Plant Systematics: Botany 400
Plant Systematics: Botany 400
Plant Systematics: Botany 400
Botany 400
information on Canvas
Kenneth J. Sytsma
Patricia Chan
Pick up course syllabus
from front desk
Botany Department
University of Wisconsin
Required plant
What is Systematics?
Why Study Systematics?
• Taxonomy
• Phylogenetics
• Biosystematics
What is Systematics — or Why
Study Systematics?
Biosystematics Phylogenetics
What is Systematics — or Why
Study Systematics?
Taxonomy: identification,
nomenclature, classification
Ft. Brady
Sault St. Marie
Common ancestor of
dune and elk thistles
Spalink et al. 2018 American Journal of Botany DNA Barcode phylogenetic tree of
Wisconsin flora
Systematics — Goal 1: Inventory Earth’s Biota
Tropical inventory wide opened
• 4/5ths of 250-300K
angiosperms in tropics
Systematics — Goal 1: Inventory Earth’s Biota
Tropical inventory wide opened
• 4/5ths of 250-300K
angiosperms in tropics
• 4 ha in neotropical cloud
forest >> 2400 spp in WI!
Systematics — Goal 1: Inventory Earth’s Biota
Tropical inventory wide opened
• 4/5ths of 250-300K
angiosperms in tropics
• 4 ha in neotropical cloud
forest >> 2400 spp in WI!
• 4/5ths of 250-300K
angiosperms in tropics
• 4 ha in neotropical cloud
forest >> 2400 spp in WI!
• > 200 species of orchids
Systematics — Goal 1: Inventory Earth’s Biota
Tropical inventory wide opened
• 4/5ths of 250-300K
angiosperms in tropics
• 4 ha in neotropical cloud
forest >> 2400 spp in WI!
• > 200 species of orchids
• 10%+ undescribed!
• 1985, the forest - and the species - were gone; one of the 13,800 species
of plants E.O. Wilson had projected to disappear in the last century
Systematics — Goal 2: Identification and
Communication: Nomenclature
• to many - keying,
identifying, putting names
on organisms is
systematics (= taxonomy)
• “species” names
(binomial, common,
polynomial, uninomial)
Biogeography Genetics
Morphology Evolution
Development Cytology
Arabidopsis thaliana - Thal’s mouse-ear cress
Systematics — Goal 2: Identification and
Communication: Nomenclature
• but how do we “define”
• ongoing issue that we have
still not resolved!
Adaptive radiation of
Lobeliaceae on the
Hawaiian Islands in last
15 my
Systematics — Goal 4: Demonstrate
Evolutionary Implications of Biodiversity
• and systematics
looks at the origin
of very recent
•rise of polyploid
species in less
than 100 years!
Tree of Life
Plant systematics has not
outlived its usefulness; it is
just getting underway on an
attractively infinite task.
Lincoln Constance