Knots and How To Tie Them

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The document discusses various knots including the alamar knot, boatswain's whistle knot, and methods for whipping rope ends. It provides detailed instructions and diagrams on how to tie these knots.

To tie a boatswain's whistle knot, hold the middle of the rope in your left hand with the bight to the back and the two leads between your fingers. Form underhand loops with the leads by weaving them in and out according to the numbered steps.

To double the boatswain's whistle knot, follow steps 1-4 of the single knot, then continue weaving the leads in and out, forming additional bights and underhand loops to increase the size.


The alamar knot is a decorative knot related to the pretzel. The pretzel knot is tied in a
single strand; the alamar knot is tied by doubling the strands as showwn in [Step 1]

[Step 1] Double the strand as shown. [Sterp 2]

[Step 4]

[Step 5] Add tassels or other end decorations.

© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

Description ---- A two lead knot that is built up WHISTLE KNOT
from two interlocking underhand loops to looks
like a turk's head knot when it is worked tight. 1.
Use ---- As a decorative knot to attach a whistle or
a knife to a lanyard ---- to form a toggle or

Other names ---- Sailor's knife lanyard knot,

marlingspike lanyard knot, single-strand dia-
mond knot, two strand diamond knot ---- pipe
lanyard knot.

Narration ----(For boatswain's whistle knot knot-

board.) (1) Use the left hand to hold the middle
of a strand of rope so that the loop of the bight 2. underhand loop
is to the back of the hand and the two leads are
between the fingers and hanging down across
the palm. (2) Use the bottom lead, to lay an
underhand loop over the standing end of top
lead. (3) Form a bight in the bottom lead so
that its running end is under the running end of
the top lead. (4) Weave the running end of the
bottom lead over the right edge of the top un-
derhand loop, then under the standing end of
the bottom lead, and over the left edge of the
top underhand hand loop. This forms two in- 3.
terlocking underhand loops. (5) Form the next
bight by placing the running end of the top lead
under the top edge of the top underhand loop.
(6) Reeve the running end of the top lead to
the outside of the standing end of the bottom
lead and up through the middle of the inter-
locking underhand knots. (7) Form the next
bight by placing the running end of the bottom
lead under the bottom edge of the bottom un-
derhand loop. (8) Reeve the running end of
bottom lead to the outside of the standing end 4. bight
of the bottom lead and up through the middle
of the interlocking underhand knots. (9) Work
the knot tight.
Doubling the Boatswain's Whistle Knot
increases its size. The increase in size makes it
more effective as a toggle or button. Doubling
also gives a variation in appearance when do-
ing decorative work. interlocking underhand loops
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

bight Doubling Continued:
Narrative ---- (For Doubling knotboard.) (1) Fol-
low steps 1 --- 4 from the knot board for the
the next bight by placing the running end of
the top lead under the top edge of the top un-
derhand loop. (3) weave the running end of
the top lead to the inside of the standing end
of the bottom lead and across the middle of
reeve through middle the interlocking underhand knots. (4) Form the
6. next bight by placing the running end of the
bottom lead under the bottom edge of the bot-
tom underhand loop. (5) Weave the running
end of bottom lead to the inside of the stand-
ing end of the bottom lead and across middle
of the interlocking underhand knots. (6) Chase
the top lead with the bottom lead; end by bring-
ing the top lead up through the middle. (7)
7. Chase the bottom lead with the top lead; end
by bringing the bottom lead up through the
middle. (8) Work the knot tight.

9. reeve through middle

work tight

+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

+ BOATSWAIN'S + 5. weave inside lead
Follow steps 1 -- 4 from the knot
board for the
BOATSWAIN'S WHISTLE KNOT 6. chase top lead

2. bottom lead
top underhand loop

7. chase bottom lead

weave inside lead

work tight


top lead bottom underhand loop

+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T


standing part
running part
overhand loop

Description ---- A double loop bowline Tied by
interlocking a doubled half hitch and a bight. eye

Use ---- As a nonslip double loop; as a loop any

where along the length of a rope; as secure loop
for rescue work; as the start of a life basket
harness; as a emergency boatswain chair.

Comments ---- The bowline on a bight is a secure 4.

double loop that can be tied anywhere along
the length of a rope. Several can be used as a
"dead eyes" for tightening a rope when secur-
ing a load or guy line.

Narration ---- (For bowline on a bight knot-

board.) (1) Take a bight in the rope. (2) Using
the bight as the running part, make a double 5.
strand overhand loop. (3) Take the running part
under the overhand loop. This forms a double
strand bight that will become the eye of the
knot. (4) Reeve the running part through the eye
eye of the overhand loop. (5) Spread the eye
of the running part (bight). (6) Pull the run-
ning part (bight) through the overhand loop
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

---------------------------------------- until you can enlarge it enough (7) to pass it

over the double strand bight. (8) When the eye
6. of the running part (bight) is around the stand-
ing part, (9) Grasp the double loop bight and
the standing part and pull the knot tight.




pull tight pull tight
<-------- ------->


+ +
126 © 1996, Gerald L. Findley

2B] Take 4 wraps

CAMP STOOL: around the 3 (1)
poles; follow the
pattern shown
for each wrap.

(2) (3)

2C] Take 2 frapping turns behind each pole.

3 — 2 Foot * 2 inch poles
20 — 1/2 inch diameter sticks (various lengths)
1 — 3/8 inch * 5 foot rope
1 — 1/4 inch * 12 foot rope
2D] End the lashing with a clove hitch around
STEP 1: Cut a grove 1 inch deep and 3/8 inch one of the poles.
wide in each end of the 2 foot poles. Be sure
that the groves are in the same direction.
3/8" * 1"
|<-------------------- 24"-------------->| grove

first half hitch of


clove hitch
STEP 2: Lash the 2 foot pole together at their 2E] Set the tripod up by rotating each leg.
centers with the 1/4 inch * 12 foot rope. Use
the equal shear tripod lash shown here.


2A] Tie a clove hitch around one of the poles;

secure the end by wrapping it around the
standing end.
- clove hitch

--------- standing end

© 1996, Gerald L. Findley 127

STEP 3: Prepare the seat support rope by STEP 6: Assemble the seat.
marking the middle of the 3/8 inch * 5 foot
rope by tying a piece of twine around it. 6A] Lift one strand of the lay of the seat sup-
Then form a loop that has a 42 inch cir- port rope on either side of the pole that is
cumference by temporarily tying the ends at the midpoint of the rope loop.
of the rope together.
STEP 4: Place the seat support rope in the
groves at the top of the poles so that the
middle of the rope is in one of the groves.
Adjust the ends poles so that they are
evenly spaced around the loop.
seat support

6B] Slide the ends of a 1/2 inch stick under

the lifted strands of the seat support rope.
middle of rope

STEP 5: Add the bracing rope. Tie a bowline into

one end of the 1/4 inch * 10 foot rope. Then 6C] Lift the next strand of the lay of the rope
on either side of the pole that is at the mid-
weave the rope back and forth between the ends
point of the seat support rope .
of the tripod poles; follow the pattern shown
in the diagram. End by tying a slippery half
hitch through the eye of the bowline.

6C] Insert the next 1/2 inch stick.

half hitch
128 © 1996, Gerald L. Findley

[NOTE] To keep the ends of the tripod poles at a

equal distance from each other as the seat is
being constructed, the temporary knot that joins
the two ends of the seat support rope will need
to be retied several times.

6E] Continue in this manner until the seat is

the desired size.
trim ends short splice

6F] Permanently join the 2 ends of the rope

loop with a short splice.

6G] Trim the ends of the 1/2 inch sticks so that

they extend about 2 1/2 inches beyond the

[NOTE] By removing the 1/4 inch brace rope,

this stool can be folded for transport and stor-
© 2000, Gerald L. Findley 87

Description ----- A turn secured to a cleat with a 1.
figure eights and locked in place with a half take bight

Use ---- To secure a flag lanyard, to moor a boat to

a dock.

Comments ---- Belaying to a cleat is a fast non-

jamming method of securing a rope anywhere
along its length without reeving any part of the
rope through or around anything.

Narration ----( For belaying to a cleat knotboard.) 2.

(1) Take a bight around the the first horn of the bight
cleat and pull the line tight. (2) Take a bight
around the second horn. (3) Place the line
across the cleat. (4) Take a second bight around
the first horn. (5) Place the line across the cleat
a second time. (6) Form a loop so that its run-
ning end is under its standing end. (7) Place
the eye of the loop over the second horn of the
cleat. (8)Pull the loop tight to form a half hitch
around the horn of the cleat, this locks the rope
in place.
3. cross cleat


cross cleat
88 © 2000, Gerald L. Findley

5. cross cleat PATTERN:
Use this pattern to make 8 hardwood cleats.
Attach the cleats to the knotboard with 1 1/2 inch
number 8 round head wood screws.


form loop

place over horn

8. <- pull half hitch tight

+ +
© 1996, Gerald L. Findley 1

Flag Pole Cleat: Dry Wood Cleat:

Suggestion 1 ----
A cleat is a device used to temporarily secure
a line. When valuable equipment such as boat is If only dry wood is available a cleat can be
being tied off, a commercially made cleat should made as shown in the following diagrams:
be used. However, when a rustic appearance is de-
sired a temporary cleat can be made with rope and
flag pole ------->

<---- horn
Green Stick Cleat:
wedge --------------> <---- riser

flag pole -------> round lash --->

<---- riser
<---- horn
<---- horn

wedge -------------->

<--- frapping
round lash ---> turns
[Step 1] Round lash a stick of suitable size to the
flag pole to make the horns of the cleat.

[Step 2] Raise the horns by forcing short risers

under each horn.
<---- horn
[Step 3] If needed tighten the round lashing by
driving a small wedge on either side of the

Suggestion 2 ----
[Step 1] Round lash a piece of flexible green wood
or a naturally curved piece of wood to the flag Preshape the cleat from a piece of limb wood .
pole to make the horns of the cleat.
[Step 1] Split a 3 inch diameter by 8 inch piece of
limb wood in half.
[Step 2] Tighten the round lashing by driving a
small wedge on either side of the cleat.
[Step 2] Use an ax and knife to shape the horns on
either end of split piece of wood.
[Step 3] Use frapping turns to raise the horns of
the cleat.
[Step 3] Round lash the cleat to the flag pole.
2 © 1996, Gerald L. Findley

Precut Cleats:

A cleat can be made from hard wood lumber

by sawing it to the desired shape and then round
lashed to the flag pole. Small wedges are used on
either side of the cleat to tighten the round lashing
and to stabilize the cleat.

[Step 4] Tighten the round lashing by driving a

small wedge on either side of the cleat.

Making Wedges:
1. 2. 3.

[Step 1] Cut to size. Length --- slightly longer than

the width of the round lashing. Diameter ---
slightly larger than the gap formed between
the rope, the flag pole, and the cleat.

[Step 2] Cut one end off at an angle.

[Step 3] Taper the sides of the point so that the

point of the wedge is on one side.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

Description —- Two single hitches (half hitches) CLOVE HITCH
tied in the same direction around an object.

Uses —-To secure a line to a post or pole; to start 1.

and end most lashings. running part
Comments — Can be untied (spilled) by pulling
on the standing part so that it rotates the cross
point in the knot until it goes over the end of
the rope. standing part
The length of the standing part can be ad-
justed by rotating the loops of the knot around
the pole. To shorten the standing part, pull on
the running end so that it rotates the cross point
toward the standing end . To lengthen the
standing part, pull on the standing part so that 2. 1st half hitch
the cross point is rotated toward the running

Because the clove hitch can be spilled by

rotating the standing part against the cross
point, the clove hitch will spill itself if it is tied
so that standing part moves back and forth in
such a way that it cause the loops of the knot
to slide around the pole. To prevent the clove
hitch from spilling, ‘stop’ it by tying two half
hitches around the standing part. 3.

two half hitches

----- loop


of clove

part hitch

----- loop
part ---------

When under constant tension the clove hitch

has little tendency to slide along the length of the
pole even if the tension is nearly parallel to the
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

---------------------------------------- Narrative ---- (For clove hitch knotboard.) (1)

Start the clove hitch by taking a bight around
an object with the running part. (2) Cross the
running part over the standing part to form a
5. half hitch. (3) Start the second half hitch by
continuing to wrap the standing part around
the object in the same direction as the first half
hitch. (4) Form a second bight around the ob-
2nd half hitch ject. (5) Finish the second half hitch. (6)&(7)
Grasp the standing part and the running part:
pull tight the clove hitch tight.

6. A clove hitch can be tied over the end of a

standing part pole or stake by using this method.

(1) Form two underhand

running part loops in the running
part of the rope.

7. (front)
pull ti --->
ght ------
pull t-i--- (2) Place the right under-
<---- hand loop on top of the
left underhand loop.

(3) Drop the loops over

8. (back) the end of the pole.

(4) Pull tight.

+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T


standing part

Description ---- A clove hitch with a half knot running part
under the cross-point. part

Use ---- To tie a smaller rope to a larger one, or to

2. standing part
tie a rope to a stake or pole; a substitute for
whipping; as a lashing for light construction ;
as a hose clamp.

Comments ---- A secure nonslip knot ; difficult

to untie without cutting. 3. running part
Method # 1:
standing part
[NOTE] Use this method of tying the constrictor
knot on either side of where you intend to cut
a rope. This is a fast and easy way to prevent a
rope from unlaying when it is cut.

Narration ---- (For constrictor knot (method #1)

knotboard.) (1) take a bight around an pole. 4. standing part
(2) Continue wrapping the running part around
the pole so that the running part crosses over
the standing part. (3) Complete the turn around
the pole. (4) Cross the running part over the
standing part so that (5) a bight is formed
around the standing part. (6) Reeve the run- running part
ning part under the cross part of the loop in the
standing part to form a half knot under the
cross-point. (7) Pull the standing tight. (8)
Lock the knot tight by pulling hard on both the
standing part and the running part.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

----------------------------------------- METHODS OF TYING:

5. standing part
Method # 2: Over the end of a pole or rope.

bight [ 1 ] Start with an underhand loop laid on the pole.

running part

6. standing part loop

[ 2 ] Place the loop over the end of the pole.


half knot ---- ------->
[ 3 ] Pull the opposite side of the loop down and
under the cross point of the underhand loop

8. ------->

+ +
down & under
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

[ 4 ] ...... then pull it up and over the end of the Method # 3: Slippery constrictor knot.
pole ......
[NOTE] This method of tying the constrictor
knot allows it to be untied quickly and easily.
up & over

1. running part

[ 5 ] ..... to form a second loop around the pole and standing

a half knot under the cross point of the knot. part


2nd loop ---




half knot
[ 6 ] Pull the two ends tight. The harder you pull
the tighter the knot.

pull ----->

pull ---->
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

Narration -----(For slippery constrictor knot tying to a stake or pole

knotboard.) (1) Tie the slippery constrictor knot
the same way as a regular constrictor knot but
(2) form a bight in the running end before it is
(3) reeved under the cross part of the loop in
the standing part. Pull the standing tight. (4)
Lock the half knot tight by pulling hard on both
the standing part and the running part.

Method # 4: As a lashing.

round lashing

SUGGESTED USES: For the constric-

tor knot. [NOTES]


spaced rungs
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 99

6 5 4 3 2 1

tie off



Use ---- To tie of the end of a rope so that it does 4.

not unlay. ----- To begin a back splice. ---- As
part of several multiple strand knots.

Narration ---- (For crown knot knotboard.) (1)

Tie off the rope 6 complete lays from the end.
(2) Unlay the rope to the tied off point. (3) Place
the end of one of the unlayed strand between
the other two unlayed strands; (4) press the
strand firmly between the strands so that a loop
is formed. [NOTE] As you are looking at the
end of the rope work counterclockwise around 5.
the rope . (5) Fold the second strand over the
first strand. [NOTE] This will hold the loop in
the first strand in place. (6) Reeve the end of
the third strand through the eye of the loop. (7)
Fold the third strand over the second strand.
[NOTE] This will hold the second strand in
place. (8) Pull the loop closed. [NOTE] Work
and pull all three strands until the knot is even
and symmetrical.
100 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley




pull all
snug and

+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

Use ---- Diagonal lashing is used to bind poles to-
gether that cross each other but do not touch
when their ends are lashed in place in a struc-

Comments ---- The diagonal lashing gets its name

from the fact that the wrapping turns cross the
poles diagonally. 1.
The diagonal lashing can be used to bind poles hitch
that cross each other from 90o to 45o. If the
angle between the poles is less than 45o a shear
lashing should be used.
The diagonal lashing makes use of the timber 2. <-- tight
hitch to pull poles together that are not touch- --
ing each other. The timber hitch allows the
poles to be drawn together without changing
the relative positions of the poles. [NOTE]
If a square lashing were used to bind poles that
do not touch, the beginning clove hitch would start first
pull the cross pole toward the clove hitch caus- 3. make
ing unnecessary bowing of the cross pole and 3 to 4
could also produce a force that would act along
the length of the pole to which the clove hitch
is tied. These additional force, if strong enough,
can place unnecessary strain on other lashing
within the structure causing the structure to pull each keep
wrapping wrappings
twist and fail. parallel
Narration ---- (For diagonal lash knotboard. ) (1) 4.
Tie a timber hitch diagonally around both poles.
(2) Start the wrapping turns on the opposite
diagonal to the timber hitch, by pulling the rope
tight so that the poles contact each other. (3) start 2nd
Take 3 to 4 wrapping turns; keep the wrap- wrapping
ping turns parallel; pull each wrapping turn keep
tight. [NOTE] If the wrapping turns are allowed parallel
to cross, the increased friction between the
strands of the rope will make it difficult to
tighten the wrapping turns. (4) Start the sec-
ond set of wrapping turns by going past and 3 to 4
around the vertical pole. [NOTE] Going
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

------------------------------ around the pole the rope allows the direction

6. start
frapping of the rope to be changed without crossing the
first set of wrapping diagonally. (5) Take 3 to
4 wrapping turns; be sure to keep the wrap-
ping turns parallel; pull each wrapping turn
tight. (6) Start the frapping turns by going past
first frapping turn
and around one of the poles. [NOTE] Going
around the pole with the rope allows the direc-
7. make pull each
tion of the rope to be changed without cross-
2 to 3 frapping
frappings tight ing the wrapping turns diagonally. (7) Take 2
to 3 frapping turns; keep the frapping turns par-
allel. Be sure to pull each turn tight. (8) End
the lashing with a clove hitch. Take the first
half hitch of the clove hitch by going past and
8. half then around one of the poles. Lock the half
hitch work hitch tight against the lashing by working it
tight tight. (9) Take a second half hitch around the
pole. (10) Work the second half hitch tight
against the first half hitch so that the clove hitch
is locked against the lashing.

[NOTE] See the directions for square lashing for

9. half
instructions on working the half hitches tight.
[NOTE] If very smooth rope is used, the lashing
can be made more secure by adding a third or
forth half hitch to the clove hitch.

clove hitch work
-----> tight

+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

1 2 3 4 5

2. unlay
Use ---- To form a permanent loop or eye in the
end of a rope.

Comments ---- The loop formed by a well made

eye splice maintains 85% or more of the origi-
nal strength of the rope; this makes the eye
splice the preferred way to form an permanent
loop in the end of a rope. However if the eye is 3.
to be subjected to repeated chafing, such as a fan end
rope being pulled through it, the eye should be
serviced with a wear resistant twine.

Narration ---- (For eye splice knotboard) (1)&(2) under

Count back and unlay 5 rounds of the lay of
the rope. (3) Fan the unlayed end of the rope
and place it over the standing part of the rope.
The strand to the inside of the eye must look
like it is coming out from under the other two stick
strands and the other two strands must be
4. middle
fanned in such a way that they do not cross strand
each other. (4) While holding the inside strand
in place, stick the middle strand under one of
the strands of the standing end of the rope.

5. stick inside

© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

> (5) Pass the inside strand over the standing end
6. rotate strand and stick it under the next standing end
< strand. [N0TE] The second strand goes in
where the first strand came out. (6) Turn the
splice over. (7) Stick the third strand under
the remaining strand of the standing end.
[NOTE] The third strand is stuck in where the
second strand came out and comes out where
the first strand went in. [NOTE] When the
third strand is stuck it appears to go backward
7. but when it is examined closely you will see
stick third that it is stuck in the same direction as the other
strand two strands. (8B) & (8F) Complete the splice
by working the strands snug and adding 3 to 5
50unds of tucks.

[NOTE] When the strands are folded back over

the eye, you will notice that there is one strand
going in and one strand coming out between
each of the strands of the standing end.
8B. back

8F. front

+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 171

FIDS: Construction:

Cut the tubing diagonally into two pieces

A fid is a tool that is used to open the lay of a as shown in the diagram (Use a hacksaw).
rope when working a splice or to loosen knots.

Making a Closed Fid:

STEP 1: Use a triangular file to enlarge the

MAKING A WOODEN FID: diagonal opening in one of the halves of
the tubing. File the opening to the shape
Split out an 8 inch by 3/4 inch piece of close indicated by the dotted lines in the diagram.
grained, smooth, hardwood. Carve and smooth
the piece to the shape shown in the diagram.


STEP 2: Close the diagonal opening. Using
light taps with a hammer gently roll the two
edges toward each other to form the tub-
ing into a cone. (When the two edges of
the opening meet the seam in the tubing
should be straight).


1 --- 8 inch * 1/2 inch copper tubing or steel

electrical conduit.
2 --- 1 inch diameter * 3 inch long piece of
smooth grained hardwood.
2 --- 4D finishing nails.
172 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

STEP 3: Solder the edges of the opening to- STEP 4: Cleanup the seam with steel-wool
gether. and a file. Make sure that there are no sharp
edges to catch or cut the rope fibers when
3A] Clean the edges of the opening with
the fid is being used.
steel wool.
3B] Spread soldering paste along the
cleaned edges. Making an Open Fid:
3C] Solder the seam. Use a propane torch STEP 1: Enlarge the diagonal opening of the
to apply heat to the side of the fid that is other piece of tubing by setting the tubing
opposite the seam. (Heating the tube on end and forcing a rod into the opening.
from the opposite side, will ensures that When the rod is forced into the opening,
metal is heated all the way through so the cross section of the tubing should be-
that the solder will flow into the seam come “U” shaped.
and not just spread out on the surface.)
As you heat the tubing test the seam for
the proper temperature by touching the
solder to the seam. When the solder
starts to melt and flow into the seam,
move the solder along the seam until the
entire seam is filled with solder.

STEP 2: With a round file, enlarge the diago-

nal opening to the shape shown by the dot-
ted line.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 173

STEP 3: Smooth all rough and sharp edges 2B] Insert the handle into the end of the
with a file and steel-wool. fid. Then drive a finishing nail through
STEP 4: Gently tap the edges of the opening the hole into the wood of the handle.
toward each other so that a cross section
anywhere along its entire length will be
“U” shaped.

2C] Cut the nail off close to the side of the

Making Handles For Fids: fid. Then file the nail down so that it is
smooth and even with the surface.
STEP 1: Carve one end of a 1 inch diameter *
3 inch long piece of wood so that it will fit
snugly into the end of the fid.

STEP 2: Attach handle to fid.

2A] Drill a small hole into the side of the
fid about 1/2 inch from the end.

STEP 3: Finish the handle. Here is a chance

to be creative. You can carve a simple
rounded handle or let your imagination
take over.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 25

Description ---- Interlocking overhand loops, the FIGURE-EIGHT
running part goes through the eye of one loop overhand loop
and the standing part goes through the eye of
the other loop.
Use ---- (1) As a stopper knot; to keep a rope from 1.
unreeving from a pulley block; to prevent a
rope from unlaying. (2) When tied on a bight,
makes a reliable loop for rescue work and standing part
Comments ---- Easier to tie and untie than an over-
hand knot; does not damage the rope fiber or running part
jam like an overhand knot.

Narration ---- (For figure eight knotboard.) (1) 2.

Form an overhand loop. (2) Take a bight around
the standing part. (3) Form the second over-
hand loop by bring the running part over the
top edge of the firs overhand loop. (4) Com-
plete the knot by reeving the running part
through the eye of the first overhand loop (5)
and pull tight. bight

Description ---- Interlocking overhand loops tied
on a bight in the running part (the bight is used
as the running part); the running part goes
through the eye of one loop and the standing overhand
part goes through the eye of the other loop. loop
Use ---- (1) Makes a reliable loop for rescue work
and mountaineering. (2) As a stopper knot; to
keep a rope from unreeving from a pulley 4.
block; to prevent a rope from unlaying.
Comments ---- Easier to tie and untie than an over-
hand knot; does not damage the rope fiber or
jam like an overhand knot on a bight.
Narration ---- (For figure eight on a bight knot-
board.) (1) Form a bight in the rope. [NOTE]
Treat the two strands of the bight as a single
strand as the rest of the knot is tied. (2) Form
an overhand loop. (3) Take a bight around the 5.
standing part. (4) Form the second overhand pull tight
loop by bring the running part over the top edge pull tight
of the firs overhand loop. (5) Complete the knot
by reeving the running part through the eye of
the first overhand loop (6) and pull tight.

26 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

---------------------------------------- [NOTE]

2. overhand loop


overhand loop


pull tight
6. pull tight

+ +
146 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

1. clove
Use ---- to lash a series of poles to a set of string-
ers to form a flat surface such as a deck, a
table top, or a road way.

Comments ---- When using a floor lashing, both

ends of the decking poles must be lashed at secure end
the same tine to insure a firm even surface.
When placing the decking poles on the string-
ers, lay the decking poles so that their butt
end are in alternating direction. Alternating
the but ends of the decking poles will com-
pensate for the natural taper of the poles so
that the length of the decking along each bight
stringer will be equal.
Narration ---- (For floor lashing knotboard) (1)
Tie a clove hitch around each stringer. (2)
Secure the short end of the rope by wrapping
it around the running end (wrap with the lay
of the rope ). (3) Place the decking poles on
the stringers and take a bight around the first 4. bight to inside
pole. (4) Next, on the inside of the stringer,
pull a bight up between the first decking pole
and the next decking pole. (5) Place the eye
of the bight over the end of the decking pole.
(6) Pull tight. (7) On the outside of the stringer,
place a bight over the next decking pole. (8)
Pull tight. (9) Repeat steps 4 through 8 until
all decking poles are lashed in place. (10) Tie
the first half hitch of the ending clove hitch. 5. eye of bight over end
Work half hitch tight. (11) Tie the second half
hitch of the ending clove hitch. Work half
hitch tight (12) to form clove hitch.


pull tight

© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 147

7. bight to outside [NOTES]


pull tight

9. repeat steps 4 through 8

10. end with clove hitch

1 st. half

work tight
11. 2nd half

12. work tight


+ +
Description: a three strand knot that looks somewhat like a turk’s head knot.
Comments: This knot was tied in the “footrope” (the rope that was tied under the yard arm for the sailors to stand
on when they were setting the sails) to prevent the sailors’ feet from slipping along the footrope.
Use: as a stopper knot in the end of a rope.

STEP 1: Unlay 4 to 5 turns of the lay. STEP 6: STEP 11:

STEP 12:
STEP 7: Tie a wall knot under the
crown knot but tuck the strands up
STEP 2: Tie a loose crown knot. through the center of the crown

STEP 13: Work tight and fin-

ish by combing out the fibers
to form a tassel of relay the
STEP 3: strand and whip the end of the




STEP 10:
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 11

[WARNING] Do not use a butane cigarette

FUSING: lighter to fuse rope. A butane lighter can ex-
plode if it is permitted to burn too long.
The ends of a synthetic rope can be fused to
prevent the rope from fraying. This is done by
heating the end of the rope so that the ends of the
rope fibers melt together.

[NOTE] If the rope is cut to length with a solder-

ing iron or other hot cutting tool, the ends of
the rope will be fused as the rope is being cut
to length.

A small lamp such as an al-

cohol lamp or a small oil lamp
works very well for fusing rope.

The fusing can be done by holding the end of

the rope to the side of a candle or other small flame.
If the end of the rope is placed in the flame or held
too close to the flame, the plastic will ignite caus-
ing the end of the rope to turn black. Burning plas-
tic can also give off toxic fumes . If the end of the
rope is held above the flame, unburned carbon par-
ticle will be deposited on the melted plastic caus-
ing it to turn black. A candle flame will generate
enough heat to fuse the end of a rope up to about
one inch in diameter. If the rope is larger than one
inch, a propane torch will work better .
114 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

The Mark III is the same as the Mark II
Comments —— The Japanese Square Lashings but a clove hitch is tied around the up right
are a group of similar lashings that are all tied spar when starting the lashing.
in a similar manner. The main difference is in
the way each lashing is started.

The simplest and easiest form of the Japa-

nese square lashing is tied by looping the cen-
ter of the rope around the vertical spar and car-
rying the stands parallel to each other while
taking the wrapping turns. The frapping turns
are taken by separating the ends of the rope
and taking them in opposite directions.

The Mark III is the most secure of the three

Japanese square lashings because the clove
hitch helps to prevent the lashing from shift-
ing along the vertical spar.

Narration -----(For Japanese square lash knot-

board.) (1) Start the lashing by looping the cen-
ter of the rope around the vertical spar so that
The MarkII Japanese Square Lashing is tied the loops under the horizontal spar. (2) Start
by looping the center of the rope of the upright the wrapping turns by leading the ends around
spar and than forming the wrapping turns by the spars so that the two strands of the rope
taking the ends of the rope in opposite direc- are parallel to each other. (3) When making
tions. the wrapping turns the two strands of the rope
are lead around the spars at 900 to the spars;
do not allow the strand to cross, be sure to keep
the strands parallel. (4) Complete the wrap-
ping turns by leading the rope strand around
the vertical pole. (5) Start the frapping turns
by separating the strands so that one strand is
above the horizontal spar and the other strand
is below the horizontal spar. (6) Lead the frap-
ping strands in opposite directions. (7) Make
two complete frapping turns; pull each turn
tight as it is made; tie the first half knot of the
ending square knot. (8) Tie the second half knot
of the square knot to complete the lashing. (9)
For safety add half hitches; The half hitches
prevent the square knot from upsetting.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 115

+ + 5. start ends
JAPANESE frapping


1. loop center
6. opposite
of rope directions
around spar

lead parallel

7. end with
pull tight
square knot

3. half knot

half knot


for safety add half hitches

+ +
116 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

+ JAPANESE SQUARE + 6. first
middle of rope
second spars
7. frapping

2. cross behind

8. ping
3. tight
pull tight pull tight
<-------- -------->

first half
knot of
square knot

4. wrapping

pull tight pull tight

<-------- <--------


5.turn pull tight
pull tight
+ +
start frapping
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 117

Narration ---(For Japanese square lash, mark

II knotboard.) (1) Start the lashing by tying the
center of the rope around the vertical spar with
a clove hitch so that the clove hitch is under
the horizontal spar. (2) Make the first wrap-
ping turn by leading the ends up over the front
of the horizontal spar and then in opposite di-
rections behind the vertical spar. (3) Pull the
strands tight but do not allow them to cross each
other. (4) Add the second wrapping turn by
leading the ends of the rope down over the front
of the horizontal spar and then in opposite di-
rections behind the vertical spar. (5) Complete
the frapping turns by leading the ends of the
rope up over the front of the horizontal spar
and then in opposite directions behind the ver-
tical spar. Position the strands of rope for start-
ing the frapping tuns by leading them behind
the horizontal spar. [NOTE] When pulled tight
the strands will cross behind the vertical spar.

<--- vertical spar

horizontal crossed strands

spar --->

back of step (5)

(6) Lead the frapping strands in opposite di-

rections below and in front of the vertical spar
and then behind the horizontal spar. (7) Make
the second frapping turn by leading the ends
above and in front of the vertical spar and then
behind the horizontal spar; pull each turn tight
as it is made. (8) End the second frapping turn
by tying the firs half knot of the ending square
knot. (9) Complete the ending square knot by
adding a second half knot. (10) Pull the square
knot tight [NOTE] For safety add half hitches
around the horizontal spar to either side of the
square knot; The half hitches prevent the square
knot from upsetting.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS PLUS

Use ---- to provide a convenient carrying handle JUG KNOT
for jug or bottle ---- to attach a tool, such as a
hammer to a security line to prevent accidental 1.
dropping --- to add a wrist loop to a walking bight
staff --- to attach a safety line to a canoe paddle
..... use your imagination, but be sure that you
keep safety in mind.

Other names ---- Jar knot, moonshiner's knot,

hackamore, bridle knot.

Comments ---- The most common use is to pro-

vide a loop handle attached to the neck of a
bottle. The loop handle makes it easy to carry fold down
several bottles with one hand. If a toggle or a 2.
two strand button knot such as boatswain
whistle knot is added to the free end of the rope,

cross loops


© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS PLUS

---------------------------------------- The loop of the jug knot can be use to toggle

the bottle to a belt so that the bottle can be use
5. as a canteen.

Plastic bottles with screw-on lids such as

soda, sport drink, and mineral water bottles
make strong, lightweight containers for carry-
ing water on hikes and camp outs. 2 and 3 liter
soda bottles are large enough to use as water
containers around the camp kitchen. Smaller
bottles (8 to 16 oz.) can be used as personal
water bottles or canteens. These bottles can be
6. made even more convenient by using a jug knot
to attach a loop handle.

To help keep your water cool and re-

freshing in hot weather, place a sock over the
bottle, wet the sock when you fill the bottle,
evaporation will do the rest.

In cold weather, carry your water bottle

under your coat. A dry sock placed over the
7. bottle will help keep the water from freezing.
turn To protect your health, wash and disin-
down fect your water bottle with a chlorine bleach
down solution and don’t share your water bottle with
others; show them how to make a water bottle
of their own.

Narrative ---- (For jug knot knotboard) (1) Form

bight a bight in the middle of a 24 to 30 inch long
by 3/16 inch diameter rope. (2) Fold the bight
8. down over the standing ends to form two loops.
(3) Place the right loop over the side of the left
loop. (4) Weave the middle of the bight under
the standing end; then over the left edge of the
right loop; (6) next go under the right edge of
ht the left loop; (7) finally pass the bight over the
tig right side of the left loop. ( 8) Turn the tops of
ll >
pu ----- the original loops down over the knot. ( 9) Place
-- the knot over the neck of a bottle and work the
knot tight so that the bight forms a 4 to 5 inch
loop handle and the loose ends are even.
9. tig --
ll --
pu ----

+ +

This knot is used to cover knobs. One example would be to cover a knob at the end
of a walking stick.
The length of cord needed to tie the knob covering knot depends on the size of the
cord and the number of times the pattern is to be chased. A good length to start with is
8 times the circumference of the knob for each time the pattern is to be chased. [Ex-
ample: a one inch knob has a circumference of a little over 3 inches. To cover a one
inch knob it would require about 25 inches of cord for each time the pattern is chased.
The pattern should be chased at least 2 times. This means that about 50 inches of cord
would be used to cover a 1 inch knob.

The knob covering knot is difficult to tie “in hand” the easiest method of tying it is to
make a copy of the diagram and fasten the diagram to a work board. Start by pinning
the middle of the cord to the feathered end of the arrow in the diagram. Then follow-
ing the path indicated, pin the cord to the diagram. Be sure to follow the over/under
pattern indicated in the diagram. Studying the following partial diagrams may help.

After the knot is tied on the work board unpin it and work it loosely into shape over
the knob. Then chase the pattern the required number of times. Next work the knot
tight around the knob. Do not rush this stage. When the knot is tight cut off the ends of
the cord and push the ends into the knot.

To preserve the knot, it may be varnished or painted.

Walking Stick:

Carve a knob on the end If desired, the size of the Tie the covering knot
of the walking stick. knob can be increased by and work it tight over
wrapping it with tape. the knob.
148 © 2000, Gerald L. Findley

STEP 1: Lay an overhand loop over each side rail

LADDER LASHING: so that the running end of each loop is to the
Comments: outside.
Ladder lashing al-
lows for a quick and se- overhand
cure method for con- loop--

structing a ladder or for


constructing a decking
with evenly space
decking pieces.

This form of lash-

ing has several advan-
tages over the tradi-
tional floor lashing.
Less material is re-
quired because unlike
floor lashing a space STEP 2: Place a rung across the rails so that the
can be left between standing part of each overhand loop is over the
each piece of the deck- end of the rung and the running part of each
ing. Also, each rung is overhand loop is under the rung.
securely lashed in place
by several loops of rope
in much the same way
as a square lashing;
with the traditional
floor lashing only a
single loop of the rope
holds each end of the
decking in place, there-
fore if one piece loos-
ens, the entire deck

The ladder lash-

ing has two forms; left
and right, each is a mir- STEP 3: Pull the running part side of each over-
ror image of the other. hand loop behind and to the outside of each

START: The ladder lashing is started by using a

clove hitch stopped with two half hitches to
secure a rope to the top end of each rail.

------ clove hitch ------

---two half hitches----
© 200, Gerald L. Findley 149

STEP 4: Then pull the loop over the end of the STEP 7: Place an overhand loop over each end
rung. of the rung to form a half hitch around each
end of the rung.
half hitch half hitch

STEP 5: Work each rope until it is tightened
around the rung and the rung is in its desired STEP 8: Work the half hitch tight.

l tig ll
pul ht h
tig --- t

--- ->


work tight work tight

STEP 9: Repeat steps 1 through 8 for each addi-

tional rung.

END: Finnish the lashing by tying a clove hitch

around each rail so that the clove hitch is di-
STEP 6: Form an overhand loop in each running rectly under the bottom rung.

---- loop
--- ----- -----
<--- --->



clove hitch
© 1996, Gerald L. Findley 69

Narration ---- (1) Tie a bowline on a bight. Place

LIFE BASKET: one loop of the bowline on a bight around each
Description ---- A body harness made by com- leg. [NOTE] (The bowline on a bight should
bining a bowline on a bight and a french bow- be large enough so that when it is in place the
line. knot should be close to the victims belt buckle.
Use ---- To lower a severally injured person when Be sure to leave the running part of the rope
a life threatening situation exists. extending about 3 feet beyond the knot.)
Comments ---- The life basket is a secure harness
that can be used to move an injured person that
is weakened or unconscious. However, unless
there is a life threatening situation, such as a 2.
burning building or immediate danger of ava-
lanche, you should wait for a trained rescue
If you attempt to use the life basket, do
not allow the rope to slide through your hands
as you lower the injured person . The friction
caused by the sliding rope can cause severe
painful rope burns and loss of control of the
rope. The rope must be let out in a hand over
hand manner to insure a safe, controlled de-


(2) Take a half hitch around the victims chest.

70 © 1996, Gerald L. Findley

(3) Form a bight in the standing part by pulling it (6) Take the slack out of the running part of the
under the right hand part of the half hitch so rope and fold the it over to form interlocking
that an underhand loop is formed around the bights.
cross point of the half hitch.

(7) Pull on the standing part so that the bight in the

(4) Fold the bight around and reeve it through the running part of the rope is pulled through the
eye of the underhand loop. eye of the underhand loop and the underhand
loop flips over and tightens around the bight
to form a French Bowline.

(5) Reeve the running part of the rope through the

© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 73



overhand loop

standing part


Description —— A loop formed by a half hitch

around a bight in the standing part of the rope.

Use —— To temporarily hold a toggle (a Marlin

Spike) so that a rope can be pulled tight; as a
mooring hitch that can be dropped over the end 3.
of a stake or pole; to hold the rungs of a rope

Comments —— A secure temporary hitch that can

be easily spilled by removing the toggle. The
Marlin Spike Hitch gets it name from the prac-
tice of using it around a Marlin Spike or simi-
lar tool to tighten knots and servicing,

Other Names —— Slip Noose; especially when

the half hitch is pulled closed around the bight.
Narrative ---- (For marlin spike knotboard) (1)
Form an overhand loop. (2) Then form a bight
in the standing part. (3) Place the bight under
the overhand loop. (4) Then reeve the bight
through the underhand loop. (5) Pass a toggle
through the eye of the bight (6) and pull tight.

74 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

5. toggle Description ----- An overhand knot tied around
its standing part.

Use ---- As a sliding loop for a snare; as a toggled

stopper knot.

Comments ---- Related to the overhand knot. Of-

ten confused with the slip knot.

Narrative ---- Tie by folding an overhand loop

over the standing part and pulling a bight of
the standing part through the eye of the over-
ll tight -> hand loop. (See marlin spike hitch.)
pu ------ bight ----
----- eye
l tight - ---- overhand
pul ------- loop
<-- running
---- standing
part ------


Description ----- An overhand knot tied around
its running part.

Use ---- As a stopper knot.

Comments ---- Related to the overhand knot. Of-

ten confused with the slip noose.

Narrative ---- Tie by folding an overhand loop over

the running part and pulling a bight of the run-
ning part through the eye of the overhand loop.
(See marlin spike hitch.)

---- bight

---- running
- - ----
+ + part --- -
92 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

Comments ----There are several forms of the
Masthead Knot, two of which are shown here. 1.
The first form of the Masthead Knot was cho- center of
sen for its symmetry and the ease of transition rope
to the running half hitches used to secure it to over hand over hand
the pole. The second form was chosen for the knot knot
ease with which it can be tied.

Use ----On board ship, a masthead knot was used

to rig a temporary mast if the mast was lost in
battle or during a storm. On land a masthead
knot can be used to rig a gin pole or a flag
pole. 2.
Other names ---- Jury mast knot, pitcher knot. on top



Description ---- A multiple loop knot formed by
reeving the loosely made loops of two over
hand knots through each other and then secur-
ing the knot to a mast (pole).

Narration ----- (For masthead knot (1) knot-

board.) (1) Loosely tie two over hand knots.
(2) Place the loop of one overhand knot on top
of the loop of the loop of the other over hand
knot. (3&4) Reeve the loops of the overhand
knot through the half knot part of the opposite
overhand knot. (5) Place over a pole and draw
the three loops up even. (6) Secure to the pole
with a series of running half hitches above and
below the mast head knot.
[NOTE] A forth loop my be formed by tying or through
splicing the ends together. If a fourth loop is half knot
made, nail a cleats to the pole to prevent the
mast head knot from slipping.

[NOTE] Attach the guy lines to the loops with

becket hitches.

© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 93

---------------------------------------- MASTHEAD KNOT (2):

Description ---- A multiple loop knot formed by
weaving three overlapping over hand loops to-
reeve gether and then securing the knot to a mast.
half knot Narration ----- (For masthead knot (2) knot-
board.) (1) Form an over hand loop near the
center of the rope. [NOTE] The size of the
loop is determined by the size of the pole that
the finished knot is to be placed over. (2) Form
a second larger overhand loop at the center of
the rope. (3) Place the left edge of the second
overhand loop under the right edge of the first
overhand loop. (4) Form a third overhand loop.
(5) place the left edge of the third overhand
loop under the right edge of the second over
5. place over pole and draw up even
hand loop. (6) Start weaving the over hand
pull loops together by placing the left edge of the
tight right overhand loop on top of the right edge of
the left over hand loop. (7) Continue the weav-

ing by placing the right edge of the left over-

hand loop over the right edge of the center
overhand loop and by placing the left edge of
the right overhand loop under the left edge of
pull tight pull tight the center overhand loop. (8) Finish the weav-
pole ---------> ing by placing the right edge of the left over-
hand loop under the right edge of the right
overhand loop and by placing the left edge of
the right overhand loop over the left edge of
the left overhand loop. (9) Place over pole and
work tight. The knot is prevented from slip-
ping down the pole by nailing cleats to the pole
or by cutting a grove for the knot to rest in.
6. secure to pole with running half hitches (10) Secure the ends of the rope by seizing
them to the adjacent loop; two half hitches my
also be used.

[NOTE] A forth loop my be formed by tying or

splicing the ends together.

[NOTE] Attach the guy lines to the loops with

becket hitches.

+ +
94 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

+ + 6.
MASTHEAD KNOT (2) weaving
<-- -->
1. over hand loop across

center of rope

2. 2nd overhand loop


9. place over

3rd overhand loop cleat --->
to pole
<----- cleat



edge seizing seizing


+ +
174 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

Mauls: Making a Club Maul:

A club maul, for driving tent pegs and other
light work, can be made from a piece of hardwood
that is about 3 inches in diameter and 18 to 24
inches long.
|----------------------18" to 24" ----------------------|

|---- 4" to 5" ---|

STEP 1: Use an ax to
A maul is a wooden club or hammer that is rough out the maul.
used for driving stakes or wedges and for safety Form a handle by
reasons should be used instead of an ax. cutting away one
end of the piece of
Using an ax instead of a maul exposes the user wood so that it is
to the danger of being cut by its sharp edge. Even about 1 1/4 inches
if the edge is covered by a sheath, a glancing blow in diameter. Leave
can cause the sheath to be ripped off or to be cut 4 to 5 inches of the
through. other end at its
original diameter to
The pole of an ax serves as a counterweight to form the head of the
the blade. This counterweight adds to the balance maul.
of the ax head and helps to control and increase
the force of momentum delivered to the bit. The
ax head is shaped in such a way that the momen- STEP 2: Smooth the handle
tum of the ax head is delivered through the thin with a knife.
walls of the eye. However, when an ax is being
used as a hammer, this same shape causes the eye
of the ax head to spread and the handle to loosen.

The flat surface and angular edges of an ax pole

makes it difficult to strike a stake squarely. This
difficulty in striking a square blow results in most
blows delivering some there force sideways, caus-
ing the end of the wooden stake to flare and split
very quickly. In addition, when the pole of an ax
contacts a stake, the metal surface of the pole lacks
the ability absorb any of the force of the impact
this contributes to the destruction of the stake. A
wooden maul, on the other hand, absorbs some of
the impact of the initial contact and a maul has no
angular edges. Therefore, more of the force of the
maul is used to do useful work and less of the force
is used up in deforming or splitting the stake.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 175

STEP 4: Drill handle hole in head. Use a 1 1/4

MAKING A HAMMER inch drill bit to drill a hole halfway through
MAUL: the head from one side, then finish drilling the
hole from the other side of the maul head.
To make the head of a hammer maul you will
need a 4 inch diameter, 10 inch long piece of hard,
dense, unchecked, well seasoned, hardwood such
as elm, black gum or hophornbeam.

For the handle you will need a piece of well

seasoned ash, hickory, or similar straight grained
wood; 1 1/2 inch diameter and 3 to 4 foot long.
Making a Maul:
STEP1: Square the ends of the head with a saw. [NOTE] If the holes do not lineup in the middle
use a chisel or wood rasp to cut away some of
the excess wood.
STEP 2: Find and
-------midline mark the midline STEP 5: Make maul handle.
between the two
saw kerft
5A] Cut a saw kerft in the one end of the
handle. The depth of the kerft should be
STEP 3: Locate the center of the handle hole on
equal to 1/2 the diameter of the maul head.
each side of the maul head.
5B] Use a knife to shave the end of the handle
down until it can be easily driven through
[3A] Wrap a strip of paper the head with light blows with a light
around the maul head. wooden block.
----- midline Cut the strip of paper
off so that the two ends
just meet. STEP 6: Attach the maul head to the handle.
6A] Make a hardwood wedge
that is 1 1/4 inch wide, 3
[3B] Locate handle
inches long, and 1/4 inch
hole by folding the
thick at its large end.
strip of paper in
half to mark its 6B] Drive the handle into the maul head, make
mid point, then un- sure that the saw kerft is lined up across
fold it and wrap it the maul head.
around the maul
head again. Mark
the midline at the
fold and at the
ends of the strip of

6C] Then drive the wedge in place.

176 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

STEP 7: Reinforce the maul head to keep it from MAUL --- DOVE TAIL HANDLE:
splitting by wrapping several turns of rope or
wire around each end of the maul head. These
can be held in place with staples.

Another method of reinforcing the head

would be to drive a braided ring or a grom-
met over each end of the head.

1 ----- Piece of seasoned hardwood that is
2 2/2 to 3 inches in diameter and 5 to 7
inches long for the head.
1 ----- piece of seasoned hardwood that is
1 1/2 inches to 2 inches in diameter for
the handle.

[NOTES] STEP 1: With a saw, cut 3 kerfts as shown at the

center of the side of the head.

600 600

Less than the
diameter of
the handle

[NOTE] The width of the bottom of the dovetail

notch must be less than the diameter of the
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 177

STEP 2: Use a knife or chisel to remove the wood 3A] Tap handle firmly into dovetail notch.
to form the dovetail notch.

dovetail notch

STEP 3: Shape and fit handle to head.

3A] Flatten one side of the end of the handle.



|----| |----|
[1] [3]
[1] Equal to or greater than the width of
the bottom of the dovetail notch.
[2] Equal to or less than the depth of the
dovetail notch.
[3] Equal to the diameter of the head.
3B] Fit the handle to the bottom of the dovetail
notch. Gradually remove the surplus wood
until the flattened part of the handle is the
same width as the width of the dove tail

The dovetail maul makes a good rope

wrench. Pass the rope over the head of the
maul and then take several wraps around the
handle. The rope is then tightened by rotating
|-----| the maul so that the rope wraps part way around
width of dovetail notch the head of the maul.

3B] Flatten the remaining two sides of the

handle. Gradually remove the surplus wood
until the handle fits snugly into the dove-
tail notch in the head.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS +T

+ +
(turks head)

overhand loop

2. 2nd overhand loop

Description ---- Theform of the monkey's paw

sown here is formed from four interlocking
loops: a four crown turk's head.

Use ---- The core determines what the monkey's cross ends
paw can be used for. When tied over a stone or 3.
heavy ball, the monkey's paw can be used to
add weight to a heaving line. If tied over a cork
ball with small cord the monkey's paw makes
a good float for boat keys or other small items
used around a water front. Tied over a ball of running end
twine or other soft material, the monkey's paw standing end
can be used as weight on the end of a rope for
the game jump the shot. A Monkey's Paw can
also be used as a toggle. 4.

Core Size ----- The diameter of the core should be

between three and four diameters of the rope
being used.


Narration ---- (For monkey's paw turk's head 5.
knotboard) (1) Form an overhand loop (2) Form
a second overhand loop over the left edge of
the first overhand loop . (3) Cross the standing
end over the running end. (4) Weave the run-
ning end across the loops by placing the run-
ning end over the right side of the top loop (5)
then under the right side of the bottom loop (6)
next, over the left side of the top loop (7) and
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS +T

----------------------------- finally under the left side of the of the bottom

6. loop. (8) Pull the running end through until a
third loop equal in size to the first two loops.
(9) Add the fourth loop by placing the running
end parallel to the standing end. (10) Chase
the original pattern 2 to 3 times. (11) Work tight
over the core.

[NOTE] Join the two ends of the monkey's paw
with an eye splice, a short splice, or a seizing.


third loop


fourth loop

10. chase 2 to 3 times

11. work tight over a core

+ +
© 2001, Gerald L. Findley 79

(coil style)
Narration ---- (For monkey's paw coil stile knot-
board.) (1) Form the first coil by stacking three 1, form first coil
loop on top of each other. (2) Insert core into
center of coil. (3) Start second coil by forming
a small loop at the bottom of the first coil. (4)
Pass the running end behind and (5) across the
front to for the first loop of the second coil. (6)
Add the second and third loops of the second
coil. (7) Start the third coil by reeving the run-
ning end through the top of the first coil and
insert core
(8) then reeve the running end through the 2.
bottom of the first coil. (9) Add the second and
third loops of the third coil. (10) Work all coils
tight over the core.

[NOTE] Join the two ends of the monkey's paw

with an eye splice, a short splice, or a seizing.

start second coil

form small loop


5. first loop

80 © 2001, Gerald L. Findley

---------------------------------------- [NOTES}\]
6. second and
third loops

7. start third coil

reeve through

8. reeve through to
form first loop

9. add second and

third loops

work tight over core


+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS PLUS


standing part

running part

under hand loop

Description —— An underhand loop toggled to
the standing part with a bight made in the run-
ning end.
Use —— To securely tie off a rope so that it can
be quickly untied, especially a small boat to a
dock or piling.

Comments —— A secure knot that is easily tied

or untied in wet or dry rope; when properly
tied a non closing loop is formed, this allows
the hitch to move up or down a piling as the
water level changes.

Narrative ——(For mooring hitch knotboard.) 4.

(1) Take a bight around an object. (2) Form an
underhand loop in the running part. (3) Place
the eye of the underhand loop over the stand-
ing part. (4) Pull a bight of the standing part
through the eye of the underhand loop. (5) Pull
the underhand loop tight around the bight. (6)
Place the running part under the eye of the bight
that was pulled through the underhand loop.
(7) Pull a bight of the running part through the
eye of the standing part bight. (8) Pull on the
standing part to tighten the standing part bight bight
around the running part bight.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS PLUS

5. [NOTES]


pull tight





+ +
© 1996, Gerald L. Findley 99

Make the knitting shuttle from a 1/4 inch * 1

NETTING: inch * 12 inch piece of smooth grained hard wood.
Carve and sand the shuttle to the shape shown in
the diagram. Leave the shuttle unfinished; varnish
or paint has a tendency to become sticky.

Knitting Gauge:
Make the knitting gauge from a 1/4 inch * 1 1/
4 inch * 12 inch piece of smooth grained hard
wood. Carve and sand the gauge to the shape shown
in the diagram. Leave the gauge unfinished; var-
nish or paint has a tendency to become sticky.
|--------------------12 inches------------------|
The making of netting is an ancient craft. Many
prehistoric cultures used netting for a verity of uses,

storage bags, fencing, hammock, just to name some
and of course the obvious use as a fish net. No 1 1/4"
matter what the netting was used for, the knitting
of the mesh was done by tying a series of loops in
some type of twine.

In one method, the basic knot used was the

sheet bend. To form and tie the loops a knitting
shuttle and a spacer (gauge) were used. cross sections

NETTING TOOLS: Filling The Knitting Shuttle:

The size of the shuttle and gauge that is needed STEP 1: Fill the shuttle with twine.
will depend on the project that you are working Start by tying a single hitch
on. The size of the shuttle and gauge given in the around the tongue of the shuttle
following directions is a convenient size for many and then pass the twine through
projects and is also a good size to use for practic- the notch.
ing the craft of netting. Shuttles and gauges of dif-
ferent sizes can be made by changing the size of
the materials used.

Knitting Shuttle:

STEP 2: Turn the shuttle over,

|----| |-------------|----|----------| loop the twine around the
3/4" 2 1/2" 1/4" 1 1/2" tongue and then through the

cross sections
100 © 1996, Gerald L. Findley

STEP 3: Continue turning the shuttle from side STEP 3: Reeve the twine through the ring from
and looping the twine around the tongue until the front to the back so that an overhand loop
the shuttle is filled. is formed.

[NOTE] To prevent synthetic twine from fraying,

use a candle flame to cut and fuse the ends.

[WARNING] Using a butane cigarette lighter to

cut or fuse synthetic rope or twine may cause
the lighter to over heat and explode.


Diamond mesh netting is the easiest of the two

forms of mesh to make. Square mesh netting will
be dealt with latter.
STEP 4: Pull the twine to the left to tighten the
Casting On: To start diamond mesh netting the twine around the ring and the gauge.
first row of mesh loops is cast on to a loop of
some kind. The kind of loop used depends on
the project; a ring, grommet, frame or loop of
twine may be used. The following directions
are for casting on to a ring but the same steps
may be used for any starting loop.

STEP 1: Tie the
end of the
twine to the
ring with a
clove hitch
stopped with STEP 5: Lay the twine across the ring from left
two half to right.
STEP 2: Place the twine behind the gauge then
bring the twine in front of the gauge and to the

[NOTE]: The dot-

ted circles in
each of the dia-
grams is used to
show the posi-
tion of the
thumb and fin-
ger of the left
© 1996, Gerald L. Findley 101

STEP 6: Reeve the twine through the ring from STEP 1: Bring the twine down and up the back
the back to the front. of the gauge. Then pick up the next loop by
passing the shuttle through the loop from front
to back.

STEP 7: Place the twine behind the gauge; then

pull the twine downward to tighten the twine
around the ring. This forms a lark’s head knot
around the ring.
STEP 2: Pull the twine to the left to tighten the
twine around the gauge. Use the thumb and
finger of the left hand to hold the twine in place.

STEP 8: Repeat steps 2 through 7 for each addi-

tional loop required for the project.
STEP 3: Lay a loop of twine over the loop just
picked up.


Netting is made by knitting roes of mesh using

a shuttle and a gauge. The gauge is used to deter-
mine the size of the mesh, and the shuttle is used
to hold the twine and form and tie the mesh loops.
The basic knot used in netting is the sheet bend.
The following diagrams illustrate the tying of the
sheet bend as it is used for knitting a net.
102 © 1996, Gerald L. Findley

STEP 4: Pass the shuttle in back of the picked up STEP 2: Wrap the twine around the gauge from
loop and the through the loop that was laid on front to back; pick up the first loop by passing
top. the shuttle through the loop from back to front.

STEP 3: Knit the loop in place by following the

STEP 5: Pull the twine downward and slightly to directions for knitting a row of mesh.
the right to tighten the knot.
For some
projects it is neces-
sary to increase
the width of the
netting part way
--- through the
--- project. The width
--- of the netting is in-
> creased by adding
pull loops of mesh.

STEP 6: Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each loop

in the row.

STARTING A NEW ROW: A loop is added

by picking up the
STEP 1: When the end same loop a second
of a row of mesh is time so that two
reached, slide the accu- loops are formed in
mulated loops off the the new row of mesh
gauge, turn the work are tied to the same
piece over so that the loop in the previous
running end of the row of mesh.
twine is on the left side
of the work piece.
A flat knot that is made by interweaving two strands of rope.
As stair tread, mat, or chafing gear; also as a decorative knot in a two strand lanyard.
The prolong knot gets its name from the fact that it can be extended to any length.

Place the center of the
rope over a peg or hook
and tie a loose half knot.

Extend the half knot as

Twist the left loop and
extend it to the right side.

[NOTE] This will start

the over under pattern
of the weaving.
Twist the right loop and
extend it to the left side
so that it is over the first
extended loop.

Weave the left strand to
the right in the pattern

Weave the right strand
to the left in the pattern

[NOTE] This completes

the four bight prolong
knot. At this stage it may
be ended and worked
firm (over tightening
distorts the knot) or the
strands my be doubbled
as shown in later dia-
Twist the left loop and
extend it to the right side.

Twist the right loop
and extend it to the left
side so that it is over the
first extended loop.

Weave the right strand
to the left in the pattern
STEP 10:
Weave the left strand to
the right in the pattern
shown. This completes
the 7 bight form of the
prolong knot.

[NOTE] The prolong

knot can be extended
three bights at a time by
repeating steps 7 through
10 for each extension.

STEP 11:
Start doubling the
strands by chacing (fol-
lowing) the opposite
STEP 12:
Complete doubling the
strands. Then work the
knot into a firm mat . Do
not over tighten the
strands as this will distort
the mat.

[NOTE] The ends of the

strands can be hidden by
sewing them to the adja-
cent strand on the under-
side of the mat.
Start with an eye splice.
(The Eye splice will form one end of the nose piece of the halter)

Decide how long the nose piece must be then tie a quick eye into the rope.

eye splice

lead end

length of nose piece

Quick Eye STEP1

Decide where the quick eye must be. Then reeve the lead end through the lay of the rope as shown. ( Slightly larger
than the diameter of the rope)

nose piece lead end

quick eye
strand of the nose piece

Quick Eye STEP 2

Observe which strand of the lead end is directly under the strand of the nose piece end. Reeve the eye splice under
that strand.

nose piece

strand of the nose piece lead end


eye splice quick eye

Quick Eye STEP 3
Work the eye into shape. (Do not just pull on the ends this will distort the eye.) When the eye is in shape, the
strands of the rope should lay even showing little or no distortion.

Finnish the halter by reeving the lead end through the two eyes as shown.


© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

1. half knot

half hitch

Description ---- A series interlocking lark's head

knot that form a ridge around the outside of a
ring or loop.
--> -
Use ---- To prevent chafing; as a decoration. ----
3. pull tight
Comments ---- There are many forms of ringbolt
hitching, the form shown here is one of the sim-
plest and does not require the use of a needle
as many other forms do. Ringbolt hitching was
used to prevent chafing of ropes that were
reeved through hand forged iron rings and to
keep them from clanging against objects half hitch
around them. In the present, ringbolt hitching 4.
can be used to protect synthetic ropes that are
easily chafed by a applying a layer of material
that is not easily chafed.

Other Names ---- Platted Ring; Hog Backing;


Narration ----- (For ringbolt hitching knotboard.)

(1) Start the ringbolt hitching by tying a half 5.
knot around the object. (2) Tie a half hitch
around the object so that the standing end is
trapped under the half hitch. (3) pull the half
hitch tight. (4) Tie the next half hitch in the
opposite direction around the object. (5) Pull
the half hitch tight. (6) Tie another half hitch
in the opposite direction around the object; the ---- pull tight
same direction as the first half hitch. (7) Pull <---
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

---------------------------------------- half hitch tight. (8) When the length of the ring-
half hitch bolt hitching is within 5 or 6 half hitches of
being long enough; form a bight in the a short
6. piece of twine so that the eye of the bight is
toward the end of the work. (9) Continue to
add half hitches until the ringbolt hitching is
completed; reeve the running end through the
eye of the bight. (10) Use the short piece of
twine to pull the running end under the half
hitches. (11) Cut off the end of the twine.
--> --
--- pull tight




----- pull through

+ cut of end +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 17


Use ---- To bind ropes together or to bind a rope

to an object. Sometimes used to bind the run- the ropes over the other end. (3) Wrap the out-
ning end of a rope to the standing end of the side strand around the ropes so that so that the
rope to prevent a knot from spilling. wrapping turns are parallel to each other; pull
each wrapping turn tight. (4) When the width
Comments ---- Seizings do not use as much ma- of the wrapping is equal to the diameter of the
terial and are not as bulky as a knot or a splice; rope, end the first layer of wrapping turns by
nor does the seizing damage the fiber of the reeving the twine between the ropes; pull tight.
rope. The fibers of a rope do not need to be (5) Add a layer of riding turns; the riding turns
bent or separated to be seized as they do when are laid in the grove between the wrapping turns
a knot is being tied or a splice worked. If the and pulled tight but not so tight as to separate
seizing is no longer needed, the seizing can be the wrapping turns of the first layer. (6) When
cut away and the rope is undamaged. the riding turns have been completed, end the
riding turns by reeving the end of the twine
The seizings shown here can be worked between the ropes so that it is in the opposite
with out the use of a needle. However there direction to the other end of the twine. (7) Add
are many forms of seizing that require the use frapping turns; reeve the end of the twine be-
of a needle to apply them to a rope. tween the ropes at the other end of the wrap-
pings; pull tight. (8) Use a square knot to end
To form an eye, 3 to 4 seizing should be the frapping turns: reeve the ends of the twine
used. This ensures that the eye will safely re- between the ropes again; tie a half knot; pull
main in place even if one of the seizings is dam- the half knot and the frapping turns tight. (9)
aged. Reeve the ends of the twine between the ropes
again; tie the second half knot of the square
If there is additional strain on the ropes, knot. (10) Pull the second half knot tight so
such as at the first seizing of an eye, racked that the square knot is between the strands of
turns should be used. the rope. Cut of the ends of the twine.

Materials ---- The diameter of the "twine" that is

being used to do the seizing should be 1/8 to 1/
12 the diameter of the rope being seized. The
length of the "twine" should be about 3 feet
for each 1 inch of diameter of the rope.

Narration ---- (For seizing knotboard.) (1) Fold

a piece of twine in half over one strand of the
rope. (2) Start the first layer of wrapping turns
by laying the end of the twine that is between
18 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

+ SEIZING + 6.
1. center of twine

7. add frapping


8. 2ed frapping;

3. half knot

9. 2ed
4. half

10. pull square knot

5. add riding turns

+ cut off ends +

© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 19

+ +

1. half knot


Narration ---- (For seizing with racking turns

knotboard.) (1) At the center of a piece of
twine, tie a half knot so that the twine is around
the first rope and the half knot is between the
ropes. (2) Take racking turns with the twine bight
by taking a bight around the second rope and 3. bight
reeving the twine between the ropes; (3) then
take a bight around the first rope and reeve the
twine between the ropes again. (each racking
turn forms a figure "8" around the rope. (4)
When the length of the layer of racking turns
is equal to the diameter of the rope, end the
layer of racking turns with a half hitch around
the second rope. (5) work half hitch tight. (6)
Add a layer of riding turns; the riding turns
are laid in the grove between the wrapping turns 4.
and pulled tight but not so tight as to separate
the wrapping turns of the first layer. (7) Add
frapping turns; reeve the end of the twine be-
tween the ropes at the other end of the wrap-
pings; pull tight. (8) Use a square knot to end
the frapping turns: reeve the ends of the twine
between the ropes again; tie first half knot of
the square knot; pull the half knot and the frap- 5. half hitch
ping turns tight. (9) Reeve the ends of the twine
between the ropes again; tie the second half
knot of the square knot. (10) Pull the second
half knot tight so that the square knot is be-
tween the strands of the rope. Cut of the ends
of the twine.

pull tight

20 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

6. riding turns [NOTES]

add frapping turns


8. tie square half

knot knot

9. 2Nd half

pull square knot

10. tight

+ and cut off ends +

© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 33


1. 1st bight


Description ---- An interlocked bight and half


Use ---- To temporarily join two ropes, especially

if the ropes are of different sizes.
Comments ---- The sheet bend is a secure but eas-
ily untied knot. ---- When tying the sheet bend
the running parts should be left long because
there is some initial slip in the knot when the
knot is first brought under tension. ---- The
proper and more secure way to tie the sheet
bend is so that the two end the rope are on the
same side of the knot.

Other Names ---- Weavers knot

Related Knots ---- Bowline; becket hitch; these

2nd bight
knots share the same form but are tied in a dif-
ferent way or have a different use.

Narrative ---- (For sheet bend knotboard.) (1) Form

a bight in the running part of the left-hand rope.
(2) Reeve the running part of the right-hand
rope through the eye of the bight in the left-
hand rope. (3) With the right-hand running part
take a bight around the running part and the
standing part of the left-hand rope. (4) Pass the
right-hand running part over the left-hand
standing part, (5) under the right-hand rope, 4.
and (6) over the standing part of the left-hand
rope. (7) Pull tight.

34 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

Description ---- A different method of tying a sheet

Use ---- For joining light twine and yarn together,

especially by weavers.

Comments ---- This method of tying the sheet bend

is faster then the usual method
Narration ------ (For weaver's knot knotboard.)
(1) Cross the left-hand running part over the
6. right-hand running part. Hold this cross point
together between the thumb and first finger of
the left hand. (2) With the right hand, grasp the
right-hand standing part and make a loop over
the thumb and (3) between the standing parts
so as to form a half hitch around the left-hand
rope. (4) Fold the running part of the left-hand
rope back along itself to form a bight around
the standing part of the right-hand rope. (5)
Reeve the running part of the left-hand rope
through the eye of the half hitch and pull the
knot tight to complete the knot.

<---------- pull tight --------->

opposite side

+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 35

+ +



half hitch

<---------- pull tight --------->

+ +
36 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

running bight
Description ---- A half hitch tied around a perma- eye
nent eye, such as the eye of an eye splice or a

Use ---- To tie a rope to an eye splice, a hook or a

standing part

Comments The becket hitch has the sane form as running part
the sheet bend but is used to tie a rope to an 2.
eye or hook, whereas the sheet bend is used to
join two ropes.


Comments ---- This method of tying the sheet bend part
is the most secure form of the sheet bend and
should be used if there is a significant differ- bight
ence in the sizes of the two ropes that are be-
ing used. 3.
Narrative ---- (For double sheet bend knotboard.)
(1) Form a bight in the larger of the two ropes.
(2) Reeve the smaller rope through the eye of
the bight. (3) Then take a bight around the part
of the larger rope; be sure to take the bight from
the standing part side to the running part side.
(4) Bring the running part of the smaller rope
over the larger rope and (5) under the smaller
rope to form a half hitch around the two parts 4.
of the bight in the larger rope. This forms the
first turn. (6) Take a second bight around the
larger rope. (7) Again bring the smaller rope
over the larger rope and under the smaller rope
to complete the second turn. (8) Pull tight.

[NOTE] If the difference in the sizes of the ropes

is significant or the ropes are very smooth, ad-
ditional turns of the smaller rope will help to
prevent the ropes from slipping.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 37

half hitch A SHORT END:
Use ---- For joining light rope, twine, thread, and

Comments ---- This method of tying the sheet bend

is useful for tying a piece of rope onto another
rope when the end of the rope is very short.

Narrative ---- (For sheet bend on a short end

knotboard.) (1) Form an overhand loop. (2)
Fold the loop over onto its standing part. (3)
Pull a bight of the standing part through the
6. loop to form an overhand knot in the running
part. (4) Pull on the standing part and the run-
ning part of the overhand knot to close the eye
around the standing part to form a slip noose.
(5) Place the eye of the slip noose over the
running part of the second rope. (6) Pull on the
running part of the first rope and push on the
overhand knot to upset the slip noose so that a
bight of the second rope is pulled through the
overhand loop to form the sheet bend. (7) Pull
7. second turn on the standing parts of each rope to tighten
the sheet bend.



<----- pull tight ------->

+ +
38 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

+ +
overhand loop
sanding part

running part

6. push
fold over pull -------->
2. <--------

pull tight
3. pull tight -------->

pull through
eye -------->

overhand knot back view

slip noose

<------- ------->
pull pull
+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

In most cases the force applied to a structure is

SQUARE LASHING: due to gravity, therefore downward, this means
that the beginning clove hitch is usually tied to
Use ---- To bind poles that are in contact and cross the vertical pole, and under the cross pole. The
each other at any angle from 45o to 90o. standing end of the rope is secured by wrap-
ping it around the running end.
Comments ---- The square lashing gets it name
from the fact that the wrapping turns are at 90o
or "square" to the poles.
Narration ------ (For square lash knotboard.)
Traditional square lashing is the most fre- (1) Tie a clove hitch to the vertical pole. (2)
quently used and the most secure form of lash- Wrap the standing end of the rope around the
ing. If tied properly, the square lashing will running end [NOTE] The wrapping of the
remain tight and secure, but, as with all lash- standing part around the running part is to se-
ings, if any steps are omitted or done carelessly, cure the clove hitch so that it will not slip
the lashing will loosen and create a dangerous around the pole and loosen the lashing from
situation. the inside. (3) Bring the running end up and
over the cross pole; then around the vertical
The square lashing can be used to bind pole; and back down over the cross pole. (4)
poles together that cross and contact each other Pass the rope behind the vertical pole and back
at any angle from 45o to 90o. If the angle of up in front of the cross pole; this completes the
contact is greater than 45o, a shear lashing first wrapping. [NOTE] Notice that the rope
should be used. goes around the pole perpendicular, at 90o, to
the length of the pole. This 90o angle gives the
When tying a square lashing, the poles and square lashing its name. (5) Take two more
the rope must be positioned properly to achieve wrapping turns for a total of three wrappings:
the maximum strength. The cross pole should pull each turn tight. [NOTE] When the wrap-
pings are taken around the vertical pole the rope
wood to should be to the inside of the previous wrap-
force ping turn; and the wrappings around the cross
wood contact
- pole should be to the outside of the previous
-> wrapping turn. When this pattern of taking the
wrapping turns is followed the rope strands re-
main parallel; this insures the maximum con-
<-- tact between the wood and the rope. Also if
---- the strands are not kept parallel, the additional
standing --
-- clove friction between the crossed strands will make
end ---> it difficult to properly tighten the wrapping
hitch turns. (6) Start the frapping turns by taking one

running end vertical

wrapping 1 -
<----- pole

wrapping 2 ---

wrapping 3 --- --->

be position so that the force applied to the cross


pole is directed toward the pole it is lashed to; >

wrapping 2
this allows the wood to wood contact to bare <--
part of the lode; if the force tends to separate <-- wrapping 1
the poles, only the rope will be supporting the

load. The beginning clove hitch should be tied


to the pole that is closest to parallel to the di- clove hitch

cross --->
rection of the force and to the side of the cross -
pole that is opposite to the direction of the force. pole
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

complete turn around the cross pole; [NOTE] keeping tension on the running end pull it in
The turn around the cross pole prevents the rope the opposite direction so that the loop of the
from crossing the wrapping turns on a diago- half hitch will slip around the pole. This takes
nal. If the change of direction between the up any slack left in the rope. Work the running
wrapping turns and the frapping turns is made end back and forth in this way until the half
by passing the rope diagonally across the wrap- hitch is locked tight against the lashing. If this
ping turns, the increased friction between the half hitch is not locked against the lashing the
rope strands will make it difficult to pull the ending clove hitch can slip around the pole al-
wrapping turns tight. A diagonal across the lowing the lashing to loosen. (9) Add a second
wrapping turns will also allow unnecessary half hitch to form a clove hitch around the cross
movement within the completed lashing, which pole; work half hitch tight.
could cause chaffing of the rope. (7) Take at
least two frapping turns; keep the turns paral-
lel to each other; pull each turn tight as it is
made. [NOTE] Keeping the frapping turns
parallel prevents unnecessary friction between
the turns making it easier to tighten the frap-
ping turns. (8) When the last frapping turn is second half hitch
in place, take a half hitch around the cross pole,

work the half hitch tight. [NOTE] To prevent

the rope from crossing the wrapping turns di-

agonally when tying the half hitch, take the rope
past the cross pole on the same plain as the
frapping turns, then around the cross pole.
[NOTE] To work the half hitch tight, first pull

the running end toward the standing end. This

will tighten the frapping turns. Next, while

end [NOTE] If smooth rope is being used a third half

hitch added to the clove hitch will help insure

pull that the lashing will stay securely in place.

end -------

- --
half --
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

+ + 5. make 3
wrapping turns

1. first frapping

clove hitch
2. 7.
make 2
frapping turns

secure end half hitch
start wrapping
3. 8.

work 1st 2nd

half hitch half hitch
4. tight

work tight
first wrapping + to form +
turn clove hitch
© 1996, Gerald L. Findley 137


STEP 2: Follow the diagrams to set up the poles

at the mid point of the rope.

A Spanish windless is a device for moving

heavy loads such as rocks and logs.

[WARNING] When setting up a Spanish Wind-

less do not use nylon or other synthetic fiber
rope that stretch under a load. If you slip or
let go of the poles the energy you used to stretch
the rope will be released as the rope returns to STEP 3: While one person holds the up right
its original length. This release of energy could pole, a second person rotates the longer pole
cause the poles of the windless to spin around around the upright so that the rope begins to
causing injuries to any one near by. Natural wrap around the upright pole. Adjust the height
fiber ropes, such as sisal, have little stretch; of the rope so that it can be easily stepped over.
therefore are much safer to use.


1 — 8 foot * 3 inch pole

1 — 5 foot * 3 inch pole
1 — 3/4 inch * 50 foot (natural fiber)


STEP 1: Tie one end of the rope to the load and

the other end to a secure anchor point. Leave
some slack in the rope so that the windless can
be rigged.
138 © 1996, Gerald L. Findley

STEP 4: Continue to rotate the longer pole around

the upright.

NOTE] As the rope wraps around the upright it

will be necessary to move the base of the up-
right to keep it vertical.

NOTE] Be careful that the two end of the rope

are kept at the same level on the upright.

keep rope at
same level
66 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

TAUT-LINE HITCH: rolling hitch

Description —— Two half hitches with an extra
turn. ---- half hitch
Use —— To adjust the tension on guy lines. standing ----- running part
part ----- ---- turns
Comments —— The tension is adjusted by slid-
ing the knot along the standing part of the rope.

When tied around an object other then its

own standing part ---- rolling hitch, magnus

midshipman’s hitch
slide knot standing part
half hitch ---
To decrease the tension on a guy line, part --------

grasp the standing part just out side the loop,
then slid the knot away from your hand. running part -----
grasp When tied so that the second turn is be-
standing part tween the first turn and the standing part ----
midshipman’s hitch (see direction for
midshipman’s hitch).

adjustable jam hitch

half hitch ---
part ----
slide knot
turns -----
running part -------

Other Names —— There are several other names

that are used interchangeable for the taut-line
hitch and several related knots. The When tied with the two turns outside the loop
midshipman’s hitch, rolling hitch, and magnus and the half hitch inside the loop ---- adjustable
hitch. The following seems to be the most com- jam hitch.
mon usage of these name: Use --- To tie-up a bundle so that the knot can be
tightened by sliding the knot toward the bundle
When tied around its own standing part --- and loosened by sliding the knot away from
-taut line hitch. the bundle.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 67

+ + 6.
pull tight
1. -- --
standing part bight -

running part

2. bight

-- eye
- bight

3. half hitch

pull tight eye

---- 9.
- 2nd half hitch


10. pull tight


+ +
68 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

Narrative ---- (For taut-line hitch knotboard.) (1)

Take a bight around the pole. (2) Take a bight
around the standing part. (3) (The eye of the
bight becomes the eye of the taut-line hitch) Description ---- Two half hitches with an over-
Pass the running part through the eye of the lapping extra turn.
aut-line hitch (between standing part and the Use ---- To adjust the tension on a guy line when
pole) this forms a half hitch around the stand- very smooth rope is being used.
ing part; pull tight (4) Take a second bight Comments ---- The midshipman's hitch is harder
around the standing part in the same direction; to adjust then the taut-ine hitch, therefor it is
(5) this results in two complete turns around the ideal knot for adjusting the tension on syn-
the standing part. (6) Pull tight. (7) Go to the thetic rope guy lines.
outside of the loop. (8) Take another bight
around the standing part; pass the running part
between itself and the first half hitch, (9) this Narrative ----
forms the second half hitch, (10) Pull tight. (1) After taking a bight around an object, take a
turn around the standing part so that the turn is
inside the loop.
1. (2) Take a second
standing turn around the
part standing part

so that the run-

ning end
crosses the
turn -- first turn and is
between the
first turn and
2. the beginning
of the knot.

second --- (3) Pull the second
turn - turn tight to
lock it in place.

(4) Take a half

pull hitch around
tight the standing
part so that it is
4. half
outside the

(5) Opposite side.

© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 135

in opposite directions the wrappings must be

TRIPOD LASHING: put on loosely so that when the center pole is
rotated to its proper position the lashing is tight-
Description ---- A shear lashing around 3 poles. ened around the poles. If the wrappings are put
on to tight, the rope is stretched causing dam-
Use ---- To bind three poles together, for the con- age to the rope fibers, therefore weakening the
struction of a tripod. ---- To bind three poles lashing. On the other hand, if the rope is
together that contact at the same point in a wrapped two loosely, the lashing will not
structure. tighten enough when the center pole is rotated
and the lashing will be able to slip along the
Comments ----The tripod lashing is a shear lash- length of the pole. Either way, the rope to loose
ing that binds three poles together at the same or the rope to tight, a dangerous situation is
point. ---- The tripod lashing gets it name from created.
the fact that its most common use is the con-
struction of a tripod. ----The tripod lashing can point of lashing
be used just about any where in a structure that

three poles cross each other at the same point
and the same time in the sequence of construc-
tion. ---- Tripod lashing takes two main forms;

with racked wrapping turns (the rope is woven
between the poles) and with plain wrapping
turns (the rope is wrapped around the poles center
without weaving the rope between the poles). butt ends of pole butt
When the lashing is made with racking turns outside poles
the rope contacts each pole around its entire
circumference ; this contact makes the tripod
lashing with racking turns the most secure form However, if the tripod is to be part of
of tripod lashing: therefore tripod lashing with a structure and the center pole will be at an
racking turns should be used when safety is angle greater then 90o to the outside poles, lay
important. However, for light structures where the center pole in the opposite direction to the
there would be no danger if the lashing slipped, outside poles so that the rotation of the poles
the faster to tie tripod lashing with plain wrap- at the lashing is less then 90o. See gate way
ping turns may be used. below for an example.
Laying Out The Poles ---- For most tripod lash-
ings, lay the pole side by side with the butt ends
aligned. The alignment of the butts of the pole
insures that the tripod legs are the desired
length. 90o +

butt ends alined lash at top end

[NOTE] The practice of laying the center pole in

the opposite direction to the outside poles cre-
ates several problems. When the poles are laid
136 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

Setting Up A Tripod ----- Set up the tripod by If a symmetrical arrangement of the poles
crossing the outside poles so that the cross point is needed within a structure, the tripod can be
of the poles is under the center pole. Crossing set up by rotating the poles around the lash-
the outside poles under the center pole causes ing. This rotation cause the loss of the wood
part of the load that is placed on the tripod to to wood contact so that the load is supported
be taken up by the wood to wood contact of only by the ropes, and the joint between the
the poles. poles becomes very flexible; therefore the tri-
pod may be unstable.

center center
<-------- pole outside
pole -------> pole
outside outside
pole-------> <--------pole outside
pole -------> >
wood to - - - ---- n
wood -- tatio
<-------- contact
cross point ------->
t a tion
r o --

If the outside poles are crossed above the

center pole, the rope of the lashing will be re- TRIPOD LASHING:
quired to support all or most of the load; there- (With Racking Turns)
fore the tripod will not be as strong as when the
outside legs are crossed under the lashing.
Narration ---- (For tripod lashing with racking
turns knotboard.) (1) Tie a clove hitch around
one of the outside poles. (2) Secure the stand-
ing part by wrapping it around the running part.
cross -- -- center [NOTE] Wrapping the standing part around
point ---------> <---- pole the running part prevents the clove hitch from
slipping around the pole. If the clove hitch slips
outside the lashing will loosen up from the inside. (3)
outside pole Start the racked wrapping turns by weaving the
<-------- rope between the poles. (4) Take a total of 5 to
7 wrapping turns. Pull each wrapping turn tight

as it is made. [NOTE] The stiffness of the tri-


pod lashing depends on the number and tight-


ness of the wrapping turns. As the tightness of

the wrapping turns or the number of wrapping
turns increases, the stiffness of the tripod will
no wood to wood increase. (5) Take the first frapping turn by tak-
contact, rope sup- ing the rope around the pole that the clove hitch
ports load
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 137

clove hitch

start second frapping

secure ends 8. each

3 frapping turns

3. wrapping turn 9.

first half hitch of clove hitch

5-7 wrapping turns
4. 10.

work half hitch tight

5. frapping turn 11.

pull second half hitch of clove hitch

6. 3 frapping turns each

+ work clove hitch tight +

138 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

was tied to, then between the outside pole and

the center pole. (6) Take 3 frapping turns. Pull + TRIPOD LASHING +
each frapping turn tight as it is made. (7) Start WITH PLAIN TURN
the second set of frapping turns by taking the 1. clove hitch
rope across the center pole and reeving it be-
tween the second outside pole and the center
pole. Take the second set of frapping turns in
the opposite direction to the first set of frap-
ping turns. [NOTE] Taking the second set of
frapping turns in the opposite direction to the
first set of frapping turns prevents the rope from
crossing the wrappings at a diagonal. Unnec-
essary crossing of the rope increases friction 2. wrap end
between the strands of the rope making it dif-
ficult to tighten the lashing properly. (8) Take
a total of 3 frapping turns. Pull each turn tight.
(9) Take the first half hitch of the ending clove
hitch around the second outside pole by taking
the rope past the pole and then around the pole.
(10) Work the half hitch tight so that it is locked
against the lashing. [NOTE] See the narra- 3.
tion for square lashing for instructions on work- 4 to 6 wrappings
ing the half hitch tight. (11) Take the second
half hitch of the ending clove hitch. (12) Work
the half hitch tight to complete the ending clove
hitch. [NOTE] If the clove hitch is not worked
tight so that it is locked against the lashing the
clove hitch will slip around the pole allowing
the lashing to loosen. [NOTE] If very smooth
rope is being used, a 3rd half hitch should be
added to the clove hitch to insure that the lash- 4.
ing will stay in place. first frapping turn

Narration ---- (For tripod lashing with plain
turns knotboard.) (1) Tie a clove hitch around
one of the outside poles. (2) Secure the stand-
ing part by wrapping it around the running part.
[NOTE] Wrapping the standing part around
5. 2 or 3 frapping turns
the running part prevents the clove hitch from
slipping around the pole. If the clove hitch slips
the lashing will loosen up from the inside. (3)
Start the wrapping turns by wrapping the rope
around the poles. Take a total of 4 to 6 wrap-
ping turns. Pull each wrapping turn tight as it
is made. [NOTE] The stiffness of the tripod
lashing depends on the number and tightness
of the wrapping turns. As the tightness of the
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 139

change direction wrapping turns or the number of wrapping turns
6. increases, the stiffness of the tripod will in-
crease. (4) Take the first frapping turn by pass-
ing the rope around the pole that the clove hitch
was tied to, then between the outside pole and
the center pole. (5) Take 2 or 3 frapping turns.
Pull each frapping turn tight as it is made. (6)
Start the second set of frapping turns by taking
the rope around the center pole and reeving it
between the second outside pole and the cen-
7. ter pole. (7) Take the second set of frapping
turns in the opposite direction to the first set of
frapping turns. [NOTE] Taking the second set
of frapping turns in the opposite direction to
the first set of frapping turns prevents the rope
from crossing the wrappings at a diagonal. Un-
necessary crossing of the rope increases fric-
tion between the strands of the rope making it
first frapping turn difficult to tighten the lashing properly. (8) Take
2 or 3 frapping turns a total of 2 or 3 frapping turns. Pull each turn
8. tight. (9) Take the first half hitch of the ending
clove hitch around the second outside pole by
taking the rope past the pole and then around
the pole. Work the half hitch tight so that it is
locked against the lashing. [NOTE] See the
narration for square lashing for instructions on
working the half hitch tight. (10) Take the sec-
ond half hitch of the ending clove hitch. Work
the half hitch tight to complete the ending clove
9. hitch. [NOTE] If the clove hitch is not worked
tight so that it is locked against the lashing the
clove hitch will slip around the pole allowing
the lashing to loosen. [NOTE] If very smooth
rope is being used, a 3rd half hitch should be
added to the clove hitch to insure that the lash-
ing will stay in place.

half hitch


clove hitch
+ +
140 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

STEP 3] Take 1 or 2 frapping turns with each end.

QUICK TRIPOD LASHING: Pull the frapping turns tight; this will also
tighten the wrappings.
Comments ---- The tripod quick lash is one of the
fastest ways to construct a tripod. However the
tripod quick lash is not as secure as the more
conventional methods, therefore the tripod
quick lash tripod should not be use for heavy
Directions -----
STEP 1] Lay the poles side by side with the with
the butt ends alined. Wrap 5 to 8 wrappings
around all three poles.

[NOTE] The frapping turns are

taken in opposite directions.

STEP 4] End the lashing by tying the ends of the

rope together with a square knot.

STEP 2] Start the frapping turn by taking each

end around an outside pole and then between
the outside pole and the center pole.


If one end of the square knot is pulled it can be

up set into a lark's head knot. When this happens
the knot will slip causing the entire lashing to
loosen and fail.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

Description ---- Three TURK'S HEAD
strand braid worked in a
continuous circle.
Use ---- (1) As a decorative
knot around a staff or
railing. (2) Worked tight bight
around a checked or
cracked tool handle or
canoe paddle to rein- running end
2. standing
force them. (3) As a end
neckerchief slide or
wogal. cross




Comments ---- The form of Turks head shown

here is a five crown Turk's head, this is only
one of a group of knots that go by the name
Turk's heads.
The crown number is determined by count- 6.
ing the number of bights at the edge of the knot.
To make a larger loop, increase the size of the
wraps made in steps 1 - 4 and then, at step 7
use three strand braiding to increase the num-
ber of crowns. The number of crowns can be
increased by increments of three; so that the
number of crowns in a larger loop can be 8,
11, 14, etc..
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

The size of the finished Turk's Head depends
7. on the size of the rope used and the number of
times the strand is chased.

Other Names ---- Three lead by five bight Turk's

head, ordinary Turk's head.

Narration ------ (For Turk's head knotboard.)

8. (1) Start at the center of the line, by taking a
bight around an object (the fingers of the left
hand work well) (2) Complete the round turn
and cross the running end over the standing
end. (3) Take a second bight around the object
form eye so that the running end is between the stand-
9. ing end and the first wrap. (4) Lay the running
end across the first wrap then (5) tuck the run-
ning end under the standing end. (6) lay the
standing end across the second wrap and (7)
tuck it under the first wrap. (8) rotate the knot
10. around the object so that you are looking at
the opposite side. (9) Cross the second wrap
over the first wrap. (10) Reeve the standing
end through the eye formed between the two
wraps. (11) Reeve the running end through the
eye between the two wraps so that the ends are
in opposite directions. (12) Chase, follow, the
strand of the knot two or three times. Cut off
11. and secure the ends.

[NOTE] To determine the length of line to use,

wrap the line around the object four times for
a single strand knot. Add three and one half
wraps for each time you intend to chase the
original strand.

chase 2 or 3

cut off and secure ends

+ +

Use ---- To tie of the end of a rope so that it does not unlay. ---- As
part of several multiple strand knots.

(1) Tie off the rope 6 complete lays from the end

(2) Unlay the rope to the tied off point.

NOTE: work the knot in a counterclockwise direction as you look at the end of the rope.
(3) Place the end of one of the unlayed strands under the strand to its left. (Hold the loop open as
you work the knot).

(4) Place the second strand under the first and tthird strand.

(5) Placce the third strand under the second strand.

(6) Reeve the end of the third strand up through the loop formed in the first strand.


(7) work tight.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 5

methods to whipping. ---- Seizing: When twine

WHIPPING: is wrapped around two or more strands of rope
to hold the rope in place; the wrapping is done
using methods similar to shear lashing.

Materials ---- The twine that is used for whipping

should be tightly spun or braided twine that is
less then 1/8 the size of the rope to be whipped.
Twine made of synthetic material should be
used to whip synthetic rope, if natural fiber
twine is used, the capillary action along the fi-
bers of the rope draw water under the whip-
ping causing the whipping to remain damp, so
that rot quickly sets in. Likewise, natural fiber
twine should be used to whip natural fiber rope,
the poor wicking action of synthetic fibers al-
lowing the whipping to trap moisture in the
natural fiber rope, causing the rope to rot.

Narration ----- (For whipping [method 1] knot-
board.) (1) Form a loop in a 12 inch piece of
twine so that the ends of the twine are parallel
and in opposite directions. Lay the loop on the
end of the rope so that the ends of the twine
and the rope are all parallel and one end of the
twine is extending beyond the end of the rope.
(2) While holding the twine in place between
Description ---- Twine wrapped and secured to the the thumb and forefinger, pass the loop of twine
end of a rope. around the end of the rope so that the wrap is
with the lay of the rope. (3) To finish the wrap-
Use ---- To prevent the fraying of the end of a rope. ping, pull the twine under the thumb so that
the twine is wrapped toward the standing part
Comments ---- Even though "whipping" is done of the rope, pull the twine tight. (4) While hold-
in several different ways, the finished "whip- ing the last wrapping in place between the
pings" have similar appearance: the ends are thumb and forefinger, add additional wraps by
secured under the turns, the length of the whip- passing the loop of twine around the end of the
ping is equal to the diameter of the rope, and rope and pulling the wrap tight under the thumb
all turns are parallel. for each wrap. (5) Continue to add wraps until
the length of the whipping is equal to the di-
Synthetic rope, rope made of plastic, ameter of the rope. (6) While still holding the
should be whipped and fused to prevent the last wrap tight between the thumb and forefin-
rope from fraying. Fusing helps to hold the ger, pull the loop closed by pulling on the end
whipping in place and the whipping helps to of the twine that is sticking out past the end of
prevent the fused rope strands from braking the rope. (7) Tighten the whipping by pulling
apart. on both ends of the twine. (8) Finish the whip-
ping by cutting off the ends of the twine.
Other Names ---- Serving: When a rope is
wrapped with twine to prevent chafing or wear-
ing; the wrapping is done using the similar
6 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

+ + 5. diameter
WHIPPING of rope
1. (12 inch twine)

6. pull

7. <------- pull tight ------>


8. cut off ends


+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 7

Narration ----- (For whipping [method 2] knot-
board.) (1) Form a bight in the end of a 24 inch METHOD 2
piece of twine and lay it parallel to the end of
the rope so that part of the short side of the
bight is extending beyond the end of the rope.
(2) Take a wrap around the end of the rope;
hold the bight and the wrap in place with the
thumb and forefinger; pull wrap tight. (3) When bight
the length of the whipping is equal to the di- 1.
ameter of the rope, reeve the end of the twine
through the eye of the bight. (4) Pull wrappings
tight. (5) Pull on the end of the twine that is
extending beyond the end of the rope until a
bight of the free end of the twine is pulled un-
der and to the mid point of the wrappings. (6)
Finish the whipping by cutting off the ends of
the twine.


pull tight

diameter of rope
3. |----------|

8 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

+ +

pull tight

1. short bight

pull to center

2. 12 inch twine

cut off ends


pull tight

+ +
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 9

4. diameter of rope
Narration ----(For whipping [ method 3] knot-
board.) (1) Form a bight in a 6 inch piece of
twine; lay the bight parallel to the end of the
rope with the ends of the twine extending past
the end of the rope. (2) Lay the end of a 24
inch piece of twine next to the loop with the
long end extending past the end of the rope.
(3) Take a wrap around the end of the rope;
hold the bight and the wrap in place with the
thumb and forefinger; pull wrap tight.
(4) When the length of the whipping is equal
5. pull to the diameter of the rope, reeve the end of
------> the twine through the eye of the bight. (5) Use
the bight to pull the free end of the twine un-
der the wrappings. (6) Tighten the whipping
by pulling on the ends of the twine. (7) Finish
the whipping by cutting off the end of the twine.

Description ---- A whipping with strands across
6. the wraps.
<------- pull ------->
Use ---- As a secure permanent whipping.

Comments ---- Bound whipping secures the wrap-

ping turns by adding frapping turns to a stan-
dard whipping.

Other Names ---- Sailmaker's Whipping, (usually

done with a needle).

Tying a Bound Whipping:

7. cut of ends
STEP 1: Lay a loop formed from a 24 inch piece
of twine in one of the grooves between the
strands of the rope. The end of the twine to-
ward the standing part of the rope should be
about 3 inches long.

+ +
10 © 1999, Gerald L. Findley

STEP 2: Wrap the twine around the end of the STEP 7: Lay the twine over the original groove
rope, work toward the standing part of the rope. and then pull the twine between the ends of
the rope strands so that the twine is around the
STEP 3: When the length of the whipping is equal rope strand to the left of the original groove;
to the diameter of the rope, close the loop by pull twine tight.
pulling on the end of the twine that extends
beyond the end of the rope. ht
u l l tig >
p -----
diameter of rope --


--- pull
--- STEP 8: Use a fid to lift the rope strand as shown
in the diagram (this is the same strand that the
twine went around at the end of the rope); reeve
STEP 4: Pull on both ends of the twine to tighten the ends of the twine through the opening and
the whipping around the rope. tie a half knot as shown in the diagram; pull
<- pull twine tight.
half knot ----


STEP 5: Separate the ends of the rope strands, fid -------

pull the twine between the strand to the right
of the groove that the twine was originally laid
in and the other two strands.
STEP 9: Reeve the ends of the twine through the
opening again; tie a second half knot in the

pull opposite direction as shown in the diagram; pull

twine tight to form a square knot.
half knot ----

STEP 6: Use a fid to lift the strand of the rope as

shown in the diagram (this is the same strand
that the twine went around at the end of the
rope), reeve the twine under the strand; pull
twine tight. STEP 10: Remove the fid and trim the ends of
the twine close to the surface of the rope.

[NOTE] If synthetic rope and twine were used the

ends of the rope and the twine may be fused.
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley 167

STEP 3] Make one or two wraps around the

ROPE WRENCH: handle of the wrench.
A rope wrench is a simple tool that can be used
to tighten the ropes of a lashing. Use a crochet stick
that is about 18 inches long and 1 1/2 inches in
diameter; the crotch should be about 6 inches from
the end.

|<------------ 18 inches -------------->|

front view back view
6 inches [STEP 4] Grasp the handle so that you are hold-
ing the rope firmly to the handle; then rotate
the wrench around the pole.
Using A Rope Wrench:
[STEP 1] Use the rope wrench by placing it over
the pole next to the rope that is to be tightened.


front view back view

[STEP 2] Wrap the rope around the fork of the [NOTE] Tighten each turn of a lashing as it is
wrench. made. The friction between the rope and the
pole is too great to tighten more then one turn
at a time.

Maintain the tightness of the rope by keep-

ing a small amount of tension on it or by press-
ing the rope firmly against one of the poles
while taking the next turn around the poles.

Be careful that the rope is not tightened so

tight that the fibers of the rope begin to break.
front view back view

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