Budgets in Tallyprime: Create A Budget
Budgets in Tallyprime: Create A Budget
Budgets in Tallyprime: Create A Budget
Budgets in TallyPrime
A budget is a plan prepared for the flow of funds in an organisation. It contains financial guidelines
for the future plan of action for a selected period of time. A budget helps to refine goals and use
funds efficiently. It provides accurate information for evaluation of financial activities, aids in
decision making and provides a reference for future planning. You can modify a budget using the
alter option. You can also delete a budget.
Multiple budgets can be created for specific purposes in TallyPrime. Budgets for Banks, Head
offices, Departmental budgets like Marketing Budgets, Finance Budgets, and so on, can also be
created. The budgeted figures can be compared with Actual figures and variance report can be
Create a Budget
The purpose of a budget is to control expenditure. You can create a budgets in TallyPrime for
groups, ledger accounts, and cost centres. You can create multiple budgets, each for a specific
purpose. You can also have a hierarchical setup for budgets in TallyPrime. In the List of Budgets,
Primary is at the top of the hierarchy and you can create more primary budgets. Sub-budgets can be
created under Primary budgets in TallyPrime.
In this section
1. Gateway of Tally > Create > Budgets > and press Enter.
Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > Budgets > and press Enter.
3. Set the option Groups to Yes to view the Group Budget screen.
4. Select the required Group Name.
Select On Nett Transactions to monitor the transaction amounts and not the balances.
Nett is net of debits and credits for the specified period. The On Nett Transactions
budgets specified for a period automatically get apportioned over the period. This
means, for On Nett transactions budgets, the debit amount for the specified period
(after reducing the credits for the same period) is considered without taking into
account opening and closing balances. For example, to compare transactions against
budgets, especially revenue income and expenses, you can select On Nett Transactions.
Select On Closing Balance to monitor the balances of the accounts and the not the
transactions. This means, each month will have the same budget value, except that the
actual Opening Balance is also taken into account. Budgets On Closing balances can be
set for bank ledgers, sundry debtors ledger balances, and so on. For example, to
compare the closing balances in final statements, especially Balance Sheet items like
assets and liabilities, select On Closing Balance.
7. Press Enter.
1. Gateway of Tally > Create > Budgets > and press Enter.
Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > Budgets > and press Enter.
3. Set the option Ledgers to Yes to view the Ledger Budget screen.
Select On Nett Transactions to monitor the transaction amounts and not the balances.
Nett is net of debits and credits for the specified period. The On Nett Transactions
budgets specified for a period automatically get apportioned over the period. This
means, for On Nett transactions budgets, the debit amount for the specified period
(after reducing the credits for the same period) is considered without taking into
account opening and closing balances. For example, to compare transactions against
budgets, especially revenue income and expenses, you can select On Nett Transactions.
Select On Closing Balance to monitor the balances of the accounts and the not the
transactions. This means, each month will have the same budget value, except that the
actual Opening Balance is also taken into account. Budgets On Closing Balance can be
set for bank ledgers, sundry debtors ledger balances, and so on. For example, to
compare the closing balances in final statements, especially Balance Sheet items like
assets and liabilities, select On Closing Balance.
7. Press Enter.
1. Gateway of Tally > Create > Budgets > and press Enter.
Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > Budgets > and press Enter.
. Press Enter.
Alter a Budget
You can alter a budget to enable it for groups, ledgers or cost centres.
1. Gateway of Tally > Alter > Budgets > and press Enter.
Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > Budgets > and press Enter.
3. Set the option Set/Alter Budgets to Yes, for Groups, Ledgers, or Cost Centres and make the
required changes.
4. After making all the changes, press Ctrl+A to save.
Note: To view Budget Variance from the Group Summary, press Alt G (Go To) > type or
select Group Summary > press Enter and select the required group.
2. Press Alt+C (New Column) > select the budget in the Type of value to show field > set Show
variance to Yes.
A separate column appears for the selected budget, along with the actuals column.
If the Budget Variance shows negative value, it means that the actual expenditure has exceeded the
budgeted value.
Delete a Budget
1. Gateway of Tally > Alter > Budgets > and press Enter.
Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master > Budgets > and press Enter.
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On this page
Create a Budget
Alter a Budget
Delete a Budget
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