Zargoth Tome of Familiars
Zargoth Tome of Familiars
Zargoth Tome of Familiars
Bonded Monsters
you can perceive through your companion’s senses
until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits
Bonded Monsters are the young offspring of terrible of any special senses it has. While perceiving
foes you may recognize from your adventures. through your companion’s senses, you are deaf and
Though their adult counterparts are often evil or blind with regard to your own senses.
destructive, these young creatures can learn and During a short rest, your companion regains all
grow alongside their new family, becoming lost hit points. As a light activity during a short rest,
something more. Many of these creatures are you may spend 10 gp worth of rare herbs to call your
orphaned, lost, or abandoned. It falls to you to companions spirit, restoring your companion to life
become their guardian, their companion. They can with all its hit points at your location at the end of
be trained to use their unique abilities to aid and the rest.
protect you in battle and even grow alongside you as
you progress together through your adventures.
Prerequisite proficiency in Animal Handling
You call forth a magical creature from the
wilderness to serve as your faithful companion. This
companion is loyal to you, follows your verbal
commands, and takes its turn immediately after
yours. It understands the languages you understand
but can’t speak. The creature can only take the Dash,
Disengage, Dodge, Hide, or Help actions unless you
use your action on your turn to command it to take a
specific action, such as the Attack action. It may
move and take bonus actions and reactions as
If your companion is slain, the magical bond you
share allows you to return it to life. As a light activity
during a long rest, you may spend 10 gp worth of
rare herbs to call your companion’s spirit which
restores your companion to life with all its hit points
at your location at the end of the rest. You can
return your companion to life in this way using the
magic of your bond even if its body is lost or
When you take this feat, choose one of the
following creatures to be your companion: basilisk
whelp, blink dog pup, displacement cub, dragon
wyrmling, ember runt, flailing snailing, phoenix
fledgling, pygmy watcher.
Basilisk Whelp Basilisk Whelp
Basilisk whelps, like full grown basilisks, have the Small monstrosity, neutral
power to turn creatures to stone with just their gaze,
though their petrification effects dissipate briefly Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
and require a great deal of focus from the young Hit Points 11 (2d6 + 4)
Speed 20 ft..
monstrosities. More familial and playful than their
grown counterparts, it is common for whelps to live STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
in small groups along with their siblings until they 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 2(-4) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)
mature enough to defend themselves on their own,
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
more often using their petrification abilities for
Challenge ¼ (50 XP)
games of hide-and-go-seek than for hunting or
warding off predators.
Stone Matriarchs. Basilisk whelps are born in small ACTIONS
clutches of no more than a dozen or so eggs, Petrifying Glare (Recharge 4-6). The basilisk whelp glares at a
target within 60 � that it can see. The target must succeed a
produced by a basilisk matriarch. Aftering laying her DC 12 cons�tu�on saving throw or turn to stone, becoming
eggs, a matriarch rapidly turns to stone, her petrified petrified un�l the start of the basilisk’s next turn.
body deterring predators and providing a first meal
full of vital nutrients for her newborns. Poachers Bite. Melee Weapon A�ack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage.
that are able to get a hold of an intact petrified
matriarch can collect enough gold to live in luxury
for several years without the need to work, even
Protec�ve Gaze. As a reaction when a friendly creature that
more so if they can collect her unhatched brood with the basilisk whelp can see would take damage, the basilisk
her. whelp can use its petrifying glare ability targeting that
Egg Poachers. Despite still being dangerous in their friendly creature before the damage is dealt (the creature
own right, the smaller size and short-lasting may choose to fail the saving throw)..
petrification abilities of a basilisk whelp makes them
a much more favorable target for poachers and black
market hunters. Sometimes they are caged, raised in
captivity only to be harvested for the oils they
produce, which can reverse the effects of
petrification. Other captured whelps are raised
beneath the lash, fitted with blinders and trained to
serve their cruel masters as fierce guard dogs.