Donjon: Town Name: Town Size: Normalize? Walled? Environment: Coastal? River? Race: Culture: Save As PNG
Donjon: Town Name: Town Size: Normalize? Walled? Environment: Coastal? River? Race: Culture: Save As PNG
Donjon: Town Name: Town Size: Normalize? Walled? Environment: Coastal? River? Race: Culture: Save As PNG
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Population: 1/2
26/01/2022, 17:22 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Approximately 1200; mixed human and dwarf and gnome.
Notable Places:
The Hunter's Cellar: A fanciful commoner's inn, kept by a sphinx named Abal.
The Half-full Tankard: A shabby adventurer's inn, entirely managed by squirrels.
A broken obelisk of crystal, placed to honor a local hero named Odfrith.
A few NPCs:
Gela: Male Human Scofflaw, Good. Gela is tall, with thin silver hair and dark green eyes. He wears worn clothing and an iron amulet. Gela seeks to continue the noble
legacy of his father.
There: Male Human Merchant, Neutral. There has an angular face, with grey hair and brown eyes. He wears modest garments and a green cloak. There has an animal
companion, a hunting dog named Beorhtio.
Britha: Female Human Assassin, Neutral. Britha has uneven silver hair and sharp hazel eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a poisoned short sword and dagger.
Britha is blind in her right eye.
Marget Wardsor: Female Human Alchemist, Good. Marget is overweight, with black hair and light brown eyes. She wears tailored clothing and a silver amulet. Marget is
haunted by the ghost of someone she killed.
Herey: Female Human Fighter, Evil. Herey is pleasant in appearance, with thin copper hair and blue eyes. She wears chain mail and wields a long sword. Herey seeks to
steal the crown of the kingdom.
Erell: Female Human Soldier, Evil. Erell has a long face, with black hair and narrow amber eyes. She wears chain mail and wields a bastard sword and shield. Erell is
craven but fair. 2/2