Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty
Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty
Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty
Supervised By
Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Daffodil International University
This internship titled “data and internet service management of BTCL " Submitted by Md.
Hafizul Islam, ID No: 162-15-8044 to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Daffodil International University has been accepted as satisfactory for the partial completion of
the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering and accepted as to
its style and contents. The presentation has been held on 6th August, 2019.
Shah Md.Tanvir Siddiquee Internal Examiner
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University
Associate Professor
I hereby declare that this internship report is prepared by me, Md: Hafizul Islam, ID: 162-15-8044 to
the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University. Under the
supervision of, Mr. Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Daffodil International University. I also declare that neither this internship report any part of this
report has been submitted elsewhere for the award of any Degree or Diploma. I also announce that I
collect information from Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited (BTCL) and the Internet.
Supervised by:
… ….
Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University
Submitted by:
Firstly I Express My Heartiest Thanks and gratefulness to Almighty God for His ethereal gift
blessing makes me possible to complete the final year Internship Successfully.
I thank and wish our profound and indebtedness to Mr. Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty,
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Daffodil
International University, Dhaka. Deep knowledge and a keen interest in my supervisor in the
field of „Data and Internet Service Management of BTCL and Working Procedure‟ to carry
out this Internship. His endless patience, scholarly guidance, continual encouragement,
constant and energetic supervision, constructive criticism, valuable advice, reading many
inferior drafts and correcting them at all stages have made it possible to complete this
I would like to express the heartiest gratitude to Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain, Professor and
Head, Department of CSE, for his kind help to finish my Internship and also to other faculty
members and the staff of CSE department of Daffodil International University. I would like
to thank the entire course mate at Daffodil International University, who took part in this
discussion while completing the course work. Finally, I must acknowledge with due respect
the constant support and patience of parents.
“Data and Internet Service Management of BTCL and working process”. This reporting
requirement of the internship program for my Bachelor of Science course degree. The first
part of the internship report gives an overview of the history of Bangladesh
Telecommunications Company Limited, its role in IT sectors, Network administration and
Security System. Described the running network system. Then discussed the performed tasks
and responsibilities during the internship, finding problems during maintaining the system
and way of solving them. There have main responsibilities data connection check, domain
names, rules & regulation, bandwidth provides, Submarine cable capacity, Telephone‟s data
exchange maintaining, Network operation controlling. That‟s why I choose this interesting
subject “Data and Internet Service Management of BTCL and working process”. This report
was written about the purpose of the specific server using and service on NIX, GGC, GPON,
BRAS, NOC, ADSL, ISP, LLI,VPN, IP, choosing software‟s, Bandwidth Transmission
process and Domain creating, rules and regulation.
Board of Examiners i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract iv
Table of contents v
List of figure vi
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Motivations 1
1.3 Internship Objectives 2
1.4 Introduction to the Company 2
1.5 Report Layout 3
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Target Group 5
2.3 Organizational Structure 6
3.1 Daily Tasks and Activities 7
3.2 Events and Activities 8
3.3 Project Task and Activities 8
3.4Basic Networking Components 8
3.5 Types of Network 9
3.5.1 SEA-ME-WE-4 AND SEA-ME-WE-5 11-12
3.6International Internet Gateway 13
3.7 Nationwide Internet Service providing 14
3.8 Leased Line Internet (LLI) 15
3.9 Virtual Private Network (VPN) 16
3.10 Google Global Cache 18
3.11 National Internet Exchange (NIX) 19
3.12 Domain 20
3.13 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) internet 22
3.14 ADSL Switch 23
3.15 ADSL Billing Server 24
3.17 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) 26
3.18 Network Operations Center (NOC) 27
3.20 Dia Software 29
Figure 2.4 Organizational Structure 6
Figure 3.4.1: Cisco Router 9
Figure 3.4.2: Cisco Switch 9
Figure 3.3: A screenshot of server addresses 10
Figure 3.4: A screenshot of Active connection state lines with other sites 10
Figure 3.5.1: SEA-ME-WE-4 Diagram 11
Figure 3.5.2: SEA-ME-WE-5 Diagram 12
Figure 3.7: International Internet Gateway block diagram 13
Figure 3.8: Connected nationwide companies by BTCL 14
Figure 3.9 Leased Line Internet 15
Figure 3.10.1: VPN diagram 16
Figure 3.10.2: A screenshot of VPN connection configured 17
Figure 3.11.1: Google Global Cache server part 01 18
Figure 3.11.2: Google Global Cache part 02 18
Figure 3.12: Flow diagram of a new LLI/NIX/GGC connection process 19
Figure 3.13.1: A screenshot of first step for create an domain 20
Figure3.13.2: A screenshot of second step for create an domain 21
Figure3.14: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) diagram 22
Figure3.15: ADSL switch 23
Figure3.16: ADSL Billing Server 24
Figure 3.17.1: A screenshot of Network Integrated Management part 1 and part 2 25
Figure 3.18: Network Operation Center 27
Figure 3.19.1: A screenshot of NMS part 1, part 2 and part 3 26
Figure 3.20 Dia Software 29
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
My internship program motivated B.Sc. students following degrees at Computer
Science, Expert Systems, Hardware, Networking system Analysis to work in the IT
Directorate of Science and Technology. The internship does not only give experience
but also teaches a student how to communicate, how to work properly, how to
maintain official requirements. As an intern, I am magisterial of myself. An internship
gives me a vast knowledge, huge skill development in networking site. An internship
can make a student responsible and a professional. A student can take field experience
by doing an internship. As a result, the internship grows the ability Networking is my
first choice because I am interested in computer networking and I am highly decided I
want to build my career as an information technology engineer. Information
technology engineer very demandable in the first world is too high and information
technology is becoming a prior subject in our country also. If we make a strong
networking system then we provide a “Digital Bangladesh” other way is not possible.
1.3 Internship Objectives
The main objective of my internship program is to understanding the current
conditions of the job market and also to prepare myself as a skilled person in the
competitive job market. The internship is very essential for skill development. To
achieve some special quality and real-life job experience in order to prove myself as a
skilled one internship. It has a large effect on our IT sector, we will able to use the
Internet, Software export, Call center, E-Commerce, Tele -Education, Video
Conferencing more vastly. By identifying these factors we can be sure about the
revolutionary change over our IT sector, during our working time in BTCL we
achieved various experiences and knowledge. Here are some objectives of internship.
Computer and network knowledge.
Development of networking components & technologies.
Learn basic sharing with broadband.
Development of knowledge data, internet, LAN & router.
How to access internet protocol (IP) addressing and TCP/IP protocol.
Knowledge of Submarine cable in BTCL.
1.5 Report Layout
2.2 Target Group
It has many services such as NIX, IIG, ADSL, IGW, ICX, ISP, and NIX, NTTN,
PSTN contractor and cc domain (.bd). BTCL into a vibrant progressive organization
and lead the country's telecommunication sector, Data & Bandwidth service by
establishing a sound and cost-effective infrastructure. Provide telecommunication and
Internet services to the nation with the state-of-art telecommunication technology at
an affordable cost without compromising ability. To deliver customers with enhanced
values, the following steps are being implemented:
2.4 Organizational Structure
BTCL is the largest company in Bangladesh Its organization is also very big. BTCL
organized by the government. The organizational structure of BTCL mogbazar
exchange is the figure.
Month-2: When I have finished a one-month internship in BTCL they tech me the
following topic:
National Internet Exchange (NIX).
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) internet.
Month-3: When I have finished my 2 months on BTCL then they tech me the
following topic:
Broadband Remote Access Server (BRAS).
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL).
Network Operation Center (NOC).
3.2 Events and Activities
Maintaining the Network Service and Computer Systems.
How to checking the optical fibers.
How to Checking the Server rooms.
How to create a user account, how to give permissions and how to set
Types of Network:
There are four type of network such as:
Transmission Media: Wired (Coaxial cables, Fiber-optic cables and Wireless).
Network Size: LAN, MAN and WAN.
Management Method: Peer-to-Peer and client/Server.
Topology: Bus, Star, Ring etc.
Description: A Cisco router can enter the internet so softly and it is used for routing
configuration. Cisco has a number of separate routers; amongst them are the popular
880 series, 2900 series, and 3900 series. Collected from
router-basics.html”. A switch is used to connect segments of a LAN. A switch filters
and forwards packets between.
Showing IP addresses for any website:
CMD mood
nslookup (website name)
Figure 3.4: A screenshot of Active connection state lines with other sites.
3.5.1 SEA-ME-WE-4
There is four-country have a submarine cable system and optical fiber such as South
East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe. This cable is near 17,800 Km long and take
measures the initial internet backbone.SEA-ME-WE-4 that carries
telecommunications between Singapore,
Arab,Sudan,Egypt,Italy,Tunisia,Algeria,andFrance.Collectedfrom“https://en.wikiped” Our country gets Bandwidth speed 220 Gigabytes/sec.
This optical fiber brings Cox‟s bazar to the BTCL Mogbazar telephone exchange.
Now the sow diagram A SEA-ME-WE-4.
3.5.2 SEA-ME-WE-5
There is four-country have a submarine cable system and optical fiber such as South
East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 5 is an optical fiber submarine cable system.
This cable is approximately 19,000 Km long and take measures the initial internet
backbone. SEMEAWE-5 that carries over telecommunications between the Malaysia,
Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, United Arab
Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Italy, and France. Collected from
“”.Our country gets Bandwidth to the
speed of 1600 Gigabytes/sec. BTCL financed the project to provide SEMEAWE-5
Backhaul, and Dhaka-Benapole and Dhaka-Akhaura transmission backbone. It
provides a nationwide transmission facility for ISP operators. Under given below a
diagram in figure no. 3.5
BTCL is attached to foreign up streaming providers similar SingTel,
TATA, Equinox,Akamai, Google, Face book etc. to bring internet traffic to
BTCL provides the Internet Bandwidth to other IIG or ISP operators.
BTCL is attached with global upstream through SEA-ME-WE4, SEA-ME-WE5
and ITC.
It has the largest infrastructure for providing with data and internet services which
comprises of optical fiber network with high capacity routers and switches across the
Bangladesh telecommunication company limited provide nationwide internet service
various companies whole of the country like.
Description: Bangladesh has many private ISP companies. Every ISP company need
Internet service and need a big amount of internet data So Bangladesh
telecommunication company limited to provide all internet data to the all private ISP
company. Now I show you a big private company symbol. I am collecting all
company data in Google.
Bangladesh's telecommunication company limited provides the Leased Line Internet.
The leased line internet is the premium version internet.
Features of Leased Line Internet:
Dedicated bandwidth of (Mbps to 10Gbps+).
Full duplex (download speed == upload speed).
Leased Line Internet Connected by real IP address.
Virtual private network is a network technology that creates a secure network
connection over a public network or a private network owned by a service provider.
A virtual private network is used in Administrative offices, Military, PM Office,
Election commission office, etc. A normal VPN diagram given in figure 3.10.1 under
given below.
Description: Now I can show A screenshot given below figure number 3.10.2 where
have routing Configuration and there can be a (VPN) connection by command.
Fig 3.10.2: A screenshot of VPN connection configured.
Bangladesh telecommunication company limited has an own Google cache server in
its own premises and equipment installed by Google Cache service is temporary
storage machinery that speeds the delivery of web content and the end-users. Cache
servers hold copies of the content and rich media, including audio, video, images, and
static text, at various points throughout the network for later retrieval. Now the
showing figures part 1 and part 2.
3.11 National Internet Exchange (NIX)
Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited has its own national internet
exchange service which turns as a neutral meeting point of the ISP Company. This
qualifies more beneficial using international bandwidth and develops the standard of
services for the customer of the member of the ISP Company. By avoiding several
international hops and thus reducing latency. BTCL has all types of interfaces
available for NIX connectivity.
3.12 Domain service in BTCL
Bangladesh Telecommunication Company limited has two ccTLD (Country Code
Top Level Domain) owners by the BTCL . when the domain sells from the customer
then customer fills the register box. Now I want to show the register box.
When complete the first step then completes the second step now shows the second
step screen short create a domain.
Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited has its own Email server from
which it gives with below E-mail addresses to the internal users. It uses official work
and gives these types of mail the customer when buying a domain. Here the BTCL
3.13 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) internet in BTCL
BTCL provide the broadband services. BTCL has a own ADSL or internet. It
provides high-speed internet and faster data packet. The internet subscription the
cooper line.
Features of (ADSL):
ADSL internet speed (up to 1.5Mbps).
ADSL Download speed is higher than upload speed.
Telephone line Connected via copper cable.
BTCL recently gives with GPON internet connection with higher speed (up to
10Mbps) via
Land Phone internet line. BTCL provided from the telecom division.
ADSL uses FDM technology to classify telephone lines
Into regular telephone lines, upstream channels, and downstream channels,
Interference .the one of the white port is 100g data port.
Fig 3.14: ADSL connectivity diagram [7]
ADSL switch which Huawei brand maintaining the telephone interchange and
landline bandwidth. The blue wire internet transfer rate 100 Gbps and Orange wire
internet transfer rate 10Gbps.
Fig 3.15: ADSL Switch [7]
demand note. Then an advice note is given to the Local BTCL main office. Then it is
signed by the DE of BTCL and sends it to the Junior Assistant Manager. Then data
entry at the billing server. Afterward, data are checked by the JAM and reassert and
then details are re-checked by the Assistant Manager and approved. Afterward
selected the data, a message incorporates the user name of the customer and a
password sent to the customer. Finally BTCL local office MDF room, the outside
workers reach the line to the user home.
The customer's ID details and location can be viewed and monitoring by this software.
Under given below two screenshots in figure number 3.17.1 & 3.17.2.
DSL is a technology that is using to transfer digital data over the Telephone lines. The
most commonly installs DSL technology for internet access. Network Management
System software used for DSL monitoring and accessed. Now the given three
screenshots of NMS software in figure number 3.18.1 and 3.18.2.
3.18 Network Operation Center (NOC)
Here the whole of the network system and telecommunication system monitoring
fully. If any kind of fault can be solved by problem-solving. Its division also called
the network management center. Cacti software used for network operation
monitoring. If the monitor has a red color then the network has a problem and if the
monitor has a blue color it is the right network. Now I want to show the cacti software
3.19.2: A screenshot of bandwidth passed per second.
3.20 Dia Software
Dia is a structured diagrams source drawing free software. Design the favorite
structured diagrams on the network diagrams software. if you want any design
software diagrams then you used to dia structured diagrams.. any operating system
you used the dia software like windows, Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Windows Vista and
Windows XP, Linux and Mac OS X. Now I want to show you the dia graph. this
graph collected from
I analyze the future of my career now. In the internship period, I gather practical
knowledge that is helping my future career in the Information technology sector. Day
by day, it is a high demand in modern technology. I learned some real-life things in
my internship period within a team. Now I try my best to increase knowledge and
practice more and more. My plan completely learns about Network Engineering, then
implementation in the real world.
4.3 Reflections
Internship gets practical expertise in the field of Network Engineering. It helps to
increase experience in the engineering jobs sector. In the internship period, I learned
Network Practical knowledge. Information technology is a smart and dynamic
profession at present. This experience will help me to be seeking a smart job. The
internship provides advanced tricks and trips that practiced by the professional. Now I
know how to manage Switch, Router, Firewall, I & how to solve real-life problems
and how to overcome the critical situations and getting the experience to work on a
professional team.
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion
5.2 Scope for Future Career
In our country, there are many lots of companies. In these companies, BTCL is the
largest and popular telecommunication companies. The main services in this company
they provided are landline telephone and providing services a huge amount of data
and internet all over in Bangladesh. Therefore, I will try to the success of the next
recruitment exam. My future scope is exception a successful internship can help my
future career and get experience in the best career opportunity. My future scopes are
the intention.
The Network Administrator.
Network Engineer.
Industrial Engineer.
To be work in ICT Division and Network Analysis.