Caribbean Examinations Council C.A.P.E. Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment (I.A.)
Caribbean Examinations Council C.A.P.E. Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment (I.A.)
Caribbean Examinations Council C.A.P.E. Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment (I.A.)
Reform Village
Firstly, we would like to thank god for giving us the strength and knowledge to do this Internal
Assessment as well as our parents for giving us the resources and support which helped
immensely. Most of all we would like to thank our Caribbean Studies teacher Aruna Anderson
for providing sufficient guidelines and answering every question we asked for us to do this
Introduction 1
Literature Review 3
Presentation of Data 6
Analysis of Data 9
Discussion of Findings 11
Conclusion 13
Limitations 13
Recommendations 13
Bibliography 14
Appendix 16
Problem Statement
What factors have contributed to the increase in flooding in the community of Guaracara
Purpose of Research
Pollution is a very large topic to talk about but this issue needs to finally be addressed. The
700 people. Reform Village is a village situated East of Marabella. In this area there is the
Guaracara River situated very near to the village. Land and water pollution are two of the most
common forms of pollution and can translate into other types of pollution such as water pollution
when garbage from the ground washes into rivers, lakes and the sea. Land and water pollution
are a major problem countrywide and leads to natural disasters throughout the country such as
Research Questions:
Educational Value
This study will give an opportunity to the residents to recognize the problem of flooding and
solve it as a community. It will also enable the residents to have their voice heard so they can
express their concerns. The regional corporation of the area will be informed on how the
residents are being affected in this area. The findings of this research can be forwarded to
Technical Terms
polluting substance.
Standard of Living the level of comfort, material goods and other whims available to a person
or group
“When rain occurs, the water flows over these surfaces increases and builds momentum due to
the lack of resistance and absorption by plants.” (Rogers, 2021). According to how paved the
community is contributes to the risk of flooding. The information from this journal article was
gathered from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This article was done to find out the
effects of water pollution on land. Secondary data was used to make this article. However, in this
“Pathogen in polluted water causes serious diseases in humans.” (Chaudhry, 2017). This journal
article shows that diseases can be caused by pathogens due to water pollution. It also contains
primary data and was conducted at University of Gujrat during 2016 to 2017 as a term paper for
Master of Philosophy. This article was used to figure out the factors affecting water pollution.
“Flooding in both urban and rural areas in Trinidad and Tobago is a frequent occurrence, leading
to substantial losses of property, crop damage, health problems and severe inconvenience of
whole communities.” (Agency, 2001). This report explains that flooding is the main natural
disaster of littering into rivers and it can have major effects. This information contains primary
data from The Water Resources Agency. The report shows the frequency of flooding and water
supply in Trinidad and Tobago. Whereas, in this study, secondary data was utilized as well as
“Rural residents perceive little about the impacts of environmental pollution on health, which
may create risks and vulnerabilities of rural environments and the livelihood of these residents.”
(Yang, 2020). According to this article, the community can have their livelihoods affected
negatively. The article discusses the association between perceived environmental pollution and
health among urban and rural residents. This article contains primary data which was collected
“The legal culture of society has an important role in understanding the law enforcement process,
including in the handling and management of household waste problems.” (Sutrisno, 2017). This
project also brings up the issue of handling and management of household waste problems which
can cause natural disasters such as flooding. The article discusses the significance of legal
culture to domestic waste This article contains secondary data from many sources. However, in
“For better and healthy environment, the land should be well prevented from any form of
pollution.” (Abdul Christopher Ileanwa, 2020). This article agrees to say that most pollution
takes place on land and water and air pollution has a connection to land. The research was
carried out by using descriptive survey method and questionnaires as a tool to collect primary
data. A total number of eighty residents in Minna metropolis participated in the survey. The
purpose of this article is to find solutions for pollution in Nigeria. Whereas, in this study,
The researchers utilized the questionnaire method to gather the relevant primary data across the
targeted community. The main advantages of the usage of a questionnaire are that it is an
efficient way to gather results, inexpensive and it is easy to analyze (see appendix). 20 questions
were used in the questionnaire of which 17 was closed and 3 was open ended. Open-ended
questions allowed for the capture of qualitative data while closed-ended questions facilitated the
capture of quantitative data. The type of sampling used was probability sampling. Probability
sampling is a sampling technique where a researcher sets a selection of a few criteria and
chooses members of a population randomly. The sources used to collect data were primary and
secondary sources. The primary data was collected through a questionnaire and the secondary
data was collected through a textbook, website, report and journal articles.
How the sources contributed to a better understanding of the area being studied
Documented secondary data for the research came from websites and journal articles from
primary or original sources that was accessed from the internet. The sources collected related
heavily to the area being investigated, highlighting the problems occurring and giving
Figure 1 Showing what residents believe is the main cause of land pollution
What residents believe is the main cause of water pollution in their area
Figure 2 Showing what residents believe is the main cause of water pollution in their area
How water pollution has mainly affected residents of the
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 3 Showing how water pollution has mainly affected residents of the community
Very often
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 4 Showing how often the residents say flooding occurs in their area
What the residents believe is the best way they can
15 16
5 5
Word of mouth awareness Flyers Occasional Community meetings
Figure 5 Showing what the residents believe is the best way they can raise awareness
Figure 6 Showing what residents believe the government can implement to alleviate flooding in
Question 9 deals with the main causes of land pollution in the community. The data insinuates
that citizens feel as though the government has made little to no attempts in trying to prevent
flooding in the community. Question 12 deals with the main causes of water pollution. Residents
believed it to be garbage dumping because members of the area have experienced other members
of the community dumping garbage. The low availability of disposal bins has resulted in this
unanimous decision. As seen in question 2 of the questionnaire, residents think others in the area
Question 8 relates to how water pollution has affected residents personally. Most residents said
flooding. This was the main result that affected most residents which contributes to the loss of
crops. Also, when flooding affected their household, the pathogens and germs present made
residents ill. As seen in question 17. 70% of residents strongly agree that there are not enough
restrictions in place to prevent pollution in the area. Question 18 deals with the frequency of
flooding in the area. It has been proven by question 8 that flooding affects the residents very
heavily which accounts for the frequent occurrences. The residents that are not affected live on
high relief areas and are not located near the source which is the river.
Question 15 deals with the awareness of pollution by the residents. More than half of the
residents said occasional community meetings. Using this method, the community can be
Question 16 deals with the main prevention methods that the government can implement. 50%
believe the government should host events to spread awareness of the issue. Similarly, as seen in
question 15 the same goal would be achieved. This will inform many members of the
community. 40% believe in increasing the amount of waste disposal bins as well as recycling
bins in residential areas. A majority of people believe this as seen in question 9 which proved
A major factor causing flooding in this area is the lack of attention from government officials
which resulted in limited facilities to dispose of waste and the failure to bring awareness to the
issue. Due to the high frequency of flooding, there is a higher chance of residents contracting
diseases due to the pathogens and germs present in the contaminated water. The livelihoods of
residents who depend on agriculture for income as well as for food have been compromised by
erosion and soil displacement caused by flooding. Residents believe they can organize meetings
According to (Rogers, 2021),“When rain occurs, the water flows over these surfaces increases
and builds momentum due to the lack of resistance and absorption by plants.” Similarly, in our
study, large amounts of garbage dumping into the nearby river caused the water levels to
increase and also when there is heavy rainfall due to the paved roads there isn’t enough soil to
absorb the water. Due to the flood water being mixed in with litter on the ground due to a lack of
disposal bins, it was contaminated which causes residents of the community to be infected by
pathogens and other diseases. The primary research of the researchers agrees with the secondary
research done.
Flooding is a major problem as it occurs very often in this area. According to the (Agency,
2001), “Flooding in both urban and rural areas in Trinidad and Tobago is a frequent occurrence,
leading to substantial losses of property, crop damage, health problems and severe inconvenience
of whole communities.” Residents such as farmers are affected more so than others as they make
a living selling crops. Due to the frequent flooding, the crops are destroyed. The primary
According to (Sutrisno, 2017), “The legal culture of society has an important role in
understanding the law enforcement process, including in the handling and management of
household waste problems.” The secondary resources found that the best way to alleviate the
problem is to enforce laws which prevent the improper disposal of garbage. On the other hand,
the researchers found that 53.3% of the residents believe that occasional community meeting can
raise awareness the best and they also found that the community believes that the best thing the
government can do to raise awareness is to host events. The primary resources found by the
This research is worthy of attention because it highlights the causes of flooding and the effects
that come with it. It also gives information on how flooding can be prevented and also ease the
problem faced by the community. This information is useful to government agencies who aim to
It is concluded that flooding is a major issue in Reform Village and government officials should
be contacted and informed of the problem and take greater interest in alleviating it. This issue is
caused by the dumping of large amounts of waste into the nearby river.
Many residents of Reform Village did not have access to consistent internet. This meant that
many residents of the community were not able to access the online questionnaire or respond to
it. Some residents may not have answered truthfully because the responses were anonymous.
There was little to no rainfall experienced during this season which means the problem of
flooding would not be fresh in the residents’ minds which creates altered results.
Grants should be given by the government to households which have been affected by the
problem of flooding. The representative in parliament for this constituency should be contacted
and informed of the situation occurring in this community. If a resident is caught polluting the
nearby river, there should be a fine in place as a penalty for doing so.
Technology Innovation 3, 7.
Chaudhry, M. a. (2017). Factors Affecting Water Pollution: A Review. Journal of Ecosystem &
Ecography, 3.
Hooper, M. (2021, January 12). Primary Sources: Definition & Examples. Retrieved from
Peng, Y. (2017). Study on Sources, Causes and Countermeasures of Water Pollution in Rural
Rogers, C. D. (2021, Febuary 17). Natural Disaster Effects. Retrieved from
Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 12, Issue 2 (April), 7.
Yang, T. (2020). Association between perceived environmental pollution and health among
urban and rural residents-a Chinese national study. BMC Public Health, 9.
Agency, T. W. (2001). The Management of Watersheds and Coastal Areas in Trinidad and
Rogers, C. D. (2021, Febuary 17). Natural Disaster Effects. Retrieved from
Appendix 1
Dear Respondents,
This survey is being carried out in Guaracara Tabaquite Road, Reform Village, to investigate the
topic of water pollution and its negative effects on the community of Guaracara Tabaquite Road,
Reform Village. This study is being conducted as part of an Internal Assessment for Caribbean
Studies for Asja Boys’ College San Fernando. Please answer the following questions honestly. It
is important to note that this is NOT a test and you are NOT required to write your names
anywhere. There are no right or wrong answers. Most questions can be answered by selecting the
appropriate options provided. Space is provided for those questions which may need a detailed
answer. Thank you in advance for your co-operation. The information received from this
Appendix 2
⃝ True
⃝ False
⃝1 ⃝2 ⃝3 ⃝4 ⃝5
9)What do you believe to be the main cause of land pollution in your community?
11)Explain your personal experience of being flooded if you have ever been?
13) How often do you see litter on the ground in your community?
15) What can your community do to raise awareness to prevent the pollution of the river?
⃝ Flyers
16) What do you think the main prevention method the government can implement that will ease
the level of water pollution that is present in Trinidad and Tobago?
⃝ Increasing the amount of waste disposal bin as well as recycling bins in residential areas
17) There are not enough restrictions in place to prevent the pollution of the Guaracara river. Do
you agree with this statement?
⃝ Strongly agree
⃝ Agree
⃝ Neutral
⃝ Disagree
⃝ Strongly Disagree
⃝ Very often
⃝ Rarely
⃝ Never
⃝ 2 times a week
⃝ 1 time a week
⃝ It is burnt
⃝ It is buried