Viterbi's Impact On The Exploration of The Solar System
Viterbi's Impact On The Exploration of The Solar System
Viterbi's Impact On The Exploration of The Solar System
First Appearance of
> ln 2
(b) p’l
have made use of the fact that go(p) is concave.
Fig. 4. Graphical construction of EL(R) from I%(P).
m property b) we have lim,,,, &(p)/p =
C. Thus we obtain Error Bounds for Convolutional Codes
whereand an Asymptotically Optimum
ponent E,(R) in the lower bound is a positive Decoding Algorithm
decreasing continuous function of R for all
p’ is the solution ANDREWto J. theVITERBI,
equation SENIORE,,(c)
MEMBER, = E,,IEEE and E, is
hical construction of the exponent-rate curve given by (17b).
ot of the function E,,(p) is shown in Fig. 4. We probability of error in decoding an optimal con- Increasing
volutional code transmitted over a memoryless channel is bounded
with rate. The upper bound is obtained for a specific
probabilistic nonsequential decoding algorithm which is shown to be
her consideration of the properties fromofabove(16) and below as aIV.functionA ofPROBABILISTIC
the constraint length of NONSEQTJENTIAL
the asymptotically optimumDECODING
for rates above Ra and whose performance
code. For all but pathological channels the bounds are asymptotically bears certain similarities to that of sequential decoding algorithms.
an upper bound is obtained. (exponentially) tight for rates above &, the computational
er lower bound on error probability rate for low
of sequential decoding. As a function of constraint length the
We now describe a
performance of optimal convolutional codes is shown to be superior new probabilistic I. nonsequential
btained by replacing the sphere packing to thatbound
decoding algorithm which, as we shall show
of block codes of the same length, the relative improvement INCE Elias”] in the
first proposed theuse of convolutional
the tighter lower bound for low rates recently (tree) codes for the discrete memoryless channel,
Manuscript receivednext May section, is November
20, 1966; revised asymptotically
14, 1966. s optimum
it has beenfor rates Rthat > the performance of
by Shannon, Gallager, and Berlekamp.17’Division, For
The research for this work was sponsored by Applied Mathematics
Office of R, = Research,
Aerospace E,(l). U.The S. Air algorithm
Force, Grant decodes
this an L-branch
class of codes is potentially tree superior to that of block
d (6) is replaced by The author is withby the performing L repetitions ofof one
Department of Engineering, University of
codes of the same length. The first quantitative verification
basic step. We adopt
California, Los Angeles, Calif. this conjecture was due to Yudkinr2’ who obtained
the convention of denoting each branch of a given path
by its data symbol ai, an element of GE(q). Also, although
GE(q) is isomorphic to the integers modulo (r only when
Q is a prime, for the sake of compact notation, we shall
use the integer r to denote the rth element of the field.
I -lim [P 111 F T p(4pb’)
m In Step 1 the decoder considers all qK paths for the
first K branches (where K is the branch constraint length
&P(Y Y I 4P(Y I ~‘>Yl~ = &(i3. (17b) of the code) and computes all qK likelihood functions
ght line of (17a) is tangent to the curve of (6) n;?I1 p(y, 1ai). The decoder then compares the likelihood
P + 1)/p@;(p). Repeating the minimization with function for the q paths:
CLwe find (0, az, a, . . * 4,
E&l = min [(P + l)Ez - &RI 0, a2, a3, ... ad,
* ..................
0 < R < Elbl
=E,, -MC. (a - 1, az, a3, . . . ad
have for each of the qK-l possible vectors (az, a3 . . . ar;).
It thus performs qIcel comparisons each among q path
2 likelihood functions. Let the path corresponding to the
greatest likelihood function in each comparison be denoted
w rates a tighter lower bound than that of
1 is: the survivor. Only the q”-’ survivors of as many com-
parisons are preserved for further consideration; the
PX > & i -NE&) + o(N)lJ remaining paths are discarded. Among the qK-’ survivors
EE/Ma 127b, Class Project 2
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Interplanetary Error-Control Codes
Mariner 2, 1962
Venus Flyby
Mariner 4, 1965
Mars Flyby
First close-up photographs of another planet.
Mariner 5, 1967
Venus Flyby
(32,6) Biorthogonal Code +
“Green Machine” Decoding
+ + + + + + + +
+ − + − + − + −
+ + − − + + − −
Mariners 6, 7 (1969) +
+ − + − − + − +
Mars Flyby +
− − − − − − − −
Mariner 9 (1971) −
+ + + +
Mars Orbit
− − − −
− − − − + + + +
− + − + + − + −
− − + + + + − −
− + + − + − − +
1 2 3 4 5 6
A 1 1 0 1 0 1
B 1 0 1 1 1 0 .
C 0 1 1 0 1 1
Mars Telecomm Orbiter 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6
And Beyond ? = = = = = =
(32,6) Biorthogonal
-2 Mariner 10 (7, 1/2) Conv.Code
Mariner 4
Voyager (7, 1/2) + (255,223) RS
log10 Pb
(15,1/6) + (255,223) RS
(8920, 1/6) Turbo
-5 Messenger Pathfinder Voyager
-1.59 dB MER MGS
MRO Cassini
-1.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0
Eb /N0 , dB
Claude Shannon:
Apollo 8