Mark It As Positive If Sorting Out of The Sheet, Negative Else
Mark It As Positive If Sorting Out of The Sheet, Negative Else
Mark It As Positive If Sorting Out of The Sheet, Negative Else
II Problem Four electric wires are stretched along the same direction, perpendicular to the plane defined by this sheet. They
are placed at the vertices of the square ABCD (side l = 0.5 m). Wires on opposite vertices are crossed by equal currents (i A =
iC = 50 mA, sorting out from this sheet, and i B = iD = ?). The force per unit length on the wire in B is null. Compute:
Question Units
I.3 Vf 10 20 30 40 50
II.4 0 15 30 45 60
C) Explain why the flux of the magnetic field B across a closed surface, φΣ(B), must be equal to zero.
1) Because B is a conservative field.
2) That's not true, φΣ(B) can be different from zero.
3) Because magnetic charges (monopoles) do not exist.
D) Take two identical capacitor, capacitance C0. How should they be arranged to produce a new capacitor with
capacitance 2 C0 ?
1) make a series.
2) make a parallel.
3) there's no way
E) In classical electromagnetism, Faraday's law of induction, E = -dΦΣ(B)/dt, is due to the action of Lorentz's force if:
1) flux variation is due to a change in the geometry, with fixed magnetic field B
2) flux variation is due to a change in the magnetic field B, with fixed geometrical configuration
3) it's always a consequence of the action of the Lorentz force
F) An electric charge is moving in a region permeated by a uniform magnetic field. The charge trajectory is described by:
1) a parabola
2) a spiral
2) an hyperbole
G) The transformer changes the input voltage E1 into the output voltage E2, exploting Faraday's law. This works:
1) only with direct currents
2) only with alternate currents
3) both with direct and with alternate current.
. The dipole:
H) An electric dipole is placed initially at rest inside a region permeated by a uniform electric field E
1) moves along the same direction and sense of E
2) moves along the same direction, but opposite sense as
3) oscillates around the direction of
Discussion: Gauss theorem for the electric field
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No cross, zero point (0). The discussion is worth a maximum of ten (10) points.