Giffyglyphs Monster Maker v3-0-0 en Pwyw

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Writing, Art, & Layout Introduction 2

Part : Scalers
Making Monsters 4
Monster Roles & Stats
4th Edition, Song of the Blade (2015, "Improved Combat Levels 8
Monster Stats table for D&D 5th Edition")
Combat Ranks 10
Discord Defenders
Lex Raine, Raspilicious Combat Roles 15
Twitch Tyrant Paragon Features 22
Making Encounters 25
Advice & Testing
ARandomShark, Adam, Anthoux, Ben_Scerri,
Binary Limbo, cheatisnotdead, CrashGem, Part : Features
CrazyDave, dark_james, Dylan Hardy, Durins_cat,
Fabreh, Filthy Kenku, Gargle_Fritz,
Monstrous Traits 30
Gerald_Mountaindew, gerni, hajjiman,
HidesHisEyes, Horazath, HKYK, jagerune, jasimon,
Making Features 38
JetrayDadM, LeVentNoir, LexRaine,
mulac_snotcloak, nigel037, Osmodius, Qualanqui,
Making Effects 44
QuickTakeMyHand, RadioBehemoth, Rashizar,
Raspilicious, ReskinBordran, SageDaMage, Skolas,
Frenzy Attacks 48
Spilled Ale Studios, Strider, TDuncker,
Thunder_2414, Velivanne, William, Xheotris, ygg,
Overkill Attacks 49
zeemeerman2, and Zieryk.

The Tides of Battle 53

Special thanks to all 447 patrons for their generous
support, in particular: Part : Archetypes
Ady Veisz Dragia, AlDragonus, Anthony Campla,
Fabreh, Faolan Twinbear, Hoots Kenku, Majikaloo, The Spellcaster 57
Necrotic Fawn, Polyblium, Rinzler, Strider,
Veygabond The Summoner 60
The Swarm 63
The Sidekick 66
The Hazard 69
The Lifelinker 71

Part : Appendices
Expanded Conditions 74
Randomizing Damage 77
Scaler Templates 79
FAQs 111
Giffyglyph's Monster Maker
N o adventure is complete without a
menagerie of monsters to cause trouble for your
bold heroes. But what do you do when the game needs a
brand new villain? Or when you want to add some new • Complete step-by-step guides to help you build
tricks to an old favorite? Or when the party does level-scaling monsters and encounters.
something unexpected and you need to prep an • Use 4 combat ranks to fill your monster vault with
encounter fast? Don't worry—Giffyglyph's Monster minions, grunts, elites, and paragons.
Maker is here to help! • Use 6 combat roles, 18 specializations, and 6
This supplement introduces a range of mechanics, archetypes to create powerful controllers, defenders,
guides, templates, examples, and advice to help you lurkers, skirmishers, strikers, and supporters.
build new monsters and encounters in seconds—perfect • Equip your monsters with scaling features, paragon
for the GM on the go, and compatible with any 5th power, and battletide conditions.
Edition game. Surprise your players with minions, • Use encounter points and monster threat to easily
grunts, elites, and paragons at any character level! build and balance your encounters.

About Sigil Supporters

Version 3.0.0 This 5th Edition supplement was kindly supported by:
 Created by Giffyglyph, March 21st 2022

If you like this project and want to see more in the Ady Veisz Dragia, AlDragonus, Anthony Campla, Fabreh,
♥ future, you can help out by: Faolan Twinbear, Hoots Kenku, Majikaloo, Necrotic Fawn,
• Becoming a Patron: Polyblium, Rinzler, Strider, Veygabond
• Buying a Coffee:
• Spreading the word: like / share / review
and 435 other patrons
To keep up-to-date with my work, visit:

• My website:
• Twitch:  Become a Patron
• Reddit:

If you have any questions, contact me at:  Talk on Twitch

• Discord: Giffyglyph#7632
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• Twitter: ∞ More 5e supplements

Making Monsters
Scalers An introduction to combat
scalers and scaling monsters.

Build scaling monsters for your

combat encounters.

Combat Levels
How to choose a combat level
based on a party, region, or tier.


Combat Ranks
Create 4 ranks of monster:
minions, grunts, elites, and


Combat Roles
Customize your monsters with 6
combat roles, 18 subroles, and
90 special combat abilities.


Paragon Features
Give your elites and paragons
more actions per round with
paragon power.


Making Encounters
Pit your new monsters against
the party with scaling


Making Monsters
D angerous encounters need devious
monsters-but how do you make a monster and
how do you balance it against player characters?
Kobold Pyroblaster
Small humanoid (kobold)

This chapter introduces scalers to help you build fun,  Level 4 Grunt, Striker
balanced, combat-ready monsters with ease. STR 8 DEX 18 CON 8 INT 18 WIS 12 CHA 12
−1 +4 −1 +4 +1 +1
 AC 13. Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +3.
Scalers ♥ HP 44. Bloodied 22. Resistant to fire.
⚔ ATK +2. DC +10. DMG 12. Reach 5 ft. Range 30 ft.
This supplement makes extensive use of scalers, a ⚡ Speed 30 ft.
special type of monster profile that has level-scaling,  Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11.
rank-scaling, and role-scaling attributes: hit points,  Languages Common, Draconic.
armor class, damage, ability modifiers, etc.  Proficiency +2. CR 1. XP 275.
With standardized monster math and threat ratings,  Items spellbook.
scalers can help to drastically cut down the time you TRAITS
need to build monsters and design encounters:  Pack Tactics: You have advantage when attacking a
creature adjacent to any ally that isn't incapacitated.
• Quick to Build: With just three key dials (level, rank, FREE
role), you can get combat-ready stats in seconds.  Brutal (1/turn): You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.
• Predictable Power: Forget challenge ratings—use ACTIONS
combat levels to build a monster just like a PC.  Firebolt: Spell: Cantrip, Evocation, S. Ranged: +6 to hit,
• Ranks and Roles: Customize your scalers with 4 range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) fire damage.
combat ranks (minions, grunts, elites, and paragons)  Immolate (Cooldown 3): Spell: 1st-level, Evocation, VS.
and 6 combat roles (controllers, defenders, lurkers, Ranged: +6 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (4d6 +
scouts, strikers, and supporters). 1) fire damage (ongoing, DC 14 CON).
• Decoupled Combat Stats: You don't need to  Fireblast (1/sr): Spell: 1st-level, Evocation, VS. Save: DC
micromanage equipment—use whatever's flavorful. 14 vs DEX, a 30 ft. cone extending from yourself, all
• Combat-First Profile: Scaler profiles are laid out for targets. Hit: 15 (4d6 + 1) fire damage.
combat with quick-reference icons, colors, and text.
• Big Bosses: With a fully-featured paragon power
system, your paragons can be effective solo bosses.
• Powers over Spell Slots: No spell slots. Ever. Scalers & Statics
• Improvisation-Friendly: Scalers tell you everything
you need to improvise new actions on-the-go. All of the modules and mechanics presented in this
supplement are fully compatible with any static monster
For more information about scalers and their profile (i.e. those found in other 5th Edition materials).
particulars, see the FAQs (p111).



10 Countermeasures
Scaler Combat Profiles Some scalers can be controlled or subdued in non-
Listed below are some of the key differences between a traditional ways—disabling, baiting, persuading, etc.
scaler profile and a conventional 5th Edition stat block. This section describes any unique countermeasures.

1 Level, Rank, and Role

At the forefront of every scaler is a combat level, combat
Aberrant Monolith
Large hazard (aberration)
rank, and combat role—use these descriptors to quickly
judge how to use a scaler in battle. 1 Level 6 Elite, Controller (Hexer)

STR 14 DEX 1 CON 20 INT 20 WIS 14 CHA 1

2 Ability Modifiers 2 +2 −5 +5 +5 +2 −5
Attack rolls and ability checks depend on ability  AC 16. Saving Throws Str +5, Con +8, Int +8. 3
modifiers—find them at the very top of the stat block.
4 ♥ HP 116. Bloodied 58. Damage Threshold 10. Immune
to psychic and blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
3 Defences frightened, paralyzed, prone, stunned.
Armor class and saving throws are grouped together 5 ⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 15. Reach 5 ft. Range 120 ft.
into one quick-reference defensive line. ⚡ Speed 5 ft., climb 5 ft. Initiative −1. 6
 Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 12.
4 Health  Languages understands deep speech but can't speak.
Health attributes (HP, vulnerabilities, immunities, etc.)  Proficiency +3. CR 4. XP 1150.
are grouped together into one quick-reference health 7 Items bloodstone.
line. If your scaler can be bloodied or enraged (p53), or TRIGGER
has a damage threshold, those values are also listed here. 8  You lie dormant until a willing creature feeds you fresh
blood. You may then remain active for 1 hour per unit of
5 Combat Stats blood consumed (where one unit equals one hit die).
Three basic attack stats serve as a central reference If an unwilling creature touches you while you are
point when using attacks and actions: dormant, it must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw (DC 16) or lose one hit die.
• ATK: Add this to an ability modifier when you attack TRAITS
a target's AC (d20 + ability modifier + ATK). 9  Regenerating Flesh: At the start of your turn, if you
• DC: Add this to an ability modifier when you force a have at least 1 hit point, you regain 12 hit points.
target to make a saving throw (ability modifier + DC).  Focused: You have advantage on Concentration saving
• DMG: This is the average amount of damage that can throws.
be caused with a single, common action (don't add FREE
ability modifiers to this value). If an action would  Paragon Power (1/round): At the end of another
make several separate attacks, divide this damage creature's turn, you may either a) take an action and
across each attack. regain your reaction or b) reroll a saving throw.
• Reach/Range: These are basic attack ranges. ACTIONS

 Eyebeam: Ranged: +8 to hit, range 120 ft., one creature.

6 Initiative Hit: 15 (2d12 + 2) psychic damage, and the creature
If your scaler has an initiative bonus, find it listed next must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw (DC 16)
to your speeds. This bonus (if displayed) already includes or fall prone.
your DEX ability modifier.  Hypnotic Sound: Ranged: DC 16 vs INT, range 120 ft.,
one or two creatures. Hit: the creature has
7 Items disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the
If your scaler is carrying any notable items (potions, end of its next turn.
scrolls, spellbooks), equipment (weapons, armor,  Otherworldly Visions (Recharge 4-6): Save: DC 16 vs
trinkets), or treasure (coins, gems, art), it is listed here. INT, range 60 ft., one creature. Hit: the creature is
blinded and vulnerable to psychic damage until the end
8 Trigger of your next turn.
Some scalers lie dormant until they are activated by a  Song of the Great Ones (Concentration, 1/lr): Save: DC
triggering action or event. 16 vs INT, range 30 ft., one creature that is not
deafened. Hit: the creature is stunned for up to one
9 Special Features minute. Recovery: Regain one use when you are first
Special features are grouped together by their activation bloodied (once per long rest).
cost: traits (passive features), free actions, bonus COUNTERMEASURES
actions, actions, and reactions. 10  Sacrifice of Blood: If you are bloodied, an adjacent
Features come in one of three rarities of increasing creature may spend an action to sacrifice one hit die
power—common (green), uncommon (yellow), and rare and compel you to fall dormant (DC 6 Persuasion or
(red)—and may be highlighted with melee or ranged Intimidate). The creature must be able to speak in deep
icons for easy reference. For more information on how speech.
to build special features, see Making Features (p38).



Pick your Saving rows

Make a Monster Your monster's starting template also specifies a
number of trained saving throws (TSTs): choose these
Once you have some inspiration, it's time to make a saving throws. Try to split these evenly between strong
monster! To turn your idea into a fully-featured combat and weak saving throw categories:
profile, follow the six steps below.
• Strong: Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom.

Define your Combat Power • Weak: Strength, Intelligence, Charisma.

First, you must define your monster's combat power— Choose a Reach and/or Range
how dangerous is it in a fight? Choose a combat level, a Basic attack stats (attack bonus, DC bonus, and average
combat rank, and (optionally) a combat role. damage) are also included in the starting template.
Define a reach and/or range for these basic attacks
Choose a Combat Level and actions. Note that specific features may override
A combat level (p8) describes how powerful a monster is these distances whenever appropriate.
—the higher the level, the greater its starting stats (hit
points, damage, armor class, ability modifiers, etc.).
Combat levels work in the exact same way as
Pick some Extras (Optional)
character levels, so consider choosing a level between 1- With the core attributes in place, it's time to choose
20 that's suitable for the party's average character level. some extras. There are eight common categories to
consider: use these to flesh out your monster.
Choose a Combat Rank Try to keep in mind the overall combat power of the
A combat rank (p10) describes how influential your monster—the lower the level (or the lower the rank), the
monster is on the battlefield—the higher the rank, the fewer extras your monster should need.
bigger the danger it presents.
There are four basic ranks of increasing strength:
minions (p12), grunts (p11), elites (p13), and paragons
Extra Categories
(p14). Choose one. • Speeds • Resistances
• Senses • Immunities
Choose a Combat Role (Optional) • Skills • Languages
A combat role (p15) specializes your monster's fighting • Vulnerabilities • Items
style with new features, skills, and stat adjustments.
There are six basic roles: controllers (p16), defenders
(p17), lurkers (p18), skirmishers (p19), strikers (p20), and
supporters (p21). Choose one.
Create some Features
If you want to to give your monster some special tricks,
equip them with scaling features. There are three
Valiant, Clanda, and Chansi have been waylaid by some different types of feature:
bandits—a combat begins!
There are three player characters, and the average • Trait: A passive ability that's always on.
party level is 5; the GM opts for three 5th level grunts to • Attack: An activated ability that tries to affect an
provide a medium-challenge encounter. unwilling target.
To mix things up, the GM gives each bandit a • Utility: An activated ability that tries to affect a
different combat role: one striker to deal damage, one willing target.
defender to soak up some hits, and one lurker to snipe
from a distance. For some quick flavor, equip your monster with at
least one ancestral (racial) feature, one (if applicable)
combat role feature, and one attack action.

Get your Stats Be sure not to overcomplicate your monster—a

combat profile should be easy to read and easy to run.
Once you know your monster's combat power, use the Aim for the following:
Scaler Template tables (see p79) to get its starting stats.

Assign your Attributes Number of Features

Your monster's starting template include a set of six Combat Rank Features
recommended ability modifiers: two high, two mid, and Minion 1-5
two low. Assign these modifiers to your abilities (STR, Grunt 3-8
DEX, CON, INT, WIS, and CHA) in order of preference. Elite 5-11
If it doesn't make sense for the monster to have a Paragon 7-14
particular ability, either a) set the ability modifier to −5
or b) set the ability score to 0 (the monster For a full exploration of how to build scaling features
automatically fails ability checks/saving throws). and choose effects, see Making Features (p38).



Pick an Archetype (Optional)

Some creatures have extra-special powers: casting
Orc Bandit
Medium humanoid (orc)
magic, summoning allies, forming swarms, etc. These
monsters can be built with an archetype—a prepackaged  Level 5 Grunt, Striker
bundle of features, rules, and advice. STR 18 DEX 8 CON 18 INT 8 WIS 12 CHA 12
Choose one of six archetypes: the lifelinker (p71), the +4 −1 +4 −1 +1 +1
hazard (p69), the sidekick (p66), the spellcaster (p57),  AC 13. Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7.
the summoner (p60), and the swarm (p63). ♥ HP 51. Bloodied 26.
⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 15. Reach 5 ft.
Dragonborn Bandit ⚡ Speed 30 ft.
Medium humanoid (dragonborn)  Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11.
 Level 5 Grunt, Defender  Languages Common, Orc.
 Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 450.
STR 18 DEX 8 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 12 CHA 18  Items greataxe.
+4 −1 +1 −1 +1 +4 FREE

 AC 17. Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +4, Cha +7.  Brutal (1/turn): You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.
♥ HP 38. Bloodied 19. Resistant to lightning. BONUS ACTIONS

⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 11. Reach 10 ft.  Aggressive (Cooldown 3): You move up to your speed
⚡ Speed 25 ft. towards a hostile creature that you can see.
 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11. ACTIONS

 Languages Common, Draconic.  Greataxe: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
 Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 450. 15 (2d12 + 2) slashing damage.
 Items shield, spear.

 Opportunist: When you make an attack of opportunity,

you have advantage.
Tailor the Fit
BONUS ACTIONS Now compare your monster against the adventuring
 Stop Right There (1/sr): Save: DC 15 vs CHA, range 30 party and adjust any values that may seem over or
ft, one creature. Hit: the creature is restrained until the under-powered (e.g. lower the AC or HP if your party
end of its next turn. has trouble dealing damage, or increase the average
ACTIONS damage dealt by the monster if the party's defenses or
 Spear: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 healing resources are high).
(2d8 + 2) piercing damage.
 Shield Slam: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
the target is knocked prone.
Start Playing
Your monster is now ready! Start your encounter and
improvise any additional features as you go.
Dwarf Bandit Refine as you Play
Medium humanoid (dwarf)
It may turn out that your monster is too weak or too
 Level 5 Grunt, Lurker strong for the party. That's ok—it's hard to predict how
STR 8 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 12 WIS 18 CHA 8 powerful some features can be.
−1 +4 +1 +1 +4 −1 If you need to update a monster during live play, try
 AC 9. Saving Throws Wis +7. to do so naturally. Avoid explicitly telling players what
♥ HP 38. Bloodied 19. you're changing—fold it into the fiction.
⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 19. Reach 5 ft. Range 60 ft.
⚡ Speed 30 ft.
During the encounter, the party is having unexpected
 Skills Stealth +7.
trouble hitting the defender's high AC. The GM decides
 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14.
to reduce the AC by 2 on the next attack.
 Languages Common, Dwarvish.
 Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 450.
• GM: As you slam your mace against the shield,
 Items heavy crossbow.
Valiant, there is a loud crack; the bandit's shield splits
 Sure-Footed: You have advantage on Strength and in two from the force of your attack...
Dexterity saving throws made against effects that
would knock you prone.


Sneaky: You take the Hide action.

What's Next?
ACTIONS Once you have the basics down, you can start to explore
 Heavy Crossbow: Ranged: +7 to hit, range 60 ft., one some new mechanics—such as paragon power (p22),
target. Hit: 19 (4d8 + 1) piercing damage. expanded conditions (p74), and battletide effects (p53).
Use these to spice up your scaling monsters.



Combat Levels
T o overcome the enemy, you must first
understand the enemy: what are their strengths and
weaknesses, and just how much danger are you in?
A Target the Party
If you want to combat a specific adventuring party,
Knowledge is power—but how do you describe danger in target the average party level. You can create a weaker
simple terms? And how can you use ratings to set the monster by going below the average party level or a
strength of your scalers? stronger monster by going above it.
This chapter introduces combat levels and their Use this approach when you want to build some
gameplay purpose, how to use them, and how you can narrative content to scale alongside your players.
integrate them with challenge ratings.
Party Combat Level
Choosing a Level Challenge Combat Level
Weak Average Party Level - 3
Scaling monsters use combat levels (i.e. character levels) Competent Average Party Level
to set their core attributes (ability modifiers, hit points, Strong Average Party Level + 3
average damage, etc.)—the higher the level, the higher
these core attributes will be.
Your first step in creating a new scaling monster is The GM wants to create a group of orc warlocks to fight
(typically) to choose their level, and there are three a 5th-level adventuring party. The orcs are intended to
common approaches: be a competent threat, so the GM makes them 5th-level
to match the party.
A Target the Party: Build monsters to combat a specific Another GM wants to build a combat encounter for a
group of players based on the average party level. varied adventuring party—two 2nd-level characters and
B Target a Region: Build monsters to populate a three 4th-level characters. The average party level is 3,
specific region base on the average region level. so the GM uses 3rd-level scalers in the battle.
C Target a Tier: Build monsters for a particular tier of
gameplay—adventurer, heroic, paragon, or epic.
B Target a Region
Core vs. Extended Combat Features If you want to populate a region (a dark dungeon, a
sinister forest, a cosmic plane, etc.), target the average
Combat levels set core combat features—hit points, region level. You can create a weaker monster by going
attack bonuses, armor classes, saving throws, etc. below the average region level or a stronger monster by
Once these core details are in place, you can add going above it.
extended combat features (if necessary) to flesh out Use this approach when you want to build some
your creation—immunities, vulnerabilities, actions, etc. sandbox content with a fixed challenge for your world
(e.g. a hexcrawl or dungeoncrawl).



Region Combat Level Combat Levels to Challenge Ratings

Challenge Combat Level Combat CHALLENGE RATING (CR)
Weak Average Region Level - 3 Level Minion Grunt Elite Paragon
Competent Average Region Level T4
Strong Average Region Level + 3 0 0 1/8 1/4 1/2
1 0 1/4 1/2 1
2 1/8 1/2 1 2
The GM wants to create some encounters in the 3 1/8 1/2 1 3
Firemaw Basin, a 7th-level adventuring region in their 4 1/4 1 2 4
hexcrawl-style campaign. 5 1/2 2 3 5
With an average region level of 7, the GM can 6 1/2 2 4 6
comfortably use a range of combat levels from 4th-level 7 1/2 3 4 7
(weak) to 10th-level (strong). 8 1 3 5 8
9 1 4 6 9
10 1 4 7 10
11 2 5 7 11
C Pick a Power Tier 12 2 5 8 12
If you want to build content for a power tier (adventurer, 13 2 6 9 13
heroic, paragon, and epic), target a level range. 14 3 6 9 14
Use this approach when you want to build some 15 3 7 10 15
shareable content that others can easily drop into their 16 3 7 11 16
own games and campaign settings. 17 4 8 12 17
18 4 9 13 18
19 4 9 13 19
Tiered Combat Level 20 4 10 14 20
Tier Combat Level 21 5 11 16 21
Adventurer 1-4 22 6 13 18 22
Heroic 5-10 23 7 14 20 23
Paragon 11-16 24 7 16 20 24
Epic 17+ 25 8 17 21 25
26 9 19 22 26
27 10 20 23 27
The GM wants to create some scaling monsters for an 28 11 20 23 28
adventure they plan to share online. 29 12 21 24 29
The adventure is to be set in the Heroic tier of 30 12 21 25 30
gameplay, and so the GM uses a range of combat levels
from 5th-level to 10th-level.
The GM wants to use a remorhaz (a CR 11 monster
worth 7,200 XP) in an encounter alongside some
scalers. This CR 11 monster can be used as if it were an
Challenge Ratings 11th-level Paragon, a 16th-level elite, a 21st-level grunt,
or a 28th-level minion.
Challenge ratings (CR) are another means of describing Later, the GM creates a new monster–a 7th-level
danger. To find out what challenge rating your scaling grunt. Using the table above, the GM can see that this
monster has (or to convert a static monster into a monster has a challenge rating of CR 3.
scaler) use the Combat Levels to Challenge Ratings table.
When you convert scalers from combat levels to
challenge ratings (and vice versa), be aware that this is
more art than science: no two scalers are 100% alike, Danger is Relative
and depending on the particulars of your NPC you may
wish to make some modifications to keep the threat Danger ratings are rarely absolute; each encounter is a
inline with expectations. For example: unique combination of variables (party composition,
player knowledge, magic items, encounter layout, etc.),
• Adjust the armor class and/or hit points to make where some combat features may be overpowered
your scaler more (or less) durable. whilst others are never used at all.
• Change attack bonuses to hit more (or less) often. What objective value is fire immunity, for example, if
• Add some paragon power. the party never deals fire damage?
• Add or remove some damage/condition immunities. For this reason, extended combat features (such as
• Apply a combat role. traits, immunities, resistances, and abilities) don't
• Boost damage to keep your players on edge. impact a scaler's combat level or challenge rating.
• Add some extra movement options.



Combat Ranks
I t is said that authority creates power
and grants you more influence and notoriety on the
battlefield. But how exactly do you assign authority to a
Ability Modifiers
Each rank comes with a recommended set of six ability
monster, and how does it empower them? modifiers—two high modifiers, two mid modifiers, and
This chapter introduces combat ranks and pre-made two low modifiers. Allocate these ability modifiers as
templates to help you field an army of minions, grunts, best fits your scaling monster.
elites, and paragons. If it wouldn't make sense for your monster to have a
particular ability, either a) set the relevant modifier to
−5 or b) set the ability score to 0 (you automatically fail
Choosing a Rank ability checks/saving throws).

A combat rank defines how threatening you are in battle,

adjusting attributes and granting access to special
Trained Saving rows
features. There are four ranks you can choose from: When you create a new scaling monster, you can choose
one or more trained saving throws (TSTs). Try to split
• Grunts are the rank-and-file members of any fighting these evenly between strong and weak save categories:
force—one grunt is the counterpart to one PC.
• Minions are frail but make up for it by fighting in • Strong: Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom.
large numbers—for the cost of one grunt you can • Weak: Strength, Intelligence, Charisma.
field four minions.
• Elites are tough champions and powerful captains
with twice the staying power of an grunt.
• Paragons are a force to be reckoned with, able to Each rank has a threat rating that describes how many
face an entire adventuring party single-handed. players (of equal level) should be threatened by this
monster in combat. A grunt, for example, is a threat for
Choose the rank that best describes how your one player character while an elite is a threat for two.
monster acts in combat and then apply attribute Use threat ratings to mix-and-match ranks easily. For
modifiers as shown in the Combat Ranks table below. more details, see Making Encounters (p25).

Combat Ranks
Rank Threat Modifiers INIT AC HP TST DMG XP Special Features
Minion 0.25 — — — ×0.2 1 ×0.75 ×0.25 Elusive
Grunt 1 — — — — 2 — — —
Elite 2 +1 +PB/2 +1 ×2 3 ×1.1 ×2 Paragon Power
Paragon Variable +2 +PB +2 ×Threat 3 ×1.2 ×Threat Paragon Power, Paragon Defence



Grunt Template
 Level (LVL) Your combat level (i.e. character level)
Grunts are the basic combatants, fighters, and soldiers  Armor Class 12 + LVL/4
of your monstrous hordes—creatures that can go toe-  Ability Modifier (Low) LVL/12 − 1
to-toe with a player character. One grunt is a threat for  Ability Modifier (Mid) 1 + LVL/8
one adventurer of equal level.  Ability Modifier (High, LVL < 8) 3 + LVL/4
To start building a grunt, either a) choose a combat  Ability Modifier (High, LVL >= 8) 5 + (LVL−8)/8
level and look at the Grunt Templates table, or b) create ⚔ Attack Bonus PB
your own grunt using the Grunt Template.  Attack DC 8 + PB
 Attack Damage LVL×3
♥ Hit Points 16 + LVL×7
The GM wants to create a new grunt for their campaign ⚡ Initiative Bonus 0
—a sparking lightmare hexblade.  Proficiency Bonus (PB) 1 + (LVL+3)/4
 Trained Saving Throws 2
• To get started, the GM chooses a combat level—in  Threat 1
this case, level 7.
• They then assign six ability modifiers in order of  Other Features: Choose 3-8 traits/attacks/utilities.
preference—for the hexblade, the GM assigns STR
−1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +4, WIS −1, CHA +4.
• The hexblade is then given AC 13 and 65 HP.
• Next, the GM assigns two trained saving throws—in Using Grunts
this case, the GM chooses WIS and CHA.
• The hexblade has an attack bonus of +3, an attack • For a quick combat encounter, deploy one grunt for
DC of +11, and deals 21 damage on a successful hit. each player character (e.g. for five 6th-level players,
deploy five 6th-level grunts).
In battle, the lightmare hexblade makes an INT-based • A grunt should be defeated within 4 successful
melee attack. They add their INT modifier (+4) to their attacking actions.
base attack bonus (+3) for a total attack bonus of +7. • Grunts are suitable for any combat role.

Grunt Templates
0 +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 12 16 2 +2 +10 1 1/8 25
1 +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 12 23 2 +2 +10 3 1/4 50
2 +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 12 30 2 +2 +10 6 1/2 112
3 +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 12 37 2 +2 +10 9 1/2 175
4 +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 13 44 2 +2 +10 12 1 275
5 +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 +3 — 13 51 2 +3 +11 15 2 450
6 +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 +3 — 13 58 2 +3 +11 18 2 575
7 +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 +3 — 13 65 2 +3 +11 21 3 725
8 +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 +3 — 14 72 2 +3 +11 24 3 975
9 +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 +4 — 14 79 2 +4 +12 27 4 1,250
10 +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 +4 — 14 86 2 +4 +12 30 4 1,475
11 +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 +4 — 14 93 2 +4 +12 33 5 1,800
12 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +4 — 15 100 2 +4 +12 36 5 2,100
13 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +5 — 15 107 2 +5 +13 39 6 2,500
14 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +5 — 15 114 2 +5 +13 42 6 2,875
15 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +5 — 15 121 2 +5 +13 45 7 3,250
16 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +5 — 16 128 2 +5 +13 48 7 3,750
17 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +6 — 16 135 2 +6 +14 51 8 4,500
18 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +6 — 16 142 2 +6 +14 54 9 5,000
19 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +6 — 16 149 2 +6 +14 57 9 5,500
20 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +6 — 17 156 2 +6 +14 60 10 6,250
21 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +7 — 17 163 2 +7 +15 63 11 8,250
22 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +7 — 17 170 2 +7 +15 66 13 10,250
23 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +7 — 17 177 2 +7 +15 69 14 12,500
24 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +7 — 18 184 2 +7 +15 72 16 15,500
25 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +8 — 18 191 2 +8 +16 75 17 18,750



Minion Template
 Armor Class —  Ability Modifiers —
Minions have few hit points and deal reduced damage. ♥ Hit Points ×0.2  Attack Damage ×0.75
These are your lackeys, underlings, and lesser  T. Saving Throws 1  XP ×0.25
henchmen—things that should be easily overcome. ⚡ Initiative —  Threat 0.25
Yet minions can be a major threat when they attack
the enemy in large numbers. Four minions are a threat  Elusive: You take no damage from a missed attack
for one adventurer of similar level; they are a great (even if it would normally deal damage on a miss).
option when you want to pit the party against a mob.  Other Features: Choose 1-5 traits/attacks/utilities.
To starting building a minion, either a) choose a
combat level and look at the Minion Templates table, or
b) apply the Minion Template below to any grunt.
Using Minions
Elusive • For a quick combat encounter, deploy four minions
Minions are elusive—they take no damage from a missed for each player character or replace one grunt with
attack, even if it would normally deal damage on a miss four minions of equal level (e.g. for four 5th-level
or with a successful saving throw (e.g. a Fireball spell). players, deploy 16 5th-level minions).
• A minion should be defeated by 1 successful
attacking action.
The GM wants to create a minion variant of the 7th-level • Minions are natural swarmers—use their large
lightmare hexblade—a lightmare hexing. They start by numbers to outflank and overwhelm the party, and
applying the minion template to the hexblade: make good use of the Help action.
• With few hit points, melee minions are especially
• The hexing is given 13 HP. vulnerable to ranged attacks—use cover to keep
• As a minion, the hexing has only one trained saving them out of sight until they can close the gap.
throw; the GM chooses WIS. • If you use large numbers of minions, make sure not
• The hexing deals only 16 damage on a successful hit. to slow down the round time for your players.

Minion Templates
0 +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 12 3 1 +2 +10 1 0 6
1 +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 12 5 1 +2 +10 2 0 12
2 +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 12 6 1 +2 +10 5 1/8 28
3 +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 12 7 1 +2 +10 7 1/8 43
4 +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 +2 — 13 9 1 +2 +10 9 1/4 68
5 +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 +3 — 13 10 1 +3 +11 11 1/2 112
6 +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 +3 — 13 12 1 +3 +11 14 1/2 143
7 +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 +3 — 13 13 1 +3 +11 16 1/2 181
8 +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 +3 — 14 14 1 +3 +11 18 1 243
9 +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 +4 — 14 16 1 +4 +12 20 1 312
10 +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 +4 — 14 17 1 +4 +12 23 1 368
11 +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 +4 — 14 19 1 +4 +12 25 2 450
12 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +4 — 15 20 1 +4 +12 27 2 525
13 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +5 — 15 21 1 +5 +13 29 2 625
14 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +5 — 15 23 1 +5 +13 32 3 718
15 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +5 — 15 24 1 +5 +13 34 3 812
16 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +5 — 16 26 1 +5 +13 36 3 937
17 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +6 — 16 27 1 +6 +14 38 4 1,125
18 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +6 — 16 28 1 +6 +14 41 4 1,250
19 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +6 — 16 30 1 +6 +14 43 4 1,375
20 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +6 — 17 31 1 +6 +14 45 4 1,562
21 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +7 — 17 33 1 +7 +15 47 5 2,062
22 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +7 — 17 34 1 +7 +15 50 6 2,562
23 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +7 — 17 35 1 +7 +15 52 7 3,125
24 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +7 — 18 37 1 +7 +15 54 7 3,875
25 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +8 — 18 38 1 +8 +16 56 8 4,687



Elite Template
 Armor Class +1  Ability Modifiers +1
Elites are formidable champions, commanders, and ♥ Hit Points ×2  Attack Damage ×1.1
leaders. These powerful combatants pose a great danger  T. Saving Throws 3  XP ×2
with their tougher armor, increased hit points, and ⚡ Initiative +PB/2  Threat 2
boosted attack damage—one elite can threaten two
adventurers of similar level.  Paragon Power (1/round): At the end of another
Elites are a great option for mid-boss encounters creature's turn, you may either a) take an action and
where they can serve as direct underlings, agents, and regain your reaction or b) repeat a saving throw against
emissaries of the adventure's primary threat; consider an ongoing effect.
using them as your secondary antagonists.  Other Features: Choose 5-11 traits/attacks/utilities.
To start building an elite, either a) choose a combat
level and look at the Elite Templates table, or b) apply the
Elite Template below to any grunt.
Using Elites
Paragon Power • For a quick combat encounter, deploy one elite for
Paragon power is a measure of exceptional ability—with every two player characters or replace two grunts
it, you can take multiple actions each round and fend off with one elite of equal level (e.g. for six 7th-level
even the most persistent of ongoing effects. For a full players, deploy three 7th-level elites).
exploration of paragon power, see p22. • An elite should be defeated within 8 successful
attacking actions.
• Elites are tough and durable; they make great
The GM creates a 7th-level lightmare hexmaster to lead leaders, tankbusters, and frontline fighters.
their monsters by applying the elite template to a • With paragon power, an elite can act twice each
lightmare hexblade. round—use this to be cinematic.
With increased attributes, defences, and damage, • Significant NPCs and named/notable villains are
the hexmaster is a formidable foe. great candidates for the elite rank.

Elite Templates
0 +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, +0 +2 +1 13 32 3 +2 +10 1 1/4 50
1 +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, +0 +2 +1 13 46 3 +2 +10 3 1/2 100
2 +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, +0 +2 +1 13 60 3 +2 +10 7 1 225
3 +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, +0 +2 +1 13 74 3 +2 +10 10 1 350
4 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +2 +1 14 88 3 +2 +10 13 2 550
5 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +3 +1 14 102 3 +3 +11 17 3 900
6 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +3 +1 14 116 3 +3 +11 20 4 1,150
7 +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 +3 +1 14 130 3 +3 +11 23 4 1,450
8 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +3 +1 15 144 3 +3 +11 26 5 1,950
9 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +4 +2 15 158 3 +4 +12 30 6 2,500
10 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +4 +2 15 172 3 +4 +12 33 7 2,950
11 +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 +4 +2 15 186 3 +4 +12 36 7 3,600
12 +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 +4 +2 16 200 3 +4 +12 40 8 4,200
13 +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 +5 +2 16 214 3 +5 +13 43 9 5,000
14 +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 +5 +2 16 228 3 +5 +13 46 9 5,750
15 +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 +5 +2 16 242 3 +5 +13 50 10 6,500
16 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +5 +2 17 256 3 +5 +13 53 11 7,500
17 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +6 +3 17 270 3 +6 +14 56 12 9,000
18 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +6 +3 17 284 3 +6 +14 59 13 10,000
19 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +6 +3 17 298 3 +6 +14 63 13 11,000
20 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +6 +3 18 312 3 +6 +14 66 14 12,500
21 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +7 +3 18 326 3 +7 +15 69 16 16,500
22 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +7 +3 18 340 3 +7 +15 73 18 20,500
23 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +7 +3 18 354 3 +7 +15 76 20 25,000
24 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +7 +3 19 368 3 +7 +15 79 20 31,000
25 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +8 +4 19 382 3 +8 +16 83 21 37,500



Paragon Template
 Armor Class +2  Ability Modifiers +2
Paragons are a force to be reckoned with; they hit hard, ♥ Hit Points ×Threat  Attack Damage ×1.2
have high defenses, act multiple times each round, and  T. Saving Throws 3  XP ×Threat
can shrug off effects that would bring any lesser ⚡ Initiative +PB  Threat Variable
creature to their knees.
These are your big bosses, brutes, solos, and  Paragon Power (threat-1 per round): At the end of
showstoppers—the big-bad usually waiting at the climax another creature's turn, you may either a) take an
of an adventure: a mighty red dragon, a dominating action and regain your reaction or b) repeat a saving
elder brain, a bone-chilling skeleton queen, etc. throw against an ongoing effect.
To start building a paragon, either a) choose a  Paragon Defence (threat/2 per lr): When you would fail
combat level and look at the Paragon Templates table, or a saving throw, you may spend (2 x combat level) hit
b) apply the Paragon Template below to any grunt. points to succeed.
 Other Features: Choose 7-14 traits/attacks/utilities.

Variable reat
Paragons can threaten a variable number of enemies
(typically 3-6). This number is usually displayed as part Using Paragons
of the combat rank (Paragon T3, Paragon T4, etc.).
When you create a paragon, choose a threat rating • For a quick combat encounter, deploy one paragon
(i.e. how many player characters is it designed to fight?). with a threat equal to the number of player
For each point of threat, your paragon gains additional characters (e.g. for four 9th-level players, deploy one
hit points, XP, and paragon features. 9th-level paragon with a threat of 4).
• A paragon should be defeated within (4×Threat)

Paragon Defence •
successful attacking actions.
Paragons make excellent brutes and solo monsters.
Paragons gain access to paragon defence—a powerful • With paragon defence, paragons can comfortably
feature that enables them to turn failure into success. shrug off dangerous spells and lingering effects.
For a full exploration of paragon defence, see p22.

Paragon T Templates
0 +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 +2 +2 14 64 3 +2 +10 1 1/2 100
1 +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 +2 +2 14 92 3 +2 +10 4 1 200
2 +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 +2 +2 14 120 3 +2 +10 7 2 450
3 +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 +2 +2 14 148 3 +2 +10 11 3 700
4 +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 +2 +2 15 176 3 +2 +10 14 4 1,100
5 +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 +3 +3 15 204 3 +3 +11 18 5 1,800
6 +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 +3 +3 15 232 3 +3 +11 22 6 2,300
7 +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 +3 +3 15 260 3 +3 +11 25 7 2,900
8 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +3 +3 16 288 3 +3 +11 29 8 3,900
9 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +4 +4 16 316 3 +4 +12 32 9 5,000
10 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +4 +4 16 344 3 +4 +12 36 10 5,900
11 +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 +4 +4 16 372 3 +4 +12 40 11 7,200
12 +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 +4 +4 17 400 3 +4 +12 43 12 8,400
13 +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 +5 +5 17 428 3 +5 +13 47 13 10,000
14 +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 +5 +5 17 456 3 +5 +13 50 14 11,500
15 +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 +5 +5 17 484 3 +5 +13 54 15 13,000
16 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +5 +5 18 512 3 +5 +13 58 16 15,000
17 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +6 +6 18 540 3 +6 +14 61 17 18,000
18 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +6 +6 18 568 3 +6 +14 65 18 20,000
19 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +6 +6 18 596 3 +6 +14 68 19 22,000
20 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +6 +6 19 624 3 +6 +14 72 20 25,000
21 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +7 +7 19 652 3 +7 +15 76 21 33,000
22 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +7 +7 19 680 3 +7 +15 79 22 41,000
23 +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 +7 +7 19 708 3 +7 +15 83 23 50,000
24 +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 +7 +7 20 736 3 +7 +15 86 24 62,000
25 +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 +8 +8 20 764 3 +8 +16 90 25 75,000



Combat Roles
E very monster has a preferred fighting
style. Some like to charge into the front-line while
others launch projectiles into the fray. Some wait for
Choosing a Role
just the right moment to strike while others devastate A combat role defines a fighting style in battle, adjusting
and destroy with wild abandon. attributes and granting access to special features. There
This chapter introduces combat roles to help you are six roles you can choose from:
customize the fighting abilities of your scaling monster.
Controller: Manipulate enemies by maneuvering foes,
inflicting conditions, and transforming terrain.
Kalister Prax watched the distant heroes through her Defender: Defend allies by securing territory,
telescope as they blithely crossed the bridge. Those guarding the weak, and enduring pain.
fools—they had no right to trespass here. The hobgoblin Lurker: Backstab enemies by sneaking unseen,
turned, barking out orders for her unit to assemble. exploiting weaknesses, and assassinating targets.
On her left, goblin guncrackers formed a line. With Skirmisher: Outflank enemies by spotting threats,
keen eyes, they would shoot from afar. On her right, orc evading attacks, and travelling the land.
wolfriders reared and roared—they were eager to ride, Striker: Dominate enemies by butchering foes,
scout, and harass. And in the middle stood her prized aiming attacks, and suppressing the battlefield.
hobgoblin shieldwarriors—heavily armored and ready to Supporter: Support allies by empowering friends,
defend against any attack. leading teams, and mending the sick.
Kalister grinned. This might be a ramshackle squad
defending empire territory in the middle of nowhere— Choose the role that best describes how your
but it was hers, and she would lead it with pride. monster acts in combat and then apply attribute
modifiers as shown in the Combat Roles table below.

Combat Roles
Role INIT SPD AC HP TST DMG Skill Special Feature
Controller +PB — +2 — — ×0.75 — Focused: You have advantage on Concentration
saving throws.
Defender — −5 +4 ×0.75 +1 ×0.75 — Opportunist: When you make an attack of
opportunity, you have advantage.
Lurker — — −4 ×0.75 −1 ×1.25 Stealth Sneaky: (Bonus Action) You take the Hide action.
Skirmisher — +5 −2 ×0.75 — — Perception Evasive: (Bonus Action) You take the Disengage
Striker — — — — — — — Brutal: (1/turn) You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.
Supporter +PB — — ×1.25 — ×0.75 — Supportive: (Bonus Action) You take the Help action.



Controller Template
 Armor Class +2  Skill —
Controllers disorientate and manipulate their enemies ♥ Hit Points —  Attack Damage ×0.75
by moving them around the battlefield, shaping the  T. Saving Throws —  Speed —
terrain, and applying a range of status conditions. ⚡ Initiative +PB
There are three common types of controller:
 Focused: You have advantage on Concentration saving
The Hexer: You inflict status conditions on your throws.
enemies to debilitate them.
The Shaper: You shape the landscape to hinder your
enemies and aid your allies.
The Tactician: You use movement effects to Using Controllers
rearrange the position of your enemies.
• Controllers deal lower damage on average, so focus
Apply the Controller Template and add some instead on status effects and non-damaging actions.
condition, movement or terrain attacking actions. Use • With tougher defences and improved initiative,
some of the example features below or build your own controllers make great secondary defenders.
(for more details, see Making Features (p38).



Defender Template
 Armor Class +4  Skill —
Defenders are the most resilient combatants on the ♥ Hit Points ×0.75  Attack Damage ×0.75
battlefield, blocking enemy attacks and shielding allies  T. Saving Throws +1  Speed −5
whilst shrugging off the hardest hits with ease. ⚡ Initiative —
There are three common types of defender:
 Opportunist: When you make an attack of opportunity,
The Bulwark: You are unbreakable, turning aside you have advantage.
dangerous attacks and resisting mortal pain.
The Guardian: You protect people by taking hits and
putting yourself directly in the line of fire.
The Sentinel: You defend a space by holding territory Using Defenders
and stopping enemies in their tracks.
• Defenders are hard to hit—use them to draw fire and
Apply the Defender Template and add some condition, protect your vulnerable lurkers and skirmishers.
damage, or movement attacking actions. Use some of the • Defenders are slower—pair them with supporters or
example features below or build your own (for more use controllers to pull the enemy closer.
details, see Making Features (p38).



Lurker Template
 Armor Class −4  Skill Stealth
Lurkers lie in wait and stay out of sight until the enemy ♥ Hit Points ×0.75  Attack Damage ×1.25
exposes a weak point—then they attack without mercy  T. Saving Throws −1  Speed —
to cause massive damage. ⚡ Initiative —
There are three common types of lurker:
 Sneaky: (Bonus Action) You take the Hide action.
The Assassin: Your trade is death and you deal it with
merciless precision.
The Exploiter: You exploit the enemy's weak points
to turn inconveniences into catastrophes. Using Lurkers
The Sneak: You use stealth and deception to hide
yourself from prying eyes. • With feeble defences and reduced hit points, lurkers
can be glass cannons—put their increased damage
Apply the Lurker Template and add some damage or to use as secondary attackers.
destroy resource attacking actions. Use some of the • Keep your lurkers out of reach with speed and
example features below or build your own (for more stealth, or pair them with defenders and supporters.
details, see Making Features (p38).



Skirmisher Template
 Armor Class −2  Skill Perception
Skirmishers outflank enemies with high mobility and ♥ Hit Points ×0.75  Attack Damage —
keen perception, darting in and out of battle with ease  T. Saving Throws —  Speed +5
as they dodge, duck, and dive their way through danger. ⚡ Initiative —
There are three common types of skirmisher:
 Evasive: (Bonus Action) You take the Disengage action.
The Spotter: You use your keen senses to spot
dangers and call out warnings to your allies.
The Evader: You are hard to pin down, dodging
attacks like a leaf on the wind. Using Skirmishers
The Traveller: You can move around the battlefield
with ease—nowhere is off limits to you. • With excellent speed, skirmishers excel at chasing
down and harassing the enemy's back-line.
Apply the Skirmisher Template and add some • Because of their high perception, skirmishers can
condition, damage or destroy resource attacking actions. make great detectives—use them to raise alarms
Use some of the example features below or build your and reveal hidden enemies.
own (for more details, see Making Features (p38).



Striker Template
 Armor Class —  Skill —
Strikers hit the the enemy hard with aggressive attacks ♥ Hit Points —  Attack Damage —
and punishing damage. They are capable fighters,  T. Saving Throws —  Speed —
suitable for both front- and back-line positions. ⚡ Initiative —
There are three common types of striker:
 Brutal: (1/turn) You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.
The Butcher: You hunt lone targets and deal brutal
damage with powerful attacks.
The Deadeye: You aim attacks with unerring
precision, hitting reliably to keep up the pressure. Using Strikers
The Havoc: You dominate the battlefield with area
effects to hit multiple enemies at once. • Strikers are reliable damage dealers and make great
primary attackers in any battle.
Apply the Striker Template and add some damage or • Use strikers when you want to take the fight right to
destroy resource attacking actions. Use some of the the enemy, or to provide cover for your more
example features below or build your own (for more vulnerable lurkers and skirmishers.
details, see Making Features (p38).



Supporter Template
 Armor Class —  Skill —
Supporters are the glue that binds a team together, ♥ Hit Points ×1.25  Attack Damage ×0.75
helping rag-tag fighters to reach their true potential by  T. Saving Throws —  Speed —
providing leadership and aid where needed. ⚡ Initiative +PB
There are three common types of supporter:
 Supportive: (Bonus Action) You take the Help action.
The Booster: You empower your allies with buffs and
The Leader: You direct your allies in battle with
tactics and strategy. Using Supporters
The Mender: You keep your allies in prime condition,
healing wounds and raising spirits. • Supporters are decent all-rounders and, with
boosted hit points, can endure a few good hits—use
Apply the Supporter Template and add some damage, them to reinforce and empower your other units.
empowering, or terrain attacking actions. Use some of • With improved initiative, supporters are more likely
the example features below or build your own (for more to act first—use this to gain the upper hand.
details, see Making Features (p38).



Paragon Features
I n battle, the side with the most people is
often the side that wins; with enough attacks, even
the mightiest monster can be brought low. But what do
Paragon Power
you do when you want to run a combat encounter with Paragon power is a special resource that allows a
a tiny number of monsters? monster to act multiple times each round, resist
This chapter introduces paragon features and how ongoing effects, and empower attacks—essential
you can use them to perk up your action economy. abilities for elites and paragons who might otherwise be
outnumbered by a full adventuring party.
With paragon power, a single monster can tilt the
Drakken grinned at the three so-called heroes as they action economy back in their favor and stand firm
approached his throne, weapons drawn. Just a year ago, against overwhelming odds.
these odds would have worried him—but now, Tiamat's When another creature finishes its turn, you may
power surged through his blessed veins. Three spend one paragon power to do one of the following:
enemies? Hah. This battle would be no challenge at all...
• Act: Regain your reaction (if expended) and take an
action. You may spend some or all of your remaining
movement as part of this action.
Paragon Features • Resist: Reroll a failed saving throw against an
 Paragon Power (Threat-1 per round): At the end of ongoing effect. Spend a number of hit points equal to
another creature's turn, you may either: 2 × your combat level to gain advantage on the roll.

A. Act: Regain your reaction and take an action. You A monster has a reserve of paragon power equal to
may spend some or all of your remaining their threat rating minus one, and they regain all
movement as part of that action. expended paragon power at the start of their turn—so
This does not count as your turn. You can't don't worry about hoarding it. Use paragon power to be
dash more than once per round, and you lose the bold, dynamic, and cinematic in battle.
benefit of any currently-held disengage, dodge or
readied action.
B. Resist: Reroll a saving throw against an ongoing Scalers & Statics
effect. Spend [2 × combat level] hit points to gain
advantage on the roll. Paragon powers are primarily designed for scalers, but
If you succeed against a Concentration effect, you can easily use them with static monsters (i.e. those
you lose [2 × combat level] hit points. found in other 5th Edition materials).
 Paragon Defence (Threat/2 per lr): When you would If your monster has any legendary features (actions,
fail a saving throw, you may spend [2 × combat level] hit defences, etc.), remove them—paragon features always
points to succeed. replace legendary features.



A Act Cinematic Actions

Any level, rank, or role
When you act, you regain your reaction (if expended)
and take one action. You can also spend some (or all) of  Taunt: You take the Dodge action and taunt your
your remaining movement during this action. However, enemies, daring them to attack you.
take note of the following:  Monologue: You talk at your enemies while taking the
Disengage action to reposition yourself.
• Dash: You can't take the Dash action more than once  Threaten: You threaten your enemies and Ready an
per round (with limited exceptions, i.e. bonus actions, Action to trigger if your demands are not met.
magic items, spells, etc.).  Shove: You shove a target within reach. Make a melee
• Disengage, Dodge, and Ready: When you act, you attack vs. the target's AC. If you succeed, you can
lose the benefit of any Disengage, Dodge, or Ready choose to either a) knock the target prone or b) push
action you are currently maintaining unless you the target 10 ft. away from you.
spend your action to maintain the effect.  Grab: With a free hand, you grab a target within reach.
• Not a Turn: Acting in this way does not count as a Make a melee attack vs the target's AC. If you succeed,
turn. Effects that take place at the start or end of the target is grappled by you.
your turn are not triggered.  Change the Environment: You take the Use an Object
action to do something with the environment—knock
over a pillar, kick open a door, start a fire, etc.
Zane, Chansi, and Viridian engage Drakken, a fierce  Support: You take the Help action to assist an ally with
chromatic herald of Tiamat. an attack roll or ability check.
 Power Up (Cooldown): You start to prepare a precision
• Drakken spends his turn to move 20 ft. adjacent to attack. The first attack you make during your next
Zane and then uses claw slash to attack. action is rolled with advantage. If you take damage
• Zane uses his turn to attack Drakken—but misses! before your next action (or are otherwise interrupted),
• At the end of Zane's turn, Drakken spends one this effect ends.
paragon power to act. He uses the action to push the  Execute (Cooldown): You prepare to kill a creature
rogue away 10 ft., and then spends his remaining 10 within reach that is at 0 hit points. The first attack you
ft. to move towards Chansi... make during your next action deals instant death to the
creature. If you take damage before your next action (or
are otherwise interrupted), this effect ends.
Be Big, Bold, and Cinematic
Though it may be tempting to use your paragon power
actions to relentlessly attack the nearest character, this
can lead to dull and tedious combat.
C Empowered Actions
Try to avoid using the same actions in a row. Dash Empowered actions allow you enhance an ability or an
across the battlefield, shove, taunt, threaten, put attack with paragon power. This is an easy way to add
pressure on unsuspecting players, and be cinematic. variety to your basic attacks and spend paragon power
even when there are no other creatures around.
B Resist Use the Empowered Actions table below to build some
action variants, or create your own:
When you resist, you reroll a failed saving throw against
an ongoing effect on yourself—such as Hold Person,
Bane, Hypnotic Pattern, Ray of Enfeeblement, Bestow
Empowered Actions
Curse, Banishment, or Phantasmal Killer. # Name Effect
Resisting in this way does not count as an action or 1 Accurate Gain +2 to your attack bonus or DC.
reaction, but you must be conscious to do so. 2 Brutal Critically hit on a 19-20.
Determination: When you resist, you may spend a 3 Damaging Deal additional damage (equal to your
number of hit points equal to 2 × your combat level to combat level) to one target.
gain advantage on the roll. 4 Elemental Change the attack damage type.
Feedback: When you use resist and succeed against a 5 Piercing Ignore a damage resistance, or reduce
Concentration effect, you lose a number of hit points an immunity to resistance.
equal to 2 × your combat level. 6 Movement Move an additional 10 ft. of movement.
7 Pull Pull the target 15 ft. towards you.
8 Push Move the target 15 ft. away.
Chansi has used Ensnaring Strike to restrain Drakken. 9 Afflict Apply a status condition.
During his turn, Drakken fails to shrug off the effect—at 10 Barrier Gain temporary hit points equal to your
the end of Zane's turn, Drakken spends one paragon combat level.
power to resist. He spends 14 hit points to gain 11 Haste Reduce the cooldown time by 1.
advantage and then, when he succeeds, loses another 12 Gambler Once the feature is resolved, roll to see if
14 hit points due to Chansi's concentration. is immediately recharged.
13 Chargeless Reduce the charge cost by 1.



The GM wants to create some empowered options for Paragon Defence

Drakken's favorite attacks. To begin, they create one
variant for the Greatsword action—a movement option Paragons also gain access to paragon defence, a powerful
to help Drakken reposition himself when necessary. ability that can turn failure into success. When you
Chromatic Breath then gains one variant—haste, would fail a saving throw, you may instead succeed by
which allows Drakken to reduce the cooldown and use spending a number of hit points equal to 2 × your
the attack again one turn earlier. combat level.
Paragons can do this a number of times equal to half
their target player count (rounded down) per long rest.

Drakken the Chromatic

Large humanoid (dragonborn), chaotic evil Narrate a Consequence
 Level 7 Paragon (T3), Striker (Havoc) When you use paragon defence, you should describe a
STR 22 DEX 12 CON 16 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 22 narrative consequence to the players—what is
+6 +1 +3 +1 +3 +6 happening to your monster?
 AC 15. Saving Throws Str +9, Con +6, Cha +9. This is important for two reasons: it a) notifies the
♥ HP 195. Bloodied 129. Enraged 64. Resistant to cold, players that a major gameplay mechanic has been used,
fire, lightning. Immune to charmed, frightened. and b) sets clear expectations on the encounter. Use this
⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 25. Reach 5 ft. as an opportunity to heighten the drama of the current
⚡ Speed 30 ft., fly 15 ft. Initiative +4. conflict and demonstrate that the paragon is expending
 Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +9. effort to use a limited resource.
 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13. Choose a consequence from the table below, or
 Languages Common, Draconic. create your own to suit your scaler.
 Proficiency +3. CR 5. XP 2175.
 Items greatsword. Narrative Consequences
d10 Description
 Chromatic Shield (Cooldown 2): When you critically hit
1 You hear a sudden crack...
a creature with an attack, you gain 7 temporary hit
2 There is a disgusting pop...
3 Something delicate shatters...
 Brutal (1/turn): You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.
4 You see something break...
 Paragon Power (2/round): At the end of another
5 Something falls off...
creature's turn, you may either a) take an action and
6 A wound tears open...
regain your reaction or b) reroll a saving throw.
7 There is a terrible roar...
 Paragon Defence (1/lr): When you would fail a saving
8 There is a sudden flare of light...
throw, you may spend 14 hit points to succeed.
9 You hear a loud bang...
10 You smell a foul odour...
 Greatsword: Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 25 (5d8 + 3) slashing damage.
• Movement: Before you make your attack roll, you
can spend 1 paragon power to move up to 10 ft. The lich reaches into its skeletal chest, grabs at one of
 Cleave: Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., two targets. Hit: 13 three blue crystals, and crushes it. Immediately, you feel
(2d8 + 4) slashing damage. the lich's will bolstered with arcane power...
 Kneel Before Me: Save: DC 17 vs CHA, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: the creature falls prone.
 Chromatic Breath (Cooldown 2): Save: DC 14 vs DEX, a
30 ft. cone extending from yourself, all targets. Hit: 31
Alternative Costs
(4d12 + 5) cold, fire, or lightning damage. By default, you must spend hit points to use a paragon
• Haste: You can spend 1 paragon power to reduce defence. But if you want to use an alternative cost,
the cooldown by 1. consider some of the following options:
 Chromatic Bane (Recharge 4-6): Spell: 2nd-level,
Evocation, SVC. Save: DC 17 vs CHA, range 30 ft., one Cracked Armor: Reduce your AC by 1.
creature. Hit: the creature is vulnerable to cold, fire, or Vulnerability: You gain a damage vulnerability.
lightning damage for up to one minute. Frail: You are critically hit on a 19-20 (increasing to
 Terror (1/lr): Save: DC 17 vs CHA, reach 5 ft., one 18-20/17-20/etc.).
creature. Hit: the creature is paralyzed, save ends (DC Weakness: Your attacks deal half damage until the
17 CHA). end of your next turn.
REACTIONS Mental Shock: Roll a d20. If you roll less than 10, you
 Wrath of the Dragon Queen (3/sr): When you are are stunned until the end of your next turn.
critically hit by an attack, your attacker takes 25 cold,
fire, or lightning damage. Mix and match these costs to create a range of
paragon defences for your scalers.



Making Encounters
O nce you've assembled together a horde
of monsters, it's time to start a fight! Monsters
rarely act alone, however—they team up with allies and
Set the Scene
Your first step is to set the scene—what is happening,
use treacherous traps to confront, surround, and and where is happening? For some quick inspiration,
overcome unwary adventurers. But how do you build use the tables provided in Set the Scene (p28).
and balance these combats? Choose a theme, some creature details, and some
This chapter introduces encounter outlines to help basic tactics. Then choose 5-10 keywords from the
you build combat encounters for your games. Environmental Details list to help flavour the encounter.

Make an Encounter Valiant, Zane, and Chansi descend into Grundleflat's

sewers as they pursue an assassin, only to run afoul of
A combat encounter pits your players against one or some oozes:
more monsters—combat ensues, usually ending with
one side's death, defeat, escape, or surrender. • Grundleflat Sewers (sewers, warm, sticky, dark,
rancid, echoing, cramped) Aggressive oozes surprise
the party, attacking from two directions.
• As the party descends into the sewers beneath Little
Grundelflat, they are surprised by a swarm of sticky,

foul-smelling oozes.
In the Darksand Desert, a wild bulette leaps out of Create a Combat Outline
the ground just as an obscuring sandstorm hits... Next, create an combat outline by establishing three
• A trio of goblin snipers fire crossbows from the city basic properties—the target party size, the average
rooftop; can the party make good use of cover? encounter level, and the intended amount of danger.
• A gargantuan dragon tears through the castle wall—
if the party can't stop the dragon's rampage fast, the Party Size: Decide how many players the encounter
whole castle is likely to collapse. should support (typically 3 to 6).
• A vampire lord commands his undead champions to Encounter Level: Choose a combat level for this
butcher the party—no grace, no mercy, just violence. encounter (typically 1 to 20). When in doubt, use a
• As abominations pour through the portal, the party level within −2/+2 of the party's average character
must defend the mages long enough for them to level. For more advice on choosing levels, see p8.
finish the sealing ritual. Danger: Describe how dangerous the encounter
should be (trivial, easy, normal, hard, or extreme).

Once you have some inspiration, it's time to make an Consider adding a battle map or description of the
encounter! To turn your idea into a fully-featured environment, and think of at least one notable terrain
combat encounter, take the following six steps. feature as you build an engaging combat arena.



The three player characters (Valiant, Zane, and Chansi)

Scaler Cost
have an average character level of 6. Combat Rank THREAT
The GM establishes a simple combat outline for the LVL−6 LVL−3 LVL+3 LVL+6
Grundleflat Sewers encounter: party size: 3, encounter Minion 0.0625 0.125 0.5 1
level: 6, danger: hard. Grunt 0.25 0.5 2 4
Elite 0.5 1 4 8
Paragon T3 0.75 1.5 6 12
Paragon T4 1 2 8 16
Get your reat Budget Paragon T5 1.25 2.5 10 20
Threat is a measurement of a monster's combat power— Paragon T6 1.5 3 12 24
the higher a monster's threat, the more player
characters it can threaten (for more details, see p10).
Once you have a combat outline, use the Threat The GM has 4.5 threat to spend. They spend 2 threat to
Budget table below to find out how much threat your add two 6th-level grunts—some hermit oozes.
encounter can have—the bigger the party size or the Now the GM wants to add lots of minions. Normally,
greater the danger, the higher your budget. 2.5 threat would buy only 10 6th-level minions—but if
they are 3rd-level (3 levels lower than the encounter
level), the cost is halved allowing for 20 minions.
Threat Budget
Danger Maximum Total Threat
Trivial Party Size × 0.25
Easy Party Size × 0.5 Tailor the Fit
Normal Party Size × 1 Compare your encounter against the adventuring party
Hard Party Size × 1.5 and adjust any aspects that may seem over or under-
Extreme Party Size × 2 powered—use fewer minions if your party has minimal
attacking actions, for example.

The ooze encounter is intended to be a hard fight for

the 3 players. This gives the GM a total budget of 4.5 Start Playing
(3×1.5) threat. Now it's time to put your encounter into practice! Roll
initiative and start the battle.

Refine as you Play

Add some Monsters As you play, you may discover that the encounter is
Now it's time to populate your encounter! Choose a noticeably weaker or stronger than intended. That's ok
monster that has a combat level within −2/+2 of the —it can be hard to predict how dangerous some battles
encounter level—the higher the rank, the more threat may be. If you need to update an encounter during live
you must spend to add it to the encounter. Keep doing play, try some of the following:
this until you have exhausted all of your threat budget.
When you add a monster, consider its combat role • Change the HP: Adjust the hit points of everything in
and how it might interact with other monsters in the encounter by −10%/+10%.
combat—use this to set up some engaging tricks and • Change the damage: Adjust the average damage of
battle tactics. everything in the encounter by −10%/+10%.
• Change a combat rank: If a monster hasn't yet acted
or been harmed, change its rank.
Threat • Take non-damaging actions: If the party are taking
Combat Rank Threat Combat Rank Threat too much damage too quickly, spend actions in non-
Minion 0.25 Paragon T4 4 damaging, cinematic ways instead.
Grunt 1 Paragon T5 5 • Flee: Break the morale of your monsters and have
Elite 2 Paragon T6 6 some of them flee.
Paragon T3 3 Paragon T7 7 • Offer a Ceasefire: Give the party a chance to call a
truce, or offer terms of surrender.
Summoning Power
If your monster is a summoner (see p60), increase their Try to fold this into the fiction whenever possible
threat by their amount of summoning power. (such as when a monster is bloodied or killed).

Adjusting Combat Levels

If your monster has a combat level that falls outside of
What's Next?
the −2/+2 encounter level range, adjust its threat. For Once you have the basics down, you can start to explore
every 3 levels higher than the encounter level, double new mechanics for your encounters—such as hazards
the monster's threat. For every 3 levels lower, halve it. (p69) and battletide conditions (p53).



Grundel lat Sewers Sticky Ooze

 sewer, warm, sticky, dark, rancid, echoing, cramped. Small ooze
 Level 6 Encounter, 4.5 Threat (hard vs. 3)  Level 3 Minion, Controller (Tactician)

STR 16 DEX 12 CON 16 INT 1 WIS 12 CHA 1

+3 +1 +3 −5 +1 −5
 AC 14. Saving Throws Str +5.
♥ HP 7 (no damage from a missed attack). Resistant to
acid, cold, fire.
⚔ ATK +2. DC +10. DMG 5. Reach 5 ft.
⚡ Speed 30 ft. Initiative +3.
 Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11.
 Proficiency +2. CR 1/8. XP 43.

Sticky Ooze ×12  Amorphous: You can move through a space as narrow
Level 3 Minion, Controller (Tactician). as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Bloated Ooze ×8  Sticky: A creature grappled by you can't use the
Level 3 Minion, Lurker (Sneak). escape action to free itself.
Hermit Ooze ×2  Focused: You have advantage on Concentration saving
Level 6 Grunt, Defender (Sentinel). throws.

The oozes are split into two groups and attack the party  Latch On: Melee: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit:
from two opposing directions. Oozes are ravenous the creature is grappled and you move into its space. If
carnivores. A cunning adventurer might be able to distract the creature is larger than you, it can still move at half
the swarm with a hunk of rotting meat... speed (increase your effective size category by +1 for
every other sticky ooze grappling the same target).
• Sticky Oozes latch on to nearby prey with sticky Your speed is 0, you move with the creature, and you
pseudopods and spew dissolving, corrosive acid to melt remain latched on for as long as you have
flesh and bone. concentration.
• Bloated Oozes hang from ceilings and spit digestive  Dissolve: Melee: one creature you are latched onto.
juices. With volatile gas pockets, these oozes are Effect: 5 (1d6 + 2) acid damage.
vulnerable to piercing damage—but don't stand nearby
if one pops.
• Hermit Oozes devour their food from the inside out and Hermit Ooze
wear the skin of their latest meal as a shell. Medium ooze (humanoid)
 Level 6 Grunt, Defender (Sentinel)

STR 18 DEX 12 CON 18 INT 1 WIS 12 CHA 1

Bloated Ooze
Small ooze
+4 +1 +4 −5 +1 −5
 AC 17. Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7, Wis +4.
 Level 3 Minion, Lurker (Sneak)
♥ HP 44. Bloodied 22. Resistant to acid, cold, fire.
STR 12 DEX 16 CON 12 INT 1 WIS 16 CHA 1 ⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 14. Reach 5 ft.
+1 +3 +1 −5 +3 −5 ⚡ Speed 25 ft.
 AC 8.  Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11.
♥ HP 6 (no damage from a missed attack). Vulnerable to  Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 575.
piercing. Resistant to acid, cold, fire. TRAITS

⚔ ATK +2. DC +10. DMG 8. Reach 5 ft. Range 30 ft.  Amorphous: You can move through a space as narrow
⚡ Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft. as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
 Skills Stealth +5.  Opportunist: When you make an attack of opportunity,
 Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 13. you have advantage.
 Proficiency +2. CR 1/8. XP 43. FREE

TRAITS  Stick Around (1/round): When you hit a target of equal

 Amorphous: You can move through a space as narrow size or smaller with an attack, it is grappled by you.
as 1 inch wide without squeezing. ACTIONS

 Pop: When you are reduced 0 hit points, you deal 3 acid  Slam: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8
damage to all creatures within 5 ft. + 3) bludgeoning and 7 (2d6) acid damage.
BONUS ACTIONS  Dissolve (Cooldown 3): Melee: one grappled creature.
 Sneaky: You take the Hide action. Hit: 25 (5d8 + 3) acid damage.
ACTIONS  Infest (1/lr): You enter an adjacent humanoid corpse
 Spit: Ranged: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 8 and control it as if it were your own body. You also gain
(2d6 + 1) acid damage. 24 temporary hit points.



Set the Scene Environmental Details

 Biome: aberrant, aquatic, arcane, arctic, arid, astral,
For some quick inspiration, use the tables below to add badland, beach, cavern, cloud, corrupted, crystal,
some flavor your encounter. deadland, desert, divine, ethereal, fen, forest,
grassland, hill, infernal, jungle, lair, marsh, maze,
Encounter Themes mechanical, mine, mountain, plains, planar, river, ocean,
ruins, rural, savannah, sewer, shore, swamp, tomb,
Type Description
taiga, tundra, underdark, urban, volcanic, wasteland.
Active Active movement is highly encouraged.
Aggressive The monsters are very aggressive.
 Weather: breezy, clear, cloudy, drizzle, fog, hurricane,
Balanced It's a fair fight. Mostly.
indoor, magic, misty, overcast, rain, sandstorm, snow,
Blocking There's plenty of cover.
storm, sunny, windy.
Breach Break through the enemy line.
Countdown Win before a countdown expires.
❄ Temperature: boiling, chilly, cold, comfortable,
Defend You must defend someone.
freezing, hot, subzero, tepid, warm, volcanic.
Endure Hold out until reinforcements arrive.
Environment The environment is the true enemy.
 Humidity: damp, dank, dehydrated, desiccated, dry,
Escort You must escort someone.
muggy, parched, sticky, steamy, wet.
Heist Get it, get the thing, and get out.
No Mercy You must defeat everyone.
 Time of Day: dawn, morning, afternoon, evening,
Obscured It's hard to see.
twilight, night.
Puzzling There's a gimmick somewhere.
Seige Lay seige and break through.
 Lighting: bright, dazzling, blinding, dark, shadowed,
Solo There's just one big boss to fight.
gloomy, atmospheric, dim, warm, cold.
Sticky Movement is cramped, confined, or risky.
Surprise You are caught off-guard.
 Spacing: compact, confined, confusing, cramped,
Swarmed There are a lot of enemies...
narrow, open, roomy, spacious, tangled, vast, wide.
Trapped You can't flee until the enemy is defeated.

⏾ Phases of the Moon: new, waxing crescent, first

Creature Details quarter, waxing gibbous, full, waning gibbous, last

quarter, waning crescent.
 Categories: aberration, beast, celestial, construct,
dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, giant, humanoid,  Sound: boisterous, cacophonous, chaotic, discordant,
monstrosity, ooze, plant, undead. echoing, loud, muffled, musical, noisy, painful, peaceful,
pleasant, piercing, primal, quiet, reverberating, sharp,
 Morale: broken, wavering, uncertain, certain, resolute, silent, soft, serene, soothing, unnerving, vibrating.
 Smell/Taste: acid, acrid, airy, animal, artificial, billowy,
biting, citrus, clean, crisp, dirty, earthy, faint, fetid, fishy,
Combat Tactics floral, flowery, fresh, heady, lemony, lilac, lime, loamy,
mildewed, minty, misty, moist, moldy, musty,
• Pincer Attack: (Skirmisher, Striker) Attack the enemy nauseating, overpowering, perfumed, pine, pungent,
from two directions. putrid, rancid, redolent, repulsive, rich, rose, rotten,
• Pinning Assault: (Controller, Defender) Pin the enemy savory, sharp, skunky, smoky, sour, spicy, spoiled, stale,
down in one spot. stinking, sweaty, sweet, tart, wispy, woodsy.
• Rain of Fire: (Defender, Lurker) Shoot from a distance.
• Turtle: (Defender, Supporter) Close ranks to endure the ✋ Texture: blemished, blistered, bloated, bristly, bushy,
assault or protect something valuable. cottony, craggy, creamy, decorated, feathery, flawed,
• Shield Wall: (Defender, Lurker) Form a defensive line. fluffy, furry, glossy, grainy, gritty, hairy, indented, lumpy,
• Guerilla: (Lurker, Skirmisher) Attack from the shadows. pockmarked, pokey, polished, pressed, puffy, rocky,
• Charge: (Striker, Skirmisher) Close the gap between you satiny, scored, scraped, seedy, silky, slimy, smoothed,
and the enemy fast. tarnished, unaltered, unsoiled, velvety, wooly.
• Scorched Earth: (Striker, Supporter) Destroy everything.
• Hit and Run: (Skirmisher, Supporter) Attack the enemy  Structure: abbey, arena, armory, barracks, castle,
then move back out of range. church, citadel, court, den, dock, dungeon, fortress,
• Armored Spearhead: (Defender, Striker) Breach the line. gallery, garden, guardhouse, guildhall, hall, house, hut,
• Focus Fire: (Any) Focus attacks on a single target. keep, library, manor, market, merchant, monument,
• Duel: (Any) Take on the enemy one-vs-one. palace, plaza, pool, prison, shipyard, shrine, smithy,
• Merciless: (Any) Focus on the most defenseless enemy. stronghold, tavern, temple, theatre, tower, trading post,
• Disorient: (Controller, Supporter) Confuse the enemy. vault, wall, warehouse.



Monstrous Traits
Features Customize your monsters with
200+ ancestral and
physiological traits.
Equip your monsters with a
range of traits, attacks, and
utilities. CHAPTER

Making Features
Build a variety of traits, attacks,
and utilities.


Making E fects
Build effects for your features–
damage, conditions,
movement, etc.


Frenzy Attacks
Combine two, three, or even four
common actions into a single


Overkill Attacks
Add a cinematic flair to your
battle with over-the-top
overkill attacks.


The Tides of Battle

Track the combat status of your
monsters with 3 new battletide


Monstrous Traits
E very monster can have its own set of
racial, ancestral, and biological quirks—traits that
are born about by the monster's inherent nature.
Trait Categories
Category Keywords
This chapter introduces monstrous traits to help you Aberration Control, Madness, Mind
flesh out the physiology of your monsters. Beast Animal, Senses, Movement
Celestial Good, Life, Radiance
Construct Artificial, Lawful, Object
Choosing Traits Dragon
Fear, Flight, Pride
Chaos, Element, Primal
A trait describes something innate about your monster Fey Charm, Transformation, Trickery
—how it moves, what it can sense, how it behaves and Fiend Corruption, Evil, Temptation
reacts, etc. These are the fundamental facts of your Giant Rampage, Size, Strength
monster's physiology—things that simply are because of Humanoid Ancestral, Social, Weapon
ancestry, culture, or biology. Monstrosity Magic, Monster, Unnatural
Equip your monster with a trait when you want to Ooze Acid, Grapple, Slime
make a particular characteristic significant in-game. Plant Forest, Poison, Sleep
Undead Decay, Death, Soul

Trait Categories
Monstrous traits are grouped together into 14 creature
Damage Types
categories with assorted keywords. Acid Force Poison Thunder
Use these creature categories as a starting point Bludgeoning Lightning Psychic
when you select traits for your monster—though feel Cold Necrotic Radiant
free to mix-and-match traits from any category as best Fire Piercing Slashing
befits your monster.

Additional Details The GM wants to add some traits to a psionic, humanoid

Some traits may require you to define a specific detail monster. To get started, they choose one trait from the
or range—for example: humanoid list (Trance). Then, to reflect the monster's
mental abilities, they choose one trait from the
• Variant Damage: Choose one particular damage type. aberration list (Telepathic Bond).
• Variant Save: Choose one particular saving throw. A second GM is building a dracolich and wants to add
• Saving Throw DC: If your trait requires a target to some appropriate traits. They choose one trait from the
make a saving throw, define the DC. undead list (Phylactery) and then one trait from the
• Distances: Choose a distance or range (typically dragon list (Frightening Aura).
measured in feet).



Aberration | Control, Madness, Mind

No. Trait Description
1 Alien Mind You have advantage on Intelligence saving throws.
2 Catatonic When you critically hit a creature with an attack, it must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw
or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
3 Detect Sentience You can sense the presence and location of any other creature within 300 ft. of you that has an
Intelligence of 3 or higher (regardless of interposing barriers) unless the creature is protected by
a mind blank spell.
4 Disconcerting Aura All creatures within 10 ft. of you have disadvantage on Concentration saving throws.
5 Horrifying Sight At the start of your turn, each creature within 30 ft. of you that can see you must succeed on an
Intelligence saving throw or be restrained until the end of its next turn. If the saving throw
succeeds by 5 or more, the creature is immune to your sight until it finishes a long rest.
6 Horrifying Sound At the start of your turn, each creature within 30 ft. of you that can hear you must succeed on an
Intelligence saving throw or be restrained until the end of its next turn. If the saving throw
succeeds by 5 or more, the creature is immune to your sound until it finishes a long rest.
7 Inflict Madness When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, it must make an Intelligence saving throw or gain a
long term madness effect.
8 Inscrutable You are immune to divination spells and any effect that would sense your emotions or read your
9 Psychic Healing When you would take psychic damage, you instead regain that many hit points.
10 Psychic Scream When you are reduced to 0 hit points, each creature within 10 ft. must succeed on an
Intelligence saving throw or take 75% psychic damage.
11 Read Thoughts You can magically read the surface thoughts of any creature within 60 ft. of you. The effect is
blocked by 3 ft. of wood or dirt, 2 ft. of stone, 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead.
12 Send Thoughts You can magically transmit simple thoughts to any creature within 120 ft. of you that can
understand a language.
13 Sinister Influence You can magically command any specified creature within 120 feet of you using a limited
14 Telepathic Bond You share a telepathic bond with one or more creatures within 120 ft. of you.

Beast | Animal, Movement, Senses

No. Trait Description
15 Amphibious You can breathe air and water.
16 Bioluminescence You shed bright light for 15 ft. and dim light for an additional 15 ft.
17 Blood Frenzy You have advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that is bloodied (i.e. has 50% hit
points or fewer).
18 Dexterous You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
19 Hold Breath You can hold your breath for a prolonged time.
20 Keen Hearing You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
21 Keen Senses You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
22 Keen Sight You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
23 Keen Smell You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
24 Lash Out When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend your reaction to make a basic melee
weapon attack against a creature within reach.
25 Mimicry You can mimic simple sounds you have heard (such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an
animal chattering). A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful
Wisdom (Insight) check.
26 Nimble Difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement.
27 Pounce When you critically hit a creature with an attack, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone.
28 Spider Climb You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
ability check.
29 Standing Leap Your long jump is up to 20 ft, and your high jump is up to 10 ft. with or without a running start.
30 Sure-footed You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would
knock you prone.
31 Tear Open When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw or lose one
unspent hit die.
32 Water Breathing You can breathe only underwater.
33 Web Sense If you are in contact with a web, you know the exact location of any other creature in contact with
the same web.



Celestial | Good, Life, Radiance

No. Trait Description
34 Aura of Judgement Any evil creature that starts their turn within 10 ft. of you takes radiant damage equal to your
combat level.
35 Blinding Attack When you critically hit a creature with an attack, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
or be blinded until the end of its next turn.
36 Brave You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
37 Claim Life When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain hit points equal to twice your combat
level. If the creature is evil, this increases to four times your combat level.
38 Cure Wounds At the start of your turn, if you have at least 1 hit point, you regain 10% of your maximum hit
39 Detect Alignment You know the alignment of any creature within 10 ft. of you.
40 Divine Aura Any creature within 10 ft. of you that has a good alignment has advantage on saving throws.
41 Divine Glow You shed bright light for 30 ft. and dim light for an additional 30 ft.
42 Divine Shape You are immune to any spell or spell effect that would alter your form.
43 Divine Weapons Your weapon attacks are magical.
44 Final Radiance When you are reduced to 0 hit points, each creature within 10 ft. of you must succeed on a
Dexterity saving throw or take 75% radiant damage.
45 Heartreader You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
46 Perceptive You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
47 Protection from Evil You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects cast by an evil
48 Purity You are immune to disease.
49 Rallying Spirit Allied creatures within 30 ft. of you can't be frightened.
50 Smite When you hit an evil creature with an attack, you deal additional radiant damage equal to your
combat level.
51 Truth Seeker You know if you hear a lie.
52 Turn Undead Any undead creature that starts its turn within 30 ft. of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw or be turned until the start of its next turn.

Construct | Artificial, Lawful, Object

No. Trait Description
53 Absorb Damage When you would take variant damage, you instead regain that many hit points.
54 Antimagic You are incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by a "dispel magic"
effect, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall
unconscious for 1 minute.
55 Aura of Law Any lawful creature within 10 ft. of you has advantage on saving throws.
56 Axiomatic Body You are immune to any spell or spell effect that would alter your form.
57 Axiomatic Mind You can’t be compelled to act in a manner contrary to your nature or instructions.
58 Backlash When you are reduced to 0 hit points, each creature within 10 ft. must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw or take 75% force damage.
59 Bandwidth Divide any damage you would take evenly across all constructs of the same type within 30 ft.
60 Durable Once per long rest, when you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you are instead reduced to 1 hit
61 Empowered Body Your weapon attacks are magical.
62 False Appearance While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a normal inanimate object.
63 Lawful Attacker When you hit a chaotic creature with an attack, you deal additional force damage equal to your
combat level.
64 Living Construct You are immune to disease. You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe. You don't need to sleep or
suffer the effects of exhaustion due to lack of rest. Magic effects can't put you to sleep.
65 Lose Control You are controlled by another creature. If the creature is killed or otherwise incapacitated, you
lose control and must either a) attack the nearest creature you can see or b) if no creature is near
enough to move to and attack, attack an object (with preference for an object smaller than
66 Networking If you are adjacent to another construct of the same type, you have advantage on attack rolls.
67 Overspark When you critically hit a creature with an attack, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
or take force damage equal to your combat level.
68 Protection from Chaos You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects cast by a chaotic
69 Recharge When you would take variant damage, you instead recharge an exhausted uncommon feature.



Dragon | Fear, Flight, Pride

No. Trait Description
70 Arrogant When you roll for damage, you may reroll any die that is a 1 or 2. You must use the second result.
71 Confident You have advantage on Charisma saving throws.
72 Diving Attack If you fly at least 20 ft. towards a target and hit it with a melee weapon attack, you deal additional
variant damage equal to your combat level.
73 Dragonbreath When you are bloodied or enraged, you may immediately recharge one breath attack and spend
your reaction to use it immediately.
74 Empowered Breath If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a breath attack, it is disintegrated.
75 Escape You don't provoke opportunity attacks when you fly out of an enemy's reach.
76 Fear Only Me Allies within 30 ft. of you are immune to being frightened by sources other than you.
77 Frightening Aura Enemies within 30 ft. of you have disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened.
78 Heavy Landing When you land on the ground from a height of 20 ft. or more, each creature within 20 ft. of you
must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall prone.
79 Inflict Fear When you critically hit a creature with an attack, it must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or
be frightened of you until the end of its next turn.
80 Intimidating Presence At the start of your turn, each enemy within 30 ft. of you that can hear or see you must succeed
on an Charisma saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn. If the saving
throw succeeds by 5 or more, the creature is immune to your intimidating presence until it
finishes a long rest.
81 Proud You have advantage on saving throws against effects that charm, frighten, or dominate.
82 Retribution When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend your reaction to make a breath attack one
or more creatures within range.
83 System Shock When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, it must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be
frightened of you until it finishes a long rest.
84 Take Off When you leave the ground to fly, each creature within 20 ft. of you must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or be pushed back up to 10 ft.
85 Terrify You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks.
86 Thick Scales Critical hits made against you count as normal hits unless you are already bloodied.
87 Wrathful When you are attacked by a creature or the subject of a spell, increase your critical hit range
against the source by +1 until the end of your next turn.

Elemental | Chaos, Element, Primal

No. Trait Description
88 Absorb Element When you would take variable damage, you instead regain that many hit points.
89 Camouflage You are invisible while fully immersed in your element (air, earth, fire, or water).
90 Chaotic Touch When you hit a lawful creature with an attack, you deal additional variant damage equal to your
combat level.
91 Death Burst When you die, each creature within 10 ft. of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
take 75% variant damage.
92 Earth Glide You can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, you don't
disturb the material you move through.
93 Elemental Aura Each creature within 10 ft. of you is vulnerable to variant damage (or, if they have immunity, it is
reduced to resistance).
94 Elemental Body Any creature that touches you or hits you with a melee attack while within your reach takes
variant damage equal to your combat level.
95 Elemental Pulse At the start of your turn, each creature within 10 ft. of you takes variant damage equal to your
combat level.
96 Explosion When you die, each creature within 10 ft. of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. If the
creature fails, it takes 50% variant damage. If it succeeds, it takes half damage instead.
97 Exposure When you critically hit a creature, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be
vulnerable to variant damage until the end of your next turn.
98 Protection from Law You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects cast by a lawful
99 Tissue Damage When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be
vulnerable to variant damage until it finishes a long rest.
100 Water Susceptibility For every 5 ft. you move in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on you, you take 1 cold
101 Whirlwind When you start your turn, you can move each creature within your reach up to 10 ft.
102 Windwalker You can move through creatures as though they were difficult terrain.



Fey | Charm, Transformation, Trickery

No. Trait Description
103 Blink You can teleport up to your base speed.
104 Blurred Image You project a magical illusion which creates a blurred image of yourself, causing attack rolls
against you to have disadvantage. If you are hit by an attack, this image vanishes until the start of
your next turn.
105 Captivate When you critically hit a creature with an attack, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or
be charmed by you until the end of its next turn.
106 Captivating Sight At the start of your turn, each creature within 30 ft. of you that can see you must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the end of its next turn. If the saving throw succeeds
by 5 or more, the creature is immune to your sight until it finishes a long rest.
107 Captivating Sound At the start of your turn, each creature within 30 ft. of you that can hear you must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the end of its next turn. If the saving throw succeeds
by 5 or more, the creature is immune to your sound until it finishes a long rest.
108 Charming Aura Creatures within 10 ft. of you have disadvantage on saving throws against charmed.
109 Disguised Weapon You can disguise one weapon you hold as another inanimate object of equal size. The illusion
ends if you let go of the weapon.
110 False Appearance When you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a piece of the local landscape.
111 Fey Ancestry You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
112 Invisibility You are invisible. If you take damage, you lose this invisibility until
113 Natural Charmer You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
114 Nimble Escape You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape a grapple.
115 Redirect Attack When an enemy you can see targets you with an attack, you can spend your reaction to pick an
allied creature within 5 ft. of you and swap places. The allied creature takes the damage instead.
116 Seer You can see through illusions and perceive the original form of a shapechanger or creature that
is transformed by magic.
117 Shapechanger You can use your action to polymorph into a specified humanoid, or a subject-humanoid hybrid,
or back into your true form. Other than your size, your statistics are the same in each form. Any
equipment you are wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. You revert to your true form if you die.
118 Sneaky You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Fiend | Corruption, Evil, Temptation

No. Trait Description
119 Aura of Hatred Any good creature that starts their turn within 10 ft. of you takes fire damage equal to your
combat level.
120 Burning Blood When you would take fire damage, you instead regain that many hit points.
121 Death's Bargain When you would reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can offer it a fiendish contract. If the
creature accepts your contract, it is instead reduced to 1 hit point. If the creature breaks the
terms of your contract, it immediately dies (unless negotiated otherwise).
122 Devil's Sight Magical darkness doesn't impede your darkvision.
123 Enthralling Creatures within 10 ft. of you have disadvantage on saving throws against charmed.
124 Fiendish Renewal When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain hit points equal to twice your combat
level. If the creature is good, this increases to four times your combat level.
125 Fiendish Support Any creature within 10 ft. of you that has an evil alignment has advantage on saving throws.
126 Fiendish Weapon Your weapon attacks are magical.
127 Hellborn If you are destroyed outside of your home plane, your soul returns there. In 1d10 days, you can
reconstitute yourself with a new, fully healed body.
128 Hellfire When you are reduced to 0 hit points, each creature within 10 ft. of you must succeed on a
Dexterity saving throw or take 75% fire damage.
129 Natural Liar You have advantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks and any Wisdom (Insight) check made
to spot deception.
130 Pact of Blood When you would take damage, you can inflict that damage instead on any one creature within 60
ft. of you that is currently charmed by you.
131 Protection from Good You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects cast by a good
132 Punish Virtue When you hit a good creature with an attack, you deal additional fire damage equal to your
combat level.
133 Sever Ties If you are not incapacitated, you can return to your home plane.
134 Total Disintegration Your body disintegrates into dust when you die, including anything you were carrying or wearing
that had a fiendish origin.



Giant | Rampage, Size, Strength

No. Trait Description
135 Bulldozer You deal double damage to objects and structures.
136 Collapse When you are reduced to 0 hit points, each creature within 20 ft. must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or fall prone.
137 Crushing Strength Any creature that is grappled by you takes bludgeoning damage equal to your combat level at
the start of its turn.
138 Giant Appetite You must consume twice as much food and water as normal for your size category.
139 Inescapable Grasp Creatures have disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape your grapples.
140 Knockback When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, the creature must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or be pushed back up to 10 ft.
141 Quake When you land on the ground from a height of 20 ft. or more, each creature within 20 ft. of you
must succeed on a Strength saving throw or fall prone.
142 Reckless At the start of your turn, you can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls you make until
the end of your turn. Attack rolls made against you then have advantage until the start of your
next turn.
143 Skull Cracker When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw or have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws until it finishes a long rest.
144 Squeeze At the start of your turn, each creature that is grappled by you loses one unspent hit die.
145 Stomp When you move through a smaller creature's space, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw or take bludgeoning damage equal to your combat level.
146 Strong You have advantage on Strength saving throws.
147 Stunning Smash When you critically hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, the creature must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.
148 Sturdy You have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone.
149 Thick Skin When you are critically hit by an attack, roll a d6. On a roll of 5 or 6, the attack is reduced to a
normal hit.
150 Thick Skull You have advantage on saving throws against being stunned.
151 Trample When you move through a smaller creature's space, the creature must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or fall prone.
152 Very Heavy You count as one size category larger when a creature tries to pull, push, or drag you.

Humanoid | Ancestral, Social, Weapon

No. Trait Description
153 Ancestral Armor You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magic effects.
154 Ancestral Weapons Your weapon attacks are magical.
155 Armed You can't be disarmed against your will unless you are incapacitated.
156 Diplomat You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Wisdom (Insight) checks.
157 Dwarven Resilience You have advantage on saving throws against poison.
158 Extended Reach During your turn, you can extend the natural reach of your weapons by 5 ft.
159 Fast Healer At the start of your turn, if you have at least 1 hit point, you regain 10% of your maximum hit
160 Gnome Cunning You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
161 Halfling Nimbleness You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
162 Hardy You have advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws against magic.
163 Lucky When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the
die. You must use the new roll.
164 Menacing You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks and saving throws against being
165 Natural Fighter You can fight well with any weapon, including improvised weapons.
166 Pack Tactics During your turn, you have advantage on attack rolls against any other creature that is adjacent
to at least one ally that isn't incapacitated.
167 Relentless Once per long rest, when you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you are instead reduced to 1 hit
168 Speak with Animals You can communicate with beasts as if you shared a language.
169 Speak with Plants You can communicate with plants as if you shared a language.
170 Trance You don’t need to sleep. Instead, you meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a
day. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit as from 8 hours of sleep.
171 Vicious When you critically hit a target with a melee weapon attack, you deal additional variant damage
equal to your combat level.



Monstrosity | Magic, Monster, Unnatural

No. Trait Description
172 Barbed Hide At the start of your turn, you deal variant damage equal to your combat level to any creature
grappling you.
173 Devour When you reduce an adjacent creature to 0 hit points, you can spend your reaction to swallow it.
Your speed is reduced to 0 until the creature is dead, and at the start of each of your turns the
creature gains one failed death saving throw. If you take damage, you must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken or regurgitate the creature into an
unoccupied adjacent space. If you die, you automatically regurgitate the creature.
174 Inevitable You ignore difficult terrain and magical effects can’t reduce your speed or cause you to be
restrained. You can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being
175 Light Sensitivity While in bright light, you have disadvantage on all attack rolls and any Wisdom (Perception)
check which relies on sight.
176 Reflective Carapace Any time you are targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged
attack roll, roll a d6. On a 1 to 5, you are unaffected. On a 6, you are unaffected and the effect is
reflected back at the caster as though it originated from you, turning the caster into the target.
177 Regenerate At the start of your turn, you regain 10% of your maximum hit points. If you take variable damage,
this trait doesn't function at the start of your next turn. You die only if you start your turn with 0
hit points and can't regenerate.
178 Spellshock When you critically hit a creature, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or lose its
lowest unspent spell slot.
179 Sunlight Sensitivity While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on sight.
180 Tunneler You can burrow through solid rock at half your burrowing speed, creating a tunnel half your size.
181 Two Heads The creature has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws against being
blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious.
182 Unnatural Armor You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magic effects.
183 Unnatural Weapons Your weapon attacks are magical.

Ooze | Acid, Grapple, Slime

No. Trait Description
184 Adhesive If a creature or object of equal or smaller size touches you, it is grappled by you.
185 Amorphous You can move through a space as narrow as one inch wide without squeezing.
186 Burst When you are reduced to 0 hit points, each creature within 10 ft. must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw or take 75% acid damage.
187 Camouflage You are invisible when fully immersed in water.
188 Corrosive Any nonmagical weapon made of metal or wood that hits you is corroded. After dealing damage,
the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If the penalty drops to
−5, the weapon is destroyed. Any nonmagical ammunition made of metal or wood that hits you is
destroyed after dealing damage. You can eat through 2-inch- thick, nonmagical wood or metal in
1 round.
189 Cube You take up your entire space.
190 Dissolve At the start of your turn, you deal acid damage equal to your combat level to any creature or
object you are grappling.
191 Engulf When a creature enters your space (or you enter a creature's space), it must succeed on a
Dexterity saving throw or be engulfed. While engulfed, the creature can't breath, is restrained,
and takes 100% acid damage at the start of each of your turns. The creature can try to escape
on its turn by making a Strength check.
192 Liquid Appearance While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a pool of water.
193 Shockproof You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
194 Slippery You have advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape a grapple.
195 Split When you are bloodied, you split into two separate oozes. Each ooze has 50% of your current hit
points and is one size category smaller.
196 Sticky Creatures have disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape your grapples.
197 Transparent A creature must make a Wisdom (Perception) check to spot you, even if you are in plain sight, so
long as you have neither moved nor attacked. A creature that tries to enter your space while
unaware of you is surprised.
198 Underfoot You can enter the space of any creature equal to your size or larger. While you are in a creature's
space, it can't take the disengage action.



Plant | Plantlife, Poison, Sleep

No. Trait Description
199 Creeper Difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement.
200 Distress Spores When you take damage, all other creatures of the same type within 240 feet of it can sense your
201 Entangling Roots Enemies standing on the ground within 10 ft. of you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving
202 False Appearance While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from the surrounding plantlife.
203 Fertile Soil When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can spend your reaction to seed it. While
seeded, the creature loses one death saving throw at the start of each of its turns. A creature
can spend an action to remove the seeds.
204 Living Ground The ground in a 10-foot radius around you is difficult terrain. Each creature that starts its turn in
that area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the start
of its next turn.
205 Pass Without Trace In your natural environment, you can't be tracked except by magical means. You leave behind no
tracks or other traces of your passage.
206 Poisoned Thorn When you critically hit a creature with an attack, the creature must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its next turn.
207 Root Network You have an extensive network of roots, and you know the exact location of any creature in
contact with those roots.
208 Soothing Perfume At the start of your turn, each creature within 30 ft. of you must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw or fall unconscious. This effect ends after 1 minute or if the creature takes damage.
If the saving throw succeeds by 5 or more, the creature is immune to your perfume until it
finishes a long rest.
209 Toxic Pollen Any creature that takes a breath within 30 ft. of you must make a Constitution saving throw or
take poison damage equal to your combat level.
210 Treestrider Once per turn, you can spend 10 ft. of your movement to step magically into one living tree
within reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 ft. of the first tree. You appear in an
unoccupied space within 5 ft. of the second tree. Both trees must be at least one size category
larger than you.

Undead | Death, Decay, Soul

No. Trait Description
211 Beckoning Grave Creatures within 30 ft. of you have disadvantage on death saving throws.
212 Decaying Touch When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you deal additional necrotic damage equal to your
combat level.
213 Drain Life When you critically hit a creature with a weapon attack, the creature must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or lose one unspent hit die.
214 Incorporeal You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take force
damage equal to your combat level if you end your turn inside an object.
215 Mend Flesh When you would take necrotic damage, you instead regain that many hit points.
216 Phylactery If you are destroyed, you reappear within 5 ft. of your phylactery in 1d10 days with a new, fully
healed body.
217 Possession One humanoid that you are adjacent to must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be
possessed by you. You take complete control of the target's body until a) you end the effect, b)
the target dies, or c) you are forced out by a spell or effect.. If the target takes damage, you must
make a Charisma saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage dealt to retain possession, otherwise
you are forced out into an unoccupied space within 5 ft.
218 Soul Reaver When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, that creature must succeed on a Charisma saving
throw or have its soul reaved. A reaved creature can't be revived by any means short of a Wish
219 Soul Sickness When a creature touches you or hits you with a melee attack, it must make a Charisma saving
throw or be vulnerable to necrotic damage until the end of its next turn.
220 Sun Sickness While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. You
die if you spend more than 1 hour in direct sunlight.
221 Turn Immunity You are immune to effects that turn undead.
222 Turn Resistance You have advantage on saving throws against any effect that turns undead.
223 Undying Fortitude If damage would reduce you to 0 hit points, make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 +
the damage taken (unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit). On a success, you drop to 1
hit point instead.



Making Features
N o monster is complete without a few
special tricks—passive traits, dangerous attacks,
and handy utilities. But how do you build and balance
Dire Wolf
Large beast

these features?  Level 6 Grunt, Skirmisher (Traveller)

This chapter describes how to make a range of STR 18 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 12 CHA 8
features for your scaling monsters. +4 +4 +1 −1 +1 −1
 AC 11. Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +7.
♥ HP 44. Bloodied 22. Resistant to cold.
Features ⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 18. Reach 5 ft.
⚡ Speed 35 ft.
A feature is any notable ability or quality that is not  Skills Perception +4.
covered by your standard, basic attributes. Features  Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14.
come in one of three categories:  Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 575.
Traits are passive abilities and perks—advantage on  Keen Senses: You have advantage on Wisdom
particular saving throws, on-death events, unique (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
movement options, etc.  Pack Tactics: You have advantage on attack rolls
Attacks are activated abilities that affect one or more against creatures within 5 ft. of any ally that is not
unwilling targets with an attack roll or saving throw. incapacitated.
For more details on making effects, see p44. BONUS ACTIONS
Utilities are activated abilities that affect yourself  Dasher: You take the Dash action.
and/or willing allies. Utilities work in much the same  Evasive: You take the Disengage action.
way as attacks and are built in the same way. ACTIONS

 Maul: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18

Use the following guidelines to equip your monsters (5d6 + 1) slashing damage
with ancestral (i.e. racial), role, and other assorted  Bite: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18
features. Take care not to overcomplicate your creations (3d10 + 2) piercing damage.
—keep it simple and focus on quality over quantity.  Pounce (Cooldown 3): Save: DC 15 vs STR, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage. The
Recommended Features target is knocked prone and grappled by you.


Features Ancestral Role Misc.
Minion 1-5 1 1 2 Zane froze when he heard the growl. How did the beast
Grunt 3-8 2 2 3 get behind him so fast? "Clever girl," he hissed—before
Elite 5-11 3 2 4 the assassin could draw his dagger, the wolf pounced...
Paragon 7-14 3 3 7



Making a Feature Rarities

To create a new feature for your scaling monster, follow Features come in three rarities of increasing power and
these basic steps: effectiveness—common, uncommon, and rare.
When you create a feature, choose a rarity. The more
Category: First, choose a category—are you making a rare you make your feature, the less often you can use it
trait, attack, or utility? in combat—but the more powerful it can become.
Activation Time: Next, decide how much time it
takes to activate your feature.
Rarity: Now decide how rare your feature is—the
A Common Features
rarer it is, the more powerful it can be. A common feature is a basic, reliable ability that can be
Defence: If your feature is an attack, choose how activated passively, at will, or once-per-turn without
your targets can defend—do they use armor or a significant limitations—slashing with a sword, lashing
specific saving throw? out with a tail, casting a magical cantrip, etc.
Range: Pick an effective range for your feature—are
you targeting yourself, some particular targets, or a
wide reaching area?
B Uncommon Features
Targets: Choose how many targets you get to affect. Uncommon features are more powerful than their
Activation: Decide how long it takes your feature to common counterparts, but require special resources
apply effects once activated. (stamina, rage, focus, spellpower, ammunition, etc.) or
Effects: Finally, give your feature some bite with set periods of time to gather their strength.
special effects—damage, conditions, forced When you create an uncommon feature, choose one
movement, empowerments, etc. For more details on of three limitations: charges, recharging, or cooldown.
making effects, see p44.
Charge features have a limited pool of resources—
Example Features energy, ammunition, stamina, mana, fuel, rage, etc. Each
Level 6, Grunt, Striker
time you use the feature, you consume one or more
 Basic Melee Attack: Melee: +X to hit, reach 5 ft., one resources from this pool until it is exhausted.
target. Hit: 100% slashing damage.
 Basic Ranged Attack: Ranged: +X to hit, range 30 ft., Charges
one target. Hit: 100% piercing damage.
Combat Rank Av. Charges per Short Rest
 Basic Utility: Utility: range 30 ft., one target. Effect: The
Minion/Grunt 1
target can spend their reaction to make a basic attack
Elite 2
against a target of your choice.
Paragon Threat
 Basic Save Melee Attack: Save: DC X vs STR, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: The target is knocked prone.
 Basic Save Ranged Attack: Save: DC X vs DEX, a 10 ft. Recovering Charges
radius circle within 30 ft. of you, all targets. Hit: The Charges can be recovered if-and-when particular
target takes 75% piercing damage. events are completed—taking a short rest, gathering
ammunition, drinking a potion, becoming bloodied, etc.
Choose an event from the Charge Events table below,
or describe your own. Depending on the effort required,
Activation Time you recover 25%, 50%, or 100% of your total charges
when the event is resolved.
Activation times represent the effort it takes to use your
your feature—the greater the effort, the longer the time.
There are six categories of activation time: choose one
Charge Events
that best suits your feature. d12 Event
1 You finish a short or long rest.
2 You become bloodied or enraged.
Activation Times 3 You suffer damage of a particular type.
d6 Type Description 4 You collect (or are given) new ammunition.
1 None The feature is permanently active (i.e. 5 You drink a special potion.
it is passive). 6 You absorb some magical power.
2 Free You can activate the feature freely. 7 An ally inspires you.
3 Bonus Action You must spend a bonus action. 8 You land a critical hit.
4 Action You must spend an action. 9 You are critically hit by an attack.
5 Reaction You must spend a reaction. 10 A creature misses you with an attack.
6 Time You must spend an extended amount 11 A creature moves adjacent to you.
of minutes/hours/days/etc. 12 You spend an action to recover a charge.



A kobold slinger (grunt) is equipped with Stink Pot (1

C Rare Features
charge), an uncommon attack feature that 1) deals Rare features are extra-special abilities that, when
poison damage and 2) inflicts the Poisoned condition. exhausted, take significant time to recover (typically a
This attack can be used one time (one attack, one long rest). These are some of your most powerful
pot) before the slinger runs out of ammunition. features—limit breaks, overdrive techniques,
masterwork magic, etc.
When you describe a rare attack, use plenty of flavor
Recharging and description—these are your most dangerous and
When you use a recharging feature, it is exhausted until exciting abilities, so put on a good show.
either a) the feature is randomly recharged or b) you
complete a short or long rest. At the start of your turn, Recovery
roll a d6—if you roll within a specified range, you can Elites and paragons are able to recharge their rare
use the feature again as normal. features when a particular event is triggered—being
Choose a die range from the Recharge Time table bloodied, becoming enraged, draining a pool of power,
below based on your combat rank—the higher your consuming a potion, sacrificing a victim, etc.
rank, the faster your ability will recharge. To get started, choose a recovery event from the list
below or create your own.

Recharge Time
Combat Rank Recharge Range Recovery Events
Minion 6 d6 Event
Grunt 5-6 1 You become bloodied or enraged.
Elite/Paragon 4-6 2 A significant ally is reduced to 0 hit points.
3 You collect (or are given) new ammunition.
4 You make a significant sacrifice.
A tiefling pyromancer is equipped with an uncommon 5 You absorb a burst of power.
Scorch (recharge) attack feature. Because the tiefling 6 You reduce a player character to 0 hit points.
is a simple grunt, the recharge range is 5-6.
During her turn, she uses the attack to hit Valiant
with some fire damage. The attack is then exhausted. At A sinister lich is equipped with a Soul Rend (rare)
the start of her next turn, the GM rolls a d6. The result is attack. The lich is a paragon monster, and so the GM
only a 3—the attack has not yet recharged. chooses a recovery event for the attack—in this case,
whenever a player character is reduced to 0 hit points.
During a battle, the lich uses Soul Rend to attack the
Cooldown party and then finishes off a player character with a ray
When you use a cooldown feature, it is exhausted until a of frost. As the character falls to 0 hit points, the lich
period of time has passed. Once a cooldown feature is harvests some soul energy to recharge Soul Rend.
exhausted, start a countdown timer. At the start of each
of your turns, reduce the timer by 1—once it reaches 0,
the feature can be used again.
Choose a cooldown period from the Cooldown Time Build Fun Synergies
table below based on your combat rank—the higher
your rank, the faster your ability will recharge. Rarities and recharge conditions make it easy to create
fun, flavorful synergies. For example:

Cooldown Time • Reloader: A static, inanimate hazard (e.g. a rockfall

Combat Rank Turns Required trap) has an feature with 3 charges. It can be
Minion 4 manually reset by another monster.
Grunt 3 • Lucky: A monster has a slow recharge feature. If
Elite/Paragon 2 they are within range of a supporting hazard or
monster, they roll their recharge with advantage.
• Booster: A hazard has a slow cooldown feature.
The GM equips a monstrous, elite chimera with Acid Another monster (e.g. a supporter) has an ability to
Spray (cooldown), an uncommon attack feature. reduce the cooldown by 1.
Because the chimera is elite, the cooldown is 2. • Battery: A monster has a feature with 2 charges. If
During it's turn, the chimera uses the attack and then they are within range of a particular hazard (e.g. an
starts a new countdown timer at 2. At the start of the arcane battery), the feature costs 0 charges to use.
chimera's following turns, the timer is reduced by 1 until
it reaches 0 on the fourth following turn—the attack has Use these interplays to help create little narratives and
now recharged. challenges within your combat encounters.



Defensive Keywords
Defences Defence Keywords
If you make an attack, your target has a chance to AC Aim, Shoot, Swipe, Slash, Stab, Pierce, Bash.
defend itself—blocking a sword with a shield, dodging STR Push, Pull, Slide, Grab, Press, Drag, Squeeze,
an explosion with uncanny precision, defying a magical Stretch, Crush, Restrain, Move.
command with stern resolve, etc. DEX Burst, Blast, Explode, Spray, Shower, Erupt, Line,
There are seven defences—AC, STR, DEX, CON, INT, Area, Zone.
WIS, and CHA—each dealing with a particular range of CON Temperature, Poison, Corruption, Disease,
themes and effects. Choose one defence that is most Chemical, Body, Sense, Physiology.
appropriate for your particular attack. INT Mind, Insanity, Madness, Confusion, Memory,
Hallucination, Delusion.
WIS Beguile, Seduce, Charm, Influence, Deceive,
Defensive Options Disguise, Hide, Manipulate, Illusion.
To help you choose a defense, consider the primary CHA Dominate, Possess, Control, Puppet, Command,
effect of your attack—what influence are you trying to Demand, Polymorph, Banish.
have on the target, and how are you trying to achieve it?
Then use the descriptions below and the Defensive
Keywords table to determine the appropriate option.
Varying Defences
There are many ways to achieve the same goal in
1 Armor Class (AC) combat. The way you describe your attack will define
AC is about armor and fighting ability. When you try to how it can be defended against—use this to dive into the
hit a target with something that can be deflected, fiction and create a wide variety of interesting,
parried, or absorbed, the target must watch out and narrative-rich attacks for your monsters.
block with AC.

2 Strength (STR) The GM wants to create a Cause Fear attack. They can
Strength is about force and resistance. When you try to do so in a variety of ways—for example:
move, grab, or restrain a target with physical force, the
target must hold their ground and resist with a Strength • I raise your adrenaline levels to make you feel afraid.
saving throw. (Chemical, CON save)
• I create a hallucination in your mind to make you
3 Dexterity (DEX) afraid. (Hallucination, INT save)
Dexterity is about precision and reflexes. When you try • I create an illusion of something terrifying to make
to hit a target with something that blasts, explodes, you afraid. (Illusion, WIS save)
rains, or sprays over an area, the target must move with • I command you to be afraid of me. (Command, CHA
precision and evade with a Dexterity saving throw. save)

4 Constitution (CON) Later, the GM wants to create a Petrification attack for

Constitution is about resilience and sensitivity. When their encounters—for example:
you try to change or affect the physical form of a target
(extreme temperatures, poison, corruption, blind, • I shoot a magical arrow that turns you into a statue.
deafen), the target must grit their teeth and endure with (Shoot, AC)
a Constitution saving throw. • I inflict you with a magical corruption that turns flesh
to stone. (Corruption, CON save)
5 Intelligence (INT) • I attack your mind to make you think you are a
Intelligence is about sanity and knowledge. When you statue. (Madness, INT save)
try to affect the mind and mental abilities of a target, • I turn you into a statue. (Polymorph, CHA save)
the target must hold onto their sanity and focus with an
Intelligence saving throw.

6 Wisdom (WIS) Defence Definitions

Wisdom is about instinct and perception. When you try
to subtly influence a target's judgement without them These definitions may vary on occasion when
knowing about it, the target must harness their insight compared to the 5th Edition SRD—but that's by design.
and perceive the truth with a Wisdom saving throw. Player spells and effects can be very inconsistent with
defences—INT, WIS, and CHA saves in particular—and
7 Charisma (CHA) so don't make for a reliable foundation.
Charisma is about presence and soul. When you try to The definitions and keywords used here serve to
openly control a target or transform their essence by clearly distinguish the intent and effect of your attack,
force, the target must hold onto their sense of self and helping you to pick defences with ease and consistency.
defy you with a Charisma saving throw.



Ranges Targets
A range defines the effective boundaries of your feature To use a feature, you must have a target—who or what
—where are targets at risk and where are they safe? are you trying to affect? Choose a quantity and category
There are three basic categories—self, aimed, and from the tables below.
area. Choose one for your feature and use the Range If your feature is particularly specific, consider also
Templates provided to help define the specific details. applying an alliance, alignment or creature category.
Distances: Some templates contain recommended
distances for each rarity: common, uncommon, and rare.
Use these as-and-when appropriate—the rarer the
Target Options
feature, the bigger the distance. Option Description
None No specific target (i.e the terrain itself).
A Self One A single instance.
Features with no outwardly range focus on the internal Limited A limited number (2/3/4) of instances.
—you are trying to affect yourself in some fashion. All All instances (area range only).
Target Anything (a creature or an object).
B Aimed Object A discrete, inanimate item.
Aimed ranges focus on specific targets—you are trying Creature Anything that is not an object.
to affect things close by or at a distance from yourself. Self Yourself.
Friendly The target is friendly to you.
C Area Hostile The target is hostile to you.
Area ranges focus on specific regions—you are trying to ALIGNMENTS

affect things within a certain space (a sphere, a cone, a Chaotic The target has a chaotic alignment.
line, a cube, etc.). Evil The target has an evil alignment.
Good The target has a good alignment.
Lawful The target has a lawful alignment.
Range Templates Neutral The target has a neutral alignment.
Type Example
Self No external range. Creature Categories
Aberration Dragon Giant Plant
Cube A 5 ft. cube within 30/60/90 ft.
Beast Elemental Humanoid Undead
Point A point within 30/60/90 ft.
Celestial Fey Monstrosity
Ranged Ranged 30/60/120 ft.
Construct Fiend Ooze
Reach Reach 5/10/15 ft.
Square A 5 ft. square within 30/60/90 ft.
Touch Physical touch.
AREA Limited Targets
Circle A 10/15/20 ft. radius circle centered on yourself When you use a limited quantity, the maximum number
/ a point within 30/60/90 ft. of targets you can have is determined by your combat
Cone A 15/30/60 ft. cone extending from yourself / a level—the higher your level, the more targets you can
point within 30/60/90 ft. aim at.
Cube A 10/20/40 ft. cube centered on yourself / a
point within 30/60/90 ft.
Cylinder A 10/15/20 ft. radius, 20/40/60 ft. high cylinder Limited Targets
centered on yourself / a point within Combat Level Max. Limited Targets
30/60/90 ft. 5th 2
Line A 15/30/60 ft. line that is 5/10 ft. wide extending 11th 3
from yourself / a point within 30/60/90 ft. 17th 4
Reach Reach 5/10/15 ft.
Ring A 10/15/20 ft inner radius, 10/15/20 ft. outer
radius ring centered on yourself / a point within Multiattacks
30/60/90 ft.
Sphere A 10/15/20 ft. radius sphere centered on In this supplement, a multiattack is defined as any
yourself / a point within 30/60/90 ft. single action with an aimed range that attacks more
Square A 10/20/40 ft. square centered on yourself / a than one target—i.e. two targets within reach 5 ft, three
point within 30/60/90 ft. creatures within range 30 ft., etc.
Zone An arbitrary region of influence.



B Dooming
When you hit a target with a dooming feature, you must
If your feature is uncommon or rare, you can use a wait until some time passes (i.e. 1, 2, or 3 turns) before
deferral to change when it chooses targets, makes you apply the effects.
attacks, or applies effects—a fireball becomes a ticking These are your pressuring features—things that
bomb, a punch becomes a dooming fist of death, a corrupt, spread, or build up. Use these to give your
healing power becomes a regeneration power, etc. players a sense of impending doom.
There are two types of deferral: delayed, and
dooming. Choose one when you want to mix things up. Activating a Dooming Attack
When you use a dooming feature, choose your targets
A Delayed and make attacks if required. When a target is hit, it
gains a new countdown timer—the doom clock.
When you activate a delayed feature, you must wait until At the start of each of the target's turns, reduce the
some time passes (i.e. 1, 2, or 3 turns) before you choose doom clock by 1. Once it reaches 0, doom has arrived—
targets and make attacks. the target suffers the feature's effects.
These are your countdown attacks—things that tick
down, wind up, or charge power. Use these to threaten Dispelling Doom
areas and encourage movement to avoid being a hit. Doom can be countered if the target spends an action to
take a reasonable countermeasure—bathing in water to
Using a Delayed Feature quench fire, pulling out a poisonous stinger, focusing
When you use a delayed feature, first describe what you the mind against a hallucination, etc.
are doing (charging power, throwing an explosive, Depending on the action taken, this may require one
causing a cave-in, etc.) and the likely area or targets that or more ability checks from the target.
will be affected by the attack. Then:
Create a visible countdown timer. You can use dooming features to deliver positive effects
At the start of your turns, reduce the timer by 1. to targets—such as healing or empowerments. In this
When the timer reaches 0, choose your targets case, reflavor doom as respite.
immediately and make attacks if required.
Apply effects to any affected target before you
continue with the rest of your turn.
Mad Artificer
Medium humanoid (dwarf)

This process may be interrupted if, when the timer  Level 6 Grunt, Striker (Havoc)
reaches 0, you are unable to choose targets or the STR 12 DEX 18 CON 8 INT 18 WIS 8 CHA 12
situation otherwise no longer applies. +1 +4 −1 +4 −1 +1
 AC 13. Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +7.
♥ HP 58. Bloodied 29. Immune to lightning.
As they assault the Ctharonite Workshop, Valiant and ⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 18. Reach 5 ft.
Viridian are attacked by a pair of mad artificers.
⚡ Speed 30 ft.
 Senses passive Perception 9.
• GM: The mad artificer aims her spark cannon into
 Languages Common, Dwarvish.
the air and fires. A crackling orb lands next to you,
 Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 575.
Valiant, pulsing with raw electrical power. You hear a
 Items thunder cannon, grenade belt.
beeping that seems to be rapidly accelerating... TRAITS
• Valiant: Uh. How rapidly?  Leaping Spark (Cooldown 3): When you hit a creature
• GM: You think about one round (puts a d6 on the with Spark Cannon, make a second attack against
table). Sparks are reaching out in a 10 ft. sphere... another creature within 15 ft.

 Brutal (1/turn): You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.

Use Visible Clocks  Spark Cannon: Ranged: +7 to hit, range 30 ft., one
target. Hit: 18 (4d8) lightning damage
When you start a countdown, try to make it clearly  Spark Grenade (1/sr, Delayed 1): Effect: You throw a
visible to the players. Countdowns serve two important grenade onto the ground within 30 ft. of you. Delay: All
purposes: 1) to inform your players that something will creatures within 15 ft. of the grenade must make a DC
happen soon (even if they don't know exactly what), and 15 DEX saving throw or take 23 (5d8 + 1) lightning
2) to build anticipation about the event. damage (half damage on a miss).
Try using a d6 as a physical timer. If the countdown is  Sticky Grenade (1/lr, Dooming 2): Ranged: +7 to hit,
on a player (i.e. a doom clock), give them ownership of range 30 ft., one target. Hit: the target is doomed 2.
the die as a tangible relic of their approaching doom. Doom: 36 (8d8) acid damage (ongoing, DC 15 CON).



Making Effects
A t the heart of every scaling feature is
an effect—a rule that describes how your monster
deal damages or affects the world. But how do you build
E fect Types
Effect Description
and balance these effects? What's appropriate for a Deal Damage The target takes damage.
common attack, or an uncommon trait, or a rare bonus Inflict Conditions The target gains conditions.
action utility? Change Terrain Change the terrain in some fashion.
This chapter introduces effect points, effect durations, Destroy Resources The target loses precious resources.
and six effect types to help you flesh out and complete Force Movement The target is forcibly moved.
your scaling features. Empower Ally Grant power to a nearby ally (or

Effects E fect Durations

An effect describes the mechanical, in-game impact of a Effects can have different durations—some fade away in
feature—how much damage is dealt, what conditions are an instant, while others linger for an extended period of
applied, what boons does your ally get, how long do they time. There are six basic categories of duration:
last for, etc.
This chapter details six categories of effect: deal Instant: The effect ends once resolved.
damage, inflict conditions, force movement, destroy End of Your Next Turn: The effect ends at the end of
resources, change terrain, and empower allies. Mix- your next turn.
and-match these effect types to build a wide range of End of the Target's Next Turn: The effect ends either
features for your scaling monsters. a) at the end of the target's next turn or b) when an
appropriate countering action is taken.
Concentration: At the start of each of your turns, you
Combat Roles reapply the consequences to the target. Unless
specified otherwise, the effect ends after either a) 1
You can use effects to reinforce the themes and minute passes or b) you lose concentration.
fighting styles of your combat roles by focusing on Ongoing: At the start of each of its turns, the target
particular effect types—for example: may make a saving throw to end the effect (choose a
saving throw and a DC). On a failed save, the target
• Controller: Inflict Conditions, Affect Terrain. suffers the consequences again.
• Defender: Force Movement, Empower Ally. Save Ends: At the end of each of its turns, the target
• Lurker: Deal Damage, Destroy Resources may make a saving throw to end the effect (choose a
• Skirmisher: Destroy Resources, Inflict Conditions. saving throw and a DC).
• Striker: Deal Damage, Destroy Resources
• Supporter: Empower Ally, Affect Terrain. Each effect type will describe which durations in
particular can be used and at what cost.



Making an Effect B In lict a Condition

To inflict a condition, first choose one or more
To start making an effect, you first need a handful of conditions as described below—the more EP you spend,
effect points (EP). You gain a number of EP when you the more debilitating the conditions you can choose.
create a feature, as shown below—the rarer the feature, Then finish by choosing an effect duration from the
the more points you gain. Condition Options list.
Spend EP to buy one, two, or even three unique
effects for your feature.
In lict a Condition
Cost (EP) Description
E fect Points 1 One common condition.
Feature Effect Points (EP) 2 One uncommon condition.
Common 1 4 One rare condition.
Uncommon 3 +1 Another condition of equal/lesser rarity.
Rare 5 +1 Affects an area or multiple targets.
Has a Requirement or Condition +1 −1 The target can roll an additional save to resist.
Is Delayed/Dooming +1
Free/Bonus Action or Reaction −1
# Condition Description
The GM wants to add some effects to a rare bonus COMMON
action. They have 4 (5−1) EP to spend, and so buy two 1 Deafened You can't hear anything.
effects: deal damage and inflict condition. 2 Grappled You can't move.
3 Poisoned You have disadvantage on attack rolls
and ability checks.
4 Prone You are lying on the ground.
A Deal Damage UNCOMMON
To deal some damage, first choose one option from the 5 Blinded You can't see anything.
Deal Damage table below using your feature's range and 6 Charmed You can't attack your charmer.
total number of targets—the more EP you spend, the 7 Frightened You can't move towards the source of
more damage you can deal. your fear.
Then finish by choosing one or more damage types 8 Invisible You can't be seen.
and an effect duration from the Damage Options list. 9 Restrained You can't move.
10 Paralyzed You can't move, take actions, take
Deal Damage reactions, or speak.
Cost AIMED AREA 11 Petrified You are transformed into a solid,
(EP) Single Multiple Hit Miss inanimate material.
Target Targets Only Half 12 Stunned You can't move, take actions, take
1 100% 100% / targets 75% 50% reactions, or speak properly.
2 125% 125% / targets 100% 75% 13 Unconscious You can't move, take actions, take
3 150% 150% / targets 125% 100% reactions, or remain conscious.
4 175% 175% / targets 150% 125%
5 200% 200% / targets 175% 150%
Condition Options

Damage Options • Effect Durations: End of Your Next Turn, End of the
Target's Next Turn, Concentration (+1 EP), Save Ends (+1
• Damage Types: acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, force, EP).
lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison, psychic, radiant,
slashing, thunder.
• Effect Durations: Instant, Concentration (+1 EP),
Ongoing (+1 EP). The GM wants to equip a kobold with a stink pot area
attack—an uncommon action worth 3 EP. They spend 1
EP to buy a "deal 75% damage" effect, and 2 EP to buy a
"poisoned" area condition that lasts until the end of the
A giant lizard deals 14 ongoing acid damage (DC 14 target's next turn.
CON) to Clanda. She takes 14 damage from the initial Later, the GM equips a lich with a soul freeze attack—
hit. At the start of her turn, she rolls a saving throw to try a rare action worth 5 EP. They spend 4 EP to buy a
to avoid more damage—but fails. The effect persists, "petrified" condition, and another 1 EP to make it a
and Clanda takes another 14 acid damage. concentration effect for the lich.



C Change the Terrain D Destroy a Resource

To change the terrain, first choose one or more terrain To destroy a precious resource, first choose one or
modifiers as described below—the more EP you spend, more resources as described below—the more EP you
the more impactful the modifiers. spend, the more valuable the resources you can target.
Then finish by choosing an effect duration from the Then finish by choosing an effect duration from the
Terrain Options list. Resource Options list.

Change the Terrain Destroy a Resource

Cost (EP) Description Cost (EP) Description
1 One common modifier. 1 One common resource.
2 One uncommon modifier. 2 One uncommon resource.
4 One rare modifier. 4 One rare resource.
+1 Another modifier of equal/lesser rarity. +1 Another resource of equal/lesser rarity.
+1 Affects an area or multiple targets.
−1 The target can roll an additional save to resist.
Terrain Modifiers
Name Description
COMMON Resource Types
Difficult Movement is at half speed. Type Description
Half Cover +2 bonus to AC and DEX saving throws. COMMON
Lightly Obscured Disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) Wealth The target loses carried wealth (currency,
checks that rely on sight. gems, art, etc.) equal to your damage (as
Loud Deafened while within the area. valued in gold).
Uncomfortable Disadvantage on Concentration saving Charges The target loses one charge from an
throws. equipped magic item. If this would
Unstable When a creature ends their turn within destroy the item, nothing happens.
the area, they fall prone. UNCOMMON
UNCOMMON Item Damage An item carried by the target gains one
Damaging When a creature enters or starts their notch. If an item gains 5 or more notches,
turn within the area, they take damage it is destroyed. Notches can be removed
equal to your combat level. with appropriate tools.
Heavily Obscured Choose one category: Hit Dice The target loses one unspent hit die.
A. Darkness: Can't see into the area. Low Spell Slot The target loses their lowest unspent
B. Cloud: Can't see into, out of, or spell slot.
through the area. RARE
3/4 Cover +5 bonus to AC and DEX saving throws. High Spell Slot The target loses their highest unspent
RARE spell slot.
Impassable Nothing can physically pass through Death Save The target gains one failed death save.
the area. Exhaustion The target gains one fleeting level of
Magical Creatures can't see into, out of, or exhaustion. This exhaustion lifts when
Darkness through the area—even with the target finishes a short or long rest.
darkvision. In addition, nonmagical light
can't illuminate the area.
Total Cover Can't be targeted directly by an attack Resource Options
or a spell.
• Effect Durations: Instant, Concentration (+1 EP),
Vacuum You can't breathe.
Ongoing (+1 EP).

Terrain Options
• Effect Durations: End of Your Next Turn, Concentration. A drow assassin is given a false widow's bite uncommon
attack worth 3 EP. The GM uses all 3 EP to buy a "hit
dice" resource effect with an ongoing duration.
Later, an elite drow assassin is given a rarer black
The GM wants to equip a pyromancer with a blazing fire widow's bite attack worth 5 EP. The GM uses 1 EP to
spell—a rare, damaging attack with a persistent area buy a "deal 100% damage" effect, and the remaining 4
effect worth 5 EP. EP to buy an ongoing "hit dice × 2" resource effect.
The GM spends 2 EP to buy a "deal 100% damage" A mummy, meanwhile, is given a life drain rare attack
area effect, and 3 EP to buy "damaging/difficult" worth 5 EP. The GM uses all 5 EP to buy an instant
modifiers with a concentration duration. "exhaustion" resource effect with an area range



E Force Movement Boons

To force movement, first choose a distance and a type Name Description
as described in the tables below—the more EP you COMMON

spend, the further you can move your targets. Adamant Any critical hit made against the target
Then finish by choosing an effect duration from the becomes a normal hit.
Movement Options list. Aggressor The target's critical hit range increases by +1.
Leader The target can spend their reaction to make a
basic attack against a target of your choice.
Force Movement Lucky The target may reroll any attack roll that is a
Cost AIMED AREA natural 1.
(EP) Single Multiple Hit Miss Marker The target makes their next attack roll with
Target Targets Only Half advantage.
1 10 ft. 10 ft. / targets 5 ft. — Mover The target is unaffected by difficult terrain.
2 20 ft. 20 ft. / targets 10 ft. — Piercing The target's attacks ignore resistance to one
3 30 ft. 30 ft. / targets 20 ft. 10 ft. damage type and treat immunity as if it were
4 40 ft. 40 ft. / targets 30 ft. 20 ft. resistance.
5 50 ft. 50 ft. / targets 40 ft. 30 ft. Purifier The target may reroll a failed saving throw
against an ongoing effect.
Resistor The target gains resistance to one damage
Movement Types type.
Type Description UNCOMMON
Direct The target is moved instantly to a spot, such as by Armorer The target gains +2 AC and advantage on one
a teleport or magical effect. saving throw of your choice.
Pull The target is pulled towards you in a straight line Barrier The target gains temporary hit points equal to
(or as close as possible). your combat level.
Push The target is pushed away from you in a straight Cooler The target may reduce the cooldown of any
line (or as close as possible). one feature by 1 or reroll a recharge feature.
Slide The target is moved in a direction of your choice. Destroyer The target deals additional damage equal to
your combat level. Choose a damage type.
Immuniser The target is immune to one damage type or
Movement Options condition.
Traveller The target gains a new form of movement.
• Effect Durations: Instant, Concentration (+1 EP),
Sensor The target gains a new sense.
Ongoing (+1 EP).
Speedster The target gains +10 speed.
Cloaker The target becomes invisible. This ends if the
The orc slammed into Chansi, pushing her back 10 ft. target attacks or casts a spell.
Deflector The first time the target is reduced to 0 hit
points, it is reduced to 1 instead.
Healer The target regains hit points equal to twice
F Empower an Ally your combat level.
To empower an ally (or yourself), first choose one or Extracted The target is banished. When the effect ends,
more boons as described below—the more EP you the target reappears in an unoccupied space
spend, the more powerful the boon. of your choice within 30 ft. of you.
Then finish by choosing an effect duration from the Recharger The target may immediately regain one
Empowering Options list. exhausted uncommon feature, or gain +1
charges to a charged uncommon feature.
Thorns The target reflects half of any damage they
Empower an Ally take onto their attacker.
Cost (EP) Description
1 One common boon.
2 One uncommon boon. The GM wants to equip a necromancer with some
4 One rare boon. empowering actions to support their risen undead.
+1 Another boon of equal/lesser rarity. To start, the GM creates a revenant rage uncommon
+1 Affects an area or multiple targets. bonus action worth 2 EP. They spend 1 EP to buy an
"aggressor" boon, and 1 EP to make it an area effect
with a concentration duration.
Empowering Options The necromancer is then given resummon, a rare
• Effect Durations: Instant, End of Your Next Turn, End of bonus action worth 4 EP. They spend all 4 EP to buy an
the Target's Next Turn, Concentration. instant "extracted" empowerment for an area effect.



Frenzy Attacks
S ometimes it's not enough to make just
one big attack on your turn—when the enemy
surrounds you, sometimes the best option is to make
Ogre Brute
Medium giant (ogre)

lots of small attacks.  Level 6 Grunt, Striker (Butcher)

This chapter introduces frenzy attacks to help you STR 18 DEX 8 CON 18 INT 8 WIS 12 CHA 12
chain together single-target common actions. +4 −1 +4 −1 +1 +1
 AC 13. Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7.
♥ HP 58. Bloodied 29.
Going into a Frenzy ⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 18. Reach 5 ft.
⚡ Speed 30 ft.
A frenzy attack is a special action that allows any grunt,  Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11.
elite, or paragon to take two, three, or even four single-  Languages Common, Giant.
target common actions on their turn while also  Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 575.
spending movement between each action. FREE
However, this comes at the cost of accuracy and  Concussive Attack (Cooldown 3): When you critically
power—frenzy attacks have a -2 attack/DC penalty and hit a creature, it must make a Constitution saving throw
deal reduced damage. The maximum number of actions (DC 15) or be stunned until the end of its next turn.
you can take increases with your combat level.  Brutal (1/turn): You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.

Frenzy Attacks  Smash: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18
(3d10 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Combat Level Max. Frenzy Attacks
 Slam: Save: DC 15 vs STR, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5th 2
the target is knocked prone
11th 3
 Rampage (Frenzy 2): You can take two of any single-
17th 4
target common action. You have a -2 attack/DC penalty
and must divide any damage you deal by 2. You can
Frenzy Attack (2/3/4) spend movement in-between each action.
5th-level and higher, Grunt/Elite/Paragon, Any role

You can take two/three/four of any other single-target

common action. When to Frenzy?
• You have a -2 penalty to attack rolls and save DCs. Frenzy attacks are a good option to consider when you
• Divide any damage you deal by 2/3/4. want some increased flexibility with your attack actions.
• You can spend some or all of your movement in- They can also help to prevent players being
between each action. overwhelmed with massive damage from a single hit.



Overkill Attacks
T he biggest, scariest monsters need the
biggest, scariest attacks. When the party's on the
verge of thwarting your plans—or have suddenly put
Going Into Overkill
themselves in a vulnerable position—it's time to unleash An overkill attack is a huge, devastating, and almost
your full power and go into overkill. Take no prisoners, certainly fatal attack that elites and paragons can
and leave no adventurer alive. unleash against the party. These are your biggest, most
This chapter introduces a cinematic, automatically- cinematic attacks—an ultimate technique that can
hitting attack—overkill attacks—and how to use them in destroy PCs, NPCs, and scenery alike:
your encounters.
Charge: You spend an action on your turn to start
charging up the attack—drawing in breath,
• A dragon takes in a deep breath, fire burning in its channelling mana, gathering strength, etc.
chest, as it prepares to melt flesh, stone, and steel.. Focused: Charging the attack takes all of your
• Storm clouds boil above a mad sorcerer as she attention—you can't move or take actions/reactions.
charges a cataclysmic lightning bolt... Vulnerable: Charging the attack may expose a weak
• A werewolf howls, ready to tear open the jugular of point that—if reduced to 0 hit points—will stun you.
its grappled victim... Unleash: The attack finishes charging at the start of
your next turn. You then spend the entirety of your
turn unleashing the attack.
Hit: Any valid target still in range of the attack is hit
Storm of Chaos automatically.
Overkill Attack
Damage: You deal a massive amount of damage, equal
With foul runes and hellish words, you pull the demonic to four times your base damage.
energies of the Abyss into this world. Glowing red veins Destroy: If the attack is extreme, any target reduced
tear across your skin as the Abyss pours into you, and black to 0 hit points is immediately killed.
storm clouds gather above.
On your next turn, the abyssal energy erupts from you in
a burning wave of chaos. Cinematic Spectacle
• Requirement: You are bloodied. Overkill attacks are a great way to add some cinematic
• Range: A 30 ft. radius sphere centered on yourself. spectacle to your battles and end-game bosses,
• Targets: Any non-demonic creature. creating spikes of danger and tension throughout battle
• Hit: The creature takes 400% fire damage. to put your players in peril.
• Extreme: If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this Use plenty of over-the-top description to make your
attack, it is immediately killed and reanimates at the overkill attacks big, loud, and exciting. Highlight the
start of your next turn as a possessed, demonic vessel. deadly power of your monsters.



e Danger Zone
Creating an Attack Make sure that it's possible for your players (at least,
most of them) to get out of range of the attack in only
To make an overkill attack for your monster or hazard, one turn—even if it means dashing.
follow these three steps: If your players can only move 30 ft. with a move
action, for example, avoid using a 70 ft. area for your

Pick a Trigger overkill attack unless the players have either a) a clear
means of escape or b) safe spots to take cover in.
First, you must decide exactly when the attack can be
used. Does your scaler go into overkill when bloodied? Safe Spots
When it's grabbed a player? When the players disrupt a When you build an encounter, make sure to add some
sacred ritual circle? interesting scenery that players can use in creative ways
Pick an event from the list below to get started—or to protect themselves—pillars to hide behind, tables to
create your own. When the event is triggered, your flip over for cover, pools of water to dive into, dead
overkill attack is unlocked. magic zones that nullify magical overkill, etc.

Overkill Triggers The GM adds a couple of stone pillars to the encounter

Type Description scenery as possible cover—but not enough for every
Bloodied You are reduced to 50% or fewer hit points. player. They'll have to decide who gets to hide and who
Event The party does something that disrupts your gets to run—fast.
plans—release a prisoner, disrupt a ritual,
destroy a power crystal, etc.
Free No restriction—you can perform this attack
whenever you like. Determine the Damage
Peril A player is in a perilous condition—grappled, Now, it's time to see how much damage your attack will
restrained, stunned, etc. do. Overkill attacks deal up to four times your regular
base damage—enough to kill a healthy adventurer in one
The GM wants to create an overkill attack for a 9th-level Overkill attacks shouldn't be taken lightly, so make
paragon striker—Kaladraxis, a vainglorious red dragon sure to highlight the grave danger.
with a fiery temperament.
To get started, the GM picks the "Bloodied" trigger.
When Kaladraxis is hurt by the adventurers, he's going As a 9th-level paragon striker, Kaladraxis deals 28 base
to get very, very angry... damage. This means his overkill attack will deal 112 fire
damage—almost certain to kill any unfortunate creature
caught in the blast.

Choose the Range & Targets

Next, decide the range and targets of the attack. Overkill Extreme Overkill
attacks almost-always originate from you, striking out at If you want to make players really afraid of your overkill
anyone unfortunate enough to still be in range. Pick a attack, make it extreme.
basic template from the list below to get started: If a player is reduced to 0 hit points by an extreme
overkill attack, they are killed outright—any remaining
death saves automatically fail.
Overkill Area
Type Description
Aimed Hits one or more specific targets—such as a Watch the World Burn
grabbed or stunned player within reach. Overkill Attack
Area Hits everyone within a certain area—a cone, a
Your chest starts to swell with raging dragonfire and your
sphere, a line, etc.
body becomes burning hot—so hot that stone begins to
Zone The attack fills an entire zone or arbitrary region
melt beneath you from the scorching heat.
of the map.
On your next turn, you breathe scorching hot dragonfire
all around to melt stone, steel, and flesh.

In his rage, Kaladraxis' overkill attack will flood the • Requirement: You are bloodied.
entire chamber with searing dragonbreath. • Range: Reach 40 ft.
Instead of a traditional dragonbreath cone, the GM • Targets: Any creature.
chooses an area template (centered on Kaladraxis) with • Hit: The creature takes 400% fire damage.
a 40 ft. radius—the party will have to run for their lives • Extreme: If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this
to escape the dragon's hellish flames... attack, it is disintegrated.



Using an Attack Reveal a Weak Point

While you are charging an overkill attack, you may
To use an overkill attack, follow these three steps: reveal a weak point of some kind—a delicate crystal
core, a loose dragon scale, a fragile magic rune, etc.

Telegraph the Attack This weak point has HP equal to 10% of your total hit
points and—by default—shares your defences.
Take an action to start your overkill attack and If this weak point is reduced to 0 hit points, you a)
telegraph the impending danger—everyone should know immediately take damage equal to the weak point's
what's coming up so that they have a chance to avoid it. maximum HP and b) are stunned until the end of your
Describe what is happening, where it will happen, and next turn. These effects can't be circumvented by any
when it will happen. Make it clear that any valid target means—resistances, immunities, paragon power, etc.
not in adequate cover will be hit automatically—the only
defense is to be out of the attack range.
While Kaladraxis is charging up his overkill attack, he
reveals an environmental weak spot—a fragile-looking
Inside Redstone Volcano, Valiant, Krazak, and Clanda stalactite hanging directly above him with 38 hit points
battle Kaladraxis, the wild red dragon. When he is (10% of Kaladraxis' 383 HP) and 18 AC.
bloodied, Kaladraxis uses an overkill attack. If the stalactite is reduced to 0 hit points, it falls onto
Kaladraxis—the dragon will take 38 points of damage
• GM: The red dragon Kaladraxis starts to draw in and be stunned until the end of his next turn.
breath. Valiant, you can see its chest swell with
dangerous power—an incredible amount of heat is • GM: Steam vents from the dragon's scales—there
radiates from the dragon as it goes into overkill. isn't much time left. Clanda, what do you do?
• Kaladraxis: Insolent mortals, you will all burn! • Clanda: First, I'll duck behind this pillar just in case.
• Valiant: Can I see where Kaladraxis is aiming? Second, I want to break that stalactite you described
• GM: You think he's going to flood this entire chamber with a 5th-level Shatter—bring it right down onto
with searing, deadly flame in just six seconds. that dragon's smug face. That'll be... (rolls 6d8) ...34
• Valiant: Uh, everyone? We should probably run. points of thunder damage!
• GM: Explosive thunder echoes throughout the
cavern. The stalactite cracks... but it's not enough.

Charge up Power • Clanda: ...Oh dear.

When you go into overkill, you charge up power. While

charging, your speed is reduced to 0 and you can't take A weak point can only be seen or attacked while you
actions or reactions (nor spend paragon power). are in overkill. If you want to bait players into staying
If you are stunned, fall unconscious, or are otherwise within your overkill range, expose a weak point.
put in a position where you can't reasonable charge up
your overkill attack, the action fizzles to no effect.
The overkill attack is fully charged at the start of your
• GM: The heat from Kaladraxis is intense as the next turn, and you must use your full turn to unleash it.
dragonfire builds. What do you do, Krazak? Any target in range is automatically hit with full damage
• Krazak: Dragon can't breathe fire if it's stunned. And —make sure to describe this with cinematic spectacle.
my Stormbreaker axe can stun on a crit... After the end of your turn, once the overkill attack
• GM: You attack the dragon? has been resolved, you can act as normal.
• Krazak: Damn right I attack the dragon! I charge at
Kaladraxis with Stormbreaker drawn. Ancestors, if
ever I needed a critical it's now... (rolls 1) ...son of a. • GM: "You will turn to ash!" roars Kaladraxis as he
• GM: The heat throws off your swing, Krazak. You skid breathes volcanic dragonfire into the chamber.
to a halt in front of the grinning dragon... • Clanda: We're all safe behind this pillar, right?
• GM: You and Valiant are—but Krazak isn't. The dwarf,
standing his ground, is hit full force by the extreme
attack. He takes 112 points of fire damage.
Explain the Mechanics • Krazak: ...I'm down to 0 hit points. Damn. I stand
defiant, my charred arm holding aloft a melted axe.
When you introduce overkill attacks into your game, be "That. All. You. Got?" And then I fall.
sure that your players are aware and understand the • GM: Krazak's body disintegrates into ash as it hits
mechanic—otherwise they may expect to be able to use the ground—the dwarf is no more. Kaladraxis laughs,
their normal defensive abilities, or may not anticipate scattering the ashes with a tail swipe.
such high damage from a single attack. • Kaladraxis: One down, two to go.



Thunder Lance
Examples Overkill Attack

To get you started with overkill attacks, here are some You overcharge your thunder cannon to create a massive,
basic examples you can give to your monsters. deadly surge of raw lighting energy. On your next turn, you
fire an electrical bolt that can pierce through even the
Snap Neck thickest armor.
Overkill Attack
• Requirement: Your minions have been killed.
You wrap your hands firmly around the head of a grappled • Range: A 40 ft by 10 ft line, originating from you.
creature, despite their struggles. On your next turn, if they • Target: All creatures.
haven't broken free, you sharply twist the head of your • Hit: The creature takes 400% lightning damage.
victim. • Extreme: If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this
attack, it is killed outright by the shock.
• Range: Reach 5 ft.
• Target: A grabbed creature.
• Hit: The creature takes 400% bludgeoning damage. Spirit Bomb
Overkill Attack

Devour You draw spirit energy from nearby living creatures and
Overkill Attack
channel it into a glowing ball of radiant power that is lethal
to evil creatures. On your next turn, you launch the ball into
You unhinge your jaw, teeth glistening, as you prepare to the ground where the energy explodes.
devour a nearby stunned creature. On your next turn, you
bite into your victim with bone-crushing force and attempt • Requirement: You are bloodied.
to swallow it. • Range: A 30 ft. radius sphere centered on yourself.
• Target: All creatures.
• Range: Reach 5 ft. • Hit: The creature takes 400% radiant damage.
• Target: A stunned creature. • Extreme: If a creature of evil alignment is reduced to 0
• Hit: The creature takes 400% piercing damage. If the hit points by this attack, it is disintegrated.
creature is reduced to 0 hit points, you swallow it.

You're Already Dead

Whispers of Azatoth Overkill Attack
Overkill Attack
With necrotic power drawn from a nearby Font of Decay,
With eldritch words, you tear open a rift into the maelstrom you summon soul-hungry wraiths from the Shadowfell to
and draw on its unknowable power. On your next turn, you do your bidding. On your next turn, you send these
unleash a blast of maddening psychic energy. ravenous wraiths out in a deadly wave where they feast on
the spirits of unfortunate living creatures.
• Requirement: Your minions have been killed.
• Range: A 30 ft. cone originating from you. • Requirement: You consume a Font of Decay.
• Target: All creatures. • Range: A 60 ft by 15 ft line, originating from you.
• Hit: The creature takes 400% psychic damage. • Target All creatures.
• Extreme: If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this • Hit The creature takes 400% necrotic damage.
attack, it is disintegrated.

Ice Age
Reptile Spray Overkill Attack
Overkill Attack
You pull cold energy directly from the Elemental Chaos
You swallow a vial of reptile acid and mix it with your own with arcane runes, becoming a Herald of Winter. On your
digestive juices. On your next turn, you spew a thick spray next turn, you unleash a frozen vortex that turns everything
of corrosive acid that can melt stone, steel, and flesh. to ice and snow.

• Requirement: You consume a vial of reptile acid. • Requirement: You are bloodied.
• Range: A 30 ft. cone originating from you. • Range: A 30 ft. radius sphere centered on yourself.
• Target: All creatures. • Target All creatures.
• Hit: The creature takes 400% acid damage. • Hit: The creature takes 400% cold damage.
• Extreme: If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this • Extreme: If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this
attack, it is dissolved. attack, it is petrified and turned into an ice statue.



The Tides of Battle

B lood spills and tempers fray in battle,
and only the luckiest of monsters will survive a
battle unscathed and unbloodied. When you take
Battletide Condition

damage, how does it affect you and the way you fight? Grunt/Elite/Paragon: You are at 100% hit points.
This chapter introduces battletide conditions and new
battletide effects to help you shake things up when your
monsters start to take damage.
Battletide Condition

Battletide Conditions Grunt/Elite: You are at 50% hit points or fewer.

Paragon: You are at 66% hit points or fewer.
A monster's battle status can be described with three
new conditions: refreshed, bloodied, and enraged. These
conditions are gained and lost automatically as-and-
when taking damage or receiving healing.
Battletide Condition

Refreshed Paragon: You are at 33% hit points or fewer.

While a grunt, elite, or paragon is undamaged (i.e. at

100% hit points), it is refreshed and full of vigor.
Viridian is locked in battle with Sulfurak—an elite fire

Bloodied elemental with a burning temper. With a deft attack, the

tiefling manages to bring Sulfurak below 50% hit points.
When a grunt, elite, or paragon suffers a notable wound
of some kind (i.e. at 50% hit points or, in the case of • GM: Sulfurak roars angrily and turns to face you,
paragons, 66%), it becomes bloodied. Viridian, eyes blazing with blue fire. It is bloodied, and
When this condition is triggered, announce it with a it is angry...
clear description to showcase the shifting tide of battle
—use it to excite, emphasize, and refocus attention.

Enraged Minions
When a paragon suffers a serious wound (i.e. at 33% hit Battletide conditions and effects affect only grunts,
points), it becomes enraged. elites, and paragons. Minions (with low hit points and
This is a moment of dramatic escalation—the paragon weak defences) aren't important enough to track—they
is backed into a corner and fighting for its life, so be are never refreshed, bloodied, or enraged.
bold with your descriptions.



Battletide Effects B Group E fects

Battletide effects can also be used on large groups to
As the tide of battle ebbs and flows, some monsters reflect encounter-wide features—morale, loyalty,
grow stronger or weaker—a refreshed elf moves across teamwork, lair effects, combat synergies, etc.
the battlefield with extra grace, a bloodied goblin is To create a battletide effect for a group of monsters,
frightened by its attacker, an enraged dragon breathes follow these three steps:
empowered dragonfire.
Battletide effects change a monster's abilities Condition: Choose a battletide condition (refreshed,
according to their condition. There are three categories bloodied, or enraged) and a particular group of
of effect: strengthening, weakening, and transformation. monsters that should be affected.
Category: Decide if the affected monsters are
• Strengthening effects empower a monster with new stronger, weaker, or transformed in this condition.
or improved features. Effect: Pick an effect from one of the Battletide
• Weakening effects diminish a monster and make Effects tables, or create your own.
them easier to overcome. Percentage: Finally, choose the percentage of active
• Transformation effects change a monster's monsters that must be in this condition for the effect
fundamental capabilities in some fashion—movement to trigger—typically 50%, 75%, or 100%. The higher
types, size categories, combat roles, keywords, etc. the percentage, the harder it is to trigger this effect.

By using different effect categories, you can You can use these effects to influence the pace of
drastically alter the tone and combat potential of a your combat encounters—for example:
monster; a defender who gets tougher when they are
bloodied tells a very different story from a defender • Escalation: When at least 50% of the targeted
who gets weaker when they are bloodied. monsters are bloodied, the battle gets harder.
Choose effects that best suit the fiction of your • Rout: When at least 50% of the targeted monsters
scaling monster—for example: are bloodied, the battle gets easier.
• Strike Team: When at least 50% of the targeted
monsters are refreshed, the battle gets harder.
Defensive Stance • Spike: When a paragon is bloodied, the battle gets
Battletide Effect (Strengthening)
easier—but when enraged, the battle gets harder.
While you are bloodied, increase your AC by 1.

Sulfurak is accompanied by 3 searing hearts. The GM

wants these grunts to get weaker when at least 2 of
Cracked Armor them are bloodied—they gain the Fragile Hearts trait.
Battletide Effect (Weakening)

While you are bloodied, decrease your AC by 1.

Fragile Hearts
Battletide Effect (Weakening)
A Individual E fects When at least 50% of the searing hearts are bloodied,
To create a battletide effect for a scaling monster, follow attacks made against any searing heart will critically hit on
these three steps: a roll of 19-20.

Condition: Choose a battletide condition—refreshed,

bloodied, or enraged.
Category: Decide if the monster is stronger, weaker, How Many E fects?
or transformed in this condition.
Effect: Pick an effect from one of the Battletide Battletide effects can be a fun and flavorful way to add
Effects tables, or create your own. narrative-rich quirks and combat descriptions to your
scaling monsters and encounters.
Use these effects to showcase how your monsters But be careful not to go overboard—not everything
react under pressure. needs a battletide effect. Keep it simple, and when in
doubt use the following rule of thumb:

The GM wants Sulfurak to get stronger when it is • A minion has 0 effects.

bloodied to reflect the elemental's temperament. • A grunt may have 0-1 effects.
The fire elemental burns with increased fury and • An elite may have 0-2 effects.
searing heat, so the GM chooses the Extender effect: • A paragon may have 0-3 effects.
Sulfurak's reach extends by 5 ft. • An encounter may have 0-2 group effects.



Battletide E fects
# Name While/when you are [condition]...
1 Defensive Increase your AC by 1.
2 Shielded You immediately gain temporary hit points equal to twice your combat level.
3 Powerful Once per round, you deal additional damage equal to your combat level.
4 Resistant You gain a damage resistance.
5 Immune You gain a damage or condition immunity.
6 Gather Power Increase your maximum paragon power by +1.
7 Momentum Your maximum speed increases by 5 ft.
8 Shake It Off You can immediately remove one negative condition on yourself.
9 Precise Increase your attack bonus and DCs by 1.
10 Piercing Your attacks ignore a damage resistance and reduce a resistance to immunity.
11 Unlocked You gain access to a new action.
12 Brutal You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.
13 Counterattack You can immediately make a basic attack against your attacker.
14 Impenetrable Once per short rest, you gain one use of paragon defence.
15 Saver You roll one type of saving throw with advantage.
16 Extender Your reach extends by 5 ft.
17 Actor You can take one additional action on your next turn.
18 Dasher You can dash as a bonus action on your next turn.
19 Recharger You can immediately recharge one ability and then use it against your attacker.
20 Corruptor You can immediately inflict a status condition on your attacker until the end of their next turn.
21 Relocator You can immediately teleport adjacent to the source of the attack that harmed you.
22 Get Over Here You can immediately teleport your attacker to a space within your reach.
23 Turtle You are resistant to all damage until the start of your next turn.
24 Call of Alarm You immediately gain 1 summoning point (see p60).
25 Ranger The range of your attacks is doubled.
26 Leaper You can immediately leap to an unoccupied space within 15 ft.
27 Focused You have advantage on concentration saving throws.
28 Disruptor Targets of your attacks have disadvantage on concentration saving throws.
29 Cracked Decrease your AC by 1.
30 Feeble You deal reduced damage equal to your combat level.
31 Vulnerable You either a) gain a damage vulnerability or b) lose a damage or condition immunity.
32 Lose Power Reduce your maximum paragon power per round by 1.
33 Stumble Your maximum speed is reduced by 5 ft.
34 Condition You immediately gain a status condition until the end of your next turn (eg. frightened).
35 Distracted Reduce your attack bonus and DCs by 1.
36 Locked You lose access to a specific action.
37 Fragile The critical hit range of your attackers increases by 1.
38 Flawed You roll one type of saving throw with disadvantage.
39 Shortsighted The range of your attacks is halved.
40 Clumsy You critically miss on a roll of 1-2.
41 Traveller You gain a new movement type.
42 Role Call You change your combat role.
43 Grow Your size category increases by 1.
44 Shrink Your size category decreases by 1.
45 Category You change your monster category.
46 Damage Type Your attacks deal a new damage type.
47 Sensitive You gain a new sense.
48 Shifter You take on a new form.
49 Realignment Your alignment changes.
50 Ticking Bomb You become a ticking bomb. At the end of your next turn, you explode. All targets within reach take
damage equal to your remaining HP.
51 Painful Aura You gain a damaging aura. Creatures that enter or start their turn within your aura take damage equal to
your combat level.
52 Trailblazer When you move through a space, that space is corrupted until the start of your next turn. Creatures that
enter or start their turn in corrupted ground take damage equal to your combat level.
53 Weaponized You gain a new weapon or form of attack.


The Spellcaster
Turn your monsters into
spellcasters with magic
domains and spell levels.
Use archetypes to add
specialized powers and themes
CHAPTER to your scaling monsters.

The Summoner
Summon brand-new
reinforcements into battle with
summoning points.


The Swarm
Overwhelm the enemy with
packs, machines, mobs, hordes,
squads, and armies.


The Sidekick
Give the party some monstrous
allies and sidekicks.


The Hazard
Turn the environment against
the party with hazards.


The Lifelinker
Turn your monsters into
lifelinkers to share damage and
spread healing.


The Spellcaster
M agical power permeates the mortal
world—it is in the air you breath, the food you eat,
the water you drink. Watch out for those who can cast
Storm Cleric
Medium humanoid (dwarf)

magic—the rules of reality are theirs to command.  Level 10 Grunt, Striker (Havok)
This chapter introduces spellcasters and how to use STR 20 DEX 8 CON 14 INT 8 WIS 20 CHA 14
them in your combat encounters. +5 −1 +2 −1 +5 +2
 AC 14. Saving Throws Str +9, Wis +9.
♥ HP 86. Bloodied 43. Resistant to lightning, poison.
Spellcasters ⚔ ATK +4. DC +12. DMG 30. Reach 5 ft. Range 30 ft.
⚡ Speed 30 ft.
A spellcaster is a special type of combatant that can cast  Skills Religion +3.
magical spells—a warlock sacrifices blood to gather  Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15.
eldritch power, a wizard activates a well-researched  Languages Common, Dwarvish.
ward, a sorcerer unleashes their inner power, etc.  Proficiency +4. CR 4. XP 1475.
There are eight basic categories of spellcaster, each  Items warhammer, holy symbol.
with a particular theme and casting style: FREE

 Brutal (1/turn): You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.

Spellcaster Categories ACTIONS

 Storm Bolt: Spell: Cantrip, Evocation, V. Ranged: +9 to

Type Description
hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d12 + 4) lightning
Borrower You are temporarily borrowing power.
Innate You are power incarnate.
 Warhammer: Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Oathsworn Your power comes from an oath.
Hit: 30 (6d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Primal You draw power from the land.
 Call Lightning (1/sr): Spell: 3rd-level, Evocation, VS.
Puppet You are possessed by a power.
Save: DC 17 vs DEX, a 10 ft. radius circle centered on a
Researcher You have learned how to channel power.
point within 30 ft. of you, all targets. Hit: 30 (4d12 + 4)
Sacrificial You made an offering for power.
lightning damage. Miss: half damage.
Vassal You are given power by a benefactor.
 Thunderblast (Cooldown 3): Spell: 3rd-level, Evocation,
VS. Save: DC 17 vs STR, a 15 ft. radius circle centered
on a point within 30 ft. of you, all targets. Hit: the target
Magical E fects vs Magical Spells is pushed 20 ft away from the center.

Spells create magical effects, but not all magical effects

are spells. In this supplement, a spell is defined as any
magical action that has spellcasting components and The storm cleric raised her hammer high and pulled
can be interrupted with Counterspell. down a bolt of lighting from the sky.



A e Borrower E e Puppet
Borrowers have temporary possession of magical power, Puppets are possessed by a greater power and made to
typically through an object, blessing, or curse. These act by its command. These spellcasters rely on a
spellcaster rely on a magical focus—destroying this physical, mental, or spiritual connection with their
focus can remove the borrower's magical abilities. possessor—breaking this may free the puppet.

B e Innate F e Researcher
Innates are power incarnate—magic is in their very Researchers learn how to control magical power
blood and they know how to use it. These spellcasters through careful practice, dedication, and arduous study.
rely on their own willpower to carefully shape and These spellcasters rely on their knowledge, training, and
control their magical power—when an innate loses expertise—researchers learn how to manipulate the
control, they can be a danger to themselves and those very fabric of reality itself.
around them.
G e Sacrificial
C e Oathsworn Sacrificials are rewarded with power when they make an
Oathsworn draw their power from a sacred oath made offering to a patron. These spellcasters rely on
with the universe. These spellcasters rely on conviction promises, pacts, and sacrifices to fuel their power—but
and strict adherence to their oath—words have power, woe betide the sacrificial who reneges on a pact made
and few take this as seriously as the oathsworn. with their patron.

D e Primal H e Vassal
Primals draw their power from the natural world and Vassals are gifted power in exchange for loyal service to
take strength in careful measure. These spellcasters rely a benefactor. These spellcasters rely on zeal, faith,
on the environment and the elements—to fight a primal obedience, and worship—the vassal sets aside their
in their native land is to invite disaster. personal interests to serve a greater purpose.

Magic Domains
Theme Description Examples
Air Control over air, wind, and thunder. Fly, Feather Fall, Thunderwave.
Beasts Control and communicate with animals. Conjure Animals, Hold Monster, Insect Plague.
Body Transmute flesh, change physical shape and appearance. Enlarge/Reduce, Polymorph, Flesh to Stone.
Death Sever souls from bodies, talk to the dead, animate dead. Chill Touch, Power Word: Kill, Speak with Dead.
Decay Erode, poison, and corrupt. Acid Splash, Cloudkill, Poison Spray.
Destruction Destroy and obliterate. Circle of Death, Disintegrate, Eldritch Blast.
Earth Control over earth, rock, and gravity. Earthquake, Move Earth, Stone Shape.
Fear Create fear and nightmares. Confusion, Fear, Dream.
Fire Control over fire and heat. Burning Hands, Produce Flame, Fireball.
Knowledge Divination, detect alignment, learn secrets. Guidance, True Strike, Zone of Truth.
Life Tie souls to bodies and objects, modify spiritwebs. Animate Objects, Raise Dead, Resurrection.
Light Create light and illusions. Dancing Lights, Disguise Self, Faerie Fire.
Lightning Create and channel lightning, electricity. Call Lightning, Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt.
Metal Detect, shape, create, and move metal. Cloud of Daggers, Fabricate, Heat Metal.
Mind Telepathy, domination, read thoughts, and sense truth. Charm Person, Sleep, Telepathic Bond.
Peace Dampen emotions, cause calm. Beacon of Hope, Calm Emotions, Sanctuary.
Plants Control and communicate with plants. Plant Growth, Speak with Plants, Tree Stride.
Protection Shield and defend. Blade Ward, Death Ward, Globe of Invulnerability.
Resolve Reinforce willpower and create geas. Aid, Geas, Heroism.
Restoration Heal and mend. Mending, Cure Wounds, Heal.
Shadow Create darkness and manipulate shadows. Darkness, Black Tentacles, Shadow Blade.
Sight Truesight, perception, sight-beyond-sight, scrying. Darkvision, Scrying, True Seeing.
Sound Create sounds, silence, communication, change voice. Sending, Shatter, Silence.
Space Teleportation, size, and pocket dimensions. Misty Step, Banishment, Instant Summons.
Strength Control physical power, muscle mass, and endurance. Enhance Ability, Enlarge/Reduce, Polymorph.
Time Alter the flow of time. Haste, Slow, Time Stop.
War Incite emotions, and cause rage or passion. Heroism, Storm of Vengeance, Hellish Rebuke.
Water Control over water and ice. Ray of Frost, Ice Storm, Wall of Ice.



Making a Spellcaster If you want your spellcaster to be able to perform this
spell regularly outside of combat, turn it into a ritual.
You can turn any scaling monster into a spellcaster with To perform a ritual, you must spend 10 minutes more
these two basic steps: than you usually would to cast the spell—but you don't
have to expend any action resources in the process

Choose a Magic Domain (recharges, cooldowns, charges, etc).

A magical domain acts a general theme for your Choose a Spell School
spellcaster and spellcasting abilities. Choose one from Spells can be categorized into one of eight schools of
the Magical Domains table or create your own. magic: abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment,
evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation.

Create a Spell Use the Spell Schools table below to help you choose
the school that best fits your particular action.
Create a common, uncommon, or rare feature for your
spellcaster as normal (see p38). When you have a Set the Spell Level
suitable attack or utility feature, you can convert it into Every spell has a spell level that helps describe its overall
a spell with these simple guidelines. power—1st level, 3rd level, etc. This can be useful to
know in certain circumstances (i.e. when someone tries
Choose Spellcasting Components to interrupt the spell with Counterspell).
Spellcasting components are physical requirements you Your spell level is determined by your combat rank,
must meet in order to cast your spell—if you can't your combat level, and your action rarity—use the Spell
provide one or more of these components, you are Levels table below to find the appropriate level.
unable to cast the spell. Common Features: If your spell is of common rarity,
its level is always 0 (i.e. a cantrip).
• Verbal (V): I need to be able to speak.
• Somatic (S): I need to be able to use one free hand.
• Material (M): I need to be in reach of a particular No Spell Slots
resource or spellcasting focus.
By design, scalers don't use spell slots or other arcane
Choose a number of components according to the currencies to cast magic. If you want to emulate that
rarity of your feature: common (one), uncommon (two), system more closely, use a selection of uncommon and
or rare (three). If your spell uses a material component, rare actions with a limited number of charges.
you can (optionally) define what that material is.

Spell Schools
School Description
Abjuration Create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes.
Conjuration Transport objects and creatures from one location to another.
Divination Reveal information.
Enchantment Affect the minds of others to influence or control their behavior
Evocation Manipulate magical energy to produce a desired effect.
Illusion Deceive the senses or minds of others.
Necromancy Manipulate the energies of life and death.
Transmutation Change the properties of a creature, object, or environment.

Spell Levels
Rank 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Minion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Grunt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4
Elite 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7
Paragon 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7
Minion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5
Grunt 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7
Elite 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Paragon 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9



The Summoner
I n battle, the odds of success can change
at any moment—when a brawl breaks out, you never
know who else might join the fray. Keep an eye out for
Fledgling Necromancer
Medium humanoid (human)

anyone who might raise an alarm or summon new  Level 6 Grunt, Supporter (Booster)
reinforcements into battle—take them out fast to keep STR 8 DEX 8 CON 12 INT 18 WIS 12 CHA 18
the odds in your favour. −1 −1 +1 +4 +1 +4
This chapter introduces summoners and how to use  AC 13. Saving Throws Con +4, Int +7.
them in your combat encounters. ♥ HP 73. Bloodied 37. Resistant to necrotic.
⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 14. Reach 5 ft.
⚡ Speed 30 ft. Initiative +2.
Brindergast breathlessly pushed open the door to the
 Skills Arcana +7.
ossuary. In a few short seconds, the heroes would catch
 Senses passive Perception 11.
up to him—but they would not catch him alone.
 Languages Common.
Brindergast began his resurrection spell—the long-
 Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 575.
dead bones started to shudder and move...
 Items spellbook.

 Supportive: You take the Help action.


 Wither Flesh: Save: DC 15 vs CON, range 30 ft., one

creature. Hit: 14 (3d8 + 1) necrotic damage.
A summoner is a special type of combatant that can  Soul Blade: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
bring reinforcements into battle—a lone priest Hit: 14 (5d4 + 2) necrotic damage.
beseeching her dark god for protectors, a hidden alarm  Undying Resilience (Concentration, Cooldown 3):
loudly rousing some nearby guards, a sickly Utility: range 30 ft., one friendly undead creature. Hit:
necromancer raising foul undead from the graveyard. the creature gains +4 AC and advantage on STR and
There are five basic categories of summoner, each CON saving throws for up to one minute.
with a particular theme and summoning style: scouter,  Reanimator (2 SP/lr): Utility: range 30 ft. (does not
conjurer, animator, beseecher, and commander. require line of sight), 1-8 humanoid corpses. You spend
SP to reanimate the targeted corpses as 6th-level
Summoner Categories undead creatures. These creatures act after your turn
and obey your commands for up to 1 hour, at which
Type Description
point they revert to humanoid corpses.
Animator You craft new reinforcements.
Beseecher You ask for reinforcements. 1 SP: 4 Minions 2 SP: 4 Minions, 1 Grunt
Commander You demand some reinforcements. 1 SP: 1 Grunt 2 SP: 2 Grunts
Conjurer You pull reinforcements from thin air. 2 SP: 8 Minions 2 SP: 1 Elite
Scouter You rouse and rally nearby reinforcements.



A e Animator • A mad artificer throws four metal cubes on the

Animators craft reinforcements from the inanimate and ground which unfold into modron minions.
non-living. These summoners use their power to affect, • A pyromancer reaches into the plane of fire to
awaken, or control something in the environment—use unleash a blazing, paragon elemental.
them when you want to foreshadow threats and turn • A druid pulls a small rat from a pocket and uses
the landscape against the party. Enlarge to transform it into an elite, giant rat.
• A cracked soul trap releases two howling, mad
• A sorcerer uses lightning magic to energise some
clockwork constructs.
• A terramancer places a hand on a giant stone golem
and brings it to life.
E e Scouter
• A dark pylon pulses necromantic power into the Scouters rouse and rally nearby reinforcements with a
ground to resurrect the dead. sign, signal, or sound. These are your alarms, sentries,
• A green dragon roars in the dark forest to awaken guards, and lookouts—use them to create obstacles that
the slumbering treants. the party should try to avoid or quickly subdue.

B e Beseecher • A tripwire alarm unleashes a piercing screech to alert

the kobold guardians.
Beseechers make a plea, bargain, or petition for aid. • A drow hunter fires a flare into the sky to summon
These summoners rely on the patronage of others to the rest of their hunting party.
provide reinforcements—use them when you want to • A surprised sentry rings a bell and cries alarm to
turn a seemingly weak obstacle into a significant danger. rouse the city guard.
• An arcane ward sparks when touched, opening the
ancient sarcophagi.
• A druid calls out to the land and summons the local
wildlife to their aid.
• A warlock makes a sacrificial bargain and is
rewarded with four gibbering abominations. Summoning Power
• A bandit uses promises of gold and treasure to turn
the angry crowd on you. To bring reinforcements into battle, a summoner must
• A cleric prays to their god and is blessed with a spend summoning power (SP)—the more powerful the
celestial, paragon defender. reinforcement, the more power required to summon it.
The Summoning Costs table below contains the basic
costings for each combat rank. By default, summoned
C e Commander reinforcements inherit the combat level of their
summoner—by changing this level, you can change the
Commanders make an irrefutable demand for aid. These SP cost.
summoners rely on underlings, adjutants, and vassals to For every 3 levels you reduce the combat level,
fight in their service—use them when you want to reduce the SP cost by half. For every 3 levels you raise
showcase the influence and power of a monster. the combat level, double the SP cost.

• A noble commands her reluctant bodyguards to fight

Summoning Costs
in her place. Combat Rank COST (SP)
• The commander of the guard blows a loud horn to LVL-3 LVL+0 LVL+3
rally his troops. Minion × 4 0.5 1 2
• An emperor orders the elite guards to ready their Grunt 0.5 1 2
weapons and fight. Elite 1 2 4
• A strange, psionic monolith dominates the nearby Paragon T3 1.5 3 6
villagers and commands them to protect it. Paragon T4 2 4 8
Paragon T5 2.5 5 10
Paragon T6 3 6 12

D e Conjurer
Conjurers pull reinforcements from seemingly thin air, Brindergast wants to summon 4 minions and 1 grunt.
turning the insubstantial into a very substantial threat. The necromancer likes his thralls to be competent, and
These summoners rely on their own powers and so his summoned undead are of equal level (+0)—they
resources to conjure allies—use them to when you want cost a total of 2 SP.
to surprise the party with unexpected reinforcements.



Regaining Summoning Power Pick your Reinforcements

Summoners typically recover all expended SP when they Now you know how much power you have to spend, you
finish a long rest. However, you may want to use other can create a summoning list to determine what your
forms of recovery to reflect the particular fiction or summoner can summon—a handful of minions, a
habits of your summoner—for example: powerful elite, a dangerous paragon, etc.
Choose some options from the Reinforcements table
• Zone of Power: When you start your turn within a below, or create your own. As a general rule of thumb, a
particular area, you regain 1 expended SP. single summoner shouldn't be able to spend more than
• Restorative: When you consume a summoning stone, 6 SP with one action.
you regain up to 50% of your expended SP.
• Escalation: When battle begins, you have 0 SP. You
regain 1 SP at the start of your turns.
• Soul Siphon: When you reduce a creature to 0 hit SP Reinforcements
points, you regain 50% of your expended SP. INSTANT
1 1 × Grunt
Use recovery options to create a variety of exciting, 1 4 × Minion
summoner-themed encounters. SHORT COUNTDOWN
2 1 × Elite
2 2 × Grunt
Making a Summoner 2
4 × Minion, 1 × Grunt
8 × Minion
You can turn any scaling monster into a summoner with LONG COUNTDOWN
these three basic steps: 3 1 × Paragon T3
3 3 × Grunt
3 4 × Minion, 1 × Elite
Create an Uncommon Action 3 4 × Minion, 2 × Grunt
A summoning ability is an uncommon action with a 3 8 × Minion, 1 × Grunt
limited amount of power (i.e. summoning power) and a 3 12 × Minion
single effect (i.e. summoning reinforcements). 4 1 × Paragon T4
When you create this action, assign any range/target 4 2 × Elite
restrictions as necessary (see p42 for more details). 4 4 × Minion, 1 × Grunt, 1 × Elite
Choose a Duration 5 1 × Paragon T5
Summoned reinforcements rarely last forever. Choose 6 1 × Paragon T6
one of the following durations: 6 3 × Elite

• Time: The reinforcements leave, fade, or vanish after Summoning Time

a period of time passes (typically 1 hour). This is most Reinforcements may not always appear the instant they
common with animators and conjurers. are summoned—the bigger your summon, the longer it
• Condition: The reinforcements leave, fade, or vanish takes to complete.
when a certain condition is fulfilled—the enemies are When you perform a summon, use the following
defeated, an oath is satisfied, an order is carried out, guidelines to see when your reinforcements will arrive.
etc. This is most common with beseechers,
commanders, and scouters. • Instant: (max. 1 SP) The reinforcements appear
instantly. This increases the rarity of your action by

Allocate Power one step to rare.

• Short Countdown: (max. 2 SP) Start a countdown
Next, set the maximum amount of summoning power clock at 1. Reduce the clock by 1 at the start of your
your summoner can hold at one time—the more SP, the turns (or, if you are removed from play, where your
more they can summon into battle. Highlight this power turn would normally be). When the clock reaches 0,
with a notable, visual flourish to forewarn the party. the reinforcements appear.
• Long Countdown: (max. 4 SP) Start a countdown at 2.
• Extended Countdown: Start a countdown at 3.
Encounter Costs
When you build scaling encounters (p25), your Brindergast spends 2 points of summoning power to
summoning power affects your value—the more SP you raise 4 skeleton shamblers (minions) and 1 skeleton
have, the more expensive you are to put in an encounter. shielder (grunt).
As a rule of thumb, think of 1 summoning power as 1 This requires a short (1) countdown—the skeletons
additional grunt for the encounter. won't appear until the start of Brindergast's next turn.



The Swarm
I t's dangerous to stand alone on the
battlefield where a lone target becomes an easy
target. For the best chance of survival, stick with your
Swarm of Rats
Medium swarm of tiny beasts

friends and surround the enemy as one swarm—  Level 6 Grunt, Lurker (Exploiter)
strength comes in numbers. STR 18 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 1 WIS 12 CHA 8
This chapter introduces swarms and how to use them +4 +4 +1 −5 +1 −1
in your combat encounters.  AC 9. Saving Throws Dex +7.
♥ HP 44. Bloodied 22.
⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 23. Reach 5 ft.
Krazak tried to step back but the rats were all around
⚡ Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft.
him, swarming underfoot and making it very hard to
 Skills Stealth +7.
move. They looked at him with hungry eyes.
 Senses passive Perception 11.
The dwarf gripped his axe and grinned, licking his
 Proficiency +3. CR 2. XP 575.
lips. "Get yer stewpot ready, Chansi. We're gonna be TRAITS
eating rat meat for a week after this fight."  Swarm: You can occupy another creature's space and
vice versa. You can move through any opening large
enough for a tiny creature. Your space is considered
difficult terrain. You have advantage on attack rolls
Swarms against creatures in your space, and creatures within
your space have disadvantage on attack rolls.
A swarm is a special type of monster that's comprised of You can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit
many smaller entities acting with one mind and as a points. When you would be subject to any of the
single target—a swarm of rats, a mob of civilians, a following conditions, you instead lose 6 hit points:
horde of kobolds, an army of undead, etc. charmed,frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified,
There are six basic categories of swarm, each with a prone, restrained, or stunned.
particular theme and combat style: swarms, mobs,  Thinning Numbers: When you are bloodied, your space
hordes, squads, armies, and machines. is no longer considered difficult terrain.

Swarm Categories  Hold Still (1/round): When you hit with an attack and
the target moved a net distance of 10 ft. or less during
Type Description
it's last turn, you deal 6 additional damage.
Pack A group of beasts or mindless creatures.
Machine A coordinated group of hazards or constructs.
 Sneaky: You take the Hide action.
Mob A small, badly-organized group of creatures.
Horde A large, badly-organized group of creatures.
 Bite: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 23
Squad A small, well-organized group of creatures.
(6d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Army A large, well-organized group of creatures.



A e Pack D e Horde
When a group of beasts or mindless creatures band When several mobs are gathered under one banner,
together in one place, they can form a feral pack. they can form an innumerable horde.
A pack is a primal, gestalt intelligence more A horde is a chaotic melting pot of creatures and
perceptive—and more dangerous—than the the sum of cultures—a writhing mass held together typically by one
its parts. With a wild cunning, the pack can hunt, strong leader who rules with strength, fear, respect, or
surround, trap, and overwhelm far bigger targets—in bribery (wealth, glory, retribution, etc.). Under the right
large enough numbers, the ant can overwhelm the tiger. leader, a horde can be a devastating enemy.

• The people of Timbervale find their logging camps • A powerful necromancer raises a horde of undead
overwhelmed by a pack of beavers. skeletons to serve a nefarious purpose.
• The sewers of Upper Grundelroot have been infested • Kaladraxis protects his mountain of treasure with a
by a pack of oozes. horde of kobolds.
• A pack of wolves prowls Snowpine Forest and picks • A horde of barbarians, united under a wise leader,
at unwary, vulnerable adventurers. travels south to escape the Winter King.
• A pack of ravenous, mindless zombies leaves the • A horde of chaotic warriors lays seige to Bastion, the
dead village to feast on the nearby town. Walled City of the Northern Wild.

B e Machine E e Squad
When a group of constructs are linked together in one When a group of creatures work together in one place,
place, they can form a well-oiled machine. they can form a trained squad.
A machine is an autonomous, goal-driven, A squad is an organized entity with a strong sense of
constructed entity—when given a task, the machine order and unity. Members are typically trained to obey a
does everything it can to complete that task as shared rulebook and code of conduct—everyone knows
efficiently and as unimaginatively as possible. their place and purpose in a squad.

• A machine of interlinked modrons stands watch • A squad of trained guards tries to arrest a band of
outside a secret planar gateway. suspicious adventurers.
• A swarm of tiny constructs form one unified machine • A squad of devoted paladins leaves the camp at
at the command of their artificer. sunrise to fulfill a divine oath.
• A mage protects her arcane tower with roaming • A squad of high elf spellswords use their combined
machines of animated armor. grace to surround and outmaneuver enemies.
• A machine of golems digs tirelessly through the • A squad of goblin guncrackers, held in line by a
mountain, following their long-dead creator's order. commanding hobgoblin, attack as one unit.

C e Mob F e Army
When a group of creatures gather together in one place, When several squads are assembled under an official
they can form an unruly mob. commander, they can form a professional army.
A mob is a chaotic, emotional throng with a strong An army is a strict, regimented organization with a
desire for change but little-or-no direct leadership—the well-understood chain of command—orders flow from
mob may agree on what needs to change but not top to bottom, and those orders must be enacted
necessarily why or how. Yet from that mayhem comes without question. Alert commanders know that this
action—a mob may change the status quo in ways the chain of command is crucial to their army's success—
individual cannot. one broken link and the entire enterprise can fall apart.

• A mob of scared civilians lashes out at an • An orc emperor assembles a mighty army to protect
adventuring party wearing suspicious armor. his #vast realm.
• A mob of bandits attacks the village and steals a • A vampire army attacks the Spire of Toralath to
sacred amulet from the church. destroy the White Star.
• A mob of trolls sets up a toll booth on a vital bridge • The Matron Mothers of Elgin Orsul call forth their
and charges extortionate fees. drow army to attack a vulnerable dwarf city.
• A mob of zealots prowl the town and attack anyone • A kobold army overthrows their draconic overlord
who dares to blaspheme against their deity. and takes over the mountain.



Making a Swarm Spliting a Swarm

You can turn any scaling monster into a swarm with A swarm can spend an action to split itself into two
these three basic steps: separate swarms.

Define the Swarm Size Split

Common Action
First, define the size of the individual thing that makes
up the body of your swarm—the tiny bat, the medium You split yourself into two separate swarms. Each new
orc, the large giant, etc. swarm has 50% of your hit points (rounded down), deals
Then, define the size of your swarm—medium, huge, 50% of your damage (rounded down), and is one size
gargantuan, etc. You must choose a swarm size larger smaller than you.
than than the individual size. You can't split if your new swarm size would be equal to
or smaller than your individual size.
Gain Swarm Traits
Next, apply the following trait to your swarm:
The medium swarm of tiny rats currently has 30 ft.
movement, 44 hit points, and deals 21 base damage. On
Swarm its turn, the swarm of rats moves 10 ft. and then uses it
Any level, rank, or role
action to split into two separate swarms.
You can occupy another creature's space and vice versa. Each new swarm is small, has 22 hit points, and deals
You can move through any opening large enough for a 10 base damage. The swarms then finish their turn by
[individual size] creature. You can't regain hit points or gain each moving their remaining 20 ft.
temporary hit points.
Your space is considered difficult terrain. You have
advantage on attack rolls against creatures in your space,
and creatures within your space have disadvantage on Merging Swarms
attack rolls.
When you would be subject to any of the following A swarm can spend an action to merge itself into
conditions, you instead lose hit points equal to your combat another adjacent swarm of the same type.
level: charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified,
prone, restrained, or stunned. Merge
Common Action

Choose a Bloodied Event You merge yourself into another adjacent or overlapping
swarm of the same type and size. Add your current hit
When a swarm is bloodied (see p53), something happens points to the target swarm.
that reflects the diminishing strength, quantity, or If your size is equal to or larger than the target swarm,
morale of the swarm's individual creatures. Choose one increase the size of the target swarm by one and the
of the following events, or create your own: damage it deals by 100%.

Bloodied Events
Name While you are bloodied... One small swarm of rats (4 hp / 8 dmg) moves adjacent
Easily Spooked You may be frightened or charmed as to another swarm of rats (10 hp / 8 dmg) which hasn't
normal. yet acted, and spends its action to merge.
Easier Target Reduce your AC by 2. The newly unified swarm is one size larger (medium),
Fading Strength Reduce any damage you deal by 50%. has 14 hit points, and deals 16 base damage. The swarm
Lose Momentum Reduce your speed by 50%. then uses its turn to scurry towards Krazak...
Thin Numbers Your space is no longer considered
difficult terrain.

The Swarmed Condition

Krazak hacked down into the writhing swarm biting at
his feet, and there was a chorus of pained squeals as This supplement also introduces a Swarmed condition
the axe cut clean through several rats. (p74) which you can use in your encounters.
The dwarf could tell that the swarm was bloodied— Apply this condition to any creature that is
he was now able to move freely through their rapidly- overlapped by a swarm, and remove it when the
thinning numbers... situation demands (i.e. the creature moves away).



The Sidekick
N ot every monster is your enemy. With
the right actions and the right incentive, some can
become trusted allies (if only temporarily) and fight by
Krazak, Berserker Barbarian
Medium humanoid (dwarf)

your side—some may even join the party. But how do  Level 9 Grunt, Striker (Butcher)
you build and balance these allies? STR 20 DEX 8 CON 20 INT 8 WIS 14 CHA 14
This chapter introduces sidekicks and how to use +5 −1 +5 −1 +2 +2
them in your combat encounters.  AC 14. Saving Throws Str +9, Con +9.
♥ HP 79. Bloodied 40. Resistant to poison. HD 9 (d10).
⚔ ATK +4. DC +12. DMG 27. Reach 5 ft. Range 30 ft.
"I ain't afraid of one elf," sneered the thief as he pulled a
⚡ Speed 30 ft.
dagger. Clanda smiled and snapped her fingers. Four
 Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +6.
hired bodyguards slid out from the shadows to flank the
 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12.
thief. "How about five elves?" she asked.
 Languages Common, Dwarvish.
 Proficiency +4. CR 4. XP 1250.
 Items greataxe.

Sidekicks  Dwarven Resilience: You have advantage on saving

throws against poison.
A sidekick is a special type of combatant that's designed FREE
to fight alongside (or even in place of) regular player  Rage (4/lr): You have advantage on Strength checks
characters. These are creatures that assist, protect, and and Strength saving throws. In addition, you have
ally with the party—henchmen, bodyguards, aides, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
squires, named NPCs, friendly monsters, etc. damage. This effect ends after one minute.
There are four basic categories of sidekick: hirelings,  Brutal (1/turn): You critically hit on a roll of 19-20.
players, champions, and powerhouses. ACTIONS

 Greataxe: Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:

Sidekick Categories 27 (4d12 + 1) slashing damage

 Cleave: Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., two targets. Hit: 14
Type Description
(2d12 + 1) slashing damage
Hireling An ally hired to be in your service or assist
 Iron Grip: Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit:
the party in the some fashion (i.e. a minion).
the target is grappled by you.
Adept A competent ally comparable to a
 Headbutt (1/sr): Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
traditional player character (i.e. a grunt).
creature. Hit: 27 (6d8) bludgeoning damage and the
Champion A notable ally with potent powers and
target is knocked prone (save ends, DC 17 CON).
abilities (i.e. an elite).
 Grudge Breaker (1/lr): Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Powerhouse A fearsome monster that fights in your
creature. Hit: 54 (8d12 + 2) slashing damage.
favor (ie. a paragon).



A e Hireling Making a Sidekick

Hirelings are lesser aides and assistants—allies that can
help the party and deal some damage, but can't endure You can turn any scaling monster into a sidekick with
much punishment in return. To make a hireling, start these two basic steps:
with a minion.

Add some Hit Dice

• A sorceress hires four bodyguards to help keep her Like most player characters, sidekicks have an
safe in the lawless city of Old Riftin. opportunity to mend their wounds. Add some hit dice
• A group of adventurers, preparing for travel, hire two based on your sidekick's combat rank and role:
acolytes to help administer their wounds.
• When ambushed by goblin wolfriders, a beastmaster
convinces four wolves to turn against their handlers.
Maximum Hit Dice
Combat Role Hit Dice
Minion 1 per 4 levels
Grunt 1 per level
B e Adept Elite 2 per level
Adepts are competent allies and capable fighters, able to Paragon 1 per threat per level
stand shoulder-to-shoulder with traditional PCs. To
make an adept, start with a grunt.
Hit Die Size
Combat Rank Hit Die Combat Rank Hit Die
• A lone fighter hires an adept wizard and cleric to join Controller d8 Striker d10
with them in tackling a dungeon. Defender d8 Skirmisher d6
• A new player starts a game with an adept to help Lurker d6 Supporter d10
learn the ropes before making a full character.
• When a character suddenly dies, the player decides
to play as an adept for the rest of the session. The GM wants to turn an orc soldier (5th-level grunt,
defender) into a sidekick. The orc gains 5 × d8 hit dice.

C e Champion
Champions are dangerous enemies but make powerful
Choose a Class (Optional)
allies. These are notable monsters and NPCs—creatures If you want your sidekick to emulate a traditional 5th
who hurt and can take harm. To make a champion, start Edition class, choose a class package.
with an elite. Some features can only be used a limited number of
times; if a feature specifies "PB/lr", you can use it a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
• The party convinces an old hero to come out of
retirement for one last battle.
• A wild-eyed artificer with advanced, arcane weapons
helps the party break into a dragon's lair. • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence.
• The warlock speaks a secret word of eldritch power • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation,
and takes command of a gibbering abomination. Medicine, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand.
• Imbue Item: (Action, Rare (PB/lr)) You can touch a
weapon or piece of armor to imbue it with +1 AC or +1
D e Powerhouse attack bonus for up to 1 hour. While imbued, the item
counts as magical.
Powerhouses are a sight to behold on the battlefield,
tackling multiple foes single-handed. These are your
most valuable allies—if you can find a way to keep them
that way. To make a powerhouse, start with a paragon.
• Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution.
• Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
• A priestess calls upon her deity and is transformed in Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and
a radiant avatar to help battle the undead. Survival.
• To save the city from a tarrasque, the party fight • Rage: (Free, Rare (PB/lr)) You have advantage on
alongside a powerful red dragon and a mighty lich. Strength checks and Strength saving throws. In
• A druid awakens the oldest treant to help save the addition, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
forest from fire elementals. and slashing damage. This effect ends after one minute.



Bard Ranger
• Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma. • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity.
• Skills: Choose any three. • Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics,
• Inspiring Word: (Bonus Action, Rare (PB/lr)) Choose one Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and
ally within 60 ft. of you. Once within the next 10 minutes, Survival.
the ally can add your proficiency bonus to one ability • Hunter's Quarry: (Bonus Action, Rare (PB/lr)) Choose a
check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. creature within 60 ft. For the next minute, you deal
additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus
whenever you hit the creature with a weapon attack.
• Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma. Rogue
• Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine,
Persuasion, and Religion. • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence.
• Divine Blessing: (Action, Rare (PB/lr), Concentration) • Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics,
Choose up to three allies within 30 ft. For the next Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation,
minute, each ally can add half your proficiency bonus to Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand,
any attack roll or saving throw it makes. and Stealth.
• Backstab: (Free, Rare (PB/lr)) When you hit a creature
with a weapon attack and have advantage, you deal
Druid additional damage equal to half your base damage.

• Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom.

• Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Animal Handling, Sorcerer
Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, and
Survival. • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma.
• Primal Shifter: (Action, Rare (PB/lr)) You magically • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, Insight,
assume the shape of a known beast for up to 1 hour. Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion.
Your basic statistics are unchanged, and the shape can • Quick Caster: (Free, Rare (PB/lr)) When you cast a spell
be no larger than your natural size. Your new shape may that requires an action, you can cast it using a bonus
grant you movement options, damage types, or senses. action instead.

Fighter Warlock
• Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution. • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma.
• Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, • Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception,
Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival. History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, and Religion.
• Decisive Action: (Bonus Action, Rare (PB/lr)) You can • Pact Weapon: (Action, Rare (PB/lr)) You summon your
take one additional action. pact blade into your empty hand. You can choose the
form this weapon takes each time you summon it, and
the weapon counts as magical.
• Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity. Wizard
• Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History,
Insight, Religion, and Stealth. • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma.
• Martial Flurry: (Free, Rare (PB/lr)) When you hit a • Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception,
creature with a melee attack, you can a) knock it prone History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, and Religion.
or b) push it up to 15 ft. away. • Magic Ward: (Bonus Action, Rare (PB/lr)) Until the start
of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC and take no
damage from magic missile.
• Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma.
• Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Quick Characters
Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion.
• Smite: (Free, Rare (PB/lr)) When you critically hit a Use an adept when you need a simple, lightweight
creature with a weapon attack, you deal additional player character (one-shots, sidequests, new players,
radiant damage equal to half your base damage. brief replacements for dead or missing characters, etc.).



The Hazard
W hen you head out into adventure,
monsters are not the only thing you should be
afraid of. Hidden traps, treacherous pitfalls, fearsome
Spark Pylon
Medium hazard (construct)

storms, toxic flora—hazards are abundant in the dark  Level 9 Grunt, Controller (Hexer)
and dangerous places of the world. But how do you STR 8 DEX 14 CON 20 INT 20 WIS 14 CHA 0
build these traps and environmental threats? −1 +2 +5 +5 +2 —
This chapter introduces hazards and how to use them  AC 16. Saving Throws Con +9, Int +9.
in your combat encounters. ♥ HP 79. Bloodied 40. Damage Threshold 10. Immune to
necrotic, poison, psychic and all conditions.
⚔ ATK +4. DC +12. DMG 20. Range 60 ft.
Krazak and Clanda peered over the stone wall into the
⚡ Initiative +6.
old graveyard. Faint lights hovered in the dark night—
 Senses passive Perception 12.
wraithmotes, deranged and ravenous spectral embers.
 Proficiency +4. CR 4. XP 1250.
Clanda spotted a mouse running across the TRIGGER
graveyard—in an instant, the wraithmotes had swarmed  You lie dormant until a creature moves within 60 ft. of
it and drained the creature's soul. you. You may then activate and use Spark Bolt. You
Interesting—could the wraithmotes be baited away? remain active for up to 10 minutes.
The sorceress looked at Krazak. An idea formed... TRAITS

 Focused: You have advantage on Concentration saving


Hazards  Shocking Spark: Ranged: +9 to hit, range 60 ft., one

creature. Hit: the target is restrained until the end of its
A hazard is a special type of combatant that creates next turn.
problems for adventurers. These are things to be ACTIONS
avoided, endured, disabled, or disarmed—traps,  Spark Bolt: Ranged: +9 to hit, range 60 ft., one
dangerous weather, hostile environments, automated creature. Hit: 20 (3d12 + 1) lightning damage.
defences, toxic pits, patrolling sentinels, etc. COUNTERMEASURES
There are three basic categories of hazard, each with  Deactivate: An adjacent creature can spend an action
their style of combat: traps, passives, and actives. to deactivate you using a set of thieves' tools (or other
appropriate equipment). Check: DC 11 INT (Arcana)
Hazard Categories Success: You take 26 (4d12) force damage. If you are
reduced to 0 hit points, you are safely deactivated.
Type Description
 Destroy: If you are reduced to 0 hit points by a
Trap A hazard designed to surprise or ambush.
damaging attack, you explode. You deal 20 (3d12 + 1)
Passive A hazard that keeps to itself unless disturbed.
lightning damage to each creature within 10 ft.
Active A hazard that actively hunts or hurts.



A e Trap Making a Hazard

Traps are static hazards that are built, assembled, or
otherwise crafted to guard an area or resource. Use a You can turn any scaling monster into a hazard with
trap when you want to protect something, surprise an these three basic steps:
adventurer, or test the party's perception.

Define a Trigger
• A kobold assembles a rockfall trap at the entrance of A hazard lies dormant until it is activated somehow—
their clan's den with some very heavy rocks. stepping on a trigger plate, walking into range, making
• A dark wizard secures their precious spellbook with noise, etc. Define this trigger in three parts:
a soulshredding trap that activates on touch.
• An artificer builds a trap room lined with spark What action or event activates the hazard?
pylons, pitfalls, and spike traps. What (if anything) happens when the hazard
becomes active?
How long does the hazard remain active for until it
B e Passive becomes dormant again?

Passive hazards keep to themselves until something

aggravates them—at which point they react defensively.
Set a Countermeasure
Use a passive hazard when you want the party to worry Next, define how the hazard can be overcome (if at all).
about entering or moving around a particular area. There are four basic types of countermeasure—choose
any that seem appropriate for your hazard and describe
any related events.
• A field of poisonous mushrooms releases toxic
spores when a poor creature steps into them.
• A giant, wandering sentinel bearing a valuable
treasure turns hostile only when attacked. Type Description
• A static turret watches over an area, shooting bolts Disable The hazard can be completely disabled (i.e.
of force at any who dare approach. reduced to 0 hit points by an ability check).
Destroy The hazard can be destroyed through damage
and harmful effects.
Control The hazard can be controlled for a short time
C e Active through some means (i.e. with ability checks).
Active hazards are always on the hunt, causing harm to Distract The hazard can be distracted or diverted (i.e. with
any targets in range. Use an active hazard when you an appropriate ability check).
want the party to sneak around an area, hide from a
pursuer, or endure an environmental force.
Refine your Attributes
To finish off your hazard, review its attributes and adjust
• Wandering elemental sentinels patrol the druid's any that seem out of place. Consider the following:
grove and attack any unfortunate intruder.
• A dangerous chaos storm rains down on the party, • Add a Damage Threshold: Some hazards are
electrocuting anyone not in cover. particularly hardy and durable. Add a damage
• Deranged wraithmotes haunt the old graveyard and threshold to showcase their resilience.
siphon life from the living. • Immobility: If your hazard is static and immobile,
remove any movement speeds.
• Immaterial: Not every hazard can be attacked,
damaged, or destroyed. If your hazard is a force (e.g. a
Overriding Attributes fierce storm), remove any defences or hit points.
• Static Initiative: if your hazard reacts at fixed
If a hazard shouldn't have a particular ability, either a) intervals, consider using a static initiative bonus.
set the modifier to −5 or b) set the score to 0 • Passive Stealth: If your hazard is intended to use
(automatically fail ability checks/saving throws). stealth or go undetected for a period of time, make a
note of its passive stealth.
• Strength (STR): I can physically affect/resist things. • Salvage: Add any valuable materials can be salvaged
• Dexterity (DEX): I can move and/or aim at things. from your hazard (gemstones, gold, precious metals,
• Constitution (CON): I can endure pain/damage. special herbs, etc.).
• Intelligence (INT): I can make decisions/deductions.
• Wisdom (WIS): I can sense or search for things. Your hazard is now ready to be used in an encounter!
• Charisma (CHA): I am self-aware and/or influential. Mix-and-match hazards with monsters to create a
range of exciting encounters for your campaign.



The Lifelinker
A common battle tactic is to focus fire on
a single enemy—the sooner you can bring them
down, the sooner you can swing the action economy in
Tie ling Mindwarden
Medium humanoid

your direction. But what happens when you meet  Level 9 Grunt, Defender (Bulwark)
enemies that can't be so easily brought down? STR 8 DEX 8 CON 20 INT 20 WIS 14 CHA 14
This chapter introduces lifelinkers and how to use −1 −1 +5 +5 +2 +2
them in your combat encounters.  AC 18. Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +9, Int +9.
♥ HP 59. Bloodied 30. Resistant to fire, psychic.
⚔ ATK +4. DC +12. DMG 20. Reach 5 ft. Range 30 ft.
As the tiefling reached out, Zane slashed up with his
⚡ Speed 25 ft.
dagger and cut a line across the mindwarden's arm. It
 Skills Athletics +3, Insight +6.
recoiled in pain—as did two others simultaneously.
 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12.
Zane ducked back as he realized the mindwardens
 Languages Common, Infernal.
were all lifelinked—three bodies, one pool of health. This
 Proficiency +4. CR 4. XP 1250.
wouldn't be easy... TRAITS

 Lifelinked: Divide any damage or healing you would

take by the total size of your lifelink. Each other
lifelinker then receives the same amount of non-
Lifelinkers preventable damage or healing. If you die, you are no
longer lifelinked.
A lifelinker is a special type of combatant that's  Opportunist: When you make an attack of opportunity,
spiritually, physically, mentally, or magically linked with you have advantage.
one or more creatures. Through their lifelink, these BONUS ACTIONS
creatures share any damage or healing they take in  Defensive Stance (Cooldown 3): You gain +2 AC and
equal measure—they rise as one and they fall as one. advantage on one saving throw of your choice until the
There are five basic categories of lifelinker, each with end of your next turn.
a particular theme and combat style: entwined, ACTIONS
fractured, fused, hivemind, and tethered.  Mind Spike: Melee: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., two creatures.
Hit: 10 (2d8 + 1) psychic damage.
Lifelinker Categories  Mind Blast: Ranged: +9 to hit, range 30 ft., one
creature. Hit: 20 (4d8 + 2) psychic damage.
Type Description
 Force Pull: Save: DC 17 vs STR, range 30 ft, one
Entwined A group of spiritually-connected creatures.
creature. Hit: the creature is pulled 10 ft. towards you
Fractured A singular creature with many separate parts.
 Brainstorm (1/sr): Save: DC 17 vs INT, a 15 ft. sphere
Fused A group of physically-connected creatures.
centered on yourself, all hostile creatures. Hit: 20 (5d6
Hivemind A group of mentally-connected creatures.
+ 3) psychic damage (ongoing, DC 17 INT).
Tethered A group of magically-connected creatures.



B e Entwined E e Tethered
Entwined lifelinkers are spiritually connected to each Tethered lifelinkers are magically or situationally
other. These are your empaths and your soulmates— connected to each other—typically through a spell, a
creatures who share one sensitive heart. magic item, or simple proximity.

• Three clerics are spiritually entwined, bound • Four bandits are tethered through a special,
together by their sacred battle oaths. enchanted amulet they each wear.
• A druid is spiritually entwined with the forest • A knight leaps atop his horse and (while mounted)
animals, sharing in their pain. becomes tethered to the mount.
• Two high elves battle side-by-side, spiritually • A dying warlock casts a spell to tether his life pool
entwined after centuries of life together. himself to the nearest player.

C e Fractured Making a Lifelinker

Fractured lifelinkers are a single creature with multiple,
independent body parts. These are your gigants and You can turn any scaling monster into a lifelinker with
colossals—monsters that can't be fully represented with these two steps:
just one body.
When you want to threaten every part of the
battlefield with a single enemy, consider a fractured.
Define a Lifelink
First, create a lifelink and add some creatures. By linking
together different types of combatant, you can create a
• A fractured, raging dragon with four parts: head, variety of challenges—for example:
body, wings, and tail.
• A fractured, lethal trap room with five parts: three • Unity: Link creatures with similar HP and defences.
flame towers, a crusher, and a power core. • Target: Link one creature with low HP and high
• A fractured, hovering gunbot with three parts: rotors, defences to creatures with high HP and low defences.
body, and artillery. • Weak Point: Link one creature with high HP and low
defences to creatures with low HP and high defences.

A e Fused Apply the Lifelinked Trait

Fused lifelinkers are physically connected to each other. Finally, apply the following trait to each lifelinker.
These are your monstrosities and abominations—
creatures who share one compound body.
Any level, rank, or role

• Five giant rats have been fused at the tail to form a Divide any damage or healing you would take by the total
ravenous, conjoined rat king. size of your lifelink. Each other lifelinker then receives the
• An aberrant monolith dissolves into 4 conjoined, same amount of non-preventable damage or healing. If you
gibbering mouthers. die, you are no longer lifelinked.
• An artificer has protected her workshop with 4
physically-interlinked traps and hazards.

A mindwarden is hit by a fireball which (after applying

D e Hive fire resistance) deals 12 fire damage.

Because the mindwarden is lifelinked with 2 other
Hive lifelinkers are mentally connected to each other. entities, it only takes 4 (12/3) fire damage. The other two
These are your psions and your telepaths—creatures lifelinkers then suffer 4 non-preventable fire damage.
who share one awakened mind.

• A trio of psionics share their thoughts and pain when Targeting Lifelinkers
close to their hive brain.
• A wizard is mentally connected with his familiar, Each lifelinker is an individual entity and can be targeted
sharing thoughts, feelings, and wounds. as such, sharing their damage in equal measure with
• An artificer is mentally connected with her trio of each other. This makes lifelinkers especially susceptible
awakened golems. to area-of-effect spells and abilities—so beware!



Expanded Conditions
Appendices Expand your combat options
with 18 new, modular
FAQs and templates to help you
get started.

Randomizing Damage
Turn any static average into a
random dice roll.


Scaler Templates
Build a new monster in seconds
with these pre-made


Want to know more? Check the
frequently asked questions.


Expanded Conditions
C onditions describe status changes and
can restrict certain abilities—a bard's lullaby makes
you fatigued, a barbarian's axe makes you bleed, a
Medium undead

cryomancer binds your hands with ice magic, etc.  Level 7 Grunt, Controller (Hexer)
This chapter introduces 18 new conditions you can STR 8 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 12 CHA 18
use to create new abilities and features. −1 +4 +1 −1 +1 +4
 AC 15. Saving Throws Dex +7, Cha +7.
♥ HP 65. Bloodied 33. Resistant to acid, fire, lightning,
Severities non-magical physical, thunder. Immune to cold,
necrotic, poison and charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Not every condition is a life-threatening calamity—some grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
are a mere hindrance, others a looming threat. There restrained.
are three severities: common, uncommon, and rare. ⚔ ATK +3. DC +11. DMG 16. Reach 5 ft. Range 30 ft.
⚡ Speed fly 30 ft. (hover). Initiative +7.
• Common conditions can be easily inflicted and—for  Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11.
the most part—easily undone. These conditions  Languages any language it knew in life.
complicate life but don't necessarily threaten it.  Proficiency +3. CR 3. XP 725.
• Uncommon conditions can apply more serious TRAITS
penalties, restrict a small range of actions, or compel  Incorporeal: You can move through other creatures
you to act in particular ways. These conditions can and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 7
quickly escalate—so watch out. force damage if you end your turn inside an object.
• Rare conditions can rob you of your agency, remove  Focused: You have advantage on Concentration saving
you from play, or put you at a significant risk of throws.
death. These conditions are a major hindrance and FREE
should be countered as soon as possible.  Soul Sickness (1/turn): When you hit with an attack,
the target is poisoned until the end of its next turn.
Use a range of severities to create new, surprising ACTIONS
condition effects for your scaling monsters.  Withering Touch: Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 16 (4d6 + 2) necrotic damage.
 Chilling Scream (Concentration): Save: DC 15 vs CHA,
Introducing Conditions range 30 ft., one creature. Hit: The creature is exposed
for up to 1 minute.
When you introduce new conditions into your game, be  Soul Rend (Recharge 5-6): Melee: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
sure to inform your players what they are and how they one creature. Hit: the creature is bleeding and gains 16
work—the more people that understand your (4d6 + 2) ongoing necrotic damage (save ends both, DC
terminology (i.e. "slowed"), the better the experience. 15 CON).



New Conditions Bleeding

Uncommon Condition

Listed below are 18 new conditions you can introduce • At the end of your turn, you lose 1 unspent hit die.
into your game. Use these conditions in combination • While you have no hit die, temporarily increase your
with condition effects (p44) to create new abilities for level of exhaustion by 1.
your scaling monsters.

The mummy's hand burst through the rotten wood and

Uncommon Condition
grabbed hold of Chansi's leg with an iron grip.
In a few short seconds the mummy had drained all • You can't use your hands.
moisture from the halfling's body, leaving her both • You automatically fail any ability check that requires you
dehydrated and feeble. to make a precise movements with your hands.
• You drop anything you are carrying.

Rare Condition
With a surprisingly potent spell, the cryomancer bound
• You are banished to a harmless plane of existence Viridian's hands together with ice. The bard's songblade
• When this condition ends, you reappear in either a) the slipped from his frozen fingers and hit the floor with a
space you left or b) the nearest unoccupied space. loud clang...

Expanded Conditions
Condition Description
Deafened You can't hear anything.
Exposed You are critically hit on a roll of 19-20.
Feeble Whenever you deal damage, reduce it by half.
Grappled You can't move.
Poisoned You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
Prone You are lying on the ground.
Slowed Your speed is reduced to 10 ft and you can't take reactions.
Silenced You can't speak.
Stinking You have disadvantage on concentration checks and social ability checks.
Bleeding At the end of your turn, lose one unspent hit die.
Blinded You can't see anything.
Bound You can't use your hands.
Charmed You can't attack your charmer.
Dazed On your turn, you can move or take an action—but not both.
Fatigued Temporarily increase your level of exhaustion by 1.
Dehydrated Temporarily increase your level of exhaustion by 1.
Disoriented Whenever you make an attack roll, ability check, or a saving throw, roll a d4 and subtract that number.
Frightened You can't move towards the source of your fear.
Invisible You can't be seen.
Restrained You can't move.
Starving Temporarily increase your level of exhaustion by 1.
Swarmed You move as if in difficult terrain, attack rolls against you have advantage, and you attack with disadvantage.
Vulnerable You gain vulnerability to one damage type.
Banished You are momentarily banished to a harmless plane of existence.
Cursed If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you die.
Decaying You can't regain hit points through magical or non-magical means.
Paralyzed You can't move, take actions, take reactions, or speak.
Petrified You are transformed into a solid, inanimate material.
Stunned You can't move, take actions, take reactions, or speak properly.
Transformed You are physically changed into a new form.
Unconscious You can't move, take actions, take reactions, or remain conscious.



Cursed Silenced
Rare Condition Common Condition

• If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you die. • You can't speak.
• You automatically fail any ability check that requires you
to make a vocal sound.

Clanda clutched her hand in sudden pain as it was

struck by the eldritch cultist's dark magic. A black, inky
spot took form in the middle of her palm—the mark of
Common Condition
The Maw. The cultist drew a hooked knife with a grin,
and stepped towards the sorceress... • Your speed is reduced to 10 ft.
• You can't take reactions.

Uncommon Condition Starving
Uncommon Condition
• During your turn, you can move or take an action.
• You can't take reactions. • Temporarily increase your level of exhaustion by 1.
• You have disadvantage on concentration checks. • For every additional 24 hours you go without sufficient
food, increase this penalty by 1.

Rare Condition Stinking
Common Condition
• You can't regain hit points through any means.
• You have disadvantage on concentration checks and
any ability check to interact socially.
Uncommon Condition
• Temporarily increase your level of exhaustion by 1. Uncommon Condition
• For every additional 24 hours you go without sufficient
water, increase this penalty by 1. • You move as if in difficult terrain.
• Attack rolls against you have advantage, and your attack
rolls have disadvantage.
Uncommon Condition
• Whenever you make an attack roll, ability check, or a Rare Condition
saving throw, roll a d4 and subtract that number.
• You are physically changed into a new form.
• Your hit points and attributes are unchanged.
Exposed • Your form dictates the actions you can take. You can't
Common Condition
speak, cast spells, or take actions that require hands.
• Your gear melds into your new form. You can't activate,
• You are critically hit on a roll of 19-20. use, wield, or benefit from your equipment.

Fatigued Krazak was annoyed with himself. He really should have

Uncommon Condition
known better than to drink that potion without checking
• Temporarily increase your level of exhaustion by 1. it first—but no. Now he was stuck as a polymorphed
• For every additional 24 hours you go without sufficient frog for at least the next hour. Just great.
sleep, increase this penalty by 1.

Feeble Uncommon Condition
Common Condition
• You gain vulnerability to a particular damage type or, if
• Whenever you deal damage, reduce it by half. you have immunity, it is reduced to resistance.



Randomizing Damage
T his supplement uses static, average
values when describing features such as hit points
and damage—static numbers are much easier to work
Choose a Random Range
Now decide how unpredictable you want the result to be
with when crafting attacks and making new monsters. —the more chaotic, the bigger the dice you roll and the
But what do you do if you want to add some variety wider the range of possible results.
to your hit points and attack damage—or you just really There are 7 basic categories to choose from: accurate
like to roll dice? (d4), predictable (d6), reliable (d8), irregular (d10), volatile
This chapter describes how you can convert static (d12), wild (d20), and chaotic (d100).
numbers into randomized dice rolls.

Gannimor is reckless with his axe and precise with his

Static to Random dagger. To reflect this, the GM opts for volatile (d12) axe
damage and accurate (d4) dagger damage.
To create a randomized roll from a static value, just
follow these three simple steps:

Create a Randomized Roll

Choose an Average Result Finally, look through the Dice Rolls table to find a
First, choose a number to act as the average result for suitable dice roll for your range and target average.
your random dice roll.
You can turn any static number (typically hit points
or damage) into a random roll, and you can randomize The GM finds two dice rolls that are a good fit—2d12
either all of or part of the total amount. (averaging 13) and 4d4 (averaging 10). Gannimor's
profile is updated with two attack options:

Gannimor Strax is a ferocious orc pit-fighter who dual- • Attack (Axe): 2d12 + 1 (14 - 13)
wields a battle axe and dagger in battle. As a 5th-level • Attack (Dagger): 4d4 + 4 (14 - 10)
elite striker, the orc has a base damage of 14.

The GM wants to randomize Gannimor's damage and

starts to create rolls for the orc's axe and dagger Wild Swings
attacks—both with a target average of 14.
The GM could randomize the orc's hit points using Rolling big dice for your damage (d10s, d12s, etc) is
the same process, but chooses not to—they decide that exciting but can lead to some swingy combat. Use a
it wouldn't add any noticeable variety because variety of dice options to keep things interesting and
Gannimor is already one-of-a-kind. control the tempo of your monsters.



Dice Rolls
Dice Roll Average Common Max Dice Roll Average Common Max
Range Range
ACCURATE 7d10 38 30-47 70
1d4 2 1-4 4 8d10 44 35-53 80
2d4 5 3-7 8 9d10 49 40-59 90
3d4 7 5-10 12 10d10 55 45-65 100
4d4 10 7-13 16 11d10 60 50-71 110
5d4 12 10-15 20 12d10 66 56-76 120
6d4 15 12-18 24 13d10 71 61-82 130
7d4 17 14-21 28 14d10 77 66-88 140
8d4 20 16-24 32 15d10 82 71-94 150
9d4 22 19-26 36 16d10 88 76-100 160
10d4 25 21-29 40 VOLATILE
11d4 27 23-32 44 1d12 6 3-10 12
12d4 30 26-34 48 2d12 13 8-18 24
13d4 32 28-37 52 3d12 19 13-26 36
14d4 35 30-40 56 4d12 26 19-33 48
15d4 37 33-42 60 5d12 32 24-41 60
16d4 40 35-45 64 6d12 39 30-48 72
PREDICTABLE 7d12 45 36-55 84
1d6 3 1-6 6 8d12 52 42-62 96
2d6 7 4-10 12 9d12 58 48-69 108
3d6 10 7-14 18 10d12 65 54-76 120
4d6 14 10-18 24 11d12 71 60-83 132
5d6 17 13-22 30 12d12 78 66-90 144
6d6 21 16-26 36 13d12 84 72-97 156
7d6 24 19-30 42 14d12 91 78-104 168
8d6 28 23-33 48 15d12 97 84-111 180
9d6 31 26-37 54 16d12 104 90-118 192
10d6 35 29-41 60 WILD
11d6 38 32-45 66 1d20 10 4-17 20
12d6 42 36-48 72 2d20 21 12-30 40
13d6 45 39-52 78 3d20 31 21-42 60
14d6 49 42-56 84 4d20 42 30-54 80
15d6 52 45-60 90 5d20 52 39-66 100
16d6 56 49-63 96 6d20 63 48-78 120
RELIABLE 7d20 73 58-89 140
1d8 4 2-7 8 8d20 84 67-101 160
2d8 9 5-13 16 9d20 94 77-112 180
3d8 13 9-18 24 10d20 105 86-124 200
4d8 18 13-23 32 11d20 115 96-135 220
5d8 22 17-28 40 12d20 126 106-146 240
6d8 27 21-33 48 13d20 136 115-158 260
7d8 31 25-38 56 14d20 147 125-169 280
8d8 36 29-43 64 15d20 157 135-180 300
9d8 40 33-48 72 16d20 168 144-192 320
10d8 45 37-53 80 CHAOTIC
11d8 49 41-58 88 1d100 50 21-80 100
12d8 54 46-62 96 2d100 101 60-142 200
13d8 58 50-67 104 3d100 151 101-202 300
14d8 63 54-72 112 4d100 202 144-260 400
15d8 67 58-77 120 5d100 252 187-318 500
16d8 72 62-82 128 6d100 303 232-374 600
IRREGULAR 7d100 353 277-430 700
1d10 5 2-9 10 8d100 404 322-486 800
2d10 11 6-16 20 9d100 454 367-542 900
3d10 16 11-22 30 10d100 505 413-597 1000
4d10 22 16-28 40 11d100 555 459-652 1100
5d10 27 21-34 50 12d100 606 506-706 1200
6d10 33 25-41 60 13d100 656 552-761 1300



Scaler Templates
T o help you build a new monster fast, this
chapter contains a set of pre-made templates for
every scaling combat rank and role between levels 0-30.
Overriding Attributes
Use these templates to stat out your scaling Modifiers listed in these templates are recommended
monsters before fleshing them out with special traits, averages and can be adjusted. If it doesn't make sense
attacks, and utilities. for your monster to have a particular ability, either a) set
the modifier to −5 or b) set the score to 0 (automatically
fail ability checks/saving throws).
Using a Template When in doubt, this supplement uses the following
to determine if an ability is appropriate:
To use a scaler template, follow these steps:
• Strength (STR): I can physically affect/resist things.

Choose a Level/Rank/Role •

Dexterity (DEX): I can move and/or aim at things.
Constitution (CON): I can endure pain/damage.
First, choose a combat level (0-30), then a combat rank • Intelligence (INT): I can make decisions/deductions.
(minion, grunt, elite, or paragon), then a combat role • Wisdom (WIS): I can sense or search for things.
(controller, defender, lurker, skirmisher, striker, or • Charisma (CHA): I am self-aware and/or influential.
supporter). Find your specific template in the tables

Set your Combat Stats

Rank your Ability Modifiers Now apply your other combat stats—AC, HP, attack
Get the ability modifiers for your template and assign bonuses and DCs, average damage, etc.
them to your six abilities in order of preference: STR,
Finishing Touches
Pick your Saving rows Now apply the following to finish your basic profile:

Now choose a number of trained saving throws (TST). • Initiative: Gain this initiative bonus.
• Speed: Apply the speed modifier to your movement.
• Skill: Gain training in perception or stealth.
The GM wants to build a 4th-level grunt striker. First, • Paragon Features: Apply any paragon
they assign the six ability modifiers in order of power/defences.
preference (STR +4, DEX +1, CON +4, INT −1, WIS −1,
CHA +1). Then, they choose two trained saving throws— Once you have the basic attributes in place, consider
in this case, Strength and Wisdom. adding some scaling features (p38), battletide effects
(p53), or archetypes (p57).



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 0 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +2 +2 — 14 3 1 +2 +10 1 — — — 0 6
Defender +2 — −5 16 2 2 +2 +10 1 — — — 0 6
Lurker +2 — — 8 2 0 +2 +10 1 — — Stealth 0 6
Skirmisher +2 — +5 10 2 1 +2 +10 1 — — Perception 0 6
Striker +2 — — 12 3 1 +2 +10 1 — — — 0 6
Supporter +2 +2 — 12 4 1 +2 +10 1 — — — 0 6
GRUNT LEVEL 0 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +2 +2 — 14 16 2 +2 +10 1 — — — 1/8 25
Defender +2 — −5 16 12 3 +2 +10 1 — — — 1/8 25
Lurker +2 — — 8 12 1 +2 +10 1 — — Stealth 1/8 25
Skirmisher +2 — +5 10 12 2 +2 +10 1 — — Perception 1/8 25
Striker +2 — — 12 16 2 +2 +10 1 — — — 1/8 25
Supporter +2 +2 — 12 20 2 +2 +10 1 — — — 1/8 25
ELITE LEVEL 0 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +2 +3 — 15 32 3 +2 +10 1 1 — — 1/4 50
Defender +2 +1 −5 17 24 4 +2 +10 1 1 — — 1/4 50
Lurker +2 +1 — 9 24 2 +2 +10 1 1 — Stealth 1/4 50
Skirmisher +2 +1 +5 11 24 3 +2 +10 1 1 — Perception 1/4 50
Striker +2 +1 — 13 32 3 +2 +10 1 1 — — 1/4 50
Supporter +2 +3 — 13 40 3 +2 +10 1 1 — — 1/4 50
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 0 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +2 +4 — 16 48 3 +2 +10 1 2 1 — 1/4 75
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 36 4 +2 +10 1 2 1 — 1/4 75
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 36 2 +2 +10 1 2 1 Stealth 1/4 75
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 36 3 +2 +10 1 2 1 Perception 1/4 75
Striker +2 +2 — 14 48 3 +2 +10 1 2 1 — 1/4 75
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 60 3 +2 +10 1 2 1 — 1/4 75
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 0 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +2 +4 — 16 64 3 +2 +10 1 3 2 — 1/2 100
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 48 4 +2 +10 1 3 2 — 1/2 100
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 48 2 +2 +10 1 3 2 Stealth 1/2 100
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 48 3 +2 +10 1 3 2 Perception 1/2 100
Striker +2 +2 — 14 64 3 +2 +10 1 3 2 — 1/2 100
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 80 3 +2 +10 1 3 2 — 1/2 100
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 0 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +2 +4 — 16 80 3 +2 +10 1 4 2 — 1/2 125
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 60 4 +2 +10 1 4 2 — 1/2 125
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 60 2 +2 +10 1 4 2 Stealth 1/2 125
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 60 3 +2 +10 1 4 2 Perception 1/2 125
Striker +2 +2 — 14 80 3 +2 +10 1 4 2 — 1/2 125
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 100 3 +2 +10 1 4 2 — 1/2 125
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 0 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +2 +4 — 16 96 3 +2 +10 1 5 3 — 1/2 150
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 72 4 +2 +10 1 5 3 — 1/2 150
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 72 2 +2 +10 1 5 3 Stealth 1/2 150
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 72 3 +2 +10 1 5 3 Perception 1/2 150
Striker +2 +2 — 14 96 3 +2 +10 1 5 3 — 1/2 150
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 120 3 +2 +10 1 5 3 — 1/2 150
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 0 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +2 +4 — 16 112 3 +2 +10 1 6 3 — 1/2 175
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 84 4 +2 +10 1 6 3 — 1/2 175
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 84 2 +2 +10 1 6 3 Stealth 1/2 175
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 84 3 +2 +10 1 6 3 Perception 1/2 175
Striker +2 +2 — 14 112 3 +2 +10 1 6 3 — 1/2 175
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 140 3 +2 +10 1 6 3 — 1/2 175



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 1 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +2 +2 — 14 5 1 +2 +10 2 — — — 0 12
Defender +2 — −5 16 3 2 +2 +10 2 — — — 0 12
Lurker +2 — — 8 3 0 +2 +10 3 — — Stealth 0 12
Skirmisher +2 — +5 10 3 1 +2 +10 2 — — Perception 0 12
Striker +2 — — 12 5 1 +2 +10 2 — — — 0 12
Supporter +2 +2 — 12 6 1 +2 +10 2 — — — 0 12
GRUNT LEVEL 1 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +2 +2 — 14 23 2 +2 +10 2 — — — 1/4 50
Defender +2 — −5 16 17 3 +2 +10 2 — — — 1/4 50
Lurker +2 — — 8 17 1 +2 +10 4 — — Stealth 1/4 50
Skirmisher +2 — +5 10 17 2 +2 +10 3 — — Perception 1/4 50
Striker +2 — — 12 23 2 +2 +10 3 — — — 1/4 50
Supporter +2 +2 — 12 29 2 +2 +10 2 — — — 1/4 50
ELITE LEVEL 1 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +2 +3 — 15 46 3 +2 +10 2 1 — — 1/2 100
Defender +2 +1 −5 17 35 4 +2 +10 2 1 — — 1/2 100
Lurker +2 +1 — 9 35 2 +2 +10 4 1 — Stealth 1/2 100
Skirmisher +2 +1 +5 11 35 3 +2 +10 3 1 — Perception 1/2 100
Striker +2 +1 — 13 46 3 +2 +10 3 1 — — 1/2 100
Supporter +2 +3 — 13 58 3 +2 +10 2 1 — — 1/2 100
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 1 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +2 +4 — 16 69 3 +2 +10 3 2 1 — 1/2 150
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 52 4 +2 +10 3 2 1 — 1/2 150
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 52 2 +2 +10 5 2 1 Stealth 1/2 150
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 52 3 +2 +10 4 2 1 Perception 1/2 150
Striker +2 +2 — 14 69 3 +2 +10 4 2 1 — 1/2 150
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 86 3 +2 +10 3 2 1 — 1/2 150
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 1 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +2 +4 — 16 92 3 +2 +10 3 3 2 — 1 200
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 69 4 +2 +10 3 3 2 — 1 200
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 69 2 +2 +10 5 3 2 Stealth 1 200
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 69 3 +2 +10 4 3 2 Perception 1 200
Striker +2 +2 — 14 92 3 +2 +10 4 3 2 — 1 200
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 115 3 +2 +10 3 3 2 — 1 200
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 1 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +2 +4 — 16 115 3 +2 +10 3 4 2 — 1 250
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 86 4 +2 +10 3 4 2 — 1 250
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 86 2 +2 +10 5 4 2 Stealth 1 250
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 86 3 +2 +10 4 4 2 Perception 1 250
Striker +2 +2 — 14 115 3 +2 +10 4 4 2 — 1 250
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 144 3 +2 +10 3 4 2 — 1 250
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 1 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +2 +4 — 16 138 3 +2 +10 3 5 3 — 1 300
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 104 4 +2 +10 3 5 3 — 1 300
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 104 2 +2 +10 5 5 3 Stealth 1 300
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 104 3 +2 +10 4 5 3 Perception 1 300
Striker +2 +2 — 14 138 3 +2 +10 4 5 3 — 1 300
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 173 3 +2 +10 3 5 3 — 1 300
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 1 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +2 +4 — 16 161 3 +2 +10 3 6 3 — 1 350
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 121 4 +2 +10 3 6 3 — 1 350
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 121 2 +2 +10 5 6 3 Stealth 1 350
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 121 3 +2 +10 4 6 3 Perception 1 350
Striker +2 +2 — 14 161 3 +2 +10 4 6 3 — 1 350
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 201 3 +2 +10 3 6 3 — 1 350



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 2 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +2 +2 — 14 6 1 +2 +10 3 — — — 1/8 28
Defender +2 — −5 16 5 2 +2 +10 3 — — — 1/8 28
Lurker +2 — — 8 5 0 +2 +10 6 — — Stealth 1/8 28
Skirmisher +2 — +5 10 5 1 +2 +10 5 — — Perception 1/8 28
Striker +2 — — 12 6 1 +2 +10 5 — — — 1/8 28
Supporter +2 +2 — 12 8 1 +2 +10 3 — — — 1/8 28
GRUNT LEVEL 2 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +2 +2 — 14 30 2 +2 +10 5 — — — 1/2 112
Defender +2 — −5 16 23 3 +2 +10 5 — — — 1/2 112
Lurker +2 — — 8 23 1 +2 +10 8 — — Stealth 1/2 112
Skirmisher +2 — +5 10 23 2 +2 +10 6 — — Perception 1/2 112
Striker +2 — — 12 30 2 +2 +10 6 — — — 1/2 112
Supporter +2 +2 — 12 38 2 +2 +10 5 — — — 1/2 112
ELITE LEVEL 2 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +2 +3 — 15 60 3 +2 +10 5 1 — — 1 225
Defender +2 +1 −5 17 45 4 +2 +10 5 1 — — 1 225
Lurker +2 +1 — 9 45 2 +2 +10 8 1 — Stealth 1 225
Skirmisher +2 +1 +5 11 45 3 +2 +10 7 1 — Perception 1 225
Striker +2 +1 — 13 60 3 +2 +10 7 1 — — 1 225
Supporter +2 +3 — 13 75 3 +2 +10 5 1 — — 1 225
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 2 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +2 +4 — 16 90 3 +2 +10 5 2 1 — 1 337
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 68 4 +2 +10 5 2 1 — 1 337
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 68 2 +2 +10 9 2 1 Stealth 1 337
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 68 3 +2 +10 7 2 1 Perception 1 337
Striker +2 +2 — 14 90 3 +2 +10 7 2 1 — 1 337
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 113 3 +2 +10 5 2 1 — 1 337
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 2 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +2 +4 — 16 120 3 +2 +10 5 3 2 — 2 450
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 90 4 +2 +10 5 3 2 — 2 450
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 90 2 +2 +10 9 3 2 Stealth 2 450
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 90 3 +2 +10 7 3 2 Perception 2 450
Striker +2 +2 — 14 120 3 +2 +10 7 3 2 — 2 450
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 150 3 +2 +10 5 3 2 — 2 450
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 2 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +2 +4 — 16 150 3 +2 +10 5 4 2 — 2 562
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 113 4 +2 +10 5 4 2 — 2 562
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 113 2 +2 +10 9 4 2 Stealth 2 562
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 113 3 +2 +10 7 4 2 Perception 2 562
Striker +2 +2 — 14 150 3 +2 +10 7 4 2 — 2 562
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 188 3 +2 +10 5 4 2 — 2 562
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 2 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +2 +4 — 16 180 3 +2 +10 5 5 3 — 2 675
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 135 4 +2 +10 5 5 3 — 2 675
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 135 2 +2 +10 9 5 3 Stealth 2 675
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 135 3 +2 +10 7 5 3 Perception 2 675
Striker +2 +2 — 14 180 3 +2 +10 7 5 3 — 2 675
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 225 3 +2 +10 5 5 3 — 2 675
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 2 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +2 +4 — 16 210 3 +2 +10 5 6 3 — 3 787
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 158 4 +2 +10 5 6 3 — 3 787
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 158 2 +2 +10 9 6 3 Stealth 3 787
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 158 3 +2 +10 7 6 3 Perception 3 787
Striker +2 +2 — 14 210 3 +2 +10 7 6 3 — 3 787
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 263 3 +2 +10 5 6 3 — 3 787



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 3 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +2 +2 — 14 7 1 +2 +10 5 — — — 1/8 43
Defender +2 — −5 16 6 2 +2 +10 5 — — — 1/8 43
Lurker +2 — — 8 6 0 +2 +10 8 — — Stealth 1/8 43
Skirmisher +2 — +5 10 6 1 +2 +10 7 — — Perception 1/8 43
Striker +2 — — 12 7 1 +2 +10 7 — — — 1/8 43
Supporter +2 +2 — 12 9 1 +2 +10 5 — — — 1/8 43
GRUNT LEVEL 3 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +3, +3, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +2 +2 — 14 37 2 +2 +10 7 — — — 1/2 175
Defender +2 — −5 16 28 3 +2 +10 7 — — — 1/2 175
Lurker +2 — — 8 28 1 +2 +10 11 — — Stealth 1/2 175
Skirmisher +2 — +5 10 28 2 +2 +10 9 — — Perception 1/2 175
Striker +2 — — 12 37 2 +2 +10 9 — — — 1/2 175
Supporter +2 +2 — 12 46 2 +2 +10 7 — — — 1/2 175
ELITE LEVEL 3 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +2 +3 — 15 74 3 +2 +10 7 1 — — 1 350
Defender +2 +1 −5 17 56 4 +2 +10 7 1 — — 1 350
Lurker +2 +1 — 9 56 2 +2 +10 12 1 — Stealth 1 350
Skirmisher +2 +1 +5 11 56 3 +2 +10 10 1 — Perception 1 350
Striker +2 +1 — 13 74 3 +2 +10 10 1 — — 1 350
Supporter +2 +3 — 13 93 3 +2 +10 7 1 — — 1 350
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 3 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +2 +4 — 16 111 3 +2 +10 8 2 1 — 2 525
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 83 4 +2 +10 8 2 1 — 2 525
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 83 2 +2 +10 13 2 1 Stealth 2 525
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 83 3 +2 +10 11 2 1 Perception 2 525
Striker +2 +2 — 14 111 3 +2 +10 11 2 1 — 2 525
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 139 3 +2 +10 8 2 1 — 2 525
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 3 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +2 +4 — 16 148 3 +2 +10 8 3 2 — 3 700
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 111 4 +2 +10 8 3 2 — 3 700
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 111 2 +2 +10 13 3 2 Stealth 3 700
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 111 3 +2 +10 11 3 2 Perception 3 700
Striker +2 +2 — 14 148 3 +2 +10 11 3 2 — 3 700
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 185 3 +2 +10 8 3 2 — 3 700
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 3 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +2 +4 — 16 185 3 +2 +10 8 4 2 — 3 875
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 139 4 +2 +10 8 4 2 — 3 875
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 139 2 +2 +10 13 4 2 Stealth 3 875
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 139 3 +2 +10 11 4 2 Perception 3 875
Striker +2 +2 — 14 185 3 +2 +10 11 4 2 — 3 875
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 231 3 +2 +10 8 4 2 — 3 875
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 3 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +2 +4 — 16 222 3 +2 +10 8 5 3 — 3 1,050
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 167 4 +2 +10 8 5 3 — 3 1,050
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 167 2 +2 +10 13 5 3 Stealth 3 1,050
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 167 3 +2 +10 11 5 3 Perception 3 1,050
Striker +2 +2 — 14 222 3 +2 +10 11 5 3 — 3 1,050
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 278 3 +2 +10 8 5 3 — 3 1,050
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 3 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +2 +4 — 16 259 3 +2 +10 8 6 3 — 4 1,225
Defender +2 +2 −5 18 194 4 +2 +10 8 6 3 — 4 1,225
Lurker +2 +2 — 10 194 2 +2 +10 13 6 3 Stealth 4 1,225
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 12 194 3 +2 +10 11 6 3 Perception 4 1,225
Striker +2 +2 — 14 259 3 +2 +10 11 6 3 — 4 1,225
Supporter +2 +4 — 14 324 3 +2 +10 8 6 3 — 4 1,225



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 4 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +2 +2 — 15 9 1 +2 +10 7 — — — 1/4 68
Defender +2 — −5 17 7 2 +2 +10 7 — — — 1/4 68
Lurker +2 — — 9 7 0 +2 +10 11 — — Stealth 1/4 68
Skirmisher +2 — +5 11 7 1 +2 +10 9 — — Perception 1/4 68
Striker +2 — — 13 9 1 +2 +10 9 — — — 1/4 68
Supporter +2 +2 — 13 11 1 +2 +10 7 — — — 1/4 68
GRUNT LEVEL 4 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +2 +2 — 15 44 2 +2 +10 9 — — — 1 275
Defender +2 — −5 17 33 3 +2 +10 9 — — — 1 275
Lurker +2 — — 9 33 1 +2 +10 15 — — Stealth 1 275
Skirmisher +2 — +5 11 33 2 +2 +10 12 — — Perception 1 275
Striker +2 — — 13 44 2 +2 +10 12 — — — 1 275
Supporter +2 +2 — 13 55 2 +2 +10 9 — — — 1 275
ELITE LEVEL 4 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +2 +3 — 16 88 3 +2 +10 10 1 — — 2 550
Defender +2 +1 −5 18 66 4 +2 +10 10 1 — — 2 550
Lurker +2 +1 — 10 66 2 +2 +10 17 1 — Stealth 2 550
Skirmisher +2 +1 +5 12 66 3 +2 +10 13 1 — Perception 2 550
Striker +2 +1 — 14 88 3 +2 +10 13 1 — — 2 550
Supporter +2 +3 — 14 110 3 +2 +10 10 1 — — 2 550
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 4 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +2 +4 — 17 132 3 +2 +10 11 2 1 — 3 825
Defender +2 +2 −5 19 99 4 +2 +10 11 2 1 — 3 825
Lurker +2 +2 — 11 99 2 +2 +10 18 2 1 Stealth 3 825
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 13 99 3 +2 +10 14 2 1 Perception 3 825
Striker +2 +2 — 15 132 3 +2 +10 14 2 1 — 3 825
Supporter +2 +4 — 15 165 3 +2 +10 11 2 1 — 3 825
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 4 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +2 +4 — 17 176 3 +2 +10 11 3 2 — 4 1,100
Defender +2 +2 −5 19 132 4 +2 +10 11 3 2 — 4 1,100
Lurker +2 +2 — 11 132 2 +2 +10 18 3 2 Stealth 4 1,100
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 13 132 3 +2 +10 14 3 2 Perception 4 1,100
Striker +2 +2 — 15 176 3 +2 +10 14 3 2 — 4 1,100
Supporter +2 +4 — 15 220 3 +2 +10 11 3 2 — 4 1,100
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 4 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +2 +4 — 17 220 3 +2 +10 11 4 2 — 4 1,375
Defender +2 +2 −5 19 165 4 +2 +10 11 4 2 — 4 1,375
Lurker +2 +2 — 11 165 2 +2 +10 18 4 2 Stealth 4 1,375
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 13 165 3 +2 +10 14 4 2 Perception 4 1,375
Striker +2 +2 — 15 220 3 +2 +10 14 4 2 — 4 1,375
Supporter +2 +4 — 15 275 3 +2 +10 11 4 2 — 4 1,375
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 4 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +2 +4 — 17 264 3 +2 +10 11 5 3 — 4 1,650
Defender +2 +2 −5 19 198 4 +2 +10 11 5 3 — 4 1,650
Lurker +2 +2 — 11 198 2 +2 +10 18 5 3 Stealth 4 1,650
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 13 198 3 +2 +10 14 5 3 Perception 4 1,650
Striker +2 +2 — 15 264 3 +2 +10 14 5 3 — 4 1,650
Supporter +2 +4 — 15 330 3 +2 +10 11 5 3 — 4 1,650
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 4 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +2 +4 — 17 308 3 +2 +10 11 6 3 — 5 1,925
Defender +2 +2 −5 19 231 4 +2 +10 11 6 3 — 5 1,925
Lurker +2 +2 — 11 231 2 +2 +10 18 6 3 Stealth 5 1,925
Skirmisher +2 +2 +5 13 231 3 +2 +10 14 6 3 Perception 5 1,925
Striker +2 +2 — 15 308 3 +2 +10 14 6 3 — 5 1,925
Supporter +2 +4 — 15 385 3 +2 +10 11 6 3 — 5 1,925



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 5 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +3 +3 — 15 10 1 +3 +11 8 — — — 1/2 112
Defender +3 — −5 17 8 2 +3 +11 8 — — — 1/2 112
Lurker +3 — — 9 8 0 +3 +11 14 — — Stealth 1/2 112
Skirmisher +3 — +5 11 8 1 +3 +11 11 — — Perception 1/2 112
Striker +3 — — 13 10 1 +3 +11 11 — — — 1/2 112
Supporter +3 +3 — 13 13 1 +3 +11 8 — — — 1/2 112
GRUNT LEVEL 5 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +3 +3 — 15 51 2 +3 +11 11 — — — 2 450
Defender +3 — −5 17 38 3 +3 +11 11 — — — 2 450
Lurker +3 — — 9 38 1 +3 +11 19 — — Stealth 2 450
Skirmisher +3 — +5 11 38 2 +3 +11 15 — — Perception 2 450
Striker +3 — — 13 51 2 +3 +11 15 — — — 2 450
Supporter +3 +3 — 13 64 2 +3 +11 11 — — — 2 450
ELITE LEVEL 5 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +3 +4 — 16 102 3 +3 +11 12 1 — — 3 900
Defender +3 +1 −5 18 77 4 +3 +11 12 1 — — 3 900
Lurker +3 +1 — 10 77 2 +3 +11 21 1 — Stealth 3 900
Skirmisher +3 +1 +5 12 77 3 +3 +11 17 1 — Perception 3 900
Striker +3 +1 — 14 102 3 +3 +11 17 1 — — 3 900
Supporter +3 +4 — 14 128 3 +3 +11 12 1 — — 3 900
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 5 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +3 +6 — 17 153 3 +3 +11 14 2 1 — 4 1,350
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 115 4 +3 +11 14 2 1 — 4 1,350
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 115 2 +3 +11 23 2 1 Stealth 4 1,350
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 115 3 +3 +11 18 2 1 Perception 4 1,350
Striker +3 +3 — 15 153 3 +3 +11 18 2 1 — 4 1,350
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 191 3 +3 +11 14 2 1 — 4 1,350
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 5 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +3 +6 — 17 204 3 +3 +11 14 3 2 — 5 1,800
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 153 4 +3 +11 14 3 2 — 5 1,800
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 153 2 +3 +11 23 3 2 Stealth 5 1,800
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 153 3 +3 +11 18 3 2 Perception 5 1,800
Striker +3 +3 — 15 204 3 +3 +11 18 3 2 — 5 1,800
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 255 3 +3 +11 14 3 2 — 5 1,800
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 5 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +3 +6 — 17 255 3 +3 +11 14 4 2 — 5 2,250
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 191 4 +3 +11 14 4 2 — 5 2,250
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 191 2 +3 +11 23 4 2 Stealth 5 2,250
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 191 3 +3 +11 18 4 2 Perception 5 2,250
Striker +3 +3 — 15 255 3 +3 +11 18 4 2 — 5 2,250
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 319 3 +3 +11 14 4 2 — 5 2,250
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 5 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +3 +6 — 17 306 3 +3 +11 14 5 3 — 6 2,700
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 230 4 +3 +11 14 5 3 — 6 2,700
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 230 2 +3 +11 23 5 3 Stealth 6 2,700
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 230 3 +3 +11 18 5 3 Perception 6 2,700
Striker +3 +3 — 15 306 3 +3 +11 18 5 3 — 6 2,700
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 383 3 +3 +11 14 5 3 — 6 2,700
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 5 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +3 +6 — 17 357 3 +3 +11 14 6 3 — 7 3,150
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 268 4 +3 +11 14 6 3 — 7 3,150
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 268 2 +3 +11 23 6 3 Stealth 7 3,150
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 268 3 +3 +11 18 6 3 Perception 7 3,150
Striker +3 +3 — 15 357 3 +3 +11 18 6 3 — 7 3,150
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 446 3 +3 +11 14 6 3 — 7 3,150



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 6 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +3 +3 — 15 12 1 +3 +11 10 — — — 1/2 143
Defender +3 — −5 17 9 2 +3 +11 10 — — — 1/2 143
Lurker +3 — — 9 9 0 +3 +11 17 — — Stealth 1/2 143
Skirmisher +3 — +5 11 9 1 +3 +11 14 — — Perception 1/2 143
Striker +3 — — 13 12 1 +3 +11 14 — — — 1/2 143
Supporter +3 +3 — 13 15 1 +3 +11 10 — — — 1/2 143
GRUNT LEVEL 6 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +3 +3 — 15 58 2 +3 +11 14 — — — 2 575
Defender +3 — −5 17 44 3 +3 +11 14 — — — 2 575
Lurker +3 — — 9 44 1 +3 +11 23 — — Stealth 2 575
Skirmisher +3 — +5 11 44 2 +3 +11 18 — — Perception 2 575
Striker +3 — — 13 58 2 +3 +11 18 — — — 2 575
Supporter +3 +3 — 13 73 2 +3 +11 14 — — — 2 575
ELITE LEVEL 6 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +3 +4 — 16 116 3 +3 +11 15 1 — — 4 1,150
Defender +3 +1 −5 18 87 4 +3 +11 15 1 — — 4 1,150
Lurker +3 +1 — 10 87 2 +3 +11 25 1 — Stealth 4 1,150
Skirmisher +3 +1 +5 12 87 3 +3 +11 20 1 — Perception 4 1,150
Striker +3 +1 — 14 116 3 +3 +11 20 1 — — 4 1,150
Supporter +3 +4 — 14 145 3 +3 +11 15 1 — — 4 1,150
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 6 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +3 +6 — 17 174 3 +3 +11 16 2 1 — 4 1,725
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 131 4 +3 +11 16 2 1 — 4 1,725
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 131 2 +3 +11 27 2 1 Stealth 4 1,725
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 131 3 +3 +11 22 2 1 Perception 4 1,725
Striker +3 +3 — 15 174 3 +3 +11 22 2 1 — 4 1,725
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 218 3 +3 +11 16 2 1 — 4 1,725
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 6 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +3 +6 — 17 232 3 +3 +11 16 3 2 — 6 2,300
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 174 4 +3 +11 16 3 2 — 6 2,300
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 174 2 +3 +11 27 3 2 Stealth 6 2,300
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 174 3 +3 +11 22 3 2 Perception 6 2,300
Striker +3 +3 — 15 232 3 +3 +11 22 3 2 — 6 2,300
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 290 3 +3 +11 16 3 2 — 6 2,300
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 6 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +3 +6 — 17 290 3 +3 +11 16 4 2 — 6 2,875
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 218 4 +3 +11 16 4 2 — 6 2,875
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 218 2 +3 +11 27 4 2 Stealth 6 2,875
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 218 3 +3 +11 22 4 2 Perception 6 2,875
Striker +3 +3 — 15 290 3 +3 +11 22 4 2 — 6 2,875
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 363 3 +3 +11 16 4 2 — 6 2,875
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 6 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +3 +6 — 17 348 3 +3 +11 16 5 3 — 7 3,450
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 261 4 +3 +11 16 5 3 — 7 3,450
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 261 2 +3 +11 27 5 3 Stealth 7 3,450
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 261 3 +3 +11 22 5 3 Perception 7 3,450
Striker +3 +3 — 15 348 3 +3 +11 22 5 3 — 7 3,450
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 435 3 +3 +11 16 5 3 — 7 3,450
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 6 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +3 +6 — 17 406 3 +3 +11 16 6 3 — 8 4,025
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 305 4 +3 +11 16 6 3 — 8 4,025
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 305 2 +3 +11 27 6 3 Stealth 8 4,025
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 305 3 +3 +11 22 6 3 Perception 8 4,025
Striker +3 +3 — 15 406 3 +3 +11 22 6 3 — 8 4,025
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 508 3 +3 +11 16 6 3 — 8 4,025



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 7 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +3 +3 — 15 13 1 +3 +11 12 — — — 1/2 181
Defender +3 — −5 17 10 2 +3 +11 12 — — — 1/2 181
Lurker +3 — — 9 10 0 +3 +11 20 — — Stealth 1/2 181
Skirmisher +3 — +5 11 10 1 +3 +11 16 — — Perception 1/2 181
Striker +3 — — 13 13 1 +3 +11 16 — — — 1/2 181
Supporter +3 +3 — 13 16 1 +3 +11 12 — — — 1/2 181
GRUNT LEVEL 7 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +4, +4, +1, +1, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +3 +3 — 15 65 2 +3 +11 16 — — — 3 725
Defender +3 — −5 17 49 3 +3 +11 16 — — — 3 725
Lurker +3 — — 9 49 1 +3 +11 26 — — Stealth 3 725
Skirmisher +3 — +5 11 49 2 +3 +11 21 — — Perception 3 725
Striker +3 — — 13 65 2 +3 +11 21 — — — 3 725
Supporter +3 +3 — 13 81 2 +3 +11 16 — — — 3 725
ELITE LEVEL 7 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +3 +4 — 16 130 3 +3 +11 17 1 — — 4 1,450
Defender +3 +1 −5 18 98 4 +3 +11 17 1 — — 4 1,450
Lurker +3 +1 — 10 98 2 +3 +11 29 1 — Stealth 4 1,450
Skirmisher +3 +1 +5 12 98 3 +3 +11 23 1 — Perception 4 1,450
Striker +3 +1 — 14 130 3 +3 +11 23 1 — — 4 1,450
Supporter +3 +4 — 14 163 3 +3 +11 17 1 — — 4 1,450
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 7 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +3 +6 — 17 195 3 +3 +11 19 2 1 — 5 2,175
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 146 4 +3 +11 19 2 1 — 5 2,175
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 146 2 +3 +11 32 2 1 Stealth 5 2,175
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 146 3 +3 +11 25 2 1 Perception 5 2,175
Striker +3 +3 — 15 195 3 +3 +11 25 2 1 — 5 2,175
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 244 3 +3 +11 19 2 1 — 5 2,175
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 7 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +3 +6 — 17 260 3 +3 +11 19 3 2 — 7 2,900
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 195 4 +3 +11 19 3 2 — 7 2,900
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 195 2 +3 +11 32 3 2 Stealth 7 2,900
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 195 3 +3 +11 25 3 2 Perception 7 2,900
Striker +3 +3 — 15 260 3 +3 +11 25 3 2 — 7 2,900
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 325 3 +3 +11 19 3 2 — 7 2,900
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 7 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +3 +6 — 17 325 3 +3 +11 19 4 2 — 7 3,625
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 244 4 +3 +11 19 4 2 — 7 3,625
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 244 2 +3 +11 32 4 2 Stealth 7 3,625
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 244 3 +3 +11 25 4 2 Perception 7 3,625
Striker +3 +3 — 15 325 3 +3 +11 25 4 2 — 7 3,625
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 406 3 +3 +11 19 4 2 — 7 3,625
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 7 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +3 +6 — 17 390 3 +3 +11 19 5 3 — 8 4,350
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 293 4 +3 +11 19 5 3 — 8 4,350
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 293 2 +3 +11 32 5 3 Stealth 8 4,350
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 293 3 +3 +11 25 5 3 Perception 8 4,350
Striker +3 +3 — 15 390 3 +3 +11 25 5 3 — 8 4,350
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 488 3 +3 +11 19 5 3 — 8 4,350
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 7 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +3 +6 — 17 455 3 +3 +11 19 6 3 — 9 5,075
Defender +3 +3 −5 19 341 4 +3 +11 19 6 3 — 9 5,075
Lurker +3 +3 — 11 341 2 +3 +11 32 6 3 Stealth 9 5,075
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 13 341 3 +3 +11 25 6 3 Perception 9 5,075
Striker +3 +3 — 15 455 3 +3 +11 25 6 3 — 9 5,075
Supporter +3 +6 — 15 569 3 +3 +11 19 6 3 — 9 5,075



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 8 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +3 +3 — 16 14 1 +3 +11 14 — — — 1 243
Defender +3 — −5 18 11 2 +3 +11 14 — — — 1 243
Lurker +3 — — 10 11 0 +3 +11 23 — — Stealth 1 243
Skirmisher +3 — +5 12 11 1 +3 +11 18 — — Perception 1 243
Striker +3 — — 14 14 1 +3 +11 18 — — — 1 243
Supporter +3 +3 — 14 18 1 +3 +11 14 — — — 1 243
GRUNT LEVEL 8 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +3 +3 — 16 72 2 +3 +11 18 — — — 3 975
Defender +3 — −5 18 54 3 +3 +11 18 — — — 3 975
Lurker +3 — — 10 54 1 +3 +11 30 — — Stealth 3 975
Skirmisher +3 — +5 12 54 2 +3 +11 24 — — Perception 3 975
Striker +3 — — 14 72 2 +3 +11 24 — — — 3 975
Supporter +3 +3 — 14 90 2 +3 +11 18 — — — 3 975
ELITE LEVEL 8 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +3 +4 — 17 144 3 +3 +11 20 1 — — 5 1,950
Defender +3 +1 −5 19 108 4 +3 +11 20 1 — — 5 1,950
Lurker +3 +1 — 11 108 2 +3 +11 33 1 — Stealth 5 1,950
Skirmisher +3 +1 +5 13 108 3 +3 +11 26 1 — Perception 5 1,950
Striker +3 +1 — 15 144 3 +3 +11 26 1 — — 5 1,950
Supporter +3 +4 — 15 180 3 +3 +11 20 1 — — 5 1,950
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 8 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +3 +6 — 18 216 3 +3 +11 22 2 1 — 7 2,925
Defender +3 +3 −5 20 162 4 +3 +11 22 2 1 — 7 2,925
Lurker +3 +3 — 12 162 2 +3 +11 36 2 1 Stealth 7 2,925
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 14 162 3 +3 +11 29 2 1 Perception 7 2,925
Striker +3 +3 — 16 216 3 +3 +11 29 2 1 — 7 2,925
Supporter +3 +6 — 16 270 3 +3 +11 22 2 1 — 7 2,925
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 8 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +3 +6 — 18 288 3 +3 +11 22 3 2 — 8 3,900
Defender +3 +3 −5 20 216 4 +3 +11 22 3 2 — 8 3,900
Lurker +3 +3 — 12 216 2 +3 +11 36 3 2 Stealth 8 3,900
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 14 216 3 +3 +11 29 3 2 Perception 8 3,900
Striker +3 +3 — 16 288 3 +3 +11 29 3 2 — 8 3,900
Supporter +3 +6 — 16 360 3 +3 +11 22 3 2 — 8 3,900
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 8 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +3 +6 — 18 360 3 +3 +11 22 4 2 — 8 4,875
Defender +3 +3 −5 20 270 4 +3 +11 22 4 2 — 8 4,875
Lurker +3 +3 — 12 270 2 +3 +11 36 4 2 Stealth 8 4,875
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 14 270 3 +3 +11 29 4 2 Perception 8 4,875
Striker +3 +3 — 16 360 3 +3 +11 29 4 2 — 8 4,875
Supporter +3 +6 — 16 450 3 +3 +11 22 4 2 — 8 4,875
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 8 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +3 +6 — 18 432 3 +3 +11 22 5 3 — 9 5,850
Defender +3 +3 −5 20 324 4 +3 +11 22 5 3 — 9 5,850
Lurker +3 +3 — 12 324 2 +3 +11 36 5 3 Stealth 9 5,850
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 14 324 3 +3 +11 29 5 3 Perception 9 5,850
Striker +3 +3 — 16 432 3 +3 +11 29 5 3 — 9 5,850
Supporter +3 +6 — 16 540 3 +3 +11 22 5 3 — 9 5,850
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 8 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +3 +6 — 18 504 3 +3 +11 22 6 3 — 10 6,825
Defender +3 +3 −5 20 378 4 +3 +11 22 6 3 — 10 6,825
Lurker +3 +3 — 12 378 2 +3 +11 36 6 3 Stealth 10 6,825
Skirmisher +3 +3 +5 14 378 3 +3 +11 29 6 3 Perception 10 6,825
Striker +3 +3 — 16 504 3 +3 +11 29 6 3 — 10 6,825
Supporter +3 +6 — 16 630 3 +3 +11 22 6 3 — 10 6,825



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 9 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +4 +4 — 16 16 1 +4 +12 15 — — — 1 312
Defender +4 — −5 18 12 2 +4 +12 15 — — — 1 312
Lurker +4 — — 10 12 0 +4 +12 25 — — Stealth 1 312
Skirmisher +4 — +5 12 12 1 +4 +12 20 — — Perception 1 312
Striker +4 — — 14 16 1 +4 +12 20 — — — 1 312
Supporter +4 +4 — 14 20 1 +4 +12 15 — — — 1 312
GRUNT LEVEL 9 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +4 +4 — 16 79 2 +4 +12 20 — — — 4 1,250
Defender +4 — −5 18 59 3 +4 +12 20 — — — 4 1,250
Lurker +4 — — 10 59 1 +4 +12 34 — — Stealth 4 1,250
Skirmisher +4 — +5 12 59 2 +4 +12 27 — — Perception 4 1,250
Striker +4 — — 14 79 2 +4 +12 27 — — — 4 1,250
Supporter +4 +4 — 14 99 2 +4 +12 20 — — — 4 1,250
ELITE LEVEL 9 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +4 +6 — 17 158 3 +4 +12 22 1 — — 6 2,500
Defender +4 +2 −5 19 119 4 +4 +12 22 1 — — 6 2,500
Lurker +4 +2 — 11 119 2 +4 +12 37 1 — Stealth 6 2,500
Skirmisher +4 +2 +5 13 119 3 +4 +12 30 1 — Perception 6 2,500
Striker +4 +2 — 15 158 3 +4 +12 30 1 — — 6 2,500
Supporter +4 +6 — 15 198 3 +4 +12 22 1 — — 6 2,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 9 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +4 +8 — 18 237 3 +4 +12 24 2 1 — 7 3,750
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 178 4 +4 +12 24 2 1 — 7 3,750
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 178 2 +4 +12 41 2 1 Stealth 7 3,750
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 178 3 +4 +12 32 2 1 Perception 7 3,750
Striker +4 +4 — 16 237 3 +4 +12 32 2 1 — 7 3,750
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 296 3 +4 +12 24 2 1 — 7 3,750
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 9 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +4 +8 — 18 316 3 +4 +12 24 3 2 — 9 5,000
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 237 4 +4 +12 24 3 2 — 9 5,000
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 237 2 +4 +12 41 3 2 Stealth 9 5,000
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 237 3 +4 +12 32 3 2 Perception 9 5,000
Striker +4 +4 — 16 316 3 +4 +12 32 3 2 — 9 5,000
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 395 3 +4 +12 24 3 2 — 9 5,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 9 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +4 +8 — 18 395 3 +4 +12 24 4 2 — 10 6,250
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 296 4 +4 +12 24 4 2 — 10 6,250
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 296 2 +4 +12 41 4 2 Stealth 10 6,250
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 296 3 +4 +12 32 4 2 Perception 10 6,250
Striker +4 +4 — 16 395 3 +4 +12 32 4 2 — 10 6,250
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 494 3 +4 +12 24 4 2 — 10 6,250
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 9 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +4 +8 — 18 474 3 +4 +12 24 5 3 — 11 7,500
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 356 4 +4 +12 24 5 3 — 11 7,500
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 356 2 +4 +12 41 5 3 Stealth 11 7,500
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 356 3 +4 +12 32 5 3 Perception 11 7,500
Striker +4 +4 — 16 474 3 +4 +12 32 5 3 — 11 7,500
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 593 3 +4 +12 24 5 3 — 11 7,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 9 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +4 +8 — 18 553 3 +4 +12 24 6 3 — 12 8,750
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 415 4 +4 +12 24 6 3 — 12 8,750
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 415 2 +4 +12 41 6 3 Stealth 12 8,750
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 415 3 +4 +12 32 6 3 Perception 12 8,750
Striker +4 +4 — 16 553 3 +4 +12 32 6 3 — 12 8,750
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 691 3 +4 +12 24 6 3 — 12 8,750



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 10 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +4 +4 — 16 17 1 +4 +12 17 — — — 1 368
Defender +4 — −5 18 13 2 +4 +12 17 — — — 1 368
Lurker +4 — — 10 13 0 +4 +12 28 — — Stealth 1 368
Skirmisher +4 — +5 12 13 1 +4 +12 23 — — Perception 1 368
Striker +4 — — 14 17 1 +4 +12 23 — — — 1 368
Supporter +4 +4 — 14 22 1 +4 +12 17 — — — 1 368
GRUNT LEVEL 10 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +4 +4 — 16 86 2 +4 +12 23 — — — 4 1,475
Defender +4 — −5 18 65 3 +4 +12 23 — — — 4 1,475
Lurker +4 — — 10 65 1 +4 +12 38 — — Stealth 4 1,475
Skirmisher +4 — +5 12 65 2 +4 +12 30 — — Perception 4 1,475
Striker +4 — — 14 86 2 +4 +12 30 — — — 4 1,475
Supporter +4 +4 — 14 108 2 +4 +12 23 — — — 4 1,475
ELITE LEVEL 10 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +4 +6 — 17 172 3 +4 +12 25 1 — — 7 2,950
Defender +4 +2 −5 19 129 4 +4 +12 25 1 — — 7 2,950
Lurker +4 +2 — 11 129 2 +4 +12 41 1 — Stealth 7 2,950
Skirmisher +4 +2 +5 13 129 3 +4 +12 33 1 — Perception 7 2,950
Striker +4 +2 — 15 172 3 +4 +12 33 1 — — 7 2,950
Supporter +4 +6 — 15 215 3 +4 +12 25 1 — — 7 2,950
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 10 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +4 +8 — 18 258 3 +4 +12 27 2 1 — 8 4,425
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 194 4 +4 +12 27 2 1 — 8 4,425
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 194 2 +4 +12 45 2 1 Stealth 8 4,425
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 194 3 +4 +12 36 2 1 Perception 8 4,425
Striker +4 +4 — 16 258 3 +4 +12 36 2 1 — 8 4,425
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 323 3 +4 +12 27 2 1 — 8 4,425
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 10 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +4 +8 — 18 344 3 +4 +12 27 3 2 — 10 5,900
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 258 4 +4 +12 27 3 2 — 10 5,900
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 258 2 +4 +12 45 3 2 Stealth 10 5,900
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 258 3 +4 +12 36 3 2 Perception 10 5,900
Striker +4 +4 — 16 344 3 +4 +12 36 3 2 — 10 5,900
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 430 3 +4 +12 27 3 2 — 10 5,900
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 10 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +4 +8 — 18 430 3 +4 +12 27 4 2 — 11 7,375
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 323 4 +4 +12 27 4 2 — 11 7,375
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 323 2 +4 +12 45 4 2 Stealth 11 7,375
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 323 3 +4 +12 36 4 2 Perception 11 7,375
Striker +4 +4 — 16 430 3 +4 +12 36 4 2 — 11 7,375
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 538 3 +4 +12 27 4 2 — 11 7,375
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 10 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +4 +8 — 18 516 3 +4 +12 27 5 3 — 12 8,850
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 387 4 +4 +12 27 5 3 — 12 8,850
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 387 2 +4 +12 45 5 3 Stealth 12 8,850
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 387 3 +4 +12 36 5 3 Perception 12 8,850
Striker +4 +4 — 16 516 3 +4 +12 36 5 3 — 12 8,850
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 645 3 +4 +12 27 5 3 — 12 8,850
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 10 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +4 +8 — 18 602 3 +4 +12 27 6 3 — 13 10,325
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 452 4 +4 +12 27 6 3 — 13 10,325
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 452 2 +4 +12 45 6 3 Stealth 13 10,325
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 452 3 +4 +12 36 6 3 Perception 13 10,325
Striker +4 +4 — 16 602 3 +4 +12 36 6 3 — 13 10,325
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 753 3 +4 +12 27 6 3 — 13 10,325



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 11 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +4 +4 — 16 19 1 +4 +12 19 — — — 2 450
Defender +4 — −5 18 14 2 +4 +12 19 — — — 2 450
Lurker +4 — — 10 14 0 +4 +12 31 — — Stealth 2 450
Skirmisher +4 — +5 12 14 1 +4 +12 25 — — Perception 2 450
Striker +4 — — 14 19 1 +4 +12 25 — — — 2 450
Supporter +4 +4 — 14 23 1 +4 +12 19 — — — 2 450
GRUNT LEVEL 11 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, −1, −1 THREAT: 1
Controller +4 +4 — 16 93 2 +4 +12 25 — — — 5 1,800
Defender +4 — −5 18 70 3 +4 +12 25 — — — 5 1,800
Lurker +4 — — 10 70 1 +4 +12 41 — — Stealth 5 1,800
Skirmisher +4 — +5 12 70 2 +4 +12 33 — — Perception 5 1,800
Striker +4 — — 14 93 2 +4 +12 33 — — — 5 1,800
Supporter +4 +4 — 14 116 2 +4 +12 25 — — — 5 1,800
ELITE LEVEL 11 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 2
Controller +4 +6 — 17 186 3 +4 +12 27 1 — — 7 3,600
Defender +4 +2 −5 19 140 4 +4 +12 27 1 — — 7 3,600
Lurker +4 +2 — 11 140 2 +4 +12 45 1 — Stealth 7 3,600
Skirmisher +4 +2 +5 13 140 3 +4 +12 36 1 — Perception 7 3,600
Striker +4 +2 — 15 186 3 +4 +12 36 1 — — 7 3,600
Supporter +4 +6 — 15 233 3 +4 +12 27 1 — — 7 3,600
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 11 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 3
Controller +4 +8 — 18 279 3 +4 +12 30 2 1 — 9 5,400
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 209 4 +4 +12 30 2 1 — 9 5,400
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 209 2 +4 +12 50 2 1 Stealth 9 5,400
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 209 3 +4 +12 40 2 1 Perception 9 5,400
Striker +4 +4 — 16 279 3 +4 +12 40 2 1 — 9 5,400
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 349 3 +4 +12 30 2 1 — 9 5,400
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 11 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 4
Controller +4 +8 — 18 372 3 +4 +12 30 3 2 — 11 7,200
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 279 4 +4 +12 30 3 2 — 11 7,200
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 279 2 +4 +12 50 3 2 Stealth 11 7,200
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 279 3 +4 +12 40 3 2 Perception 11 7,200
Striker +4 +4 — 16 372 3 +4 +12 40 3 2 — 11 7,200
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 465 3 +4 +12 30 3 2 — 11 7,200
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 11 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 5
Controller +4 +8 — 18 465 3 +4 +12 30 4 2 — 12 9,000
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 349 4 +4 +12 30 4 2 — 12 9,000
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 349 2 +4 +12 50 4 2 Stealth 12 9,000
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 349 3 +4 +12 40 4 2 Perception 12 9,000
Striker +4 +4 — 16 465 3 +4 +12 40 4 2 — 12 9,000
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 581 3 +4 +12 30 4 2 — 12 9,000
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 11 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 6
Controller +4 +8 — 18 558 3 +4 +12 30 5 3 — 13 10,800
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 419 4 +4 +12 30 5 3 — 13 10,800
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 419 2 +4 +12 50 5 3 Stealth 13 10,800
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 419 3 +4 +12 40 5 3 Perception 13 10,800
Striker +4 +4 — 16 558 3 +4 +12 40 5 3 — 13 10,800
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 698 3 +4 +12 30 5 3 — 13 10,800
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 11 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 7
Controller +4 +8 — 18 651 3 +4 +12 30 6 3 — 14 12,600
Defender +4 +4 −5 20 488 4 +4 +12 30 6 3 — 14 12,600
Lurker +4 +4 — 12 488 2 +4 +12 50 6 3 Stealth 14 12,600
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 14 488 3 +4 +12 40 6 3 Perception 14 12,600
Striker +4 +4 — 16 651 3 +4 +12 40 6 3 — 14 12,600
Supporter +4 +8 — 16 814 3 +4 +12 30 6 3 — 14 12,600



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 12 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +4 +4 — 17 20 1 +4 +12 20 — — — 2 525
Defender +4 — −5 19 15 2 +4 +12 20 — — — 2 525
Lurker +4 — — 11 15 0 +4 +12 34 — — Stealth 2 525
Skirmisher +4 — +5 13 15 1 +4 +12 27 — — Perception 2 525
Striker +4 — — 15 20 1 +4 +12 27 — — — 2 525
Supporter +4 +4 — 15 25 1 +4 +12 20 — — — 2 525
GRUNT LEVEL 12 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +4 +4 — 17 100 2 +4 +12 27 — — — 5 2,100
Defender +4 — −5 19 75 3 +4 +12 27 — — — 5 2,100
Lurker +4 — — 11 75 1 +4 +12 45 — — Stealth 5 2,100
Skirmisher +4 — +5 13 75 2 +4 +12 36 — — Perception 5 2,100
Striker +4 — — 15 100 2 +4 +12 36 — — — 5 2,100
Supporter +4 +4 — 15 125 2 +4 +12 27 — — — 5 2,100
ELITE LEVEL 12 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +4 +6 — 18 200 3 +4 +12 30 1 — — 8 4,200
Defender +4 +2 −5 20 150 4 +4 +12 30 1 — — 8 4,200
Lurker +4 +2 — 12 150 2 +4 +12 50 1 — Stealth 8 4,200
Skirmisher +4 +2 +5 14 150 3 +4 +12 40 1 — Perception 8 4,200
Striker +4 +2 — 16 200 3 +4 +12 40 1 — — 8 4,200
Supporter +4 +6 — 16 250 3 +4 +12 30 1 — — 8 4,200
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 12 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +4 +8 — 19 300 3 +4 +12 32 2 1 — 10 6,300
Defender +4 +4 −5 21 225 4 +4 +12 32 2 1 — 10 6,300
Lurker +4 +4 — 13 225 2 +4 +12 54 2 1 Stealth 10 6,300
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 15 225 3 +4 +12 43 2 1 Perception 10 6,300
Striker +4 +4 — 17 300 3 +4 +12 43 2 1 — 10 6,300
Supporter +4 +8 — 17 375 3 +4 +12 32 2 1 — 10 6,300
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 12 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +4 +8 — 19 400 3 +4 +12 32 3 2 — 12 8,400
Defender +4 +4 −5 21 300 4 +4 +12 32 3 2 — 12 8,400
Lurker +4 +4 — 13 300 2 +4 +12 54 3 2 Stealth 12 8,400
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 15 300 3 +4 +12 43 3 2 Perception 12 8,400
Striker +4 +4 — 17 400 3 +4 +12 43 3 2 — 12 8,400
Supporter +4 +8 — 17 500 3 +4 +12 32 3 2 — 12 8,400
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 12 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +4 +8 — 19 500 3 +4 +12 32 4 2 — 13 10,500
Defender +4 +4 −5 21 375 4 +4 +12 32 4 2 — 13 10,500
Lurker +4 +4 — 13 375 2 +4 +12 54 4 2 Stealth 13 10,500
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 15 375 3 +4 +12 43 4 2 Perception 13 10,500
Striker +4 +4 — 17 500 3 +4 +12 43 4 2 — 13 10,500
Supporter +4 +8 — 17 625 3 +4 +12 32 4 2 — 13 10,500
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 12 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +4 +8 — 19 600 3 +4 +12 32 5 3 — 14 12,600
Defender +4 +4 −5 21 450 4 +4 +12 32 5 3 — 14 12,600
Lurker +4 +4 — 13 450 2 +4 +12 54 5 3 Stealth 14 12,600
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 15 450 3 +4 +12 43 5 3 Perception 14 12,600
Striker +4 +4 — 17 600 3 +4 +12 43 5 3 — 14 12,600
Supporter +4 +8 — 17 750 3 +4 +12 32 5 3 — 14 12,600
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 12 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +4 +8 — 19 700 3 +4 +12 32 6 3 — 15 14,700
Defender +4 +4 −5 21 525 4 +4 +12 32 6 3 — 15 14,700
Lurker +4 +4 — 13 525 2 +4 +12 54 6 3 Stealth 15 14,700
Skirmisher +4 +4 +5 15 525 3 +4 +12 43 6 3 Perception 15 14,700
Striker +4 +4 — 17 700 3 +4 +12 43 6 3 — 15 14,700
Supporter +4 +8 — 17 875 3 +4 +12 32 6 3 — 15 14,700



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 13 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +5 +5 — 17 21 1 +5 +13 22 — — — 2 625
Defender +5 — −5 19 16 2 +5 +13 22 — — — 2 625
Lurker +5 — — 11 16 0 +5 +13 37 — — Stealth 2 625
Skirmisher +5 — +5 13 16 1 +5 +13 29 — — Perception 2 625
Striker +5 — — 15 21 1 +5 +13 29 — — — 2 625
Supporter +5 +5 — 15 27 1 +5 +13 22 — — — 2 625
GRUNT LEVEL 13 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +5 +5 — 17 107 2 +5 +13 29 — — — 6 2,500
Defender +5 — −5 19 80 3 +5 +13 29 — — — 6 2,500
Lurker +5 — — 11 80 1 +5 +13 49 — — Stealth 6 2,500
Skirmisher +5 — +5 13 80 2 +5 +13 39 — — Perception 6 2,500
Striker +5 — — 15 107 2 +5 +13 39 — — — 6 2,500
Supporter +5 +5 — 15 134 2 +5 +13 29 — — — 6 2,500
ELITE LEVEL 13 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +5 +7 — 18 214 3 +5 +13 32 1 — — 9 5,000
Defender +5 +2 −5 20 161 4 +5 +13 32 1 — — 9 5,000
Lurker +5 +2 — 12 161 2 +5 +13 54 1 — Stealth 9 5,000
Skirmisher +5 +2 +5 14 161 3 +5 +13 43 1 — Perception 9 5,000
Striker +5 +2 — 16 214 3 +5 +13 43 1 — — 9 5,000
Supporter +5 +7 — 16 268 3 +5 +13 32 1 — — 9 5,000
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 13 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +5 +10 — 19 321 3 +5 +13 35 2 1 — 11 7,500
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 241 4 +5 +13 35 2 1 — 11 7,500
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 241 2 +5 +13 59 2 1 Stealth 11 7,500
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 241 3 +5 +13 47 2 1 Perception 11 7,500
Striker +5 +5 — 17 321 3 +5 +13 47 2 1 — 11 7,500
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 401 3 +5 +13 35 2 1 — 11 7,500
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 13 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +5 +10 — 19 428 3 +5 +13 35 3 2 — 13 10,000
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 321 4 +5 +13 35 3 2 — 13 10,000
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 321 2 +5 +13 59 3 2 Stealth 13 10,000
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 321 3 +5 +13 47 3 2 Perception 13 10,000
Striker +5 +5 — 17 428 3 +5 +13 47 3 2 — 13 10,000
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 535 3 +5 +13 35 3 2 — 13 10,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 13 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +5 +10 — 19 535 3 +5 +13 35 4 2 — 14 12,500
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 401 4 +5 +13 35 4 2 — 14 12,500
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 401 2 +5 +13 59 4 2 Stealth 14 12,500
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 401 3 +5 +13 47 4 2 Perception 14 12,500
Striker +5 +5 — 17 535 3 +5 +13 47 4 2 — 14 12,500
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 669 3 +5 +13 35 4 2 — 14 12,500
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 13 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +5 +10 — 19 642 3 +5 +13 35 5 3 — 16 15,000
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 482 4 +5 +13 35 5 3 — 16 15,000
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 482 2 +5 +13 59 5 3 Stealth 16 15,000
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 482 3 +5 +13 47 5 3 Perception 16 15,000
Striker +5 +5 — 17 642 3 +5 +13 47 5 3 — 16 15,000
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 803 3 +5 +13 35 5 3 — 16 15,000
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 13 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +5 +10 — 19 749 3 +5 +13 35 6 3 — 16 17,500
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 562 4 +5 +13 35 6 3 — 16 17,500
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 562 2 +5 +13 59 6 3 Stealth 16 17,500
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 562 3 +5 +13 47 6 3 Perception 16 17,500
Striker +5 +5 — 17 749 3 +5 +13 47 6 3 — 16 17,500
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 936 3 +5 +13 35 6 3 — 16 17,500



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 14 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +5 +5 — 17 23 1 +5 +13 24 — — — 3 718
Defender +5 — −5 19 17 2 +5 +13 24 — — — 3 718
Lurker +5 — — 11 17 0 +5 +13 39 — — Stealth 3 718
Skirmisher +5 — +5 13 17 1 +5 +13 32 — — Perception 3 718
Striker +5 — — 15 23 1 +5 +13 32 — — — 3 718
Supporter +5 +5 — 15 29 1 +5 +13 24 — — — 3 718
GRUNT LEVEL 14 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +5 +5 — 17 114 2 +5 +13 32 — — — 6 2,875
Defender +5 — −5 19 86 3 +5 +13 32 — — — 6 2,875
Lurker +5 — — 11 86 1 +5 +13 53 — — Stealth 6 2,875
Skirmisher +5 — +5 13 86 2 +5 +13 42 — — Perception 6 2,875
Striker +5 — — 15 114 2 +5 +13 42 — — — 6 2,875
Supporter +5 +5 — 15 143 2 +5 +13 32 — — — 6 2,875
ELITE LEVEL 14 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +5 +7 — 18 228 3 +5 +13 35 1 — — 9 5,750
Defender +5 +2 −5 20 171 4 +5 +13 35 1 — — 9 5,750
Lurker +5 +2 — 12 171 2 +5 +13 58 1 — Stealth 9 5,750
Skirmisher +5 +2 +5 14 171 3 +5 +13 46 1 — Perception 9 5,750
Striker +5 +2 — 16 228 3 +5 +13 46 1 — — 9 5,750
Supporter +5 +7 — 16 285 3 +5 +13 35 1 — — 9 5,750
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 14 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +5 +10 — 19 342 3 +5 +13 38 2 1 — 12 8,625
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 257 4 +5 +13 38 2 1 — 12 8,625
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 257 2 +5 +13 63 2 1 Stealth 12 8,625
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 257 3 +5 +13 50 2 1 Perception 12 8,625
Striker +5 +5 — 17 342 3 +5 +13 50 2 1 — 12 8,625
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 428 3 +5 +13 38 2 1 — 12 8,625
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 14 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +5 +10 — 19 456 3 +5 +13 38 3 2 — 14 11,500
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 342 4 +5 +13 38 3 2 — 14 11,500
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 342 2 +5 +13 63 3 2 Stealth 14 11,500
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 342 3 +5 +13 50 3 2 Perception 14 11,500
Striker +5 +5 — 17 456 3 +5 +13 50 3 2 — 14 11,500
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 570 3 +5 +13 38 3 2 — 14 11,500
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 14 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +5 +10 — 19 570 3 +5 +13 38 4 2 — 15 14,375
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 428 4 +5 +13 38 4 2 — 15 14,375
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 428 2 +5 +13 63 4 2 Stealth 15 14,375
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 428 3 +5 +13 50 4 2 Perception 15 14,375
Striker +5 +5 — 17 570 3 +5 +13 50 4 2 — 15 14,375
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 713 3 +5 +13 38 4 2 — 15 14,375
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 14 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +5 +10 — 19 684 3 +5 +13 38 5 3 — 16 17,250
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 513 4 +5 +13 38 5 3 — 16 17,250
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 513 2 +5 +13 63 5 3 Stealth 16 17,250
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 513 3 +5 +13 50 5 3 Perception 16 17,250
Striker +5 +5 — 17 684 3 +5 +13 50 5 3 — 16 17,250
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 855 3 +5 +13 38 5 3 — 16 17,250
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 14 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +5 +10 — 19 798 3 +5 +13 38 6 3 — 18 20,125
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 599 4 +5 +13 38 6 3 — 18 20,125
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 599 2 +5 +13 63 6 3 Stealth 18 20,125
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 599 3 +5 +13 50 6 3 Perception 18 20,125
Striker +5 +5 — 17 798 3 +5 +13 50 6 3 — 18 20,125
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 998 3 +5 +13 38 6 3 — 18 20,125



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 15 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +5 +5 — 17 24 1 +5 +13 25 — — — 3 812
Defender +5 — −5 19 18 2 +5 +13 25 — — — 3 812
Lurker +5 — — 11 18 0 +5 +13 42 — — Stealth 3 812
Skirmisher +5 — +5 13 18 1 +5 +13 34 — — Perception 3 812
Striker +5 — — 15 24 1 +5 +13 34 — — — 3 812
Supporter +5 +5 — 15 30 1 +5 +13 25 — — — 3 812
GRUNT LEVEL 15 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +5, +5, +2, +2, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +5 +5 — 17 121 2 +5 +13 34 — — — 7 3,250
Defender +5 — −5 19 91 3 +5 +13 34 — — — 7 3,250
Lurker +5 — — 11 91 1 +5 +13 56 — — Stealth 7 3,250
Skirmisher +5 — +5 13 91 2 +5 +13 45 — — Perception 7 3,250
Striker +5 — — 15 121 2 +5 +13 45 — — — 7 3,250
Supporter +5 +5 — 15 151 2 +5 +13 34 — — — 7 3,250
ELITE LEVEL 15 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +5 +7 — 18 242 3 +5 +13 37 1 — — 10 6,500
Defender +5 +2 −5 20 182 4 +5 +13 37 1 — — 10 6,500
Lurker +5 +2 — 12 182 2 +5 +13 62 1 — Stealth 10 6,500
Skirmisher +5 +2 +5 14 182 3 +5 +13 50 1 — Perception 10 6,500
Striker +5 +2 — 16 242 3 +5 +13 50 1 — — 10 6,500
Supporter +5 +7 — 16 303 3 +5 +13 37 1 — — 10 6,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 15 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +5 +10 — 19 363 3 +5 +13 41 2 1 — 12 9,750
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 272 4 +5 +13 41 2 1 — 12 9,750
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 272 2 +5 +13 68 2 1 Stealth 12 9,750
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 272 3 +5 +13 54 2 1 Perception 12 9,750
Striker +5 +5 — 17 363 3 +5 +13 54 2 1 — 12 9,750
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 454 3 +5 +13 41 2 1 — 12 9,750
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 15 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +5 +10 — 19 484 3 +5 +13 41 3 2 — 15 13,000
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 363 4 +5 +13 41 3 2 — 15 13,000
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 363 2 +5 +13 68 3 2 Stealth 15 13,000
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 363 3 +5 +13 54 3 2 Perception 15 13,000
Striker +5 +5 — 17 484 3 +5 +13 54 3 2 — 15 13,000
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 605 3 +5 +13 41 3 2 — 15 13,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 15 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +5 +10 — 19 605 3 +5 +13 41 4 2 — 16 16,250
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 454 4 +5 +13 41 4 2 — 16 16,250
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 454 2 +5 +13 68 4 2 Stealth 16 16,250
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 454 3 +5 +13 54 4 2 Perception 16 16,250
Striker +5 +5 — 17 605 3 +5 +13 54 4 2 — 16 16,250
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 756 3 +5 +13 41 4 2 — 16 16,250
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 15 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +5 +10 — 19 726 3 +5 +13 41 5 3 — 17 19,500
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 545 4 +5 +13 41 5 3 — 17 19,500
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 545 2 +5 +13 68 5 3 Stealth 17 19,500
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 545 3 +5 +13 54 5 3 Perception 17 19,500
Striker +5 +5 — 17 726 3 +5 +13 54 5 3 — 17 19,500
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 908 3 +5 +13 41 5 3 — 17 19,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 15 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +5 +10 — 19 847 3 +5 +13 41 6 3 — 19 22,750
Defender +5 +5 −5 21 635 4 +5 +13 41 6 3 — 19 22,750
Lurker +5 +5 — 13 635 2 +5 +13 68 6 3 Stealth 19 22,750
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 15 635 3 +5 +13 54 6 3 Perception 19 22,750
Striker +5 +5 — 17 847 3 +5 +13 54 6 3 — 19 22,750
Supporter +5 +10 — 17 1,059 3 +5 +13 41 6 3 — 19 22,750



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 16 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +5 +5 — 18 26 1 +5 +13 27 — — — 3 937
Defender +5 — −5 20 19 2 +5 +13 27 — — — 3 937
Lurker +5 — — 12 19 0 +5 +13 45 — — Stealth 3 937
Skirmisher +5 — +5 14 19 1 +5 +13 36 — — Perception 3 937
Striker +5 — — 16 26 1 +5 +13 36 — — — 3 937
Supporter +5 +5 — 16 32 1 +5 +13 27 — — — 3 937
GRUNT LEVEL 16 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +5 +5 — 18 128 2 +5 +13 36 — — — 7 3,750
Defender +5 — −5 20 96 3 +5 +13 36 — — — 7 3,750
Lurker +5 — — 12 96 1 +5 +13 60 — — Stealth 7 3,750
Skirmisher +5 — +5 14 96 2 +5 +13 48 — — Perception 7 3,750
Striker +5 — — 16 128 2 +5 +13 48 — — — 7 3,750
Supporter +5 +5 — 16 160 2 +5 +13 36 — — — 7 3,750
ELITE LEVEL 16 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +5 +7 — 19 256 3 +5 +13 40 1 — — 11 7,500
Defender +5 +2 −5 21 192 4 +5 +13 40 1 — — 11 7,500
Lurker +5 +2 — 13 192 2 +5 +13 66 1 — Stealth 11 7,500
Skirmisher +5 +2 +5 15 192 3 +5 +13 53 1 — Perception 11 7,500
Striker +5 +2 — 17 256 3 +5 +13 53 1 — — 11 7,500
Supporter +5 +7 — 17 320 3 +5 +13 40 1 — — 11 7,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 16 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +5 +10 — 20 384 3 +5 +13 43 2 1 — 13 11,250
Defender +5 +5 −5 22 288 4 +5 +13 43 2 1 — 13 11,250
Lurker +5 +5 — 14 288 2 +5 +13 72 2 1 Stealth 13 11,250
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 16 288 3 +5 +13 58 2 1 Perception 13 11,250
Striker +5 +5 — 18 384 3 +5 +13 58 2 1 — 13 11,250
Supporter +5 +10 — 18 480 3 +5 +13 43 2 1 — 13 11,250
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 16 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +5 +10 — 20 512 3 +5 +13 43 3 2 — 16 15,000
Defender +5 +5 −5 22 384 4 +5 +13 43 3 2 — 16 15,000
Lurker +5 +5 — 14 384 2 +5 +13 72 3 2 Stealth 16 15,000
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 16 384 3 +5 +13 58 3 2 Perception 16 15,000
Striker +5 +5 — 18 512 3 +5 +13 58 3 2 — 16 15,000
Supporter +5 +10 — 18 640 3 +5 +13 43 3 2 — 16 15,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 16 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +5 +10 — 20 640 3 +5 +13 43 4 2 — 17 18,750
Defender +5 +5 −5 22 480 4 +5 +13 43 4 2 — 17 18,750
Lurker +5 +5 — 14 480 2 +5 +13 72 4 2 Stealth 17 18,750
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 16 480 3 +5 +13 58 4 2 Perception 17 18,750
Striker +5 +5 — 18 640 3 +5 +13 58 4 2 — 17 18,750
Supporter +5 +10 — 18 800 3 +5 +13 43 4 2 — 17 18,750
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 16 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +5 +10 — 20 768 3 +5 +13 43 5 3 — 19 22,500
Defender +5 +5 −5 22 576 4 +5 +13 43 5 3 — 19 22,500
Lurker +5 +5 — 14 576 2 +5 +13 72 5 3 Stealth 19 22,500
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 16 576 3 +5 +13 58 5 3 Perception 19 22,500
Striker +5 +5 — 18 768 3 +5 +13 58 5 3 — 19 22,500
Supporter +5 +10 — 18 960 3 +5 +13 43 5 3 — 19 22,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 16 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +5 +10 — 20 896 3 +5 +13 43 6 3 — 20 26,250
Defender +5 +5 −5 22 672 4 +5 +13 43 6 3 — 20 26,250
Lurker +5 +5 — 14 672 2 +5 +13 72 6 3 Stealth 20 26,250
Skirmisher +5 +5 +5 16 672 3 +5 +13 58 6 3 Perception 20 26,250
Striker +5 +5 — 18 896 3 +5 +13 58 6 3 — 20 26,250
Supporter +5 +10 — 18 1,120 3 +5 +13 43 6 3 — 20 26,250



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 17 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +6 +6 — 18 27 1 +6 +14 29 — — — 4 1,125
Defender +6 — −5 20 20 2 +6 +14 29 — — — 4 1,125
Lurker +6 — — 12 20 0 +6 +14 48 — — Stealth 4 1,125
Skirmisher +6 — +5 14 20 1 +6 +14 38 — — Perception 4 1,125
Striker +6 — — 16 27 1 +6 +14 38 — — — 4 1,125
Supporter +6 +6 — 16 34 1 +6 +14 29 — — — 4 1,125
GRUNT LEVEL 17 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +6 +6 — 18 135 2 +6 +14 38 — — — 8 4,500
Defender +6 — −5 20 101 3 +6 +14 38 — — — 8 4,500
Lurker +6 — — 12 101 1 +6 +14 64 — — Stealth 8 4,500
Skirmisher +6 — +5 14 101 2 +6 +14 51 — — Perception 8 4,500
Striker +6 — — 16 135 2 +6 +14 51 — — — 8 4,500
Supporter +6 +6 — 16 169 2 +6 +14 38 — — — 8 4,500
ELITE LEVEL 17 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +6 +9 — 19 270 3 +6 +14 42 1 — — 12 9,000
Defender +6 +3 −5 21 203 4 +6 +14 42 1 — — 12 9,000
Lurker +6 +3 — 13 203 2 +6 +14 70 1 — Stealth 12 9,000
Skirmisher +6 +3 +5 15 203 3 +6 +14 56 1 — Perception 12 9,000
Striker +6 +3 — 17 270 3 +6 +14 56 1 — — 12 9,000
Supporter +6 +9 — 17 338 3 +6 +14 42 1 — — 12 9,000
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 17 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +6 +12 — 20 405 3 +6 +14 46 2 1 — 15 13,500
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 304 4 +6 +14 46 2 1 — 15 13,500
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 304 2 +6 +14 77 2 1 Stealth 15 13,500
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 304 3 +6 +14 61 2 1 Perception 15 13,500
Striker +6 +6 — 18 405 3 +6 +14 61 2 1 — 15 13,500
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 506 3 +6 +14 46 2 1 — 15 13,500
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 17 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +6 +12 — 20 540 3 +6 +14 46 3 2 — 17 18,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 405 4 +6 +14 46 3 2 — 17 18,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 405 2 +6 +14 77 3 2 Stealth 17 18,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 405 3 +6 +14 61 3 2 Perception 17 18,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 540 3 +6 +14 61 3 2 — 17 18,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 675 3 +6 +14 46 3 2 — 17 18,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 17 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +6 +12 — 20 675 3 +6 +14 46 4 2 — 19 22,500
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 506 4 +6 +14 46 4 2 — 19 22,500
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 506 2 +6 +14 77 4 2 Stealth 19 22,500
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 506 3 +6 +14 61 4 2 Perception 19 22,500
Striker +6 +6 — 18 675 3 +6 +14 61 4 2 — 19 22,500
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 844 3 +6 +14 46 4 2 — 19 22,500
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 17 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +6 +12 — 20 810 3 +6 +14 46 5 3 — 20 27,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 608 4 +6 +14 46 5 3 — 20 27,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 608 2 +6 +14 77 5 3 Stealth 20 27,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 608 3 +6 +14 61 5 3 Perception 20 27,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 810 3 +6 +14 61 5 3 — 20 27,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 1,013 3 +6 +14 46 5 3 — 20 27,000
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 17 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +6 +12 — 20 945 3 +6 +14 46 6 3 — 20 31,500
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 709 4 +6 +14 46 6 3 — 20 31,500
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 709 2 +6 +14 77 6 3 Stealth 20 31,500
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 709 3 +6 +14 61 6 3 Perception 20 31,500
Striker +6 +6 — 18 945 3 +6 +14 61 6 3 — 20 31,500
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 1,181 3 +6 +14 46 6 3 — 20 31,500



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 18 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +6 +6 — 18 28 1 +6 +14 30 — — — 4 1,250
Defender +6 — −5 20 21 2 +6 +14 30 — — — 4 1,250
Lurker +6 — — 12 21 0 +6 +14 51 — — Stealth 4 1,250
Skirmisher +6 — +5 14 21 1 +6 +14 41 — — Perception 4 1,250
Striker +6 — — 16 28 1 +6 +14 41 — — — 4 1,250
Supporter +6 +6 — 16 36 1 +6 +14 30 — — — 4 1,250
GRUNT LEVEL 18 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +6 +6 — 18 142 2 +6 +14 41 — — — 9 5,000
Defender +6 — −5 20 107 3 +6 +14 41 — — — 9 5,000
Lurker +6 — — 12 107 1 +6 +14 68 — — Stealth 9 5,000
Skirmisher +6 — +5 14 107 2 +6 +14 54 — — Perception 9 5,000
Striker +6 — — 16 142 2 +6 +14 54 — — — 9 5,000
Supporter +6 +6 — 16 178 2 +6 +14 41 — — — 9 5,000
ELITE LEVEL 18 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +6 +9 — 19 284 3 +6 +14 45 1 — — 13 10,000
Defender +6 +3 −5 21 213 4 +6 +14 45 1 — — 13 10,000
Lurker +6 +3 — 13 213 2 +6 +14 74 1 — Stealth 13 10,000
Skirmisher +6 +3 +5 15 213 3 +6 +14 59 1 — Perception 13 10,000
Striker +6 +3 — 17 284 3 +6 +14 59 1 — — 13 10,000
Supporter +6 +9 — 17 355 3 +6 +14 45 1 — — 13 10,000
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 18 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +6 +12 — 20 426 3 +6 +14 49 2 1 — 16 15,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 320 4 +6 +14 49 2 1 — 16 15,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 320 2 +6 +14 81 2 1 Stealth 16 15,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 320 3 +6 +14 65 2 1 Perception 16 15,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 426 3 +6 +14 65 2 1 — 16 15,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 533 3 +6 +14 49 2 1 — 16 15,000
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 18 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +6 +12 — 20 568 3 +6 +14 49 3 2 — 18 20,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 426 4 +6 +14 49 3 2 — 18 20,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 426 2 +6 +14 81 3 2 Stealth 18 20,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 426 3 +6 +14 65 3 2 Perception 18 20,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 568 3 +6 +14 65 3 2 — 18 20,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 710 3 +6 +14 49 3 2 — 18 20,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 18 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +6 +12 — 20 710 3 +6 +14 49 4 2 — 20 25,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 533 4 +6 +14 49 4 2 — 20 25,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 533 2 +6 +14 81 4 2 Stealth 20 25,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 533 3 +6 +14 65 4 2 Perception 20 25,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 710 3 +6 +14 65 4 2 — 20 25,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 888 3 +6 +14 49 4 2 — 20 25,000
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 18 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +6 +12 — 20 852 3 +6 +14 49 5 3 — 20 30,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 639 4 +6 +14 49 5 3 — 20 30,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 639 2 +6 +14 81 5 3 Stealth 20 30,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 639 3 +6 +14 65 5 3 Perception 20 30,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 852 3 +6 +14 65 5 3 — 20 30,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 1,065 3 +6 +14 49 5 3 — 20 30,000
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 18 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +6 +12 — 20 994 3 +6 +14 49 6 3 — 21 35,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 746 4 +6 +14 49 6 3 — 21 35,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 746 2 +6 +14 81 6 3 Stealth 21 35,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 746 3 +6 +14 65 6 3 Perception 21 35,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 994 3 +6 +14 65 6 3 — 21 35,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 1,243 3 +6 +14 49 6 3 — 21 35,000



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 19 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +6 +6 — 18 30 1 +6 +14 32 — — — 4 1,375
Defender +6 — −5 20 22 2 +6 +14 32 — — — 4 1,375
Lurker +6 — — 12 22 0 +6 +14 53 — — Stealth 4 1,375
Skirmisher +6 — +5 14 22 1 +6 +14 43 — — Perception 4 1,375
Striker +6 — — 16 30 1 +6 +14 43 — — — 4 1,375
Supporter +6 +6 — 16 37 1 +6 +14 32 — — — 4 1,375
GRUNT LEVEL 19 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +6 +6 — 18 149 2 +6 +14 43 — — — 9 5,500
Defender +6 — −5 20 112 3 +6 +14 43 — — — 9 5,500
Lurker +6 — — 12 112 1 +6 +14 71 — — Stealth 9 5,500
Skirmisher +6 — +5 14 112 2 +6 +14 57 — — Perception 9 5,500
Striker +6 — — 16 149 2 +6 +14 57 — — — 9 5,500
Supporter +6 +6 — 16 186 2 +6 +14 43 — — — 9 5,500
ELITE LEVEL 19 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +6 +9 — 19 298 3 +6 +14 47 1 — — 13 11,000
Defender +6 +3 −5 21 224 4 +6 +14 47 1 — — 13 11,000
Lurker +6 +3 — 13 224 2 +6 +14 78 1 — Stealth 13 11,000
Skirmisher +6 +3 +5 15 224 3 +6 +14 63 1 — Perception 13 11,000
Striker +6 +3 — 17 298 3 +6 +14 63 1 — — 13 11,000
Supporter +6 +9 — 17 373 3 +6 +14 47 1 — — 13 11,000
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 19 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +6 +12 — 20 447 3 +6 +14 51 2 1 — 16 16,500
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 335 4 +6 +14 51 2 1 — 16 16,500
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 335 2 +6 +14 85 2 1 Stealth 16 16,500
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 335 3 +6 +14 68 2 1 Perception 16 16,500
Striker +6 +6 — 18 447 3 +6 +14 68 2 1 — 16 16,500
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 559 3 +6 +14 51 2 1 — 16 16,500
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 19 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +6 +12 — 20 596 3 +6 +14 51 3 2 — 19 22,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 447 4 +6 +14 51 3 2 — 19 22,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 447 2 +6 +14 85 3 2 Stealth 19 22,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 447 3 +6 +14 68 3 2 Perception 19 22,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 596 3 +6 +14 68 3 2 — 19 22,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 745 3 +6 +14 51 3 2 — 19 22,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 19 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +6 +12 — 20 745 3 +6 +14 51 4 2 — 20 27,500
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 559 4 +6 +14 51 4 2 — 20 27,500
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 559 2 +6 +14 85 4 2 Stealth 20 27,500
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 559 3 +6 +14 68 4 2 Perception 20 27,500
Striker +6 +6 — 18 745 3 +6 +14 68 4 2 — 20 27,500
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 931 3 +6 +14 51 4 2 — 20 27,500
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 19 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +6 +12 — 20 894 3 +6 +14 51 5 3 — 21 33,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 671 4 +6 +14 51 5 3 — 21 33,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 671 2 +6 +14 85 5 3 Stealth 21 33,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 671 3 +6 +14 68 5 3 Perception 21 33,000
Striker +6 +6 — 18 894 3 +6 +14 68 5 3 — 21 33,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 1,118 3 +6 +14 51 5 3 — 21 33,000
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 19 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +6 +12 — 20 1,043 3 +6 +14 51 6 3 — 21 38,500
Defender +6 +6 −5 22 782 4 +6 +14 51 6 3 — 21 38,500
Lurker +6 +6 — 14 782 2 +6 +14 85 6 3 Stealth 21 38,500
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 16 782 3 +6 +14 68 6 3 Perception 21 38,500
Striker +6 +6 — 18 1,043 3 +6 +14 68 6 3 — 21 38,500
Supporter +6 +12 — 18 1,304 3 +6 +14 51 6 3 — 21 38,500



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 20 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +6 +6 — 19 31 1 +6 +14 34 — — — 4 1,562
Defender +6 — −5 21 23 2 +6 +14 34 — — — 4 1,562
Lurker +6 — — 13 23 0 +6 +14 56 — — Stealth 4 1,562
Skirmisher +6 — +5 15 23 1 +6 +14 45 — — Perception 4 1,562
Striker +6 — — 17 31 1 +6 +14 45 — — — 4 1,562
Supporter +6 +6 — 17 39 1 +6 +14 34 — — — 4 1,562
GRUNT LEVEL 20 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +6 +6 — 19 156 2 +6 +14 45 — — — 10 6,250
Defender +6 — −5 21 117 3 +6 +14 45 — — — 10 6,250
Lurker +6 — — 13 117 1 +6 +14 75 — — Stealth 10 6,250
Skirmisher +6 — +5 15 117 2 +6 +14 60 — — Perception 10 6,250
Striker +6 — — 17 156 2 +6 +14 60 — — — 10 6,250
Supporter +6 +6 — 17 195 2 +6 +14 45 — — — 10 6,250
ELITE LEVEL 20 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +6 +9 — 20 312 3 +6 +14 50 1 — — 14 12,500
Defender +6 +3 −5 22 234 4 +6 +14 50 1 — — 14 12,500
Lurker +6 +3 — 14 234 2 +6 +14 83 1 — Stealth 14 12,500
Skirmisher +6 +3 +5 16 234 3 +6 +14 66 1 — Perception 14 12,500
Striker +6 +3 — 18 312 3 +6 +14 66 1 — — 14 12,500
Supporter +6 +9 — 18 390 3 +6 +14 50 1 — — 14 12,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 20 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +6 +12 — 21 468 3 +6 +14 54 2 1 — 17 18,750
Defender +6 +6 −5 23 351 4 +6 +14 54 2 1 — 17 18,750
Lurker +6 +6 — 15 351 2 +6 +14 90 2 1 Stealth 17 18,750
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 17 351 3 +6 +14 72 2 1 Perception 17 18,750
Striker +6 +6 — 19 468 3 +6 +14 72 2 1 — 17 18,750
Supporter +6 +12 — 19 585 3 +6 +14 54 2 1 — 17 18,750
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 20 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +6 +12 — 21 624 3 +6 +14 54 3 2 — 20 25,000
Defender +6 +6 −5 23 468 4 +6 +14 54 3 2 — 20 25,000
Lurker +6 +6 — 15 468 2 +6 +14 90 3 2 Stealth 20 25,000
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 17 468 3 +6 +14 72 3 2 Perception 20 25,000
Striker +6 +6 — 19 624 3 +6 +14 72 3 2 — 20 25,000
Supporter +6 +12 — 19 780 3 +6 +14 54 3 2 — 20 25,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 20 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +6 +12 — 21 780 3 +6 +14 54 4 2 — 20 31,250
Defender +6 +6 −5 23 585 4 +6 +14 54 4 2 — 20 31,250
Lurker +6 +6 — 15 585 2 +6 +14 90 4 2 Stealth 20 31,250
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 17 585 3 +6 +14 72 4 2 Perception 20 31,250
Striker +6 +6 — 19 780 3 +6 +14 72 4 2 — 20 31,250
Supporter +6 +12 — 19 975 3 +6 +14 54 4 2 — 20 31,250
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 20 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +6 +12 — 21 936 3 +6 +14 54 5 3 — 21 37,500
Defender +6 +6 −5 23 702 4 +6 +14 54 5 3 — 21 37,500
Lurker +6 +6 — 15 702 2 +6 +14 90 5 3 Stealth 21 37,500
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 17 702 3 +6 +14 72 5 3 Perception 21 37,500
Striker +6 +6 — 19 936 3 +6 +14 72 5 3 — 21 37,500
Supporter +6 +12 — 19 1,170 3 +6 +14 54 5 3 — 21 37,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 20 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +6 +12 — 21 1,092 3 +6 +14 54 6 3 — 22 43,750
Defender +6 +6 −5 23 819 4 +6 +14 54 6 3 — 22 43,750
Lurker +6 +6 — 15 819 2 +6 +14 90 6 3 Stealth 22 43,750
Skirmisher +6 +6 +5 17 819 3 +6 +14 72 6 3 Perception 22 43,750
Striker +6 +6 — 19 1,092 3 +6 +14 72 6 3 — 22 43,750
Supporter +6 +12 — 19 1,365 3 +6 +14 54 6 3 — 22 43,750



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 21 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +7 +7 — 19 33 1 +7 +15 35 — — — 5 2,062
Defender +7 — −5 21 24 2 +7 +15 35 — — — 5 2,062
Lurker +7 — — 13 24 0 +7 +15 59 — — Stealth 5 2,062
Skirmisher +7 — +5 15 24 1 +7 +15 47 — — Perception 5 2,062
Striker +7 — — 17 33 1 +7 +15 47 — — — 5 2,062
Supporter +7 +7 — 17 41 1 +7 +15 35 — — — 5 2,062
GRUNT LEVEL 21 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +7 +7 — 19 163 2 +7 +15 47 — — — 11 8,250
Defender +7 — −5 21 122 3 +7 +15 47 — — — 11 8,250
Lurker +7 — — 13 122 1 +7 +15 79 — — Stealth 11 8,250
Skirmisher +7 — +5 15 122 2 +7 +15 63 — — Perception 11 8,250
Striker +7 — — 17 163 2 +7 +15 63 — — — 11 8,250
Supporter +7 +7 — 17 204 2 +7 +15 47 — — — 11 8,250
ELITE LEVEL 21 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +7 +10 — 20 326 3 +7 +15 52 1 — — 16 16,500
Defender +7 +3 −5 22 245 4 +7 +15 52 1 — — 16 16,500
Lurker +7 +3 — 14 245 2 +7 +15 87 1 — Stealth 16 16,500
Skirmisher +7 +3 +5 16 245 3 +7 +15 69 1 — Perception 16 16,500
Striker +7 +3 — 18 326 3 +7 +15 69 1 — — 16 16,500
Supporter +7 +10 — 18 408 3 +7 +15 52 1 — — 16 16,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 21 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +7 +14 — 21 489 3 +7 +15 57 2 1 — 19 24,750
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 367 4 +7 +15 57 2 1 — 19 24,750
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 367 2 +7 +15 95 2 1 Stealth 19 24,750
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 367 3 +7 +15 76 2 1 Perception 19 24,750
Striker +7 +7 — 19 489 3 +7 +15 76 2 1 — 19 24,750
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 611 3 +7 +15 57 2 1 — 19 24,750
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 21 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +7 +14 — 21 652 3 +7 +15 57 3 2 — 21 33,000
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 489 4 +7 +15 57 3 2 — 21 33,000
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 489 2 +7 +15 95 3 2 Stealth 21 33,000
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 489 3 +7 +15 76 3 2 Perception 21 33,000
Striker +7 +7 — 19 652 3 +7 +15 76 3 2 — 21 33,000
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 815 3 +7 +15 57 3 2 — 21 33,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 21 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +7 +14 — 21 815 3 +7 +15 57 4 2 — 22 41,250
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 611 4 +7 +15 57 4 2 — 22 41,250
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 611 2 +7 +15 95 4 2 Stealth 22 41,250
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 611 3 +7 +15 76 4 2 Perception 22 41,250
Striker +7 +7 — 19 815 3 +7 +15 76 4 2 — 22 41,250
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,019 3 +7 +15 57 4 2 — 22 41,250
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 21 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +7 +14 — 21 978 3 +7 +15 57 5 3 — 22 49,500
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 734 4 +7 +15 57 5 3 — 22 49,500
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 734 2 +7 +15 95 5 3 Stealth 22 49,500
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 734 3 +7 +15 76 5 3 Perception 22 49,500
Striker +7 +7 — 19 978 3 +7 +15 76 5 3 — 22 49,500
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,223 3 +7 +15 57 5 3 — 22 49,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 21 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +7 +14 — 21 1,141 3 +7 +15 57 6 3 — 23 57,750
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 856 4 +7 +15 57 6 3 — 23 57,750
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 856 2 +7 +15 95 6 3 Stealth 23 57,750
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 856 3 +7 +15 76 6 3 Perception 23 57,750
Striker +7 +7 — 19 1,141 3 +7 +15 76 6 3 — 23 57,750
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,426 3 +7 +15 57 6 3 — 23 57,750



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 22 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +7 +7 — 19 34 1 +7 +15 37 — — — 6 2,562
Defender +7 — −5 21 26 2 +7 +15 37 — — — 6 2,562
Lurker +7 — — 13 26 0 +7 +15 62 — — Stealth 6 2,562
Skirmisher +7 — +5 15 26 1 +7 +15 50 — — Perception 6 2,562
Striker +7 — — 17 34 1 +7 +15 50 — — — 6 2,562
Supporter +7 +7 — 17 43 1 +7 +15 37 — — — 6 2,562
GRUNT LEVEL 22 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +7 +7 — 19 170 2 +7 +15 50 — — — 13 10,250
Defender +7 — −5 21 128 3 +7 +15 50 — — — 13 10,250
Lurker +7 — — 13 128 1 +7 +15 83 — — Stealth 13 10,250
Skirmisher +7 — +5 15 128 2 +7 +15 66 — — Perception 13 10,250
Striker +7 — — 17 170 2 +7 +15 66 — — — 13 10,250
Supporter +7 +7 — 17 213 2 +7 +15 50 — — — 13 10,250
ELITE LEVEL 22 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +7 +10 — 20 340 3 +7 +15 54 1 — — 18 20,500
Defender +7 +3 −5 22 255 4 +7 +15 54 1 — — 18 20,500
Lurker +7 +3 — 14 255 2 +7 +15 91 1 — Stealth 18 20,500
Skirmisher +7 +3 +5 16 255 3 +7 +15 73 1 — Perception 18 20,500
Striker +7 +3 — 18 340 3 +7 +15 73 1 — — 18 20,500
Supporter +7 +10 — 18 425 3 +7 +15 54 1 — — 18 20,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 22 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +7 +14 — 21 510 3 +7 +15 59 2 1 — 20 30,750
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 383 4 +7 +15 59 2 1 — 20 30,750
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 383 2 +7 +15 99 2 1 Stealth 20 30,750
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 383 3 +7 +15 79 2 1 Perception 20 30,750
Striker +7 +7 — 19 510 3 +7 +15 79 2 1 — 20 30,750
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 638 3 +7 +15 59 2 1 — 20 30,750
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 22 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +7 +14 — 21 680 3 +7 +15 59 3 2 — 22 41,000
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 510 4 +7 +15 59 3 2 — 22 41,000
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 510 2 +7 +15 99 3 2 Stealth 22 41,000
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 510 3 +7 +15 79 3 2 Perception 22 41,000
Striker +7 +7 — 19 680 3 +7 +15 79 3 2 — 22 41,000
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 850 3 +7 +15 59 3 2 — 22 41,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 22 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +7 +14 — 21 850 3 +7 +15 59 4 2 — 23 51,250
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 638 4 +7 +15 59 4 2 — 23 51,250
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 638 2 +7 +15 99 4 2 Stealth 23 51,250
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 638 3 +7 +15 79 4 2 Perception 23 51,250
Striker +7 +7 — 19 850 3 +7 +15 79 4 2 — 23 51,250
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,063 3 +7 +15 59 4 2 — 23 51,250
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 22 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +7 +14 — 21 1,020 3 +7 +15 59 5 3 — 23 61,500
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 765 4 +7 +15 59 5 3 — 23 61,500
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 765 2 +7 +15 99 5 3 Stealth 23 61,500
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 765 3 +7 +15 79 5 3 Perception 23 61,500
Striker +7 +7 — 19 1,020 3 +7 +15 79 5 3 — 23 61,500
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,275 3 +7 +15 59 5 3 — 23 61,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 22 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +7 +14 — 21 1,190 3 +7 +15 59 6 3 — 24 71,750
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 893 4 +7 +15 59 6 3 — 24 71,750
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 893 2 +7 +15 99 6 3 Stealth 24 71,750
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 893 3 +7 +15 79 6 3 Perception 24 71,750
Striker +7 +7 — 19 1,190 3 +7 +15 79 6 3 — 24 71,750
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,488 3 +7 +15 59 6 3 — 24 71,750



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 23 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +7 +7 — 19 35 1 +7 +15 39 — — — 7 3,125
Defender +7 — −5 21 27 2 +7 +15 39 — — — 7 3,125
Lurker +7 — — 13 27 0 +7 +15 65 — — Stealth 7 3,125
Skirmisher +7 — +5 15 27 1 +7 +15 52 — — Perception 7 3,125
Striker +7 — — 17 35 1 +7 +15 52 — — — 7 3,125
Supporter +7 +7 — 17 44 1 +7 +15 39 — — — 7 3,125
GRUNT LEVEL 23 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +6, +6, +3, +3, +0, +0 THREAT: 1
Controller +7 +7 — 19 177 2 +7 +15 52 — — — 14 12,500
Defender +7 — −5 21 133 3 +7 +15 52 — — — 14 12,500
Lurker +7 — — 13 133 1 +7 +15 86 — — Stealth 14 12,500
Skirmisher +7 — +5 15 133 2 +7 +15 69 — — Perception 14 12,500
Striker +7 — — 17 177 2 +7 +15 69 — — — 14 12,500
Supporter +7 +7 — 17 221 2 +7 +15 52 — — — 14 12,500
ELITE LEVEL 23 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 2
Controller +7 +10 — 20 354 3 +7 +15 57 1 — — 20 25,000
Defender +7 +3 −5 22 266 4 +7 +15 57 1 — — 20 25,000
Lurker +7 +3 — 14 266 2 +7 +15 95 1 — Stealth 20 25,000
Skirmisher +7 +3 +5 16 266 3 +7 +15 76 1 — Perception 20 25,000
Striker +7 +3 — 18 354 3 +7 +15 76 1 — — 20 25,000
Supporter +7 +10 — 18 443 3 +7 +15 57 1 — — 20 25,000
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 23 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 3
Controller +7 +14 — 21 531 3 +7 +15 62 2 1 — 21 37,500
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 398 4 +7 +15 62 2 1 — 21 37,500
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 398 2 +7 +15 104 2 1 Stealth 21 37,500
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 398 3 +7 +15 83 2 1 Perception 21 37,500
Striker +7 +7 — 19 531 3 +7 +15 83 2 1 — 21 37,500
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 664 3 +7 +15 62 2 1 — 21 37,500
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 23 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 4
Controller +7 +14 — 21 708 3 +7 +15 62 3 2 — 23 50,000
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 531 4 +7 +15 62 3 2 — 23 50,000
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 531 2 +7 +15 104 3 2 Stealth 23 50,000
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 531 3 +7 +15 83 3 2 Perception 23 50,000
Striker +7 +7 — 19 708 3 +7 +15 83 3 2 — 23 50,000
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 885 3 +7 +15 62 3 2 — 23 50,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 23 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 5
Controller +7 +14 — 21 885 3 +7 +15 62 4 2 — 24 62,500
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 664 4 +7 +15 62 4 2 — 24 62,500
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 664 2 +7 +15 104 4 2 Stealth 24 62,500
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 664 3 +7 +15 83 4 2 Perception 24 62,500
Striker +7 +7 — 19 885 3 +7 +15 83 4 2 — 24 62,500
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,106 3 +7 +15 62 4 2 — 24 62,500
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 23 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 6
Controller +7 +14 — 21 1,062 3 +7 +15 62 5 3 — 25 75,000
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 797 4 +7 +15 62 5 3 — 25 75,000
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 797 2 +7 +15 104 5 3 Stealth 25 75,000
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 797 3 +7 +15 83 5 3 Perception 25 75,000
Striker +7 +7 — 19 1,062 3 +7 +15 83 5 3 — 25 75,000
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,328 3 +7 +15 62 5 3 — 25 75,000
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 23 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 7
Controller +7 +14 — 21 1,239 3 +7 +15 62 6 3 — 25 87,500
Defender +7 +7 −5 23 929 4 +7 +15 62 6 3 — 25 87,500
Lurker +7 +7 — 15 929 2 +7 +15 104 6 3 Stealth 25 87,500
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 17 929 3 +7 +15 83 6 3 Perception 25 87,500
Striker +7 +7 — 19 1,239 3 +7 +15 83 6 3 — 25 87,500
Supporter +7 +14 — 19 1,549 3 +7 +15 62 6 3 — 25 87,500



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 24 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +7 +7 — 20 37 1 +7 +15 41 — — — 7 3,875
Defender +7 — −5 22 28 2 +7 +15 41 — — — 7 3,875
Lurker +7 — — 14 28 0 +7 +15 68 — — Stealth 7 3,875
Skirmisher +7 — +5 16 28 1 +7 +15 54 — — Perception 7 3,875
Striker +7 — — 18 37 1 +7 +15 54 — — — 7 3,875
Supporter +7 +7 — 18 46 1 +7 +15 41 — — — 7 3,875
GRUNT LEVEL 24 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 1
Controller +7 +7 — 20 184 2 +7 +15 54 — — — 16 15,500
Defender +7 — −5 22 138 3 +7 +15 54 — — — 16 15,500
Lurker +7 — — 14 138 1 +7 +15 90 — — Stealth 16 15,500
Skirmisher +7 — +5 16 138 2 +7 +15 72 — — Perception 16 15,500
Striker +7 — — 18 184 2 +7 +15 72 — — — 16 15,500
Supporter +7 +7 — 18 230 2 +7 +15 54 — — — 16 15,500
ELITE LEVEL 24 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 2
Controller +7 +10 — 21 368 3 +7 +15 59 1 — — 20 31,000
Defender +7 +3 −5 23 276 4 +7 +15 59 1 — — 20 31,000
Lurker +7 +3 — 15 276 2 +7 +15 99 1 — Stealth 20 31,000
Skirmisher +7 +3 +5 17 276 3 +7 +15 79 1 — Perception 20 31,000
Striker +7 +3 — 19 368 3 +7 +15 79 1 — — 20 31,000
Supporter +7 +10 — 19 460 3 +7 +15 59 1 — — 20 31,000
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 24 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 3
Controller +7 +14 — 22 552 3 +7 +15 65 2 1 — 22 46,500
Defender +7 +7 −5 24 414 4 +7 +15 65 2 1 — 22 46,500
Lurker +7 +7 — 16 414 2 +7 +15 108 2 1 Stealth 22 46,500
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 18 414 3 +7 +15 86 2 1 Perception 22 46,500
Striker +7 +7 — 20 552 3 +7 +15 86 2 1 — 22 46,500
Supporter +7 +14 — 20 690 3 +7 +15 65 2 1 — 22 46,500
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 24 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 4
Controller +7 +14 — 22 736 3 +7 +15 65 3 2 — 24 62,000
Defender +7 +7 −5 24 552 4 +7 +15 65 3 2 — 24 62,000
Lurker +7 +7 — 16 552 2 +7 +15 108 3 2 Stealth 24 62,000
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 18 552 3 +7 +15 86 3 2 Perception 24 62,000
Striker +7 +7 — 20 736 3 +7 +15 86 3 2 — 24 62,000
Supporter +7 +14 — 20 920 3 +7 +15 65 3 2 — 24 62,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 24 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 5
Controller +7 +14 — 22 920 3 +7 +15 65 4 2 — 25 77,500
Defender +7 +7 −5 24 690 4 +7 +15 65 4 2 — 25 77,500
Lurker +7 +7 — 16 690 2 +7 +15 108 4 2 Stealth 25 77,500
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 18 690 3 +7 +15 86 4 2 Perception 25 77,500
Striker +7 +7 — 20 920 3 +7 +15 86 4 2 — 25 77,500
Supporter +7 +14 — 20 1,150 3 +7 +15 65 4 2 — 25 77,500
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 24 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 6
Controller +7 +14 — 22 1,104 3 +7 +15 65 5 3 — 26 93,000
Defender +7 +7 −5 24 828 4 +7 +15 65 5 3 — 26 93,000
Lurker +7 +7 — 16 828 2 +7 +15 108 5 3 Stealth 26 93,000
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 18 828 3 +7 +15 86 5 3 Perception 26 93,000
Striker +7 +7 — 20 1,104 3 +7 +15 86 5 3 — 26 93,000
Supporter +7 +14 — 20 1,380 3 +7 +15 65 5 3 — 26 93,000
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 24 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 7
Controller +7 +14 — 22 1,288 3 +7 +15 65 6 3 — 27 108,500
Defender +7 +7 −5 24 966 4 +7 +15 65 6 3 — 27 108,500
Lurker +7 +7 — 16 966 2 +7 +15 108 6 3 Stealth 27 108,500
Skirmisher +7 +7 +5 18 966 3 +7 +15 86 6 3 Perception 27 108,500
Striker +7 +7 — 20 1,288 3 +7 +15 86 6 3 — 27 108,500
Supporter +7 +14 — 20 1,610 3 +7 +15 65 6 3 — 27 108,500



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 25 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +8 +8 — 20 38 1 +8 +16 42 — — — 8 4,687
Defender +8 — −5 22 29 2 +8 +16 42 — — — 8 4,687
Lurker +8 — — 14 29 0 +8 +16 70 — — Stealth 8 4,687
Skirmisher +8 — +5 16 29 1 +8 +16 56 — — Perception 8 4,687
Striker +8 — — 18 38 1 +8 +16 56 — — — 8 4,687
Supporter +8 +8 — 18 48 1 +8 +16 42 — — — 8 4,687
GRUNT LEVEL 25 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 1
Controller +8 +8 — 20 191 2 +8 +16 56 — — — 17 18,750
Defender +8 — −5 22 143 3 +8 +16 56 — — — 17 18,750
Lurker +8 — — 14 143 1 +8 +16 94 — — Stealth 17 18,750
Skirmisher +8 — +5 16 143 2 +8 +16 75 — — Perception 17 18,750
Striker +8 — — 18 191 2 +8 +16 75 — — — 17 18,750
Supporter +8 +8 — 18 239 2 +8 +16 56 — — — 17 18,750
ELITE LEVEL 25 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 2
Controller +8 +12 — 21 382 3 +8 +16 62 1 — — 21 37,500
Defender +8 +4 −5 23 287 4 +8 +16 62 1 — — 21 37,500
Lurker +8 +4 — 15 287 2 +8 +16 103 1 — Stealth 21 37,500
Skirmisher +8 +4 +5 17 287 3 +8 +16 83 1 — Perception 21 37,500
Striker +8 +4 — 19 382 3 +8 +16 83 1 — — 21 37,500
Supporter +8 +12 — 19 478 3 +8 +16 62 1 — — 21 37,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 25 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 3
Controller +8 +16 — 22 573 3 +8 +16 68 2 1 — 23 56,250
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 430 4 +8 +16 68 2 1 — 23 56,250
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 430 2 +8 +16 113 2 1 Stealth 23 56,250
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 430 3 +8 +16 90 2 1 Perception 23 56,250
Striker +8 +8 — 20 573 3 +8 +16 90 2 1 — 23 56,250
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 716 3 +8 +16 68 2 1 — 23 56,250
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 25 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 4
Controller +8 +16 — 22 764 3 +8 +16 68 3 2 — 25 75,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 573 4 +8 +16 68 3 2 — 25 75,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 573 2 +8 +16 113 3 2 Stealth 25 75,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 573 3 +8 +16 90 3 2 Perception 25 75,000
Striker +8 +8 — 20 764 3 +8 +16 90 3 2 — 25 75,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 955 3 +8 +16 68 3 2 — 25 75,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 25 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 5
Controller +8 +16 — 22 955 3 +8 +16 68 4 2 — 26 93,750
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 716 4 +8 +16 68 4 2 — 26 93,750
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 716 2 +8 +16 113 4 2 Stealth 26 93,750
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 716 3 +8 +16 90 4 2 Perception 26 93,750
Striker +8 +8 — 20 955 3 +8 +16 90 4 2 — 26 93,750
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,194 3 +8 +16 68 4 2 — 26 93,750
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 25 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 6
Controller +8 +16 — 22 1,146 3 +8 +16 68 5 3 — 27 112,500
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 860 4 +8 +16 68 5 3 — 27 112,500
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 860 2 +8 +16 113 5 3 Stealth 27 112,500
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 860 3 +8 +16 90 5 3 Perception 27 112,500
Striker +8 +8 — 20 1,146 3 +8 +16 90 5 3 — 27 112,500
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,433 3 +8 +16 68 5 3 — 27 112,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 25 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 7
Controller +8 +16 — 22 1,337 3 +8 +16 68 6 3 — 28 131,250
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 1,003 4 +8 +16 68 6 3 — 28 131,250
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 1,003 2 +8 +16 113 6 3 Stealth 28 131,250
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 1,003 3 +8 +16 90 6 3 Perception 28 131,250
Striker +8 +8 — 20 1,337 3 +8 +16 90 6 3 — 28 131,250
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,671 3 +8 +16 68 6 3 — 28 131,250



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 26 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +8 +8 — 20 40 1 +8 +16 44 — — — 9 5,625
Defender +8 — −5 22 30 2 +8 +16 44 — — — 9 5,625
Lurker +8 — — 14 30 0 +8 +16 73 — — Stealth 9 5,625
Skirmisher +8 — +5 16 30 1 +8 +16 59 — — Perception 9 5,625
Striker +8 — — 18 40 1 +8 +16 59 — — — 9 5,625
Supporter +8 +8 — 18 50 1 +8 +16 44 — — — 9 5,625
GRUNT LEVEL 26 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 1
Controller +8 +8 — 20 198 2 +8 +16 59 — — — 19 22,500
Defender +8 — −5 22 149 3 +8 +16 59 — — — 19 22,500
Lurker +8 — — 14 149 1 +8 +16 98 — — Stealth 19 22,500
Skirmisher +8 — +5 16 149 2 +8 +16 78 — — Perception 19 22,500
Striker +8 — — 18 198 2 +8 +16 78 — — — 19 22,500
Supporter +8 +8 — 18 248 2 +8 +16 59 — — — 19 22,500
ELITE LEVEL 26 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 2
Controller +8 +12 — 21 396 3 +8 +16 64 1 — — 22 45,000
Defender +8 +4 −5 23 297 4 +8 +16 64 1 — — 22 45,000
Lurker +8 +4 — 15 297 2 +8 +16 107 1 — Stealth 22 45,000
Skirmisher +8 +4 +5 17 297 3 +8 +16 86 1 — Perception 22 45,000
Striker +8 +4 — 19 396 3 +8 +16 86 1 — — 22 45,000
Supporter +8 +12 — 19 495 3 +8 +16 64 1 — — 22 45,000
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 26 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 3
Controller +8 +16 — 22 594 3 +8 +16 70 2 1 — 24 67,500
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 446 4 +8 +16 70 2 1 — 24 67,500
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 446 2 +8 +16 117 2 1 Stealth 24 67,500
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 446 3 +8 +16 94 2 1 Perception 24 67,500
Striker +8 +8 — 20 594 3 +8 +16 94 2 1 — 24 67,500
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 743 3 +8 +16 70 2 1 — 24 67,500
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 26 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 4
Controller +8 +16 — 22 792 3 +8 +16 70 3 2 — 26 90,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 594 4 +8 +16 70 3 2 — 26 90,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 594 2 +8 +16 117 3 2 Stealth 26 90,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 594 3 +8 +16 94 3 2 Perception 26 90,000
Striker +8 +8 — 20 792 3 +8 +16 94 3 2 — 26 90,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 990 3 +8 +16 70 3 2 — 26 90,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 26 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 5
Controller +8 +16 — 22 990 3 +8 +16 70 4 2 — 27 112,500
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 743 4 +8 +16 70 4 2 — 27 112,500
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 743 2 +8 +16 117 4 2 Stealth 27 112,500
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 743 3 +8 +16 94 4 2 Perception 27 112,500
Striker +8 +8 — 20 990 3 +8 +16 94 4 2 — 27 112,500
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,238 3 +8 +16 70 4 2 — 27 112,500
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 26 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 6
Controller +8 +16 — 22 1,188 3 +8 +16 70 5 3 — 29 135,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 891 4 +8 +16 70 5 3 — 29 135,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 891 2 +8 +16 117 5 3 Stealth 29 135,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 891 3 +8 +16 94 5 3 Perception 29 135,000
Striker +8 +8 — 20 1,188 3 +8 +16 94 5 3 — 29 135,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,485 3 +8 +16 70 5 3 — 29 135,000
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 26 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 7
Controller +8 +16 — 22 1,386 3 +8 +16 70 6 3 — 30 157,500
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 1,040 4 +8 +16 70 6 3 — 30 157,500
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 1,040 2 +8 +16 117 6 3 Stealth 30 157,500
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 1,040 3 +8 +16 94 6 3 Perception 30 157,500
Striker +8 +8 — 20 1,386 3 +8 +16 94 6 3 — 30 157,500
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,733 3 +8 +16 70 6 3 — 30 157,500



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 27 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +8 +8 — 20 41 1 +8 +16 46 — — — 10 6,562
Defender +8 — −5 22 31 2 +8 +16 46 — — — 10 6,562
Lurker +8 — — 14 31 0 +8 +16 76 — — Stealth 10 6,562
Skirmisher +8 — +5 16 31 1 +8 +16 61 — — Perception 10 6,562
Striker +8 — — 18 41 1 +8 +16 61 — — — 10 6,562
Supporter +8 +8 — 18 51 1 +8 +16 46 — — — 10 6,562
GRUNT LEVEL 27 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 1
Controller +8 +8 — 20 205 2 +8 +16 61 — — — 20 26,250
Defender +8 — −5 22 154 3 +8 +16 61 — — — 20 26,250
Lurker +8 — — 14 154 1 +8 +16 101 — — Stealth 20 26,250
Skirmisher +8 — +5 16 154 2 +8 +16 81 — — Perception 20 26,250
Striker +8 — — 18 205 2 +8 +16 81 — — — 20 26,250
Supporter +8 +8 — 18 256 2 +8 +16 61 — — — 20 26,250
ELITE LEVEL 27 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 2
Controller +8 +12 — 21 410 3 +8 +16 67 1 — — 23 52,500
Defender +8 +4 −5 23 308 4 +8 +16 67 1 — — 23 52,500
Lurker +8 +4 — 15 308 2 +8 +16 111 1 — Stealth 23 52,500
Skirmisher +8 +4 +5 17 308 3 +8 +16 89 1 — Perception 23 52,500
Striker +8 +4 — 19 410 3 +8 +16 89 1 — — 23 52,500
Supporter +8 +12 — 19 513 3 +8 +16 67 1 — — 23 52,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 27 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 3
Controller +8 +16 — 22 615 3 +8 +16 73 2 1 — 25 78,750
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 461 4 +8 +16 73 2 1 — 25 78,750
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 461 2 +8 +16 122 2 1 Stealth 25 78,750
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 461 3 +8 +16 97 2 1 Perception 25 78,750
Striker +8 +8 — 20 615 3 +8 +16 97 2 1 — 25 78,750
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 769 3 +8 +16 73 2 1 — 25 78,750
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 27 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 4
Controller +8 +16 — 22 820 3 +8 +16 73 3 2 — 27 105,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 615 4 +8 +16 73 3 2 — 27 105,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 615 2 +8 +16 122 3 2 Stealth 27 105,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 615 3 +8 +16 97 3 2 Perception 27 105,000
Striker +8 +8 — 20 820 3 +8 +16 97 3 2 — 27 105,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,025 3 +8 +16 73 3 2 — 27 105,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 27 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 5
Controller +8 +16 — 22 1,025 3 +8 +16 73 4 2 — 28 131,250
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 769 4 +8 +16 73 4 2 — 28 131,250
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 769 2 +8 +16 122 4 2 Stealth 28 131,250
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 769 3 +8 +16 97 4 2 Perception 28 131,250
Striker +8 +8 — 20 1,025 3 +8 +16 97 4 2 — 28 131,250
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,281 3 +8 +16 73 4 2 — 28 131,250
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 27 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 6
Controller +8 +16 — 22 1,230 3 +8 +16 73 5 3 — 30 157,500
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 923 4 +8 +16 73 5 3 — 30 157,500
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 923 2 +8 +16 122 5 3 Stealth 30 157,500
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 923 3 +8 +16 97 5 3 Perception 30 157,500
Striker +8 +8 — 20 1,230 3 +8 +16 97 5 3 — 30 157,500
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,538 3 +8 +16 73 5 3 — 30 157,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 27 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 7
Controller +8 +16 — 22 1,435 3 +8 +16 73 6 3 — 31 183,750
Defender +8 +8 −5 24 1,076 4 +8 +16 73 6 3 — 31 183,750
Lurker +8 +8 — 16 1,076 2 +8 +16 122 6 3 Stealth 31 183,750
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 18 1,076 3 +8 +16 97 6 3 Perception 31 183,750
Striker +8 +8 — 20 1,435 3 +8 +16 97 6 3 — 31 183,750
Supporter +8 +16 — 20 1,794 3 +8 +16 73 6 3 — 31 183,750



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 28 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +8 +8 — 21 42 1 +8 +16 47 — — — 11 7,500
Defender +8 — −5 23 32 2 +8 +16 47 — — — 11 7,500
Lurker +8 — — 15 32 0 +8 +16 79 — — Stealth 11 7,500
Skirmisher +8 — +5 17 32 1 +8 +16 63 — — Perception 11 7,500
Striker +8 — — 19 42 1 +8 +16 63 — — — 11 7,500
Supporter +8 +8 — 19 53 1 +8 +16 47 — — — 11 7,500
GRUNT LEVEL 28 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 1
Controller +8 +8 — 21 212 2 +8 +16 63 — — — 20 30,000
Defender +8 — −5 23 159 3 +8 +16 63 — — — 20 30,000
Lurker +8 — — 15 159 1 +8 +16 105 — — Stealth 20 30,000
Skirmisher +8 — +5 17 159 2 +8 +16 84 — — Perception 20 30,000
Striker +8 — — 19 212 2 +8 +16 84 — — — 20 30,000
Supporter +8 +8 — 19 265 2 +8 +16 63 — — — 20 30,000
ELITE LEVEL 28 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 2
Controller +8 +12 — 22 424 3 +8 +16 69 1 — — 23 60,000
Defender +8 +4 −5 24 318 4 +8 +16 69 1 — — 23 60,000
Lurker +8 +4 — 16 318 2 +8 +16 116 1 — Stealth 23 60,000
Skirmisher +8 +4 +5 18 318 3 +8 +16 92 1 — Perception 23 60,000
Striker +8 +4 — 20 424 3 +8 +16 92 1 — — 23 60,000
Supporter +8 +12 — 20 530 3 +8 +16 69 1 — — 23 60,000
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 28 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 3
Controller +8 +16 — 23 636 3 +8 +16 76 2 1 — 26 90,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 25 477 4 +8 +16 76 2 1 — 26 90,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 17 477 2 +8 +16 126 2 1 Stealth 26 90,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 19 477 3 +8 +16 101 2 1 Perception 26 90,000
Striker +8 +8 — 21 636 3 +8 +16 101 2 1 — 26 90,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 21 795 3 +8 +16 76 2 1 — 26 90,000
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 28 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 4
Controller +8 +16 — 23 848 3 +8 +16 76 3 2 — 28 120,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 25 636 4 +8 +16 76 3 2 — 28 120,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 17 636 2 +8 +16 126 3 2 Stealth 28 120,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 19 636 3 +8 +16 101 3 2 Perception 28 120,000
Striker +8 +8 — 21 848 3 +8 +16 101 3 2 — 28 120,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 21 1,060 3 +8 +16 76 3 2 — 28 120,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 28 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 5
Controller +8 +16 — 23 1,060 3 +8 +16 76 4 2 — 29 150,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 25 795 4 +8 +16 76 4 2 — 29 150,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 17 795 2 +8 +16 126 4 2 Stealth 29 150,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 19 795 3 +8 +16 101 4 2 Perception 29 150,000
Striker +8 +8 — 21 1,060 3 +8 +16 101 4 2 — 29 150,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 21 1,325 3 +8 +16 76 4 2 — 29 150,000
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 28 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 6
Controller +8 +16 — 23 1,272 3 +8 +16 76 5 3 — 31 180,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 25 954 4 +8 +16 76 5 3 — 31 180,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 17 954 2 +8 +16 126 5 3 Stealth 31 180,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 19 954 3 +8 +16 101 5 3 Perception 31 180,000
Striker +8 +8 — 21 1,272 3 +8 +16 101 5 3 — 31 180,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 21 1,590 3 +8 +16 76 5 3 — 31 180,000
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 28 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 7
Controller +8 +16 — 23 1,484 3 +8 +16 76 6 3 — 32 210,000
Defender +8 +8 −5 25 1,113 4 +8 +16 76 6 3 — 32 210,000
Lurker +8 +8 — 17 1,113 2 +8 +16 126 6 3 Stealth 32 210,000
Skirmisher +8 +8 +5 19 1,113 3 +8 +16 101 6 3 Perception 32 210,000
Striker +8 +8 — 21 1,484 3 +8 +16 101 6 3 — 32 210,000
Supporter +8 +16 — 21 1,855 3 +8 +16 76 6 3 — 32 210,000



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 29 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +9 +9 — 21 44 1 +9 +17 49 — — — 12 8,437
Defender +9 — −5 23 33 2 +9 +17 49 — — — 12 8,437
Lurker +9 — — 15 33 0 +9 +17 82 — — Stealth 12 8,437
Skirmisher +9 — +5 17 33 1 +9 +17 65 — — Perception 12 8,437
Striker +9 — — 19 44 1 +9 +17 65 — — — 12 8,437
Supporter +9 +9 — 19 55 1 +9 +17 49 — — — 12 8,437
GRUNT LEVEL 29 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 1
Controller +9 +9 — 21 219 2 +9 +17 65 — — — 21 33,750
Defender +9 — −5 23 164 3 +9 +17 65 — — — 21 33,750
Lurker +9 — — 15 164 1 +9 +17 109 — — Stealth 21 33,750
Skirmisher +9 — +5 17 164 2 +9 +17 87 — — Perception 21 33,750
Striker +9 — — 19 219 2 +9 +17 87 — — — 21 33,750
Supporter +9 +9 — 19 274 2 +9 +17 65 — — — 21 33,750
ELITE LEVEL 29 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 2
Controller +9 +13 — 22 438 3 +9 +17 72 1 — — 24 67,500
Defender +9 +4 −5 24 329 4 +9 +17 72 1 — — 24 67,500
Lurker +9 +4 — 16 329 2 +9 +17 120 1 — Stealth 24 67,500
Skirmisher +9 +4 +5 18 329 3 +9 +17 96 1 — Perception 24 67,500
Striker +9 +4 — 20 438 3 +9 +17 96 1 — — 24 67,500
Supporter +9 +13 — 20 548 3 +9 +17 72 1 — — 24 67,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 29 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 3
Controller +9 +18 — 23 657 3 +9 +17 78 2 1 — 26 101,250
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 493 4 +9 +17 78 2 1 — 26 101,250
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 493 2 +9 +17 131 2 1 Stealth 26 101,250
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 493 3 +9 +17 104 2 1 Perception 26 101,250
Striker +9 +9 — 21 657 3 +9 +17 104 2 1 — 26 101,250
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 821 3 +9 +17 78 2 1 — 26 101,250
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 29 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 4
Controller +9 +18 — 23 876 3 +9 +17 78 3 2 — 29 135,000
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 657 4 +9 +17 78 3 2 — 29 135,000
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 657 2 +9 +17 131 3 2 Stealth 29 135,000
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 657 3 +9 +17 104 3 2 Perception 29 135,000
Striker +9 +9 — 21 876 3 +9 +17 104 3 2 — 29 135,000
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 1,095 3 +9 +17 78 3 2 — 29 135,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 29 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 5
Controller +9 +18 — 23 1,095 3 +9 +17 78 4 2 — 30 168,750
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 821 4 +9 +17 78 4 2 — 30 168,750
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 821 2 +9 +17 131 4 2 Stealth 30 168,750
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 821 3 +9 +17 104 4 2 Perception 30 168,750
Striker +9 +9 — 21 1,095 3 +9 +17 104 4 2 — 30 168,750
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 1,369 3 +9 +17 78 4 2 — 30 168,750
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 29 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 6
Controller +9 +18 — 23 1,314 3 +9 +17 78 5 3 — 31 202,500
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 986 4 +9 +17 78 5 3 — 31 202,500
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 986 2 +9 +17 131 5 3 Stealth 31 202,500
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 986 3 +9 +17 104 5 3 Perception 31 202,500
Striker +9 +9 — 21 1,314 3 +9 +17 104 5 3 — 31 202,500
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 1,643 3 +9 +17 78 5 3 — 31 202,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 29 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 7
Controller +9 +18 — 23 1,533 3 +9 +17 78 6 3 — 33 236,250
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 1,150 4 +9 +17 78 6 3 — 33 236,250
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 1,150 2 +9 +17 131 6 3 Stealth 33 236,250
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 1,150 3 +9 +17 104 6 3 Perception 33 236,250
Striker +9 +9 — 21 1,533 3 +9 +17 104 6 3 — 33 236,250
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 1,916 3 +9 +17 78 6 3 — 33 236,250



Scaler Templates (CL )

MINION LEVEL 30 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 0.25
Controller +9 +9 — 21 45 1 +9 +17 51 — — — 12 9,687
Defender +9 — −5 23 34 2 +9 +17 51 — — — 12 9,687
Lurker +9 — — 15 34 0 +9 +17 84 — — Stealth 12 9,687
Skirmisher +9 — +5 17 34 1 +9 +17 68 — — Perception 12 9,687
Striker +9 — — 19 45 1 +9 +17 68 — — — 12 9,687
Supporter +9 +9 — 19 57 1 +9 +17 51 — — — 12 9,687
GRUNT LEVEL 30 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +7, +7, +4, +4, +1, +1 THREAT: 1
Controller +9 +9 — 21 226 2 +9 +17 68 — — — 21 38,750
Defender +9 — −5 23 170 3 +9 +17 68 — — — 21 38,750
Lurker +9 — — 15 170 1 +9 +17 113 — — Stealth 21 38,750
Skirmisher +9 — +5 17 170 2 +9 +17 90 — — Perception 21 38,750
Striker +9 — — 19 226 2 +9 +17 90 — — — 21 38,750
Supporter +9 +9 — 19 283 2 +9 +17 68 — — — 21 38,750
ELITE LEVEL 30 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +8, +8, +5, +5, +2, +2 THREAT: 2
Controller +9 +13 — 22 452 3 +9 +17 74 1 — — 25 77,500
Defender +9 +4 −5 24 339 4 +9 +17 74 1 — — 25 77,500
Lurker +9 +4 — 16 339 2 +9 +17 124 1 — Stealth 25 77,500
Skirmisher +9 +4 +5 18 339 3 +9 +17 99 1 — Perception 25 77,500
Striker +9 +4 — 20 452 3 +9 +17 99 1 — — 25 77,500
Supporter +9 +13 — 20 565 3 +9 +17 74 1 — — 25 77,500
PARAGON T3 LEVEL 30 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 3
Controller +9 +18 — 23 678 3 +9 +17 81 2 1 — 27 116,250
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 509 4 +9 +17 81 2 1 — 27 116,250
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 509 2 +9 +17 135 2 1 Stealth 27 116,250
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 509 3 +9 +17 108 2 1 Perception 27 116,250
Striker +9 +9 — 21 678 3 +9 +17 108 2 1 — 27 116,250
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 848 3 +9 +17 81 2 1 — 27 116,250
PARAGON T4 LEVEL 30 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 4
Controller +9 +18 — 23 904 3 +9 +17 81 3 2 — 30 155,000
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 678 4 +9 +17 81 3 2 — 30 155,000
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 678 2 +9 +17 135 3 2 Stealth 30 155,000
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 678 3 +9 +17 108 3 2 Perception 30 155,000
Striker +9 +9 — 21 904 3 +9 +17 108 3 2 — 30 155,000
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 1,130 3 +9 +17 81 3 2 — 30 155,000
PARAGON T5 LEVEL 30 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 5
Controller +9 +18 — 23 1,130 3 +9 +17 81 4 2 — 31 193,750
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 848 4 +9 +17 81 4 2 — 31 193,750
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 848 2 +9 +17 135 4 2 Stealth 31 193,750
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 848 3 +9 +17 108 4 2 Perception 31 193,750
Striker +9 +9 — 21 1,130 3 +9 +17 108 4 2 — 31 193,750
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 1,413 3 +9 +17 81 4 2 — 31 193,750
PARAGON T6 LEVEL 30 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 6
Controller +9 +18 — 23 1,356 3 +9 +17 81 5 3 — 32 232,500
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 1,017 4 +9 +17 81 5 3 — 32 232,500
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 1,017 2 +9 +17 135 5 3 Stealth 32 232,500
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 1,017 3 +9 +17 108 5 3 Perception 32 232,500
Striker +9 +9 — 21 1,356 3 +9 +17 108 5 3 — 32 232,500
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 1,695 3 +9 +17 81 5 3 — 32 232,500
PARAGON T7 LEVEL 30 ABILITY MODIFIERS: +9, +9, +6, +6, +3, +3 THREAT: 7
Controller +9 +18 — 23 1,582 3 +9 +17 81 6 3 — 34 271,250
Defender +9 +9 −5 25 1,187 4 +9 +17 81 6 3 — 34 271,250
Lurker +9 +9 — 17 1,187 2 +9 +17 135 6 3 Stealth 34 271,250
Skirmisher +9 +9 +5 19 1,187 3 +9 +17 108 6 3 Perception 34 271,250
Striker +9 +9 — 21 1,582 3 +9 +17 108 6 3 — 34 271,250
Supporter +9 +18 — 21 1,978 3 +9 +17 81 6 3 — 34 271,250



T his section lists at some of the
frequently asked questions regarding Giffyglyph's
Monster Maker. If your question isn't answered here,
D How did you write this?
This document was written and rendered with
feel free to contact me. Giffyglyph's Project Publisher, a custom-built Node.js
toolkit that transforms markdown files into HTML,
PDFs, PNGs, JPGs, and ZIPs.
The Basics You can download and use this free, open-source
tool (licensed under GNU GPL 3.0) at:
A Is this o ficial material?
No. This an unofficial compilation of new rules, 

templates, and mechanics intended to supplement

official material found in 5th Edition books.
E What else have you written?
B Does this replace 5th Edition? In addition to this 5th Edition supplement, you can find
other examples of my work in:
No. This modular supplement doesn't outright replace
5th Edition material, but provides you with advanced • Giffyglyph's Darker Dungeons: Modular rules to
tools to create your own monsters and encounters. expand your 5th Edition toolkit with brand new
You can use these new scalers alongside official 5th options and gameplay features.
Edition monsters, or use them exclusively in your • Giffyglyph's Class Compendium: A complete rewrite
encounters—whatever works best for your GM style! and re-balance of the 12 5th Edition core classes,
retooled to focus on 1st-10th level gameplay.
C Why did you write this? • Quick Quest: A one-page quick-play RPG with
OSR/narrative leanings.
I like to improvise a lot when I GM, so I need a quick and
reliable way to generate fiction-first/combat-ready Visit and to
monsters with a (reasonably) predictable threat level. find a full collection of my work and applications.
Unfortunately, I found this needlessly difficult in 5th
Edition—so I returned to 4th Edition for inspiration and
wrote this supplement for my own 5e games.
F I spotted an error...
With standardized monster math, straightforward If you notice a spelling error, rendering issue, or other
encounter rules, and varied combat types (roles, ranks, bug with this supplement, please a) contact me or b)
etc), any 5e GM can now build fun, flexible encounters raise a new issue on the github repository:
in seconds. I hope these tools, templates, and tables
make the time you spend building encounters much
more enjoyable—good luck! 


Easy to Customize
G Can I copy your text? If a 4 4 power mapping doesn't suit your campaign, you
can simply apply simple a modifier to your scalers—
No. You may reference parts of this supplement in your +10% hit points, -20% damage, etc. This is an easy way
own free homebrew, with appropriate credit. to change the tone of combat—for example:
However, please don't replicate the text wholesale
nor include my writing in any for-sale variant. • Safe Combat (4 2): +0% dmg, -50% hp.
• Faster Combat (3 3): +33% dmg, -25% hp.
• Risky Combat (3 4): +33% dmg, +0% hp.
Scalers • Lethal Combat (2 2): +100% dmg, -50% hp.

Simple Encounter Design

A Why are they called Scalers? Building an encounter with scalers is incredibly easy—
This supplement uses the term "scalers" to refer to just add one level-matched grunt for each player
scaling monsters—i.e. entities that have a combat level, character in the party. That's it!
a combat rank, and (optionally) a combat role. This is to But it's just as easy to mix things up by switching
distinguish them from statics: around a few combat ranks. As a general rule of thumb:

• Scaler: Your attributes scale up or down easily when • 4 minions are worth one grunt.
you change a core dial (level, rank, or role). • One grunt is a match for one player character.
• Static: Your attributes are hardcoded or arbitrarily • One elite is worth 2 grunts.
decided (i.e. official 5th Edition monsters). • One paragon is a match for an entire party.

This terminology can also be applied to features (a With these guidelines in hand, you can build a range
scaling feature vs a static feature) and encounters (a of varied encounters in no time at all.
scaling encounter vs a static encounter).
Big Boss Battles
B How are Scalers calculated? Paragons are designed to face an entire adventuring
party all by themselves, serving as the centerpiece for
This supplement uses an approach coined by Song of fully-featured big boss battles.
the Blade in their 2015 article "Improved Monster Stats With a wide array of scaling features and options
table for 5th Edition", aligning monster hit points and (multiple phases, transformations, multi-part bodies,
damage with the progression of the fighter class. paragon powers, etc.), you can let the boss be the boss.
A single grunt should be a one-to-one match for a
fighter of equal level—it should die after four attacking Powers, Not Spells
actions, or kill the fighter with four attacking actions. Vancian magic may be a great feature for players, but
This underlying math is then augmented with combat it's a bad feature for NPCs—it's slow, it doesn't scale
roles and combat ranks (as coined by 4th Edition) to well, and juggling spell slots is a poor use of your time.
create a range of easy, reliable templates. Magical scalers don't use spells or spell slots—with
scaling features (p38) and the spellcaster (p57) or
C Why use Scalers? summoner archetypes (p60), you can build and run any
kind of spellcaster you need with zero overhead.
Though outwardly similar to traditional 5e NPCs, scalers
are built to serve a specific purpose—combat. Self-contained Profiles
The scaler profile includes everything you need to
Quick to Build confidently use them in battle—read the stat block and
Scalers are designed to be quick and easy to build—just dive straight into combat.
choose three modifiers: a combat level, a combat rank,
and (optionally) a combat role. That's it! Improvisation-Friendly
A combat profile isn't an exhaustive list of abilities—it's
Predictable Power just a starting point. If you want to do something special
When you create a monster, it's important to know with that's thematic and makes sense, improvise it!
some certainty how lethal it may be. Scaler combat levels Scalers tell you their fundamental combat stats
are designed to scale alongside character levels: upfront (attack bonuses, DCs, damage, etc.) to help you
improvise actions quickly, easily, and accurately.
• Damage: A grunt should defeat a fighter (of the same
level) with 4 average damaging attacks. Asymmetrical Design
• Durability: A fighter should defeat a grunt (of the Scalers aren't built in the same way as player characters
same level) with 4 average damaging attacks. —it's inefficient to micromanage equipment and spells
for every monster.
With this simple 4 4 damage/durability power With decoupled combat stats, scalers let you can
mapping, you can have more confidence in your focus on the important things—making fun monsters
monsters and their potential encounter impact. and great encounters.


D Why don't Minions have 1 HP? Support

In 4th Edition, minions had only 1 hit point—any
successful attack would defeat them. However, this
tends to be a bad idea in 5th Edition.
A Can I buy a printed version?
Some spells (such as Sleep) distribute their effects This supplement is currently a work-in-progress, so a
based on hit point totals—if minions have only 1 HP, printed version is not yet available.
these basic spells can be greatly overpowered and take However, once the text is complete, I hope to use a
out crowds of minions all-too-easily. To that effect, print-on-demand service (such as DriveThruRPG) to
scaler minions have a severely reduced hit point pool help you buy a physical copy.
that should—in practice—mean they are defeated within
one attacking action.
B Can I contribute?
E Can I share my Scalers? This supplement is supported by my very-kind patrons,
ko-fi donations, and twitch subscribers. If these
Yes. If you create a scaling monster of your own design mechanics have helped out your game and you'd like to
using this supplement, you can share it freely. Post it make a contribution, please consider:
online, include it in your homebrew, put it in an
adventure, print it—your content is your own. • Patreon: Become a Patron (
to support this and my other projects.
• Ko-fi: If you'd like to make a one-off donation, you
Online can buy me a coffee at
• Twitch: Stop by my Twitch stream
A Is there VTT support? ( and say hello.
• Spread the Word: If you've enjoyed my work, a
Yes. You can build scaling monsters with Foundry VTT tweet/like/review/media-post/credit/etc would be
using the official Giffyglyph's Monster Maker module. greatly appreciated!
You can download the module via any of the following: • Translate: This supplement is a work-in-progress
and liable to change. However, if you would like to
translate the current content into another language,
• Foundry VTT: please contact me.
• Foundry Hub:
C Can I commission you?
• The Forge: I am not currently available for standard commission
s-5e-monster-maker work at the moment. However, if you have a particular
• Source Code: project of interest you'd like me to work on, please let
nster-maker me know via the channels below.

For specific details about the Foundry VTT module,

D How can I contact you?
or to commission modules for other VTTs, please If you have any feedback, reviews, or questions, please
contact me. contact me via the following:

B Is there a Web application? • Discord: Giffyglyph#7632

Yes. You can create scaling monsters online with • Email:
Giffyglyph's Online Monster Maker. If you notice a bug • Patreon:
with this application, please a) contact me or b) raise a • Twitch:
new issue on the github repository. • Reddit: /u/giffyglyph
• Twitter: @giffyglyph
• Website:
• Youtube:


Thanks for Reading!

C Can I share this PDF? Thanks for taking the time to read this 5th Edition
This PDF is currently available on pay-what-you-want supplement. I hope you found something useful for your
terms. You may share it with others, but may not charge TTRPG games!
for or sell it in any fashion.


Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this

License License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-

free, nonexclusive license with the exact terms of this License to
This supplement references a variety of 5th Edition Use, the Open Game Content.
Open Game Content (spells, mechanics, races, classes, Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
etc.) as defined in the Open Game License (OGL) below. original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
The following items are designated Product Identity, Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient
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added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
Open Game Content distributed using this License. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend,
Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. • Giffyglyph's Monster Maker v3.0 Copyright 2022, Giffyglyph.

Great Heroes
Need Greater
No adventure is complete without a monster to
battle—a wild dragon raging through the town,
blood-thirsty gnolls howling in the cold night, a
necromancer commanding armies of undead.

This 5th Edition supplement introduces new rules,

mechanics, and templates to help any Game
Master create deadly monsters, treacherous
traps, and epic encounters.

Create scaling monsters in

seconds with COMBAT LEVELS

Use COMBAT RANKS to build your own

minions, grunts, elites, and paragons

Empower your monsters with 6 COMBAT ROLES,


Equip your monsters with SCALING FEATURES


Build new, level-appropriate scaling encounters



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