before it can be used again. but also works in conjunction with any natural weapons the
familiar may have. The familiar’s master is immune to this
NATURAL ARMOR, IMPROVED: The familiar gains a +2 bonus ability. The save DC for this spell is equal to 8 + the master’s
to its natural armor. This ability can be selected more than Wisdom bonus + the master’s Proficiency bonus. Once used,
once. Each additional time it is selected increases the natural the familiar must take a long rest before it can use this ability
armor bonus by +1. Its effects stack with all other natural armor again. This ability may be taken a second time. Selecting it a
bonuses the familiar already possesses, to a maximum total second time allows use after a short rest rather than a long rest.
natural AC of 15.
SNEAK ATTACK: As per the rogue’s class ability, the familiar
NONDETECTION: The familiar is affected as per the nondetection spell. can perform a sneak attack for +1d6 damage.
OPPORTUNIST: Once per round as a reaction, the familiar can
This ability may be selected more than once. Each additional
make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has
time the ability is selected, the familiar does an additional +1d6
just been struck for damage in melee by another character (the
points of damage with its sneak attack.
familiar must still have sufficient reach to do this). This attack
counts as the familiar’s attack of opportunity for that round. SPEAK WITH DEAD: At will, as a standard action, the familiar
RECALL: As a bonus action, the master can instantly summon can speak with dead, as per the spell, as a spell-like ability. Note
their familiar to their side, as if the familiar had cast word of that unless the familiar has the ability to speak with the dead
recall with the master as the designated “sanctuary.” Once used, creature (is under the effects of a tongues spell, speaks the correct
this ability cannot be used again until the master completes a language - see Speech below, etc,), this ability is of no use.
long rest. This ability may be selected more than once. Each
SPIDER CLIMB: The familiar can at will, as a bonus action, spider ASTRAL PROJECTION: The familiar can project itself and up to
climb as per the spell, as a spell-like ability. Once used, the familiar eight others into the astral plane as per the spell astral projection. This
must complete a short rest before it can use this ability again. ability functions in all ways like the spell of the same name, and once
used the familiar may not use it again until it completes a long rest.
TIME HOP: At will, as a standard action, the familiar can hop
forward in time 3d6 rounds. The familiar appears to disappear, This ability may be selected a second time. If this occurs, the
and then reappears in the exact same spot (with the same familiar requires only a short rest after use, rather than a long
orientation and condition) 3d6 rounds later. For the familiar, rest, before using it again.
no time has passed at all. If the space in which the familiar
BANISHING SMITE: If the familiar successfully attacks an
reappears has become occupied, the familiar materializes in the
extraplanar creature, that creature is affected as if by the
nearest unoccupied space.
banishing smite spell. This requires a successful attack, but also
VENOM IMMUNITY: The familiar is immune to poisons of all kinds. works in conjunction with any natural weapons the familiar
may have. It is in all other ways identical to the spell of the same
WATER BREATHING: The familiar can breathe water freely. name. The familiar’s master is immune to this ability.
(This does not make them unable to breathe air.) This
ability can be taken in reverse to allow aquatic familiars to BANISHING CALL: Once per day, as a full round action, the
breathe air freely. familiar can empower its natural call (a lion’s roar, a bird’s
song, etc.), creating two effects: First, if the familiar is on its
WATER WALK: The familiar can at will, as a free action, water home plane, extraplanar creatures within 60 feet of an opposing
walk as per the spell, as a spell-like ability. Once used, the familiar alignment or hostile intent are instantly affected as per the
must complete a short rest before it can use this ability again. Banishment spell.
WHIRLWIND ATTACK: The familiar use whirlwind attack Second, creatures native to the master’s plane who hear the call and
exactly as the Ranger’s Hunter ability, allowing an additional are hostile or of opposing alignment suffer the following ill effects:
attack against each adjacent foe.
WHOLENESS OF BODY: As a standard action, the familiar can
cure its own wounds. The familiar rolls a number of hit dice HD EFFECT
equal to its master’s hit die value (thus, the familiar of a fighter 12 or more Dazed
would roll d10s) and up to its master’s total hit dice. It can
spread this healing out among several uses between long rests. Less than 12 Dazed, weakened
This healing uses the master’s hit dice value and total, but does Less than 8 Dazed, paralyzed, weakened
not count against the master’s own uses of hit dice for healing Less than 4 Killed
after short rests. Thus, even if the familiar of a 5th level fighter
heals 5d10 hit points, the fighter can still use its hit dice during Dazed: The creature is dazed (see New Condition: Dazed) for
a short rest for healing as normal. 1d10 rounds.
WOODLAND STRIDE: The familiar may move through natural Weakened: The creature’s Strength score is decreased by 2d6
thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain, at for 2d4 rounds.
its normal speed and without suffering damage or other Paralyzed: The creature is paralyzed 1d10 minutes.
impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that
Killed: Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed.
are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still
affect the familiar. This ability may be selected more than once. Each additional time
the ability is selected, it can be used one additional time per day.
CHARM: At will, as a bonus action, the familiar can affect a and length, increasing its weight by a factor of eight. This
creature it is touching as per a charm person, charm monster, or increase in size has a number of effects:
charm animal spell (possibly requiring a touch attack).
SIZE CATEGORY: The familiar’s size category increases by 1
CLOAK OF DARK CHAOS: The familiar can at will, as a bonus level (small becomes medium, medium becomes large, etc.)
action, erect a cloak of dark chaos around itself. This effect HIT DICE: The familiar’s HD type changes to that of its new size
lasts for a number of minutes equal to the master’s level, and category, increasing its hit points accordingly. These additional
envelopes the familiar with an undulating cloak of smoky hit points are considered to be temporary hit points.
darkness which inflicts 2d8 points of damage to any who attack
or touch the familiar unless they succeed at an Intelligence DAMAGE: The damage from a creature’s attacks move to the
saving throw (DC 8 + Master’s Intelligence Bonus + Master’s next largest die. Example: d4 to d6, d6 to d8, and so on.
Proficiency Bonus). Once used, the cloak cannot be used again
ARMOR CLASS: If the creature goes from small to medium or
until the familiar completes a short rest. Lawful familiars, or
medium to large, the Creature’s Armor class is reduced by 1
whose masters are lawful, may not choose this ability.
due to being larger and thus easier to hit.
COMPANION'S VEIL: When the familiar and its master are in
The increased size lasts a number of minutes equal to the master’s
physical contact, both are protected from all devices and spells
level. When it ends, the familiar’s hit points and statistics return
that detect, influence, or read emotions and thoughts. This
to normal. Once used, the familiar must complete a long rest
ability protects against all mind-affecting spells and effects as
before using the ability again.
well as information gathering and divination spells. This ability
otherwise functions as per the mind blank spell. This ability may be selected a second time. If selected again, the
familiar must complete only a short rest rather than a long rest
CONFUSION: At will, as a standard action, the familiar can cause
after use before the ability can be used again. This ability does
confusion (as per the spell) to all creatures within a 10 ft. radius
not stack with spells or other effects that increase a creature’s
of itself. Both the familiar and its master are immune to this
size but can be negated by a spell that shrinks a creature.
ability. This is a spell-like ability, and the familiar must make a
Concentration check if distracted. If the check fails, the ability FIND THE PATH: At will, as a full round action, the familiar can
likewise fails, but is still considered used. After using this ability, always find the path, as per the spell of the same name. Since this
the familiar must take a short rest before using it again. is a spell-like ability, the familiar must make a Concentration
check if distracted. If the check fails, the ability likewise fails,
This ability may be taken multiple times. Each additional time
but is considered to have been used. After use, the familiar must
it is taken increases the radius by 5 feet.
complete a short rest before this ability can be used again.
DAMAGE REDUCTION: The familiar gains damage reduction of
FLY: The familiar can fly at will as a free action, as per the spell.
1, meaning that all damage it suffers from any source is reduced
This is a spell-like ability requiring a concentration check if the
by 1 point. This ability may be selected more than once. Each
familiar is distracted or disturbed. If the check fails, the spell
time it is selected, the familiar gains an additional point of
likewise fails and is considered to have been used (as well as the
damage reduction. Note that this ability stacks with any damage
familiar suffering any consequences from falling). Once used, the
reduction or resistance the familiar may already possess.
familiar must complete a long rest before using this ability again.
DIMENSION SLIP: At will, as a bonus action, the familiar can
This ability may be taken a second time. Choosing it again
magically slip between spaces as per the spell dimension door.
allows the familiar to complete a short rather than a long rest
Once used, the familiar must complete a short rest before using
after using before it may be used again.
this ability again.
MIND STORE: The mental connection between master and
DIVINE HEALTH: The familiar is immune to all diseases, including
familiar deepens. If the master dies, his consciousness is
magical ones such as mummy rot.
transferred to his familiar’s body. The familiar’s personality
ETHEREAL STATE: The familiar can assume an ethereal state is destroyed, and the master assumes control of the familiar’s
at will, as a bonus action, as per the spell etherealness. Once body. (The master’s body is rendered into a lifeless shell and
used, the familiar must complete a long rest before using this cannot be resurrected through the normal means.)
ability again.
None of the familiar’s special abilities survive the transfer,
This ability may be taken a second time. If selected again, the though natural abilities and automatic abilities do (a fish’s body
familiar must complete only a short rather than a long rest after breathes air, an owl’s body can fly, etc.). The master retains
use before using the ability again. his skills, feats, and mental attributes (Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Charisma), but replaces his physical attributes (Strength,
FAMILIAR GROWTH: Once per day the familiar can grow up to Dexterity, and Constitution) with the familiar’s.
twice its normal size. This doubles the familiar’s height, width,
Master gains Darkvision 60 ft. (or 120 ft. if he already
possesses Darkvision)
The lists of standard, greater, and supreme familiars found
here offer a comprehensive guide to the familiars available to Owl Master gains advantage on Perception checks in shadows
all characters. Certain specific familiars are only available to Panda, red Master gains advantage on climbing checks
a few select classes - see each of the individual class chapters Peacock
Master gains a advantage on Charisma based checks to
(chapters 2-12) for details. be diplomatic
Penguin Master gains damage resistance (cold)
TABLE 1-4: STANDARD FAMILIARS Master gains proficiency on Constitution saves. If already
proficient, his proficiency bonus doubles.
Familiar Special
Master gains advantage on Dexterity based checks to
Master gains advantage on Dexterity checks related to Pony (any)
Antelope ride a mount.
Porpoise Master gains advantage on swim related checks
Baboon Master gains advantage on Acrobatics checks
Master gains advantage on checks to find and disarm
Badger Master gains advantage on Survival checks to Track Raccoon
Master gains advantage on Hearing-based Perception
Bat Master gains proficiency on Constitution related saves. If
checks Rat
he already has proficiency, his proficiency bonus doubles.
Cat Master gains advantage on Move Silently checks
Master gains advantage on vision-based Perception
Master gains advantage on Constitution based Survival Raven
Camel checks.
Sheep Master gains advantage on Persuasion checks.
Chameleon Master gains advantage on Dexterity based Hide checks
Skunk Master gains advantage on Intimidate checks.
Crab Master gains a +1 natural armor bonus
Snake (Tiny
Master gains advantage on Charisma based performance Master gains advantage on Deception checks.
Crane viper)
Master gains a bonus action that may be used for any
Master gains proficiency on Dexterity saves. If he already is Squid purpose, in addition to any other bonus actions he may
proficient, his proficiency bonus doubles. have.
Dog Master gains advantage on Survival checks to Track Master gains advantage on vision-based Perception
Dolphin Master gains advantage on swim related checks checks.
Master gains advantage on dexterity checks related to Squirrel, Master gains advantage on vision-based Perception
balance flying checks.
Master gains advantage on Charisma checks to be Turtle Master gains +1 natural armor bonus
diplomatic Master gains an additional hit die, with corresponding
Fox Master gains advantage on Stealth checks Toad bonus to maximum hit points (but not to character
Master gains proficiency on Constitution saves. If he level).
already is proficient, his proficiency bonus doubles. Vulture Master gains advantage on Intimidate checks.
Master gains the ability to disengage from combat as a Weasel Master gains advantage on Deception checks.
bonus action or reaction.
Master gains advantage on vision-based Perception FAMILIAR COMPATIBILITY
checks in bright light
Hedgehog Master gains a +1 natural armor bonus
Due to their powerful natures, Greater and Supreme familiars
require a certain amount of compatibility to a particular master
Horse (any) Master gains advantage on saves to resist fatigue
before they agree to serve. In order to be philosophically
Hummingbird Master gains a +1 dodge bonus to armor class
compatible, the master may choose a familiar with an alignment
Koala Master gains advantage on climbing checks up to one step away on each of the alignment axes (lawful
Master gains darkvision 60 ft. (or 120 ft. if he already through chaotic, good through evil). For example, a chaotic
has darkvision). good master could acquire a neutral familiar. A lawful neutral
Lizard Master gains advantage on climbing checks master could acquire a neutral good familiar. In addition, many
Lizard, of the most powerful creatures only agree to serve masters that
Master gains advantage on saving throws against poison
venomous have achieved a certain level. Thus, a master’s character level
Master gains proficiency on Dexterity saves. If he is already must be at least that listed under the ‘Associated Character
proficient, his proficiency bonus doubles. Level’ column of the particular creature desired, otherwise the
Monkey Master gains advantage on Acrobatics checks creature will refuse to serve as the character’s familiar.
Master gains proficiency on Wisdom saves. If he is already
proficient, his proficiency bonus doubles. TABLE 1-5: GREATER FAMILIARS
Master gains a bonus action that can be used for any Character
Octopus purpose, in addition to any other bonus action he may Associated Familiar Level
otherwise have.
Ape Neutral 5th
Dinosaur (deionychus) Neutral 7th Winter wolf Neutral evil 9th
Dinosaur (elasmosaurus) Neutral 11 th
Yeth hound Neutral evil 9th
Dinosaur (megaraptor) Neutral 11th All creatures can be found in either the 5th Edition Monster Tome, or
Dire ape Neutral 7 th in the appendices.
Dire bear Neutral 9th
Dire boar Neutral 7th
Dire lion Neutral 9th If a desired familiar is not found here or elsewhere, consult with
Dire tiger Neutral 10th the CK Certain creatures may be restricted to specific classes
Dire wolf Neutral 5th
or not have available statistics. In the latter case, the CK can
always work with you to design an appropriate familiar.
Dire wolverine Neutral 7th
Displacer beast Lawful evil 9th
Dragonne Neutral 11th
Dragon, very young (any) Varies 15th In the following chapters, each class has a power progression
Dragon, wyrmling (any) Varies 12th for abilities granted by familiars. Often, this progression begins
Elemental, Medium (air) Neutral 7th at a lower level than it would be possible to get the familiar. In
Elemental, Medium (earth) Neutral 7th such a case, the character/familiar gains all abilities up to the
Elemental, Medium (fire) Neutral 7th
master’s current level. Thus, if a character gets a familiar at 5th
level which grants abilities at levels 1, 3 and 5, the character (or
Elemental, Medium (water) Neutral 7th
familiar) gains all three of those abilities.
Elephant Neutral 11th
Ethereal filcher Neutral 7th FAMILIARS IN THE GAME
Ethereal marauder Neutral 7th
Ettercap Neutral evil 11th ROLEPLAYING A FAMILIAR
Formian warrior Lawful neutral 9 th
Don’t let your familiar just fade into the background, or
Gargoyle Chaotic evil 13th worse yet, become nothing more than a piece of equipment
Giant eagle Neutral good 7th that you use for an ability increase or the occasional special
Giant owl Neutral good 5th ability. Make sure that your familiar does things, even when
Giant wasp Neutral 7th they don’t necessarily need to be doing things. For example,
when your character bellies up to the bar for a drink, make a
Gibbering mouther Neutral 11th
point of noting that your weasel is curling up in front of the
Giarllon Neutral 7th
fire. When your character sags to his knees after an exhausting
Grick Neutral good 9th battle with trolls, mention that your battle dog is nuzzling you
Griffon Neutral 11th with a sympathetic whine.
Howler Chaotic evil 11th
Your character, at least, has a physical presence at the game
Lizard, monstrous venomous Neutral 6th
table - you’re sitting there right next to your fellow gamers. Your
Lizard, huge Neutral 7th
familiar, to the other hand, doesn’t have that advantage - unless
Nightmare Neutral evil 11th you make a point of reminding people that they’re there, they’re
Pegasus Chaotic good 11th likely to be forgotten.
Phase spider Neutral 9th
If you’re having problems keeping your familiar an active part of
Octopus, giant Neutral 11th
the campaign, here are some suggestions to engage them:
Ravid Neutral 9th
Rhinoceros Neutral 9th Give yourself a visual reminder of your familiar’s presence.
Rust Monster Neutral 9th Write “REMEMBER THE FAMILIAR” to a Post-It note and
Salamander, flamebrother Evil (any) 7th stick it to the table in front of you. Or make it a point to buy and
Shadow mastiff Neutral evil 9th
use a miniature for your familiar.
Shark, Huge Neutral 6th Set a goal for yourself. For example, you can start small by saying
Snake, Huge viper Neutral 5th that you’re going to have your familiar do ten specific things
Spider eater Neutral 12th outside of combat. Then, make a check mark on a piece of
Squid, giant Neutral 13th paper every time you have the familiar do something.
Tojanida, juvenile Neutral 5th Develop a personality for your familiar. This helps make the
Unicorn Chaotic good 12th familiar a vivid participant in the game, and can suggest things
Whale, orca Neutral 9th they might do.
Give your familiar a gimmick. For example, your familiar might In addition, if the character takes a Summon Greater Familiar
be a friendly kleptomaniac (always burrowing around in the or Summon Supreme Familiar advantage, he may dismiss his
belongings of other party members). Or maybe he’s a practical existing familiar in favor of the new one at no penalty. At no time
joker. Maybe he’s cruel. Or perhaps he’s always finishing your may any character possess more than one familiar.
sentences for you.
Slain familiars can be raised from the dead just as characters can
If it won’t be too disruptive, bring an actual pet to the game be. However, if the master has summoned a replacement familiar
table. This is particularly effective if you happen to have a pet in the time since his familiar died, the familiar is no longer his
that matches your familiar. (unless, of course, the new familiar was summoned in the meantime
using another Summon Familiar feat, in which case the master is
Ask your Castle Keeper to remind you. allowed multiple familiars - up to a point). This uncomfortable
Once your familiar gains the ability to speak, you’ll be presented situation is essentially identical to what happens when a familiar’s
with the challenge of essentially roleplaying two separate master dies - the raised familiar would become independent.
characters. Make it a point of not only speaking in character, but A NOTE TO THE CASTLE KEEPER: Familiars should find
speaking in your familiar’s character - otherwise your familiar is, themselves in peril. When using familiars as they exist in the
again, relegated to nothing more than a prop. core rulebooks, many Castle Keepers simply allow them to slide
If you’re having problems making it clear when your character through potentially deadly situations - the toad survives a fireball
because he was inside the sorcerer’s pocket. The wizard’s cat only
is speaking and when your familiar is speaking, you might try:
seems to be around when the wizard needs it to do something.
A different voice. And so forth. This kind of thing should not be allowed. When
A hand puppet. using the options presented in Familiars & Companions ,
An arbitrary sign - such as holding your hand up. letting things slide this way has the danger of unbalancing your
Simply saying “my familiar says” before speaking. campaign. Familiars (particularly greater and supreme familiars)
are possessed of a large number of special abilities, and these
You might also consider asking your Castle Keeper to help you abilities are essentially balanced in three ways:
out by taking over your familiar’s role. This is probably less useful
for highly symbiotic master-familiar relationships (where master First, in order to gain them, a character must expend a feat,
and familiar often speak with one voice and act with one mind), gold pieces, and other resources, possibly including choosing an
but more useful for antagonistic relationships (involving friendly archetype, path, college, circle, etc.
banter or a sullen familiar). The drawback to this solution is that
Second, the character doesn’t actually possess these special
the CK already manages a large number of characters, so the
abilities - his familiar does. In general, this leads to a lesser
familiar is likely to get shorter shrift than if you ran it yourself.
utility (although in some ways it leads to a higher one).
Things become trickier when you have more than one familiar.
Finally, there is a risk that the familiar may die. This carries the risk
Again, giving each of your familiars a distinctive hook helps to
of ability loss and may entail additional expenditures of gold and
make them stand out. On the other hand, you might consider
resources (in order to summon a new familiar or raise the old one).
a sort of cheating - if you embrace the idea of a symbiotic
relationship, you and your familiars might speak with one voice. To simplify, in terms of game balance, familiars are essentially
You start a sentence, the dog picks it up, the eagle finishes it - that magic items which can be purchased with a small outlay of gold
type of thing. and effort - but with the potential risk of needing to lay out more
gold and hardship in the future in order to maintain the benefits
DEATH OF A FAMILIAR of the feat. If you remove the risk of losing the familiar, you
have removed a significant balancing factor for familiars in the
As described in the Summon Familiar feats, when a familiar dies
game. This doesn’t mean that you should actively seek to harm
or is otherwise lost the master runs the risk of major damage
or kill a familiar in order to fulfill some sort of “death quota.”
in the form of ability loss due to the traumatic nature of the
But it does mean that familiars should be made to face the same
experience. (The size of this loss is dependent on the power of
dangers as other characters. If your players want familiars, place
the familiar.) In addition, the master is unable to replace the
the onus on their characters to protect them.
familiar for a year and a day after the familiar’s death. However,
this does not prevent the master from summoning other DEATH OF THE MASTER
familiars using different class abilities or feats. For example, if
a character loses their familiar for some reason, he is unable to If the familiar’s master dies, the familiar is left without direction.
summon a replacement for a year and a day. They become free creatures - capable of pursuing their own
goals and desires.
There is a single exception to this rule: if the character takes
an additional Summon Familiar advantage in the meantime, he If a familiar’s master dies, the familiar retains all of their special
could summon a familiar using that ability. abilities, their improved hit points, their improved abilities, their
natural armor bonuses, and the like. In other words, the familiar’s MUNDANE PROTECTIONS
statistics are not changed by the master’s death in any way. Perhaps the best advice on keeping a familiar safe is using common
If the master is subsequently brought back to life (through a sense. A master who sends their familiar directly into aggressive
resurrection spell, for example), the bond between familiar and situations is likely to lose the familiar. Of course, some familiars -
master is automatically restored. As a result of being raised, however, such as those belonging to a fighter or monk - are ideal combatants.
the energy for reforming the bond is drawn from the familiar as well But when swords are drawn, arrows nocked, and spells made ready,
as the master. This means that the familiar suffers from all penalties a familiar not prepared for fighting should be waiting (and hiding)
that the master does, and these penalties disappear at the same at a safe distance. A concealed familiar is one that doesn’t attract
rate. For example, if a master is raised through the resurrection spell, enemy attacks, so they should be commanded to immediately seek
both master and familiar suffer -4 to all checks, with the penalty cover when any non-party member approaches.
being reduced by one for each long rest.
A strong steel box, crate, or chest attached to a cart, mule,
If an independent familiar dies or is killed in the time before its or carried by a hireling, is a great place for a familiar to seek
master is restored to life, the familiar is treated as if it had been shelter. When danger appears, the familiar is trained to flee to
killed or dismissed while still linked to its master, beginning at the the sheltered area. Once in the shelter, the familiar receives the
time of its death (see the ‘Death of a Familiar’ section above). benefits of cover from all attacks. Particularly dexterous familiars
may even be able to open and close their own sanctuaries,
DISMISSING A FAMILIAR allowing for total cover. To further protect the familiar, the shelter
could be draped in a drab cloth to provide both a comfortable
Familiars can be dismissed at will by their masters. The effects of temperature and keep the function of the shelter a secret.
doing so are similar to the death of a familiar. As described in the
Summon Familiar feats, the master runs the risk of Constitution A backpack or rucksack could also be reinforced with steel wire
loss due to the traumatic separation and is unable to replace the or wooden slats to create a living space for a familiar, depending
familiar for a year and a day after the familiar’s death. upon exactly what it is. Lining, air holes, and food should also
be included for the comfort of the familiar. A small opening
In a manner similar to the death of a familiar’s master, a familiar or pocket could allow access to the pack depending upon the
which has been dismissed becomes an independent creature - it type of familiar. When combat threatens, the familiar could
retains all of its special abilities, improved hit points, improved easily flee back to the pack and sequester itself within. The
abilities, natural armor bonuses, and the like. reinforcement would further protect the tiny occupant from the
blows of weaponry or the effect of magic (perhaps allowing it
A master can reforge the bond with his former familiar by
to share the master’s armor class and saving throws directly).
performing a summoning ritual, even if a year and a day have not
The backpack could also keep the familiar a secret, as while
passed. However, the familiar must be willing, and the master
it is hidden away, those whom the master encounters might
must again make all of the normal expenditures of wealth and
never suspect its presence. Larger backpacks may be customized
other factors associated with a summoning ritual.
to have a small familiar compartment and still have a larger
The sole exception to this is when the master takes a new compartment to hold adventuring gear.
advantage in the form of Summon Greater Familiar or Summon
Scroll tubes with air holes drilled in them make excellent familiar
Supreme Familiar. In such circumstances the master can
dwelling spaces for toads, rats, snakes, weasels, and other small
dismiss his current familiar in favor of the new, improved one.
creatures. When hung from a belt, backpack or saddle, such
The dismissed familiar becomes independent at this point and
gear can keep a familiar safe and in complete concealment.
may not be favorably inclined to its new master. If a familiar is
dismissed in favor of a superior new one, the bond between the
master and the original can never be re-forged. MAGICAL PROTECTIONS
Clever spellcasters have developed a few more magical-based
PROTECTING THE FAMILIAR strategies to keep their familiars safe, and even non-spellcasters
can often avail themselves on the skills of those in their party
Familiars (particularly those belonging to spellcasters) often
to do the same.
become the first targets when combat is entered - archers
aim for them in the hope of crippling their master, enemy Spellcasters typically have the ability to share spells with their
spellcasters see them as a weak link through which to strike, familiar. As a result, they can use spells such as resistance, shield,
etc. Low-level spells such as magic missile or ray of frost can protection from energy, protection from evil/good, blur, bless and
quickly wound or destroy weak familiars, and higher level displacement to offer protection both to themselves and their
spells like flame arrow and lightning bolt make short work of familiars. Spells such as expeditious retreat and haste can help
almost any standard familiar. familiars rapidly flee from areas of conflict. Spider climb can allow
What can be done to protect a familiar from these tribulations? familiars to hide in unexpected places and away from the threat
of trampling feet. Enhance ability, mage armor and barkskin can
all raise a familiar’s armor class. Rope trick can shelter familiars
BARBARIAN FAMILIARS & SPECIAL MOUNTS Once finished, Mace sat cross-legged before a small fire and
waited, letting his consciousness float off into the Weird. It had
ace’s fingertips gripped at tiny holds in the nearly
sheer rock-face. His arms burned from the exer- been two days since he had slain the beast, his scars showed the
tion of the climb. A hundred feet below him lay mark of the Iyan bird upon him and he touched the scabs, push-
the rubble filled valley where his clan made their ing his thoughts out to the spirit of the Iyan bird.
home. Fifty feet above him was the nest of the Iyan “Great bird spirit!” he howled into the wind. “I call thee, I your
bird, a frightening beast of nightmares whose call was known to slayer, and you my sacrifice! Totem of my people, I command
paralyze the most stouthearted warriors of the clan in fear. The you come to my aid, lift me from the mountain and take me to
bird’s claws were strong as the ore-witch’s steel, capable of hauling the plain. Carry your master hither and yon at my bidding! I
a full-grown man from the ground up to its lair to be torn to pieces have done all that is respectful and proper! I am not a mere
by its razor sharp beak. slayer, but keeper of the honor of the Iyan Bird Clan, named
With a grunt Mace hauled himself over the edge of the rock lip, for your might and power! I call you from your new hunting
within mere yards of the crack in the rock-face where the nest lay. grounds! Fly to me!”
It was empty. The shaman’s words were correct, it was not mating With that he placed the beast’s heart within the flames. A long
season, and no eggs lay within the nest. The young had recently still moment passed, with only the howling of the winds in his
departed to make their own nests, and the Iyan bird would return ears to remind him he still stood there. Suddenly his mind’s eye
alone with its prey. filled with colors and he found himself in a misty place standing
Mace crawled into the nest with his wickedly sharp glaive and before the insubstantial form of the Iyan bird.
waited. He had blackened the glaive’s blade in the shaman’s fire
to hide its keen glint from alerting his quarry. Once in the nest, BARBARIAN FAMILIARS
Mace found several feet of shed scales and some branches to Barbarians have many reasons for wishing to seek out a com-
hide himself beneath. As the sun began to set, Mace heard the panion creature or fantastic familiar. Often living on the fringes
beating of wings just before a blast of air from the beast’s leath- of civilization or in far-flung desolate and primitive environs,
ery flapping brought his prey into view. He felt his heart leap barbarians find a common link to the beasts of the wild. Their
into his throat as he gazed upon the magnificent creature, both tribal clans and kingdoms are often named after the animals
feared and respected by his people. The mighty Iyan bird was that live side by side with them in the wilderness. Names such as
more than a beast to be slain, it was a creature to be honored in Bear Claw, Elk Horn, Crow, Cheetah, or Snake are not uncom-
death and bound to Mace as a spirit to aid him in his journeys mon among the people the “civilized” world labels barbarians.
and show itself as a symbol of the might of his people.
The featherless Iyan bird swooped into land, a large red deer PATH OF THE TOTEM FAMILIAR (BARBARIAN PATH)
grasped in its talons. Mace arose suddenly from his hiding place
within the nest, his glaive extended before him, and struck the At third level, when the Barbarian chooses his Path, he may choose
beast a mighty blow. The deer dropped from its claws onto the to bond with his totem spirit, gaining a familiar in the process to
edge of the cliff and its bright eyes registered shock as it lashed aid and guide him on his journeys. A totem is a spirit creature – be
out cruelly at its attacker with its talons, leaving large gashes it animal or monster – that is revered by primitive societies as the
down Mace’s chest and shredding the hardened leather armor source of their strength. The totem can be an animal such as a deer
he wore before he again chopped down upon its featherless body or lizard, or a beast such as the magical griffon or the owl bear, or
with the short-hefted glaive. The creature let out an ear split- even something more powerful, such as a dragon. The totem is an
ting howl and writhed about attempting to bite Mace’s head off. ideal to be achieved and strived for by the people as a whole. To
The Iyan bird’s jaws snapped open and closed inches from his barbarians, the totem of their tribe represents their cultural identity
face as he twisted the blade lodged deep within the beast, and in and their ties with the land and its peoples.
moments it was dead. Mace collapsed upon the creature and let
out a rasping sigh – surely several of his ribs had been cracked. Barbarian tribes may have several totems, representing various
unions with different tribes via conquest and/or marriage that
After he took his rest for many minutes, Mace began to care- have sculpted the ideologies and philosophy of the people. On
fully prepare the beast’s body. He prayed to his primal gods to the other hand, the tribe may be very small and have only one
show the creature’s spirit that he was but a respectful hunter, totem that truly identifies its spirit and personality. Wheth-
even as it had been, and to convince it to come when he called it er a great tribe or small, it is the domain of the CK crafting
to his side to join him in battle against his enemies. He skinned
the game world in which the player characters live and die,
and prepared the beast’s leathery hide, thinking what a fine
though certainly many such referees appreciate input in this
replacement it would make for his own tattered garment, and
regard from the players.
worked methodically to salt and preserve its flesh to share with
his people. Its bones he carefully dried in the sun of the coming A barbarian’s connection to a totem creature is dependent
days. When he was hungry he took care to feast upon the red on certain taboos which the barbarian must follow in order to
deer, saving the meat of the Iyan bird for the feast that would maintain his connection with the totem spirit. Such taboos can
mark his arrival home. be of nearly any nature, such as shaving all of one’s body hair,
not eating after dark, washing only with one hand, or choosing ENRAGED TOTEM SPIRIT
to not travel or work on certain days of the week or month.
If the barbarian fails to earn the totem spirit’s respect or com-
plete the ritual, the totem spirit becomes enraged. From that
TOTEM SUMMONING RITUAL point on, the barbarian is cursed. The enraged spirit of the to-
The connection between a barbarian and his chosen compan- tem has clung to his soul and now exists only to lead him to
ions is a matter of ritual and spiritual belief. Barbarians see no disaster.
more difference in the bond between themselves and their bes-
tial or exotic companions than they do in the bond between a The enraged totem spirit inhabits no body. It is nothing more
tree and the soil in which it grows, or in the bond between an than a shadow that only the barbarian and those capable of see-
eagle and its prey. It is a connection given at birth by the tribe, ing into the ethereal plane can see. It is always somewhere on
fulfilling tribal oaths taken by the barbarian when he achieves the ground near the barbarian’s footsteps, as if the creature were
adulthood and status in the tribe. It is a connection forged by stalking only a few feet away.
blood – the barbarian must slay his totem creature, taking a part
of its spirit into himself, thus sealing the bond between them. The enraged spirit manifests itself as per the bestow curse spell as
cast by a 9th-level caster, except that the effects are less severe
For a barbarian seeking to capture a totem spirit, the first step is and must be chosen from those listed here. The Castle Keeper
to find and slay a powerful totem creature within his tribal hold- selects one of the following curses:
ings. This is done in the form of ritual sacrifice. The barbarian
must track down and kill the totem creature in single combat. • Disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws with a
They may accept no aid in their quest – even from other mem- single chosen ability score (CK’s choice).
bers of their tribe – save for the spiritual guidance which may be
• Victim must make a Wisdom Save (DC 17) every turn or be
provided them by a shaman or priest.
unable to act that turn.
Once the totem creature is slain, the barbarian must spend at
Barbarians who enrage a totem spirit are usually cast out of their
least 24 hours ritually skinning and preparing the totem animal.
No part of the totem may be wasted. The creature’s flesh is con- tribes and clans. Despite the lesser effects of this curse, due to its
sumed, its bones fashioned into tools and equipment, the skin cause, the remove curse spell cannot aid the doomed barbarian.
prepared for crafting into a cloak or armor, and its claws and Only a successful dismissal can banish the totem spirit back to
teeth fashioned into jewelry. The barbarian’s own body is paint- the Weird.
ed using a mixture of the creature’s blood, combined with rare This curse lasts until the Barbarian seeks out one who can re-
pigments and oils. This ritual must be performed immediately move the curse, or until he undertakes a vision quest to assuage
and requires a Deerstalker check (Challenge Level 5) in order to the spirit. Only a cleric of at least 7th level can attempt to re-
properly skin, dress, and clean the totem creature. Otherwise, move the curse, via the Remove Curse spell, and even then the
the ritual fails and the totem spirit becomes enraged (see the caster attempting to remove the curse must succeed at a DC 21
‘Enraged Totem Spirit’ sidebar for details). Wisdom check to accomplish the task.
If the ritual is a success, the barbarian adorns himself with the Alternatively, a cursed barbarian may choose to go on a vision
tokens he has made and eats of the totem creature’s flesh. Then quest and perform a powerful ritual that results in a serious per-
the last remnants of the totem creature are mixed with potent sonal sacrifice. This sacrifice can be one of experience points,
incenses and cast into a blazing inferno. The barbarian sits before ability score loss, or something more personal. The exact nature
the fire in meditation upon his totem spirit. There he slips into a of the Vision Quest, and the consequences imposed, are up to
deep trance, sending a portion of his own spirit into the Weird. the CK, but it should not be a simple task to appease the en-
raged totem. By undergoing a harrowing trial and/or sacrificing
The Weird is a misty spirit world found between the bonds of this portion of his personal power and skill, the barbarian can as-
the mortal world and the realms of the dead. It is here that the suage the enraged spirit.
barbarian calls the totem spirit to his side and binds it to him as
a familiar, supernatural ally, and eternal partner in strife. Within
the Weird the barbarian is again confronted by his totem spirit. TYPICAL TOTEMS
He may then demand the spirit’s aid as his personal totem and Barbarians can belong to any race, existing upon the edges of the
spirit companion. civilized world. They can be found in a wide range of climates,
and have evolved a variety of complex and disparate cultures.
As the last act of this ritual, the barbarian must make a Cha- The animals and beasts that thrive in these areas are as differ-
risma (Intimidation) check (DC=10 + Hit Dice of the Totem ent as the barbarians themselves. As a result, for our purposes,
Creature). If the check is failed, the barbarian has only angered
barbarians and their companions have been divided into three
the creature through his actions. In this case, the totem be-
categories: Northmen, Jungle Savages, and Plainsmen. Each
comes an enraged spirit (see the ‘Enraged Totem Spirit’ sidebar
category represents a different type of barbarian which might
for details). If the check is successful, however, the barbarian
exist in a campaign world.
has earned the spirit’s respect – the totem spirit is forever bond-
ed to the spirit of the barbarian, and the barbarian to it.
More so than with other classes, however, the CK should feel Displacer Beast*
free to show a large degree of flexibility. The lists presented be- Elemental, medium (any)*
low are only a sampling of typical totem animals. In truth, al-
Giant Eagle*
most any animal can serve as a totem spirit.
Giant Goat (Ram)*
Giant Owl*
Northmen are the archetypal barbarians of fantasy – harsh men Mammoth*
and women of strong drink and a berserker’s temperament.
Winter Wolf*
These are hearty folk who laugh loudly, fight fiercely, and have
no fear of death. Reavers and raiders who are as equally com- Wyrmling (dragon) (silver or white)*
fortable on land as they are at the oars of a longship, these bar- * See the 5th Edition monsters tome. Elementals refer to any crea-
barians are actually more civilized and sophisticated than most tures with the Elemental subtype.
folk who wear the name barbarian. Living in cold northern cli- ** See ‘Non-standard Familiars’ sidebar for details.
mates, their societies are dependent on hunting, farming, raid- Note: All Greater and Supreme familiars have specific character
ing, exploration, and most importantly, trade. Northmen lust level and alignment prerequisites that must be met in order to be
for battle and choose creature companions and familiars who chosen – see Tables 1-5 and 1-6 in Chapter 1 for more details.
reflect the harshness of the icy wind, the salt spray of the sea
and the effects of midnight sun and winter darkness. JUNGLE SAVAGES
Like other barbarians, northmen revere creatures that share The jungle savage is a barbarian born and bred in equatorial
their hardiness and strength. Creatures such as the wolf, stag, or rainforests of thick vegetation and harsh climate. As a feral
bear are frequent choices amongst northmen. Other northmen youth, raised by the beasts of the jungle, or as a primitive tribes-
may find that creatures such as the sea hawks and kingfishers man born of thousands of years of culture and shamanistic tra-
more closely identify with their seafaring ways. Such northmen dition, the jungle savage shares a common ferocity with the
spend much of their time navigating the frozen waterways of arboreal jungles they call their home. Often naked as the land
the north and see such creatures as spirit guides who guarantee they are born in, barbarians of the jungle disdain the use of any
safe passage for their longships along the harsh sea currents that armor beyond a simple hide shield. They live a life of supersti-
separate their lands from ‘civilization.’ tion and ritualistic magic.
TABLE 2-1: TYPICAL NORTHMEN TOTEMS As with other barbarians, the jungle savage has a close affinity
Standard Totem Familiars with the beasts and monsters of the jungle. Creatures such as
great cats, primates, serpents, and wondrous birds are as often to-
Bird of Prey (Eagle, Owl, Hawk, etc. – Choose one)*
tem animals to the tribes that live in the jungle, as these animals
Boar* are often predators that prey upon them. Jungle savages tend to
Deer* choose animal companions that reflect the untamed beauty of
Giant Badger* the jungle, creatures that have a natural grace and agility bred of
Goat (Ram)* survival in a world where everything from the tiniest insect to the
Mastiff (or other Big Dog)* largest jungle cat has the potential to deal death.
Musk Ox
Standard Totem Familiars
Greater Totem Familiars
Bear, black*
Bear, brown*
Bear, polar*
Elemental, small (any)* Mongoose
Leopard* Blink Dog*
Lizard, giant Cheetah
Lizard, venomous (As Lizard, but add poison DC 10 Con save Elemental, small (any)*
Fail=1d12 poison damage and poisoned for 24 hours.)
Snake, constrictor*
Snake, large viper*
Saber-Tooth Tiger*
Supreme Totem Familiars
Crocodile, giant*
Supreme Totem Familiars
Dire Ape*
Dragon (Wyrmling) (copper, green, or gold)*
Elemental, medium (any)*
Elephant* Dire Wolf*
Girallon* Displacer Beast*
Lizard, giant variant* Dragon, wyrmling (blue, gold or red)*
Lizard, giant venomous (As above but save DC 15)* Elemental, medium (any)*
* See the 5th Edition monsters tome. Elementals refer to any crea- Elephant*
tures with the Elemental subtype. Giant Badger/Wolverine*
** See ‘Non-standard Familiars’ sidebar for details.
Giant Eagle*
Note: All Greater and Supreme familiars have specific character
Giant Lion*
level and alignment prerequisites that must be met in order to be
chosen – see Tables 1-5 and 1-6 in Chapter 1 for more details. Giant Tiger
Giant Owl*
Barbarian plainsmen are best described in a non-fantasy setting as Mammoth**
the horse culture of the American Great Plains, or the Mongol Shadow Mastiff*
hordes of Genghis Khan, or the Khurgan and Scythian peoples
Winter Wolf*
of the Russian steppes, or the elephant-riding mercenaries in the
service of Hannibal. Plainsmen live by horse, lance and bow. They Yeth Hound
are lightly armored barbarians who favor speed and bloodthirsty * See the 5th Edition monsters tome. Elementals refer to any crea-
ferocity to steely muscles and bulging brawn. Such nomads travel tures with the Elemental subtype.
in tightly organized family groups, bearing their possessions and ** See ‘Non-standard Familiars’ sidebar for details.
temporary lodgings with them. They stalk game and seek river Note: All Greater and Supreme familiars have specific character
valleys to winter in to avoid the roaring wind of the great prai- level and alignment prerequisites that must be met in order to be
ries. Animal companions and totems chosen by such people are, chosen – see Tables 1-5 and 1-6 in Chapter 1 for more details.
more often than not, migratory hunters who stalk with stealth
and speed, striking quickly and with deadly accuracy. NONSTANDARD FAMILIARS
Barbarians have several non-standard familiars, including:
Mammoth: Use the stats in the 5th edition monster tome.
Standard Totem Familiars
Antelope Sea Hawk: Use the stats for a hawk in the 5th edition monster
Bird of Prey (Choose one – Owl, Eagle, Hawk, etc.)* Snow Leopard: See the New Animals Appendix.
Mastiff (or other big dog)* A totem familiar is not easily slain or dismissed. They are crea-
Musk Ox tures of a primal nature; the pure embodiment of the totem
Ostrich creature. They are tireless. They have no need of food or rest.
Vulture* They are part of this world and yet apart from it. And they are
Wolf* fearsome. For, like the barbarian spirit to which they have bound
themselves, their blood pounds to the drums of battle and their
Greater Totem Familiars
hearts beat with nature’s fury.
Encompassing Vision CRAFT NATURE FETISH
Endure Elements You can create a spiritual focus for the animistic powers of your
Fearful spirit guide.
Great Leap BENEFITS: At third level, when you choose this Path you may
Haste create a nature fetish to gain the powers of your spirit guide.
Natural Armor, Improved This fetish may be created from the flesh, bone, teeth, or feath-
Resist Energy
ers of whatever creature you consider your sacred beast (as cho-
sen by the CK – see below), or it may be carved from a semi-pre-
Speech cious stone. Creating the fetish requires the barbarian to make
Spell Resistance, Greater a successful Intelligence check whose DC = 10 + the amount
Venom Immunity of bonus the Fetish imports upon the character. In addition, if it
Water Walk is created using a gemstone, tusk, fang, claw, or hide, this item
must be worth at least 500 gp.
Wholeness of Body
Woodland Stride Once the nature fetish has been crafted, the barbarian may
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1. then perform a ritual that binds one aspect of the animal spirit
permanently into the fetish (see the ‘Nature Fetish’ section of
Chapter 2 for details on what aspects do). This aspect may be
TABLE 2-8: BARBARIAN SUPREME FAMILIAR ABILITIES used by the barbarian once per day as a standard action and
Astral Projection lasts for a number of rounds equal to the barbarian’s level. Note
Banishing Call that if the fetish is made from a precious material, the aspect’s
Companion’s Veil daily duration is extended by one extra round for every 500 gp
worth of the base precious material used to construct the fetish
Damage Reduction
(up to a maximum of 4 extra rounds).
Dimension Slip
Divine Health When this ability is selected, the CK or Player will choose an
animal to be the barbarian’s spirit guide. This animal provides
Ethereal State
a number of aspects that provide additional abilities to the Bar-
Familiar Growth barian. By creating a Fetish, the barbarian can tap into one of
Find the Path these aspects. Each fetish may be used once and provides its
Fly benefits for 1d6x10 minutes, after which the Barbarian must
Natural Armor, Supreme engage in a long rest before it may be used again.
Spell Resistance, Supreme At level 5, the barbarian may expend one use of his fetish to cast
Supreme Leap the spell Augury.
Tongues At level 6, the barbarian need only engage in a short rest be-
For information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1. tween uses of his fetish.
At levels 10 and 14, the barbarian may create an additional fetish
NATURE FETISH (BARBARIAN PATH) (for a total of three fetishes at level 14). If the Barbarian’s Spirit
Each barbarian believes that he is tied to a spirit companion Guide provides only two aspects, he will have two fetishes that
from the time of his birth until his death. These spirit compan- provide one of the aspects, and one that provides the second.
ions, like totems, usually take the form of an animal or creature. The fetish is a personal item whose power is tied to the life force
But unlike a totem – where the entire tribe identifies with the of its creator. In the hands of another, the fetish is a perfectly
animal as a symbol of their nation, family or clan – this spirit is useless piece of ornamentation.
a personal guide. The spirit often manifests itself to the barbar-
ian for the first time during his tribal rituals of manhood, and ASPECTS AND CASTER LEVELS
from that time forth the spirit guide has a recurring presence
Some of the aspects below grant spell use, using the barbarian’s
throughout his life. level as the effective caster level. This caster level determines the
maximum spell level that can be used for the spell effects. Consult
The power of these spirit guides can be harnessed in the the Druid spellcasting table for maximum spell level the Barbar-
physical vessel of a nature fetish. These fetishes are often ian can access. For example, a 3rd level Barbarian can use up to
made from the feathers, skin, fur, or bone of the creature a second-level spell slot to cast a spell effect, meaning he could,
associated with the spirit guide, but they may also take the with the Protection Aspect, cast Bless on himself as a first level
form of a tiny stone or gem idol of the creature. In either spell, or upon himself and one other using a 2nd-level slot. Though
case, the nature fetish is possessed of mystical power, and Barbarians do not have spell slots per se, they can choose to cast a
barbarians place great faith in the power of the fetish to grant spell anywhere from its base level of power to the maximum level
amazing abilities and victory in battle. allowable by a Druid of the same level.
Baboon Climbing, Rage, Strength Battle Blood Grants the use of the Diehard feat (see Chapter 1).
As per the water breathing spell (treat the char-
Badger Claw, Scent Breath of the Waves
acter’s barbarian level as the caster level).
Bat Blindsight, Flight Claw +3 bonus to unarmed damage.
Battle Dog Battle Blood, Claw, Tooth Grants advantage to Strength (Athletics)
Bear Claw, Rage, Strength, Tooth checks to climb walls, cliffs or other surfaces.
Cunning Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Boar Rage, Strength, Tusk
As per the Enhance Ability (Bear’s Endurance)
Bull Horn, Rage, Strength Endurance
spell (treat the barbarian’s level as the caster level.)
Cat Grace, Leap, Third Eye Grants Advantage to Strength (Athletics)
Chameleon Chameleon, Climb checks to swim.
As per the familiar ability fast movement (see
Cheetah Claw, Grace, Speed
Fleet of Foot the ‘Familiar Special Abilities’ section of Chap-
Crab Claw, Shell ter 1 for details).
Crane Flight, Grace Allows flight at speed and maneuverability of
the fetish creature.
Crocodile Tooth, Water Limb
As per the spell Enhance Ability (cat’s grace)
Deer Antler, Hoof Grace (treat the character’s barbarian level as the
Dog Claw, Endurance, Tooth caster level).
Dragon Battle Blood, Blindsight, Flight, Talons, Third Eye As per the familiar ability fast movement (see
Hoof the ‘Familiar Special Abilities’ section of Chap-
Eagle Flight, Raptor’s Eyes, Talon ter 1 for details).
Fox Claw, Cunning Horn +3 bonus to unarmed damage.
Griffon Flight, Strength, Raptor’s Eyes, Talons As per the familiar ability great leap (see the ‘Famil-
iar Special Abilities’ section of Chapter 1 for details).
Goat Horn, Strength
Night Eyes Low-light vision.
Hawk Flight, Raptor’s Eyes, Talon
As per the Bless spell (treat the barbarian’s level
Hedgehog Protection, Spine as the caster level).
Horse Endurance, Hoof, Strength As per the barbarian’s own rage ability, thus
granting an additional rage each day (though this
Hummingbird Flight, Grace Rage bonus rage is subject to the duration restrictions
Kangaroo Endurance, Fleet of Foot, Leap outlined in the Create Nature Fetish feat (see the
‘New Feats’ section of Chapter 1 of details).
Koala Climb, Night Eyes
Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks re-
Lion Battle Blood, Endurance, Tooth Raptor’s Eyes
lying on sight.
Lizard Climb, Cunning Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks re-
Mongoose Grace, Tooth lying on smell. The barbarian can pick up scents
Scent that normal humans cannot and can track by
Monkey Climb, Grace smell using Wisdom (Perception) in any situa-
Musk Ox Horn, Rage, Strength tion that an animal could (CK’s discretion).
Shell +3 natural bonus to AC.
Ostrich Fleet of Foot, Strength
Spine +3 bonus to unarmed damage.
Owl Flight, Night Eyes, Third Eye
As per the spell Enhance Ability (bull’s
Ram Horn, Leap, Strength Strength strength). (Treat the character’s barbarian level
as the caster level).
Raven Flight, Third Eye
Talon +3 bonus to unarmed damage
Turtle Endurance, Shell
Tooth +3 bonus to unarmed damage
Wolf Battle Blood, Claw, Scent, Tooth Tusk +3 bonus to unarmed damage
* In addition to the aspects listed, all spirit guides have the aspect Third Eye As per the spell detect magic.
of Augury. Water Limb Advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim.
BARBARIAN HORSEMAN PATH their homelands. In addition, through the use of the Greater
Special Mount and Supreme Special Mount feats, barbarians
Hogar beat hard upon the back of the wooly beast beneath him, gain access to an even wider, and more powerful, variety of
urging it forward against his enemies. With a sneer upon his creatures for use as special mounts. Note that all such Greater
cracked lips, and the blood of his foes frozen in his beard, Hogar or Supreme mounts are governed by the alignment and level
leaned forward and let out a hoarse curse as the mammoth trum- restrictions listed for that monster or creature under ”Asso-
peted in response to his growls of derision. Before him, the line of ciated Character Level” in the lists of Greater and Supreme
the cold ones wavered. Behind him came a herd of wooly beasts, familiars in Chapter 1.
and amongst them on foot, the vanguard of his tribe stripped
naked to the waist and painted in blue and black sigils of their
own design. His howls and the trumpeting of the mammoths were
nearly drowned out by the thunder of their padded feet upon the Small Barbarians
hard packed snow. Barbarian Type
Special Mount
“Death! Death to the cold ones!” he howled, swinging with vi- Dog, riding (as mastiff)* Plainsmen or Northmen
cious cuts to the left and right with his tusk-handled greataxe.
Hyena* Jungle Savages or Plainsmen
Tunandor the mammoth seemed to lead the wave of its brethren
by thought as it lowered its head and tossed to the left and right Lizard, Giant* Jungle Savages
with mighty tusks. The cold ones, with their grey skin and yel-
Pony * Plainsmen or Northmen
lowed eyes, keened and wailed in their frustration, swarming up
the sides of Hogar’s mammoth in an attempt to drag him from his Wolf* Plainsmen or Northmen
battle platform. But this was only to Hogar’s advantage. A battle
Medium Barbarians
that seemed like it had taken hours was finished in minutes as the Barbarian Type
few cold ones who could escape managed to flee the scene of car- Special Mount
nage. Hogar bled freely from a dozen wounds, but the Mammoth Camel** Plainsmen
clan stood strong. Hogar knew the raids upon his villages would
end, for now. Jungle Savages, Plainsmen, or
Stalking the battlefield on foot, with Tunandor following him like a
guard dog, Hogar found the head of the cold one’s chieftain that he
had hacked free during the battle and mounted it upon his war-staff, Small Barbarians
Barbarian Type
pointing it in the direction of the fleeing foes. Perhaps this would give Special Mount
the fools pause the next time they thought to consider his people easy
pickings. Bear, black* Jungle Savages or Plainsmen
Boar* Jungle Savages or Plainsmen
By choosing this path, a barbarian may gain a special mount
similar to that of a paladin by taking the Barbarian’s Mount Worg* Jungle Savages or Plainsmen
Ability. The barbarian’s mount is similar to – yet distinct
Medium Barbarians
from – an animal companion, a familiar, and a paladin’s Barbarian Type
mount. The bond between a barbarian and his mount is born Special Mount
from the deep symbiosis between the barbarian’s soul and the Bear, brown* Plainsmen
natural world. The barbarian’s mount is a magical creature,
but it is not the divine companion of the paladin – it is still Bear, polar Northmen
rooted in the natural world, and represents a link between Bison Plainsmen
that world and the barbarian.
Elk* Northmen
BARBARIAN'S MOUNT Giant Bat* Jungle Savages
Upon taking this ability at 3rd level, you can call an unusually Hippogriff* Plainsmen
intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve as your mount and
companion (see the ‘Barbarian Mounts’ section of Chapter 2 for Lion* Jungle Savages or Plainsmen
details). The mount gains powers and abilities as you gain class Lizard, giant venomous * Jungle Savages
levels. Should the mount die, you must wait one year and a day
before you can call for a new one. Lizard, Giant (Variant)* Jungle Savages
Ostrich Plainsmen
TYPES OF BARBARIAN SPECIAL MOUNTS Sabre-Tooth tiger* Jungle Savages or Plainsmen
Unlike a paladin, barbarians have a wider variety of mounts to
Tiger* Jungle Savages
choose from, often dependent upon the prominent terrain in
Barbarian Bonus Natural
Str Adj Int Special Abilities
Level HD Armor Adj.
Whirlwind Attack (2 Opponents), empathic link, share saving throws, Com-
3rd-5th +1 +2 +1 5
bat Sense, Primeval Instincts.
6th-9th +2 +4 +2 6 Whirlwind Attack (3 Opponents)
10th-13th +4 +6 +3 7
14th-16th +6 +8 +4 8 Whirlwind Attack (4 Opponents)
17 -20
th th
+8 +10 +5 9
Barbarian Bonus Natural
Str Adj Int Special
Level HD Armor Adj.
Whirlwind Attack (2 Opponents), empathic link, share saving throws, Com-
4rd-5th +1 +2 +1 5
bat Sense, Primeval Instincts.
6th-9th +2 +4 +2 6 Whirlwind Attack (3 Opponents)
10 -13
th th
+4 +6 +3 7
14 -16
th th
+6 +8 +4 8 Whirlwind Attack (4 Opponents)
17 -20
th th
+8 +10 +5 9
o many choices. So many options. Just like an im-
promptu play, Malfys thought, or a song from the joins the Song of Rest as part of the bard’s repertoire of bardic
heart. Perhaps his talent with song and dance would songs. Each also has, as a prerequisite, one of the Advantages
lead him to the halls of a king, performing with the listed in Chapter 1, or membership in a specific Bard College, as
inspiration of his muse before the royalty of the land. stated in the description of the individual song. Through these
Or perhaps he could go into the forests and call upon a com- songs, the bard has one way to gain a familiar or companion.
panion who would guard his back on the long journeys of the
coming months. • THE SONG OF COMPANIONS: Only those bards who take
the Animal Companion Special Ability have learned, or
The possibilities were endless, and he could feel the exhilaration been inspired to create, the Song of Companions. To use
growing within him, like the chorus of a good drinking tune or the Song of Companions, the bard must first locate the
the final movements of a concerto. Perhaps he would join the companion creature she seeks to befriend. The Song of
Symphony of the Oak and Fiddle with power and music both. Companions can actually aid in this – if the bard goes into
Or perhaps he would just stay out in the fringes and have a few the wilderness and sings the Song in the natural habitat of
adventures - there was always the Fellowship of the Road, where the creature, a creature of the selected type is attracted to
one could cook up some trouble and sing of it in taverns after- the bard’s location within 1d4 hours.
wards- making oneself the hero of the tale of course.
Once the creature is present, the bard must befriend it and
Either way, he was going to need some guidance. A companion bind it through the power of the Song. This requires a Fas-
of sorts would be nice. If nothing else, it would be someone to cinate Check whose Challenge Level is equal to the Hit
talk to. To sing to. Dice of the sought after animal companion). If the bard’s
Fascinate check is successful, she befriends the creature as
BARD FAMILIARS per the Animal Companion Ability.
The bard is the jack-of-all-trades. Gatherers of many disparate
skills and knowledge, the bard has an innate touch with not • THE SONG OF FAMILIARS: It is said that a song is the voice
only with arcane magic, but also with the skills and traditions of the soul. But the Song of Familiars is a song of magic, and
of song and ritual, which often lend themselves to making allies it truly carries with it a part of the singing bard’s soul – im-
and companions of rangers, druids, and the other guardians of buing it into a chosen creature and forming a bond which
nature. A bard is at once a herald, a sage, a swordsman and a cannot be broken save through pain and despair.
spy. Bards ply their trade in stories, secrets, performance and Only those bards who take the Improved Familiar, Summon
prose. They are masters of legends and lore, of history and myth. Familiar, Summon Greater Familiar, or Summon Supreme
Their needs are few, and at the same time many, as their mouth Familiar advantages have learned the secrets of the Song of
and wit often get them into the greatest trouble. Familiars. Performing the Song is the bard’s summoning ritual
It is unsurprising that on the oft-times lonely road of the perform- and, in addition to the other requirements and costs, requires
er, minstrel, and adventurer, that a companion should be desired. the bard to make a successful Fascinate check. The DC for
Bards are a varied lot of beguilers and performers, and the type this check is 5 plus the HD of the Familiar for a standard fa-
of familiar or companion they choose is dependent on the type miliar, 10 plus the familiar’s HD for a greater familiar, and 20
of bard they are. Bards choose companions suited to their needs plus the familiar’s HD for a supreme familiar, with a minimum
as poets, players and spies. As bards move freely from wilderness DC in all cases of 15. If the bard fails the check, the materials
to metropolis, they often choose animal companions which are required to perform the ritual are destroyed and the bard must
suited to life in either setting, and that do not raise the ire of the begin the Song again on another day in order to summon her
local constabulary. Of course, this is not always the case. Many familiar. For more information on the familiars bards can sum-
bards thrive on chaos, after all, and may be as likely to become mon, see ‘The Song of Familiars’ section later in this chapter.
friends with a saber toothed tiger as a songbird.
• THE SONG OF THE FEY: There is an ineffable link between
OF SUMMONINGS AND SECRET SONGS music and the realms of the fey, and the bard’s mastery of the
Ultimately it is the magic of her song which forms the eternal former often draws the latter to them. In place of a Supreme
bond between a bard and her companions and familiars. Five Familiar (see the Summon Supreme Familiar Ability, a bard
very powerful songs are among the deepest secrets of the bardic may summon a fey companion by singing the Song of the Fey.
colleges: the Song of Companions, the Song of Familiars, the The Song of the Fey is known to bards who have taken the
Song of the Fey, the Song of the Muse, and the Illusionist’s Fey Companion advantage. For more information on fey
Song. The origin of these ancient songs is lost to the mists of companions and their special roles as a bard’s companion,
time and history, but some say there were stolen from the gods. see ‘The Song of the Fey’ section later in this chapter.
Others that they were gifted by the elves before they dimin-
ished. Still others that they were one of the many creations of • THE SONG OF THE MUSE: The muse is a special sort of Fa-
the legendary bard Artahl. miliar available only to a bard. The muse is an unusual sort of
44 5 TH
creature, being summoned to bards through their innate need THE SONG OF FAMILIARS
to seek creativity and beauty. The Song of the Muse is known
Bajaran danced boldly before the serpent, and the snake in turn
to bards who have joined the College of the Muse. For more
weaved to the motions of her form. Hypnotized by her seduc-
information on muses and their role as familiars, see ‘The
tion, its forked tongue tasted the scent of her quickly heating
Song of the Muse’ section later in this chapter.
flesh. The serpent curled at her feet and skid up her leg, coiling
• THE ILLUSIONIST'S SONG: Bards share a weak connection about her calves and thighs, stretching up her back and around
to the same primal forces of arcane magic as a wizard or her arms. Ka’ Hizz knew every turn of her form just as she knew
warlock. Like a Warlock, those bards who join the College that the Rajah’s most recent attempt to poison her had failed.
of Illusion too can travel to the Methetherial (see Chapter She murmured her thanks to Ka’hizz, who even now rasped
11 for more details), although their means of travel to that his jewel-like scales lovingly across her bosom while her body
plane is the Illusionist’s Song. Most bards use the Illusion- writhed and turned in dance. Her kohl-marked eyes flashed
ists’s Song to summon mercurial familiars, but the song can to the sultan who watched with bated breath as Bajaran and
also be used in place of the Song of the Familiar to summon Ka’Hizz performed their dance. She smiled, knowing that the
an animistic familiar (see later in this chapter for details on sultan would make a much better benefactor than her last.
these new familiars).
The Illusionist’s Song weaves the power of the ennea-
Standard Bard Familiars
gram into the words of the bard, allowing her to walk
in the footsteps of the Illusionist’s journey. The song re- Bat*
quires a marathon performance lasting 24 hours. During Baboon*
this time the bard cannot be disturbed and must make a
successful Fascinate Check (Challenge Level 10). If the
bard is successful, she leaves her tangible body behind – Chameleon (treat as lizard with advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
sending a mental projection of herself out into the Plane checks)*
of Idea. Upon arriving, the bard is immediately met by Dog (use stats for mastiff)*
the Keeper of the Cusp (see Chapter 11 for more details). Dolphin
The Keeper, recognizing the bard as a foreigner among
the spirits of the Methetherial, demands that the bard Dove (treat as raven, but without mimicry)*
perform for him. The bard must now make a Perform Eagle*
check to impress the Keeper with his craft. The DC of Fox
this check depends on the power of the familiar the bard
is attempting to summon from the Methetherial: Chal-
lenge Level 10 for a standard familiar, Challenge Level 15 Hummingbird
for a greater familiar, or Challenge Level 20 for a supreme Koala
Should the Keeper find the bard’s performance lacking, the Lizard, venomous (treat as lizard but add poison DC 10 Con save
bard is cast out of the Methetherial and may not again at- Fail=1d12 poison damage and poisoned for 24 hours)
tempt to summon a familiar from the Plane of Idea until a year Mongoose (treat as weasel)*
and a day have passed (although she may attempt to summon
a familiar using one of the other songs available to her). If Monkey (treat as baboon, but without pack tactics and with advan-
tage and +4 on Strength (Climb) checks)*
the bard succeeds at this Perform check, however, the Keeper
is impressed with her skill and offers her a familiar as a gift. Owl*
The bard is allowed to choose whether she wishes to have an Panda, Red
animistic familiar or a mercurial familiar. If she chooses an ani-
Poisonous Snake*
mistic familiar, she gains a familiar just as if she had performed
the Song of Familiars (see above). If the bard chooses a mer- Raccoon
curial spirit, however, she must make a Charisma check (DC Rat*
20 for a standard mercurial, DC 25 for a greater mercurial, or
DC 30 for a supreme mercurial) in order to gain the respect of
the mercurial spirit. If the check fails, the mercurial spirit has Squirrel (treat as rat with advantage and +4 on Strength (climb)
rejected the bard. The bard must return to her physical body checks)*
and attempt the Song another day, with additional time and Squirrel, flying
monetary expense. (There is also a chance that the mercurial Greater Bard Familiars
escapes and becomes an emancipated spirit, see below.) For
more information on mercurial spirits and their role as famil- Ape*
iars, see the ‘College of Illusion’ section later in this chapter. Baboon*
Bear, black* Giant tiger
Bear, brown* Giant wolverine (treat as giant badger)*
Bear, polar* Griffon*
Blink dog* Imp*
Chameleon, giant (treat as giant lizard with advantage on Dexter- Modron (any)*
ity (Stealth) checks)
Dire wolf*
Elemental, small (any)*
Phase spider*
Giant bat*
Rust monster*
Giant eagle*
Salamander, fire snake*
Giant owl (treat as giant eagle)*
Shadow mastiff
Snake, huge viper (treat as giant constrictor snake, but without
Hell hound* constrict and with poison: 3d6 damage and victim poisoned for 1d6
days; Con DC 15 negates)*
* These creatures can be found in the 5th Edition Monsters
Lizard, monitor (treat as giant lizard)*
NOTE: All Greater and Supreme familiars have specific character
Lizard, giant venomous (as giant lizard but add poison DC 10 Con save level and alignment prerequisites that must be met in order to be
Fail=1d12 poison damage and poisoned for 24 hours)* chosen – see Tables 1-5 and 1-6 in Chapter 1 for more details.
Lizard, giant (variant)*
Panda The bard’s familiar is crafty and sly, while its mere presence can
have an intoxicating effect. The familiar of a bard is a creature
of startling grace and beauty, but possesses the skill to stalk si-
Ram (treat as goat)* lently through the shadows and slip from conscience sight.
Saber-toothed tiger*
Snake, constrictor* TABLE 3-2: STANDARD BARD FAMILIARS
Master Natural
Snake, giant poisonous* Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
1st-2nd +1 6 Distracting, Empathic link
Wolf* 3 -4
rd th +2 7
Wolverine (treat as badger)* 5 -6
th th
+3 8 Speak with master
Worg* 7th-8th +4 9 Speak with animals of its kind
Supreme Bard Familiars 9 -10
th th
+5 10 --
Dire wolf 11 -12th th +6 11 Spell resistance
Displacer beast* 13th-14th +7 12 Inkling
Dragonne* 15th-16th +8 13 --
Dragon, wyrmling (any)* 17 -18
th th
+9 14 --
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they TABLE 3-6: BARD SUPREME FAMILIAR SPECIAL ABILITIES
are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
Astral Projection
Greater Familiar Ability: Select any one greater or standard familiar
ability (see the ‘Standard Familiar Special Abilities’ section in Chap- Banisher
ter 1 or Table 3-5 later in this chapter for details on which special
abilities are available and an explanation of what each does). Banishing Call
Charm Mantrid
Cloak of Chaos Moon Cat****
Companion’s Veil Nixie*, ***
A bard who has taken the Fey Companion Ability can call out The list of possible fey companions here is far from complete.
to the fey, summoning a companion from those realms to serve There are literally hundreds of possibilities for fey companions
at their side. Rules for performing this summoning and the DC who might join a bard on their adventures. Following the rules
to call forth a Fey companion can be found earlier in this chapter. for Song of the Fey, a bard may be able to summon any of a
broad variety of fey creatures found in the 5th Edition Monster
TABLE 3-7: FEY COMPANIONS Tome or any other Open Source monsters book, at the CK’s
Fey Creature
Aaleear In game terms, any creature with a creature type of “Fey” is fair
game for calling as a companion. The CK should always care-
fully monitor the chosen or summoned creature options, as this
Brewer Fairy can open the door for powerful evil bards to summon such foul
Dream Faun
creatures as hags to their service. Take care not to allow the
unbalancing of your game as a result.
Dryad*, **
Fire Nymph Finally, note that in no case, regardless of how high the perform
check may be, can any bard have a fey companion whose Chal-
Forest Nymph
lenge is greater than the bard’s level, minus 2. For Challenge
Ratings below 1, each increment counts as one down. Thus, such a creature to guide, inspire and improve her own artistic
challenge 1/4 is 2 below Level 1. talents.
The exact origin of a muse is a mystery even to the bard her- MUSE PROPERTIES
self, although song upon song has been written discussing their Muses are an intimate expression of the bard’s inner creative ge-
origin and the mastery of performance that they bring to their nius. For more information regarding these creatures and their
chosen subjects. Some say they are the lesser children of the exact statistics, see Appendix B.
gods, giving to them names such as Calliope, Clio, Aoede,
Melete, and Meneme. Others whisper that a muse is part of MUSE ABILITIES
the bard’s own soul, brought into material reality through the
bard’s supplication to her art. Still others believe that the muse A muse has many abilities, and as the bard grows in strength,
is a figment of the imagination, given only subconscious real- the muse grows as well. In order to use its abilities, however, a
ity through a blending of the bard’s arcane magic and will to muse must manifest. This makes the muse vulnerable to attack
create. (see Appendix B for details).
Whatever the case may be – and it may vary from one bard MUSE SONGS
to the next – a muse is a reflection of the bard’s desires made Muses are capable of inspiring bards to perform muse songs.
tangible; the perfect creative collaborator, and a power which Muse songs are essentially identical to bardic songs in that:
changes spirit to thought and thought to reality. Some bards en-
ter an intensive field of metaphysical study which allows them • Singing a muse song requires the bard to use one of her
to draw a deep and personal relationship with their muse, per- bardic songs for the day. (Singing a greater muse song re-
sonified. This muse joins them as a guide and companion on quires the bard to use two of her bard songs for the day.)
their journeys, providing them knowledge and power.
• The bard can take other actions while singing, but not mag-
A bard who joins the College of the Muse at third level learns ical actions (casting a spell, activating magic items by spell
the Song of the Muse, and can call out to her muse, summoning completion, or activating magical items by magic word).
Muse songs, however, can only be performed while the muse is within sight. Any bardic song or muse song the bard casts while
manifested (see Appendix B for details). the channel remains open can potentially affect any target with-
in sight as if they were within the song’s normal range. Since
TABLE 3-8: MUSES the muse can channel any sound, the bard can also speak to
Bard the targets of the channel as if they were standing next to him
HP Special (although not vice versa – the channel only goes one way). The
Class Level
3rd +1d8 Inspiration, muse song channel is even powerful enough to conduct sound through,
or into, an area of magical silence. The muse can maintain this
4th-5th +1d8 Muse ability
channel for a number of rounds equal to its bard’s class level.
6 th
+1d8 Muse ability
7th-8th +1d8 Muse ability After using this ability, the bard must engage in a long rest be-
9 -10
th th
+1d8 Muse ability fore it can be used again. This ability can be chosen more than
once. Each additional time the ability is chosen, the muse can
11 -12 th th
+1d8 Muse ability
use it an additional time between rests.
13th-14th +1d8 Muse ability
15th-16th +1d8 Muse ability FREEDOM: While manifested, the muse can move any distance
17 -18th th
+1d8 Muse ability away from its bard (normally they cannot move farther than 30
19 -20 th th
+1d8 Muse ability
feet away from their bard). However, if the muse moves more
than 30 feet from the bard, the bard cannot benefit from the use
HP: Roll 1d8 and add the total to the muse’s hit points. This does
of the muse’s power until it returns to within 30 feet.
not count as an additional HD for the muse.
Inspiration: As per the muse ability (see below). Gift of Song: When the muse is manifested, the bard gains one
Muse Song: As per the muse ability (see below). additional spell slot per day. This slot is fluid and can be of any
level the bard can cast. The muse must be manifested for the
Muse Ability: Select one muse ability (see below).
bard to use the extra spell. This ability can be chosen up to
three times. Its effects stack.
ACCOMPANIMENT: The muse can accompany the bard in the INSPIRATION: The muse may manifest and inspire the bard’s
performance of bardic songs such as Bardic Inspiration, Coun- performance. As long as the muse remains manifested, the
tercharm or any bardic magic. The muse’s accompaniment al- bard gains advantage on Charisma based checks. The muse can
lows the bard to overpower magical silence; magical silence can maintain this inspirational effect for a number of rounds equal
no longer prevent the bard’s songs or spells with verbal compo- to twice its bard’s bard level. Once used, the bard must com-
nents from being heard (and taking effect). plete a long rest before using this ability again. This ability may
be chosen a second time. If chosen a second time the bard must
AMPLIFY SONG: The muse’s presence increases the strength only complete a short rest between uses.
and range of the bard’s songs or spells. The bard must make
a Charisma check to harness the strength of the muse in her INTENSIFY SONG (Crescendo): The muse’s presence increases
performance. A successful check allows the bard to double their the damage inflicted by any attacks or damaging spells cast by the
proficiency bonus when determining the save DC of their spells. bard’s inspired allies when the bard is using his Bardic Inspiration
In addition, the check can increase the range of the spell. The Ability. The bard must make a Charisma check to harness the
specific DC required is based on the desired range increase, as strength of the muse in her performance. The Challenge Level
noted below: needed is based on the desired damage increase, as shown below:
CUSHION FALL: The bard can create a cushion of sound, either This effect continues as long as the bard continues to sing and
for herself or for someone else within 100 feet. The cushion al- 5 rounds thereafter. The bard can maintain this song for up to
lows the target to fall safely up to 20 feet per level of the bard. 10 rounds, after which sleeping creatures wake up. In addition
This song does not reduce falling speed, but instead creates a to having no effect on creatures normally immune to sleep, this
cushion under the falling creature or object that absorbs the song has no effect on deaf creatures.
fall. If the target falls farther than the bard’s level allows, the
MOMENTARY CHARM: This song makes a humanoid, animal,
target suffers full damage. Unlike other songs, cushion fall can
be cast even when it is not the bard’s turn. However, if the bard or beast regard the bard as a trusted friend and ally, albeit for a
sings the song out of turn, on her next turn she can only take a moment. The creature may make a Wisdom save vs. the bard’s
partial action. spell save DC to negate the effect. If the bard or his allies are
currently threatening or attacking the creature it receives ad-
DEAFENING CACOPHONY: The bard’s song is calculated to vantage on its saving throw.
deafen the senses of those near her. Anyone within 30 feet of
This song does not enable the bard to control the charmed sub-
the bard must make a Constitution save with a DC equal to the
ject in automaton fashion, but the creature does perceive the
bard’s spell save DC or become deafened (suffers from the deaf-
words and actions of the bard in the most favorable way possi-
ened condition). The bard can continue performing this song
ble. The creature is in all ways affected as per the Charm Person
for up to 5 rounds. This song has no affect on any of the bard’s
spell. Any act by the bard or her apparent allies that threatens
own familiars that are caught in the affect, nor does it affect
the charmed subject breaks the effect of the song. Note, also
muses of any kind. This song has no effect on deaf creatures.
that the bard must speak a language the creature can under-
By expending a second song slot, the bard can render his allies
stand in order to communicate.
immune to the effects.
The effect of this song lasts as long as the bard continues singing
INFLUENCE: The bard sings a soothing, pleasant melody be-
(which she may do while speaking to the charmed subject, but
neath her breath – lacing it around her words if she finds it
not while speaking to others), plus a number of rounds equal to
necessary to speak. A single target within 50 feet of the bard
the bard’s level. This song has no effect on deaf creatures.
reacts to the bard as if affected by the command spell. A Wis-
dom save equal to the bard’s spell save DC negates the effect. SILENT CHORD: As the bard sings this chord she deadens all
The muse can maintain this influencing effect for a number sound within 50 feet of herself. All sound stops – conversa-
of rounds equal to twice its bard’s bard level. This song has tion becomes impossible, spells with verbal components can-
no affect on deaf creatures. If the bard uses a second song not be cast, and no noise whatsoever issues from, enters, or
slot, he can either affect a second target, or treat a single passes through the area; the only sound that can be heard is
target as though it were affected by the suggestion spell. If the bard’s singing. The effect moves with the bard as she con-
the bard uses a third song slot, he can affect all targets within tinues to sing. This song provides a defense against sonic or
50 feet, or can treat two targets as though they were affected language-based attacks, such as command, harpy song, a horn
by suggestion. By expending four song slots, the bard can of blasting, etc. The bard can maintain this song for up to 10
treat all targets within 50 feet as though affected by mass rounds, and the effect lasts for 5 rounds after the bard stops
suggestion. singing (remaining centered on the location where the bard
stopped singing). For the remaining duration, an echo of the
INSPIRE COMPETENCE: The bard’s song can help an ally to
bard’s song can be heard repeating, slowly fading to nothing,
accomplish a task. The ally must be able to see and hear the
at which point normal sound returns.
bard, and the bard must also be able to see the ally. Depend-
ing on the task at hand, the bard may use their music to lift SONGSTRIKE: With a single, blasting note, the bard sends forth
the ally’s spirits, to help the ally focus mentally, or to assist a cone of sonic energy (to a distance of 30 feet) from his mouth
in some other way. The ally gets advantage on all skill checks that inflicts 2d6 points of sonic damage, plus the bard’s cha-
with a particular pre-specified skill as long as he or she con- risma modifier. Each additional song slot expended adds 1d6 to
tinues to hear the bard’s music. The Castle Keeper may rule this base damage. Targets are entitled to a Constitution save vs.
that certain uses of this ability are infeasible (singing to make the Bard’s Spell Save DC for half damage.
a rogue move quietly, for example, is contrary to the point).
The bard can maintain this song indefinitely, so long as she SONG OF DESTRUCTION: The bard creates a loud, ringing note
continues to sing. that shatters brittle, non-magical items, sunders a single solid
non-magical object, or damages crystalline creatures. It func-
LULLABY: With a soothing note, the bard can cause a number tions in all ways identically to the shatter spell. All objects on or
of awake, living creatures to fall asleep. This spell functions in held by the bard are immune to this affect.
STUN: The sound of the bard’s voice stuns a targeted creature item while singing the song, the bard could gain some tale re-
within 50 feet. The creature must make a Constitution save at garding its creation or history – something that might reveal or
the bard’s spell save DC or is affected by the stunned condition hint at its power. If the bard were to focus on a person, a story
as long as the bard continues singing and for one round there- from his or her past would come to the bard.
after. The bard may continue this song for up to 5 rounds. This
song has no effect on deaf creatures. This ability has two potential effects-a lesser and a greater. The
lesser effect is that the bard can identify a magic item’s abilities,
WHISPER: The bard can send a whispered message, carried on a purpose and uses exactly as the identify spell. The second is that
single magical note, with little chance of being overhead (only the bard can recall information exactly as per the legend lore
the use of powerful spells such as wish, miracle, etc. allow eaves- spell. Unlike other greater muse songs, the lesser effect of this
dropping). In every way, this spell functions identically to the song uses only a single song slot.
message cantrip.
CHARM SONG: As per the momentary charm muse song (see
‘Muse Songs’ above), but with a longer duration. The charm
lasts for as long as the bard continues to sing plus a number of
These are magical effects of higher power and more devastat- hours per bard level.
ing results. A bard can never have more greater muse songs
than she has lesser muse songs. All Greater Muse Songs use
two song slots when they are used at their base level of effect,
rather than one. The small blue lightnings of his magic-working flickered about Edan-
or, dancing across his skin and prickling his hair. His voice muttered
CACOPHONY: All creatures within 30 feet of the bard take melodies – three of them at once – which would catch in the throats
2d6 points of sonic damage. Each additional song slot spent of those unversed in his arts.
increases this damage by 2d6, to a maximum of 10d6. Vic-
tims can make a Constitution save equal to the bard’s spell He had seen his friend and teacher, Petrone, chart out the patterns of
save DC for half damage. This song has no effect on any the Enneagram upon the floor and chant sorcerous rituals. He had
of the bard’s own familiars that are caught in the area, nor seen those rituals carry the spirit of his friend away to a strange spirit
does it affect muses of any kind. This song has no affect on realm. And he had seen his friend return with powerful companions
deaf creatures. to aid him in all his purposes.
DISRUPT BODY: With a string of terrible, discordant sounds, the Those were secrets he meant to unlock.
bard disrupts the physical processes of a single creature within
50 feet. The targeted victim may make a Constitution save us- He reached out one hand and touched his fingertips to the pale pool
ing the bard’s spell save DC to avoid the effect. If the victim of mercury before him. He felt it surge through his blood and burn
fails its save, it is affected by the incapacitated condition for 1 into his brain.
minute per level of the bard. And suddenly it was before him. The doorway. The pathway.
DISRUPT MAGIC: The bard can use a complex melody to end He reached out with his song, and felt his spirit slip free from his
ongoing spells within an area. Because magic is powerful, so body…
too is the ability to disrupt magic in exactly the same man-
ner as a dispel magic spell. Any magic that can’t be defeated Bards who enter the college of illusion focus on using their pow-
by dispel magic is likewise not affected by the disrupt magic ers of persuasion to make people believe things that are not
song, either. true-hear things that aren’t there, see things that do not exist.
This is a powerful and deceptive school of bardic knowledge,
DISRUPT THOUGHTS: With a terrible, discordant sound, the and bards of the College of Illusion are ill-trusted by many in
bard disrupts the thought processes of all creatures within polite society, though they are well in demand as stage magi-
50 feet. Victims can attempt a Wisdom saving throw against cians and sleight-of-hand artists.
the bard’s spell save DC. Affected victims are subject to the
stunned condition for the duration. The bard can maintain
the song for up to 10 rounds. This song has no affect on any BONUS PROFICIENCIES
of the bard’s own familiars that are caught in the affect, nor When a bard enters this college at level 3, she gains proficiency
does it affect muses of any kind. It likewise does not affect in Sleight of Hand, Deception and Persuasion. If she is already
deaf creatures. This song is a sonic attack; creatures with proficient in these skills, she doubles her proficiency bonus
resistance to sonic damage gain advantage on their saving when using them.
throw to resist.
RECALL TALE: Using music to part the veil of reality, the bard
can conjure forth knowledge of a story involving the song’s fo- Although a bard can use the Illusionist’s Song to summon an
cus. For example, if the bard concentrated upon a specific magic animistic familiar (which is, in all ways, treated as a familiar
summoned using the Song of Familiars), the true power of this 6th +3 8 Blur, Greater Familiar Ability
song is the summoning of a mercurial familiar. 7th-8th +4 9 --
A mercurial familiar is a creature unto itself – it exists only to 9 -10
th th
+5 10 Detect magic
satisfy its own unpredictable desires. It is as fleeting as a wisp of 11th-12th +6 11 Greater Familiar Ability
smoke and its very nature is one of caprice; it flies on a whim, it 13 -14
th th
+7 12 Improved Sensory Familiar
flits and fades, and it is nothing, if not ephemeral. 15th-16th +8 13 --
17 -18
th th
+9 14 Greater Familiar Ability
19th-20th +10 15 --
Bards can summon mercurials as standard familiars, greater
Deflection Adj.: This number noted here is a bonus to the familiar’s
mercurials as greater familiars, or supreme mercurials as su-
existing deflection armor bonus (mercurials initially have none). It
preme familiars (see Appendix B for details and statistics for represents a preternatural increasing power of the familiar.
these creatures). Due to their unique nature, however, mercuri-
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
al familiars do not have access to all of the special abilities most natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
familiars have access to. Even when using the Empower Famil- are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
iar feats (see the ‘New Feats’ section of Chapter 1), mercurial Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the Sensory
familiars are limited to the special abilities listed on the tables Familiar Ability, but only for mercurial familiars.
below. For more details on mercurials, reference the Chapter 11
Improved Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the
on Illusionist’s familiars. Improved Sensory Familiar Ability, but only for their mercurial fa-
TABLE 3-12: STANDARD BARD FAMILIAR (MERCURIAL) Greater Familiar Ability: Select one Greater Familiar Ability from
Master Deflection the Table 3-15 below.
Int Special
Class Level Adj. Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
Alertness, empathic link, sen- abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
3rd +1 6
sory familiar
4th-5th +2 7 --
Master Deflection
6 th
+3 8 Blur Int Special
Class Level Adj.
7th-8th +4 9 --
3rd +1 6 Empathic link, sensory familiar
9th-10th +5 10 Detect magic
4 -5
th th
+2 7 --
11th-12th +6 11 --
6th +3 8 Blur, Greater Familiar Ability
13th-14th +7 12 Improved Sensory Familiar
7th-8th +4 9 --
15th-16th +8 13 --
9th-10th +5 10 Detect magic
17 -18
th th
+9 14 --
Greater Familiar Ability, Su-
19th-20th +10 15 -- 11th-12th +6 11
preme Familiar Ability
Deflection Adj.: This number noted here is a bonus to the familiar’s 13th-14th +7 12 Improved Sensory Familiar
existing deflection armor bonus (mercurials initially have none). It
15th-16th +8 13 --
represents a preternatural increasing power of the familiar.
17th-18th +9 14 Greater Familiar Ability
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they 19th-20th +10 15 Supreme Familiar Ability
are not necessarily as smart as smart people. Deflection Adj.: This number noted here is a bonus to the familiar’s
existing deflection armor bonus (mercurials initially have none). It
Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the Sensory represents a preternatural increasing power of the familiar.
Familiar feat, but only for mercurial familiars.
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
Improved Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
Improved Sensory Familiar feat, but only for their mercurial famil- are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
iars. Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the Sensory
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special Familiar feat, but only for mercurial familiars.
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. Improved Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the
Improved Sensory Familiar feat, but only for their mercurial famil-
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one Greater Familiar Ability from
Master Deflection
Int Special Table 3-15 below.
Class Level Adj.
Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one Supreme or Greater Familiar
3rd +1 6 Empathic link, sensory familiar Ability from Tables 3-15 or 3-16 below.
4th-5th +2 7 -- Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
Cloak of Chaos
Blessed Companion Companion’s Veil
Blink Confusion
Enhance Attribute Damage Reduction
Commune with Nature Destruction’s Touch
Contagion Dimension Slip
Darkness Divine Health
Daylight Ethereal State
Dazing Touch Familiar Growth
THE CLERIC'S FAMILIAR After several days of prayer, the visions of his dreams had
become clearer, and they were able to determine that his
he young acolyte awoke from his dream in a sweat. destination lay somewhere in the south – an abandoned
Clad only in his nightshirt, he rose and padded temple, secluded even when its walls had seen use. It would
down the corridors. The night was damp and cold, take him weeks to reach that temple, but he already knew what
but he ignored the touch of the chilly stone upon his he would find. A thick copse of trees. A small clearing. The
bare feet. In time, he reached his master’s door and ruins of simple, stone walls. The remnants of a roof lost to the
tentatively reached up to knock. tolls of time and nature.
“Enter, Celadin.”
A lingering darkness which must be banished. And a grandeur
The door swung open. Master Torinoth was seated at his desk, which must be returned.
his concentration devoted to the papers in front of him. His pen
scratched quickly across the surface of the parchment before him A cleric’s familiar is not summoned; it is sent. Although
for a few moments longer, and then he laid it down and turned sometimes a cleric can request the aid of a familiar through
his attention to Celadin. prayer, it is more common for his god to send the familiar
“What brings you to my door at this late hour, my son? The rites uncalled for. The form of this sending depends on the god and
of the morning sun come early tomorrow.” on the circumstances in which it is made. (Of course, a player
should still select the appropriate Abilities for his character –
“Master…” Celadin paused, collecting his thoughts and see the ‘New Abilities’ section of Chapter 1.)
considering his words. “I have had a most disconcerting dream.”
Torinoth’s brow furrowed. “Tell me of this dream.” THE DREAMING
“It was as if I had awakened in a distant place, though I slept yet Often a cleric destined to receive a familiar will receive a
in my bed. And I was not myself. I saw crafted stone, overgrown vision in his dreams, and often this vision appears to the cleric
with vine and weed. I saw broken pillars lying in shattered ruin through the eyes of his future familiar, although sometimes
upon the ground. I saw a golden medallion of our sun, tarnished he simply observes it. In all cases, the cleric sees enough to
by weather and age. But I saw all these things as if I crawled recognize a location, and feels a sense of purpose associated
upon the ground. And I heard a sound I knew not, with ears I with that location.
knew not, and was forced to hide myself, lest I be found.”
Frequently, further prayer and meditation will clarify the dreaming,
“Intriguing.” Torinoth drew back into his chair. “We have not
giving the cleric enough information to begin his journey to the
had a dreaming in a very long time, and I am surprised that
location revealed to him. In other cases, the cleric simply knows
one has come to us now.” He looked up and saw that worry
that it is enough to follow the natural patterns of his life. In time,
creasing the young acolyte’s face. “Be at ease, Celadin, and let
he will be brought to the place shown in the dreaming.
me explain the divine guidance which is afforded to us by the sun
in the guise of a familiar...” Once the cleric reaches the end of his journey, he needs to
complete a religious ritual to bind his destined familiar to him.
CLERIC FAMILIARS Usually the aid of the new familiar will be required to complete
For a cleric, familiars are those attendant spirits that are whatever task the cleric’s god has laid before him.
divinely gifted to aid the faithful in their calling. Their constant
guidance and assistance is often granted by a god or goddess as THE MESSENGER
a result of a service rendered (and sometimes for a service which Gods often employ animals as their messengers. In some cases,
must be performed). these messengers are ubiquitous. But such visitations are usually
considered high points of a cleric’s life – a moment when one’s
Divine familiars usually exhibit in their appearance, or in their
deity takes a direct interest in one’s affairs.
behavior, some particular aspect of their patron deity. They are,
in fact, not only a living extension of their cleric master, but Sometimes, in addition to carrying the divine message, the
also of their god. Clerics are expected to guard and respect their animal is also the god’s gift. Once its role as messenger is
familiars, and a failure to do so may lead a deity to withdraw his complete, the creature becomes a familiar to the recipient of
gift until he has once again been satisfied by his servant’s faith. the message. Usually the message bids the cleric to perform a
task or service.
Preparations had been made and equipment gathered for the THE QUEST
journey. There was a part of Celadin’s heart that remained Sometimes the familiar leads to a quest, and sometimes a quest
reluctant to leave the confines of the temple, but his faith drove leads to the familiar. The quest may be a specific instruction of
him. And there was some excitement for the coming journey, the cleric’s god or church, or it may be that there is a specific
too, even if the pack upon his back seemed too small a thing to quest (or set of quests) which any cleric can attempt in order to
ready him for the road ahead. gain a divine familiar.
Destruction Any reptile or dire animal.
Divine familiars are touched by the god of the cleric they
Any creature of the earth sub-type. Any creature
serve. They are holy animals in the most literal sense of Earth
with a Burrow speed.
the term, and this reality affects the way in which they
are treated. Followers of the cleric’s god usually treat Any demon, devil, or bat. Any creature with an
the familiar with elevated respect (sometimes more evil alignment.
respect than the cleric to which the familiar has been Fire Any creature of the fire sub-type.
bonded). Followers of rival gods may see the familiar as
an abomination. Good Any dog or wolf. Any creature with a good alignment.
Any non-poisonous snake. A lantern archon. A
Of course, it is easy to imagine exceptions to these types of Healing
generalizations. For example, the orthodox church of the
cleric’s god might view familiars as a heresy – forcing the Knowledge Any owl or dragon.
cleric to hide his unique gift from his fellow believers. Any eagle or hawk. Any creature with a lawful
Rabbit or weasel (including dire versions).
To obtain a familiar, a cleric must be a follower of the Beast Luck Blink dog. Moon dog as a supreme familiar (see
Domain or another domain that grants a familiar, or must take Appendix B).
the Summon Familiar, Summon Greater Familiar, or Summon
Magic Any magical beast or fey.
Supreme Familiar advantages as described in Chapter 1.
Plant Any intelligent plant.
The familiars a cleric may possess depend upon the domains
their gods are associated with. In this way, divine familiars are Armadillo, badger (including dire version), or
more specialized and closely tied with the nature of the deity bulette.
who grants them. Any raptor. A bull. Any creature with a strength
of 18 or higher.
By its nature, such a listing cannot be comprehensive. The
Castle Keeper should be flexible in granting familiars of Sun Any hawk or eagle. A griffon.
different types, as long as they have the appropriate ‘feel’ Travel Any creature which can serve as a mount.
to them. Note that this listing does not supercede the
Fox, spider, or wolf (including dire and giant
common rules listed in Chapter 1 regarding what magnitude Trickery
versions). Any creature with a chaotic alignment.
of creature can become a character’s familiar – i.e. if the
domain listed states that a griffon is an appropriate familiar, Battle dog, eagle, hawk, horse, lion, or wolf
the character still needs the Summon Supreme Familiar (including dire versions).
Ability to summon such a creature. Any creature of the water sub-type. Any creature
with a Swim speed.
Note: All Greater and Supreme familiars have specific character
level and alignment prerequisites that must be met in order to be
chosen – see Tables 1-5 and 1-6 in Chapter 1 for more details. CLERIC FAMILIAR ABILITIES
PATRON ANIMALS The cleric’s familiar is gifted with divinity, and its abilities are a
god’s will made manifest.
Some deities possess patron animals. For example, the god
Odin is associated with the raven, while the goddess Athena is TABLE 4-2: STANDARD CLERIC FAMILIAR
associated with the owl. In addition to his domain familiars, a Master Natural
deity may also choose to bestow his patron animal as a familiar. Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
Healing/ inflicting touch,
TABLE 4-1: DOMAIN FAMILIARS 1st-2nd +1 6 improved evasion, share spells,
Domain Familiars empathic link
Any creature of the air sub-type. Any creature Undead turning, deliver touch
Air 3rd-4th +2 7
with a Fly speed. spells
Animal Any animal. 5th-6th +3 8 Speak with master
Any creature with a chaotic alignment. Any 7 -8
th th
+4 9 Speak with animals of its kind
monkey or ape. A gibbering mouther.
9th-10th +5 10 -
Death Raven or vulture (including dire versions).
11th-12th +6 11 Spell resistance
Undead Turning: A cleric’s familiar can turn undead as if it were the 7th-8th +4 9 Speak with animals of its kind
cleric himself. Each such attempt uses up one of the cleric’s turning 9th-10th +5 10 Greater familiar ability
attempts for the day.
Spell resistance, supreme
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special 11th-12th +6 11
familiar ability
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
13th-14th +7 12 -
th th
+8 13 -
Master Natural 17th-18th +9 14 Greater familiar ability
Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
19 -20
th th
+10 15 Supreme familiar ability
Healing/ inflicting touch,
1st-2nd +1 6 improved evasion, share spells, Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
empathic link, undead turning to the familiar’s AC from a natural armor bonus. It represents a
preternatural toughness of the familiar.
Greater familiar ability,
3rd-4th +2 7 Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
deliver touch spells
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +3 8 are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
familiar ability
Undead Turning: A cleric’s familiar has two uses of Channel
7th-8th +4 9 Speak with animals of its kind
Divinity, which it can use to turn undead as if it were the cleric
9th-10th +5 10 Greater familiar ability himself.
11th-12th +6 11 Spell resistance Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar ability from
Table 4-5 below.
13 -14
th th
+7 12 -
Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one supreme or greater familiar
15th-16th +8 13 -
ability from Tables 4-5 or 4-6 below.
17th-18th +9 14 Greater familiar ability
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
19 -20
th th
+10 15 - abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
to the familiar’s AC from a natural armor bonus. It represents a TABLE 4-5: CLERIC GREATER FAMILIAR ABILITIES
preternatural toughness of the familiar.
Animal Trance
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
are not necessarily as smart as smart people. Blessed Companion
Undead Turning: A cleric’s familiar can turn undead as if it were the Bull’s Strength
cleric himself. Each such attempt uses up one of the cleric’s turning Cat’s Grace
attempts for the day.
Commune with Nature
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar abilities from
Table 4-5 below. Contagion
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special Darkness
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. Daylight
Death Ward Some of the more savage deities of nature grant the ability to
know and commune with the beasts of the world, both magical
Detect Scrying and mundane. For clerics of these deities, the power inherent
Detect Thoughts in the creatures of the world manifests in the form of a divine
familiar and the ability, through that familiar, to commune
Discern Lies directly with the cleric’s deity.
Disease Immunity
Encompassing Vision
At first level, you learn any one cantrip from the Druid list. This
Endure Elements cantrip is in addition to those you normally get as a cleric.
Freedom of Movement
At first level, you gain proficiency in Handle Animals
Natural Armor, Greater
Silence For clerics with this domain, a communion familiar serves as a
Speak with Dead direct conduit between a cleric and his god. When the cleric
gains Channel Divinity at second level, they also receive a
Speech familiar as a gift from their deity.
Spell Resistance, Greater
It foregoes most of the normal benefits of a cleric’s familiar, but
Venom Immunity through the familiar, the cleric can speak directly with his deity.
Water Walk
And, at times of the god’s choosing, the familiar can actually
serve as a minor avatar – the god can see through its eyes, speak
Wholeness of Body with its voice, and take action with its body.
Woodland Stride
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
Any standard, greater, or supreme familiar can serve as a
communion familiar. When a cleric of the beast domain
receives their familiar at second level, it is a standard
Antimagic Field familiar. Greater and Supreme familiars may be chosen
Astral Projection by gaining the advantages in Chapter One. These clerics
Banisher are presumed to have the Summon Familiar ability for
purposes of meeting the prerequisites for greater and
Banishing Call
supreme familiars.
Companion’s Veil A communion familiar possesses only the natural armor,
intelligence, and empathic link of a cleric’s familiar. While
they do not possess the other abilities of a normal familiar
Damage Reduction listed in Chapter 1 of this book. they instead possess the
Divine Health following abilities:
Ethereal State
AUGURY (SP): The familiar can tell whether a particular
Familiar Growth action will bring good or bad results for itself or its master
Find the Path in the immediate future. This ability operates as per the
Fly spell augury.
Natural Armor, Supreme COMMUNE: Upon reaching at least 10th level, the cleric can use
Raise Dead the familiar to gain needed information, as per the commune
Spell Resistance, Supreme
or commune with nature spell (cleric’s choice). Calling upon
this ability requires two uses of channel divinity. Over-using
Tongues this ability can result not only in gaining no answer (as per
Zone of Truth the spell) but in falling out of favor with the deity which
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1. can, at the CK’s option, bring all manner of ill fortune upon
the PC.
good god can touch any creature and heal 1d8 points of 1st – Animal Friendship, Animal Messenger
damage, plus the cleric’s Wisdom modifier. A communion
familiar of an evil god instead inflicts 1d8 points of damage 3rd –Conjure Animals, Dominate Beast
plus the cleric’s Wisdom modifier with its touch. Clerics of 5th –Faithful Hound, Giant Insect
a neutral deity must choose whether their familiar imparts
7th – Animal Shapes, Dominate Monster
healing or inflicting damage when the familiar manifests,
and this choice cannot be changed. This ability works in 9th – Shapechange, True Polymorph
all ways like the Cure Wounds spell, and the cleric can
devote additional uses of channel divinity to increase the NOTE TO THE CASTLE KEEPER
effective spell level (each additional use increases the Because of the Commune ability they possess, using a communion
effective level by one). familiar requires a very fine balancing act, and you should consider
carefully before allowing a PC to gain one. If you do introduce a
The cleric may call upon any of these abilities while communion familiar to the campaign, take some time to define
within 30 feet of his familiar by expending one use of exactly what role the familiar will be playing. This depends on
his channel divinity class feature. In addition to these the nature of the god granting the communion familiar, and his
abilities, the communion familiar is a living connection reasons for doing so.
between this world and the cleric’s god. What this means
exactly depend on the god, the familiar, the cleric, and the A temptation to avoid when using a communion familiar is
situation. Ultimately, the communion familiar is a tool of continual interference from the god the familiar serves. If the
the Castle Keeper to be used however he sees fit to help god is constantly popping in to save the cleric or drop a clue,
flesh out a campaign. then you’re taking control and responsibility away from the PCs.
If that happens, the campaign will suffer.
FRIEND OF BEASTS There are a few ways to avoid this problem in a logical fashion:
At 6 level, no beast will attack you under any circumstances,
unless you attack it first. Beasts will always submit to your Gods Work in Mysterious Ways: Sure, the cleric’s god
authority in whatever way is common to their species-dogs, can see that the cleric is in trouble. But maybe he’s testing
for example, will crouch to the ground, their ears folded his faith. Or maybe he knows the cleric will triumph in
back. This ability does not automatically give you the ability the end. Or perhaps he knows that the cleric will fail, but
to command beasts; it simply means they will be docile that’s the way he wants it for some reason.
around you and not attack you. They may, if threatened, The God Hammer: No, we’re not talking about Mjolnir.
flee from you. We’re talking about the fact that clerics who overuse their
abilities and run to their gods for help all the time tend to,
TALON AND FANG well, tick off their gods. And no cleric wants to deal with
the repercussions of an angry or even displeased deity.
At 8th level, you gain the ability to manifest natural weapons as
a beast. You may as a bonus action, sprout claws, fangs or horns Gods Are Busy Beings: Speaking of Mjolnir, Thor has
(your choice). These natural weapons deal 1d8 damage plus better things to do with his time than to hop down to the
your strength modifier. The natural weapons last for your cleric Material Plane and mop up some trolls because one of his
level in rounds. When you use this ability, you must complete a clerics can’t cope with the situation.
long rest before using it again. Even Gods Have to Play by the Rules: Gods may be
prevented from various forms of interference by the rules
MASTER OF BEASTS they exist by and the agreements they have made. And the
At 17th level, you have control over the beasts of the world. nature of those rules and agreements may not be entirely
You may command and control any beast you encounter. comprehensible to mortal minds (see “mysterious ways,”
In addition, you may communicate with all beasts freely, above).
expressing detailed concepts and thoughts. If the beast you Alter the Ability: The deity may not grant Commune
encounter is under the control of another, you may make an as a Channel Divinity feature. Instead, it may grant
opposed Charisma check against the current controller to only Commune with Nature, or another spell-like ability
wrest control of the beast from their power. Familiars bonded altogether-perhaps Scrying, Planar Binding, or a similar
to another may not be controlled in this manner. fourth- or fifth-level spell from the Cleric or Druid spell lists.
THE DRUID'S FAMILIAR is focused on a single creature and this creates a bond strong
enough to overcome nearly anything.
here’s one, try again.”
Master Fingere’s voice was filled with infinite SUMMONING RITUAL
patience. Madrina was sure that she could do it
this time – after all, it was the fourth owl today. “Madrina, I realize you are excited about your new friend, but
Reaching deep within herself she saw a place where you must learn that he is more than a pet or watch dog.” Fingere
thought could go no farther and found her mind rubbed his temples. He had been trying to get this point across to
reflected back, spreading out to join with the wild world all about her for a week now. “You must train him to do more than guard
her. She focused, and the mind of the owl leapt into sharp relief. in the night, and you must never send him into a situation that
will be beyond his capability. Remember, the greatest foe he has
Always before she had tried to force her will upon the creatures, ever faced before may be no more than a mouse. In time he will
but this time – thanks to Master Fingere’s humbling lessons – she be capable of facing down an ogre, but not yet.”
begged it for its aid. The owl, for its part, studied her silently. It
enjoyed the call for its aid and the flattery it perceived in her, for Madrina listened with a frown of concentration and looked at
like all owls, it was a proud animal. With little thought it made Mousebane. She wasn’t sure what else she wanted to teach the
its choice, and the binding was completed. The owl would serve owl, but she knew he was more powerful by far than Master
Madrina as she served the forest. Fingere seemed to believe. Perhaps she could teach him to signal
Fingere smiled inwardly at his pupil’s success. She had come to him directions from above when he spotted a town, or a group of
at a good time, as he had always known she would. His time for this humanoids walking…
world was almost expended, but he should soon be ready to leave his When a druid decides to take the Summon Familiar Ability for
tutelage and assume his place as a caretaker of the forest… the first time, she must also choose a type of terrain – arctic,
aquatic, desert, forest, swamp, mountain, plains, jungle, or
DRUID FAMILIARS underground. This choice determines the types of familiars a
Even the most solitary of druids may at times need another voice druid may attempt to summon, as described below. In choosing
of counsel. While the animals and plants around her can often be this terrain type, a druid should consider not only what areas
heard, their actual knowledge is often lacking, and doesn’t always of the natural world she is closest to, but also the nature and
make for the best advice to follow. When the druid has few or setting of the campaign. For example, choosing the aquatic
no humanoid companions to rely on, she may turn to a familiar. terrain is almost worthless unless the campaign is seafaring one.
Druids may take their familiars from the large base of natural Actually summoning a familiar is less of a ritual for a druid
creatures that surround them, bonding with them in a way far and more a part of her normal existence. A druid’s intimate
beyond that of a normal animal companion. Where the druid connection to the natural world simply allows her to reach
spends her time, where she has been trained, and the lands she out and ask for the aid of the creature of her choice (usually
wishes to protect determine what creatures a druid may choose through the use of the speak with animals spell). Binding the
as a familiar. In some cases a powerful druid may even craft her familiar permanently to herself does require the use of ritual
familiar from the very stuff of the lands around her, or entreat an magic, expending the normal cost of a summoning ritual in
existing animal companion to become her familiar. herbs and foods for the desired animal. The druid must also
But a druid, more so than many, also understands that a familiar make an Intelligence (Nature) check to complete the ritual: CR
comes not only with benefits, but with responsibilities. A familiar 15 for a standard familiar; CR 20 for a greater familiar; CR 25
remains a creature of the wild, and the druid must protect it as for a supreme familiar.
she would any other natural creature. If a druid loses a familiar,
she has failed doubly – not only allowing a companion to be FAMILIARS BY TERRAIN
destroyed, but also failing to uphold her sacred charge. “Madrina, I starve,” complained Mousebane.
Of course, a druid’s familiar is not viewed as a hindrance, but There was little she could do for the large owl. This trip into the
as a great asset to be cared for and protected. Like its master, a desert was necessary, and she just hoped the small supply of meat
druid’s familiar gains a cunning insight into the natural world. she had brought for him would last, or at least that he would
It is protected against nature’s harshness, given safety from begin eating the feed she had bought. Mousebane could be very
the charms of fey and wild things. It gains the ability to move picky – he liked his meat alive, and was often angered at being
quickly and secretly through natural surroundings, and more. handed strips of dried meat. Madrina believed she was taking
Such a familiar can provide the druid with advice, an extra pair care of him as best as she could, but he seemed to be thinning
of eyes and ears, and in times of great need, another strong paw and molting more than she had expected. Not only that, his
or tooth. The relationship created by the bonding of a druid speech had regressed quite a bit in the last few days, and she was
and a familiar is very deep and fulfilling, in both a spiritual and beginning to worry. Perhaps the Sultan’s camels would have to
emotional sense. The love a druid feels for the natural world wait for another time, when she could be better prepared.
Each terrain type a druid can select for her familiars is listed of the year round. Creatures from these areas are used to the
below, along with a short description of what goes into taking heat, but they are also used to being able to find shade or a cool
care of familiars from that terrain type, and what hindrances and breeze when the day gets hottest. Taking them into a very cold
advantages familiars from these places may create. In addition environment is dangerous at best, and should only be done with
to the familiars listed below, a druid may also take an elemental a bit of preparation on the part of the master. The elements
as a familiar. The types of elemental they can summon are based associated with jungle locales are fire and water.
on the elements associated with their chosen terrain type (see
the ‘Elemental Familiars’ section later in this chapter for more MOUNTAINS
details on elemental familiars.
Mountains and hills are not an easy terrain for anyone to exist
AQUATIC in. As such, the creatures that call these areas home are often
hearty and accustomed to surviving in harsh conditions. A
An aquatic familiar’s benefits and drawbacks are obvious. While second advantage to these creatures is that they are usually very
it does make for a good companion in a campaign where there good climbers, which can have a number of benefits in a pinch.
is much seafaring going on, when major land travel occurs, the Depending on the area of the mountains or hills the creature
familiar must stay behind, which can be dangerous. Another hails from, it may also be used to a cooler climate and suffer
problem with an aquatic creature is the type of water body it can some of the woes of an arctic creature when moved to a warmer
survive in. While many creatures can survive either salt or fresh environment. The elements associated with mountain environs
water, few can survive both. Choosing this terrain type should are air and earth.
only really be an option in water-based campaigns. Naturally, the
element associated with the aquatic places of the world is water.
ARCTIC Plains creatures fall into one of two simple forms. Either
the animal is a timid grazer such as antelope, or a powerful
Arctic familiars hail from any place that is cold most of the year. hunter such as a lion. While the lion is the more powerful
While these creatures are accustomed to surviving longer than of the two, it may also be the most dangerous if something
normal without food, they are also covered with a layer of fat, ever happens to the druid to whom it follows. Just because
fur, or feathers that keeps them safe from the extreme cold. an animal is loyal to one person, doesn’t guarantee its loyalty
The major disadvantage of these familiars is that when taken to to a group. While the more timid creatures may seem less
warmer climes, they need more water than a normal creature and attractive and less threatening to you, remember that they
often suffer from the heat. The advantage is that they can store will also seem that way to people who see them when they
food for quite some time on their bodies and, therefore, eat half as are hunting or tracking for you. The plains are associated
much. The elements associated with the arctic are water and air. with the element of air.
Desert creatures are probably some of the heartiest and most Swamp or marshland is a difficult terrain to take a native
versatile creatures in the world. Accustomed to small amounts creature out of. While many of the creatures may be quite
of food and water for lengthy times, they are also adept at hearty, they are used to a plethora of water and may lack the
surviving in the heat of day and the near-freezing temperatures natural skills to easily find it on their own when taken to a new
at night. This makes them the easiest of any familiar to transfer area. A major advantage of swamp creatures, however, is their
from one land type to another with little or no problem. The familiarity with life in the water, often giving them advantages
elements associated with the deserts of the world are fire and air. both on land and water, and making them more versatile than
some of the other terrain creatures. Swamps and marshlands
FOREST hold sway over the elements of earth and water.
Forest is probably the most commonly chosen terrain type when a
druid selects her familiar. Most druids live in and protect forests, so UNDERGROUND
it is the natural choice. The creatures in forests are very attuned to Creatures of the underground are adept at digging and finding
the ecosystem of the woodlands they are from, and moving them to their way through the earth and the dark places therein. This
a new ecosystem makes it harder for them to find food and water for can be a major advantage if your druid plans to spend a lot of
themselves. The advantage of a forest creature is that with a higher time in these areas, as these creatures are often adept at finding
Intelligence and Wisdom, it may be able to recognize problems food and water, as well as a way out, should you become lost or
with the forest on its own when things are out of alignment. The trapped. When you do decide to return to the surface world,
elements associated with forest are air and water. however, many of these creatures will be blinded by the sun and
very much like a fish out of water. Luckily, most underground-
JUNGLES dwelling creatures often have ways of finding their own holes,
Jungle familiars are creatures that come from warm climes such even far away from caves. The deep places of the earth are
as tropical islands and places where it is warm and wet most protected by the element of the same name.
Aquatic Fox Rat*
Crab* Hawk* Sheep
Dolphin/Porpoise Hedgehog Snake (poisonous)*
Frog* Weasel*
Octopus* Plain
Squid Antelope Lizard*
Turtle Baboon* Lizard, venomous**
Arctic Badger* Mule*
Dog (Use stats for Mastiff)* Penguin Bat* Owl*
Ermine** Pony* Cat* Peacock
Goat* Rat* Crane Pig
Horse, Riding* Snowy owl (use stats for Owl)* Deer* Pony*
Lemming** Dog (use stats for Mastiff)* Raccoon
Desert Donkey** Rat*
Baboon* Lizard* Dove Raven*
Bat* Lizard, venomous** Eagle* Sheep
Camel* Oryx** Fox Snake (poisonous)*
Dog (Use stats for Mastiff)* Pony* Goat Squirrel
Hawk/Falcon* Rat* Hawk* Squirrel, flying
Horse, Riding* Snake (poisonous)* Hedgehog Weasel*
Hyena* Vulture* Horse*
Jackal* Swamp
Forest Bat* Rat*
Badger* Koala Chameleon** Snake (poisonous)*
Bat* Lizard* Heron** Turtle
Cat* Lizard, venomous** Lizard* Toad*
Crane Monkey Lizard, venomous**
Deer* Owl* Underground
Dog* Pig Badger* Raccoon
Dove Raccoon Bat* Rat*
Eagle* Raven* Fox Snake (poisonous)*
Fox Snake (poisonous)* Hedgehog Toad*
Hawk/Falcon* Squirrel Lizard* Weasel*
Hedgehog Squirrel, flying Lizard, venomous**
Horse (Riding)* Toad* * These creatures can be found in the 5th Edition monsters
Hummingbird tome.
Jungle ** See ‘Non-standard Familiars’ sidebar for details.
Baboon* Lizard, venomous**
Chameleon** Peacock Aquatic
Crane Rat*
Bullywug* Shark, Reef or Hunter*
Koala Snake (poisonous)*
Crab, Giant* Snake, constrictor*
Lizard* Toad*
Crab, Monstrous Snake, giant poisonous*
Badger* Owl* Crocodile* Turtle, giant
Bat* Mule* Sahuagin* Turtle, monstrous
Deer* Lizard* Arctic
Goat Panda, red Bear, polar* Snow leopard**
Caribou** Walrus Dire weasel* Ram
Dog, riding (Use stats for Mastiff)* Wolverine* Dog, riding* Saber tooth tiger
Musk ox Wolf* Giraffe* Snake, constrictor*
Ram Yak Hippogriff* Snake, Large viper*
Reindeer** Hippopotamus Tiger*
Desert Wolf*
Dog, battle Jackal* Swamp
Dog, riding* Kangaroo Alligator** Lizard, giant
Giant ant * Lizard, giant** Bullywug* Snake, constrictor*
Giant bat* Snake, constrictor* Giant bat* Snake, giant poisonous*
Giant rat* Snake, giant poisonous* Giant rat* Turtle, giant
Forest Hippopotamus
Ape* Giant weasel* Underground
Bear, black* Goblin* Darkmantle* Giant weasel*
Bear, brown* Leopard* Giant badger* Lizard, giant*
Boar* Lizard, Giant* Giant bat* Snake, constrictor*
Chameleon, giant Orc* Giant centipede* Snake, giant poisonous*
Dog, riding** Panda Giant rat*
Faerie Dragon* Saber tooth tiger* * These creatures can be found in the 5 th Edition monsters tome.
Giant badger* Snake, constrictor* ** See ‘Non-standard Familiars’ sidebar for details.
Giant bat* Snake, giant poisonous* Note: All Greater and Supreme familiars have specific character
Giant frog* Wolf* level and alignment prerequisites that must be met in order to be
Giant Rat* Wolverine** chosen – see Tables 1-5 and 1-6 in Chapter 1 for more details.
Chameleon, giant** Lizard, monstrous Aquatic
Crocodile* Panda Crocodile, giant* Shark, giant*
Giant bat* Panther* Dinosaur (plesiosaurus)* Snake, monstrous poisonous
Giant rat* Snake, constrictor* Dragon (Young)* Squid, giant**
Leopard* Snake, Large viper* Octopus, giant* Whale, killer*
Lion* Tiger* Sea horse, giant*
Mountain Arctic
Ape* Mountain lion** Dire wolf* Owlbear*
Bear, black* Ram Dragon (Young)* Winter wolf*
Bear, brown* Saber tooth tiger Mammoth*
Chameleon, giant Snake, constrictor* Desert
Giant bat* Snake, giant poisonous* Dragon (Young)* Snake, Huge viper*
Giant rat* Tiger* Giant scorpion*
Giant weasel* Wolverine** Lizard, giant venomous**
Hippogriff* Yak Forest
Lizard, giant** Bugbear* Elephant*
Plain Dinosaur (Allosaurus)* Giant eagle*
Bison Kangaroo Dire wolf Giant owl*
Bull Leopard* Dragon (Young)* Lizard, giant venomous**
Cheetah* Lion* Giant ape* Owlbear*
Dire badger* Lizard, giant Giant boar* Pegasus*
Dire bat* Ostrich Giant panther Snake, monstrous poisonous*
Dire rat* Musk ox Giant wolverine** Unicorn*
CARIBOU/REINDEER: Use the stats for an Elk. WOLVERINE, GIANT: Use stats for giant badger, but bite deals 9
(2d6+2) piercing damage and add an additional attack: Claws.
CHAMELEON: Use the stats for a lizard, but the familiar gains Melee Weapon Attack. +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 6
the Spider Climb ability of giant lizards, plus Stealth +4 and (1d8+2) slashing damage.
Madrina and Mousebane had been together nearly a year when she Master Natural Int/
met the wizard who was to continue the training that Master Fingere Class Level Armor Adj. Wis
had begun. Mousebane didn’t like this new person in their life. He Empathic link, endure elements,
was bossy, he yelled a lot, and he had a cat on his shoulder. While 1st-2nd +1 7
Nature Sense, Track
they stayed in the dark place, Mousebane was forced to live mostly
3rd-4th +2 8 Share spells, woodland stride
within the carrier Madrina had bought him, and he was getting tired
of it. Quietly, he rustled in his cage, almost too caught up in his own Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +3 9
musings to notice the dark cat that usually sat upon the wizard’s familiar ability
shoulder approach. Glaring hard, Mousebane screwed up his Speak with animals of its kind,
7th-8th +4 10
courage as much as he could, and stared the sleek, black cat right in venom immunity
the eyes. Unperturbed, the cat spoke, “Little owl, when my master is Resist elements, greater
done teaching yours, you will be so much more than you are now…” 9th-10th +5 11
familiar ability
Possessing many of the same powers and abilities as a druid, a 11th-12th +6 12 Speak with any animal
familiar does not hinder its master the way a normal companion 13 -14
th th
+7 13 Trackless step
might. Indeed, as a druid gains in power, her familiar can better
15 -16
th th
+8 14 -
assist her in her endeavors.
17 -18
th th
+9 15 Greater familiar ability
Unlike the familiars of other classes, a druid’s familiar gains in
19 -20
th th
+10 16 -
both Intelligence and Wisdom. This reflects that a druid’s familiar
is not only becoming more and more a part of the druid, but more Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
and more a part of the natural world around them as well. to the familiar’s AC from a natural armor bonus. It represents a
preternatural toughness of the familiar.
TABLE 5-4: STANDARD DRUID FAMILIAR Int/Wis: The familiar’s Intelligence and Wisdom scores (if higher
Master Natural Int/ than the familiar’s natural Intelligence and Wisdom). Familiars are
Special as smart as people, though they are not necessarily as smart as smart
Class Level Armor Adj. Wis
people. Often, they’re even wiser.
Empathic link, endure elements,
1st-2nd +1 6 Resist Elements: The familiar gains advantage on saving throws
Nature Sense, Track
against earth, air, fire, water, cold and lightning-based attacks.
3rd-4th +2 7 Share spells, woodland stride
Track: All druidic familiar gain the ability to track, regardless of
5 -6
th th +3 8 Speak with master
their previous ability to track (if any). Tracking is accomplished from
Speak with animals of its kind, a Wisdom (Survival) check; the Familiar is assumed to be proficient
7th-8th +4 9
venom immunity with this skill.
9th-10th +5 10 Resist elements Speak with Any Animal: As per the speak with animals spell.
11 -12th th +6 11 Speak with any animal Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar ability from
13th-14th +7 12 Trackless step Table 5-7 below.
15th-16th +8 13 - Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
17 -18
th th +9 14 - abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
19th-20th +10 15 -
Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement TABLE 5-6: SUPREME DRUID FAMILIAR
to the familiar’s AC based on a natural armor bonus. It represents a Master Natural Int/
preternatural toughness of the familiar. Special
Class Level Armor Adj. Wis
Int/Wis: The familiar’s Intelligence and Wisdom scores (if higher Empathic link, endure
than the familiar’s natural Intelligence and Wisdom). Familiars are 1st-2nd +1 9
elements, Nature Sense, Track
as smart as people, though they are not necessarily as smart as smart
people. Often, they’re even more wise. 3rd-4th +2 10 Share spells, woodland stride
Track: All druidic familiars gain the ability to track, regardless of Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +3 11
their previous ability to track (if any). Tracking is accomplished from familiar ability, Nature Lore
a Wisdom (Survival) check; the Familiar is assumed to be proficient
Speak with animals of its
with this skill. 7th-8th +4 12
kind, venom immunity
Resist Elements: The familiar gains advantage on saving throws
against earth, air, fire, water, cold and lightning-based attacks. Resist elements, greater
9th-10th +5 13
familiar ability
Speak with Any Animal: As per the speak with animals spell.
Speak with any animal,
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special 11th-12th +6 14
supreme familiar ability
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
DRUID CIRCLE: CIRCLE OF THE ELEMENTS be swayed by appropriate gifts. If there is any question in the
guardian’s mind, it may ask the druid to complete a quest or
In addition to the animals of her realm, a druid may also call task to prove her worth (the particulars of which are left to the
upon the aid and service of the very elements themselves. CK’s whim).
ELEMENTAL CANTRIP If the druid possesses merit in the guardian’s eye, the guardian
grants her an elemental familiar. An elemental familiar is a true
At second level when you choose this circle, you gain one elemental of air, earth, fire, or water, but disguised in the form of
evocation cantrip of your choice from the Wizard or Sorcerer a normal animal chosen from the animal types included earlier
spell lists. This cantrip must be elemental in nature and is in in this chapter.
addition to your existing druid cantrips.
At the CK’s discretion, a druid may also ask an elemental
ELEMENTAL FAMILIAR guardian to grant her a lesser elemental creature (such as a
mephit) to serve as her familiar.
A druid who belongs to the Circle of the Elements gains a
special familiar who serves as their connection to the elemental ELEMENTS WITHOUT GUARDIANS
forces that govern all natural laws. This familiar is granted by
Guardian elementals may or may not be an appropriate addition
the elemental guardians and helps the druid to understand and
to every campaign world. Even if they don’t exist, there’s no
serve the demands and desires of the forces these guardians
reason that druids can’t summon elemental familiars – they’ll
simply do so in a way similar to their other familiars or from
another source, depending on the cosmology of the campaign.
The elemental guardians are powerful creatures who have often ELEMENTAL FAMILIAR ABILITIES
served as both ally and enemy to the druids of the world. From
An elemental familiar does not gain the same abilities that a
their homes deep within the vast reaches of the elemental
druid’s typical familiar does. A separate table is given below for
planes, they watch over their domains in the natural world,
the advancement of all elemental familiars. Unlike a typical
tending to them from afar.
druid familiar, an elemental familiar’s primary advantage comes
In game terms, elemental guardians are elder elementals with from its natural abilities.
above average Intelligence and Wisdom. Most are powerful
COMMUNE WITH ELEMENTS: The familiar can commune
druid sorcerers.
with nature, as per the spell, but with the limitation that it
applies only to those areas in the immediate vicinity of its
In summoning an elemental familiar, a druid calls out to one
ELEMENTAL GROWTH: The familiar can grow to twice its
of the guardian elementals watching over her realm. First,
the druid must gather a large sum of the guardian’s element normal size. This doubles the elemental’s height, width, and
together. Collecting a large pile of rare rocks, casks of purified length, increasing its weight by a factor of eight. This increase
water, stoppered bottles of rarefied air, or even setting a large in size has a number of effects:
fire could all accomplish this, depending upon which element Hit Dice: The familiar’s HD type increases, its natural attack
is being beseeched. The druid then meditates near the element bonus and save bonuses double. (Continue using the master’s
she has collected for one day, performing a ritual using rare total if it is higher.)
ingredients (the worth of which is determined by the type of
familiar the druid is requesting). At the end of the day, the druid Size: The familiar’s size increases one step. Increase attack
must make a successful Nature Lore check (DC equal to 10 bonus by half, damage increases by one die type, and the
+ the HD of the elemental) in order to successfully contact space, reach and other abilities are determined by its new size.
the guardian elemental. If the check fails, the ritual has been All physical attributes increase by +4.
wasted and the druid must try again another day (at least one Special Abilities: Treat the familiar’s special abilities and
week is required before the attempt may be made again). If attacks as if they were one size larger, increasing damage
the check succeeds, however, the guardian elemental has been by one die type and any bonuses by half. (Its familiar type,
successfully contacted. however, does not improve. An enlarged standard familiar
does not become a greater familiar.) The effect lasts a number
Once contacted, the guardian elemental judges the druid. If, in of minutes equal to the master’s level. When it ends, the
the druid’s time as caretaker, she has acted with good conscience familiar’s hit points return to normal, and all damage the
and treated her companions and charges well, the guardian familiar has taken while enlarged is divided by 2.
sees fit to bestow an appropriate elemental (particularly if the
druid has done something to further or improve the guardian’s The familiar can only use this ability once and then must engage
own elemental domain). The reaction of the guardian may also in a long rest before it can be used again.
ELEMENTAL NIMBUS: As a standard action, the familiar can form 3rd-4th +2 7 -
an elemental nimbus around its master. While in its nimbus
state, the familiar is visible and can be targeted and affected 5 -6
th th +3 8 Elemental nimbus
normally by attacks and spells. In addition, it takes half damage 7th-8th +4 9 -
from any physical attack which hits its master. The familiar can
9th-10th +5 10 -
take no actions in its nimbus state, but grants special abilities to
its master depending on its size and type: 11th-12th +6 11 Commune with elements
13 -14
th th +7 12 -
Air: The master gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC.
15 -16th th +8 13 -
Earth: The master gains damage resistance to slashing,
piercing, bludgeoning. 17 -18
th th +9 14 Elemental growth
Fire: The master gains fire resistance. 19th-20th +10 15 -
Water: The master gains a swim speed of 30 feet, the Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
ability to breathe water, and the advantages of the familiar’s to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a
drench ability. preternatural toughness of the familiar.
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
ELEMENTAL NIMBUS, GREATER: As per an elemental nimbus natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
above, except the abilities granted to the master by the familiar are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
are more powerful:
Commune with elements: This ability may be used once, after
Air: The master gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC. which the familiar must take a long rest before it can be used again.
Earth: The master gains damage resistance to all nonmagical Elemental Growth: This ability may be used once, after which the
damage. familiar must take a long rest before it can be used again.
Fire: The master gains damage resistance (fire) and advantage Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
on all fire-based saving throws.
Water: The master gains a swim speed of 60 feet, the ability TABLE 5-10: GREATER ELEMENTAL FAMILIAR
to breathe water, and the advantages of the familiar’s drench Master Natural
Int Special
and water mastery abilities. Class Level Armor Adj.
Master Natural
Int Special
Animal companions hold many benefits when compared to
Class Level Armor Adj. familiars, as well as many hindrances. The primary benefit of
1st-2nd +1 6 Empathic link having animal companions is that a druid may freely release
3 -4
rd th
+2 7 - an animal companion and suffer no ill effects, as long as the
animal is released within an area in which it will be safe. The
5 -6
th th
+3 8 Supreme elemental nimbus
animal companion can be immediately replaced by performing
7th-8th +4 9 - the 24-hour ritual, and the druid need not wait a year and a
9 -10
th th
+5 10 - day like she would to replace a familiar. This allows a druid that
11th-12th +6 11 Commune with elements spends much of her time traveling the world to change animal
13 -14
th th
+7 12 - companions based on where she is at the time, and what her
specific needs are.
15th-16th +8 13 -
17 -18
th th
+9 14 Elemental growth (Short) When the druid’s needs dictate special abilities, such as climbing,
swimming, or flying, she can easily seek out a companion with
19th-20th +10 15 -
those talents. While the loss of a companion is no laughing
Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement matter, it pales in comparison to the loss of a familiar and the
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a corresponding loss of experience.
preternatural toughness of the familiar.
Lastly, while a familiar may be a voice of counsel, it may also
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they become troublesome as it develops new ideas and feelings
are not necessarily as smart as smart people. with the new Intelligence and Wisdom it has gained by being
a familiar. It may lose some of its connection to the natural
Commune with elements: The familiar requires only a short rest
between uses of this power.
world, where an animal companion is always an animal (though
a powerful one), and the drastic changes in the natural world
Elemental Growth: The familiar requires only a short rest between
around it will affect it just as any other animal of its type, alerting
uses of this power.
the druid to these things.
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. Nevertheless, animal companions also have their downsides when
compared to familiars. They are not as able to communicate their
needs as a familiar is, and they must be trained. If something is
WOODLAND FAMILIARS wrong with a familiar or the way it is being treated, it can let
Some druids can gain the ability to reshape the forest itself into the druid know what it needs and what is wrong. An animal
their servants and companions. Frequently such abilities are companion is not possessed of these facilities, and is not normally
developed by those druids who feel a closer affiliation to the able to communicate its needs to the druid without the use of
plants and the trees of their domains, rather than the animals spells or magic. This can be particularly troublesome should the
who live among them. animal become sick. While a familiar can complain of symptoms,
an animal companion may only act on its pain, and if the druid
For more details on how this is done, see the Craft Woodland takes no notice, has no way to cry for help. The second major
Familiar Ability in the ‘New Abilities’ section of Chapter 1. downside is the training required with an animal companion. It
takes a lot of time to teach a wolf to be comfortable in a city,
VERMIN COMPANIONS and even more when you must communicate through teaching,
instead of just speaking directly to the animal. A familiar can
Animal companions are normally just that – animals. By using take orders and understand complex requests much easier than
the Vermin Companions Special Ability (see the ‘New Abilities’ an animal companion will ever be able to.
section of Chapter 1), however, a druid can extend her mastery
“A great lizard, with leathery wings and green scales- that is
over the natural domain and choose to befriend vermin as
what stalks the forest now. Its breath shrivels the plants around
chosen companions. it, and it feasts on the flesh of animals and humanoids alike.”
Vermin offer many benefits, such as poison and webs, but they Mousebane’s report troubled Madrina greatly. She knew the
two of them would have to face the dragon, but she feared for
also have many hindrances. Feeding an animal is much simpler
her companion’s safety. Casting a battery of spells upon the both
than feeding a vermin, especially in the case of giant bees or
of them, Madrina led the way. As the beast came into view,
wasps, and this should be taken into account, particularly if the
Madrina called a warning for it to leave, but Mousebane was
campaign is going to lead the characters away from lands in
too bold, and as the dragon turned and worked a spell, the owl
which it would be easier to find food for such creatures. became the target of a blast of lightning originating from the
Vermin also tend to elicit more extreme reactions in towns claws of the monster. With a short shriek he fell, and Madrina
and around people than most animals. A giant wolf, while knew immediately he was gone, she felt the agony of loss and her
soul burned. With a new fever of hatred she advanced…
still frightening to most people, seems quite innocuous in
comparison to a spider with ten-foot tall legs.
top, thief!” Esvan increased his speed, his heavy Call it sympathetic magic. Call it a lucky chance. Call it an
mail clanking, scabbard banging against his leg. exceptional beast bred in the mold of old. Call it the favor of
“You there! Halt in the name of the King!” the gods. Call it good training. Call it the strength of friendship.
Esvan’s quarry did not stop, nor even slow down, Whatever the case may be, the fighter has met an animal of
but slipped through the early morning mist as rare strength and the two have formed a fast bond of friendship.
effortlessly as an arrow through smoke. Sometimes it seems that they share an almost uncanny bond –
Esvan cursed and hitched up his sword belt. The gods, it seemed, as if each one can almost read the thoughts and moods of the
were not smiling on him today. Why did it have to be his watch- other. And as the fighter improves his skills with the blade, his
shift that ended up chasing all the cutpurses? If only his dog companion grows in strength and skill as well.
Angus had not been killed. Angus, faithful and fleet of foot,
could have had that pickpocket by the ankle already. This job This is the steed that never panics. It’s the wolf that stands
had been so much easier-and a lot less lonely-when he’d had his guard upon a wounded friend. It’s the hawk that can deliver an
canine cohort at his side. unerring message across leagues.
Five minutes later he pulled up short, bent over and panting The hero does not need to perform a quest or ritual for such
for breath. The chase was over. The thief had vanished down friends. They are simply there. And often it would be impossible
one alley or another. Esvan swore he could hear Angus’s spirit to imagine the hero without them.
laughing at him. “Time to get . . . a new dog,” he gasped.
In this scenario, the cost for the Summon Familiar Ability
represent the bonding between familiar and master, as well as
FIGHTER FAMILIARS the costs of maintaining (and perhaps training) the familiar.
Fighters are not known for their familiars, and of all the possible
character classes, that of the fighter is traditionally farthest MAGICAL ASSISTANCE
removed from the world of the familiar. Fighters are not inclined
toward the magical arts, and many of them are completely A fighter looking to deepen his relationship with a pet – either
antithetical to all things arcane. Whereas even rangers and for personal or professional reasons – may choose to approach
paladins can claim to have some bond with the mystic arts, a sorcerer, cleric, or other spellcaster. Spellcasters versed in the
fighters are wholly mortal in their powers. As a result, it is often appropriate rituals can create the magical bonds necessary for
more appropriate for a fighter to have animal companions than the master-familiar relationship (such as the empathic link).
familiars. Here the cost represents the fee paid to the spellcaster the
fighter approaches to perform the ritual allowing the bonding
That being said, even fighters have been known to forge fast between fighter and familiar.
friendships which extend beyond the mundane. These familiars
usually take a form which can stand by the fighter in combat – FOLK RITUAL
either as a faithful steed, a trusty guardian, or a fellow warrior.
When a fighter takes the Summon Familiar feat, it may mean
Assuming he has the proper Summon Familiar advantage (see that the time has come in his life to perform the rituals of his
the ‘New Abilities’ section of chapter 1 for details), a fighter native culture, handed down from one generation to the next.
can select any type of familiar listed on Tables 1-3, 1-4, or 1-5 Or perhaps he has recently learned such a ritual in the course
in Chapter 1, though he still needs to meet all the criteria listed of his adventures. These ancient folk rituals are not magical in
for each familiar (if any) in the tables. nature, but their performance taps into the mystic world and
creates the bond between fighter and familiar.
SUMMONING RITUAL The player and CK should decide upon a ritual type, adding
There are many ways for a fighter and a familiar to come as much detail as desired. Many factors can play a role in
together, and none of them are set in stone. Often a fighter determining the nature of the ritual. For example, a fighter who
finding a familiar (or vice versa) is more a matter of fate than dwells mainly in the jungle might execute a ritual quite different
intention. A player who is interested in gaining a familiar for from that of a fighter who serves as a knight in the king’s court.
his fighter should collaborate with the CK to come up with an Some rituals make use of religious accoutrements, while others
interesting and engaging way of introducing the companion are quite secular.
to the campaign. Keep in mind, of course, that the fighter still
requires the Summon Familiar Ability (see the ‘New Abilities’ In whatever form it takes, a ritual is not completed instantaneously,
section of Chapter 1 for details). What follows are a few but usually requires several hours of preparation, meditation,
suggestions: and actual performance. Some rituals require the fighter to fast
for a certain period beforehand, while others demand that he
do some other form of service to cleanse his spirit of outside
influences. Following are some brief ideas for rituals to be used TRIAL BY FAITH
with the Summon Familiar Ability:
In most fantasy campaign settings, the gods play an important
Complex dance about a fire. role in the lives of morals. An established pantheon of immortal
beings is integral to the continued well-being of most worlds,
Protracted period of prayer. whether those worlds are savage and primitive, or technically
and socially advanced. While some pantheons are well removed
Lengthy oral recitation, perhaps from a prayer book or epic from the machinations of mortals, seldom interfering with the
poem. Material Plane, others continually insinuate their schemes into
the lives of kings and heroes, causing all sorts of trouble . . . and
Deep meditative trace.
paving the way for all sorts of quests.
Prolonged stay in a sweat lodge.
What type of fighter? This quest is appropriate for fighters who
Performance on drums or wind instruments. feel a kinship toward one god or another divine being. If the
character is an agnostic, or if the campaign pays little attention
Rendering a detailed artistic work. to divine goings-on, then a Trial By Faith has little value. On
the other hand, if a foreign land is under the sway of an evil
Lighting and maintaining a specific pattern of bonfires. theocrat and the fighter has some stake in that nation’s future,
then the Architect could readily impose on the fighter this
QUEST type of quest. Generally speaking, this quest works best if the
Often the bond between fighter and familiar is forged in the character is a proclaimed follower of a certain god, or the sworn
form of a quest. This may either be intentional (the fighter goes enemy of another.
looking for a familiar), or unintentional (the fighter encounters What type of quest? The kind of quest associated with
an animal companion while adventuring and an extraordinary theology usually involves ‘securing something’ for an
bond forms between them). organized church. Perhaps the fighter is sent to join an armed
The exact nature of the quest depends upon many factors – the crusade in a distant land in order to seize a holy site from
campaign’s mythology, the region’s geography and climate, the infidels. Other options include seeking out and recovering a
character’s level, and – most importantly – the CK’s prerogative. lost relic, driving brigands from a frontier abbey, or rescuing
Again, the fact that the PC possesses the Summon Familiar a missionary from the clutches of angry jungle natives. The
Ability isn’t enough – he must complete the quest to empower primary idea in a Trial by Faith is to ‘make something secure,’
the feat and form the bond with his familiar. The player should whether the thing in question is an item, territory, person, or
let the CK know that he is looking for a familiar, and the CK ideal. The CK should tailor the quest to the campaign world,
should then work the quest into the campaign (either subtly or or roll on the following table for inspiration.
overtly, depending on the nature of the quest).
QUEST COSTS D10 Sample Quest
Due to the nature of a quest, the benefits of taking the Summon 1 Serve two months in a crusade in a faraway holy war.
Familiar feats can be delayed longer than is ordinarily the case.
2 Investigate and bring to justice a suspected heretic.
To compensate for this, fighters who choose to perform a quest
to gain a familiar may waive the monetary and experience point 3 Serve as a bodyguard for pilgrims in a hostile land.
costs commonly associated with summoning familiars. Note
4 Recover a stolen relic.
that if the character begins play with any Summon Familiar
feats and a familiar, he cannot use the Quest ritual as an excuse 5 Infiltrate and expose an opposing cult.
to waive gold piece or experience point costs. In this case, since
6 Retrace a prophet’s journey across dangerous seas.
the quest cannot be played out, the typical costs are assumed to
reflect the arduous nature of the completed quest. 7 Protect a monastery from a dragon attack.
The quest may be overtly supernatural or it may be mundane. 8 Patrol a particularly restless cemetery for a single night.
The quest should be a physically demanding one, but also
9 Rescue a missionary from a foreign dungeon.
a psychological one – a moral obstacle course that forces the
fighter to confront his own personal truth and test the strength 10 Smuggle a seditious sermon out of the country.
of his friendship and love for his future familiar.
Three typical quest structures are well known in myth and TRIAL OF THE FEY
legend: The Trial by Faith, the Trial of the Fey, and the Trial of
Most fantasy worlds have a strong and distinct fairy presence.
The deepest woods and the most secluded groves are often
home to feral elves, pixies, sprites, satyrs, and other mystic
beings, creatures that live by whimsy and are governed by no TRIAL OF LEGEND
man. The inhabitants of the fairy realm are known equally for
Of the three types of quests, the Trial of Legend is most
their caprice and their magical powers; entering their domain
nebulous, and the most difficult to define. While a Trial by
can prove disastrous if the interloper is seen as an enemy to
Faith is very straightforward (“Sneak into the dark lands of Thul
fairykind. Because the magic of these beings frequently defies
and recover the Knuckle of St. Tristan”), the Trial of Legend is
the standard ‘rules’ for spellcasting as found in the lands of
rarely so linear in nature. Instead of receiving an explicit set
humans, their territory is the perfect setting for a fighter on a
of instructions, the fighter begins with only a vague notion of
quest for a familiar.
his goal. A vision, oracle, or wizard describes a faraway place,
What type of fighter? The more ignorant the fighter is always a site of myth and alleged peril, and tells the fighter to go
concerning the ways of the woodland folk, the more perfectly there and seek his fortune.
suited he is for a journey into the fairy lands. His quest should
For instance, an anchorite in the mountains describes to the
be a thing of wonder, a mingling of danger and delight. In
fighter the legendary lost island of Izikul, where rumor holds
pursuit of his goal, he comes into a world so unlike his own
that beautiful women tend a garden of living swords. The old
that he feels at time as if he might go mad. The Trial of the
hermit vouchsafes nothing more, saying only that the fighter
Fey is appropriate for a fighter who knows next to nothing of
should begin his quest in a nearby fishing village, where a
the woodland spirits and their antics, further heightening the
certain sailor claims to have seen the shores of Izikul.
strangeness and peril of the quest.
What type of fighter? The Trial of the Arcane requires a
What type of quest? Whereas a Trial by Faith involves securing
fighter who can think on his feet. He must be able to
an item or individual, the keyword of a Trial of the Fey is
piece together apparently unrelated clues in order to find
“discovery.” A group of leprechauns could instruct the fighter
the location which has been glimpsed to him. Once there,
to search for the rainbow’s end. A centaur village, concerned
he has to be prepared for anything. Guardians of such
about rising flood waters, might ask the character to journey
places are usually never-before-seen monsters of epic size
across the valley and scout out possible locations for new
and cunning. Defeating these creatures demands that
settlements. The queen of the wood elves could require that the
the fighter use not only strength, but craftiness as well.
fighter brave a network of underground caverns to prove himself
The Greek hero Perseus would have met the same fate
worthy. A Trial of the Fey is always a journey into the unknown,
as all the other petrified warriors had he not been smart
going places where humans have never been. Fey creatures
enough to polish his shield to a mirrored shine before
usually tax the questing fighter with pranks and pitfalls, simply
facing Medusa.
for their own amusement; pixies torment the fighter constantly,
and brownies lay traps in his path. The following table provides What type of quest? The working term here is “fabulous.”
additional examples. The Trial of Legend involves lands only vaguely described,
territories either too ancient or too fantastic to be known
TABLE 6-2: TRIAL OF THE FEY to the common man. These places are always far removed
D10 Sample Quest from civilization, and invariably their denizens test the
fighter’s wits as well as his weapons. The fighter doesn’t
1 Steal a lock of hair from the Queen of the Fairies. know the exact goal of his quest until he arrives. Only
2 Negotiate peace between warring treants. then does he learn that a giant two-headed serpent
holds prisoner the Lady of the Sky, for example. But in
3 Drive a green dragon from the woods. order to rescue the Lady, the fighter must figure out how
4 Accompany the elves in search of drow raiders. to overcome the serpent, whose scales are said to be
impervious to any weapon forged under the sun. Other
5 Find and restore a unicorn’s lost horn. sample quest can found on the table below.
6 Rescue a man from a siren’s watery lair.
7 Locate all the ingredients for pixie dust.
D10 Sample Quest
8 Win the heart of a certain hateful person.
Tame the water buffalo belonging to Yama, god of death
9 Plant a poisonous mushroom in a hag’s cellar. 1
(Indian mythos).
10 Scout a new settlement for a centaur village.
2 Climb Yggdrasil, the World Ash Tree (Norse mythos).
Note that though many of the creatures mentioned in the 3 Discover the Heart of Nature.
examples above are not technically of the fey type, it is of no
Duel the guardian of the Bifrost bridge to the celestial
consequence. Technicalities are not important in this regard, 4
realm (Norse).
and all that matters are that the creatures and elements involved
are commonly seen as linked to the faerie world. 5 Plant a tree in the desert of the Serobi Wastes.
Find out why Mole lives underground (Cherokee Master Natural Str
7 Class Level
Int Special
mythos). Armor Adj. Adj.
Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement TABLE 6-7: FIGHTER STANDARD FAMILIAR ABILITIES
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a
preternatural toughness of the familiar. Blood Bond
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s Cleaving Strike
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they Dodge
are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
Power Attack
Str Adj.: Add this value to the familiar’s Strength score.
Fast Movement
Standard Familiar Ability: Select one standard familiar ability from
Table 6-7 below. Fleet of Foot
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one standard or greater familiar Natural Armor
ability from Tables 6-7 or 6-8 below.
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
In addition to the abilities listed above, the following feats can also
TABLE 6-6: SUPREME FIGHTER FAMILIAR be selected as standard familiar special abilities for the fighter’s
familiar (assuming it meets the requirements):
Master Natural Str
Int Special Charmed Existence
Class Level Armor Adj. Adj.
Empathic link, Curtain of Steel
1st-2nd +1 9 +2 Weapon Specialization Intimidating Strike
(Natural Attack)
Tripping Blow
Standard familiar
3rd-4th +2 10 +2
ability Feat progressions must still be met if these feats are being selected.
These feats apply to the familiar, not the master.
Greater familiar
5th-6th +3 11 +3 Ability, Combat
Supreme familiar Blessed Companion
7th-8th +4 12 +4
ability Enhance Attribute
9 -10
th th
+5 13 +5 Greater familiar ability Courageous Roar
Standard familiar Defensive Roll
11th-12th +6 14 +6
Ability, Extra Attack
Discern Lies
13th-14th +7 15 +7 - Familiar Rage
Supreme familiar Fearful
15th-16th +8 16 +8
Guided Strike
17th-18th +9 17 +9 Greater familiar ability
Great Leap
Supreme familiar Natural Armor, Greater
19th-20th +10 18 +10
Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a Uncanny Dodge, Improved
preternatural toughness of a familiar. Woodland Stride
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
Str Adj.: Add this value to the familiar’s Strength score. Damage Reduction
Standard Familiar Ability: Select one standard familiar ability from Familiar Growth
Table 6-7 below.
Familiar Rage, Greater
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one standard or greater familiar
Find the Path
ability from Tables 6-7 or 6-8 below.
Natural Armor, Supreme
Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one standard, greater, or supreme
familiar ability from Tables 6-7, 6-8, or 6-9 below. Supreme Leap
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
FIGHTER ARCHETYPE: THE LEGACY mentor or benefactor, or they learn that a weapon they already
possessed is awakened and has been awaiting its owner to be
Esvan lifted the small pup from the boat. “There you go, fella. ready to receive its gifts.
All is well.” With the dog licking his hand, Esvan slung one strap
of his rucksack over his shoulder, and then picked up the satin- A hero’s weapon is an intelligent, magical weapon which may
wrapped bundle. be gifted with extraordinary powers. It can be a melee or missile
weapon. Its alignment always matches the player’s, and it never
He couldn’t resist one more glance. Cradling the dog against his actively challenges or resists the hero’s methods or choices,
chest, he threw back the swaddling to reveal a fabulous dagger. though it will sometimes advise, cajole and otherwise discuss
The hilt was made of a substance he’d never before seen, black or debate options. It does not speak aloud, but communicates
like basalt but gleaming like steel. Oddly, a blade extended from telepathically with the hero in the voices of ages past.
either end of the hilt. It was an exotic weapon, and as sharp as
anything he’d ever seen. A hero may never have more than one legacy weapon. This
weapon is nearly indestructible and cannot be permanently
“Aren’t you a wonder,” he mused. But then again, one should lost. If the character does somehow manage to break or lose
only expect to find such treasures on a quest like this. The their legacy weapon, they suffer the same injuries as a character
dagger had been a gift from the guardians of Izikul island for the who loses any familiar, save that they can never again gain a
assistance he’d rendered to them. Legacy weapon; the character’s Archetype becomes Champion
Suddenly the dog barked. thereafter.
With that, Esvan set off for the nearest pub. ALIGNMENT: The alignment of a hero’s weapon always matches
the alignment of its master. Anyone of a non-complimentary
Often a fighter looks not for the friendship of a familiar, but for alignment who attempts to wield the weapon suffers 1d6 points
the dependable companionship of a strong weapon in his hand. of damage every round that they hold the weapon (no save
A hero’s weapon is a magical, intelligent companion that serves allowed).
a warrior true. It is, in truth, an extension of the fighter’s very
body and soul. For some fighters, this mystical bond between EVOKE POWER: The master of a hero’s weapon can call upon
hero and weapon comes in the form of a legacy-a weapon that its power to aid him in times of need. When he does so, the
has performed such great deeds throughout history that it houses hero’s weapon manifests any and all powers the character has
the very essence of those who wielded it before. The blade gains chosen for it (see Hero’s Weapon Power below). The summoned
a degree of sentience and the ability to communicate with the powers last for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character’s
warrior; the exact details of its personality are for the player Charisma modifier. A master may prematurely end the hero’s
and CK to determine. It could be a single persona, the soul of a weapon’s manifested powers.
single great warrior who held the blade in the past, or it could
be a unique persona comprised of elements of all those who held A master can only summon the hero’s weapon’s powers once per
the weapon in days past. encounter. At 3rd level he can use a bonus action to summon
the hero’s weapon’s powers once between long rests. At 7th,
The weapon could be a family heirloom, handed down from level, he can summon a power after a short rest. At 15th level,
generation to generation, or it could be a blade that chooses he may spend an Action Surge to summon an additional power
a wielder once in a generation, someone it knows is destined between short rests. At eighteenth level, he may evoke weapon
for greatness. The exact details are up to the player and CK to powers as a reaction. Activating powers in this way still counts
detail, but at third level when the player chooses the Legacy against his maximum usage between rests.
archetype, her character comes into her inheritance.
HERO'S WEAPON POWER: A hero’s weapon has special powers
HERO'S WEAPON PROPERTIES that it can only manifest briefly a certain number of times each
day at its master’s command (see Evoke Power above). At 1st
At third level, the character comes into possession of a hero’s level, and every four levels thereafter, the master chooses one
weapon-or at least, discovers their legacy as the hero destined power from Table 6-11 below. These powers stack with one
to wield the powerful artifact. This manifests in one of two ways: another and all are manifested at once each time the master
the character comes into possession of a new weapon, either by evokes them.
finding it in a treasure trove or having it gifted to them by a
MAGIC WEAPON: A hero’s weapon becomes a +1 magical
FLAMING: The weapon is wreathed in fire and deals an extra 1d6
weapon when he enters this pact at 3rd level. This bonus fire damage on a successful hit. Ranged weapons confer this aura and
increases by an additional +1 at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th levels. damage to their ammunition.
This magical bonus only functions in the hands of the weapon’s
FROST: The weapon glows a pale blue or white, and deals an extra
owner; in the hands of anyone else it is simply a normal weapon
1d6 cold damage on a successful hit. Ranged weapons confer this
in all respects, though of exceptional quality. aura and damage to their ammunition.
In addition, when held by the hero it will radiate alteration and GHOST TOUCH: The weapon glows a faint green or shimmers
enchantment magic to those who can detect such energies, but and appears translucent. It deals damage normally to incorporeal
when not being wielded will not possess a magical aura of any creatures.
kind. KEEN: The weapon deals a critical hit on a natural 19-20.
TELEPATHIC LINK: The master has a telepathic link with the MERCIFUL: The weapon deals an extra 1d6 damage, but all damage
hero’s weapon out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The master dealt is non-lethal-opponents reduced to zero hit points are rendered
and the hero’s weapon can communicate telepathically. Note unconscious and stable.
that the hero’s weapon sees the world differently from humans, MIGHTY CLEAVING: If the wielder fells an opponent, he may take
as it tends to view the world both through its purpose as a an additional bonus action to attack a second foe within reach. This
weapon and from untold ages of experience and history, so bonus action is in addition to any other bonus actions or reactions
misunderstandings are always possible. he may have.
Because of this telepathic link between hero’s weapon and RETURNING: After making a ranged attack, whether successful or
not, the weapon immediately returns to the wielder’s hand. Can only
master, the master has the same connection to an item or place
be placed on weapons that can be thrown.
that the hero’s weapon does. For instance, if his hero’s weapon
has been in a room or other location, the master who somehow SEEKING: The weapon homes in on its target, granting advantage
gains the ability to do so, could teleport to that locale as if he on all attacks, even in situations where disadvantage would normally
be imposed. This ability can only be applied to ranged weapons.
has seen it too.
SHOCK: The weapon is wreathed in crackling electricity. It deals
SPECIAL ABILITIES: In addition to any powers a hero’s weapon an extra 1d6 lightning damage on a successful hit. Ranged weapons
possesses, a hero’s weapon also has access to a number of with this ability transfer this aura to their ammunition.
inherent special abilities as listed on Table 6-11. Hero’s weapons
THROWING: The weapon can be thrown and gains a range
may also possess both standard abilities and greater abilities.
increment of 10ft/50ft. Weapons that are already capable of
These abilities are listed on Tables 6-12 and 6-13 below. being thrown double their range increment. This ability cannot
be applied to bows, crossbows, slings, or other “fired” ranged
A hero’s weapon starts with one power, which can be summoned THUNDERING: The weapon begins to visibly vibrate in its wielder’s
for use a limited number of times between rests. For every four hands. Upon successfully striking a foe it emits a loud thunderclap,
levels beyond 1st that the hero’s weapon’s master has, it has an dealing an extra 1d6 sonic damage to the victim. Ranged weapons
additional power. A manifested power lasts for two minutes at impart this aura to their ammunition.
a time. VICIOUS: This weapon imparts advantage on all hits and deals
an extra 2d6 points of necrotic damage to a foe on a successful
The master may choose one power from the following table hit. However, the wielder also suffers 1d6 points of damage from
each time the hero’s weapon is granted a new power. Unless necrotic backlash. No save, immunity or resistance is allowed
otherwise indicated, a power cannot be chosen more than once. against this backlash damage. This ability can only be added to
melee weapons.
A hero’s weapon gains special abilities as indicated on Table
+1 ENHANCEMENT: Increase the weapon’s magical enhancement by
+1. 6-10. These abilities must be chosen from the tables below as
appropriate. Unlike the powers listed above, these abilities do
BANE: The weapon grants advantage against one specific type of foe, not require the master to evoke them.
and deals an extra 2d6 damage against that type of foe. This power
can be chosen multiple times, each time applying to a different kind For details on what these abilities do, see the ‘Familiar Special
of foe. Abilities’ section of Chapter 1. The hero may evoke an ability
DEFENDING: Transfer the weapon’s enhancement bonus to AC once, after which he must engage in a long rest before evoking
instead of to hit and damage. a second. At tenth level, the hero requires only a short rest
between evoking abilities.
DISTANCE: Double the weapon’s range increment (can only be
chosen for ranged weapons).
Detect Law
Detect Magic
At 7th level, the hero can use an Action Surge to gain advantage
Detect Poison on her next attack with the weapon. At 10th level, she may
reroll any result of “1” on damage dice with her weapon. At 15th
level, she may reroll any results of “1” or “2” on damage dice
Familiar’s Eye with her weapon. At 18th level she may spend an Action Surge
Familiar’s Flame
to perform a critical hit with her weapon, automatically dealing
maximum possible damage.
Know Direction TABLE 6-13: HERO'S WEAPON
Speech Int
Master Wis/
Hardness Special
Class Level Cha
Evoke power, hero’s weapon power,
Bull’s Strength (affects the master) 3rd +1 9
telepathic link, mystical bond
Cat’s Grace (affects the master) 5th +2 9 Hero’s weapon standard ability
Contagion 7th +3 10 Hero’s weapon power, legacy strike
Darkness 9th
+4 10 Hero’s weapon standard ability
Daylight 11th +5 11 Hero’s weapon ability
Dazing Touch 13 th
+6 11 Hero’s weapon greater ability
Detect Scrying 15th +7 13 Hero’s weapon power
Detect Thoughts 17th +8 13 -
Discern Lies 19th +9 15 Hero’s weapon power
Fearful 20th +10 15 Hero’s weapon greater ability
Find Traps Hardness Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement to the
Freedom of Movement (affects the master) hero’s weapon’s existing hardness rating. It represents a preternatural
resilience of the hero’s weapon.
Guided Strike (requires no action on hero’s weapon’s part)
Int/Wis/Cha: The hero’s weapon’s Intelligence, Wisdom and
Haste (affects the master) Charisma scores.
Resist Energy (affects the master) Hero’s Weapon Standard Ability: Select any one hero’s weapon
standard ability (see Table 6-12: Hero’s Weapon Standard Abilities
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1. later in this chapter for details on which special abilities are available
and an explanation of what each does).
MYSTICAL BOND Hero’s Weapon Greater Ability: Select any one hero’s weapon
At third level, the character undergoes a ritual to mystically standard or greater ability (see Tables 6-11: Hero’s Weapon Standard
bond with their Hero’s Weapon. This ritual could be a variation Abilities and 6-12: Hero’s Weapon Greater Abilities earlier in this
on those listed above, or something entirely unique. This ritual chapter for details on which special abilities are available and an
explanation of what each does).
noue sits atop the jutting, flat-topped tower of rock, a For a monk, the act of summoning a familiar is usually accomplished
thousand feet above the endless sea of grass which sweeps through meditation. A variety of meditative rituals have been
out in featureless perfection to the horizon. Her legs are recorded, but at their core they share a common theme. As the
crossed. Her eyes are shut. The deep, measured breaths of monk harmonizes with the world around him by use of a meditative
her quiet contemplation are the only sound for miles. trance, a sympathetic “vibration” or “calling” is initiated. It is
A soft wind blows from the east. Its breeze caresses her unclear whether this “calling” literally creates the familiar through
face, brushing wisps of hair in its passing. It whispers in her ear. harmonic permeation, or if the familiar is transformed from its
For a moment she strains, and the voice retreats. She relaxes, natural state as it is summoned. Whatever the case may be, familiar
and the words flow into her and through her. Her lips move in a and monk become linked by a common, natural harmony.
small, quiet whisper.
Beyond this common core, the meditative rituals by which
The wind grows. The secret words she speaks come quicker and monks and familiars become bound vary greatly. In some
easier. cases, these rituals are handed down from the founders of the
The scream of a hawk. In the shattered silence the labored beating monastic orders. In other cases, monks describe the rituals as
of its wings is clear. It soars from below, bursting into view – its “coming to them in a dream” or as “a natural course which must
wings as wide across as a full-grown man is tall. Its prey, clutched be followed.” Some rituals appear to summon specific types of
in its talons, struggles weakly for its release. familiars (as if the monk were attuning his own spirit to the
The wind surges. The hawk screams again, tumbling through familiar); others appear to summon random familiars (as if the
the sky. Its claws open. Its prey falls. monk were simply sending his spirit to seek its natural match).
The wind dies. The hawk screams in angry protest. It circles for a The length of the ritual usually depends on the strength of the
moment, and then dives with a final scream from sight. familiar summoned – summoning a standard familiar requires
Silence returns. Inoue’s words are measured, but quick. Before an hour-long meditative trance. Summoning a greater familiar
her is the hawk’s prey, a mongoose once sleek with pride, whose requires a daylong meditative trance. Summoning a supreme
last breaths are fading between its lips. familiar requires a weeklong meditative trance.
Inoue raises her right hand. With her left she draws a simple knife. Her NOTE: All Greater and Supreme familiars have specific character
eyes remain shut. Her words remain controlled and quick. level and alignment prerequisites that must be met in order to be
A slash of steel. Blood wells upon her palm. chosen – see Tables 1-5 and 1-6 in Chapter 1 for more details.
Inoue reaches out her hand and lays it upon the bloodied
mongoose. Their blood mixes. The wind rises. Its breath
strengthens. There is a moment of… mingling. A soft glow. Cat*
Inoue withdraws her hand. The mongoose is whole. It bounces
to its feet. Tiny sparks of lightning flicker about it eyes. It looks Dhole**
up in wonder. Dove
Inoue smiles. “Welcome, Anaba.”
Monks live in an enlightened state of balance, forever striving for
a personal perfection of mind and body. This perpetual pursuit Hummingbird
grants them a unique insight into forging, maintaining, and Mongoose (Use stats for Weasel)*
strengthening the symbiotic bond between master and familiar. Oryx**
Not all monks possess familiars, but those who do view them as Panda, Red
an integral part of their training. To a monk, a familiar is more
than just a companion – they are often guides or exemplars.
The monk’s familiar is not only seen as an embodiment of those
traits which the monk strives for in himself, but also as a mirror Raven*
– a reflection of the monk’s knowledge and wisdom. As a monk Snake, Tiny viper*
travels further down the path of life, the familiar grows with Weasel*
him, and the monk can see in the familiar not only the marks of Wolf*
his own progress, but also where his remaining weaknesses lie. * These creatures can be found in the 5th edition Monsters
In time, monk and familiar become like two sides of the same Tome.
coin – twin spirits journeying through life. ** See the Non-standard Familiars sidebar below.
TABLE 7-2: GREATER MONK FAMILIARS Oryx – A small horse-like antelope. Use the stats for deer.
Bear, black* Dhole – Also known as a “red dog,” a dhole is a species of
Bear, brown* wild dog. Use the statistics of a wolf.
Bear, polar* Fennec Fox – A desert fox with large ears. Use the statistics
Blink dog* of a fox as presented in Appendix A. However, fennec foxes
Cheetah are adapted to desert life – they can go five times as long
without water as normal. Masters of a fennec fox gain the
Giant weasel*
extraordinary ability to go twice as long without water (but
Hell hound* they do not gain the +3 bonus to Hide checks from having
Leopard (or Snow Leopard) a fox familiar, as described in Chapter 1).
Mephit (any)*
Snake, constrictor* The monk’s familiar, like the monk himself, harmonizes with
Snake, Large viper* the world around it, allowing it to go where others cannot, and
Tiger* perform prodigious feats that others would find impossible.
Wyrmling (dragon)(any lawful or true neutral)*
* These creatures can be found in the 5th edition Monsters
Tome. Master Natural
Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
** See the Non-standard Familiars sidebar below.
Endurance, empathic link,
1st-2nd +1 6
stunning attack, iron body
3rd-4th +2 7 Fast movement (+10 feet)
Dire wolf*
5 -6
th th
+3 8 Speak with master
Displacer beast*
Speak with animals of its kind,
Dragonne 7th-8th +4 9
fast healing
Dragon, very young (any lawful or true neutral)* 9th-10th +5 10 -
Elemental (air, earth, fire, water)* 11 -12th th
+6 11 Blur
Elephant* 13th-14th +7 12 Trackless step
Ethereal filcher 15th-16th +8 13 -
Giant Eagle* 17th-18th +9 14 -
Giant Lion 19th-20th +10 15 -
Giant Owl* Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
Giant Poisonous Snake* to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a
Giant Scorpion* preternatural toughness of the familiar.
Giant Tiger Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
Giant Weasel*
are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
Oni* abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
Shadow Mastiff
Winter wolf* Master Natural
Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
Yeth Hound
Endurance, empathic link,
* These creatures can be found in the 5th edition Monsters 1st-2nd +1 7
stunning attack, iron body
3rd-4th +2 8 Fast movement (+10 feet)
** See the Non-standard Familiars sidebar below.
Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +3 9
Speak with animals of its kind,
The monk has several non-standard familiars: 7th-8th +4 10
iron body
Dragon, Very Young – This classification is halfway 9th-10th +5 11 Greater familiar ability
between a wyrmling and an adult. CKs should set all 11th-12th +6 12 Blur
statistics exactly halfway between the two rankings found
13 -14
th th
+7 13 Trackless step
in the 5th Edition Monster Tome.
15th-16th +8 14 - Death Ward
17th-18th +9 15 Greater familiar ability Deafening Call
19th-20th +10 16 - Defensive Roll
Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement Detect Thoughts
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a Discern Lies
preternatural toughness of the familiar. Disease Immunity
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s Encompassing Vision
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
Endure Elements
are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar ability from
Table 7-7 below. Freedom of Movement
Guided Strike
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. Great Leap
Master Natural Natural Armor, Greater
Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj. Nondetection
Endurance, empathic link, Opportunist
1st-2nd +1 9
stunning attack, iron body
Resist Energy
Fast movement (+10 feet), Slow Fall
3rd-4th +2 10
Sleeping Touch
Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +3 11 Sneak Attack
familiar ability
Speak with Dead
Speak with animals of its kind,
7th-8th +4 12 Speech
fast healing
9th-10th +5 13 Greater familiar ability Spider Climb
Time Hop
11 -12
th th
+6 14 Blur, supreme familiar ability
Uncanny Dodge, Improved
Trackless Step, greater familiar
13th-14th +7 15 Venom Immunity
15th-16th +8 16 - Water Breathing
17 -18
th th
+9 17 Greater familiar ability Water Walk
Wholeness of Body
19th-20th +10 18 Supreme familiar ability
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a
preternatural toughness of the familiar. TABLE 7-8: MONK SUPREME FAMILIAR ABILITIES
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s Astral Projection
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
are not necessarily as smart as smart people. Charm
Companion’s Veil
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar ability from
Table 7-7 below. Confusion
Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one greater or standard familiar Damage Reduction
ability from Tables 7-7 or 7-8 below. Dimension Slip
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special Divine Health
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. Ethereal State
Find the Path
Animal Trance Holy Call
Augury Mind Store
Blessed Companion Natural Armor, Supreme
Enhance Attribute Raise Dead
Courageous Roar Supreme Leap
Darkness Time Regression
Daylight Tongues
Dazing Tough For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
NEW MONASTIC TRADITION: THE WAY At first it seemed that a reflection in a mirror fought with itself
– blow met parry, parry met blow. But then – slowly, inexorably
OF THE ANCESTRAL SPIRIT – it became clear that he had the advantage. A fist parried with
Inoue looked through the raven’s eyes. The softly stirring willow casual ease; a return that could barely be met. It had been seven
branch which bore her weight was a stark contrast to the hard years, yet he was still her better. She could feel it with the same
pole clutched by the raven’s claws. In the distance a wolf howled. instincts that drove her limbs – her own blows had grown scant.
A cloud passed across the moon, which moments before shone Her parries came with less and less time.
bright. With care and skill she separated her perception, and saw A fist slipped through. She felt its blinding pain in her side. It
through two eyes. caused her to stumble, and he followed with a kick. And a fist.
Through the raven’s eyes she looked down. A wooden palisade. And another. She felt blood spray across her chin.
A camp of armored men. And… there – a man dressed in black, He grabbed her wrist and twisted as his foot swept her to the
silhouetted from a light behind. ground.
Morthus was here. “You were always a fool, Inoue. Your wolves cannot help you
Fly, Catori. The thought whispered across the wind. The raven from the gates. Your raven cannot help you at all. You will die
spread its wings. here alone. Forgotten.”
Inoue leaped before the raven flapped its wings. She lit lightly She smiled through bloody lips. “It is you who are forgetful, Betrayer.”
upon the forest floor, passing like a shadow beneath the trees. He hesitated, and it was his undoing – Anaba – faithful Anaba
Two great, loping forms slipped from the gloom, their silvered – leapt from the roof of his tent and landed upon him; claws
fur glistening beneath the moon. Her mind reached out and digging deep into his back.
gently touched the wolves, her wolves. She smiled as a pair of
silent howls answered her caress. He cried out in pain, and she was upon him. She kicked up into
his jaw – she shifted her weight – she smashed his left knee. He
Between the trees, the camp emerged, but her footsteps never cried out again. Her palm crushed his nose – she parried his feeble
paused. In the moment of an eye’s blink she had reached the attempt to strike back – she slammed her fist into his chest.
wall and stopped.
She felt his bone turn to pulp. She stepped past him, sweeping
Tala. Mingan. Go. her arm across his neck and bending him back across her knee.
The two wolves dashed away – circling the camp, slipping She looked down into his bloodied face.
between the shadows. Inoue paused, counting heartbeats – her “Die.”
back pressed firmly against the wooden wall.
His neck snapped.
As she reached the count of twenty she pushed off lightly from the
ground, leaping halfway up the wall and then rapidly climbing Anaba scurried up Inoue’s arm and curled himself about her
the rest as her wolves began to howl at the gate. shoulders. She stroked him gently beneath the chin… and faded
back into the shadows.
She dropped lightly to the ground on the other side of the wall.
Most of the compound was moving towards the gate, and she Some monks do not choose to summon a traditional familiar to
made her way quickly through the tents, guiding her steps by the serve as their companion. Instead, these monks choose to open
vision her raven had shown her. themselves to the spirits of the past – simultaneously reaching
deep into the memories of their blood and calling out to the
She kept to the shadows and reached out to brush the minds of dead souls of their ancestors.
her wolves. She felt her heart beat a touch faster as she realized
they were drawing fire from the archers, now. But they were
cunning creatures, and kept their distance from the wall. ANCESTRAL FAMILIAR
And then he was there. Morthus. Her father’s killer. Beginning at 3rd level when the monk chooses this tradition,
they can harness their ki to call upon the spirit of their ancestors
He was emerging from his tent – lit from behind by the lamps for guidance, aid and wisdom. The monk performs a special
within. He was looking toward the gate, but as she slipped summoning ritual to call upon an ancestral familiar. If one of his
silently into the torchlight, some murmuring sixth sense turned ancestors chooses to answer his call, then it either manifests itself
him towards her. directly as the monk’s familiar, or possesses the body of a nearby
They paused there, in the midst of a camp lost to chaos. animal. (The exact nature of the spirit’s appearance depends on
the monk, the ritual, and the ancestor – but see the creatures
“I’ve come to kill you.” she said.
in Tables 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3 for details concerning exactly which
“You’ve come to try.” he replied. creatures can be chosen to host the ancestral spirit.)
It was a moment shorter than a breath, and both had leapt
In the form of the monk’s familiar, the ancestral spirit provides
toward each other. Their blows were blinding – a flurry fled by
a unique source of guidance while protectively watching over
twin teachings. Their motions were guided by the instincts bred
its descendant.
by a master long –since betrayed.
ANCESTRAL FAMILIAR PROPERTIES Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
Ancestral familiars generally have the same properties as a to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a
traditional familiar, with the following exceptions: preternatural toughness of the familiar.
Intelligence (*): The intelligence of ancestral familiars is determined
ABILITY SCORES: Ancestral familiars have the same physical by the Ancestral Spirit special ability.
abilities as the type of animal they possess or manifest as.
However, their mental abilities (Intelligence, Wisdom, Ancestral Spirit: The ancestral familiar possesses the ancestral
and Charisma) are identical to the ancestor’s spirit in life. familiar properties, as described above.
Assuming that a specific ancestor with existing statistics Standard Ancestral Ability: Select one standard ancestral ability
is not summoned, roll 3d6 for the familiar’s Intelligence, from Table 7-12. These special abilities are described below.
Wisdom, and Charisma as one would do for a traditional
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
Non Player Character.
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
SKILLS: Unlike traditional familiars, ancestral familiars cannot
interchangeably use their own skills and their master’s skills. GREATER AND SUPREME ANCESTRAL FAMILIARS
Instead, the ancestral familiar maintains its own skills. The As with all familiars, in order to gain a greater or Supreme
ancestral spirit has a number of skill points as if it were a monk ancestral familiar, the monk must take the appropriate
of the same level as its master. Advantage, as listed in Chapter 1. The monk is already
considered to have the basic Summon Familiar Advantage for
Although an ancestral spirit cannot use its skills interchangeably
purposes of fulfilling prerequisites.
with its master’s, it can still use its skills interchangeably with
its animal form. In other words, the ancestral spirit either uses
its own skills or the normal skills for an animal of its type, TABLE 7-10: GREATER MONK FAMILIAR (ANCESTRAL)
whichever are better. Master Natural
Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: By default, ancestral familiars gain ancestral
abilities rather than the traditional familiar abilities (as described 1st-2nd +1 * Ancestral spirit, empathic link
below). If a monk applies an Empower Familiar Ability to the 3 -4
rd th +2 * Standard ancestral ability
ancestral familiar (see the ‘New Abilities’ section of Chapter 1),
Speak with master, greater
however, he can choose whether to apply a traditional power as 5th-6th +3 *
ancestral ability
normal or an ancestral ability.
7th-8th +4 * Speak with animals of its kind
As described above and below, you’ll note that as an ancestral
9 -10
th th +5 * Standard ancestral ability
spirit’s master goes up in levels, the ancestral spirit manifests
new abilities and skills. There are three ways to interpret this. 11 -12th th +6 * Greater ancestral ability
The spirit’s ability to manifest powers as a familiar may be 13th-14th +7 * -
increasing, the spirit may be learning new things in its new life,
15th-16th +8 * Standard ancestral ability
or the spirit’s memories of its previous life are improving. Which
interpretation is correct depends on the familiar and the ability, 17th-18th +9 * Greater ancestral ability
and is ultimately determined by the player or Castle Keeper. +10 * -
19 -20th th
TABLE 7-9: STANDARD MONK FAMILIAR (ANCESTRAL) Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a
Master Natural
Int Special preternatural toughness of the familiar.
Class Level Armor Adj.
3rd +1 * Ancestral spirit, empathic link Intelligence (*): The intelligence of ancestral familiars is determined
by the Ancestral Spirit special ability.
4th +2 * Standard ancestral ability
Ancestral Spirit: The ancestral familiar possesses the ancestral
5th +3 * Speak with master
familiar properties, as described above.
7th +4 * Speak with animals of its kind
Standard Ancestral Ability: Select one standard ancestral ability
9th +5 * Standard ancestral ability from Table 7-12. These special abilities are described below.
11th +6 * - Greater Ancestral Ability: Select one greater or standard ancestral
13 th
+7 * - ability from Table 7-12 or 7-13. These special abilities are described
15th +8 * Standard ancestral ability
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
17 th
+9 * -
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
19th +10 * -
TABLE 7-11: SUPREME MONK FAMILIAR (ANCESTRAL) DANGER SENSE: The ancestral familiar watches over and protects
Master Natural its descendant. The familiar’s master gains advantage on saving
Int Special throws against traps.
Class Level Armor Adj.
1st-2nd +1 * Ancestral spirit, empathic link DIPLOMAT: The ancestral familiar was a diplomat in its previous
life. The familiar grants proficiency in the Persuasion skill. This
3rd-4th +2 * Standard ancestral ability ability can be selected more than once and the effects stack.
Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +3 * ENDURANCE: The presence of the familiar gives the master pools of
ancestral ability
hidden strength. While the familiar is within arm’s reach, the master
7th-8th +4 * Speak with animals of its kind is able to call on the Diehard Feat. This ability can be used once, after
which the master must engage in a long rest before using it again.
9th-10th +5 * Standard ancestral ability
HEALER: The ancestral familiar was a skilled healer in its past life.
Greater ancestral ability, supreme The familiar gains the ability to use the healing word spell as a first-
11th-12th +6 *
ancestral ability level caster. At 6th, 11th, and 17th levels, the familiar can use this spell
13th-14th +7 * - as a second, third, or fourth-level slot, respectively. After using this
ability, the familiar must engage in a long rest before using it again.
15th-16th +8 * Standard ancestral ability
IMPROVED INITIATIVE: The presence of the familiar gives the master
17th-18th +9 * Greater ancestral ability a quicker reaction time. While the familiar is within arm’s reach, the
19th-20th +10 * Supreme ancestral ability master may add their proficiency bonus to their initiative check.
Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement INKLING: The familiar has a sixth sense and often knows whether
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a intended actions are good or bad. The familiar has a 50% chance
preternatural toughness of the familiar. of knowing whether the results of a particular action will by good or
bad. After using this ability, the familiar must engage in a long rest
Intelligence (*): The intelligence of ancestral familiars is determined before using it again.
by the Ancestral Spirit special ability.
The Castle Keeper should roll the check secretly. If successful, the
Ancestral Spirit: The ancestral familiar possesses the ancestral familiar knows whether the action is “Weal” (with good results), “Woe”
familiar properties, as described above. (with bad results), “Weal and Woe” (a combination of good and bad
results), or “Nothing” (no particularly good or bad results). If the check
Standard Ancestral Ability: Select one standard ancestral ability
fails, the familiar will receive a “Nothing” result.
from Table 7-12. These special abilities are described below.
This ability can only see into the future about half an hour and so the
Greater Ancestral Ability: Select one greater or standard ancestral familiar cannot foresee consequences beyond that time limit.
ability from Table 7-12 or 7-13. These special abilities are described
below. LIVING HISTORY: The ancestral familiar grants proficiency in the
History skill due to its singular perspective.
Supreme Ancestral Ability: Select one supreme, greater, or
standard ancestral ability from Table 7-12, 7-13, or 7-14. These LUCK OF PROVIDENCE: The ancestral familiar watches over and
special abilities are described below. protects its descendant. The familiar’s master gains proficiency in
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special one additional saving throw category. This ability may be chosen
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. more than once. Each time it is chosen, the master is proficient in
one additional saving throw category. If all six saving throws have
proficiency, choosing the ability again has no additional effect.
ANCESTRAL ABILITIES PERFORMER: The ancestral familiar was a great actor, singer, or dancer in
Ancestral familiars are possessed of a special set of abilities – its previous life. The familiar grants proficiency in the Performance skill.
representing the unique knowledge and protective influence of
SCOUT: The ancestral familiar was a scout in its previous life. The
the ancestor’s spirit over the monk. master gains proficiency in the Survival skill.
TABLE 7-12: STANDARD ANCESTRAL ABILITIES SORCERER'S WARD: The ancestral familiar was a great sorcerer in
its previous life, and its presence awakens the magical potential in its
ALCHEMIST: The ancestral familiar was an alchemist in its previous descendant’s blood. When the ancestral familiar and its master are
life. The familiar grants proficiency in the Medicine skill and in the within sight of one another, both gain spell resistance.
use of Herbalism kits as well as in any Intelligence checks related to
alchemy, chemistry or poisons. STOIC: The ancestral spirit was a master of meditation and self-
control. The familiar gains advantage on Wisdom based checks
ANIMAL FRIEND: The ancestral familiar possesses a close kinship
where concentration is required.
with animals. The familiar gains proficiency with Animal Handling.
BLOOD BOND: The familiar gains advantage to all attack, skill and TRACKER: The ancestral spirit was a master tracker, able to scent
ability checks, and saves if it witnesses its master threatened or harmed. even antelope upon the rocky steppes. The familiar gains the ability
This bonus lasts as long as the threat is immediate and apparent. to track as a ranger of equal hit dice.
of experience points. Since a paladin does spend much time in
he Warriors of Light can use all the allies they can
combat, the risk is far greater to her familiar than it would be to
get, Benomen. Our companions grow fewer and
a sorcerer or wizard. These are concerns that must be considered
fewer, and the shadow grows long.”
when deciding whether or not to take on a familiar.
“I understand that, master,” said Benomen
Sahvallis from his position on the ground. Familiars also provide the paladin with eyes and ears in places
Though he knelt in deference to his superior’s she cannot travel, or possess abilities that complement her own.
great rank and legendary accomplishments, his head was lifted A familiar is indeed a very helpful tool, though this must be
proudly, confidently, and he stared at the older man with ice- counterbalanced with the danger presented by the possibility
blue eyes. “But can we trust these… creatures? How can we that the familiar may be slain. Such a tragic event is sure to leave
know their true motives?” its mark on the paladin, and she will be a long time recovering.
Master Severon gazed at Benomen for a time, and then the
corners of his mouth turned slightly to a smile. “Benomen, it is SUMMONING RITUAL
just such suspicion that keeps our order intact. But believe me Benomen Sahvallis moved around the specially prepared
when I say to you, the familiars have no secrets from us. Indeed, chamber, his robes of white swishing at his ankles. He felt a little
they are a part of us, as we are a part of them. The bond between uncomfortable without his armor and his sturdy war hammer
a familiar and its master transcends physical and emotional ties; hanging at his side. But this was not the place for those things.
it is deep, spiritual. No, Benomen, I do not expect you to take my Here, he did not actively crusade against the evils of the world.
word for it; you are far too suspicious for that. Yet if you choose Here, he would summon an ally.
to gain a familiar of your own, then at last will you understand.”
He lit four sticks of incense, placing them around the perimeter of
“But what can these creatures offer us, master?” the circle he had chalked on the floor. He breathed deep, relishing
“The same things that any ally can offer, Benomen. Do not make the heady fragrance. He removed a small vial from his robes and
the mistake of equating familiars with animals. Though some held it up before him. The holy water was perfectly clear, without
might resemble such creatures, they are much more. They are a the small flecks of floating miscellany that marred more impure
different type of being. They are magical and divine. They are liquids. Benomen opened the vial and sprinkled the holy water
intelligent and they have abilities that we do not. A familiar can around the circle, dabbing a little on his cheeks and eyelids.
aid its master in battle, it can scout out enemy encampments, What sort of ally would he summon? Benomen had thought
and it can provide a degree of magical support. I tell you in all long about this. A hawk, to carry swift messages to his allies? A
honesty that they are invaluable.” badger, to go places he could not? A warhorse, to carry him into
Benomen knelt for a time, thinking. Then he said, “Thank you, battle? He was still unsure, wavering - a quality that he was not
master,” stood, bowed, and left. used to, and which, he thought, did not suit him. He was usually
so sure of things, dedicated, competent. He prided himself on
THE PALADIN'S FAMILIAR those attributes. But here, when he had something completely
benign and non-threatening on which to concentrate, he could
A paladin’s familiar is a holy being and a trusted servant. It is
not make up his mind. He smiled at the irony.
a valuable ally, a potent comrade-in-arms, and a treasured
friend. Most paladins adopt familiars in order to give them an “Ah, well,” he said to himself. “I shall just wait until the last
edge in combat. Many of the greater and supreme familiars are instance, and then summon whichever is the first to come to
quite powerful in their own right, though even the smaller, less mind. Maybe my companion will choose me.”
impressive standard familiars can assist the paladin and her other That settled, he knelt down in the center of the circle, bowed his
allies by flanking enemy creatures, distracting them, and the like. head, closed his eyes, and began to pray. He felt the holy water
A paladin’s familiar is also able to deliver touch spells and abilities on his eyelids beginning to burn, very slightly, felt it seep into the
on her behalf, so it may be quite a boon for the party as a whole. skin, felt it touch his eyes. He gave a jolt, for he was flung into a
The paladin herself may not be able to break off the fight with the strange land, of clouds and grass and sea, where the creatures of
purple worm to heal her dying comrade, but her falcon certainly light waited for him. He had only to reach out a hand…
can. A paladin may also use her familiar for reconnaissance and
scouting, as she herself is generally not a very covert individual. A paladin summons his familiar by undergoing a holy ritual
and taking the Summon Familiar Advantage. The ritual takes
But with all these advantages comes a danger. A paladin’s place time (about four hours) and dedication, as well as incense, holy
is in combat, smashing apart evil creatures, protecting her friends water, and other such implements (the cost of which is included
and her cause, and making the world a better place in which to in the Special Ability descriptions – see Chapter 1 for details),
live. Most paladins have little fear for themselves, as they wear and prayer. Even paladins who do not worship a particular god
strong, often enchanted, armor to ward off blows, and are tough must pray for their familiar, just as they pray for their spells. At
enough to survive those attacks that do pierce their protection. the end of the ritual, the paladin opens her eyes and her new
The same cannot be said for the typical familiar. If a familiar falls, ally materializes before her.
A paladin can select any non-evil and non-chaotic creature as her Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement
familiar (see Tables 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5 in Chapter 1 for details). Note: to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents the
All Greater and Supreme familiars have specific character level and preternatural toughness of the paladin’s familiar.
alignment prerequisites that must be met in order to be chosen. Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though not
PALADIN FAMILIAR ABILITIES necessarily as smart as smart people.
Due to the special bond shared between the familiar and its Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater or standard familiar
master, the familiar gains in power just as its master does. ability from the Table 8-4 below.
Paladin familiars follow the following progression, depending on Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
their caliber (standard, greater or supreme). abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
Paladin Natural Paladin Natural
Int Special Int Special
Level Armor Adj. Level Armor Adj.
Empathic link, divine health, Empathic link, divine health,
1st-2nd +1 6 1st-2nd +8 9
detect evil, share saving throws detect evil, share saving throws
3rd-4th +2 7 Divine touch, share spells 3rd-4th +9 10 Divine touch, share spells
5th-6th +3 8 Speak with master Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +10 11
7th-8th +4 9 Speak with creatures of its kind familiar ability
Speak with creatures of its
9th-10th +5 10 - 7th-8th +11 12
11th-12th +6 11 Blood bond 9th-10th +12 13 Greater familiar ability
13 -14
th th
+7 12 Inspire ally Blood bond, supreme familiar
11th-12th +13 14
15 -16th th
+8 13 - ability
17th-18th +9 14 - Inspire ally, greater familiar
13th-14th +14 15
19th-20th +10 15 -
15th-16th +15 16 -
Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement
17th-18th +16 17 Greater familiar ability
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents the
preternatural toughness of the paladin’s familiar. 19th-20th +17 18 Supreme familiar ability
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though not to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents the
necessarily as smart as smart people. preternatural toughness of the paladin’s familiar.
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though not
necessarily as smart as smart people.
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar ability from the
Paladin Natural Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one supreme or greater familiar
Int Special
Level Armor Adj. ability from the Tables 8-4 or 8-5 below.
Empathic link, divine health, Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
1st-2nd +5 7
detect evil, share saving throws abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
3rd-4th +6 8 Divine touch, share spells
5th-6th +7 9
familiar ability Augury
7th-8th +8 10 Speak with creatures of its kind Blessed Companion
9 -10
th th
+9 11 - Enhance Attribute
Blood bond, greater familiar Commune with Nature
11th-12th +10 12
ability Daylight
13th-14th +11 13 Inspire ally Death Ward
15 -16th th
+12 14 - Defensive Roll
17 -18
th th
+13 15 Greater familiar ability Detect Thoughts
Giant badger - Giant eagle* Flight
Giant eagle Flight Giant owl* Flight
Giant wasp* Flight/Poison Griffin* Flight
Medium Paladins Notes Hippogriff* Flight
Special Mount * These creatures can be found in the 5th Edition monsters
Bear, brown* - tome.
Bear, polar* -
Caribou -
Dire bat* Flight
Once per day, as a full-round action, a paladin with the Summon
Hippogriff* Flight Mount advantage or the Oath of the Wild may magically call
Lion* - her mount from the celestial plane upon which it resides. The
Manta ray Aquatic characters only mount immediately appears adjacent to the paladin and remains
for 2 hours per paladin level; it may be dismissed at any time as
Saber-Toothed Tiger* -
a free action. The mount is the same creature each time it is
Tiger* - summoned, though the paladin may release a particular mount
Large Paladins Notes from service (if it has grown too old to continue her crusade,
Special Mount for instance). Each time the mount is called, it appears in full
Dinosaur - health, regardless of any damage it may have taken previously.
The mount also appears wearing any gear it had when it was last
Giraffe - dismissed (including barding, saddle, saddlebags, and the like).
Owl Calling a mount is a conjuration (calling) effect.
TABLE 8-8: SUPREME MOUNTS Should the paladin’s mount die, it immediately disappears,
Small Paladins Notes leaving behind any equipment it was carrying. The paladin may
Special Mount not summon another mount for thirty days or until she gains
Blink dog* Rider travels with blink/dimension door
a paladin level or adds either the Greater Special Mount or
Supreme Special Mount Special Ability (see the ‘New Abilities’
Dragon, very young* Flight section of Chapter 1 for details), even if the mount is somehow
Medium Paladins Notes returned from the dead. During this thirty-day period, the
Special Mount paladin takes a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Arrowhawk, adult* Flight
A paladin’s mount uses the base statistics for a creature of
Dire bear* - its type, but gains the abilities shown on the table below. A
Dire lion* - paladin’s mount is treated as a magical beast, regardless of the
Dire tiger* -
base creature’s original type, for the purposes of all effects that
depend on its type (though it retains the base creature’s HD,
Dragonne* Flight base attack bonus, saves, skill points, and feats.)
Dragon, very young* Flight
PALADIN LEVEL: The level of the paladin. If the mount suffers a
Giant eagle* Flight
level drain, treat it as the mount of a lower-level paladin.
Giant owl* Flight
BONUS HD: Extra Hit Dice; every three Extra Hit Dice improve
Griffin* Flight
the mount’s proficiency bonus by +1.
Hippogriff* Flight
Owlbear* - DIVINE AURA: The mount emanates a continuous divine aura
of faith which grants it a +2 bonus to armor class and +2 bonus
Rhinoceros* - to saves vs. evil, conjured, or summoned creatures.
Large Paladins Notes
Special Mount NATURAL ARMOR ADJ.: The number on the table is an
improvement to the mount’s existing natural armor class. It
Arrowhawk, elder* Flight
represents the preternatural toughness of a paladin’s mount.
Elephant* -
INT: The mount’s Intelligence score (if higher than the mount’s
Roc* -
natural Intelligence score).
Whale, Killer* Aquatic
Dragon, very young* Flight IMPROVED SPEED: The paladin’s mount moves 10 ft. faster than
the base speed of a normal creature of its type.
94 5 TH
EMPATHIC LINK: The paladin and her mount have an empathic available uses. The mount may use this ability once per two
link out to a distance of one mile. The paladin cannot see through levels of its master, after which it must complete a short or long
the mount’s eyes, but she can communicate empathically. Even rest before using it again. Each target may attempt a Wisdom
intelligent mounts see the world differently from humans, so save against the master’s spell save DC to negate the effect.
misunderstandings are always possible. This is a supernatural
ability. A standard mount can use its command ability against any
animal of its species or related species. (For a warhorse or war
Because of the empathic link between the mount and paladin, pony, for example, this includes donkeys, mules, and similar
the paladin has the same connection to an item or place that creatures.)
the mount does, just as a master and his familiar.
A greater mount can use its command ability against its own
SHARE SAVING THROWS: The mount uses its own base save or kind and any creature with the beast type.
its master’s, whichever is higher.
A supreme mount can use its command ability against any
MOUNT ABILITY: Select any one mount ability (see table). creature.
COMMAND: A mount has the ability to command other normal SPELL RESISTANCE: All mounts possess spell resistance,
animals of approximately the same kind as itself, as long as the granting advantage on all saving throws against magic.
target creature has fewer Hit Dice than the mount. This ability
functions like the command spell, but the mount must make a OTHER SPECIAL ABILITIES: The various tables below list several
successful DC 15 Wisdom check to succeed if it’s being ridden at other special abilities that paladin special mounts acquire as
the time (in combat, for instance). If the check fails, the ability they grow in power. For details on what these special abilities
does not work that time, but it still counts as one of the mount’s can do, see the ‘Special Ability’ section of Chapter 1.
TABLE 8-12: SPECIAL MOUNT ABILITIES see them done. Humans make the most unpredictable paladins
of all. It is whispered by some that they are also the most likely
Animal Trance
to fall from grace, and certainly, fallen paladin blackguards seem
Blessed Companion to lean toward humanity.
Blood Bond
Blur As humans are more likely to break the mold than any other
races, and have wildly differing views as well as likes and
Enhance Attribute
dislikes, humans have no overall preference when it comes to
familiars. Their views on mounts are much the same as they are
Commune with Nature on familiars – unpredictable. Because individual humans have
Control Light (brighten) such a wide range of preferences and ideals, no one mount is
Danger Sense favored over another, with the exception of the warhorse. Many
Darkvision humans do prefer the traditional warhorse (or gracken, in some
lands), though it is just as likely that a given human paladin will
be riding a very unorthodox mount into battle.
Death Ward
Detect Chaos DWARF
Detect Evil
Dwarven paladins tend to be few and far between. The race
Detect Magic does tend to lend itself to the same ideals upheld by paladins,
Distracting however, as both revere goodness and lawfulness. Dwarven
Encompassing Vision paladins are likely to be concerned more with their own people
Endurance than are many other paladins, as the dwarven people have a
Familiar’s Eye history of a long, slow decline and there are many dwarves who
would see their race thrive again. Dwarven paladins are often
Familiar’s Flame
protectors and defenders of the dwarven people, battling foul
Freedom of Movement creatures and defending the borders for their fellow dwarves.
Great Leap
Healing Touch Dwarven familiars are often those born of the earth, or that
Improved Initiative
live within it. These are the creatures with which dwarves have
the most contact, and dwarves tend to be distrustful of other
creatures. Beings with the ability to burrow or otherwise carve
Know Direction passages in the earth make for popular familiars.
Low-Light Vision
Nondetection Dwarves generally like a to have solid ground beneath their feet,
Recall so many dwarven paladins may choose to take up a familiar in
lieu of a mount (see ‘The Paladin’s Familiar’ section later in this
Speak with Animals of Its Kind
chapter). Those who do accept a mount prefer those that are just
Speak with Master as steadfast and determined as they are themselves, especially
Speech those able to traverse long distances over rocky terrain. The
Tongues mount must also be willing to venture into caves and other dark
Trackless Step places beneath the earth, as that is where dwarves feel most
Uncanny Dodge comfortable. No dwarf worthy of his name would be caught
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1. dead riding an airborne mount, unless perhaps his mission was
vitally important and there were no other way.
A member of just about any race can become a paladin, and
Elven paladins are rare, as their carefree nature does not lend
each has its own innate preferences for familiars and mounts.
itself to the strict code that a paladin must follow. Those elven
The following suggestions can serve as archetypal guidelines, but
paladins that exist, however, are some of the finest swordsmen
should not be considered binding rules – any paladin can select
and archers known to the civilized races. The elves’ disdain for
any mount (with their Castle Keeper’s approval, of course):
evil creatures is well known, and it should be no surprise that
a dedicated, enterprising few do don the mantle of the paladin
HUMANS and strike out into the world to drive their blades deep into the
Humans are the most apt of all the races to become paladins, heart of wickedness, often adopting the doctrine of the crusader
and are the most diverse of all the races. Humans are much (see the ‘Mounts by Doctrine’ section later in this chapter).
more likely to break the norms than are other races, more likely As elves are famous for their skill with the bow, many elven
to go their own way and do things the way they would like to paladins take this up as their favored weapon, becoming non-
traditional archer-knights. These warriors may fire arrows from Half-elves tend to have a love for the forest, just as their elven
the back of their mount with no penalty. forebears do, though, like humans, they vary widely in their
particular likes and dislikes.
Elves revere the woodlands, and this is where they draw most
of their familiars from. Elves prefer creatures with a natural, The joy of flying is as keen to a half-elf’s senses as it is to an elf’s.
aesthetic beauty, with beautiful shapes that please the elven eye However, due to their human ancestry, they are more likely
and beautiful songs that please the elven ear. Elves admire the to take an unorthodox mount with which to patrol the skies.
freedom and bliss of flight and have a special fondness for birds. Unusual flying creatures such as giant insects can be found
Forest dwelling creatures by far make up the majority of elven more among the ranks of half-elf paladins than any other.
familiars. Elves have also always enjoyed a special friendship
with the metallic dragon races. HALF-ORC
The same is true of an elf’s mount, and an elf’s love for freedom Only the most exceptional of half-orcs take up the title of
often leads her to aerial mounts, particularly griffons. Elven paladin. Half-orcs are distrusted, crude, and have a tendency
nations exist wherein dwell an elite cadre of airborne knights toward chaos, all qualities which match poorly with the paladin’s
(sometimes called “Wind Riders”) that inspire terror in their creed. But, nevertheless, there are those rare few who do become
enemies and courage in their allies. An elven paladin may be paladins, perhaps in some strange desire to vindicate and absolve
a (former) member of one of these companies. Many elven themselves of their savage ancestry. To this end, half-orc paladins
paladins also prefer the sleek elven warhorse. may feel as if they have to closely match the stereotype in order
to prove themselves, and their choices of mounts and familiars
GNOME reflect this. Other half-orc paladins, however, combine their
strength and their savage heritage with their drive to destroy evil,
Gnomish society places great value on the community and the and so take on more bestial mounts and familiars.
support that gnomes are taught to provide for one another.
Gnomish paladins often take this sentiment one step further, Those half-orcs who are trying to fit in with human society tend
showing the same watchful protectiveness over the world as a to take familiars that emphasize nobility. Other half-orcs want
whole as they do over their families and clans. Gnomish paladins familiars that are much like they are – tough, strong, grizzled,
are often much more playful and less austere than paladins and fear-inspiring. Half-orcs take pride in familiars that are just
of other races, which inspires mixed feelings in the general as potent in combat as they are themselves.
populace and often mild disdain from their fellow paladins of
other races. Gnomes are especially adept at combating kobolds, Many half-orc paladins take the traditional warhorse as a
goblinoids, and giants, and gnomish paladins may seek these mount, in order to emphasize their noble goals. Others throw
creatures out in particular. In this way, not only do they slay subtlety to the winds, adopting more esoteric and fearsome
evil creatures and protect the world at large, they also venerate creatures which are able to rend and destroy their foes.
their gnomish ancestry and their clans by destroying beings that
gnomes find particularly repulsive. HALFLING
The halfling who has the ability to temper impulsivity with
Gnomes love animals, and therefore almost always adopt
caution, and opportunism with empathy is rare indeed, and
familiars that are natural animals (as opposed to beasts, vermin,
thus halfling paladins are similarly uncommon. Halfling
etc.). Gnomes have a special affinity to burrowing mammals,
religion places great emphasis on protection, and, like dwarves
and these make for very appropriate familiars – especially as the
and gnomes, halfling paladins are often those who take this
gnome is able to magically speak with them. But gnomes adore
doctrine one step further. Such individuals may feel that their
all animals, and so anything from a badger to a barracuda may
less-enlightened fellow halflings are below them, or they may
be found serving a gnomish master.
tolerate their capricious nature with tolerant good humor.
The mounts of gnomish paladins tend to be animals as well,
As halflings mingle freely with all races, their choice of familiar
though a few earth-going, more unusual creatures are also
tends to be very open, much like those of humans and half-
popular. As gnomes are Small, they suffer penalties if riding
elves. Halflings may prefer small creatures that they can share
creatures larger than Medium-size, and so tend to shy away
a certain kinship with, or they may opt for larger creatures that
from the larger animals. Gnomes are particularly fond of ponies
could potentially conceal their own small forms. Halflings have
and riding dogs, though, again, just about any animal is possible.
no general preference for one familiar or another.
HALF-ELF As small humanoids, halflings receive penalties for riding
Next to humans, half-elves are the most likely candidates for creatures larger then Medium-size, so very few do. However,
paladinhood. They have the drive and dedication of humans and some halflings take it upon themselves to become expert riders,
the love of freedom and individuality of elves. This combination and as such, can be found atop almost anything. As with their
can lead some to the path of the paladin, attempting to stamp familiars, halflings generally have no set preference for one type
out evil so that all may live their lives in freedom. of mount over another.
A paladin’s Oath is her reason for doing what she does. The crusader takes the fight to the enemy. She is the one delving
This Oath guides her actions and determines her choice of into dark chasms, raiding vile temples, and crushing the forces of
companions, including familiars and mounts. The doctrines evil wherever they may be found. Often, she does not become a
given below represent archetypal paladin creeds that almost hero of any particular land, as she moves around too much for the
every paladin follows to some extent. people of any one kingdom to recognize her. The crusader is the
mythical warrior mentioned in ancient sagas, riding alone to the
You may look at your existing paladin and decide that she falls very stronghold of the enemy and casting down their vile idols.
into the “crusader” category, and pick a familiar to match. You Many adventurers fall into this category. The lone knight who
may decide to create a new paladin of the “celestial agent” variety, rides to do battle in far-off kingdoms, the proud warrior who leads
and steer her path toward that doctrine from her very inception. a small band to glory, and the armored figure who actively searches
Or, you may ignore the Oath-based suggestions entirely and out and crushes the evil creatures of the world are all crusaders.
choose familiars and mounts based entirely on race, on your own
preferences, or on your paladin’s individual likes and dislikes. The crusader takes familiars that serve as brothers-in-arms.
They must be strong enough to tackle the enemies the crusader
faces and tough enough to survive in the inhospitable locales
NEW PALADIN OATHS through which she must travel. Such familiars are outfitted with
Benomen tugged hard on the reins, wheeling his horse. The special abilities that further boost their combat and survival
animal snorted and reared, whinnying loudly. Benomen could potential. Alternately, if the crusader works alone, she may
not afford to indulge its sensitivities now. He swung it ferociously accept a familiar that serves some role that she cannot fill, such
around, felt its front hooves hit solid ground again, and watched as scouting or magical prowess. Such familiars would similarly
the approaching creature warily. be empowered by additional abilities that capitalize on their
already existing capacity. Crusaders skilled in mounted combat
The thing was a disgusting abomination, an affront to nature. often take a familiar that can double as a mount, in case their
It lumbered toward him on two spindly, insectoid legs, its huge special paladin mount is incapacitated or slain.
arms dragging across the ground. Compound eyes stared at
him, feelers flickered in the air, and huge, saw-like mandibles A crusader’s special mount is much the same. It too serves as
pulsated in the thing’s anticipation of a meal. Hard, chitinous a combatant against the forces of evil, crushing them beneath
plates covered its body, intermixed with glittering black scales. its hooves, rending them apart with its claws, or snapping them
Enormous black wings were folded at its back, and Benomen in its jaws. Most importantly, the mount must be steadfast and
was thankful that the tunnel was too narrow for this monstrosity strong, able to survive terrible blows and shrug off evil spells,
to make use of such things. A trickle of green-yellow fluid ran for nothing is worse to a charging paladin than having a mount
over one mandible and dripped, hissing, to the ground. Out of drop dead out from under her.
the corner of his eye, Benomen saw Growler, his huge grizzly
bear companion, moving around the creature to get behind it.
SEEK THE ENEMY: Crusaders never wait for trouble to find
Benomen felt his sword pulse in his hand. The warrior spirit them-they are always on the lookout for their next cause.
within the weapon was contacting him.
BRAVERY: A crusader never hesitates to act in favor of their
“Yes?” He asked impatiently. cause. They fear neither death nor failure.
“This is an umber hulk, I believe,” said the sword, speaking BE THE EXAMPLE: Crusaders lead from the front, never giving
in his mind. “I’ve fought them before, when I lived. Though, orders that they are unwilling to follow.
strangely, it looks to have been crossed with a black dragon.” NOBLE SACRIFICE: If the cause hangs in the balance, the crusader
“Can they be killed with mortal weapons?” will always be the first to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
DIFFICULT CHOICES: Individuals are never as important as the
“I believe so.” replied the sword.
cause, and the crusader knows she must make difficult choices,
That was all Benomen needed to hear. He put heels to his mount always putting the greater good first.
and charged forward. “For His Majesty and the Kingdom!” he
cried, his voice echoing off the walls, mixing with the sound of TABLE 8-13: OATH OF THE CRUSADER SPELLS
Growler’s enormous roar as the bear closed in from behind.
Paladin Level Spells
The Oaths listed below are intended to expand upon those 3 rd
Protection from evil and good, Thunderwave
options presented in the Fifth Edition Player’s Handbook. 5 th
Locate Object, Magic Weapon
The last of these oaths, the Oath of Celestial Agency, allows
9 th
Dispel Magic, Remove Curse
the Paladin to gain access to a special kind of familiar, a Spirit
Weapon that acts as a conduit between the paladin and her 13th Banishment, Hold Monster
special divine patron. 17th Geas, Legend Lore
Beginning at 20th level, whenever your allies spend Hit Dice to
LEND AID AND SUCCOR: Even more so than the Defender,
regain hit points during a short rest, you can use your healing
healers have a primary duty and goal to help those who are sick
aura to allow them to gain double the number rolled. Once you
or suffering from diseases, injury or any other kind of ailment.
use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
This drive informs every action they take.
OATH OF COMMAND of your Channel Divinity to issue a rousing speech, battle cry or
other inspiring words that grant Inspiration to one ally. If this
Perhaps no other class has the force of presence and affability
Inspiration is not used by the end of the current battle, it goes
that best characterizes paladins. A paladin is the sort of person
that other people like to follow. Others are drawn to the paladin
almost inexplicably, desiring to serve her and lend their aid in DEMORALIZE FOES: Your jibes, threats and posturing are the bane
the campaign against evil. The commander takes this to its of your foes, intimidating them into submission. As a reaction, you
highest level, gathering and leading armies, organizing sieges may use your Channel Divinity to call upon a foe to surrender or
and defenses, and bolstering confidence as she rides amongst the give in, or simply insult, harass or intimidate them. That foe has
troops. The peasant hero leading the massive revolt against the Disadvantage on their next attack roll or ability check.
corrupt government, the king’s general organizing tactics and
battle plans, and the adventurer conglomerating her forces for a AURA OF CONFIDENCE
mighty strike at the subterranean drow cities are all commanders.
Beginning at 7th level, all allies within 10feet of you are affected as
Commanders often choose small, swift, winged familiars to carry though you had cast the Aid spell using a 2nd level spell slot. This
messages across the battlefield. As much as she would like to, the increases their current hit points and hit point maximum by 5.
commander cannot be everywhere at once, supervising every
preparation and defense. Familiars are faster and more reliable At 18th level, you can choose to increase the range of this aura to
than runners, and can, like the commander herself, inspire 30ft, or to increase its power so that your allies within 10ft. see
courage and hope in those who see them. If the commander their current hit points and hit point maximum increased by 15.
serves a higher power, such as a baron or king, she may adopt
her lord’s symbolic creature as her familiar. BATTLEFIELD DOMINANCE
At 20th level, you are a figure of legendary renown on the
Commanders often adopt the traditional warhorse as their special
battlefield, whose mere presence causes enemies to quake in
mounts, because they lead their men into battle, and a warhorse
their boots and inspires allies to great heights of glory. For one
holds easy formation within a unit of cavalry. Commanders
minute, you gain the following benefits:
sometimes use their mounts in the same way they use their
familiars, and therefore take swift, aerial mounts with the ability to Whenever you cast a Paladin spell, you may make an
deliver messages and their own personage wherever it is needed. immediate weapon attack as a bonus action.
All of your foes within 10 feet have disadvantage on saving
TENETS OF COMMAND throws against your Paladin spells and abilities.
LEAD BY EXAMPLE: Effective commanders and leaders never You may call upon one of your Channel Divinity class features
remain in the rear, but are among their troops, inspiring their without expending a use of Channel Divinity.
subordinates with actions as well as words.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
NO JOB TOO SMALL: A leader will never ask a subordinate to finish a long rest.
complete a task that they would not themselves be seen doing.
NO MAN LEFT BEHIND: While a leader may order a strategic
Like the defender and the champion, the celestial agent serves
retreat, he will always the be last one to quit the field of battle,
another power – but this power is of the highest caliber, the
making sure his forces are away safely first.
paragon of goodness and righteousness, a power that has an
influence and vision that is so far-reaching that few mortals can
even hope to comprehend it. The celestial agent serves the very
Paladin Level Spells angels themselves – the celestials who dwell in their far-off planes
3 rd
Charm Person, Command and look upon mortals with a strange mixture of benevolence and
5 th
Suggestion, Warding Bond wrath. The celestial agent goes where they will her to go, does what
they will her to do. Even if she sometimes does not understand
9th Dispel Magic, Fear
why or what she does, she has faith that the celestials are pointing
13 th
Confusion, Spirit Guardians her in the right direction. She is the hand of the divine in places
17 th
Dominate Person, Geas they cannot or will not go; she brings their glory into the lightless
places of the world. In return, their glory is her own.
CHANNEL DIVINITY The celestial agent has the potential to become a very powerful
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two mortal – perhaps even more powerful than the celestials
Channel Divinity Options. themselves, though what exactly this means for her creed is
unknown. In return for her aid and loyalty, some of the lesser
COMBAT INSPIRATION: Your rallying cries can inspire your celestials serve her as familiars, providing a definite symbol that
fellows in combat. As a bonus action, you can call upon a use the forces of good are indeed behind her.
The same is also true of special mounts. The celestial agent SPIRIT FAMILIARS
has angelic allies, and these can serve her as mounts as well as
familiars. Evil creatures tremble when the celestial agent thunders No matter their individual variation, all paladins are part of a
among them, archons at her side, and a saintly beast beneath her. grand crusade, attempting to thwart tyranny and smash evil, no
The mount of a celestial agent is often a fearsome opponent in matter what guise it may don or where it may be hiding. Because
combat as well, supplementing its master’s own fighting prowess. there are many others who would like to see these lofty goals
realized, paladins generally have a lot of help in their travels.
TENETS OF CELESTIAL AGENCY This may be from vigilant townsfolk who want to start their own
THE WILL OF THE GODS: The first order for any celestial agent
militia, poor farmers who provide the paladin with food and a
is to abide by the letter of his patron’s divine will and tenets. place to stay for a night, other warriors and mages who actively
join her growing army, or mystical creatures that answer her
THE VOICE OF THE GODS: The celestial agent acts as the call and join her as eternal allies. In fact, the paladin can even
mouthpiece for his divine patron in the world of mortals. His garner help from those who have passed before.
every word and deed is informed by his understanding of his
deity. A special type of familiar available only to paladins is the spirit
familiar. These beings occupy no physical realm, dwelling on
THE ARM OF THE GODS: The celestial agent embodies the the astral or ethereal planes. They are the souls of those who
ideals for which his patron fights. He is willing to die-and kill- have gone before, the essence of the dead. A paladin with
for those noble morals, values and ideals. sufficient will and devotion can catch the attention of one of
these spirits and draw it to her. The spirit must be bound in a
TABLE 8-17: OATH OF CELESTIAL AGENCY SPELLS physical receptacle or it will be unable to linger. Therefore, the
Paladin paladin must have the appropriate object ready when the ritual
Level is complete. The spirit is then tied to the paladin, as surely as
3rd Protection from Evil and Good, Shield of Faith any familiar, and serves willingly and readily.
5th Aid, Spiritual Weapon Paladins are martial characters, and the spirits that come to them
9th Beacon of Hope, Revivify and the receptacles these spirits occupy reflect this. A spirit may be
13th Banishment, Divination tied to a weapon or a piece of armor, and grants special abilities to
the item so imbued. A particularly powerful paladin can even use
17 th
Commune, Dispel Evil and Good
her own body as the receptacle, and the spirit rushes into her very
veins, from which its power emanates out in an aura, affecting all
SPIRIT WEAPON close by. There are therefore three broad classes of spirit familiar –
Unlike other Oaths, the Divine Agent does not gain an aura weapon, armor/shield, and aura. A paladin can have any number
or additional Channel Divinity uses. Instead, they gain a of spirit familiars, though in the case of weapon and armor spirits,
Spirit Weapon, which grows in power as the paladin increases each must occupy a different piece of equipment.
in experience. This spirit weapon acts as a conduit between
the Divine Agent and their patron, allowing communication SUMMONING A SPIRIT
between the two. For more information, see the Spirit Familiar A paladin who desires a spirit familiar must take the Oath of
section, later in this chapter. Celestial Agency at third level. No other paladin may access
this form of familiar; familiars summoned by paladins who take
DIVINE FORM the Summon Familiar advantages in Chapter 1 gain normal
At 20th level, you take on the appearance of an angelic being. (though still magically-powered) familiars. It should be noted
You take one action to undergo a physical transformation into that Celestial Agents may also take the Summon Familiar or
a divine form. For one minute, you gain the following benefits: Summon Mount advantages to receive a special mount or
standard familiar in addition to their spirit familiar. This is an
You sprout wings whose appearance is determined by your exception to the rule forbidding characters from having more
Patron’s tenets. They might be feathered, leathery, made of steel than one familiar at a time.
plates, or any other appropriate look. You are affected as though
under the effects of the fly spell. SPIRIT FAMILIAR PROPERTIES
All enemies within 30ft must make an immediate Wisdom There are seven types of spirit familiars – standard, greater, and
saving throw (DC=your spell save DC) or flee in terror. Those supreme versions of the weapon and armor spirits, and the aura
who succeed in their save are Frightened for the duration of the spirit, which is always supreme. As the paladin gains in power,
transformation. so too does the spirit familiar. If the weapon or piece of armor
housing the spirit familiar is broken, the spirit is loosed and
All of your attacks deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage. This unwillingly drawn away from its master. This results in all the
damage stacks with that from spells, Divine Smite and other normal rules for the death of a familiar, including XP loss and
paladin abilities. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it time required before another familiar can be summoned (see
again until you finish a long rest. Chapter 1 for more details).
A character may have no more than one spirit weapon or spirit A fallen individual whose spirit is housed within a weapon can
armor familiar (that is one of each kind; a character can have both still be returned to life (for example, by means of raise dead or
a spirit weapon familiar and a spirit armor familiar). The spirit resurrection), though this draws the spirit out of the weapon
familiar (weapon or armor) may be upgraded by selecting either the and the warrior spirit involved may not wish to abandon its
Summon Greater Familiar or Summon Supreme Familiar Special newfound ally. The paladin suffers no penalty if this should
Ability (see the ‘New Abilities’ section of Chapter 1 for details) to transpire; the spirit within his weapon is simply replaced by
either a Greater or Supreme Spirit familiar of the appropriate kind. another agent of his deity or celestial patron.
When this is done, the familiar immediately begins using the new
table to define its abilities, though any specific powers it already has Weapon spirits can be summoned as standard, greater, or
cannot be changed (see the Spirit Weapon Power and Spirit Armor supreme familiars. As with other special familiars, the Paladin
Power sections below for more details). Lastly, note that because the may gain a standard spirit weapon as part of their Oath of
new Ability actually promotes the spirit familiar to the next level, Celestial Agency. Gaining a greater or supreme familiar requires
the character may now summon a new familiar of the level the spirit the appropriate Advantage as described in Chapter 1, though
familiar previously occupied (standard, greater or supreme). Celestial Agents are already assumed to have the base summon
Advantage for purposes of determining prerequisites. Any non-
SPIRITS AND MAGIC magical, masterwork melee weapon may be imbued with such a
spirit. A spirit weapon is an intelligent, magical weapon which
The spirit within a weapon or a piece of armor, or within the
may be gifted with extraordinary powers. The spirits within
paladin’s body, radiates necromantic magic at a caster level
these items are always lawful good, and usually, but not always,
equal to the paladin’s level. This can be detected by any means
have views that mesh with their paladin masters.
normally able to detect magical auras, such as the spell detect
magic. In addition, a successful targeted dispel magic or similar
spell against the spirit familiar suppresses all of its powers for GREATER AND SUPREME SPIRIT FAMILIARS
1d4 rounds, after which it recovers naturally. A paladin with the Oath of Celestial Agency may only have
one spirit familiar at a time. If he begins with a spirit weapon,
It is important to note that only non-magical, masterwork
then gains a suit of spirit armor as a greater familiar, the spirit
weapons and armor can be imbued with spirits. Magical items
can never contain spirit familiars, and items that contain leaves his weapon, and empowers his armor instead with greater
familiars can never be enchanted with permanent magical abilities. If he later gains an Aura Spirit, the same spirit is once
abilities (though they can benefit from temporary spells, such as again infused with supreme abilities and leaves his suit of armor,
magic weapon and holy sword). taking on its new role as a supreme familiar.
In the course of her travels, the spirit weapon or armor of a Class Level Cha
paladin may be lost, stolen, or similarly removed from her Evoke power 1, spirit weapon power,
power. The spirits within these items become dormant when 3rd 6
telepathic link, spirit light
not in their rightful master’s control, providing no bonuses or
5th 7 Warrior knowledge
abilities of any kind, though they still radiate magic as normal.
The paladin is unable to summon a new spirit until the item is 7 th
8 Evoke power 2, spirit weapon power
actually destroyed, after which she must wait for a year and a 9th 9 Spirit connection
day, as normal. If the spirit weapon or armor is returned to its 11th 10 Evoke power 3, spirit weapon power
rightful master’s hands, its power is instantly rekindled in full
force, no matter the length of intervening time. 13 th
11 Spirit Connection
15 th
12 Evoke power 4, spirit weapon power
13 -
If a paladin ever strays from her path and becomes an ex-paladin 19 th
14 Spirit weapon power
or oath breaker, she loses all her paladin abilities. In addition, 20 th
15 Evoke power 5
any spirit familiars beholden to her will no longer accept her,
Int/Wis/Cha: The spirit weapon’s Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores.
and become dormant, just as if they had been transferred to the
hands of another (see Spirits Lost and Found’ section above). If
the character atones for her sins and becomes a paladin again,
the spirit item similarly regains its powers. Master Int/ Wis/
Class Level Cha
Speed: The weapon grants an extra attack in addition to any attacks Evoke power 2, greater
7th 9 8
the paladin gains from bonus actions, class features or other abilities. spirit armor power
9th 10 9 Spirit connection
11th 11 10 Evoke power 3, spirit armor power
13 th
12 11 Spirit connection
The spirit familiars tied to armor and shields are those
of heroic protectors, who risked all to defend that which Evoke power 4, greater
15th 13 12
spirit armor power
they loved. The spirit may even be the soul of one of the
companion’s own departed comrades. See the description 17th 14 13 Weightless
on spirit weapons, above, should a cleric attempt to return Evoke power 5, spirit armor
the spirit to its body. 19th 15 14
he days had slipped away from Ordrin. The mystical energy that draws a familiar to the ranger. Both ranger
sense of time had been lost to him. Every morning and familiar are tied in some way to the land; the earth is their
when he rose, the forest looked down on him. In common ground. When it comes time to summon a familiar, the
each dewdrop jewel – in the fingerprinted veins terrain type of the ranger’s personal stomping ground takes on
embossed on every leaf – he saw the endless particular relevance.
cycles of existence, stretching back across the
countless eons to when the gods had first exhaled and told the All rangers favor one type of wilderness over all others. The first
dawn to come. step in summoning a familiar is to settle upon the ranger’s primary
In such a timeless state, Ordrin stood up from his bower of grass terrain, the one category of wild lands that the ranger most often
and stretched, breathing deeply of the forest’s spice. Though he roams. To some rangers this will be an easy task, as they’ve spent
was the King’s man, patrolling this timber for the safety of the most of their careers serving as trailblazers in a certain uncharted
woodcutters, he knew in his heart that he was free. King or no forest, or perhaps the campaign is set in a cold northern
King, laws or no laws, Ordrin came and went as he pleased, wasteland, so that an arctic terrain type is the only logical choice.
following the turn of the brook as it tumbled through the trees Other rangers will find the selection process more difficult, as
and chasing after hares with sometimes reckless caprice. their careers have taken them around the globe, and they’re
just as comfortable in the marshy fens as they are in the baking
But this morning…what was that desire? That thought which desert. The Castle Keeper and player together should settle on
lurked in the back of his mind? a terrain type, based upon the character’s history and personal
He’d been feeling it for days now, this quiet impetus in his soul. tastes. The type of terrain chosen directly affects the kind of
But now it leapt to his lips and found voice: familiar the ranger can summon. The individual terrain types will
be discussed later in this chapter, and they are as follows: arctic,
“I am alone.”
aquatic, desert, forest, hill, jungle, mountain, plains, and swamp.
And his heart was filled with longing…
The second area to consider is simply why the ranger seeks a
RANGER FAMILIARS familiar in the first place. Other character classes have their own
reasons for wanting a familiar, usually to provide reinforcements
Few character classes have such an affinity with animals as does
in battle, to boost their magical resources, or to act as a forward
the ranger. Indeed, many rangers spend more time with animal
observer or guide.
compatriots than they do among humans and elves. Something
in the animal spirit calls out to the ranger, as if the two souls Rangers, on the other hand, see the familiar as a kindred
had known each other in another lifetime and are now fulfilling spirit. Stories abound of rangers and their familiars forging so
some pact that neither of them entirely remembers. Rangers are inextricable a bond that the death of one eventually spells doom
drawn to the wilderness for many reasons. But all of them at for the other. They are conjoined at the spiritual level. Certain
times yearn for solitude, and this is the foremost reason for their rangers seek out a familiar as a means to complete themselves.
itinerant behavior. Whether they prowl the jungle paths or scour Though this may seem a highly esoteric and inexplicable motive
the desert sands, rangers have in common two things: a respect to others, these rangers are in tune with their spiritual side and
for the wilderness and an undefined link with its inhabitants. believe that a familiar will permit them fully to express themselves
as individuals. Still, there are other rangers who desire a familiar
Rangers go about the business of summoning a familiar with
simply to give them an edge in combat, or to use as a secret
particular care. To the ranger, the familiar is more than simply an
weapon to use against their enemies.
ally. The familiar is a trusted friend, no less an important part of
the ranger’s life than his or her adventuring companions. Indeed, The ranger’s familiar is always an animal. While other character
at times, the familiar is the ranger’s best friend, accompanying classes have familiars such as shadows or beings from another
him even during those times when he strikes off to find solitude plane of existence, the ranger’s link with nature ensures that
in the wilderness he holds so dear. Almost all rangers are at all of his familiars are drawn from normal animals such as
least a little bit feral. Sometimes only the thinnest of civilized mammals and reptiles. Furthermore, the animal itself is always
veneers covers their untamed spirits. Rangers feel a deep and a reflection of the ranger’s primary terrain, the embodiment of
abiding connection with the animal kingdom, very aware that that environment’s danger, wonder, and beauty.
humans and demihumans are animals themselves. Because of
this knowledge and the wisdom that comes with it, rangers form
incredibly intimate and complex relationships with their familiars. SUMMONING RITUAL
The familiar is really an extension of the ranger’s soul. Ordrin sat on the thick matting of leaves, the limbs of the special
white oaks forming a comforting bower around him. He felt safe
One important fact to keep in mind is that a ranger’s connection here. He felt nestled. After hours of introspection, he finally felt
with his familiar is through the land itself. Nature is the bridge prepared to send his mind away in search of that other part of
over which the familiar crosses en route to entering the ranger’s him, the part he sensed but couldn’t name.
His thoughts swirled within the Hallowed Grove. His prayer SACRED SITES
went up. The nature goddess took hold of his prayer and guided
Ordrin sat on the ground before the campfire, watching the faces
it, the Grove the channel for Her will, the focus for Her energy.
of the others through the flames.
After awhile, a sound resounded through the forest, a sound
that only a certain tiny spirit could hear. “In my sands,” spoke a woman in a flowing white robe, “we
know only the sun and what it does to the mind and body. We
Miles away, a certain raccoon lifted his head from the clump of live crudely, but still we thrive. Our oases see to that.”
moss he’d been investigating. In the darkness, his mask nearly
“And in the mountains,” said a man who looked more like a
hid all of his furry face. Only his eyes were to be seen, flashing
bear than the human he was, “we have caves so deep and black
and inquisitive and undeniably intelligent. The raccoon listened
that you feel like you’re in the heart of the world.”
to that song, oh how it listened, and inside it felt a stirring like
it had never known. “No,” whispered a black-skinned warrior in a loin cloth. “The
world’s heart is the jungle, my friends. The jungle, with its
Leaving the moss behind, the raccoon set off into the night, in endless trees, its predators, and its hidden jewels. There is no
search of its destiny. place like it anywhere else in the world.”
After the player has decided on his character’s primary terrain, “Ahh, but the ocean is where all life begins,” countered another.
the ranger must locate an appropriate area and construct a “Then you should favor the swamps, like me,” said an elf with
Sacred Site, as described below. Once this has been done, the matted black hair. “For the swamp is much like the jungle and
actual ceremony may be performed. The gold pieces required by much like the sea. It is both, and so it is greatest.”
the ritual are spent on consecration supplies (incense, powders,
A burly shepherd scoffed. “If that’s the measure of greatness,
and other material components). The Castle Keeper and player
then the hills are the true cornucopia. In my hills we have
should name these components specifically. By tailoring the
streams and we have trees. We have caves and we have patches
exact supplies required to the ranger, the chosen terrain, and
of sand like any desert-”
the campaign, a greater sense of purpose and meaning can be
given. For example, one ranger’s supplies might consist of a “But do you have freedom?” challenged a man wearing
medicine bundle containing sacred gourds, animal teeth, and buckskins. “Can you see from one horizon to the next? Can you
tobacco, while another’s might appear in the form of silver run and run across the openness, unhindered by either mountain
divining sticks or powdered quartz. or man? That is how it is in my homeland. ”
Ordrin surprised them all by laughing. They all turned and looked
At the Castle Keeper’s discretion, the ranger may also need
at him, their faces grave in the shadows thrown by the fire.
to seek out an instructor, wise man, or shaman to teach them
the summoning ritual required. (Otherwise, the ranger can “And I suppose you believe the forests are greatest of all?” said
intuitively discover the means of reaching out to his familiar.) the mountain man.
Finding an instructor usually takes 2d6 days, or half that time “The only thing I believe,” Ordrin said judiciously, “is that this
if the ranger is searching in his primary terrain. Most instructors is one argument that I’ll happily avoid.” With that, he lay down
ask for something in return, perhaps the completion of a minor on his bedroll. When he stared up at the sky, he was glad to see
quest or a small amount of gold (usually no more than 20 gp). the heavens were obscured by his blessed trees…
The instructor usually imparts to the ranger additional wisdom
concerning wildlife in general and familiars in particular. Locating The Sacred Site is at the heart of the ranger’s journey for a
and learning from an instructor can even be an adventure unto familiar. As the centerpiece of the summoning process, the
itself (depending upon the whims of the Castle Keeper). Sacred Site is more than a just a place where a familiar is called;
it is a haven for the ranger, a place where he can find succor
Once the ritual has been performed, the familiar arrives to do when all other places fail him. Sacred Sites are private niches
the ranger’s bidding. carved from the wilderness, where a ranger goes to seek solitude
and contemplation. Even after the familiar has arrived, the Site
AVAILABLE FAMILIARS may be used throughout the ranger’s career whenever he needs a
place where he can feel safe and close to the elements of nature.
As one of two classes that are intricately and innately tied to the
natural world, the list of standard, greater and supreme familiars Examples of Sacred Sites abound in history and myth.
available to rangers is the same as the lists for druids. See the Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain in England is a perfect
lists for Familiars by Terrain in Chapter 5: druids, for suggestions example, as is the Cave of Merlin from Arthurian legend. The
of appropriate ranger familiars. However, CKs may want to keep ranger must make one of these, and then he must consecrate it.
in mind that due to their innate connection to nature, both He must, in other words, build a place of legend.
druids and rangers should have a broad and complete range
of choices when it comes to their familiar. In the end, so long Each type of primary terrain has its own brand of Sacred Site,
as the power level is appropriate to the standard, greater or nine of them in all. These should be considered as defaults, only.
supreme respectively, the CK should allow the ranger or druid If the Castle Keeper or player has an idea for a different type of
PC to run with it! Sacred Site, there’s no reason it can’t be used instead.
Terrain Sacred Site Fortunately for adventurers who set out across the frozen
Aquatic Hidden Inlet badlands, there are resident rangers to lend a helping hand
Arctic Icy Enclave when the cold threatens to put a permanent end to an ill-
fated expedition. Arctic rangers must deal with a host of
Desert Blessed Oasis
difficulties that would be completely alien to rangers from
Forest Hallowed Grove latitudes father from the poles, including protracted periods of
Jungle Entwined Hut light and darkness, moving ice floes, snowburn, frostbite, and
Mountain Sheltered Cairn oxygen deprivation. Considering these problems, the thought of
Plain Standing Stones building a Sacred Site often dissuades many from even trying.
Swamp Lasting Hummock Unlike other environments, that of the arctic world is almost
always aggressive. Even on those days when the wind doesn’t
Underground Furtive Cave
blow and the ice doesn’t fall away beneath the feet, the extremely
low temperatures can kill a living creature within hours. Every
AQUATIC RANGERS: HIDDEN INLET day is a new test of survival. Any Sacred Site erected within
One of the rarest types of ranger is the one whose spirit is joined these polar regions must be able to withstand the punishment of
to the water. Some aquatic rangers favor the rivers, while others nature in its most perilous and unpredictable state.
are at home on ponds and lakes, and still others enjoy the open
salt water of the world’s oceans. There are thus three “subtypes” While materials for construction aren’t as rare as they are in
of aquatic rangers- river, lake, and sea. Each type deals with the barren desert, the arctic offers little in way of supplies other
an entirely different array of creatures and dangers. But they than ice and rock-hard plants. Perhaps hardy pine trees might
have in common their love of water, which they see as the grow within walking distance, and there is usually a surplus of
fountainhead of all life. Water is necessary if life is to thrive. whalebone and walrus hide. So there are materials to be found,
Aquatic rangers seek to keep the waters of the world clean from as long as the ranger succeeds in a Survival check (Challenge
man’s pollution and free of monstrous invasion. Level 8). A successful check indicates that the ranger has located
sufficient building goods, or at the very least has correctly cut
River rangers often travel on kayaks and small rafts. Lake rangers out and chiseled an appropriate number of ice blocks to serve
use barges. Sea rangers are often found aboard galleons, acting as as bricks for a snow dome or igloo. Many rangers choose to
navigators for extended ocean voyages. The rivers, lakes, and seas fashion their Icy Enclaves from the ribs of mastodon, covered in
all present their own slate of inhabitants and weather conditions. hairy pelts or tanned leather-sometimes from even more exotic
River rangers might be experts on the biology of the salmon, but creatures, such as remorhazes or white dragons. Whatever type
they likely know nothing about the eating habits of sharks. Lake of enclave the ranger ultimately erects, it must be an area that
rangers can make poultices from freshwater algae, but unlike the is obviously distinct from the land around it. In other words,
sea ranger, they probably don’t know how to desalinate water to because the Icy Enclave represents a focal point for magic, there
render it potable. By selecting one of these three subtypes, a player must exist something that makes it stand out from the mundane
further defines his ranger character. Is the ranger a bargeman? world around it. This “fence” could be many things, such as a
The pilot of an ocean-faring ship? Or perhaps a river guide skilled ring of polished rocks, a circle of dried walrus blood, or a line of
in scooting over the white rapids in a narrow canoe? polished bones.
In order to summon a familiar, the aquatic ranger, regardless Once the Icy Enclave has been constructed, whether it appears
of subtype, must designate a narrow stretch of shoreline as as a yurt of hides or an igloo, the ranger must actually perform
his Hidden Inlet. Hidden Inlets are as varied as the subtypes the rituals involved with the Summon Familiar advantage (see
themselves. A lake ranger might locate a half-submerged the ‘New Abilities’ section of Chapter 1 for details). This usually
limestone cave. A sea ranger might claim a small, secluded takes the form of a meditation specific to the ranger’s personal
lagoon. The river ranger’s Hidden Inlet might be a muddy philosophy. The ritual takes one full day, during which time
bank where the crawdads are particularly numerous. As with the ranger cannot be interrupted, otherwise he must buy more
all Sacred Sites, the Hidden Inlet must somehow be physically supplies and spend another 24 hours conducting the ritual.
distinct from the area around it. A lagoon might be marked by a
tree line at the edge of the sand, or a river based ranger could use DESERT RANGERS: BLESSED OASIS
speak with animals to encourage beavers to build dams around
If it weren’t for the presence of rangers in the world’s barren
his chosen bank. To find and delineate a proper area, the ranger
places, the occasional traveler to those regions would likely find
must succeed in a Survival check (Challenge Level 8). It usually
himself overrun with monstrous terrors and beaten down by the
takes only 1d3+1 days to accomplish this. Most of that time
very environment he sought to cross. Rangers do what they can
is spent in the actual searching for a suitable location. Once
to patrol the desert places, keeping the monster population in
found, there is little the ranger must do, other than engage in a
check and ensuring that explorers are able to find an infrequent
time of intense meditation, chanting, and prayer that takes one
water source, a protective bit of shade, or at the very least, a
full uninterrupted day.
shallow cave in which to rest their heads. Few areas are more FOREST RANGER: HALLOWED GROVE
inhospitable than the desert. The rangers who call the desert
Forests are full of secret places. Few terrain types offer as many
their home are devoted students of self-preservation. More than
strange and unexpected venues as the rambling timberlands,
any other breed of outdoorsman, the desert ranger is a master
regardless of whether they are snow-laden alpine forests
of survival. Where others see only an unending sea of sand, the
or sun-bathed deciduous realms-or anything in between.
ranger sees his home, and his techniques for overcoming the
The forests in most fantasy worlds are ancient. They are
harshness of the desert’s nature are legendary.
nations unto themselves and their inhabitants live by codes
Even so, finding a familiar in such extreme conditions can be inscrutable to those from beyond the tree line. Forests offer
difficult at best. The ranger who wishes to summon a familiar succor to outlaws and freedom for those who seek to escape
in the trackless desert wastes must often go to extremes, as the the confines of the city. Wizards build towers here, dragons
very landscape makes it quite difficult to construct even the slumber here, and humanoid armies lurk here, massing for
most rudimentary of Sacred Sites. While the forest ranger enjoys the day when they can invade a neighboring province. In
unlimited timber and the mountain ranger an infinite supply of other words, every type of adventure can be found here.
stone, the desert ranger has no medium for construction other Entire elven states sprawl in the oldest of forests, and the
than sand or barren earth. Establishing a Sacred Site in the rangers who patrol such leafy domains must be masters of
midst of such an arid, featureless region would normally require many languages and innumerable skills.
materials to be moved over vast distances under rigorous climatic
Seeing the diversity inherent in such a locale, it comes as
conditions. And even after the hallowed area was built, it would
no surprise that forest rangers have a variety of options for
only be a matter of time before the savage winds and the oceanic
establishing a Sacred Site. The most common type of Sacred
sand overwhelmed it, leaving behind no trace that it had ever
Site found in a forest is that of a Hallowed Grove, a sanctified
existed. All Sacred Sites in the desert, then, stand the best chance
area usually bordered by natural landmarks such as a certain
of lasting if they are living, growing oases, complete with sturdy
kind of flower or tree, or even a winding stream or shallow
trees, adaptable vegetation, and a permanent water supply.
valley in the crook of a hill. Whatever form it takes, the grove
Creating an oasis out of a desert dune, however, is a nearly must have some kind of physical boundary. For example,
impossible task. The most fundamental aspect of an oasis is the the grove might be encircled by mulberry trees or a series
water source. Wells or pools that tap a substantial aquifer are the of exposed limestone ridges. There must be some area of
best, as there will be no danger of the water going dry within demarcation that “separates” the grove from the forest that
the next few years. In order for the foliage to flourish and the surrounds it. Even something as simple as a clearing in the
oasis to hold back the consuming sand, the water’s fountainhead forest is sufficient to signify where the mundane forest ends
must flow continuously, if not powerfully. In order to find such and the sanctified area begins.
an aquifer or other subterranean source, the ranger must make a
One popular type of Hallowed Grove is formed by toadstool
Survival check (DC 20) and spend 1d4 days scouring the desert,
or mushroom rings. Rangers who are proficient gardeners
drilling holes, dowsing, and praying for guidance. Failing the check
often cultivate such areas, or make pacts with local elves or
means that no suitable supply can be found in that particular area,
fey creatures to work the soil and form just such circles. When
and the ranger must move at least 20 miles away and try again.
the area is complete, the ranger must take up a position in
The CK can modify the DC according to the particulars of his or
the center of the Grove and perform the Summon Familiar
her campaign world; if the ranger is searching an area notoriously
advantage (see the ‘New Abilities’ section of Chapter 1 for
parched, then the DC should of course be higher.
details), spending 24 hours in contemplation, sending out his
Once an appropriate location is discovered, the ranger must dig thoughts to whatever animal is intended by fate to find him.
a well. Magic helps greatly in this effort, but it is actually after As always, the ranger’s concentration should not be broken at
the well has been completed that the most demanding work this time, lest he finds himself spending more money and more
begins. The ranger must use every bit of his herbalist skill to time performing the ritual over again.
plant bushes, shrubs, trees, weeds, mosses, flowers, and fruit-
bearing plants, waiting at least one season to see if the roots JUNGLE RANGER: ENTWINED HUT
take hold. Such effort requires a skill check, usually relying on Thick and sometimes impenetrable, the jungle represents
Survival checks or similar talents. Once again, much depends one of the most demanding geographies in the world. The
on chance and nature, and the process is slow-going, unless of trees and foliage can be so dense as to prevent all passage.
course the ranger has access to certain spells to help accelerate The rains can come in torrents, erasing landmarks. Often
the process. If the ranger nurtures the area for an entire season the sky cannot be seen for the branches. The jungle is like
(at least three months) and makes his attribute check, then the a vast green cave, but it is also like a sea, so solidly packed
oasis is considered viable, spanning an area between 20 and 100 with trees, bushes, and vines that moving through it can be
feet in diameter and fully capable of supporting limited animal almost like swimming.
life. At this time the ranger may consecrate the area as a Blessed
Oasis and perform the Summon Familiar Ability (see the ‘New Jungles are also very dangerous. While in the open plains
Abilities’ section of Chapter 1 for details). one can usually see danger well before it arrives, the predator
in the jungles approaches without warning, lurking in the immutable thing in his life, to which he can retreat whenever
high boughs or slithering on the ground, unnoticed until he needs to realign his bearings and take inventory of his soul.
it strikes. Jungles encompass every type of wilderness peril More directly, the Sheltered Cairn is the holy zone where he
imaginable, including quicksand, poisonous flora, monsters, summons his familiar.
pitfalls, flash floods, disease, and more. Jungle rangers
must constantly be on their guard. But more than that, The Sheltered Cairn usually appears as an altar made of
they must also come to terms with the trees themselves, stones. The stones range in size from sling stones to small
because finding one’s way in a maze so thick and infinite is boulders. They are stacked atop one another with utmost
sometimes all but impossible. Jungle rangers serve as guides care, placed together in such a way that their weight holds
where no guide has any business being. They learn how to them secure. They must be set up in an area relatively
brew antidotes for insect toxins, how to spot a deadfall, and protected from the wind and free of the occasional earth
most importantly, how to determine north when doing so is tremor. To locate a suitable spot, the ranger must make a
tantamount to survival. In a world where the sky often can’t successful Survival check (DC 20). This enables him to find
be seen, the careful art of navigation is essential. a nook between peaks with a fairly level surface. He then
spends 1d4+1 days locating the proper stones and bearing
In all of the chaos of the jungle, it is imperative that the ranger them to his chosen spot. Anyone with the proficiency in
has a safe spot, somewhere he can rest without threat of being stonemason’s tools can cut this time in half. Because the
eaten by one of the ubiquitous jungle carnivores. To this end, rocks are often heavy and the work grueling, many rangers
the ranger often constructs a structure known as an Entwined use sleds and carts to help bear the load. But as with all
Hut. Built of vines, broad leaves, and bamboo staves, the Sacred Sites, the ranger must do the work alone. The Cairn
Entwined Hut is a small enclosed space with a roof and walls. usually stands at least four feet tall, forming a type of altar,
Often built on stilts or in high tree branches, the Entwined but it can take on any shape the ranger desires. However, the
Hut serves as both a lookout point and a hideaway. Rope place where the Cairn is erected must be physically distinct
ladders can also be pulled up, the small door sealed, so that the in some way from the region around it. Perhaps the ranger
Entwined Hut becomes a small fortress against animal attacks marks the ground with small colored rocks, or chisels out a
as well as a shelter against the rain. A properly built Entwined circular groove in the ground around the Cairn. Regardless,
Hut is deftly camouflaged with the ranger’s Conceal ability. there must be a definite line that separates the mundane
Building an Entwined Hut takes 1d6 days and a successful peaks around it from the sanctity of the Sheltered Cairn.
Survival check (DC 20).
Once the stones are set up, the ranger prays over them and puts
After the Entwined Hut has been erected, the ranger may use the Summon Familiar advantage into practice (see the ‘New
the Summon Familiar advantage (see the ‘New Abilities’ section Abilities’ section of Chapter 1 for details), spending one full day
of Chapter 1 for details) to call upon his animal aide-de-camp, seeking inspiration, offering up thanks to the gods of nature,
spending the requisite one day in meditation. and seeking with his mind the animal that will soon come to be
his friend.
Rangers of the high altitudes occupy a unique niche in the PLAIN RANGERS: STANDING STONES
ongoing effort to keep humans and other friendly sentients safe The most common Sacred Site for rangers of the sweeping
from those creatures that might beleaguer them. Mountain grasslands is the rings of tall megaliths known as stone
ranges are notoriously difficult landscapes to traverse. Not only circles. Each stone circle consists of four or more mighty
is it a challenge simply to cross from one point to another, with standing stones, huge obelisks or columns arranged in a
gravity a constant enemy, there are also all manner of monsters roughly circular shape. The columns range from two to ten
laired deep in granite vaults. Mountain rangers must be many feet tall and weigh anywhere from a few hundred to several
things – climbers, trackers, spelunkers, survivalists, geologists, thousand pounds apiece. Often two standing stones will
and skilled warriors. They practice combat while hanging from support a third slab called a dolmen; this stone acts as a lintel
ropes and balanced on narrow ledges. They condition their and forms a rectangular opening or gateway. Many stone
bodies to function fully in places where the oxygen is thin. circles are quite large, being up to a hundred feet in diameter,
They are also natural meteorologists, always on the lookout with many concentric rings of columns.
for the next storm that might slash the mountainside and force
them to seek sudden shelter. The mountain ranger inhabits The rings are not placed at random. Rangers and druids
a vertical world ripe with dangers, from freak avalanches to construct standing stones with great care, positioning them to
stone giants, from yawning crevices to the dwelling places of correspond with certain locations of heavenly bodies in order to
slumbering dragons. chart the passing of the seasons, the motion of the stars, and the
specifics of such holy days as solstices and equinoxes. Megaliths
Needless to say, it’s often difficult to make anything of are arranged according to exact mathematical calculations so
permanence in such conditions. The Sheltered Cairn represents as to work together like a combination sundial and sextant. For
the ranger’s sense of peace in an ever-changing world, the one those knowledgeable in astronomy, the stone circles can be used
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s Resist Energy
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though not Spell Resistance, Greater
necessarily as smart as smart people.
Uncanny Dodge, Improved
Favored Enemy: A ranger’s familiar shares the favored enemies of
the ranger and gains the same benefits against those enemies. Wholeness of Body
Track: All ranger familiars gain the ability to track (as per the feat), Woodland Stride
regardless of their previous ability to track (if any).
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar ability from
Table 9-5 below.
Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one supreme or greater familiar
ability from Tables 9-5 or 9-6 below. Antimagic Field
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special Blasphemous Call
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
Companion’s Veil
Damage Reduction
Divine Health
Animal Trance
Familiar Growth
Antiplant Shell
Familiar Rage, Greater
Blessed Companion
Find the Path
Holy Call
Enhance Attribute
Natural Armor, Supreme
Commune with Nature
Spell Resistance, Supreme
Supreme Leap
Courageous Roar
For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
Deafening Call
Defensive Roll
Encompassing Vision
Some rangers become masters of beasts of burden, even learning
Endure Elements to ride unusual creatures that would stun, shock, and awe
others. These men and women can be seen riding regular horses
Familiar Rage
with a preternatural connection to their steed, or can even be
Freedom of Movement seen astride such creatures as griffons, chimeras and dragons!
Guided Strike This Archetype functions in all ways identically to the Barbarian
Great Leap Horseman Path, and is available to Rangers as an Archetype.
See Chapter 2 for details.
wish I could see beyond those walls!”
That simple statement had been occupying Tarik’s mind Once the totem has been completed, appropriate runes and sigils
for much of the evening. Hidden in shadow, the young thief must be carved or marked upon it. This requires 2d4 hours and
had been casing the orc stronghold for hours. Using all his an additional intelligence check (DC 15) for a standard familiar,
young skills, Tarik had followed a band of orcs through the DC 20 for a greater familiar, or DC 25 for a supreme familiar) and
Darkhold since sundown. The orcs were loud and careless, completes the ritual required by the Summon Familiar Special
confident in their safety from any law in the area. They had Ability (see the ‘New Abilities’ section of Chapter 1 for details).
pillaged yet another caravan traveling along the Old Post Road The required runes and sigils vary from one creature to the next
that afternoon, and their celebration had been loud enough to and are the essential mystery of the Quicksilver Rites.
cover any misstep of Tarik’s as he had moved swiftly through the
Once the runes and sigils have been completed, specially
forest, stalking them like a cat.
prepared quicksilver must be poured upon them. (In addition to
After about a half a day’s travel they had reached a small clearing, the costs of the totem itself, the quicksilver and the alchemical
in which stood a small fortress with tall walls of oak. That was components used in its preparation represents the cost of
where he was now. The clearing was well lit, preventing him the ritual for the rogue.) If the ritual has been completed
from sneaking up to the wall unnoticed, and was deep enough successfully, the quicksilver instantly hardens – taking the form
to prevent him from seeing over the walls from even the highest of the totemic symbols and sealing the bond between rogue and
of the nearby trees. How many orcs were about? Were there any familiar. Within 1d4 hours, the rogue’s familiar arrives.
prisoners held here? Was the orc chieftain even here?
Destruction or loss of the totem breaks the bond between the
“If only I had the wings of a bird! I would fly over those walls
rogue and her new familiar. If this happens, the rogue suffers all
and then I would know what to do!” he whispered to himself. He
the normal penalties associated with the destruction or death of
pursed his lips. “I think I need help…”
a familiar (see Chapter 1 for details).
From the dawn of their profession, rogues have emulated creatures Baboon*
both natural and supernatural in the pursuit of their craft – the
term cat burglar was not coined by chance, after all, and scouts
without the eyes of an eagle are seldom worth their pay. It is Cat*
little wonder, then, that many rogues have turned to using the Chameleon**
creatures themselves in plying their trade. Imagine the benefits Dog (Use stats for Mastiff)*
of spying out a fortified tower’s defenses from the sky through the Fox
eyes of a hawk, or using a monkey to create the perfect diversion Hawk*
on a busy street corner. By combining the natural strengths of
familiars and their own cunning minds, a rogue can rise to any
occasion and bring her art and skill to an entirely new level. Hummingbird
Roguish familiars are unique in their use, though not necessarily Lizard, venomous**
their type. A fighter may have a snake as a familiar, but only
Mongoose (Use stats for weasel)*
the rogue’s snake slithers into the royal court and listens to the
traitorous words of the northern dukes. Monkey
TABLE 10-5: GREATER ROGUE FAMILIAR Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents the
Master Natural preternatural toughness of the rogue’s familiar.
Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
Empathic link, Listen, Hide, natural Intelligence).
1st-2nd +1 7
Move Silent
Sneak Attack: A rogue’s familiar can sneak attack as per its master,
Standard familiar Ability, gaining the same bonus dice to a successful sneak as its master would
3 -4
rd th
+2 8
Back Attack for her level.
Speak with master, greater Standard Familiar Ability: Select one standard familiar ability from
5th-6th +3 9
familiar ability Table 10-7 below.
Speak with animals of its kind, Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater or standard familiar
7th-8th +4 10
Sneak Attack ability from Tables 10-7 or 10-8 below.
9th-10th +5 11 Greater familiar ability Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one supreme, greater, or standard
11 -12th th
+6 12 familiar ability from Tables 10-7, 10-8, or 10-9 below.
13th-14th +7 13 Standard familiar ability Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
15 -16th th
+8 14 -
17 -18
th th
+9 15 Greater familiar ability
19th-20th +10 16 - Blur
Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement Chameleon
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents the
preternatural toughness of the rogue’s familiar. Control Light
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s Control Shadow
natural Intelligence). Darkvision
Sneak Attack: A rogue’s familiar can sneak attack as per its master, Detect Poison
gaining the same bonus dice to a successful sneak as its master would
for her level. Detect Secret Doors
Standard Familiar Ability: Select one standard familiar ability from Distracting
Table 10-7 below. Familiar’s Eye
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater or standard familiar Familiar’s Flame
ability from Tables 10-7 or 10-8 below.
Fast Movement
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. Feats*
Master Natural
Int Special Low-Light Vision
Class Level Armor Adj.
Empathic link, Listen, Hide,
1st-2nd +1 9
Move Silent Trackless Step
3rd-4th +2 10 Standard Familiar Ability For more information on these special abilities, see Chapter 1.
Speak with master, Greater *The rogue can also select, with the CK’s permission and as deemed
5th-6th +3 11
Familiar Ability appropriate for a rogue or the familiar in question, any Feat as a
special ability for her familiar.
INITIATIVE: The shadow familiar always acts in concert with its master. STEALTH: A shadow has the stealth skill with a +4 modifier
(+6 in dim light). It can take the Hide action as a bonus action
ARMOR CLASS: 10 plus its Dexterity bonus and Deflection bonuses. while in dim light or darkness.
SPACE/REACH: Same as master’s. A shadow familiar does not INCORPOREAL: A shadow familiar cannot make any physical
actually occupy any physical space, however, and other creatures attack or take any action which would require a physical presence
can pass freely through any space it occupies. (such as picking up an object). It can pass through and operate
in water as easily as it does in air. It cannot fall or suffer falling
SHADOW TRAITS damage and it cannot be tripped or grappled by corporeal
creatures. A shadow familiar has no weight and does not set off
Shadow familiars have the following special attacks and abilities:
traps that are triggered by weight. It does not leave footprints and
SPECIAL ATTACKS: has no scent.
SHADOW ATTACK: When its master reaches 10th level, a SHADOW INVISIBILITY: A shadow familiar in a shadow or an area
shadow familiar can attack the shadows of other creatures. of darkness is effectively invisible until it moves into another area.
This attack comes from the shadow familiar as a separate
entity and does not count against the master’s actions, bonus SHADOW BOND: Although it has become separated, a shadow
actions or reactions for the round. When making the attack, familiar’s existence is still dependent upon its master. If the
the shadow familiar must strike at the creature’s shadow where master dies, the shadow familiar also dies.
it joins the creature (effectively the shadow familiar must be
SHADOW JUMP: When its master reaches 6th level, a shadow
able to reach the target creature’s space). The attack is made
familiar gains the ability to temporarily separate from its master
at the shadow familiar’s master’s attack bonus using a shadow
and travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door
version of whatever weapon the master is currently carrying. If
spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin
the master’s weapon is magical, those magical effects are not
and end in an area with at least some shadow (not counting the
transferred to the shadow familiar’s shadow weapon. However,
shadow familiar itself). A standard shadow familiar can jump up
the shadow familiar’s attack ignores the material armor – even
to a total of 20 feet and remain separated from its master for up
magic armor – worn by its target, unless it is made of force or
to 5 rounds, after which its master must finish a long rest before it
has the ghost touch ability. If the attack is successful the damage
can jump again. A greater shadow familiar can jump up to a total
is dealt to the target’s shadow and the target suffers the same
of 40 feet and can remain separated from its master for 10 rounds.
damage as a result.
A supreme shadow familiar can jump a total of 80 feet and remain
SHADOW STRANGLE: When its master reaches 15th level, a separated from its master for 20 rounds. This amount can be split
shadow familiar can smother a helpless opponent by lying across among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts
its face. The shadow familiar must enter the target’s space and as a 10-foot increment. (A standard shadow familiar that makes
can take no other action while performing the shadow strangle. a jump of 32 feet cannot make another jump that day, as this
As long as it remains, the target cannot breathe. Use the rules counts as 40 feet.) At the end of its duration away from its master,
for drowning in the Players Handbook to determine how long the the shadow familiar instantly teleports back to its master’s side.
target creature can survive without breathing. While it is separated, the master does not cast a shadow.
ROGUISH ARCHETYPE: DEATH'S REAPER Makido writhed upon the flags as the blood pumped from his
wound, and bubbled frothily upon his lips. The light fading from
Portacio went over his mental checklist for the fifteenth time
his eyes he saw the reaper rise before his feet. Darkened in its
as he ran his fingers over his gear. Boot-knife, belt knife, sabre
cloak, the chill filled his aching limbs as the scythe rose. He
across his back, vials of poison, silk cord, diamond dusted steel
opened his mouth in a horrified attempt to utter his last dying
garrote woven into the lining of his non-descript cloak. All things
scream and the scythe fell.
as they were placed. Razor edged piece of steel hidden in the heel
of his boot. Alibi set, witnesses paid off, information gathered, Death’s reapers intrinsically deal in the art of death and death
and the reaper… summoned. There cloaked in Portacio’s own dealing in all its macabre forms. Death’s reapers, more than
shadow was the coldly palpable manifestation of a true and final any other class profession understand the complications which
demise. divine magic have placed upon their benighted career path. As
the death’s reaper grows in power, they know that the quality
Portacio of was convinced of course of his own skills. He was
of their targets also increases, meaning that their VIP targets
after all a fully trained and blooded member of the Knives of
have the opportunity to purchase powerful healing magic,
Shambere, and a servant of the mistress of shadow herself. As a
enchantments and charms against death, and of course the
favor that denoted his station, the lady of darkness had granted
rituals of raise dead, reincarnation, and resurrection that thwart
him a boon, for this was no ordinary murder case. This was a
the death’s reaper at every turn. Thus, in this ever growing
case of cases, and in it, Portacio would be calling on Old Man
enchanted arms race, the death’s reaper looks to supernatural
Death himself to insure that the job gets “all the way done” and
means to circumvent the inevitable resurrection of his target
that his mark wouldn’t be coming back, ever. No clerics, no
and guarantee to his contractors that his mark stays dead!
divine intervention, no raise the dead this time, because when
the old Grim Reaper gets brought in on a job–that’s it. As many death’s reapers are themselves trained by cults
dedicated to ultimate and true death and thus worship of death
Time crawled slowly by as Portacio went over the plan in his gods, and veneration of the angel of death are not uncommon
mind. At length, the mark arrived.The fat, perfumed merchant among practitioners of the death’s reapers’ trade. Many are the
in his silks flanked by his thick necked, naked shouldered hit-men who can attest to the presence of the reaper when true
bodyguards was impossible to miss as they strolled confidently death is visited upon a target. Contract killers speak in hushed
down the narrow side street which led from Makido’s residence voices amongst one another of the spirit that they feel enter
to the main market. Makido looked much as he had the last time the chamber of their mark just as the life whispers from their
Portacio murdered him. victims’ lips. They talk of the culling of the spirit, when the soul
Portacio scowled at the thought of how he had sank a blade leaves the body and know better than most of the entity which
between his ribs and twisted the life from his body. Makido with whispers past their chin to claim that intangible prize from the
his oiled hair, and that big fat smirk on his arrogant fat face. dying eyes of their contracted mark. Death’s reapers know this
Makido, whose personal wizard had set up a contingency upon spirit as the reaper, and some among their deadly orders have
the perverse merchantman’s death that he would be immediately learned the trick of trapping one of these nebulous beings, that
brought before the priests of Taxus and raised from the dead, they may be bound to a death’s reaper’s blade and summoned to
based on a pre-existing legal contract. With proper donations insure the completion of an assignment.
paid in advance, the rituals were performed and Makido
lived again… much to Portacio’s despair and his employers THE REAPER FAMILIAR
displeasure. This time the pesky wizard wouldn’t be a problem. When you choose this archetype at level 3, you gain a Reaper
This time Portacio had covered all the angles. familiar. The process for calling and binding this familiar, and
Just as the trio passed his position, Portacio took action. First, the abilities it gains and grants, are listed below.
Portacio quaffed a vial of antidote, and a second potion which
turned Portacio to a pure shadow was then imbibed. He withdrew BONUS PROFICIENCIES
a third vial from his belt and hurled it between the feet of his Also, at 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you gain
target. A noxious gas rose from the ground and the muscular proficiency with the poisoner’s kit and the disguise kit.
DEADLY ASSAULT So long as the reaper remains loyal, it will battle alongside its
Beginning at level 9, you always add an additional 1d6 damage master, attacking unfailingly and viciously against any foe the
to a successful sneak attack. master faces even unto the death. If the reaper is destroyed the
assassin suffers an immediate and permanent loss of 2d6 points
of Constitution, though the assassin may attempt to summon
another reaper at a future time, paying the extended costs
Beginning at level 13, whenever you make a successful attack associated with ensnaring a new reaper.
on an opponent against whom you have advantage, you can
choose to deal maximum damage for your weapon. Additional A reaper that escapes its master’s control, be it from being
damage, such as that from sneak attack, is not maximized; only released or through defeating its master in a challenge,
the damage from your weapon code. You must declare the use retains all of its enhanced abilities and familiar abilities,
of this ability before the results of your attack roll are revealed. making it a far more formidable foe than a normal reaper.
Should you score a critical hit, you deal double your maximum It is possible for a master to attempt to re-summon and
damage for your weapon. After you use this ability, you must bind the same reaper at a later date, though defeating it as
finish a short rest before using it again. part of the summoning ritual will naturally be more difficult
once it has gained powers. Otherwise, a new reaper that is
IMPROVED BLINDSENSE summoned will always begin at base power (treat the new
reaper as though the rogue’s class level was 3 and progress
Starting at 17th level, if you do not already have darkvision, from there).
you gain darkvision 60ft. If you already have darkvision, its
range is extended to 120ft. In addition, you are immune to the Statistics for a standard Reaper can be found in Appendix B,
blinded condition and can operate normally even in magical new creatures.
darkness so long as you have either a sense of hearing, smell or
touch. You also gain advantage on Perception checks tied to REAPER PROGRESSION
hearing and smell.
As the death’s reaper gains power and infamy in their
chosen line of work so too does the reaper bound to their
SUMMONING THE REAPER service gain advancement in hit dice and deadliness. The
To summon a reaper, the rogue completes a ritual that requires following chart lists the Hit Dice advancement of the
them to perform an assassination of a marked target, and Reaper based on the level advancement of the death’s
upon completion, capture the reaper called to collect the reaper character. The list of special Familiar Abilities
target’s soul within a ring of powdered silver worth 1000 gp. available to a bound reaper is the same as those available
The assassin must then defeat the reaper in single combat to the Shadow Familiar, above.
within the ring. Upon success, the assassin binds the reaper
to his shadow and a phylactery made from one of the assassin’s
weapons, whose value is at least 2000 gp. If the assassin fails to TABLE 10-16: REAPER PROGRESSION
defeat the reaper, he is of course slain, and cannot be raised or Rogue Int, Wis,
resurrected by any means. HD Special
Class Level Cha
Empathic link, danger sense, shadow
3rd - 12
THE COST OF A REAPER FAMILIAR traits, Stealth, Sneak Attack
Once the reaper is bound, it will serve as a loyal companion 5th +1d8 12 -
and familiar, though it demands that its master permit it to
7th +1d8 13 -
feast on at least one soul per week. This cost increases to an
additional soul at levels 9, 13 and 17. Should the master fail 9th
+1d8 13 Standard Familiar Ability
to allow the reaper to meet its quota of souls, it will engage 11 th
+1d8 14 -
in a test of wills against the master. This test of wills is the
reaper’s charisma against the master’s wisdom. If the reaper 13 th
+1d8 14 -
wins, it will issue an ultimatum: the master can let it go free 15th +1d8 15 Greater Familiar Ability
(in which case the master suffers penalties as though the
17th +1d8 15 -
reaper was killed, as described below), or the master must
engage the reaper in combat to the death, his soul being 19 th
+1d8 16 -
penance for those the reaper has failed to collect. 20 th
+1d8 16 Supreme Familiar Ability
he dream came again, that formless void that plane adrift in the Astral Plane. Others claim that the
surrounded Matthias on all sides, beckoning Methetherial is like the Ethereal Plane itself, co-existent
him, calling him in. When it first came he was with the material world, a place of mists that acts as a border
terrified, floating free in that gray mist, uncertain between dimensions. Still others argue that the Methetherial
where he was and what all of the vague forms is imaginary, nothing more than a dream land constructed
and shapes were surrounding him. They were full by each individual in his own mind. Wherever its actual
of intelligence, some benign and some positively exuding malice. location, the Methetherial serves as the dwelling place for
certain types of spirits. These spirits have no shape, but live
The dreams came again the next month, and then the next only as thoughts- some benign, some indifferent, and some
week. Now they were coming nightly, and he was beginning to evil. It is said that all the thoughts of mortals reside in the
understand, now, that they were asking to be bound to him, Methetherial until acted upon in the physical world, at which
to serve him and the chaotic magic he commanded. Just as his time they are summoned into the thinker’s mind and put to
powers came naturally to him, the apparent byproduct of an use. If this is true, then the Methetherial might be best called
ancestor in ages past engaging in congress with an otherwordly the Demiplane of Ideas.
being, the spirits were connected to him through the same
natural, chaotic and intuitive conduit. Put plainly, the exact nature of the Methetherial is the purview
of the individual Castle Keeper. In some campaign worlds, the
Tonight when the dream came, Matthias was ready for it. Methetherial might be part of an existing Outer Plane, such
He had prepared the ritual implements that his intuition had as Elysium, while in another it might be an independent demi-
guided him to gather and place. He slept in the center of plane floating upon the Astral Sea. Still others may see the
the circle, the sage and candles burning about him, magical Plane of Idea as an inexplicable netherworld that somehow
implements at each of the four compass points: demon ichor is made real only when a Sorcerer attempts to enter it.
at the north, the hide of an owlbear at the south. At his left Regardless of its nature, however, Sorcerers have learned to
hand, the claws of a gryphon and his right, a spike from a use their pact as a conduit to tap into this plane, converse with
manticore’s tail. The components had been difficult to come its occupants, and summon the spirits which reside there to
by, and cost him not a small amount in gold and blood, but serve as familiars. Like the thoughts they represent, spirits in
it had been worth it. Tonight, he would have a new advisor, familiar form can be good, neutral, or malevolent, depending
companion and servant. upon the Sorcerer’s will.
He could already feel it coming. But what form would it take? A The landscape of the Methetherial is without physical features
raven? A wolf? Perhaps something darker and more powerful- of any kind, being little more than a vacuum, spun through
an imp or even a goblin? There was only one way to find out- with the occasional particle cloud and random bits of matter
complete the ritual and bind his new servant to his will. and energy. No entity is known to rule the plane. Neither is
Matthias stretched out his feelings and called…and something there any geography, gravity, or weather. The Methetherial
answered. would seem a monotonous place if not for its denizens, known
variously as “Methetherial elementals,” “Unthought-of
THE METHETHERIAL Ideas,” or simply “spirits.” A band of shifting color encircles
the Methetherial, forming a barrier through which these
The Sorcerer has a distinctive outlook on magic in general and native inhabitants cannot pass without aid. But when coaxed
on familiars in particular, as they possess the ability to warp from their homeland into the Sorcerer’s material plane, they
reality, combining the physical and metaphysical into their become familiars.
own imaginative creations. Because of this, it is no surprise
that Sorcerers are able to delve deeper into the mysteries of Before a Sorcerer makes a spirit into a familiar, however, he has
familiars – spirits born of magical energy itself – than anyone to locate it. And the Methetherial can only be entered through
else. Over the eons they’ve encountered a myriad number of the legendary Ritual of Summoning.
such beings and have learned the proper means of dealing
with them. Many times these beings have agreed to serve the Because of this, it is no surprise that Sorcerers are able to
Sorcerer as familiars. The place where these parleys take place delve deeper into the mysteries of familiars – spirits born of
is known as the Methetherial. magical energy itself – than anyone else. Mercurial familiars,
though sometimes hard to control, are the most mobile of all
Beyond the bounds of the material world there exists a familiars, with unsurpassed skills of movement and observation.
transcendental realm known as the Methetherial, home They are also the free spirits of chaos that are called upon by
to the formless spirits that ultimately become known as Sorcerers seeking a familiar companion. Mercurial familiars
familiars. Ask any three Sorcerers about the true nature of have no physical form, but exist as incorporeal spirits that do
Methetherial and you’ll likely receive three very different the Sorcerer’s bidding.
9th-10th +5 10 Detect magic Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
11th-12th +6 11 -
13 -14
th th
+7 12 Improved sensory familiar
15th-16th +8 13 -
Master Defection
17th-18th +9 14 - Int Special
Class Level Adj.
19 -20th th
+10 15 -
Alertness, empathic link,
1st-2nd +1 6
Deflection Adj.: This number noted here is a bonus to the sensory familiar
familiar’s existing deflection armor bonus (mercurials initially
3rd-4th +2 7 -
have none). It represents a preternatural increasing power of the
familiar. 5th-6th +3 8 Blur, greater familiar ability
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s 7 -8
th th
+4 9 -
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
are not necessarily as smart as smart people. 9th-10th +5 10 Detect magic
Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the Sensory Greater familiar ability,
11th-12th +6 11
Familiar feat, but only for mercurial familiars. supreme familiar ability
Improved Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the 13th-14th +7 12 Improved sensory familiar
Improved Sensory Familiar feat, but only for their mercurial familiars.
15th-16th +8 13 -
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
17 -18
th th
+9 14 Greater familiar ability
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
19th-20th +10 15 Supreme familiar ability
TABLE 11-2: GREATER SORCERER FAMILIAR (MERCURIAL) Deflection Adj.: This number noted here is a bonus to the
familiar’s existing deflection armor bonus (mercurials initially
Master Deflection have none). It represents a preternatural increasing power of
Int Special
Class Level Adj. the familiar.
Alertness, empathic link, Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
1st-2nd +1 6
sensory familiar natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though they
3rd-4th +2 7 - are not necessarily as smart as smart people.
5 -6
th th
+3 8 Blur, greater familiar ability Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from the Sensory
Familiar feat, but only for mercurial familiars.
7 -8
th th
+4 9 -
9 -10
th th
+5 10 Detect magic Improved Sensory Familiar: The familiar’s master benefits from
the Improved Sensory Familiar feat, but only for their mercurial
11th-12th +6 11 Greater familiar ability familiars.
13 -14
th th
+7 12 Improved sensory familiar Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar ability from
15 -16th th
+8 13 - Table 11-4 below.
17th-18th +9 14 Greater familiar ability Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one supreme or greater familiar
19 -20th th
+10 15 - abilities from Tables 11-4 or 11-5 below.
Deflection Adj.: This number noted here is a bonus to the familiar’s Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
existing deflection armor bonus (mercurials initially have none). It abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
represents a preternatural increasing power of the familiar.
golixo whispered, “Are you ready, my son?” and, if they’re lucky, be permitted to leave. Those structures are
The young apprentice bit his lip and nodded. the domain of the dark ones who inhabit this plane, ready to
repulse or even devour us if we lose our way.”
Smiling a secret smile, Igolixo stepped into the carefully
drawn chalk circle and settled himself to the floor. After “I won’t lose my way, Master.” He gathered a great sigh into his
a few moments of meditation, his breath passing in and skinny chest and stepped across the threshold to the Abyss.
out, in and out, he felt the world fade away around him. Silently applauding the boy’s courage, Igolixo followed.
All he knew was darkness and stillness and peace. The words
of magic came without effort, the arcane syllables rolling off his The warlock’s familiar is, in plainest terms, a spirit summoned to
tongue, unlocking doors that existed only in his mind. Moments inhabit an earthly body. But where do these spirits come from?
later, he stood alone in a vast plain of stars. He waited patiently, Where do they reside before they are summoned? And how does
and soon his apprentice appeared, the lad’s wispy ethereal form a warlock go about contacting one and binding it to service?
looking just as nervous as his physical one.
Though the answers to these questions vary from one Warlock
“Are you well, my son?” Igolixo asked. to the next, there are a few traits common to all Warlocks, and
“Yes, master.” a few things the apprentice should know before inviting the
familiar to serve him.
“And can you see the familiar spirit? Can you visualize its
essence?” Like the Sorcerer, the Warlock has a distinctive outlook on
“Yes.” The boy shut his eyes and concentrated with obvious effort. magic in general and on familiars in particular, as they possess
the ability to warp reality, an ability that is directly gained
The smile lingering, Igolixo took the boy’s ethereal form by the from a pact with an otherworldly entity. Over the eons they’ve
hand and led him to the dwelling place of the spirits, hoping that encountered a myriad number of such beings and have learned
the denizens of that volatile realm wouldn’t be too harsh on a the proper means of dealing with them. Many times these beings
frightened apprentice warlock out on his coming-of-age quest to have agreed to serve the Warlock as familiars. The place where
claim a familiar. these parleys take place is often the very home of the Warlock’s
“The first times were always the most difficult,” Igolixo thought, own patron.
remembering his own…
Beyond the bounds of the material world there exists any number
WARLOCK FAMILIARS of transcendental realms which are home to the formless spirits
that ultimately become known as familiars. Ask any three
SPIRITS OF THE PACT Warlocks about the true nature of their pact and patron, and
you’ll likely receive three very different answers.
Igolixo led the boy to the threshold. Beyond the pale curtain
lay the domain of the spirits. The old Warlock hadn’t been here
for a very long time, not since he summoned Grunter all those SUMMONING RITUAL: THE ENNEAGRAM
long dusty years ago, but he didn’t think the place had changed Hours before he escorted his apprentice to the Abyss, Igolixo
since then. The Abyss was still just as unpredictable, just as had to render a magic circle on the floor of his private chamber.
dangerous as it ever was. Ringed with consecrated candles, the circle would focus the
Warlock’s mental energy and permit his consciousness to seek
“What do I do next, Master?” the boy asked.
out the Plane of Chaos and Evil. With painstaking attention,
“What do you think? How do your instincts guide you? Igolixo drew the lines, the angles, the sweeping curves.
Remember, my son, that a Warlock’s intuition is his most
Later, his apprentice asked, “What is this, Master?”
important, most vital belonging. It is our compass, our power
source, our heart. Open yourself up to the desires of our Patron. “It is called an enneagram, my son.”
Follow where it points.” “A what?”
“Uh, I suppose it’s telling me to cross over.” “Enneagram. A very special type of ritual shape. See the nine
“Indeed.” points along its perimeter? Those sigils there represent the five
distinct types of familiars and the four elements which comprise
“But, Master, the spires, the darkened structures, the heat and
the building blocks of the cosmos. But we’ll get to that later.
freezing cold all at once, they look . . . perilous.”
Right now, the most important thing is that you concentrate.
“And so they are. We hover on the border of a land that some say And do try to avoid stepping on the chalk lines. My old hands
doesn’t exist, and which others would just as soon did not. And aren’t as steady as they used to be, and it would take me forever
perhaps they’re right, for no plane-hopper has ever chanced upon to redraw the circle. Besides, I wouldn’t want to have to turn
this place and returned unharmed or un-changed. We traffick you into a rodent for your incompetence. Now, if you’d please
with the darkest of beings as the source of our powers, and it is a take a seat here, we shall begin. . . .
Like most other classes, Warlocks are required to take the Alternatively, the Warlock can respond by claiming a specific
Summon Familiar Special Ability (see the ‘New Abilities’ familiar. If they do so, the Keeper on the Cusp metes out a
section of Chapter 1 for details) to bind the enhanced familiars challenge which is based on the type of familiar the Warlock
in this book to their service, take the Pact of the Chain at third seeks to claim. There are five types of familiar spirits – animistic,
level and sacrifice an Invocation, or should explore the other automaton, fetish, mercurial, and wyrm (these are described in
options for gaining a familiar (see below). more detail below). The challenge given by the Keeper on the
Cusp depends on the type of spirit being summoned:
To commence the Ritual of Summoning, the Warlock needs an
enneagram – a nine-pointed star formed of nine lines. Within TABLE 12-1: SUMMONING CHALLENGE
the star, these nine lines form a triangle and a hexagon contained Familiar Type Ability Check
within a circle. This is the central diagram of the Ritual of Animistic Wisdom
Summoning, and it must be rendered in a medium of mixed chalk
Automaton Strength
and silver dust costing no less than 100 gp. (Summoning a greater
familiar requires a mixture of chalk and gold, increasing this cost Fetish Constitution
to 1,000 gp. Summoning a supreme familiar requires a mixture of Wyrm Intelligence
chalk and mithril, increasing this cost still further to 5,000 gp.) Diabolic Charisma
Warlocks usually reserve a place in their libraries or laboratories The DC for this check is 15 for standard familiars, 20 for greater
for their summoning rituals, though technically no one area familiars, and 25 for supreme familiars. If the check succeeds, the
is more “attuned” to their pact and patron than any other. Warlock has passed the test – the Keeper on the Cusp steps aside
Thus, some Warlocks inscribe their enneagrams on the floor and permits the Warlock’s mental projection to fly to the nearest
of limestone caverns, while others prefer churches, rings of spirit of that type and bind it (see ‘Binding Familiars’ below).
standing stones, or even the cellars of their favorite taverns.
If the check fails, however, the Warlock is unable to appease any
Though the process of drawing the conjuration circle is not a of the spirits at this time. He must return to his physical body
lengthy or strenuous one, the actual summoning process can be and attempt the Ritual of Summoning another day, with the
quite arduous. The Warlock should expect to spend at least 24 additional time and monetary expenses. There is also a chance
hours in the act, which involves a series of meditations, mental that the familiar spirit will escape and become an emancipated
exercises, and – most importantly – the uttering of certain spirit (see the ‘Emancipated Spirits’ section below for details).
arcane phrases. These phrases are taught to most Warlocks
during their time as apprentices, but many Warlocks have been
known to discover the Ritual of Summoning spontaneously.
Essentially, the summoning of a familiar is no different than By binding a spirit, the Warlock effectively settles into an
the casting of any other spell. Concentration is necessary; the unspoken arrangement with it. In exchange for the spirit’s service
Warlock cannot be injured or under the influence of any poison as a familiar, the Warlock agrees to treat it with respect, if not a
or mind-influencing spell such as suggestion. After a period of one small amount of deference. The exception to this is non-sentient
day, during which the Warlock alternates between spellcasting spirits, such as those suitable for automaton familiars. They
and restful meditation, he unlocks a gateway to the otherwise require no such truce, as they serve eternally without question.
inaccessible realm where his patron resides.
Once bound, most familiars remain that way unless something
While traveling the other planes, the Warlock leaves his tangible happens to unbind them. An unbound spirit is known as an
body behind, a mental projection of himself passing beyond the emancipated spirit (see the ‘Emancipated Spirits’ section below
bounds of reality and into the misty mindscape of the outer realms. for details). A fetish spirit becomes emancipated if its vessel is
Any traveler to this plane is met immediately by a formless being destroyed. A mercurial spirit becomes emancipated if it wins
known only as the Keeper on the Cusp. This entity is many things a contest of wills. A wyrm spirit becomes emancipated if its
to many different people. Some Warlocks refer to the Keeper on summoner dies. Refer to the information later in this chapter
the Cusp as a spirit guide, while others assume it is a lesser deity regarding each individual familiar type for more information.
charged with overseeing the Balance of all forces.
Normally a warlock only binds spirits of an alignment that
Either way, the Keeper on the Cusp asks after the Warlock’s matches his own. In other words, good Warlocks don’t have
reason for coming. The Warlock has two choices: much need of evil familiars. Neither does a wicked Warlock
want a noble-hearted, self-righteous familiar hanging around
First, they can respond, “I seek the familiar thou would grant me.” to nettle him about his actions. However, if for some reason a
If they do so, the Keeper on the Cusp brings forth a familiar to bind warlock wants to bind a spirit of an opposing alignment (known
(see below). The Castle Keeper selects the specific type of familiar as an unwilling spirit), then he must make a second Charisma
which the Keeper on the Cusp brings forth for the Warlock. The check (see Table 12-1 for details), this one at Challenge Level
Warlock can choose not to bind the familiar the Keeper on the 20. Failure means that he isn’t powerful enough to bind an
Cusp chooses for him – but doing so prevents the Warlock from unwilling spirit of any kind; he must wait until he advances at
attempting to summon another familiar for a year and a day. least one more experience level before making another attempt.
If a warlock intends to bind an animistic, automaton, or fetish his own personal taste. See that spirit there? It can be bound into
spirit, he must have within the enneagram a suitable host a fetish to serve your needs. Over there, that amorphous shape? It
body, vessel, or object, as needed. Without the proper kind of can be bound to your service in the form of a homonculus.”
receptacle, these three types of spirits cannot be made manifest, “Ah, yes, I see it now, Master. But how do I know which type
and the summoning fails. Again, refer to the information below best suits me?”
for more details.
“Well, to make such a decision, you’ll first need a bit of
THE ALBATROSS background knowledge on each of the five types. . . .”
If a warlock in the fails his ability check when attempting to As discussed above, once summoned, a spirit must be bound in a
bind an animistic familiar, something terrible occurs. Instead physical vessel, either of living tissue or an inanimate object. There
of simply coming away empty-handed, a special type of spirit are five distinct types of familiars, each with its own set of guidelines
attaches itself to his mental self and accompanies him on the with regard to form, special abilities, and augmentations.
return trip to his physical body. From this point on, the Warlock
is cursed – the spirit of the albatross – harbinger of ill-destiny – Animistic familiars are spirits that dwell in the bodies of living
has clung to his soul and now exists only to lead him to disaster. animals in the traditional sense of the “magician’s familiar.” The
Unlike other animistics, the albatross requires no animal body spirit actually displaces the animal’s true spirit and assumes the
to inhabit. It is nothing more than a shadow that only the full range of its senses.
Warlock can see, always circling somewhere nearby, following in Automaton familiars function as golems, animated objects, or
his footsteps, as if a large-winged bird were flying just overhead. other physical constructs. Fully ambulatory, automatons can
The curse of the albatross manifests itself as per the bestow curse follow simple commands and carry out a wide range of tasks.
spell, except that the effects are less severe and must be chosen Though unintelligent, they are the most durable of all familiars.
from those listed here. The Castle Keeper selects one of the
following curses: Fetish familiars are spirits that are housed in physical containers,
like scrolls, charms, or sword hilts. Though incapable of
-2 effective decrease to an ability score (minimum 1). movement, fetish familiars grant the Warlock several special
-1 enhancement penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, abilities, and they may be combined with other fetishes to
and skill checks. magnify their powers.
Despite the lesser effects of this curse, due to its cause, the remove Wyrm familiars maintain a mysterious tie with the essence of
curse spell cannot aid the doomed Warlock. Only a successful dragons. Though potentially the most powerful of all familiars,
dismissal can banish the albatross back to the Methetherial. they are notoriously self-serving.
(Note: the spirit’s Will save bonus is the same as the original
creature had while it was alive.) Diabolical Servants are exactly what they sound like-demons
from the Abyss and devils from the Nine Hells, tenuously bound
Alternatively, a cursed Warlock may choose to return to the
to the service of a mortal, but constantly yearning for freedom
other realms to seek guidance from the Keeper of the Cusp,
that can only be granted by the infernal patron…
who commands that he perform a powerful ritual resulting in
a personal sacrifice in the amount of one point of permanent The five types of spirits are all very different. Their range of
Constitution loss for every three levels the character possesses. powers and their loyalty to the Warlock vary greatly.
By sacrificing this portion of his personal power and skill, the
Warlock can assuage the enraged spirit.
TYPES OF FAMILIARS The very essence of a warlock’s ability to call upon magic is his
Igolixo and his apprentice floated through the Abyssal mists. pact with an otherworldly master. Whether it’s an alien god from
the spaces between spaces, a demonic fiend from the pits of the
“Master, there seem to be so many of them!” Abyss, an angel from Elysium, a Fae lord or even a mysterious
“Indeed there are, my son. Countless are the energies that pour entity from the Demi-Plane of Ideas, the Warlock’s familiar is
through the Plane of Idea. But if you look closely, you’ll see some part and parcel of this agreement to serve and be rewarded. As
similarities between them. In fact, there are five distinct types of such, while there are a variety of options for familiars presented
spirits that dwell here.” herein, the CK and player should work closely together to ensure
“Five. All right. So I can summon all of them?” that whatever familiar the Warlock chooses, and whatever form
that familiar takes, it is deeply representative of and entwined
Igolixo laughed. “Well, not exactly. First of all, you can only with the source of the Warlock’s pact magic.
attempt to summon one type of spirit, at least until you’re a bit
more experienced. For instance, if you decide that a fetish familiar
is your cup of tea, then you can only summon a fetish familiar,
and not an automaton familiar. Each Warlock makes his choice The ideal servant for a Warlock with a demonic patron (The
depending on several factors, most important of which is simply Fiend pact) is a Diabolical Servant (see “New Abilities,”
Warlocks can select Tiny, Small, or Medium automatons as a Distracting, share spells, telepathic
3rd +1
standard familiar. Warlocks can select a Large automaton as command
a greater familiar, and a Huge or Gargantuan automaton as a 5th +2 Deliver touch spells
supreme familiar. Freedom of movement, greater
7th +3
familiar ability
Due to their unique nature, automaton familiars do not have
access to all of the special abilities most familiars have access to. 9th +4 Spider climb
Even when using the Empower Familiar Abilities (see the ‘New 11 th
+5 Spell resistance
Abilities’ section of Chapter 1 for details), automaton familiars Greater spell resistance, greater
are limited to the special abilities listed on the tables below. 13th +6
familiar ability
Scry on familiar, resist energy (choose
one type)
An automaton is perfectly obedient and may perform a wide 17th +8 -
variety of functions, limited only by their body shape, number of
appendages, and form of locomotion. Small, sinuous automaton Resist energy (choose another type),
19th +9
greater familiar ability
familiars can wiggle through narrow spaces, perhaps retrieving
hard-to-reach objects or even acting as industrious housekeepers, 20th +10 -
keeping the crannies of a laboratory free from dust. Wheeled Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
automatons make superior methods of transportation, while to the automaton’s existing AC rating. It represents a preternatural
automatons made of hardened materials are often employed as resilience of the automaton.
bodyguards. Telepathic Command: The automaton familiar’s master has complete
control over its actions, and may freely command it to take any action
TABLE 12-5: STANDARD WARLOCK FAMILIAR (AUTOMATON) (including using its special abilities) via a limited telepathic link. This
Master Natural is a free action and may be employed out to a distance of up to 1
Special mile. Note that this does not mean that the master and automaton
Class Level Armor Adj.
can communicate in any way (the automaton is unintelligent), only
Distracting, share spells, telepathic that the master may activate or deactivate it, much like a tool.
3rd +1
Greater Familiar Ability: Select one greater familiar ability from
5th +2 Deliver touch spells Table 12-8 below.
7th +3 Freedom of movement Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
+4 Spider climb abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
11th +5 -
13th +6 Spell resistance
Master Natural
15th +7 Scry on familiar Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
17th +8 - Distracting, share spells, telepathic
3rd +1
19th +9 - command
All fetish familiars radiate conjuration magic if examined with 19th +9 15 Greater arcane enhancer
detect magic. As such, many Warlocks choose to disguise the true 20th +10 16 -
nature of their familiars with spells such as undetectable aura.
Armor Class Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement to
the fetish familiar’s existing AC rating. It represents a preternatural
Due to their unique nature, fetish familiars do not have access
resilience of the fetish familiar.
to all of the special abilities most familiars have access to. Even
when using the Empower Familiar feats (see the ‘New Feats’ Int/Wis/Cha: The fetish familiar’s Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma
section of Chapter 1 for details), fetish familiars are limited to scores.
the special abilities listed on the Arcane Enhancer tables below. Standard Arcane Enhancer: Select one standard arcane enhancer
from Table 12-13 below.
Greater Arcane Enhancer: Select one greater or standard arcane
Master Armor Int/ Wis/ enhancer from Tables 12-13 or 12-14 below.
Class Level Class Adj. Cha
Other Special Abilities: For more information see Chapter 1.
Share spells, empathic
3 rd
+1 6
link, danger sense, recall TABLE 12-12: SUPREME WARLOCK FAMILIAR (FETISH)
Speak with master (telepathy), Master Armor Int/
5th +2 7 Special
standard arcane enhancer Class Level Class Adj. Wis/ Cha
7th +3 8 Inkling Share spells, empathic
9 th
+4 9 - 3rd +1 9 link, danger sense, recall,
familiar’s flame
Standard arcane enhancer,
11th +5 10 Speak with master (telepathy),
detect scrying 5th +2 10
standard arcane enhancer
Spell resistance (affects
13th +6 11 Inkling, greater arcane
master) 7th +3 11
15th +7 12 Scry on the familiar
9th +4 12 -
17th +8 13 Standard arcane enhancer
Standard arcane enhancer,
19th +9 14 - 11th +5 13
detect scrying
20th +10 15 - Greater arcane enhancer,
13th +6 14
Armor Class Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement to supreme arcane enhancer
the fetish familiar’s existing AC rating. It represents a preternatural 15th +7 15 Scry on familiar, augury
resilience of the fetish familiar.
17 th +8 16 Standard arcane enhancer
Int/Wis/Cha: The fetish familiar’s Intelligence, Wisdom and
Charisma scores. 19th +9 17 Greater arcane enhancer
Standard Arcane Enhancer: Select one standard arcane enhancer Time regression (affects
from Table 12-13 below. 20th +10 18 master), supreme arcane
Other Special Abilities: For more information see Chapter 1.
Armor Class Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement to
TABLE 12-11: GREATER WARLOCK FAMILIAR (FETISH) the fetish familiar’s existing AC rating. It represents a preternatural
Master Armor Int/ Wis/ resilience of the fetish familiar.
Class Level Class Adj. Int/Wis/Cha: The fetish familiar’s Intelligence, Wisdom and
Share spells, empathic Charisma scores.
3rd +1 7 link, danger sense, recall, Standard Arcane Enhancer: Select one standard arcane enhancer
familiar’s flame from Table 12-13 below.
Speak with master (telepathy),
5th +2 8 Greater Arcane Enhancer: Select one greater or standard arcane
standard arcane enhancer
enhancer from Tables 12-13 or 12-14 below.
Inkling, greater arcane
7th +3 9 Supreme Arcane Enhancer: Select one supreme, greater, or
standard arcane enhancer from Tables 12-13, 12-14, or 12-15 below.
9th +4 10 -
Other Special Abilities: For more information see Chapter 1.
A wyrm in charge of a warlock’s body is a dangerous thing. The TABLE 12-16: SUPREME WARLOCK FAMILIAR (WYRM)
wyrm pursues its goal with single-minded ardor, with little regard Master Natural
for the wellbeing of its host. The wyrm is an NPC under the Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
control of the Castle Keeper and the CK decides what goals the
wyrm has. Typical goals include the acquisition of a certain piece 1st-2nd +1 9 Share spells, empathic link
of treasure, the murder of a warlock who abused the wyrm in the 3rd-4th +2 10 Deliver touch spells
past, or the pursuit of a long-forgotten scroll believed to describe
5th-6th +3 11 -
a ritual that would permit the wyrm to inhabit the body of a true
dragon. As soon as it’s in control, the wyrm embarks on its quest, 7 -8
th th
+4 12 Greater familiar ability
moving as fast as possible and using every resource at its disposal,
9 -10
th th
+5 13 -
including the Warlock’s possessions, mounts, and NPC contacts.
Supreme spell resistance,
The wyrm spirit speaks with the Warlock’s voice, of course, so it 11th-12th +6 14
supreme familiar ability
might be difficult for others to realize that something is seriously
13th-14th +7 15 Scry on familiar
wrong with their companion. However, a Successful Wisdom
check equal to the level of the Warlock allows characters to 15 -16th th
+8 16 Greater familiar ability
notice that something isn’t quite right. The wyrm, cunning being
17 -18
th th
+9 17 -
that it is, does its best to allay all suspicions – at least until it has
the chance to slip away and resume its journey. (Resolving these 19th-20th +10 18 Supreme familiar ability
situations through Bluff and Sense Motive checks is probably Natural Armor Adj.: This number noted here is an improvement
the best way to go.)The Warlock remains completely aware of to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents a
his surroundings during this time (just as the wyrm does when preternatural toughness of the Warlock’s familiar.
the Warlock’s in control). The body continues to take damage as
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (this score is higher for a wyrm
normal, so that if it is reduced to 0 hit points, both the familiar
spirit than for other familiars).
and the Warlock may be slain as normal. Every 24 hours, the
Warlock may attempt an Intelligence check with a DC equal to Greater Familiar Ability: Select one standard or greater familiar
10 plus the HD of the creature to see if he can wrest control from ability from Chapter 1.
the familiar. If he fails, the wyrm maintains control. Supreme Familiar Ability: Select one supreme, greater, or standard
familiar ability from Chapter 1.
All this talk of a wyrm making good on its own agenda is not to
imply that all wyrm familiars are backstabbers merely awaiting Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
the chance to take over. If the Warlock and the wyrm share abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
similar goals and alignments, and if their relationship is strong,
then odds are that the wyrm will not seek to undermine its BREAKING FREE
summoner, even if given ample opportunity. Only when a
conflict of interest arises should a warlock fear falling asleep. Wyrm spirits possess a degree of free will that is unique among
familiars, but they long for true freedom nonetheless. If the
CORPOREAL STATE wyrm familiar is in possessive form when the Warlock dies, the
spirit dies as well. However, a familiar in corporeal form is freed
The wyrm’s second form is a corporeal one. When not in the if its master dies. Even if the Warlock is later restored to life, the
possessive state, a wyrm spirit takes the form of a very young wyrm has permanently gained its freedom.
dragon (its color dependent upon the color of the wyrm
spirit), though it shares all the typical properties of a familiar In corporeal form the wyrm spirit cannot directly attack the
as described under the ‘Familiar Basics’ in Chapter 1 (half the Warlock. In possessive form, the wyrm spirit cannot take
master’s hit points, same HD as the master’s level, etc.). actions which physically imperil the Warlock. But this doesn’t
prevent the familiar from taking other actions, and the dangers PACT OF THE WYRM
of a conflict between familiar and summoner become apparent
Some Warlocks gain their power from the very essence of
when the wyrm begins to plot the Warlock’s destruction…
dragons themselves. This Wyrm spirit is a mysterious entity,
fickle and its true purpose alien and unknown to all but itself.
Like the other pact spirits, it is astoundingly powerful and grants
“Master, look out!” the Warlock powers in exchange for service and sometimes,
Igolixo ducked. The rampant spirit soared inches from his head, entry into this world for a brief time. As immortal creatures,
laughing insanely as it flew from the window and disappeared Wyrm spirits have plots and schemes that last hundreds and
into the night. even thousands of years, far beyond the lifespan of any mortal
Warlock who serves them. Thus, their demands and actions can
Igolixo fixed his apprentice with a steely gaze. “What, pray tell, seem random and nonsensical at times, because the Warlock
just happened?” does not have the ability to comprehend the eons as the Wyrm
“Uh, I’m sorry, Master. I only lost concentration for a second…” does. They tend to be greedy, arrogant and whimsical, granting
“A second is all it takes.” Igolixo crossed his arms over his chest extra powers or denying powers seemingly at random. When the
and tapped his foot. “So now what do you propose to do?” Warlock needs the Wyrm, however, it is always there to guide
and protect its charge. Warlocks who seek special power over
“I don’t know. I’m not even sure where that blasted thing went? dragons are drawn to this being.
Why did it leave like that?”
“Your familiar has become emancipated. It’s now an entirely ENERGY AFFINITY
new creature altogether, rather like a butterfly being born from a
At first level when you become a Warlock, choose one color
humble worm in a cocoon. I’d watch myself if I were you, my son,
of dragon from the Dragonborn Draconic Ancestry table in
lest that thing come back to visit upon you a few unpaid debts.”
the Fifth Edition Player’s Handbook. This color becomes the
Igolixo’s apprentice gulped and stared with wide eyes at the window. . . . type of dragon with which you have affinity, and which your
patron represents. Whenever you use any invocation, spell or
Sometimes familiars get loose. All beings from the Methetherial
other attack based on the same kind of energy as your color of
of low intelligence or higher are capable of attaining freedom
dragon’s breath weapon, you deal an extra 1d6 damage.
from the Warlocks who summoned them (automatons are the
only exception). This can happen in one of several ways:
If a warlock dies, his familiars become emancipated until he is Your Wyrm patron grants you a Wyrm Familiar, as described
raised. This is identical to the process described in Chapter 1. above, to act as its emissary, voice and intermediary between
(The wyrm spirit is an exception to this, see below.) you and your patron. You gain this familiar at third level and
need not fulfill any prerequisites for the ability. You must still
If the Warlock fails a summoning check there is a 10% chance
undergo a ritual to summon the familiar (as explained earlier
that the spirit will seize the opportunity to escape its home
dimension. in this chapter), and you do not gain a Pact Boon at third level
(this replaces the Pact of the Chain).
If a warlock’s fetish is broken, the fetish spirit becomes
A mercurial becomes an emancipated spirit if the Warlock fails At 6th level, you gain resistance to the same type of energy
a mercurial challenge. chosen for your Energy Affinity.
A wyrm can break free and become a permanently emancipated LUCK OF THE DRAGON
spirit if the Warlock dies while the wyrm is in a corporeal state.
At 10th level, choose one saving throw with which you are
Animistic, mercurial, and wyrm familiars which become not proficient. You gain advantage whenever you make saves
emancipated retain their current forms (although mercurial against that ability.
familiars are no longer bound). When fetish spirits and spirits
which become emancipated due to a failed summoning check DRAGON’S BREATH
become emancipated, however, something magical occurs. Starting at 14th level, you gain a more powerful breath weapon
The spirit undergoes a physical transformation, evolving of the same type of energy with which you have affinity. This
within 1d4 minutes into a new type of being known as a ability replaces that given you by your Wyrm familiar and
spiritor (see Appendix B for complete statistics and details). is identical in all ways to that of a 14th-level Dragonborn,
At this point it is no longer an animistic, fetish, mercurial, or including its area of effect, saving throw DC and the need to
wyrm spirit, but an entirely new creature, with an entirely new rest after using it before using it again. It deals 4d6 damage,
slate of powers. which increases to 5d6 when you reach 16th level.
urelio Margarida leaned over the dusty
vellum maps and worn leather tomes But most importantly, a familiar is a companion and a friend.
in the dim light of the tower library. Those who walk the path of the arcane arts often find it to
His worktable was a mess of candle be a lonely one, lacking in the simple comfort and warmth of
stubs, old books, quill pens, sheets human companionship. The familiar is there whenever the
of parchment, wells of black ink, and wizard is in need, and can ease the burdens of life with its
antiquated documents. Aurelio pushed his heavy brass mere presence.
spectacles up and rubbed his weary eyes. He’d have to
translate the map into the common tongue before it was WIZARDS AND SORCERERS
of use to anyone. The problem was that the map was Wizards and sorcerers are closely related in their mystical arts.
written in an ancient script with notations and geographic The familiars and rituals in this chapter can, in fact, be used
descriptions in another forgotten language. Just balancing by sorcerers too. Similarly, the familiars and rituals described in
the translation texts was trouble enough without having to the previous chapter, The Sorcerer’s Familiar, can be used by a
write and transcribe the data. wizard as well as a sorcerer.
Aurelio stopped his efforts and closed his eyes in concentration.
He reached out with his tired mind to summon his familiar. GAINING A FAMILIAR
“Come Fantine, I have need of you.” High atop the library shelves Wizards may take the appropriate advantage to gain a Familiar
stirred the tiny fawn-colored lemur who shared the mystical when they reach the appropriate level, just like any character.
bond with Aurelio. A need to see her master arose within her Otherwise, a wizard may automatically gain a standard familiar at
as she climbed from her perch. Delicate and slow-moving, she third level or any level thereafter, but to do so, they must sacrifice
scaled the shelves down to Aurelio’s waiting arms. The wizard (permanently) a first-level spell slot.
smiled as his empathic companion appeared. She had been a
At Fourth level or any level thereafter, the wizard may gain a
gift from Wok Lei, a spellcaster of the far Orient. Fantine had
Greater familiar (or elevate their existing familiar to Greater
become a wonderful familiar. Her hands were nimble enough to
status) by sacrificing a second level spell slot. Finally, at Eighth
assist him with many duties, her taste for insects kept the library
level (or any level thereafter), the wizard may sacrifice a third
clear of vermin, and, perhaps best of all, she was active at night
level spell slot to gain (or elevate an existing familiar to) a
when he spent most of his time in research.
Supreme familiar.
Aurelio communicated his requests on a simple and emotional
level, and Fantine responded. She held open his books so that he SUMMONING RITUAL
was able to keep his hands free for other chores. Occasionally, To gain a familiar, the wizard must prepare an ancient arcane
he would stop his duties to afford Fantine a brief scratch under formula and ritual. The formula is based upon astrology,
her tiny chin. location, tradition, and the desired creature. The neophyte
wizard’s teacher or mentor often oversees the research
WIZARD FAMILIARS involved in this endeavor (though is by no means necessary,
For the wizard, the familiar is her tie to the arcane world. Often, as even powerful wizards sometimes summon familiars later in
the first magic the wizard ever performs, beyond simple cantrips, their careers).
is the summoning of a familiar. The familiar is a magical creature
bound to the wizard through arcane magic. The two share a Charts are drawn up showing the position of the stars and
mental empathic link that can only be cancelled by death or planets as they reflect the spellcaster’s birth. The creation of
complex arcane formulae. this chart requires an Intelligence Check at DC 20. A wizard
of superior expertise can assist neophytes and double check the
The wizard’s familiar acts as a servant, scout, spy, guardian, accuracy of the astrological chart.
and extra set of hands for the wizard. The familiar can deliver
messages between the wizard and her companions, or retrieve After the chart is drawn, the wizard compares it to ancient
small objects at the wizard’s request. It can serve as an extra pair magical texts. Within such arcane tomes is the outline of
of eyes for a wizard deep in research, or scout ahead of dungeon a formula. The variables of the chart are compared to the
delving adventurers. When the wizard sleeps, the familiar formula and a unique summoning ritual is designed. The
watches for danger, silently warning her of intruders or possible ritual’s geographic location and the familiar desired also
threats through their shared empathic link. factor heavily into the summoning. To correctly design
the actual ritual formula requires a successful Intelligence
In the laboratory, the familiar is an extra set of hands for check (DC 20). Once again, a wizard of greater skill is
research, alchemy, or item creation. Even familiars with limited often available to assist and correct neophytes, reducing
mobility, or a lack of dexterity, can hold open tomes, act as the DC by 1 for every point of intelligence bonus the
living paperweights, or keep chairs warm on chilly nights. master possesses.
The actual summoning itself takes a full day to complete. The TABLE 13-1: STANDARD WIZARD FAMILIAR
wizard bathes, dons fresh garments, and gets abundant rest to
Master Natural
prepare for the ordeal. If the chosen familiar is native to the Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
region, the ritual is often performed outdoors. The habitat
of the selected animal acts as the setting. Once the spell 1st-2nd +1 6 Share spells, empathic link
begins, the desired animal is drawn to the arcane energies. 3rd-4th +2 7 Deliver touch spells
If the animal is not native to the region, or the ritual is to
5th-6th +3 8 Speak with master
be performed in a large urban center, a captured animal can
be secured and successfully used. Many arcane shops often 7 -8
th th +4 9 Speak with animals of its kind
have a wide selection of creatures suitable for familiars. 9 -10
th th +5 10 -
The animal must be comfortable and remain emotionally
favorable toward the wizard. An offering of food can keep 11th-12th +6 11 Spell resistance
the animal friendly and complacent. Animals drawn to 13th-14th +7 12 Scry on familiar
the ritual must be capable of coming within 4 feet of the
15th-16th +8 13 -
wizard performing the ritual, and caged animals must also
be within this distance. 17 -18
th th +9 14 -
19 -20th th +10 15 -
A freshly crafted, unused brazier is filled with fragrant wood
and set ablaze. (This brazier is made of brass for the summoning Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement
of a standard familiar, silver or gold for the summoning to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents the
of a greater familiar, and mithril for the summoning of a preternatural toughness of the wizard’s familiar.
supreme familiar.) Into this blaze is cast a variety of herbs, Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
spices, fluids, and minerals. The arcane tomes have already natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though not
determined the exact type and amount of each item. The necessarily as smart as smart people.
cost of the brazier and the consumed components represents Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
the material expenditure of the ritual (100 gp for a standard abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
familiar; 1,000 gp for a greater familiar, and 5,000 gp for a
supreme familiar).
Once the material components of the ritual have been Master Natural
consumed, the wizard recites aloud the magical verses of Int Special
Class Level Armor Adj.
binding. This verbal component fuses the entire ritual
1st-2nd +1 7 Share spells, empathic link
together and links the animal to the wizard. The natural
animal type is altered and is considered a magical beast from 3 -4
rd th
+2 8 Deliver touch spells
this point on. The familiar also gains its enhanced abilities, Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +3 9
as described below. familiar ability
7th-8th +4 10 Speak with animals of its kind
Within a few moments after the summoning ritual is
complete, the wizard begins to feel the empathic link with 9th-10th +5 11 Blur
her new familiar. This bond is a very subtle emotional form Spell resistance, greater
of communication. The wizard and familiar understand the 11th-12th +6 12
familiar ability
basic needs for warmth, food, and sleep for each other. The
13th-14th +7 13 Scry on familiar, detect scrying
familiar and the wizard do not share physical senses, but do
share a common set of concepts and references (the passage of 15 -16th th
+8 14 -
time, recognize locations and creatures, and simple counting). 17 -18
th th
+9 15 Greater familiar ability
Communication along these lines is very crude until the
19 -20th th
+10 16 Recall
familiar advances in Intelligence. Often, instinct more than
intelligence seems to guide the familiar in following the Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement
wizard’s requests. The empathic link has a range of about one to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents the
preternatural toughness of the wizard’s familiar.
mile, after which it gradually fades.
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s
natural Intelligence). Familiars are as smart as people, though not
WIZARD FAMILIAR ABILITIES necessarily as smart as smart people.
When a creature becomes a familiar, arcane magic ties it to Greater Familiar Ability: Select any one greater or standard familiar
the wizard. The two become linked, and the animal or special ability from Chapter 1.
creature becomes tied to the wizard on an empathic level. The Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
familiar must obey the commands of the wizard master, but can abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1.
keep its own agenda.
TABLE 13-3: SUPREME WIZARD FAMILIAR Once the familiar has been transformed, the familiar ‘slot’ it
previously held is freed and the wizard can summon a new
Master Natural
Int Special familiar of that type. For example, if a wizard takes the Summon
Class Level Armor Adj.
Greater Familiar Ability and transforms her standard familiar
1st-2nd +1 9 Share spells, empathic link into a greater guardian familiar, she would then be able to
summon a new standard familiar.
3 -4
rd th
+2 10 Deliver touch spells
Speak with master, greater
5th-6th +3 11
familiar ability
A guardian familiar possesses the ability to transform itself
7th-8th +4 12 Speak with animals of its kind
at will, as a standard action, into a more powerful version
9th-10th +5 13 Blur, greater familiar ability of its natural form. (And can similarly revert back to its
natural form.) This transformation can be made up to one
Spell resistance, supreme
11th-12th +6 14 time per day for every 3 wizard levels that the master has
familiar ability
and lasts for 1 minute per wizard level that the master
Scry on familiar, detect scrying, possesses. A guardian familiar that reverts to ‘normal’ form
13th-14th +7 15
greater familiar ability before the full allotted time cannot transform back to its
15th-16th +8 16 Supreme familiar ability more powerful form without using up another daily use of
this power.
17th-18th +9 17 Greater familiar ability
19 -20th th
+10 18 Recall, supreme familiar ability The stats for a greater guardian familiar’s more powerful
form involve increasing the size and hit dice of the familiar
Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement in the same way that they are increased with an Animal
to the familiar’s existing natural armor bonus. It represents the
Growth spell. A greater guardian familiar advances its special
preternatural toughness of the wizard’s familiar.
abilities according to Table 13-2: Greater Wizard Familiar,
Int: The familiar’s Intelligence score (if higher than the familiar’s and is treated as a greater familiar in all respects. Similarly,
natural Intelligence). the stats for a supreme guardian familiar’s more powerful
Greater Familiar Ability: Select any one greater or standard familiar form are determined by applying the dire creature template
ability from Chapter 1. to the familiar’s natural form (note that the dire creature
Supreme Familiar Ability: Select any one supreme, greater, or template can be added to a familiar that is already, as its
standard familiar ability from Chapter 1. base creature, a dire animal). If the familiar was already a
greater guardian familiar, apply the template a second time
Other Special Abilities: For more information on the other special
abilities listed on this chart, see Chapter 1. to determine the stats of its more powerful form. A supreme
guardian familiar advances its special abilities according to
Table 13-3: Supreme Wizard Familiar, and is treated as a
GUARDIAN FAMILIARS supreme familiar in all respects.
When taking the Summon Greater Familiar and Summon
Supreme Familiar feats, instead of summoning a new familiar, a In their natural forms, guardian familiars have the physical
wizard has the option of transforming their existing familiar into stats of those forms. However, they are still treated as greater
a guardian familiar. familiars and supreme familiars for all other purposes.
A greater familiar (including a greater guardian familiar) Josul poured the remaining ingredients into the small iron
can be transformed into a supreme guardian familiar by a cauldron. Bits of fur, fingernail clippings, rare herbs, and the dust
wizard with the Summon Supreme Familiar Ability (who also from an ancient unmarked grave bubbled in the heated chalice
does not already have a supreme familiar as a result of the of unholy water. Josul spoke the words, keeping her breathing
feat). This transformation requires a day-long ritual which shallow and making certain that the rhythm was perfect. As the
consumes 2,500 gp. last syllable was uttered, she traced the final rune on the edge of
her ashen circle.
Amid the circle a puff of green smoke appeared and then slowly took Josul smiled and pointed to the ritual items around the dusty
shape into the form of a tiny humanoid creature with spiked horns, chamber. “Clean up this mess, Vinegar Tom. Place the items
reptilian wings, and long slender fingers that ended in black wicked in the brass-bound chest and the waste in the fireplace, then
talons. “I name thee Golachab, hung at the crossroad and banished join me in my study.” She turned her back and walked away,
to the Abyss as a child-slayer. I Josul, Mistress of the First House of pleasantly flushed with her own success. A quasit would aid her
Knell, Wizard of the Ninth Circle, command thee!” greatly as she attempted to gain even greater power.
The tiny demon looked up at Josul and revealed its ugly, needle- As Josul turned away, the tiny demon smirked with glee.
like teeth. Its skin looked like melted wax, and yet its eyes still Another fool’s soul would soon feed his true master amid the
smoldered with its once human soul. “So you have named me, ruins of the Abyss…
and so I shall serve, mistress. Command me and I shall do thy
bidding”, it croaked in a voice deeper than its small body should Power hungry spellcasters have the ability to bind power to their
have allowed. cause. And those who would turn towards the darker paths of
knowledge can often find no greater source of power than that
“I shall call you ‘Vinegar Tom,’ for none shall know your true of the demonic or the devilish. Working their arcane rituals,
name save myself.” Josul proclaimed. “You shall take the shape these foul masters of the arcane force the powers of the nether
of bat or goat upon my command. Obey me well, and I shall planes to their whims. Or so they believe.
reward you. Disobey, and I will light holy candles in your true
name at the local temple.” The tiny demon wagged its head and Unlike other familiars, a diabolical servant is not to be trusted, for it
bowed before Josul in supplication. serves against its will and may have an agenda of its own. Diabolical
HOMUNCULI A creator not actively working on the ritual must rest and
can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or
Not every wizard wants a familiar. Some don’t have the time
talking. If they miss a day, the process fails, and the ritual
to care for a living companion. Others enjoy a more custom
must be started anew. Any gold pieces spent on the failed
designed servant. A few wizards want a second partner, but don’t
ritual are lost. The previously crafted body can be reused,
want a second familiar or animal companion. The homunculus
as can the laboratory.
offers all of this and more.
A homunculus with more than 2 Hit Dice can be created, but
The homunculus is a creature created of magic and alchemy. each additional Hit Die adds 2,000 gp to the cost to create.
These tiny constructs can fulfill duties similar to those of a
familiar, but without suffering many of the familiar’s weaknesses The following spells are required to complete the ritual: arcane
and liabilities. Although typical homunculi are physically weak, eye, mirror image, and mending. Additional spells may be required
they make excellent servants, scouts, spies, or guardians, and depending upon the type of homunculus being created (see the
their vaguely humanoid shape allows them to act as an extra individual entries in Appendix B for details).
pair of hands for their master.
Wizards need not be restricted to the basic homunculus outlined
Homunculi do not age or need to eat or sleep. They do not in the Fifth Edition Monsters Tome. It may be possible to modify
tire or complain. A few homunculi can mimic human emotion, the creation to add any number of special features to the final
but they do not “feel.” They are loyal servants who complete product; the exact nature of these is left to the discretion of
whatever tasks their master demands. the CK and player. An exhaustive list of these homunculi is
neither necessary nor germane; it would result in a dozen stat
A homunculus cannot speak, but the process of creating blocks with very minor variations among them. Should you wish
one telepathically links the creator to it. This telepathic link to modify the existing homunculus, guidelines for modifying
has a range of 1,500 feet. The homunculus can (and will) creatures are present in the Fifth Edition monster book, and
tell its master everything that it experiences as long as it the CK should closely monitor such creation to ensure that the
remains within this range. In addition, a homunculus never resulting creation does not unbalance the game or tip the scales
willingly leaves this range, and – if forcibly removed – will in the favor of the wizard’s player.
do everything in its power to regain contact with its master.
Lastly, an attack that destroys a homunculus deals 2d10 HOMUNCULI FAMILIARS
points of damage to its master. A homunculus may be taken as an improved or greater familiar,
in which case it is treated as normal for such a creature (type
If its creator dies, a homunculi dies too, and its body swiftly
changes to magical beast, increases in power per the standard or
melts away into nothingness.
greater familiar lists of the appropriate class, etc.). See Chapter
A character can have as many homunculi as she wishes. 1 for more details on improved and/or greater familiars.
Description: These statistics are for ewes and domesticated Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
sheep. For wild rams, use the statistics for goats in the Fifth 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 9 (-1) 2 (-4) 10 (0) 4 (-3)
Flying squirrels use the same statistics as regular squirrels, but have a Bite. Melee weapon attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
glide speed of 30 ft. in addition to ground and climbing. Using their Hit: 1 piercing damage.
wing flaps, flying squirrels can glide at a ratio of 2 feet horizontally Description: Offensively, a turtle has a relatively strong,
for every 1 foot vertically. In other words, a flying squirrel which beaked jaw. Its primary form of protection, however, comes
starts out 50 feet above the ground can glide to a distance 100 feet from an armor-like shell (into which it can withdraw its
before touching ground. While gliding, a flying squirrel cannot take vulnerable legs and head). This heavy carapace, however,
any other action. slows them to a well-known crawl.
Large beast, unaligned Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class: 17 Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 22 (4d8+1) Hit Points: 40 (5d8+3)
Speed: 40 ft. Speed: 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (0) 7 (-2) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 10 (0) 6 (-3)
Description: Docile, nocturnal creatures, tapirs are large, Tail Slap. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) bludgeoning damage.
hoofed mammals with elongated, flexible snouts. They bear
a resemblance to aardvarks, but are most closely related Description: Walruses are found in fairly shallow ocean water,
to rhinos and horses. The body of the tapir is rounded and seldom at depths below 250 feet. They spend two-thirds of their
covered in short, bristly fur. They live in dense forests near lives underwater, coming up to rest and bear young, and little
rivers or lakes – taking to water when threatened. else. They can weigh up to 4,000 pounds. Their ivory tusks have
an un-carved value of 100 gp each.
In their journeys, of course, the brewer fairies often find items Dark familiars use their Hide skill and/or incorporeal abilities to
and valuables they cannot use in their brews (gems, potions, and surprise opponents and attack them using their vampiric touch.
the like). These, too, they are willing to barter, but not in coin. In order to avoid being struck in combat, the dark familiar often
Instead, brewer faeries prefer magic items, rare pieces of art and hides inside walls and other material objects.
most especially, exotic liquors from anywhere and everywhere.
DARK FAMILIAR Large Magical Beast, unaligned
Tiny Incorporeal Undead, Chaotic Evil Armor Class: 18
Armor Class: 14 Hit Points: 76 (9d10+27)
Hit Points: 15 (6d4) Speed: 40 ft., fly 30 ft.
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
6 (-2) 12 (+2) 10 (0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
Condition Immunities: Blind
Damage Resistances: acid, fire, lightning, thunder; Skills: Perception +7, Survival +5
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Senses: Blindsight, Darkvision, 60 ft., Scent, Passive Perception 17
Damage Immunities: cold, necrotic, poison Languages: Draconic
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Challenge: 5
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Multiattack: While in melee combat, the dragonne attacks
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15; with a bite and two claw attacks.
Languages: any languages it knew in life
Challenge: 1 (200) Pounce: If the dragonne moves at least 20 feet straight toward
a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn,
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +5 that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw
Darkness: A dark familiar can create darkness as the spell. It or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the dragonne can
can do this three times, after which it must complete a long make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
rest to regain expended uses of the ability. Roar: A dragonne can loose a devastating roar every 1d4
Ethereal Sight: The dark familiar can see 60 feet into the Ethereal rounds. All creatures except dragonnes within 120 feet
Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom save or gain a level of
Incorporeal Movement: The dark familiar can move exhaustion. Those within 30 feet who fail their saves gain two
through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult levels of exhaustion.
terrain. It cannot use its vampiric touch attack while inside of Actions
another creature or object. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Turn Resistance: The dark familiar gains advantage on target. Hit: 10 (2d6+4)
rolls to resist turning by a cleric or other character with the Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
channel divinity class feature or similar special ability. target. Hit: 8 (2d4+4)
Description: A dragonne is a massive beast resembling a cross
Etherealness: As a move action, the dread familiar enters
between a lion and a dragon. It has fur ranging from tawny
the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa.
brown to fiery red, huge bat wings and a massive body about 12
It is visible on the Material Plane while it is in the Border
feet long and weighing about 700 pounds.
Ethereal, and vice versa, yet it can’t affect or be affected by
anything on the other plane.
Vampiric Touch. Melee Touch Attack: +4 to hit, Reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 plus one point per master’s level Large Magical Beast, neutral good
necrotic damage Armor Class: 17
Description: The dark familiar is an intelligent, undead, Hit Points: 33 (6d10)
incorporeal familiar. It typically serves evil masters who kill Speed: 50ft.
and bestow undeath to the familiars of other casters (or if the
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
CK chooses, any character master that has a living familiar).
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 13 (+1)
Skills: Arcana +7, Nature +7, Perception +7, Religion +7 Armor Class: 17
Senses: Darkvision 120ft., Passive Perception 16 Hit Points: 5d8 (22 hp)
Languages: Celestial, common, sylvan, possibly others. Speed: 40 ft.
Challenge: 4 (1,100) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Cause Sleep: Dream fauns grant the gift of sleep to all 10 (0) 18 (+4) 11 (0) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 10 (0)
travelers who request it. The sleep lasts for eight hours.
Those receiving this slumber drowsily bow to the grass. Skills: Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +5
The sleep heals 1d4 hit points of damage above and beyond Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, Passive Perception 16
what ordinary rest usually does and revitalizes the recipient Languages: Common (understand only)
completely, eradicating all fatigue. Those who have sought Challenge: 2 (450)
the dream faun out on a special pilgrimage may also be Detect Magic: Ethereal filchers can detect magic as the
granted prophetic dreams, giving them a hint of some Wizard spell at will.
future event of particular importance to them. Dream
fauns may bestow this gift at will. Ethereal Jaunt: As a bonus action, the spider can magically
If pressed, a dream faun may also use this power against shift from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane, or vice
hostile targets. Hostile targets must make a successful versa.
Wisdom save DC 16 to resist falling asleep. When used Actions
against hostile targets, the target does not heal damage, Bite. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, 5 ft. reach, one target.
but is instead racked with horrible nightmares and the Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing.
fitful sleep does not count as completing a rest. The power
can be used in this fashion only a number of times equal Description: Ethereal filchers are bizarre-looking creatures
to the dream faun’s hit dice (6 by default). The faun must with one foot and four arms ending in hands with long, spindly
complete a long rest to regain all expended uses. Elves fingers. They appear to have two heads, one on a long stalk of a
and Half Elves are immune to this effect. neck and another on their abdomen. They have a penchant for
snatching trinkets from passersby. Their ability to move quickly
Gift of Sustenance: A dream faun can magically create between the Ethereal Plane and the Material Plane makes them
enough food and water for one person for one day. They must spectacular pickpockets.
complete a long rest before using this ability again.
Clerical Abilities: Dream fauns cast spells (4 cantrips; 1st-
4 slots, 2nd-3 slots, 3rd-3 slots; Wisdom-based spell save FAMILIAR EATER
DC 16) and have Channel Divinity as 6th-level clerics of Small Magical Beast, Chaotic Evil
the Life Domain. They do not require components for their Armor Class: 19
spellcasting. Hit Points: 31 (9d6)
Actions Speed: 5ft, fly 60 ft.
Horns. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., 1 target. Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Hit: 7 (2d6+1) piercing damage.
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+3) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Hooves. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., 1 target.
Hit: 11 (2d10+1) bludgeoning damage. Damage Resistances: Poison
Description: It is said that the gods of prophecy and dreams Damage Immunities: None
created the dream fauns, imbuing them with magical Condition Immunities: Poisoned, Paralyzed
powers which allow them to interpret the mysteries and Skills: Stealth +7, Perception +4, Survival +4 Senses:
meanings of dreams. Physically they resemble angora goats, Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense, passive perception 14
with grand, forked horns and cloven hooves that shine like Languages: None.
silver and gold. Challenge: 4 (1,100 XP)
Familiar Infection: This supernatural disease only works on
Often dream fauns are brought to temples of the dream gods,
a familiar. When stung by the familiar eater, the creature is
there to answer the prayers and supplications of the worshippers
implanted with larvae which incubate inside of it, feeding off
who make their pilgrimage there.
of both the familiar and its magical link to its master. Each
week, the familiar loses 1d4 points of Constitution, while
any spells the master uses through its familiar (or abilities the
familiar uses, either its own or its master’s) see their save DC
and damage reduced by an equivalent amount, cumulative.
When the familiar’s Constitution reaches zero, it dies as the Damage Resistances: Cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic,
larvae burst forth, a swarm of immature familiar eaters. A DC slashing and piercing that are nonmagical.
20 Constitution save will negate the effects of the disease as Damage Immunities: None.
the familiar’s immune system attacks and kills the larvae. If Condition Immunities: Fear, Paralysis
the save is failed, the only way to cure the familiar is through Skills: Arcana +6, Deception +4, Perception +5, Stealth
a greater restoration spell, which grants the familiar a new +4 Senses: See below, Familiar Sense
save, with advantage. Languages: Familiar morphs speak only those languages that
Familiar Sense: The familiar eater can sense the exact location their latest victim did.
of any familiar within 1 mile and is drawn inexorably to its Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
location. This ability functions exactly like the locate creature Familiar Sense: The familiar morph can sense the exact
spell, except that the familiar eater does not need to be familiar location of any familiar within 1 mile and is drawn inexorably
in any way with the creature or location it is trying to track. to its location. This ability functions exactly like the locate
Multiattack: a familiar eater attacks with its stinger and creature spell, except that the familiar eater does not need to
claws each round. be familiar in any way with the creature or location it is trying
Actions to track.
Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, 1 Paralyzing Touch: A creature successfully hit by the
targets. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage plus victim is poisoned familiar morph’s slam attack must make a Strength save (DC
for 1d4 hours (DC 10 Con save negates), or is infected (if a 16) or become paralyzed for 1d4+2 rounds. Familiars suffer
familiar; see familiar infection, above). disadvantage to their saving throw against this ability. Note
that the familiar morph must be in its natural form to use this
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 target.
Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
Morph: A familiar morph can assume the shape of any Tiny,
Description: Though it is not remembered who created familiar Small, or Medium familiar it comes in contact with. This works
eaters, it is known they were created to overthrow a cabal of similarly to a druid’s wild shape ability, but the familiar morph
black wizards. By preying upon the black wizards’ familiars, the can remain in the chosen form indefinitely and is restricted to
familiar eaters weakened the spellcasters, leaving them open to the form of the familiar it has enveloped. In order to use the
the attacks which would later destroy them. ability, the familiar morph must succeed at a touch attack against
a helpless familiar. If the familiar morph succeeds, the familiar
Familiar eaters are small, reptilian creatures. Usually between
must make a Wisdom save (DC 16). If the familiar fails, it is
three and four feet in length, a familiar eater flies using large,
destroyed and the familiar morph assumes its shape. Once it
bat-like wings. They lack legs and must depend on their wings
has assumed the familiar’s shape, the familiar morph may switch
to move about. Despite their penchant for attacking familiars,
back and forth between the new form and its natural form at
familiar eaters mainly survive on small insects and rodents. They
will as a bonus action.
reproduce, however, only by slaying the familiars of wizards.
The familiar’s master is unaware of any change (unless, of
Familiar eaters are difficult to kill simply because they course, he saw the attack happen) – the familiar morph
passionately avoid melee combat under all circumstances. seamlessly assumes the bond between master and familiar as
When confronted with force, they take flight, trying as hard as if it were the familiar. The familiar morph also gains all of the
possible to get away. If backed into a corner, they attack with familiar’s abilities and can read “its” master’s mind by exploiting
their stinger and claws, keeping to the air when possible. their bond.
A familiar eater usually strikes only to infect the familiars of Note that the familiar morph must be in its natural form to
wizards and sorcerers (or, using the rules presented in this book, attack and morph into a new familiar form.
the familiars of any character), which it locates via its familiar Bond Drain: Each day after the familiar morph assumes
sense ability. a familiar’s form using its morph ability, its new “master”
must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16). Regardless
of whether the saving throw succeeds or fails, the master’s
FAMILIAR MORPH maximum hit points and hit dice are reduced by one hit
Small Abberration, any evil die. In addition, if the save fails, the “master” receives
Armor Class: 16 disadvantage on all attacks, saving throws and ability
Hit Points: 14 (4d6) checks until he completes a long rest, and is unaware of
Speed: 30 ft. what’s happening to him (the CK should secretly apply
the penalties, rolling the disadvantage die for the PC in
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha secret). If the save is successful, however, the “master”
10 (0) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) becomes aware that something is wrong – that something
is draining energy from him – but he won’t know what.
Stinger (Ex): Any humanoid struck by a mantrid’s stinger Incorporeal Movement: The mercurial can move through
must succeed at a Wisdom save (CL 5) or be affected as other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It
though by a charm person spell (Save DC 16). The mantrid takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
is +15 to hit with its stinger due to its unnatural speed and Actions
agility. Incorporeal Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Unnaturally Fast: The reactions of mantrids are so fast that reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: 2 (1d4) Force damage, and target
they receive an extra action each round. In addition, their loses 1d4 points of Charisma. If Charisma reaches zero, the
bonus on melee attacks is +10 and they receive advantage target stops moving, loses all sense of self and sentience, and is
on initiative rolls. considered an object thereafter. The body begins to shut down
Actions and dies within 1d20 minutes unless Charisma is raised above
zero, which can be done via Restoration, Greater Restoration,
Stinger. Melee weapon attack: +10 to hit, Reach 5ft, 1target. Wish, or a similar magical effect (though not Cure Wounds).
Hit: 1 point of piercing damage and target is charmed unless it Lost Charisma returns at a rate of 1d6 per short rest or entirely
succeeds at a DC 16 Wisdom save after a long rest.
Description: Mantrids are the fey spirits of the mantis, Description: A mercurial is an insubstantial spirit from the
appearing much like the fearsome insects. Natural tricksters, Methetherial plane, blithe and carefree, existing only to experi-
ence visual sensations. They have no physical form, existing as Supreme Mercurials
incorporeal creatures. Supreme Mercurials also exist; they have the same statistics as
Mercurials have no sense of taste, touch, or smell. They can Greater Mercurials except they are Challenge 4 and have 9d8
hear and see normally. hit dice (49 hp). Their spell Resistance is effective against Dispel
Magic. They are worth 1,100 XP.
Medium Outsider, any chaotic MOON CAT
Armor Class: 15 Tiny magical beast, unaligned
Hit Points: 27 (5d8+5) Armor Class: 14
Speed: 90ft. fly Hit Points: 5 (2d4)
Speed: 30ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
3 (-4) 15 (+2) 10 (0) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Damage Resistances: acid, fire, lightning, thunder, spell resistance
Damage Immunities: poison, bludgeoning, piercing, and Condition Immunities: Charmed, Paralyzed
slashing from nonmagical attacks Skills: Perception +5
Condition Immunities: grappled, paralyzed, petrified, Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Passive Perception 15
poisoned, prone, restrained Challenge: ½ (100 XP)
Vulnerabilities: Dispel Magic
Mass Charm Monster: The moon cat automatically generates
Skills: Arcana +5, Perception +5, Religion +5, Survival +5 this effect when it appears. It need not speak the target’s language
Senses: Darkvision 120ft., ethereal vision, passive perception – the moon cat’s physical presence is sufficient to soothe those
16 around it. Subjects must make a successful Wisdom save (DC 15)
Languages: Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, to resist.
native language of its master.
Challenge: 1 (200 XP) Paralysis: Anyone who touches the moon cat in any way
(even by striking it with a melee weapon) must make a
Bound: A mercurial can travel to a distance away from its successful Constitution save (DC 15) or be paralyzed for
master of no more than 500 feet per level of the master. If a 1d6+4 minutes.
mercurial attempts to travel beyond this range, it encounters
an unseen and impenetrable barrier. Portent: A moon cat can rub against a chosen target (treat
as a touch attack), gifting it with a portent. The subject may
Dispel Magic: If a mercurial is the target of a Dispel Magic make a Charisma save (DC 15) to resist. The CK rolls a 1d8
spell, and it fails a Charisma save (DC=caster’s spell save to determine the effect based on the current moon phase:
DC), it is banished back to the methetherial plane for 1d6
hours. The mercurial’s spell resistance does not work against TABLE A-1: PORTENT EFFECT
Ethereal Sight: The mercurial can see 60 feet into the Full Moon 1-7 8
Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice
Waning Moon 1-5 6-8
New Moon 1 2-8
Incorporeal Movement: The mercurial can move through
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It Waxing Moon 1-3 4-8
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. The subject is unaware of which effect he’s received until
Actions he takes an action that plausibly triggers it. The exact nature
Incorporeal Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, of this miracle or curse is left to the whims of the CK, though
reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: 3 (1d6) Force damage, and target it is suggested that he consult the bestow curse and wish spells
loses 1d4 points of Charisma. If Charisma reaches zero, the for ideas. For a miracle, it’s important that the CK describe
target stops moving, loses all sense of self and sentience, and is circumstances so that the subject has a clear understanding of
considered an object thereafter. The body begins to shut down his situation, though unlike the spell, the character has no input
and dies within 1d20 minutes unless Charisma is raised above into what occurs.
zero, which can be done via Restoration, Greater Restoration, Flawless Teleport: The moon cat uses this to hone in on
Wish, or a similar magical effect (though not Cure Wounds). the site to which it feels drawn. When its task is complete, the
Lost Charisma returns at a rate of 1d6 per short rest or entirely creature teleports back to its lair. Many a wizard has spent a
after a long rest. lifetime searching for these places, to no avail.
Large magical beast, unaligned
Medium Outsider, any alignment
Armor Class: 15
Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 45 (6d10+12)
Hit Points: 16 (3d8+3)
Speed: 50ft, fly 50ft
Speed: 30ft., fly 90ft.
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 7 (-2)
0 (0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Paralyzed, Restrained
Damage Resistances: acid, fire, lightning, thunder,
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Skills: Athletics +5, Insight +8, Perception +8
Damage Immunities: poison Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive perception 18
Condition Immunities: grappled, paralyzed, petrified, Languages: Telepathic communication
poisoned, prone, restrained Challenge: 3 (700)
Skills: Arcana +6, History +6, Insight +3, Nature +6, Limited Telepathy: Noble stags are intelligent creatures, and
Perception +3, Perform +10, Religion +6, All musical even possess a limited telepathic ability which allows them to
instruments +10 detect and read the thoughts and motives of those near them.
Senses: Passive perception 13 This gives them a natural bonus to insight and perception,
Languages: All languages and allows them to communicate telepathically with any
Challenge: 2 (400 XP) intelligent creature they can see, who can also see them.
Incorporeal Movement: The mercurial can move through Multiattack: The noble stag attacks twice each round-once
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It with its clawed feet and once with its horns (gore).
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Plane Shift: Despite their physical presence in the wild, and
Bonded: The muse is bonded to the bard who summons it. regardless of how rooted they may be in the world of mortals,
The muse cannot move further than 30 feet away from the noble stags can travel freely into the fey realms as well. In
bard to whom it is bound. If the bard dies, the muse also dies. game terms this means they can plane shift (only themselves
Inspiration: The muse is able to use Bardic Inspiration as a and only to and from the ‘fey realms’) as a bonus action.
third-level bard. It has 4d6 Bardic Inspiration dice. Actions
Manifestation: At will, the muse can manifest itself. While Claws. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one
manifested, the muse becomes visible and assumes a physical target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) slashing damage.
form (which can be harmed and killed normally). While Gore. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target.
manifested, the muse cannot move farther than 30 feet from the Hit: 8 (1d12+2) slashing damage.
bard (although if the bard moves, the muse must move with the
bard). Description: Noble stags have a head and body similar to that
of an antlered elk or deer, but with wings and legs like those of
a giant eagle. They tend to make their nests atop high cliffs or
Short Sword. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 boulder formations, though they sometimes nest amid the larger
targets. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) slashing damage. branches of particularly enormous trees.
Short Bow. Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, range
30/120ft., 1 target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage. Noble stags are forest spirits, living in peace within forests
which have been untainted with evil. As a result, woodsmen,
druids, and rangers often view the sighting of a noble stag as a Mimicry. The ravic can mimic any sounds it has heard,
sign of luck and good fortune. Although they have strong ties including voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell
to the fey realms, and are natural beasts imbued with mystical they are imitations with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight)
power, noble stags nevertheless feed on a diet of grasses, bark, check.
and roots. Noble stags are neither carnivorous nor naturally
aggressive. They fight only if injured or ensnared, but struggle Pack Tactics. The ravic has advantage on an attack roll
until exhausted or dead before permitting themselves to be against a creature if at least one of the ravic’s allies is within 5
captured. They fiercely protect their nests from invasion, and feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
fight to protect their eggs or hatchlings if the male cannot Actions
successfully lure hunters away before the nest is discovered. Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
The feathers and antlers of a noble stag can be used to description: Ravics are intelligent, eagle-sized birds that re-
enhance spells or increase weapon damage. The corpse semble blue feathered ravens with white talons, white beak and
of a male noble stag produces 1d100 usable feathers. The milky eyes.
feathers can be used in two ways. Firstly, when used as a
component in a feather fall spell, the feather of the noble “An honest man means a silent ravic.”
stag doubles the normal duration of the spell, regardless of - Folk Proverb
the caster’s level. The feather loses its potency after one
use. Secondly, if fashioned into a writing quill and used These birds do not caw; instead, they mimic any conversation
to scribe a fly spell, the noble stag’s feather enhances the that they have heard. Known for their honesty, ravics actively
normal potency of the spell to function as though the spell seek out falsehoods. Focusing on liars and thieves, ravics circle
had been cast using a spell slot one higher than was actually above these miscreants declaring their transgressions word for
spent. The feather loses this magical property once the fly word in the villain’s voice. They cannot be bribed or magically
spell has been inscribed. charmed so the only ways to end their display are for the target
to confess their crimes, or the bird to be chased away or killed,
The antlers of a noble stag can be used to increase the potency though murdering a ravic is rarely the best course of action.
of any weapons that spend time in the air. If fashioned into
arrowheads, darts, or javelin tips, they increase the damage Pickpockets and scoundrels attract ravics like flies to dead
die of such weapons by one level (1d6 becomes a 1d8, etc.). A bodies. However, even assassins who fear having their crimes
dozen arrowheads, darts, or javelin tips can be fashioned from pronounced avoid killing ravics. Murdering a ravic can result
each antler. in a flock of the birds, known as a jury, gathering to pass
The heart of a noble stag contains the essence of its judgment on the murderer. The punishment varies based on
supernatural wisdom and intelligence. By eating the heart, a the laws of the land.
character gains one of the following abilities: 25% chance of
Incapable of lying, their storied honesty is so respected that some
detect thoughts (as per the spell), 25% chance of clairvoyance
rural settlements present grievances before them and abide by
(as per the spell), 25% chance of detect evil (as per the spell),
the bird’s ruling. In legend, ravics were known as divine truth
or 25% chance of wisdom (as per the potion). The ability can
given wing and were empowered to act as the ultimate judge of
be used 1/short or long rest.
all, even kings.
RAVIC Yet, ravics do not have a mystic command of the truth. They assess
the situation using their owl-like hearing combined with their
Small beast, lawful good insight into humanoids to discern the truth of most statements.
Armor Class: 13 Able to detect illusions of all types, they are compelled to repeat
Hit Points: 15 (4d6) what the object’s true form is or what an illusion hides.
Speed: 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
Unsubstantiated tales suggest that ravics were created as
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha inquisitors of an ancient elvish state but left because the elves
12 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) were so honest that they lacked cause to render any judgments.
Condition Immunities: charmed Rogues and Ravics: When rogues receive mystical companions,
the gods of good sometimes send a ravic as divine intervention.
Skills: Insight +5, Intimidation +3, Perception +5
The ravic will announce to the reprobate that they are a
Senses: truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 15
conscience not a companion. If they witness misdeeds, the ravic
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan
will call them out, going so far as to recruit the local authorities
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
to thwart their charge’s actions. If possible, the bird will prod the
Keen Hearing and Sight. The ravic has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
rogue down a righteous path and, if they commit no crimes, the Cause Fear: Reapers have the ability to cause fear in mortals.
ravic will offer them magical insight into the world around them. Beings affected by the reaper must flee as far from the reaper
as possible at full speed for 2d6 rounds, and are thereafter
Clerics, Paladins & Ravics: The good gods of justice and truth
frightened until the reaper leaves or is defeated. Beings that
send messages through ravics to their followers. Due to their
succeed in a Charisma saving throw (DC 15) are not afraid
unwavering honesty, a ravic claiming to have a divine message
and may not be affected by that particular reaper again.
can be taken as the voice of that deity. Clerics and paladins
often find their guidance and integrity helpful in holy quests. Ethereal Sight: The reaper can see 60 feet into the Ethereal
Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.
Certain mages and alchemists will buy ravic feathers. The
Incorporeal Movement: The reaper can move through
feathers are useful in the creation of Zone of Truth potions.
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It
Each ravic feather used reduces the cost of the potion’s creation
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
by 25 gp up to half of the total.
Invisibility (Recharge 6): As a bonus action, the reaper can
become invisible. This ability lasts until it does something to
JURY OF RAVICS reveal itself (such as attacking another creature).
The thing I stole I took to be mine
Paralysis: Beings struck with the reaper’s scythe must make a
It was not then but I thought “With time”
Wisdom save (DC 15) or become paralyzed for 1d4+4 rounds.
Through the market I took blind flight
Into a jury of birds whose sight gave me fright Plane Shift: The reaper may transport between the mortal
planes of existence and the Ethereal plane (or any demiplane
Before me, before the market, before all of our eyes
therein) at will as a standard action. They do not have
The ravics challenged me repeating my lies
the power to bring the living with them to the land of the
“I stole this and it will be mine with time” said the birds
dead. While in the Ethereal plane it can neither affect nor be
“The birds the birds” shouted I “they used my words”
affected by creatures on the Prime Material.
Words I tried to repudiate but it had my voice
Their “my words” left the mob no choice Soul Collection: A reaper who kills a foe or is in the presence
of a newly deceased body whose soul is unclaimed by any other
They cut off my hand and branded me a thief
deity or fiendish lord may trap the lost soul and claim it for their
I buried my paw but only I felt grief
own master. Souls claimed by a reaper may not be raised by
The people spoke and cast me out
means of a raise dead or reincarnate spell. A resurrection spell cast
My life ruined and I am without
on a body claimed by a reaper has an 80% chance of failure.
If ever I knew an unbeatable he
Only a wish, or undertaking of a great quest into the land of
It was the ravic who mimicked an honest me the dead may bring the spirit and body of one thus claimed by
a reaper to life again.
Ethereal Scythe (Life Drain): Melee Weapon Attack: +5
Medium Outsider, Neutral to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (3d6 + 3) necrotic
Armor Class: 20 damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
Hit Points: 26 (4d8+4) saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an
Speed: fly 50ft. amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts
until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) Description: These tall dark figures appear as an insubstantial
Damage Vulnerability: radiant skeletal humanoid, swathed in dusty robes of black velvet
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, slashing, piercing from bearing a wicked silver bladed scythe whose handle is of
nonmagical weapons polished ebon wood. Referred to by mortals as the Grim Reaper,
Damage Immunities: necrotic, poison these beings are the extra planar servants of the various Gods
Condition Immunities: Poisoned, restrained, paralyzed, petrified of Death who are sent to cull the souls of faithless mortals who
have gone unclaimed by other gods. They appear at the moment
Skills: Insight +5, Perception +5, Survival +5, Stealth +10 of a being’s demise, where they wait invisibly to claim the soul of
Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Passive perception 15 their newly deceased for their benighted masters.
Languages: All
Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP) Reapers are seldom seen by mortals, save for times when
Assassination: Any creature the reaper strikes with death itself is near, or by those beings under the effect of
advantage, must succeed at a Constitution saving throw (DC true seeing, or see invisible spells, though their presence is
15) or suffer double damage from the attack. considered a bad omen, and disconcerting to those who
observe their dark work.
Description: Skitterwings possess a deep affinity to water, Shillelagh. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, Reach 5ft, 1
and they are usually found in areas of marshland or near target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage. Spirit flowers
coastal rivers. In their natural form, skitterwings possess a fey- avoid combat if at all possible and would much rather
like beauty. They are slim, delicate creatures and their bodies discorporate and escape into a nearby flower than fight.
are completely hairless. Their limbs, fingers and toes are all Description: These fey creatures manifest themselves as
elongated, allowing them to walk on water by spreading their beautiful, translucent women wandering the desert and moving
light body weight across the surface tension. from one flower to the next, wherein they reside.
Few skitterwings remain, and they do their best to keep If these spirit women meet a traveler in distress during their
hidden from mortal eyes. In days long since gone, arcanists wanderings, they immediately give whatever aid they can, using
perfected rituals which enslaved the skitterwings. Since that their magical abilities if necessary. They do not speak, and
time, skitterwings have been bound as the spies and servants they administer care only to those who are in desperate straits
of dark powers. Beneath the influence of the black rituals, and unattended. They will linger, however, if their attention is
the skitterwing’s natural beauty has become corrupted – their captured – some become enamored of young, handsome men.
gossamer wings turned to insectoid monstrosities and their skin Others are captivated by small, pretty objects.
stained, as though smeared with blood.
Small elemental, any alignment
Small fey, chaotic good
Armor Class: 18
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 10 (3d6)
Hit Points: 35 (10d6)
Speed: fly 80 ft.
Speed: 30ft
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
10 (0) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 7 (-2)
15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 7 (-2)
Damage Vulnerability: cold iron Damage Vulnerabilities: Necrotic
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from Damage Resistances: thunder, lightning, and slashing,
nonmagical weapons. piercing, or bludgeoning from ranged weapons.
Damage Immunities: Poison Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, poisoned Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Skills: Nature +3, Perception +4, Survival +4 Skills: Nature +0, Perception +2
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive perception 14 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 12
Languages: Druidic, elven, gnomish, sylvan Languages: Auran, Common, Terran
Challenge: 6 Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
Incorporeal Movement: The spirit flower can move through Air Mastery: Airborne creatures suffer disadvantage to
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It attack rolls against spiritors, and spiritors have resistance to
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. all ranged weapon attacks.
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 11 (0) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) Wilderness Mastery: The woodshade has advantage on all
Animal Handling, nature, perception, stealth and survival
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing from checks, as well as on all saving throws while in a wooded area.
nonmagical weapons. Wilderness Illusion: While in a forest or wooded area, the
Damage Immunities: Cold, poison woodshade may use any druid spell of 5th level or lower at
Damage Vulnerability: Fire will as a normal action. Note that these affects are treated
Condition Immunities: Poisoned as the spell in question, except as detailed above (i.e. the
Skills: Stealth +5, Survival +6 Intelligence save, up to ten targets may be selected, etc.).
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 16 As spell-like abilities, the woodshade does not require
Languages: Common, druidic, sylvan components to create these magical effects. The spell save
Challenge: 6 (2,300 XP) DC for these spells is 14 (Wisdom based).
Multiattack: the tree warrior may make both a branch slam Woodland Cantrip: The woodshade may cast any cantrip
and constricting entangle attack every round. from the druid or bard spell list as a bonus action. The spell
Actions save DC for these spells is 14 (Wisdom based).
Constricting Entangle: The tree warrior has advantage Actions
on all grapple attempts. If it successfully grapples an Spell. Magical attack: +5 to hit. Reach, Targets and Damage
opponent, that opponent is both grappled and restrained based on spell.
unless it successfully uses an action to make a DC
16 strength check and break free. Any creature thus Description: Woodshades dwell in the dark, twisted hearts
entangled takes 9 (1d6+5) damage automatically every of the ancient forests of the world – forests whose history
round that it fails to break free (in addition to any damage stretches back to the earliest annals of the world. They are
from further branch slam attacks the tree warrior chooses black spirits who delight in destroying those who disturb
to make). The tree warrior can have up to 1d4 creatures their realms.
grappled simultaneously.
In its “natural” form a woodshade is nothing more than a small,
black mass of roiling energy. But in the course of their lives Constructing the Wizard's Poppet
they often gather the detritus of the forest to them, creating an A wizard’s poppet is treated as a homunculus in most respects,
animate clump of dead leaves, dry wood, and dirt. Few, however, including its creation. It costs 1,000 gp to create, including
are ever given the chance to actually see the woodshade, for it 10 gp for the body. Creating the body requires an intelligence
prefers to work its evil from afar. check (DC 15). The ritual to animate the body requires a 7th
level character. In addition to the spells listed in Chapter 12,
completing the ritual requires the casting of discern location and
WIZARD'S POPPET true strike on the final day of the ritual. The creation process
Tiny construct, neutral otherwise follows all the specifics outlined under the ‘Creating
A Homunculus’ section of Chapter 13.
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 7 (3d4)
Speed: 20ft YETH HOUND
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Medium outsider, neutral evil
6 (-2) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 4 (-3) 10 (0) 7 (-2) Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 19 (3d8+6)
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing from nonmagical Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft.
Damage Resistances: All / Silver, Holy or Magical
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, poisoned, sleeping, incapacitated Skills: Perception +6, Survival +5
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
Skills: Perception +2
Languages: –
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive perception 12
Challenge: 2 (200 XP)
Languages: Understands its creator’s language but cannot
speak. Bay: When a yeth hound howls, all creatures within a
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP) 300-foot area who are not evil outsiders must succeed at a
wisdom save (DC 13) or be panicked; on each of its turns,
Find Target: When ordered to find its chosen target, a poppet
the frightened creature must take the Dash action and move
does so unerringly, as though guided by a locate creature spell
away from you by the safest and shortest available route,
which is unaffected by distance, polymorph, running water, or
unless there is nowhere to move. If the target moves out of
any other form of barrier or spell confusion.
range of this ability, the effect ends.
Self-Repair: Given enough time, and access to enough cloth,
Scent: Yeth hounds gain advantage on all wisdom checks
a poppet can repair itself by tearing off strips of cloth and
related to their sense of smell.
adding them to its own body, allowing it to spend hit dice to
recover damage during a short rest just as a player character Shadow Blend: Yeth hounds gain total concealment in any
could. In addition, the wizard’s poppet recovers from a long condition of illumination other than full daylight.
rest just as a player character could. Finally, as a bonus action, Trip: Whenever the yeth hound hits an opponent with a
the poppet can regain 1d4 hit points by shifting around its bite attack, the opponent falls prone unless it succeeds at a
own body structure. It can do this 3/long rest times. dexterity save (DC 15). If the opponent fails this check, the
Telepathic Link: So long as the poppet is on the same plane of yeth hound may make an immediate second bite attack as a
existence as its master, it can communicate telepathically with its bonus action.
master. Actions
Actions Bite. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Assassinate (Recharge 6). Melee weapon attack: strike Hit: 8 (1d8 +4) piercing damage.
with advantage, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: triple maximum Description: Yeth hounds resemble a strange cross between
damage. a lynx and a hairless dog. Deep black in color and with watery,
Tiny Blade: Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one yellow eyes, the yeth hound stands 5 feet tall at the shoulder and
target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) slashing damage. weighs about 400 pounds. Yeth hounds hunt only at night. They
fear the sun and never venture out in daylight, even if their lives
Description: A wizard’s poppet is a tiny doll given the depend on it. Yeth hounds cannot speak, but understand Infernal.
semblance of life. They are capable of serving as menial labor, They are resistant to all damage unless the weapon string them is
but the true purpose of their creation is assassination. During magical, holy or silver. Their own claws are treated as evil-aligned
creation, a sympathetic link is created between the poppet and for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
another (often by including a strand of hair in the other’s body).
Upon command, the poppet hunts its destined prey through the
use of this unique connection
To put it bluntly, you can beat a dragon into submission all you When word spread to the other dragons in the world, the
want—that’s not going to stop it from flying 500 feet in the air, most ancient and venerable of the species gathered in a
plucking you off its back, and dropping you. rare Conclave and enacted powerful magics to protect
their kind from such mortal depredations. Such a Conclave
Thus, the second stage in becoming a dragon rider is a quest to among these arrogant and regal creatures hadn’t happened
find a suitable dragon for companionship and riding. The details in tens of thousands of years, and likely will never happen
of this quest are left to the CK and player to determine, but again. Indeed, a number of ancient dragons perished in ar-
should involve a harrowing journey of both research/investiga- rogance and the searing of breath weapons before an ac-
tion and physical trials. cord was reached.
Still, realizing the potential benefits of such a bond, they kept
Perhaps the character pores over ancient legends to find rumors
the secrets to themselves, allowing only the most revered
of a dragon eyrie high in the mountains, beyond great perils
and powerful amongst them the ability to open the Bonding.
and at a level where the air is so thin that mortals can barely
Since those days, only the greatest heroes—perhaps one in a
breathe. The character must scale this mountain, and then
generation—have had the ability to bond with a creature…
overcome any number of guardians and traps the dragon has
and change the very shape of history itself.
put in place before finding the dragon itself!
Alternately, what if a dragon senses, divines or otherwise hears If the hero thought getting to this point was difficult, they’ve
that a questing hero is gathering information of the sort that seen nothing yet. The numbers of those who have successfully
could result in becoming a dragon rider, and actively seeks out sought out a dragon after lifetime of study only to be sent away
the hero, perhaps in disguise, working either as a benefactor or empty-handed, their memories of the experience wiped along
in an effort to hinder and test the character, until the time is with all their vaunted knowledge of dragons (or worse; the drag-
right for it to reveal itself, and issue the challenge of the Bond on simply eats them alive) may number in the thousands, for
so as to gain the upper hand in the contest? once the Challenge of Bonding is issued, the dragon and hero
are inexorably linked, and failure means the dragon can do with
Imagine your hero in the midst of a great battle that could de- the hero’s mind and body exactly as it desires...
cide the fate of nations. Perhaps they are a general, leading a
battalion in a desperate battle against hordes of demonic foes, THE CHALLENGE OF BONDING
and suddenly, the sage upon whose counsel they have depended
for years reveals her true nature as an ancient gold dragon, and When the hero finds themselves face-to-face with their in-
offers the general the opportunity to gain that which they have tended mount, a series of contests and trials begins, placing
sought their whole life…the catch? They have to abandon the the hero directly in single conflict with the dragon. The hero
battle and test their wits and skill against the dragon. must succeed at this contest completely alone, without help of
any kind from any other living being (though prayer is allowed;
The rewards could mean turning the tide of the war when they even dragons don’t command the gods). The first stage is the
return weeks later on the back of their new steed. The price to issuance of a challenge to the dragon. This challenge must be
These weapons are formed from the dragon’s claws or spines. CHROMATIC DRAGONS
They function as +2 weapons which deal an additional 1d6
Chromatic dragons are the representatives of cosmic evil in the
damage on a successful hit, of the same energy type as the
world. Whether lawful, neutral or chaotic in their ethical out-
beast’s breath weapon. Dragon weapons are found as either a
look, they all tend to be arrogant, self-important and superior.
long sword, a matched short sword and dagger, a set of three
They look upon mortals as, at best, slave labor and toys with
matched daggers, or a score of arrows. Attuning to a set counts
which to be played, and at worst, insects to be trampled under-
as a single attunement. In addition, characters who attune to a
foot. They care about two things only: treasure, and their own
set of dragon weapons may also attune to a suit of dragon armor,
sense of greatness. It is rare that a goodly character will success-
and the whole counts as a single attunement, so long as the
fully bond with a chromatic dragon, though in certain lawful
entire set is from the same type/color of dragon.
cases it has happened.
Armor (scale mail), very rare (requires attunement) It should be considered, too, that alignments are proclivities to-
wards which the species tends. Dragons are highly intelligent
Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon.
and independent creatures, which means that just because red
Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them
dragons are generally chaotic evil, there could be a one in a mil-
to humanoids. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve
lion representative of the species who deviates from that align-
the hide of a dead dragon. In either case, dragon scale mail is
ment. This, however, is left to the GM to determine.
highly valued.
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you CHROMATIC DRAGONS AND POLYMORPH
have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence There are many legendary stories of dragons walking the world
and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to one disguised as men. It should be noted that this is absolutely not
damage type that is determined by the kind of dragon that pro- an inherent ability of dragons. Still, as ancient and intelligent
vided the scales (see the table). as they are, many chromatic dragons possess powerful arcane
spellcasting abilities, including polymorph self, a favorite spell
Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically
among dragons. Any given dragon, depending on its age and
discern the distance and direction to the closest dragon within
knowledge, may or may not know this spell, in addition to any
30 miles of you that is of the same type as the armor. This special
other spells and spell-like abilities they might have.
action can’t be used again until the next dawn.
In addition, the act of engaging in a successful Binding allows the
Dragon Resistance dragon to polymorph into the form of whatever species their rider
Black Acid represents—that is, if a dragon Binds with an elf, that dragon may
Gold Fire then take on the form of an elf, as per the polymorph self spell.
Should the bond ever break, the dragon loses this ability.
Blue Lightning
Green Poison
Brass Fire
Red Fire Metallic dragons are creatures that tend towards goodly align-
ments and are dedicated to protecting the world from corrup-
Bronze Lightning
tion, and appreciating the lesser races (though the guideline
Silver Cold regarding exceptions to alignment “rules” holds as true for me-
Copper Acid tallics as it does for chromatics). For goodly dragon riders, these
White Cold are most often the creatures that are best to seek out. Though
not as vicious as chromatics, metallic dragons are more likely to
form and maintain a bond for many years. They are incredibly
THE DRACONIC RACES curious creatures who enjoy engaging so-called “lesser beings,”
Below you will find a write-up of each individual species of drag- if for no other reason than their own amusement.
on describing its temperament, outlook on life, death and mor-
tal relations, and the special abilities the rider gains from a bond METALLIC DRAGONS AND THE CONCLAVE
with this species. In addition, each species includes a section on
If the legends are to be believed, the singular conclave of drag-
maintaining the bond between dragon and rider. Though per-
ons that limited the bond to its current state was probably com-
manent, this bond is tenuous and can be broken given the right
prised largely of metallics, as they are the only dragons who
situations. It requires constant and continual effort to maintain,
could’ve tolerated such a gathering. It is rumored that there
are still very ancient members of this species who remember Dragon Riders are almost always outcasts to their tribe, wan-
the Conclave, and the way it nearly resulted in disaster for all dering the world alone to answer the call of these noble and
dragonkind, but no one can claim to have encountered such an fearsome creatures.
ancient creature.
It is true that metallic dragons have very long memories, and
are prone to foggy associations. Indeed, they could have met a At 3rd level, the barbarian grows claw-like fingernails which
PC’s great, great, great, great grandfather, many decades ago, grant an unarmed attack. The barbarian can, as a bonus action,
and mistake the PC for that person, due to a basic similarity in make a second attack using these claws each round. The claws
appearance. After all, 100 years for a dragon is as a few days or deal 1d6 points of damage, and the barbarian is never consid-
a week to a human. If the ancestor was cruel, this could go very ered unarmed unless he chooses to be.
badly for the hero in question.
At 6th level, the Barbarian can tap into the primal fury of a
Unlike chromatics, metallic dragons have a natural ability to dragon; choose an energy type from among poison, lightning,
shapeshift into standard humanoid or animal forms, and they fire, cold or acid. While raging the barbarian gains resistance to
can often be found walking among the cities, towns and villages attacks from this energy and immunity to conditions imposed by
of civilization, sometimes masquerading as powerful wizards or this energy, for the duration of the rage.
warriors to protect a town they view as their charge, while other
times posing as a meager beggar or peasant to amuse themselves DRAGON FEAR
and learn about the cultures of humanity. There have even been
stories of dragons falling in love with mortals and forming life- At 10th level the barbarian calls upon the natural intimidating
long relationships, their beloved never even knowing that their presence of the dragon, which can be used to frighten oppo-
partner was a powerful dragon. nents. you can use your action to frighten someone with your
menacing presence. When you do so, choose one creature that
It is in fact this very shapeshifting ability that makes them so you can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature can see or hear
difficult to find and bind, as metallics will put mortals through you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to
great paces, misleading them and guiding them towards deadly 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be
challenges to prove themselves worthy to pair with the beast. frightened of you until the end of your next turn. On subse-
quent turns, you can use your action to extend the duration of
METALLIC DRAGON LAIRS this effect on the frightened creature until the end of your next
The lairs of metallic dragons are not nearly as deadly as those of turn. This effect ends if the creature ends its turn out of line of
chromatic dragons, but all are protected by very powerful magical sight or more than 60 feet away from you.
effects, which for lower level characters can be nearly impossible
If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, you can’t use this
to overcome, but fortunately are rarely fatal. In addition, if a drag-
feature on that creature again for 24 hours.
on is curious about the intruder, trespasser or visitor, or the hero
is welcome, the creature can choose to “turn off” these effects,
allowing the character to find their way…or at least try to do so. DRACONIC RESISTANCE
At 14th level, the barbarian may spend their reaction to make a
For more information about individual dragon variants, both Constitution save with advantage whenever subject to a breath
chromatic and metallic, their powers and personalities, the ef- weapon of the same energy type; the DC of this save is the same
fects their lairs have on the surrounding environs, and more, as any normal save that would be allowed. If this save is success-
please see the 5th edition monsters tome. ful, the Barbarian takes no damage from the attack.
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain one additional
cantrip. This cantrip can be from any list, but must be associat-
ed with one form of energy: acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison. Beginning at 14th level, dragons are loathe to attack you. When
This choice reflects the dragon with whom you are destined to a dragon or dragonborn attempts to do so, it must make a Wis-
Bind, and all future effects from this circle will relate to the dom saving throw against your druid spell save DC. On a failed
same energy type. The cantrip is considered a druid spell to you. save, the creature must choose a different target, or the attack
automatically misses. On a successful save, the creature is im-
IMPROVED WILD SHAPE mune to this effect for 24 hours.
At 15th level, your melee weapon strikes inflict an extra d6 dam- Beginning at 11th level, you take on some of the qualities of your
age (for a total of 2d6) of the same energy type as your initial dragon’s species. Your skin takes on a subtle color hue similar to
Dragon Strike ability. In addition, your ranged attacks also in- that of the dragon, you gain immunity to the energy type you
flict this extra damage. chose at level 3 (and associated conditions, if any), you gain
darkvision 120ft, and you become proficient in perception and
stealth. If you are already proficient in these skills, you gain ex-
pertise in them, adding your proficiency bonus twice. If you al-
At 17th level, you gain Resistance against all of the dragon’s ready have expertise in these skills, this ability has no additional
magic and against its breath weapon energy type. If you suc- effect.
ceed at a saving throw against your chosen energy type that
would normally allow half or reduced damage, you instead take KI BLAST
no damage. Finally, when fighting a dragon, if you are reduced
to 0 hit points, you may as a reaction expend a use of Second At 17th level, you may spend ki points to make ranged attacks with
Wind to regain hit points. the type of energy you chose at level 3. For every point of ki you
spend, you deal 1d6 damage with a successful attack. You make this
attack as a normal ranged attack with a range increment of 120ft.
Targets may succeed at a Dexterity save for half damage.
At 17th level, you hear the call of the dragon with whom you
are destined to bind. You are inexorably and instinctively drawn THE BINDING
to the place where you will meet this dragon for the first time,
which may or may not be its lair. It may take some time for you At 17th level, you are called to journey to the dragon with whom
to complete this quest, but this is the moment it all begins… you will bind. You hear its whispered voice in your mind and see
visions of its lair in dreams. In your meditations you are instinc-
tively drawn towards the location where you will first meet the
MONK PATH: THE WAY OF THE DRAGON creature (which may or may not be its lair).
Monks who follow the Way of the Dragon seek enlightenment
through a mystical connection with these immortal creatures. PALADIN OATH: OATH OF THE DRAGON
They tend to have a long outlook on the world, infinite patience,
and superior cleverness in the way they approach all things. Paladins who swear the Oath of the Dragon swear to uphold the
tenets of an ancient and holy order of Dragon Riders, champi-
ons of the balance, with some siding on the forces of good, oth-
ers with the forces of evil, and still others serving the balance
At 3rd level when you choose this tradition, you gain a mysti- between.
cal connection with a specific dragon somewhere in the world,
drawing upon its essence which creates an instinctive alteration A Paladin called to this oath walks a difficult path, for while
in your martial arts style. they must champion their side of the cosmic order, they must
ensure that always a delicate balance is maintained—even Law-
Choose one of the following types: acid, cold, fire, lightning or ful Good Paladins of the Draconic Oath must sometimes allow
poison. The damage type is chosen when you choose this path evil to win, if good stands to tip the scales too far in its favor.
and may not be changed. It reflects the species of dragon to It is a difficult path to follow and only the most stalwart can
which you are connected. maintain it.
Whenever you attack a creature with one of the attacks from
your Flurry of Blows, you may create one of the following effects.
• Balance: the cosmic order of the universe depends on the
• The creature you strike must make an immediate wisdom
delicate balance between good and evil, law and chaos.
saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can
Support your side, but maintain the balance.
repeat the saving throw each round, ending the effect on
itself with a success. A creature that succeeds at this saving • Courage: Never fear to act, nor shy away from a challenge.
throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours. • Discretion: Discretion is the better part of valor. The Order
• Deal an additional 1d4 damage to all hostile creatures in is secret and must remain so.
a 10-foot area. This damage is of your chosen energy type. • Respect: All dragons are noble creatures, worthy of respect
Creatures within the burst are entitled to a Dexterity sav- and reverence. Show them just deference at all times.
ing throw to negate the extra damage.
You gain additional oath spells at the listed paladin levels. If At 20th level, as an action, you emit a burst of your energy type.
these spells are not normally paladin spells, they are for you. This burst does 10d6 damage to everyone in a 30-foot radius.
They are always prepared and do not count against your daily Victims within the blast radius can save for half damage. In order
list of prepared spells. to use this ability, you must expend a use of Channel Divinity.
DRACONIC PRESENCE Whenever you copy a spell using this energy type into your
spellbook, the normal time to do so is halved. Wizards who
In addition, starting at 1st level, you may cause each creature
choose acid or poison as their energy type, may also halve the
within ten feet of you to make a wisdom saving throw against
time it takes to copy spells dealing with air, mist or clouds into
your warlock spell save DC. Those creatures who fail their sav-
their spellbook.
ing throws are frightened until the end of your next turn. Once
you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
short or long rest. ENERGY SAVANT
At 2nd level, whenever you cast a spell using the energy type
ONE WITH THE DRAGON with which you have affinity, you increase the DC of all saving
throws by +1. You also gain advantage on saving throws against
Starting at 6th level, you gain an improved affinity to the energy
attacks, spells and damage from that energy type.
type you chose at first level. You gain advantage on all saving
throws against attacks from that energy type, and resistance to
damage of that energy type. ENERGY MASTERY
At 6th level, whenever you must make a magical attack roll to
In addition, you gain darkvision out to a 120ft. range. strike with a spell, you gain advantage on that attack roll. In
addition, you gain resistance against the energy type with which
SKIN OF THE DRAGON you have affinity, and you may choose to use your reaction to
Beginning at 10th level, your skin takes on a scaly sheen, which grant resistance to the same energy type to a number of crea-
carries the vague hue of the dragon with whom you are destined tures of your choice, within your line of sight and within 60
to pair. You gain an Armor Class equal to 14 + your Dexterity feet of you. Once you grant resistance to other creatures, you
modifier. This AC does not stack with worn armor. must complete a short rest or a long rest before you can grant
resistance again.
At 14 th level, all of your attacks are treated as magical and
deal an extra 2d6 damage, of the energy type with which Starting at 10th level, you may change the energy type of any
you have affinity. In addition, you grow claws and fangs, spell you cast to that of your attuned energy type. All other
which grant you a claw attack or bite attack dealing 1d6 spell effects remain the same; only the damage and energy type
damage. Finally, you gain multiattack; you can make one change. Thus, a wizard who has affinity with fire could cast ice
claw attack and one bite attack every round, in addition to storm, and change the damage type to fire, or lightning bolt, but
your weapon attack. change the damage to fire. You may also add your intelligence
modifier to the damage of any spell you cast using your attuned
THE BINDING damage type, including those modified by this ability.
Table 8-16: Oath of Command Spells 101 Table 11-5: Sorcerer Supreme Familiar Special Abilities (Mercu-
rial) 133
Table 8-17: Oath of Celestial Agency Spells 102
Table 12-1: Summoning Challenge 136
Table 8-18: Standard Spirit Weapon 103
Table 12-2: Standard Warlock Familiar (Animistic) 138
Table 8-19: Greater Spirit Weapon 103
Table 12-3: Greater Warlock Familiar (Animistic) 139
Table 8-20: Supreme Spirit Weapon 104
Table 12-4: Supreme Warlock Familiar (Animistic) 139
Table 8-21: Spirit Weapon Powers 105
Table 12-5: Standard Warlock Familiar (Automaton) 140
Table 8-22: Greater Spirit Weapon Powers 106
Table 12-6: Greater Warlock Familiar (Automaton) 140
Table 8-23: Supreme Spirit Weapon Powers 106
Table 12-7: Supreme Warlock Familiar (Automaton) 140
Table 8-24: Standard Spirit Armor 106
Table 12-8: Warlock Greater Familiar Abilities (Automaton)
Table 8-25: Greater Spirit Armor 106 141
Table 8-26: Supreme Spirit Armor 106 Table 12-9: Warlock Supreme Familiar Abilities (Automaton)
Table 8-27: Spirit Armor Powers 108 141
Table 8-28: Greater Spirit Armor Powers 108 Table 12-10: Standard Warlock Familiar (Fetish) 142
Table 8-29: Supreme Spirit Armor Powers 108 Table 12-11: Greater Warlock Familiar (Fetish) 142
Table 9-1: Sacred Sites by Terrain 113 Table 12-12: Supreme Warlock Familiar (Fetish) 142
Table 9-2: Standard Ranger Familiar 118 Table 12-13: Warlock Standard Familiar Arcane Enhancers
(Fetish) 143
Table 9-3: Greater Ranger Familiar 118
Table 12-14: Warlock Greater Familiar Arcane Enhancers (Fe-
Table 9-4: Supreme Ranger Familiar 118
tish) 143
Table 9-5: Ranger Greater Familiar Abilities 119
Table 12-15: Warlock Supreme Familiar Arcane Enhancers
Table 9-6: Ranger Supreme Familiar Abilities 119 (Fetish) 143
Table 10-1: Standard Rogue Familiars 121 Table 12-16: Supreme Warlock Familiar (Wyrm) 145
Table 10-2: Greater Rogue Familiars 122 Table 13-1: Standard Wizard Familiar 149
Table 10-3: Supreme Rogue Familiars 122 Table 13-2: Greater Wizard Familiar 149
Table 10-4: Standard Rogue Familiar 122 Table 13-3: Supreme Wizard Familiar 150
Table 10-5: Greater Rogue Familiar 123 Table A-1: portent effect 168
Table 10-6: Supreme Rogue Familiar 123 Table A-2: Binding Check Modifiers 187
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personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000,
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or
registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc;
Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
“Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products
contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games;
or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or Familiars & Companions, Copyright 2017, Troll Lord Games; Author Casey
“Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Christoferson, Justin Bacon, Tommy Ruteledge, Josh Hubbel, Lance Hawver-
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains mile, Luke Johnson, Stephen Vogel and Dave Zenz.