RM B2P SB Scripts

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ROADMAP™ B2+ Students’ Book audio scripts

Unit 1 Recording 1 C: Yeah. It’s essentially about the current political situation
– just with wizards! You should give it another go. I
know there’s a lot of hype around it, but it’s just very
A: So what do you do when you’re not working? entertaining.

B: Not that much, to be honest. The usual – TV, films, I D: Sorry, but it’s really not for me.
read a bit . . . though not as much as I should, I guess. C: Oh well. Your loss!
Oh, and I recently started going to a karate class a
couple of times a week. 3

A: Really? Is that just to keep fit or so you can defend E: What are you doing at the weekend?
yourself or what? F: We’re going camping.
B: Oh, it’s definitely more to keep fit than for self-defence, E: OK. Do you do that a lot?
but what’s good about it is it’s more than just keep fit,
you know. F: Yeah. Whenever I can.

A: Sure. E: Really?

B: And I have to say, I really really love the shouting! F: Yeah. Why? Are you not a fan?

A: Yeah? You don’t seem a very shouty kind of person! E: No. I like hiking, but what I don’t understand is how
anyone gets enjoyment from sleeping uncomfortably in
B: I’m not. But what I’ve found is it’s just a great way to get a field.
rid of all those frustrations from work.
F: It’s just being close to nature that I love. Honestly,
A: Yeah, I can see how that would work. nothing beats waking up and stepping out of your tent
B: You’ve never fancied doing something like that yourself? into that fresh morning air, with the mountains right
A: I did actually go to a judo class for a bit when I was at
uni, but I didn’t take to it. E: Can’t you get that from a hotel balcony?

B: No? F: No! It’s not the same! You don’t have that smell of the
damp grass.
A: No. I think what put me off was the pain! Every time I
went, I seemed to hurt myself. E: Exactly – damp, cold, miserable.

2 F: No! It’s nice. And the other thing I love is how friendly
people are. Campers are just very nice people!
C: Do you like House of Gorgon?
E: If you say so, but I’m not convinced.
D: I watched the first couple of episodes in the first series,
but it wasn’t really my kind of thing. 4

C: Yeah, I know what you mean. It does take a few G: Are you up to anything later? Do you fancy going out?
episodes to get going, but it really grows on you. I’ve H: Yeah, no. I can’t tonight. I’ve got my tango class.
been watching it non-stop the last few weeks. I watched
six episodes on Saturday! G: I didn’t know you did that. Are you any good?

D: Yeah? It’s just all that fantasy stuff doesn’t really appeal H: No. I’m hopeless, but I enjoy it. Why don’t you come?
to me. G: Oh gosh! No!
C: Oh, fair enough . . . but what’s great about it is the way H: Why not?
they make it relevant to now.
G: I’d feel uncomfortable. I’m OK if I’m dancing on my own
D: Really? – but actually co-ordinating with anyone else…
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ROADMAP™ B2+ Students’ Book audio scripts

H: Oh, don’t worry! What’s great about this class is the fact The only thing I didn’t like so much was the venue.
that no one takes it too seriously.
G: I don’t know.
What I find fun is learning something new every time.
H: Honestly, I’ve got two left feet, but no one’s bothered.

G: Really? Unit 1 Recording 4

H: Yeah. It’s a lot of fun and the teacher’s really
encouraging. Come on. You’ll enjoy it.
I’d acted as a mentor to her.
G: Well, maybe then . . . what time does it start?

Unit 1 Recording 2 We’d grabbed some food beforehand.

She’d let me down before.
What I’ve found is it’s just a great way to get rid of all those
frustrations from work. 4

2 We’d been thinking about it for a while.

What put me off was the pain! 5

3 They’d offered me a job.

What’s great about it is the way they make it relevant to 6

We’d been saving up.

The other thing I love is how friendly people are. Unit 1 Recording 5

What’s great about this class is the fact that no one takes it
A: Did I tell you about the time I went to Damascus?
too seriously.
B: No! When was that?

Unit 1 Recording 3 A: I think it was 2005.

B: A while ago then. What happened?

A: So my plane didn’t get in till after midnight as we’d been
What I like about it is the fact I can just completely switch
delayed before take-off. I’d been travelling for over
twelve hours and then I arrived at passport control and
2 there was this massive queue.

The thing I love about it is the way the teacher organises B: You must’ve been pretty fed up.
the class.
A: Absolutely. So I finally got to the front of the queue and
3 the border guard took one look at my passport and said
‘Where’s your visa?’ And I said I’d been told I didn’t
What’s bad about it is the amount of time you spend
need one. And he said that was wrong and I had to buy
waiting around.
one now,
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ROADMAP™ B2+ Students’ Book audio scripts

B: Oh no. So how much was it? B: What’s wrong with picking up rubbish?

A: Thirty pounds, so not that much, but I didn’t have any A: Well … nothing, it’s just … I mean … it’s not … it’s not
cash on me, and they didn’t accept cards. …

B: Wasn’t there a cash machine? B: It’s not my job?

A: Yes, but only after the passport control! And they A: Exactly! It’s not your job.
wouldn’t let me go, so I was stranded! What’s more, my
B: So, who’s going to pick it up then?
phone had died, my flight home wasn’t for another ten
days and I couldn’t speak the language. It was A: Well, I don’t know but …
B: The problem with you, Steve, is that you like
B: I think I would’ve just started screaming in that situation! complaining but you don’t like doing something about it.

A: Well, I was quite close, but then suddenly this man A: Oh, so it’s my fault now, is it?
appeared and said he’d overhead my conversation and
B: That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is there’s no
offered to pay for my visa. When I said I’d pay him back,
reason …
he said in this perfect English: ‘You are a guest in my
country and I have a duty to make you feel comfortable 2
here!’ Honestly, I was lost for words. It was just very
A: Anyway, what were you talking to our new colleague
B: Wow. That’s a great story.
B: Who? Lisette?

A: Is that her name? The intern. The one with the curly
Unit 1 Recording 6 brown hair?
1 B: Oh, yeah, that’s Lisette. She’s not an intern, she’s doing
an apprenticeship here. She seemed a bit lonely so I
A: Beautiful countryside.
wanted to talk to her and find out if everything was all
B: Yep, stunning. right.
A: Oh, I hate it when people do that. A: That’s nice of you.
B: Do what? B: I know. I’m nice like that …
A: Dump their rubbish at the side of the road. Look A: … sometimes
someone’s left their rubbish there … Hey, what are you
B: Hey, watch it!
doing? Why are you stopping?
A: Anyway, was it?
B: Just got to pull over for a moment.
B: Was it what?
A: What on earth are you doing?
A: Was it all right – everything?
B: Just hold tight a minute. Stop panicking!
B: With Lisette? Oh, no, not really. She was feeling a bit
A: What on … earth…?
down because, you know, she’s reporting in to Rowan
B: I hate it when people do that too. who’s got her photocopying and boring stuff like that.
A: Do what? A: She’s an apprentice. What does she expect?
B: Dump their rubbish at the side of the road. I just had to B: Yeah, but it’s not very nice, is it? I mean she’s not
pick it up. learning anything and she’d been promised something a
bit more interesting. She’d been told she’d have a
A: You stopped to pick up rubbish! Why?
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ROADMAP™ B2+ Students’ Book audio scripts

mentor and stuff like that, but none of it has happened B: Well I checked online and found a rabbit rescue service
so she’s feeling a bit… let down. and I took it there.

A: So what did you do? A: You hero.

B: I had a quiet word with the boss on her behalf. B: I know, right. The woman at the rabbit rescue service
said they get four or five rabbits like that every week.
A: That was nice of you… again! Why did you do that?
A: Wow.
B: I just wanted to help I guess. It’s not that strange, is it?
B: So I gave her a donation as well.
A: What did the boss say?
A: You gave her a donation? How much?
B: He said he’d sort it out.
B: Twenty pounds.
A: And is he going to sort it out?
A: So you rescued the rabbit and then paid twenty pounds
B: How should I know? But I’ve done my bit.
to the rabbit rescue service.
A: Well, I hope you’re going to help me next time I’m
B: Pretty much, yeah.
feeling a bit down!
A: Are you feeling all right?
B: Depends. What are you going to pay me?
B: I’m feeling fine, actually. Maybe more than fine. It’s nice
to make a difference.
A: What was that I saw online – you posted something
A: I’m really starting to worry about you. I mean this is not
about finding a rabbit? Or am I imagining things?
the first…
B: Not exactly. I found this rabbit in the park on the way to
work and…
A: Oh, yeah, did I tell you what happened to me this
A: … a rabbit in the park? What was it doing? Just sitting
morning in the shop?
B: No. What?
B: Well yes. And that was what was so strange. It looked
really well cared for, I mean, it wasn’t a wild rabbit or A: So I was queuing at the checkout and there was this
anything, and it just seemed to be … abandoned there. woman in front of me with her baby and the checkout
guy was scanning her stuff and she was putting it in her
A: It probably was abandoned there.
bags, you know, so far so normal…
B: I guess so. Someone must have had it as a pet and then
B: This is a fascinating story!
got bored and left it there.
A: It gets better. So anyway, when she came to pay she
A: So cruel! So what did you do?
realised that she didn’t have her purse!
B: Well, it was a bit of a dilemma because I was late for a
B: Oh no!
meeting, but if I’d left it there then a fox would have got it
soon enough – there are loads of foxes around here – A: And she was looking everywhere for it but she couldn’t
so in the end I picked it up and took it home. find it and she was starting to get desperate, you know,
the baby started crying and…
A: You took it home? Are you mad?
B: What did the checkout guy do?
B: Maybe!
A: What could he do? He wasn’t going to pay it himself.
A: And your meeting?
B: Yeah, nothing I guess. So, did she have to leave it all?
B: I cancelled it. I just felt like I had no option.
A: No, I paid for her shopping for her.
A: Wow! And then what?
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B: Are you serious? A: ...er . . . OK.

A: Yeah, I’m serious. B: Yeah. I mean, I guess they are right. It’s not very green.

B: But how do you know it wasn’t a scam? Maybe she A: Hmm, I suppose.
does that every time she goes shopping.
B: Anyway, instead, they have this supposedly super-
A: Maybe she does, but I don’t think so. I mean she efficient air filtering system ...
seemed genuine to me.
A: Right.
B: How much was it?
B: Which just doesn’t seem to work!
A: It was just over thirty euros.
A: Fantastic! I bet they spent thousands on it, too.
B: Wow. How nice are you?
B: Probably.
A: I know, right! I gave her my number so she can pay me
A: Hiya. How’s it going?
B: So will she pay you back?
B: Don’t ask!
A: Who knows? It’s not the end of the world if she doesn’t.
A: Oh dear. What’s up?
B: Wow, I’m impressed, but I’ve also got to go. So this
one’s on me, yeah? B: Oh, nothing major. I’ve just had one of those mornings.
I’m getting over it.
A: Oh, thanks very much.
A: Oh right. What happened?
B: Only, I think I’ve forgotten my purse so…
B: Well, I actually left earlier this morning to prepare for a
A: What are you like!
meeting, but I waited ages and ages for the bus to
come, and then it just took hours to get here.

A: Yeah. I don’t know what was going on this morning!

Unit 1 Recording 7
B: … so I actually ended up being a bit late … so I was
1 rushing around like mad to get everything done. And
A: How was your day? then, of course, I was copying the stuff and it kept
jamming with paper …
B: Oh, OK.
A: Oh man! That copier! I wish they’d do something about
A: The course going OK? that.
B: Yeah. Basically, they’re happy with the content, but B: I know! So then I had to use a machine miles away, up
they’ve been going on and on about how hot and stuffy on the sixth floor.
the room is.
A: Oh dear. Poor you!
A: Well, that’s hardly your fault.
B: No wait, wait! This is the best bit. When I walked into the
B: No, of course not, but it is like an oven in that room. meeting, they were all already sitting there. And what do
Seriously, we’re all dying in there. It must be 35 you think they had in front of them …?
A: What?
A: Don’t you have air con? I thought it was a new building.
B: Basically, all the stuff I’d spent the last half hour madly
B: It is, but they didn’t install air con because of the energy copying.
use …
A: No!

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ROADMAP™ B2+ Students’ Book audio scripts

B: Yeah! Pat had printed it all out, despite me telling him I A: Sorry. Would you mind waiting one moment? I just need
was going to do it. And he was like ‘Oh, I was just trying to check your booking.
to help’. Honestly, that guy just has a way of
B: Is there a problem of some kind?
undermining people.
A: If you could just wait for me to check on the system.
A: I know.
Right. Yes. Um … so …. I’m afraid that this flight’s
B: Seriously, I could’ve killed him! actually overbooked and so you’re not going to be able
to board . . .
A: I bet.
B: No. There must be some mistake. Look. We’ve got
B: Still, the boss did have a go at him later for messing up
tickets. We’ve checked in online. We’re on time.
the catalogue …
A: Right. Um . . . yes. I know, but we are overbooked and
A: Oh yeah. I heard about that!
so . . .
B: Apparently, they’re going to have to reprint the whole lot.
C: With all due respect, that’s your problem. Not ours. We
A: Oh dear. I’m surprised he didn’t try to point the finger at simply have to get this flight. We have an important
someone else, though. meeting in Marseille tomorrow morning. Missing it’s not
an option.
B: He did – kind of – but it was clearly him who was at
fault, so … A: I’m awfully sorry about all of this and obviously if it were
up to me …
A: Well – fair enough then. Anyway, you’re feeling a bit
better now? B: So can we talk to whoever’s in charge here?

B: Yeah – a lot calmer. I went out and took a few deep A: I’m afraid that’s not possible. And I am going to have to
breaths in the coffee break. ask you to go back through passport control and talk to
our staff in the check-in section over there. They should
be able to get you on the first flight out tomorrow.
Unit 1 Recording 8
B: Tomorrow? You’ve got to be kidding me!
C: Listen. I understand that this may not be down to you,
Honestly, I almost died of boredom. but this is totally unacceptable.
2 A: I do understand that you might be upset . . .
Honestly, I could’ve killed him. C: Too right I’m upset! This is outrageous!
3 A: . . . but could you please not raise your voice at me? I’m
just doing my job . . .
Seriously, the room was like a fridge.
C: If this is you just doing your job, I’m going to livestream
you so your customers can see how your company
Honestly, we were waiting for hours and hours. treats its frequent flyers. Look. There you go. How do
you like that?
B: I’m not sure that’s helping, Ken, to be honest. Probably
Seriously, I must’ve mentioned it about a thousand times.
best to put that away.

A: You’re really not making this any easier, sir. If you could
Unit 1 Recording 9 just try and calm down a bit . . .

C: OK. OK. I’ll turn it off, but seriously! Is there really

nothing you can do?

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B: Well, exactly. I mean, there must be some way we can You ARE going to need to come back tomorrow, I’m afraid.
reach a compromise here, surely.
A: Well, what happens is the company often overbooks as
I DO want to sort this out, but you’re not making it easy.
there are usually no-shows, people just don’t turn up for
the flights, but this time everyone’s made it and you 6
were the last people in economy to check in and so . . .
I HAVE warned you about this twice now.
B: What about the first-class seats?
A: I’d imagine those are also all taken, but I can check for
You really DO have to return the keys today.
you, if you want.
B: If you wouldn’t mind.
We ARE going to pay, but only once everything’s sorted.
A: Ah, OK. Well, that’s good. What seems to have
happened is that those seats have been logged under a
different system and we do have three seats available Unit 1 Recording 12

B: Well, would it be possible to put us in two of them?

A: Hi there. How can I help?
A: That shouldn’t be a problem. Just a second.
B: Oh yes. Hello. We’re here to pick up a car we booked
C: Sorry if I came across as being a bit aggressive there,
online. I’ve got all the details here.
by the way. That really wasn't my intention.
A: OK. Let me just have a look at your booking. Yes. OK.
A: These things happen, and as I said, I am only doing my
So it’s a saloon car, with one child seat, for ten days.
job. Anyway, good news . . .

B: That’s it.
Unit 1 Recording 10
A: OK. Can I just make a quick copy of your driving licence,
1 please?

I do understand that you might be upset. B: Sure. Here’s mine . . . and here’s my husband’s, as he’ll
be doing most of the driving.
A: Ah. Um . . . I’ve actually only got you down as the
I am only doing my job.
designated driver, I’m afraid.

B: No. There must’ve been a mistake. I’m absolutely

Unit 1 Recording 11 positive I put both names down.
1 A: I’ll just have another look, in case I’ve missed
something. No. He’s definitely not listed.
I’m afraid I AM going to need to see some ID.
C: Well, can you put my name down now?
B: I can, obviously, but that’d be another hundred euros
I DID talk to someone about this last week on the phone.
over the ten days, I’m afraid.
C: A hundred euros? You’ve got to be joking!
I AM going to have to ask you to leave, I’m afraid.
A: I really am terribly sorry about this.

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C: This is a joke. It’s just another way of getting more

money out of us. It’s outrageous!

A: I understand you might be upset, but could you please

not shout at me, sir? I’m just doing my job.

C: Yeah! Right!

B: There’s no point getting angry, is there? That’s not going

to get anything sorted out.

C: No. You’re right. Sorry. That was rude of me. It’s been a
long day. We’re all a bit tired – and we still have a long
drive ahead of us.

A: I understand. And as I said, I really am sorry. So would

you like me to go ahead and add you?

B: You’re going to have to, yes. I really don’t fancy doing all
the driving on my own.

A: OK. So, I am going to have to charge you an extra

hundred euros. Are you paying by card?

C: I guess so. Is there any way we can maybe reach a

compromise here, though? I mean, given that we don’t
know who’s at fault, could you maybe throw in a sat nav
as part of the deal? Like a GPS?

A: I think I should be able to. One minute. I’ll just need to

see what’s available. Yes. That’s OK.

B: Oh, well. That’s something, I suppose.

A: I’ll just process your payment and then I’ll sort you out
with your keys.

C: Thank you. I appreciate it.

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Unit 2 Recording 1 she might never get her memory back, but it seems it has
slowly started coming back. Even now though, for things
1 like pin codes she has to rely on muscle memory – you
My daughter’s completely football-mad. She plays for a know instinctively doing the movement rather than recalling
big local team and she injured herself a couple of months the actual number.
ago. She’s a striker and she was just about to shoot when 5
her foot got caught in the ground and she twisted it really
badly. It was quite swollen and we were worried she’d be I work for a bank, which is incredibly pressured. I hardly
out of action for a long time, but fortunately the scan ever take time off and I usually try and work through any
showed it wasn’t damaged too badly. She spent a week or illness. But a while ago this horrible bug went round the
so limping around, feeling sorry for herself, but she’s more office and it was so bad I just couldn’t go in. I had terrible
or less back to normal now and in training again. sharp stomach pains, fever, vomiting, the works. But the
worst part of it for me was that I came down with it the day
2 before I was due to go to Barbados for a holiday. So
A few years ago, I was on my way to a meeting when a instead of relaxing for a week on the beach I was laid up at
truck drove into my car. The car was a wreck and I had home in bed. And at the end of my supposed holiday, the
multiple injuries and spent the next few months laid up in bug went as quickly as it’d come. I went to bed on the
bed, on loads of painkillers, hardly able to move. I honestly Saturday night all sweaty and sick, but woke up the next
believed I was never going to walk again. In the end, morning feeling fresh as a daisy – just in time to go back to
though, after several operations and some intensive work the next day!
physiotherapy, I managed to get back on my feet. On the
advice of a friend, I then took up yoga and the difference
it’s made has been incredible.
Unit 2 Recording 2

3 1

A friend of mine had to have a liver transplant. It started I felt like I was going to vomit.
out with her having irritated skin and being very itchy, but 2
the doctor didn’t think it was too serious. But then she
suddenly got a lot worse and the doctors decided it was I was due to start a new job the next day.
liver failure and they had to find a donor, like immediately. 3
To be honest, we weren’t sure she would make it because
there’s usually a waiting list, but luckily they found one in The train was just about to leave.
time. They don’t really know what caused her to get so ill, 4
but one possibility is it was the chemicals she had to use in
her job in the parks department. It’s impossible to prove I knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
though. Anyway, her body seems to have accepted the 5
new liver and she’s well on the road to recovery, which is
the main thing! I realised I was going to be out of action for ages.

I read this crazy story online the other day. There was
Unit 2 Recording 3
this cattle farmer and she got knocked over by one of her 1
cows and she bashed her head. She didn’t seem to be
badly injured, but she more or less completely lost her Hello there. I’m here today to tell you about a charity
memory. She said that for the next year or so she actually that I support called Shelter. Now, Shelter provides advice
felt physical pain trying to recall things, so she just got and support to aid people who are homeless or struggling
really good at living in the moment. The doctors thought with poor housing. That includes giving legal advice for
those who face losing their homes. They also spend
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money on lobbying government to change housing The more you do it, the easier it becomes.
policies. Personally, I think that’s worth investing in,
because the more we do to tackle the causes of
homelessness, the less the government will have to spend The less we do to help, the worse the situation gets.
on dealing with its effects.
The less money we have, the less we can do.
Hi. I’m speaking in support of Give Directly. This is a
rather different kind of charity in that the money you donate
will go directly to the people who need it, without any The more difficult it is, the bigger the reward.
conditions. They can spend the money however they like.
The idea is that the main cause of poverty is actually a lack
of money, which should be obvious really. So, giving Unit 2 Recording 6
money directly to the person in need empowers recipients
A: You know the old glove factory down by the river?
to make their own choices and the more freedom people
have to decide on how to spend money, the more effective B: What? You mean that massive abandoned building?
the donation will be. Having more money reduces stress
A: Yeah, exactly.
and the less stressed people are, the better able they are
to make good decisions. It’s a win-win. B: Right, yes. I hadn’t actually realised that that was what it
was, though.

A: Yeah. Anyway, apparently they’re going to turn it into

luxury flats.
Unit 2 Recording 4
B: Really? It’s not exactly beautiful.
A: Oh, I don’t know. It has a certain kind of beauty.
The more we do to tackle the causes of homelessness, the
B: Do you think so?
less the government will have to spend on dealing with its
effects. A: Yeah, I do. Anyway, that’s not the point. I mean, can’t
they do something better with it than create luxury flats?
B: Like what?
The more freedom people have to decide on how to spend
their money, the more effective the donation will be. A: I don’t know. Couldn’t they turn it into a gallery or
something? Haven’t they done that elsewhere?
B: A gallery? Really? It would be bankrupt before long.
The less stressed people are, the better able they are to
make good decisions. A: OK, so maybe not a gallery, but a social space then . . .
some kind of community place, you know – something
for the whole city.
Unit 2 Recording 5
B: Wouldn’t they just be better demolishing the whole thing
1 and creating some nice park land? There’s not exactly a
lot of green space round here.
The more there are, the better it is.
A: Maybe. Seems a bit of shame to get rid of it completely,
though. And as I say, I actually like it as a building.
The fewer there are, the harder it is.
B: Nah. Demolition. It’s the best answer. Just clear it out,
3 and start again. It would probably be cheaper, too.

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that question is culture minister Cornelius Heath. Good

Unit 2 Recording 7 morning, minister.

CH: Good morning.

NA: Minister, will this theatre ever open?
Can’t they do something better with it than create luxury
flats? CH: Well, indeed, yes it will open and when it’s open it will
NA: When will it open, minister?
Haven’t they done that elsewhere?
CH: Well, the opening date is not yet certain but what IS
certain is that when it is complete, it will be one of the
Wouldn’t they just be better demolishing the whole thing finest theatres anywhere in the…
and creating some nice park land?
NA: So, effectively, minister, you have no idea when it will
Unit 2 Recording 8 CH: Well, I have some idea. We hope to open it next
NA: Early next year?
Weren’t you scared?
CH: We hope so but it’s more likely to be later.
NA: That’s a bit vague, isn’t it?
Can’t they do anything about it?
CH: As I say, we hope to open it next year.
NA: You don’t sound very confident, minister.
Didn’t you think it was dangerous?
CH: I’m quietly confident and we are all working very hard
to achieve the earliest opening date possible.
Wasn’t it closed because it went bankrupt?
NA: Wasn’t it a mistake to build this theatre in the first
5 place, minister?
Wouldn’t it be better to turn it into a school or something? CH: No, absolutely not. This theatre is replacing the old
one which was outdated and neglected and…

Unit 2 Recording 9 NA: Excuse me for interrupting, minister, but according to

this new report, the old theatre should never have
WF = Weather forecaster NA = News anchor been demolished.
CH = Cornelius Heath CH: Well, the report is wrong. As I’ve said, the old theatre
was very outdated and…
WF … some sunny spells and showers in the west of the
country. Brightening up around lunch time. NA: But it was only twenty-five years old. It wasn’t that
outdated. Wasn’t it possible to restore it?
NA: Thank you Caroline, the time is quarter past eight.
Now, it’s behind schedule, it’s over budget and it’s still CH: Well, we took the view that it was better to build a new
not finished. I’m talking, of course, about The Castor one.
Theatre, our city’s newest theatre, nicknamed by some
NA: So that was your decision, minister. You were solely
The Disaster Theatre, which is back in the news after a
responsible for the decision to build a new theatre
new report suggested that the theatre may never open.
instead of restoring the old one.
So, should we just abandon the project? Here to answer

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CH: Look, I was one of the people responsible for the CH: I am doing everything in my power to make sure that
decision but I still think it was the right thing to do. Of the theatre is built next year.
course, we’ve had some problems along the way. No
NA: Will you resign?
one’s denying that. The first building contractor went
bankrupt and now the project is slightly behind CH: As I said, I am doing everything in my power to make
schedule. sure that the theatre is completed as planned.

NA: The project is very behind schedule, isn’t it? If you do NA: Minister, thank you for coming on the programme.
manage to open the theatre next year, it will still be
CH: My pleasure.
three years behind schedule.
NA: Now, time for the news summary…
CH: As I say, there have been some unexpected problems
along the way…

NA: And hugely over budget. Unit 2 Recording 10

CH: It is, indeed, somewhat over-budget but … 1

NA: It’s fourteen million euros over-budget and counting … A: You haven’t emptied the dishwasher. You never do it.

CH: …what you have to remember is that these projects B: That’s not fair! I sometimes do it.
very often go over budget and…
A: Yeah, once in a blue moon. You know it wouldn’t hurt
NA: Particularly those projects managed by your you once in a while to…
department, minister.
CH: No, I reject that accusation. We have a very good
A: Hi. Sorry I’m a bit late.
record when it comes to delivering new cultural
buildings. Look at the Museum of Archaeology that we B: A bit late! Actually, you’re really late. I’ve been waiting
opened last year. here for 25 minutes.

NA: Let me put to you a specific criticism that this new A: I know. Sorry! I’m just so scatty. I can’t seem to leave
report made – an independent report, don’t forget. It the house on time …
says that the capacity of the new theatre will be
substantially less than the old one.
A: I’ve got a rental property you might be interested in. It’s
CH: Well that’s not true. The capacity will be around two
slightly over your budget but it’s worth it!
thousand people, which is marginally less than the old
theatre. B: That’s a long way over our budget, I’m afraid. Have you
got anything a bit more within our price range –
NA: But the old theatre could accommodate two and a half
something that doesn’t require me to work 24 hours a
thousand people. Why does the new theatre have 20
day to pay for …
per cent less seating?
CH: The facilities in the new theatre are much improved
and good facilities require more space. And let me A: … And you’re absolutely sure that you didn’t leave your
say this: when this theatre is finally built, it will be one laptop on the train, are you?
of the finest theatres anywhere in the world and
B: Well, I’m fairly sure. I mean, it’s always possible that I’m
thousands of people will be able to enjoy high quality
wrong, I guess.
productions in the theatre.
A: I really hope you haven’t lost yet another thing,
NA: Will you resign if the theatre is not completed next
Rebecca. You’d lose your head if it wasn’t screwed on
year, minister?
properly …

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Unit 3 Recording 1 A: But it’s miserable. I mean, if I am going to drag myself

up a mountain I at least want to see something and not
1 get completely soaked in the process.
A: It’s blowing a gale out there! B: Sheesh! We’re also supposed to be enjoying the peace
B: I know – and it’s bitter too! and quiet together – but I can see that’s not going to
A: Did you know it was going to be like this?
A: So we’re going back?
B: Well, I did read that it can be pretty chilly. I read some
quote from someone who said that the worst winter B: Look! The sun’s coming through over there.
they’d ever experienced was a summer in San A: I think you’re seeing things. That’s what the fog does to
Francisco. you.
A: Ha! I think I’m going to have to buy a jumper or B: Ha ha!
something, though. I’m totally unprepared for it.
A: Come on! I’m tired. We can go somewhere nice for
B: It is supposed to be warming up in a couple of days’ lunch … they’ll still be serving if we go now. Pretty
time. please!
A: I’m not sure I can wait that long. I might freeze to death B: Fine!
before then.
A: It’s a gorgeous day!
A: And now it’s over to Thomas at the weather desk.
B: Lovely. Bit weird for this time of year, though.
B: Thanks, Alan. So, as we head in to the weekend, the hot
weather is set to continue with temperatures reaching A: Hey, I’m not complaining. It’s just nice to see the sun
40 degrees in some areas. However, overcast skies instead of all that greyness.
also mean it’s going to be very sticky – humidity up to B: I know. So what are you up to over the weekend?
70% – and we may well see heavy showers and the odd
thunderstorm. Although that will be welcome relief to A: Well, weather permitting, we’re going to have a
farmers and gardeners who have been suffering the barbecue on Saturday.
drought of the last couple of months, they will also bring B: Really? Is it going to stay like this then?
a risk of sudden flooding and the Met office has in fact
issued a warning in areas of the south-west, so beware A: Apparently.
if you’re considering travelling there. Finally, looking B: Wow. OK.
forward to the start of next week, temperatures should
drop a little with a cooler breeze moving in from the A: I mean, they said that there might be a bit of a frost in
north. And with that it’s back to you, Alan. the morning but it could get up to 20 or 22 in the
B: Wow. Very strange – anyway sounds nice.
A: I think we should maybe go back. It’s getting thicker.
A: Might as well take advantage.
B: It’ll be fine. I’m sure it’ll clear soon and brighten up.
B: Sure.
A: Seriously? Look at it and I’m sure it’s starting to spit with
rain. A: So, what about you? Do you have any plans?

B: Come on! Stop moaning! We’re in the mountains, B: I’m supposed to be visiting a friend, but to be honest, I’m
getting some fresh air, exercise. so behind with work, I might need the time to catch up.

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A: Well, if you need a break from the computer, come and I’ll be seeing him later.
join us.
B: Oh, right. Yeah. Sure. I’ll bear that in mind. Thanks.
There’s supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight.

Unit 3 Recording 2
It’s set to change in the future.
It’s supposed to be warming up.
I’m hoping to avoid the flooding.
The hot weather is set to continue.
It should brighten up this afternoon.

So beware if you’re considering travelling there. Unit 3 Recording 5


Temperatures should drop.

A: What are you up to tomorrow morning?
B: I’m thinking of going for a walk. Do you fancy coming?
They’ll still be serving if we go now.
A: Seriously? Haven’t you heard? There’s going to be a
6 thunderstorm tomorrow.

I’m supposed to be visiting a friend. B: Is that right? Well, in that case, I might as well stay at

Unit 3 Recording 3 A: But apparently, it should brighten up in the afternoon, so

we could go somewhere then.
B: Oh. I’m not sure if I can. I’m supposed to be meeting a
I’ll be seeing him later. friend for a coffee then.
2 A: OK. Well, never mind. Next time, then.
There’s supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight.

3 Unit 3 Recording 6
It’s set to change in the future. 1

4 The government’s promised to crack down on tax

I’m hoping to avoid the flooding.
The prosecution’s asked the judge to throw the case out.
It should brighten up this afternoon.

Unit 3 Recording 4 The driver admitted breaking the law.

Activists have criticised the judge’s decision.
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5 would end up in their garden or hit their roof or

whatever. . .
His lawyers argued that he won’t get a fair trial.
B: That must get quite annoying.
A: Yeah, but it was only a few times a year, and the club
The judge warned the jury to ignore press reports about
offered to pay for any damage, so ...
the trial.
B: It could still be dangerous, though, like if it hit you on the
head …
The airline blamed the delay on technical problems.
A: I guess, but that never happened. Anyway, they wanted
to try and force the club to stop playing cricket there,
Unit 3 Recording 7 even though that had been going on for years and years
before they even moved in.
B: That’s a pretty extreme demand. So what happened in
The government’s promised to crack down on tax the end?
A: Oh, it sounds like the judge just threw it out of court,
2 which makes perfect sense. I mean, they must’ve known
they’d be living near a cricket pitch when they moved
The prosecution’s asked the judge to throw the case out.
there, you know.
B: Yeah. Fair enough. Does that mean that residents
The driver admitted breaking the law. shouldn’t be able to complain about the noise from bars
or clubs if they move into a lively area?
A: I guess so. Do you think that’s a good thing?
Activists have criticised the judge’s decision.
B: Absolutely. If you want to live close to where the action
is, you have to expect some noise.
His lawyers argued that he won’t get a fair trial.

6 Unit 3 Recording 9
The judge warned the jury to ignore press reports about
Hello. I’m Alaistair Vesten and welcome to my podcast,
the trial.
Vesten Investigates. This week’s episode is all about
7 students who sue their university.

The airline blamed the delay on technical problems. Don’t forget to subscribe, like and share.

You’ve probably read in the paper recently that the

Unit 3 Recording 8 number of students in the UK has doubled over the last 20
years. That’s all good news but with so many more
students in education, the chances of things going wrong in
a small number of cases has also increased. Take the
A: Did you see that thing in the paper about the couple who
case of the student who sued his university when he failed
took their local cricket club to court?
an assignment. The student in question got just seventeen
B: No. What was that? marks out of a possible one hundred for the project. Not
satisfied with this, he asked for it to be re-marked. It was
A: Oh, there was this couple who lived next door to a
and his grade was revised upwards to… eighteen out of
cricket pitch and every now and then a ball from a game
one hundred. The student, however, was nothing if not
persistent and so he took the university to court, claiming
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that the university broke their own guidelines by having the career as much as she had been led to believe, and this
same examiner re-mark the assignment. The student was despite the fact that she got a first. She claimed that
asked the judge to declare the project a pass. she chose the course on the basis of the claims in the
Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the judge ruled in favour of the university’s brochure but that the university misrepresented
university and advised the student to accept the situation the value of the degree to her career and that in fact it was
and move on with his life. worth much less than she had paid for it. Once again, the
student lost her case but she did highlight the importance
We can only hope that the student in question takes this
for all students of doing research before making a final
advice and doesn’t appeal against the verdict!
decision on a course.
But while this story may be amusing, it does point to the
Let’s not forget, studying is expensive and time-
fact that studying at university is expensive and only
consuming. The average UK student leaves university with
getting more so. In the US the cost of a university
debts of over fifty thousand pounds – most students will
education has increased eight times faster than wages
still be repaying those debts in their 50s. Three quarters of
over the last 30 years and of course student expectations
graduates will never pay off their debts. It’s only natural
have risen accordingly. Students increasingly see
then that students demand the highest standards and
university as a service and themselves as customers. This
value for money from their university. Perhaps it’s also
has led to some students taking their university to court
natural that when things don’t go to plan, we all look for
when they felt that the university has, as the legal term
someone else to blame. The story of these students is a
goes, broken the terms of the agreement.
warning to all that it may be harder to prove than you think.
Take the graduate who, eleven years after taking his
That’s all for now. Join me next week as I investigate
finals, sued his university because he didn’t get a first. In
another topic and don’t forget to subscribe, like, share and
case you don’t know the British degree classification
leave a comment. Ta-ta!
system, a first is short for a ‘first-class honours’ and is the
highest class of degree that you can get. The student
claimed that failing to get a first had cost him a career as a Unit 3 Recording 10
high-flying lawyer and for this reason he wanted one million
pounds compensation. The reason for not getting a first, Fractions: a half; two thirds; a quarter; four fifths
according to the student, was that the university had failed
Multiples (describing a change): halved; doubled; tripled;
to teach him adequately. The university denied all charges
quadrupled; increased tenfold
and, perhaps unsurprisingly, the judge ruled against the
student. Multiples (describing a state): twice as high; five times
more expensive; three times as many students
However, when you consider that the number of
students getting a first class degree has tripled over the
last thirty years, it’s possible to argue that for ambitious Unit 3 Recording 11
students, failure to get a first can change their lives. So
when this particular student claimed that failure to get a 1
first had ruined his life, he may not have been joking. What
…so, the question is, how many students are actually in
he failed to show was that it was the university’s fault
full-time education? Well, the numbers show that in the UK
rather than his own.
there are a little less than two million adult students. That
New data underlines the importance of a good degree in means that roughly a third of all 18-24-year-olds are
career terms. The average salary for UK graduates is one studying full time. That’s quite an impressive number of
and a half times higher than for non-graduates. What, people and, because many students in the UK travel to
though, if you graduate and find that you still can’t get the other towns to study, in some places the number of 18-24
job and the salary that you wanted? One student sued her year olds almost triples during term time because there are
university for fifty thousand pounds because she claimed so many students.
that, having graduated, the degree had not helped her
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So, my country, Australia, has about one and a half 2

million students in higher education and about a quarter of
He didn't even offer to help.
them are international students. One and a half million –
that’s a huge number, I mean particularly given that the 3
population is only around 25 million. But what you also
They didn't even apologise.
notice is that people from the major cities are much more
likely to go to university than people who live in more rural 4
areas, almost twice as likely, according to official statistics.
They even tried to blame us.
That’s a big disparity.
I could hardly believe my ears.
… And of course, working part-time while you study is
very common. Delivering pizza, serving coffee, stacking 6
shelves, all of these jobs are common ways to make
She hardly spoke to me all evening.
money for students and in fact around three-fifths of
students in many university towns have work like this.
What’s more surprising is that some take this even further Unit 3 Recording 14
and have a full-time job while studying. Can you imagine!
OK, it’s only around a fifth of students who do this but still,
the numbers seem to be increasing.
A: Did you know I once ran a marathon?

B: Seriously? Or are you joking?

Unit 3 Recording 12 A: No, it’s true. It was quite a long time ago now, but I did
it. Sport never really used to be my thing. I mean, I
1 hardly ever watched it or anything, but my flat mate at
I could hardly hear myself think. the time was really into jogging and managed to
persuade me to join her one night.
B: OK.
He didn't even offer to help.
A: And I just took to it. Within a few weeks, I was totally
3 addicted and found myself running longer and longer
They didn't even apologise. distances every day. I mean, I even started running to
and from work, you know. And so the logical thing to do
4 was to start setting targets for myself: 5K, 10K, half-
They even tried to blame us. marathon . . . and then the big one.

5 B: Wow. That must’ve involved loads of training.

I could hardly believe my ears. A: Yeah, it did, but it was worth it. It’s one of the things I’m
most proud of in my life. I’ll tell you what, though. It
6 wasn’t easy.
She hardly spoke to me all evening. B: No, I bet it wasn’t.

A: From about the eighteen-mile mark on, I couldn’t even

Unit 3 Recording 13 feel my legs. And when I crossed the finishing line, I was
half-dead. When I took my trainers off, they were full of
I could hardly hear myself think.
B: Oh! Spare me the details! Please.
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an experiment where carers choose ‘boys’’ toys such as

Unit 3 Recording 15 cars and robots for a baby girl dressed as a boy and ‘girls’’
toys such as dolls for a baby boy dressed as a girl.
Hello everyone. Thanks for coming today . . . Why do Abdelmoneim goes on to explain how this kind of toy and
men and women continue to be treated differently in the activity selection for different genders impacts on kids’
world of work? Women are still paid less when they do achievements in areas such as Maths. Basically, boys
similar types of work to men; and they’re less likely to work typically do better in these areas because they get to
in areas such as engineering and science, but more likely practise these things more in their play.
to do jobs in the arts and the caring professions. Yet even
Abdelmoneim attempts to prove these points through a
in those areas where there are plenty of women, there are
series of experiments carried out in a primary school class.
still more men in management positions. I believe the
These range from rearranging a coat cupboard which had
important question to ask ourselves is: why? I’m here today
been separated into girls and boys, to displaying ‘gender
to talk to you about an interesting documentary on this
equal’ messages in the room such as ‘boys are sensitive’
subject presented by Dr Javid Abdelmoneim. He believes it
and ‘girls are clever’, to giving girls and boys extra practice
is all to do with nurture – the way we bring up our kids. So,
in areas that they are supposedly bad at. They also did a
what I’ll do first is give you a brief outline of the
number of awareness-raising tasks to challenge their
programme; I’ll then go on to give some of my own
ideas. For example, the kids had to assess how they think
thoughts, before finally opening up the floor for discussion.
they would do in a strength test and then compare this
OK …
against how they actually performed. The girls saw both
how they performed equally with the boys, and also got to
Unit 3 Recording 16 notice how they undervalued themselves. At the end of the
three-month experiment, the results showed improvements
discussion … OK, so the documentary is called No more in all the areas first tested, compared to another class that
girls and boys: can our kids go gender free? It shows how didn’t take part in the experiments.
seven-year-olds are already forming strong ideas about the
OK. So, that’s the outline. Now, turning to my own
difference between boys and girls and their future roles,
thoughts, I found the programme really fascinating. It made
but – importantly – it also aims to reveal how these
me think a lot about my own education and upbringing.
attitudes are formed and how they can be changed.
Overall, I suppose the programme was more focused on
Dr Abdelmoneim presents evidence from a brain expert boosting girls’ self-esteem, because it’s women who suffer
who explains that there is basically no physical difference inequality later in life, but what I liked most was that the
between the brains of boys and girls at this age. He adds experiment also benefited boys. I’ve since seen one of the
that this is also true when it comes to strength: seven-year- mothers being interviewed and she commented on how her
old boys and girls have the same muscle mass. Yet when son was better behaved and nicer to his sister as a result
the kids’ attitudes are tested, they show major differences: of the changes at school.
boys have higher self-esteem and they judge their own
I suppose my main doubt about it is how far these ideas
intelligence more highly than girls do. On the other hand,
could be implemented in every school and every class and
boys score lower than the girls in terms of the vocabulary
how far such changes would really change gender
they use to describe their emotions – well, all emotions
inequality at work if they were. For example, one task
apart from anger, that is.
involved students meeting professionals who challenged
Typically, girls use words connected with looks to talk the kids’ stereotypes – such as a female mechanic and a
about themselves: pretty, lipstick, dresses, ugly . . . but use male make-up artist. How easy would that be to organise
words like football, in charge, strong and fighting to talk everywhere? And what happens in the next class they
about boys. Abdelmoneim suggests that if there is no have? Do these attitudes last?
difference between girls and boys physically or mentally at
I believe that to make a real difference, we need to train
this age, then these differences in attitude must come from
teachers and even structure schools differently. It’s not the
the messages we pass on to kids. He gives the example of
easiest solution, but I believe radical thinking about how we
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treat girls and boys in the classroom is the only way to help
change attitudes for good.

OK. That’s basically all I have to say for the moment, but
I’d like to open things out to the group now and see what
you think or if you have any questions. … Anyone … don’t
be shy … Yes …

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Unit 4 Recording 1 A: Three or four years I guess. OK. So the second person
is Jerome, who’s the oldest person I know.
B: OK – Is he your grandfather?
My sister Ana, whose husband you met yesterday, is
having a party. A: No, no. He’s no relation.

2 B: So how did you meet each other?

Andrew’s mother, who I’ve never really liked, is staying A: When I was at school there was this scheme whereby
with us. students did voluntary work in the community. Anyway, I
used to help out at this care home and I met Jerome
3 there. He’d had a stroke and I was helping him.
The twins are five now, which is a lovely age, really. Although his walking had been affected by the stroke,
he was still pretty sharp and we just got on.
B: So do you still see him?
There are twenty other people in the class, all of whom are
older than me. A: Yeah, yeah. I saw him last week actually. He’s amazing.
Still really active.
B: So how long have you known each other?
Old people face many problems, most of which don’t get
addressed. A: I guess about eight years. And the last person is Mo –
who’s three. He’s my older sister’s son.

B: Wow – you’re an uncle!

Unit 4 Recording 2
A: Yeah, yeah.

B: So how’s that?
A: So the first person is Paula, who lived on my street.
A: It’s OK. I like it, but he’s still shy so he doesn’t really like
B: Is she someone you know well? to play with me or do much. He’s cute though.
A: I wouldn’t have said we were friends or anything, but I’d
always say hello if I saw her, you know. Also, she was in
my brother’s class at school. Unit 4 Recording 3

B: OK. A= Man G = Grandmother

A: Anyway, the other day she was on TV taking part in a A: So, Granny, do you remember what I was like as a little
new talent show. I knew she liked singing and my boy?
brother said she was always very focused and had real G: Oh, do I remember! You were a one, I can tell you.
potential, but I’d never actually heard her sing. Anyway,
apparently she went off to study at a performing arts A: A bit of a handful?
school, which is why I guess I haven’t seen much of her G: Aye, just a wee bit. You were cheeky, you were. Always
recently. getting up to mischief.
B: Right. So she doesn’t live in your street anymore? A: I loved swimming, didn’t I?
A: Well, the rest of her family do. But I haven’t seen her for G: You know, when you turned up at my door every
ages. I think she said on the show she was already holiday, because of course you lived in London and I
working as a singer. She’s obviously pretty independent was up here in Scotland, which is a fair old way…
and able to stand on her own two feet.
A: Definitely!
B: How long is it since you last saw her then?
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G: …well, when you turned up the first thing you’d do is A: Granny!

jump in the loch, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, it
G: No, well, that’s how it is now, isn’t it? Young men don’t
was the first thing you’d do…
have much time for old women and you were busy
A: … I know, that loch in winter was a warm bath, believe travelling around the world and then settling down with
me! your girlfriend…

G: Oh, you wouldn’t catch me taking a dip in there in A: What a great choice that was!
winter, I can tell you.
G: Well, never mind though, I mean, it’s all good life
A: I just didn’t seem to care. I loved coming up here, to experience, isn’t it?
your house…
A: I suppose so.
G: Aye well, you were a happy wee lad with a stubborn
G: Maybe she wasn’t the right one for you but there are
plenty more fish in the sea!
A: I know. I was very stubborn, wasn’t I?…
A: That’s what you always say, Granny! ‘Plenty more fish in
G: Very! the sea!’

A: Life was so simple then. And do you remember when I G: Aye, well, it’s true now isn’t it? And I bet you never
ran away from home as a teenager? imagined yourself living up here now, did you?

G: Aye, just a wee thing you were still, thirteen was it? A: Hmm… no, I guess not, but you know, when I thought
about it, it just made sense.
A: Fourteen!
G: Aye…
G: And you made your way up here all alone.
A: Like coming back home. I wanted to live where I felt
A: I think I’d had a row with Dad…
happiest and that had always been here.
G: Aye, he’d kicked you out, hadn’t he? That’s why you
G: Here in Scotland where the sun shines every day!
came up here?
A: Hmm, not sure about that.
A: He hadn’t exactly kicked me out but I definitely didn’t
feel welcome for a while so I thought, well, I’ll act on my G: But you’ve got a wee lass up here, haven’t you?
own initiative and go somewhere where I am welcome…
A: Rachel you mean? Yes.
G: …Aye, you could always stand on your own two feet.
G: And she’s a smart girl for choosing you. Very on the ball,
A: So I hopped on the train and came up here to see you. she is.

G: And oh, your mother was happy about that, let me tell A: Aww, thanks Granny. I think the relationship has
you! definitely got potential.

A: She didn’t know where I was, did she?

G: Worried sick she was! And I can’t blame her. Unit 4 Recording 4
A: But you looked after me. 1

G: Aye, well, I could hardly send you straight back home A: … I don’t care. It’s SO unfair. You’re SO mean to me!
now, could I?
B: Well, that went well.
A: No… And then of course we didn’t see so much of each
other for a few years…
G: No, well, that’s only natural, isn’t it? You being a young
man and me just an old woman…
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A: I’m just popping out to see Kevin and Danny. Is that Unit 4 Recording 6
B: Oh, yes, wonderful. Have a great time.
I had to go to the Clios, this awards ceremony for people
3 in advertising. It’s a huge black-tie event, which isn’t really
A: Wow. I thought that was a really good film. my style at all. I actually only possess one dress – a
flowery silk thing handed down to me from my grandma
B: Yeah, I thought it was excellent. and I only keep that for sentimental reasons, really. I mean,
4 it doesn’t really even fit me. So anyway, as I couldn’t get
out of going to the do – and believe me I tried! – I ended up
A: Well, Ms Wexford, it looks like you need two fillings and borrowing an outfit from a friend – dress, high-heels, bag –
a new crown on your tooth… here. the lot. People said I looked very elegant, but I just felt very
B: Arg! Oh! Guess it’s my lucky day! awkward the whole evening, completely weird – like a
different person altogether.
A: Oh wonderful. And I forgot my umbrella.
Yeah, I have a checked shirt I bought when I was on
6 holiday a few years ago. It’s blue and a really nice reddish
A: … so listen, Grandpa, just open up the programme, colour and it’s quite thick and warm. Anyway,
save the file, export it to PDF, upload it to this website unfortunately, it’s beginning to get holes in it at the elbows.
… here and then I’ll be able to get it and edit it for you. I suppose I could get them patched up or something, but
Clear? I’m not sure it’d look that good. I’m going to have to throw it
out at some point, but at the moment I’m still clinging on to
B: Err. No. I haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about. it!

Unit 4 Recording 5 Oh, my word! I’ve pretty much had everything going. I
1 mean, until I was about 14 I basically just wore it long –
and sometimes if I was trying to be a bit more sophisticated
I guess she is QUITE trendy, yeah. I put it up in a bun. And then when I was 15, I started going
2 through this rebellious stage and one day I literally just cut
it all off. My dad had a fit when he saw it ‘What have you
It was QUITE expensive. done?’ ‘You can’t go out like that’, ‘it’s shameful’. When it
3 grew back again I dyed it pink. Then I went for a kind of
Marilyn Monroe look – like a blonde wavy bob. Then I had
It’s QUITE casual – but not very. it long and natural. Then it was short hair with highlights. I
4 don’t know, I like to change things up – life gets boring
otherwise, right?
It’s QUITE tight, but it should be OK.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m into my grooming and,
It’s QUITE long, but you wear it well. having a beard, it can easily end up looking scruffy if you
6 don’t take care of it properly. I cut it back a bit once a week
and I scrub it almost every day. I use a very nice beard
I guess it does look QUITE similar. wash containing coconut oil and honey. I also sometimes
use a citrus oil to soften it. Apart from the beard, I style my
eyebrows and I use a gel for my hair. Dealing with my
facial hair takes me about 10 minutes in the morning. I
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moisturise religiously every day, especially where I have A: So I guess I obviously owe my parents a real debt of
my tattoo to make sure it stays looking sharp and doesn’t gratitude as they’ve influenced me in all sorts of different
fade. ways, but probably the thing that’s impacted me the
most is music. Actually my mum plays the violin and the
piano, so I guess that may account for my lifelong
Unit 4 Recording 7 obsession with music.
1 B: So doesn’t that make your parents the biggest
I had to go to the Clios, this awards ceremony for people in
advertising A: I suppose, but she was really into classical music and at
13 or 14, all I was listening to and playing was thrash
and metal.
I actually only possess one dress – a flowery silk thing
B: Right, so you were rebelling against your mum.
handed down to me from my grandma
A: Maybe a bit. I think it was more a way for me to stand
out in the crowd because there weren’t that many kids at
I have a checked shirt I bought when I was on holiday a my age into that stuff. The people were just a bit older
few years ago. than me – 14, 15 you know.
4 B: Your mum didn’t worry about that?
Then I had it long and natural. Then it was short hair with A: No, she was happy if I was happy – she was only
highlights. bothered if things got out of control at the concerts I
went to.
B: Did they?
I use a very nice beard wash containing coconut oil and
honey. A: There were a couple of incidents that were a bit scary,
Unit 4 Recording 8 but I think that also helped me stand on my own two feet
a bit more – become a bit more independent.
B: So do you think music has been more influential than
I participated in a competition. your education?
2 A: Yeah – because I went to university later than most,
music basically was my education. Lots of lyrics feel
I was always keen on sports.
more relevant to me than half of what I learned at
3 school. And that’s what led me into involvement in
politics – which I’d say is the next biggest influence.
I’m useless at cooking.
B: What about the fashion? I have to say I wouldn’t have
guessed you were into thrash metal.
I have great belief in myself.
A: No, that was never a big thing for me. I mean back in
5 the day I did dress a bit that way, but it wasn’t at all
important. It was always first the music, the politics and
They put emphasis on education.
then all the friendships that I made as a result of liking
those things.

Unit 4 Recording 9 B: Right, but you’d put your friends after music and politics.

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A: Yeah, because they became my friends as a result of

the music. What about you? What do you think has
made you the person you are now?

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Unit 5 Recording 1 An: So what’s your point, Amos? What would you like us
to know?
Angela Hassan:
Am: Well, I’d like to kick off with some statistics if I may.
You’re listening to afternoon radio with me, Angela
Hassan. After the break, the phones lines will be open and An: Sure. Why not? Everyone loves a good stat.
we’ll be discussing whether we’ve reached breaking point Am: Well, did you know that the London tube offers less
with our daily commute and what might change. But first, than .45 square metres per passenger and
appropriately enough, here’s the travel news with Sophie temperatures in summer frequently exceed 30
Marchant. degrees – worse than the conditions required by law
Travel news reporter: for transporting farm animals? And you must have
seen pictures of the Tokyo Oshiyas, who actually
Hi. Well, I’ve got bad news, I’m afraid, for those who are push people onto the trains during rush hour, to
trying to get home on the M79 motorway this evening. squeeze everyone on.
There’s been a pile-up on the northbound carriageway
including several cars and a lorry that has shed its load. An: Yes, I have. Not the best way to start your day!
Queues have been forming and there’s already a tailback Am: Certainly not! And then there is the question of the
of about three kilometres. Police say they are unlikely to time we spend commuting. In the UK, in general,
clear the debris from the crash before the rush hour starts commuting times have been rising and have recently
and are advising drivers to take other routes, if at all broken the hour mark.
An: That’s pretty shocking … though I’d imagine that must
Elsewhere, there are roadworks on the southern bypass be the same around the world, no?
between the Hinkley and Bridgetown turn-offs. Diversions
are in place, but there are further hold-ups in the vicinity Am: Of course it is, yeah. I mean, you get even longer
and as a result traffic is crawling in many places. commute times in Beijing, Moscow, Bogota, many
cities round the world.
On the railways, there are severe delays on the eastern
mainline due to a power failure. A replacement bus service An: Absolutely, yeah. So, what’s to be done? Can we do
is in operation. anything about it? Should we, do you think?

Finally, some better news, police had set up a roadblock Am: Well, these are big questions. I mean, your last
on High Street and Forest Avenue and evacuated the area question is really interesting, because I think it does
due to a suspicious package. However, police have now touch on the point that some people actually like
given the all-clear and the streets are open to pedestrians commuting and it doesn’t have to be dead time –
again and traffic is flowing freely. people can be doing something more productive than
just staring into space.
That’s all from me for the moment – CCRS live travel
news: on the hour, every hour, Back to you, Angela. An: You mean work?

Am: No, no. Absolutely not. It worries me that wifi now

means that our daily lives are increasingly being taken
Unit 5 Recording 2
over by work. No. I’m talking about doing something
An = Angela Am = Amos S = Simon creative. The other day I came across Amy Dickett’s
commute blog, for instance, which is a project where
An: So, welcome back. For the next hour the lines are she takes a picture of people on her commute and
open and we’re waiting for your calls about asks them questions about their lives and I just
commuting. First up, I think we have Amos Cohen. thought ‘This is great’. It makes the commute
Amos. Welcome. something positive by bringing people together and
Am: Thank you. Nice to be here. sharing.

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An: OK. Well, thanks for that. Interesting stuff. We have 2

another caller here who has a take on this too –
After the break, the phone lines will be open and we’ll be
Simon. Go ahead. What have you got to say?
discussing whether we’ve reached breaking point with our
S: Yeah, I … er … I regularly commute by train and a daily commute.
couple of years ago I set up a book club on my line.
An: OK. That sounds unusual. Talk us through how that
I’ve got bad news, I’m afraid, for those who’re trying to get
came about.
home on the M79 motorway this evening.
S: Yeah, well. I’d been taking the same train for about
two years and I’d see the same people a lot of the
time, but we never really spoke to each other because Queues have been forming and there’s already a tailback
we’d all have our heads in a book or whatever. of about three kilometres
Anyway, one day I actually met one of these guys at a
friend’s party and we started chatting and we ended
up talking about a book we were reading – because People can be doing something more productive than just
he’d noticed I had the same one as him and anyway, staring into space.
from there we got this idea that we should have a
regular meeting on the train with other passengers
about the books we’re reading and we made some It worries me that wifi now means that our daily lives are
flyers and just … yeah … got it going like that. increasingly being taken over by work.

An: So how does it work? I mean, do you all read the 7

same book.
No, I’m talking about doing something creative.
S: Yeah, there’s 10 to 15 of us and we choose a book
through a WhatsApp group and every two weeks, on
the Friday 7.15 train we meet and talk about what we I’d been taking the same train for about two years and I’d
think. see the same people a lot of the time.

An: I’m not sure I’d be in a state to talk about books at that 9
time in the morning myself.
We ended up talking about a book we were reading.
S: No, it’s fine. We’re all used to it, but you also find the
discussion will start up again on other journeys if we
see each other. It gives a purpose to the journey
beyond just getting to work. Unit 5 Recording 4
An: Thank you, Simon. That’s fascinating. Given that 1
we’re never going to end commuting altogether, The tailback’s getting worse and worse.
maybe what we need to do is to seek ways of making
it a positive experience by enabling these kinds of
creative and social encounters. 2

We’d been crawling along for hours.

Unit 5 Recording 3 3

They’ve been setting up roadblocks all over the country.

You’re listening to afternoon radio with me, Angela
Hassan. It was snowing really heavily.
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5 dear friend in the form of Dame Marjory Eagle, the owner

of this football club. Please join us in remembering her.
I’ll be taking the train up there.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Farnaz Bacquri and I’m
The train must be running late.
your chief flight attendant. On behalf of Captain Mahsud
and the entire crew, I’d like to welcome you aboard JL
Unit 5 Recording 5 Airlines flight 312 to Islamabad.

May I please have your attention? The store will be closing
The tailback’s getting worse and worse.
in five minutes. Please make your way to the checkouts.
2 We thank you for shopping with us today.
We’d been crawling along for hours. 7
3 Attention please, this is the final call for passengers on
Lennox Airways flight 057 to Madrid, boarding gate number
They’ve been setting up roadblocks all over the country.
It was snowing really heavily.
Ladies and gentlemen, with summer fast approaching get
5 15% off all swimwear at Beachhouse. That’s right, 15% off
all swimwear at Beachhouse on the second floor.
I’ll be taking the train up there.

Unit 5 Recording 7
The train must be running late.
1 On a bus.

Unit 5 Recording 6 The final destination of this bus has changed. Please listen
for further announcements.
2 At a stadium
May I have your attention please on platform seven. We
Ladies and gentlemen, a message from the police. They’ve
are sorry to announce that the nine thirty-six WingRail
asked us to tell you that the exit on the south side of the
service to Durham has been cancelled. This is due to a
stadium will be closed after the game. Please exit via the
driver shortage. WingRail apologises for the disruption to
west or north side. Thank you.
your journey today.
3 In a train station.
Here is a special announcement. A replacement bus
This bus terminates here. Please take all your belongings
service is in operation between East Croydon and Gatwick
with you.
Airport. Please allow extra time for your journey.
4 On a bus.
Doctor Issac please call zero. Doctor Issac.
Ladies and gentleman please move right down inside the
4 bus. Move right down inside the bus. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, we ask that you rise for a moment …
of silence. Last week, our club and the football world lost a

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A ticket check is about to commence. Please have your 4

tickets or passes ready for inspection.
Nearing the top of the mountain, we came to a glacier.
5 On a flight.
Ladies and gentlemen the captain has illuminated the
Based in a mountainous region, the group operated very
seatbelt sign in preparation for landing. Please return to
your seat. At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray
tables are in their full upright position and that your seat 6
belt is correctly fastened. Also, your portable electronic
Having climbed the ridge before, I was feeling confident.
devices must be set to ‘airplane’ mode until the plane is
safely landed and on standby at the gate.
6 In a shop. Unit 5 Recording 9
Clean up in aisle six. Clean up aisle six. 1
7 In a shop. Karachay-Cherkessia is a fairly mountainous Russian
republic just north of Georgia, not far from the Black Sea. It
Emergency evacuation. This is not a drill. Please proceed
doesn’t get many tourists and isn’t really a very wealthy
calmly to the nearest exit. We repeat, please remain calm.
area, so they could use the money. It is incredibly beautiful,
Do not panic. Please proceed to the nearest exit.
though. Most of the republic’s located up in the highlands
8 In an airport and there are some big rivers like the Teberda and the
Kuban flowing through the valleys. You can explore the
Your attention please, all passengers on flight 482 to Milan,
lakes and glaciers and caves as well as mountains, where
boarding is about to commence at gate 8. Please make
you might get to see some eagles . . . and you can go
your way to gate 8. Thank you.
hiking or horse-riding or even skiing. I think the best way to
9 In a train station promote it would be to make a video of maybe a couple
doing some of these things, shown from their point of view,
Please be aware that pickpockets operate in this station.
and promote that via social media. Keep it simple and let
Please keep your belongings with you at all times and don’t
the landscape speak for itself.
leave any baggage unattended. Thank you.
10 In a shopping centre
The Chàm islands are off the coast of Vietnam. The
The blue Volkswagen, licence plate number FGK 854T, is
area is a national park and marine reserve, where you can
parked illegally. Will the owner please remove the car?
go diving or do other water sports. And there’s lots of
wildlife. It is an amazing place, but it’s having some
Unit 5 Recording 8 problems because of tourism. For example, one of the
most important things about the area is the sea grass that
1 grows around the island and it’s being damaged by people
using speed boats. Thinking about that, maybe they should
Most mornings, I’ll walk along the shoreline with my dog,
just ban those kinds of boats. I can’t decide if it would be
looking out across the water.
best to limit numbers by just putting up the entrance fee to
2 the park, or by having a lottery for entrance tickets. Another
way would be to tighten the rules about the kinds of
Hidden away in its own little valley, it’s about a thousand
activities that are offered. Making sure that activities don’t
metres above sea level.
disturb wildlife or cause environmental damage would
3 probably discourage tour operators offering cheap deals for
large groups and, as I say, maybe it’d mean banning speed
Having analysed the data, they published their rather
shocking findings in the journal Science.
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boats and things like that. I guess any advertising could Unit 5 Recording 12
focus on the conservation side of things.

My friend lives in a house with his parents. The house

Unit 5 Recording 10 itself is pretty normal for round here. I guess the one thing I
1 notice is there are lots of bookshelves and they still have
stacks of DVDs, which I find a bit weird. His parents work
a budget of half a million at a university I think. His room is full of all this stuff. Like
2 he has video games and books and stuff, but he also has a
collection of cola bottles and little plastic figures he’s got
a lot of antique furniture out of chocolate eggs and loads of other little bits and
3 pieces. Everything’s really neatly arranged. He’s also got
lots of really cool posters and sketches and other things
full of clutter he’s done. He says he wants to become a designer and he
4 is really good at art and stuff like that so I suppose it
reflects that side of his personality.
stacks of books
My gran has a top-floor flat in a block of flats in a suburb
all kinds of Asian ornaments of Valencia, Spain. It’s a fairly typical modern flat – it’s
6 reasonably spacious – it has polished marble floors,
smallish kitchen. She has a cleaner come in a couple of
a set of framed photographs times a week, so it’s always very clean and tidy – although
she has one room with a lot of clutter in it – stuff from her
old house she’s just never got rid of. The thing I really like
Unit 5 Recording 11 about it is the view. It overlooks the huerta, which is the
1 farmland where they grow fruit and vegetables and there’s
also a ridge of small mountains in the distance and you can
a budget of half a million also see the shoreline of the sea. Our flat in London just
2 overlooks other houses so it’s a big difference. There are
two other things I always think of with her flat. On the wall
a lot of antique furniture in the living room there is a set of framed photos of nine of
3 her children which are in like one long strip and then there
is a separate photo added below for her tenth child, my
full of clutter mum! The other thing is this antique lamp that she has
4 hanging from the ceiling in the spare bedroom. It hangs
quite low and the number of times I have hit my head on it
stacks of books getting out of bed! I hate that lamp!

all kinds of Asian ornaments Unit 5 Recording 13

6 H = Host G = Guest
a set of framed photographs H: Nasrin?

G: Yes.

H: Hi. Come in, come in. How was your journey?

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G: Fine. An early start but yeah, OK. H: Thanks. That’d be appreciated.

H: Well, just leave your bags there for the moment I’ll show G: OK. Well thanks for the info. Oh, one last thing. Did you
you round … say it was OK to use the washing machine?

G: … Thanks for the tour. It’s a lovely place you’ve got H: Yes of course, but preferably ask me first – just in case I
here. need it.

H: Thank you. I’m glad you like it. And as I said, make G: Sure.
yourself at home. If there’s anything else you need, just
H: You can use the line on the balcony and if you need to
ask, OK.
do a bit of ironing …
G: I will. Actually, there was one other thing. Could you just
G: Oh don’t worry – I never bother with ironing. Life’s too
tell me a bit more about the area? You know, what there
is to see and do round here.
H: Yeah, unfortunately I can’t avoid it. OK well – I’ll leave
H: Yeah, sure. Well, as you probably saw on your way
you to unpack and get settled in.
here, it’s a fairly lively area. If you’re into Korean or
Japanese food, check out Dotori on the main road. It’s a G: Thanks.
must. They have the best sushi ever!

G: OK. Well, that sounds good. Would we need to book? Unit 5 Recording 14
H: It depends a bit on the day, but I think it’d probably be
wise to. I have been disappointed a couple of times. I
can message you the number later on, if you want. I’d prefer to stay here.

G: Thank you. 2

H: And you really ought to go and have a look at Factory. I’d ask him, if I were you.
It’s a big old warehouse down near the river that they’ve
recently renovated and converted into an arts centre.
They do free comedy nights on Fridays so . . . That would be your best bet, I guess.

G: Oh great! You’re spoilt for choice round here, aren’t 4

It’d probably be wise.
H: Well, the area’s changing pretty fast, that’s for sure.
G: And what about if I want to get into the centre? What’s
Would you mind?
the best way?
H: I guess your best bet would be to just get the 154 bus,
to be honest. It stops three minutes down the road from I would, but that’s just me.
here and it’ll take you right into the heart of town.

G: OK. And what about getting back late at night? What

time do the buses run till?

H: Midnight. Any later than that and it’s advisable to just get
a cab. Make sure you get a licensed one, though,
preferably. Just to be on the safe side. I usually use the
GrabTaxi app, so you might want to download that.

G: Will do. And I promise not to make any noise if I do

come back late.
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Unit 6 Recording 1 Unit 6 Recording 4

1 1

There were plenty of giants in the past that are now seen The economy has been growing quite slowly over the last
as ‘dinosaurs’ or that have shrunk quite dramatically. few years.

2 Over the last few years, the economy has been growing
quite slowly.
It always ended in tears in our house – with my parents
angrily telling my brother not to be a bully. 2

3 There are literally thousands of jobs on offer, but generally

they are pretty poorly paid.
Apparently, they wasted a lot of money redecorating when
they didn’t need to. There are literally thousands of jobs on offer, but they are
pretty poorly paid, generally.

Unit 6 Recording 2
Supposedly, they’re the smartest people around, but
personally, I think they’re fairly incompetent.
They’re supposedly the smartest people around, but I
3 personally think they’re fairly incompetent.
literally 4
4 I’d happily work for this company for the rest of my life, but
admittedly, I’m not terribly ambitious.
I’d work for this company happily for the rest of my life, but
I’m admittedly not terribly ambitious.
Unit 6 Recording 3
In the past, these companies led their markets, but they
Supposedly, it’s OK. have now shrunk dramatically or disappeared completely.
2 These companies led their markets in the past, but they
have now shrunk dramatically or completely disappeared.
Generally, it’s easy.

Unit 6 Recording 5
It’s literally next door.
The city of Palermo in Sicily, an island off the south
coast of Italy, proves how much can change when people
I’m obviously very happy. have the vision and courage to make it happen. In the past,
corruption and violence was a huge problem in Palermo,
but in 2004 a protest by the owners of a new bar against
They’re apparently not so bad. the criminal gangs proved to be a catalyst for change.
Other businesses joined their campaign and, thanks to

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local people, and the remarkable politicians they elected, Unit 6 Recording 7
the city has been transformed. As a result of this
transformation Palermo was rewarded by being named
Italy’s capital of culture in 2018, and the same year it Personally, I’d like to see the city that I’m from host a
hosted Manifesta, which is considered to be Europe’s most literary festival of some kind. I mean, we’ve produced some
prestigious art festival and is held in a different country really famous writers over the years and there’s still quite a
every couple of years. strong literary scene. We’re often considered to be one of
Over the course of the festival, tens of thousands of the capitals of national culture too, so it’d make sense. It
tourists visited the city to experience a wide range of would raise our profile, boost local pride and encourage a
artworks specially commissioned around the themes of bit more tourism as well. On top of all that, it wouldn’t break
migration, climate change, and the way communities are the bank. No multi-million-pound stadiums or airports or
being impacted by these issues. Palermo’s mayor anything would need to be commissioned, and we wouldn’t
welcomed the festival as an opportunity for the city to even need to bid to put it on. I mean, we could just decide
breathe new life into both its local and national identity, and to start our own annual event. I think it would be great.
the income generated by increased tourist numbers has
been spent on further cultural, artistic and tourist-boosting
Unit 6 Recording 8
L = Lori K = Katy
Despite the fact they are sometimes accused by critics
of being a waste of money, bids to host events such as L: Two years ago the owner of internet retail giant Zanzing,
Manifesta can clearly bring real benefits to the city that’s Marisa Soler, tasked the company’s management with
chosen. For starters, grants usually become available and, finding a new home for its headquarters. Since then,
if invested wisely, this money can put places firmly on the several cities have been battling with each other to host
map and bring in more visitors in the future. Perhaps even the new HQ. As yet there is no clear favourite and with
more important, though, is the impact on local residents, just two weeks to go till Zanzing announces its decision,
many of whom end up visiting cultural events for the first we take a look at the three cities that are most likely to
time in their lives. What’s more, it’s been shown that a be the home of the new HQ.
winning bid boosts local levels of well-being, confidence
and pride, which, it could be argued, is priceless. First with a summary of the project so far, here’s Katy
Unit 6 Recording 6
K: It’s rumoured that Zanzing will invest over 500 million
1 dollars to build their new headquarters, and will create
The event is believed to have brought benefits. up to five thousand new jobs in the process. No wonder
then, that cities have been desperate to hand Zanzing
2 an attractive deal. What is it, though, that the company
The World Cup is said to have earned Japan two trillion is looking for in their new location? Well, Zanzing has
Yen. provided a list of things which the city must have. The
list includes: a well-educated and diverse population of
3 over 200,000 and a well-developed transport
The boycott is reported to have hit the economy hard. infrastructure with good international links.

4 On top of that it can be assumed that grants and tax

breaks will be required and also that the city itself is
The first event is thought to have been in 1863. seen as a lively and exciting place where the people that
5 staff the company will be happy. Happy workers, they
hope, will mean a happy, and profitable, company!
The bid is claimed to have cost millions.
L: Thank you Katy. With that in mind, let’s take a look at
three of the main contenders for Zanzing’s new HQ …
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The population which was over 500,000 has fallen to

Unit 6 Recording 9 450,000 and the lack of investment in the city means
that it may not be as lively and exciting as Zanzing
L = Lori R = Reporter want.
L: Thank you, Katy. With that in mind, let’s take a look at L: And finally on to New Haling on the East Coast.
three of the main contenders for Zanzing’s new HQ.
R3: New Haling is definitely the largest and probably the
First up, Stanfield in the west.
best known of the three cities. With a population of
R1: Stanfield, with a population that has recently over one point two million the city is already home to
ballooned to 600,000 residents, is seen as a strong numerous technology companies and city leaders are
contender for the new Zanzing HQ. highlighting the thriving inner city, which makes it an
attractive location for Zanzing. It also has the well-
With three universities and a well-educated labour
educated labour force that Zanzing is looking for.
force, it has based its bid on offering the talent that
Zanzing is looking for. The so-called ‘Silicon Lakes’ Perhaps the biggest issue which New Haling faces is
area in Stanfield is one of the most important this: local residents are split on whether they want the
technology hubs in the region and it already houses new Zanzing HQ. Some believe that the more
several multi-national digital companies, although companies which locate here, the better for the
obviously nothing as big as Zanzing. economy of the city. Others argue that an extra five
thousand people, many of them with families, would
The city also has a large selection of available
hammer the already strained infrastructure of the city.
housing, an important consideration for workers when
New schools would be needed, new doctors, new
deciding whether to relocate to a new city that has
services and the cost of buying and renting in the city
grown so much recently. This quick growth, however,
would be pushed higher still.
is perhaps where Stanfield’s bid faces a problem. The
transport infrastructure is still not quite good enough, Having said all this, New Haling remains, in the minds
not yet at least, and although the city is promising to of most Zanzing employees, the most desirable
invest further, Zanzing may be put off. location for the new HQ and their view obviously
L:: Second on our list is Riverborough in the south.

R2: Often referred to as the Venice of the South,

Riverborough is full of confidence when it comes to Unit 6 Recording 10
attracting new business to its city and with the
Zanzing bid, they genuinely believe that they are most
likely to bag the new HQ. A: How’s it going? Are you enjoying the festival?
Key to their bid is the range of generous grants and B: Yeah. Yeah.
tax breaks that are on offer. The corporation tax here
A: You don’t sound so sure.
is the lowest in the south and as a result the number
of companies locating here has grown enormously. B: No, I am, I’ve already seen lots of good stuff. I just
expected it to be a bit more varied, I suppose. There’s
Beyond the issue of tax, however, Riverborough has a
so much cabaret and comedy.
strong bid in terms of transport infrastructure with
easy connections to the international airport and a A: Yeah, I know what you mean. But there is different stuff
newly opened tram route that joins the east and west out there, too.
of the city.
B: Sure. And don’t get me wrong, I do like good comedy
Although once called the Venice of the South, and cabaret. I’m just surprised how much there is here.
however, it is undeniable that Riverborough has faced
A: I suppose so, yeah. So, what’s the best thing you’ve
a number of challenges over the last two decades.
seen so far?
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B: Oh – a couple of things. I saw this band yesterday – A: Yeah, I guess if you’ve only seen him on TV, you
Turtle Moon – they were called. wouldn’t know that side to him, but that’s the kind of stuff
he’s always done in his stand-up.
A: That’s a terrible name!
B: Really? I just didn’t find it very funny.
B: I know. I wasn’t sure either, but they were much better
than I expected. They were just amazing. They had this A: Ah, come on! Didn’t you like that stuff about changing
incredible energy and they got everyone dancing. I his kid’s nappy?
suppose partly because it was a small gig and it’d be
B: Yeah, no. I did laugh at that, but not much else.
described as world music, I was expecting something
slower – you know, a bit more folky, so it was just a A: No? I really enjoyed it.
surprise and we all came out just with a real buzz.
B: Oh well. You can’t please everyone.
A: Yeah. It’s great when that happens.
A: No. So, what else have you seen?
B: And then the other great thing was this photographic
exhibition about industrial farming and the effect on
animals. Unit 6 Recording 11
A: OK. That doesn’t sound much fun. 1

B: No. I mean, obviously it’s not, and being a meat eater, It really wasn’t as scary as I was expecting.
it’s . . . it was challenging, shall we say.
A: Right. It’s not pretty, then.
You’d expect there to be far more people, wouldn’t you?
B: No, not at all. To be honest, I only really went because
my friend wanted to, but I found it really moving.
I suppose I was expecting something a bit more
A: You giving up meat then?
B: Not yet! But I am seriously beginning to think about it!
A: Wow! Powerful stuff, then.
I didn’t expect there to be so much audience participation.
B: Yeah, I didn’t expect it to have such an effect on me –
but if you see it …
I wasn’t expecting it to be such a long film.
A: Where is that?
B: A gallery on Commercial Road.
I was surprised how many people walked out halfway
A: OK. Maybe I’ll check it out.
B: Do. So, what about you? Have you seen anything good?

A: Well, I went to see Jim Charles last night. He was


B: Oh really? I saw him the night before.

A: You didn’t like it?

B: Well no, not really. I actually didn’t expect it to be so

basic and so rude! Some of it was so over-the-top!

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Unit 7 Recording 1 A: Yeah.

1 B: So, is that why she’s postponed her tour?

A: Good weekend? A: Who knows? Apparently she’s also had a big falling-out
with her family.
B: Yeah, it was lovely, actually. My aunt and uncle on my
mum’s side have been married fifty years now, so we B: Really? Wasn’t her brother managing her?
had a big family get-together to celebrate. A: Yeah, but there was some story that he might have
A: Wow. That must’ve been nice. been, shall we say, a bit inaccurate in his accounting.

B: Yeah, it was. It was lovely. I drove up to their place on B: Really? Mind you, I’m sure there are others trying to
Saturday morning and loads of my cousins were there, push their way in and get their hands on the money.
and, you know, I hadn’t seen half of them for ages . . . A: Isn’t it awful how money causes all these problems? As
A: Yeah, I remember you saying about how many you you say, it can’t be easy for anyone involved when life
have. changes so radically. There are so many pressures on
B: Right. There are so many of them I can’t even
remember all their names. B: Yeah. No, it doesn’t appeal to me – fame and fortune.

A: That must get awkward. 3

B: Well, I’ve developed survival strategies over the years, A: Hey. Did I tell you? Sasha and Alex are getting married.
you know. “Hello mate! Long time, no see”. That sort of B: Seriously? When did you hear that?
A: Oh, I bumped into Alex on my way in this morning and
A: Cunning. he let it slip while we were chatting. He said that they’d
B: Yeah. Then in the evening, we all went out to their both been working all hours over the last few months,
favourite Italian place for a big slap-up meal and I trying to put aside enough for the wedding.
stayed over for the night at my folks’ place. B: Cor. That can’t have been much fun.
A: Sounds great. A: I know, right. He did look pretty exhausted.
B: Yeah. What about you, anyway? Did you do anything B: Makes sense, though. I was wondering why I hadn’t
good? seen them around very much.
2 A: No, I know.
A: Did you see that thing in the paper about Bliss Simone? B: So when’s the big day?
B: No, what was that? A: Next June sometime. They’re hiring out the castle down
A: Apparently, she’s splitting up with whatshisname. I by the river.
mean – there was all that nonsense of a trial separation, B: Seriously? That place must cost a fortune.
but you know what that means…
A: Hence the crazy workload.
B: It doesn’t surprise me. Weren’t they like together since
school? B: Heh! Yeah.

A: Yeah, imagine going from that quiet life to suddenly

being attached to this huge star. Unit 7 Recording 2
B: I know. It must be tough being in the public eye all the 1
time – but with no real purpose. I’d hate it myself.
You must find that quite tough.
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2 B: Well, it definitely caused a lot of outrage and focused

people’s attention.
That must get pretty dull on occasion.
A: And I also think maybe it’s changed attitudes to those `
who live in social housing.
That must’ve been fascinating.
B: You think?
A: Yeah – I think when you heard their stories at the
I guess that can’t be avoided. inquiry, I think people had real sympathy. They
understood that these were hard-working people trying
to make a new life as best they could.
You can’t be very happy about that.
B: Maybe. I’m not so sure about that. I’m not sure how
6 many heard those stories or how long that sympathy
lasts. I hope I’m wrong though.
That can’t have been an easy decision to make.
A: No – I’m quite optimistic about it.

Unit 7 Recording 3
1 Unit 7 Recording 5
We should’ve protested. We might’ve stopped it. 1
2 A: Have you seen this article about the water shortages in
It must’ve been awful. I’m not sure I could’ve coped. London?

3 B: I saw something about it on TV but I wasn’t really paying

attention. Is it serious?
I should do something to help. It’s what he would want.
A: It’s causing quite a bit of controversy. London and the
4 whole of the south-east is facing a drought. Apparently
They must be worried. They wouldn’t have gone to the we’ve had half the usual rainfall so far this year.
police otherwise. B: I can believe it. The garden is really dry.
Unit 7 Recording 4 A: Well, we’re all going to have to learn to start using less
A: So, I think the fire in the block of flats is incredibly water.
important. B: Less? How much less?
B: Me too. I mean, they’ve already changed some safety A: The average at the moment is 150 litres per person per
regulations, haven’t they? day…
A: Absolutely – and so they should. The whole thing B: Per day?
could’ve been avoided. It’s a scandal really that people
died because people didn’t follow regulations. A: Yeah. But it’s too much! We need to cut that by a third.
That means shorter showers for you! You spend hours
B: I know. It’s shocking. in that bathroom.
A: But apart from that, I think the effect it’s had on housing B: Oh come on! That would make absolutely no difference
policy has been quite big. I just don’t think the whatsoever. I’m just one person in a country of millions.
government would be talking about building quality
social housing for poorer people if the fire hadn’t A: Everyone can make a difference.
happened. B: You’re being idealistic. We’re powerless.

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A: Really? If that were true then nothing would ever A: We’d have to get tickets somehow.
change. We’d all be stuck in the stone age still.
B: Definitely.
B: Oh come on…
Together: Come on you reds!
A: What? It’s true…
A: It doesn’t look good for her, does it?
TV report:
B: Who? What are you talking about?
…. the average train ticket will increase in price by twelve
A: The Prime Minister. It looks like she might have to
percent and this has caused outrage amongst commuters.
resign, according to this website.
Back to you in the studio, Stacy.
B: Oh! Why?
A: That’s outrageous. Fares going up by that much! It’s
going to cause a riot. A: Because of this report that’s been published. It says
that, and I quote, ‘there’s been a cover-up at the heart of
B: Nah… twelve percent is a lot but, you know, what can
you do? It’s not as though you can walk to work.
B: Wow. So is it accusing her of organising the cover-up?
A: They raised prices last year, and the year before. I think
I’ll just refuse to pay. A: Basically, yeah. D’you think she’ll resign?
B: What if everyone did that? Then there’d be no money to B: I don’t think so. I think she’ll try to fight on.
run the trains.
A: What? Despite everything?
A: Is that my problem?
B: Yeah, I think so.
B: It would be if there were no trains!
A: But what about that report? It says she’s been lying.
A: The point is we need to take some kind of action
B: But she’s still popular with a lot of people. She’s got a lot
otherwise they’ll raise the prices again next year.
of support.
A: I think she’ll have to resign.
Radio sports broadcast:
B: Hmm, I doubt it.
And that’s the final whistle. Jubilant scenes here as City
A: But imagine if she does resign. Who do you think would
hold their nerve and seal a place in the semi-finals
replace her?
A: Unbelievable! They’re through!
B: Well, I guess it would be her deputy, whatshisname?
B: I never thought I’d see the day. What a match! They Price. Jasper Price.
totally deserved it.
A: Yeah, I think you’re right.
A: I couldn’t believe it when they got through to the quarter-
finals but now they’re through and… imagine if they get
through to the final! News reporter:

B: They won’t. They’ve got to play last year’s winners… … the plane was forced to make an emergency landing in
fields just outside the city. There are no reports of
A: Anything’s possible.
casualties and all passengers safely disembarked. Back to
B: Nah, come off it. There’s no way they’ll get through. you, Sally.
A: Yeah, but what if they did? Just imagine!

B: Well… it would be… epic!

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Anchor: B: Nah… I don’t think so. I don’t get involved in local

Thank you, Jeremy. We’ll be heading to the weather in a
moment, but first a summary 3
A: That’s the second time that’s happened in a month. A: Look, it says here that scientists are working on a cure
There must be something wrong with that type of plane. for aging.
B: I doubt it. If that were the case they would have B: Aging? How can you cure aging? There’s no cure for
cancelled all flights. that.
A: Twice in a month, though. It’s a bit more than A: Apparently they think they’re quite close to a cure.
coincidence, don’t you think? They’ve had a major breakthrough.
B: There are hundreds of those planes and they’re flying all B: They’re wasting their time. You can’t cure aging.
the time. If there was a problem, don’t you think more of
them would have crashed?
Unit 7 Recording 7
A: … Maybe these are just the first.
B: Maybe, but this plane was flying through a storm. That
was probably a contributing factor. A: According to the news there’s a hurricane coming.

A: I’m not sure. I think there’s something wrong with the B: Really?
A: Yeah. They’re advising people to move out of town.
B: Yeah, so you say, but they go through rigorous safety
B: I don’t think the hurricane will strike here.
checks every day…
A: Yeah but what if it did? What would you do then?
A: You’re just too trusting. I think it’s a cover up…
B: You and your cover-up theories! Honestly.
A: Did you know they’re planning to build a new motorway
through the local forests?

B: Oh, yeah, I read something about that. Terrible.

Unit 7 Recording 6
A: There a local meeting about it this evening. Are you
1 coming?
A: According to the news there’s a hurricane coming. B: Nah… I don’t think so. I don’t get involved in local
B: Really?
A: Oh come on. What if everyone thought like you?
A: Yeah. They’re advising people to move out of town.
B: I don’t think the hurricane will strike here.
A: Look, it says here that scientists are working on a cure
for aging.
A: Did you know they’re planning to build a new motorway
B: Aging? How can you cure aging? There’s no cure for
through the local forests?
B: Oh, yeah, I read something about that. Terrible.
A: Apparently they think they’re quite close to a cure.
A: There a local meeting about it this evening. Are you They’ve had a major breakthrough.
B: They’re wasting their time. You can’t cure aging.

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A: If that were true, then they wouldn’t bother trying. holidays and stuff. Then in spite of all that, they say that
letting younger people vote is a bad idea. I mean, surely
if you want people to care about politics, then it makes
Unit 7 Recording 8 sense to let them get involved from an earlier age.

D: I hear you, although you could equally argue that all that
would happen is that you’d have even more people not
A: I just think it’s outrageous! I mean, you can leave school
particularly bothered by things and the low turnout would
at 16, you can get married and start a family . . .
simply spread downwards.
C: You could even join the army if you really wanted to.
C: Perhaps we should have a vote on it!
D: Only if you have your parents’ permission, though.
A: Well why not? Let the people decide. Having said that,
A: Yeah, OK. That as well, then. And given all that, it just though, who would be able to vote? I mean, would
seems crazy that you then have to wait two more years sixteen-year-olds have a say or not?
before you can vote. For a government that decides
what happens in schools, that can change university
fees, and make decisions that impact on you and your Unit 7 Recording 9
C: And that can decide to send you to war!
And given all that, it just seems crazy that you then have to
B: Yeah, maybe . . . but then again, if you’re 16, you won’t wait two more years before you can vote.
own your own house yet, you’re probably not paying tax,
you almost certainly haven’t even started thinking about
a pension yet . . . and yet economic issues often play a Yeah, maybe . . . but then again, if you’re 16, you won’t
key role in elections. own your own house yet.

A: Fair enough but, even so, it still seems pretty unfair to 3

me. You can’t vote even though you’re directly affected
and yet economic issues often play a key role in elections.
by the results of any election.
D: Yeah, I can see where you’re coming from with that. I
mean, I can certainly remember feeling like that when I Fair enough but, even so, it still seems pretty unfair to me.
was sixteen. Mind you, you could say the same principle
applies to fifteen-year-olds as well. Or ten-year-olds. Or
toddlers even. I mean, everything affects everyone, Then in spite of all that, they say that letting younger
surely. people vote is a bad idea.

A: Yeah, OK. So, you have to draw a line somewhere, 6

obviously. Just why not at 16 instead of 18? That’s all
Having said that, though, who would be able to vote?
I’m saying.

C: I think another argument in favour of lowering the age is

just the general lack of interest in elections. Unit 7 Recording 10
B: I’m not sure I get what you mean there. What’s the 1
Bearing that in mind
C: Well, every election, people complain about how low the
turnout is, and how fewer and fewer people are voting –
particularly young people. Everyone on the TV goes on Taking all that into account
about how all the under-25s care about is shopping and
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Considering all that 8

4 But then again

Given that 9

5 Even so

In spite of all that 10

6 and yet

But all the same

7 Unit 7 Recording 12
Having said that 1

8 A: The right to vote is a core principle of all democracies.

But then again B: And yet millions of people still choose not to exercise
that right.
Even so
A: He’s not a very inspiring candidate.
B: Even so, I still can’t see anyone else I’d rather vote for.
and yet

A: I just feel, like lots of other people, that it doesn’t make

any difference who I vote for.
Unit 7 Recording 11
B: Well, given that, it’s not surprising that so few people
1 vote.

Bearing that in mind 4

2 A: They’ve spent way more on their campaign than the

other parties and the media’s in their favour.
Taking all that into account
B: Yeah but, in spite of all that, the election’s still looking
very close, actually.
Considering all that
A: I think there are a lot of lies spread on social media in
Given that order to stir up hatred.

5 B: So taking that into account, maybe we need tighter

controls on how it’s used.
In spite of all that

But all the same
A: Apparently, lots of postal votes end up getting lost in the
Having said that

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B: Well bearing that in mind, maybe it’s time to do long- residential. There are no schools, no banks, and few, if
distance voting online instead. any, shops. You will also notice that there aren’t even any
footpaths. Not one. In other words, the development has
been built in a way that requires people to use a car.
A: If we have another referendum, the ‘yes’ vote will win
this time around.

B: Maybe but, then again, it could equally well end up with

exactly the same result as before. Unit 7 Recording 14
8 1

A: I think it’s really important to make yourself heard and Just as a comparison, prices in London are currently
have your say. twice what they are in Paris and Vienna.

B: So do I. Having said that, though, I don’t think voting The rising accommodation prices have been down to a
makes you a better person or anything! number of factors – firstly, population growth has created a
shortage of homes; secondly, there’s been additional
competition from overseas buyers wanting property as an
investment; and finally, government policy has, in different
Unit 7 Recording 13 ways, accounted for some of this trend.
1 The increases in property prices are causing huge
concern and have given rise to protests. Many people
So here we have the average price of a flat in London
simply can’t afford to get on the property ladder or live
over a period of twenty years. As you can see, prices rose
independently –because the average salary has failed to
steadily up to 2008, when there was a sharp fall. There
keep pace with housing costs. Salaries have risen by an
was a widespread property crash at this time that was
average of just £10,000 over the same period of time. That
connected to the global financial crisis.
means a flat, which cost around four times the average
However, you can see how prices had recovered by salary in 1998, now costs around fourteen times the typical
2012 and from then on, they rocketed, increasing by over income. Yes, you heard that right fourTEEN.
£160,000 pounds over the next five years. That’s an
It is clearly an unsustainable situation, but what should
increase of 62%! Property prices look as if they have
be done? Let’s look at some possibilities.
levelled off since 2017 and they are set to fall slightly over
the coming year, suggesting they may have reached their 2
peak. However, it is perhaps too early to tell. Just as a
In other words, the development has been built in a way
comparison, prices in London are currently twice what they
that requires people to use a car.
are in Paris and Vienna.
As a consequence, it’s unsurprising that nearly 50% of
households in the suburbs of Sydney own two or more
So, here we see a housing development in Sydney, cars. That means half of these houses you see here will
Australia. I think it illustrates a number of points regarding have multiple cars – but then, how else is the family to get
the way many cities are developing. The first and perhaps around? That, in turn, leads to increased congestion, which
most obvious point is how the development is right next to has been getting consistently worse in the city over the last
some major roads and it signifies how cities have become ten years. This congestion not only means that people
built around car use. That’s not just because there are living in these developments are spending ever more
roads here, but it’s also in the design of the development. amounts of time in their cars, but it also means that those
within Sydney who walk or take public transport must suffer
As you can see, the houses are organised in rows –
more noise, pollution and slower services.
often in cul-de-sacs like this, where the road goes
nowhere. Developments like this tend to be entirely
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The question is what to do? Should we control the

development or manage their consequences? How can we
encourage more sustainable development with a focus on
walking, cycling and green forms of public transport? Let’s
turn to that now.

Unit 7 Recording 15

The increases in property prices are causing huge concern

and have given rise to protests. Many people simply can’t
afford to get on the property ladder or live independently
because the average salary has failed to keep pace with
housing costs. Salaries have risen by an average of just
ten thousand pounds over the same period of time. That
means a flat which cost around four times the average
salary in 1998, now cost around fourteen times the typical
income. Yes, you heard that right, fourteen.

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Unit 8 Recording 1 A: Yeah. So . . . um . . . good party.

1 B: Yeah, yeah, it’s nice, isn’t it?

Who was it that you spoke to? A: Mmm. So . . . um . . . what do you do, Mo? Sorry if I’ve
asked you before. I’ve got a terrible memory.
B: No, no, that’s OK. But it’s quite a tricky question to
Where was it that you went to university? answer, to be honest.
3 A: Oh?
Why was it that you decided to study that, then? B: Because I’m basically a VA – a virtual assistant.
4 A: O-K.
What exactly is it that that involves? B: Ha ha. That’s more or less what everyone says when I
5 tell them!

Why did you think that that would work? A: So what exactly is it that you actually do, then?

B: Well, I work remotely – mostly from home, which is nice

– and I specialise in IT support, technical help, that kind
of thing. And firms reach out to me for assistance with
Unit 8 Recording 2
webinars, websites that go down, hackers, all kinds of
1 stuff like that. And I sit there at home, in pyjamas if I feel
like it, and sort stuff out for them. Mend broken bits of
Who was it that you spoke to?
their networks, monitor what’s coming in and going out
2 of the system, you know.

Where was it that you went to university? A: Wow! OK. It must be weird not having to go into an
office, though.
B: Weird? I’d call it wonderful myself. I worked years to get
Why was it that you decided to study that, then?
to where I am!
A: So how is it that you got into that line of work?
What exactly is it that that involves?
B: Well, I’ve always been a bit of a computer geek and I did
5 IT at college. I then worked in-house, for a large import-
export firm for a few years before setting up on my own.
Why did you think that that would work?
Best thing I ever did.

A: So do you work fixed hours?

Unit 8 Recording 3 B: Not if I can help it. These days I go for the high-end
clients, help with key online projects, which usually
A = Mel B = Mo means working like crazy for brief periods of time, and
A: Hello there. It’s Mo, isn’t it? then just take it easy once I’ve earned what I need for
the month. I could always work more and make more,
B: Yeah. Hi. We . . . um . . . met at Kim’s little do the other but these days I’d rather have the time to myself, you
week, right? know.
A: Yeah, that’s it. I’m Mel.

B: Yeah, right. I thought I recognised the face.

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Unit 8 Recording 4 manager to facilitate the work that his or her team does
because that defines how successful a team is.
1 Obviously a team is only as effective as their manager
A: OK, let me just dive into your resumé a little deeper… enables them to be and my strength is that I facilitate
let’s see. Oh yes, I see you left a role as a… Web effective performance from my team … I’m not sure
Developer about… what is it, about three years ago? there is another manager in the company who manages
And I see you’d only been in the job little more than this as well as I do.
eighteen months, so I just wondered if you could tell me C: Okayyyyyy… and weaknesses?
a little bit about that. You know, why did you decide to
leave, that kind of thing, assuming it was your decision D: Ah yes, weaknesses, well I would have to say that in
of course. terms of weaknesses I tend to demand the same
extremely high standards of my colleagues that I also
B: Oh yes, sure. Yes, it was definitely my decision. Well, at demand of myself. And high standards could be
the time I was doing web development for quite a small considered a weakness, in that they can be hard for
company and, as you say, I was only there a relatively other people to live up to but… I think it’s always
short time because, well, so… along with a colleague I important to demand the best of people… and of myself
was responsible for everything digital, as in the website, of course.
the database and so on, but at some point in my first
year there I realised that my colleague didn’t really know 3
what he was doing and because he was slightly senior E: Now, I think that’s all I wanted to ask you really. At this
to me he just started delegating his work to me, point I guess I should ask if you have any questions for
specifically those tasks to do with the database which me.
were his responsibility rather than mine and…, well to
be honest with you it just became a bit much. I mean I F: Yes, sure. Well, I wanted to ask something firstly about
was perfectly capable of doing my job and I honestly the role of Marketing Assistant and what it would
think I could have done his job too, because I mean I involve. I notice that the company attends a lot of trade
know database management is part of the job shows and the Marketing Director often gives
description for this role and everything, but I just couldn’t presentations on strategy at those shows – I think
do my job AND my colleague’s job. By that I mean it actually she’s talking at a trade show in Helsinki this
was just too much work, not that I wasn’t capable, so, to week…
cut a long story short, I decided to leave. I mean I tried E: …yes I think you’re right. Otherwise she would have
to talk to him about it first obviously but he just wasn’t been here to interview you herself.
interested really. So yeah, that’s why I left.
F: Sure, sure. Well, what I was wondering was to what
2 extent the role, by that I mean the Marketing Assistant
C: Now, let me ask you something a bit more personal. It’s role that I’m applying for, um, to what extent would it
a classic interview question, but useful nonetheless to involve preparing for those trade shows and
find out a bit more about you. conferences and putting together slideshows for the
Marketing Director and even attending the shows
D: Sure. because obviously that’s something I would be quite
C: What would you say are your greatest strengths? interested in. I think my experience and skills,
specifically those I gained in my previous job, are well-
D: My strengths… well, specifically I would say that I’m an suited to that kind of work.
excellent collaborator and facilitator. By that I mean I’m
able to work with all kinds of people to achieve the goals E: Well, that’s a good question and I wish the director was
and outcomes that the company expects and at the here to answer it herself because… I’m afraid I don’t
same time I strive to maintain excellent relationships have the answer for you. But what I can do is ask the
with people at all levels across the company. And in director when she gets back and then email you the
terms of facilitation, well, it’s vitally important for a answer.
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F: OK, sure, that’s fine. A: Have you been going out a lot?

4 B: I wish I had! No – just sleepless nights with the baby.

She’s just waking up all the time and screaming her
G: OK, another question. Where do you see yourself in five
head off. It’s a nightmare.
years’ time?
A: Oh dear. That’s tough. Can’t you have a nap at
H: In five years’ time? Well … I’d like to think I’ll be heading
lunchtime or something?
up a team, a small team, a big team, I don’t know, time
will tell, but at least I’d like to manage a chain of hotels B: I would if I could, but there’s nowhere here to have one,
within a region, specifically an international region, but is there? And anyway, I’m so busy …
obviously that’s more of a long-term goal and I don’t
A: I know. So am I.
know if five years is enough time to achieve that. In the
meantime I’d like to build my managerial skills and get a B: I actually nodded off briefly in a meeting earlier this
lot more experience in the hotel and restaurant sector. morning.
In fact that’s one reason I’m very keen on this position,
A: Really?
in that I know I’ll have the opportunity to do those things
here. B: It was a bit embarrassing. I suddenly heard my name
and I was like ‘What’s going on?' I just kind of mumbled
G: Well I always say it’s good to know where you’re aiming
for. ‘That sounds good’. And I could see a couple of looks of
confusion and my colleague goes ‘What does? The
H: Yeah, I think so, too.
falling sales?

A: Oh dear!
Unit 8 Recording 5
B: Yeah, not good. I did manage to get back on track, but it
1 was a bit awkward.
I was responsible for everything digital, as in the website, A: Hey, it could’ve been worse. You could’ve started
the database and so on. snoring!
2 B: True – and apparently, I do snore a fair bit, so it wasn’t
that unlikely!
I’m an excellent collaborator and facilitator. By that I mean
I’m able to work with all kinds of people.        2
3 A: Morning.
High standards could be considered a weakness, in that B: Morning. Did you sleep well?
they can be hard for other people to live up to.
A: Yeah – kind of. I mean, I got off to sleep without any
4 problem . . . I was out like a light as soon as my head hit
the pillow, but then at about 3 o’clock I woke up and I
I’d like to manage a chain of hotels within a region,
was completely wide awake.
specifically an international region.
B: I guess it’s a bit of jet lag. I know it’s only a couple of
hours’ difference but …
Unit 8 Recording 6
A: Maybe, but it actually happens to me quite a lot.
B: Really? What’s that about, then?
A: Are you OK? You look worn out.
A: I really don’t know.
B: I am. I’m exhausted. I definitely need an early night.
B: But you usually go back to sleep again, right?

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A: Yeah, yeah, I do normally. I usually just read for a bit A: You should. It’d take your mind off things for a couple of
and I find I start nodding off again after a few pages. I do hours.
normally sleep soundly after that.
B: OK, OK. Probably. Phone me back in a couple of hours.
B: Weird.
A: OK.
A: Yeah, but it doesn’t bother me massively. It’s not like I’m
yawning all day, feeling tired.
Unit 8 Recording 7
B: Yeah. OK. Anyway . . . how does the breakfast here
look? Have you had anything yet? 1

3 A: Are you OK? You look worn out.

A: [phone ring] B: I am. I’m exhausted. I definitely need an early night.

B: Ughgh … Yeah? 2

A: Hello! Great to hear your voice too! A: Have you been going out a lot?

B: Sorry. I was fast asleep. B: I wish I had! No – just sleepless nights with the baby.

A: Shouldn’t you be studying? 3

B: I am! I mean, not right this moment . . . I was just having A: Can’t you have a nap at lunchtime or something?
a quick nap before I got back to it.
B: I would if I could, but there’s nowhere to have one.
A: Right. So how long have you been out?
B: I’m not sure. What time is it?
B: And anyway, I’m so busy …
A: 2.30.
A: I know. So am I.
B: Really? Oh, I only meant to have a short nap.
A: You should’ve set your alarm.
B: But you usually go back to sleep again, right?
B: I did. I must’ve slept through it.
A: Yeah, yeah, I do normally.
A: Good job I phoned you then. How come you’re so tired
A: Shouldn’t you be studying?
B: I think it’s just the stress of the exams. I was tossing and
turning half the night worrying about them. B: I am! I mean, not right this moment.

A: You should drink chamomile tea.

B: Chamomile tea? 7

A: Yeah. Chamomile – calms the nerves. I sleep like a A: You should’ve set your alarm.
B: I did. I must’ve slept through it.
B: Honestly, you’re like my mum sometimes. Anyway, what
is it exactly that you want?
A: Just seeing if you’re still going to come out later.
A: Just seeing if you’re still going to come out later.
B: Oh right. Yeah. I probably will. I mean I want to, but I’ll
B: Oh right. Yeah. I probably will. I mean I want to, but I’ll
have to see how I get on with my revision.
have to see how I get on with my revision.

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Unit 8 Recording 8 B: I wish I could, but I can’t – not at the moment, with
everything I have to do. So maybe I’m unhealthier than
1 you two then!
I DO like it. There’s just too much of it.

2 Unit 8 Recording 10
I found it difficult, but I DID do it in the end.

3 A: Hey, did I tell you I tried making that soup from the blog
I DID try to do it. It just wasn’t good enough. we read the other day?

4 B: The peppery purple thing?

It IS going to happen, but I DO worry about it. A: Yeah, that’s the one.

5 B: How was it?

It IS good, but I’ve seen better. A: Nowhere near as easy as it sounded!

B: No?

Unit 8 Recording 9 A: Oh, it was probably my own fault. I think I must’ve had
the heat on too high because I burnt the onions a bit and
it all ended up tasting a bit . . .
A: I’m a bit of a night owl. I often don’t go to bed till about B: Burnt?
two or three.
A: Well, I was going to say smoky, but yeah – basically!
B: Apparently, that’s supposed to be bad for your health.
B: Oh no!
C: I did hear something about that on the news the other
day. A: Yeah. And I couldn’t find any almond milk either so I just
used normal milk.
B: So did I, which is why I mentioned it.
B: OK. Makes sense I guess, though maybe you lose a bit
A: What did they actually say? of the nutty flavour?
B: To be honest, I don’t remember all the details, but as far A: Probably, yeah. Anyway – let me find the photo – yeah,
as I understand it, the problem wasn’t so much being a here. Look how it came out like!
night owl, it was more to do with the fact you’re forced to
get up early for work. B: Oh!

C: OK. Well, obviously I’m not, given that I’m freelance. A: Exactly. Nothing like as nice as the one on the blog!

B: So, if you have a full night’s sleep, I think you’re B: Well, not quite as stylishly presented, that’s for sure . . .
basically fine. but they never are, are they? I mean, those people use
professional photographers. They probably even have
A: And what IS a full night’s sleep? food stylists or something, you know, and the equipment
C: Well, it depends who you ask, but I think it’s 7 or 8 they use is a hundred times more expensive than yours.
hours. A: I guess.
A: Oh right. I guess I do most nights then.

C: Me too. More sometimes. Unit 8 Recording 11


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It was nothing like as good as the last one you made.

It’s nothing like as tasty as my gran’s.

It was nowhere near as easy as it sounded.

It was nowhere near as filling as I thought it’d be.

Unit 8 Recording 12

It was nothing like as good as the last one you made.

It’s nothing like as tasty as my gran’s.

It was nowhere near as easy as it sounded.

It was nowhere near as filling as I thought it’d be.

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Unit 9 Recording 1 there was a complete riot going on – people chucking

things around, throwing punches – it was crazy. Anyway,
1 someone must’ve filmed it because it was on the news that
So I guess one of the most frightening and bizarre night. My mum was tutting and saying how disgusting it
experiences I had was when I went to see this play called was, but I didn’t say a word. I felt slightly ashamed even
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. About though I hadn’t actually done anything myself – apart from
halfway through, there was this cry from above and one of buy a cheap phone!
the actors looked up and I turned round to see a big chunk
of the ceiling collapse. I initially had this moment where I
thought it was part of the play, but no sooner had the
thought entered my head than people started screaming 4
and running out in blind panic. Luckily, we were pretty
much untouched, but we were still all quite shaken up Oh, I must tell you about a rather embarrassing moment
when we got out. But you wouldn’t believe it: some people I had at the theatre a few years ago. An old friend had
were not only smiling and laughing but actually taking bought me a ticket and I’d got myself all dressed up, as
selfies of themselves covered in dust and plaster. And you do. We had great seats and were happily sitting there
some of them were even posting on Facebook! I just don’t watching. It was a rather good production of Swan Lake.
get how people could do that. I mean, what if someone had Anyway, I kept hearing this beeping noise coming from
died? somewhere nearby. Other people could hear it too and
were tutting and looking angrily around. Every few minutes
2 I’d hear it again, and by the interval I was so furious I went
A couple of years ago, my son was quite seriously ill. to complain. There were several other people all doing the
We were told the best treatment he could get was in the same and just as I was in the middle of demanding that the
States, but it was way more than we could afford. Anyway, person responsible be thrown out, my phone started
I decided to try and raise the money by doing the Boston beeping and … yes, you guessed it! Not only had I not
marathon – Boston being where the hospital Yago would recognised the sound of my own phone, but I’d actually
go to was. The first day I started training I put a tweet out worked myself up into a real temper about the terrible
with a picture of me in my running gear and no sooner had person ruining the performance for everyone else. I
I pressed send than it was getting re-tweeted and I was vanished into the audience very quickly after that, feeling
getting offers of donations. It was quite overwhelming – I really rather embarrassed.
got a bit tearful and spent that first run half crying, half
jumping for joy with each ping of the notifications on my
phone. Anyway, not only did we raise enough money for
Unit 9 Recording 2
my son, we had enough to establish a foundation, which 1
has already benefitted three other kids. Yago actually had
the operation even before I ran in the marathon and he Not only did he not apologise, he actually laughed at me.
says he wants to do the next one with me! 2
3 Not only did she get in, she won a scholarship, too.
A couple of years ago, I went to the Black Friday sales 3
at a local shop where they were giving big discounts on
electronics. By 9 a.m. quite a crowd had gathered outside As soon as I said it, I knew I’d said the wrong thing.
and there was a mad rush as soon as the doors opened an 4
hour later. People were pushing and shoving and I
remember seeing these two women grabbing the same No sooner had they started using it than they managed to
box. They completely lost it and started screaming at each break it.
other. Then a few others got involved and before I knew it 5
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No sooner is he home than he’s making a mess eating, here’s a photo of what I just bought, here’s me
everywhere. on holiday – and at some point I realised you never get
‘Here’s me feeling lonely’, ‘Here’s me looking awful
because I have flu’, all that kind of stuff. You know, the
Unit 9 Recording 3 other side of the story.
H = Host M = Maha P = Pablo B = Bahar H: Bahar, you saw the nasty side of social media, didn’t
you, and that was why you decided to stop?
H: So, with me, I’ve got three people who decided to quit
social media: Maha Gamal who gave up social media B: That’s right. I was a real addict for, well, for all my adult
and wrote a book about it. Bahar Aksoy, who some of life really and then I, I won some money on the lottery…
you will know has been in the news recently, and
H: How much did you win?
journalist Pablo Molina.
B: It wasn’t one of the really big wins, you know, it wasn’t
First, Maha, let me get to the bottom of why you decided
millions, but it was a substantial amount of money,
to stop.
enough to allow me to give up work. But the point is, the
M:Yeah, well, it’s really simple, actually. I was addicted. fact that I suddenly had a bit of money created this really
Every moment I had, I checked social media. When I weird reaction in some people who started posting
woke up, I checked my phone. When I went to bed, I online really horrible stuff about me. Really horrible. I
checked my phone. It was almost as though I couldn’t was lost for words.
be alone any more. I couldn’t be bored.

H: When did you realise you were addicted?

M:Funnily enough it was when I got one of those reports Unit 9 Recording 4
that tell you how many hours you spend a week on your H = Host B = Bahar T = Tim
phone. I was shocked, a bit tearful even.
H: How much did you win?
H: How many hours a week was it?
B: It wasn’t one of the really big wins, you know, it wasn’t
M: Well, let’s just say it was more than it should be! millions, but it was a substantial amount of money,
H: Twenty hours a week? enough to allow me to give up work. But the point is, the
fact that I suddenly had a bit of money created this really
M:I think what’s important is that I realised it was too much weird reaction in some people who started posting
and I decided to stop, although it took a while to stop. online really horrible stuff about me. Really horrible. I
P: Yeah, I had the same. It took a long time to quit. I was in was lost for words.
a kind of blind panic for the first few days fearing that I
H: What kind of stuff?
was missing out on everything.
B: It’s not really something that I want to go into, but let’s
H: Pablo, why did you decide to quit? just say it was unpleasant. I just couldn’t take it in. And it
P: I think it was because I realised that I was really, really was really surprising to me because I thought, hey, I’m
lonely and that social media was making that feeling the same person now as I was before I won the money,
worse. I was starting to lose it a bit. but suddenly you hate me. Why?

H: And why were you so lonely? H: So what did you do?

P: It was to do with my home situation at the time. I don’t B: I just quit my social media accounts. I deleted them all. I
want to go into specifics, but it was a difficult period at thought if this is what people are really like then I don’t
home, but what made it all worse was seeing these want anything to do with them.
beautifully composed images of other people’s H: What did you do once you quit?
wonderful lives. You know, here’s a photo of what I’m

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B: Well, when you stop using social media the first thing T: Look, what I think is important here is that we recognise
you feel is alone, really just… alone, and bored, and that it’s possible for people to get addicted to anything. I
being alone and bored can be quite uncomfortable, it mean…
can be… well, lonely and boring and my generation,
H: Are you not going to answer my question?
we’re just not used to those feelings. We barely know
what it’s like to have nothing to do because we’ve T: I’m answering your question. At Gobby we recommend
always got social media to entertain us and… that everyone use the app responsibly and we have no
interest in people becoming addicted to our service. You
H: Did you find that you…?
know, it’s…
B: Sorry, hang on… can I just finish because this is really
important for me: what I realised is that it’s really
important to experience being bored because out of that Unit 9 Recording 5
boredom comes something new.

H: What was that?

A: I just couldn’t believe it. Honestly! I almost didn’t
B: Well, I remembered what I used to do before social recognise him. He looks so different! I mean, when we
media. I used to draw, so I found a sketch pad and used to work together, he was the kind of guy who’d
some pencils and started drawing again. take the lift to go up one floor and have junk food for
breakfast, lunch and dinner. But you should see him
H: And did you enjoy it?
now – super fit and looks way younger. It’s amazing.
B: I loved it because I was creating instead of consuming
B: So what brought all that on? Did he say?
and I think humans need to create. If we just consume,
we very quickly become bored… and boring. You’ve got A: Yeah, I think it was a couple of things. He said a couple
to create as well as consume in order to be fully of years back, he saw a documentary about the meat
satisfied as a person. industry and it just really put him off the whole idea of
eating animals so he decided to go completely vegan.
H: Now, I’ve also got one more person I want to bring into
this discussion, Tim Meadows, CEO of popular social B: Wow! He didn’t just go veggie?
media app Gobby. Tim, what do you think about what
A: Nope, apparently he won’t even wear leather or use any
you’ve heard so far?
animal-based products these days.
T: Well, obviously I’m deeply sympathetic to what these
B: OK … – and all because of a documentary?
people have experienced and I mean, at Gobby we
absolutely don’t want to make people addicted. Our aim A: Well…, he did also say he’d met someone and they’re
is to connect people, to bring people together… really into the whole fitness thing

H: But you do that by trying to keep them online and on B: Ah ha.

your app as long as possible.
A: To be fair, I don’t know which came first. Anyway,
T: We don’t aim to keep people online as long as possible. apparently they train together three or four times a
We… week.

H: How long does the average user spend on your app per B: Hey – love can do funny things to a person!
A: It can, it can. Still, it’s actually made me think that
T: That’s up to them but what I think is important is that … maybe I should think about doing something similar.

H: But the average person, how long does the average B: What – finding a partner?
person spend on your app per week?
A: No! … well, that might be good too! No, I mean, seeing
him and the way he was talking just made me think I
could do more health wise – you know – take it a step
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further. Like I’ll sometimes go a week without any meat the zeitgeist
at all, but maybe I should just stop altogether.
capture the zeitgeist
B: Oh you’re not going to become one of those annoying
people too, going on about being super fit and healthy. I
just wish they would keep it to themselves. up

A: No!! And to be fair, Tom wasn’t being like that at all. I on the up
asked him, he answered. He was just obviously much
They’re definitely on the up
more content and it was kind of inspiring.
B: Hmm.
A: Honestly. You’re so cynical. I wish you wouldn’t see the
worst in things all the time. edutainment market

B: Oh I’m joking! It’s funny! the children’s edutaintment market

A: It is … sometimes. 5

Unit 9 Recording 6 terrible FOMO
1 It gives me terrible FOMO
When I was a kid, I’d play the piano for hours after school 6
most days.
completely unputdownable
My dad would take me fishing every Saturday when I was
It’s completely unputdownable

I wish he’d help round the house a bit more.

Unit 9 Recording 8

He’ll always get up early and go out for a run.

A: There are two tattoo places that have opened near me
in the last couple of years and I was wondering whether
She’ll usually get what she wants. they will survive.

B: I don’t see why not. I don’t think there’s going to be a

Unit 9 Recording 7 decline in people wanting them any time soon.

A: So would you get one?

B: I’ve got one already!
A: Really?
managed to crowdsource
B: Yeah, haven’t you seen it? It’s on my right shoulder.
managed to crowdsource $100,000
A: I can’t have – or I didn’t notice it.

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B: It’s pretty big. It’s like a lion head – roaring. You haven’t Unit 9 Recording 10
got one then?
Conversation one
A: No, it’s not really my thing. It’s supposed to be really
painful, isn’t it? A: Gorgeous weather!

B: It is, it is! B: Yes. Turned out nice, hasn’t it? Needn’t have brought
my umbrella.
A: Yeah – well that just puts me off. I just couldn’t face it.
A: I know. Wish I hadn’t worn this jacket.
B: Fair enough.
B: Still, it’s probably a good job you did, what with the way
A: So why do you think there’s been this sudden surge in the trains are. I mean, you might need it later.
tattoos? Why did it suddenly become a thing?
A: Tell me about it! There are so many cancellations at the
B: Personally speaking, I just think they look good. It’s art, moment. Getting to work has been hell!
isn’t it? And it’s very individual. With clothes everybody
wears the same fashion, but you can’t mass-produce B: Can’t blame ice or frozen tracks at this time of year, can
tattoos. they?

A: Yeah, I can see that. So would you have another one? A: Ha! No, guess not. I mean, I know they’ve got to
upgrade the line and that, but it’s not right it happens so
B: Yeah – maybe. often.

B: Not much sign of that yet.

Unit 9 Recording 9 A: Sorry … of what?
1 B: The upgrade.
A: Gorgeous weather! A: Ah right. No. It’s supposed to be finished by the end of
B: Yes. Turned out nice, hasn’t it? Needn’t have brought the year, apparently.
my umbrella. B: I won’t hold my breath.
A: I know. Wish I hadn’t worn this jacket. A: Too right. Oh! Hold on! Here it comes.
2 B: About time.
C: Hey, hello stranger! A: Yeah. Are you OK with that bag?
D: Yeah, sorry I haven’t been in touch. Just been B: Oh dear! Do I look that frail?
overwhelmed with stuff.
A: Not at all. Just being polite. S’how my mum brought me
C: No worries! It’s good to hear from you. So, what’ve you up.
been up to?
B: Well, she did a good job! I’ll be fine, though. Thanks
D: Oh, all sorts. First, I’ve been mad busy with work. anyway.
3 A: That’s OK. It was nice talking to you.
E: I don’t believe it! B: You too.
F: What’s up?

E: Oh, don’t ask! Unit 9 Recording 11

F: That bad, is it? 1

It’s how my mum brought me up.

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2 C: Aww. Well, touch wood, she continues on the right track.

It must’ve been tough on you as well, though. When my
You have anything in mind?
friend Cara had that accident, I was in …
D: Oh yeah … how is she?
If there’s anything I can do…
C: Good, good. Her and Mike – you know Mike, yeah -
D: Yeah
I just got an email…
C: … well they’re actually tying the knot in February.
D: Oh cool! They’re so lovely.
I don’t know how you manage it.
C: Yeah, and I’m going to be a bridesmaid!

D: No way! You in a dress? That’ll be a first!

C: Not completely.
Unit 9 Recording 12
D: Really? I’m not talking about when you were five here!
Conversation two
C: No, but I used to have that orangey one I wore all the
C: Hey, hello stranger! time. Do you remember? Back when we were in the first
D: Yeah, sorry I haven’t been in touch. Just been
overwhelmed with stuff. D: Oh gosh! Yeah. I’m not sure that’s a good precedent.
C: No worries! It’s good to hear from you. So, what’ve you C: Cheeky! It wasn’t that bad.
been up to?
D: Hmm. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll look lovely.
D: Oh, all sorts. First, I’ve been mad busy with work. They
C: Thank you.
had this big restructuring, so . . .
D: But yeah, apart from work and mum I’ve also been
C: Oh yeah, I think that was on the cards the last time we
trying to keep up with training.
met. Was it a nightmare?
C: Is that for the triathlon you were planning on doing?
D: Totally! I mean, I managed to avoid the chop, but now
I’m doing the job of two people. D: Oh, actually I did that in May. I’ve got my sights set on
an Iron Woman event now.
C: Typical!
C: Rather you than me! I don’t know how you manage it all.
D: Yeah. Anyway, so there’s that – and then my mum’s not
been great. D: Well, I haven’t been, really . . . which is why it’s been so
long! I was actually phoning to try and meet up. Maybe
C: Oh no! How come?
get some of the other girls from uni out.
D: Oh … I don’t really want to go in to it, to be honest.
Conversation three
C: Gosh, I’m sorry.
E: I don’t believe it!
D: Yeah, anyway – the bottom line is she’s on the mend
F: What’s up?
E: Oh, don’t ask!
C: Phew. Well, send her my best.
F: That bad, is it?
D: Will do. She always asks after you.
E: Oh, I just got an email from the boss. Apparently, he
wants all the stuff ready for tomorrow morning.

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F: No! G: True. Still, I’d rather be doing nothing in my own time,

wouldn’t you?
E: Yeah! He said he got the dates wrong – Many
apologies, he knows we can sort it, blah, blah, blah …

F: Unbelievable!

E: I know. That’s my evening done for!

F: What a pain!

E: Hey, it is what it is!

F: Well, listen, if there’s anything I can do …

E: Actually, I’ll tell you what you could do – start on this


F: Of course.

E: Oh, you’re a lifesaver!

F: Don’t be silly. You’d do the same for me. What were you
going to do anyway?

E: Tonight? Oh, nothing actually. My social life’s not

exactly packed at the moment. Talking of which, I was
saying to Tom we should organise something – a bit of
an office outing somewhere.

F: I’d be up for that. You have anything in mind?

E: Not really – oh, hey, talk of the devil.

G: Did I catch you talking about me again!

E: Ha! I was just saying that you and I had been talking
about organising a night out.

G: My vote’s for bowling.

F: Really? Bowling – yawn!

G: You sure it’s not because you can’t stand losing?

E: Men! Why does everything end up becoming a


G: It’s just a joke! What’s up with you, anyway?

E: The boss just said he needs all that stuff he asked us for
tomorrow morning.

G: Seriously? He said Friday.

E: He did, but he was wrong.

G: Good grief! That’s my evening ruined.

E: Come on, your life is as dull as mine.

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Unit 10 Recording 1 2

They’re leaving very early in the morning.

A: What does your mum do? 3

B: She’s a physicist. We’re still waiting for the results.

A: Really? Wow! That’s impressive! 4

B: Yeah. I guess. Although as far as I can tell, she spends I’m trying to listen to this.
most of her time in a lab doing the same thing over and

A: What field of physics does she work in?

B: It’s something to do with electricity. She has tried to

explain it to me, but to be honest, it usually goes over
my head.

A: It’s not something you’ve ever been interested in doing? Unit 10 Recording 3

B: Yeah … no … oh, it’s tricky. I was kind of into science at 1

school initially. I guess because of mum, but there came I bought it on account of the cover.
a point when my grades started falling.
A: Despite having your mum there to help you?
It’s unusual and consequently didn’t sell well.
B: Yeah, well, that’s the thing. She did try! I just found her
no good at explaining things. To be fair, I’m not exactly 3
patient myself either and, you know, I’d get frustrated It’s a long read, but nevertheless, it’s well worth it.
and it’d often end up in an argument so it became
something we just avoided and I guess that’s why I went 4
down a different track. It’s long and slow, but in spite of all that, I enjoyed it.
A: Shame. 5
B: Plus, there were other subjects I was just better at. It’s a good read, so long as you like history.
A: Was that a bit of a disappointment to her then? 6
B: Ach! I guess there is a small part of her that’s a bit sad. I’ll lend it to you as soon as I’ve finished it.
She used to make the odd comment, but you know, it
wasn’t something she went on about. In the end, she’s
more concerned that I find something I’m happy with. Unit 10 Recording 4
She is my mum after all!

A: And have you?

A: Have you ever read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho?
B: Let’s just say it’s a work in progress.
B: Erm . . . I’m not sure. Is he the Brazilian guy?

A: Yeah, that’s him.

Unit 10 Recording 2
B: Yeah. I have read something by him, then, but I don’t
1 think it was that one. When was it first published?
What are you doing at the moment?
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A: I’m not completely sure, to be honest, but quite a long

time ago. Maybe 25 or 30 years ago. I read it during the
holidays one summer when I was about 17 or 18, and it
was weird, really, because, you know, everybody says
it’s a complete masterpiece, but it didn’t really do much
for me.

B: What’s the basic plot? Can you remember?

A: Yeah. The protagonist is this young guy who looks after

sheep in the south of Spain somewhere and he keeps
having this dream about finding hidden treasure under
the Pyramids . . . it’s set some time in the distant
past . . . and then he sets off in search of his dreams.

B: Right.

A: Yeah! I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s well written and

he does use some lovely descriptive language, but on
the other hand, the whole story is kind of crazy. The
basic message seems to be if you dream it, it will come
to you.

B: If only life were that simple!

A: Exactly!

B: Still, it sounds curious and I do like a novel with a

message – I’ll put it on the list!

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P: I don’t know. What is a panda’s favourite food.

Unit 10 Recording 5 PT: It’s bread! Get it?
P = Presenter PT = Professor Thomas P: Err no.
GM = Gerd Mueller PT: So, in Japanese it’s a pun – “pan da” literally means
‘bread it is’.
P: Hi there. Welcome to Mind Games. Today, we’re
talking funny. What makes people laugh? How far P: Yeah. OK. You’ve actually just reminded me: my
does humour differ between countries or is it friend, Liam, who’s just starting out as a stand-up …
universal? Here to discuss all of this and more is and who’s clearly never going to be big in other
Professor Thomas, who specialises in the study of countries, I mean, the last gig I saw, he started by
humour, and German comedian Gerd Mueller. So, if saying ‘I burnt 2000 calories this afternoon … That’s
we go by what I see on my travels, I’d say one thing the last time I leave chocolate brownies in the oven
that unites us is slapstick. There are things like Mr while I have a little sleep.’ Ba–boom!
Bean and the Canadian programme Just for Laughs,
GM: Ha ha! Very good.
where they play practical jokes on people, and that’s
shown in over a hundred countries and over 150 P: Yeah. He’s quick – sometimes even too quick for me
airlines include it as part of their in-flight and, you know, of course you can explain things, but
entertainment. that just kills the joke.
PT: Yeah, I think there is something in that theory. GM: Yeah, I guess it’d be the same with my material. I
Clowning of some kind or another seems to be mean, some of it relies on the stereotypes we have of
common to most cultures. people from different regions or the characters of
people in the public eye, or news stories, you know.
GM: Well, my girlfriend certainly always laughs when she
sees me trip up. PT: Yeah – that kind of thing can be very difficult to
P: So long as you don’t hurt yourself, I guess.
P: But does that mean you can say it’s a national sense
GM: No. Sometimes even then!
of humour? I mean, I know some jokes get lost in
PT: Just for Laughs and Mr Bean also have the advantage translation, but are they really different? We all do
of not having language issues, so they travel well. puns or irony or whatever.
When it comes to films, most don’t work well outside
PT: Yes. So, they have done studies which, for example,
of their countries of origin.
show that people from the UK like dry humour more
GM: What about films like Home Alone? That was massive than people from the US …
when I was a kid.
P: OK – but that still means some people in every
PT: OK. There are Hollywood comedies that do well, but it country laugh at dry humour.
doesn’t seem to be the same for films from other
PT: That’s true. From that point of view, humour is
countries. I mean, take China’s top comedy Qian Ren
universal. Individually, we may laugh at different
3 – apologies if I’m not pronouncing it right. It took 308
things, but everyone does laugh.
million dollars at the box office, but only one million of
that was international sales. P: And why is that?
P: I suppose translation becomes an issue and maybe PT: Well, philosophers have been discussing that since
there are cultural references. the time of Plato.
PT: Exactly – word play is particularly difficult. Take this P: And what have they decided?
joke from Japan: Translated into English it goes:
What’s a panda’s favourite food?
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PT: Well, there are about 15 competing theories at the podcast channel I just want to say … thank you and I
moment, so I guess you could say they’re still love you!
discussing it!
And to all those who don’t, I just want to say …
P: 15? Such as?
PT: Well there’s the ontic-epistemic theory or the
Now on to this week’s topic, which is lies that parents
computational-neural theory…
tell their children. Did you know that parents
GM: … they sound like good ways to kill any laughter in sometimes lie to their children? Yes, it’s true, they do!
the room.

PT: They’re actually quite interesting.

Well, I decided to go out onto the streets with my
P: But, sadly, we’re out of time …. trusty microphone and talk to you, the good people of
this country, and find out what lies you were told as a
child or what lies you tell your children now… you
Unit 10 Recording 6 naughty people!
1 First though, I had to find people who wanted to talk to
an app
K: Excuse me can I ask you about…
S1: No, no, no. Whatever you’re selling, not interested.
K: … I just… wanted to …
K: Excuse me…
ice cream
S2: No!
K:: What d’you mean ‘no’? I haven’t asked you anything.
the sky
Unit 10 Recording 7 S2: Just no!

K: Fortunately I did manage to find some people who
I usually have a nap in the afternoon.
were willing to talk to me…. eventually.

I need to fix my car.

K: Excuse me. I’m making a podcast about lies people
3 tell their children. Have you got a moment?
I screamed when I saw it. I1: Uh, yeah OK.
4 K: Have you got any children?
This guy came up to me. I1: No, no I don’t. I’m too young!

K: So is there anything your parents told you when you

Unit 10 Recording 8 were a child, like a lie or something like that in order
to stop you doing something, and that you believed
K = Konstantina S = Stranger I = Interviewee until you were older, if you see what I mean?
K: Hi, Konstantina Louganis here back with another
show. And to all those people out there who follow my
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I1: Yeah, actually, my mum was really big on healthy I2: Well, my son is six now and if he won’t do what I ask
breakfasts and she gave us fruit and muesli and stuff him, I tell him I’m going to report him to the ‘naughty
like that every day… boy police’.

K: Oh yeah, just like mine. K: The ‘naughty boy police’! Seriously?

I1: And then one day when I was going round the I2: Yeah.
supermarket with her I saw this chocolate spread, you
K: You tell him that with a straight face?
know, to put on your toast and stuff…
I2: Yeah. He’s going to find out soon and then I won’t be
K: Oh, yum!
able to make him do anything but you know what…
I1: And I thought it looked amazing so I asked if we could
K: What?
have some and mum just said, if you tried it, you’d
hate it. I2: It’s really useful. If he won’t tidy up his toys I tell him
I’m going to call the naughty boy police and if he still
K: Really?
won’t do it then I pick up the phone and start dialling a
I1: Yeah. And I said why? And she said because it’s number and then he’s all like: ‘Oh please don’t call
really, really spicy! them, mummy, I’ll tidy up’.

K: Spicy? K: Amazing. And do you feel guilty about this?

I1: Yeah, spicy. I2: Er… no. I’ve got three kids and, you know, you do
what you have to to keep them in line, d’you know
K: Unbelievable!
what I mean?
I1: And that put me off because I hated spicy food, like
K: Yeah, yeah, sure. I mean it’s not exactly…
most children I guess, and… er… yeah, anyway, I
kind of believed that for several years.

K: Several years? K: …so what is it that your dad used to tell you?

I1: Yeah. Till I was nine or ten or so. So if, like, if I stayed I3: Well it’s quite funny really because he had this scar
at a friend’s house and they had chocolate spread I on his arm, right,…
wouldn’t eat it because I thought it would burn my
K: Yeah…
I3: Just a few centimetres long, yeah, and he told us this
K: That’s a great story. Thanks so much for sharing!
story about where it came from…
I1: No worries.
K: Where did it come from?

I3: He told us that it, like, came from the second world
K: So are there any lies that you tell your kids in order to war when he was shot and he had to have an
make them behave? operation to remove the bullet …

I2: Well, I shouldn’t really say this but I guess my children K: Oh yeah.
won’t listen to your show…
I3: At least that’s what he told us and we told all our
K: Why not? friends, you know, as you do, …

I2: Oh, I don’t mean… K: Yeah.

K: No, I’m only joking with you. Carry on. I3: Because it’s, like, a good story and it makes him
sound brave and stuff and then one day I mentioned
the story to my uncle, my dad’s brother, and he just,
like, laughed and laughed…
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K: Why? K: No way!

I3: Well he said ‘If that’s true then I’m your fairy I4:: And she believed me and then she asked how often
godmother’ ‘coz you know my dad was only, like, five so I said every weekday.
when the war ended …
K: Every weekday?
K: Ahh…
I4: Yeah. And then she asked what I learned there and I
I3: And you didn’t get many five-year-olds fighting as said how to make breakfast for your daughter and
soldiers in the second world war… how to brush your daughter’s hair and how to tie their
shoelaces and stuff like that …
K: No…
K: And she believed all this?
I3: And I could’ve worked that out for myself, like,
because by this time I was about twelve or so but for I4: She absolutely believed it all and it’s a bit of a
some reason I never stopped to think. Stupid of me, problem now because I haven’t got the heart to tell
but… her I was only joking and, like, when I take her to bed
now I kiss her goodnight and then she says ‘are you
K: You just take it for granted that they’re telling the truth,
going to Dad School now?’ and I say ‘Yeah, love, I’m
don’t you?
off to Dad School,’ so I’ve really dug myself a bit of a
I3: Exactly. hole now and I’m not sure how to get out of it.

K: Hah! Brilliant! I love that story.

K: …so what lies do you, you know, what lies do you tell I4: Yeah, so does she.
your children?
K: I can’t wait till she finds out the truth.
I4: Lies, huh?
I4: Yeah, I can because I’m always telling her it’s wrong
K: Yeah, you know, not serious lies but like funny lies to tell lies.
that are like jokes.
K: Yes, I see what you mean.
I4: Funny you should ask that because my daughter
recently asked me…
K: So there you have it. On the one hand we tell our
K: How old is your daughter?
children that it’s wrong to lie, and on the other we tell
I4: She’s seven. them these lies because, because… actually why do
we tell them lies?
K: OK.
I2: …you know you do what you have to to keep them in
I4: So she asked me how I learned to be a dad and for
line, d’you know what I mean?
some reason I told her that I go to Dad School.
K: Yes, I think I know what you mean. Basically we tell
K: Dad School?
them lies in order to stop them misbehaving. And
I4: Yeah. I have no idea why I said that but I guess I what’s telling lies?... It’s misbehaving… So that makes
thought it was funny, but she took me seriously and perfect sense.
then she asked when I went to Dad School, because,
If you enjoyed this show, remember to subscribe and
you know, she knows that I go to work during the
share it. That’s all for this week. See ya!
week and we’re together at weekends and stuff…

K: So what did you say?

Unit 10 Recording 9
I4: Well I was totally making it up as I went along at this
point so I said I went to Dad School after she goes to
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I haven’t got the heart to tell her I was only joking and, like,
when I take her to bed now I kiss her goodnight and then
she says ‘are you going to Dad School now?’ and I say
‘Yeah, love, I’m off to Dad School,’ so I’ve really dug myself
a bit of a hole now and I’m not sure how to get out of it.

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