Io Psych
Io Psych
Io Psych
Job Evaluation
- how much employees in a
position should be paid
- Job’s worth
8. The following are purposes for using a blind 9. When you were eating in a fast food chain,
box ad. Which is NOT? the placemat that comes along with the tray was
A. the organization doesn’t want its name in actually an application form if you want to be a
public part of that company. The vacancies were put on
the side of the place mat. The food chain used
B. the company might fear that people
which recruitment technique?
wouldn’t apply
A. Job Posting
C. the company would like to attract its own
customers to apply B. Point-of-Purchase
D. the company needs to terminate an C. Referral
employee but wants to find a replacement D. Blind Box
10. "General Manager: Seeking position as General 11. _ look for applicants for higher-paying and
Manager in Hotel /Motel Restaurant operation. Six managerial level jobs while _ look for applicants
years of experience in all aspects of hospitality for blue-collar jobs
industry (includes personnel, food and beverage,
sales, training). Excellent references available upon A. Employment Agency; Public Employment
request. Reply to Box 3349, East Barre, Vermont." Agency
This advertisement BEST exemplifies a(n): B. Executive search firms; Public
A. External Recruitment Ad Employment Agency
B. Internal Recruitment Ad C. Executive search firms; Employment
C. Situation Wanted Ad Agency
D. Newspaper Ad D. Public Employment Agency; Employment
Employment Agencies and Search Firms 12. Applicants recruited through _ are more
1. Employment agency – finds jobs for applicants and finds likely to be hired and have longer tenure with
applicants for organizations. an organization than are employees recruited
▪ charge either the company or the applicant through other means.
▪ Disadvantage: loses some control over its A. Job Posting
recruitment process
2. Executive Search Firms – “head hunters” B. Blind Box
▪ higher-paying, nonentry-level positions C. Referral
▪ charge their fees to organizations D. Executive Search Firms
3. Public Employment Agencies
▪ blue-collar and clerical positions Referral - a current employee refers a friend or
▪ No cost involved in hiring the applicants family member for a job.
13. Research has indicated that 14. The HR personnel presented you the
employees referred by unsuccessful nature of your work, your task and duties,
employees had _ than did employees the location of your work, the expected
who had been referred by successful output from you, the equipment you will use
and who you will work with. You were
presented a/the _.
A. Longer tenure A. Realistic Job Preview
B. Shorter tenure B. Job Design
C. Lower motivation C. Job Description
D. Higher motivation D. Work Activities
15. A valid selection test is one 16. What is the first step in constructing a
structured interview?
that is based on job analysis. A. Creating a scoring key
This talks about _. B. Removing primacy effects
A. Criterion Validity C. Conducting a job analysis
D. Writing questions
B. Face Validity
1. Based on Job Analysis
C. Construct Validity 2. Same questions to all applicants
D. Content Validity 3. Standardized scoring key
Problems with unstructured interview 17. “You said to me that your schedule might conflict
with your review classes to be a psychometrician.
1. Poor intuitive ability What does it mean to you to get your license? What
2. Lack of job relatedness will you be qualified to do?”
A. Clarifier
3. Primacy effect
B. Disqualifier
4. Contrast effect C. Past-focused
5. Negative information bias D. Future-focused
6. Interviewer-Interviewee Similarity Skill-level determiner
7. Interviewee Appearance Organizational-fit
8. Nonverbal Cues questions
18. The written output of job 19. “An applicant for a job as automotive
mechanic might be asked to fix a torn fan belt; a
analysis secretarial applicant might be asked to type a
letter; and a truck-driver applicant might be
A. Job title asked to back a truck up to a loading dock.” This
selection technique is known as _.
B. Work activities A. Assessment Centers
C. Realistic Job Preview B. Simulation
C. In-basket Technique
D. Job Description D. Work Sample
22. Companies investigates one’s credit 23. The following are guidelines in making
history because best use of rejection letters. Which is
A. Employers believe that people who owe INCORRECT?
money might be more likely to steal or A. Send rejection letters or emails to
accept bribes applicants
B. employees with good credit are more B. Explain who was hired and what their
responsible and conscientious and thus will qualifications were
be better employees C. Do not include the name of a contact
C. both of these person
D. none of these D. Send the rejection letter immediately
24. With test-retest reliability, the time 25. _ is based on the assumption that tests
interval between administrations usually that predict a particular component (e.g.,
ranges from three days to three months. customer service) of one job (e.g. a call
With alternate-forms reliability, the time center for a bank) should predict
interval should be performance on the same job component for
A. Longer than test-retest a different job
B. Same as test-retest A. Construct validity
C. As short as possible B. Concurrent validity
D. A year after the first set C. Validity generalization (VG)
D. Synthetic validity
27. As the number and variety of tests used 28. A company is looking for an HR Associate with the
in selection increases, the decision who to following qualifications: Has a college degree, confident,
has a minimum experience of 2 years, does not have a
hire becomes more difficult. It is suggested criminal record, can conduct interviews and a minimum
that the test scores must be combined and IQ of 110. The applicant went through ALL the
weighted to how well it predicts the necessary procedures just to know he fell short on the
criterion. One should make use of _. required length of experience. This is an example of _.
A. Multiple-cutoff approach
A. Simple Linear Regression
B. Multiple-hurdle approach
B. Multiple Regression C. Full-circle feedback
C. Factor Analysis D. Top-down approach
D. Pearson-R
Objective measures
▪ Graphic rating scale - rating employee
Forced Distribution Technique performance on an interval or ratio scale.
Or rank and yank
C ▪ Behavioral checklist
10% 20% 40% 20% 10%
33. A newly opened casino is having a mass hiring. An Step 5: Train Raters
HR personnel was tasked to be able to set appointment Step 6: Observe and Document Performance
for 100 aspiring dealers in 1 month. The HR personnel ❑ Critical incidents - the supervisor records behaviors
is known to be very skilled in recruiting. However, he that were observed on the job and rates the
was not able to accomplish this because the casino was employee on the basis of that record.
not located very well and people don’t want to apply Step 7: Evaluate Performance
resulting to his low appraisal rating. This is an example
of contamination which is most likely found in a _. Proximity Errors, Infrequent observation
A. Forced Distribution Step 8: Communicate Appraisal Results to
B. Graphic-rating scale
Step 9: Terminate Employees
C. Paired Comparison
Step 10: Monitor the Legality and Fairness of the
D. Behavioral checklists Appraisal System
34. Mrs. Rivera, who have been a professor in the Legal Reasons for termination
Colegio for almost 50 years is confident that she ▪ Probationary Period
will not be terminated immediately despite how ▪ Inability to Perform
strict she is towards the students because of her ▪ Reduction in Force (Layoff)
reputation and tenure. We can say that the
▪ Violation of Company Rules
institution has been using this approach for their
seasoned employees. 1. The rule must exist
2. The rule must be communicated
A. Progressive discipline
3. Prove that the employee violated the rule
B. Employment-at-will
4. extent to which the rule has been equally
C. Termination-at-will enforced
D. Step-by-step termination 5. extent to which the punishment fits the crime
Choosing the best training method 36. A school is currently training its HR
employees. As part of the module, they were
asked to discuss and try to provide a solution to
the significant number of teachers resigning every
school year. This is actually happening in their
organization. Their trainers made use of what we
call _.
A. Simulation
B. Role-play
C. Case Study
D. Living case
37. Squidward is being trained how to use a cash 38. Role-play trains employees by acting
register but with the added pressure of employees out _ behaviors whereas behavior
acting as angry customers. Their focus is NOT
more on the interpersonal skill but on the modeling make use of _ behaviors.
efficiency in using the machine. Krusty Krab is A. Normally performed; Ideal
using this training technique to train Squidward.
B. Ideal; Normally Performed
A. Simulation
B. Role-play
C. Incorrect; Correct
C. Case Study D. Correct; Incorrect
D. Living case
39. In modelling, the following are ideal 40. The following are advantages of
characteristics of an observer. Which is NOT? cross-training EXCEPT
A. must pay attention to the behavior of other
employees A. Allows for lateral transfer
B. must be similar to us, who are successful, B. Improves job satisfaction
and who have status C. Serves as a training for managerial
C. must be able to retain the information that is position
being modeled
D. must have the ability or skill to reproduce the
D. Expands employees’ level of
behavior responsibility
41. Benjo is a technician working with a veteran 42. Which of the following would benefit
technician. He will initially help him by carrying MOST from overlearning?
supplies, picking up parts from suppliers, and
holding tools. But with time, Benjo is taught the A. A bank teller learning how to balance
necessary knowledge and skills for this job. This cash drawer
type of training used in crafts and trades is
known as _. B. A customer service staff receiving
A. Apprenticeship bills payment
B. On-the-job Training C. A first aider learning to conduct CPR
C. Coaching D. A security guard learning how to
D. Mentoring check bags
43. Using pretest and posttest to 44. _ is MOST associated with salary
assess training effectiveness is a and setting high goals while _ is
way of measuring _. MOST associated with number of
A. Employee reactions
A. Conscientiousness; Extraversion
B. Employee learning B. Emotional Stability; Openness
C. Application of training C. Conscientiousness; Openness
D. Business impact D. Emotional Stability; Extraversion
▪ external factors that encourage
that action.
▪ motivation determines whether the
worker will do it properly
Korman’s Consistency
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Theory
❑ Intrinsically motivated
❑ enjoy performing the actual tasks ▪ Self-esteem - the extent to
❑ enjoy the challenge of successfully which one views himself as
completing the task. valuable and worthy.
❑ Extrinsically motivated
▪ There is a positive correlation
❑ motivated to receive reward
between self-esteem and
❑ or to avoid negative consequences (Deci
& Ryan, 1985). performance.
B. Personal Self-esteem; Chronic Self-esteem 2. Task Identity The job has a beginning and an end
with a tangible outcome
C. Situational self-esteem; Socially Influenced 3. Task Significance The job affects the lives or work of
other people.
4. Autonomy The job allows the individual
D. Personal Self-esteem; Situational Self- substantial freedom, independence,
and discretion
5. Feedback Gives the individual direct and clear
information about his performance
47. According to Job Characteristics Theory, a 48. Factory workers stitch company logos on
job will have a motivating power to an shirts created by other workers. They are closely
employee if the following are present EXCEPT monitored by a supervisor, and they are seldom
appreciated by the community. Their outputs are
A. provide them with feedback of the results checked by another batch of employees. These
of their efforts conditions will result to the following according to
B. connect their efforts to an outcome JCT.
C. they are personally responsible for the A. Low Autonomy; High Task Significance
outcome of their work B. High Feedback; Low Autonomy
D. allowed to develop and master a single C. Low Autonomy; Low Task Significance
skill D. High Skill Variety; Low Feedback
49. Job rotation, job enrichment and 50. Employees would say that there is no
job enlargement satisfy which need in advancement in their company, yet they
remain satisfied in their jobs. Which of the
Maslow’s hierarchy? following theories would be MOST
A. Self-actualization needs appropriate in understanding their
B. Physiological needs motivation?
A. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
C. Ego needs
B. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
D. Safety needs C. Alderfer’s ERG theory
D. Locke’s Goal-setting Theory
Maslow’s Hierarchy 51. Jonathan would say that the company he has
been working for pays well, has good
-Satisfaction-progression coworkers, safe working environment and fair
company policy. However, there is no challenge
principle and achievement, so he is neither dissatisfied
nor satisfied in his job. This scenario would be
BEST understood using
Alderfer’s ERG Theory A. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
- Frustration-regression B. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
C. Alderfer’s ERG theory
principle D. Locke’s Goal-setting Theory
53. The following are TRUE about feedback 54. Threatening an employee with a three-day
EXCEPT suspension will be effective only if he needs
A. should be provided to employees on their the money or doesn’t like being off work;
progress in reaching their goals yelling at an employee will be effective only if
B. feedback best increases performance the employee does not like being yelled at.
These matches with the suggestion of _.
when it is positive and informational
C. supervisors should indicate their A. Herzberg
willingness to provide feedback B. BF Skinner
D. feedback is most effective when it is C. Maslow
negative and controlling D. Hackman and Oldham
55. Your boss told you “finish the report Premack Principle
first before you interview applicants” ❑ reinforcement is relative both
because he knows how rewarding it is for
within an individual and between
you to interview them. He follows what we
call individuals.
A. Premack Principle Reinforcement hierarchy
B. Vicarious learning ❑ a rank-ordered list of reinforcers
C. Task chaining for an individual.
D. None of the above
59. Threatening an employee with a three-day 60. The following are characteristics of
suspension will be effective only if he needs effective punishment. Which is NOT?
the money or doesn’t like being off work;
yelling at an employee will be effective only if
A. Done in front of other employees and
the employee does not like being yelled at. not in private
These matches with the suggestion of _. B. Employee must be shown alternative
A. Douglas McGregor ways of behaving
B. Stacy Adams C. Not too lenient and not too severe
C. Hackman and Oldham D. Employee must understand why he is
D. Victor Vroom being punished
62. Employee A has lower input/output 1. They evaluate how they are
ratio than other employees. In Equity
theory, this only means that he is being treated
A. He might be paid more compared to 2. they form a perception of how a
others “comparison-other” is being
B. He might be paid less compared to treated.
others 3. they compare their own
C. He is lazy circumstances with those of the
D. He is hardworking comparison-other
Underpaid employees
▪ works less hard
▪ becomes more selfish
▪ has lower job satisfaction
Overpaid employees
▪ does not feel guilty
▪ works harder
▪ becomes more team oriented
63. A chamber of commerce director who spent 10 years 3 Types of Employee Commitment
making business contacts, getting funding for a new
building, and earning the trust of the local city council. Affective
Though she could take a new job with a chamber in a
different city, she would need to spend another 10 years
▪cares about the organization
with that chamber just to make the gains she has already
made. Which type of commitment does she have towards
her company? • Obligated to remain bec. of company
A. Affective commitment investment
B. Normative commitment
C. Reciprocity commitment
D. Continuance commitment ▪due to the time, expense, and effort
▪Difficulty finding another job
64. In the study of Judge (1993) about life 65. If an organization’s older employees work
satisfaction and job satisfaction, the hard and talk positively about their jobs and
results show that people who are _ with their employer, new employees will model this
their life and _ with their jobs will NOT behavior and be both productive and satisfied
and the reverse is also true. Such assumption
leave their jobs.
will come from _
A. Happy; Unhappy A. Social information processing theory
B. Unhappy; Happy B. Social learning theory
C. Unhappy; Unhappy C. Cognitive-Affective Processing System
D. Happy; Happy D. Both A and B
Social information processing 66. Did one manager get a higher budget
theory or social learning theory than another? Was the higher raise
received by one employee justified? Did
❑ employees observe the levels of the right employee get promoted? – These
motivation and satisfaction of other
employees and then model those levels are examples of issues under _.
(Salancik & Pfeffer, 1977). A. Distributive Justice
B. Procedural Justice
C. Interactional Justice
D. Organizational Justice
3 Aspects of Organizational Justice 67. College professors are given teaching loads for a
specific semester. Although it is the department head
who assigned them to the subjects, they are free to
Distributive justice structure the syllabus, allocate percentages in
▪ fairness of the actual decisions grading, determine course requirement and choose
when and where to have the class. This is called _
Procedural justice which attempts to satisfy _ needs.
▪ fairness of the methods used to arrive at the A. Job Enlargement; Esteem
decision. B. Job Enrichment; Esteem
Interactional justice C. Job Enrichment; Self-actualization
▪ fairness of the interpersonal treatment D. Job Enlargement; Self-actualization
employees receive
72. High performance managers have a 73. In Blake & Mouton (1984)
leadership motive pattern, which is a _ Managerial Grid, these types of
need for power and a _ need for leaders are considered to be the
affiliation (McClelland and Burnham, BEST
1976 & McClelland and Boyatzis, 1982)
A. Task-centered leaders
A. Low; High 3 Needs Theory or
B. High; High Learned needs theory
B. Team leadership
C. Low; Low “Leadership motive C. Impoverished leadership
D. High; Low pattern” D. Middle-of-the-road leadership
H Country Club (MG) Team (MG) 73. In Blake & Mouton (1984)
Person Orientation
Country Club (MG) Team (MG) 74. Integrating the Ohio States Studies (OS), the
Person Orientation
76. Fiedler’s Contingency Model (Now called H Country Club (MG) Team (MG)
Person Orientation
78. The following are favorable situations 79. According to IMPACT theory, this style is
according to Fiedler’s Contingency Model especially effective during corporate
EXCEPT? mergers, particularly when people are not
A. There is a specific way to perform the task sure what actions to take in a climate of
B. A leader, by the nature of his or her instability.
position, has the power to reward and punish A. Coercive
C. Subordinates like their leader
B. Position
D. There is no specific way to deal with the C. Affiliation
problem D. Tactical
81. Stitch who knows how to speak 82. Because of your relationship with your boss,
you have been considered to be part of the in-
in public but is not willing to host the group. Following the assumptions of Leader-
new employee orientation because Member Exchange theory, you are more likely
he might not do so well will benefit to experience the following EXCEPT
MOST from _. A. Know important events before others
B. Discipline frequently with hands on
A. Coaching approach
B. Supporting C. Allowed to participate in decision making
C. Delegating D. Engage in more Organizational Citizenship
D. Directing
82. Because of your relationship with your boss, 83. a sergeant has power over a corporal, a
you have been considered to be part of the in- vice president has power over a supervisor,
group. Following the assumptions of Leader- and a coach has power over players on a
Member Exchange theory, you are more likely football team. Which type of power is
to experience the following EXCEPT described in these examples?
A. Know important events before others A. Legitimate elected or appointed
B. Disciplined frequently with hands on
B. Expert have knowledge
C. Allowed to participate in decision making C. Coercive punish others
D. Engage in more Organizational Citizenship D. Referent Identify with the leader
Behaviors Reward
84. You went to a game in the intramurals to support Factors Affecting Group Performance
your classmate competing in the swimming event. You ❑ Cohesiveness - members like and trust one
see the supporters of the other competitors murmuring another
because your classmate is skinny, and they think that
he will not win. You and your classmates end of ❑ Homogeneity – similarity
cheering him more and liking him more as a classmate. ❑ Stability - membership remains consistent over
This is an example of _. time
A. Group Status
❑ Isolation – distance from other groups
B. Stability of Membership
❑ Outside pressure - When we believe that
C. Outside Pressure someone is trying to influence us
D. Isolation
❑ Group size
❑ Group Status
Types of Tasks
85. _ group tend to be
1. Additive – sum of the
affected by the addition of performances of each individual
new members group member
A. Smaller 2. Conjunctive - dependent on the
least effective group member.
B. Larger
3. Disjunctive - based on the
C. Both of these performance of its most talented
D. None of these member.
86. _ will occur when there are two 87. According to _ theory, social loafing
runners competing against each other occurs when a group member notices that
without a crowd present, or two mail other group members are not working hard.
clerks sorting envelopes in the same To avoid this situation, the individual
lowers his work performance to match
those of the other members.
A. Social Inhibition A. Coaction
B. Coaction presence of others can be
B. Eval. Apprehension rewarding when a crowd cheers
or punishing
C. Social Facilitation C. Free-rider effect
D. Audience effects D. Sucker effect
B. Norming 2. Storming
▪ good behavior disappears
C. Storming ▪ frustrated with their roles
D. Performing ▪ Tension and conflict
92. Employees begin to believe that 93. A _ would say “If it ain’t broke, break
change will actually occur in this stage, it” while a _ would say “Are you sure it’s
they try to justify their positions and ways of broken?”
doing things. This is the _ stage.
A. Receptive changers; Reluctant
A. Denial Deny that changes will occur
B. Defense
B. Receptive changers; Change
C. Discarding We are going to change as well Analyst
D. Adaptation Test the new system
C. Change Agent; Change Analyst
Internalization Immersed in the new culture D. Change Agent; Reluctant Changer
Change Agents - enjoy change and make Receptive “If it’s broke, I’ll help fix it.”
changes just for the sake of it.
“It may be broken, but it’s
Change Analysts - not afraid of change but Resister still better than the
makes changes only when there is a
compelling reason
Receptive Changers - will not instigate change Analyst “If it ain’t broke, leave it
but are willing to change. alone; if it’s broke, fix it.”
Reluctant Changer - initially resist change but Agent “If it ain’t broke, break it.”
will eventually go along Reluctant “Are you sure it’s broken?”
Change Resister - who hates change
93. A _ would say “If it ain’t broke, break Decision-Making Strategies Using the
it” while a _ would say “Are you sure it’s Vroom–Yetton Model
broken?” Autocratic I use available information without
consulting their subordinates.
A. Receptive changers; Reluctant Leaders obtain info & make a
changers Autocratic II decision
B. Receptive changers; Change Consultative I Leaders share the problem on
an individual basis
Analyst share the problem with the
Consultative II
C. Change Agent; Change Analyst group as a whole
Share problem with the group to
D. Change Agent; Reluctant Changer Group I reach group decision
97. Which of the following is FALSE according 98. Which of the following is FALSE according
to Goal-setting Theory? to Goal-setting Theory?
A. Workers must be personally Goal A. The more difficult the goal the greater the
interested in reaching the goal motivation to attain it
B. Employees will work harder Goal B. It is important that a person accepts the
to achieve more difficult goals goal, but it is not necessary that he is personally
difficulty committed to it
C. It is preferable if the goal is Goal C. The person may reject a goal for the reason
specific rather than general specificity that it is too easy
D. Feedback should only be D. Feedback can be intrinsic and extrinsic
given when the goal is attained
and not during the process