Stockifi - Prestige Estates Projects - IC
Stockifi - Prestige Estates Projects - IC
Stockifi - Prestige Estates Projects - IC
BSE: 533274
Stock Snapshot
• Founded in 1986, the Prestige Group has firmly
Market Cap: ₹ 15,975 Cr. established itself as one of the leading and most
successful developers of real estate in India.
Entry Range: ₹ 385 to 420
• The company has diversified over time into a number of
related/non-related services, each of them spearheaded
Book Value: ₹ 167 by individuals with adroit capacity.
• Led by CMD Irfan Razack and marshalled by his brothers
Dividend Yield: 0.35 %
Rezwan Razack and Noaman Razack, the group has
completed 247 projects covering 134 million sqft, and
Face Value: ₹ 10 currently has 45 ongoing projects covering over 53
Equity capital: ₹ 401 Cr. million sft, 56 mn sqft of upcoming projects, and holds a
land bank of 262 acres with potential developable area
of 27 mn sqft.
Debt to equity: 0.54 • Now with 205 landmark developments across the city,
the company has extended its expertise to major cities
across South India including Chennai, Hyderabad, Kochi,
OPMs: 24.8 %
Mysore, Mangalore and Goa. Giving each city an
unparalleled experience with landmark malls on the lines
EV: ₹ 18,325 Cr. of ‘The Forum’, large townships, tech parks, hotels,
luxury villas, and SEZs.
• The company already has several successful completed
Promoter Holding: 65.5% and ongoing projects in Chennai to its credit, spanning
the commercial and retail segments.
• The Prestige Group today has become a name that is
synonymous with innovation. The company has
pioneered many landmark developments to South India.
1) Improving financials The regulatory scenario has now become more enabling, with
measures like the reduction in reverse repo rate, extension of
2) Committed workforce
Real Estate Regulation and Development Act (RERA) deadline,
3) Visionary leadership recapitalisation of Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs)
and governance alongside the infusion of `10,000 crore from the National
Housing Bank (NHB) for the housing finance companies (HFCs) in
4) Track record of trust
order to ensure more liquidity in the sector.
and delivery
5) Wide and growing This will translate into faster completions of projects and greater
geographic presence assurance and security for home buyers. The Goods and Services
Tax Council has also slashed the levy on under-construction
6) Long-standing
houses to 5% from 12%, with a special rate of 1% introduced for
partnerships affordable homes.
They are steadfastly The launch of Project Finsbury Park this year under the
growing into emerging HDFC platform is an example of this drive, and the fact that
markets such as Mumbai, the project has created a healthy interest among home-
buyers is evident from the booking figures.
NCR, Pune, Goa and other
Tier-II cities to position • Tapping Into High-Growth Potential Markets
themselves better in the
As one of the leading and most successful developers of real
market. estate in India, Prestige is at the forefront of the
consolidation taking place in the market in line with the
Their presence spans 12
RERA legislation.
locations throughout the
country. They are also steadfastly growing into emerging markets
such as Mumbai, NCR, Pune, Goa and other Tier-II cities to
position themselves better in the market.
• On Diverse Platforms
5th September 2021 t Page 4
Commercial Trends
• Strong Market
• Flexible Options
• Resilient Portfolio
• Solid Presence
• Additional Facilities
India’s tourism sector has grown attractively over the years and is
estimated to reach `35 trillion by 2029, accounting for 9.2% of
the total economy.
• Expansive Mode
A premium player in this
segment, they develop With their existing, ongoing and planned development in the
landmark hotels, resorts, hospitality industry, they are well placed to meet the growing
demand in this sector.
spas and service
apartments. Their hospitality recently got a leg-up with the addition of two
luxury hotels—Conrad and Sheraton—that will increase cash
• New-Age Tourister
The growth in this sector has been led by the millennial tourist
who seeks local flavour, smart design, greater technological
connectivity as well as a human touch that will give a composite
Financial Highlights
Our View
Demand scenario in all the business segments continue to be strong
going forward.
The company is one of the largest real estate developers in India
having portfolio of residential, commercial, malls & retail properties.
The consolidation in the The work from home culture has created the demand for
sector augur well for big and residential properties which further supported by benign home loan
organized developers like rates and discounts offered by the developers in order to clear up
PEPL as it has strong the inventories.
presence in Southern market Further, the outbreak of COVID-19 led liquidity crisis for small
especially in Bangalore, the developers and as the loan moratorium has ended in August 2020,
key real estate market in the situation has been further aggravated resulted in big
India. consolidation in real estate space.
The consolidation in the sector augur well for big and organized
developers like PEPL as it has strong presence in Southern market
especially in Bangalore, the key real estate market in India.
Monetizing of its asset will help PEPL to reduce its balance sheet
leverage and also to fund its ongoing projects.
Substantial debt reduction will result in cost saving for company on
interest cost front.
We do see earnings expansion along with a re-rating
potential in coming quarters leading to brighter days ahead
for the company.
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