EVS UNIT 2 Notes
EVS UNIT 2 Notes
EVS UNIT 2 Notes
Any component of the environment, which has intrinsic value of its own is called as resource. Any
component which can be transferred in a way such that it becomes more valuable and useful is termed as
Forests are one of the most important resources of the world. Apart from having high commercial
importance they provide high environmental services also. They act as a blanket on the surface of the earth.
Around 1/3 rd of world land area was found to be forests. 1/5 th of world forests were found in Brazil
and 6-7% was in Canada and USA. But the matter under high concern is the declination of forest cover year
by year.
Commercial uses: Forests provide timber, fire wood, food material, resin, gum, non edible oils,
drugs, medicine, rubber, fibers, bamboo and many other important items.
Ecological uses:
1. Production of Oxygen: Photosynthesis – earth’s lungs
2. Reducing global warming – sink for carbon dioxide
3. Wild life habitat – 7 million species in tropical forests alone
4. Regulation of hydrological cycle– prevent surface run off – giant sponges – 50-80% moisture
5. Soil conservation – hold solid particles tightly and prevent soil erosion – wind breaks
6. Pollution moderators: absorb toxic gases and purify air reduce noise pollution
Human beings depend heavily on forests for food, shelter, wood, fuel and medicine with growing
civilization etc. shooted up resulting in large scale mining, road building and clearing of forests.
Excessive use of charcoal, fuel wood, expansion of urban, agricultural and industrial areas and
overgrazing have lead to over exploitation and rapid degradation of forests.
The total forest area of the world in 1900 was 7000 million hectares - 1975 – 2900 mha – 2000 –
2300 mha.
Deforestation rate intemperate countries are relatively moderate. But it is alarming in tropical
countries. It is estimated that in next 60 years we would lose more than 90% of our tropical forest.
Stabilized since 1982, with about 0.04% declaration per year between 1982- 90. During this period
it is estimated that about 1.44 mha land was brought under afforestation. As per our NFP, we have a target
of achieving 33% forest area. But we still have only 19.27% of our land area covered by forests (satellite
1. Threatens many wild life species due to destruction of natural habitat
2. Biodiversity is lost along with that genetic diversity
3. Hilly regions are made prone to landslides
4. Soil erosion and loss of soil fertility
5. Hydrological cycle is affected (loss of rainfall, flood, drought etc)
Mining is a process of removing ores from area which is very much below the ground level. Mining
is done for the extraction of several minerals of metals like Fe, Mn, Au, Ag, etc. The minerals are
especially found in thick forests.
Mining is a process of removing ores from area which is very much below the ground level. Mining
is done for the extraction of several minerals of metals like Fe, Mn, Au, Ag, etc. The minerals are
especially found in thick forests.
Environmental problems:
The environmental problems can be at upstream as well as downstream Level
Upstream problems
1. Displacement of tribal people
2. Loss of flora and fauna
3. Siltation and sedimentation near reservoir
4. Stagnation and water logging near reservoir
5. Growth of aquatic weeds
6. Micro climatic changes
7. RIS causes earthquakes
8. Breeding of disease vectors
Downstream problems
1. Water logging and salinity due to over irrigation
2. Micro climatic changes
3. Salt water intrusion at river mouth
4. Loss of fertility due to sediment deposits
5. Out break of vector born diseases
Water is an indispensable resource. Around 97% of world surface is covered with water. Most of
the animals and plants have 60-65% of water in their body.
Unique features of water
1. High specific heat
2. High latent heat of vaporization
3. Good solvent for oxygen, nutrients and pollutants
4. Anomalous expansion on freezing
5. High surface tension
Water is used for domestic, irrigation and also industrial purposes
Out of the total available water 75% is used for agriculture, 20% for industrial usage. In our country
~93% of water is used for agricultural purposes.
Ground water: 9.86% of fresh water is ground water and it is 35- 50% greater than surface water.
The layer of soil which is permeable has the ability to store water is called an aquifer. It is
generally made up of gravel, sand etc.
Unconfined aquifer: it is covered by permeable layer. The recharge of this layer is by rainfall
or snowmelt.
Confined aquifer: sandwiched between impermeable layers. The recharge is through
unconfined aquifer layers.
Over utilization of ground water: Over utilization of water leads to rapid depletion of water
resources, ground subsidence, lowering of water table and water logging.
Clean water is universal right. It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure the purity of water. Water is a
valuable commodity and it has to be conserved.
Flood management:
1. Dams and reservoirs can be constructed
2. Embankments and proper channel management
3. Flood way should not be encroached
4. Forecasting or flood warning
5. Decrease of run off by infiltration through afforestation or rain water harvesting etc
Drought :
Unpredictable delay in climatic condition occurring due to monsoon rain failure
Meterological: in order of month or year, actual moisture supply at a given place consistently falls below
critical level.
Hydrological: deficiency in surface and subsurface water supplies
Agricultural: inadequate soil moisture to meet the need of a particular crop at particular time or
susceptibility of crops during different stages in its development
Socioeconomic: reduction in the availability of food and social securing of people
Deforestation and poor rainfall coupled with cutting of trees for timber leads to desertification.
Over drafting of ground water, subsidence of soil, drying of wetlands
Pollution of soil with solid waste, industrial effluents etc make land useless and dry
Shifting cultivation
Causes of drought
1. When annual rainfall is below normal and less than evaporation drought is created
2. High population
3. Over exploitation of scarce water to get higher productivity
4. Deforestation leads to desertification
Example : In Maharashtra there has been no recovery from drought for last 30 years due to over-
exploitation of water by sugarcane crop
Effects of drought
1. It causes hunger, malnutrition and scarcity of drinking water
2. It affects crop failures
3. It also accelerates degradation of natural resources
4. It leads to large migration of people
Drought management
1. Rain water harvesting
2. Drip irrigation technology
3. Mixed cropping and dry farming
4. Construction of reservoirs to improve groundwater level
Control measures
a. International conflicts:
• India & Pakistan fight to water from the Indus
• Iran & Iraq fight for water from Shatt-al-Arab water
• India & Bangladesh fight for Bhramaputra river
• Mixico & USA fight over Colorado river
b. National Conflicts:
Cavery problem between Karnataka & Tamilnadu Krishna problem between Karnataka & Andhra
Pradesh Siruveni water problem between Tamilnadu & kerala
2. Construction of Dams/Power stations: For hydroelectric power generation, dams built across
the rivers, initiates conflict between the states.
3. Conflict through pollution:
Rivers & Lakes are used for electricity, shipping & for industrial purpose.
Disposal of waste water & industrial waste decrease the quality of water & causes pollution.
Minerals are naturally occurring substances having definite chemical composition and physical
Ores are minerals or combination of minerals from which useful substances, such as metals, can be
profitably extracted and used for manufacture.
Formation of mineral deposits
Concentration of minerals at a particular spot, gives rise to a mineral deposit. Formation of these
deposits is a very slow biological process; even it takes millions of years to develop as a mineral deposit.
Uses and exploitation of minerals
Minerals are used in a large number of ways in everyday in domestic, agricultural, industrial and
commercial sectors.
Economy and political power of the country is determined from the number of reserves of minerals and
technical know-how to extract the elements
Mining is the process of extraction of metals from a mineral deposit.
Types of mining
(a) Surface mining: Surface mining is the process of extraction of raw materials from the near surface
(b) Underground mining. It is the process of extraction of raw materials below the earth's surface. It
(i) Open-pit mining: Open-pit mining machines dig holes and remove the ores.
Example: Iron, copper, limestone, and marble etc.
Environmental damage
Environmental damage, caused by mining activities, are as follows.
1. Devegetation and defacing of landscape: Large scale deforestation or devegetation leads to several
ecological losses and also landscape gets badly affected.
2. Groundwater contamination: Mining disturbs and also pollutes the ground water. Some heavy metals
also get leached into groundwater.
3. Surface water pollution: Drainage of acid mines often contaminates the nearby streams and lake water
and kill many aquatic animals.
4. Air pollution: Smelting and roasting are done to purify the metals, which emits enormous amounts of air
pollutants damaging the nearby vegetation and public suffer from several health problems.
5. Subsidence of land: It is mainly associated with underground mining. Subsidence of mining area results
in cracks in houses, tilting of buildings, bending of rail tracks.
Food is an essential requirement for the human survival. Each person has a minimum food requirement.
The main components of food are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins.
World Food problems
1. The problem of population explosion has made it worse. The world population increases and cultivable
land area decreases. Therefore world food problem arises.
2. Environmental degradation like soil erosion, water logging, water pollution, salinity, affects agricultural
3. Urbanisation is another problem in developing countries, which deteriorates the agricultural lands.
4. Since the food grains like rice, wheat, com and the vegetable like potato are the major food for the
people all over the world, the food problem raises.
5. A key problem is the human activity, which degrade most of the earth's net primary productivity which
supports all life.
Process of eating away the vegetation along with its roots without giving a chance to
Modern agriculture:
The practice through which specific plant species are cared and managed so as to obtain
maximum yield of consumable parts of plants – agriculture
Makes use of hybrid seeds and selected and single crop variety, high tech equipment and lots of
energy subsides in the form of fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation water e.g. green revolution
Soil salinity is the salt content in the soil; the process of increasing the salt content is known as
salinization. Salts occur naturally within soils and water. Salination can be caused by natural processes
such as mineral weathering or by the gradual withdrawal of an ocean.
Problems in Salinity
Most of the water, used for irrigation comes only from canal or ground, which unlike rainwater contains
dissolved salts. Under dry climates, the water gets evaporated leaving behind the salt in the upper portion of the
soil. Due to salinity, the soil becomes alkaline and crop yield decreases
The salt deposit is removed by flushing them out by applying more good quality water to such soils. Using sub-
surface drainage system the salt water is flushed out slowly
Growing energy needs:
Population explosion, Luxurious life, Industries, Agriculture, mining, transportation, lighting,
cooling, heating, building all need energy. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas produce 95% of energy
Sources of energy
Primary- Renewable energy-resources which can be generated continuously in nature and are in
exhaustible and can be used again endlessly. wood, Tidal, Solar, wind, hydropower, biomass, biofuel,
geothermal, hydrogen
Non – renewable energy- Resources which have accumulated in nature over along span of time and
cannot be quickly replenished when exhausted. coal, petroleum, natural gas
Secondary-petrol, electrical energy, coal burning
Merits of renewable energy resources
1. Unlimited supply.
2. Provides energy security.
3. Fits into sustainable development concept.
4. Reliable and the devices are modular in size.
The Energy that we get directly from the sun is called solar energy
Methods of Harvesting Solar Energy
1. Solar cells (or) photovoltaic cells (or) PV cells
• Solar cells consist of a p-type semiconductor and n-type semi-conductor
• They are in close contact with each other.
• When the solar rays fall on the top layer of p-type semi-conductor, the electrons from the
valence band get promoted to the conduction band and cross the p-n junction into n-type
• Thus potential difference produced between two layers causes flow of electrons (ie., an
electric current)
Used in calculators, electronic watches. Street lights, water pumps to run radios and TVs.
Solar Battery
• Large number of solar cells is connected in series to form a solar battery.
• Solar battery produce more electricity which is enough to run water pump, to run street-light
2. Solar heat collectors
• Solar heat collectors consist of natural materials like stones, bricks, (or) materials like glass.
• They can absorb heat during the day time and release it slowly at night.
Used in cold places, where houses are kept in hot condition using solar heat collectors.
Ocean tides, produced by gravitational forces of sun and moon, contain enormous amount of energy.
The “high tide” and “low tide” refer to the rise and fall of water in the oceans.
The tidal energy can be harnessed by constructing a tidal barrage.
During high tide, the sea-water which flow into the reservoir of the barrage, rotates the turbine, which
in turn produces electricity by rotating the generators
3. Geo-thermal Energy
The energy harnessed from high temperature & pressure present inside the earth is called
geothermal energy.
1. Natural geysers
In some places, the hot water (or) steam comes from the ground through cracks naturally
2. Artificial geysers
In some places, we can drill a hole up to the hot region & make the hot water to rush out through
the pipe with very high pressure.
Thus, the hot water (or) steam coming out from the natural (or) artificial geysers is allowed to rotate
the turbine of a generator to produce electricity.
Power generation is higher than solar & wind energies, Can be brought online quickly,
Used for direct uses such as hot water bath, resorts, aquaculture, greenhouses.
Biomass is the organic matter, produced by plants or animals,
Eg: Wood, crop residues, seeds, cattle dung, sewage, agricultural wastes.
• Mixture of methane, carbondioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ete.
• It contains about 65% of methane gas as a major constituent
• Biogas is obtained by the anaerobic fermentation of animal dung or plant wastes in the
presence of water.
2. Bio fuels - Biofuels are the fuels, obtained by the fermentation of biomass.
(a)Ethanol = Easily produced from the sugarcane. Its calorific value is less than petrol,
(b)Methanol = obtained from ethanol or sugar-containing plants. calorific value is also too low than
gasoline and diesel.
(c)Gasohol = Gasohol is a mixture of ethanol+gasoline
3. Hydrogen Fuel
Hydrogen can be produced by thermal dissociation or photolysis or electrolysis of water.
Biomass energyIt possesses high calorific value.
It is non polluting, because the combustion product is water.
1. Coal
Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed in several stages & were subjected to intense heat and pressure over
millions of years.
1. When coal is burnt it produces CO2 causes global warming
2. Coal contains impurities like S and N, it produces toxic gases during burning.
2. Petroleum
Petroleum or crude oil = hydrocarbons +small amount S, O, N.
Petroleum was formed by the decomposition of dead animals and buried under high temperature and pressure
for million years
3. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
1. The petroleum gas, converted into liquid under high pressure is LPG
2. LPG is colorless and odorless gas.
3. During bottling some mercaptans is added, to detect leakage of LPG from the cylinder.
4. Natural Gas
1. Mixture of 50-90% methane and small amount of other hydrocarbons.
2. Its calorific value ranges from 12,000-14,000 k-cal/m3.
(i) Dry gas = the natural gas + lower hydrocarbons like methane and ethane, is called dry gas.
(ii) Wet gas = natural gas + higher hydrocarbons like propane, butane along with methane is called wet gas.
5. Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Fission
Heavier nucleus is split into lighter nuclei, on bombardment by fast moving neutrons, and a large amount
of energy is released.
Eg: Fission of U235
When U235 nucleus is hit by a thermal neutron, it undergoes the following reaction with the release of 3
U 235 + n1 Ba139 + Kr 94 + 3n1 + Energy
• Each of the above 3 neutrons strikes another U235 nucleus causing (3x3) 9 subsequent reactions.
• These 9 reactions further give rise to (3x9) 27 reactions.
• This process of propagation of the reaction by multiplication in threes at each fission is called chain
Nuclear Fusion
Lighter nucleuses are combined together at extremely high temperatures to form heavier
nucleus and a large amount of energy is released.
Eg: Fusion of Two hydrogen-2 (Deuterium) atoms may fuse to form helium at 1 billion0C with the release
of large amount of energy
1H2+1H2 → 3He2+0n1+energy
Ranapratap Sagar (Rajasthan)
Kalpakkam (Tamilnadu)
Narora (U.P).
Land is critically important national resource which supports all living organisms including plants
and animals. The soil profile of land determines its ability to serve socio-economic needs.
It has been estimated that more than 5000 million tonnes of top soil is eroded annually along with 5
million tones of nutrients. About 1/3 of this is lost in sea while the rest in reservoirs and rivers leading to
About 38% of the area in India suffers from moderate to high degree of water based erosion. The
per capita availability of land in the country has declined from 1.37 hectare in 1901to 0.33 hectare in 2000.
All these lands cannot be utilized for agricultural purpose. Some land would be required for other activities
(to maintain urban area).
Effective steps have to be taken for preventing diversion of land suitable for sustainable farming to
non-farm uses. Simultaneously, degraded lands and waste lands have to be improved by ecological
restoration. The Department of Land Resources was setup in April 1999 by ministry of Rural Development
to act as nodal agency for land resource management.
Land Degradation:
Land degradation is defined as the reduction in soil capacity to produce in terms of quality, quantity
goods and services. The definition is also based on
• Desertification is a progressive destruction or degradation of arid or semiarid lands to desert.
• It is also a form of land degradation.
• Desertification leads to the conversion of range lands or irrigated croplands to desert like conditions in
which agricultural productivity falls.
• Desertification is characterised by devegetation, depletion of ground water, salination and soil erosion.
Harmful effects of desertification
1. Around 80% of the productive land in the arid and semi-arid regions are converted into desert.
2. Around 600 million people are threatened by desertification.
• Turn off lights, fans and other appliances when not in use.
• Dry the clothes in sun instead of drier
• Use solar cooker for cooking food on sunny days and will cut down LPG expenses.
• Grow trees and climbers near the houses and get a cool breeze and shade. This will cut off
electricity charges on coolers and A/C
• Ride bicycle or just walk instead of using your car or scooter.
• Always use pressure cooker.
2. Conservation of water:
• Use minimum water for all domestic purpose
• Check for water leaks in pipes & toilets & repair them properly
• Reuse the soapy water after washing clothes for washing courtyards, drive ways etc.
• Use drip irrigation to improve irrigation efficiency & reduce evaporation
• The waste water from kitchen, bath tub can be used for watering the plants
• Build rainwater harvesting system in your home
3. Conservation of soil:
• Grow plants, trees & grass which bind the soil & prevent its erosion
• Don’t irrigate the plants using strong flow of water, as it will wash off the top soil
• Soil erosion can be prevented by the use of sprinkling irrigation
• Use green manure in the garden, which will protect the soil
• Use mixed cropping, so that specific soil nutrients will not get depleted
• While constructing the house don’t uproot the trees
5. Conservation of forest:
• Use non-timber products
• Plant more trees & protect them
• Grassing, fishing must be controlled
• Minimize the use of papers & fuel wood
• Avoid developmental work like dam, road, construction in forest areas.
Causes of unsustainability
The main cause is due to the difference between the less developed and more developed countries. i.e.,
(i) Over population in poor countries, consume too low resources with low income.
(ii) Rich countries consume more resources with more income.
Conditions for sustainable life style
In order to achieve sustainable life styles,
1. It is essential to achieve a more balanced and equitable distribution of land resources and income to
meet everyone's basic needs.
2. The rich countries should lower down their consumption levels, while the minimum needs of the poor
should be fulfilled by providing them resources.
Thus more balanced and equitable use of resources will reduce the differences between the most
developed countries and less developed countries and will lead to sustainable development.