Psychological Statistics (Notes)
Psychological Statistics (Notes)
Psychological Statistics (Notes)
Method of Intuition
- With intuition, a person relies on
hunches and “instinct” to answer
Statistics questions.
- A branch of mathematics that deals
with the systematic collection, 4. Scientific method
tabulation, presentation, analysis, - An approach to acquiring knowledge
and interpretation of quantitative that involves formulating specific
data or facts. questions and then systematically
finding answers.
- Method of acquiring knowledge.
- Is a carefully developed system for
Methods of Knowing asking and answering questions so
that the answers we discover are as
1. Method of Authority accurate as possible.
- Something is considered true
because of tradition or because
some person of distinction says it’s The Steps of the Scientific Method
Step 1: Observe behavior or other
Method of Faith- a variant of the method
- The initial observations could be the
of authority in which people have
unquestioning trust in the authority figure results of your own personal
and, therefore, accept information from experience (method of empiricism),
the authority without doubt or challenge. and might involve watching the
behavior of other people or
2. Method of Rationalism monitoring your own behavior.
- Uses reasoning alone to arrive at
knowledge. It assumes that if the Step 2: Form a tentative answer or
premises are sound and the explanation (a hypothesis)
reasoning is carried out correctly - Usually begins by identifying other
according to the rules of logic, then factors, or variables, that are
the conclusions will yield truth. associated with your observation.
- Tautologies and Fallacies.
Step 3: Use your hypothesis to generate
a testable prediction
Example: - Involves taking the hypothesis and
- All statistics professors are applying it to a specific, observable,
beautiful real-world situation.
- Ms. Arlene is a stats prof therefore
ms Arlene is a beautiful person.
Step 4: Evaluate the prediction by - In an experiment, for economical
making systematic, planned reasons, the investigator usually
observations collects data on a smaller group of
- The actual research or data subjects than the entire population.
collection phase of the scientific This smaller group is called the
method. sample.
Descriptive Statistics
- Concerned with techniques that are
used to describe or characterize the
obtained data. Variable
- Is any property or characteristic of
Inferential Statistics some event, object, or person that
- Involves techniques that use the may have different values at different
obtained sample date to infer to times depending on the conditions.
Independent Variable
- Is the variable that is systematically
Definitions: Technical Terms manipulated by the investigator.
- Example: number of hours studying
- Is the complete set of individuals, Dependent variable
objects, or scores that the - The variable that the investigator
investigator is interested in studying. measures to determine the effect of
In an actual experiment, the the independent variable.
population is the larger group of - Example: your GWA
individuals from which the subjects
run in the experiment have been Continuous Variables
taken. - It can assume any of an infinite
number of values and can be
Sample associated with points on a
- Is a subset of the population continuous line interval
- Ex: height, weight, volume.
Continuous data
Discrete variables - Measurement scale between two
- Some measures of behavior of realistic points.
subjects and expected to be
influenced by the independent
variable Primary data
- Gender, courses, Olympic games - Data that came from the original
- Is a number calculated on sample
data that quantifies a characteristic
- Interview
of the sample. Thus, the average
- Survey
value of a sample set of scores
- Mail-in Questionnaire
would be called a statistic.
- Google forms
- Numerical index describing a
- Experimentation
characteristic of a sample.
Indicates a
Discrete data
direction of the
- Specific countable values
difference (more or Others, None
less than)
Interval scale
Nominal level
- Is one in which the units represent
- The lowest level of measurement
raw score magnitudes, there are
and its most often used with
equal intervals between adjacent
variables that are qualitative in
units on the scale, and there is no
nature rather than quantitative.
absolute zero point.
- One of them has categories for the
Examples: - Temperature (in degree Celsius or
Qualitative Categories
- Calendar Time (Gregorian,
Hebrew, or Islamic)
Gender Male, Female
Textual Form
Methods used in Data Gathering & - The data is presented in paragraph
Collecting Data form.
3. Registration Method
- It obtains data from the records of Tabular Form
government agencies authorized by - The data is present in rows and
law to keep such data or information columns.
and made these available to
researchers. Example: Frequency and percentage
distribution of the nursing students
4. Observation Method according to Gender
- A technique in which data Gender Frequency Percentage
particularly those pertaining to the
behaviors of individuals or groups of Male 1375 27.5
individuals during the given situation Female 3625 72.5
are best obtained through
observations. Total 5000 100
Graphical Form
- The data is presented in visual form
Sampling Techniques
2. Systematic Sampling
- Is a probability sampling method in
which a random sample, with a fixed
periodic interval, is selected from a
larger population. 5. Multi-Stage Sampling
- The fixed periodic interval, called the - The researcher chooses the
sampling interval, is calculated by samples randomly at each stage.
dividing the population size by the Here, the researcher does not create
desired sample size. clusters, but he/she narrows down
the sample by applying random 8. Quota Sampling
sampling. - Involves dividing the respondents
into subgroups.
- First, we identify the subgroups and
their proportions in the population.
Next, we use convenience sampling
to select the required number of
subjects from each subgroup.
6. Purposive Sampling
- It is a non-probability sampling
method and it occurs when
“elements selected for the sample
are chosen by the judgment of the
9. Snowball Sampling
- It is a method used to collect data
when it is difficult to locate
- This type of sampling technique
relies on referrals from initial
respondents to generate additional
7. Convenience Sampling
- It is a type of nonprobability
sampling in which people are
sampled simply because they are
"convenient" sources of data for
Situational Analysis