Data Analytics Consulting Virtual Internship
Data Analytics Consulting Virtual Internship
Data Analytics Consulting Virtual Internship
Submitted to
Bachelor of Engineering
(Information Technology)
Seventh Semester
Simran Singh
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur)
This is to certify that the thesis on ―Data Analytics Consulting Virtual Internship‖ is a
bonafide work of Ms. Simran Singh (Roll no. 23) submitted to the Shri Ramdeobaba College
of Engineering and Management, Nagpur in partial fulfillment of the internship completion
carried out at Forage (KPMG), during 1st May’ 2021 to 18th June’ 2021.
Date: 29/09/2021
Place: Nagpur
I, hereby declare that the report titled Data Analytics Consulting Virtual Internship
submitted here in, has been carried out in Forage (KPMG). The work is original and has not
been submitted earlier as a whole or part for the award of any degree/diploma at this or any
other Institute/University.
Date: 29/09/2021
Place: Nagpur
Simran Singh
Roll Number: 23
Page No.
Abstract iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
A virtual internship is a work experience program where the participant (intern) gains
experience while working in a remote professional setting and is not physically present at the
job location. Virtual interns communicate with their employer online through various means
including email, Skype, Whatsapp, instant messaging, phone conversations, webinars, project
management tools, SMS messaging, etc. Virtual internships are undertaken by both students
and graduates, usually some form of white-collar work, often within fields suitable to remote
work such as information technology, media, creative arts, or public relations.
According to career experts, although virtual internships are currently rare, they are growing
in popularity due to improving technology and the growth of social media. A rise has been
reported in virtual internships — most of which are unpaid — especially from small ventures
and startups seeking additional help. Larger companies are also starting to explore offering
these types of internships. They are presently most popular among small to midsize
companies and online businesses. My virtual internship was in the company KPMG. KPMG
organization structure is a functional structure that each portion of the organization is grouped
according to its purpose. Functional structure works very well for small business as each
department can rely on their own knowledge and worker by itself. There are some drawbacks
for the functional type structure organization which is the communication between the
different departments might limit as every single department will have their working
separately and restricted by the organizational boundaries. The methodology of the internship
has been stated and the working was divided into modules. There were three main tasks were
completed within a span of roughly a month and a half. As far as the overall perspective of
internship is concerned, almost all the goals of internship got completed successfully. After
completion of the internship, certificates were issued to all the interns.
In this section we would try to discuss different aspects revolving this internship. These include
an insight into the term virtual internship followed by a deep dive into the company profile
and the organizational structure.
A virtual internship is a work experience program where the participant (intern) gains
experience while working in a remote professional setting and is not physically present at the
job location. Virtual interns communicate with their employer online through various means
including email, Skype, Whatsapp, instant messaging, phone conversations, webinars, project
management tools, SMS messaging, etc. Virtual internships are undertaken by both students
and graduates, usually some form of white-collar work, often within fields suitable to remote
work such as information technology, media, creative arts, or public relations.
According to career experts, although virtual internships are currently rare, they are growing
in popularity due to improving technology and the growth of social media. A rise has been
reported in virtual internships — most of which are unpaid — especially from small ventures
and start ups seeking additional help. Larger companies are also starting to explore offering
these types of internships. They are presently most popular among small to midsize
companies and online businesses.
Virtual internships have been criticized for not providing the supervision and guidance that
internships are meant to provide. Despite this, virtual or remote internships are a viable option
amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, where travel options are limited. They may rival and
sometimes exceed what traditional internships offer.
KPMG is one of the big four global accounting firms that providing professional
services of Audit, Tax and Advisory services. KPMG, a partnership registered in Saudi
Arabia and a member firm of KPMG International, a Swiss entity. It operate in 155
countries and have more than 162,000 people working in member firms around the
The KPMG network formed in 1987 when Peat Marwick International and Klynveld,
Main, Goerdeler merged along with their respective member firms. They were four key
figures in the formation of KPMG.
KPMG in Jeddah is located in 9 floor, Tower A, Zahran business center, prince Sultan
Street. The training supervisor is Amal Faisal Alsayrafi (Senior Auditor, Audit).
KPMG in Middle East
The Middle East is thought to be quite vital for KPMG as it is seen as a growth area.
KPMG's vicinity in the Lower Gulf (UAE and Oman) in the course of recent years has
helped KPMG in the UAE and Oman get to be favored service providers in Audit, Tax,
Business Advisory, Risk, Corporate Governance and Regulatory administrations. KPMG
in the UAE was built up in 1973 and has developed to 700+ expert staff drove by more
than 30 Partners, crosswise over 6 workplaces in the nation (Farhadi, n.d.). They have
set up their vicinity among business sector pioneers in the locale, giving customers Audit
Tax and Advisory administrations to distinguish and oversee hazards and boost
Throughout the years they have had the chance to work with leading players of the
industry in the area and assume a vital part in offering them some assistance with making
their examples of the success stories. At different phases of their development, their
customers look to them for convenient and independent exhortation in offering them in
their making of the decisions.
KPMG Code of Conduct
KPMG sustains a society in view of integrity, leadership and teamwork. The worldwide
core values express that KPMG shows others how it’s done and that they are transparent
in their communication. The member firms of KPMG are focused on giving astounding
services in a moral and free path paying little heed to the location.
KPMG Code of Conduct is driven in accordance with their values. It characterizes the
professional standards required from the greater part of their people both in conveying
proficient services engagements and in their inside dealings at KPMG (Farhadi, n.d.).
The Code stresses that every employee and partner is by and by in charge of taking after
the ethical, professional and legal standards that apply to his or her level of responsibility
and job function. Company Services provided by KPMG are as follows – Audit, Tax and
In this section we would try to discuss different methodlogies in which I explored content
during my course of internship.
KPMG organization structure is a functional structure that each portion of the organization is
grouped according to its purpose. Functional structure works very well for small business as
each department can rely on their own knowledge and worker by itself. There are some
drawbacks for the functional type structure organization which is the communication between
the different departments might limit as every single department will have their working
separately and restricted by the organizational boundaries. KPMG department structure for
IARCS is very important in cooperation and put a lot of pressure on group working.
Cooperation between team members is very important for Internal Audit team as everyone
within the team will be having different job scope and responsibilities which everyone work
towards the same objectives upon completion of one IA project. KPMG actually provided
three types of main services for Audit, Tax and Advisory. The department where i worked for
my intern is risk consulting which is one of the advisory services. Advisory works with the
firms’ clients to tackle challenges in transactions and restructuring, management consulting
and risk consulting. KPMG's Advisory practices around the world combine specialist skills to
provide objective advice and execution to help preserve and improve value.
Outcomes - Gain a practical insight into the work at KPMG and build career skills and
experience in Data Analytics.
The internship was task centered and divided into three major modules.
Module task -
Draft an email to the client identifying the data quality issues and strategies to
mitigate the issues.
Data Quality Assessment is used to verify the source, quantity and impact of any data
items that breach pre-defined data quality rules.
Resources provided - Data Quality Framework Table with list of seven Data Quality
dimensions common to the industry
Issues highlighted -
o Accuracy - Function used ISNUMBER(A2) -> copy to all cells, missing
columns age and profit
o Completeness - Function used ISBLANK(A1)-> copy to all cells
o Consistency - Function used IF(COUNTIF(A2,"*Female*"),"Found","Not
Skills Gained while working on the module - Ability to understand, interpret, and
communicate with data
Figure 3: Part 2 of email draft
Module task -
Data insights are knowledge that a company gains from analyzing sets of information
pertaining to a given topic. Analysis of this information help businesses make
informed decisions and reduces the risk that comes with trial-and-error testing
Figure 4: Code for former list
Figure 6: Code for recent list
Mostly the new customers are in Finance and our Manufacturing industry are they still
remain top two.
Offer a free newsletter. Keep up and maintain excellent customer support and service.
Promote your business on social media networks. Keep your website content fresh
Skills gained - Python-Statistical Programming, Data Visualization
Module task -
Develop a dashboard and display the data summary and results of the analysis in a
Steps -
First, insert data into RAWGraphs
Choose within a provided range of visual models
Tune in chart and explore the data
It displays values of leaf nodes of a hierarchical structure by using circles areas. The
hierarchical structure is depicted using nested circles. A further quantitative
dimension with size and a quantitative or categorical dimension with color.
Chart Variables
Hierarchy : wealth_segment, gender
Color: job_industry_categoryCSV (unique)
Label: genderCSV (unique), wealth_segmentCSV (unique)
The gender ratio seems neutral although wealth segment distribution varies.
Figure 8: Graph Representation of raw data
The internship was successfully completed over a span of seven weeks with all the objectives
of the internship being achieved successfully.
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