Mech Engg - CS & Syllabus - UG - R20
Mech Engg - CS & Syllabus - UG - R20
Mech Engg - CS & Syllabus - UG - R20
2020 – 21
Sl. Course Subjects L T P Credits
No Code
1 Calculus & Differential Equations-M1 3 0 0 3
2 Engineering Physics 3 0 0 3
3 Programming for Problem Solving 3 0 0 3
4 English 3 0 0 3
5 Engineering Drawing 2 0 2 3
6 Engineering Physics Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory 0 0 3 1.5
8 English Language Lab 0 0 3 1.5
9 Environmental Science 3 0 0 0
Total Credits 17 0 11 19.5
Sl. Course Subjects L T P Credits
No Code
1 Linear Algebra & Numerical Methods-M2 3 0 0 3
2 Engineering Chemistry 3 0 0 3
3 Engineering Mechanics 3 0 0 3
4 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 3
5 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2 0 2 3
6 Workshop Practice Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 Engineering Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 3 1.5
8 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab 0 0 3 1.5
9 Constitution of India 2 0 0 0
Total Credits 16 0 11 19.5
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To familiarize a variety of well-known sequences and series, with a developing intuition about the
behaviour of new ones.
To enlighten the learners in the concept of differential equations and multivariable calculus.
To equip the students with standard concepts and tools at an intermediate to advanced level
mathematics to develop the confidence and ability among the students to handle various real
world problems and their applications.
Course Outcomes:At the end of the course, the student will be able to
utilize mean value theorems to real life problems (L3)
solve the differential equations related to various engineering fields (L3)
familiarize with functions of several variables which is useful in optimization (L3)
apply double integration techniques in evaluating areas bounded by region (L3)
students will also learn important tools of calculus in higher dimensions. Students will become
familiar with 2- dimensional and 3-dimensional coordinate systems(L5 )
Mean Value Theorems (without proofs): Rolle’s Theorem – Lagrange’s mean value theorem – Cauchy’s
mean value theorem – Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems with remainders, Problems and applications on
the above theorem.
UNIT – II: Differential equations of first order and first degree: (10hrs)
Linear differential equations– Bernoulli’s equations –Exact equations and equations reducible to exact
Applications: Newton’s Law of cooling– Law of natural growth and decay– Orthogonal trajectories–
Electrical circuits.
Introduction – Homogeneous function – Euler’s theorem– Total derivative– Chain rule– Jacobian –
Functional dependence –Taylor’s and MacLaurin’s series expansion of functions of two variables.
Applications: Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables without constraints and Lagrange’s
UNIT – V: Multiple integrals: (8 hrs)
Double and Triple integrals – Change of order of integration in double integrals – Change of variables to
polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Applications: Finding Areas and Volumes.
Text Books:
1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44th Edition, Khanna Publishers.
2. B. V. Ramana,Higher Engineering Mathematics, 2007 Edition, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Education.
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, Wiley-India.
2. Joel Hass, Christopher Heil and Maurice D. Weir, Thomas calculus, 14thEdition, Pearson.
3. Lawrence Turyn, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, CRC Press, 2013.
4. Srimantha Pal, S C Bhunia, Engineering Mathematics, Oxford University Press.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year I Semester
3 0 0 3
Unit-I: Wave Optics 12hrs
Interference: Principle of superposition –Interference of light - Interference in thin films
(Reflection Geometry) & applications -Colors in thin films- Newton’s Rings- Determination of
wavelength and refractive index.
Unit Outcomes:
Unit Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Explain the concept of dielectric constant and polarization in dielectric materials (L2)
Summarize various types of polarization of dielectrics (L2)
Interpret Lorentz field and Claussius- Mosotti relation in dielectrics(L2)
Classify the magnetic materials based on susceptibility and their temperature dependence
Explain the applications of dielectric and magnetic materials (L2)
Apply the concept of magnetism to magnetic devices (L3)
X- ray diffraction: Bragg’s law - X-ray Diffractometer – crystal structure determination by Laue’s
and powder methods.
Unit Outcomes:
The students will be able to
Classify various crystal systems (L2)
Identify different planes in the crystal structure (L3)
Analyze the crystalline structure by Bragg’s X-ray diffractometer (L4)
Apply powder method to measure the crystallinity of a solid (L4)
Text books:
1. Engineering Physics – Dr. M.N. Avadhanulu & Dr. P.G. Kshirsagar, S. Chand and Company
2. Engineering physics – D.K. Battacharya and Poonam Tandon, Oxford University press.
3. Engineering Physics by P.K.Palanisamy SciTech publications.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Physics – Halliday, Resnick and Walker, John Wiley &Sons
2. Engineering Physics – M.R.Srinivasan, New Age Publications
3. Engineering Physics – D K Pandey, S. Chaturvedi, Cengage Learning
4. Engineering Physics - Sanjay D. Jain, D. Sahasrambudhe and Girish, University Press
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - I Semester L T P C
3 0 0 3
The objectives of Programming for Problem Solving Using C are
1) To learn about the computer systems, computing environments, developing of a computer
program and Structure of a C Program
2) To gain knowledge of the operators, selection, control statements and repetition in C
3) To learn about the design concepts of arrays, strings, enumerated structure and union types. To
learn about their usage.
4) To assimilate about pointers, dynamic memory allocation and know the significance of
5) To assimilate about File I/O and significance of functions
Introduction to Computers: Creating and running Programs, Computer Numbering System, Storing
Integers, Storing Real Numbers
Introduction to the C Language: Background, C Programs, Identifiers, Types, Variable, Constants,
Input/output, Programming Examples, Scope, Storage Classes and Type Qualifiers.
Structure of a C Program: Expressions Precedence and Associativity, Side Effects, Evaluating
Expressions, Type Conversion Statements, Simple Programs, Command Line Arguments.
Bitwise Operators: Exact Size Integer Types, Logical Bitwise Operators, Shift Operators.
Selection & Making Decisions: Logical Data and Operators, Two Way Selection, Multiway Selection,
More Standard Functions
Repetition: Concept of Loop, Pretest and Post-test Loops, Initialization and Updating, Event and
Counter Controlled Loops, Loops in C, Other Statements Related to Looping, Looping Applications,
Programming Examples
Arrays: Concepts, Using Array in C, Array Application, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional
Arrays, Programming Example – Calculate Averages
Strings: String Concepts, C String, String Input / Output Functions, Arrays of Strings, String
Manipulation Functions String/ Data Conversion, A Programming Example – Morse Code
Enumerated, Structure, and Union: The Type Definition (Type def), Enumerated Types, Structure,
Unions, and Programming Application
Pointers: Introduction, Pointers to pointers, Compatibility, L value and R value
Pointer Applications: Arrays, and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays, Memory Allocation
Function, Array of Pointers, Programming Application
Processor Commands: Processor Commands
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Functions: Designing, Structured Programs, Function in C, User Defined Functions, Inter-Function
Communication, Standard Functions, Passing Array to Functions, Passing Pointers to Functions,
Text Input / Output: Files, Streams, Standard Library Input / Output Functions, Formatting Input /
Output Functions, Character Input / Output Functions
Binary Input / Output: Text versus Binary Streams, Standard Library, Functions for Files, Converting
File Type.
I Year - I Semester
3 0 0 3
The course is designed to train students in receptive (listening and reading) as well as productive
and interactive (speaking and writing) skills by incorporating a comprehensive, coherent and integrated
approach that improves the learners’ ability to effectively use English language in academic/ workplace
contexts. The shift is from learning about the language to using the language. On successful completion
of the compulsory English language course/s in B.Tech., learners would be confident of appearing for
international language qualification/proficiency tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, or BEC, besides being able
to express themselves clearly in speech and competently handle the writing tasks and verbal ability
component of campus placement tests. Activity based teaching-learning methods would be adopted to
ensure that learners would engage in actual use of language both in the classroom and laboratory
Course Objectives
➢ Facilitate effective listening skills for better comprehension of academic lectures and English
spoken by native speakers
➢ Focus on appropriate reading strategies for comprehension of various academic texts and
authentic materials
➢ Help improve speaking skills through participation in activities such as role plays, discussions and
structured talks/oral presentations
➢ Impart effective strategies for good writing and demonstrate the same in summarizing, writing
well organized essays, record and report useful information
➢ Provide knowledge of grammatical structures and vocabulary and encourage their appropriate use
in speech and writing
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, the learners will be able to
understand social or transactional dialogues spoken by native speakers of English and identify the
context, topic, and pieces of specific information
ask and answer general questions on familiar topics and introduce oneself/others
employ suitable strategies for skimming and scanning to get the general idea of a text and locate
specific information
recognize paragraph structure and be able to match beginnings/endings/headings with paragraphs
form sentences using proper grammatical structures and correct word forms
Unit 1:
Lesson-1: A Drawer full of happiness from “Infotech English”, Maruthi Publications
Lesson-2: Deliverance by Premchand from “The Individual Society”, Pearson Publications.
Listening: Listening to short audio texts and identifying the topic. Listening to short audio texts and
identifying the context and specific pieces of information to answer a series of questions both in speaking
and writing.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Speaking: Asking and answering general questions on familiar topics such as home, family, work,
studies and interests. Self introductions and introducing others.
Reading: Skimming text to get the main idea. Scanning to look for specific pieces of information.
Reading for Writing: Paragraph writing (specific topics) using suitable cohesive devices; linkers, sign
posts and transition signals; mechanics of writing - punctuation, capital letters.
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20) GRE Vocabulary (20)
(Antonyms and Synonyms, Word applications) Verbal reasoning and sequencing of words.
Grammar: Content words and function words; word forms: verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs; nouns:
countables and uncountables; singular and plural basic sentence structures; simple question form - wh-
questions; word order in sentences.
Pronunciation: Vowels, Consonants, Plural markers and their realizations
Unit 2:
Lesson-1: Nehru’s letter to his daughter Indira on her birthday from “Infotech English”, Maruthi
Lesson-2: Bosom Friend by Hira Bansodefrom “The Individual Society”, Pearson Publications. (Non-
Listening: Answering a series of questions about main idea and supporting ideas after listening to audio
texts, both in speaking and writing.
Speaking: Discussion in pairs/ small groups on specific topics followed by short structured talks.
Functional English: Greetings and leave takings.
Reading: Identifying sequence of ideas; recognizing verbal techniques that help to link the ideas in a
paragraph together.
Reading for Writing: Summarizing - identifying main idea/s and rephrasing what is read; avoiding
redundancies and repetitions.
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20 words). GRE Vocabulary
Analogies (20 words) (Antonyms and Synonyms, Word applications)
Speaking: Discussing specific topics in pairs or small groups and reporting what is discussed. Functional
English: Complaining and Apologizing.
Reading: Reading a text in detail by making basic inferences - recognizing and interpreting specific
context clues; strategies to use text clues for comprehension. Critical reading.
Reading for Writing: Summarizing - identifying main idea/s and rephrasing what is read; avoiding
redundancies and repetitions. Letter writing-types, format and principles of letter writing. E-mail
etiquette, Writing CV’s.
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20 words). GRE Vocabulary (20
words) (Antonyms and Synonyms, Word applications) Association, sequencing of words
Grammar: Verbs - tenses; subject-verb agreement; direct and indirect speech, reporting verbs for
academic purposes.
Speaking: Formal oral presentations on topics from academic contexts - without the use of PPT slides.
Functional English: Suggesting/Opinion giving.
Reading: Reading for comprehension. RAP Strategy Intensive reading and Extensive reading techniques.
Reading for Writing: Writing academic proposals- writing research articles: format and style.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Vocabulary: Technical vocabulary from across technical branches (20 words) GRE Vocabulary (20
words) (Antonyms and Synonyms, Word applications) Coherence, matching emotions.
Grammar: Editing short texts – identifying and correcting common errors in grammar and usage
(articles, prepositions, tenses, subject verb agreement)
Reference books:
1. Bailey, Stephen. Academic writing: A handbook for international students. Routledge, 2014.
2. Chase, Becky Tarver. Pathways: Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking. Heinley ELT;
2nd Edition, 2018.
3. Skillful Level 2 Reading & Writing Student's Book Pack (B1) Macmillan Educational.
4. Hewings, Martin. Cambridge Academic English (B2). CUP, 2012.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - I Semester
2 0 2 3
Course Objective: Engineering drawing being the principal method of communication for
engineers, the objective is to introduce the students, the techniques of constructing the various
types of polygons, curves and scales. The objective is also to visualize and represent the 3D objects
in 2D planes with proper dimensioning, scaling etc.
Unit I
Objective: To introduce the students to use drawing instruments and to draw polygons, Engg.
Polygons: Constructing regular polygons by general methods, inscribing and describing polygons on
Curves: Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola by general and special methods, cycloids, involutes,
tangents & normals for the curves.
Scales: Plain scales, diagonal scales and vernier scales
Unit II
Objective: To introduce the students to use orthographic projections, projections of points & simple
lines. To make the students draw the projections of the lines inclined to both the planes.
Orthographic Projections: Reference plane, importance of reference lines, projections of points in
various quadrants, projections of lines, line parallel to both the planes, line parallel to one plane and
inclined to other plane.
Projections of straight lines inclined to both the planes, determination of true lengths, angle of
inclination and traces.
Unit III
Objective: The objective is to make the students draw the projections of the plane inclined to both
the planes.
Projections of planes: regular planes perpendicular/parallel to one reference plane and inclined to the
other reference plane; inclined to both the reference planes.
Unit IV
Objective: The objective is to make the students draw the projections of the various types of solids in
different positions inclined to one of the planes.
Projections of Solids – Prisms, Pyramids, Cones and Cylinders with the axis inclined to both the
Unit V
Objective: The objective is to represent the object in 3D view through isometric views. The student
will be able to represent and convert the isometric view to orthographic view and vice versa.
Conversion of isometric views to orthographic views; Conversion of orthographic views to isometric
Computer Aided Design, Drawing practice using Auto CAD, Creating 2D&3D drawings of objects
using Auto CAD
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
1. Engineering Drawing by N.D. Butt, Chariot Publications
2. Engineering Drawing by Agarwal & Agarwal, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers
1. Engineering Drawing by K.L.Narayana & P. Kannaiah, Scitech Publishers
2. Engineering Graphics for Degree by K.C. John, PHI Publishers
3. Engineering Graphics by PI Varghese, McGrawHill Publishers
4. Engineering Drawing + AutoCad – K Venugopal, V. Prabhu Raja, New Age
Course Outcome: The student will learn how to visualize 2D & 3D objects.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - I Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Engineering Physics Lab
I Year - I Semester L T P C
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objectives:
1) Apply the principles of C language in problem solving.
2) To design flowcharts, algorithms and knowing how to debug programs.
3) To design & develop of C programs using arrays, strings pointers & functions.
4) To review the file operations, preprocessor commands.
Exercise 1:
1. Write a C program to print a block F using hash (#), where the F has a height of six characters
and width of five and four characters.
2. Write a C program to compute the perimeter and area of a rectangle with a height of 7 inches
and width of 5 inches.
3. Write a C program to display multiple variables.
Exercise 2:
1. Write a C program to calculate the distance between the two points.
2. Write a C program that accepts 4 integers p, q, r, s from the user where r and s are positive
and p is even. If q is greater than r and s is greater than p and if the sum of r and s is greater
than the sum of p and q print "Correct values", otherwise print "Wrong values".
Exercise 3:
1. Write a C program to convert a string to a long integer.
2. Write a program in C which is a Menu-Driven Program to compute the area of the various
geometrical shape.
3. Write a C program to calculate the factorial of a given number.
Exercise 4:
1. Write a program in C to display the n terms of even natural number and their sum.
2. Write a program in C to display the n terms of harmonic series and their sum.
1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 ... 1/n terms.
3. Write a C program to check whether a given number is an Armstrong number or not.
Exercise 5:
1. Write a program in C to print all unique elements in an array.
2. Write a program in C to separate odd and even integers in separate arrays.
3. Write a program in C to sort elements of array in ascending order.
Exercise 6:
1. Write a program in C for multiplication of two square Matrices.
2. Write a program in C to find transpose of a given matrix.
Exercise 7:
1. Write a program in C to search an element in a row wise and column wise sorted matrix.
2. Write a program in C to print individual characters of string in reverse order.
Exercise 8:
1. Write a program in C to compare two strings without using string library functions.
2. Write a program in C to copy one string to another string.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Exercise 9:
1. Write a C Program to Store Information Using Structures with Dynamically Memory
2. Write a program in C to demonstrate how to handle the pointers in the program.
Exercise 10:
1. Write a program in C to demonstrate the use of & (address of) and *(value at address)
2. Write a program in C to add two numbers using pointers.
Exercise 11:
1. Write a program in C to add numbers using call by reference.
2. Write a program in C to find the largest element using Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Exercise 12:
1. Write a program in C to swap elements using call by reference.
2. Write a program in C to count the number of vowels and consonants in a string using a
Exercise 13:
1. Write a program in C to show how a function returning pointer.
2. Write a C program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this program,
allocate memory dynamically using malloc( ) function.
Exercise 14:
1. Write a C program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this program,
allocate memory dynamically using calloc( ) function. Understand the difference between the
above two programs
2. Write a program in C to convert decimal number to binary number using the function.
Exercise 15:
1. Write a program in C to check whether a number is a prime number or not using the function.
2. Write a program in C to get the largest element of an array using the function.
Exercise 16:
1. Write a program in C to append multiple lines at the end of a text file.
2. Write a program in C to copy a file in another name.
3. Write a program in C to remove a file from the disk.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the Lab, the student
1) Gains Knowledge on various concepts of a C language.
2) Able to draw flowcharts and write algorithms.
3) Able design and development of C problem solving skills.
4) Able to design and develop modular programming skills.
5) Able to trace and debug a program
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - I Semester L T P C
0 0 3 1.5
Vowels, Consonants, Pronunciation, Phonetic Transcription
References books:
1. Infotech English, Maruthi Publications (with Compact Disc).
2. Exercises in Spoken English Part 1,2,3,4, OUP and CIEFL.
3. English Pronunciation in use- Mark Hancock, Cambridge University Press.
4. English Phonetics and Phonology-Peter Roach, Cambridge University Press.
5. English Pronunciation in use- Mark Hewings, Cambridge University Press.
6. English Pronunciation Dictionary- Daniel Jones, Cambridge University Press.
7. English Phonetics for Indian Students- P. Bala Subramanian, Mac Millan
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - I Semester
3 0 0 0
Learning Objectives:
The objectives of the course are to impart:
Overall understanding of the natural resources.
Basic understanding of the ecosystem and its diversity.
Acquaintance on various environmental challenges induced due to unplanned anthropogenic
An understanding of the environmental impact of developmental activities.
Awareness on the social issues, environmental legislation and global treaties.
Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies: Definition, Scope and Importance –Sustainability:
Stockholm and Rio Summit–Global Environmental Challenges: Global warming and climate change,
acid rains, ozone layer depletion, population growth and explosion, effects;. Role of information
technology in environment and human health.
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem. - Structure and function of an ecosystem; Producers, consumers
and decomposers. - Energy flow in the ecosystem - Ecological succession. - Food chains, food webs and
ecological pyramids; Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of Forest
ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystems.
Natural Resources: Natural resources and associated problems.
Forest resources: Use and over – exploitation, deforestation – Timber extraction – Mining, dams and
other effects on forest and tribal people.
Water resources: Use and over utilization of surface and ground water – Floods, drought, conflicts over
water, dams – benefits and problems.
Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources.
Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by non-agriculture activities-effects of modern
agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity.
Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources use of alternate
energy sources.
Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, Wasteland reclamation, man induced landslides,
soil erosion and desertification; Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources; Equitable use
of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
Biodiversity and its conservation: Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity-classification -
Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social-Biodiversity at national and local levels.
India as a mega-diversity nation - Hot-sports of biodiversity - Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, man-
wildlife conflicts. - Endangered and endemic species of India – Conservation of biodiversity:
conservation of biodiversity.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
UNIT – IV Environmental Pollution: Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of Air pollution,
Water pollution, Soil pollution, Noise pollution, Nuclear hazards. Role of an individual in prevention of
pollution. - Pollution case studies, Sustainable Life Studies. Impact of Fire Crackers on Men and his well
Solid Waste Management: Sources, Classification, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
solid wastes. Consumerism and waste products, Biomedical, Hazardous and e – waste management.
UNIT – V Social Issues and the Environment: Urban problems related to energy -Water conservation,
rain water harvesting - Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns.
Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions. Environmental Protection Act -Air (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act. –Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act -Wildlife Protection Act -
Forest Conservation Act-Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation. -Public awareness.
Environmental Management: Impact Assessment and its significance various stages of EIA,
preparation of EMP and EIS, Environmental audit. Ecotourism, Green Campus – Green business and
Green politics.
The student should Visit an Industry / Ecosystem and submit a report individually on any issues related to
Environmental Studies course and make a power point presentation.
Text Books:
1. Text Book of Environmental Studies, Deeshita Dave & P. UdayaBhaskar, Cengage Learning.
2. A Textbook of Environmental Studies, Shaashi Chawla, TMH, New Delhi
3. Environmental Studies, Benny Joseph, Tata McGraw Hill Co, New Delhi
4. Perspectives in Environment Studies, Anubha Kaushik, C P Kaushik, New Age International
Publishers, 2014
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - II Semester
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
To instruct the concept of Matrices in solving linear algebraic equations
To elucidate the different numerical methods to solve nonlinear algebraic equations
To disseminate the use of different numerical techniques for carrying out numerical integration.
To equip the students with standard concepts and tools at an intermediate to advanced level
mathematics to develop the confidence and ability among the students to handle various real
world problems and their applications.
Course Outcomes:At the end of the course, the student will be able to
develop the use of matrix algebra techniques that is needed by engineers for practical applications
solve system of linear algebraic equations using Gauss elimination, Gauss Jordan, Gauss Seidel
evaluate the approximate roots of polynomial and transcendental equations by different
algorithms (L5)
apply Newton’s forward & backward interpolation and Lagrange’s formulae for equal and
unequal intervals (L3)
apply numerical integral techniques to different Engineering problems (L3)
apply different algorithms for approximating the solutions of ordinary differential equations with
initial conditions to its analytical computations (L3)
UNIT – I: Solving systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors: (10hrs)
Rank of a matrix by echelon form and normal form – Solving system of homogeneous and non-
homogeneous linear equations – Gauss Eliminationmethod – Eigen values and Eigen vectors and
properties (article-2.14 in text book-1).
Cayley-Hamilton theorem (without proof) – Applications – Finding the inverse and power of a matrix by
Cayley-Hamilton theorem – Reduction to Diagonal form – Quadratic forms and nature of the quadratic
forms – Reduction of quadratic form to canonical forms by orthogonal transformation.
Singular values of a matrix, singular value decomposition (text book-3).
Introduction– Bisection method–Secant method – Method of false position– Iteration method – Newton-
Raphson method (One variable and simultaneous Equations) – Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods for
solving system of equations numerically.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Numerical differentiation using interpolating polynomial – Trapezoidal rule– Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th
rule– Solution of initial value problems by Taylor’s series– Picard’s method of successive
approximations– Euler’s method – Runge-Kutta method (second and fourth order).
Text Books:
1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44th Edition, Khanna Publishers.
2. B. V. Ramana,Higher Engineering Mathematics, 2007 Edition, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Education.
3. David Poole, Linear Algebra- A modern introduction, 4th Edition, Cengage.
Reference Books:
1. Steven C. Chapra, Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineering and
Science,Tata Mc. Graw Hill Education.
2. M. K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar and R.K. Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computation, New Age International Publications.
3. Lawrence Turyn, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, CRC Press.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - II Semester
3 0 0 3
Knowledge of basic concepts of Chemistry for Engineering students will help them as professional
engineers later in design and material selection, as well as utilizing the available resources.
Importance of usage of plastics in household appliances and composites (FRP) in aerospace and
automotive industries.
Outline the basics for the construction of electrochemical cells, batteries and fuel cells.
Understand the mechanism of corrosion and how it can be prevented.
Express the increases in demand as wide variety of advanced materials are introduced; which
have excellent engineering properties.
Classify and discuss the materials used in major industries like steel industry, metallurgical
industries and construction industries and electrical equipment manufacturing industries.
Lubrication is also summarized.
Relate the need of fuels as a source of energy to any industry, particularly industries like thermal
power stations, steel industry, fertilizer industry etc., and hence introduced.
Explain the importance and usage of water as basic material in almost all the industries; interpret
drawbacks of steam boilers and also how portable water is supplied for drinking purposes.
corrosion control (proper designing and cathodic protection), Protective coatings (surface preparation,
cathodic coatings, anodic coatings, electroplating and electroless plating [nickel]), Paints (constituents,
functions and special paints).
Course Outcomes: At the end of this unit, the students will be able to
Utilize the theory of construction of electrodes, batteries and fuel cells in redesigning new
engineering products and categorize the reasons for corrosion and study methods to control
Analyze the suitable methods for purification and treatment of hard water and brackish water.
Standard Books:
1. P.C. Jain and M. Jain “Engineering Chemistry”, 15/e, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, (Latest
2. Shikha Agarwal, “Engineering Chemistry”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, (2019).
3. S.S. Dara, “A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry”, S.Chand & Co, (2010).
4. Shashi Chawla, “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Publicating Co. (Latest edition).
1. K. Sesha Maheshwaramma and Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry”, Pearson India Edn.
2. O.G. Palana, “Engineering Chemistry”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, (2009).
3. CNR Rao and JM Honig (Eds) “Preparation and
characterization of materials” Academic press, New York (latest edition)
4. B. S. Murthy, P. Shankar and others, “Textbook
of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, University press (latest edition)
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - II Semester
3 0 0 3
Objectives: The students completing this course are expected to understand the concepts of forces and its
resolution in different planes, resultant of force system, Forces acting on a body, their free body diagrams
using graphical methods. They are required to understand the concepts of centre of gravity and moments
of inertia and their application, Analysis of frames and trusses, different types of motion, friction and
application of work - energy method.
Objectives: The students are to be exposed to the concepts of force and friction, direction and its
Introduction to Engg. Mechanics – Basic Concepts.
Systems of Forces: Coplanar Concurrent Forces – Components in Space – Resultant – Moment of Force
and its Application – Couples and Resultant of Force Systems.
Friction: Introduction, limiting friction and impending motion, coulomb’s laws of dry friction,
coefficient of friction, cone of friction
Objectives: The students are to be exposed to application of free body diagrams. Solution to
problems using graphical methods and law of triangle of forces.
Equilibrium of Systems of Forces: Free Body Diagrams, , Lami’s Theorm, Equations of Equilibrium of
Coplanar Systems, Graphical method for the equilibrium, Triangle law of forces, converse of the law of
polygon of forces condition of equilibrium, Equations of Equilibrium for Spatial System of forces,
Numerical examples on spatial system of forces using vector approach, Analysis of plane trusses.
Objectives : The students are to be exposed to concepts of centre of gravity. The students are to be
exposed to concepts of moment of inertia and polar moment of inertia including transfer methods
and their applications.
Centroid: Centroids of simple figures (from basic principles) – Centroids of Composite Figures
Centre of Gravity: Centre of gravity of simple body (from basic principles), centre of gravity of
composite bodies, Pappus theorems.
Area moments of Inertia: Definition – Polar Moment of Inertia, Transfer Theorem, Moments of Inertia
of Composite Figures, Products of Inertia, Transfer Formula for Product of Inertia. Mass Moment of
Inertia: Moment of Inertia of Masses, Transfer Formula for Mass Moments of Inertia, mass moment of
inertia of composite bodies.
Objectives: The students are to be exposed to motion in straight line and in curvilinear paths, its
velocity and acceleration computation and methods of representing plane motion.
Rectilinear and Curvilinear motion of a particle: Kinematics and Kinetics- Work Energy method and
applications to particle motion- Impulse momentum method.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Objectives: The students are to be exposed to rigid motion kinematics and kinetics
Rigid body Motion: Kinematics and kinetics of translation, Rotation about fixed axis and plane motion,
Work Energy method and Impulse momentum method.
1. Engg. Mechanics - S.Timoshenko & D.H.Young., 4th Edn - , Mc Graw Hill publications.
Course outcomes:
1. The student should be able to draw free body diagrams for FBDs for particles and rigid bodies in
plane and space and problems to solve the unknown forces, orientations and geometric
2. He should be able to determine centroid for lines, areas and center of gravity for volumes and
their composites.
3. He should be able to determine area and mass movement of inertia for composite sections
He should be able to analyze motion of particles and rigid bodies and apply the principles of
motion, work energy and impulse – momentum.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - II Semester
3 0 0 3
This course covers the topics related to analysis of various electrical circuits, operation of various
electrical machines and electronic components to perform well in their respective fields.
Learning Objectives:
To learn the basic principles of electrical circuital law’s and analysis of networks.
To understand principle of operation and construction details of DC machines.
To understand principle of operation and construction details of transformers, alternator and 3-
Phase induction motor.
To study operation of PN junction diode, half wave, full wave rectifiers and OP-AMPs.
To learn operation of PNP and NPN transistors and various amplifiers.
Unit - I
Electrical Circuits
Basic definitions – types of network elements – Ohm’s Law – Kirchhoff’s Laws – inductive networks –
capacitive networks – series – parallel circuits – star-delta and delta-star transformations.-Numerical
Unit - II
DC Machines
Principle of operation of DC generator – EMF equation – types of DC machines – torque equation
characteristics of DC motors – applications – three point starter – speed control methods of DC motor –
Swinburne’s Test-Brake test on DC shunt motor-Numerical problems.
Unit - III
AC Machines:
Principle of operation and construction of single phase transformers – EMF equation – Losses – OC &
SC tests – efficiency and regulation-Numerical Problems.
AC Rotating Machines
Principle of operation and construction of alternators – types of alternators Regulation of alternator by
synchronous impedance method – principle of operation of synchronous motor – principle of operation of
3-Phase induction motor – slip-torque characteristics – efficiency – applications- Numerical Problems.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
Unit IV
Rectifiers & Linear ICs
PN junction diodes – diode applications (half wave and bridge rectifiers). Characteristics of operation
amplifiers (OP-AMP) – application of OP-AMPs (inverting, non-inverting, integrator and differentiator)-
Numerical Problems.
Unit V
PNP and NPN junction transistor, transistor as an amplifier– frequency response of CE amplifier – Basic
concepts of feedback amplifier-Numerical problems.
Learning Outcomes:
The student should be able to:
Analyse various electrical networks.
Understand operation of DC generators,3-point starter and DC machine testing by Swinburne’s
Test and Brake test.
Analyse performance of single-phase transformer and acquire proper knowledge and working of
3-phase alternator and 3-phase induction motors.
Analyse operation of half wave, full wave bridge rectifiers and OP-AMPs.
Understanding operations of CE amplifier and basic concept of feedback amplifier.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology by John Bird, Routledge Taylor &Francis Group
2. Basic Electrical Engineering by M.S.Naidu and S.Kamakshiah, TMH Publications
3. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering by Rajendra Prasad, PHI Publications,2 nd edition
4. Basic Electrical Engineering by Nagsarkar, Sukhija, Oxford Publications,2 nd edition
5. Industrial Electronics by G.K. Mittal, PHI
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - II Semester
2 0 2 3
Course Objective: To enhance the student’s knowledge and skills in engineering drawing and to
introduce drafting packages and commands for computer aided drawing and modeling.
Objective: The knowledge of projections of solids is essential in 3D modeling and animation. The
student will be able to draw projections of solids. The objective is to enhance the skills they already
acquired in their earlier course in drawing of projection.
PROJECTIONS OF SOLIDS: Projections of Regular Solids inclined to both planes – Auxiliary Views.
The knowledge of sections of solids and development of surfaces is required in designing and
manufacturing of the objects. Whenever two or more solids combine, a definite curve is seen at their
SECTIONS OF SOLIDS: Sections and Sectional views of Right Regular Solids – Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid,
Cone – Auxiliary views.
The objective is to make the students create geometrical model of simple solids and machine parts and
display the same as an Isometric, Orthographic or Perspective projection.
COMPUTER AIDED SOLID MODELING: Isometric projections, orthographic projections of isometric
projections, Modeling of simple solids, Modeling of Machines & Machine Parts.
1. Mastering Auto CAD 2013 and Auto CAD LT 2013 – George Omura, Sybex
2. Auto CAD 2013 fundamentals- Elisemoss, SDC Publ.
3. Engineering Drawing and Graphics using Auto Cad – T Jeyapoovan, vikas
4. Engineering Drawing + AutoCAD – K Venugopal, V. Prabhu Raja, New Age
5. Engineering Drawing – RK Dhawan, S Chand
6. Engineering Drawing – MB Shaw, BC Rana, Pearson
7. Engineering Drawing – KL Narayana, P Kannaiah, Scitech
8. Engineering Drawing – Agarwal and Agarwal, Mc Graw Hill
9. Engineering Graphics – PI Varghese, Mc Graw Hill
10. Text book of Engineering Drawing with auto-CAD , K.venkata reddy/B.S . publications.
11. Engineering Drawing with Auto CAD/ James D Bethune/Pearson Publications
12. Engineering Graphics with Auto CAD/Kulkarni D.M, Rastogi A.P, Sarkar A.K/PHI Publications
End Semester examination shall be conducted for Four hours with the following pattern:
Course outcomes:
1. Student get exposed on working of sheet metal with help of development of surfaces.
2. Student understands how to know the hidden details of machine components with the help of sections and
interpenetrations of solids.
3. Student shall exposed to modeling commands for generating 2D and 3D objects using computer aided
drafting tools which are useful to create machine elements for computer aided analysis.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course Objective: To impart hands-on practice on basic engineering trades and skills.
Note: At least two exercises to be done from each trade.
1. Carpentry 1. T-Lap Joint
2. Cross Lap Joint
3. Dovetail Joint
4. Mortise and Tenon Joint
I Year - II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Outcomes: The students entering into the professional course have practically very little exposure to lab
classes. The experiments introduce volumetric analysis; redox titrations with different indicators; EDTA
titrations; then they are exposed to a few instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Thus at the end of
the lab course, the student is exposed to different methods of chemical analysis and use of some
commonly employed instruments. They thus acquire some experimental skills.
Reference Books
1. A Textbook of Quantitative Analysis, Arthur J. Vogel.
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21
I Year - II Semester L T P C
0 0 3 1.5
Learning Objectives:
Learning Outcomes:
I Year - I Semester L T P C
2 0 0 0
Course Objectives:
To Enable the student to understand the importance of constitution
To understand the structure of executive, legislature and judiciary
To understand philosophy of fundamental rights and duties
To understand the autonomous nature of constitutional bodies like Supreme Court and high court
controller and auditor general of India and election commission of India.
To understand the central and state relation financial and administrative.
Introduction to Indian Constitution: Constitution meaning of the term, Indian Constitution - Sources and
constitutional history, Features - Citizenship, Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive
Principles of State Policy.
Learning outcomes:
After completion of this unit student will
● Understand the concept of Indian constitution
● Apply the knowledge on directive principle of state policy
● Analyze the History, features of Indian constitution
● Evaluate Preamble Fundamental Rights and Duties
Union Government and its Administration Structure of the Indian Union: Federalism, Centre- State
relationship, President: Role, power and position, PM and Council of ministers, Cabinet and Central
Secretariat, LokSabha, RajyaSabha, The Supreme Court and High Court: Powers and Functions;
Learning outcomes:-After completion of this unit student will
● Understand the structure of Indian government
● Differentiate between the state and central government
● Explain the role of President and Prime Minister
● Know the Structure of supreme court and High court
State Government and its Administration Governor - Role and Position - CM and Council of ministers,
State Secretariat: Organisation, Structure and Functions
Learning outcomes:-After completion of this unit student will
● Understand the structure of state government
● Analyze the role Governor and Chief Minister
● Explain the role of state Secretariat
● Differentiate between structure and functions of state secretariat
A.Local Administration - District’s Administration Head - Role and Importance, Municipalities - Mayor
and role of Elected Representative - CEO of Municipal Corporation PachayatiRaj: Functions PRI:
ZilaPanchayat, Elected officials and their roles, CEO ZilaPanchayat: Block level Organizational
Hierarchy - (Different departments), Village level - Role of Elected and Appointed officials - Importance
of grass root democracy
Learning outcomes:-After completion of this unit student will
● Understand the local Administration
R-20 Syllabus for ME JNTUK w. e. f. 2020 – 21