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Activate Your Writing b2
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Pe ut enc toa} HAMILTON HOUSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHINGEducation Formal email asking for information Relationships 9 2 | Article (personal anecdote) Health Matters 13 3 Formal email of application ih Around the Globe a Informal email giving advice 5 | Technology Today i Essay (advantages and disadvantages) 6 Film, Celebrities and The Press 25 Review | The Performing Arts 7 Review I 7 The World Around Us BS | Essay (opinion) 2S Crime informal email making suggestions ST Fashion 10 | article (opinion) i Property and Housing ; 45 Formal letter (opinion) The Sporting Life “3 Story (begin with a given sentence) Summer Employment = Formal letter (for or against) Natural Habitats 57 Story (begin with a given sentence; prompts) Behaviour 7 61 Essay (opinion) Consumerism Z ‘eport ting pages 69 sessment Checklist 102 f do’ Statements 103INTRODUCTION Activate Your Writing for B2 Exams is a new book that aims to develop students’ writing skills in an. innovative and effective manner. The focus throughout the book is on providing students with support and encouragement, thereby ensuring they have the confidence and ability to produce a piece of writing at B2 level, thus preparing them for a number of the B2-Ievel examinations. Emphasis is placed on developing the critical thinking skills of learners through a variety of exercises and task types: comparing, sequencing, negotiation, debating and reasoning, just to name a few. Skill integration is advocated throughout the book. In order for students to express their ideas in an effective manner, they need to be involved in brainstorming, with the aim of clarifying their thoughts and forming opinions. With the intention of ensuring quality writing, students are guided to become empowered learners and are as such provided with intrinsic motivation to learn. Through empowerment, learners recognise and act upon their abilities. Bearing in mind the four dimensions of empowerment listed below, learners become confident writers, capable of making choices and approaching tasks in a positive manner: Meaningfulness of the task: in order for a student to be motivated, the task should mean something, hence the focus is on brainstorming individual ideas, preferences and beliefs. Competence: empowerment is derived from the feeling of being ‘capable’ of performing the task in question. Students need to say ‘I can do that’ Impact: the more impact a student believes he or she has on a lesson, the more motivation there is to make an effort. Choice: students need to be given the choice with regard to what the task goals are and how they should be accomplished. At the lof is ook You will find the ‘can do’ statements as stipulated in the Common European (CEFR), together with a self-assessment checklist that can be ‘you when composing your piece of writing at B2 level: ‘When you choose a task or ; topic that interests you and that you can relate you, you. | write more eectvely Read the question carefully and underline the key words. Make a plan, always refer to the question, develop Always think about who your ideas and display the target reader is and a range of language. remember the appropriate " ‘especialy if these style, register and tone ™ mere obstruct communication. required for the task.Education teu er Te
Secial media has helped me make new friends, keep in touch with friends from my old school and | can share my ideas and experiences with everyone UNITS 21DU | 1D Read these advantages and disadvantages of social media and write them in the correct columns in the table that follows. People spend too much time sitting down looking at screens. ‘There's a lot of peer pressure. You can communicate instantly with anyone you want. ‘You can communicate with friends any time, any place, anywhere. You can see photos of family members who live abroad. You don't know who you are really communicating with as all you see is a photo and text, Cerne Advantages of social media E Write any other advantages and disadvantages you can think of in the table in D. A. Read the essay about the advantages and disadvantages of social media and complete it with these words. ‘ SC eee nes ¢ of all ages use social media on a daily basis. Some people use it for Purposes and others to interact socially. (1) ________ there are certain iegative issues concerning social media, can we say that itis bad for teenagers? First ofall, we should look at its advantages in today’s society. Social media enables us to ‘communicate with people from all over the world. (2) social media creates awareness of what is going on around us, (3) ___ there are constant posts, updates and stories. (4) people are able to make new friends, keep in touch with old friends and ask for opinions online. However, social media also has its disadvantages. (5) thinking we are ‘making new friends, we only see a picture and text, (6) _____ we may think we are talking to a young girl when in fact it could be anyone. Finally, social media is also causing health issues, (7) ___ teenagers are sitting in front of their computers for hours instead of exercising and going out to meet people. (8) as we can see, social media has both advantages and disadvantages. ‘We should use it carefully and in moderation in order to ensure that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, 22Writin B Complete this diagram with the words from A. Expressing reason because due to the fact that Concluding Adding points to sum up. in addition to conclude besides ESSAY WRITING Expressing Expressing consequence asa result consequently so for that reason © Read the essay again and underline the ideas from the table in Activate Your Ideas task D which are mentioned. D Look at the writing plan and write the different parts of the essay under the correct headings in the table. * Topic sentences stating the main ideas ‘+ Introduction of the topic of the essay + Summary of the main points Writing pian Paragraph 1 The situation nowadays and a question to encourage the reader to continue Paragraph 2 Advantages of social media Paragraph 3. Disadvantages of social media Paragraph 4 —Summarise your points and stake You Oplaton. * Final comment on subject * Concluding sentence giving your opinion * General background of topic * Supporting sentences which develop the topic sentences * Question to stimulate interest of reader fee eee eee UNITS 23A. Read this task and complete the writing plan that follows. — | Most teenagers are addicted to their mobile phones today. Write your essay and include what teenagers use their mobile phones for today, whether this has affected their social life and your own idea. | Writing pian Paragraph 1 The situation today and a (1) encourage the reader to continue Paragraph 2 (2)____________ of mobile phones (positive ways teenagers use them; positive effects on their social life) Paragraph 3 (3)____________of mobille phones (negative ways teenagers use them; negative effects on their social life) Paragraph 4 (4)_______________your points and state your | | | \ 6) B Now write your own essay in response to the task ALERT! in A. Use the table in Activate Your Skills task D Don't forget to use a clause of and the writing plan to help you. Don't forget to purpose (in order to, so as to, check your writing and complete this checklist 0 that) to say why you think when you have finished. people should do something when you give your opinion. In my essay, I have the following, [ Four paragraphs: * Introduction of the topic and a question ‘Description of the advantages with a topic sentence and supporting sentences * Description of the disadvantages with a topic sentence and supporting sentences | + Summary of main points and my opinion [I Words which express reason, contrast/concession and consequence, and words to add points and concludeFilm, Celebrities and The Press Review I o Activate Your Ideas A Read this statement and discuss as a class. Do most people agree or disagree? In a few yeors' time, printed newspapers and magazines won't be published anymore because everyone will get all the information they need online. 'B Read these statements about websites and tick the ones which are true for you. Then discuss in pairs. | often read news websites. 1 2. often read sports websites. 3 | often read websites about celebrities. Oo 4 | look online to see what other people think about films and TV programmes before | watch them. a There are some websites that I look at regularly. 6 | don't have a favourite website; | use a search engine to find information when I need it. © Discuss these questions in pairs. * What are your favourite websites? * How do you find out about new websites? ‘+ What makes a good website? ‘+ Would you stop reading a website if it had too many advertisements? UNIT 6 25Activate Your Skills A. Read the review about a website and complete it with these adjectives. One of the (1) ______ websites that I have ever used is called All About Hollywood (AAH). As its name suggests, AAH has all the (2) news on movies and film stars, but it has much more than that. As you might expect, the website is divided into three main categories: celebrities, movies and television, but it also has a (3) _________ search function, so ‘you can find whatever you want, whenever you want. Furthermore, AAH has lots of videos, including trailers for films which are about to be released, and videos of actors talking about their work and their lives. Although there are rather a lot of advertisements which some people may find (4) _____, there is so much information on this site that they don't really bother me. In fact, the pop-up videos that automatically appear on your screen actually show short clips and trailers, so even they are (5) __ ! To sum up, | highly recommend this site to lovers of film and TV everywhere. You will find AH (6) ___and(7)____, provided that you don't find the adverts (8)B_ Now look at the writing plan and underline the main features of the website in the review, {Writing pian ) | Title ‘The name of the website | Paragraph 1 A general idea of the website; what itis about | | Paragraph 2 Details of the website; the main features | Paragraph 3 Complete your description of the website, including possible negative aspects | Paragraph 4 Your recommendation } C Read the review again and answer these questions. 1 Which negative aspect of the website does the writer mention? ALERT! When you write a review, you may have to mention a negative aspect of the thing you are reviewing. Try to present it as positively as possible. 2. Which phrase does the writer use instead of ‘too many’ 3 Why is the writer not bothered by them? 4 What does the writer say to make the pop-up videos sound positive? A. Imagine that you and a friend are going to the cinema. Which of the following would you want to see? 1 acartoon a comedy a documentary about a famous person a horror movie a romantic comedy a science fiction film Noanuwn a thriller © Complete the paragraph with these words. The words in brackets will help you. Cron eee The film (1) ___ (happens) on a small island in Greece. The (2) (story) is 2 simple love story, but it's great fun. There are lots of (3) (people) in the story, but Meryl Streep plays the (4) ______(main character), and, as always, her (5) _____ (acting) is amazing. One of the best things about this film is the (6) _ (music), which has lots of famous songs by the 1970's pop group ABBA. UNIT 6 27C Read this task and complete the writing plan that follows. You see this advert in your local English newspaper: We are looking for reviews of recent films. Is there film you have seen recently that you really enjoyed? Your review should include information on what the film was ‘about, whether the plot was good and what the actors’ performance was like. Would you recommend this film? The best will be published in our newspaper next month ‘Write your review. Writing plan Title ‘The name of the film | Paragraph 1 A general idea of the (1) __, what itis about Paragraph 2 Details of the film; the (2)____________and the (performance | Paragraph 3 Complete your (4) of the film, including, possible (5) — Paragraph 4 Your recommendation D Now write a review in response to the task in C. Use the writing plan to help you. Don't forget to use this checklist when you have finished. (tiie In my review, | have the following: | Atitle Four paragraphs: + A general idea of the film; what it is about * Details of the film; the plot and the actors’ performance * Complete my description with possible negative aspects ‘* My recommendation Adjectives Negative aspects presented positively07 Bee a ceil el Review II Activate Your Ideas What kinds of performances or events are related to these performing arts? Complete the diagram with these words. rea} Arts Reviews 29wen Unit 7 comme Sey 30 B Discuss these questions in pairs. + Have you ever been to a performance/event like the ones in A? = If so, tell your partner about it ~ If not, which of the performances/events would you like to go to, and why? © Which of the performances/events do you think are suited to: = young people ~ older people + families C Which of these words might be used in a review about a musical performance, and which might be related to a review about a theatrical performance? Write M for music, T for theatre or 8 for both. Then discuss in pairs. 1 album 7 encore 13. performer 2 audience 8 entertainment 14 script 3 box office 9 fan 15. solo 4 cast oO 10 interval oO 16 stage oO 5 costume oO 11 lead singer 17 tune O 6 director 12. lyrics 18 venue A Read the review about a music festival and complete it with these adverbs. [aul oi ee mee Glastonbury Festival Glastonbury is perhaps the most famious music festival in the world. It takes place every summer in the small village of Pilton, Somerset, in the UK. (1) _________ thousands of people turn up every year to see leading rock and pop bands as well as other lesser-known groups that perform on the smaller stages. (2) ____ I thought this year’s festival was amazing! All the main acts were (3) ____ outstanding, and at the end of each performance the audience expected an encore. And why wouldn't they? Nobody > wanted them to end! As well as the incredible music, there was also dance, comedy, theatre and even a circus act, which the festival-goers loved! It is a huge venue, and everyone danced and sang along (4) _____ to their favourite tunes, and (5) _____ enjoyed the exceptional performances. Glastonbury is a very enjoyable music festival set in the heart of the British | countryside, It has music and a great variety of other acts to suit all tastes. | i) recommend it to people of all ages.| = e Wri og B Read this writing plan and underline all the positive adjectives the writer uses to describe different things in the review. Writing plan Title The name of the festival Paragraph 1 General information about the festival; what kind of festival itis, where and when it is/was held Paragraph 2 Details of the main event Paragraph 3. Details of other aspects of the festival Paragraph 4 Your recommendation C Read the review again and answer these questions. 1 Which words does the writer use to talk about people? Inall writing tasks, try not to use the 2 Which words does the writer use to talk about what was on same words over and at the festival? ‘over again. Wherever possible, use different words which have similar meanings. Naeim Unit 7 pam A. Read this task and complete the wi You recently went to a performing arts event. You have now decided to write a review of the event for the school magazine. Your review should include information about what kind of event it was, details of the event itself and any other details you think are important. Writing plan Title The name of the event | Paragraph 1 General information about the event; what (1) | event it was, (2) —__ and (3) see | it was held Paragraph 2 Details of the (4) _____of the event Paragraph 3. Details of (5) _______of the event | | Paragraph 4 Your recommendation forget to use this checklist when you have finished. thy writing checklist In my review, | have the following: Atitle Four paragraphs: * General information about the kind of event, when and where it was held * Details of the main part of the event * Details of other aspects of the event * My recommendation Adverbs Positive adjectives Different words with similar meanings 32The World Around Us Leva yy) Look at this diagram and complete the table that follows with things you reduce, reuse and recycle. Compare your ideas your classmates” Write at least one thing you can reduce, reuse and recycle which you don't already do. Reduce: Reuse: Recycle: UNITS 33coe Unit 8 ee 34 C Complete these sentences with the correct form of these phrasal verbs. Eire te Rm 1 Due to increased consumption of fossil fuels over the past 200 years, we are forced to _ their use and to find alternative sources of energy. 2 How many more trees will be —__ before we realise that forests are the lungs of the planet? 3 Youare not allowed to___________any kind of waste on this beach. 4 The advantage of wind and solar power is that they will never __ 5 Long periods of drought mean that rivers and lakes are slowly 6 Just__________your car and start cycling to work! A. Read the essay about progress in environmental awareness and complete it with the correct prepositions. ‘Today, it is common knowledge that our planet is suffering, The oceans, the land and the air are all ey threat from fossil fuels, ‘we use for energy, waste we produce and products we use. Although it is true that more and more people are aware (2) _______ what must be done to | save our planet, are we doing enough? It cannot be denied that some progress has been made, Firstly, energy-efficient cars | and buildings are becoming more popular, and the use of renewable forms of energy, such (3) ___windfarms and solar power plants, is increasing, Furthermore, more people are recycling (4) ___ least some of their waste, and there are also more products which are biodegradable. (5) ____ example, you can now buy edible cutlery, and there are are also sunscreens, whose chemicals contaminate ‘water, available (6) ____ biodegradable form. However, there are still many things harming our planet. Oil slicks and toxic waste threaten marine life, and dangerous gases, emitted even by cigarettes and our fireplaces at home, contribute (7) _____ global warming. In conclusion, in spite of the fact that some advances have been made, we are still far from ensuring the future of our planet. We must all do whatever is (8) our power to help,‘When you write an essay, outline both sides of an argument. You should use high-level vocabulary. This often includes topic-related words which describe concepts or processes as well as prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs. B Read the essay again and find the words for these definitions. 1. able to be decomposed by living organisms or bacteria area of land consisting of windmills/wind turbines that produce energy poisonous materials and chemicals which are thrown away energy that is generated from resources which do not run out, for example water, wind, the sun, etc 5 make something dirty or less pure by adding something that is dangerous 6 the increase in the world’s temperature caused by the increase of particular gases 7 using little electricity or gas 8 alayer of cil floating on the sea soN © Look at the writing plan and answer the questions that follow. Writing plan Paragraph 1 The situation today and a question to encourage the reader to continue Paragraph 2. Develop one side of the argument with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Paragraph 3 Develop the other side of the argument with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Paragraph 4 —Summarise your points and state your opinion, 1 What four things does the writer mention to support the argument that progress has been made? 2. What two things does the writer mention to support the argument that there are still many things harming our planet? 3 What three phrases does the writer use to show that her arguments are true or accepted as true? UNIT 8 35Nowadays, everyone knows what has to be done to save the planet, but many people believe that individuals can’t make a difference. Do you think this is true? Is there anything young people can do to change the world? Write an essay giving your views. Writing plan Paragraph 1 The (1)_________ nowadays and a(2)___________ to encourage the reader to continue Paragraph 2 Develop one side of the argument (that (3) _____ can't make a difference) with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Paragraph 3 Develop the other side of the argument (what young people can do to (4) _____ the worta) with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Paragraph 4 Summarise your points and state your (5) B Now write your own essay in response to the task in A. ALERT! Use the writing plan to help you. Don't forget to check your writing and complete this checklist when you have finished. Don't forget to use words to add points, express contrast! ‘concession and to conclude. (imiiie In my essay, | have the following: Four paragraphs: ‘ Introduction of the topic and a question * Description of one side of the argument with a topic sentence and supporting sentences * Description of the other side of the argument with a topic sentence and supporting sentences + Summary of main points and my opinion Correct prepositions in phrases High-level vocabulary Phrases to show your arguments are true or accepted as true Words which add points, express contrast/concession and conclude09 (ote Tt) Tiler eur leur Leal: ell: [e (stil Activate Your Ideas A. Think about your neighbourhood. Is it a safe place to li common are they in your neighbourhood? Make a list in order of frequency and discuss in pairs. burglary mugging robbery pickpocketing shoplifting vandalism Discuss these questions in pai ‘+ What examples of vandalism can you think of? * Do you regard graffiti as a kind of vandalism? * Why do you think people commit acts of vandalism? UNIT9 37Activate Your Skills A. Read this email and answer the questions that follow. From: | Georgie Subject: | Please help me! We're having a class debate next week to discuss crime in our area. There's a lot of vandalism and pickpocketing going on, and the gym almost caught fire last week because of people smoking behind our school! We need to come up with a solution and | thought maybe you had some ideas. What can we do to reduce the crime rate? I'd appreciate any suggestions you have, Thanks, Georgina 1 Who is going to have a debate? 2. What is the debate going to be about? —EE— 3 What does Georgina ask the reader todo? oes B Write three things you would suggest to Georgina.C Now read Matt's reply to Georgina’s email and compare his suggestions with your ideas in B. Hi Georgina, ‘Thanks for your email. 'm sorry to hear that crime is an issue in your area. We used to have similar problems in our area, so | have some suggestions for you. Something that might help solve these kinds of petty crimes, which usually happen in the ‘evening when not many people are around, is CCTV cameras. This means that everything that happens in the area will be recorded, so it'll be more difficult for the criminals to get away with it You can also suggest that a smoke detector be installed in the area where people smoke. Once they find out itis there, they will think twice about smoking in an area where it isn't allowed! Lastly, people should be advised not to walk alone when it is dark and not to carry valuable items with them. Your class could make posters and put them up in the area. hope my suggestions help you in the debate. Matt Do you agree with Matt’s suggestions? Discuss as a class, comparing Matt's ideas to yours. Read this writing plan and underline four phrases Matt uses in the email to make suggestions. Writing plan ) Greeting / Hi there, Paragraph 1 ia for her email. / Say you are sorry to hear about the problem, and explain that you have some suggestions, and why. : Paragraph 2 Make a suggestion which will prevent one (or more) crime. | Paragraph 3 Make a suggestion which will prevent another crime. | Paragraph 4 Make a suggestion which will prevent the third crime | Signing off Hope my suggestions help you in the debate. | | Your first name | F Complete these sentences with the words in brackets. ALERT Use the passive voice. ‘When you make . 1 You can suggest that the school gates pee (hould lock) every night. Pipettes eens 2 More cameras __ (could install) outside else takes action, so the local shops. itis necessary to use the passive voice. 3 The wall around the school__ (ought to paint) by graffiti artists. | 4 If were you, I'd suggest that more lights ____ (put up) in the streets. 5 People __ (should advise) to avoid walking in dangerous areas at night. UNIT 9 39Ut SN eRe, A Read this task and complete the writing plan that follows. You receive this email from a friend of yours. Write your response. Email From: | Sandy Subject: Some suggestions please! As you know, I'm head girl at my school, and I have a meeting with the teachers to discuss ways of preventing crime in the area near our school. There's graffiti all over the school walls, some classroom windows are broken and the local shops have a terrible problem with shoplifters! | know you always have great ideas, so can you help me out? Bye for nov, Sandy Write your email. | Writing plan Greeting ——Hi...!/Hello...!/Hi there, | Paragraph 1 Thank (1) for her email. Say you are | sorry to hear about the problem, and explain that you have some suggestions, and why. Paragraph 2 Make a suggestion which will prevent (2) Paragraph 3 Make a suggestion which will prevent (3) Paragraph 4 Make a suggestion which will prevent (4) Signing off Hope my suggestions help you in the (5) Your first name B Now write an informal email making suggestions in response to the task in A. Use the writing plan to help you. Don’t forget to check your writing and complete this checklist when you have finished, In my informal email, | have the following: Greeting Four paragraphs: * Thank Sandy for her email, / Say I'm sorry to hear about the problem, explain that I have some suggestions, and why. + Make a suggestion which will prevent graft * Make a suggestion which will prevent broken windows. | * Make a suggestion which will prevent shoplifting Signing off Phrases to make suggestions Passive voiceFashion Na a CM Co) ial Cod) Activate Your Ideas A Read these statements and discuss as a class. Which one(s) do most people agree with? | know first impressions count, but it's not all about what we wear. We have +o feel comfortable, too. Y Fashion promotes creativity and helps us stand out from the crow Fashion has many negative impacts that we don't always consider. How about people who can’t afford fashionable clothing? Have we thought about how that affects their self-esteem? B Answer these questions about the statements above. Then discuss in pairs. Which statement shows that the speaker: 1 is considerate about other people's feelings? 2. enjoys being up-to-date with the latest trends? 3 is practical? UNIT 10Mw Unit 10 42 Discuss these questions in pairs. Read these sentences and match the clothes idioms in bold with their meanings below. ow sare aoc How often do you buy clothes? Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you never wear? Which of the following do you do with clothes you don't wear anymore? ~ throw them away = recycle them + give them to a friend or family member ~ give them toa charity ~ sell them to a second-hand shop “That dress fits you like a glove; Ill buy it for you’ “Thanks, Mum! They don't know that I've taken their old clothes to the charity shop, so keep it under your hat. Keep your shirt on! | only paid £10 for these boots. | bought them at a second-hand shop, You look very handsome. You're going to knock their socks off at the party! Dad, | think you need a new outfit for the wedding. Everything you have is just so old hat. Ifyou put yourself in her shoes, I'm sure you'll understand why she did it. | take my hat off to him; he's done a great job. You're going to have to tighten your belt if you want to buy that leather jacket. admire someone for something they have done amaze someone don't tell anyone fits perfectly imagine what it would be like to be in someone else's situation live on less money than usual old-fashioned try to stay calm ooA. Read this article about fashion and complete it with the missing phrases. ‘The youth of today: fashion victims or confident individuals? (1) [teenagers today pay a lot of attention to the clothes and accessories they wear. Appearance is very important to them, but (2) [to call them fashion victims just because they like to feel good about the way they dress? (3) [to be complimented on your choice of clothing or your style, and I believe that most of us like to stand out from the crowd. (4) [] when we dress well, we feel confident about ourselves, which is important. (5) [_] , most of us actually enjoy shopping for clothes. Nevertheless, there are people who spend all their time and money on clothes and who have to buy the latest fashion items, even if they really can't afford them or they don’t suit them at all. As a result, they end up with wardrobes full of unwanted clothes. Allin all, I believe that while teenagers do focus a lot of their attention on fashion, (6D) they are all fashion victims. it would be wrong to say that And let's face it We all know how nice itis Most people will have noticed that It is also worth mentioning that is it fair se aoce © Read this writing plan and underline the positive aspects of fashion the writer mentions in the article. Writing plan Title Attract the reader with a catchy title Paragraph 1 Introduce the topic of teenagers and fashion and ask a question to encourage the reader to continue. Paragraph 2 Develop one side of the discussion (positive aspects of fashion). Paragraph 3 Develop the other side of the discussion (negative aspects of fashion) Paragraph 4 — Summarise your points and state your opinion. ¢c Resa the art ALERT! When you write an article giving your opinion on a particular Soe. feetion ind topic, you should use a wide variety of vocabulary related to the topic rather than repeating the same words. UNIT 10 43met Urn it 1 nesses _ patter Wine A Read this task and complete the writing plan that follows. Write an article for a school/college magazine about what people should do with their unwanted clothes. You should write about the | amount of clothes that people buy, different things that people can do with their unwanted clothes, including what you do with them | Writing plan | Title Attract the reader with a(1)____________ title, Paragraph 1 Introduce the topic of (2) _________and ask a question to encourage the reader to continue. Paragraph 2 Develop one side of the discussion (the (3) —____-__ things people do with their unwanted clothes). Paragraph 3 Develop the other side of the discussion (the (4) things people do with their unwanted clothes) | | Paragraph 4 (5) ___ your points and state your opinion. | B_ Now write your own article in response to the task in A. Use the writing plan to help you. Don't forget to check your writing and complete this checklist when you have finished. (Ga In my article, I have the followin A catchy title Four paragraphs: * Introduction of the topic and a question * Discuss positive things people do with unwanted clothes * Discuss negative things people do with unwanted clothes + Summary of main points and my opinion Informal phrases to show generally accepted ideas Variety of topicrelated vocabulary 44Property and Housing yeu le cise Cydia) Activate Your Ideas A. Think about your town/city. If a friend were coming to visit you for the first time, which three places would you take him/her to and why? Compare your answers with your classmates’. 1 i 7 2 3 B Imagine that your local council plans to invest money in improving facilities in your town/city. Look at these facilities and number them in order of importance. Then discuss in pairs. Art gallery Concert hall oO Community centre Exhibition centre (_] Shopping mall Stadium INIT 11 45moe Unit 11 tenner | ‘C_ Which of the facilities in B do you think these statements refer to? Discuss in pairs. This could be enjoyed bucorpivetral tes This place would have activities for everyone. This could be a venue for lots of different activities; it would eveate jobs and promote a healthier lifestyle. This would attract creative people to the area This would be a great place for youngsters to socialise, especialy if it had a cinema complex, too. A Read this task and answer the questions that follow. ‘The Town Gazette is interested in citizens’ opinions about the local councit's plan to build on unused land on the outskirts of town. It is either going to construct a sports centre or an entertainment complex. Write a letter to the editor, giving your opinion. 1 Has the local council decided what it is going to build? 2. What are the options? . 3 What does the newspaper want citizens to do? 4 Who is going to read the letters? B Which option do you think would be best, and why?(C Now read Carla Meyer's letter in response to the task in A and compare her opinion with your answer in B, Discuss in pairs. Dear Editor, | am writing in vesponse to the article ix today’s Town Gazette concerning the council's plaw to build ox uwsed land on the edge oF town. Fivstly, | think it 15 a great idea, as this aven is considered to be one of the worst in our foun. Additionally, lots of people have haa to leave cur town ave tom lack of employment opportunities, and both options would create Jobs For locals. They would also both attract wove people to the aves. Im my opinion, the best thing to build would be a sports centre, as we do not have many Facilities like that in ovr town. It would also help citizens of all ages lead a healthier life. On the other hana, an entertainment complex is not a bad idea either, as it would give people Something to do in their Free time, though im vty opinion it is not as important as a Sports centve, “To conclude, | strongly believe that a sports centre should be constructed in order to improve the lifestyle of this tows citizens. Yours faithfully, Carla Meyer as ra ——— eS D Read this writing plan and underline Carla's reasons for her choice. Writing plan ) Greeting Dear Editor, Paragraph 1 Why you are writing / where you saw the article. Paragraph 2 Give your general opinion about the plan, and your reasons. Paragraph 3 Say which option you prefer and why, and mention the other option Paragraph 4 _ Restate your opinion. Signing off Yours faithfully, | Your first name and surname } ALERT! When you have to choose from different options, there may be positive aspects that are true for both options. If this is the case, discuss these reasons in the first paragraph; they will still make your choice stronger. E Which structure does Carla Use to talk about the reasons for her choice? UNIT 11 47on Urit 11 REE | ptt Yor Wing A Read this task and complete the writing plan that follows. The Town Gazette is interested in citizens’ ‘opinions about the local councils plan to replace the old stadium with either a ‘community centre or a shopping mall. Write a letter to the editor, giving your opinion. Writing plan Greeting Dear (1) Paragraph 1 Why you are writing / (2)______you saw the article. Paragraph 2 Give your general opinion about the (3) and your reasons, Paragraph 3. Say which option you (4) __________and why, and mention the theroption | Paragraph 4 (5) your opinion. Signing off Yours (6) Your first name and (7) ALERT! When you have a choice of options, don’t worry about which one you choose. Both are acceptable, so choose the one for which you can. come up with better reasons, B Now write a formal letter giving your opinion in response to the task in A. Use the writing plan to help you. Don't forget to check your writing and complete this checklist when you have finished. In my formal letter, | have the following: Greeting Four paragraphs: ‘+ Why I am writing / where I saw the article ‘+ My general opinion about the plan and my reasons ‘* Which option I prefer and why; mention the other option + Restate my opinion Signing off would + bare infinitive to reasons for my choiceThe Sporting Life Tp Alle AUN [h(n uae) Activate Your Ideas A Why do you think people like listening to and telling stories? Discuss as a class. B Read this quote and uss as a class. Do most people agree or disagree? ‘The pleasure of reading a story and wondering what will come next for the hero is a pleasure that has lasted for centuries and, I think, will always be with us. Stan Lee © Read these first sentences from stories. What do you think each story is going to be about? Discuss in pairs. aanwna Eli was running towards the park gate when she heard someone shouting ‘Help me!” The sky was getting darker, the wind was howling and the trees were blowing from side to side. The players had been practising for hours. When it started to pour, Celia had just walked through her front door. Kenny dashed up the stairs, closed the door and jumped under his bed. Mike was shooting some hoops while Eve was texting her friends. UNIT 12 49ct UV it 12 st | 50 D Now look carefully at the tenses used in the sentences in C and match them with the explanations below. the past continuous with past simple for an action that was in progress in the past when it was interrupted by another action b the past perfect continuous for an action that started and continued until a specific time in the past the past perfect simple for a completed action before a specific time in the past the past continuous for setting the scene the past simple for a sequence of actions that happened one after the other in the past the past continuous for two actions happening at the same time in the past Oo A. Read the first sentence of this story. What do you think it is going to be about? Discuss in pairs. 7 oe a0 As | walked towards my house, | saw that everything was pitch black. B Now read the whole story and compare it with your ideas in A. As | walked towards my house, | noticed that. everything was pitch black. There were no iouronrs wervoresecasetan 4} had been very special, but | hadn't heard e& from anyone all day. | hoped everyone ~ was alright. ‘Slowly, | unlocked the front door. To my surprise, when I turned on the light, all my friends and family, appeared in the hall. They were wearing party hats and they all shouted ‘Congratulations, Amelia!’ When | had got over the initial shock, my friends led ‘me into the living room, and I saw how beautifully it was decorated. Balloons and bouquets of flowers had been placed all around the room. There were also presents in brightly-coloured wrapping paper on a table, as well as a huge cake. ‘Ail my favourite people had gathered to congratulate me on ‘winning my first tennis tournament. | had been so nervous before the match that | hadn't even wondered why nobody had called me. | had no idea that they were planning to throw a surprise party for ime. It was the best day ever!C Read this writing plan and write down the narrative tenses used in the story in B. Writing plan Paragraph 1 Set the scene of the story, starting with the sentence you have been given Paragraph 2 Continue the story, using a variety of narrative tenses. End this paragraph at an important moment in the story (the surprise). Paragraph 3 Continue the story, using a variety of narrative tenses Paragraph 4 Finish the story, explaining how the main character felt. D Which verbs are used in the story instead of these verbs? miner 1 saw When you write a story, use descriptive operat verbs wherever 3 were possible to give the 4 took reader a clear visual image of what is B come. SS happening. 6 thought about E Now complete the diagram with these verbs. believe consider dash guess hurry jog mutter notice observe rush scream spot whisper witness wonder yell bityag tai Writ) UNIT 12 51
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