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Core Values (TIU3)
Ambition Calmness
Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles
Providing students with Giving students time to ask Having students create a
ex. ex. sculpture with clay.
ex. pictures, charts and graphs questions during a lesson.
Setting up stations with
Have presentations that Playing an audio recording of different activities related to
ex. include visual examples. ex. the book we are reading in ex. the lesson.
2. 5. Re-exposure
Relevance Reorganizing
3. 6. 9.
Retrieve Retaining Recognize
2. 4.
Word Walls Digital vocabulary activities
2. Providing Anchoring Activities for my students to 4. Compacting Curriculum for students who have already
do whenever they finish their work early. master the current curriculum being taught.
Sadi Atkinson
January 14, 2022
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each
Evaluate Notion, Google Meet, Twitter, Adobe Spark Page, Miro, Weebly
iRig Recorder LE, KOMA KOMA for iPad, IPEVO Whiteboard, Google Docs, Sketchbook
Airtable, Annotate, Clips, Tumblr, Feedly, Creative Cloud Express
Quislet, Reminders, Microsoft OneNote, VoiceThread, Mind Mapping, Google
Sadi Atkinson
January 14, 2022
Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM5)
What are you supposed to be doing?
Are you doing it?
What are you going to do about it?
Participation Notes:
Adapt the extent to which a learner is
Alternate Goals: Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the
actively involved in the task. same materials. When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate
to severe disabilities.
In geography, have a student hold the
globe, while others point out locations.
Substitute Curriculum: Provide different instruction and materials to meet a
Ask the student to lead a group. Have the learner’s individual goals. When routinely utilized, this is only for students with
student turn the pages while sitting on moderate to severe disabilities.
your lap (kindergarten).
Sadi Atkinson
January 14, 2022
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)
Provide access to computers, magazines, newspapers, and Be careful about the school supplies you expect
books so low-income students can see and work with printed students to purchase. Keep your requirements as
materials. School may be the only place where they are simple as you can for all students.
exposed to print media.
Arrange a bank of shared supplies for your students
Keep your expectations for poor students high. Poverty to borrow when they are temporarily out of materials
does not mean ignorance. for class.
Do not require costly activities. For example, if you
Don’t make comments about your students’ clothes or
require students to pay for a field trip, some of them
belongings unless they are in violation of the dress code.
will not be able to go.
1. understandable
3. Make verbal communication I will make sure I have plenty of visuals for students as I am explaining. 2. I will sit my
ELL students with others who speak their language to help in comprehension. 3. I will
give instructions slowly so that everyone has time to comprehend what I am saying
4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)
1. Give my ELL students extra time for comprehension, 2. Use Visuals for
students to use as examples 3. Give students the vocabulary of the words and
techniques we will use beforehand so they may understand the art form better.
5. Opportunities for interaction
1. Give students meeting times in class to come discuss the art form. 2. Give
students opportunities who discuss things in small groups. 3. Talk with
6. Practice and application students as I come around to critique and help them with their art.
1. Have students watch as I do the art technique while also trying it with me. 2
Students watch others do the techniques. 3. Then make their own piece of art
7. Lesson delivery with the technique we practiced
1. Show a video first of the art technique, 2 then I will walk the students through
8. Review and assess how doing it together 3. Critique students on how they are doing on their own.
1. After several attempts at the technique I can see exactly what they need to work on. 2. I will
develop ways to help the students fix their issues with technique 3. Give students another
opportunity to do the technique or art assignment to fix the problems.