London Asia Training Contract
London Asia Training Contract
London Asia Training Contract
• If your language skills are assessed as being of a high enough • Yes – during the two years of your training contract, you will
level, you will be invited to interview in our London offices. move across different seats and practice groups every three
You will have a general and an analytical interview, each months. You will need to spend time in each of our core
with a Partner and an associate, along with a writing task in practice areas (ie corporate, real estate, finance and dispute
English. resolution) at least once during your training contract to
increase your breadth and depth of knowledge.
• Successful candidates will be offered a place on our London-
Asia vacation scheme, which will take place in July. There 5) What are your language requirements?
will be various assessments during the internship – • We are looking for candidates who are fluent in English and
including a research task, negotiation exercise, pitch exercise native/fluent in an Asian language such as Mandarin,
and language assessment. There will also be a training Korean, Japanese, and Indonesian, or other Asian
contract interview at the end of your vacation scheme. languages. We will be assessing your verbal, reading and
• By the end of the internship, subject to your performance writing skills during your London-Asia vacation scheme.
and our business need, you will be offered a position on our
London-Asia training contract.