CRM Complete Report

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Thesis · April 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15703.83360


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3 authors, including:

Muhammad Rashiduzzaman
Daffodil International University


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ID: 152-15-6218

ID: 152-15-6221

ID: 152-15-6222

This Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.

Supervised By

Nusrat Jahan
Department of CSE
DaffodilInternational University

Co-Supervised By

Shah Md Tanvir Siddiquee

Senior Lecturer
Department of CSE
DaffodilInternational University


APRIL 2018
This Project titled “Customer Relationship Management”, submitted by Sumon
Deb and Muhammad Rashiduzzaman and Zahid Hasan Showrov to the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University
has been accepted as satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering and approved as to its style and
contents. The presentation has been held on April 2018.


Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain Chairman

Professor and Head
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University

Dr. Sheak Rashed Haider Noori Internal Examiner

Associate Professor and Associate Head
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University

Md. Zahid Hasan Internal Examiner

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Daffodil International University

Dr. Mohammad Shorif Uddin External Examiner

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jahangirnagar University

©Daffodil International University i


We hereby declare that, this project has been done by us under the supervision of
Nusrat Jahan, Lecturer, Department of CSE Daffodil International University. We
also declare that neither this project nor any part of this project has been submitted
elsewhere for award of any degree or diploma.

Supervised by:

Nusrat Jahan
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University

Co-Supervised by:

Shah Md Tanvir Siddiquee

Senior Lecturer
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University

Submitted by:

Sumon Deb
ID: 152-15-6218
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University

Muhammad Rashiduzzaman
ID: 152-15-6221
Department of CSE
DaffodilInternational University

Zahid Hasan Showrov

ID: 152-15-6222
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University

©Daffodil International University ii


First we express our heartiest thanks and gratefulness to almighty Allah (God) for His
divine blessing makes us possible to complete the final year project successfully.

We really grateful and wish our profound our indebtedness to Nusrat Jahan,
Lecturer, Department of CSE Daffodil International University, Dhaka. Deep
Knowledge & keen interest of our supervisor in the field of Software to carry out this
project. Her endless patience, scholarly guidance, continual encouragement, constant
and energetic supervision, constructive criticism , valuable advice, reading many
inferior draft and correcting them at all stage have made it possible to complete this

We would like to express our heartiest gratitude to, Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain,
Professor and Head, Department of CSE, for his kind help to finish our project and
also to other faculty member and the staff of CSE department of Daffodil
International University.

We would like to thank our entire course mate in Daffodil International University,
who took part in this discuss while completing the course work.

Finally, we must acknowledge with due respect the constant support and patients of
our parents.

©Daffodil International University iii


Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes and

technology that seeks to understand a company's customers. It is an integrated
approach to managing relationships by focusing on customer retention and
relationship development. CRM has evolved from advances in information
technology and organizational changes in customer‐centric processes. Companies that
successfully implement CRM will reap the rewards in customer loyalty and long run
profitability. However, successful implementation is elusive to many companies,
mostly because they do not understand that CRM requires company‐wide,
cross‐functional, customer‐focused business process re‐engineering. Although a large
portion of CRM is technology, viewing CRM as a technology‐only solution is likely
to fail. Managing a successful CRM implementation requires an integrated and
balanced approach to technology, process, and people.

©Daffodil International University iv



Board of examiners i

Declaration ii

Acknowledgements iii

Abstract iv


1.1 Definition 1

1.2 Objective 1

1.3 Purpose 2

1.4 Document Convention 2

1.5 Project Scope 2


2.1 Project Features 3

2.1.1 General 3

2.1.2 Administrator 3

2.1.3 CRM User 4

2.2 Development Tools 6

2.3 Project Schedule 7

2.4 Flow Chart 8

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3.1 Introduction 10

3.2 General System Requirement 10

3.3 Use Case Model 10

3.4 Use Case Description 11


4.1 Data Flow Diagram 21

4.2 UML Class Diagram 23

4.3 Database Design 24

4.4 E-R Diagram 24

4.5 Database Table Design 26

CHAPTER 5: External Interface Requirements 36-48

5.1 User Interfaces 36

5.2 Communications Interfaces 48

CHAPTER 6: Other Nonfunctional Requirements 49-49

6.1 Performance Requirements 49

6.2 Security Requirements 49


7.1 Discussion and Conclusion 50

7.2 Future Scope 50



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Figure 2.3.1: Gantt chart of Online CRM Project Schedule 8

Figure 2.4.1: Flow chart of Online CRM Project 9
Figure 3.3.1: Use Case Model for Online CRM 11
Figure 4.1.1: Data Flow Diagram of online CRM 22
Figure 4.2.1: UML Class Diagram of CRM 23
Figure 4.4.1: ER Diagram of CRM 25
Figure 5.1.1: Login Page 36
Figure 5.1.2: App Index 37
Figure 5.1.3: Administrator Home Page 37
Figure 5.1.4: Company Profile 38
Figure 5.1.5: Company Target 38
Figure 5.1.6: Employee Create 39
Figure 5.1.7: Create Sales Targets 39
Figure 5.1.8: Dash Board 40
Figure 5.1.9: Create Leads 41
Figure 5.1.10: Import Leads (Maximum 8000 at a Time) 41
Figure 5.1.11: Lead Process Flow 42
Figure 5.1.12: Account Create 42
Figure 5.1.13: Contact Create 43
Figure 5.1.14: Opportunity Create 43
Figure 5.1.15: Opportunity Process Flow 44
Figure 5.1.16: Meeting Create 44
Figure 5.1.17: Task Create 45
Figure 5.1.18: Note Create 45
Figure 5.1.19: Call Create 46
Figure 5.1.20: Email Create 46
Figure 5.1.21: Calendar 47
Figure 5.1.22: Campaign Create 48

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Table 3.4.1: Use case description of Login 12

Table 3.4.2: Use case description of Change Password 12
Table 3.4.3: Use case description of User Manage 13
Table 3.4.4: Use case description of User Access 13
Table 3.4.5: Use case description of Set Target 14
Table 3.4.6: Use case description of Set Lead 15
Table 3.4.7: Use case description of Account 15
Table 3.4.8: Use case description of Contact 16
Table 3.4.9: Use case description of Opportunity 17
Table 3.4.10: Use case description of Meeting 17
Table 3.4.11: Use case description of Task 18
Table 3.4.12: Use case description of Note 19
Table 3.4.13: Use case description of Call 19
Table 3.4.14: Use case description of Email 20
Table 4.5.1: Table structure for table crm_accounts 26
Table 4.5.2: Table structure for table crm_activities 27
Table 4.5.3: Table structure for table crm_contacts 27
Table 4.5.4: Table structure for table crm_leads 28
Table 4.5.5: Table structure for table crm_lead_info_basic 30
Table 4.5.6: Table structure for table crm_lead_opportunities 31
Table 4.5.7: Table structure for table crm_lead_products 32
Table 4.5.8: Table structure for table crm_lead_source 33
Table 4.5.9: Table structure for table crm_ opportunities 33
Table 4.5.10: Table structure for table crm_ opportunity_contact 35

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1.1 Definition

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a well-known system for managing an

Organization’s communications with customers, clients and sales prospects. This
system uses technology for organizing, synchronizing and automating business and
sales activities. This is a virtual system and this system does not require any physical
offices or environment. So everybody can use this system easily. Administrator can
communicate and provide services through this system, and also user can access and check
his status and his project opportunity as well as getting more information about the
projects and updating systems.

1.2 Objective
 For simplifying marketing and sales system.
 For providing better customer service.
 For discovering new customers and raise customer profit.
 For increasing cross sell products more effectively.
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system needs to support all the
basic step of customer life cycle.

The Basic Steps are:

 Attracting present and new leads (customers).
 Adding new customers.
 Adding new business opportunities.
 Buildup communication to customer.
 Holding the customers.

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1.3 Purpose

The purpose of CRM system is to:

 Maintain good relationship with customer
 Manage business opportunity
 Lead Management
 Track the business opportunity and develop it
 Daily Meeting, Task, Note, Emails with contacts or leads
 Alert Notification for meeting or call
 Customer Observation
The overall purposes are to search, allure and get new clients, nurture and hold
those the organization already has. Entice former clients back in to the fold, and
decrease marketing and client service cost.

1.4 Document Convention

In this CRM system we used very simple format. Bold face is used on general and sub
topic or specific points of interest. Font size 14 and 12 is used on general topics and
sub topics accordingly. The remainder of the document will be written using the
standard font, Times New Roman with font 12.

1.5 Project Scope

This entire CRM system is web based and creating on open source applications and
software. This system is developed in PHP (Laravel Framework) with apache
web server and database is MySQL. Also included Node JS for User
Notification. It is eligible and compatible for every web browser and operating

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This section contains different perspective of project with its available functions, user
classes and characteristics, operating environment, assumption and dependencies,
design and implementation constraints.

2.1 Project Features

In our project we have three types of roles:

 Administrator
 CRM User
 Both (Administrator & CRM)

2.1.1 General

Every user login with their valid username and password. User having only admin access
directly goes to admin panel and user having only CRM access goes to CRM panel and
user having both accesses goes to app index.

App Index
App Index contains two parts, Administrator & Customer Relationship Management
(CRM). This part is available only for users having both access (Administrator & CRM).

2.1.2 Administrator

User Management
Administrator generates the user and also can edit their details when required. If
he wanted, he can add new user and inactive the existing user. Administrator can
control user access for both panel (Administrator & CRM).

©Daffodil International University 3

Set Target
Administrator assign sales target for the company and distribute the target between
sales persons of the company.

Company Profile
Administrator can add or modify company Name, Logo, Address and other

2.1.3 CRM User

User can observe his contribution and compare with his sales target. He also checks
his upcoming task & campaign and views his activities in calendar.

Leads are generated when new client comes and modify by the user. Leads are
transforming into the contact when client qualify and assign for new opportunity. If
once leads change into contact, then it will end. Leads can be created or imported
from CSV file (Maximum 8000 leads at a time). Leads are accessible for only its

Lead qualifying process consists of 5 steps:

 Unqualified
 Primary
 Maturity
 Finding
 Qualified
In this system, Accounts represent client’s company. Every Account has multiple
clients (Contacts). Accounts are accessible for all users but only owner can modify.

When lead is qualified, it transforms into contact. Contact also can be created
directly. It mainly represents clients or customers.

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When a scope is generated to make business to customer (Contact/Lead), then we
called it opportunity. Opportunity can be won or lost by following 6 steps.
Opportunity won means business is succeeded and Opportunity lost means
business is failed. Lost reason must be included if it is lost.

Opportunity qualifying process consists of 6 steps:

 Initial
 Analysis
 Presentation
 Proposal
 Negotiate
 Closed (Won/Lost)


User can call meeting, observe and set the meeting schedule. He can also modify
the date, time, place of the meeting and inform to the appropriate client. User can
set reminder for the meeting. He can also divert the meeting to another user.

User can create task, observe and set the task schedule. He can also modify the
date, priority, status of the task. He can also divert the task to another user.

User can create note with details information. It helps user to maintain his work

User records call history into system, observe and set the call schedule. He can also
modify the date, time, status (Held, Not Held, Planned) of the call. User can set
reminder for the call. He can also divert the call to another user.

©Daffodil International University 5

User can send email to leads or contacts. For sending email, User must need to
configure the email settings. He can also attach the file.

User can view his activities (Meetings, Task) in calendar.

User can create campaign to advertise his business, observe and set the campaign
schedule. He can also modify the date, time, budget and actual cost of the
campaign. User can also add impressions, expected revenue and actual revenue.

Back Office Setup

Email Configuration
Email Configuration is needed for sending email.

Opportunity consists of different products. Products is created in Back Office.

Product Group
It represents product category and needed to create product.

It represents Lead Source and needed to create Lead.

Lead Category
It is needed to create Lead.

2.2 Development Tools

A software development tool is an application or program that software designers and

developers can use in order to create, maintain, debug, or support other applications or
programs. To develop “CRM” applications following tools are used:

 PHP 7 (Laravel Framework)


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 Node JS
 Bootstrap
 jQuery
 Ajax
 JavaScript
 Plugins (Form Validation, Calendar, Date-picker, Summer-note,
Loader, Image-viewer, Socket)
 IDE (Sublime Text, Atom, Notepad++, Dreamweaver, Visual Studio)
 Graphics Editor (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator)
 Server (Linux)
 Browser (Firefox, Chrome etc.)
Using above software and hardware specification are used to develop “CRM”.

2.3 Project Schedule

Task Name From To Duration

Project Planning 06-Nov-17 12-Nov-17 6 Days
Requirements Gathering 13-Nov-17 10-Dec-17 24 Days
and Specification
Data Analysis 13-Nov-17 24-Dec-17 36 Days

Design and Coding 25-Dec-17 18-Mar-18 72 Days

Testing and Debugging 04-Mar-18 14-Apr-18 36 Days

Implementation and 15-Apr-18 05-May-18 18 Days


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2.3.1 Gantt Chart for Project Schedule

Figure 2.3.1: Gantt chart of Online CRM Project Schedule

2.4 Flow Chart

A flowchart is a formalized graphic representation of a logic sequence, work or

manufacturing process, organization chart, or similar formalized structure. The
purpose of a flow chart is to provide people with a common language or reference
point when dealing with a project or process.

Flowcharts use simple geometric symbols and arrows to define relationships. In this
CRM software, the beginning or end of software is represented by an oval. A process
is represented by a rectangle; a decision is represented by a diamond.

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We follow this flow chart shown in Fig 2.4.1 in our entire CRM project.

Figure 2.4.1: Flow Chart of Online CRM Project

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3.1 Introduction

To run efficiently every software need some basic requirements which are Hardware
components and Software resources. These requirements are often known as
Requirement Specification which is used as rules and regulation.

3.2 General System Requirements

General system requirement deals with both least requirements of hardware and
software that is required to run the optimal functioning of an application. To run
“CRM” application on a website following things should be required:

 Operating System
 Browser (Firefox, Chrome etc.)
 Internet Connection
 PC or Mobile devices
Using above software and hardware specification one should be able to work with

3.3 Use Case Model

The following diagram indicates the use case model for CRM. Here three kinds of
user are present. A Supervisor (Admin) user can perform all the processes after login
into system. On the other hand a normal user can handle note, client, actual sale,
reminders, change password etc. He also needs to be logged in the system. Another
CRM System user can also handle remainders.

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Figure 3.3.1: Use Case Model for Online CRM

3.4 Use Case Description

It has all the information of the Use case Model display in the previous picture. We
have narrated use case with a table in the following section. Each table shows five
types of detail information about a use case. They are Use case name, Actor, Pre-
Condition, Primary Path and Exceptional Path. Use case name refers the name of the
process. Actor identifies who will be the user. Pre-condition means whether or not
another process is required to enter or use this process. Primary Path indicates step by
step works of the process. Exceptional Path shows us what the process will do if any
exception occurs in a primary path.
We provide fourteen tables with detail information of the processes of CRM project.

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Table 3.4.1 Describes about “login” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how the process works in project. Login process has three primary
paths. In this three primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.1: Use case description of Login

Use case name: Login

Actor: Admin, CRM User

Pre-condition: None

Primary Path: 1. Enter user Email

2. Enter Password
3. Click “Login” Button
Exceptional Path: 3.1 Please Enter Registered Email

3.2 Email or Password is not valid

Table 3.4.2 Describes about “Change Password” process of our project. Change
Password process has four primary paths. In this four primary path have two
exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.2: Use case description of Change Password

Use case name: Change Password

Actor: Admin, CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Old Password

2. Enter New Password
3. Confirm New Password
4. Click “Change Password” Button
Exceptional Path: 3.1 Please enter the same value
4.1 Your old password is incorrect

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Table 3.4.3 Describes about “User Manage” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. User Manage process has eight
primary paths. In this eight primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.3: Use case description of User Manage.

Use case name: User Manage

Actor: Admin

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Employee Information

2. Select Employee Category
3. Click “Go” Button to search
4. Select Number of List
5. Click “Edit” Button to Update Employee
6. Click “Delete” Button to Delete Employee
7. Click “Access” Button to Access Employee
8. Click “Add New” Button to Create Employee
Exceptional Path: 1.1 Employee Information is not correct
3.1 List of Employee is empty

Table 3.4.4 Describes about “User Access” process of our project and it is gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. User Access process has three
primary paths. In this three primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.4: Use case description of User Access.

Use case name: User Access

Actor: Admin

©Daffodil International University 13

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Employee Information

2. Click “Go” Button to search
3. Select Number of List
Exceptional Path: 1.1 Employee Information is not correct
2.1 No search result found

Table 3.4.5 Describes about “Set Target” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Set Target process has five primary
paths. In this five primary paths have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.5: Use case description of Set Target.

Use case name: Set Target

Actor: Admin

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Employee Name

2. Or click “Search” Button to add Employee
3. Select Target Year
4. Enter Value (Amount in Taka)
5. Click “Create Sales Target” Button
Exceptional Path: 1.1 No matches found
3.1 No matches found

Table 3.4.6 Describes about “Lead” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Lead process has seven primary
paths. In this seven primary path have two exceptional paths.

©Daffodil International University 14

Table 3.4.6: Use case description of Lead.
Use case name: Lead

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Leads Information

2. Select Leads Category
3. Click “Go” Button to search
4. Select Number of List
5. Click “Edit” Icon to Update Lead
6. Click “Delete” Icon to Delete Lead
7. Click “Add New” Button to Create Lead
Exceptional Path: 1.1 Lead Information is not correct
3.1 List of Leads is empty

Table 3.4.7 Describes about “Account” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Account process has seven primary
paths. In this seven primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.7: Use case description of Account.

Use case name: Account

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Accounts Information

2. Select Accounts Category
3. Click “Go” Button to search
4. Select Number of List
5. Click “Edit” Icon to Update Accounts
6. Click “Delete” Icon to Delete Account
7. Click “Add New” Button to Create Account

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Exceptional Path: 1.1 Account Information is not correct
3.1 List of Accounts is empty

Table 3.4.8 Describes about “Contact” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Contact process has eight primary
paths. In this eight primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.8: Use case description of Contact.

Use case name: Contact

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Contacts Information

2. Select Contacts Category
3. Select Industry Category
4. Click “Go” Button to search
5. Select Number of List
6. Click “Edit” Icon to Update Contacts
7. Click “Delete” Icon to Delete Contact
8. Click “Add New” Button to Create Contacts
Exceptional Path: 1.1 Contact Information is not correct
4.1 List of Contacts is empty

Table 3.4.9 Describes about “Opportunity” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Opportunity process has six primary
paths. In this six primary path have two exceptional paths.

©Daffodil International University 16

Table 3.4.9: Use case description of Opportunity.
Use case name: Opportunity

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Opportunities Information

2. Click “Go” Button to search
3. Select Number of List
4. Click “Edit” Icon to Update Opportunities
5. Click “Delete” Icon to Delete Opportunity
6. Click “Add New” Button to Create
Exceptional Path: 1.1 Opportunity Information is not correct
2.1 List of Opportunities is empty

Table 3.4.10 Describes about “Meeting” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Meeting process has seven primary
paths. In this seven primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.10: Use case description of Meeting.

Use case name: Meeting

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Meeting Information

2. Select Meeting Category
3. Click “Go” Button to search
4. Select Number of List
5. Click “Edit” Icon to Update Meeting
6. Click “Delete” Icon to Delete Meeting
7. Click “Add New” Button to Create

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Exceptional Path: 1.1 Meeting Information is not correct
3.1 List of Meetings is empty

Table 3.4.11 Describes about “Task” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Task process has seven primary
paths. In this seven primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.11: Use case description of Task.

Use case name: Task

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Task Information

2. Select Task Category
3. Click “Go” Button to search
4. Select Number of List
5. Click “Edit” Icon to Update Tasks
6. Click “Delete” Icon to Delete Task
7. Click “Add New” Button to Create Task
Exceptional Path: 1.1 Task Information is not correct
3.1 List of Task is empty

Table 3.4.12 Describes about “Note” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Note process has six primary paths.
In this six primary path have two exceptional paths.

©Daffodil International University 18

Table 3.4.12: Use case description of Note.
Use case name: Note

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Note Information

2. Click “Go” Button to search
3. Select Number of List
4. Click “Edit” Icon to Update Notes
5. Click “Delete” Icon to Delete Note
6. Click “Add New” Button to Create Note
Exceptional Path: 1.1 Note Information is not correct
2.1 List of Note is empty

Table 3.4.13 Describes about “Call” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Call process has seven primary
paths. In this seven primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.13: Use case description of Call.

Use case name: Call

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Call Information

2. Select Call Category
3. Click “Go” Button to search
4. Select Number of List
5. Click “Edit” Icon to Update Calls
6. Click “Delete” Icon to Delete Call
7. Click “Add New” Button to Create Call

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Exceptional Path: 1.1 Call Information is not correct
3.1 List of Call is empty

Table 3.4.14 Describes about “Email” process of our project and it gives us an
understanding how this process works in project. Email process has five primary
paths. In this five primary path have two exceptional paths.

Table 3.4.14: Use case description of Email.

Use case name: Email

Actor: CRM User

Pre-condition: Login

Primary Path: 1. Enter Email Information

2. Click “Go” Button to search
3. Select Number of List
4. Click “Subject Title” to see Email details
5. Click “Compose” Button to Create Email
Exceptional Path: 1.1 Email Information is not correct
2.1 List of Email is empty

©Daffodil International University 20


4.1 Data Flow Diagrams

A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any process or
system. It uses defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus short text
labels, to show data inputs, outputs, storage points and the routes between each
destination.A DFD describes what data flow (logical) rather than how they are
processed, so it does not depend on hardware, software, data structure or file

Data flowcharts can range from simple, even hand-drawn process overviews, to in-
depth, multi-level DFDs that dig progressively deeper into how the data is handled.
They can be used to analyze an existing system or model a new one. Like all the best
diagrams and charts, a DFD can often visually “say” things that would be hard to
explain in words, and they work for both technical and nontechnical audiences, from
developer to CEO. That’s why DFDs remain so popular after all these years. While
they work well for data flow software and systems, they are less applicable nowadays
to visualizing interactive, real-time or database-oriented software or systems.

Data flow diagrams are one of the three essential perspectives of the structured-
systems analysis and design method. The sponsor of a project and the end users will
need to be briefed and consulted throughout all stages of a system's evolution. With a
data flow diagram, users are able to visualize how the system will operate, what the
system will accomplish, and how the system will be implemented.The symbols used
to prepare DFD do not imply a physical implementation. The four basic symbols used
to construct data flow diagrams are shown below:

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These are symbols that represent data flows, data sources, data transformations and
data storage. The points at which data are transformed are represented by enclosed
figures, usually circles, which are called nodes.

Figure 4.1.1: Data Flow Diagram of online CRM

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4.2 UML Class Diagram:

Class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an application. Class
diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing, and documenting different
aspects of a system but also for constructing executable code of the software

Class diagram shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations,

and constraints. It is also known as a structural diagram.

Figure 4.2.1: UML Class Diagram

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4.3 Database Design

A database design is a collection of stored data organized in such a way that the data
requirements are satisfied by the database. The general objective is to make
information access easy, quick, inexpensive and flexible for the user. There are also
some specific objectives like controlled redundancy from failure, privacy, security
and performance.

A collection of relative records makes up a table. To design and store data to the
needed forms database tables are prepared. Two essential settings for a database are:

 Primary key: - A primary key is a special relational database table column (or
combination of columns) designated to uniquely identify all table records.
 Foreign key: - A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a relational
database table that provides a link between data in two tables

4.4 E-R Diagram:

Entity Relationship Diagram, also known as ERD, ER Diagram or ER model, is a

type of structural diagram for use in database design. An ERD contains different
symbols and connectors that visualize two important information; the major entities
within the system scope, and the inter-relationships among these entities.

It is most often used to design or debug relational databases in the fields of software
engineering, business information systems, education and research. They use a
defined set of symbols such as rectangles, diamonds, ovals and connecting lines to
depict the interconnectedness of entities, relationships and their attributes.

©Daffodil International University 24

Figure 4.4.1: ER Diagram of CRM

©Daffodil International University 25

4.5 Database Table Design

Table 4.5.1 Table structure for table crm_accounts:

Column Type Null Default

id int(11) No
account_name varchar(100) No
account_type int(11) No
description Text No
parent_account int(11) No
phone varchar(50) No

website varchar(100) No
industry int(11) No
employees int(11) No
billing_address text No
billing_street varchar(50) No
billing_city varchar(50) No

billing_state varchar(50) No
billing_post_code varchar(20) No
billing_country int(11) No
shipping_address text No
shipping_street varchar(50) No
shipping_city varchar(50) No
shipping_state varchar(50) No

shipping_post_code varchar(20) No
shipping_country int(11) No
assign_to int(11) No
created_at timestamp Yes NULL
created_by int(11) No
updated_at timestamp Yes NULL

©Daffodil International University 26

updated_by int(11) No
deleted_at timestamp Yes NULL
deleted_by int(11) No
project_id int(11) No
valid tinyint(1) No

Table 4.5.2 Table structure for table crm_activities:

Column Type Null Default

id int(11) No
activity_name varchar(100) No
activity_link varchar(50) No
activity_icon varchar(50) No
search_url varchar(100) No
sl_no int(11) No

Table 4.5.3 Table structure for table crm_contacts:

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
account_id int(11) No
name_title int(11) No

first_name varchar(50) No
last_name varchar(50) No
Surname varchar(50) No
Designation varchar(100) No
Department varchar(100) No
full_address text No
Street varchar(50) No

©Daffodil International University 27

City varchar(50) No
State varchar(50) No
post_code varchar(20) No
Country int(11) No
Mobile varchar(50) No
office_phone varchar(50) No
Fax varchar(50) No

Website varchar(100) No
Email varchar(100) No
Industry int(11) No
Note text No
nature_id int(11) No
Image varchar(50) No
assign_to int(11) No

created_at timestamp Yes NULL

created_by int(11) No
updated_at timestamp Yes NULL
updated_by int(11) No
deleted_at timestamp Yes NULL
deleted_by int(11) No

project_id int(11) No
Valid tinyint(1) No

Table 4.5.4 Table structure for table crm_leads:

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
generated_lead_id varchar(20) No
csv_id int(11) No

©Daffodil International University 28

csv_file int(11) No
name_title int(11) No
first_name varchar(50) No
last_name varchar(50) No
Surname varchar(50) No
Designation varchar(100) No
Department varchar(100) No

full_address text No
Street varchar(50) No
City varchar(50) No
State varchar(50) No
post_code varchar(20) No
Country int(11) No
Mobile varchar(50) No

office_phone varchar(50) No
Fax varchar(50) No
Website varchar(100) No
Email varchar(100) No
company_name varchar(100) No
Industry int(11) No

Employees int(11) No
lead_description varchar(200) No
Rating int(11) No
lead_source int(11) No
Campaign int(11) No
lead_referred_by varchar(100) No
assign_to int(11) No

step_one_status tinyint(4) No
step_one_date timestamp Yes NULL

©Daffodil International University 29

step_two_status tinyint(4) No
step_two_date timestamp Yes NULL
step_three_status tinyint(4) No
step_three_date timestamp Yes NULL
step_four_status tinyint(4) No
step_four_date timestamp Yes NULL
step_five_status tinyint(4) No

step_five_date timestamp Yes NULL

Stage tinyint(4) No
created_at timestamp Yes NULL
created_by int(11) No
updated_at timestamp Yes NULL
updated_by int(11) No
deleted_at timestamp Yes NULL

deleted_by int(11) No
project_id int(11) No
Valid tinyint(1) No

Table 4.5.5 Table structure for table crm_lead_info_basic:

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
generated_lead_id varchar(20) No
csv_id int(11) No
csv_file int(11) No
first_name varchar(50) No
last_name varchar(50) No
Designation varchar(100) No
Department varchar(100) No

©Daffodil International University 30

company_name varchar(100) No
full_address text No
lead_email varchar(100) No
lead_mobile varchar(22) No
lead_office_phone varchar(100) No
Website varchar(100) No
lead_source int(11) No

lead_source_description varchar(200) No
lead_referred_by varchar(100) No
lead_description varchar(200) No
assign_to int(11) No
Status tinyint(4) No
created_at timestamp Yes NULL
created_by int(11) No

updated_at timestamp Yes NULL

updated_by int(11) No
deleted_at timestamp Yes NULL
deleted_by int(11) No
project_id int(11) No
Valid tinyint(1) No

Table 4.5.6 Table structure for table crm_lead_opportunities:

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
lead_id int(11) No
lead_opportunities_status int(11) No
lead_opportunities_description varchar(200) No
lead_category int(11) No

©Daffodil International University 31

currency_id int(11) No
lead_opportunities_amount float(8,2) No
Probability Float No
created_at Timestamp Yes NULL
created_by int(11) No
updated_at Timestamp Yes NULL
updated_by int(11) No

deleted_at Timestamp Yes NULL

deleted_by int(11) No
project_id int(11) No
Valid tinyint(1) No

Table 4.5.7 Table structure for table crm_lead_products:

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
lead_id int(11) No
product_id int(11) No
created_at timestamp Yes NULL
created_by int(11) No
updated_at timestamp Yes NULL

updated_by int(11) No
deleted_at timestamp Yes NULL
deleted_by int(11) No
project_id int(11) No
Valid tinyint(1) No

©Daffodil International University 32

Table 4.5.8 Table structure for table crm_lead_source:

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
source_name varchar(50) No
created_at timestamp Yes NULL
created_by int(11) No
updated_at timestamp Yes NULL
updated_by int(11) No

deleted_at timestamp Yes NULL

deleted_by int(11) No
project_id int(11) No
Valid tinyint(1) No

Table 4.5.9 Table structure for table crm_opportunities:

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
account_id int(11) No
opportunity_name varchar(100) No
opportunity_type int(11) No
opportunity_source int(11) No
campaign_source int(11) No

budget_confirmed tinyint(1) No
analysis_completed tinyint(1) No
Status int(11) No
Category int(11) No
step_one_status tinyint(4) No
step_one_date timestamp Yes NULL

©Daffodil International University 33

step_two_status tinyint(4) No
step_two_date timestamp Yes NULL
step_three_status tinyint(4) No
step_three_date timestamp Yes NULL
step_four_status tinyint(4) No
step_four_date timestamp Yes NULL
step_five_status tinyint(4) No

step_five_date timestamp Yes NULL

step_final_status tinyint(1) No
step_final_date timestamp Yes NULL
Stage int(11) No
Probability tinyint(4) No
currency_id int(11) No
opportunity_amount float(11,2) No

proposed_amount float(11,2) No
actual_amount float(11,2) No
closed_date date No
lost_reason_id int(11) No
lost_reason_details text No
assign_to int(11) No

created_at timestamp Yes NULL

created_by int(11) No
updated_at timestamp Yes NULL
updated_by int(11) No
deleted_at timestamp Yes NULL
deleted_by int(11) No
project_id int(11) No

Valid tinyint(1) No

©Daffodil International University 34

Table 4.5.10 Table structure for table crm_opportunity_contact:

Column Type Null Default

Id int(11) No
opportunity_id int(11) No

contact_id int(11) No
role_id int(11) No
is_primary tinyint(1) Yes NULL
created_at timestamp Yes NULL
created_by int(11) No
updated_at timestamp Yes NULL
updated_by int(11) No

deleted_at timestamp Yes NULL

deleted_by int(11) No
project_id int(11) No
Valid tinyint(1) No

©Daffodil International University 35


This Chapter contains the summary of user interface of our Online Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) Software.

5.1 User Interfaces

Login Page:

Figure 5.1.1: Login Page.

©Daffodil International University 36

App Index:

Figure 5.1.2: App Index

Administrator Part
Administrator Home page:

Figure 5.1.3: Administrator Home page

©Daffodil International University 37

Company Profile:

Figure 5.1.4: Company Profile

Company Target:

Figure 5.1.5: Company Target

©Daffodil International University 38

Employee Create:

Figure 5.1.6: Employee create

Create Sales Targets:

Figure 5.1.7: Create Sales Targets

©Daffodil International University 39
Customer Relationship Management Part

Figure 5.1.8: Dashboard

©Daffodil International University 40

Lead Create:

Figure 5.1.9: Create Leads

Import Leads

Figure 5.1.10: Import Leads (Maximum 8000 at a time)

©Daffodil International University 41
Lead Process Flow

Figure 5.1.11: Lead Process Flow

Account Create

Figure 5.1.12: Account Create

©Daffodil International University 42
Contact Create

Figure 5.1.13: Contact Create

Opportunity Create

Figure 5.1.14: Opportunity Create

©Daffodil International University 43
Opportunity Process Flow

Figure 5.1.15: Opportunity Process Flow

Meeting Create

Figure 5.1.16: Meeting Create

©Daffodil International University 44
Task Create

Figure 5.1.17: Task Create

Note Create

Figure 5.1.18: Note Create

©Daffodil International University 45

Call Create

Figure 5.1.19: Call Create

Email Create

Figure 5.1.20: Email Create

©Daffodil International University 46


Figure 5.1.21: Calendar Shows Task & Meeting

©Daffodil International University 47

Campaign Create

Figure 5.1.22: Campaign Create

5.2 Communications Interfaces

To send sent Email requires SMTP server. Due to lack of hardware resource we have
not configured any local SMTP server. We have used Gmail SMTP sever to send
email. To get real time push notification we have integrated Node JS.

©Daffodil International University 48


6.1 Performance Requirements

Performance requirements of CRM

Performance of CRM deployment is dependent on a number of factors related to the
infrastructure and controller services. It is recommended to use high performance
Computer or Mobile Device and reliable internet connection

6.2 Security Requirements

Following steps should take to secure CRM hypervisors:

1. Should must use both firewall and Intrusion Prevention System
2. Strong Password Policy & Password aging policy should enforce
3. Implement two steps authentication

©Daffodil International University 49


7.1 Discussion and Conclusion

This is to conclude that the project that we undertook was worked upon with a sincere
effort. Most of the requirements have been fulfilled up to the mark and the
requirements which have been remaining, can be completed in near future.

We tried to implement the best practices and Framework of PHP. We also implement
MVC design pattern with fronted template system like Smarty. We worked in PHP for
the first time in this project. So sometimes we faced some problems at the time of
work. We also tried to implement Node JS, Relational Database and Advance
Database Feature in our project.

7.2 Future Scope

In the near future we will try to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) based feature in
our Project. Such as by collecting user experience and analyzing the user data we can
build up our relationship with customer more effectively. We can also build up our
marketing policy more effectively through communication with user. This is a scope
which we will try to update in the near future.

©Daffodil International University 50


Appendix A: Glossary

CRM: Customer Relationship Management

SRS: Software Requirement Specification

AI: Artificial Intelligence

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

UML: Unified Modeling Language

ERD: Entity Relationship Diagram

DFD: Data Flow Diagram

©Daffodil International University 51


Websites referred:

 Learn about zohocrm, available at <<>>, last accessed on 13-01-

2018 at 10:00am.
 Learn about salesforcecrm, available at <<>>, last accessed on10-
02-2018 at 12:00pm.
 Learn about sugar crm, available at <<>>, last accessed on05-01-
2018 at 11:00am.
 Learn about php language, available at <<>>, last accessed
on10-03-2018 at 11:00am.
 Learn about html & CSS design, available at <<>>, last accessed
on10-03-2018 at 10:30am.
 Learn about socket notification, available at <<>>, last accessed on25-03-
2018 at 11:00am.
 Learn about Mysql database, available at <<>>, last accessed on30-03-
2018 at 07:00pm.
 Learn about Laravel MVC framework, available at <<>>, last accessed
on30-03-2018 at 07:00pm.

©Daffodil International University 52

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