The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts of Sale in Islamic Law
The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts of Sale in Islamic Law
The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts of Sale in Islamic Law
Holy Qur‟an and traditions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). The Holy Qur‟an
has permitted this in the words:
“Allah hath allowed trading and prohibited Riba.7
The Holy Qur‟an says:
“O you who believe! Do not devour your property among yourselves
falsely except that it be trading by your mutual consent”.8
This aspect is further strengthened by the fact that the Prophet (pbuh)
himself, the Companions and the eminent jurists conducted business and
entered into the contract of sale. The holy Prophet (pbuh) also gave it much
importance by saying:
“That one of you takes his rope and then comes with a load of wood
upon his back and sells, it is better than to beg of men whether they
give or reject him”.9
While encouraging truthfulness in sale transactions, the Holy Prophet
(pbuh) stated that the truthful merchant (will be rewarded by being
ranked) on the day of resurrection together with the Prophets, the truthful
ones, the martyrs and the pious people. The Prophet is also reported to
have said: “Allah will let the man enter the paradise who is an easy
purchaser (in bargaining), and easy vendor (in selling), and easy debtor (in
repaying the debts) and an easy creditor (in lending and demanding back
the loans).”10 The holy Prophet also said:
“The best earnings are those of the businessman who does not tell a
lie when he speaks; does not misappropriate the trust; does not break
the word if he promises; does not cavil while making purchases; does
not boast while selling his goods; does not prolong the period of
repayment of loan; and does not cause difficulty to his debtors!”
Further: “The best type of earning is Bay based on truth and earnings
of one by his own hands”.11
Abu Sa`id khudri reported: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: „The
contract of sale becomes (lawful) with the consent (of both the
Elements of Contract in Islamic Law:
There are various views regarding the elements of the contract in
Islamic law. Majority is of the view that the essential elements of a
contract are four: (a) Sighah the form i.e. (offer and acceptance); (b) the
seller; (c) the buyer and (d) the subject matter (ma`qud `alayh).13 Hanafi
jurists hold that there is only one element of a contract; namely, the Sighah
(form) i.e. Ijab and Qabol.14 This, however, implies the existence of other
elements. From the practical point of view, there is not much difference
between the opinion of the Hanafi jurists and that of the majority. Sighah,
consisting of Ijab and Qabul, is the basic element of contract. It is the
AL-ADWA 49:33 21 The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts…..
a dayn, which is the sale of an absolute price for an absolute price, and is
called sarf.26 Hence, there can be four types of sale according to the above
description. These are `ayn (goods) for `ayn (goods)- barter ; `ayn (goods)
for `dayn (currency)- regular sale; `dayn (delayed payment in goods) for
`ayn (goods)- advanced payment in goods and `dayn (currency) for dayn
(currency)- currency exchange and money loans. 27 The research in hand
has focused on regular sale as most of the consumers sale fall in this
The Legal Effects of a Sale :
The contract of sale once finalized is irreversible that results in the
transfer of complete and instant ownership of the subject matter. It means
that the seller excludes the commodity from his ownership and gives it to
the buyer on a permanent basis, while in loans, ownership is transferred
for a specified period and exactly its similar has to be paid back.28
Express Terms and Islamic Law of Contract:
Muslim jurists have various views regarding the extent of freedom
enjoyed by the contracting parties to insert terms in the contract especially
those which may change and modify the effects Shariah accords to a
contract. In the view of Zahiri School the conditions are not allowed except
those which are approved by Shariah. According to this school the basic
presumption of law is that all terms in a contract are prohibited except that
which is established by the text or ijma (consensus of opinion). 29 They
base their view on the tradition of the Holy Prophet (pbuh): “He who
performs an act we have not ordered him, his act is null and void”.30 The
Hanbali view is a very much liberal on the topic as it acknowledges
complete autonomy of will in contracts and transactions. This view is
based on the presumption that the general rule is permissibility unless a
text from the Qur‟an, Sunnah or Ijma makes them invalid. There are many
arguments for this presumption from the Holy Qur‟an, Sunnah and Ijam.
The Holy Qur‟an says: “O ye who believe! fulfil (all) obligations. Lawful
unto you (for food) are all four-footed animals, with the exceptions named:
But animals of the chase are forbidden while ye are in the sacred precincts
or in pilgrim garb: for God doth command according to His will and
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: “Muslims are bound by their
stipulations unless it be a condition which turns haram (forbidden) into
halal (permissible) or halal (permissible) into haram (forbidden).” 32
Hence, it is allowed to insert conditions in contract and the parties are
bound to abide by it. However, the limitation is imposed on the parties that
they should not insert such a term that is contrary to scheme of Islamic
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7. Bay`al-Muhaqalah:52
It is the exchange of seed-produce, still in the ear, for the grain of wheat
.the prophet is reported to have forbidden Bay`al-Muhaqalah which was
considered to involve certain hazardous elements.53
8. Bay`al-Sinin or Bay`al-Mu`awamah
It is effected by saying, “I sell this commodity (fruit or harvest before
the crop has grown on palm trees or others) for a year or more and when
the year has ended the term of contract will be terminated between us and
I shall give the price and you will give me back my commodity.” 54 Holly
Prophet has prohibited Bay`al-Sinin because of the existence of a
hazardous element in it. 55 This type of sale is also called bay`al-
mu`awamah because it selling of something years ahead.56
9. Bay`al-Haml
It is the sale of an embryo or the sale of youngling to be brought forth
later from the foetus of an animal, that is, what a female animal bears in
the womb. This type of transaction is not allowed because the commodity
is not known. It is prohibited due to uncertainty.57
10. Bay’al Hayawan bi’L-lahm
It is narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) had prohibited bartering live
animals for meat.58 It is also considered as a kind of gambling or a game
of hazard (al-qimar). The reason is uncertainty in their weight.
The above types of transaction are declared unlawful in Shariah
because they carry uncertainty because that may result in exploitation of
the consumer. Moreover, Islamic law does not differentiate between false
advertisements, trader‟s puff and sales talk etc. Any statement by the
producer that could influence a consumer in making a purchase will make
him liable under the same rules. It is also pertinent to explain here the
meaning of false or misleading representation under Islamic law which is
one that omits facts as well one that states false one. Even if a statement is
literally truce but it misleads the public would be considered as false
representation. A statement must be read in the context and light of the
overall impression it might give to the people it is addressed to. The Holy
Prophet (pbuh) stated: “he who cheats us is not one of us”.59 Therefore
under Islamic law the literal truth of statements is not a defense if they
convey a misleading impression upon the reader. Hence, in order to
determine the legality of an advertisement the general impression it gives
will be considered and an advertisement will be considered false if it can
deceive or misleads any person. 60 The manufacturer may base his
argument for defense on that the consumer (plaintiff) was not likely to be
deceived by the advertisement; however, the relevant interpretation would
be the one made by the consumer as misleading advertisement is a relative
AL-ADWA 49:33 28 The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts…..
thing which defends on the group of people addressed.61 Now what would
be the standard for a misleading advertisement so it is very easy under
Islamic law being a religious law that even if a person of below average
intelligence is misled by an advertisement such an advertisement in this
specific case will be considered mis-leading.62
Hence, the contracting parties may change or limit these statutory
provisions if they choose to do so under the contract. Thus, Islamic law of
contract has safeguarded the interests of the consumers in cases of
defective products by imposing liability upon the manufacturer and made
him liable for any hidden defects, the seller is also bound by the express
terms which they offer to the consumers.
Implied Terms in Islamic Law of contract
The Islamic law of contract has recognised various implied terms in
contract through different kinds of (khiyarat) options. These options
highly protect rights of the consumers in contracts and commercial
transactions. The purpose of option is to give chance to a consumer who
suffered some loss in transaction to revoke contract within stipulated time.
They have been designed to maintain balance in transactions and to protect
a weaker party from being harmed. Some of these options are discussed
below which have great impact on the protection of consumers in
commercial transactions. In this context Khiyar al ayb must be highly
appreciated. It is a right given to a purchaser in a sale to cancel the contract
if he discovers that the object acquired has in it some defect diminishing its
value. The defect is anything that is recognised by the commercial custom
(urf tijari). 63 Hence, this meaning covers the various types of defects
recognised in contemporary times such as manufacturing defect, design
defect and instruction defects etc. Khiyar al ayb is a well-recognized legal
method under Islamic commercial dealings which protects society from the
problems arising from purchasing defective products. It is an implied
warranty imposed by the law itself and the parties do not have to stipulate
it. It is thus a necessary condition of the contract. The goods are liable to
be rejected if undeclared defects are discovered. In this context, it is
pertinent to quote Hidaya:
“If the goods purchased prove unfit for use, the buyer is entitled to a
full refund of the purchase price even in case of perishables, if a
person purchases eggs, musk melons, cucumbers, walnuts, or the like,
and after opening them discover them to be of bad quality; in that
case, if they be altogether unfit for use, the purchaser is entitled to
complete restitution of the price from the seller, as the sale is invalid,
because of the subject of it not being in reality property.”64
AL-ADWA 49:33 29 The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts…..
adoption of the defect. 84 This indicates that the reduction may not be
claimed when the thing bought is for commercial purposes and sold to a
third party. When the consumer adds something to the product e.g. sewing
or dying in case of a cloth such acts prevent the return of the subject matter
to the seller.85
If the consumer buys a thing and subsequently it appears to be in such
a state that no benefit can ever be derived from it the sale is void and the
consumer can recover the whole of the price. For example if a consumer
buys eggs which have been proved to be rotten and useless, the consumer
can claim whole of his money.86
c) Termination of the Khiyar al-Ayb
The death of buyer does not terminate the option. The right in such case is
inherited by the heirs. The factors that terminate the Khiyar al-Ayb,
mentioned by jurists, are the acceptance of the product with defect by the
consumer; and destruction of the object in the hands of buyer. 87 It is a
matter of further investigation that whether or not the Muslim jurists had
mentioned some rulings about the situation in which the destruction is
caused by a defect in the product itself. Similarly, is it possible for a
consumer to claim damages under the notion of Khiyar al-ayb for such
loss? Traditionally, in Islamic consumer contracts, if one produces and
sells defective goods to others the buyer has the right to nullify the contract
or to obtain compensation (arsh), i.e. the balance price of the damage or
loss between non-defective and defective goods. 88 In such cases, the
modern legal regime may be applied if it promotes the purposes of Islamic
Shariah and leads to the welfare of the Muslim ummah.
Option of fraud (Khiyar al-tadlis or khiyar taghrir) :
The option to rescind the contract, if the option of the defect and
sight cannot be put into effect, is the option of fraud. This option exists in
cases where the disappointed party can established that his agreement
contract was gained by the deceit or wilful misrepresentation of the other
party.89 This also includes concealment of a defect in the subject matter
and the seller hides it to sell the subject matter.90 It can be revoked for
fraud which causes loss of property. It is forbidden to deceive in business
transaction.91 For instance, it is prohibited to sell an animal that has not
been milked for few days in order to increase the amount of milk at the
moment of sale. Such fraud gives the purchaser the right of cancellation,
provided he makes use of it without delay. According to al-Shafi‟ the right
of the consumer in these circumstances, can still be exercised three days
after the discovery.92 If the purchaser has already consumed the milk from
the animal, he should return it to the vendor together with a Sa‟ (Sa‟ plural
suwa is a measure for grain) of the value four mudds (modius), according
AL-ADWA 49:33 33 The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts…..
(pbuh) i.e. “The contracting parties have the right of option until they
Option to Stipulate (khiyar al-sharth) :
Khiyar al Shart is that option through which one party or both of
them stipulate for themselves or for someone else the right to revoke the
contract within a determined period.101 For instance, the consumer says to
the seller “I purchased this thing from you but I have the right to return it
within three days‟‟. As soon as the period is over the revoke derived
through this option, lapses. The result of this option is that contract which
is binding (lazim) initially becomes non-binding (ghair-lazim) with the
stipulation of this option. It is a right given to the parties or another person
to confirm or cancel the contract during an agreed period of time. It is
accepted on two reasons that were one Prophet (pbuh) accepted it and
sanctioned it and two some people may not be knowledgeable about
trading and need expert opinion. It is valid to compulsory, necessary and
binding contracts which are cancellable even it was effecting one party e.g.
sale, rent, partnership, warranty etc. Both or either one of the parties has
the option of condition. Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Maalik, Imam Ahmad
Ibn Hanbal and the Shafi‟is are of the opinion that one of the parties may
delegate it to the other parties. In response to a question that parties may
not be knowledgeable and need expert opinion, Al-Shafi‟is are of the
opinion that this is not permissible to delegate to another person. Period of
Option of Condition according to Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Zufar and Al-
Shafi‟i it does not exceed 3 days. But according to Imam Abu Yusuf,
Imam Muhammad and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal it can exceed 3 days and
may be longer provided that the time is determined and clear. And
according to Imam Malik it is originally 3 days but can be extended to
sufficient time in case where the subject matter of contract was in a place
which is very far and could not be reached within 3 days.102
khiyar al-ta’yin (option to ascertain the subject matter):
Another option given to the customer by Islamic law of contract is
that the buyer can choose, designate or determine within a pre-stated time
one object out of two or more which are offered to him. It is called Khiyar
al-Ta`yin. This right can be exercised by the customer in a situation when
he is offered to buy an unascertained thing out of a number of ascertained
things with a right to ascertain the exact thing later.103 For example one
buying a car out of three vehicles offered for fixed price, gets opportunity
through this option to have cars examined by a specialist and chooses any
one of them. The reserving of the right to ascertain the bought item later is
known as the Khiyar al tayin or the option of determination. This option
AL-ADWA 49:33 35 The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts…..
can be only exercised by the buyer and it makes a binding contract non-
binding in favour of the customer.
The option of determination, where a person having purchased two
or three things of the same kind, stipulates a period to make his
selection.104 The purpose of this Khiyar is to give wide choice to the buyer
to choose and the seller to specify the subject matter of the contract e.g. the
object was car and has three types, Toyota, Honda and Suzuki and has
different qualities and different price. In this situation, the seller has the
option to determine the object, price and the qualities of the subject matter
of the contract itself.
This option is applicable to the parties of the contract only in a
determined time. This option cannot be stipulated by the third parties.
However, some scholars are of the opinion that this option is applicable to
the buyer only. Duration of this option is according to the nature of the
transaction. Imam Abu Hanifah maintains that the period of this Khiyar Al-
Ta‟yin is same as Khiyar al-Shart which is 3 days. However duration of
option must be defined by contracting parties while Shafi‟is and Hanbalis
do not recognize this option. They are in the opinion that if the subject
matter of the contract is not determined sufficiently then it is not
confirming the basic principle of Islamic Transaction. They also argued
that there is no authority on Hadith about Khiyar At-Ta‟yin. Hanafi and
Maliki approved Khiyar at-Ta‟yin on the basis of Istihshan and affirmed
that the option has been introduced to prevent any damages.
Option of Mistake (Khiyar al-ghalat):
This type of option was only introduced by the successors. This
natural doctrine of a contractual system is based on the caveat emptor
principle.105 This principle means that the buyer must ascertain the good
quality of goods he buys. In this context, the hadith of the Holy Prophet
(pbuh) is to be mentioned. Narrated „Abdullah bin Umar: Allah‟s
Messenger (pbuh) said: “He who buys foodstuff should not sell it till he is
satisfied with the measure with which he has bought it”.106 However, the
Islamic ethical system does not endorse the doctrine of caveat emptor that
many Western courts have considered valid in several shadowy cases. It
has put the responsibility on the part of seller to disclose all the defects of
the product to the consumer.
Compensation for Damages in Islamic Laws of Contract:
Contractual liability for compensation in Islamic law is well known
as dhaman-al-uqud. When the subject matter of the contract is destroyed,
as in the case where the sold property has been destroyed prior to delivery
or when the hired subject matter is destroyed whilst in the possession of
the hirer, the concept of warranty (daman al-aqd) applies. This means that
AL-ADWA 49:33 36 The Legal Effects of Unfair Contracts…..
1 There are number of verses in Holy Qur‟an that prescribe this rule
such as it says: O ye who believe! fulfil (all) obligations. Lawful
unto you (for food) are all fourfooted animals, with the exceptions
named: But animals of the chase are forbidden while ye are in the
sacred precincts or in pilgrim garb: for God doth command
according to His will and plan (Qur‟an 5:1), “Those who keep their
promises when they make them,” (Qur`an 2: 177), and “I too
promised, but I failed in my promise to you” (Ibrahim: 22.This is the
statement by Satan.) etc.
2 Islamic law of contracts is based upon the following types of
commercial transactions i.e. Contract of Sale, Contract of Ijarah
(Leasing), Contract of Musharakah, and Contract of Mudaraba,
Contract of Kafalah (surety ship), Contract of Hawalah (assignment
of debt) and Contract of Rahn (Pledge) etc. All these contracts have
great concern with consumers as to get some goods or services is the
ultimate motive behind these contracts. The consumer cannot fulfil
their needs and requirements without entering one of these contracts.
However, the research in hand is focused on product liability
therefore the main concern is to discuss provisions from those
chapters of Fiqh where there is delivery of goods such as Bay‟ and
3 Kasani, Badai al-Sanai`, vol.5, p.133.
4 Majallah, Art. 105.
5 Qur‟an says: “And Allah has permitted sale” (Qur‟an 2:278). It also
says: “O you, who believe, devour not your property among
yourselves by unlawful means except that it be trading by your
mutual consent” (Qur`an 4:29).
6 Al-Kasani, Badai al-Sanai, vol.4, p.173; Al-Sarakhsi, Al-mabsut,
vol.15, p.74; Al-Marghinani, Al-Hidaya, vol.3, p.230.
7 Holy Qur‟an, 2: 275.
8 Holy Qur‟an, 4: 29.
9 Al-bukhari, Sahih, tradition no. 2373, vol.3, p.113; Muslim, Sahih,
tradition no. 1042, vol.2, p.271; Ibn Maja, Sunan, tradition no.1836,
vol.1, p.588; Al-nasai, Sunan, tradition no.2584, vol.5, p.93; Ahmad,
Musnad, tradition no. 1430, vol.3, p.43.
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