Chapter 17 Two-Way Anova
Chapter 17 Two-Way Anova
Chapter 17 Two-Way Anova
These two IVs are “crossed,” meaning that each level of one IV is
paired with all levels of the other IV
3 X 2 X 2 = ????
No Yes
Receive Anti-biotic
5 5
No Yes
Receive anti-biotic
H0: there is no interaction between the factors
H1: there is an interaction between the factors
In our example:
That is: Ignoring the number of bystanders, does response time differ for
male versus female victims?
--Main effect of # of bystanders: Is there a difference in response time when
there is 1 versus 2 versus 3 bystanders present, averaging over the victim’s
That is: Ignoring the gender of the victim, does response time differ based
on the number of bystanders present?
SS gender
SS # of bystanders
SS interaction
Of the total SS, we know what is due to gender (SS gender), what
is due to the # of bystanders (SS bystanders) and what is due
to the interaction (SS interaction). Thus:
Source df SS MS F
# of Bystanders
Interaction (G*B)
dftotal = N – 1
SS Interactio n
MSInteraction = df Interactio n
SS Error
MSError = df Error
MS Interactio
FInteraction =
MS Error
For each F, you have two df: one for the corresponding factor and
the dfError
As usual, if the obtained F value equals or exceeds the critical
value, then we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that we
have a statistically significant effect
If there is a significant main effect, & that factor has only two levels, you know
that those two marginal means differ significantly from each other
If there is a significant main effect, & that factor has 3 or more levels, you
know that at least two of those marginal means differ. Need multiple-
comparison procedures (post-hocs) to determine which ones.
(I) # of bystanders (J) # of bystanders Difference 95% Confidence Interval
present present (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 1 bystander
10. 0 20
. 0 - 35000
. * .6708 .000 - 48845
. -21155
. differs from
. 0 - 40000
. * .6708 .000 - 53845
. -26155
. 0 10
. 0 35. 000* .6708 .000 21
. 155 48
. 845
. 0 -.5000 .6708 .463 - 18845
. .8845
. 0 10
. 0 40. 000* .6708 .000 26
. 155 53
. 845
. 0 .5000 .6708 .463 -.8845 18
. 845 2 bystanders
Based on observed means. DO NOT
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05level.
differ from 3
Understanding Interactions
An interaction occurs when the effect of one IV depends on the level of the
other IV
If you obtain a significant interaction, you may want to examine it closely to see
what is causing it
A useful first step is to graph the means to see the pattern of the interaction
Estimated Marginal Means
# of bystanders pres
. 00
. 00
0 3
. 00
f m
Gender of Victim
Graphed this way, we see that the bystander effect seems smaller for female
victims compared to male victims
Gender of Victim
0 m
1.00 2.00 3.00
# of bystanders present
Graphed this way, we see that male and female victims get helped about equally
quickly with one bystander present, but when multiple bystanders are
present, a gender difference emerges
There is a difference
between male and female
victims in response time
when 2 or 3 bystanders
are present
Reporting the results of a two-way anova is complex because there are so many
tests conducted. Below is one way you might report the results of the
above analyses:
Source df SS MS F
Spokesperson 200
Color 150
Interaction (S*C) 50
Total 850
We should be able to complete everything else!
Calculate df
Spokesperson has 2 levels df = (k – 1) = (2 – 1) = 1
Color has 2 levels df = (k – 1) = (2 – 1) = 1
Interaction df is the product of the df for the 2 IVs = 1*1 = 1
Total df = (N – 1) = (80-1) = 79
Error df = “what’s left over” (79 – 1 – 1 – 1) = 76
The SS for all factors and interactions should add up to the total
SS. Thus:
MScolor = df color
= 150
MS Interactio n 50
FInteraction = MS Error
= 8.45