RRB-NTPC Muzaffarpur Result
RRB-NTPC Muzaffarpur Result
RRB-NTPC Muzaffarpur Result
1.The 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) was conducted from 28th December 2020 to 31st July 2021 by Railway Recruitment Boards for the posts of NTPC against CEN 01/2019.
2.The candidates bearing the Roll Numbers listed herein under have been provisionally shortlisted to appear in the 2nd Stage CBT.
3.The candidates have been shortlisted as per the merit in 1st stage CBT duly considering their order of preference for various posts.
4.Candidates who are shortlisted for 2nd Stage CBT availing the reservation benefits of OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/EWS, PwBD and ExSM shall continue to be considered only against OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/EWS, PwBD and ExSM for all subsequent
stages of recruitment process.
5.The subsequent shortlisting for Document Verification will be based on the performance of candidates in 2nd Stage CBT and based on the performance of candidates in both 2nd Stage CBT and CBAT/TST (as applicable).
6.Separate 2nd Stage CBT are conducted for each of the 7th CPC Level notified in CEN No.01/2019 i.e. Level 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. All posts falling within same level of 7th CPC will have a common 2nd stage CBT.
7.The 2nd Stage CBT for the posts under each level for the provisionally qualified candidates is tentatively scheduled from 14th February 2022 till 18th February 2022. All these candidates shall be advised through official website of
RRBs / SMS / Email to download their Exam City Intimation about 10 days prior to the 2nd Stage CBT. The e-call letter will be available for download 4 days prior to CBT date.
8.Candidates can view their individual scores and their qualifying status for 2nd Stage CBT by logging in through the link provided on the official website of RRBs duly entering their Registration Number and Date of Birth. On login,
candidates can also see their question paper in which he/she has appeared along with the correct answer marked among the four options. The candidature of all the qualified candidates for 2nd Stage CBT is purely provisional and is
liable to be cancelled, at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, in case of any inconsistency/deficiency in the data furnished or any malpractice on part of candidates coming to the notice of RRB. It may be noted that merely calling a
candidate for 2nd Stage CBT does not entitle him/her in any way to an appointment in the Railways.
9.While every care has been taken in preparing the list of candidates qualified for 2nd Stage CBT, RRB reserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or typographical/printing mistakes. RRB regrets inability to entertain any
correspondence from unsuccessful candidates.
10.Candidates are advised to regularly visit RRB’s official website for the updates. The Roll Numbers of the provisionally qualified candidates for 2nd stage CBT are arranged horizontally in ascending order and not in order of merit.
Important: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRB exams is fully computerized and the selection is
based on merit of candidates only. Please visit the official websites of RRBs for regular updates and information.
Roll Number of Shortlisted candidates for 7th CPC Level in ascending order (not in order of merit)
Level 6
251191130051190 251191150038535 251191160005683 251191160010317 251191170002661
251191170005766 251191170008131 251191190014563 251191190016182 251191190024057
251191190027438 251191190052484 251191190053162 251191190054065 251191190054197
251191190055916 251191190057658 251191190061090 251191190062415 251191190065487
251191190065945 251191190066317 251191190066340 251191190067364 251191190069501
251191190070522 251191190072797 251191220044705 251191230016511 251191250070796
251191260004092 251191260010725 251191260016571 251191260018319 251191260020295
251191260028806 251191260030727 251191260032662 251191260034274 251191260035362
251191260045547 251191260048752 251191260056243 251191260059656 251191260068776
251191260069038 251191260069734 251191260070031 251191260070521 251191260071413
251191270067045 251191280000036 251192120010495 251192120010575 251192120020405
251192120021711 251192120034199 251192130024692 251192130029955 251192130037339
251192150026890 251192150042389 251192160042425 251192160044578 251192170012026
251192170027572 251192170050676 251192190014761 251192190022425 251192190027069
251192190034306 251192190038778 251192190044324 251192190054720 251192190058207
251192190062831 251192220023099 251192220025823 251192220026883 251192230072456
251192250017799 251192250028745 251192260017583 251192260023955 251192260032424
251192260035990 251192260041842 251192260044502 251192260045947 251192260047178
251192260048199 251192260063202 251192260071533 251193120025647 251193120035827
251193120046747 251193190001501 251193190003060 251193190003938 251193190005588
251193190006132 251193190006417 251193190006451 251193190006588 251193190006961
251193250001256 251193260002344 251193260004247 251193260004375 251193260005228
251193260005436 251193260005573 251193260006994 251193260007862 251193260009061
251194120026967 251194120033913 251194120049734 251194130015827 251194130027640
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