Luc Floating Solar - Final - v3 - AB
Luc Floating Solar - Final - v3 - AB
Luc Floating Solar - Final - v3 - AB
L. Deroo, ISL, France, and Chair of ICOLD Technical Committee on Emerging Challenges
and Solutions for Reservoirs
The increasing number of floating solar panels on hydro reservoirs around the world is demonstrating the increasing enthusiasm for this
technology. This article, based on the on-going work of one of ICOLD’s Technical Committees, discusses experience gained so far, as well as
the benefits and challenges associated with floating solar PV on dam reservoirs.
he adoption of floating PV solar (FPV) is rapid- The last annual meeting of ICOLD Committee T, on
ly increasing, as shown by the World Bank & ‘Emerging challenges and solutions for Reservoirs,’
SERIS report ‘Where Sun Meets Water: was dedicated to floating PV solar on dam reservoirs.
Floating Solar Market Report’ [World Bank Group, It brought together professionals from the dam and
20191,2]. Dam reservoirs are natural companions to this FPV industries. This paper presents some of the con-
technology. They provide the surface on which the clusions of the meeting, and suggests ways in which
panels can be installed. They may also provide addi- FPV can be used on large dam reservoirs.
tional benefits: energy transmission facilities, cooling
of the panels and potential for hybridization. But some 2 .Case studies and lessons learnt
progress still needs to be made in both the knowledge 2.1 Ten years of FPV projects
base and the design options for FPV on dam reservoirs
(FPV-DR), particularly as installing FPV on large dam Floating solar emerged less than 10 years ago, in 2011.
reservoirs involves some specific challenges. In ten years, more than 2 GW of peak capacity has
been installed, with installations ranging from less
than 100 kWp to up to 100 MWp. The pace of growth
1. The context is very high, and several very large FPV plants are
The World Bank report mentioned above illustrates the planned. Most of the FPV projects have been installed
rapid growth in FPV. on water bodies other than large dam reservoirs:
In addition, researchers at the DoE National ponds, quarry lakes, industrial water reservoirs, small
Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) published a dam reservoirs. The largest projects to date utilize
report [US DoE, 20203] last September, stating that the lakes created by subsidence of coal mines.
combination of floating solar panels and hydropower Installation on dam reservoirs is less frequent.
could produce up to 40 per cent of the world’’s elec- However, some landmark projects provide useful
tricity. lessons. The Dami FPV was installed on the Dami hydro
Large dam reservoirs are beginning to be used for reservoir, in Vietnam and commissioned in June 2019.
FPV projects. It is important that this is done with due The FPV plant has a peaking capacity of 47.5 MWp, and
consideration for the specific features of reservoirs at the hydro installed capacity is 175 MW. The site selec-
large dams. Anchoring and mooring are more com- tion for this project considered the following advantages
Fig. 1. A graph plex, because of the deeper water and larger water of the Dami reservoir: the hydro plant and FPV have the
from the World level variations. Physical impacts on the panels are same owner; the site is protected by mountains against
Bank and SERIS higher, especially with higher waves on large reser- powerful winds and typhoons; and, there are low fluctu-
report illustrating voirs. Dam safety standards require assessment, to ations in the lake level (less than 3 m).
the rapid growth check that FPV would not represent any specific new In Europe, EDP has installed a pilot project on the
in FPV. threat. Alto Rabagão reservoir, and is installing a 4.5 MWp
FPV powerplant on the Alqueva reservoir. The Alto
Rabagão project provides interesting feedbacks
regarding mooring on a water body with a 60 m depth
and 30 m of water variation, as well as waves up to 1
m high. Another pilot project was installed at Les
Toules dam in Switzerland, by Romande Energie. The
conditions, at an elevation of 1810 m are demanding:
the water level variation is 50 m, there is snow cover
of up to 50 cm, and ice cover of up to 60 cm on the
This article was prepared making full use of the papers
presented at the meeting of ICOLD Technical Committee T, in
December 2020. Reports on regional contexts were shared by
Musa Mukulu (UEGCL, Uganda), Harry Blohm (USA), Craig
Scott (Stantec, UK), Adama Nombre (IFEC, Burkina Faso).
Lessons learnt from completed projects and projects under
development were presented by Felipe Guerra (EDP, Portugal),
Fig. 5. The three There are several possible combinations of solar and Guillaume Fuchs (Romande Energie, Switzerland), Arnaud
time scales for hydro, with both positive and negative characteristics: Rousselin (EDF-CIH, France), Ofer Ilian (Carpi, Israel), Aries
which hybridization Firman (ICOLD, Indonesia), Michel Ho Ta Khanh (ICOLD,
can be valuable. 1. FPV-DR: FPV on a dam reservoir Vietnam), Junichi Fukuwatari (ICOLD, Japan), and Feng
No hybridization of electricity production. Weijiang (PowerChina, China). Contributions relating to the
floating panel technique were made by Adrian Constantinescu
2. ShSH : Slightly hybridized solar hydro (DN-T, Belgium), Felix Gorintin (Innosea, France), Olivier
Philippart (Ciel-et-Terre, France). Challenges and opportunities
Solar peak power up to 15/50 per cent of hydropower. associated with FPV on DR were discussed by Marine Bernicot
+: Low impact on hydro => simple operation. (ISL, France), and Zuzana Dobrotkova and Bente Brunes
(World Bank, USA). All of these people contributed greatly to
-: Only a fraction of the potential is developed. the richness of the exchanges. The Committee Chairman is
therefore very much indebted to them.
3. HhSH: Highly hybridized solar hydro
Solar peak power up to 30/100 per cent of hydropower.
+: High solar penetration 1. World Bank Group, “Where Sun Meets Water: Floating
-: more complex operation (including weather fore- Solar Handbook for Practitioners”, World Bank Group,
casting and adaptation) ; downstream impact on the ESMAP and SERIS, Washington, DC, USA; 2019.
river might require mitigation measures 2. World Bank Group; “Where Sun Meets Water (Vol. 2):
Floating Solar Market Report” World Bank Group, ESMAP
4. FSH : Full solar hydro and SERIS, Washington, DC, USA; 2019.
3. Lee, N. et al., “Hybrid floating solar photovoltaics-hydro-
Including a dedicated pumped-storage plant. power systems: Benefits and global assessment of technical
+: Very high solar penetration. potential”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 162, 2020.
-: High CAPEX and higher cost per kWh. 4. DNV, “Design, development and operation of floating solar
photovoltaic systems, Recommended practice”, Report
Several hybridization projects have been proposed, DNVGL-RP-0584; 2021.
but most of them still await implementation.
The main obstacle to implementation is the fact that
the LCOE is slightly higher than for pure PV projects,
and that the additional services provided by
hybridization (dispatchability, grid services, and so
on) are usually not given a value in power purchase
agreements (PPAs). Another obstacle is governance:
Fig. 6. The key two operators for a ‘single’ solar-hydro powerplant is
components for not easy to implement. There will be a contractual
hybridization. overlap between the two PPAs.
L. Deroo