Prayer Cube 138 159 A4 Eng
Prayer Cube 138 159 A4 Eng
Prayer Cube 138 159 A4 Eng
138 - 159
Prayer Cube
Are there moments when you want to say a beautiful prayer alone or with your family or friends,
but you just don't know how to say it? Do you always just say the same prayer? We have a great solution for you.
Simply make a prayer cube for your morning, lunchtime or evening prayer.
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love
commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light, to guard,
to rule and guide.
to eat.
who do not have enough
as we remember those
about to receive,
for this food that we’re
Oh Lord, make us grateful
Tips for families using the Prayer Cube: There are four corners Example of an evening ritual:
on my bed,
• For your child/children to have a personal there are four angels • Read a story from the YOUCAT for Kids or a
connection to the prayer cube, it is recommended bedtime story.
that you involve them in the crafting process. overhead Saint Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John, • It would be nice if you could find a few words of
• If you want to pray with your child/children, it is your own about the stories you read or if you
God, bless the bed,
important to create an appropriate atmosphere. could talk about them together.
This includes a quiet environment without that I lie on.
disturbing noise sources such as television and • The sign of the cross introduces the prayer.
radio. At the beginning you can light a candle
and/or put up a cross or a suitable picture. • Together you pray a prayer on the cube.
Objects that are particularly important to your
child/children could also find room here. • Together you pray freely with the day's content.
It is not a matter of using the perfect formulation,
• Although it is initially easier to use but rather of using the right words to reflect the
pre-formulated prayers with children, we also a little, sweet goodbye. child's state of mind and feelings.
want to encourage you to pray freely with I want to say
children. In this way, the everyday life of the • A cross traced over the forehead (possibly with
In my own way
family, the current worries and needs, can be holy water) concludes the evening ritual.
included in concrete terms. The combination of dear Child as small as I.
free and pre-formulated prayers is also beautiful. Dear Child Jesus,
• Children like it when certain times and fixed
rituals are observed for praying: in the morning
after getting up, before dinner and before going
to bed.