The Fighter Folio
The Fighter Folio
The Fighter Folio
Fighter Folio
A Class Reference Guide and New Fighter Options!
Written by: Brian Berg and Mark A. Hart
Additional Content by: Sean Archer, Jason Owen Black, Rick Cox, Scott Fields, Matt Kimmel, Karlton Ray, Alex Riggs,
and Jordan Webb
Editing: Ismael Alvarez
Cover Design: Brian Berg
Layout: Brian Berg
Artwork: Cover © 2017 Lance Red. All rights reserved. Interior artwork by Jacob Blackmon, Storn Cook via Image
Portfolio ©Louis Porter, Jr. Design, Hopsy Graphic Art., Michael Scotta, Dean Spencer and Damon Westenhoffer.
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Published by Total Party Kill Games, LLC. 1st printing, June 1st, 2018.
THE FIGHTER FOLIO ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
FIGHTER FICTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
FIGHTER CLASS FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................... 9
NEW FIGHTING STYLES ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
SECOND WIND .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
ACTION SURGE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
MARTIAL ARCHETYPES .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT......................................................................................................................................... 12
EXTRA ATTACK ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
INDOMITABLE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
FIGHTER STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES ......................................................................................................................13
MARTIAL ARCHETYPES ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
ARCHER ............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
BRAWLER ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
CHAMPION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
CORSAIR ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16
DEMON-BLOODED .........................................................................................................................................................17
DERVISH ........................................................................................................................................................................... 20
DUELIST ............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
DREADNAUGHT ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
ELDRITCH EXECUTIONER .......................................................................................................................................... 23
GHOST WARRIOR .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
GLADIATOR ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
GUARDIAN ........................................................................................................................................................................ 28
GUNSLINGER ................................................................................................................................................................... 28
KNIGHT .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
MASTER OF MANY BLADES ........................................................................................................................................ 30
MASTER THROWER ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
MISERICORDE ................................................................................................................................................................. 32
RAKE.................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
REACH SPECIALIST ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
RUNEBLADE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34
SAMURAI ........................................................................................................................................................................... 38
SELLSWORD ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
SHIELD MASTER ............................................................................................................................................................ 40
TACTICIAN ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42
WEAPON MASTER .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
FIGHTER BACKGROUNDS ................................................................................................................................................... 44
BATTLE BORN ................................................................................................................................................................. 44
BODYGUARD .................................................................................................................................................................... 47
BOUNTY HUNTER ...........................................................................................................................................................48
CONSCRIPT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 49
ELDRITCH LEGACY ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
GUARDSMAN ....................................................................................................................................................................51
JAILER ................................................................................................................................................................................. 52
MARINE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 53
OFFICER............................................................................................................................................................................. 54
REBEL .................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
SLAVE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
SQUIRE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 56
TOURNEY KNIGHT ......................................................................................................................................................... 57
VETERAN ........................................................................................................................................................................... 58
FIGHTER FEATS........................................................................................................................................................................ 60
FIGHTER BUILDS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 67
FIGHTER EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................................71
NEW WEAPONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 71
NEW ARMORS...................................................................................................................................................................72
NEW EQUIPMENT........................................................................................................................................................... 74
MAGIC WEAPONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 74
MAGIC ARMOR ................................................................................................................................................................ 75
MISCELLANEOUS MAGIC ITEMS ............................................................................................................................... 76
MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS: ............................................................................................................................................... 77
TRICK SHOTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 77
TRICK SHOT MECHANICS .......................................................................................................................................... 77
OPTIONAL RULE: CALLED SHOTS................................................................................................................................ 79
CALLED SHOT MECHANICS....................................................................................................................................... 79
CALLED SHOT FEATS .................................................................................................................................................... 81
The fighter class is a versatile, weapons-oriented We’ll talk you through all the class abilities and
warrior that fights using skill, strategy and tactics. leveling up your character. We’ll even show you
From that core concept, there have been many some tips on how to make you the best fighter that
variations of the fighter throughout the editions as you can be, whether through sheer combat
well. potential or a great roleplaying concept.
In 2nd edition, there were kits that let us play We’ll compile all the core rules and give you all of
various flavors of fighter. New to this edition were our expanded options. We’ve added numerous
the options of amazons, barbarians and cavaliers, new archetypes, weapons and armor, equipment,
just to name a few. These variant fighters had magic items and optional rules. All in the name of
more depth and options. These kits gave us more fun and expanding your options.
roleplaying depth. The fighter was beginning to be
more than just a fighting man. This is your game, take what you like and leave the
rest, but use this book for what it is, a great
Along came 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons, resource for everything related to the fighter class.
which revolutionized the game. 2nd edition had
given us kits and some new and interesting Let’s get going shall we?
proficiencies, but 3rd edition really allowed us to
crack open the mold and make our fighters
completely unique. They did this by use of feats.
The voice is low and cool, a rancid hiss that fills How naive I was at that age!
him with impotent anger, urging him to go in into
the inevitability of death. What followed was years of sharpening blades,
fletching arrows, wiping shit off of boots, making
Allendir tries to speak, but his throat is clogged. meals and running messages. What else was there
Bile and blood well up, and with it a guttural growl for a skinny, uneducated farm boy to do?
as he tries again to stand.
I was designated a squire to Lord Damak LeMitt, a
“Why do you fight?” middle level noble and soldier of some repute. Lord
LeMitt had been known as the Defender of the
Wall during the Siege of Balasqua, having defeated
the besieging army’s commander atop a crumbling The figure shifts and the sun burns deep into Al’s
parapet. It is said that the battle was so brain. He groans and turns. Pain burns through
breathtaking and fierce, that fighters from both his many wounds. A sharp kick to his side rolls him
sides of the conflict stopped mid swing to watch. over. The shattered remains of his shield crunches
War wizards would launch their volleys of fire beneath him. Through sheer grit, he rolls over and
harmlessly into the air just so they could gets on his knees. Blood leaks from the chest
illuminate the sword fight. wound. It patters down on the broken wood like
falling rain…
The stories say that Lord Lemitt slew his enemy
with his broken blade, grasping the jagged steel in
his bare hands, plunging it into the chest of his
rival. Fountains of blood gushed out of the wound, Lord Damak LeMitt had spent the last fifteen years
raining down on the spectators closest to the wall, gambling and whoring away what fortune he was
a garish rain signaling the end of the siege. granted from The Crown. The stories left out the
fact that he was partially crippled, as the damage
The songs say that the enemy threw down their to his hands was too extensive even for the healers
weapons as one, submitting to Lord LeMitt, he to repair. On the best of days, he could use his cane
who slew their leader. Lord LeMitt, raised his to prod and swat his servants and retinue to
bleeding hands, ordering his own troops to lower efficiency. On the worst, he would sit and massage
their blades. He commanded they let the enemy the knotted scar tissue on his palm below his
leave, with a command never to return, lest they fingers, coating them with a thick substance that
meet the same end as their leader. smelled of pine trees.
The history books say that LeMitt carried the He had given up wearing his armor years past. He
corpse of his fallen enemy down the parapet stairs carried no blade or shield, as his damaged hands
reverently, laying the body in a cart for transport couldn’t grasp a hilt or a handle. He wore his cane,
to the dead man’s homeland. The amount of tears a polished black stick with a sharp iron spur at the
that were shed by LeMitt’s actions could have end, in place of a sword. When he wasn’t using it
watered a barren field. to keep balance or swinging it at an errant squire,
it was hanging ever present at his waist.
The Battle of Balasqua thrust LeMitt into the gaze
of the King, and elevated him from common In his advancing age, one of his favorite things to
enlisted man, to minor noble. LeMitt was a shining do is sit by a warm fire and sip on chilled wine.
beacon for the soldiers, showing that they too Tonight, he sat in a worn Tennise rocker by a
could be elevated in stature. The well written and stifling fireplace. His horn flagon had beads of
well placed stories and ballads of Damak LeMitt condensation pooling at its base. He rocked slowly,
did well to fan the flames of patriotism, and his cane tapping against the hearthstones softly.
enlistment increased greatly. His hands twitched, and I had learned enough in
my 2 seasons with him that they pained him. He
When I was told I was to be his squire, I pictured didn’t seem to be able to control the spasms, but
him as the stories did; strong, compassionate and his face never gave indication that he was
glorious. I met him almost two decades after the suffering.
Siege of Balasqua, and the truth couldn’t have
been further from the bard’s tales. The songs-- I sat at his feet, the soft whushing of the boar
bristle brush against the dress boots provided a
nice base of sound to the soft pattering of rain
outside. I looked up at Lord Damak fondly as he
“Do you think they’ll sing songs of your death?” patted my head with his knotted hand. He treated
Allendir opens his eyes. The dark shadow blots out me kinder than my own family ever did, and they
the smoky sun. His jaws clench uncontrollably as quickly faded to a distant memory. He had worked
the poison sends spasms through him. His muscles my mind as hard as he did my body, spending
scream in protest. nights learning letters and numbers. I struggled
with numbers, as they didn’t make much sense in
my head, but the letters came to me quickly. We I ran off to the taproom and returned with my
had finished up with a lesson, and sat enjoying the prize. Placing it on the stones next to his, I wrestled
warmth and the sounds of the storm. a chair over, so I could sit facing him. I sat down
and took a sip of the ale. It went down rough, as
“You know, boy, tomorrow is the anniversary of coarse as the brush I had abandoned moments
the Siege of Balasqua.” ago. I fought back a grimace and a gag. I hadn’t
gotten used to drinking anything but watered
I slowed my hands, listening closely. He never wine, yet.
talked about that day. Whenever he was a guest
anywhere, his speaker, Wesson, always told the “Do you know what the Crown’s motto is? Not
story of that day. Wesson, with his silver tones and what is stamped on the coins, but what words they
golden laughter, recited the stories and songs as truly stand by? When stores run dry-”
though he was there, but never strayed from what
everyone knew. The stories carried a measured “All must give.” I finished. I had heard it uttered
beat, hitting high notes and theatrical pauses, ones over and over by the Collector I traveled with. I
that Wesson had mastered years ago. actually heard the phrase quite often. Guardsmen
would say it when they were taking the money out
Sensing that he was waiting for me to say of drunkard’s pockets as they slept in the gutter.
something, I responded with a muttered “Truly, Soldiers would say it when they paid less than
sir?” asked for goods and services. When I was older, I
would hear it more frequently, whether it be
His scarred hand patted my head again, and his followed by cries of protest or the slap of hand to
rocking stopped. He took a long drink of his wine, face. Soldiers and mercenaries would abuse the
the cold rain of condensation falling on my head phrase and their rank, taking what they want in
as it did outside on the stones. the name of the Crown.
“Indeed, Allendir. Twenty years. By the By that time in my life, only the last part was
Primordials! Such a long time ago. I still remember spoken as a mantra, words that one must accept
that day. The sun baked the stench of death into when someone of greater strength takes what they
that small temple. Whenever a soft breeze crept want from you.
through the walls, it carried with it the sweet taste
of ripe meat. My men could barely stomach what But as a boy of twelve, sitting with the Defender of
little food they had, so they drank those monks out the Wall, the phrase came out proudly, a verbal
of wine quickly. The goblins were coming again, shield and promise of a noble sacrifice, used
we knew that. The dust storm kicked up from their against the vague menace of the goblin horde.
approach filled us with dread. There were less than
fifty men to man those walls, and almost all of “All must give. Yes.” LeMitt grunted softly, rolling
them were wounded in one way or another. Our the words around a mouthful of wine.
commander had taken an arrow to the eye, and his
cronies and bootlickers had fled in the night like “Do you truly know what it means, though? When
cowards. I was the highest ranking man there, the stores run dry, all must give.” He looked at me
barely a Lieutenant! Yet, they all looked to me as closely, watching as I turned the words over in my
though I was a General.” head.
He started his rocking slowly, and I realized I had “It means that everyone must give something.” I
put the boot brush down. I reached for it hastily, said, satisfied with my answer.
and he tapped me on the head.
“Yes, boy. It means that on the surface, but deep
“The boots can wait, Al. Have Hessie pull you a down, it means more. Much more. What if you
draw of ale, and grab a chair. It’s time for your first don’t have anything to give? No gold or crops to
life lesson.” contribute? What do you give then?”
“I didn’t go to the wall to challenge their leader! I The words of the Collector echo in his mind one
went to face my death! I knew my death was all I last time. When the stores run dry.
had to give the Crown. By the Primordial’s blood, I
expected to capture a spear in the chest, not the He finds the strength to rise, one last time. He
crown of the goblin army! When that orc climbed grasps the edge of shield in both hands, lips
the parapet, I don’t remember sounding the alarm! peeling back from bloodied teeth. One last surge,
I didn’t marshal the troops! I fought with every and he launches himself at the figure as he turns.
ounce of my will to survive! I wasn’t going to let a His bloodshot eyes lock on the hollow of the man’s
stinking heathen run me through on some rotted throat, the exposed skin above the collar of his
wall! The King’s words rang through my head. All black armor.
must give! And I had one thing only to give!”
All must give.
Archery Protection
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with When a creature you can see attacks a target other
ranged weapons. than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use
your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack
roll. You must be wielding a shield.
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus
to AC. Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can
add your ability modifier to the damage of the
Dueling second attack.
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus
to damage rolls with that weapon. NEW FIGHTING STYLES
Great Weapon Fighting Gunfighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack
you make with a melee weapon that you are You gain proficiency with firearms. You gain a +1
wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die bonus to all attack rolls made with firearms.
and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a
1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or
versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
Martial Archetype
weaknesses, increasing your overall effectiveness.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice,
The Riddle of Steel instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
Choose wisely. Blue pill or the red pill? Your action on your turn.
martial archetype defines your fighter. It’s a very
important part of your character’s concept, and The number of attacks increases to three when you
the class’s soul if you will. Each has its benefits, reach 11th level in this class and to four when you
but you want to choose one that plays well to your reach 20th level in this class.
particular style and broadens the base of abilities
of the party. A great fighter archetype will lend
you abilities that shore up weaknesses in your
Stick and Move!
So I love that 5E D&D reduced the overall number
party, not just make you more powerful.
of attacks in the game. As a trade-off, your attacks
are more effective and likely to hit. Don’t forget to
move though! Remember, you can make any
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th,
12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase
one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can Beginning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving
increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use the
normal, you can’t increase an ability score above new roll, and you can’t use this feature again until
20 using this feature. you finish a long rest.
Knowing yourself is just as important as knowing When facing a larger number of opponents, or
your enemy. The fighter is a class that allows fast-moving opponents, the fighter suffers. His
players to danse macabre on the battlefield, but armor can slow him down somewhat, and he has
they are not invincible. Let’s break the class down difficulty controlling the battlefield when there
a bit more shall we? are numerous opponents.
You consistently deal more damage than other
classes. Your extra attacks are greater than any
other class, and your archetype abilities further
increase your ability to do significant amounts of
You take a beating and keep kicking. Fighters
wear the best of all armor and shields, have high
amounts of hit points and have the amazing
Second Wind class feature.
Again, more than most other classes, fighters can
be incredibly versatile combatants. Combined
with feat options, they become incredibly
dangerous and capable of handling many
situations with ease.
Martial Archetypes
To the uninitiated, fighters are nothing but dumb At 15th level, your ranged attacks score critical hits
brutes—meat shields lacking any notion of on a natural attack roll of 19 or 20.
subtlety. True warriors, however, know the truth:
it takes more than raw strength to survive the
rigors of combat. Every warrior approaches battle DREAD ARROWS
with a different philosophy and with individual At 18th level, all your ranged attacks deal an
style. A truly successful fighter develops their own additional die of weapon damage (by
unique set of tactics. Thus, the martial archetype weapon/missile type).
you choose reflects your approach to fighting.
We’ve included a great number of additional
fighter archetypes for you to choose from.
Mastering the bow demands years of practice and
training; the best archers begin their education in
early childhood. In the skilled hands of an archer,
an arrow becomes like a living, thinking magical
instrument of death, striking enemies at long
distances and capable of punching through armor
with lethal efficiency. Swords, shields, spears, and
armor all have their place in battle, but it is the
archers who often determine the victor. At the
height of their skill, a practiced archer can rain
death on enemies without even seeing them,
filling the air with a hail of arrows in the span of a
few heartbeats.
At 3rd level, you can rapidly fire off multiple
arrows each round. If you do not move during
your turn, you can make an extra attack with your
ranged weapon as a bonus action.
At 7th level, you can take your time to line up a
perfect shot. You can choose not to move this turn
and gain advantage on your next ranged attack
At 10th level, you gain advantage on all ranged
attack rolls made against targets you can see
within 30 feet.
At 3rd level, you are always considered armed with
a melee weapon. Your unarmed attacks deal 1d8
points of damage plus your choice of Strength or
Dexterity modifier. This damage increases to d10
at 10th level and d12 at 18th.
At 7th level, whenever you deal a critical hit with
your unarmed attack, the target also must make a
Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 +
your proficiency bonus + your Strength bonus or
fall prone.
At 10th level, you can attempt to deliver a knockout
punch on an attack action. This punch strikes the
opponent so hard it could possibly knock them
unconscious. The target must make a Con-
stitution save equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus
and Strength bonus or become unconscious until
they can make a successful save. You cannot knock
out a target of larger size than yourself. You can
attempt this ability once per short rest, but you
gain an additional use at 15th and again at 18th
CHAMPION Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd
level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a
roll of 19 or 20.
Starting at 7th level, you can add half your
proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength,
Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that
doesn’t already use your proficiency bonus.
Starting at 15th level, your weapon attacks score a
critical hit on a roll of 18–20.
At 18th level, you attain the pinnacle of resilience
in battle. At the start of each of your turns, you
regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution
modifier if you have half or fewer of your
maximum hit points left.
Among the ranks of warriors stand those rare The corsair fights at sea as if born to it, never
individuals considered elite. They possess happier or more in their element than when on a
exceptional talent and skill placing them above ship or in the water. Violent storms, slick decks,
their peers. Among these elite warriors are the and tossing seas bother them not at all. When
truly gifted—not simply the best in the kingdom, battle is joined, the corsair leaps into the fray with
but the best in their generation. These men and violent, relentless passion. Enemies learn to dread
women are known as champions. The champion the sound of the corsair’s maniacal laughter.
represents the pinnacle of the art of war, a titan of
the profession, honed in skill at arms and blessed SEA DOG
by preternatural strength and toughness. Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd
level, add half your proficiency bonus to your
weapon damage with light or finesse weapons and
At 15th level, your opponents never gain advantage
on attacks against you when you are aware of
The fury and savage power of demonkind surges
through the veins of the Demon-Blooded warrior.
Whether they or one of their ancestors made a
demonic bargain, fell under an abyssal curse, or
stumbled upon a demon-infused relic, this
ferocious fighter can call upon demonic power to
fuel their combat skills. In battle, the Demon-
Blooded warrior can unleash tremendous
strength, inhuman speed, and a number of other
supernatural tricks. Doing so, however, incurs a
In addition, add half your proficiency bonus to the
cost on their mind, body, and soul. Eventually, the
number of minutes you can hold your breath. You
dark powers demand a price for their blessings—a
also add a bonus equal to half your proficiency
price that must be paid.
bonus to any skill check related to operating a sea
vessel or swimming.
At 3rd level when you select this archetype, choose
MOBILE MASTER from one of three types of demonic aspects. Each
At 7th level, when wearing light or medium armor
aspect provides a different set of features you can
you suffer no penalties on Dexterity (Stealth)
call upon. Once you make this choice, you cannot
checks. You also suffer no penalties on Strength
change it. In addition, you suffer a number of side
(Athletics) checks made to swim.
effects and mutations as your humanity slowly
erodes and you become closer and closer to the
Also, when not wearing heavy armor, as a bonus
demon within.
action you can take the disengage action.
Brute. You gain advantage on Strength
(Athletics) skill checks. As an action, you can use
SEA LEGS your demonic essence to supercharge your
When you reach 10th level, you ignore any Strength, boosting your score by +4. The boost
penalties related to the motion of a ship you are lasts for up to 1 minute, after which you gain one
on, and any penalties related to stability or vision
(including being intoxicated). You also know if the outsider for purposes of detect evil and good and
creature is below its current hit point maximum, the paladin’s Divine Sense feature.
although you cannot tell by how much. Although
this feature allows you to detect the presence of an ABYSSAL BLESSING
invisible living creature (i.e., not undead or When you reach 10th level, you gain an additional
constructs), it isn’t precise enough to eliminate the feature based on your demonic aspect, as
penalties for attacking an invisible target. described below.
Slayer. You do not need to sleep. If you spend 4 Brute. You can wield a two-handed weapon one-
hours performing only light activity such as handed without penalty. When wielding a weapon
walking or talking, you gain equal benefit as other with both hands, your damage increases by +2. You
creatures do from 8 hours of sleep. In addition, you are considered two sizes larger than you actually
can go twice as long without food or water as are when creatures attempt to grapple or shove
normal creatures without penalty. you.
Devourer. You become immune to poison and
At this point, your mortal nature has become disease. You gain one additional hit point per level,
forever tainted with demonic essence. Although and your hit point maximum cannot be decreased
your type does not change, you are treated as an under any circumstance.
Slayer. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit
on a roll of 19 or 20.
Starting at 15th level, you can call upon your
demonic aspect twice between short or long rests.
At 10th level, when you use your Duelist’s Defense
ability and an opponent misses, you may make an
immediate attack against your attacker as part of
your reaction.
At 15th level, you learn how to identify and exploit
flaws in your enemies’ defenses. You gain
advantage on opportunity attack rolls and gain a
bonus to damage on opportunity attacks equal to
your Intelligence modifier.
At 18th level, you have become a master
swordsman. You score critical hits on 19 and 20. In
addition, whenever you deal a critical hit, add +1d6
to the base damage. This extra damage is doubled
on the critical hit.
At 7th level, you gain either the Polearm Master,
Spear Mastery or Great Weapon Master feat
(choose one).
At 10th level, you ignore the first 10 feet of falling
damage. You also gain resistance to falling damage
when not wearing heavy armor. In addition, if you
suffer no damage from a fall, you automatically
land on your feet. The amount of falling distance
you can ignore increases to 15 feet at 15th level, and
20 feet at 20th level.
At 15th level, whenever you make a Dragoon Leap,
your polearm or spear attacks deal critical hits on
19 and 20.
At 18th level, when not wearing heavy armor you
may declare a Dragoon Leap an automatic critical
hit. You can use this ability once, and can do so
again after finishing a long rest.
At 7th level, if an attack fails to damage you, you
may use your reaction to make a Strength
(Intimidate) skill check against a DC of 8 + your
opponent’s proficiency bonus + opponent’s
Wisdom modifier. If you are successful, that
opponent suffers disadvantage on all attacks made
against you until the end of their next turn.
At 10th level, you treat all critical hits as normal
hits while wearing heavy armor.
At 18th level, when you suffer enough damage to be
reduced to 0 hit points, you may spend a reaction
to be reduced to 1 hit point instead.
The eldritch executioner is a slayer of magic users
and a hunter of witches. They despise those that
Clad head to toe in plates of steel, the dreadnaught wield magic, holding a deep-rooted hatred against
stands a veritable mountain of impenetrable such creatures and using it to temper the fire of
defense. When the dreadnaught charges onto the their attacks. The executioner learns how to
battlefield, the earth trembles beneath their identify and detect the arcane arts of the enemy,
armored feet. Faced with the inability to harm and a combination of training and sheer willpower
such a foe, their enemies often break and run in helps them to resist magic in all its sinister forms.
fear. The dreadnaught cannot be stopped, cannot
be resisted, and they shrug off all but the most
powerful of blows.
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast detect
magic at will as an action. In addition, you have
MOUNTAIN OF STEEL advantage on attacks against creatures able to cast
At 3rd level, while wearing heavy armor you reduce spells or use spell-like abilities. You also have
the damage you suffer from slashing, piercing, and advantage on saving throws to resist fear effects.
bludgeoning damage from nonmagical weapons
by an amount equal to your Constitution bonus.
At 18th level, you can cast dispel magic at will as
an action. After dispelling a spell effect, you gain
5 temporary hit points per level of spell effect
dispelled. These temporary hit points last for one
hour or until expended.
The Ghost Warrior draws upon the collective
wisdom, knowledge, and experience of a choir of
ghosts. This choir remains bonded to them,
invisible and silent until summoned, offering
guidance until the warrior fulfills their destiny or
perishes in battle. Such a choir includes ancestral
spirits, as well as spirits of former protectors of
their clan and legendary warriors slain in combat—
and perhaps even an enemy or rival slain by their
hand. When the Ghost Warrior needs insight or
advice, they listen to these spirits and—if wise—
heed their counsel. In those moments where the
ghost warrior needs an edge against enemies, they
allow one of the spirits to possess their body. When
the time comes and the ghost warrior falls, then
they become part of another warrior’s choir,
continuing the cycle of life and death.
RESIST BEDEVILMENT When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
At 7th level, the eldritch executioner adds his gain a collection of spirits known as a choir. These
Wisdom bonus (min. +1) on all saving throws spirits, bound to you until your death, follow and
against magic effects as an aura for himself and watch over you. In times of danger or stress, you
allies within 15’. call upon one of these spirits to aid you. Each
spirit offers a different benefit, but each demands
HAMMER THE WITCHES a sacrifice in exchange for their help.
At 10th level, you deal +1d6 damage against any
spellcasting creature. In addition, you cast dispel Ghosts. You gain the services of four ghosts of
magic against your target as a free action your choice, which are described below under
whenever you deal a critical hit in combat. “Spirits.” Each spirit provides a different benefit;
some aid your attacks or defenses, while others
help you with ability checks or saving throws. You
SILENCING STRIKE can only benefit from one spirit per attack or
At 15th level, when you strike a spellcasting
creature, it must make a Constitution saving
Under normal conditions (except as noted
throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency
below), only you can see your choir or hear their
bonus + your Wisdom modifier or be unable to
voices. These spirits can, however, be detected by
perform the verbal components of any spell.
means of detect magic, and can be seen with a
Affected creatures gain a new save at the
gem of true seeing. The ghosts are not treated as the beginning of your turn you may reroll the
undead or any type of creature—they cannot be saving throw with advantage. If you succeed, the
attacked, harmed, exorcised, or banished. charm effect ends. If you fail, however, you suffer
Once you’ve gained a particular spirit’s benefit, 1 hit point per level of damage. This feature
you cannot call upon that same spirit again until continues until you break free of the charm or
after you’ve completed a short or long rest. drop to 0 hit points—you cannot voluntarily end
this feature.
Saving Throw. Some benefits provided by your
ghostly choir call for your target to make a saving Butcher. He bleeds your enemies of their
throw to avoid or resist the feature’s effects. vitality, granting it to you. You can invoke this
Calculate the saving throw DC as follows: spirit as a bonus action. Choose a number of
enemies equal to your proficiency bonus that you
Spirit save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
can see within 30 feet. Each target must make a
Wisdom modifier
Constitution saving throw or suffer 2 points of
necrotic damage. You regain half of this amount
THE SPIRIT PATH as temporary hit points.
At 3rd level, as long as you have at least one spirit
you have not invoked, you gain proficiency in two Summoning the butcher counts as invoking
skills chosen from History, Medicine, Religion, two of your spirit uses.
and Survival. If you have called upon all your
spirits, you lose this feature until you complete a Coward. He teaches you the value of fear and
short or long rest. caution. If you take the disengage action to move
away from an enemy, your speed increases by half
GHOSTLY COUNSEL for that round only.
When you achieve 7th level, as a free action you
Unlike the other spirits, you do not lose the
can call upon any one of your spirits to double
coward feature after using him. Instead, choose
your proficiency bonus in one skill of your choice,
one of your other ghostly choir. You instead lose
in place of the usual bonus that spirit provides.
that spirit’s feature until you complete a short or
long rest.
Starting at 10th level, add three additional spirits Crone. She peers a few moments ahead into
to your choir. At 18th level, you gain an additional your future and predicts what might happen.
three spirits. When an effect requires you to make a saving
throw, as a reaction you can draw on this spirit
RESURGENCE and have advantage on that saving throw. If you
At 15th level, you regain access to two spirits of
cannot take a reaction, you cannot call upon the
your choice if you have no spirits remaining to
call upon when you roll initiative.
Fallen Hero. He bolsters your reserves and
GHOSTS helps you overcome hopeless odds. When an
When you add a spirit to your choir, select from attack would drop you to 0 hit points, as a
those described below. Once you select a spirit, reaction you can summon this spirit. You remain
you cannot change it. If the GM allows, you can at 1 hit point, standing and conscious. If you take
change one of your spirits for another when you further damage that drops you to 0 hit points,
gain a new fighter level. you fall unconscious.
Baresark. His rage clouds your mind, blocking Healer. Her gentle touch alleviates pain and
your foe’s honeyed words. You do not summon staunches wounds. When you invoke the healer
this spirit, but rather he appears unbidden. If you as an action, you may expend a number of your
fail a saving throw against an effect that imposes available recovery hit dice equal to 1 plus 1
the charmed condition, each round thereafter at
additional die per five levels, as part of that Shield-Brother. As an action, you summon the
action. shield-brother. He protects your back and guards
against threats. A ghostly, flickering image of a
Alternatively, you can ask the spirit to infuse
shield-bearing warrior appears adjacent to you for
one of your allies within 30 feet that you can see
a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom
with the benefits of one of your recovery dice.
modifier (minimum of 1). As long as the ghost
Hunter. This spirit guides your step, allowing remains, treat your armor class as if you wielded a
you to move stealthily. Invoke this spirit as a shield.
bonus action to gain advantage on your next
Skald. She teaches you a rousing war cry to
Dexterity (Stealth) check.
rally your comrades. As an action, each ally within
Maiden. She grants you a burst of speed. When 30 feet who can hear you can either automatically
you draw on this spirit, you can take dash as a succeed at a death saving throw or remove one of
bonus action. the following conditions: charmed, frightened,
poisoned, or one level of exhaustion. You gain no
Mentor. He goads, cajoles, and pushes you benefit from this feature.
beyond your physical limits. Invoke this spirit as a
bonus action to gain advantage on your next Steed. A spectral horse appears at your side,
Strength or Constitution ability check. plainly visible. You can summon your spectral
steed as an action. Treat the mount as a riding
Monster. The ghost of a ferocious monster horse. The mount remains for up to one hour per
now grudgingly aids your cause. When you invoke level, or until you dismiss it as a bonus action,
the monster as an action, choose a number of whichever comes first. The mount only has 1 hit
enemy creatures within 30 feet that you can see, point.
to a maximum of your proficiency bonus. Each
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or Storyteller. Her song or poem inspires you
become frightened for a number of rounds equal when you need it most. You gain +1d4 temporary
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). hit points. These hit points last for one minute
and do not stack (use the greater value).
Old Hand. He tells you what you need to hear
after you’ve suffered a setback. When you call Unbound Slave. He grants desperate strength
upon this spirit as a bonus action, you can ignore to help you gain freedom. If you are immobilized
one condition you are suffering, or up to two or restrained, call on this spirit as a bonus action
levels of exhaustion, for a number of rounds to gain advantage on an ability or skill check to
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). break free of that effect. This spirit cannot aid you
against petrification effects.
Protector. If an enemy creature attacks you
with advantage because you are surprised, you Vigilant. She stands watch you while you rest.
can draw on this spirit as a reaction to negate that You can invoke this spirit as an action. The spirit
advantage. You are no longer surprised, and the remains on watch for up to 8 hours, guarding an
attacker rolls his attack normally. area as described in the alarm spell. If the vigilant
sounds the alarm, only you hear it.
Rival. He infuses your attack with a ferocious
burst of power. You invoke this spirit as a bonus
action following a successful attack, thereby
granting you one additional weapon damage die.
The number of bonus damage dice increases to GLADIATOR
two when you reach 7th level, and then increases
to three dice when you reach 14th level. The exultation that fills the soul the moment
before combat begins. The feel of hot, bloody sand
beneath the feet. Most of all, the roar of the crowd.
The gladiator revels in these things, gaining may grant a d6 inspiration die to any ally within 30
strength from the palpable fear of their enemies feet. The ally may use the die as a bonus on any
and the adulation of the audience. For the attack roll, damage roll, or ability check, but must
gladiator, defeating their foe isn’t enough. The use it before your next turn. You regain all
gladiator must defeat that foe and look impressive expended inspiration dice following a short rest.
doing so. Winning a fight is just as much about
instilling fear in your enemies—showmanship—as
it is about tactics or weapon choice. INSPIRING CRITICAL
At 10th level, your bloody attacks further inspire
your allies. Your attacks with melee weapons deal
critical hits on 19 and 20, and when you deal a
critical hit, you may grant one of your inspiration
dice as part of that action to an ally within 30 feet.
At 15th level, you are a practiced combatant,
having fought many different foes and against a
wide array of combat styles. You may change your
combat style during a short rest, choosing a new
fighter combat style each time you do. You lose the
benefits of the previous combat style, but gain the
benefits of the new style.
At 18th level, you have mastered the art of
performing wild maneuvers in combat. You may
add your Charisma bonus (minimum +1) to either
attack or damage rolls with melee weapons. You
must choose which before making an attack roll.
From a game mechanic standpoint, most fighter
players often dump their lowest score into
Charisma. After all, what good does it do them? An
archetype like the Gladiator uses Charisma in
several ways, giving you a good reason to treat it as
something other than a dump stat.
Beginning at 3rd level, you learn how to keep an
enemy’s focus on you instead of your allies. As an
action, you may challenge a creature within 30 feet
that can see you. That opponent suffers
disadvantage on any attack actions (including
casting spells that require an attack roll) if they
attack any target other than you for a number of
rounds equal to your proficiency bonus. A creature
can only be the subject of one challenge at a time.
Starting at 10th level, you may challenge two
creatures per use of this ability. Once you use this
ability, you must finish a short or long rest before
using it again.
Beginning at 7th level, you can push your enemies
back when you strike them. Any time you deal
damage with a melee attack, you can also make a
shove attack, with advantage, against the target as
a bonus action.
Tools, allowing you to craft firearms and their the beast’s AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as
ammunition. well as to any saving throws and skills it is
proficient in. Its hit point maximum equals its
LIGHTNING DRAW normal maximum or four times your fighter level,
At 7th level, you can draw or stow multiple whichever is higher.
firearms without spending an action. In addition,
you gain advantage on initiative checks when MOUNT ACTION ECONOMY
drawing a firearm. We purposely left the mount’s action economy out
of the rules. I think that it should be up to the
individual GM as to how that works. The
BLOOD AND BULLETS beastmaster ranger got a lot of flak for not “feeling”
At 10th level, after you attack once in a turn, you
right exactly because of this. Consult your GM on
can use a bonus action to gain advantage on your
what is best for your group.
next firearm attack made that same round.
Some warriors fight only for gold or for glory.
They fight without honor, absent thought to any
cause or banner. The knight, however, fights to
bring honor and glory to the liege lord they serve.
Guided by a code, blessed with privilege and
prestige, the knight serves battle as their liege
lord’s representative on the field of battle.
Whether charging on the back of a fearsome
steed or wading into melee on foot, the knight
stands among the ranks of elite soldiers.
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Animal
Handling. In addition, add half your proficiency
bonus to Wisdom (Animal Handling) and
Intelligence (History) checks.
move at least 30 feet, you deal +1d8 weapon anything in your other hand, you gain a +1 bonus
damage on your next attack. to AC that round. When you wield a versatile
weapon with both hands, your attacks with that
BANNER weapon deal 2 additional points of damage for that
At 15th level, your name and banner are symbols of round. You can freely switch back and forth
hope and righteousness. This banner inspires and between turns.
empowers those around you to greatness. All allies
within 60 feet gain a bonus to attack rolls and SUDDEN SWITCH
saving throws equal to half your proficiency bonus Beginning at 10th level, you are able to switch
as long as you are not reduced to 0 hit points or between fighting one-handed and two-handed as
otherwise incapacitated. a free action, taking your opponent off guard.
When making an attack with a versatile weapon,
DAUNTLESS CHARGE you can change whether you wield it one-handed
At 18th level, whenever you make an attack while or two as part of the attack. If you do, and you use
mounted against a non-mounted opponent, and your Versatile Attacker class feature for that
move at least 30 feet, you gain advantage on your attack, you do not suffer disadvantage on the
next attack. In addition, your mounted attacks attack, but still gain the benefits of Versatile
score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Attacker. Once this trick has been seen, it loses
much of its effectiveness, and so you can use it
only once per combat.
Through countless hours of practice, at 3rd level
you can unsheathe and throw small weapons in
one fluid motion.
At 7th level, when making a ranged attack with a
throwing weapon that has ether the light or
finesse weapon property, you extend their normal
and long ranges by 20 feet.
Launching a strike maneuver requires an action.
Each maneuver involves making an attack roll and
rolling damage against the target on a hit, but with
an added effect.
Blinding Strike. If you hit, your target must
make a Constitution saving throw or become
temporarily blinded. The creature can attempt
another saving throw at the end of each of its turns
to remove the blinded condition, or it can spend an
action to end the effect.
Brutal Strike. If you hit your target, you score an
additional weapon die of damage.
Delay Foe. If your attack hits, your target must
succeed at a Wisdom saving throw or its next turn
is delayed until last in the initiative order. After the
creature’s next turn, it returns to its original place
in the initiative order.
Demoralizing Display. If your attack hits, your
nemesis must succeed at a Charisma saving throw
or suffer disadvantage on its attacks until the end
FIND WEAKNESS of its next turn.
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you gain Fatiguing Strike. If your attack hits, the target
the ability to identify flaws in a target’s armor, must make a Constitution saving throw or gain
combat style, or defenses. Select one enemy as one level of exhaustion. If you accept disadvantage
your nemesis for the combat. As an action, make on your attack roll and hit, you can instead inflict
your choice of an opposed Wisdom (Insight) or two exhaustion levels if the target fails the save.
(Perception) check against your nemesis. If you win Flawed Defense. Your nemesis loses any
the opposed roll, you gain advantage on your next Dexterity bonus to AC against your next attack.
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd
level, you learn to use reach weapons to strike
opponents before they can strike you. Whenever a
creature first moves into your reach, as long as you
are wielding a reach weapon, you can make an
opportunity attack. Anything that would normally
prevent you from making an opportunity attack
(including if the creature used the disengage
action) also prevents you from making an
opportunity attack in this way.
Starting at 7th level, as long as you are wielding a
reach weapon, you can make a special strike,
allowing you to attack two opponents with a single
strike. When taking the attack action, if you attack
an adjacent target and hit, apply the same attack
roll and damage against another creature adjacent
to the first one.
Beginning at 10th level, whenever a creature moves
adjacent to you, you can move 5 feet as a reaction.
This movement does not provoke opportunity
In ancient times, humanity knelt at the precipice provides a different feature. The first runes are
of extinction. Lacking the innate talents enjoyed by described below.
elves, dwarves, and other creatures, humans faced Bound Blade. The sword is bonded to your soul.
a grim future in a cruel, hostile world. A powerful This bond exists until you die or the sword
being—a god, a titan, the first druid, a fallen angel, abandons you for disgracing it. You can call the
or perhaps an archdevil, forged a series of magic blade to your hand by speaking its name as an
blades and gave these mighty weapons to action. The sword appears in your hand the next
mankind’s surviving heroes. Each of these swords, round, regardless of distance separating you from
known as runeblades for the sigils etched into it, or what means are taken to restrain the blade.
their steel, possesses different powers. The heroes This feature recharges after you finish a long rest.
who wielded the first runeblades went on to carve Lore Rune. Your sword has observed centuries
their sagas across the pages of history. of epic events and has much to teach, whispering
its ancient knowledge into your mind. As long as
Although most runeblades have vanished or been the sword remains on your person, you are
destroyed, a handful yet survive. When fate or considered to have proficiency in your choice of
some hidden power intervenes, one of these Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.
potent weapons finds its way into the hands of a
new hero. The warrior entrusted with a runeblade RESTRICTIONS AND TABOOS
faces a dangerous—and often brief—life, for he A runeblade carries a few restrictions and taboos
carries in his hands the power to change not only or rituals you must observe. If you disregard these,
his destiny, but the destiny of entire civilizations. you lose access to some or all the weapon’s runes.
Each blade possesses unique powers, and it is said If you push the sword too far with such disrespect,
that the runes provide magic to suit the individual it may abandon you. If this occurs, you lose the
wielding it. Whether these legends are true, one runeblade and thereafter become a fighter of a
cannot deny the raw power and deadly combat different archetype.
magic of a Runeblade wielder. The restrictions associated with being a
runeblade wielder are described below.
RUNEBLADE LEGACY Jealous Devotion. You may not own or wield
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you another magical sword. If you grip another
acquire a runed blade of a type of your choice. magical sword, the runeblade pulses an empathic
Work with your GM to determine how you came surge of jealous anger at you; if you disregard this
to possess the blade—was it a gift, a trophy taken warning, you lose access to the blade’s runes until
in battle, did you steal it, or did you find it? You and you discard the offending weapon. You can, if done
your GM should create a name for your weapon as with proper respect, own a magical weapon other
it is a unique magic item. than a sword. If you wield this weapon, it must
always be in your off-hand.
Owning a runeblade represents a serious Obsessive Care. You must care for your
commitment; there is no shortage of people and runeblade with religious devotion. Clean, sharpen,
monsters willing to murder you to possess this and oil the blade after every use. Purchase for it the
weapon. best scabbard gold can buy. Never use it for
mundane tasks such as chopping wood or
Each runeblade possesses sentience, a fact you whittling on sticks. Do not allow other people to
learn when the blade accepts you as its wielder. use the runeblade except under extreme
Once you accept the blade, you become bonded to circumstances.
it for life, or until you disgrace the weapon. Ongoing Legend. Once per level, commission a
bard to write a song, poem, or saga regarding your
FIRST RUNES runeblade. Provide her with your patronage and
Starting at 3rd level, your runeblade carries two support so she can perform her work across the
runes carved into its blade; all runeblades come land. The amount of gold you spend should be
with the same first two runes. As you gain levels, approximately 100 gp per character level, although
your blade acquires additional runes. Each rune your runeblade always appreciates greater
generosity on its behalf.
Punishment. If you ignore or otherwise Blade Ward. As an action, you can cast blade
disregard a taboo, a ritual, or one of the ward. At 10th level, you can activate this rune as a
expectations described above, the runeblade bonus action.
blocks your access to one of the highest-level runes Earth Rune. You can activate this rune as a
available to you. For each day you continue this bonus action. Upon so doing, you gain resistance
disrespect, you lose access to another of your to your choice of one of the following damage
highest-level runes. Should you lose access to all types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. This
available runes, you have disgraced your blade and benefit lasts up to 1 minute and recharges after a
it leaves your possession, at which point you must short or long rest. In addition, as long as this rune
either find a way to atone or become another remains in effect, you automatically stabilize if you
fighter archetype (most likely Champion). The GM fall to 0 hit points.
has final say as to what atonement might be At 10th level, you can gain two different
required, but it usually involves a major quest or resistances, or you can gain immunity to one
mission. damage type, as long as the rune remains active.
Taboos and Rituals. Your runeblade imposes a Eye of Night. As long as you grip the runeblade,
taboo on you, or requires you to perform a regular, you possess darkvision. You can see in dim light to
set ritual in its honor. To you, this taboo may make a range of 60 feet as if it were bright light, and you
little sense, but the blade expects you to observe can see in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
these expectations. Here are a few suggestions, but discern color in darkness—you only see in shades of
feel free to create your own. gray.
At 10th level, the range of your darkvision
Abstain from alcoholic beverages. extends to 90 feet.
Donate a tithe of your wealth to a worthy Fire Rune. Flames wreath the blade upon your
cause. command as a bonus action. While ablaze, the
If you draw the runeblade and fail to use it sword inflicts an extra 1d6 of fire damage to any
in battle, you must cut yourself for 2 hp of target it strikes and grants the bearer resistance to
damage to honor the weapon. cold damage. The flames last for up to 1 minute,
Never cut your hair. although you can extinguish them as a bonus
One day in seven, perform a purification action. The flames illuminate the surrounding area
ritual of fasting and meditation. with bright light in a 10-foot radius, with dim light
Perform a purification ritual for your out to another 10 feet. This feature recharges after
runeblade at the end of the day (performed a short or long rest.
as part of a short or long rest). The extra fire damage increases to 2d6 at 5th
level, 3d6 at 10th level and 4d6 at 15th level.
Remain chaste.
Frost Rune. When you activate this rune as a
Select one creature type, including
bonus action, the sword inflicts an extra 1d6 cold
aberration, fiend, or undead. After you’ve
damage on a hit. In addition, you gain resistance to
used the runeblade against a creature of
fire damage as long as you grip the sword. This
that type, you must spend a bonus action
feature can be used once, lasts for up to 1 minute,
the round after the creature falls cleaning
and recharges following a short or long rest.
your sword.
At 10th level, the cold damage increases to 2d6, and
Whisper a quick prayer each time you draw
at 15th level, this increases to 3d6.
or sheathe the runeblade.
Good Fortune Rune. Whenever you make an
Compose a constantly evolving song, attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can
poem, or ballad to honor the best (and activate this rune to roll an additional d20. You can
worst) of your enemies. choose which of the two rolls to accept as the
result. You can use this feature once, and it
LEAST RUNES recharges after you finish a short or long rest.
In addition to the runes described above, at 3rd At 10th level, you can use this feature twice
level two additional runes appear on the weapon, before it needs to recharge.
chosen from the list below. Light Rune. As a bonus action, you can
command the blade to shed light equal to that of
the light spell. You can dismiss the light as a bonus
Upon achieving 15th level, select two more runes
your blade acquires, chosen from those described
below and any of the previous lists. None of the
options described below provide a magic weapon
bonus (i.e., +1, +2, or +3).
Bringer of Ruin. When you strike a creature of
good alignment with your runeblade, you inflict an
additional 2d6 damage.
Harbinger of Chaos. When you strike a creature
of lawful alignment with your runeblade, you
inflict an additional 2d6 damage.
Lawgiver. When you strike a creature of chaotic
alignment with your runeblade, you inflict an
additional 2d6 damage.
Avenger. When you strike a creature of evil
alignment with your runeblade, you inflict an
additional 2d6 damage.
If your campaign assumes that characters will
possess magic weapons with a plus to hit and
damage at a certain average level, then you should
allow the Runeblade Wielder to use the Ensorceled
Blade rune to make his weapon +1. Then, at 10th
level, he can use another of his runes to make the
weapon +2. Finally, at 15th level, he can use another
rune to make his weapon +3. This might help
reduce the sting a player may feel at not being able
to acquire a shiny magic sword as part of treasure
or some other reward.
Whichever ability you choose, you can use it once, The Sellsword has one goal—survival by any means
and you must finish a short or long rest to do so necessary. After all, if you don’t survive, you don’t
again. At 10th, 15th, and 18th level you can perform get paid. If you don’t get paid, then why risk your
that ability one additional time per rest. life in the first place? These tenacious warriors are
masters of pain, both in dealing it and
DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR withstanding all their enemies can inflict. Few
At 10th level, the samurai’s code of honor is so souls have faced death more than a grizzled
strong he is much less likely to succumb to Sellsword. Those who oppose a Sellsword can see
mundane temptations and even magical their doom—a doom reflected in the gimlet eyes of
enchantments find it difficult to ensnare him. You a brutally efficient killer. Woe be upon those who
gain proficiency with Wisdom saves. If you are knowingly face such a foe.
already proficient with Wisdom saves, you instead
At 10th level, you gain advantage on initiative
checks. At 18th level, any time you would roll for
initiative instead treat it as if the roll was a natural
At 15th level, when you roll a 1 on a death save it
only counts as one failure rather than two. When
you roll a 20 on a death save you regain your level
in hit points rather than just 1 hit point. In
addition, if an attack drops you to 0 hit points
without killing you outright, you can spend a
reaction to remain conscious until the end of your
next turn.
In the hands of a competent warrior, a shield often
proves the difference between life and death.
Wielded by a Shield Master, the shield becomes the
DIRTY FIGHTING ultimate form of both defense and offense. With
Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage shield on arm and weapon in hand, this highly
to one creature you hit with an attack as long as trained fighter alternates between striking their
you had advantage on the attack roll. Unlike a foes and blocking attacks. They weave in and out
rogue, you may use any weapon, and are not of combat, their shield an extension of their will
restricted to finesse or ranged weapons. and strength. The shield acts like a wall one
moment, turning aside blows and trapping
You don't need to have advantage on the attack if weapons, only to become a hammer in the next
another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, moment, slamming into foes like a battering ram.
that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have
disadvantage on the attack roll. This archetype shares elements in common with
the Battle Master, including the use of Armament
The extra damage you cause with Dirty Fighting dice and special maneuvers.
increases as you increase your fighter level,
becoming 2d6 at 7th level, 3d6 at 10th, 4d6 at 15th, SHIELD MANEUVERS
and 5d6 at 18th. At 3rd level when you select this archetype, you
learn special shield maneuvers powered by
armament dice.
You gain your choice of three maneuvers, your Strength modifier. You do not need to wield
described below. These maneuvers take full a light weapon in your main hand.
advantage of the shield as both a tool of defense as
well as offense. You can only use one maneuver per ARMORER
round. When you reach 3rd level, you gain proficiency with
You gain two more maneuvers of your choice at artisan’s (smith) tools. In addition, when repairing
7th, 10th, and 15th level. Each time, you can also or fashioning a shield or piece of armor, add half
replace one maneuver you know with a different your proficiency bonus (round up) to your skill
maneuver. check.
Armament Dice. You have four d8 armament
dice. An armament die is expended when you use
it. You regain all spent armament dice following a IMPROVED PROTECTION
short or long rest. Also at 3rd level, if you chose the Protection fighting
Saving Throws. If one of these maneuvers calls style, the way it functions changes. As a reaction,
for a saving throw to resist the effects, use the you can force the attacker to reroll one weapon
following calculation to determine the saving attack that hits an ally adjacent to you. If you do
throw DC: not choose the Protection style, this has no
additional effect.
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) DEFENSIVE POSTURE
Beginning at 7th level, as a bonus action you can
SHIELD BASH select one opponent you can see. Your shield’s
Starting at 3rd level, you can make a shield bash armor bonus improves by +1 against that
attack as a bonus action as if you opponent’s weapon attacks. You must spend a
were attacking with your bonus action each round to gain this benefit, or to
off- hand. This attack apply it to a different opponent.
deals 1d4 points of In addition, when you make a shield bash attack
damage plus with your off-hand, add your Strength modifier to
the damage.
The Shield Master’s maneuvers are described in
alphabetical order.
Barrier Defense. As a reaction, expend an
armament die. If you are caught in a damaging
area effect, you receive advantage on your
Dexterity saving throw. In addition, subtract the
results of your armament die from any damage
you sustain.
Brutal Crush. If you hit an enemy with a shield
bash, expend an armament die. You inflict 1d6 plus
the armament die roll plus your Strength modifier
(minimum of 1) in bludgeoning damage.
Disarming Attack. When you hit a creature with
a weapon attack, you can expend one armament
die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to
drop one item of your choice that it's holding. You
add the armament die to the attack's damage roll,
and the target must make a Strength saving throw.
On a failed save, it drops the object you choose.
The object lands at its feet.
Defensive Wall. When an attacker damages you
with a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to
expend one armament die to reduce the damage by If you have the Protection fighting style, you can
the number you roll plus your shield’s Armor Class wait to see if the attack will hit before you perform
bonus, including any magical bonuses it provides. this maneuver. In addition, the amount of damage
Disruptive Swipe. Expend an armament die and you subtract equals double the results of your
make a shield bash against a creature maintaining armament die.
concentration on a spell. You inflict 1d6 plus your
Strength modifier in bludgeoning damage. The IMPROVED COMBAT SUPERIORITY
creature suffers disadvantage on its Constitution When you reach 10th level, your armament dice
saving throw to maintain concentration. turn into d10s. At 18th level, they turn into d12s.
Edge Strike. Make a shield bash against an In addition, whenever you hit with a shield bash
opponent and expend an armament die. You inflict attack, add your shield’s Armor Class bonus to the
1d4 plus the result of the armament dice roll plus damage inflicted.
your Strength modifier in bludgeoning damage. In
addition, your opponent must succeed at a
Constitution saving throw or become either RELENTLESS
blinded or deafened (your choice). This effect lasts At 15th level, when you roll for initiative and have
until the end of the target’s next turn. no armament dice left, you regain 1 armament die.
Insurmountable Defense. If you don’t move
during a round, you can use a bonus action to DAMAGE DEFLECTION
expend an armament die. Your Armor Class At 18th level, as a reaction you can reduce the
increases by that amount until the start of your amount of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
next turn. If you move during that time, you lose damage you suffer from an attack by an amount
this benefit. equal to your shield’s AC bonus plus your
Pinning Strike. You make a grapple check with proficiency bonus.
your shield against an opponent, but instead of
rolling a standard attack, make an opposed grapple
check against the target. Roll your armament die
and add it to this check. If you win, your opponent
loses the use of one of its limbs until you end the
grapple or it breaks free. Thus, the creature either
loses the use of its main weapon, or the use of its Battles are often won or lost before they ever
off-hand. If the creature held a shield in the pinned begin. A brutish thug or ignorant warrior charges
limb, it loses its shield bonus to Armor Class. If you into combat without regard to terrain or obstacles.
make any other shield attacks or use another of The Tactician, on the other hand, analyzes the
these maneuvers, the grapple automatically ends. battlefield, conducting the fight in their mind’s eye
Shield Slam. Make a shove attack against a before the action begins. Once combat is joined,
target as a bonus action. Roll an armament die. the Tactician adapts and adjusts to the changing
You inflict 1d6 plus your Strength modifier in tempo. By means of brain over brawn, the
bludgeoning damage. In addition, when you roll Tactician defeats their enemies, often before the
your opposed Strength (Athletics) check to knock first blow is struck.
your target prone or push it 5 feet away, add the
result of your armament die to your check. BRILLIANT STRATEGIST
Sweeping Shield. As an action, expend an At 3rd level, add your Intelligence modifier to all
armament die to make an attack roll against each initiative checks. A number of allies equal to your
of up to three enemies adjacent to you. Each hit Intelligence modifier within 60 feet of you also
does 1d6 plus your Strength bonus in bludgeoning gain a bonus equal to half your Intelligence
damage. modifier (rounded down, minimum +0).
Swift Block. As a reaction, use your shield to
block an enemy creature’s attack against you or an
adjacent ally. The attack suffers disadvantage. If
this attack hits, you may expend one armament die
and subtract the results of the roll from the
damage inflicted.
At 18th level, when you use your Action Surge
feature, you can instead grant the additional
action to any ally you can see within 60 feet.
Both the Tactician and the Duelist benefit from
having a high Intelligence score. Often, players
consider Intelligence a good “dump stat” during
character creation—how many fighters end up
with a score of 8 in this ability?
At 10th level, you gain your signature weapon
bonus to damage as well as attack rolls. You deal
critical hits on a roll of 19 and 20.
At 15th level, you have forged a deep spiritual bond
with your weapon, investing a portion of your own
Battle Born
spiritual energy into the weapon. The chosen You were born, bred, and trained for combat. From
weapon awakens, becoming a magical +2 weapon. the earliest age, you learned how to fight, how to
kill, and how to survive. You survived the most
intense, brutal, and extreme training imaginable,
SUPREME WEAPON MASTERY all aimed at one purpose: to turn you into a war
At 18th level, your signature weapon deals critical machine. Whether your parents willingly gave you
hits on 18, 19 and 20 and an additional +2d6 over to the war masters upon your birth, or you
damage on critical hits. were sold as a slave into the legion, your life has
never been your own until now.
life? What gaps do you suffer in your social skills D8 Personality Trait
and etiquette? How do you handle unusual 1 I detest soft living and a lull in the action; it
situations and interactions, especially those where makes me agitated and cranky.
violence is the wrong solution? Are you awkward 2 I approach every situation as if combat were
and withdrawn, or are you boisterous and imminent.
outgoing? 3 Humor is a difficult concept for me to
Answering these questions helps not only build 4 Death and I are old friends. Its approach brings
your backstory, but also helps enrich the campaign me no fear, but it makes me reckless.
as a whole. 5 I once strangled a monster with my bare hands
to save my comrades, and I won’t hesitate to do
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival the same for my new allies.
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools 6 Crowds make me nervous, and my hand never
Languages: One of your choice strays far from my weapon.
Equipment: An iron collar identifying your unit 7 After a life devoid of freedom, I want to
and designation, a memento taken from a experience every sight, smell, and sound for
vanquished foe (an ear, a rank insignia, a myself.
necklace, or a shred of a banner), a set of common 8 Lying is an art that eludes me, and I prefer to tell
clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp the blunt truth at all times.
Feature: Combat Sense D6 Ideal
You grew up on the field of battle, and as a result 1 Loyalty. You dedicate your life to your shield‐
you possess the exceptional ability to assess the mates, and you never abandon them. (Lawful)
surrounding terrain in the blink of an eye. Before 2 Freedom. My days of following orders blindly are
combat begins, if you have a round to study the over. I’ll never accept servitude again. (Chaotic)
local landscape you instinctively understand the 3 Justice. I want to liberate all slaves, making
best places to locate cover, you identify difficult certain no one ever experiences what I’ve
terrain, and you can make a Wisdom (Perception) experienced. (Good)
check to spot difficult-to-see potential hazards, 4 Duty. Our job is to obey our superiors and carry
such as quicksand, thin ice, and camouflaged pits. out their orders‐‐do not question those who
You also notice the best, most tactically command us. (Lawful)
appropriate ambush sites. 5 Might. I will use my skills and my strength to
wring what I want out of life, and damn the
Suggested Characteristics costs. (Evil)
With rare exception, battle-born live and die 6 Independence. I fight for my comrades, but I no
having never tasted freedom or independence. longer fight for anyone else’s cause. (Neutral)
They spend their lives from birth until death as
virtual slaves as part of a tightly interwoven D6 Bond
brotherhood (or sisterhood). As a result, most 1 One day, I will find my family and learn about
battle-born tend to obey orders instinctively, why they gave me away.
seldom questioning the reasons behind a 2 I seek to serve a worthy cause, to fight for my
command. The combination of brutal training, beliefs, and to make a true difference in the
indoctrination into the battle-born way of life, and world.
a constant diet of combat leaves the typical battle- 3 Those who imprison and enslave others must be
born intensely loyal, obedient to a fault, punished, regardless of the cost.
unflinchingly brave, and a complete and total child 4 Everything I do is in service to my comrades.
when it comes to social graces. Most battle-born They are my family and my world.
never have the chance to adapt to the civilian 5 A monster devastated my former unit, and I have
lifestyle, and those who do earn such a chance sworn vengeance against it.
often find it difficult to fit in. 6 During my time as a warrior, I committed terrible
deeds. If I am to know peace, I must atone for
those sins.
D6 Flaw end of the day, the ring of hammer on forge is the
1 I’m hopelessly awkward in social situations; I most comforting sound you can think of.
often say the wrong thing at the worst time.
2 Violence and conflict are how I solve challenges. I D8 Personality Trait
am the hammer, and every problem I see is a 1 I need to know how things work. I will have an
nail. unreachable itch until I figure it out.
3 Expressing myself often proves difficult, and I 2 I know, deep down, that I can do better work.
tend to keep to myself. 3 Let me tell you about my newest project...
4 When I see a nobleman or a slaver, I want to 4 I’ve seen that done, only better.
choke the life from their miserable bodies. 5 Here, let me show you what the most efficient
5 If you’ve never fought and bled in combat, your way to do this.
opinions are worthless. 6 I judge a man by the callouses on his hands and
6 I can’t get enough of life’s indulgences, the sweat on his brow.
pleasures, and vices. So much to experience, and 7 I treat my tools with reverence and respect. Only
so little time! a fool neglects the tools of his trade.
8 I would do anything to learn the secrets of the
smiths of old.
D6 Ideal
War never changes. There are winners and losers.
Madmen and kings. Generals and pawns. They all 1 Perfection. My life’s goal is to one day craft the
require one thing in order to fight and die for their most magnificent item ever seen. (Any)
cause: quality craftsmanship. A handful of solid 2 Discovery. I adventure to learn the forgotten and
nails is just as important as a grip of razor sharp forbidden secrets of my craft. (Neutral)
arrowheads when victory is near. A solid lock or 3 Reputation. The work I perform must represent
iron gate can repel attackers just as effectively as a my skill. When you hold my work in your hands,
shield wall. One couldn’t defend the motherland you see the truth of who I am. (Lawful)
or conquer the infidels without your skills and 4 Comrades. The people at my side are more
hard work. important than any cause or mission.
5 Greed. I don’t work for anyone unless there’s a
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, History benefit to me. (Evil)
Tool Proficiencies: Smith’s tools or artisan’s tools 6 Service. My skills, my craft, can save lives. All I
Equipment: A worn and comfortable set of want is the chance to do just that. (Good)
smith’s or artisan’s tools, a set of common
clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp D6 Bond
1 The brotherhood of the forge overshadows all.
Feature: Fixer Any craftsman asking for help will receive my aid,
By disassembling, tinkering and scrounging, you no questions asked.
can fix or make something that is serviceable, but 2 My master taught me everything I know. I work
not good looking. You can use this ability during a to honor him, and one day I’ll pass on what I’ve
long rest to repair or remove the Broken Condition learned.
from a weapon or piece or armor (see the broken 3 My hands shall forge the weapon that will
condition, pg. 53, Fifth Edition Options by TPK destroy those who took everything from me.
Games). 4 Proving I am the best at my craft drives my
ambition and keeps me awake at night.
Suggested Characteristics 5 The greatest blade ever forged haunts my
Whether you trained with the finest dwarven dream. I must find it and learn its secrets.
smiths or learned your trade from your father, you 6 The common folk have the right to defend
know that decently made equipment is vital to themselves, and I intend on giving them the
survival. You have an innate distaste for inferior means to do so.
craftsmanship, and can spot the difference
between sturdy work and cheap knock offs. At the
D6 Ideal
1 Vengeance. Criminals killed my family and ruined
my old life. I won’t rest until I’ve tracked them
You were volunteered for military duty, and not
down and hurt them. (Evil)
entirely with your consent.
2 Greed. Keep your morals and crusades to
yourself. I’m in it for the gold. (Evil)
Skills: Athletics, Survival
3 Daredevil. Life is best when I’m chasing someone
Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in one type
down or beating someone up. (Chaotic) of gaming set and vehicles (land).
4 Justice. There are horrible, monstrous people on Equipment: Military uniform, short sword,
the loose, and they need to be hunted and wooden shield, leather armor, set of dice or deck of
punished. (Lawful) cards, set of common clothes.
5 Ambition. I aim to prove I’m the best at what I
do, even if it kills me. (Any) Feature: Battle Participant
6 Obligation. I keep my word and honor my While you were not as valued as a true soldier of
promises. (Lawful) the military, all who fought on your side recognize
you as one of their own.
D6 Bond
1 I’ve made a lot of enemies, and now they’re out D8 Personality Trait
for my blood. 1 I have the manners of a goat and the grace of an
2 Someone helped me escape a lifetime of crime ox… and I don’t give a crap.
by offering me a stark choice. I must provide the 2 I never wanted to be in combat, but now I find I
same chance to others. can’t get enough of it.
3 My job is to defend the law by going outside the 3 If there’s a way to get out of hard work, I’ll find
law when necessary. it.
4 I’ve learned many dark, dirty secrets, and I 4 Death doesn’t scare me—and that fact scares
intend on using those to my own advantage. the hell out of me.
5 The thrill of the chase and the excitement of the 5 Nobody appreciates my sense of gallows humor.
takedown keep me interested in life. 6 During the fight, I’m numb as a corpse. After it’s
6 After one too many bad investments and a loan all over, I shiver like a frightened cat.
from the thieves’ guild, I need to pay off my 7 I’ve seen so many people die that I have trouble
debtors… or else. remembering faces.
8 Complaining about bad food, stupid officers, and
D6 Flaw all my aches and misery keeps me sane.
1 I always assume you have a sinister ulterior
motive for everything you do. D6 Ideal
2 I’m a sucker for the sight of gold; I take stupid 1 Independence. Nobody gives me orders any
risks for the shiny stuff. more. Nobody. (Chaotic)
3 A fool and his money are soon separated. 2 Survival. The only way to survive is to make
Everything I earn goes to strong booze, good someone else suffer in your place. (Evil)
food, and warm companionship. 3 Loyalty. Trust in your shield mates is the only
4 I’d sell out my grandmother if it would save my thing keeping you alive. (Lawful)
life. 4 Greed. I’ll do anything you want, so long as
5 My bad temper lands me in trouble more times there’s coin involved. (Neutral)
than I care to admit. 5 Hope. If we stop the evil threatening our land,
6 I’m a great judge of character, and I always know others won’t have to sacrifice as we did. (Good)
when someone is lying to me. 6 Vengeance. Those who conscripted me and
destroyed my life must be punished. (Any)
8 I use big words and flowery speech so people
know how smart I am. Guardsman
You could be an employee of a small village’s police
D6 Ideal
force, or a shift boss at a guard station in a bigger
1 Knowledge. Without knowledge, we are but
city. You’ve walked your beat for years, fingers on
ignorant children alone in the dark. (Any)
the pulse of your city. Unlike a soldier or enlisted
2 Power. The strong must control the weak, and
man, you know the names of those you protect.
use every means possible to do so (Evil) They are more than just nameless ungrateful
3 Freedom. I swear never to use my talents to masses, they are your people.
serve another master. Each of us must follow
their own path. (Chaotic) Feature: Walking the Beat
4 Duty. My arcane gifts allow me to serve my Investigating crimes and talking to witnesses is
family and to fulfill my oaths. (Lawful) second nature to you. You know what topics to
5 Hope. The people of the land deserve protection, bring up to stir memories, or what topics to avoid
and they need someone who will fight on their to prevent fear from taking over. You are able to
behalf. (Good) get the information you desire from the person
6 Comrades. I only sacrifice my blood and my you are talking to.
treasure for those who fight at my side. (Neutral)
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Investigation
D6 Bond Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools
1 Everything I do is to prove to my family I deserve Languages: Add one language that is considered a
their respect, no matter how much they fear my common language in your region or district
power. Starting equipment: Shackles, truncheon, a badge,
2 I watched my master get torn limb from limb. I sigil, or tabard of rank and profession, common
swear to avenge his death and destroy the clothes, a deck of cards or set of knucklebones, and
monster responsible. a pouch containing 10 gp
3 My family cursed me and disowned me because
of my gifts. I must find a way to return to their D8 Personality Trait
good graces. 1 With a smile or a wink, I greet everyone by their
4 I bear a strange arcane brand on my flesh. I need first name.
to find out where it came from and what it 2 I give everyone a nickname based on their
means. appearance.
5 There are others like me who are persecuted for 3 I collect people’s dirty secrets. You never know
their talents. I will seek them out and help them when the leverage will come in handy.
to control their gift. 4 Everybody has something to hide and everybody
6 The inquisitors will never stop hunting me for my lies.
past misdeeds, but somehow I will atone for 5 I’m more comfortable around thieves and
those crimes. murderers than ordinary folk.
D6 Flaw 6 There’s nothing wrong with accepting the
1 I take foolish risks at any chance to learn more occasional gift or bribe if it keeps the peace.
magic and to collect new magic items. 7 The only way to earn respect is to intimidate the
2 I’m not being arrogant‐‐I really am smarter than hell out of people.
you. 8 I go out of my way to keep calm, even in
3 Brute strength warriors don’t deserve my situations where everyone else has lost theirs.
respect, and I tell them so.
4 I’m too analytical, thinking and studying a D6 Ideal
problem when I should be killing it. 1 Respect. I’ve earned it, I deserve it, and I demand
5 If someone insults my worth, I must demonstrate people give it to me. (Lawful)
their error to them. 2 Law & Order. Upholding the law is the only way
6 Never trust another magician, even if he’s on anyone can live in peace. (Lawful)
your side. I know all their tricks.
law, and I’ll make sure they receive it. (Good)
Loyalty. The world’s an evil place; you have your
Some guards walk the streets, protecting civilians.
comrade’s back, no matter what. (Good)
You, on the other hand, keep watch over the
6 Connections. It isn’t what you know, but rather criminals those guards bring into custody. You
who you know, that keeps you alive. (Any) might be the toughest screw in a military prison,
or hold the keys to a constable’s holding cell.
D6 Bond Regardless, it is your duty to keep the prisoners
1 Everyone I know is under my protection, and I fed, safe and alive.
will make sure they stay safe.
2 Upholding the law is the only way to keep us Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception
safe. Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools
3 The people at my side are the only ones I can Languages: Add one language that is considered a
trust. common language in your region or district
4 I will punish those who hurt me, no matter what Starting equipment: Shackles, truncheon, a badge,
laws I have to break to do so. sigil, or tabard of rank and profession, common
5 There’s only one person I hate worse than a clothes, a deck of cards or set of knucklebones, and
bully: someone who abuses their authority. a pouch containing 10 gp
6 Finding what makes people tick is the best way
to avoid trouble before it starts. Feature: Riot Breaker
Being in charge of the worst of the worst, you’ve
D6 Flaw seen hundreds of desperate men and women with
1 Whenever I meet someone new, my first instinct nothing left to lose. A desperate person cares
is to intimidate them. nothing for who they hurt, or even for their own
2 I don’t mind using my size and strength to get wellbeing. When facing a humanoid that is about
what I want. In fact, I kind of enjoy it... to commit an act of violence, you immediately gain
3 Trusting people, even my friends, is my biggest a Wisdom (Insight) check to notice.
4 I’m uncomfortable around nobles and D8 Personality Trait
bureaucrats, and I make them uncomfortable in 1 I’ve gathered plenty of grim stories, and I love
return. sharing them—especially with the squeamish.
5 Once someone threatens me or my comrades, 2 Strong drink helps me forget the horrors I’ve
violence is my first instinct. witnessed.
6 I have perfected the art of cynicism to a whole 3 I’m not just ill‐mannered; I’m gloriously,
new level. unabashedly, horrifyingly uncouth!
4 I have a habit of collecting trinkets that don’t
Guardsman Variant: Constable belong to me.
You are a member of a police force in a small village 5 After all the pain and blood I’ve seen, nothing
or hamlet. You don’t have to deal with all the chaos truly bothers me anymore.
that comes with dealing with the seedy underbelly 6 Everyone has a breaking point, physically or
of a port town or city. Your biggest problem is mentally. I’ve an instinct for finding that point.
locking up the town drunk overnight so he can 7 I feel no compassion for anyone behind bars.
sober up. Who needs all that excess danger and They usually earn what they’ve got coming.
violence? 8 I detest nobles, the wealthy, and all those folk
too good to soil their clothing with hard work.
Variant Feature: Public Servant
When duty calls, you answer. Whenever someone D6 Ideal
needs a helping hand, you readily extend yours. 1 Wealth. Nobody has my interests at heart; it’s up
Your willingness to help anyone and everyone has to me to take what I can get out of life. (Neutral)
given you a sterling reputation. You gain
D6 Bond militia and city guard will follow your orders as
1 I was given a gift from people in a faraway land. long as it doesn’t countermand their existing
It is more valuable to me than anything else I orders.
2 Never leave one of your own behind. Never. D8 Personality Trait
3 First into the fight, last out is the credo by which 1 My uniform is always clean and freshly pressed,
I live. no matter what time of day.
4 There’s an entire world waiting to be discovered. 2 I have no use for people who refuse to carry
5 Live fast, play hard, drink plenty, for death is their weight, and I let them know it.
lurks around every corner. 3 Sometimes, you need to kiss a little ass if you
6 My shipmates are my family. They mean want to get ahead; that’s the way life works.
everything to me. 4 Whenever things get too peaceful, I get moody. I
yearn for a good fight.
D6 Flaw 5 I can’t afford to show fear, anxiety, or
1 I delight in embarrassing good, decent folk every uncertainty.
chance I get. 6 Relaxing is difficult for me, and it makes people
2 Once the action begins, I tend to leap first and around me uncomfortable.
not waste time with questions later. 7 I’m used to getting my way, or barking orders
3 There’s very little that a stout club or a sharp until I do.
sword can’t solve. 8 There’s no problem that can’t be solved with the
4 I’m not as brave or as bold as the stories I tell application of a little fear.
5 I get into more trouble than I can handle after a D6 Ideal
few drinks too many. 1 Loyalty. Always support your brothers and sisters
6 My old wounds ache and my joints throb right in arms, no matter the cost. (Good)
before a fight. 2 Obligation. I owe a debt to honor those who
who’ve died for the mission. (Lawful)
3 Ambition. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to
Officer 4
further my career and my prosperity. (Evil)
Obedience. A soldier does what he’s told and
Unlike most of the enlisted rabble, you come from
fights when he must. Leave the morality and
a prestigious line of military men. Your name is
philosophy to someone else. (Lawful)
synonymous with valor and honor. There are
5 Independence. I served my time and per did my
buildings and halls named after your family, and
duty. Time to live my life the way I want to.
possibly even battle tactics and maneuvers. The
other soldiers look up to you with envy and
6 Family. Serving a cause and doing my duty brings
jealousy. They know the blood of heroes flows
honor and glory to my family. (Any)
through your veins, and they follow your
commands without a thought. Your family tree
blossomed with brilliant tacticians and leaders, D6 Bond
and you are no exception to that rule. 1 I am the first to lead a charge, or through a
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion 2 I lead by example; I would never expect my men
Languages: Two additional languages, one of a to do something I’m not willing to do.
close allied race, and the other of an enemy race 3 Those who fight at my side deserve everything
Equipment: Symbol of rank, military uniform, a from me, even my life.
long blade, a riding horse, and a beltpouch with 25 4 Even though they’re gone, I fight to honor the
gp memory of my unit.
5 Accomplishing the mission is everything, even if
Variant Feature: Authoritative Bearing. it requires painful sacrifices.
You are accustomed to being heeded by those in 6 I refuse to give up on my comrades or let them
your command and exude confidence and down.
charisma. Non-enlisted members, such as local
A knight is only as good as his armor, his sword,
Tourney Knight
Members of noble families find themselves drawn
and his mount. I treat these better than I treat
to many avenues of life. Trade, diplomacy, war, or
most people.
even a life of hedonism. You found yourself pulled
8 I love insulting the wealthy and powerful and
down the avenue of Civilized Combat. You trained
having them thank me for the compliment.
with the best to battle other civilized warriors in
the Grand Melee or on the Jousting field. You travel
D6 Ideal
the country and throw your crest into the mix,
1 Chivalry. Upholding the code of chivalry is what
fighting for honor, glory, and the winner’s purse.
gives life its meaning. (Good)
2 Service. My oath to my leader means everything
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Animal Handling
to me. I shall not break my word to him. (Lawful)
Languages: One of choice.
3 Family. My family sacrificed everything to make
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a tabard or
me what I am, and I will repay their faith in me.
banner displaying your personal coat of arms, a
scarf or flower or other token given to you by a lord
4 Power. The strong rule the weak. I refuse to be
or lady that signifies their courtly favor, and a
weak, regardless of the cost. (Evil)
purse containing 25 gp
5 Glory. A knight needs to prove his worth and
seek out the greatest challenges in life. (Any)
Variant Feature: Champion of Renown.
6 Noblesse Oblige. The highborn must use their
Your fame is well-known far and wide across the
power to defend the lower orders. (Good) lands. When you enter taverns, men and women
alike offer to buy you food and drink. You need
never pay for food or drink that costs below 5 gp.
FIGHTER FEATS I’m watching you but you’re watching me. Where
does it end?”
For the first time in a while, Sokol smiled without
Baracus shifted his weight to his back foot in malice or cruel intent. “With your edge.”
anticipation of the next round of attacks. He
winced at the burning sting of welts along his Baracus frowned. “My edge? What the hell does
chest—painful reminders courtesy of Sokol, the that mean?”
training master, to keep his shield in position.
“Your edge. That which separates you from
Baracus ignored the twinge of burning arm
warriors of similar talent. The knife’s edge elevates
muscles and sore shoulders. He tapped his short
you above others—that difference which, narrow
sword against the front of the shield to signal his
though it may be, keeps you alive. Warriors live and
die by their edge, and so you must find yours.”
Sokol offered the ghost of a smile. The bastard
never seemed to sweat, never got out of breath.
What kind of inhuman monster didn’t sweat? The On the surface, a fighter of one archetype shares
master, armed only with a wooden training sword, much in common with another fighter of the same
stared at Baracus with unblinking eyes. Eyes that archetype. Certain weapon and armor
betrayed nothing of his intentions. This time, combinations are most advantageous for an
however, Baracus ignored the eyes and watched archetype, and certain combinations of ability
the master’s shoulders. He wouldn’t be caught off scores work better than others. Thus, feats
guard another time. The slightest twitch of those represent one of the best tools for differentiating
shoulders would signal… fighters from each other. A fighter’s feats choices
help define their edge—that something special
In the flicker of an eye, Sokol surged forward, separating them from warriors of like skill. The
pivoted around to Baracus’s flank, and lashed out following new feats are designed to give your
with the training sword. The flat of the wooden fighter their edge and to set them apart from their
blade smacked into Baracus’s neck with a meaty fellow warriors. When it comes to battle, the
THWAP. The impact slammed him off-balance and smallest of differences often lead to the greatest of
left him struggling to breathe for victories.
several agonizing moments.
Once he could breathe again, Armor Expert
Baracus shook his head in You know how to utilize your
frustration and wiped the armor to maximize its efficiency
sweat from his brow. “I didn’t in combat.
see your shoulders move. I You treat your armor’s
purposefully didn’t pay maximum Dexterity modifier as
attention to your eyes, just so I +1 greater with this feat.
could watch your damn While wearing any armor
shoulders.” you reduce the amount of
damage you take by 2 points.
The master nodded, his face This benefit stacks with that of
impassive. “I know. Never the Heavy Armor Mastery feat.
forget, while you anticipate
your enemy’s moves, he also
anticipates yours. It is like a game of
chess. Move. Counter-move.”
Battle Cry
You are capable of a fearsome primal scream
during combat that chills your enemies’ spines.
As a reaction, you make a terrifying battle
cry. Allies within 60 feet gain a +1 bonus
on attack rolls and opponents that can see
and hear you must make a Wisdom saving
throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Charisma modifier or become
frightened until the beginning of your
next turn. Once you use this, you must
finish a short or long rest to use it again.
Bloody Strikes
You know how to deal wicked bleeding wounds
to your enemies.
You may choose to suffer a -5 penalty to
your attacks to cause those attacks to deal
+1d4 points of additional damage for the
next three rounds. The extra damage
ends if the target receives healing from
You gain a number of hit points equal to its movement would ordinarily trigger
your proficiency bonus. When your such an attack. The target provokes an
proficiency bonus increases, your bonus opportunity attack even if it uses the
hit points increase as well. Disengage action to leave the chosen
If you suffer a critical hit, you can use space.
your reaction to interpose your weapon or
shield to turn the critical hit into a normal
one. The interposed item gains the broken
Warlord's Commands
condition until you can repair it. You can inspire your allies to greater effect on the
Street Fighter Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher
You may grant yourself and allies within
You’ve scrapped with the best of them and come 60 feet a +2 bonus to Initiative checks at
out standing. any time.
Your unarmed attack damage die As an action, you can grant an ally within
increases by one size (from 1 to 1d2, 1d2 to 60 feet advantage on their next attack roll.
1d3, 1d3 to 1d4, 1d4 to 1d6, for example). As a reaction, you can grant all allies
You gain resistance to bludgeoning within 60 feet (including yourself) a +1
damage. bonus on attack rolls against a target you
Your AC increases by 1 against unarmed designate.
opponents. When you are attacked with a melee
attack, you may use your reaction to allow
one ally to move 5 feet directly away from
Swashbuckler your attacker without provoking an
If there’s an opportunity to do something daring, opportunity attack.
dangerous, and impressive in a fight, you’ll take it.
You receive three action dice that are d6s. Vengeance Is Mine
Whenever you make a Dexterity
(Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check The sight of one of your comrades falling in battle
to move through combat, you may expend drives you into a frenzy.
one of these dice and add the result of the If an ally you can see is reduced to 0 hit
roll to your skill check. You can decide points or is killed outright, you can use
whether to expend an action die after you your reaction to make a Dash action
roll the skill check. These dice increase to towards that ally.
d8s when you reach 10th level. Alternatively, if an ally you can see is
Your action dice recharge after a long rest. reduced to 0 hit points or is killed
If you roll initiative for a fight but have no outright, you can use your reaction to
action dice remaining, you gain advantage make a melee attack with advantage
on your first Acrobatics or Athletics skill against an enemy within reach.
check of the combat. If one or more of your allies you can see is
dying or incapacitated, add your
proficiency bonus to any damage you deal
Tactical Cunning with melee weapons.
Instinct, experience, and skill allow you to control
the flow of battle.
Squares adjacent to you require two
squares of movement to non-allies.
Each turn as a bonus action, you may
mark one adjacent space. Any enemy that
enters or leaves that space provokes an
opportunity attack from you, regardless if
When playing a fighter, there are more options at
can gain Sneak Attack, plus the ability to hide or
move as a bonus action, perfect for an archer.
Backgrounds: Dragon Casualty, Gladiator, Iron Multiclassing: Barbarian. The barbarian simply
Route Bandit, Marine, Mulmaster Aristocrat, makes for an excellent multiclass choice. The
Noble, Pirate, Sailor, Soldier, Tourney Knight, extra damage you can deal along with excellent
Waterdhavian Noble. damage resistance is too good to ignore.
Archetypes: Battle Master, Duelist, Misericorde,
Rake, Weapon Master.
Feats: Defensive Duelist, Lucky, Martial Adept,
Race: As a protector, you need to be able to
Elven Accuracy, Second Chance.
handle the damage thrown out at both you and
Equipment Choices: Light or medium armor and
your charge. As such, dwarves are awesome for
shield. Wield a rapier.
the Constitution. A stout halfling is a surprisingly
Multiclassing: Rogue, particularly moving
good protector, as they have both Con and Dex
towards the Swashbuckler archetype. Rakish
bonuses. Variant humans are also a solid choice,
Audacity allows you Sneak Attack nearly at will.
with less stat bonuses, but a bonus feat (be sure
to consult your GM if this is allowed).
GREAT WEAPON FIGHTER Primary Statistics: Constitution and Dexterity.
Race: Any race with a bonus to Strength will You need to be able to suffer the extra damage
make for an outstanding great weapon fighter. from additional incoming attacks redirected to
Mountain dwarves are an outstanding choice, you. Dexterity may help avoid some of them.
with a +2 Strength and Constitution. Fighting Style: Protection. You’ll be the cleric or
Dragonborn and half-orcs also have strong wizard’s best friend for life.
bonuses to Strength, and other useful combat Backgrounds: Caravan Specialist, City Watch,
abilities making them worthy choices. Variant Guardsman, Knight, Knight of the Order, Officer,
humans are also a solid choice, with less stat Soldier, Veteran.
bonuses, but a bonus feat (be sure to consult your Archetypes: Battle Master, Brawler,
GM if this is allowed). Dreadnaught, Knight, Samurai, Shield Master.
Primary Statistics: Feats: Alert, Observant, Sentinel.
Strength Equipment Choices: Heavy armor and
and shield. Use the most damaging one-
handed weapon you can find.
Constitution. Multiclassing: Paladin. Add in the
Being a great Defensive fighting style, smite and
weapon fighter is all about auras for some serious smack-down
dishing out vast amounts of and defense.
damage, but you also need to
be able to survive taking
Fighting Style: Great Race: Two-weapon fighting
Weapon Fighting or requires a high Strength or high
Tensile Weapons. Dexterity. If you want a Strength-
Backgrounds: Gladiator, based fighter, the half-orc is an
Knight, Knight of the outstanding choice for their critical
Order, Mercenary Veteran, hit abilities, while Dexterity-based
Outlander, Soldier, Tourney fighters should probably choose
Knight, Veteran. an elf. Variant humans are also
Archetypes: Battle Master, a solid choice, with less stat
Champion, Dragoon, Knight, Runeblade, bonuses, but a bonus feat (be
Samurai. sure to consult your GM if this is
Feats: Great Weapon Master, Savage Attacker, allowed).
Blade Mastery, Fell Handed, Orcish Fury. Primary Statistics: Strength (or Dexterity) and
Equipment Choices: Heavy armor and shield. Constitution. Dexterity is arguably a better
Use the most damaging one-handed weapon you choice than Strength for the AC synergy. You
can find. want to be able to deal as much damage as
possible while surviving your enemies’ attacks.
Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting. mobile fighters. Also, eladrin also have the misty
Backgrounds: Caravan Specialist, Criminal, step racial ability, adding to combat mobility.
Gladiator, Iron Route Bandit, Marine, Mercenary Primary Statistics: Dexterity and Constitution.
Veteran, Pirate, Sailor, Soldier, Veteran. Dexterity will be key for keeping you out of
Archetypes: Champion, Dervish, Duelist, harm’s way and using finesse weapons.
Gladiator, Master of Many Blades, Samurai, Fighting Style: Defense, Dueling or Thrown
Sellsword, Weapon Master. Weapons. Defense helps you from being hit, but
Feats: Defensive Duelist, Dual Wielder, Savage dueling can help you deal damage. Thrown
Attacker, Blade Mastery. Weapons Style might allow you to be on the move
Equipment Choices: Medium armor with and still have a good close ranged attack.
strength-based melee weapons or light armor Backgrounds: Gladiator, Hillsfar Smuggler, Phlan
paired with a high Dexterity score and finesse Insurgent, Soldier, Spy.
weapons. Archetypes: Battle Master, Corsair, Dervish,
Multiclassing: Ranger, Rogue or Monk. The Gladiator, Rake, Scout.
ranger grants another fighting style and some Feats: Athlete, Charger, Mobile, Acrobat
archetypes can be greatly useful. As for the Equipment Choices: The mobile fighter generally
rogue, the addition of sneak attack makes for a needs light or medium armor. If you are a melee
potent two-weapon fighter. With the monk, the fighter, a finesse weapon suits you well along
ki abilities and flurry of blows become wickedly with a shield (like a buckler). If you choose to use
powerful, but only if you use a monk weapon. ranged weapons, use something light and fast,
with a fair range, like a shortbow.
Multiclassing: The barbarian is helpful at later
MOUNTED WARRIOR levels with the extra movement, but their extra
Race: Any race with a bonus to Strength will
damage is nice while you level up.
make for a good mounted warrior. Mountain
dwarves are an outstanding choice, with a +2
Strength and Constitution. Dragonborn and half- FINESSE FIGHTER
orcs also have strong bonuses to Strength, and Race: Without a doubt, a high Dexterity race is
other useful combat abilities making them key here. Elves and halflings make the greatest
worthy choices. Variant humans are also a solid finesse fighters.
choice, with less stat bonuses, but a bonus feat Primary Statistics: Dexterity and Constitution.
(be sure to consult your GM if this is allowed). You need Dexterity to be effective with finesse
Primary Statistics: Strength and Constitution. weapons and boosting your AC. Constitution is
You want to mow down your enemies and be able also helpful to keep you alive.
to survive their attacks. Fighting Style: Dueling or Two-Weapon Fighting.
Fighting Style: Mounted Combat. If your Dexterity is very high, Two-Weapon
Backgrounds: Caravan Specialist, Far Traveler, Fighting can allow you to deal great damage with
Folk Hero, Knight, Knight of the Order, Officer, your off-hand attack.
Soldier, Squire, Tourney Knight, Trade Sheriff. Backgrounds: Dragon Casualty, Gladiator, Iron
Archetypes: Knight, Samurai, Tactician. Route Bandit, Marine, Mulmaster Aristocrat,
Feats: Great Weapon Master, Mounted Noble, Pirate, Sailor, Soldier, Tourney Knight,
Combatant, Animal Handler Waterdhavian Noble.
Equipment Choices: Medium or heavy armor Archetypes: Champion, Corsair, Dervish, Duelist,
and shield. Use a lance for charging and a one- Misericorde, Rake, Weapon Master.
handed sword for head-lopping. Feats: Defensive Duelist, Blade Mastery, Acrobat
Multiclassing: Paladin for the win. Add another Equipment Choices: Light armor and shield
useful fighting style and smite from the back of a coupled with the rapier for the high damage
mount. output.
Multiclassing: Monk or rogue. Monks can allow
you the amazing attacks, but rogues grant sneak
MOBILE FIGHTER attack, which also stacks nicely with your finesse
Race: The wood elf is a fantastic choice for a
mobile fighter. They have a high Dexterity and an
increased movement rate, making them perfect
Race: Mountain dwarves, dragonborn and half-
orcs all make excellent martial artists thanks to
their Strength bonuses.
Primary Statistics: Dexterity and Constitution.
You need Dexterity to be effective with unarmed
attacks and boosting your AC. Constitution is
also helpful to keep you alive.
Fighting Style: Hand to Hand Combat.
Backgrounds: Black Fist Double Agent, Criminal,
Entertainer, Initiate, Iron Route Bandit,
Mercenary Veteran, Outlander, Secret Identity,
Archetypes: Brawler, Weapon Master.
Feats: Grappler, Martial Adept, Tavern Brawler
Equipment Choices: Light armor and either
monk weapons or no melee weapons at all, using
only your natural hand to hand attacks.
Multiclassing: Barbarian or Monk. Use
barbarian to gain extra damage and great
resistance to damage or monk to add a
tremendous number of unarmed options.
New Weapons
New Simple
Melee Cost Damage Range Weight Properties
Brass 1 gp 1d3 bludgeoning _ 1 lb. finesse
Cestus 5 gp 1d4 bludgeoning or _ 1 lb. finesse
Brass Knuckles: These close combat weapons are Cestus: The cestus is a tough glove that covers the
designed to be worn around the knuckles, wielders from forearm and fist designed for close
focusing the impact on the metal and thus combat. Metal plates cover cover the fingers and
creating a much greater impact with unarmed are frequently lined with wicked spikes along the
strikes. You can hold other objects while wearing back of the hands and wrists. The cestus also
brass knuckles, but cannot use them effectively, restricts hand dexterity and all related Dexterity-
suffering disadvantage on attack rolls and related based skill checks suffer disadvantage when
skill checks while wearing them. equipped.
New Martial Melee
Cost Damage Range Weight Properties
Bec de Corbin 15 gp 1d10 ‐ 12 lb. Reach, two‐handed
(Crowbeak) bludgeoning
or piercing
Cutlass 15 gp 1d6 slashing ‐ 4 lb. finesse, light
Dagger, Dueling 10 gp 1d4 piercing ‐ 1 ½ lbs. finesse, special
or slashing
Dwarven Deepaxe 25 gp 1d8 piercing ‐ 4 lb. special, two‐handed
or 1d10
Elven Moonblade 50 gp 1d10 slashing ‐ 6 lb. finesse, two‐handed
Gladius 10 gp 1d6 piercing ‐ 2 lb. finesse, light
or slashing
Kukri 8 gp 1d6 slashing ‐ 2 lb. finesse, light
Mace, Heavy 8 gp 1d10 ‐ 8 lbs heavy, two‐handed
Scizore 20 gp 1d10 piercing ‐ 3 lb. special
Spiked Chain 50 gp 1d8 piercing ‐ 10 lb. finesse, heavy, reach, special, two‐handed
Bec de Corbin: The bec de corbin is a polearm that Cutlass: A slightly curved blade frequently used
ends with a hammer and curved blade resembling on ships. Its design lends itself well to chopping
a crow’s beak on the end. or stabbing. The hilt frequently comes equipped
with a basket-shaped guard, granting advantage piercing attacks. The blade is a staple of some
on all saves made against disarm attempts. militaries and gladiators.
Dagger, Dueling: This dagger is slightly longer Kukri: The kukri is a short blade with a forward-
and thicker than that of the typical dagger. It is leaning curve, designed to deal devastating
used in the off-hand to help ward off blows. If lacerations.
wielded in the off-hand, you may expend a
reaction to add half your proficiency bonus to Mace, heavy: The heavy mace is simply a two-
your AC against that attack. handed version of the standard mace, designed to
use great bludgeoning force to defeat even the
Dwarven Deepaxe: The dwarven deepaxe is a heaviest of armors.
heavy weapon designed for use in close quarters.
The axe blade is longer, one-sided, with a sharp Scizore: The scizore is a semi-circular cresent
spike affixed to the top and a long haft. This blade that is attached to metal encasing that fits
design allows the axe to quickly switch from a over the wielder’s fist and forearm. You may use
spear-like weapon to that of a heavy axe by your reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC
merely shifting your handhold. against an incoming attack. You gain advantage
on all saves against being disarmed.
Elven Moonblade: This crescent moon-shaped
blade allows trained wielder surprising fluidity for Spiked Chain: The spiked chain is a length of
a weapon of its size. Elven warriors spend chain with sharp spikes fused into its design. The
decades mastering its use. Non-elves must gain length of chain can be wielded as a finesse
proficiency, and few elves are willing to take the weapon, despite it being a heavy weapon. You
time or effort to train other non-elves in its use. can also fight two-handed with a spiked chain,
but it loses its reach when you do so.
Gladius: The gladius is a variation of the
shortsword, designed to allow slashing and
Bolt-thrower: The bolt-thrower is an invention of capable of use for long and short shooting. If you
the dwarves, essentially a gear-cranked crossbow have a strength score of at least 16, you can use a
that fires a vicious metal spike. The bolt-thrower bonus action to steady yourself. While you are
has a poor range, but deals devastating wounds in steadied, your attacks with the great bow deal 2d6
close quarters. Each bolt weighs half a pound. piercing damage. You are no longer steadied if
you move, and if you do not have the required
Greatbow: This 6-foot tall bow is made of layered strength score, or fire without being steadied, you
elm rather than yew or ash, making it suffer disadvantage on your attack roll.
astonishingly stiff, large and strong, and equally
New Armors
Type Cost AC Strength Stealth Weight
Armored Kilt 20 gp 11 + Dex modifier ‐ ‐ 10 lbs.
Hide Shirt 7 gp 12 + Dex modifier ‐ ‐ 8 lbs.
Hardened Leather 40 gp 12 + Dex modifier ‐ ‐ 18 lbs.
Leaf Armor 400 gp 12 + Dex modifier ‐ ‐ 20 lbs.
Type Cost AC Strength Stealth Weight
Breastplate, 200 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) ‐ ‐ 12 lbs.
Gladiator, 50 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) ‐ ‐ 15 lbs.
Gladiator, 75 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) ‐ Disadvantage 30 lbs.
Breastplate, Partial: This breastplate functions as types of armor (and lack thereof). One arm and
a standard breastplate, but it is open in the back leg might be plate armor with the other
and leather straps fit over the shoulders. This unarmored to maintain freedom of movement.
armor is very quick to don, taking only a single
action to put on or remove. However, that Gladiator, Provocateur: The provocateur is one of
flexibility comes at the cost of being less armored the best armors that gladiators wore, essentially a
when attacked from the rear. Attackers who breastplate, helm, manica and greaves. It is
attack from the rear face treat your AC as 4 less. surprisingly maneuverable for the amount of
defense it provides.
Gladiator, Piecemeal: The piecemeal gladiator
armor is a conglomeration of numerous other
Type Cost AC Strength Stealth Weight
Stone Plate 1,800 gp 19 17 Disadvantage 80 lbs.
Stone Plate: Stone plate is constructed of flat armor is not intended to be easy to wear, nor
layers of rigid stone tied together with heavy flexible. It is designed to be nearly impenetrable
cords and all fitted on top of thick padding. The by most weapons.
Type Cost AC Strength Stealth Weight
Buckler 5 gp +1 ‐ ‐ 5 lbs.
Tower 30 gp +3 ‐ Disadvantage 45 lbs.
Buckler: The buckler is small round shield shield, it does allow you to wield other items in
designed to be worn over the wrist and forearm. your hand.
While its defensive ability is lower than a typical
Tower: The tower shield is a massive shield, You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with
covering the wielder nearly top to bottom in a this magic weapon.
tower of interposing hardened wood and leather.
As a reaction, the wielder may interpose the In addition, after damaging a creature, as a bonus
shield between themselves and harm, gaining action, you may speak the weapon’s command
half-cover (if applicable, ask your GM). word. Until the end of your next turn, attacks
made against that creature have advantage. The
Optional Rule: Shields and Reactions creature also loses all damage resistances until the
As an option, game masters can allow all shields end of your next turn.
to grant a bonus to Dexterity saves when
applicable. The wielder must use a reaction, but The weapon recharges this ability at the next
they gain their shield bonus to the relevant dawn.
Dexterity save. For example: An arrow fires out of
the wall from a trap at a character. They use their
reaction to gain a +2 bonus to their Dexterity save
Defensive Dagger
before rolling. Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement
by a fighter)
NEW EQUIPMENT you gain a +2 to your AC. If you have the Dueling
Fighting Style, you may use this dagger in your off
hand and still gain the bonus to damage granted
by your Dueling Fighting Style.
Made from a type of stones used to sharpen
slashing and piercing weapons like swords and Magebane
daggers, this specific piece is made to a form that Weapon (any melee weapon), legendary (requires
is easy to handle with a single hand while attunement by a fighter or barbarian)
attempting to use it. The whetstone is also
commonly used to help remove rust from some This weapon glows with ancient runes and glyphs
types of armors and weapons. when fighting arcane casters. Wielding this
weapon grants you a +3 to attack and damage rolls.
Spending 1 minute sharpening a single non- This weapon also deals an extra 2d6 damage to
magical weapon or up to 5 pieces of non-magical creatures that can cast arcane spells.
ammunition, during a short or long rest while
using a whetstone will grant that item a non- When attuned, the weapon holds up to 3 charges.
magical +1 bonus to damage rolls made while If a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see
using it for a period of 8 hours. This whetstone attempts to cast an arcane spell while you wield
has no effect on magical items on any kind. Magebane, you can expend a charge and use your
reaction to speak the weapon’s command word.
Doing so forces spellcaster to make a DC 18
Armor Breaker
Weapon (any bludgeoning weapon, battleaxe, or
greataxe), rare (requires attunement)
While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus Helm of True seeing
to attack rolls. In addition, the bracers have 4 Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
charges, which can be used for the following
benefits: While wearing this helm, you have truesight with
a radius of 120’.
You can spend one charge to make an
additional attack as part of your attack Oil of Heroes
action. This functions as the haste spell,
and does not stack with that effect.
Wondrous item, uncommon
You can spend 2 charges to make an
When applied to a weapon or up to 20 pieces of
opportunity attack if you have already
ammunition, this oil grants a +1 bonus to attack
used your reaction this turn.
and damage rolls for 1 hour. The oil is clear with a
small sliver of metal suspended within.
The bracers regain 1d4 expended charges at dawn.
TRICK SHOTS do so, the damage you take from the attack is
reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your
level. If the damage is reduced to 0, you can catch
the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in
Some players may wish to take greater risks in
one hand and you have at least one hand free. If
combat in exchange for greater rewards. Trick
you catch a missile in this way, you can expend one
shots make combat much more dynamic, allowing
superiority die to make a ranged attack with the
for some exceptional feats of skill and heroic
weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught as
actions. We designed the trick shot rules to fit
part of the same reaction adding the superiority
within the established game mechanics, but to still
die to the attack roll. You make this attack roll with
allow for characters to do some outstanding things
proficiency regardless of your weapon
without unbalancing the game.
Had you fired dead center to the chest, that slight Chest (+0 AC)
movement might not have had any effect and you Called shots to the chest are aimed at the well-
would have nailed the goblin. Called shots are risk protected center of mass of a creature.
versus reward.
Save: Constitution
With this system, disadvantage represents the
challenge of aiming at a particular target, while the
AC bonus of specific targeted areas show the
relative difficulty of striking smaller targets.
Effect: A critical hit to the heart pierces the organ, addition, the target suffers the effects of critical
causing exhaustion and double damage. In damage.
addition, the target suffers damage each round
equal to the base damage dice inflicted until dead Critical Effect: If the target fails their save, they
or healed. In either case, stopping the damage suffer the above effects, but also suffer ongoing
requires either regeneration (spell or special damage equal to the base damage dice that
ability), magic healing that heals as many points of inflicted the wound each round until healed.
damage (from one or more sources) as the original
blow dealt, or a successful DC 20 Heal check that
takes 1d4 rounds to complete.
Vitals (+2 AC)
The vitals correspond to the abdomen on a
humanoid: critical organs not well-protected by
Critical Effect: If the target fails their saving throw,
bone. Attacks on the vitals can also include
they lose half their maximum hit points and suffer
dastardly “low blows.” Vitals for non-humanoid
the ongoing damage as above.
creatures can include nearly any location that is
relatively hard to hit, poorly protected, and
Leg (+2 AC) debilitating if struck.
Legs are the ambulatory limbs of a creature,
including feet. Called shots to the leg have no Save: Constitution
special effect on creatures with five or more legs.
Effect: A called shot to the vitals leaves the target
Save: Strength or Dexterity (target’s choice) stunned for 1 round. While suffering from the
effects of this blow, the target cannot take the
Effect: A called shot to a leg halves the target Dash or Disengage action.
creature’s speed for 1d4 rounds if it has two or
fewer legs, and by 10 feet if it has more than two Critical Effect: If the target fails their save, the
legs. The speed penalty for hits on legs stack, but duration of the above effects are increased to 1d4
the creature’s speed cannot be reduced below 5 rounds.
feet per round. Additionally, any skill or ability
checks involving movement (such as Acrobatics or
Athletics checks) suffer disadvantage.
and much more!!!